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Dr. Gustavo Ruiz Deza

     Jefe Unidad Coronaria
        HIGA Pte. Perón
  Jefe Servicio de Cardiología
        Sanatorio Bernal
   Bernal- Pcia. Buenos Aires
Visión general y distintos
enfoques de tratamiento
Enfermedad Cardiovascular: Pandemia

The Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke;
Tratamiento de la hipertensión:
                           Reducción estimativa de la mortalidad

                              Antes del                                                  Después del
                            tratamiento                                                  tratamiento

                                                              de la TA

                                          Reduction in SBP                    % Reduction in mortality
                                              mmHg                       Stroke     CHD             Total

                                                 2                         -6          -4            -3
                                                 3                         -8          -5            -4
                                                 5                        -14          -9            -7

JNC7 Guidelines, 2003*
Objetivos del tratamiento

                            JNC 7              ESH/ESC 2007
     •     Reducción de la mortalidad    •   Reducción máxima a largo plazo de
           cardiovascular y renal.           la morbilidad y mortalidad
     •     SBP/DBP < 140/90 mmHg.            cardiovascular.
     •     SBP/DBP < 130/80 mmHg en      •   SBP/DBP < 140/90 mmHg.
           pacientes con diabetes y      •   SBP/DBP < 130/80 mmHg en
           enfermedad renal                  pacientes diabéticos y de lato riesgo

ESH/ESC Guidelines, 2007*
JNC7 Guidelines, 2003**
Iniciación del tratamiento - JNC7 Guidelines 2007
                                                                        Modificación del estilo de vida                     Logró objetivo

                                                                                No lo logro                                    continúa
                                                               (< 140/90 mmHg or < 130/80 mmHg for those
                                                                  with diabetes or chronic kidney disease)

                                                                                    Iniciar drogas

                            HTA sin daño de organo blanco                                                           HTA con daño de organo blanco

                      HTA estadio 1                                        HTA estadío 2
      (systolic BP 140-159 mmHg or diastolic BP 90-99 mmHg)     (systolic BP > 160 mmHg or diastolic BP > 100     Combinación de drogas según sea
                                                                                   mmHg)                                     necesario
                Tiazida, IECA, BB, BC, ARA II.
                                                                        Combinación de II drogas
                                                              (Usualmente IECA + tiazida / ARA II + tiazida /
                                                                             IECA + BC

                                                                                 No logró objetivo

                                  Optimización de las distintas drogas, buscar causa secundaria o eventualmente realizar otra consulta

                                                     BP, Blood Pressure; ACE, Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme;
 JNC7 Guidelines, 2003                               ARB, Angiotensin-Receptor Blocker; CCB, Calcium Channel Blocker.
Iniciación del Tratamiento- ESH/ESC Guidelines 2007
                    Ligera elevación de la TA                  Evaluar entre                 Marcada elevación de la TA
                     Bajo a moderado riesgo                                                         Alto riesgo

                              Una sola droga a                                              Combinación de
                                 baja dosis                                             dos drogas a bajas dosis

                                                          No se llega al objetivo

                    Previa droga a         Cambio por diferentes                Combinación previa a       Agregar una
                      dosis plena          drogas a dosis bajas                    dosis plena             tercera droga

                                                          No se llega al objetivo

                 Dos o tres drogas a             Monoterapia                          Dos o tres drogas a dosis
                     dosis plena                 dosis plena                                    plena

ESH/ESC Guidelines, 2007
Papel de los IECA en HTA
 • Los IECA juegan un papel principal en el tratamiento de la HTA , tanto en monoterapia como
   combinado con:
       • Diureticos
       • Calcio antagonistas
 • Los IECA son la única clase de antihipertensivos que cumplen con todas las directivas de la
 • Las indicaciones de peso de los IECA incluyen:
                                       JNC7                          ESH/ESC
                                Insuficiencia cardíaca           Insuficiencia cardíaca

                                      Post. IAM                    Disfunción del VI

                       Alto riesgo de enfermedad coronaria             Post- IAM

                                      Diabetes                    Nefropatía diabética

                              Enfermedad renal crónica          Nefropatía no diabética

                           Prevensión del Stroke recurrente        Hipertrofia del VI

                                                              Arterioesclerosis carotídea


                                                                  Fibrilación auricular

                                                                 Sindrome metabólico

ESH/ESC Guidelines, 2007
JNC7 Guidelines, 2003
Structural formula of zofenopril calcium
                  and its active metabolite
              Zofenopril calcium                            Zofenoprilat

Subissi A. et al.; Cardiovasc Drug Rev. 1999; 17: 115-133
Un IECA con elevado indice lipofílico
        Comparación de los coeficientes de distribución
        de los inhibidores de la ECA determinado a pH 7
                     ACE inhibitor                           Distribution coefficient
                                                            (High value = high lipophilicity)

                     Captopril                                          0.004
                     Zofenopril                                           3.5
                     Enalapril                                           0.07
                     Ramipril                                            1.12
                     Lisinopril                                        < 0.001
                     Fosinopril                                         ∼ 500

                     FREE INHIBITOR                          Distribution coefficient

                     Zofenoprilat                                        0.22
                     Enalaprilat                                       < 0.001
                     Ramiprilat                                         0.011
                     Fosinoprilat                                        0.33

Subissi A. et al.; Cardiovasc Drug Rev. 1999; 17: 115-133
Propiedades farmacocinéticas
           • Biodisponibilidad oral: 70%
           • Tmax: 1.5 hours
           • Vida medias: 5.5 horas (zofenoprilat)
           • Excreción: 60% en orina, 40% en heces
           • No actua a nivel del citocromo P-450

Sleight; 1999
Zofenopril – Summary of product characteristics
Distribución del IECA en plasma y tejidos

                                                            0.5 h   4h   24 h
                      Zofenoprilat (µg/g or ml tissue)

Subissi A. et al.; Cardiovasc Drug Rev. 1999; 17: 115-133

                                                                            o   n
                                                                 lf o

Subissi A. et al.; Cardiovasc Drug Rev. 1999; 17: 155-133
High in vitro cardiac ACE inhibition
                                                            100                                             Zofenoprilat
                                                            90                                              Enalaprilat
                     % inhibition of cardiac ACE activity

                                                            80                                              Ramiprilat





                                                                  0.01   0.1      1       10        100   1000

                                                                               Concentration (µM)

Grover G.J. et al.; J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1991; 257: 919-929
Efectiva y duradera inhibición a nivel cardíaco


                                                                                                        24 h
               % cardiac ACE inhibition

                                          Zofenopril   Captopril   Fosinopril   Ramipril   Lisinopril          Enalapril

In ex vivo dose-response and time-course studies, the inhibitory effects on tissue ACEs and their relative tissue distributions of seven
drugs (captopril, zofenopril, enalapril, ramipril, lisinopril, fosinopril, and SQ 29,852) were compared in vitro in homogenates of aorta,
brain, heart, lung, and kidney and in sera of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) following oral administration.

Cushman D.W. Et al; Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 1989; 28: 115S-131S
Actividad antioxidante
                                                                              LDL oxidisability
                      MDA (nmol/mg of proteins)






                                                       Healthy subjects   Hypertens. subjects   Hypertens. subjects    Hypertens. subjects
                                                           (n = 46)        before treatment     +12 weeks enalapril   +12 weeks Zofenopril
                                                                                (n = 96)              (n = 48)               (n = 48)

    Two-period study in 96 untreated patients with moderate essential hypertension without clinically evident target organ damage.
    48 patients were treated with Zofenopril 15-30 mg/day and 48 with enalapril 20 mg/day for 12 weeks.

                                         *p < 0.05 vs. healthy controls; **p < 0.05 vs. hypertensive patients at baseline

Napoli C. et al.; Am Heart J. 2004; 148 (1): e5.
Efectos cardioprotectoras
                                                     Prevention of cardiac tissue necrosis
                    TTC-negative tissue (%)




                                                          Control          Enalaprilat   Lisinopril   Zofenoprilat        100 µM

                                                   *p < 0.05 vs. control

The study investigated the effects of different ACE-inhibitor (Zofenoprilat, enalaprilat, lisinopril and irbesartan) on tissue injury on isolated
rat hearts subjected to 30 minutes of ischemia followed by 120 minutes of reperfusion.

Frascarelli S. et al.; J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2004; 43: 294-299.
Efecto cardioprotector
                                            Restauración de la función cardíaca
                                                                       Ischemia       Reperfusion        Ischemia    Reperfusion        Ischemia       Reperfusion
                                pressure (mmHg)
                                 Left ventricular

                                dp/dt (mmHg/sec)
                                 Left ventricular




                                                             -30   0     30      60     90   -30     0     30   60     90   -30     0     30      60    90
                                                                       Control                      Captopril 10-6 M              Zofenopril 10-6 M

The study investigated the effects of zofenopril (10-6 M) and captopril (10-6 M) on the mechanical function, cellular
redox state, and norepinephrine (NE) content of isolated and aerobically perfused rabbit hearts.

Ferrari R. et al.; J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 1992; 20: 694-704
Efecto vasculoprotector
             Estimulación y liberación de NO por celulas endoteliales
                   NO inconditioned media

                        (% of control)




                                                             0         10               30             60
                                                    *p < 0.001          Concentration (µM)

Experimental study that assessed the comparative effects of three angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors on endothelial nitric oxide
production and action, and on endothelial oxidative stress using bovine aortic endothelial cells. Captopril, Enalapril and Zofenopril were
administered at concentration of 1, 10, 30 and 60 µM.

Scribner A. W. et al.; Eur J Pharmacol. 2003; 482: 95-99
Efecto vasculoprotector
                                         Incremento del efecto del NO
                                         Mejoría en la respuesta vasodilatadora

                                    Lisinopril            + 18%

                                   Zofenopril                                                 + 100%

This study evaluated the role of SH-groups in improvement of endothelial dysfunction with ACE-inhibitors in experimental heart failure.
The study compared the vasoprotective effets of 11-week treatment with zofenopril and lisinopril in myocardial infarcted heart failure rats.

Buikema H. et al.; Br J Pharmacol. 2000; 130: 1999-2007
Efecto vasculoprotector
                                           Normalización de la vía del NO

                                                      Pacientes               Hipertensos                 Hipertensos
                                 Personas            hipertensos             después de 12               después de 12
                                  sanas                antes del             semanas con                 semanas con
                                                     tratamiento               enalapril                   zofenopril

 Plasma NO2
                                      33.5                53.8*                     44.9‡                          40.8†

* p < 0.001 vs. healthy subjects; †p < 0.01 vs. hypertensive subjects before treatment;
  p < 0.05 vs. hypertensive subjects before treatment; § p < 0.05 vs. hypertensive subjects + 12 weeks enalapril

 Napoli C. et al.; Am Heart J. 2004; 148 (1): e5
Efecto vasculoprotector
                               Reducción del indice intima – media carotídeo
                                                                                                                                                        0.78 0.78
                                                                                                                                                                        0.74 0.74 0.74
MT (mm)

                                                                                                     0.74          0.74
          0.74                                                                                              0.73              0.72 0.72 0.72                              ° ° °          Right
                                                             0.72 0.72 0.72
                                                                                                                                * * *
                                                                                  0.72 0.72 0.72

                          0.70 0.70       0.70 0.70 0.70                                                                                                                                 Left
          0.70     0.69
                                                                                                                                                                                         Right + Left













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                           Baseline                                  Years 1                                 Years 3                                      Years 5
                  *p <0.05 or °p <0.01 vs. enalapril.

Prospective randomized clinical trial on 48 newly diagnosed mildly hypertensive patients with no additional risk factors for
atherosclerosis. Patients were randomly assigned either to enalapril (20 mg/d, n = 24) or zofenopril (30 mg/d, n = 24);
the planned duration of the trial was 5 years.

Napoli C. et al.; Am Heart J. 2008; 156 (6): 1154.e1-8
Eficacia clínica
Reducción de la TA dosis dependiente
                                       Placebo     7.5 mg/day      15 mg/day       30 mg/day           60 mg/day

           DBP decrease (mmHg)




                                 -12   n = 211       *p = 0.0018
DBP: Diastolic Blood Pressure

Randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre study comprising a 2-week placebo lead-in and a 6-week treatment
phase with placebo (n = 43) or zofenopril 7.5 mg (n = 43), 15 mg (n = 39), 30 mg (n = 44) or 60 mg (n = 42) once daily.

Malacco E. et al.; Clin Drug Invest. 2002; 22 (1): 9-15
Redduccion de la TA por 24 Hs.

                                                        Basal       After 6 weeks of treatment

                                                                                                                    T/P ratio:
       DBP (mmHg)


                                                          Hours post-dose

Randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled multicenter trial conducted on 211 patients with mild to moderate
hypertension. Patients were randomized to receive zofenopril at the doses od 7.5, 15, 30 and 60 mg or placebo once daily for 6 weeks.

Malacco E. et al.; Am J Hypertens. 1998; 11 (4): D007
Eficacia clínica
 versus otros IECA
Zofenopril vs. enalapril
                                                               Sitting DBP
                              Blood pressure reductions after 2 and 4 weeks
                                    DBP                                         SBP
                        2 weeks               4 weeks                2 weeks             4 weeks
                0                                                                                         (n = 308)


             -10                                                                                          Enalapril 20 mg (n = 156)

                                                                                                          Zofenopril 30 mg (n = 152)

                      p = 0.005              p = 0.038              p = 0.006           p = 0.030

Comparative parallel-group, double-blind, randomized, multicentre study on 308 patients with mild to moderate hypertension. Patients
were treated with zofenopril 30 mg od (with an up-titration to 60 mg od after 4 weeks in nonresponder patients) or with enalapril 20 mg
od (with an up-titration to 40 mg od after 4 weeks in nonresponders) for 12 weeks.

Mallion J.M. et al.; Blood Press. 2007; 16 (Suppl. 2): 13-18
Zofenopril vs. enalapril
                                                   Response to treatment
                                                         69%                                     71%
                    70%                                                             64%






                                       4 weeks         12 weeks                  4 weeks       12 weeks
                                          Enalapril 20-40 mg                       Zofenopril 30-60 mg

Comparative parallel-group, double-blind, randomized, multicentre study on 308 patients with mild to moderate hypertension. Patients
were treated with zofenopril 30 mg od (with an up-titration to 60 mg od after 4 weeks in nonresponder patients) or with enalapril 20 mg
od (with an up-titration to 40 mg od after 4 weeks in nonresponders) for 12 weeks.

Mallion J.M. et al.; Blood Press. 2007; 16 (Suppl. 2): 13-18
Eficacia clínica
  versus losartan
Zofenopril vs. losartan
                                        Office BP reduction at 4 weeks
                                        DBP                               SBP
                 -2                                                                                  Losartan 50-100 mg
                 -4                                                                                  Zofenopril 30-60 mg/day

                -10                                                                              (n = 327)
                -12            - 10.5
                -14                           - 12.8             - 13.2
                -16                   p < 0.003
                -18                                                            - 16.6
                                                                          p < 0.01

Parallel double-blind multicentre study on 327 patients treated for 12 weeks with zofenopril 30 mg o.d. (titration 60
mg o.d., n = 165) or losartan 50 mg o.d. (titration 100 mg o.d., n = 162).

Narkiewicz K.; Blood Press. 2007; 16 (Suppl. 2): 7-12
Zofenopril vs. losartan
                               Pacientes que requieren ajustes de la dosis
                              45                42.1%
                              35                                                     33.1%
               Patients (%)

                              25                                                                                     (n = 327)
                                     Losartan 50-100 mg                     Zofenopril 30-60 mg

 Parallel double-blind multicentre study on 327 patients treated for 12 weeks with zofenopril 30 mg o.d. (titration 60
 mg o.d., n = 165) or losartan 50 mg o.d. (titration 100 mg o.d., n = 162).

Narkiewicz K.; Blood Press. 2007; 16 (Suppl. 2): 7-12
Eficacia Clínica
 versus amlodipine
Zofenopril vs. amlodipine
                                SBP/DBP reduction through 12 weeks
                                                                      All p < 0.001 vs baseline; p = NS between groups

   BP (mmHg)

               130                                                                                   Zofenopril – SBP
               120                                                                                   Zofenopril – DBP
                                                                                                     Amlodipine – SBP
                                                                                                     Amlodipine – DBP
               100                            DBP

                     Baseline Week 2           Week 4   Week 6    Week 8      Week 12

Parallel-group double-blind, randomized, multi-centre, 12-weeks study in 303 patients with mild to moderate
hypertension, randomized to zofenopril 30-60 mg o.d. (n = 151) or amlodipine 5-10 mg o.d. (n = 152).

Farsang C.; Blood Press. 2007; 16 (Suppl. 2): 19-24
Zofenopril vs. amlodipine
                                                      BP control at 12 weeks

                                                 65                                 62.2%
                                                 55                  P = NS
                                  Patients (%)


                  (n = 303)                           Amlodipine 5-10 mg Zofenopril 30-60 mg

Parallel-group double-blind, randomized, multi-centre, 12-weeks study in 303 patients with mild to moderate hypertension, randomized
to zofenopril 30-60 mg o.d. (n = 151) or amlodipine 5-10 mg o.d. (n = 152).

Farsang C.; Blood Press. 2007; 16 (Suppl. 2): 19-24
Efectos adversos y
Safety: Zofenopril vs. enalapril
                                                            Adverse events
                                                              Enalapril 20-40 mg/day
                                                              Zofenopril 30-60 mg/day

        (n = 303)

Review of the efficacy and tolerability of zofenopril in the treatment of essential hypertension that evaluated the results of four studies
(overall n = 1130) in which zofenopril was administered at doses of 7.5-60 mg/day (dose-finding study) or 30-60 mg/day (comparative
study) and was compared with atenolol 50-100 mg/day, amlodipine 5-10 mg/day and enalapril 20-40 mg/day.

Borghi C. et al.; Clin Drug Invest. 2000; 20 (5): 371-384
Safety: Zofenopril vs. enalapril
                                                      Incidence and severity of adverse events
               Incidence of adverse events (%)

                                                 20                         18.45
                                                                                           Enalapril (n = 168)
                                                                                           Zofenopril (n = 155)
                                                                 11.61                     (n = 323)        p = 0.008 for moderate AEs

                                                 10                                 8.39

                                                 5                                                 2.98

                                                               Mild          Moderate                  Severe
                                                                         Severity of adverse
Comparative parallel-group, double-blind, randomized, multicentre study on 308 patients with mild to moderate hypertension.
Patients were treated with zofenopril 30 mg od (with an up-titration to 60 mg od after 4 weeks in nonresponder patients) or
with enalapril 20 mg od (with an up-titration to 40 mg od after 4 weeks in nonresponders) for 12 weeks.

Mallion J.M. et al.; Blood Press. 2007; 16 (Suppl. 2): 13-18
Safety: Zofenopril vs. amlodipine
                                                 Most frequent adverse events

                                            20                                          19

                             Number of AE

                                            14    Amlodipine 5-10 mg
                                            12    Zofenopril 30-60 mg

                                             6                                      5
                                             4            3
               (n = 303)                          Headache                  Cough         Oedema

Parallel-group double-blind, randomized, multi-centre, 12-weeks study in 303 patients with mild to moderate
hypertension, randomized to zofenopril 30-60 mg o.d. (n = 151) or amlodipine 5-10 mg o.d. (n = 152).

Farsang C.; Blood Press. 2007; 16 (Suppl. 2): 19-24
The SMILE project
Overview and future implications
      of the SMILE project
SMILE Pilot Study                      204 thrombolyzed patients
American Journal of Cardiology 1991    Zofenopril vs standard treatment
                                       Safety assessment

                                       1556 non thrombolyzed patients
SMILE Study                            Zofenopril vs placebo
New England Journal of Medicine 1995
Am J Cardiol, 1996                     6-week mortality and severe CHF
Am J Hypertens, 1999                   1-year mortality rate

SMILE-2 Study                          1024 thrombolyzed patients
Am Heart J, 2002                       Zofenopril vs lisinopril
                                       6-week rate of severe hypotension
                                       6-week safety profile

SMILE-3 Ischemia Study                 349 thrombolyzed patients normal LVF
                                       Zofenopril vs placebo
Am Heart J, 2007
                                       6-months ischemic events rate

SMILE-4 Study                          871 thrombolyzed patients with systolic
                                       LV disfunction (EF < 45%)
Clin Cardiol 2012
                                       Zofenopril + ASA vs ramipril + ASA
                                       1-year cardiovascular event rate
The SMILE Study
The effect of the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor zofenopril on mortality and morbidity after anterior
      myocardial infarction. The Survival of Myocardial Infarction Long-term Evaluation (SMILE) Study.

                                                     Outlines of the study
      Study Design:                                    randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled
      Population:                                      1556 non thrombolysed patients with acute anterior M.I.
      Treatment:                                       zofenopril calcium 7.5-30 mg b.i.d. (n = 772)
                                                                    or placebo (n = 784)
                                                                    conventional therapy
      Duration of treatment:                           6 weeks
      Follow-up:                                       1 year

Ambrosioni E. et al.; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
Objectives of the SMILE study

         • 6-week combined occurrence of death or severe CHF

          • 6-week occurrence of angina
             • 6-week rate of non-fatal recurrent MI
             • 6-week incidence of mild-to moderate CHF
             • 1-year mortality

Ambrosioni E. et al.; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
The SMILE study
                                                          Inclusion criteria

                  - Anterior MI (Q- and non-Q wave)
                  - No thrombolytic treatment
                  - Age 18-80 years
                  - Killip class on entry < 3
                  - Systolic blood pressure > 100 mmHg
                  - No history of CHF
                  - No current treatment with ACE-I

Ambrosioni E. et al.; Controlled Clinical Trials 1994; 15: 201-210
The SMILE study
                                          Baseline patient characteristics
                                                               PLACEBO       ZOFENOPRIL
  CHARACTERISTICS                                              (n = 784)      (n = 772)

   Mean age (yr)                                               64.3            63.9
   Age > 70 yrs (%)                                             31              29

   Sex ratio M/F (%)                                           73/27          72/28
   Clinical history (%)
          Hypertension                                           40             39
          Diabetes                                               21             20
          Previous MI                                            13             13
          Current smoker                                         41             41
          Angina                                                 33             32

Ambrosioni E. et al.; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
The SMILE study
                                                           Drug titration
                               1                7.5 mg b.i.d.       HYPOTENSION

                               2                7.5 mg b.i.d.
                                                                      7.5 mg o.d.

                                                15 mg b.i.d.

                               3                                  HYPOTENSION            OF TREATMENT

                               4                15 mg b.i.d.

                               5                30 mg b.i.d.      HYPOTENSION

                               6                30 mg b.i.d.
                              DOSE               30 mg b.i.d.     15 mg b.i.d.    7.5 mg b.i.d.

Ambrosioni E. et al.; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
The SMILE study
                                                           Primary end-point

                                                                    Placebo                  Zofenopril
                                                                    (n = 784)                 (n = 772)

        Mortality or severe CHF
                      Events                                          83                           55
                      Percentage                                     10.6%                         7.1%

        Risk reduction (95% CI)                                                 34% (8-54)
                                                                                 p = 0.018

Ambrosioni E. et al.; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
The SMILE study
                            6-week occurrence of death and severe CHF

                   14                                                                                                Risk reduction:
   Incidence (%)

                   4                                                                                                    P = 0.018
                        0      7               14          21           28              35            42

The SMILE study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 1556 patients with acute anterior myocardial
infarctions who were not eligible for thrombolytic therapy. Patients were randomized to received Zofenopril 7.5-30 mg (n = 772) or
placebo (n = 784) twice daily.

Ambrosioni E. et al.; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
The SMILE study
                                                           6-week mortality

                                                               Placebo                    Zofenopril
                                                               (n = 784)                   (n = 772)

                Events                                            65                         50
                Percentage                                       8.3%                       6.5%

          Risk reduction (95% CI)                                          22% (-12/48)
                                                                             p = 0.17

Ambrosioni E. et al.; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
The SMILE study
                                       6-week occurrence of severe CHF

                                                           Placebo                 Zofenopril
                                                           (n = 784)                (n = 772)

        Severe CHF
               Events                                        34                       17
               Percentage                                   4.1%                     2.2%

        Risk reduction (95% CI)                                    46% (11/71)
                                                                       p = 0.018

Ambrosioni E. et al.; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
The SMILE study
                                      6-week occurrence of severe CHF

                    0.035        Zofenopril
  Events rate (%)

                    0.03                                                                                Risk reduction =   56%
                    0.025                                                                               2p = 0.032



                            0     7           14     21          28          35          42
                                       Time after randomisation (days)

Sub-study of the SMILE study on patients with anterior wall AMI, randomized to receive zofenopril 7.5-30 mg
(n = 560) or placebo (n = 586) twice daily for a cumulative period of 6 weeks.

Borghi C. et al.; Am J Cardiol. 1996; 78: 317-322
The SMILE study
                                                    Early mortality (day 2)
                            Mortality (%)

Review of the efficacy and tolerability of zofenopril in the treatment of essential hypertension that evaluated the results of four studies
(overall n = 1130) in which zofenopril was administered at doses of 7.5-60 mg/day (dose-finding study) or 30-60 mg/day (comparative
study) and was compared with atenolol 50-100 mg/day, amlodipine 5-10 mg/day and enalapril 20-40 mg/day.

Borghi C. et al.; Clin Drug Invest. 2000; 20 (5): 371-384
The SMILE study
                                                           1-year mortality

                                                                      Placebo                 Zofenopril
                                                                      (n = 784)                (n = 772)

                      Events                                            111                      77

                      Percentage                                      14.1%                    10.0%

        Risk reduction (95% CI)                                               29.0% (6/51)
                                                                                  p = 0.011

Ambrosioni E. et al.; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
The SMILE study
                                                           1-year mortality

                             16       Placebo                                                              Risk reduction:

                                      Zofenopril                                                               29.0%
                                                                                                               p = 0.011
             Incidence (%)

                                                                                  P = 0.018
                                  0        7               14      21            28            35            42


The SMILE study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 1556 patients with acute anterior myocardial
infarctions who were not eligible for thrombolytic therapy. Patients were randomized to received Zofenopril 7.5-30 mg (n = 772) or
placebo (n = 784) twice daily.

Ambrosioni E. et al.; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
The SMILE study
                                            1-year mortality in hypertensive patients
                              1                                                                 1
                                        Placebo n = 290                                                  Placebo n = 432            Placebo
                                        Zofenopril n = 275                                               Zofenopril n = 444
                            0.95                                                              0.95

                                                                              Survival rate
            Survival rate

                             0.9                                                               0.9

                            0.85                                                              0.85
                                            RR = 39.3%                                                        RR = 23.4%
                                            p < 0.05                                                          p < 0.22
                             0.8                                                               0.8
                                   0   15   30   45 100 160 220 280 360   .                          0   15   30   45 100 160 220 280 360   .
                                                 Time (days)                                                        Time (days)
                                       History of hypertension                                           No history of hypertension
Post-hoc analysis of SMILE study in patients with acute anterior myocardial infarctions who were not eligible for thrombolytic therapy.
The SMILE study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 1556 patients with acute anterior myocardial
infarctions who were not eligible for thrombolytic therapy. Patients received zofenopril 7.5-30 mg or placebo twice daily for 6 weeks and
mortality rate was calculated at 1 year.

 Borghi C. et al.; Am J Hypertens. 1999; 12 (7): 665-672
The SMILE study
                                          Primary endpoint in diabetic patients

                                                                RR = 53%
            Death + severe CHF (%)

                                     20             18.3


                                     10                                        8.6


                                                Placebo                   Zofenopril
                                                (n = 164)                  (n = 139)                              p = 0.019

Cohort of diabetic patients of the SMILE study. The SMILE study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving
1556 patients with acute anterior myocardial infarctions who were not eligible for thrombolytic therapy. 303 diabetic patients were
randomized to receive placebo (n = 164) or zofenopril 7.5-30 mg (n = 139) twice daily.

Borghi C. et al.; Diabetes Care 2003; 26 (6): 1862-1868
The SMILE study
                1-year mortality in diabetic and non-diabetic patients

                                                           p = 0.52                                                   Placebo

                                                                                         p = 0.01                     Zofenopril
                      Event rate (%)

                                       15                             13.7    13.8



                                                      Diabetes (n.303)             No diabetes (n.1209)

                                            n = 164              n = 139     n = 602           n = 607

Cohort of diabetic patients of the SMILE study. The SMILE study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving
1556 patients with acute anterior myocardial infarctions who were not eligible for thrombolytic therapy. 303 diabetic patients were
randomized to receive placebo (n = 164) or zofenopril 7.5-30 mg (n = 139) twice daily.

Borghi C. et al.; Diabetes Care 2003; 26 (6): 1862-1868
The SMILE study
1-year mortality in patients with and without the metabolic syndrome
                                                 MS+                         MS-
                                               RRR -29%                    RRR -19%
                                             (95% CI: 4-51)              (95% CI: 6-34)
                                     20        2p = 0.048                  2p = 0.025
                    Event rate (%)

                                                                                                 MS = Metabolic Syndrome
                                          Placebo Zofenopril         Placebo Zofenopril
                                          (n = 324) (n = 362)        (n = 375) (n = 357)

Post-hoc analysis of the SMILE study stratifing patients by presence or absence of the metabolic syndrome. 1418 were randomized to
receive zofenopril 7.5-60 mg (n = 719) or placebo (n = 699) twice daily for 6 weeks.

Borghi C. et al.; Vascular Health Risk Manag. 2008; 4 (3): 665-671
The SMILE study
                       Primary endpoint in patients with previous MI

                                                                           - 80%
                                                                         p = 0.0006
                              Death and severe CHF (%)





                                                               Placebo                Zofenopril

Sub-group of the SMILE study on elderly patients. The SMILE study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
involving 1556 patients with acute anterior myocardial infarctions who were not eligible for thrombolytic therapy. Patients received
zofenopril 7.5-30 mg or placebo twice daily for 6 weeks.

Borghi C et al.; “Efficacy of myocardial infarction therapy”;. Dekker Inc.; 1999
The SMILE study
                             Primary endpoint in patients with angina

                                                                        p = 0.003

Sub-group of the SMILE study on elderly patients. The SMILE study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
involving 1556 patients with acute anterior myocardial infarctions who were not eligible for thrombolytic therapy. Patients received
zofenopril 7.5-30 mg or placebo twice daily for 6 weeks.

Borghi C et al.; “Efficacy of myocardial infarction therapy”;. Dekker Inc.; 1999
The SMILE study
                                                     1-year mortality by the Q-wave
                                                 Q-wave MI                                                Non-Q-wave MI                        Placebo
                                   20                                                            20                                            Zofenopril

                                   15                                                            15
              Mortality rate (%)

                                                                            Mortality rate (%)
                                                                N = 519

                                                                                                             N = 107
                                   10                                                            10
                                                                 N = 512
                                                                                                                   N = 99
                                   5                                                              5
                                                Risk reduction: 39.5%                                                  Risk reduction: -1.0%
                                                p = 0.003                                                              p = 0.99
                                    0                                                             0
                                        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112                                   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

                                        Time after randomisation (months)                               Time after randomisation (months)

Sub-group of the SMILE study on elderly patients. The SMILE study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving
1556 patients with acute anterior myocardial infarctions who were not eligible for thrombolytic therapy. Patients received zofenopril
7.5-30 mg or placebo twice daily for 6 weeks.

Borghi C et al.; “Efficacy of myocardial infarction therapy”;. Dekker Inc.; 1999
The SMILE study
       The SMILE Study demostro que la administracion temprana
        de zofenopril en pacientes con IAM anterior :

   • Con 6 semanas de TTO.
   •Reduce la aparición de end points combinado de muerte
     de causa cardiovascular e Insuficiencia cardíaca grave
     Reduce la progresión a ICC grave
     Reduce la mortalidad a 1 año
   • Se asocia con una excelente tolerancia y bajo indice de

Ambrosioni E. et al.; N Engl J Med.1995; 332 (2): 80-85; Borghi C. et al.; Am J Cardiol. 1996; 78: 317-322; Borghi C. et al.;
“Efficacy of myocardial infarction therapy”.; Dekker Inc.; 1999; Borghi C. et al.; Am J Hypertens. 1999; 12 (7): 665-672.
The SMILE 2 study
  “Double-blind comparison between early administration of zofenopril and lisinopril in patients with acute
myocardial infarction: results of the Survival of Myocardial Infarction Long-term Evaluation 2 (SMILE-2) Study.

                                                      Outlines of the study

  Study design:                                Randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled
  Population:                                  1024 patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing thrombolysis
  Treatment:                                   Within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms:
                                               zofenopril 7.5-30 mg b.i.d. (n = 504)
                                               lisinopril 2.5-10 mg o.d. + placebo (n = 520)
  Duration of treatment:                       6 weeks

 Borghi C. et al.; Am Heart J. 2003; 145 (1): 80-87
The SMILE 2 study
           •     Primary
                   •     6 week occurrence of drug-related severe hypotension
                         (SBP < 90 mmHg).
           •     Secondary
                   •     6-week cumulative mortality
                   •     incidence of severe CHF
                   •     deterioration in renal function
                   •     6-week LV function (EF%)
                   •     need for PTCA or CABG
                   •     incidence of angina
                   •     incidence of reinfarction

Borghi C. et al. Am Heart J. 2003; 145 (1): 80-87
The SMILE 2 study
                 6-week incidence of drug-related severe hypotension

                                                                p = 0.048


                                                    (n = 520)                    (n = 504)

SMILE-2 study. Phase III, double-blind, parallel-group, multicenter study conducted in 1024 thrombolyzed patients with acute
myocardial infarction. Patients were randomized to receive zofenopril 30-60 mg/day (n = 504) or lisinopril 5-10 mg/day (n = 520) for 6

Borghi C. et al. Am Heart J. 2003; 145 (1): 80-87
The SMILE 2 study
                          Early incidence of drug-related hypotension

                                                                                    p = 0.017
                                              p = 0.031


                                Lisinopril           Zofenopril          Lisinopril            Zofenopril
                                 (n = 520)            (n = 504)            (n = 520)              (n =504)
                                             0-48 hours                    After 5 days of treatment

SMILE-2 study. Phase III, double-blind, parallel-group, multicenter study conducted in 1024 thrombolyzed patients with acute myocardial
infarction. Patients were randomized to receive zofenopril 30-60 mg/day (n = 504) or lisinopril 5-10 mg/day (n = 520) for 6 weeks.

Borghi C. et al.; Am Heart J. 2003; 145 (1): 80-87
The SMILE 2 study
                                                    Secondary endpoints
                                                           Lisinopril           Zofenopril
  Parameter                                                 (n = 520)            (n = 504)   p

  Death (%)                                                     4.0                3.2       NS
  Severe heart failure (Killip classification) day 1 to 7 (%)   0.6                0.8       NS
  Severe heart failure (NYHA classification)                    3.5                4.2       NS
  at the end of treatment period (%)
  Acute revascularisation (%)                                    3.3               3.4       NS
  Mean LVEF (%)                                                 52.0               51.9      NS
  Myocardial reinfarction (%)                                    3.8               4.2       NS
  Renal function deterioration (%)                               2.7               2.6       NS
  Angina pectoris (%)                                           20.6               20.6      NS

  NYHA, New York Heart Association; LVEF, Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction,
  NS, Not Significant.

Borghi C. et al. Am Heart J. 2003; 145 (1): 80-87
The SMILE 2 study

  • Zofenopril es bien tolerado cuando se inicia dentro de 24 horas de inicio de los
  • El tratamiento con zofenopril se asocia con una disminución ligera pero
    estadísticamente significativo en la incidencia de grave hipotensión relacionada
    con drogas en comparación con lisinopril, particularmente durante la fase
    aguda tras la hospitalización


Borghi C. et al. Am Heart J. 2003; 145 (1): 80-87
                                                   Outlines of the study

Study design:                                   Multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
Population:                                     349 AMI patients with preserved LV function (LVEF > 40%)
Treatment:                                      zofenopril calcium 7.5 - 30 mg b.i.d. (n = 177)
                                                              or placebo (n = 172)
                                                                standard therapy

Duration of treatment:                          6 months

 Borghi C. et al.; Am Heart J. 2007; 153: 445.e7-445.e14
    •     Primary: Global ischemic burden
    •     Combined 6-month occurence of:
           • onset of ST-T abnormalities at 24-hour ambulatory ECG monitoring
           • onset of ECG abnormalities or angina symptoms at treadmill test
           • onset of angina symptoms at treadmill test
           • recurrent MI
           • need for revascularisation because of angina

             •    Capacity of zofenopril to reduce the occurrence of any single event of the primary endpoint
                  or any other major CV event, including death

Borghi C. et al.; Am Heart J. 2007; 153: 445.e7-445.e14
                            Primary endpoint – global ischemic burden

                                                               p = 0.001


SMILE-ISCHEMIA study. Randomized, double-blind, multicenter, placebo-controlled study conducted in 349 post-myocardial infarction
patients with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction treated for 6 months with zofenopril 30 to 60 mg (n = 177) or placebo (n = 172).

Borghi C. et al.; Am Heart J. 2007; 153: 445.e7-445.e14
                                      Single components of the primary endpoint

                                 30                                                                                     Placebo
                                                          p = 0.017
                                 25      p = 0.027

                 % of patients

                                                                            p = 0.024                       p = 0.048



                                       ST depression   ST depression in      Angina in     Re-infarction   CABG/PTCA
                                      ambulatory ECG    response to TT    response to TT

SMILE-ISCHEMIA study. Randomized, double-blind, multicenter, placebo-controlled study conducted in 349 post-myocardial infarction
patients with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction treated for 6 months with zofenopril 30 to 60 mg (n = 177) or placebo (n =

Borghi C. et al.; Am Heart J. 2007; 153: 445.e7-445.e14
                                       Major cardiovascular events at 6 months

                                                                p = 0.001
                         % incidence

SMILE-ISCHEMIA study. Randomized, double-blind, multicenter, placebo-controlled study conducted in 349 post-myocardial infarction
patients with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction treated for 6 months with zofenopril 30 to 60 mg (n = 177) or placebo (n = 172).

Borghi C. et al.; Am Heart J. 2007; 153: 445.e7-445.e14

 Los resultados del estudio SMILE-isquemia extienden el uso de
 Zofenopril en términos de cardioprotección y prevención de eventos
 coronarios desde el inicio hasta la fase tardía del infarto de miocardio.

 De acuerdo a estos resultados, zofenopril puede ser recomendado
 como un tratamiento de prevención secundaria en pacientes con infarto
 de miocardio con enfermedad arterial

Borghi C. et al.; Am Heart J. 2007; 153: 445.e7-445.e14
The SMILE 4 study
“Comparison between zofenopril and ramipril in combination with acetyl salicylic acid in patients with left
ventricular systolic dysfunction after acute myocardial infarction: results of a randomized, double-blind,
                          parallel-group, multicenter, European study (SMILE 4)”.

                                                        Outlines of the study
 Study design:                                     Phase IIIb, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, multicentre
 Population:                         771 post-MI LVD patients with clinical sign of heart failure or a left
 ventricular ejection fraction or LVEF < 45%
 Treatment:                                        zofenopril 60 mg/day (n = 389) + ASA 100 mg/day
                                                   ramipril 10 mg/day (n = 382) + ASA 100 mg/day

 Duration of treatment:                            12 months

Borghi C. et al.; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423
The SMILE 4 study
                                                        Primary endpoint

             The 1-year combined occurrence of:

                       •      cardiovascular mortality

                       •      hospitalization for CV causes

Borghi C. et al.; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423
The SMILE 4 study
                                                        Secondary endpoints

      •      Hospitalization for CV causes
      •      Changes in LVEF
      •      Changes in left ventricular end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes
      •      Changes in plasma NT-proBNP levels
      •      BP changes
      •      Overall incidence of non-CV adverse events
      •      Occurrence of severe hypotension
      •      Deterioration of renal function

Borghi C. et al.; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423
The SMILE 4 study
                 Significant reduction in the primary outcome at 1 year

                                                             -30%                             -36%
                                                          p = 0.028                        p = 0.006
                                                         1                                1
                                                   1                                                                  Ramipril
                                                 0,9                                                                  10 mg/day
                       zofenopril vs. ramipril

                                                                    0.7                                               Zofenopril
                          Odds ratio (OR)

                                                 0,6                                                                  60 mg/day
                                                        Primary endpoint                Hospitalization
                                                                                         for CV causes

                              An RR < 1 means the event is less likely to occur in the experimental group than in the control
SMILE IV study. Double-blind, randomized study in 771 patients with post-myocardial infarction left ventricular dysfunction treated
with zofenopril 30-60 mg/day (n = 389) or ramipril 5-10 mg/day (n = 382) in combination with ASA 100 mg/day for 12 months.

Borghi C. et al.; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423
The SMILE 4 study
                                Significant reduction in the incidence of
                                 CV death and hospitalization at 1 year
                                                                     0.5   A

                                                                                                                                        p = 0.044
                                                                                                                                      Log rank test
                                       Cumulative hazard of 1-year
                                          combined endpoint





                                                                           0   1   2   3   4     5   6    7    8   9   10   11   12

                                                                                               Time (months)

                                      Number at risk
                                      Zofenopril     365 317 298 287 281 276 267 262 261 260 258 255 247
                                      Ramipril       361 305 276 269 263 260 247 243 238 236 233 228 215

SMILE IV study. Double-blind, randomized study in 771 patients with post-myocardial infarction left ventricular dysfunction treated with
zofenopril 30-60 mg/day (n = 389) or ramipril 5-10 mg/day (n = 382) in combination with ASA 100 mg/day for 12 months.

Borghi C. et al.; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423
The SMILE 4 study
       Lower frequency of major CV events requiring hospitalization
                          vs. ramipril at 1 year
                                            35%                                                                                                                33.3
           Frequency of major CV events
            requiring hospitalization (%)




                                            10%                                                              8.0               9.1
                                                                                          6.3 5.5                                    6.8
                                                                        4.6 3.6                                    4.1
                                            5%                                                                                                   3.4    3
                                                     2.0 1.1
                                                  Congestive heart   Acute myocardial   Angina pectoris   Decline in LVEF   Revascularization   Other causes   All causes
                                                      failure           infarction                             > 15%

                                                                        Ramipril 10 mg/day (n = 351)               Zofenopril 60 mg/day (n = 365)

SMILE IV study. Double-blind, randomized study in 771 patients with post-myocardial infarction left ventricular dysfunction treated with
zofenopril 30-60 mg/day (n = 389) or ramipril 5-10 mg/day (n = 382) in combination with ASA 100 mg/day for 12 months.

Borghi C. et al.; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423
The SMILE 4 study
                                                                       Significant reduction in the primary endpoint
                                                                       in patients without previous coronaropathies
                                                                                                     Patients without
                Effect of zofenopril vs. ramipril on the risk of CV

                                                                               Patients without       previous angina
                                                                             previous MI (n = 577)
                    mortality or hospitalization for CV causes

                                                                                                     pectoris (n = 450)
                                                                      -45%         -39%
                                                                                  OR: 0.61
                                                                      -50%                              OR: 0.58
                                                                                  p = 0.007
                                                                                                        p = 0.008         MI: Myocardial Infarction; OR: Odds Ratio

SMILE IV study. Double-blind, randomized study in 771 patients with post-myocardial infarction left ventricular dysfunction treated
with zofenopril 30-60 mg/day (n = 389) or ramipril 5-10 mg/day (n = 382) in combination with ASA 100 mg/day for 12 months.

Borghi C. et al.; Poster SMILE IV; AHA 2011
The SMILE 4 study
                                                 Significant reduction in the primary endpoint
                                                 in patients without previous coronaropathies
                      Effect of zofenopril vs. ramipril on the risk of CV

                                                                                          Patients without     Patients with baseline SBP ≥ Patients with baseline LVEF >
                                                                                                                                                    40% (n = 448)
                          Mortality or hospitalization for CV causes

                                                                                   hypercholesterolemia (n = 375) 140 mmHg (n = 367)




                                                                                              -39%                                                     -40%
                                                                            -50%             OR: 0.61                                                  OR: 0.6
                                                                                             p = 0.026
                                                                                                                         -48%                         p = 0.016
                                                                                                                        OR: 0.52
                                                                                                                        p = 0.003

                                                                                                               SBP: Systolic Blood Pressure; LVEF: Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction, OR: Odds Ratio

SMILE IV study. Double-blind, randomized study in 771 patients with post-myocardial infarction left ventricular dysfunction treated with
zofenopril 30-60 mg/day (n = 389) or ramipril 5-10 mg/day (n = 382) in combination with ASA 100 mg/day for 12 months.

Borghi C. et al.; Poster SMILE IV; AHA 2011
The SMILE 4 study
        Significant reduction in the incidence of CV hospitalization at 1 year
                           Cumulative hazard of 1-year CV

                                                                                                                                            p = 0.013
                                                                                                                                          Log rank test





                                                                   0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12
                                                                                                Time (months)
                                   Number at risk
                                   Zofenopril                     365   317   298   287   281   276   267   262   261   260   258   255   247
                                   Ramipril                       351   305   276   269   263   260   247   243   238   236   233   228   215

SMILE IV study. Double-blind, randomized study in 771 patients with post-myocardial infarction left ventricular dysfunction treated
with zofenopril 30-60 mg/day (n = 389) or ramipril 5-10 mg/day (n = 382) in combination with ASA 100 mg/day for 12 months.

Borghi C. et al.; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423
The SMILE 4 study
                                        Significant reduction in concomitant CV drugs use

                Patients treated with multiple (≥ 8)


                                                                                    p < 0.001
                           CV drugs (%)




                                                             Ramipril 5-10 mg/day               Zofenopril 30-60 mg/day

SMILE IV study. Double-blind, randomized study in 771 patients with post-myocardial infarction left ventricular dysfunction treated
with zofenopril 30-60 mg/day (n = 389) or ramipril 5-10 mg/day (n = 382) in combination with ASA 100 mg/day for 12 months.

Borghi C. et al.; Poster SMILE IV; AHA 2011
The SMILE 4 study
                                                        Safety analysis

      •      No statistically significant differences were observed between treatment
             groups in the distribution of non-cardiovascular adverse events

      •      Most of events were of a mild or moderate intensity

      •      The most common drug-related adverse events were cough,
             hypotension, asthenia or vertigo.

Borghi C. et al.; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423
The SMILE 4 study

      •      En pacientes con fallla de VI asociado a IAM la asociación de
             Zofenopril + AAS fue mas eficiente que Ramipril + AAS

      •      Zofenopril tiene un impacto mas favorable que el Ramipril en eventos
             cardiovasculares relacionados al IAM en el seguimiento a 1 año.

      •      Zofenopril y ramipril presentaron la misma incidencia de efectos
             adversos siendo bien tolerados

      •      Estos resultados tienen mucha importancia para el tratamiento de la
             falla cardiaca relacionada al IAM en el futuro. (concepto de

Borghi C. et al.; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423
Preguntas mas
Es necesaria la aparición de un nuevo

• 1) De acuerdo a los resultados de los estudios
  presentados, el Zofenopril, es seguro, eficaz, con
  elevada liposulubilidad, sencilla posología, y elevada
  distribución miocárdica.
• 2) Aparición del concepto de cardiomioprotección,
  con disminución significativa de la mortalidad
  (independientemente de la TA) en el IAM con falla
  del VI

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  • 1. Dr. Gustavo Ruiz Deza Jefe Unidad Coronaria HIGA Pte. Perón Avellaneda Jefe Servicio de Cardiología Sanatorio Bernal Bernal- Pcia. Buenos Aires
  • 2. Hipertensión: Visión general y distintos enfoques de tratamiento
  • 3. Enfermedad Cardiovascular: Pandemia The Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke;
  • 4. Tratamiento de la hipertensión: Reducción estimativa de la mortalidad Antes del Después del tratamiento tratamiento Reducción de la TA Reduction in SBP % Reduction in mortality mmHg Stroke CHD Total 2 -6 -4 -3 3 -8 -5 -4 5 -14 -9 -7 JNC7 Guidelines, 2003*
  • 5. Objetivos del tratamiento JNC 7 ESH/ESC 2007 • Reducción de la mortalidad • Reducción máxima a largo plazo de cardiovascular y renal. la morbilidad y mortalidad • SBP/DBP < 140/90 mmHg. cardiovascular. • SBP/DBP < 130/80 mmHg en • SBP/DBP < 140/90 mmHg. pacientes con diabetes y • SBP/DBP < 130/80 mmHg en enfermedad renal pacientes diabéticos y de lato riesgo cardiovascular ESH/ESC Guidelines, 2007* JNC7 Guidelines, 2003**
  • 6. Iniciación del tratamiento - JNC7 Guidelines 2007 Modificación del estilo de vida Logró objetivo No lo logro continúa (< 140/90 mmHg or < 130/80 mmHg for those with diabetes or chronic kidney disease) Iniciar drogas HTA sin daño de organo blanco HTA con daño de organo blanco HTA estadio 1 HTA estadío 2 (systolic BP 140-159 mmHg or diastolic BP 90-99 mmHg) (systolic BP > 160 mmHg or diastolic BP > 100 Combinación de drogas según sea mmHg) necesario Tiazida, IECA, BB, BC, ARA II. Combinación de II drogas (Usualmente IECA + tiazida / ARA II + tiazida / IECA + BC No logró objetivo Optimización de las distintas drogas, buscar causa secundaria o eventualmente realizar otra consulta BP, Blood Pressure; ACE, Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme; JNC7 Guidelines, 2003 ARB, Angiotensin-Receptor Blocker; CCB, Calcium Channel Blocker.
  • 7. Iniciación del Tratamiento- ESH/ESC Guidelines 2007 Ligera elevación de la TA Evaluar entre Marcada elevación de la TA Bajo a moderado riesgo Alto riesgo Una sola droga a Combinación de baja dosis dos drogas a bajas dosis No se llega al objetivo Previa droga a Cambio por diferentes Combinación previa a Agregar una dosis plena drogas a dosis bajas dosis plena tercera droga No se llega al objetivo Dos o tres drogas a Monoterapia Dos o tres drogas a dosis dosis plena dosis plena plena ESH/ESC Guidelines, 2007
  • 8. Papel de los IECA en HTA • Los IECA juegan un papel principal en el tratamiento de la HTA , tanto en monoterapia como combinado con: • Diureticos • Calcio antagonistas • Los IECA son la única clase de antihipertensivos que cumplen con todas las directivas de la JNC7 • Las indicaciones de peso de los IECA incluyen: JNC7 ESH/ESC Insuficiencia cardíaca Insuficiencia cardíaca Post. IAM Disfunción del VI Alto riesgo de enfermedad coronaria Post- IAM Diabetes Nefropatía diabética Enfermedad renal crónica Nefropatía no diabética Prevensión del Stroke recurrente Hipertrofia del VI Arterioesclerosis carotídea Proteinuria/Microalbuminuria Fibrilación auricular Sindrome metabólico ESH/ESC Guidelines, 2007 JNC7 Guidelines, 2003
  • 9.
  • 11. Structural formula of zofenopril calcium and its active metabolite Zofenopril calcium Zofenoprilat Subissi A. et al.; Cardiovasc Drug Rev. 1999; 17: 115-133
  • 12. Un IECA con elevado indice lipofílico Comparación de los coeficientes de distribución de los inhibidores de la ECA determinado a pH 7 ACE inhibitor Distribution coefficient (High value = high lipophilicity) Captopril 0.004 Zofenopril 3.5 Enalapril 0.07 Ramipril 1.12 Lisinopril < 0.001 Fosinopril ∼ 500 FREE INHIBITOR Distribution coefficient Zofenoprilat 0.22 Enalaprilat < 0.001 Ramiprilat 0.011 Fosinoprilat 0.33 Subissi A. et al.; Cardiovasc Drug Rev. 1999; 17: 115-133
  • 14. Propiedades farmacocinéticas • Biodisponibilidad oral: 70% • Tmax: 1.5 hours • Vida medias: 5.5 horas (zofenoprilat) • Excreción: 60% en orina, 40% en heces • No actua a nivel del citocromo P-450 Sleight; 1999 Zofenopril – Summary of product characteristics
  • 15. Distribución del IECA en plasma y tejidos 0.5 h 4h 24 h Zofenoprilat (µg/g or ml tissue) Subissi A. et al.; Cardiovasc Drug Rev. 1999; 17: 115-133
  • 16. Metabolism o n ati xid lf o Su Subissi A. et al.; Cardiovasc Drug Rev. 1999; 17: 155-133
  • 18. High in vitro cardiac ACE inhibition 100 Zofenoprilat 90 Enalaprilat % inhibition of cardiac ACE activity 80 Ramiprilat 70 Fosinoprilat 60 Lisinopril 50 Captopril 40 30 20 10 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Concentration (µM) Grover G.J. et al.; J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1991; 257: 919-929
  • 19. Efectiva y duradera inhibición a nivel cardíaco 1h 8h 24 h % cardiac ACE inhibition Zofenopril Captopril Fosinopril Ramipril Lisinopril Enalapril In ex vivo dose-response and time-course studies, the inhibitory effects on tissue ACEs and their relative tissue distributions of seven drugs (captopril, zofenopril, enalapril, ramipril, lisinopril, fosinopril, and SQ 29,852) were compared in vitro in homogenates of aorta, brain, heart, lung, and kidney and in sera of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) following oral administration. Cushman D.W. Et al; Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 1989; 28: 115S-131S
  • 20. Actividad antioxidante LDL oxidisability 30 * MDA (nmol/mg of proteins) 25 20 ** 15 10 5 0 Healthy subjects Hypertens. subjects Hypertens. subjects Hypertens. subjects (n = 46) before treatment +12 weeks enalapril +12 weeks Zofenopril (n = 96) (n = 48) (n = 48) Two-period study in 96 untreated patients with moderate essential hypertension without clinically evident target organ damage. 48 patients were treated with Zofenopril 15-30 mg/day and 48 with enalapril 20 mg/day for 12 weeks. *p < 0.05 vs. healthy controls; **p < 0.05 vs. hypertensive patients at baseline Napoli C. et al.; Am Heart J. 2004; 148 (1): e5.
  • 21. Efectos cardioprotectoras Prevention of cardiac tissue necrosis 40 TTC-negative tissue (%) 30 20 * 10 0 Control Enalaprilat Lisinopril Zofenoprilat 100 µM *p < 0.05 vs. control The study investigated the effects of different ACE-inhibitor (Zofenoprilat, enalaprilat, lisinopril and irbesartan) on tissue injury on isolated rat hearts subjected to 30 minutes of ischemia followed by 120 minutes of reperfusion. Frascarelli S. et al.; J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2004; 43: 294-299.
  • 22. Efecto cardioprotector Restauración de la función cardíaca Ischemia Reperfusion Ischemia Reperfusion Ischemia Reperfusion pressure (mmHg) Left ventricular 100 80 60 40 20 0 dp/dt (mmHg/sec) Left ventricular +3,500 0 -3,500 -30 0 30 60 90 -30 0 30 60 90 -30 0 30 60 90 Minutes Control Captopril 10-6 M Zofenopril 10-6 M The study investigated the effects of zofenopril (10-6 M) and captopril (10-6 M) on the mechanical function, cellular redox state, and norepinephrine (NE) content of isolated and aerobically perfused rabbit hearts. Ferrari R. et al.; J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 1992; 20: 694-704
  • 23. Efecto vasculoprotector Estimulación y liberación de NO por celulas endoteliales Captopril 1,000 Enalapril NO inconditioned media * Zofenopril 800 (% of control) 600 400 * 200 0 0 10 30 60 *p < 0.001 Concentration (µM) Experimental study that assessed the comparative effects of three angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors on endothelial nitric oxide production and action, and on endothelial oxidative stress using bovine aortic endothelial cells. Captopril, Enalapril and Zofenopril were administered at concentration of 1, 10, 30 and 60 µM. Scribner A. W. et al.; Eur J Pharmacol. 2003; 482: 95-99
  • 24. Efecto vasculoprotector Incremento del efecto del NO Mejoría en la respuesta vasodilatadora Lisinopril + 18% Zofenopril + 100% This study evaluated the role of SH-groups in improvement of endothelial dysfunction with ACE-inhibitors in experimental heart failure. The study compared the vasoprotective effets of 11-week treatment with zofenopril and lisinopril in myocardial infarcted heart failure rats. Buikema H. et al.; Br J Pharmacol. 2000; 130: 1999-2007
  • 25. Efecto vasculoprotector Normalización de la vía del NO Pacientes Hipertensos Hipertensos Personas hipertensos después de 12 después de 12 sanas antes del semanas con semanas con tratamiento enalapril zofenopril Plasma NO2 33.5 53.8* 44.9‡ 40.8† (µmol/L) * p < 0.001 vs. healthy subjects; †p < 0.01 vs. hypertensive subjects before treatment; ‡ p < 0.05 vs. hypertensive subjects before treatment; § p < 0.05 vs. hypertensive subjects + 12 weeks enalapril Napoli C. et al.; Am Heart J. 2004; 148 (1): e5
  • 26. Efecto vasculoprotector Reducción del indice intima – media carotídeo 0.82 0.79 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.74 0.74 0.74 MT (mm) 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.73 0.72 0.72 0.72 ° ° ° Right 0.72 0.72 0.72 * * * 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 Left 0.70 0.69 Right + Left 0.66 0.62 il ril il ril il ril ril il pr pr pr pr op op op op ala al a ala ala f en f en f en f en En En En En Zo Zo Zo Zo Baseline Years 1 Years 3 Years 5 *p <0.05 or °p <0.01 vs. enalapril. Prospective randomized clinical trial on 48 newly diagnosed mildly hypertensive patients with no additional risk factors for atherosclerosis. Patients were randomly assigned either to enalapril (20 mg/d, n = 24) or zofenopril (30 mg/d, n = 24); the planned duration of the trial was 5 years. Napoli C. et al.; Am Heart J. 2008; 156 (6): 1154.e1-8
  • 28. Reducción de la TA dosis dependiente Zofenopril Placebo 7.5 mg/day 15 mg/day 30 mg/day 60 mg/day 0 -2 DBP decrease (mmHg) -4 -6 -8 -10 * -12 n = 211 *p = 0.0018 * DBP: Diastolic Blood Pressure Randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre study comprising a 2-week placebo lead-in and a 6-week treatment phase with placebo (n = 43) or zofenopril 7.5 mg (n = 43), 15 mg (n = 39), 30 mg (n = 44) or 60 mg (n = 42) once daily. Malacco E. et al.; Clin Drug Invest. 2002; 22 (1): 9-15
  • 29. Redduccion de la TA por 24 Hs. Basal After 6 weeks of treatment T/P ratio: DBP (mmHg) 73% Hours post-dose Randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled multicenter trial conducted on 211 patients with mild to moderate hypertension. Patients were randomized to receive zofenopril at the doses od 7.5, 15, 30 and 60 mg or placebo once daily for 6 weeks. Malacco E. et al.; Am J Hypertens. 1998; 11 (4): D007
  • 31. Zofenopril vs. enalapril Sitting DBP Blood pressure reductions after 2 and 4 weeks DBP SBP 2 weeks 4 weeks 2 weeks 4 weeks 0 (n = 308) -5 -10 Enalapril 20 mg (n = 156) mmHg Zofenopril 30 mg (n = 152) -15 -20 p = 0.005 p = 0.038 p = 0.006 p = 0.030 -25 Comparative parallel-group, double-blind, randomized, multicentre study on 308 patients with mild to moderate hypertension. Patients were treated with zofenopril 30 mg od (with an up-titration to 60 mg od after 4 weeks in nonresponder patients) or with enalapril 20 mg od (with an up-titration to 40 mg od after 4 weeks in nonresponders) for 12 weeks. Mallion J.M. et al.; Blood Press. 2007; 16 (Suppl. 2): 13-18
  • 32. Zofenopril vs. enalapril Response to treatment 80% 69% 71% 70% 64% 59% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 4 weeks 12 weeks 4 weeks 12 weeks Enalapril 20-40 mg Zofenopril 30-60 mg Comparative parallel-group, double-blind, randomized, multicentre study on 308 patients with mild to moderate hypertension. Patients were treated with zofenopril 30 mg od (with an up-titration to 60 mg od after 4 weeks in nonresponder patients) or with enalapril 20 mg od (with an up-titration to 40 mg od after 4 weeks in nonresponders) for 12 weeks. Mallion J.M. et al.; Blood Press. 2007; 16 (Suppl. 2): 13-18
  • 33. Eficacia clínica versus losartan
  • 34. Zofenopril vs. losartan Office BP reduction at 4 weeks DBP SBP 0 -2 Losartan 50-100 mg -4 Zofenopril 30-60 mg/day -6 -8 mmHg -10 (n = 327) -12 - 10.5 -14 - 12.8 - 13.2 -16 p < 0.003 -18 - 16.6 p < 0.01 -20 Parallel double-blind multicentre study on 327 patients treated for 12 weeks with zofenopril 30 mg o.d. (titration 60 mg o.d., n = 165) or losartan 50 mg o.d. (titration 100 mg o.d., n = 162). Narkiewicz K.; Blood Press. 2007; 16 (Suppl. 2): 7-12
  • 35. Zofenopril vs. losartan Pacientes que requieren ajustes de la dosis 45 42.1% 40 35 33.1% Patients (%) 30 25 (n = 327) 20 15 10 5 0 Losartan 50-100 mg Zofenopril 30-60 mg Parallel double-blind multicentre study on 327 patients treated for 12 weeks with zofenopril 30 mg o.d. (titration 60 mg o.d., n = 165) or losartan 50 mg o.d. (titration 100 mg o.d., n = 162). Narkiewicz K.; Blood Press. 2007; 16 (Suppl. 2): 7-12
  • 37. Zofenopril vs. amlodipine SBP/DBP reduction through 12 weeks All p < 0.001 vs baseline; p = NS between groups 160 SBP 150 140 BP (mmHg) 130 Zofenopril – SBP 120 Zofenopril – DBP Amlodipine – SBP 110 Amlodipine – DBP 100 DBP 90 80 Baseline Week 2 Week 4 Week 6 Week 8 Week 12 Parallel-group double-blind, randomized, multi-centre, 12-weeks study in 303 patients with mild to moderate hypertension, randomized to zofenopril 30-60 mg o.d. (n = 151) or amlodipine 5-10 mg o.d. (n = 152). Farsang C.; Blood Press. 2007; 16 (Suppl. 2): 19-24
  • 38. Zofenopril vs. amlodipine BP control at 12 weeks 65 62.2% 61.4% 60 55 P = NS 50 Patients (%) 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 (n = 303) Amlodipine 5-10 mg Zofenopril 30-60 mg Parallel-group double-blind, randomized, multi-centre, 12-weeks study in 303 patients with mild to moderate hypertension, randomized to zofenopril 30-60 mg o.d. (n = 151) or amlodipine 5-10 mg o.d. (n = 152). Farsang C.; Blood Press. 2007; 16 (Suppl. 2): 19-24
  • 39. Efectos adversos y seguridad
  • 40. Safety: Zofenopril vs. enalapril Adverse events Enalapril 20-40 mg/day Zofenopril 30-60 mg/day (n = 303) Review of the efficacy and tolerability of zofenopril in the treatment of essential hypertension that evaluated the results of four studies (overall n = 1130) in which zofenopril was administered at doses of 7.5-60 mg/day (dose-finding study) or 30-60 mg/day (comparative study) and was compared with atenolol 50-100 mg/day, amlodipine 5-10 mg/day and enalapril 20-40 mg/day. Borghi C. et al.; Clin Drug Invest. 2000; 20 (5): 371-384
  • 41. Safety: Zofenopril vs. enalapril Incidence and severity of adverse events Incidence of adverse events (%) 20 18.45 Enalapril (n = 168) Zofenopril (n = 155) 15 11.61 (n = 323) p = 0.008 for moderate AEs 10 8.39 7.74 5 2.98 0.65 0 Mild Moderate Severe Severity of adverse events Comparative parallel-group, double-blind, randomized, multicentre study on 308 patients with mild to moderate hypertension. Patients were treated with zofenopril 30 mg od (with an up-titration to 60 mg od after 4 weeks in nonresponder patients) or with enalapril 20 mg od (with an up-titration to 40 mg od after 4 weeks in nonresponders) for 12 weeks. Mallion J.M. et al.; Blood Press. 2007; 16 (Suppl. 2): 13-18
  • 42. Safety: Zofenopril vs. amlodipine Most frequent adverse events 20 19 18 16 Number of AE 14 Amlodipine 5-10 mg 12 Zofenopril 30-60 mg 10 8 8 6 5 4 3 2 2 0 0 (n = 303) Headache Cough Oedema Parallel-group double-blind, randomized, multi-centre, 12-weeks study in 303 patients with mild to moderate hypertension, randomized to zofenopril 30-60 mg o.d. (n = 151) or amlodipine 5-10 mg o.d. (n = 152). Farsang C.; Blood Press. 2007; 16 (Suppl. 2): 19-24
  • 44. Overview and future implications of the SMILE project SMILE Pilot Study 204 thrombolyzed patients American Journal of Cardiology 1991 Zofenopril vs standard treatment Safety assessment 1556 non thrombolyzed patients SMILE Study Zofenopril vs placebo New England Journal of Medicine 1995 Am J Cardiol, 1996 6-week mortality and severe CHF Am J Hypertens, 1999 1-year mortality rate SMILE-2 Study 1024 thrombolyzed patients Am Heart J, 2002 Zofenopril vs lisinopril 6-week rate of severe hypotension 6-week safety profile SMILE-3 Ischemia Study 349 thrombolyzed patients normal LVF Zofenopril vs placebo Am Heart J, 2007 6-months ischemic events rate SMILE-4 Study 871 thrombolyzed patients with systolic LV disfunction (EF < 45%) Clin Cardiol 2012 Zofenopril + ASA vs ramipril + ASA 1-year cardiovascular event rate
  • 45. The SMILE Study The effect of the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor zofenopril on mortality and morbidity after anterior myocardial infarction. The Survival of Myocardial Infarction Long-term Evaluation (SMILE) Study. Outlines of the study Study Design: randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled Population: 1556 non thrombolysed patients with acute anterior M.I. Treatment: zofenopril calcium 7.5-30 mg b.i.d. (n = 772) or placebo (n = 784) + conventional therapy Duration of treatment: 6 weeks Follow-up: 1 year Ambrosioni E. et al.; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
  • 46. Objectives of the SMILE study Primary • 6-week combined occurrence of death or severe CHF Secondary • 6-week occurrence of angina • 6-week rate of non-fatal recurrent MI • 6-week incidence of mild-to moderate CHF • 1-year mortality Ambrosioni E. et al.; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
  • 47. The SMILE study Inclusion criteria - Anterior MI (Q- and non-Q wave) - No thrombolytic treatment - Age 18-80 years - Killip class on entry < 3 - Systolic blood pressure > 100 mmHg - No history of CHF - No current treatment with ACE-I Ambrosioni E. et al.; Controlled Clinical Trials 1994; 15: 201-210
  • 48. The SMILE study Baseline patient characteristics PLACEBO ZOFENOPRIL CHARACTERISTICS (n = 784) (n = 772) Mean age (yr) 64.3 63.9 Age > 70 yrs (%) 31 29 Sex ratio M/F (%) 73/27 72/28 Clinical history (%) Hypertension 40 39 Diabetes 21 20 Previous MI 13 13 Current smoker 41 41 Angina 33 32 Ambrosioni E. et al.; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
  • 49. The SMILE study Drug titration 1 7.5 mg b.i.d. HYPOTENSION 2 7.5 mg b.i.d. 7.5 mg o.d. HYPOTENSION DISCONTINUATION 15 mg b.i.d. DAYS 3 HYPOTENSION OF TREATMENT 4 15 mg b.i.d. 5 30 mg b.i.d. HYPOTENSION 6 30 mg b.i.d. CHRONIC DOSE 30 mg b.i.d. 15 mg b.i.d. 7.5 mg b.i.d. Ambrosioni E. et al.; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
  • 50. The SMILE study Primary end-point Placebo Zofenopril (n = 784) (n = 772) Mortality or severe CHF Events 83 55 Percentage 10.6% 7.1% Risk reduction (95% CI) 34% (8-54) p = 0.018 Ambrosioni E. et al.; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
  • 51. The SMILE study 6-week occurrence of death and severe CHF 16 14 Risk reduction: Placebo 12 Incidence (%) 10 Zofenopril -34.0% 8 6 4 P = 0.018 2 0 0 7 14 21 28 35 42 Day The SMILE study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 1556 patients with acute anterior myocardial infarctions who were not eligible for thrombolytic therapy. Patients were randomized to received Zofenopril 7.5-30 mg (n = 772) or placebo (n = 784) twice daily. Ambrosioni E. et al.; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
  • 52. The SMILE study 6-week mortality Placebo Zofenopril (n = 784) (n = 772) Mortality Events 65 50 Percentage 8.3% 6.5% Risk reduction (95% CI) 22% (-12/48) p = 0.17 Ambrosioni E. et al.; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
  • 53. The SMILE study 6-week occurrence of severe CHF Placebo Zofenopril (n = 784) (n = 772) Severe CHF Events 34 17 Percentage 4.1% 2.2% Risk reduction (95% CI) 46% (11/71) p = 0.018 Ambrosioni E. et al.; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
  • 54. The SMILE study 6-week occurrence of severe CHF 0.04 Placebo 0.035 Zofenopril Events rate (%) 0.03 Risk reduction = 56% 0.025 2p = 0.032 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0 7 14 21 28 35 42 Time after randomisation (days) Sub-study of the SMILE study on patients with anterior wall AMI, randomized to receive zofenopril 7.5-30 mg (n = 560) or placebo (n = 586) twice daily for a cumulative period of 6 weeks. Borghi C. et al.; Am J Cardiol. 1996; 78: 317-322
  • 55. The SMILE study Early mortality (day 2) -56% p=0.03 Mortality (%) Review of the efficacy and tolerability of zofenopril in the treatment of essential hypertension that evaluated the results of four studies (overall n = 1130) in which zofenopril was administered at doses of 7.5-60 mg/day (dose-finding study) or 30-60 mg/day (comparative study) and was compared with atenolol 50-100 mg/day, amlodipine 5-10 mg/day and enalapril 20-40 mg/day. Borghi C. et al.; Clin Drug Invest. 2000; 20 (5): 371-384
  • 56. The SMILE study 1-year mortality Placebo Zofenopril (n = 784) (n = 772) Mortality Events 111 77 Percentage 14.1% 10.0% Risk reduction (95% CI) 29.0% (6/51) p = 0.011 Ambrosioni E. et al.; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
  • 57. The SMILE study 1-year mortality 16 Placebo Risk reduction: 14 Zofenopril 29.0% p = 0.011 Incidence (%) 12 10 8 6 4 P = 0.018 2 0 0 7 14 21 28 35 42 Day The SMILE study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 1556 patients with acute anterior myocardial infarctions who were not eligible for thrombolytic therapy. Patients were randomized to received Zofenopril 7.5-30 mg (n = 772) or placebo (n = 784) twice daily. Ambrosioni E. et al.; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
  • 58. The SMILE study 1-year mortality in hypertensive patients 1 1 Placebo n = 290 Placebo n = 432 Placebo Zofenopril n = 275 Zofenopril n = 444 Zofenopril 0.95 0.95 Survival rate Survival rate 0.9 0.9 0.85 0.85 RR = 39.3% RR = 23.4% p < 0.05 p < 0.22 0.8 0.8 0 15 30 45 100 160 220 280 360 . 0 15 30 45 100 160 220 280 360 . Time (days) Time (days) History of hypertension No history of hypertension Post-hoc analysis of SMILE study in patients with acute anterior myocardial infarctions who were not eligible for thrombolytic therapy. The SMILE study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 1556 patients with acute anterior myocardial infarctions who were not eligible for thrombolytic therapy. Patients received zofenopril 7.5-30 mg or placebo twice daily for 6 weeks and mortality rate was calculated at 1 year. Borghi C. et al.; Am J Hypertens. 1999; 12 (7): 665-672
  • 59. The SMILE study Primary endpoint in diabetic patients 30 RR = 53% 25 Death + severe CHF (%) 20 18.3 15 10 8.6 5 0 Placebo Zofenopril (n = 164) (n = 139) p = 0.019 Cohort of diabetic patients of the SMILE study. The SMILE study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 1556 patients with acute anterior myocardial infarctions who were not eligible for thrombolytic therapy. 303 diabetic patients were randomized to receive placebo (n = 164) or zofenopril 7.5-30 mg (n = 139) twice daily. Borghi C. et al.; Diabetes Care 2003; 26 (6): 1862-1868
  • 60. The SMILE study 1-year mortality in diabetic and non-diabetic patients 25 p = 0.52 Placebo p = 0.01 Zofenopril 20 16.5 Event rate (%) 15 13.7 13.8 10 9.1 5 0 Diabetes (n.303) No diabetes (n.1209) n = 164 n = 139 n = 602 n = 607 Cohort of diabetic patients of the SMILE study. The SMILE study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 1556 patients with acute anterior myocardial infarctions who were not eligible for thrombolytic therapy. 303 diabetic patients were randomized to receive placebo (n = 164) or zofenopril 7.5-30 mg (n = 139) twice daily. Borghi C. et al.; Diabetes Care 2003; 26 (6): 1862-1868
  • 61. The SMILE study 1-year mortality in patients with and without the metabolic syndrome MS+ MS- RRR -29% RRR -19% (95% CI: 4-51) (95% CI: 6-34) 20 2p = 0.048 2p = 0.025 18 16 Event rate (%) 14 12 10 MS = Metabolic Syndrome 8 6 4 2 0 Placebo Zofenopril Placebo Zofenopril (n = 324) (n = 362) (n = 375) (n = 357) Post-hoc analysis of the SMILE study stratifing patients by presence or absence of the metabolic syndrome. 1418 were randomized to receive zofenopril 7.5-60 mg (n = 719) or placebo (n = 699) twice daily for 6 weeks. Borghi C. et al.; Vascular Health Risk Manag. 2008; 4 (3): 665-671
  • 62. The SMILE study Primary endpoint in patients with previous MI - 80% p = 0.0006 25 Death and severe CHF (%) 19.6 20 15 10 5 4 0 Placebo Zofenopril Sub-group of the SMILE study on elderly patients. The SMILE study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 1556 patients with acute anterior myocardial infarctions who were not eligible for thrombolytic therapy. Patients received zofenopril 7.5-30 mg or placebo twice daily for 6 weeks. Borghi C et al.; “Efficacy of myocardial infarction therapy”;. Dekker Inc.; 1999
  • 63. The SMILE study Primary endpoint in patients with angina -55% p = 0.003 Sub-group of the SMILE study on elderly patients. The SMILE study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 1556 patients with acute anterior myocardial infarctions who were not eligible for thrombolytic therapy. Patients received zofenopril 7.5-30 mg or placebo twice daily for 6 weeks. Borghi C et al.; “Efficacy of myocardial infarction therapy”;. Dekker Inc.; 1999
  • 64. The SMILE study 1-year mortality by the Q-wave Q-wave MI Non-Q-wave MI Placebo 20 20 Zofenopril 15 15 Mortality rate (%) Mortality rate (%) N = 519 N = 107 10 10 N = 512 N = 99 5 5 Risk reduction: 39.5% Risk reduction: -1.0% p = 0.003 p = 0.99 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Time after randomisation (months) Time after randomisation (months) Sub-group of the SMILE study on elderly patients. The SMILE study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 1556 patients with acute anterior myocardial infarctions who were not eligible for thrombolytic therapy. Patients received zofenopril 7.5-30 mg or placebo twice daily for 6 weeks. Borghi C et al.; “Efficacy of myocardial infarction therapy”;. Dekker Inc.; 1999
  • 65. The SMILE study Conclusiones The SMILE Study demostro que la administracion temprana de zofenopril en pacientes con IAM anterior : • Con 6 semanas de TTO. •Reduce la aparición de end points combinado de muerte de causa cardiovascular e Insuficiencia cardíaca grave Reduce la progresión a ICC grave Reduce la mortalidad a 1 año • Se asocia con una excelente tolerancia y bajo indice de complicaciones. Ambrosioni E. et al.; N Engl J Med.1995; 332 (2): 80-85; Borghi C. et al.; Am J Cardiol. 1996; 78: 317-322; Borghi C. et al.; “Efficacy of myocardial infarction therapy”.; Dekker Inc.; 1999; Borghi C. et al.; Am J Hypertens. 1999; 12 (7): 665-672.
  • 66. The SMILE 2 study “Double-blind comparison between early administration of zofenopril and lisinopril in patients with acute myocardial infarction: results of the Survival of Myocardial Infarction Long-term Evaluation 2 (SMILE-2) Study. Outlines of the study Study design: Randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled Population: 1024 patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing thrombolysis Treatment: Within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms: zofenopril 7.5-30 mg b.i.d. (n = 504) or lisinopril 2.5-10 mg o.d. + placebo (n = 520) Duration of treatment: 6 weeks Borghi C. et al.; Am Heart J. 2003; 145 (1): 80-87
  • 67. The SMILE 2 study Endpoints • Primary • 6 week occurrence of drug-related severe hypotension (SBP < 90 mmHg). • Secondary • 6-week cumulative mortality • incidence of severe CHF • deterioration in renal function • 6-week LV function (EF%) • need for PTCA or CABG • incidence of angina • incidence of reinfarction Borghi C. et al. Am Heart J. 2003; 145 (1): 80-87
  • 68. The SMILE 2 study 6-week incidence of drug-related severe hypotension p = 0.048 % (n = 520) (n = 504) SMILE-2 study. Phase III, double-blind, parallel-group, multicenter study conducted in 1024 thrombolyzed patients with acute myocardial infarction. Patients were randomized to receive zofenopril 30-60 mg/day (n = 504) or lisinopril 5-10 mg/day (n = 520) for 6 weeks. Borghi C. et al. Am Heart J. 2003; 145 (1): 80-87
  • 69. The SMILE 2 study Early incidence of drug-related hypotension p = 0.017 p = 0.031 % Lisinopril Zofenopril Lisinopril Zofenopril (n = 520) (n = 504) (n = 520) (n =504) 0-48 hours After 5 days of treatment SMILE-2 study. Phase III, double-blind, parallel-group, multicenter study conducted in 1024 thrombolyzed patients with acute myocardial infarction. Patients were randomized to receive zofenopril 30-60 mg/day (n = 504) or lisinopril 5-10 mg/day (n = 520) for 6 weeks. Borghi C. et al.; Am Heart J. 2003; 145 (1): 80-87
  • 70. The SMILE 2 study Secondary endpoints Lisinopril Zofenopril Parameter (n = 520) (n = 504) p Death (%) 4.0 3.2 NS Severe heart failure (Killip classification) day 1 to 7 (%) 0.6 0.8 NS Severe heart failure (NYHA classification) 3.5 4.2 NS at the end of treatment period (%) Acute revascularisation (%) 3.3 3.4 NS Mean LVEF (%) 52.0 51.9 NS Myocardial reinfarction (%) 3.8 4.2 NS Renal function deterioration (%) 2.7 2.6 NS Angina pectoris (%) 20.6 20.6 NS NYHA, New York Heart Association; LVEF, Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction, NS, Not Significant. Borghi C. et al. Am Heart J. 2003; 145 (1): 80-87
  • 71. The SMILE 2 study Conclusions • Zofenopril es bien tolerado cuando se inicia dentro de 24 horas de inicio de los síntomas • El tratamiento con zofenopril se asocia con una disminución ligera pero estadísticamente significativo en la incidencia de grave hipotensión relacionada con drogas en comparación con lisinopril, particularmente durante la fase aguda tras la hospitalización • Borghi C. et al. Am Heart J. 2003; 145 (1): 80-87
  • 72. The SMILE-ISCHEMIA study Outlines of the study Study design: Multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Population: 349 AMI patients with preserved LV function (LVEF > 40%) Treatment: zofenopril calcium 7.5 - 30 mg b.i.d. (n = 177) or placebo (n = 172) + standard therapy Duration of treatment: 6 months Borghi C. et al.; Am Heart J. 2007; 153: 445.e7-445.e14
  • 73. The SMILE-ISCHEMIA study Endpoints • Primary: Global ischemic burden • Combined 6-month occurence of: • onset of ST-T abnormalities at 24-hour ambulatory ECG monitoring • onset of ECG abnormalities or angina symptoms at treadmill test • onset of angina symptoms at treadmill test • recurrent MI • need for revascularisation because of angina Secondary • Capacity of zofenopril to reduce the occurrence of any single event of the primary endpoint or any other major CV event, including death Borghi C. et al.; Am Heart J. 2007; 153: 445.e7-445.e14
  • 74. The SMILE-ISCHEMIA study Primary endpoint – global ischemic burden p = 0.001 35.9 20.3 % SMILE-ISCHEMIA study. Randomized, double-blind, multicenter, placebo-controlled study conducted in 349 post-myocardial infarction patients with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction treated for 6 months with zofenopril 30 to 60 mg (n = 177) or placebo (n = 172). Borghi C. et al.; Am Heart J. 2007; 153: 445.e7-445.e14
  • 75. The SMILE-ISCHEMIA study Single components of the primary endpoint 30 Placebo p = 0.017 Zofenopril 25 p = 0.027 20 % of patients p = 0.024 p = 0.048 15 10 5 0 ST depression ST depression in Angina in Re-infarction CABG/PTCA ambulatory ECG response to TT response to TT SMILE-ISCHEMIA study. Randomized, double-blind, multicenter, placebo-controlled study conducted in 349 post-myocardial infarction patients with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction treated for 6 months with zofenopril 30 to 60 mg (n = 177) or placebo (n = 172). Borghi C. et al.; Am Heart J. 2007; 153: 445.e7-445.e14
  • 76. The SMILE-ISCHEMIA study Major cardiovascular events at 6 months -64,6% p = 0.001 % incidence SMILE-ISCHEMIA study. Randomized, double-blind, multicenter, placebo-controlled study conducted in 349 post-myocardial infarction patients with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction treated for 6 months with zofenopril 30 to 60 mg (n = 177) or placebo (n = 172). Borghi C. et al.; Am Heart J. 2007; 153: 445.e7-445.e14
  • 77. The SMILE-ISCHEMIA study Conclusions Los resultados del estudio SMILE-isquemia extienden el uso de Zofenopril en términos de cardioprotección y prevención de eventos coronarios desde el inicio hasta la fase tardía del infarto de miocardio. De acuerdo a estos resultados, zofenopril puede ser recomendado como un tratamiento de prevención secundaria en pacientes con infarto de miocardio con enfermedad arterial Borghi C. et al.; Am Heart J. 2007; 153: 445.e7-445.e14
  • 78. The SMILE 4 study “Comparison between zofenopril and ramipril in combination with acetyl salicylic acid in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction after acute myocardial infarction: results of a randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, multicenter, European study (SMILE 4)”. Outlines of the study Study design: Phase IIIb, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, multicentre Population: 771 post-MI LVD patients with clinical sign of heart failure or a left ventricular ejection fraction or LVEF < 45% Treatment: zofenopril 60 mg/day (n = 389) + ASA 100 mg/day or ramipril 10 mg/day (n = 382) + ASA 100 mg/day Duration of treatment: 12 months Borghi C. et al.; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423
  • 79. The SMILE 4 study Primary endpoint The 1-year combined occurrence of: • cardiovascular mortality • hospitalization for CV causes Borghi C. et al.; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423
  • 80. The SMILE 4 study Secondary endpoints • Hospitalization for CV causes • Changes in LVEF • Changes in left ventricular end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes • Changes in plasma NT-proBNP levels • BP changes • Overall incidence of non-CV adverse events • Occurrence of severe hypotension • Deterioration of renal function Borghi C. et al.; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423
  • 81. The SMILE 4 study Significant reduction in the primary outcome at 1 year -30% -36% p = 0.028 p = 0.006 1 1 1 Ramipril 0,9 10 mg/day zofenopril vs. ramipril 0,8 0.7 Zofenopril 0.64 Odds ratio (OR) 0,7 0,6 60 mg/day 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 Primary endpoint Hospitalization for CV causes An RR < 1 means the event is less likely to occur in the experimental group than in the control group SMILE IV study. Double-blind, randomized study in 771 patients with post-myocardial infarction left ventricular dysfunction treated with zofenopril 30-60 mg/day (n = 389) or ramipril 5-10 mg/day (n = 382) in combination with ASA 100 mg/day for 12 months. Borghi C. et al.; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423
  • 82. The SMILE 4 study Significant reduction in the incidence of CV death and hospitalization at 1 year 0.5 A p = 0.044 0.4 Log rank test Cumulative hazard of 1-year combined endpoint 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Time (months) Number at risk Zofenopril 365 317 298 287 281 276 267 262 261 260 258 255 247 Ramipril 361 305 276 269 263 260 247 243 238 236 233 228 215 SMILE IV study. Double-blind, randomized study in 771 patients with post-myocardial infarction left ventricular dysfunction treated with zofenopril 30-60 mg/day (n = 389) or ramipril 5-10 mg/day (n = 382) in combination with ASA 100 mg/day for 12 months. Borghi C. et al.; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423
  • 83. The SMILE 4 study Lower frequency of major CV events requiring hospitalization vs. ramipril at 1 year 35% 33.3 Frequency of major CV events requiring hospitalization (%) 30% 24.1 25% 20% 15% 10% 8.0 9.1 6.3 5.5 6.8 4.6 3.6 4.1 5% 3.4 3 2.0 1.1 0% Congestive heart Acute myocardial Angina pectoris Decline in LVEF Revascularization Other causes All causes failure infarction > 15% Ramipril 10 mg/day (n = 351) Zofenopril 60 mg/day (n = 365) SMILE IV study. Double-blind, randomized study in 771 patients with post-myocardial infarction left ventricular dysfunction treated with zofenopril 30-60 mg/day (n = 389) or ramipril 5-10 mg/day (n = 382) in combination with ASA 100 mg/day for 12 months. Borghi C. et al.; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423
  • 84. The SMILE 4 study Significant reduction in the primary endpoint in patients without previous coronaropathies Patients without Effect of zofenopril vs. ramipril on the risk of CV Patients without previous angina previous MI (n = 577) mortality or hospitalization for CV causes pectoris (n = 450) -0% -5% -10% -15% -20% -25% -30% -35% -40% -45% -39% OR: 0.61 -42% -50% OR: 0.58 p = 0.007 p = 0.008 MI: Myocardial Infarction; OR: Odds Ratio SMILE IV study. Double-blind, randomized study in 771 patients with post-myocardial infarction left ventricular dysfunction treated with zofenopril 30-60 mg/day (n = 389) or ramipril 5-10 mg/day (n = 382) in combination with ASA 100 mg/day for 12 months. Borghi C. et al.; Poster SMILE IV; AHA 2011
  • 85. The SMILE 4 study Significant reduction in the primary endpoint in patients without previous coronaropathies Effect of zofenopril vs. ramipril on the risk of CV Patients without Patients with baseline SBP ≥ Patients with baseline LVEF > 40% (n = 448) Mortality or hospitalization for CV causes hypercholesterolemia (n = 375) 140 mmHg (n = 367) 0% -10% -20% -30% -40% -39% -40% -50% OR: 0.61 OR: 0.6 p = 0.026 -48% p = 0.016 OR: 0.52 -60% p = 0.003 SBP: Systolic Blood Pressure; LVEF: Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction, OR: Odds Ratio SMILE IV study. Double-blind, randomized study in 771 patients with post-myocardial infarction left ventricular dysfunction treated with zofenopril 30-60 mg/day (n = 389) or ramipril 5-10 mg/day (n = 382) in combination with ASA 100 mg/day for 12 months. Borghi C. et al.; Poster SMILE IV; AHA 2011
  • 86. The SMILE 4 study Significant reduction in the incidence of CV hospitalization at 1 year 0.5 Cumulative hazard of 1-year CV 0.4 p = 0.013 Log rank test hospitalization 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Time (months) Number at risk Zofenopril 365 317 298 287 281 276 267 262 261 260 258 255 247 Ramipril 351 305 276 269 263 260 247 243 238 236 233 228 215 SMILE IV study. Double-blind, randomized study in 771 patients with post-myocardial infarction left ventricular dysfunction treated with zofenopril 30-60 mg/day (n = 389) or ramipril 5-10 mg/day (n = 382) in combination with ASA 100 mg/day for 12 months. Borghi C. et al.; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423
  • 87. The SMILE 4 study Significant reduction in concomitant CV drugs use 30% 26% Patients treated with multiple (≥ 8) 25% p < 0.001 20% CV drugs (%) 15% 12% 10% 5% 0% Ramipril 5-10 mg/day Zofenopril 30-60 mg/day SMILE IV study. Double-blind, randomized study in 771 patients with post-myocardial infarction left ventricular dysfunction treated with zofenopril 30-60 mg/day (n = 389) or ramipril 5-10 mg/day (n = 382) in combination with ASA 100 mg/day for 12 months. Borghi C. et al.; Poster SMILE IV; AHA 2011
  • 88. The SMILE 4 study Safety analysis • No statistically significant differences were observed between treatment groups in the distribution of non-cardiovascular adverse events • Most of events were of a mild or moderate intensity • The most common drug-related adverse events were cough, hypotension, asthenia or vertigo. Borghi C. et al.; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423
  • 89. The SMILE 4 study Conclusiones • En pacientes con fallla de VI asociado a IAM la asociación de Zofenopril + AAS fue mas eficiente que Ramipril + AAS • Zofenopril tiene un impacto mas favorable que el Ramipril en eventos cardiovasculares relacionados al IAM en el seguimiento a 1 año. • Zofenopril y ramipril presentaron la misma incidencia de efectos adversos siendo bien tolerados • Estos resultados tienen mucha importancia para el tratamiento de la falla cardiaca relacionada al IAM en el futuro. (concepto de cardiomioprotección). Borghi C. et al.; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423
  • 90. Preguntas mas frecuentes
  • 91. Es necesaria la aparición de un nuevo IECA? • 1) De acuerdo a los resultados de los estudios presentados, el Zofenopril, es seguro, eficaz, con elevada liposulubilidad, sencilla posología, y elevada distribución miocárdica. • 2) Aparición del concepto de cardiomioprotección, con disminución significativa de la mortalidad (independientemente de la TA) en el IAM con falla del VI

Editor's Notes

  1. Cardiovascular disease has been acknowledged by the World Health Organisation as the leading cause of death all over the world, particularly in patients aged over 60 years. According to the most recent estimates, 7.2 million people worldwide (3.8 million men and 3.4 million women) die each year from coronary artery disease. World Health Organisation: The Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke;
  2. Treating hypertension might have a huge impact on public health: it has been estimated that an SBP reduction of as little as 5 mmHg could cut total mortality by 7%, with even higher benefits when considering mortality due to stroke and CHD. *The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure; 2003.
  3. The antihypertensive treatment goals of the JNC7 and ESH/ESC guidelines are very similar in terms of morbidity/mortality and BP levels. *Mancia G. et al.; 2007 Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. J Hypertens 2007; 25: 1105-1184 **The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure; 2003
  4. The algorithm for treatment initiation suggested by the JNC7 guidelines lifestyle modification as the first approach to therapy. If pharmacological therapy is needed, JNC7 guidelines recommend combination therapy (usually an ACE inhibitor plus a diuretic) as the first-line approach to stage 2 hypertensives. Patients not achieving BP goals should then be treated on the basis of the presence or absence of compelling indications, and the stage of hypertension. If BP goals remain unreached, dose optimisation or additional therapy is required. The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure; 2003
  5. The ESH/ESC guidelines algorithm for choosing the initial treatment regimen recommends starting with monotherapy or combination therapy at low doses. If the chosen treatment is ineffective, the doses should be increased or the drugs modified. Should even these interventions not achieve the desired BP levels, two-three drug combination therapy is needed. Mancia G. et al.; 2007 Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. J Hypertens 2007; 25: 1105-1184.
  6. Mancia G. et al.; 2007 Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. J Hypertens 2007; 25: 1105-1184. The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure; 2003.
  7. The chemical structure of the prodrug (zofenopril) and its active form (zofenoprilat) with the SH group. Zofenopril is adsorbed in the form of the pro-drug and, once in the blood stream undergoes rapid and complete hydrolysis to zofenoprilat, the active metabolite responsible for ACE inhibition. Subissi A et al .; Cardiovasc Drug Rev. 1999; 17: 115-133
  8. Lipophilicity of selected ACE inhibitors: zofenopril and fosinopril are highly lipophilic. Lipophilicity is a very important aspect of ACE inhibitors because it allows them to cross the cell membrane easily and inhibit the angiotensin-converting enzyme. The better adsorption of prodrugs in comparison with their active forms indicates their greater lipophilicity. The more lipophilic compounds also show higher protein binding. Subissi A. et al .; Cardiovasc Drug Rev. 1999; 17: 115-133
  9. When orally administered, zofenopril is 70% bioavailable. Its half-life and extensive distribution in target tissues form the basis for its once-daily dosing. The absence of cytochrome interactions ensure the safety of combining zofenopril with drugs such as warfarin, that are metabolised by such enzymes. The dual excretion pathway assures that there is no appreciable alteration in pharmacokinetic characteristics even in the presence of renal impairment. Sleight; Clinical Expert Report 1999 Zofenopril - Summary of Product Characteristics
  10. The extensive distribution of zofenopril is shown by the time course of zofenoprilat concentrations in plasma, heart and aorta after a single oral administration of [ 14 C]zofenopril (40 mg/kg) in rats. Remarkably, 24 hours after administration, the compound is still present in the target tissues and, plasma. Subissi A. et al .; Cardiovasc Drug Rev. 1999; 17: 115-133.
  11. Metabolic pathway of zofenopril. After administration, zofenopril undergoes a series of transformations by various enzymes, the first being hydrolysis to zofenoprilat. The results are new compounds which can be excreted in urine and feces. Subissi A. et al .; Cardiovasc Drug Rev. 1999; 17: 115-133.
  12. Relationship between the concentration of ACE inhibiting drugs perfused through isolated rat hearts and the inhibition of cardiac ACE. Zofenoprilat and fosinoprilat were the most potent, inhibiting cardiac ACE at lower concentrations than the other ACE inhibitors. Grover G.J. et al .; J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1991; 257: 919-929
  13. Cardiac tissue ACE inhibition by equivalent oral doses of ACE inhibitors: zofenopril has a longer activity in comparison with the other ACE inhibitors. Cushman D.W. et al . ; Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 1989; 28: 115S-131S
  14. A trial involving 96 hypertensive patients and 46 normotensive controls has confirmed the antioxidant effects of Zofenopril, suggested by the in vitro studies. The enrolled patients were treated with Zofenopril 15-30 mg/day or enalapril 20 mg/day (n = 48 in each treatment group). After 12 weeks of treatment, blood samples taken from the treated patients were compared with those obtained from the 46 untreated normotensive controls. LDL oxidisability was measured by means of malondialdehyde (MDA) generation, and isoprostanes were used to evaluate systemic oxidative stress. Hypertension significantly increased baseline LDL oxidisability and systemic oxidative stress. Twelve weeks ’ treatment with Zofenopril (but not enalapril) significantly reduced LDL oxidisability as measured by MDA production. Napoli C. et al .; Am Heart J. 2004; 148 (1): e5.
  15. The cardioprotective effects of 3 different ACE-I (zofenopril, lisinopril and enalapril) were evaluated in rats ’ hearts subjected to 30 minutes of ischemia followed by 120 minutes’ reperfusion. Zofenopril, but neither enalapril nor lisinopril, significantly decreased the percentage of necrotised tissue after the ischemia/reperfusion cycle. TTC (triphenyltetrazolium chloride) was the staining marker used to define necrotised tissue, which did not internalise the compound and were thus TTC negative. Frascarelli S. et al .; J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2004; 43: 294-299.
  16. The beneficial effects of zofenopril after ischemia/reperfusion were confirmed by an experimental model of ischemia-reperfusion on isolated heart. In this model, zofenopril was more active than captopril in restoring adequate cardiac function and contractility, as shown by both left ventricular pressure and dp/dt. Dp/dt indicates the derivate of pressure over: i.e. the change in blood pressure in an infinitesimal period of time. Ferrari R . et al. ; J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 1992; 20: 694-704
  17. Zofenopril has a beneficial protective effect on endothelial function that is partly mediated by its action on nitric oxide (NO). An experimental study using bovine aortic endothelial cells demonstrated that zofenopril stimulates NO release from these cells to a significantly greater extent than both captopril and enalapril. Scribner A.W. et al .; Eur J Pharmacol. 2003; 482: 95-99
  18. The role of the SH-group in the improvement of endothelial dysfunction with ACE inhibitors was evaluated in an experimental model of heart failure in myocardial infarcted rats treated with zofenopril or lisinopril. After 11 weeks of treatment, the aortas were studied as ring preparations for endothelium-dependent and -independent dilatation. At the end of the study, zofenopril, but not lisinopril, additionally potentiated the vasodilator effect of endogenous NO after A23187-induced release from the endothelium (+100%). Buikema H . et al. ; Br J Pharmacol. 2000; 130: 1999-2007
  19. In hypertensive patients, Zofenopril demonstrated not only to own marked antioxidant properties, but also to exert a beneficial effect on the NO pathway, often altered by hypertension. In a study on 96 hypertensive patients treated with Zofenopril 15-30 mg o.d. or enalapril 20 mg o.d., a significant increase in plasma levels of both NOx and ADMA (a competitive inhibitor of endothelial synthase) was observed before initiation of treatment. Both Zofenopril and enalapril significantly reduced NOx and ADMA levels, but Zofenopril ’s effect on these markers was greater than enalapril’s one, in particular for ADMA. The results of this study support the concept that Zofenopril, beyond reducing oxidative stress, improves the NO pathway in essentially hypertensive patients. Napoli C . et al .; Am Heart J. 2004; 148 (1): e5
  20. In the long-term study by Napoli et al., IMT measurements of the right and left common carotid arteries were determined at baseline, and after 1, 3, and 5 years since the beginning of the study. Results, revealed a significantly smaller progression of lesions and vascular remodeling in the zofenopril-treated group compared with the enalapril-treated group. This was witnessed by the significantly lower IMT values in the zofenopril-treated group after 3 and 5 years. Napoli C. et al .; Am Heart J. 2008; 156 (6): 1154.e1-8
  21. The dose-linearity of the antihypertensive effect of Zofenopril was evaluated in a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicentre study in which a total of 211 patients were treated with placebo or Zofenopril 7.5, 15, 30 or 60 mg for six weeks. At the end of the treatment period, mean 24-hour DBP was significantly (p = 0.0018) and dose-dependently reduced by Zofenopril 30 and 60 mg, with a placebo-adjusted DBP-lowering effect of 2 mmHg for every 7.5 mg increase in dose. A dose-dependent effect on response rate was also observed, with DBP normalisation occurring in 5.6% of the placebo-treated patients and respectively 54.3% and 69.4% of those receiving Zofenopril 30 or 60 mg. Malacco E . et al .; Clin Drug Invest. 2002; 22 (1): 9-15
  22. Randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled multicenter trial conducted on 211 patients with mild to moderate hypertension. Patients were randomized to receive zofenopril at the doses od 7.5, 15, 30 and 60 mg or placebo once daily for 6 weeks. Treatment with zofenopril 30 mg induced a clinically and statistically remarkable effect on DBP, lasting throughout the 24-hour period, as shown by the favourable through-to-peak (T/P) ratio of 73%, indicating the achievement of 24-hour BP control. Malacco E. et al .; Am J Hypertens. 1998; 11 (4): D007
  23. In a comparative study in 308 patients with mild to moderate hypertension, the efficacy and safety of zofenopril 30 mg od (with an up-titration to 60 mg od after 4 weeks in non-responder patients, n=152) was compared with enalapril 20 mg od (with an up-titration to 40 mg od after 4 weeks in non-responders, n=156) during 12 weeks of treatment. After start of treatment, supine as well as standing SBP and DBP dropped substantially both in the zofenopril and enalapril groups. The BP reduction compared with the run in visit was 17.5/13.8 mmHg after 2 weeks and 19.8/15.6 mmHg after 4 weeks of treatment in the zofenopril group. In the enalapril group, the corresponding 2 and 4 weeks ’ BP reductions were 14.2/11.4 and 17.0/13.8 mmHg, respectively. The differences at these scheduled visits, i.e. 3.3/2.4 and 2.7/1.8 mmHg, respectively, were significant between the treatments. At the following 8- and 12-week assessments, there were no differences between the zofenopril and enalapril treatments in respect to supine BPs. Mallion J.M. et al. ; Blood Press. 2007; 16 (Suppl. 2): 13-18
  24. The response rate, defined as a DBP below 0 mmHg or DBP reduction &gt;10 mmHg, did not differ between the zofenopril and enalapril treatments at 4 and 12 weeks after initiation of therapy. At the 4-week treatment visit, 64% of patients were classified as responders in the zofenopril group and 59% in the enalapril group. After 12 weeks, the corresponding responder proportions were 71% in the zofenopril and 69% in the enalapril groups. None of these differences was statistically significant. Mallion J.M. et al. ; Blood Press. 2007; 16 (Suppl. 2): 13-18
  25. In a parallel double-blind multicentre study, 375 hypertensive patients were enrolled and treated with either the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) zofenopril 30 mg once daily (titration 60 mg od) or the angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) antagonist losartan 50 mg od (titration 100 mg o.d.) for 12 weeks. Systolic (SBP) and DBP were significantly reduced in both treatment groups to a similar extent at the end of the 12-week study. However, the immediate or early reduction of DBP as well as DBP reduction over the first month was significantly greater with zofenopril (p = 0.01 and p = 0.003, respectively) compared with losartan treatment. Narkiewicz K.; Blood Press. 2007; 16 (Suppl. 2): 7-12
  26. In a parallel double-blind multicentre study, 375 hypertensive patients were enrolled and treated with either the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) zofenopril 30 mg once daily (titration 60 mg od) or the angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) antagonist losartan 50 mg od (titration 100 mg o.d.) for 12 weeks. Furthermore, more subjects with losartan had used a higher dose step (42.1%) compared with zofenopril (33.1%). Narkiewicz K.; Blood Press. 2007; 16 (Suppl. 2): 7-12
  27. In this study, 303 hypertensive patients,were randomized to treatment with zofenopril, 30-60 mg once daily or amlodipine 5-10 mg od. After receiving the lower starting dose, up-titration was optional at 4 weeks to the higher dose if DBP was ≥ 90 mmHg or if its decrease from base line was &lt;10 mmHg. After 4 weeks and appropriate dose up-titration in non-responder patients, DBP and SBP reductions were significant and similar (-10.0 and -9.9 mmHg for DBP, -13.0 and -13.2 mmHg for SBP) in the zofenopril and amlodipine groups, respectively. After 12 weeks of therapy, there were further reductions in blood pressure (BP) by the respective therapies, with no significant differences between the two groups. Farsang C.; Blood Press. 2007; 16 (Suppl. 2): 19-24
  28. In this study, 303 hypertensive patients,were randomized to treatment with zofenopril, 30-60 mg once daily or amlodipine 5-10 mg od. After receiving the lower starting dose, up-titration was optional at 4 weeks to the higher dose if DBP was ≥ 90 mmHg or if its decrease from base line was &lt;10 mmHg. At the end of the study (at week 12), a total of 89 patients (70.1%) receiving zofenopril and 97 patients (76.4%) receiving amlodipine were classified as responders (sitting DBP &lt;90 mmHg, and/or decrease in sitting DBP by at least 10 mmHg from baseline) and 79 (62.2%) and 78 (61.4%) were controlled (sitting DBP &lt;90 mmHg) by the respective treatments (p = ns). Farsang C.; Blood Press. 2007; 16 (Suppl. 2): 19-24
  29. Review of the efficacy and tolerability of zofenopril in the treatment of essential hypertension that evaluated the results of four studies (overall n = 1130) in which zofenopril was administered at doses of 7.5-60 mg/day (dose-finding study) or 30-60 mg/day (comparative study) and was compared with atenolol 50-100 mg/day, amlodipine 5-10 mg/day and enalapril 20-40 mg/day. Compared with enalapril, Zofenopril was associated with a numerically lower overall incidence of adverse events, and a smaller number of patients experiencing cough. Borghi C. et al .; Clin Drug Invest. 2000; 20 (5): 371-384
  30. Comparative parallel-group, double-blind, randomized, multicentre study on 308 patients with mild to moderate hypertension. Patients were treated with zofenopril 30 mg od (with an up-titration to 60 mg od after 4 weeks in nonresponder patients) or with enalapril 20 mg od (with an up-titration to 40 mg od after 4 weeks in nonresponders) for 12 weeks. In this study, a similar number of patients reported adverse events in the two study groups. However, the severity of adverse events were significantly milder with zofenopril compared with enalapril: the overall number of adverse events by severity was: - mild: 18 zofenopril vs . 13 enalapril; - moderate: 13 zofenopril vs . 31 enalapril (p = 0.008); - severe: 1 zofenopril vs. 5 enalapril; - overall: 32 zofenopril vs . 49 enalapril. Mallion J.M. et al .; Blood Press. 2007; 16 (Suppl. 2): 13-18
  31. In this study, 303 hypertensive patients,were randomized to treatment with zofenopril, 30-60 mg once daily or amlodipine 5-10 mg od. After receiving the lower starting dose, up-titration was optional at 4 weeks to the higher dose if DBP was ≥ 90 mmHg or if its decrease from base line was &lt;10 mmHg. In the study vs amlodipine, adverse events (AEs), possibly or probably related to the study drug, were reported by 24 Zofenopril patients (79 events) and by 37 (127 events) amlodipine patients. The most frequent events were headache, oedema and cough. In the Zofenopril and amlodipine groups, there were 10 vs . 15 events of headache (by three and eight subjects, respectively), while 0 and 41 events of oedema were reported by 0 and 19 patients, respectively, in the zofenopril and amlodipine groups. Cough was reported by five patients receiving Zofenopril vs . two receiving amlodipine. There were no serious adverse events during the trial that were causally related to any of the study drugs. Farsang C.; Blood Press. 2007; 16 (Suppl. 2): 19-24
  32. The Survival of Myocardial Infarction Long-term Evaluation (SMILE) project is a large-scale investigational programme aimed at verifying the role of Zofenopril in the treatment of different subsets of patients with acute myocardial infarction. The SMILE project was based on a sequence of clinical trials with different study designs that investigated various clinical endpoints in terms of safety and efficacy.
  33. The SMILE study was a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled study aimed at assessing the efficacy of Zofenopril in a population of over 1500 non-thrombolysed patients with acute anterior myocardial infarction treated within 24 hours of a further the onset of symptoms. Zofenopril was administered at a dose of between 7.5 and 30 mg twice a day, and patients were followed by over 150 coronary care units for an active 6-week follow-up period. The treatment was then suspended and the patients were treated according to the recommended therapy and followed for a further 11 months to assess survival rates one year from the event. Ambrosioni E. et al .; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
  34. The main objective of the SMILE study was to compare the efficacy of six weeks ’ treatment with Zofenopril or placebo in reducing the combined incidence of death and severe cardiac heart failure resistant to treatment with cardiac glycosides, diuretics and vasodilators. The secondary objective of the study was to assess the effect of the drug in reducing, the post-treatment incidence of angina and re-infarction, and limiting the progression of heart failure. The secondary endpoints included long-term (1 year) mortality. Ambrosioni E. et al .; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
  35. The SMILE study involved a population of patients with anterior myocardial infarction not undergoing thrombolytic treatment due to individual contraindications and/or late hospitalisation, aged between 18 and 80 years, and with SBP of more than 100 mmHg. The study excluded subjects with a clinical history of congestive heart failure and those who, when hospitalised, were already on ACE inhibitors. Ambrosioni E. et al .; N Engl J Med 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
  36. Baseline clinical and demographic characteristics were uniformly distributed in the two treatment groups. In particular, the two arms were similar in terms of average age and the number of elderly patients. Furthermore, with regard to gender distribution and the prevalence of major cardiovascular risk factors, there were no significant differences between the two arms of the study. Ambrosioni E. et al .; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
  37. Zofenopril was initially used according to a scheme of increasing doses from the initial dose of 7.5 mg b.i.d. to the target dose of 30 mg b.i.d. Whenever an increase in dose determined the onset of hypotension (SBP &lt; 100 mmHg) the patient was kept at the previously tolerated dose, with the exclusion of those who did not tolerate the minimum dose of 7.5 mg, who were withdrawn from the study. Ambrosioni E. et al .; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
  38. After the six weeks of double-blind treatment established by the SMILE study protocol, the patients taking Zofenopril showed a significant reduction (over 30%) in the combined incidence of death and severe CHF. Ambrosioni E. et al .; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
  39. As shown by the Kaplan-Meier curves, at the end of the 6-week double-blind treatment, the patients on Zofenopril showed a significant reduction of 34% in the combined incidence of death and severe CHF. Ambrosioni E. et al .; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
  40. Mortality was one of the two components of the primary endpoint of the SMILE study. Treatment with Zofenopril led to a reduction in total mortality that reached 22% at the end of 6 weeks of active treatment. Ambrosioni E. et al .; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
  41. The other component of the primary endpoint was the prevalence of severe CHF resistant to combined treatment with digitalis, diuretic and vasodilators. The 6-week prevalence of this complication was significantly reduced by 46% in the Zofenopril group (p = 0.018 vs placebo). Ambrosioni E. et al .; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
  42. The efficacy of Zofenopril in preventing the development of severe heart failure is also evident from the analysis of the Kaplan-Meier incidence curves, showing a 56% reduction in the risk of severe heart failure. Borghi C. et al .; Am J Cardiol. 1996; 78: 317-322
  43. One of the SMILE study ’s most interesting and innovative aspects was the demonstration that the benefit of the use of Zofenopril in patients with acute myocardial infarction was clear within the first 48 hours of randomisation, with a risk reduction of as much as 90% in the first 24 hours. Borghi C. et al .; Clin Drug Invest. 2000; 20 (5): 371-384
  44. The efficacy of treatment with Zofenopril during the SMILE study was not confined to the beneficial effects detected at the end of the 6-week active treatment, but was also maintained in the prolonged observation phase. In patients treated with Zofenopril during the acute phase, a significant reduction of about 30% in long-term mortality after treatment discontinuation was observed, thus showing that the clinical benefit acquired in the acute phase goes beyond the treatment period, probably due to a structural effect at myocardial level. Ambrosioni E. et al .; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
  45. The reduction in mortality during the long-term phase of the SMILE study is clearly shown by the curves expressing the incidence of fatal events after the 6-week acute phase. Ambrosioni E. et al .; N Engl J Med. 1995; 332 (2): 80-85
  46. As underlined by the long-term survival curves, hypertension is a co-variant that influences the therapeutic efficacy of ACE inhibitors in infarcted patients. The survival of patients with AMI and a history of arterial hypertension is clearly than that of subjects without such traits. In terms of treatment efficiency, the use of Zofenopril determined a significant reduction of about 40% in the incidence of events in subjects with a history of hypertension whereas the benefit observed in normotensive subjects was less pronounced. In comparative terms, it is interesting to see that, in patients with a clinical history of hypertension, Zofenopril treatment leads to a post-AMI mortality rate similar to that of normotensive patients, thus cancelling the additional risk due to hypertension. Borghi C. et al .; Am J Hypertens. 1999; 12 (7): 665-672
  47. A sub-analysis evaluated the efficacy of Zofenopril in 303 diabetic patients with non-thrombolysed anterior acute myocardial infarction enrolled in the SMILE study. After six weeks of double-blind treatment Zofenopril significantly reduced the incidence of death and severe congestive heart failure (CHF), with an effect greater than that observed in non-diabetic patients. Borghi C. et al .; Diabetes Care 2003; 26 (6): 1862-1868
  48. After one year, mortality was significantly reduced among the non-diabetic patients (9.1% vs . 13.8%; p = 0.01) whereas the decrease did not reach statistical significance in the diabetic population (13.7% vs . 16.5%; p = 0.52). This lesser effect on 1-year mortality seems to suggest that long-term treatment is probably needed to maintain the benefit of early ACE inhibition in patients with diabetes. Borghi C. et al .; Diabetes Care 2003; 26 (6): 1862-1868
  49. A further analysis evaluated the clinical efficacy of the early administration of zofenopril in a group of patients with and without metabolic syndrome (MS+ and MS–) and anterior myocardial infarction enrolled in the SMILE study. Of the 1418 patients included in this post-hoc analysis, 686 (48.3%) had MS. After 6 weeks of treatment zofenopril significantly reduced the incidence of all-cause death and severe congestive failure (risk reduction: 69%, 95% CI: 7–78; 2p = 0.002) in MS+ patients. This was the case for 1-year mortality, too (29%, 95% CI: 4–41; 2p = 0.048). Zofenopril was effective also in MS− patients but the amount of relative risk reduction was less than in MS+ for both the primary (–11%; 2p = 0.61) and secondary endpoint (–19%; 2p = 0.025). Borghi C. et al .; Vascular Health Risk Manag. 2008; 4 (3): 665-671
  50. Sub-group analysis of the patients with previous myocardial infarction revealed that Zofenopril reduced the incidence of death and severe CHF by 80% in comparison with placebo. Borghi C et al .; “Efficacy of myocardial infarction therapy”;. Dekker Inc.; 1999
  51. Similar results were observed in the patients with a history of angina, in whom there was a 55% reduction in the incidence of death and severe CHF. Borghi C et al .; “Efficacy of myocardial infarction therapy”;. Dekker Inc.; 1999
  52. The clinical efficacy of Zofenopril in AMI is significantly greater in patients with Q-wave myocardial infarction (the majority of those enrolled in the SMILE study), in whom the reduction in the long-term death risk was nearly 40%. This has major implications in clinical terms because of the prevalence of transmural infarction in the general population, and the greater short- and long-term mortality associated with this condition in comparison with non-Q infarction. Borghi C et al .; “Efficacy of myocardial infarction therapy”;. Dekker Inc.; 1999
  53. Ambrosioni E. et al. ; N Engl J Med.1995; 332 (2): 80-85 Borghi C. et al. ; Am J Cardiol. 1996; 78: 317-322. Borghi C. et al .; “Efficacy of myocardial infarction therapy”.; Dekker Inc.; 1999. Borghi C. et al .; Am J Hypertens. 1999; 12 (7): 665-672.
  54. SMILE 2 was a phase III randomised, double-blind, parallel-group study involving patients with acute MI undergoing thrombolytic treatment that was, conducted at 155 centres in Italy, Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, Romania, Russia, and Ukraine. In the SMILE 2 study, 1,024 thrombolysed patients with AMI aged 18-75 years were randomised to receive oral Zofenopril (7.5-30 mg/b.i.d) or lisinopril (2.5-10 mg/o.d.) + placebo, starting within 12 hours of completion of thrombolytic therapy and continuing for 42 days. Borghi C . et al .; Am Heart J. 2003; 145 (1): 80-87
  55. The primary endpoint of the SMILE 2 study was the incidence of cumulative or drug-related severe hypotension (systolic blood pressure &lt; 90 mmHg), either. The secondary endpoints included additional safety and efficacy parameters. Borghi C. et al . Am Heart J. 2003; 145 (1): 80-87
  56. The incidence of drug-related severe hypotension was slightly but significantly lower with Zofenopril than with lisinopril (6.7% vs 9.8%, 2-tailed p = 0.048) This significantly lower incidence of severe drug-related hypotension was observed in the patients completing the study protocol and in those who did not for any reason. Borghi C. et al. Am Heart J. 2003; 145 (1): 80-87
  57. The difference in the incidence of drug-related hypotension between the two groups was confirmed during the early phase (&lt; 48 hours) and after five days of treatment. In both cases, drug-related hypotension was significanlty less common in the patients receiving Zofenopril that in those given lisinopril. Borghi C . et al .; Am Heart J. 2003; 145 (1): 80-87
  58. Analysis of the secondary endpoints did not reveal any significant difference between the two treatment groups in terms of death, myocardial reinfarction, angina pectoris or deterioration of CHF. Borghi C. et al . Am Heart J. 2003; 145 (1): 80-87
  59. Borghi C. et al . Am Heart J. 2003; 145 (1): 80-87
  60. Like SMILE 1, the SMILE-ISCHEMIA study evaluated the efficacy of Zofenopril vs placebo in patients with myocardial infarction, but for a longer period of time: six months instead of six weeks. Overall, the SMILE-ISCHEMIA Study enrolled 349 AMI patients with left ventricular ejection fraction higher than 40%, of whom 177 received Zofenopril 7.5-30 mg b.i.d. and 172 placebo. Borghi C. et al .; Am Heart J. 2007; 153: 445.e7-445.e14
  61. Borghi C. et al .; Am Heart J. 2007; 153: 445.e7-445.e14
  62. The primary end point occurred in 20.3% of zofenopril-treated and 35.9% of placebo-treated patients ( P = 0.001), despite no differences in blood pressure control, LVF, and concomitant therapy. Borghi C. et al .; Am Heart J. 2007; 153: 445.e7-445.e14
  63. In all instances,the occurrence of each single event was less frequent in the zofenopril-treated group. The rate of patients with ischemic events on ECG ambulatory monitoring was significantly greater under placebo when compared with zofenopril (26.3% vs 11.7%; P = 0.008). In particular, ST depression occurred in 22.2% of placebo-treated and 10.7% of zofenopril-treated patients ( P = 0.027). Furthermore, the magnitude of the peak of ST depression and its mean duration were significantly lower in the zofenopril group. In response to the treadmill test, a lesser proportion of zofenopril patients showed ECG ischemic changes (10.6% vs 19.7%; P = 0.018), significant ST depression (9.9% vs 18.4%; P = 0.024), anginal pain (3.3% vs 9.9%; P = 0.017), or significant arrhythmias (2.7% vs 7.2%; P = 0.048). Systolic blood pressure and rate-pressure product at the peak of the exercise were comparable in patients treated with zofenopril and placebo. Borghi C. et al .; Am Heart J. 2007; 153: 445.e7-445.e14
  64. Major cardiovascular events occurred in both study populations, with a lesser 6-month overall rate in patients treated with zofenopril (4.5% vs 12.7%; P = 0.041). In comparison with the previous randomized, controlled studies of ACE-inhibitors in similar cohorts of patients, the results of the SMILE-ISCHEMIA study are impressive. Borghi C. et al .; Am Heart J. 2007; 153: 445.e7-445.e14
  65. Borghi C. et al .; Am Heart J. 2007; 153: 445.e7-445.e14
  66. The SMILE IV study was a phase IIIb, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, multicenter, European study comparing the safety and the efficacy of zofenopril and ramipril in combination with acetyl salicylic acid (ASA). 771 patients, aged 18-85 years, with LVD (clinical signs of heart failure or a left ventricular ejection fraction or LVEF &lt; 45%), following acute myocardial infarction, were randomly assigned to 12-month treatment with zofenopril 60 mg/day (n = 389) or ramipril 10 mg/day (n = 382) in combination with ASA 100 mg/day. Randomization occurred after a 4-day open-label phase in which zofenopril was administered to all patients according to an up-titration scheme. On days 1 and 2, patients received zofenopril 7.5 mg twice-daily plus ASA 100 mg once-daily. On days 3 and 4, zofenopril dose was doubled (15 mg twice-daily) while dose of ASA 100 mg remained unchanged. Borghi C. et al .; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423
  67. The primary objective of the SMILE IV study was the 1-year combined occurrence of cardiovascular mortality or hospitalization for cardiovascular causes (congestive heart failure, AMI, angina or a decline in LVEF &gt; 15%). Borghi C. et al .; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423
  68. Secondary study endpoints of the SMILE IV trial were hospitalization for cardiovascular causes, changes in LVEF, changes in left ventricular end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes, changes in plasma NT-proBNP levels, changes in blood pressure, overall incidence of non-cardiovascular adverse events, occurrence of severe hypotension and deterioration of renal function (decline &gt; 15% of glomerular filtration rate ). Borghi C. et al .; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423
  69. The primary outcome of the study was significantly reduced in patients treated with zofenopril 60 mg/day versus ramipril 10 mg/day, with an OR (Odds Ratio) value of 0.7 (95% CI: 0.51-0.96; p = 0.028), as a result of a decrease in hospitalization for cardiovascular causes (OR 0.64; 95% CI: 0.46-0.88; p = 0.006). Mortality was not significantly different between the two treatments. Borghi C. et al .; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423
  70. During the 12 months of double-blind randomized treatment, cardiovascular death or hospitalization occurred in 128/351 patients in the ramipril group (37%) and in 105/365 patients in the zofenopril group (29%). Data referred to the intent-to-treat population, consisting of 716 patients, 365 treated with zofenopril and 351 treated with ramipril. Borghi C. et al .; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423
  71. In the zofenopril treatment group, the absolute and relative frequency of major cardiovascular events requiring hospitalization, in the intent-to-treat population (n = 716), was lower than that observed in the ramipril treatment group. Borghi C. et al .; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423
  72. The primary endpoint was also significantly reduced in some prespecified subgroups of patients such as patients without previous coronaropathies (acute myocardial infarction or angina pectoris). Borghi C. et al.; Poster SMILE IV; AHA 2011
  73. The reduction of the primary endpoint was also significantly evaluated in patients without hypercolesterolemia, patients with a baseline systolic blood pressure ≥ 140 mmHg and patients with a preserved LVEF (Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction) &gt; 40% at inclusion. The subgroups were defined on the basis of demographic and clinical characteristics at enrolment. Borghi C. et al.; Poster SMILE IV; AHA 2011
  74. During the 12-month trial, the rate of hospital admission for cardiovascular causes was significantly reduced by 35% in patients receiving zofenopril (88/365, 24%) as compared to those receiving ramipril (117/351, 33% ). The difference between treatment groups was statistically significant. Borghi C. et al.; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423
  75. The majority of patients took concomitant cardiovascular drugs during the study (96% of patients receiving zofenopril and 94% receiving ramipril). However, a significantly (p &lt; 0.001) smaller proportion of patients randomized to zofenopril were treated with multiple (8 or more) cardiovascular drugs than patients treated with ramipril (12% with zofenopril vs. 26% with ramipril). Borghi C. et al.; Poster SMILE IV; AHA 2011
  76. Drug safety profile was comparable between zofenopril and ramipril: no statistically significant differences were observed between treatment in the distribution of non-cardiovascular adverse event. Most of the events were of a mild or moderate intensity. The most common drug-related adverse events were cough, hypotension, asthenia or vertigo. Borghi C. et al.; Clin Cardiol. 2012; 35 (7): 416-423