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• Inadequate production of thyroid hormone is considered as hypothyroidism
, which is characterized by slower metabolic rate, weight gain, fatigue,
constipation, hair fall, forgetfulness, sleepiness, dry and coarse skin,
menstrual irregularities etc.
• Most common disorder of thyroid gland
• Commonest endocrine disorder.
• Very commonly observed clinical entity.
• In Ayurveda classics, there is no direct mention about how to
understand the pathogenesis of hypothyroidism, however, certain
pathogenic phenomenon that includes Kaphavarit-Vata, Kapha-
Medo-Avrita Vata, Galgand in Urdhvjatrugat Rogas,
Dhatvagnimandhya Janya Vikriti appear to be pathological entities
that paves the way to understand the disease manifestation.
• Niragni Swedan is indicated in Kaph-Meda-Avrita Vata. Niragni
Swedan, although 10 of types,in present study opted in the form of
Vyayam. Vyayam is belived to do kindling of Agni and increases
basal metabolic rate which is found to be decreased in case of
• Thyroid gland is situated in supraclavicular region
(Urdhvajatrugata Sthana) ,which is a Kaphsthana.
• Nasya is considered as the most specific procedure for disease
of head and neck region. As in Ayurveda nose is considered as
the door of head, and the suitable route for drug administration
in Urdhvajatugata Rogas.
• Vishwadi Kashayam is indicated in Kapha Dosha and
Agnimandhya but it also have Lekhan, Agnideepan,
Shrotoshodhan and Medhya properties to deal with Medodushti,
Agnimandhya, Avrit-Vata. Hence was selected for oral use.
• Thus, the combination of above three regimen has been planned
to evaluate its effect in the management of hypothyroidism.
Need of study
• Global incidence of Hypothyroidism is rising rapidly and it is posing
major health challenges in both developing as well as developed
• The prevalence of hypothyroidism is high, affecting approximately
one in 10 adults in population and more prevalent among the
females, with male to female ratio being 1:6
• It is found to be 10.95% in adult urban population with significantly
female number outweighing the males i.e. 15.86% in females and
5.02% in males. The prevalence of primary Hypothyroidism is high
accounting for over 95% of total Hypothyroidism patients. Central
Hypothyroidism of pituitary origin, occurrence rate is even lower i.e.
1 from 1000 cases.
• Hypothyroidism influences the standard of life of individuals. Inspite of
many progresses the modern management of hypothyroidism remains
• The only treatment available is synthetic thyroid hormone which patient
has to take lifelong and has certain side effects causes cardiac
arrhythmia, palpitation, muscle cramp, weakness, restlessness,
osteoporosis etc.
• Looking into the pathogenesis and complications of
hypothyroidism, it requires a systemic and radical therapy for
which ayurveda may provide a ray of hope through
Panchakarma, which is believed to facilitate to regulate
metabolism and better improvement in quality of life of affected
• Some of the scientific works also have been done by using
Ayurveda regimen. However the specific line of treatment,
comprising of Niragni Swedan and Nasya along with Vishwadi
Kashyam needs to be studied and verified to generate the
scientific evidence. Hence the present study has been planned.
Aimand objectives
• To evaluate the efficacy of treatment regimen comprising of Niragni
Swedan (Vyayam), Nasya (Katutumbi Tail) and Vishwadi Kashayam on the
patients of Hypothyroidism.
• To compare the efficacy of treatment regimen comprising of Niragni
Swedan (Vyayam), Nasya (Katutumbi Tail) and Vishwadi Kashyam with
that of Thyroxin Sodium on the patients of Hypothyroidism
Review of literature
• All the literature related to Niragni Swedan, Nasya and the
concept of Urdhvjatrugat Sthan Vikar, Kapha-Avritta- Vata and
Dhatvaagnimand-Janya vikar by which hypothyroidism is
correlated to be identical disease condition find place in
classics, are being explored and all the details of literary
review. At the same time modern literature including recent
advances in the field are also being reviewed.
previous research works done
• Pandya-Tridosha vis-à-vis endocrine gland -1966.
• Trivedi (MS) A.U.- evaluation of Kshargutika in the cases of
hypothyroidism L-1907 Govt. Akhandanand college & hospital 1992
• Lineswala Gaurang - A clinical study on the role of Vamana and Shamana in
the management of Kaphaja Galaganda w.s.r. to hypothyroidism. – 2002
• Gupta Chanchal- comparative study of pippali prayoga and Shodhan-
Poorvaka Shamana Chikitsa in the management of Dhatvagni-Vikrati
(hypothyroidism). -2003 Jamnagar.
• Kankaran Komal-clinical evaluation of kanchanara guggul and pippali
Vardhman rasayan in the management of hypothyroidism-2003 NIA.
Rajasthan University.
• Sherekar Dipali -A Clinical study on Vamana karma in the management of
Hypothyroidism-An Ayurvedic approach-2008 GAMC Blore, R.G.U.H.S.
• Mali Anjali -The effect of Vamanottara Virechana Karma followed by
Vardhamana Pippali Rasayana in the management of Hypo-thyroidism -2012
• Bansal Roli- Effect of Vamana Karma in the Management of Hypothyroidism -
2013 Jamnagar.
• Patariya Pratiksha– A clinical study on the role of vaman and virechan in the
management of hypothyroidism with punarnava guggulu -2014 Jamnagar
• P.Murali Krishna– A clinical study on combined effect of vamankarm and
Gomutra Haritaki in the Management of Hypothyroidism 2015 Sri.
Dharmsthalamanjunatheshwar college of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan
• Singh Karishma Mahi Pal Singh- A Comparative Clinical Study Of Virechana
And Triphladya Guggulu Along With Punarnavadi Kashaya In The
Management Of Hypothyroidism -2017 Jamnagar
• Sahu Sarita– evaluation of the effect of Udvartana of Basti Karma along with
Varun Twaka Kashayam, in comparison to Thyroxin Sodium- 2020 Bhopal
Disease Review
 Hypothyroidism is a clinical syndrome resulting from a deficiency of thyroid
hormones. It results in a generalized slowing of metabolic processes.
 The clinical manifestation of hypothyroidism, depending upon the age at
onset of disorder, are divided into 2 forms
1. CRETINISM: It is the development of severe hypothyroidism during infancy
and childhood, results in marked slowing of growth and development with
serious permanent consequences including mental retardation.
2. ADULT HYPOTHYROIDISM: causes a generalized decrease in
MYXOEDEMA is the severely advanced adult hypothyroidism.
Classification of hypothyroidism
1. Subclinical hypothyroidism
2. Overt hypothyroidism
1. Secondary hypothyroidism
2. Tertiary hypothyroidism
 There are two degrees of primary hypothyroidism:
high serum TSH concentration in the presence of
normal serum T4 and T3 concentrations. Other terms
for this condition are mild hypothyroidism, preclinical
hypothyroidism, and decreased thyroid reserve.
2. OVERT HYPOTHYROIDISM: defined as a high TSH
concentration in the presence of a low serum T4
Central hypothyroidism
It is rare and is caused due to
failure of TSH and TRH
production due to disease
of anterior pituitary (SECONDARY
or hypothalamus (TERTIARY
Clinical manifestation
 Early symptoms of hypothyroidism are nonspecific and insidious in onset.
 A generalized slowing of metabolic processes can lead to abnormalities
such as fatigue, slow movement and slow speech, cold intolerance,
constipation, weight gain, stiffness and cramping of muscles and
 Accumulation of matrix glycosaminoglycans in the interstitial spaces of
many tissues can lead to coarse hair and skin, expressionless facies,
periorbital puffiness, enlargement of the tongue, and hoarseness
• Although, after mere knowledge of disorder pertaining the thyroid gland
from view of modern system of medicines, we can’t directly correlate in
Ayurveda as a whole disease yet signs and symptoms which we approach in
day-to-day clinical practice can be seen in Ayurvedic texts in different
• Certain pathogenic phenomenon that includes Kaphavarit-Vata,
Kapha-Medo-Avrita Vata, Galgand in Urdhvjatrugat Rogas,
Dhatvagnimandhya Janya Vikrati appear to have pathological
significance in disease manifestation.
Clinical manifestation of
Lakshanas of
Kaphavrit Saman
and Udan
Su.Ni.1/37 A.H.Ni.16/48
Dry skin, loss of sweating Aswednam
+ - +
2. Loss of appetite Mandagni + - +
Hoarseness of voice Vakswargriha
+ - +
4. Weakness Daurbalya + - +
5. Loss of appetite Aruchi + - +
6. Weight gain Gurugatrtvam + - +
Hypothyroidism vis-a-vis Avaran
Cinical manifestation of
Lakshnas Involved Dhatu
Loss of appetite, Aruchi
3. Heaviness in body
RASA Ca.Su.28/9-10
Generalized ache Angamarda
Anaemia Panduroga
Loss of libido Klaibya
Indigestion Agnimandhya
Wt. gain
Sleepiness Nidraadhikya Ca.Su.28/15
Drowsiness Tandra Ca.Su.21/3
Breathlessness Swasa Ca.Ni.4/47
Edema Sopha Su.Sa.9/12
Hypothyroidism and involved Dhatu- Rasa & Medas
S.N Clinical manifestation
of Hypothyroidism
Lakshanas Involved dosha
1. Cold intolerence Saityam Kapha vata vriddha hinapitta (
2. Weight gain Gauravam -
3. Loss of appetite Mandagni ,Asradha -
4. Anaemia Nakha dinam shuklatvam -
5. Dry and coarse skin Gatra parusyam -
7. Constipation Malsanga Vata vruddhi (Ca.Su.11/6)
8. Weakness Bala bhransha, Bala Hani Vata vruddhi,Pitta kshaya (Su.Su.15/18)
9. Depression Avsad Kapha vruddhi (Su.Su.15/18)
10. Somnolence Tandra -
11. Excessive sleep Atinidrata Kapha vruddhi ( AH.Su.11/7)
12. Laziness Alasya -
Hypothyroidism and involved Dosha
S.N. Clinical manifestation of
Ama lakshanas
1. General Weakness Balbhransha
2. Heaviness in the body, swollen, puffyy
oedematous look of face, weight gain
3. Laziness Alasya
4. Indigestion Apakti
5. Constipation Malsanga
6. Loss of appetite Aruchi
7. Tiredness Klama
Symptoms of Ama in Hypothyroidism
Samprapti ghatak
Dosha Kapha vriddhi associated with pitta dushti and
margavaranjanya vatvriddhi
Dushya All dhatus mainly rasa and meda dhatu
Srotas Rasvaha, Medovaha predominantly
Srotodushti Sanga, vimarggaman
Agni Jathragnimandhya, dhatvagnimandhya
Adhisthan Gala pradesh
Udbhavsthan Aamashaya
Vyakta sthan Sarvang
Roga marga Bahya and aabhyantar
Vyadhi swabhav Chirkari
Rasa Dhatvagnimandya
Saman Vata
Udaan Vata
a Pitta
Cold intolerance,
weightgain, anaemia,
loss of appetite, dry
and coarse skin
Loss of appetite,
heaviness of body,
e, anaemia,
weight gain due to
meda dhatu vriddhi
Cold intolerance, weight
gain,oedema, generalized ache
Dry and coarse skin, loss of
sweating, loss of appetite
Manifestation of
Loss of appetite, Hoarseness
of voice, weakness
Ras SrotoDushti
Probable samprapti
Clinical Study
 For the clinical study on Hypothyroidism 40 patients, fulfilling the
criteria of diagnosis selected, irrespective of their religion, caste, sex
and socioeconomic status from OPD & IPD of Pt. Khushilal Sharma
Govt. Autonomous Ayurveda College & Institute, Bhopal (M.P.) being
 The Drug required for the Clinical study has been procured and
prepared in the department of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana of
Pt. Khushilal Sharma Govt. Autonomous Ayurvedic College and
Institute, Bhopal M.P.
 The patients are being registered based on a detailed proforma
comprising of all clinical signs and symptoms of Hypothyroidism and
modern investigation as advised in the criteria designed.
Group A( N=20)
Niragni Swedan (Vyayam) and
Katutumbi Taila. Nasya along with
Vishwadi Kashayam
Group B (N=20)
Thyroxin sodium
Dose- calculated as per guidelines
Study duration- 45 days
Follow up– 15 days
Diagnostic Criteria
 The diagnosis of the Hypothyroidism is made on the basis clinical signs and
symptoms. (Harrison’s principle of internal medicine 19th edition)
 Laboratory investigation-
1. Serum TSH
2. Serum T3
3. Serum T4
Inclusion criteria
• Newly diagnosed cases of Hypothyroidism.
• Patients age- above 21- 45 years.
• Patients those fit for Nasya & Niragni Sweda
• Based on thyroid profile elevated level of serum TSH level or low
level of serum T3 &T4. However, the cases, where T3 and T4 levels
are within normal range and TSH level is high (TSH value
• Patients those have given written consent to participate in the study.
Exclusion criteria
• All complicated cases of Hypothyroidism, myxedema,
severe mental illness, thyroid cancer etc and other
disease associated with endocrine imbalance.
• Patients having chronic systemic illness.
• Congenital hypothyroidism
• Pregnant women and Lactating Mother.
• Patients having undergone thyroid surgery
Criteriafor assessment
• Weight gain
• Excessive Sleep
• Muscle ache
• Oedema
• Dry and coarse
• Constipation
• Tiredness
• Hair fall
• S.T3
• S.T4
Grading system sahu sarita
Parameters Criteria Grading
1. BMI Between 18.5 to 24.9 0
25to29.9 1
30 to34.9 2
Above 35 3
2. Excessive sleep 6-7 hrs/ day 0
8 hrs/ day 1
10 hrs/ day 2
More than 10hrs/ day 3
Parameters Criteria Grade
3. Muscle cramp Not present 0
Once in a week 1
Twice /thrice in aweek 2
Continuously present 3
4. Oedema No oedema 0
Oedema on lower/ upper extremities 1
Oedema on upper and lower extremities 2
5. Dry and coarse skin No dryness 0
Dryness after bath only 1
Dryness whole day but relieved by oil application 2
Dryness whole day and not relieved by oil
Parameters Criteria Grading
6. Constipation No constipation 0
Motion once in a day w/o complete evacuation 1
Motion once in two days 2
Motion once in more than two days with hard stool 3
7. Tiredness Absent tiredness 0
Pt. like to stand in comparison to walk 1
Pt. like to sit in comparison to walk 2
Pt. like to lie in comparison to sit 3
8. Hair fall Absent 0
Hair fall on washing 1
Hair fall on combing 2
Hair fall on stretching 3
Overall Assessment Criteria
Total effect of the therapies will be graded as follows:
Complete remission 100% relief
Marked improvement 75% to < 100% relief
Moderate improvement 50% to < 75% relief
Mild improvement 25% to < 50% relief
No improvement < 25% relief
Procedure Duration Drug DOSE TIME
Nasya 1-21 Days
(7 Days + 1day Rest +7
Days + 1day Rest
+5days Nasya)
Katutumbi Tail 6 drop in each nostril Purvahn Kaal
Niragni Swedan 1-21 Days Vyayam Till Balardh Vyayam
Lakshan appear
Purvahn Kaal
Shaman Drug 1-45 Days Vishwaadi Kashayam 40 ml. Twice a day
S. No. Drug Latin Name Family
1. Vishwa Aconitum hetrophyllum Ranunculaceae
2. Abhya Terminalia chebula Combretaceae
3. Guduchi Tinospora cordifolia Meninspermaceae
4. Shunthi Zingiber officnales Zingiberaceae
5. Chavya Piper retrofractum Piperceae
6. Chitrak Plumbego zeylanica Piperceae
7. Pippalimool Piper longum Piperceae
8 Pippali Piper longum Piperceae
9. Marich Piper nigrum Piperceae
10. Tejpatra Cinnamon zelanicum lauraceae
S. No. Drug Latin Name Family
1. Vidang Embelia ribes Myrsinaceae
2. Vacha Acorus calamus Araceae
3. Rasna Pluchia lanceolata Compositae
4. Shunthi Zingiber officnales Zingiberacae
5. Ikshvaku Lagenaria siceraria Cucurbitacae
6. Devdaru Cedrus deodara Pinaceae
7. Sarshap Brassica campestris Cruciferae
Null Hypothesis
Group A (Niragni swedan, Nasya
and Vishwadi kashayam) and Group
B (Thyroxin Sodium) are equally
effective in the management of
Alternate Hypothesis
1. Group A is more effective than Group B
in the management of Hypothyroidism.
2. Group B is more effective than Group
A in the management of Hypothyroidism.
The observation will be recorded and presented in tabulation form and result will be
analyzed statistically by applying appropriate statistical test.
expected outcome
It is expected that at the end of the study we would be able to demonstrate the
effects of Niragni swedan, Nasya and Vishwadi kashayam in the
management of hypothyroidism. It is further expected that this study would be
able to provide comparative efficacy between the trialed treatment is that.
study was approved by institutional ethical Committee.
An informed written consent in language suitable to the patients was obtained from all
enrolled subjects.
Demographic Data
• In this study, majority of patients
(52.5%)belonged to the age group
between21-30 years. People in
this age group are busy and
stressed out about making a good
living, despite the fact that this is
the time in life when a person
wishes to enjoy himself to the
fullest and can’t following
Dincharya, Rutucharyaetc. while
engaging in either of these
activities may lead to vitiation of
doshas may become more
vulnerable to Agni derangement.
6 6
21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45
Age in years
Age wise distribution
Gender wise distribution
• It is supported by prevalence of
disease i.e.; male female ratio 1:6.
Hypothyroidism is most common
in females.
• Qiu Y, Hu Y, Xing Z, et al.
reported that the females using
contraceptive for more than 10
years have significant association
with developing Hypothyroidism.
Religion wise distribution
• Nothing can be inferred from
this observation because it
may be an outcome of
demographic considerations
as the study area is a Hindu-
dominated area.
Marital status wise distribution
• Hypothyroidism in married
patients may be brought on by
lack of exercise, family
responsibilities, and various
types of stress. American
Thyroid Association claims
that, hypothyroidism incidence
is most common after
pregnancy and postpartum this
could be reason why marital
status slaved and association
with the disease.
married unmarried widow
Education wise distribution
• Understanding its prevention
and control measures is
greatly aided by education.
This generally shows that the
educated class is more aware
hence are more likely to
undergo diagnostic and
treatment procedures to
overcome it. A larger sample
size is needed in order to
correlate education with the
occurrence of disease.
5% 7%
Middle school
High school
Higher secondary
Post graduate
Occupation wise distribution
• this high incidence may be due
to their sedentary life style,
which results in less energy
expenditure than uptake.
Housewives are confined to
their homes; technology has
lightened the load of
household chores, however
since it was not a survey study
which in large scale may
prove the above observation.
5% 12%
House wife
Desk work
FW with intellectual
FW with physical
Socioeconomic status wise distribution
• Due to their lofty aspirations
and the current competitive
environment, people in upper
middle class are more
vulnerable to stress. They lead
a life in which making money
is their only priority. This
group of people also exhibits
negligence in healthy lifestyle
which can contribute to the
development of the disease
Upper middle Lower middle Upper Lower Lower
Habitat wise distribution
• This may be due to the reason
that the present study was
undertaken in urban area.
Usually, urban people are
having sedentary lifestyle,
inconsistent dietary pattern;
consume junk food etc.
Family History wise distribution
• The well-documented genetic
risk factors for autoimmune
hypothyroidism are HLA-DR
polymorphisms.Despite the
fact the sample size is too
small to draw any firm
conclusions. To determine
whether hypothyroidism runs
in families or not, more
research is required.
Positive Negative
Diet pattern
• This can be because of the
Hindu community consumes
primarily vegetarian food.
Group A Group B TOTAL
Appetite wise distribution
• maximum no of patients (52 %)
had good appetite, followed by
35% had moderate appetite and
only 13%% had poor appetite.
Bowel wise distribution
• 67% of the patients in
this series had regular
bowel habits. However
33%of the patients had
irregular bowel habit.
Stress wise distribution
• 52% of patients had stressful
life and remaining had no
stress in life.
Kostha wise distribution
• in the present study, 70%
patients had Madhyama
Kostha followed by 23% had
Krura Kostha and 7% had
Mrudu Kostha.
Prakruti wise distribution
• The Kaphaj-Vataj Prakruti
persons are more likely to
develop hypothyroidism. It
might be caused by a similar
Dosha to the pathophysiology
of Hypothyroidism. To
determine which Prakruti is
more prone to the disease's
development, a sizable sample
size is necessary.
Vyayam Shakti wise distribution
• This observation supports the
nature of the disease which
makes lethargy and fatigueto the
person to avoid exercise.
Additionally, the majority of
study participants were
overweight, and it was discovered
that these patients had less ability
to exercise. Hypothyroid
individuals' ability to exercise is
further limited by lower cardiac
output and stroke volume, as well
as by diminished muscular
strength and increased muscle
Agni wise distribution
• maximum (62%)
patients were possessing
Mandagni followed by
30% patients were
possessing Vishamagni.
Distribution of 40 patients according to BMI
• Medodhatvagnimandyaresulting
in Sama Medo Dhatu
Vriddhileading to Sthaulyata.
• It is however yet to be seen
whether inactivity and weight
gain influence to hypothyroidism
or vice-versa.
• These findings suggest that the
DushtiofMeda Dhatu in
hypothyroid patients.
Normal Over weight Obese -I &II
Group A
Group B
Symptoms wise distribution
weight gain Constipation Excessive
Tiredness Hair fall Dry skin Generalized
Muscle cramps Edema Puffiness of
Symptoms wise distribution of patients
• in the present study Tiredness was present in 82.5% patients followed by muscle
cramp 77.5% in patients. Constipation was found in 67.5% patients,weight gain was
found in 62.5% patients whilehair fall was observed in 50% patients, generalized ache
& pain was observed in 47.5% patients. Menstrual irregularity was found in 30%
patients, Dry skin was found in 25% patients while edema was observed in 25%
patients and the excessive sleep was observed in 17.5% patients.
Effect of Therapies
Effect of Therapies on Constipation
Constipation Mean Mean
% Relief SD SE P value &
W value
Group A 1.000 0.2000 0.8000 80% 0.5231 0.1170 P <0.0001
Group B 1.150 0.7500 0.4000 34% 0.5982 0.1138 P =0.0156 S
Mann Whitney test p =0.0211, U =124.50, Cosidered significant
Effect of Therapies on Excessive Sleep
Excessive sleep Mean Mean
SD SE P value &
W value
Group A 0.5500 0.05000 0.5000 90% 0.6882 01539 P =0.0078
Group B 0.6500 0.4500 0.2000 30.7% 0.4104 0.09177 P=0.1250
Mann Whitney test p =0.0686, U -147.000, not quite significant
Effect of Therapies on Tiredness
Tiredness Mean Mean
SD SE P value &
W value
Group A 1.850 0.8000 1.050 56.7% 0.8256 0.1846 P =0.0001
W=105 ES
Group B 1.800 1.150 0.6000 33.3% 0.6806 0.1522 P =0.0020
Mann Whitney test U=145.00, p =0.1179, Insignificant
Effect of Therapies on Hair Fall
Hair Fall Mean Mean
SD SE P value &
W value
Group A 1.750 0.900 0.8500 48.5% 0.6708 0.1500 P=0.0001
Group B 1.600 1.100 0.5000 31.2% 0.6882 0.1539 P=0.0078
Mann Whitney test U=146, p=0.1080,Consider Insignificant
Effect of Therapies onDry Skin
Dry Skin Mean Mean
% Relief SD SE P value & W
Group A 1.250 0.200 1.050 84% 0.9987 0.2233 P=0.0005
Group B 0.800 0.400 0.400 50% 0.5982 0.1338 P=0.0156
W=28.000 S
Mann Whitney test U= 127.000, p=0.0328 Considered Significant
Effect of Therapies on Muscle Ache
Muscle Ache Mean Mean
% Relief SD SE P value &
W value
Group A 1.550 0.7000 0.8500 54.8% 0.5871 0.1313 P<0.0001
Group B 1.100 0.4000 0.7000 63.6% 0.6569 0.1469 P=0.0005
W =78.000
Mann Whitney test U =165.000, p=0.2882, Insignificant
Effect of Therapies on Edema
Edema Mean Mean
% Relief SD SE P value &
W value
Group A 0.4000 0.1500 0.2500 75% 0.4702 0.1051 P=0.0313
W=21.000 S
Group B 0.2500 0.1000 0.1500 60% 0.3663 0.08192 P=0.2500
w = 6.000
Mann Whitney test U =170, p =0.2701, Insignificant
BMI Mean Mean
SD SE t-value P value &
W value
Group A 27.840 26.770 1.070 1.140 0.2549 4.198 P=0.0005
Group B 25.210 24.900 0.3100 0.8220 0.1838 1.687 P=0.1080
Unpaired t test p= 0.0205, t= 2.418, considered significant
Effect of Therapies on BMI
S.TSH Mean Mean
SD SE t-value P value & W
Group A 10.292 5.812 4.480 5.328 1.192 3.759 p=0.0013 VS
Group B 8.626 4.495 4.131 2.975 0.6653 6.208 p<0.0001 ES
Unpaired t test p= 0.7995, t= 0.2557, considered Insignificant
Effect of Therapies on Serum TSH
Overall assessment of Therapy
Total Effect
Group A Group B
No. of patient % No. of patient %
Complete remission
0 0 0 0
Marked improvement
(>75% to <100%relief)
0 0 0 0
Moderate improvement
(>50% to75%relief)
10 50 04 20
Mild improvement
(25% to 50% relief)
09 45 16 80
No improvement
01 5 0 0
Probable mode of action of NiragniSwedan (Vyayam)
• The reason for selecting Niragni Swedan in hypothyroidism, because it is specifically
indicated in the management of KaphaMedaAvrittaVata is found to be involved in the
pathogenesis Vyayam is a type of Niragni Swedan and is included in type of langhan
also. They do langhan by production of sweat.
• NiragniSwedana (Vyayam) liquifies Sama Kapha and Meda which comes throughout
microchannels of the body. Kleda is the Mala of Meda Dhatu. Swedana Karma helps
in flushing the vitiated Meda or Kleda which is present in inter or intra cellular place
in the form of excess body weight.
• Niragni Swedan (Vyayam) helps in Vishyandan (liquefaction), Doshpaka, Srotomukh
Shodhan and Vayu Nigrah because of its Vata-Kaphahar property. Vyayam rises the
metabolic rate in the body, dilates the capillaries and increased circulation leads to
more elimination of waste product in the form of Sweda by sweating.
• Due to rising temperature to all parts of the body the triglycerides present in the
subcutaneous tissue will breakdown in the fatty acid. These fatty acids are carried out
to the liver due to the vasodilatation and convert in to bile. In this treatment less
caloric diet is supplied along with brisk walk the body leads more oxygen to meet the
same in the absence of carbohydrate and increased metabolic rate due to heat. fat is
utilized for the purpose of energy production which deposited in the form of Meda.
Probable mode of action of Nasya
• Hypothyroidism is Kapha predominant disease condition; hence the drugs which are
having Kaphashamaka properties such as Ushna, Teekshna Guna should be used in
curing the disease. KatutumbiTaila have Ushna, Teekshna and Kaphashamaka
properties. The Sthana of the thyroid gland being Urdhwajatru, which is a
Kaphasthana, hence the management of hypothyroidism is by Katutumbi Tail Nasya
may be a better option. As in ayurveda, Nasa is the only gate way of Sirah. Hence
nose is the suitable route for drug administration in case of Urdhva-Jatrugata
• With the help of previous pharmacological research, we found that all the herbs
evaluated here act on hypothalamus and pituitary gland directly or indirectly and
stimulate the thyroid gland by Nasya action i.e.; peripheral olfactory nerve, which
acts as chemo receptors are stimulated by Nasya Dravya which stimulates the
olfactory bulb. This further stimulates higher centers of hypothalamus and pituitary,
thus having the effect on endocrine system secreting the normal secretion of thyroid
hormones. Katutumbi Tail reaches the brain and acts on important centers controlling
endocrine functions and thus having systemic effects.
• Drugs in the form of lipid soluble have greater affinity for passive absorption through
the nasal mucosa, also be enhanced by local massage and fomentation. Facilitates by
the structure of facial nerve, communicate intra cranial circulation.
• Urdhvang Abhyanga and Swedan and Paschat Karma helps to drain out the excess
Kleda formation. Most of the herbs, used in the preparation of Katutumbi Tail,
evaluated above have their action upon thyroid gland. Katutumbi Taila Nasya only
provides relief in various symptoms but also directly alters the secretions of different
hormones involved in pathogenesis of the disease.
Probable mode of action of VishwadiKasayam
• The management of Hypothyroidism primarily focused on to remove the Avaran,
Srotoshodhan and increase the Dhatwagni. Drugs under Vishwadi Kashayam
(Vidang, Vacha, Rasna, Shunthi, Marich, Pippali, Saindhav Lavan, Yavkshar,
Chitrak, Devdaru Katutumbi , Katu Tail) having Ushna Virya, Tridoshhar and
Vedanasthapak, Deepan, Anuloman, Shothagn, Lekhan, Medhya, Srotoshodhan
properties balance the vitiated Doshas in this disease.
• Vishwadi Kashayam indicated in Agnimandya, thus prevents the jathragni-
mandyajanya vikar followed by Dhatvagnimandyajanya vikar.
• An analysis various data and its results drawn therein following conclusions are placed as under:
 Hypothyroidism is the most common form of thyroid disorders and commonly encountered problem
in clinical practice, it is also the commonest endocrine disorder worldwide and India too.
 In Ayurveda although there is no specific terminology or clinical entity described as such, probably
because the disease is biochemically diagnosed and not just only on the basis of symptomatology.
 In the present study, in group A Complete and Marked improvement was not found in any of
patients, Moderate improvement was found in 50% patients and Mild improvement was recorded in
45% patients.
 In the present study, in group B Complete and Marked improvement was not found in any of the
patients, 20% patients had shown Moderate improvement and 80% patients reported with mild
 Ayurvedic treatment regimen comprising of Niragni Swedan, Nasya and Vishwadi Kashayam
provided statistically significant results on clinical signs and symptoms and Serum TSH of the
patient suffering from the Hypothyroidism.
 On comparing Ayurvedic treatment regimen (Niragni Swedan, Nasya and Vishwadi Kashayam) to
that of Standard control (Thyroxin sodium), By observing and analyzing the data statistically, it was
found that the group A was more effective in Subjective parameters and both groups are equally
effective in Thyroid profile.
Ayurveda  research  in Hypothyroidism, P

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Ayurveda research in Hypothyroidism, P

  • 2. Introduction • Inadequate production of thyroid hormone is considered as hypothyroidism , which is characterized by slower metabolic rate, weight gain, fatigue, constipation, hair fall, forgetfulness, sleepiness, dry and coarse skin, menstrual irregularities etc. • Most common disorder of thyroid gland • Commonest endocrine disorder. • Very commonly observed clinical entity.
  • 3. • In Ayurveda classics, there is no direct mention about how to understand the pathogenesis of hypothyroidism, however, certain pathogenic phenomenon that includes Kaphavarit-Vata, Kapha- Medo-Avrita Vata, Galgand in Urdhvjatrugat Rogas, Dhatvagnimandhya Janya Vikriti appear to be pathological entities that paves the way to understand the disease manifestation. • Niragni Swedan is indicated in Kaph-Meda-Avrita Vata. Niragni Swedan, although 10 of types,in present study opted in the form of Vyayam. Vyayam is belived to do kindling of Agni and increases basal metabolic rate which is found to be decreased in case of Hypothyroidism.
  • 4. • Thyroid gland is situated in supraclavicular region (Urdhvajatrugata Sthana) ,which is a Kaphsthana. • Nasya is considered as the most specific procedure for disease of head and neck region. As in Ayurveda nose is considered as the door of head, and the suitable route for drug administration in Urdhvajatugata Rogas. • Vishwadi Kashayam is indicated in Kapha Dosha and Agnimandhya but it also have Lekhan, Agnideepan, Shrotoshodhan and Medhya properties to deal with Medodushti, Agnimandhya, Avrit-Vata. Hence was selected for oral use. • Thus, the combination of above three regimen has been planned to evaluate its effect in the management of hypothyroidism.
  • 5. Need of study • Global incidence of Hypothyroidism is rising rapidly and it is posing major health challenges in both developing as well as developed world. • The prevalence of hypothyroidism is high, affecting approximately one in 10 adults in population and more prevalent among the females, with male to female ratio being 1:6 • It is found to be 10.95% in adult urban population with significantly female number outweighing the males i.e. 15.86% in females and 5.02% in males. The prevalence of primary Hypothyroidism is high accounting for over 95% of total Hypothyroidism patients. Central Hypothyroidism of pituitary origin, occurrence rate is even lower i.e. 1 from 1000 cases.
  • 6. • Hypothyroidism influences the standard of life of individuals. Inspite of many progresses the modern management of hypothyroidism remains disappointing. • The only treatment available is synthetic thyroid hormone which patient has to take lifelong and has certain side effects causes cardiac arrhythmia, palpitation, muscle cramp, weakness, restlessness, osteoporosis etc.
  • 7. • Looking into the pathogenesis and complications of hypothyroidism, it requires a systemic and radical therapy for which ayurveda may provide a ray of hope through Panchakarma, which is believed to facilitate to regulate metabolism and better improvement in quality of life of affected person. • Some of the scientific works also have been done by using Ayurveda regimen. However the specific line of treatment, comprising of Niragni Swedan and Nasya along with Vishwadi Kashyam needs to be studied and verified to generate the scientific evidence. Hence the present study has been planned.
  • 8. Aimand objectives • To evaluate the efficacy of treatment regimen comprising of Niragni Swedan (Vyayam), Nasya (Katutumbi Tail) and Vishwadi Kashayam on the patients of Hypothyroidism. • To compare the efficacy of treatment regimen comprising of Niragni Swedan (Vyayam), Nasya (Katutumbi Tail) and Vishwadi Kashyam with that of Thyroxin Sodium on the patients of Hypothyroidism
  • 9. Review of literature • All the literature related to Niragni Swedan, Nasya and the concept of Urdhvjatrugat Sthan Vikar, Kapha-Avritta- Vata and Dhatvaagnimand-Janya vikar by which hypothyroidism is correlated to be identical disease condition find place in classics, are being explored and all the details of literary review. At the same time modern literature including recent advances in the field are also being reviewed.
  • 10. previous research works done • Pandya-Tridosha vis-à-vis endocrine gland -1966. • Trivedi (MS) A.U.- evaluation of Kshargutika in the cases of hypothyroidism L-1907 Govt. Akhandanand college & hospital 1992 • Lineswala Gaurang - A clinical study on the role of Vamana and Shamana in the management of Kaphaja Galaganda w.s.r. to hypothyroidism. – 2002 Jamnagar • Gupta Chanchal- comparative study of pippali prayoga and Shodhan- Poorvaka Shamana Chikitsa in the management of Dhatvagni-Vikrati (hypothyroidism). -2003 Jamnagar.
  • 11. • Kankaran Komal-clinical evaluation of kanchanara guggul and pippali Vardhman rasayan in the management of hypothyroidism-2003 NIA. Rajasthan University. • Sherekar Dipali -A Clinical study on Vamana karma in the management of Hypothyroidism-An Ayurvedic approach-2008 GAMC Blore, R.G.U.H.S. • Mali Anjali -The effect of Vamanottara Virechana Karma followed by Vardhamana Pippali Rasayana in the management of Hypo-thyroidism -2012 Jamnagar. • Bansal Roli- Effect of Vamana Karma in the Management of Hypothyroidism - 2013 Jamnagar.
  • 12. • Patariya Pratiksha– A clinical study on the role of vaman and virechan in the management of hypothyroidism with punarnava guggulu -2014 Jamnagar • P.Murali Krishna– A clinical study on combined effect of vamankarm and Gomutra Haritaki in the Management of Hypothyroidism 2015 Sri. Dharmsthalamanjunatheshwar college of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan • Singh Karishma Mahi Pal Singh- A Comparative Clinical Study Of Virechana And Triphladya Guggulu Along With Punarnavadi Kashaya In The Management Of Hypothyroidism -2017 Jamnagar • Sahu Sarita– evaluation of the effect of Udvartana of Basti Karma along with Varun Twaka Kashayam, in comparison to Thyroxin Sodium- 2020 Bhopal
  • 13. Disease Review  Hypothyroidism is a clinical syndrome resulting from a deficiency of thyroid hormones. It results in a generalized slowing of metabolic processes.  The clinical manifestation of hypothyroidism, depending upon the age at onset of disorder, are divided into 2 forms 1. CRETINISM: It is the development of severe hypothyroidism during infancy and childhood, results in marked slowing of growth and development with serious permanent consequences including mental retardation. 2. ADULT HYPOTHYROIDISM: causes a generalized decrease in metabolism MYXOEDEMA is the severely advanced adult hypothyroidism.
  • 14. Classification of hypothyroidism PRIMARY HYPOTHYROIDISM 1. Subclinical hypothyroidism 2. Overt hypothyroidism CENTRAL HYPOTHYROIDISM 1. Secondary hypothyroidism 2. Tertiary hypothyroidism
  • 15. PRIMARY HYPOTHYROIDISM  There are two degrees of primary hypothyroidism: 1. SUBCLINICAL HYPOTHYROIDISM: defined as a high serum TSH concentration in the presence of normal serum T4 and T3 concentrations. Other terms for this condition are mild hypothyroidism, preclinical hypothyroidism, and decreased thyroid reserve. 2. OVERT HYPOTHYROIDISM: defined as a high TSH concentration in the presence of a low serum T4 concentration.
  • 16. Central hypothyroidism It is rare and is caused due to failure of TSH and TRH production due to disease of anterior pituitary (SECONDARY HYPOTHYROIDISM) or hypothalamus (TERTIARY HYPOTHYROIDISM)
  • 17. Clinical manifestation  Early symptoms of hypothyroidism are nonspecific and insidious in onset.  A generalized slowing of metabolic processes can lead to abnormalities such as fatigue, slow movement and slow speech, cold intolerance, constipation, weight gain, stiffness and cramping of muscles and Bradycardia.  Accumulation of matrix glycosaminoglycans in the interstitial spaces of many tissues can lead to coarse hair and skin, expressionless facies, periorbital puffiness, enlargement of the tongue, and hoarseness
  • 18. Ayurvedicview • Although, after mere knowledge of disorder pertaining the thyroid gland from view of modern system of medicines, we can’t directly correlate in Ayurveda as a whole disease yet signs and symptoms which we approach in day-to-day clinical practice can be seen in Ayurvedic texts in different manners. • Certain pathogenic phenomenon that includes Kaphavarit-Vata, Kapha-Medo-Avrita Vata, Galgand in Urdhvjatrugat Rogas, Dhatvagnimandhya Janya Vikrati appear to have pathological significance in disease manifestation.
  • 19. S.N. Clinical manifestation of Hypothyroidism Lakshanas of Kaphavrit Saman and Udan Ca.Ch.28/226- 227 Su.Ni.1/37 A.H.Ni.16/48 1. Dry skin, loss of sweating Aswednam + - + 2. Loss of appetite Mandagni + - + 3. Hoarseness of voice Vakswargriha + - + 4. Weakness Daurbalya + - + 5. Loss of appetite Aruchi + - + 6. Weight gain Gurugatrtvam + - + Hypothyroidism vis-a-vis Avaran
  • 20. S.N. Cinical manifestation of Hypothyroidism Lakshnas Involved Dhatu 1. Loss of appetite, Aruchi 2. 3. Heaviness in body Somnolence Gaurava Tandra RASA Ca.Su.28/9-10 4. Generalized ache Angamarda 5. Anaemia Panduroga 6. Loss of libido Klaibya 7. Indigestion Agnimandhya 1. Wt. gain Sthaulya MEDA 2. Sleepiness Nidraadhikya Ca.Su.28/15 3. Drowsiness Tandra Ca.Su.21/3 4. Breathlessness Swasa Ca.Ni.4/47 5. Edema Sopha Su.Sa.9/12 Su.Su.15/19 Hypothyroidism and involved Dhatu- Rasa & Medas
  • 21. S.N Clinical manifestation of Hypothyroidism Lakshanas Involved dosha 1. Cold intolerence Saityam Kapha vata vriddha hinapitta ( 2. Weight gain Gauravam - 3. Loss of appetite Mandagni ,Asradha - 4. Anaemia Nakha dinam shuklatvam - 5. Dry and coarse skin Gatra parusyam - 7. Constipation Malsanga Vata vruddhi (Ca.Su.11/6) 8. Weakness Bala bhransha, Bala Hani Vata vruddhi,Pitta kshaya (Su.Su.15/18) 9. Depression Avsad Kapha vruddhi (Su.Su.15/18) 10. Somnolence Tandra - 11. Excessive sleep Atinidrata Kapha vruddhi ( AH.Su.11/7) 12. Laziness Alasya - Hypothyroidism and involved Dosha
  • 22. S.N. Clinical manifestation of Hypothyroidism Ama lakshanas (A.H.13/23- 24) 1. General Weakness Balbhransha 2. Heaviness in the body, swollen, puffyy oedematous look of face, weight gain Gaurav 3. Laziness Alasya 4. Indigestion Apakti 5. Constipation Malsanga 6. Loss of appetite Aruchi 7. Tiredness Klama Symptoms of Ama in Hypothyroidism
  • 23. Samprapti ghatak Dosha Kapha vriddhi associated with pitta dushti and margavaranjanya vatvriddhi Dushya All dhatus mainly rasa and meda dhatu Srotas Rasvaha, Medovaha predominantly Srotodushti Sanga, vimarggaman Agni Jathragnimandhya, dhatvagnimandhya Adhisthan Gala pradesh Udbhavsthan Aamashaya Vyakta sthan Sarvang Roga marga Bahya and aabhyantar Vyadhi swabhav Chirkari
  • 24. NidanaSevana KaphaPrakop Jatharagnimandya AamaUtpatti Rasa Dhatvagnimandya MedaDhatvagnimandya MalarupKaphaVriddhi Srotorodh, Margavrodha KaphavruttaVata Kaphavrutta Saman Vata Kaphavrutta Udaan Vata KaphaVata VriddaHin a Pitta Cold intolerance, weightgain, anaemia, loss of appetite, dry and coarse skin Loss of appetite, heaviness of body, lethargy,somnolenc e, anaemia, infertility sluggishness,sleepin ess,Tiredness, weight gain due to meda dhatu vriddhi Cold intolerance, weight gain,oedema, generalized ache Dry and coarse skin, loss of sweating, loss of appetite Clinical Manifestation of Hypothyroidism Loss of appetite, Hoarseness of voice, weakness Ras SrotoDushti Probable samprapti
  • 25. Clinical Study  For the clinical study on Hypothyroidism 40 patients, fulfilling the criteria of diagnosis selected, irrespective of their religion, caste, sex and socioeconomic status from OPD & IPD of Pt. Khushilal Sharma Govt. Autonomous Ayurveda College & Institute, Bhopal (M.P.) being registered.  The Drug required for the Clinical study has been procured and prepared in the department of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana of Pt. Khushilal Sharma Govt. Autonomous Ayurvedic College and Institute, Bhopal M.P.  The patients are being registered based on a detailed proforma comprising of all clinical signs and symptoms of Hypothyroidism and modern investigation as advised in the criteria designed.
  • 26. Grouping Group A( N=20) Niragni Swedan (Vyayam) and Katutumbi Taila. Nasya along with Vishwadi Kashayam Group B (N=20) Thyroxin sodium Dose- calculated as per guidelines Study duration- 45 days Follow up– 15 days
  • 27. Diagnostic Criteria  The diagnosis of the Hypothyroidism is made on the basis clinical signs and symptoms. (Harrison’s principle of internal medicine 19th edition)  Laboratory investigation- 1. Serum TSH 2. Serum T3 3. Serum T4
  • 28. Inclusion criteria • Newly diagnosed cases of Hypothyroidism. • Patients age- above 21- 45 years. • Patients those fit for Nasya & Niragni Sweda • Based on thyroid profile elevated level of serum TSH level or low level of serum T3 &T4. However, the cases, where T3 and T4 levels are within normal range and TSH level is high (TSH value >5.0mIU/ml) • Patients those have given written consent to participate in the study.
  • 29. Exclusion criteria • All complicated cases of Hypothyroidism, myxedema, severe mental illness, thyroid cancer etc and other disease associated with endocrine imbalance. • Patients having chronic systemic illness. • Congenital hypothyroidism • Pregnant women and Lactating Mother. • Patients having undergone thyroid surgery
  • 30. Criteriafor assessment SUBJECTIVE PARAMETERS • Weight gain • Excessive Sleep • Muscle ache • Oedema • Dry and coarse skin • Constipation • Tiredness • Hair fall OBJECTIVE PARAMETERS BMI BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS • S.TSH • S.T3 • S.T4
  • 31. Grading system sahu sarita Parameters Criteria Grading 1. BMI Between 18.5 to 24.9 0 25to29.9 1 30 to34.9 2 Above 35 3 2. Excessive sleep 6-7 hrs/ day 0 8 hrs/ day 1 10 hrs/ day 2 More than 10hrs/ day 3
  • 32. Parameters Criteria Grade 3. Muscle cramp Not present 0 Once in a week 1 Twice /thrice in aweek 2 Continuously present 3 4. Oedema No oedema 0 Oedema on lower/ upper extremities 1 Oedema on upper and lower extremities 2 5. Dry and coarse skin No dryness 0 Dryness after bath only 1 Dryness whole day but relieved by oil application 2 Dryness whole day and not relieved by oil application 3
  • 33. Parameters Criteria Grading 6. Constipation No constipation 0 Motion once in a day w/o complete evacuation 1 Motion once in two days 2 Motion once in more than two days with hard stool 3 7. Tiredness Absent tiredness 0 Pt. like to stand in comparison to walk 1 Pt. like to sit in comparison to walk 2 Pt. like to lie in comparison to sit 3 8. Hair fall Absent 0 Hair fall on washing 1 Hair fall on combing 2 Hair fall on stretching 3
  • 34. Overall Assessment Criteria Total effect of the therapies will be graded as follows: Complete remission 100% relief Marked improvement 75% to < 100% relief Moderate improvement 50% to < 75% relief Mild improvement 25% to < 50% relief No improvement < 25% relief
  • 35. TREATMENT REGIMEN Procedure Duration Drug DOSE TIME Nasya 1-21 Days (7 Days + 1day Rest +7 Days + 1day Rest +5days Nasya) Katutumbi Tail 6 drop in each nostril Purvahn Kaal Niragni Swedan 1-21 Days Vyayam Till Balardh Vyayam Lakshan appear Purvahn Kaal Shaman Drug 1-45 Days Vishwaadi Kashayam 40 ml. Twice a day
  • 36. DRUG REVIEW VISHWADI KASHAYAM (SAHASRAYOG KASHAY KALPANA -499) S. No. Drug Latin Name Family 1. Vishwa Aconitum hetrophyllum Ranunculaceae 2. Abhya Terminalia chebula Combretaceae 3. Guduchi Tinospora cordifolia Meninspermaceae 4. Shunthi Zingiber officnales Zingiberaceae 5. Chavya Piper retrofractum Piperceae 6. Chitrak Plumbego zeylanica Piperceae 7. Pippalimool Piper longum Piperceae 8 Pippali Piper longum Piperceae 9. Marich Piper nigrum Piperceae 10. Tejpatra Cinnamon zelanicum lauraceae
  • 37. KATUTUMBI TAIL (GADNIGRAH 4TH KHAND CHAPTER-VERSE 72-73S) S. No. Drug Latin Name Family 1. Vidang Embelia ribes Myrsinaceae 2. Vacha Acorus calamus Araceae 3. Rasna Pluchia lanceolata Compositae 4. Shunthi Zingiber officnales Zingiberacae 5. Ikshvaku Lagenaria siceraria Cucurbitacae 6. Devdaru Cedrus deodara Pinaceae 7. Sarshap Brassica campestris Cruciferae
  • 38. Null Hypothesis Group A (Niragni swedan, Nasya and Vishwadi kashayam) and Group B (Thyroxin Sodium) are equally effective in the management of Hypothyroidism. hypothesis Alternate Hypothesis 1. Group A is more effective than Group B in the management of Hypothyroidism. 2. Group B is more effective than Group A in the management of Hypothyroidism.
  • 39. Statisticleanalysis The observation will be recorded and presented in tabulation form and result will be analyzed statistically by applying appropriate statistical test. expected outcome It is expected that at the end of the study we would be able to demonstrate the effects of Niragni swedan, Nasya and Vishwadi kashayam in the management of hypothyroidism. It is further expected that this study would be able to provide comparative efficacy between the trialed treatment is that.
  • 40. ETHICAL CONSIDERATION study was approved by institutional ethical Committee. InformedConscent An informed written consent in language suitable to the patients was obtained from all enrolled subjects.
  • 42. Demographic Data • In this study, majority of patients (52.5%)belonged to the age group between21-30 years. People in this age group are busy and stressed out about making a good living, despite the fact that this is the time in life when a person wishes to enjoy himself to the fullest and can’t following Dincharya, Rutucharyaetc. while engaging in either of these activities may lead to vitiation of doshas may become more vulnerable to Agni derangement. 10 11 6 6 7 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 No of Patients Age in years 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 Age wise distribution
  • 43. Gender wise distribution • It is supported by prevalence of disease i.e.; male female ratio 1:6. Hypothyroidism is most common in females. • Qiu Y, Hu Y, Xing Z, et al. reported that the females using contraceptive for more than 10 years have significant association with developing Hypothyroidism. • Male 5% Female 95%
  • 44. Religion wise distribution • Nothing can be inferred from this observation because it may be an outcome of demographic considerations as the study area is a Hindu- dominated area. Hindu 97% Other 3%
  • 45. Marital status wise distribution • Hypothyroidism in married patients may be brought on by lack of exercise, family responsibilities, and various types of stress. American Thyroid Association claims that, hypothyroidism incidence is most common after pregnancy and postpartum this could be reason why marital status slaved and association with the disease. 82% 15% 3% married unmarried widow
  • 46. Education wise distribution • Understanding its prevention and control measures is greatly aided by education. This generally shows that the educated class is more aware hence are more likely to undergo diagnostic and treatment procedures to overcome it. A larger sample size is needed in order to correlate education with the occurrence of disease. 5% 7% 7% 10% 38% 33% Primary Middle school High school Higher secondary Graduate Post graduate
  • 47. Occupation wise distribution • this high incidence may be due to their sedentary life style, which results in less energy expenditure than uptake. Housewives are confined to their homes; technology has lightened the load of household chores, however since it was not a survey study which in large scale may prove the above observation. 15% 65% 5% 12% 3% Student House wife Desk work FW with intellectual FW with physical labour
  • 48. Socioeconomic status wise distribution • Due to their lofty aspirations and the current competitive environment, people in upper middle class are more vulnerable to stress. They lead a life in which making money is their only priority. This group of people also exhibits negligence in healthy lifestyle which can contribute to the development of the disease hypothyroidism. 66% 30% 4% Upper middle Lower middle Upper Lower Lower
  • 49. Habitat wise distribution • This may be due to the reason that the present study was undertaken in urban area. Usually, urban people are having sedentary lifestyle, inconsistent dietary pattern; consume junk food etc. 7% 93% Rural Urban
  • 50. Family History wise distribution • The well-documented genetic risk factors for autoimmune hypothyroidism are HLA-DR polymorphisms.Despite the fact the sample size is too small to draw any firm conclusions. To determine whether hypothyroidism runs in families or not, more research is required. 30% 70% Positive Negative
  • 51. Diet pattern • This can be because of the Hindu community consumes primarily vegetarian food. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Group A Group B TOTAL 14 17 31 6 3 9 Mix Veg
  • 52. Appetite wise distribution • maximum no of patients (52 %) had good appetite, followed by 35% had moderate appetite and only 13%% had poor appetite. 52% 35% 13% Good Moderate Poor
  • 53. Bowel wise distribution • 67% of the patients in this series had regular bowel habits. However 33%of the patients had irregular bowel habit. Regular 67% Irregular 33%
  • 54. Stress wise distribution • 52% of patients had stressful life and remaining had no stress in life. 52% 48% Yes No
  • 55. Kostha wise distribution • in the present study, 70% patients had Madhyama Kostha followed by 23% had Krura Kostha and 7% had Mrudu Kostha. 7% 70% 23% Mradu Madhyam Kroor
  • 56. Prakruti wise distribution • The Kaphaj-Vataj Prakruti persons are more likely to develop hypothyroidism. It might be caused by a similar Dosha to the pathophysiology of Hypothyroidism. To determine which Prakruti is more prone to the disease's development, a sizable sample size is necessary. VP 27% PK 15% VK 58%
  • 57. Vyayam Shakti wise distribution • This observation supports the nature of the disease which makes lethargy and fatigueto the person to avoid exercise. Additionally, the majority of study participants were overweight, and it was discovered that these patients had less ability to exercise. Hypothyroid individuals' ability to exercise is further limited by lower cardiac output and stroke volume, as well as by diminished muscular strength and increased muscle fatigue. 75% 25% Pravar Madhya Avar
  • 58. Agni wise distribution • maximum (62%) patients were possessing Mandagni followed by 30% patients were possessing Vishamagni. Mand 62% Sama 8% Visham 30%
  • 59. Distribution of 40 patients according to BMI • Medodhatvagnimandyaresulting in Sama Medo Dhatu Vriddhileading to Sthaulyata. • It is however yet to be seen whether inactivity and weight gain influence to hypothyroidism or vice-versa. • These findings suggest that the DushtiofMeda Dhatu in hypothyroid patients. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Under weight Normal Over weight Obese -I &II Group A Group B TOTAL
  • 60. Symptoms wise distribution 62.5% 67.5% 17.5% 82.5% 50% 25% 47.5% 77.5% 25% 10% 30% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 weight gain Constipation Excessive sleep Tiredness Hair fall Dry skin Generalized ache Muscle cramps Edema Puffiness of face Menstrual irregularity No. of Patients Symptoms wise distribution of patients
  • 61. • in the present study Tiredness was present in 82.5% patients followed by muscle cramp 77.5% in patients. Constipation was found in 67.5% patients,weight gain was found in 62.5% patients whilehair fall was observed in 50% patients, generalized ache & pain was observed in 47.5% patients. Menstrual irregularity was found in 30% patients, Dry skin was found in 25% patients while edema was observed in 25% patients and the excessive sleep was observed in 17.5% patients. •
  • 63. Effect of Therapies on Constipation Constipation Mean Mean difference % Relief SD SE P value & W value BT AT Group A 1.000 0.2000 0.8000 80% 0.5231 0.1170 P <0.0001 ES W=120.00 Group B 1.150 0.7500 0.4000 34% 0.5982 0.1138 P =0.0156 S w=28.000 Mann Whitney test p =0.0211, U =124.50, Cosidered significant
  • 64. Effect of Therapies on Excessive Sleep Excessive sleep Mean Mean difference % Relief SD SE P value & W value BT AT Group A 0.5500 0.05000 0.5000 90% 0.6882 01539 P =0.0078 VS W=36.000 Group B 0.6500 0.4500 0.2000 30.7% 0.4104 0.09177 P=0.1250 NS W=10.000 Mann Whitney test p =0.0686, U -147.000, not quite significant
  • 65. Effect of Therapies on Tiredness Tiredness Mean Mean difference % Relief SD SE P value & W value BT AT Group A 1.850 0.8000 1.050 56.7% 0.8256 0.1846 P =0.0001 W=105 ES Group B 1.800 1.150 0.6000 33.3% 0.6806 0.1522 P =0.0020 W=55.000 VS Mann Whitney test U=145.00, p =0.1179, Insignificant
  • 66. Effect of Therapies on Hair Fall Hair Fall Mean Mean difference % Relief SD SE P value & W value BT AT Group A 1.750 0.900 0.8500 48.5% 0.6708 0.1500 P=0.0001 W=105.00 ES Group B 1.600 1.100 0.5000 31.2% 0.6882 0.1539 P=0.0078 W=36.000 VS Mann Whitney test U=146, p=0.1080,Consider Insignificant
  • 67. Effect of Therapies onDry Skin Dry Skin Mean Mean difference % Relief SD SE P value & W value BT AT Group A 1.250 0.200 1.050 84% 0.9987 0.2233 P=0.0005 W=78.000 ES Group B 0.800 0.400 0.400 50% 0.5982 0.1338 P=0.0156 W=28.000 S Mann Whitney test U= 127.000, p=0.0328 Considered Significant
  • 68. Effect of Therapies on Muscle Ache Muscle Ache Mean Mean difference % Relief SD SE P value & W value BT AT Group A 1.550 0.7000 0.8500 54.8% 0.5871 0.1313 P<0.0001 ES Group B 1.100 0.4000 0.7000 63.6% 0.6569 0.1469 P=0.0005 W =78.000 ES Mann Whitney test U =165.000, p=0.2882, Insignificant
  • 69. Effect of Therapies on Edema Edema Mean Mean difference % Relief SD SE P value & W value BT AT Group A 0.4000 0.1500 0.2500 75% 0.4702 0.1051 P=0.0313 W=21.000 S Group B 0.2500 0.1000 0.1500 60% 0.3663 0.08192 P=0.2500 w = 6.000 NS Mann Whitney test U =170, p =0.2701, Insignificant
  • 70. BMI Mean Mean difference SD SE t-value P value & W value BT AT Group A 27.840 26.770 1.070 1.140 0.2549 4.198 P=0.0005 ES Group B 25.210 24.900 0.3100 0.8220 0.1838 1.687 P=0.1080 NS Unpaired t test p= 0.0205, t= 2.418, considered significant Effect of Therapies on BMI
  • 71. S.TSH Mean Mean difference SD SE t-value P value & W value BT AT Group A 10.292 5.812 4.480 5.328 1.192 3.759 p=0.0013 VS Group B 8.626 4.495 4.131 2.975 0.6653 6.208 p<0.0001 ES Unpaired t test p= 0.7995, t= 0.2557, considered Insignificant Effect of Therapies on Serum TSH
  • 72. Overall assessment of Therapy Total Effect Group A Group B No. of patient % No. of patient % Complete remission (100%relief) 0 0 0 0 Marked improvement (>75% to <100%relief) 0 0 0 0 Moderate improvement (>50% to75%relief) 10 50 04 20 Mild improvement (25% to 50% relief) 09 45 16 80 No improvement (<25%relief) 01 5 0 0
  • 74. Probable mode of action of NiragniSwedan (Vyayam) • The reason for selecting Niragni Swedan in hypothyroidism, because it is specifically indicated in the management of KaphaMedaAvrittaVata is found to be involved in the pathogenesis Vyayam is a type of Niragni Swedan and is included in type of langhan also. They do langhan by production of sweat. • NiragniSwedana (Vyayam) liquifies Sama Kapha and Meda which comes throughout microchannels of the body. Kleda is the Mala of Meda Dhatu. Swedana Karma helps in flushing the vitiated Meda or Kleda which is present in inter or intra cellular place in the form of excess body weight.
  • 75. • Niragni Swedan (Vyayam) helps in Vishyandan (liquefaction), Doshpaka, Srotomukh Shodhan and Vayu Nigrah because of its Vata-Kaphahar property. Vyayam rises the metabolic rate in the body, dilates the capillaries and increased circulation leads to more elimination of waste product in the form of Sweda by sweating. • Due to rising temperature to all parts of the body the triglycerides present in the subcutaneous tissue will breakdown in the fatty acid. These fatty acids are carried out to the liver due to the vasodilatation and convert in to bile. In this treatment less caloric diet is supplied along with brisk walk the body leads more oxygen to meet the same in the absence of carbohydrate and increased metabolic rate due to heat. fat is utilized for the purpose of energy production which deposited in the form of Meda.
  • 76. Probable mode of action of Nasya • Hypothyroidism is Kapha predominant disease condition; hence the drugs which are having Kaphashamaka properties such as Ushna, Teekshna Guna should be used in curing the disease. KatutumbiTaila have Ushna, Teekshna and Kaphashamaka properties. The Sthana of the thyroid gland being Urdhwajatru, which is a Kaphasthana, hence the management of hypothyroidism is by Katutumbi Tail Nasya may be a better option. As in ayurveda, Nasa is the only gate way of Sirah. Hence nose is the suitable route for drug administration in case of Urdhva-Jatrugata disease.
  • 77. • With the help of previous pharmacological research, we found that all the herbs evaluated here act on hypothalamus and pituitary gland directly or indirectly and stimulate the thyroid gland by Nasya action i.e.; peripheral olfactory nerve, which acts as chemo receptors are stimulated by Nasya Dravya which stimulates the olfactory bulb. This further stimulates higher centers of hypothalamus and pituitary, thus having the effect on endocrine system secreting the normal secretion of thyroid hormones. Katutumbi Tail reaches the brain and acts on important centers controlling endocrine functions and thus having systemic effects.
  • 78. • Drugs in the form of lipid soluble have greater affinity for passive absorption through the nasal mucosa, also be enhanced by local massage and fomentation. Facilitates by the structure of facial nerve, communicate intra cranial circulation. • Urdhvang Abhyanga and Swedan and Paschat Karma helps to drain out the excess Kleda formation. Most of the herbs, used in the preparation of Katutumbi Tail, evaluated above have their action upon thyroid gland. Katutumbi Taila Nasya only provides relief in various symptoms but also directly alters the secretions of different hormones involved in pathogenesis of the disease.
  • 79. Probable mode of action of VishwadiKasayam • The management of Hypothyroidism primarily focused on to remove the Avaran, Srotoshodhan and increase the Dhatwagni. Drugs under Vishwadi Kashayam (Vidang, Vacha, Rasna, Shunthi, Marich, Pippali, Saindhav Lavan, Yavkshar, Chitrak, Devdaru Katutumbi , Katu Tail) having Ushna Virya, Tridoshhar and Vedanasthapak, Deepan, Anuloman, Shothagn, Lekhan, Medhya, Srotoshodhan properties balance the vitiated Doshas in this disease. • Vishwadi Kashayam indicated in Agnimandya, thus prevents the jathragni- mandyajanya vikar followed by Dhatvagnimandyajanya vikar. •
  • 81. • An analysis various data and its results drawn therein following conclusions are placed as under:  Hypothyroidism is the most common form of thyroid disorders and commonly encountered problem in clinical practice, it is also the commonest endocrine disorder worldwide and India too.  In Ayurveda although there is no specific terminology or clinical entity described as such, probably because the disease is biochemically diagnosed and not just only on the basis of symptomatology.  In the present study, in group A Complete and Marked improvement was not found in any of patients, Moderate improvement was found in 50% patients and Mild improvement was recorded in 45% patients.
  • 82.  In the present study, in group B Complete and Marked improvement was not found in any of the patients, 20% patients had shown Moderate improvement and 80% patients reported with mild improvement.  Ayurvedic treatment regimen comprising of Niragni Swedan, Nasya and Vishwadi Kashayam provided statistically significant results on clinical signs and symptoms and Serum TSH of the patient suffering from the Hypothyroidism.  On comparing Ayurvedic treatment regimen (Niragni Swedan, Nasya and Vishwadi Kashayam) to that of Standard control (Thyroxin sodium), By observing and analyzing the data statistically, it was found that the group A was more effective in Subjective parameters and both groups are equally effective in Thyroid profile.

Editor's Notes

  1. Aggravations of the KaphaDosha results from various Aaharaja, Viharaja, and ManasikNidanas. Both Agni and the AnnavahaSrotas may become vitiated as a result of this. Consequently, when the Jatharagnigetscompromised, the Jatharagnimandya leads to the production of the Aama, which in turn results in RasavahaSrotodushtiand Srotorodha. On the other hand, its moieties that are supplied to Dhatvagnis also damage their status, which might be disruptive. A vitiated Rasa Dhatu as a result of the pathological sequences mentioned above, impairs other Dhatus as well, and MalarupiKaphaVriddhiprobably result in Srotorodha. It creates the Lakshanasof Kaphaavruttavataand Margavrodh.Additionally causing Rasa DushtiLakshnas such asAruchi (a lack of appetite), Gaurava (heaviness), Tandra (sleepiness), Panduta(pallor), Srotorodha (channel obstruction), etc. In turn, vitiated RasaDhatu will produce vitiated Uttarottara Dhatu with the corresponding Srotodushtiand, leading to the development of a condition affecting numerous organ systems.
  2. Maximum patients (27.5%) in this series were belonging to the age group of 26-30 years followed by 25%patients to 21-25years, 17.5% to 41 -45years, 15% to 31-35years and 15%patients were belonging to age group of 36-40years.
  3.  in this study the majority of the patients were females (95%) while the remaining were males.
  4. n the series maximum (97%) of patients were Hindus whereas 3% were from other religion.
  5. in the present study 33% of patients were reported with post graduate education, 38% with graduate education, 10% with higher secondary school, 7% with high school education, 7% were educated up to middle school and 5% were primary school educated.
  6. maximum (65%) patients were reported to be housewives, 12%were doing field work with intellect, 15%% were students, 5% were doing desk work and 3% were doing field work with physical labor.
  7. 66% patient in this series were from upper middle-class section of the society followed by 30% Patients belonged to lower middle class and only 4% patients were belonging to Upper-lower class.
  8. in this study, maximum patients (93%) were belonging to urban area and only 7% were from rural area.
  9. out of 40 patients of Hypothyroidism,30% patients showed positive family history.
  10. 77%% of patients were found to be vegetarian and 23% patients were taking mixed diet.
  11. 58%patients had Kapha-VatajaPrakruti, followed by Vata- Pittaja27% and only 15% had Kapha-PittajaPrakruti.
  12. maximum (75%) patients were having Madhyama Vyayama Shakti followed by Avara Vyayama Shakti.
  13. BMI between (25-29.9) was observed in 40% of patients, while 37% of patients with normal BMI (18.5-24.5) followed by 23% patients were obese with BMI (more than 30).
  14. In Study group, there was 80% relief in the constipation, which was statistically extremely significant (P<0.0001). In control group, the initial mean score of constipation was 1.150 before treatment and it was reduced to 0.7500 after treatment with percentage improvement of 34% which was statistically significant (p=0.0156). On inter group comparison, U-value was 124.50 which was statistically significant with (p=0.0211). Hence group A was more effective on constipation.
  15. In Group A, the initial mean score of excessive sleep was 0.5500 and it was reduced to 0.05000 after treatment with percentage improvement of 90%, which was statistically very significant (P=0.0078) In Group B, the initial mean score of excessive sleep was 0.6500 before treatment and it was reduced to 0.4500 after treatment, though there was 30.7% improvement observed however statistically it was not significant. On inter group comparison mean difference of excessive sleep in Group A was 0.5000 and in Group B was 0.2000.U-value was 147.000 which was found statistically not quite significant (P=0.0686).
  16. In Study group, the initial mean score of tiredness was 1.850 before treatment and it was reduced to 0.8000 after treatment with percentage improvement of 56.7% which was statistically extremely significant with P=0.0001. In group B, the initial mean score of tiredness was 1.800 before treatment and it was reduced to 1.150 after treatment with percentage improvement of 33.3% which was statistically very significant with p=0.0020. On comparison between the groups U-value was 145.00 which was statistically insignificant. Therefore, it was inferred that the both groups were equally effective on tiredness.
  17. In Study group, the initial mean score of hair fall was 1.750 before treatment and it was reduced to 0.900 after treatment with percentage improvement of 48.5% which was statistically extremely significant (P=0.0001). In group B, the initial mean score of tiredness was 1.600 before treatment and it was reduced to 1.100 after treatment with percentage improvement of 31.2% which was statistically very significant (P=0.0078). On comparison between the groups U-value was 146 which was statistically Insignificant. Therefore, it was inferred that the both groups were equally effective on hair fall.
  18. In study group, the initial mean score of dry skin was 1.250 and it was reduced to 0.200 after treatment with percentage improvement of 84% which was statistically extremely significant (P=0.0005). In control group the initial mean score of dry skin was 0.800and it was reduced to 0.400 after treatment with percentage improvement of 50% which was statistically significant. On inter group comparison of this symptoms U-value was 127 which was statistically significant (P=0.0328).Therefore, it was inferred that the group A was more effective.
  19. In study group, the initial mean score of muscle ache was 1.550 and it was reduced to 0.7000 after treatment with percentage improvement of 54.8% which was statistically extremely significant with p<0.0001. In control group, the mean score of muscle ache was 1.100 before treatment and it was reduced to 0.4000 after treatment with percentage improvement of 63.6% which was statistically extremely significant (P=0.0005). On inter group comparison of U-value was 165 which was statistically insignificant with p=0.2882. Therefore, it was inferred that both groupswere equally effective on muscle ache.
  20. In Study group, the initial mean score of edema was 0.4000 and it was reduced to 0.1500 after treatment with percentage improvement of 75% which was statistically significant (P=0.0313). In control Group the mean difference was 0.1500, with percentage improvement of 60% which was statistically insignificant (P=0.2500). On inter group comparison U-value was 170, which was statistically insignificant with p=0.2701. Therefore, it was inferred that both the groups were equally effective on edema.
  21. the mean score of BMI in study group before treatment was 27.840 and it was reduced to 26.770 after treatment. So, the mean difference observed was 1.070, which was statistically extremely significant (P=0.0005). In control group the change was 0.3100, which was statistically not significant (P=0.1080). On inter group comparison of BMI in study group and control group, p=0.0205 which was statistically significant. Therefore, it was inferred that group A was more effective on BMI.
  22. the mean score of TSH in study group, before treatment was 10.292 and after treatment it was reduced to 5.812.So, the mean difference was 4.480, which was statistically very significant (P=0.0013). In control group the change was 4.131, which was statistically extremely significant (P<0.0001). On inter group comparison of S.TSH in Group A and Group B, p =0.7995 which was statistically insignificant. Therefore, it was inferred that both the groups were equally effective.
  23. In this study, Complete and marked improvement was not found in any of the patients in groups. the Moderate improvement was found in 50% patients in group A and 20% patients in group B. Mild improvement was found in 45% patients in group A and 80% patients in group B. ‘No improvement” was recorded in 5% patients in group A however none of the patient in group B was categorized under the category No improvement.