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United Church of Christ in the Philippines

                                      Christian Youth Fellowship

             CELEBRATION GUIDE 2011

                 “The Church in Mission:
                                       called to Repentance and Renewal”
                                                                        September 2011
The Church in Mission:
                                                                                                                                                         e to th e
                                                                                                                                 n ce re st gr at it ud
           called to Repentance                                                                    e to   ex pr es s ou r si
                                                                              W e w ou ld lik                     fo llo w in g:
                        and Renewal                                                                                                                       ac ti vi ti es
                                                                                                                                    th e su gg es te d
                                                                                                    rr og a  fo r pr ov id in g                    d Bi bl e St ud y ,
                                                                             Pa st or Jo y ce La y ou th w ee k ce le br at io n an in sp ir e an d
                                                                                                    ul                                          to
                                                                             fo r a m ea n in gf r im pa rt in g hi s kn ow le dg e                     R ef le ct io n ,
                                                                               Bi sh op Cl ar o fo               ro ug h Bi bl   ic o -T he ol og ic al
                                                                                                   y ou th th                                            m at er ia l,
                                                                              ch al le n ge th e                                   y -o ut of th is
                                                                                                        th e w on de rf ul la el Sa ra n ill o fo r th e re -
                                                                                 El sa Lo pe z fo r ra s an d K uy a A rf                                      ke ep in g
                                                                                        Ja y so n Ca pe                                  un da ti on fo r
    GREETINGS                                                                 K uy a
                                                                                                    th is gu id   e an d IB O N Fo al si tu at io n of th e
         From the Office of General Secretary                  2              pr od uc ti on of rm ed of th e tr ue n at io n
                                                                               th e pe op   le in fo                 co un tr y .
         From the CYF National President                       3                                                                                                 le br a-
                                                                                                                                          ou th W ee k Ce
                                                                                                       ti m e an   d ef fo rt th is Y                iz ed .
                                                                                W it ho ut th ei r id e 20 11 co ul d n ot ha ve re al
    WORSHIP GUIDE FOR YOUTH SUNDAY CELEBRATION                 4                              ti on Gu
                                                                                                                                                    e cr it ic al ti m es
                                                                                                                             is si on in th es                            r
                                                                                                     u e do in g ou r m r th e pe op le in ge n er al , fo
                                                                                Le t us co n ti n                  iv el y , fo
                                                                                                       d co lle ct
    SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES                                       8               in di vi du al ly an th e y ou th in pa rt ic ul ar .
                                                                                                       Pa da y on CY F!
    BIBLE STUDY GUIDE                                          18                                                                     m it te e
                                                                                                                     -C Y F CE N Co m

    BIBLICO-THEOLOGICAL REFLECTION                             20

    NATIONAL SITUATIONER                                       24

                                                                    This is an annual publication of the Christian Youth Fellowship designed to provide re-
                                                                                sources for a meaningful celebration of this year’s Youth Week.
                                                                       For inquiries, comments, suggestions and recommendations, you can contact us thru the following:
                                                                              CYF NEC e-mail address: or thru the following mobile nos.:
                                                                                               +63917-5504667 (Karlo) / +63915-8742543 (Elsa)

                                                                                                   CYF National Executive Committee 2010-2014
                                                                              President: LEANDRO KARLO B. SUAREZ| Secretary: ELSA Q. LOPEZ| Treasurer: CHING T. NANTES|
                                                                             Auditor: KARLA PSALMS C. MAGNO| Program Committee Chairpersons: JOPHET T. DOMINGO(CEN)|
                                                                                 SHEM C. QUEZON (CWS)| SHADEE LOVE ROSE A. TOMAS (CSRD)| LEMUEL G. PETRONIO (ERC)
                                                                                Vice Presidents: GLORY ANNE S. LIKIYAN(NLJ)| DAGAMI A. PADILLO (MLJ)| ESTHER R. LAPUZ (SLJ)|
                                                                       YVES ADRIAN N. SYLVA (WVJ)| ELLEN E. YTANG (EVJ)| FELMA M. LUCEÑO(NWMJ)| JOVENCIO D. SALAO, JR. (SEMJur)
                                                                                           UCCP General Secretary: BISHOP REUEL NORMAN O. MARIGZA

1    The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal                                           The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal                    30
Notes:                                                                       United Church of Christ in the Philippines
                                                                                   1667 Dr. Antonio Vasquez St., Malate 1004 Manila, Philippines
                                                                                   P.O Box 718, Manila Central Post Office, 1099 Ermita, Manila
____________________________________________________                               Telephone : (632) 536-8005 • 536-7110 •536-7310 Fax     : (632) 536-8114
                                                                                   E-mail   :           Website :
____________________________________________________                  GREETINGS FROM THE OFFICE OF GENERAL SECRETARY

                                                                July 11, 2011
                                                                The Members and Officers
____________________________________________________            Christian Youth Fellowship
                                                                United Church of Christ in the Philippines
____________________________________________________            Dear friends,

____________________________________________________            With the National Secretariat, I send you very special greetings on the occasion of the 2011
                                                                Youth Week Celebration.
                                                                “The Church in Mission: Called to Repentance and Renewal” is appropriate not only for the
____________________________________________________            UCCP youth, but for the entire UCCP as well. And I dare say, very apt also for our country
____________________________________________________            within the present societal conditions.

____________________________________________________            It is my sincere wish and prayer that all the youth of UCCP will feel called to sincerely re-
                                                                spond to the challenge of our Youth Week Theme.
                                                                And let me close with the challenge to each one of us, to truly repent and be renewed, even
____________________________________________________            as we meet the demands of our faith with the Lord of life and of our beginnings, Jesus who
____________________________________________________            is our inspiration.

____________________________________________________            Very sincerely ,

____________________________________________________            BISHOP REUEL NORMAN O. MARIGZA
                                                                General Secretary

 29   The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal                                   The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal        2
United Church of Christ in the Philippines                             cash given out, and is paying US$5 for every US$4 in foreign loans taken out.
                                                                                                    These CCTs are unsustainable, expensive and relief without reform.
                Christian Youth Fellowship                                                          Land reform is not a priority and landlessness remains widespread. The
                    Shalom Center Compound, 1667 Vasquez St., Malate, Manila, Philippines
                        E-mail Address: /           Aquino administration has relegated land reform to an Asset Reform sub-section
                                                                                                    in the Social Development chapter of its PDP 2011-2016, aside from continues
                                                                                                    with CARPer which merely extends the failed Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
July 19, 2011                                                                                       Program (CARP).

                                                                                                    Landowners continue to evade land distribution so having their own land to till
                                                                                                    remains elusive for farmers and farmworkers of various haciendas nationwide includ-
My fellow servants in Christ,                                                                       ing those in Bulacan, Tarlac, Batangas, Laguna, Bicol and Negros. Pres. Aquino mean-
                                                                                                    while remains silent over the Hacienda Luisita controversy while the Supreme
                                                                                                    Court has repeatedly postponed deciding over the affirmation of the PARC's revo-
Greetings of Peace from our Lord Jesus Christ!                                                      cation of the stock distribution option and over its constitutionality.

It is my joy and honor to bring to my fellow young people our                                       Meanwhile agricultural lands remain up for grabs in land deals with businesses and
greetings on behalf of the National Executive Committee of the                                      foreign companies, threatening local food security and undermining peasants' centu-
CYF in our celebration of the Youth Sunday. Guided by our theme; “The Church in Mission:            ries-old struggle for land. For instance, six million hectares of `idle lands' have been
                                                                                                    allocated for the production of sugarcane, coconut, cassava, jatropha, oil palm and
Called to Repentance and Renewal”, as youth of the Church and of the wider society, we live
                                                                                                    other cash crops and two million hectares for agribusiness development. At the same
out the call of God in these critical times of our lives. We must act together and be vigilant in
                                                                                                    time, corruption and anomalies in the National Food Authority (NFA) are being hyped
working and carrying-out the mission of God.                                                        to justify its privatization – portending a hike in rice prices.
Today, as we celebrate our youthful days of our church-life, I hope that this Youth Week            The Aquino administration is failing to consider the people's long-term well-being –
Celebration Guide will be useful to us as we also reflect on the lessons of our shared journey.     in terms of jobs, higher incomes, land distribution, progressive taxes, delivery of effi-
                                                                                                    cient and accessible services, and sovereign trade and investment policy. Like its
My prayers and best wishes to all local churches in your continuing journey for the                 predecessors, it has resorted to giving a positive spin to any and all economic indica-
welfare of the Youth of today and tomorrow’s leaders!                                               tors while avoiding taking doable and lasting measures to actually improve the lives of
                                                                                                    the people. It recently claimed that economic growth features a stronger manufactur-
May God bless us all!                                                                               ing sector and rebounding agriculture. Yet there has not been any policy move to re-
                                                                                                    verse the steady decline in manufacturing and agriculture over the last four decades.

                                                                                                    The administration persists in refusing to depart from the `free market' dictates of
For the CYF,
                                                                                                    globalization to boost local agriculture and build domestic industries. It is most of all
                                                                                                    about aggressively pushing corporate interests, especially by big foreign investors,
                                                                                                    over the economy's or the people's development needs. These discredited policies
                                                                                                    will only aggravate the people's situation.
National President, Christian Youth Fellowship                                                      The government needs to be one that does not place elite or bureaucratic self-
                                                                                                    interest over that of the people. The remaining five years of the administration
                                                                                                    should not be more of the same if the country is to find solutions to its decades-
                                                                                                    old travails. IBON Features, IBON Foundation, Inc. is an independent development institution estab-
                                                                                                    lished in 1978 that provides research, education, publications, information work and advocacy
                                                                                                    support on socioeconomic issues

   3      The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal                                                                    The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal        28
Most alarmingly, the economic policies adopted are the same ones that have
caused low growth, joblessness, falling incomes and increasing poverty. The
                                                                                               Worship Guide for Youth Sunday Celebration
administration's economic thrust as contained in its Philippine Development Plan
(PDP) 2011-2016 is essentially the same as that of the previous Arroyo admini-              Praise Songs                                    Youth Leaders
stration: stick to the globalization policies implemented over the last decades –
but deepen and broaden privatization through public-private partnership                      Song of Preparation                  As We Gather
programs (PPPs) – and selectively implement social protection programs es-                                 C Em             Dm7         G
pecially conditional cash transfers (CCTs).                                                          As we gather may Your Spirit work within us
                                                                                                                     C Em             F       G
The administration's centerpiece PPP program makes clear its bias for big                                      As we gather may we glorify Your name
profit-seeking players and foreign investors over building a domestic economy that                               F     G           C      Em     Am
provides for its constituents' needs. The program plays up the role of profit-seeking                     Knowing well that as our hearts begin to worship
private and foreign parties in infrastructure building and providing public goods and                               Dm7       G           C Em Am
services. Instead of putting an end to the ills of privatization and other `free market'                            We'll be blessed because we came
measures, the Aquino government is further opening up the economy for big busi-                                           Dm7      G            C
nesses and profits at the expense of the people. More expensive public facilities will                              We'll be blessed because we came
aggravate Filipinos' already serious problem with making ends meet. There are 12 pri-
ority rail, road and airport projects lined up this year worth Php157 billion although it   Litany of Hope
is still unclear how much of these have already been successfully bid out, much less                Youth Leader:
started.                                                                                                                       I arise today
                                                                                                                     Through the strength of heaven;
The Aquino administration also clearly seeks to build on previous globalization policies                                     Light of the sun,
and extend these to as many areas of the economy as possible. The leadership of the                                          Splendor of fire,
Senate and the House of Representatives have already expressed their willingness to                                        Speed of lightning,
push for charter change particularly towards opening up the economy to greater for-                                      Swiftness of the wind,
eign investment. The government has also already launched a national campaign to                                            Depth of the sea,
promote free trade agreements (FTAs) as well as declared its intent to enter into a                                       Stability of the earth,
second FTA this time with the European Union (EU). All these indicate how the                                             Firmness of the rock.
Aquino administration is relying mainly on foreign investments and foreign mar-                    People:
kets for economic development, rather than the painstaking but more sustainable                                                I arise today
and equitable approach of focusing on the domestic economy.                                                         Through God's strength to pilot me;
                                                                                                                        God's might to uphold me,
Cash dole-outs are being used as a temporary smokescreen for further globalization.                                     God's wisdom to guide me,
The administration has greatly expanded the conditional cash transfer (CCT) program                                    God's eye to look before me,
initiated by the Arroyo government with a Php22 billion budget just for 2011 – even                                       God's ear to hear me,
borrowing US$805 million from the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank (ADB)                                      God's word to speak for me,
for this. This multi-billion peso expansion was done without benefit of a comprehen-                                     God's hand to guard me,
sive assessment of previous CCT implementation especially regarding distribution and                                    God's shield to protect me,
effectiveness.                                                                                                            God's hosts to save me

This debt-driven and unsustainable social protection program provides temporary re-                Youth Leader:
lief but cannot replace the long-term benefit of stable jobs and decent incomes. The                                          I arise today
         targeted 4.3 million beneficiaries are few compared to the some 65 million                             Through God's strength to pilot me;
          poor Filipinos. Meanwhile the government is paying Php1 for every PhP4 in                                 From snares of the devil,
                                                                                                                   From temptations of vices,
  27    The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal                                                       The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal   4
From every one who desires me ill,                                Debt service and the public debt stock have continued to rise. It paid Php634
                              Afar and anear,                                          billion in debt service between July 2010 and April 2011 which is Php8 billion
                          Alone or in a mulitude.                                      more than in the equivalent previous period under the Arroyo administration.
                                                                                       These payments over its first ten months also already exceed payments for the
       People:                                                                         whole year of 2007, 2008 and 2009 respectively (and of the first two years com-
            Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,                        bined of the Arroyo administration). Yet the national government debt stock has
             Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me,                         continued to rise from Php4,582 billion in end-June 2010 to Php4,706 billion in
                    Christ on my right, Christ on my left,                             March 2011.
               Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down,                         Fiscal problems persist. The small Php61 million fiscal surplus reported for the
             Christ in the heart of every one who thinks of me,                        first four months of 2011 was also primarily due to a Php60.5 billion or 11.6% cutback
               Christ in the mouth of every one who speaks of me,                      in government spending in this period compared to the year before rather than any
                          Christ in the eye that sees me,                              significant increase in revenue collection. The Aquino administration actually contin-
                          Christ in the ear that hears me.                             ues the distorted fiscal priorities of the Arroyo administration. It keeps relying on the
                                        Amen                                           regressive 12% value-added tax while refusing to increase taxes on the rich, to roll
                                                                                       back revenue-losing trade liberalization, to lessen fiscal incentives for foreign inves-
 Opening Song                Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing                        tors, and to cut back on military spending (up by Php4.2B at Php77.5B) and huge debt
                                                                                       service (up by Php80.4B to Php823.3B).
        A      D          A                       D      G D A7         D
       Come Thou Fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;             The government itself also does not even appear to believe that its "Kung walang
       A       Bm        Em        Bm      Em F#m A7         D                         korap, walang mahirap" anti-corruption drive will significantly increase revenues. For
       Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise.              instance, the 2011 revenue program submitted with the budget last year did not pro-
       A      D    G    D                       A      D F#m G       D                 ject significantly higher revenues this year (though it remains to be seen if this will be
       Teach me some melodious sonnet, Sung by flaming tongues above;                  different in the 2012 budget). A year into its term, the government does not yet ap-
       A       Bm           Em                    D      G D A7 D                      pear to have successfully prosecuted even one big-time culprit of the phenomenon
       Praise the mount! I'm fixed upon it, Mount of Thy redeeming love.               which it blames so much of the country's economic woes on. Similarly, big corpora-
                                                                                       tions like Shell and Chevron which have supposedly not been paying Malampaya taxes
       Oh, to grace how great a debtor,Daily I'm constrained to be!                    properly are not being confronted.
       Let Thy good ness, like a fetter,Bind my wand'ring heart to Thee.
       Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,Prone to leave the God I love;                 The Aquino administration is cutting back on social services. The administration's
       Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it,Seal it for Thy courts above.           first budget, for 2011, still gives more priority to debt service than to social services.
                                                                                       The budget for total debt service, interest and principal, increased by Php80 billion to
Opening Prayer                                            Assigned Youth Leader        Php823 billion – while the education budget increased by just Php31 billion (to Php272
                                                                                       billion) and housing by Php273 million (to Php5.7 billion), with the health budget even
Call to Repentance              (Psalm 51:10-13)        Assigned Youth Leader          reduced by Php1.4 billion (to Php39 billion).
    Create in us a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within us.
    Do not cast us away from Your presence, And do not take Your Holy Spirit           The budget for state universities and colleges was cut by Php364 million, for 67 public
    from us. Restore to us the joy of Your salvation, and uphold each and eve-         hospitals nationwide used mainly by the poor by Php368 million, for five specialty hos-
    ryone of us by Your generous Spirit.                                               pitals by Php971 million, and for subsidies to indigent patients by Php20 million. As it
                                                                                       is, the average cost of confinement in a public hospital is already equivalent to 60
Act of Repentance           Throwing and Keeping        Assigned Youth Leader          days worth of daily wages and in a private hospital 87 days. Housing services mean-
    Note:    Upon Arriving in the Entrance Door where the Liturgies are please Get     while remain poor even as public-private partnership (PPP) projects have displaced
        one Green Cartolina cut in Leaf form and one White Cartolina Cut in Any        tens of thousands of Filipinos – such as in the North and East Triangle for the
        form. In the Green leaf you will write your aspiration and promise to uphold   Php22-billion Quezon City Business District.

  5     The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal                                                    The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal   26
that the first three quarters of the Aquino administration has seen progressively          Goodness, The integrity of human being and Creations. You will paste the
slower growth year-on-year – from 8.9% in the second quarter of 2010, 7.3% in              green leaf to make a Tree that is Full of Life. In the White Cut-outs of differ-
the third quarter, and 6.1% in the fourth quarter, followed by the 4.9% in the             ent forms, you will write the things that you gave done bad for this world, the
first quarter of this year.                                                                promise that you have broken and all the bad things that is happening in our
                                                                                           world, and put this in a jar and burn it.
According to the national income accounts, compensation of overseas Filipino
workers has been stagnant (measured at current prices) or even declining (by               Assurance of God’s Blessings                               Church Minster
3.9%, measured at constant prices). The compensation inflow item net under
net factor income from abroad – now called net primary income – refers to total            Greetings Community Concerns                               Church Minster
earnings of overseas Filipino workers and not, as is commonly misunderstood, to
their remittances.                                                                          Fellowship Song                            My Peace I Give Unto You

The government attributed the economic slowdown to short-term factors such as pub-                                                C    Am7       F G
lic underspending, weaker global trade and the absence of election-related stimulus                                            My peace I give unto you
rather than basic internal economic weaknesses.                                                                                 C         Am7         F G2
                                                                                                                      It's a peace that the world cannot give
The country's jobs crisis continues with no meaningful improvement in the em-                                                F        Dm7         Em Am Am7
ployment situation. The government officially reports the unemployment rate falling                             It's the peace that the world cannot understand
to 7.2% in April 2011 from 8.0% in the same period last year – although IBON estimates                                         Dm7     G Em7         Am
that the real number of unemployed is higher at some 4.5 million. There are also indi-                                      Peace to know, peace to live
cations that the quality of jobs remains poor. The underemployment rate rose to                                                    Dm7 G          F C
19.4% in April 2011 from 17.8% the year before which implies a very large 827,000 in-                                          My peace I give unto you
crease in the number of Filipinos not earning enough from their jobs and seeking addi-
tional work (now standing at 7.1 million).                                                                                 My joy ...        My love ...

Being educated is also apparently no longer enough and two out of five jobless Filipi-     Church At Prayer
nos have college degrees or at least reached college level. But even as it is, from 2006                 Prayer for the Youth
-2009, poor economic conditions of families mean that only 14 out of every 100 chil-                     Prayer of the Elders
dren get to go to college.                                                                               Pastoral Prayer

There are still 16.5 million Filipinos in poor quality work – unpaid family workers (4.2    Response                                     The Prayer
million) and own-account or informal sector workers (12.3 million) – aside from 1.9                           I pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go,
million working as generally poorly paid household helpers. Joblessness also continues                        and help us to be wise in times when we don't know.
to force more and more Filipinos to work abroad and some 4,080 Filipinos left the
country every day for most of 2010, up from 3,850 leaving per day in 2009.                                       Let this be our prayer when we lose our way:
                                                                                                                 Lead us to a place, Guide us with Your grace
Wages remain pegged at meager amounts. This makes it consistently difficult for                                         To a place where we’ll be safe.
Filipinos to cope not only with rising food and oil prices and increasing utility rates    Scripture Reading
but also with more expensive education, health and housing. The mandated minimum           Message as Sung by the Youth
wage of Php426 upon the mere Php22 wage increase last May is still far from the some       Message as Spoken                                   Youth Representative
Php1,000 needed for a family of six in NCR to cover its basic expenses. The real wage
under the Aquino administration so far is even less than the most that was granted         Call to Offering
         under the previous Arroyo administration in February 2002.                        Offertory                                    Youth Liturgical Dance

  25    The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal                                                         The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal   6
Thanksgiving Prayer                                        Youth Leader

 Closing Song          Now in the days of Youth
                         Author: Walter J. Mathams                           THE PHILIPPINE ECONOMY:
                                                                             AFTER THE FIRST YEAR
        Now in the days of youth, When life flows fresh and free,
        Thou Lord of all our hearts and lives, We give ourselves to Thee;     OF THE AQUINO ADMINISTRATION
        Our fervent gift receive, And fit us to fulfill,
        Through all our days, in all our ways, Our heavenly Father’s will.   "From a President who tolerates corruption to
                                                                             a President who is the nation's first and most
        Teach us where’er we live, To act as in Thy sight,                   determined fighter of corruption; From a gov-
        And do what Thou wouldst have us do With radiant delight;            ernment that merely conjures economic
        Not choosing what is great, Nor spurning what is small,              growth statistics that our people know to be
        But taking from Thy hands our tasks To glorify them all.             unreal to a government that prioritizes jobs
                                                                             that empower the people and provide them
        Teach us to love the true, The beautiful and pure,                   with opportunities to rise above poverty." – A Social Contract With the Filipino
        And let us not for one short hour An evil thought endure.            People, Benigno S. Aquino III
        And give us grace to stand Decided, brave, and strong,
                                                                             No one would hold that one year is enough time to resolve social and economic prob-
        The lovers of all holy things, The foes of all things wrong.
                                                                             lems accumulated over many decades, arguably even over centuries. Yet a year is
Closing Prayer                                            Youth Pastor       certainly long enough to set strategic directions for the Philippine economy that are
Benediction                                               Church Minister    firmly biased for the poor majority and, indeed, also long enough to take the first de-
                                                                             termined steps towards these. None of this has taken place in the first year of the
 Response Now in the days of Youth Last Stanza
                                                                             Aquino administration.
        Spirit of Christ, do Thou Our first bright days inspire,
        That we may live the life of love And loftiest desire;               In his inauguration speech a year ago Pres. Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino, III trumpeted
        And be by Thee prepared For larger years to come;                    that, under his wing, the Filipino people can dream again. This raised hopes among
        And for the life ineffable, Within the Father’s home                 many Filipinos aspiring for decent living in a society where a few prosper while the
                                                                             majority remain desperately poor. The Aquino administration however finishes its first
                                                                             year in office with little to show in terms of new socioeconomic policies to distribute
                                                                             land, create long-term jobs, raise incomes, improve social services, develop the rural
                                                                             economy and build domestic industry.

                                                                             The images painting the Philippine economy are familiar and are likely to persist in
                                                                             the remaining five years of this administration absent in real changes in economic
                                                                             policies: demolitions of urban poor communities; unrest in haciendas nationwide;
                                                                             workers pressing for a Php125-across-the-board wage increase; abuses of overseas
                                                                             Filipino workers and their return home to poor jobs prospects; increasing oil and food
                                                                             prices; power, toll and fare rate hikes; rising costs of schooling, health and housing;
                                                                             land-grabbing and mineral plunder; and growing poverty amid rising corporate profits.

                                                                             Economic growth is slowing under the Aquino administration. The government re-
                                                                             ported 4.9% growth in real gross domestic product (GDP) in the first quarter of 2011
                                                                             which was markedly slower than the 8.4% rate in the same period last year.
                                                                             Consecutive quarters are not strictly comparable but it can still be noted
  7     The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal                                         The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal   24
What Else does God want us to affirm in these critical times?                       Christian Youth Fellowship Union Midweek Prayer Meeting
  1. That sinfulness cannot and should not be over and above righteousness.
     (Psalm 50:1-6)                                                               Community Singing / Action Songs / Praise Songs         [Assigned Youth Leaders]
  2. That the owner of all riches and all the cattle‟s in the thousand hills is
     God… for all His people (Psalm 50:10)                                        Song of Preparation                      Seek Ye First
  3. That nothing is impossible with Him. (Luke 1:37)                                 Seek ye first the kingdom of God And His righteousness;
  4. That God has not placed a Moratorium on the Great commission nor abandoned           And all these things shall be added unto you.Hallelu, Hallelujah!
     us. (Mat. 28:20)
  5. Finally, let us not be drawn and be drowned with the clouds of doubt and          Ask, and it shall be given unto you; Seek, and you shall find.
                                                                                          Knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Hallelu, Hallelujah!
     ascertains that is around us but put our hope always in God who called us
     to repeat, live life as a New Being. Let us hold on to faith, believe that
                                                                                       We shall not live by bread alone, But by every word.
     “when difficulties come our way, God uses them to show that when we                  That proceeds out from the mouth of God. Hallelu, Hallelujah!
     put our Trust in Him his goodness we will know”
                                                                                  Psalter Reading                                          Psalm 116:12-19
                                                                                    Leader: what shall I return to the LORD for all his bounty to me?
  Song/Prayer – In my life Lord be glorified, be glorified                          People : I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the LORD,
                 In my life Lord be glorified today                                 Leader: I will pay my vows to the LORD in the presence of all his people.
                 In our church Lord be glorified, be glorified                      People : Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his faithful ones.
                 In our church Lord be glorified today.                             Leader: O LORD, I am your servant; I am your servant, the child of your serving
                                                                                             girl. You have loosed my bonds.
                                                                                    People : I will offer to you a thanksgiving sacrifice and call on the name of the
By:                                                                                          LORD.
BISHOP CONSTANTE B. CLARO                                                           Leader: I will pay my vows to the LORD in the presence of all his people,
Office of the Ministry, UCCP                                                        ALL : in the courts of the house of the LORD, in your midst, O Jerusalem.
                                                                                             Praise the LORD!
        The bible                                                                 Opening Prayer                                            [Assigned Youth Leader 1]
        Quotes A composed of the Institute of Christian Religion by John Calvin
        The Westminster Press – Philadelphia 1939                                 Scripture Reading              Romans 12:1-2             [Assigned Youth Leader 2]
        Sermon “What is the Persecution for” – by Rev. John Piper                    Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your
        “The New Being” by Paul Tillich                                           bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper
                                                                                  worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the
                                                                                  renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—
                                                                                  his good, pleasing and perfect will.

                                                                                  Short Meditation through Story Telling               [Youth Leader]
                                                                                                       Life is Like a Cup of Coffee
                                                                                          A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got
                                                                                  together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon
                                                                                  turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his
                                                                                  guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a
                                                                                  large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic,
  23     The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal                                             The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal    8
glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite - telling them               to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind ,
to help themselves to the coffee.                                                               to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord‟s favor.” Then
                                                                                                he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The
         When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor                       eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on Him, and he began by
said: "If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups have been taken up,                  saying to them, “Today this scripture is fulfilled of your hearing.” All spoke
leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only                well of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his
the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. Be                     lips. “Isn‟t this Joseph‟s son? they asked. Jesus said to them, surely you will
assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just             quote this proverb to me: physician, heal yourself? Do here in your hometown
more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you                      what we have heard that you did in Capernaum. “I tell you the truth,” he contin-
really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best                    ued, “No prophet is accepted in his hometown. I assure you that that there were
cups... And then you began eyeing each other's cups.                                            many widows in Israel in Elijah‟s time, when they sky was shut for three and a
                                                                                                half years and there was a severe famine throughout the land. Yet Elijah was not
        Now consider this: Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society          sent to any of them, but to a widow in Zerephath in the region of Sidon. And
are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we              there were many in Israel with leprosy. In the time of Elisha the prophet, yet not
have does not define, nor change the quality of life we live. Sometimes, by                     one of them was cleansed – only Naaman the Syrian. All the people in the syna-
concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee. Savor the coffee, not the           gogue were furious when they heard this. They got up, drove him out of town,
cups! The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the                 and took him to the brow of the hill on which the town was built, in order to
best of everything. Live simply. Speak kindly.Love generously. Care deeply.                     throw him down the cliff. But he walked right through the crowd and went on his
AMEN..                                                                                          way.

Song of Preparation 2 Search me, O God,                                                        To bring His church to care for its hunting members growing in the acts shar-
               Search me, O God, And know my heart today;                                      ing Patience and Perseverance
                  Try me, O Savior, Know my thoughts, I pray.
                  See if there be Some wicked way in me;                                            2 Cor. 8:1-9 – and now brothers, we want to you given the Macedonia
                  Cleanse me from every sin And set me free.                                    churches. Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme
                                                                                                poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave up as much as
                                  Prayer Concerns                                               they were able. And even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, they ur-
  [form a Group of 4-6 people and Hand each Group assigned and designated prayer                gently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to expected,
 concerns, the Youth should be the one Leading the. After Leveling                              but they give themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with God‟s
               off Each Group Can start their Prayers                                           will. So we urged Titus, seen he had earlier made a beginning to bring also to
                                                                                                completion this act of grace on your part. But just as you excel in everything - in
                        Streams of Prayers                                                      faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us –
               [While holding unto each others hands]                                           see that you also excel in this grace of giving. I am not commanding you, but I
                                                                                                want to test the sincerity of your love by comparing it with the earnestness of
Closing Song                     Amazing Grace Lyrics             John Newton (1725-1807)       others. For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that thought he was rich,
                                                                                                yet for your sakes he became poor, so that he through his poverty might become
 Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me.                              rich.
    I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now I see.
                                                                                                   In the UCCP, let‟s have serious attention to our retired church worker, the
 T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.And Grace, my fears relieved.                        sick one, those with deep problems including those who are having fears of
    How precious did that Grace appearThe hour I first believed.                                threats.
                                                                                                   Let us vigilantly address issues that affects environment, its destruction, res-
         Through many dangers, toils and snaresI have already come;                            toration – protection.
        'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus farand Grace will lead me home.                       Uphold the integrity of God‟s creation.

  9     The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal                                                       The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal   22
stroy creation; but it transforms the Old Creation into a New one.
        Therefore we can speak of the New in terms of a renewal.                          The Lord has promised good to me.His word my hope secures.
                                                                                            He will my shield and portion be,As long as life endures.
B. The task of the Repentant and Renewed People of God
                                    – in Pursuit of Christ Mission:                       When we've been here ten thousand yearsBright shining as the sun.
                                                                                            We've no less days to sing God's praise, Than when we've first begun.
       To expose hidden sin, announce repentance and call for the acts of clean-
        sing and renewal                                                                 Closing Prayer                                  [Church Minister / Youth Pastor]
                                                                                         Response:          Amazing Grace 1st Stanza
       Acts 2: 37-39 “When the people heard this, were out to the heart and said to
    peter and other apostles, „brother what shall we do? Peter replied “Repeat and
    baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your
    sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise for you and                        Christian Youth Fellowship Union
    your children and for all who are for off-for all whom the Lord our God will call.
                                                                                                                         [Home Bible Study]
       V. 40 “with many other he warmed them;
                                                                                              Action Songs / Community Singing / Praise Song
   Be awake to constant regression and critical condition of the suffering people
    and creation as a result of human excessiveness and dissatisfaction/greed.           Song of Preparation            As the Deer Panteth for the Water
                                                                                             As the deer panteth for the water, So my soul longs after you
         Warn those excesses – James 2:6-7
                                                                                                 You alone are my hearts desire, And I long to worship You.
         Share hope to the poor – James 2:5
         Identify self with the lowly – Mat. 25:35-36 & 40                                   Chorus:
                                                                                                You alone are my strength, my shield; To You alone may my spirit yield
   To relocate the roots of our joy in His grace rather than in goods, in His mercy            You alone are my hearts desire, And I long to worship You.
    rather than in money, in His Worth rather than in wealth
                                                                                             I want you more than gold or silver, Only You can satisfy
        Chronicles 29: 10-13 says, “Praise be to you, O Lord God of our father Israel,          You alone are the real joy giver And the apple of my eye.
    from everlasting to everlasting. Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the Power
    and the glory and the Majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and             Chorus:
    earth is yours. Yours, O Lord, is the kingdom, you are exalted as the head over             You alone are my strength, my shield; To You alone may my spirit yield
    ail. Wealth and humor come from you; you are a ruler of all things. In your hands           You alone are my hearts desire, And I long to worship You.
    are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. Now, our God, we give
    thanks and praise your glorious Name                                                 Scripture Reading                                           Assigned Youth Leader

   To advance His saving Mission in the world – Proclaim the God’s news of salva-       Group Dynamics            [Fun, and Mood Setting]            [Assigned Youth Leader]
    tion and deliverance
                                                                                                                        “Drawing A House Together”
       Luke 4:14-30 – Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news
    about Him spread through the whole countryside. He taught in their synagogues,       Objectives:      To raise the sense of awareness and discernment about
    and every one praised Him. He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up,                          partnership and Relationship.
    and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. And he         Materials:
    stood to read. The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to Him. Unrolling it,        Cartolina Paper cut in halves [ Good for 2 set of Groupings]
       he found the place where it is written: “the Spirit of the Lord is on me be-         Marker Pen
        cause he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me         Duration                 10-20 Minutes

 21     The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal                                                      The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal   10
       Groupings [ 3-4 persons in one group]
       Both partners/members of the groupings to hold the same marker in such           THE CHURCH IN MISSION:
        a way that they are able to draw together                                                  CALLED TO REPENTANCE AND RENEWAL
       Draw a picture and write a title without speaking during the exercise.
       Set Aside the drawing when done for the next step of reflection and              Matthew 3:1-2; 2 Peter 3:8-9
        sharing will come next.

Bible Study Reflection                            Youth Pastor / Youth Leader                A. Understanding Repentance and Renewal
     REPENTANCE as KEY for the RENEWAL and Transformation of the Church
Sharing of Reflection
                                                                                                In Biblical Hebrew, the idea of repentance from two verbs: shuv means to
Song of Commitment               This Little Light of Mine [God‟s Great Big, Big Love]           return and nicham means to feel to sorrow. It further would mean conversion
          This little light of mine, I‟m gonna let it shine                                     of life to God, transformation not only in the external action, but in the soul
           This little light of mine, I‟m gonna let it shine                                     itself.
           This little light of mine I‟m gonna let it shine                                     It precedes from serious fear of God, but at the same time is excited by
           Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine                                              knowledge of the Devine judgment and grace.
                                                                                                To a repentant being, there is experience of Christ‟s death which means the
          God‟s Great Big, Big Love I‟m gonna let it shine                                      old self is crucified by its power, so that the corruption of our former nature
              God‟s Great Big, Big Love I‟m gonna let it shine                                   loses all its vigor.
              God‟s Great Big, Big Love, I‟m gonna let it shine
              Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine                                          A repentant person is at the same time a partaker of Christ‟s resurrection,
                                                                                                 thus the newness of life correspond with the righteousness of God.
          Deep Down in my Soul, I‟m gonna let it shine
              Deep Down in my Soul, I‟m gonna let it shine                               Renewal
              Deep Down in my Soul, I‟m gonna let it shine                                   According to Paul Tillich his article, the New Being, Renewal can be best un-
              Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine                                         derstood by seeing its result. He said, anyone or anything renewed becomes a
                                                                                               New Being, New Reality, New Creation. In 2 Corinthians 5:17 Paul wrote,
          Everywhere I go, I‟m gonna let it shine                                             “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a New creation, the old has gone, the
              Everywhere I go, I‟m gonna let it shine                                          New has come”
              Everywhere I go, I‟m gonna let it shine                                        It mean that neither to be a Jew or to be a pagan is ultimately important;
              Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine                                         that only one thing counts, namely, the union with Him in whom the New Re-
                                                                                               ality is present
Closing Prayer                                       [Pastor or Elders]
Response                                                                                     No religion matter – only new stage of things. Let us think about this striking
         God‟s Great Big, Big Love I‟m gonna let it shine                                     assertion of Paul. What is says first is that Christianity is more than a religion;
           God‟s Great Big, Big Love I‟m gonna let it shine                                    it is the message of a New Creation
           God‟s Great Big, Big Love, I‟m gonna let it shine                                 With the act of renewal, a union or re-union with Christ, a new creation has
           Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine                                            occurred, a New Being has appeared; and we are all asked to participate in it

                 Fellowship Snack
                                                                                             The New Being is not something that simply the place of the Old Being. But is
                                                                                               a renewal of the Old which has been corrupted, distorted, split and
                                                                                               almost destroyed . but not wholly destroyed. Salvation does not de-
  11     The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal                                                     The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal   20
hands as well.                                                                               Christian Youth Fellowship Union Commitment Building
   1. Personal Renewal: It starts with the heart and rededicating your life,
      being filled with the Spirit, or the “deeper life. The bottom line is this            Arrival / Registration
      – it‟s not about religion and rituals; it‟s about a relationship with Jesus.          Settling in / Pitching up Tents
                                                                                            Fellowship Dinner
   2.    Relational Renewal: After you get right with God, you’ve got to get right
        with others. Jesus told us this. He told us to love God with all of our heart and   Community Singing Action Songs / Praise Songs             Assigned Youth Leaders
        then love others as ourselves. Like for example , when you have relational
        renewal in your church, The church is more than content; it‟s a community.           Song of Preparation               Heart of Worship
                                                                                                    when the music fades all is stripped away
    3. Missional Renewal: This is when a church discovers what God wants it to do.                  and i simply come longing just to bring
       We have a great responsibility for mission. We‟re not here just to bless one                 something that's of worth that will bless your heart
       another. God wants to bless the world through us. Specifically, God has given
       the church many purposes – worship, fellowship, community ministries, social                 i'll bring you more than a song for a song in itself
       concern, discipleship, ministry, and evangelism. Missional renewal happens                   is not what you have required you search much deeper within
       when we focus our churches on these purposes. When the church gets                           through the way things appear you're looking into my heart
       personal, relational, and mission renewal, it can‟t help but grow.
   4. Cultural Renewal: In this stage, God renews the culture of the church, With                   I'm coming back to the heart of worship
      the help of God we can change the culture of the church , once the first three                and it's all about you It's all about you, Jesus
      renewals have happened in the church, God will change the culture. We                         I'm sorry Lord for the things I've made it
      should be filled with God’s nature as what the, Prophet have tolds us that                    when it's all about you it's all about you, Jesus
      our God does not want the burnt offerring but our changed life Micah 6:8
      says, has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD                           King of endless worth no one could express
      require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your                  how much you deserve though I'm weak and poor
      God.                                                                                          all i have is yours every single breath [chorus]

   5. Structural Renewal: After the church has been through the first four                  Opening Prayer                                                 Assigned Youth Leader
      renewals, it‟s going to outgrow your current structure. We‟ve got to structure
      our churches differently depending on our circumstances. As your church               Orientation / Announcements / Concerns / Camp Rules            Assigned Youth Leader
      begins to get healthier and healthier, the structure has to change. Yes indeed
      if we are renewed we can make our church be God‟s agent of rigtheousness               Fellowship Song                      We're Together Again
      for the whole community. And perhaps we can make the 6th Stages...what                                    "We're together again, just praising the Lord.
      would that be????                                                                                              We're together again, in one accord.
                                                                                                                     Somethin' good is about to happen.
Sharing of Reflection                               [Assigned Youth Leader]                                               Somethin' good is in store.
    What have we learn from the excercises and bible study theme that we have                                   We're together again, just praising the Lord"
    How can we connect with our continuing journey as God‟s people?                        Mood Settings [Indoor Games and Group dynamics]               Assigned Youth Leader
                                                                                               Indoor Group Dynamics
                                                                                            1. Follow me [ To relax and have fun ]
                                                                                               Duration: 5 minutes
  19    The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal                                                        The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal   12
The facilitator will first do some one funny movements for the par-              Response:
           ticipants to follow and later ask one to stand up and be new the                     Glorify the Lord with all our voices
           Leader to Follow and so on [5 persons can be called to be the next                   Show Him we're sincere by all our deeds
           leaders]                                                                             Shout the joys of freedom everywhere
                                                                                                And we'll all join in and sing
2. Line Up Games [ To exercise Group collaboration]                                             Here we are, all together, as we sing our song joyfully
   Duration: 10 Minutes                                                                         Here we are, all together, as we pray we will always be….
          1. Form a 2-3 Groups [ I group comprises 4-5 if few, if many you
             can make it up to 6 member]
          2. Facilitator must explain the rules of the games
          3. The groups will compete to see who can line up most
             quickly                                                                                             Bible Study GUIDE
          Example: Line up According to your age [From older to
          younger] and so on                                                               Bible Study Lesson:             The Stages of Renewal
                                                                                           Text :                          Micah 6:6-8
3. T-Shirt Switch [ Fun and coordination]
   Duration: 10 minutes                                                                    Group Dynamics Activity [Mood Setting and Discernment]
   Materials: An Extra T-shirt for Everyone Playing                                                                                            Assigned Youth Leader
   Number of Players: no limit
   Steps:                                                                                  Scripture Reading       Micah 6:6-8
   1. Give everyone one t-shirt to wear over top of their original.                                   With what shall I come before the LORD and bow down before the ex-
   2. Split into equal groups of more than 3 or 4.                                                 alted God? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year
   3. Have one person from each group go about 20 ft. away. Then have the first                    old? 7 Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousand
       person in the line run down to the player on the other end and both take off                rivers of olive oil? Shall I offer my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit
       their t-shirt and switch shirts. The shirt must be on right side out and on fully           of my body for the sin of my soul? 8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is
       before the other person runs back and takes off the shirt and switches with                 good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love
       the next person in line.                                                                    mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
   4. This continues until everybody gets their original shirt back.
                                                                                           Context of the Biblical Text
4. Family Reunion [This will serve as the formal groupings]                                       Torah Liturgy (6:6–8): which begins with Micah speaking on behalf of the
   Materials: Small pieces of paper, Marker Pens, Double Edge Tape                                community asking what they should do in order to get back on God's good
   Duration: 5 Minutes                                                                            side. Micah then responds in V. 8 by showing what is God requires: "to Do Jus-
   Steps:                                                                                         tice, and to Love Kindness, and to Walk Humbly with your God.”Thus declar-
   1. Determine the number of groups and assign a family name to each group and                   ing that the burnt offering of both animals and humans (which may have been
       put the family name on the ground where family members can find them.                      practiced in Judah under Kings Ahaz and Manasseh) is not necessary for God.
   2. Within each family, each individual has a given a name like this
       - Acacia, narra, mahogany,ipil-ipil, kamagong [Trees]                               Reflection Points        The Stages of Renewal               [Assigned Youth Leader]
       - Sunflower, gumamela, sampaguita, rose, Waling-Waling [Flowers]                            For too long we’ve separated the Word of God from the work of God. As the
       - Tarsier, Water Buffalo, Bearcat, Philippine eagle, Cloud Rat [Animals]                    church, we’re called to be the body of Christ – the whole body. We’re not
       Lake, River, Spring, Falls, Streams [Body of Water]                                         just called to be the mouth of Christ, but the feet and hands as well. For too
       - If there are more participants you can add another group                                  long some of us separates the Word of God from the work of God. As the
        [like family of insects, or crops as long as the theme has                                 church, we’re called to be the body of Christ – the whole body.
        something to do with nature.                                                               We’re not just called to be the mouth of Christ, but the feet and

  13    The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal                                                       The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal   18
3. Let the participants draw lots and have the paper sticked on their fore-
Biblico Theological Reflection                                                                  heads
      Theme: The Church in Mission: Called to Repentance and Renewal                         4. Give the signal to start the search for their family membership

Open Forum / Workshops                                                                    5. Drawing Together [ Raise awareness and discernment about communication
                                                                                             within a group
Announcements / Awarding of Certificates                                                     Materials:
    Certificate of Participation                                                            Duration: 10-15 Minutes
    Certificate of Appreciation for the Local Church                                        Steps
    [highly suggested: to provide T-Shirt printed with Youth Week Celebration]              1. Participants are divided into small groups
                                                                                             2. Each group is asked to make a collective drawing with a marker on the sheet
    Words of Encouragement                               CYF Presidents                         half size Manila Paper.
    Words of Challenge                                   Church Minster / Youth Pastor      3. The members of the groups are not allowed to speak to each other
                                                                                             4. Each member is given only one minute each until all members of the group
 Closing Song               Here We Are                                                         have contributed to the drawing
      (chorus)                                                                               5. Each group should explain what they tried to draw
                                                                                             6. Small Group Reflection [Within the Groupings]
       C      Am F           G              C      Am F   G
                                                                                                 - How and what did you feel about the collaboration within the group?
      Here we are, all together, as we sing our song joyfully
                                                                                                 - How could we have made a better collective drawing?
       C        Am F         G              C          F  C   G
      Here we are, all together, as we pray we will always be….                                  - What did you learn from this activity?
        C                 Am F               G
      Join we now as friends and celebrate                                                                 Peacemaking Ministry and Peace Building Part 1
           C                   Am F            G                                           Community Singing
      The brotherhood we share         all as one
       C               Am      F               G                                          National Situationer (IBON FOUNDATION)
      Keep the fire burning, kindle it with care
       C          Am      F        G                                                      Open Forum
      And we'll all join in and sing (chorus)
      Freedom we do shout, for everybody                                                  Big Group Reflection [Commitment Building]             Church Pastor / Youth Pastor
      And until there is, we should pray
      That soon there will be one true Fellowship,                                         Song of Commitment                  O Jesus, I have promised
      And we'll all join in and sing (Chorus)                                                   O Jesus, I have promised to serve Thee to the end;
                                                                                                     Be Thou forever near me, my Master and my Friend;
       Glorify the Lord with all our voices                                                          I shall not fear the battle if Thou art by my side,
       Show Him we're sincere by all our deeds                                                       Nor wander from the pathway if Thou wilt be my Guide.
       Shout the joys of freedom everywhere
       And we'll all join in and sing (Chorus)                                                    O let me feel Thee near me! The world is ever near;
       Let us make the world an alleluia                                                             I see the sights that dazzle, the tempting sounds I hear;
       Let us make the world a better place                                                          My foes are ever near me, around me and within;
       Keep a smile handy, lend a helping hand                                                       But Jesus, draw Thou nearer, and shield my soul from sin.
       And we‟ll all join in and sing (Chorus)
                                                                                                  O let me hear Thee speaking in accents clear and still,
        Closing Prayer                             Church Minister / Youth Pastor                    Above the storms of passion, the murmurs of self will.
                                                                                                     O speak to reassure me, to hasten or control;

  17   The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal                                                      The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal   14
O speak, and make me listen, Thou Guardian of my soul.                                  Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
                                                                                                    Sprung in completeness where his feet pass
        O Jesus, Thou hast promised to all who follow Thee
            That where Thou art in glory there shall Thy servant be.                             Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning
            And Jesus, I have promised to serve Thee to the end;                                    Born of the one light, Eden saw play
            O give me grace to follow, my Master and my Friend.                                     Praise with elation, praise every morning
                                                                                                    God's recreation of the new day
Closing Prayer                                      Church Minister / Youth Pastor
                                                                                         Morning and Thanksgiving Prayer                          Assigned Youth Leader
 Response: O Jesus, I have promised      last stanza
      O let me see Thy footprints, and in them plant mine own;                          Breakfast Break
            My hope to follow duly is in Thy strength alone.                                                    Preparation for the Outdoor Activities
            O guide me, call me, draw me, uphold me to the end;                          Outdoor Activities
            And then in Heaven receive me, my Savior and my Friend.                         Outdoor Activities [Suggested]
                                                                                                 Team Building Activities
                                                                                                         Evolution
                                                                                                         Teamwork Olympics
          Christian Youth Fellowship Union Saturday Fun Day                                              Laps
                     And Peace Building Activity                                                         Blinfolded Leader
                                                                                                         Blind Square
Early Morning Devotion
                                                                                                         Human Bingo
Shibashi Worship Movements                                                                       Ball Games [Suggested]
         [Soft Martial Arts Movements to start the Day with Soft Tai Chi Music]                          Big Volleyball [ If one can secure a big big big Ball for Community
        Shibashi Qigong is based on T'ai Chi, and extracts some of the best movements                       Volleyball it would be nice]
from the Yang style form. It places emphasis on synchronizing the 18 moves with                          Sepak Takraw
breathing technique, movement and visualization, drawing heavily on beautiful im-                        Kickball
ages from nature. It is a gentle and flowing exercise routine that is both a joy to do                   Basketball
and deeply relaxing. Christianity came to Asia from the west and it came with west-                      Basketball Less Ordinary [ Basket ball game that each team
ern forms of worship and spiritual practice. Contemporary Asian Christian women                             should make points by running to the moving basket carried by
wanting to find a way to express their Christian faith through traditional Asian prac-                      one member of opposing teams
tices have discovered Shibashi to enter into prayer not only with our minds and voices
but with our bodies.                                                                                     Regular Volleyball
                                                                                         Lunch Break
 Opening Song             Morning Has Broken
                                                                                              Outdoor Activities [Continuation]
        Morning has broken, like the first morning                                      Break / Rest
            Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird
                                                                                                               Peacemaking and Peace Building Part 2
            Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
            Praise for the springing fresh from the word
                                                                                         Community Singing / Praise Song
         Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven                                  Centering Prayer
            Like the first dewfall, on the first grass

  15    The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal                                                     The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal   16

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Ywcg 2011 final

  • 1. United Church of Christ in the Philippines Christian Youth Fellowship CELEBRATION GUIDE 2011 YOUTH WEEK THEME: “The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal” September 2011
  • 2. The Church in Mission: Acknowledgement e to th e n ce re st gr at it ud called to Repentance e to ex pr es s ou r si W e w ou ld lik fo llo w in g: and Renewal ac ti vi ti es th e su gg es te d rr og a fo r pr ov id in g d Bi bl e St ud y , Pa st or Jo y ce La y ou th w ee k ce le br at io n an in sp ir e an d ul to fo r a m ea n in gf r im pa rt in g hi s kn ow le dg e R ef le ct io n , Bi sh op Cl ar o fo ro ug h Bi bl ic o -T he ol og ic al y ou th th m at er ia l, ch al le n ge th e y -o ut of th is th e w on de rf ul la el Sa ra n ill o fo r th e re - El sa Lo pe z fo r ra s an d K uy a A rf ke ep in g Ja y so n Ca pe un da ti on fo r GREETINGS K uy a th is gu id e an d IB O N Fo al si tu at io n of th e From the Office of General Secretary 2 pr od uc ti on of rm ed of th e tr ue n at io n th e pe op le in fo co un tr y . From the CYF National President 3 le br a- ou th W ee k Ce ti m e an d ef fo rt th is Y iz ed . W it ho ut th ei r id e 20 11 co ul d n ot ha ve re al WORSHIP GUIDE FOR YOUTH SUNDAY CELEBRATION 4 ti on Gu e cr it ic al ti m es is si on in th es r u e do in g ou r m r th e pe op le in ge n er al , fo Le t us co n ti n iv el y , fo d co lle ct SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES 8 in di vi du al ly an th e y ou th in pa rt ic ul ar . Pa da y on CY F! BIBLE STUDY GUIDE 18 m it te e -C Y F CE N Co m BIBLICO-THEOLOGICAL REFLECTION 20 NATIONAL SITUATIONER 24 This is an annual publication of the Christian Youth Fellowship designed to provide re- sources for a meaningful celebration of this year’s Youth Week. For inquiries, comments, suggestions and recommendations, you can contact us thru the following: CYF NEC e-mail address: or thru the following mobile nos.: +63917-5504667 (Karlo) / +63915-8742543 (Elsa) CYF National Executive Committee 2010-2014 President: LEANDRO KARLO B. SUAREZ| Secretary: ELSA Q. LOPEZ| Treasurer: CHING T. NANTES| Auditor: KARLA PSALMS C. MAGNO| Program Committee Chairpersons: JOPHET T. DOMINGO(CEN)| SHEM C. QUEZON (CWS)| SHADEE LOVE ROSE A. TOMAS (CSRD)| LEMUEL G. PETRONIO (ERC) Vice Presidents: GLORY ANNE S. LIKIYAN(NLJ)| DAGAMI A. PADILLO (MLJ)| ESTHER R. LAPUZ (SLJ)| YVES ADRIAN N. SYLVA (WVJ)| ELLEN E. YTANG (EVJ)| FELMA M. LUCEÑO(NWMJ)| JOVENCIO D. SALAO, JR. (SEMJur) UCCP General Secretary: BISHOP REUEL NORMAN O. MARIGZA 1 The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal 30
  • 3. Notes: United Church of Christ in the Philippines 1667 Dr. Antonio Vasquez St., Malate 1004 Manila, Philippines P.O Box 718, Manila Central Post Office, 1099 Ermita, Manila ____________________________________________________ Telephone : (632) 536-8005 • 536-7110 •536-7310 Fax : (632) 536-8114 E-mail : Website : ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ GREETINGS FROM THE OFFICE OF GENERAL SECRETARY ____________________________________________________ July 11, 2011 ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ The Members and Officers ____________________________________________________ Christian Youth Fellowship United Church of Christ in the Philippines ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Dear friends, ____________________________________________________ With the National Secretariat, I send you very special greetings on the occasion of the 2011 Youth Week Celebration. ____________________________________________________ “The Church in Mission: Called to Repentance and Renewal” is appropriate not only for the ____________________________________________________ UCCP youth, but for the entire UCCP as well. And I dare say, very apt also for our country ____________________________________________________ within the present societal conditions. ____________________________________________________ It is my sincere wish and prayer that all the youth of UCCP will feel called to sincerely re- spond to the challenge of our Youth Week Theme. ____________________________________________________ And let me close with the challenge to each one of us, to truly repent and be renewed, even ____________________________________________________ as we meet the demands of our faith with the Lord of life and of our beginnings, Jesus who ____________________________________________________ is our inspiration. ____________________________________________________ Very sincerely , ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ BISHOP REUEL NORMAN O. MARIGZA General Secretary ____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 29 The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal 2
  • 4. United Church of Christ in the Philippines cash given out, and is paying US$5 for every US$4 in foreign loans taken out. These CCTs are unsustainable, expensive and relief without reform. Christian Youth Fellowship Land reform is not a priority and landlessness remains widespread. The Shalom Center Compound, 1667 Vasquez St., Malate, Manila, Philippines E-mail Address: / Aquino administration has relegated land reform to an Asset Reform sub-section in the Social Development chapter of its PDP 2011-2016, aside from continues with CARPer which merely extends the failed Comprehensive Agrarian Reform July 19, 2011 Program (CARP). Landowners continue to evade land distribution so having their own land to till remains elusive for farmers and farmworkers of various haciendas nationwide includ- My fellow servants in Christ, ing those in Bulacan, Tarlac, Batangas, Laguna, Bicol and Negros. Pres. Aquino mean- while remains silent over the Hacienda Luisita controversy while the Supreme Court has repeatedly postponed deciding over the affirmation of the PARC's revo- Greetings of Peace from our Lord Jesus Christ! cation of the stock distribution option and over its constitutionality. It is my joy and honor to bring to my fellow young people our Meanwhile agricultural lands remain up for grabs in land deals with businesses and greetings on behalf of the National Executive Committee of the foreign companies, threatening local food security and undermining peasants' centu- CYF in our celebration of the Youth Sunday. Guided by our theme; “The Church in Mission: ries-old struggle for land. For instance, six million hectares of `idle lands' have been allocated for the production of sugarcane, coconut, cassava, jatropha, oil palm and Called to Repentance and Renewal”, as youth of the Church and of the wider society, we live other cash crops and two million hectares for agribusiness development. At the same out the call of God in these critical times of our lives. We must act together and be vigilant in time, corruption and anomalies in the National Food Authority (NFA) are being hyped working and carrying-out the mission of God. to justify its privatization – portending a hike in rice prices. Today, as we celebrate our youthful days of our church-life, I hope that this Youth Week The Aquino administration is failing to consider the people's long-term well-being – Celebration Guide will be useful to us as we also reflect on the lessons of our shared journey. in terms of jobs, higher incomes, land distribution, progressive taxes, delivery of effi- cient and accessible services, and sovereign trade and investment policy. Like its My prayers and best wishes to all local churches in your continuing journey for the predecessors, it has resorted to giving a positive spin to any and all economic indica- welfare of the Youth of today and tomorrow’s leaders! tors while avoiding taking doable and lasting measures to actually improve the lives of the people. It recently claimed that economic growth features a stronger manufactur- May God bless us all! ing sector and rebounding agriculture. Yet there has not been any policy move to re- verse the steady decline in manufacturing and agriculture over the last four decades. The administration persists in refusing to depart from the `free market' dictates of For the CYF, globalization to boost local agriculture and build domestic industries. It is most of all about aggressively pushing corporate interests, especially by big foreign investors, over the economy's or the people's development needs. These discredited policies will only aggravate the people's situation. LEANDRO KARLO B. SUAREZ National President, Christian Youth Fellowship The government needs to be one that does not place elite or bureaucratic self- interest over that of the people. The remaining five years of the administration should not be more of the same if the country is to find solutions to its decades- old travails. IBON Features, IBON Foundation, Inc. is an independent development institution estab- lished in 1978 that provides research, education, publications, information work and advocacy support on socioeconomic issues 3 The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal 28
  • 5. Most alarmingly, the economic policies adopted are the same ones that have caused low growth, joblessness, falling incomes and increasing poverty. The Worship Guide for Youth Sunday Celebration administration's economic thrust as contained in its Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2011-2016 is essentially the same as that of the previous Arroyo admini- Praise Songs Youth Leaders stration: stick to the globalization policies implemented over the last decades – but deepen and broaden privatization through public-private partnership  Song of Preparation As We Gather programs (PPPs) – and selectively implement social protection programs es- C Em Dm7 G pecially conditional cash transfers (CCTs). As we gather may Your Spirit work within us C Em F G The administration's centerpiece PPP program makes clear its bias for big As we gather may we glorify Your name profit-seeking players and foreign investors over building a domestic economy that F G C Em Am provides for its constituents' needs. The program plays up the role of profit-seeking Knowing well that as our hearts begin to worship private and foreign parties in infrastructure building and providing public goods and Dm7 G C Em Am services. Instead of putting an end to the ills of privatization and other `free market' We'll be blessed because we came measures, the Aquino government is further opening up the economy for big busi- Dm7 G C nesses and profits at the expense of the people. More expensive public facilities will We'll be blessed because we came aggravate Filipinos' already serious problem with making ends meet. There are 12 pri- ority rail, road and airport projects lined up this year worth Php157 billion although it Litany of Hope is still unclear how much of these have already been successfully bid out, much less Youth Leader: started. I arise today Through the strength of heaven; The Aquino administration also clearly seeks to build on previous globalization policies Light of the sun, and extend these to as many areas of the economy as possible. The leadership of the Splendor of fire, Senate and the House of Representatives have already expressed their willingness to Speed of lightning, push for charter change particularly towards opening up the economy to greater for- Swiftness of the wind, eign investment. The government has also already launched a national campaign to Depth of the sea, promote free trade agreements (FTAs) as well as declared its intent to enter into a Stability of the earth, second FTA this time with the European Union (EU). All these indicate how the Firmness of the rock. Aquino administration is relying mainly on foreign investments and foreign mar- People: kets for economic development, rather than the painstaking but more sustainable I arise today and equitable approach of focusing on the domestic economy. Through God's strength to pilot me; God's might to uphold me, Cash dole-outs are being used as a temporary smokescreen for further globalization. God's wisdom to guide me, The administration has greatly expanded the conditional cash transfer (CCT) program God's eye to look before me, initiated by the Arroyo government with a Php22 billion budget just for 2011 – even God's ear to hear me, borrowing US$805 million from the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) God's word to speak for me, for this. This multi-billion peso expansion was done without benefit of a comprehen- God's hand to guard me, sive assessment of previous CCT implementation especially regarding distribution and God's shield to protect me, effectiveness. God's hosts to save me This debt-driven and unsustainable social protection program provides temporary re- Youth Leader: lief but cannot replace the long-term benefit of stable jobs and decent incomes. The I arise today targeted 4.3 million beneficiaries are few compared to the some 65 million Through God's strength to pilot me; poor Filipinos. Meanwhile the government is paying Php1 for every PhP4 in From snares of the devil, From temptations of vices, 27 The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal 4
  • 6. From every one who desires me ill, Debt service and the public debt stock have continued to rise. It paid Php634 Afar and anear, billion in debt service between July 2010 and April 2011 which is Php8 billion Alone or in a mulitude. more than in the equivalent previous period under the Arroyo administration. These payments over its first ten months also already exceed payments for the People: whole year of 2007, 2008 and 2009 respectively (and of the first two years com- Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, bined of the Arroyo administration). Yet the national government debt stock has Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, continued to rise from Php4,582 billion in end-June 2010 to Php4,706 billion in Christ on my right, Christ on my left, March 2011. All: Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Fiscal problems persist. The small Php61 million fiscal surplus reported for the Christ in the heart of every one who thinks of me, first four months of 2011 was also primarily due to a Php60.5 billion or 11.6% cutback Christ in the mouth of every one who speaks of me, in government spending in this period compared to the year before rather than any Christ in the eye that sees me, significant increase in revenue collection. The Aquino administration actually contin- Christ in the ear that hears me. ues the distorted fiscal priorities of the Arroyo administration. It keeps relying on the Amen regressive 12% value-added tax while refusing to increase taxes on the rich, to roll back revenue-losing trade liberalization, to lessen fiscal incentives for foreign inves-  Opening Song Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing tors, and to cut back on military spending (up by Php4.2B at Php77.5B) and huge debt service (up by Php80.4B to Php823.3B). A D A D G D A7 D Come Thou Fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing Thy grace; The government itself also does not even appear to believe that its "Kung walang A Bm Em Bm Em F#m A7 D korap, walang mahirap" anti-corruption drive will significantly increase revenues. For Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise. instance, the 2011 revenue program submitted with the budget last year did not pro- A D G D A D F#m G D ject significantly higher revenues this year (though it remains to be seen if this will be Teach me some melodious sonnet, Sung by flaming tongues above; different in the 2012 budget). A year into its term, the government does not yet ap- A Bm Em D G D A7 D pear to have successfully prosecuted even one big-time culprit of the phenomenon Praise the mount! I'm fixed upon it, Mount of Thy redeeming love. which it blames so much of the country's economic woes on. Similarly, big corpora- tions like Shell and Chevron which have supposedly not been paying Malampaya taxes Oh, to grace how great a debtor,Daily I'm constrained to be! properly are not being confronted. Let Thy good ness, like a fetter,Bind my wand'ring heart to Thee. Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,Prone to leave the God I love; The Aquino administration is cutting back on social services. The administration's Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it,Seal it for Thy courts above. first budget, for 2011, still gives more priority to debt service than to social services. The budget for total debt service, interest and principal, increased by Php80 billion to Opening Prayer Assigned Youth Leader Php823 billion – while the education budget increased by just Php31 billion (to Php272 billion) and housing by Php273 million (to Php5.7 billion), with the health budget even Call to Repentance (Psalm 51:10-13) Assigned Youth Leader reduced by Php1.4 billion (to Php39 billion). Create in us a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within us. Do not cast us away from Your presence, And do not take Your Holy Spirit The budget for state universities and colleges was cut by Php364 million, for 67 public from us. Restore to us the joy of Your salvation, and uphold each and eve- hospitals nationwide used mainly by the poor by Php368 million, for five specialty hos- ryone of us by Your generous Spirit. pitals by Php971 million, and for subsidies to indigent patients by Php20 million. As it is, the average cost of confinement in a public hospital is already equivalent to 60 Act of Repentance Throwing and Keeping Assigned Youth Leader days worth of daily wages and in a private hospital 87 days. Housing services mean- Note: Upon Arriving in the Entrance Door where the Liturgies are please Get while remain poor even as public-private partnership (PPP) projects have displaced one Green Cartolina cut in Leaf form and one White Cartolina Cut in Any tens of thousands of Filipinos – such as in the North and East Triangle for the form. In the Green leaf you will write your aspiration and promise to uphold Php22-billion Quezon City Business District. 5 The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal 26
  • 7. that the first three quarters of the Aquino administration has seen progressively Goodness, The integrity of human being and Creations. You will paste the slower growth year-on-year – from 8.9% in the second quarter of 2010, 7.3% in green leaf to make a Tree that is Full of Life. In the White Cut-outs of differ- the third quarter, and 6.1% in the fourth quarter, followed by the 4.9% in the ent forms, you will write the things that you gave done bad for this world, the first quarter of this year. promise that you have broken and all the bad things that is happening in our world, and put this in a jar and burn it. According to the national income accounts, compensation of overseas Filipino workers has been stagnant (measured at current prices) or even declining (by Assurance of God’s Blessings Church Minster 3.9%, measured at constant prices). The compensation inflow item net under net factor income from abroad – now called net primary income – refers to total Greetings Community Concerns Church Minster earnings of overseas Filipino workers and not, as is commonly misunderstood, to their remittances.  Fellowship Song My Peace I Give Unto You The government attributed the economic slowdown to short-term factors such as pub- C Am7 F G lic underspending, weaker global trade and the absence of election-related stimulus My peace I give unto you rather than basic internal economic weaknesses. C Am7 F G2 It's a peace that the world cannot give The country's jobs crisis continues with no meaningful improvement in the em- F Dm7 Em Am Am7 ployment situation. The government officially reports the unemployment rate falling It's the peace that the world cannot understand to 7.2% in April 2011 from 8.0% in the same period last year – although IBON estimates Dm7 G Em7 Am that the real number of unemployed is higher at some 4.5 million. There are also indi- Peace to know, peace to live cations that the quality of jobs remains poor. The underemployment rate rose to Dm7 G F C 19.4% in April 2011 from 17.8% the year before which implies a very large 827,000 in- My peace I give unto you crease in the number of Filipinos not earning enough from their jobs and seeking addi- tional work (now standing at 7.1 million). My joy ... My love ... Being educated is also apparently no longer enough and two out of five jobless Filipi- Church At Prayer nos have college degrees or at least reached college level. But even as it is, from 2006 Prayer for the Youth -2009, poor economic conditions of families mean that only 14 out of every 100 chil- Prayer of the Elders dren get to go to college. Pastoral Prayer There are still 16.5 million Filipinos in poor quality work – unpaid family workers (4.2  Response The Prayer million) and own-account or informal sector workers (12.3 million) – aside from 1.9 I pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go, million working as generally poorly paid household helpers. Joblessness also continues and help us to be wise in times when we don't know. to force more and more Filipinos to work abroad and some 4,080 Filipinos left the country every day for most of 2010, up from 3,850 leaving per day in 2009. Let this be our prayer when we lose our way: Lead us to a place, Guide us with Your grace Wages remain pegged at meager amounts. This makes it consistently difficult for To a place where we’ll be safe. Filipinos to cope not only with rising food and oil prices and increasing utility rates Scripture Reading but also with more expensive education, health and housing. The mandated minimum Message as Sung by the Youth wage of Php426 upon the mere Php22 wage increase last May is still far from the some Message as Spoken Youth Representative Php1,000 needed for a family of six in NCR to cover its basic expenses. The real wage under the Aquino administration so far is even less than the most that was granted Call to Offering under the previous Arroyo administration in February 2002. Offertory Youth Liturgical Dance Doxology 25 The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal 6
  • 8. Thanksgiving Prayer Youth Leader  Closing Song Now in the days of Youth Author: Walter J. Mathams THE PHILIPPINE ECONOMY: AFTER THE FIRST YEAR Now in the days of youth, When life flows fresh and free, Thou Lord of all our hearts and lives, We give ourselves to Thee; OF THE AQUINO ADMINISTRATION Our fervent gift receive, And fit us to fulfill, Through all our days, in all our ways, Our heavenly Father’s will. "From a President who tolerates corruption to a President who is the nation's first and most Teach us where’er we live, To act as in Thy sight, determined fighter of corruption; From a gov- And do what Thou wouldst have us do With radiant delight; ernment that merely conjures economic Not choosing what is great, Nor spurning what is small, growth statistics that our people know to be But taking from Thy hands our tasks To glorify them all. unreal to a government that prioritizes jobs that empower the people and provide them Teach us to love the true, The beautiful and pure, with opportunities to rise above poverty." – A Social Contract With the Filipino And let us not for one short hour An evil thought endure. People, Benigno S. Aquino III And give us grace to stand Decided, brave, and strong, No one would hold that one year is enough time to resolve social and economic prob- The lovers of all holy things, The foes of all things wrong. lems accumulated over many decades, arguably even over centuries. Yet a year is Closing Prayer Youth Pastor certainly long enough to set strategic directions for the Philippine economy that are Benediction Church Minister firmly biased for the poor majority and, indeed, also long enough to take the first de- termined steps towards these. None of this has taken place in the first year of the  Response Now in the days of Youth Last Stanza Aquino administration. Spirit of Christ, do Thou Our first bright days inspire, That we may live the life of love And loftiest desire; In his inauguration speech a year ago Pres. Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino, III trumpeted And be by Thee prepared For larger years to come; that, under his wing, the Filipino people can dream again. This raised hopes among And for the life ineffable, Within the Father’s home many Filipinos aspiring for decent living in a society where a few prosper while the majority remain desperately poor. The Aquino administration however finishes its first year in office with little to show in terms of new socioeconomic policies to distribute land, create long-term jobs, raise incomes, improve social services, develop the rural economy and build domestic industry. The images painting the Philippine economy are familiar and are likely to persist in the remaining five years of this administration absent in real changes in economic policies: demolitions of urban poor communities; unrest in haciendas nationwide; workers pressing for a Php125-across-the-board wage increase; abuses of overseas Filipino workers and their return home to poor jobs prospects; increasing oil and food prices; power, toll and fare rate hikes; rising costs of schooling, health and housing; land-grabbing and mineral plunder; and growing poverty amid rising corporate profits. Economic growth is slowing under the Aquino administration. The government re- ported 4.9% growth in real gross domestic product (GDP) in the first quarter of 2011 which was markedly slower than the 8.4% rate in the same period last year. Consecutive quarters are not strictly comparable but it can still be noted 7 The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal 24
  • 9. What Else does God want us to affirm in these critical times? Christian Youth Fellowship Union Midweek Prayer Meeting [Wednesday] 1. That sinfulness cannot and should not be over and above righteousness. (Psalm 50:1-6) Community Singing / Action Songs / Praise Songs [Assigned Youth Leaders] 2. That the owner of all riches and all the cattle‟s in the thousand hills is God… for all His people (Psalm 50:10) Song of Preparation Seek Ye First 3. That nothing is impossible with Him. (Luke 1:37)  Seek ye first the kingdom of God And His righteousness; 4. That God has not placed a Moratorium on the Great commission nor abandoned And all these things shall be added unto you.Hallelu, Hallelujah! us. (Mat. 28:20) 5. Finally, let us not be drawn and be drowned with the clouds of doubt and  Ask, and it shall be given unto you; Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Hallelu, Hallelujah! ascertains that is around us but put our hope always in God who called us to repeat, live life as a New Being. Let us hold on to faith, believe that  We shall not live by bread alone, But by every word. “when difficulties come our way, God uses them to show that when we That proceeds out from the mouth of God. Hallelu, Hallelujah! put our Trust in Him his goodness we will know” Psalter Reading Psalm 116:12-19 Leader: what shall I return to the LORD for all his bounty to me? Song/Prayer – In my life Lord be glorified, be glorified People : I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the LORD, In my life Lord be glorified today Leader: I will pay my vows to the LORD in the presence of all his people. In our church Lord be glorified, be glorified People : Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his faithful ones. In our church Lord be glorified today. Leader: O LORD, I am your servant; I am your servant, the child of your serving girl. You have loosed my bonds. People : I will offer to you a thanksgiving sacrifice and call on the name of the By: LORD. BISHOP CONSTANTE B. CLARO Leader: I will pay my vows to the LORD in the presence of all his people, Office of the Ministry, UCCP ALL : in the courts of the house of the LORD, in your midst, O Jerusalem. Praise the LORD! References: The bible Opening Prayer [Assigned Youth Leader 1] Quotes A composed of the Institute of Christian Religion by John Calvin The Westminster Press – Philadelphia 1939 Scripture Reading Romans 12:1-2 [Assigned Youth Leader 2] 1 Sermon “What is the Persecution for” – by Rev. John Piper Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your “The New Being” by Paul Tillich bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is— his good, pleasing and perfect will. Short Meditation through Story Telling [Youth Leader] Life is Like a Cup of Coffee A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic, 23 The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal 8
  • 10. glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite - telling them to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind , to help themselves to the coffee. to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord‟s favor.” Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on Him, and he began by said: "If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups have been taken up, saying to them, “Today this scripture is fulfilled of your hearing.” All spoke leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only well of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. Be lips. “Isn‟t this Joseph‟s son? they asked. Jesus said to them, surely you will assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just quote this proverb to me: physician, heal yourself? Do here in your hometown more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you what we have heard that you did in Capernaum. “I tell you the truth,” he contin- really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best ued, “No prophet is accepted in his hometown. I assure you that that there were cups... And then you began eyeing each other's cups. many widows in Israel in Elijah‟s time, when they sky was shut for three and a half years and there was a severe famine throughout the land. Yet Elijah was not Now consider this: Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society sent to any of them, but to a widow in Zerephath in the region of Sidon. And are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we there were many in Israel with leprosy. In the time of Elisha the prophet, yet not have does not define, nor change the quality of life we live. Sometimes, by one of them was cleansed – only Naaman the Syrian. All the people in the syna- concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee. Savor the coffee, not the gogue were furious when they heard this. They got up, drove him out of town, cups! The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the and took him to the brow of the hill on which the town was built, in order to best of everything. Live simply. Speak kindly.Love generously. Care deeply. throw him down the cliff. But he walked right through the crowd and went on his AMEN.. way. Song of Preparation 2 Search me, O God,  To bring His church to care for its hunting members growing in the acts shar-  Search me, O God, And know my heart today; ing Patience and Perseverance Try me, O Savior, Know my thoughts, I pray. See if there be Some wicked way in me; 2 Cor. 8:1-9 – and now brothers, we want to you given the Macedonia Cleanse me from every sin And set me free. churches. Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave up as much as Prayer Concerns they were able. And even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, they ur- [form a Group of 4-6 people and Hand each Group assigned and designated prayer gently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to expected, concerns, the Youth should be the one Leading the. After Leveling but they give themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with God‟s off Each Group Can start their Prayers will. So we urged Titus, seen he had earlier made a beginning to bring also to completion this act of grace on your part. But just as you excel in everything - in Streams of Prayers faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us – [While holding unto each others hands] see that you also excel in this grace of giving. I am not commanding you, but I want to test the sincerity of your love by comparing it with the earnestness of Closing Song Amazing Grace Lyrics John Newton (1725-1807) others. For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that thought he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that he through his poverty might become  Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me. rich. I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. In the UCCP, let‟s have serious attention to our retired church worker, the  T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.And Grace, my fears relieved. sick one, those with deep problems including those who are having fears of How precious did that Grace appearThe hour I first believed. threats. Let us vigilantly address issues that affects environment, its destruction, res-  Through many dangers, toils and snaresI have already come; toration – protection. 'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus farand Grace will lead me home. Uphold the integrity of God‟s creation. 9 The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal 22
  • 11. stroy creation; but it transforms the Old Creation into a New one. Therefore we can speak of the New in terms of a renewal.  The Lord has promised good to me.His word my hope secures. He will my shield and portion be,As long as life endures. B. The task of the Repentant and Renewed People of God – in Pursuit of Christ Mission:  When we've been here ten thousand yearsBright shining as the sun. We've no less days to sing God's praise, Than when we've first begun.  To expose hidden sin, announce repentance and call for the acts of clean- sing and renewal Closing Prayer [Church Minister / Youth Pastor] Response: Amazing Grace 1st Stanza Acts 2: 37-39 “When the people heard this, were out to the heart and said to peter and other apostles, „brother what shall we do? Peter replied “Repeat and baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise for you and Christian Youth Fellowship Union your children and for all who are for off-for all whom the Lord our God will call. [Home Bible Study] V. 40 “with many other he warmed them; Action Songs / Community Singing / Praise Song  Be awake to constant regression and critical condition of the suffering people and creation as a result of human excessiveness and dissatisfaction/greed. Song of Preparation As the Deer Panteth for the Water  As the deer panteth for the water, So my soul longs after you Warn those excesses – James 2:6-7 You alone are my hearts desire, And I long to worship You. Share hope to the poor – James 2:5 Identify self with the lowly – Mat. 25:35-36 & 40  Chorus: You alone are my strength, my shield; To You alone may my spirit yield  To relocate the roots of our joy in His grace rather than in goods, in His mercy You alone are my hearts desire, And I long to worship You. rather than in money, in His Worth rather than in wealth  I want you more than gold or silver, Only You can satisfy Chronicles 29: 10-13 says, “Praise be to you, O Lord God of our father Israel, You alone are the real joy giver And the apple of my eye. from everlasting to everlasting. Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the Power and the glory and the Majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and  Chorus: earth is yours. Yours, O Lord, is the kingdom, you are exalted as the head over You alone are my strength, my shield; To You alone may my spirit yield ail. Wealth and humor come from you; you are a ruler of all things. In your hands You alone are my hearts desire, And I long to worship You. are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. Now, our God, we give thanks and praise your glorious Name Scripture Reading Assigned Youth Leader  To advance His saving Mission in the world – Proclaim the God’s news of salva- Group Dynamics [Fun, and Mood Setting] [Assigned Youth Leader] tion and deliverance “Drawing A House Together” Luke 4:14-30 – Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about Him spread through the whole countryside. He taught in their synagogues, Objectives: To raise the sense of awareness and discernment about and every one praised Him. He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, partnership and Relationship. and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. And he Materials: stood to read. The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to Him. Unrolling it, Cartolina Paper cut in halves [ Good for 2 set of Groupings] he found the place where it is written: “the Spirit of the Lord is on me be- Marker Pen cause he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me Duration 10-20 Minutes 21 The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal 10
  • 12. Steps  Groupings [ 3-4 persons in one group]  Both partners/members of the groupings to hold the same marker in such THE CHURCH IN MISSION: a way that they are able to draw together CALLED TO REPENTANCE AND RENEWAL  Draw a picture and write a title without speaking during the exercise.  Set Aside the drawing when done for the next step of reflection and Matthew 3:1-2; 2 Peter 3:8-9 sharing will come next. Bible Study Reflection Youth Pastor / Youth Leader A. Understanding Repentance and Renewal REPENTANCE as KEY for the RENEWAL and Transformation of the Church Repentance Sharing of Reflection  In Biblical Hebrew, the idea of repentance from two verbs: shuv means to Song of Commitment This Little Light of Mine [God‟s Great Big, Big Love] return and nicham means to feel to sorrow. It further would mean conversion  This little light of mine, I‟m gonna let it shine of life to God, transformation not only in the external action, but in the soul This little light of mine, I‟m gonna let it shine itself. This little light of mine I‟m gonna let it shine  It precedes from serious fear of God, but at the same time is excited by Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine knowledge of the Devine judgment and grace.  To a repentant being, there is experience of Christ‟s death which means the  God‟s Great Big, Big Love I‟m gonna let it shine old self is crucified by its power, so that the corruption of our former nature God‟s Great Big, Big Love I‟m gonna let it shine loses all its vigor. God‟s Great Big, Big Love, I‟m gonna let it shine Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine  A repentant person is at the same time a partaker of Christ‟s resurrection, thus the newness of life correspond with the righteousness of God.  Deep Down in my Soul, I‟m gonna let it shine Deep Down in my Soul, I‟m gonna let it shine Renewal Deep Down in my Soul, I‟m gonna let it shine  According to Paul Tillich his article, the New Being, Renewal can be best un- Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine derstood by seeing its result. He said, anyone or anything renewed becomes a New Being, New Reality, New Creation. In 2 Corinthians 5:17 Paul wrote,  Everywhere I go, I‟m gonna let it shine “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a New creation, the old has gone, the Everywhere I go, I‟m gonna let it shine New has come” Everywhere I go, I‟m gonna let it shine  It mean that neither to be a Jew or to be a pagan is ultimately important; Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine that only one thing counts, namely, the union with Him in whom the New Re- ality is present Closing Prayer [Pastor or Elders] Response  No religion matter – only new stage of things. Let us think about this striking  God‟s Great Big, Big Love I‟m gonna let it shine assertion of Paul. What is says first is that Christianity is more than a religion; God‟s Great Big, Big Love I‟m gonna let it shine it is the message of a New Creation God‟s Great Big, Big Love, I‟m gonna let it shine  With the act of renewal, a union or re-union with Christ, a new creation has Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine occurred, a New Being has appeared; and we are all asked to participate in it Fellowship Snack  The New Being is not something that simply the place of the Old Being. But is a renewal of the Old which has been corrupted, distorted, split and almost destroyed . but not wholly destroyed. Salvation does not de- 11 The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal 20
  • 13. hands as well. Christian Youth Fellowship Union Commitment Building [Friday-Saturday] 1. Personal Renewal: It starts with the heart and rededicating your life, being filled with the Spirit, or the “deeper life. The bottom line is this Arrival / Registration – it‟s not about religion and rituals; it‟s about a relationship with Jesus. Settling in / Pitching up Tents Fellowship Dinner 2. Relational Renewal: After you get right with God, you’ve got to get right with others. Jesus told us this. He told us to love God with all of our heart and Community Singing Action Songs / Praise Songs Assigned Youth Leaders then love others as ourselves. Like for example , when you have relational renewal in your church, The church is more than content; it‟s a community.  Song of Preparation Heart of Worship when the music fades all is stripped away 3. Missional Renewal: This is when a church discovers what God wants it to do. and i simply come longing just to bring We have a great responsibility for mission. We‟re not here just to bless one something that's of worth that will bless your heart another. God wants to bless the world through us. Specifically, God has given the church many purposes – worship, fellowship, community ministries, social i'll bring you more than a song for a song in itself concern, discipleship, ministry, and evangelism. Missional renewal happens is not what you have required you search much deeper within when we focus our churches on these purposes. When the church gets through the way things appear you're looking into my heart personal, relational, and mission renewal, it can‟t help but grow. chorus 4. Cultural Renewal: In this stage, God renews the culture of the church, With I'm coming back to the heart of worship the help of God we can change the culture of the church , once the first three and it's all about you It's all about you, Jesus renewals have happened in the church, God will change the culture. We I'm sorry Lord for the things I've made it should be filled with God’s nature as what the, Prophet have tolds us that when it's all about you it's all about you, Jesus our God does not want the burnt offerring but our changed life Micah 6:8 says, has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD King of endless worth no one could express require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your how much you deserve though I'm weak and poor God. all i have is yours every single breath [chorus] 5. Structural Renewal: After the church has been through the first four Opening Prayer Assigned Youth Leader renewals, it‟s going to outgrow your current structure. We‟ve got to structure our churches differently depending on our circumstances. As your church Orientation / Announcements / Concerns / Camp Rules Assigned Youth Leader begins to get healthier and healthier, the structure has to change. Yes indeed if we are renewed we can make our church be God‟s agent of rigtheousness  Fellowship Song We're Together Again for the whole community. And perhaps we can make the 6th Stages...what "We're together again, just praising the Lord. would that be???? We're together again, in one accord. Somethin' good is about to happen. Sharing of Reflection [Assigned Youth Leader] Somethin' good is in store.  What have we learn from the excercises and bible study theme that we have We're together again, just praising the Lord" earlier?  How can we connect with our continuing journey as God‟s people? Mood Settings [Indoor Games and Group dynamics] Assigned Youth Leader Indoor Group Dynamics 1. Follow me [ To relax and have fun ] Duration: 5 minutes Steps: 19 The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal 12
  • 14. The facilitator will first do some one funny movements for the par-  Response: ticipants to follow and later ask one to stand up and be new the Glorify the Lord with all our voices Leader to Follow and so on [5 persons can be called to be the next Show Him we're sincere by all our deeds leaders] Shout the joys of freedom everywhere And we'll all join in and sing 2. Line Up Games [ To exercise Group collaboration] Here we are, all together, as we sing our song joyfully Duration: 10 Minutes Here we are, all together, as we pray we will always be…. Steps: 1. Form a 2-3 Groups [ I group comprises 4-5 if few, if many you can make it up to 6 member] 2. Facilitator must explain the rules of the games 3. The groups will compete to see who can line up most quickly Bible Study GUIDE Example: Line up According to your age [From older to younger] and so on Bible Study Lesson: The Stages of Renewal Text : Micah 6:6-8 3. T-Shirt Switch [ Fun and coordination] Duration: 10 minutes Group Dynamics Activity [Mood Setting and Discernment] Materials: An Extra T-shirt for Everyone Playing Assigned Youth Leader Number of Players: no limit Steps: Scripture Reading Micah 6:6-8 6 1. Give everyone one t-shirt to wear over top of their original. With what shall I come before the LORD and bow down before the ex- 2. Split into equal groups of more than 3 or 4. alted God? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year 3. Have one person from each group go about 20 ft. away. Then have the first old? 7 Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousand person in the line run down to the player on the other end and both take off rivers of olive oil? Shall I offer my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit their t-shirt and switch shirts. The shirt must be on right side out and on fully of my body for the sin of my soul? 8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is before the other person runs back and takes off the shirt and switches with good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love the next person in line. mercy and to walk humbly with your God. 4. This continues until everybody gets their original shirt back. Context of the Biblical Text 4. Family Reunion [This will serve as the formal groupings] Torah Liturgy (6:6–8): which begins with Micah speaking on behalf of the Materials: Small pieces of paper, Marker Pens, Double Edge Tape community asking what they should do in order to get back on God's good Duration: 5 Minutes side. Micah then responds in V. 8 by showing what is God requires: "to Do Jus- Steps: tice, and to Love Kindness, and to Walk Humbly with your God.”Thus declar- 1. Determine the number of groups and assign a family name to each group and ing that the burnt offering of both animals and humans (which may have been put the family name on the ground where family members can find them. practiced in Judah under Kings Ahaz and Manasseh) is not necessary for God. 2. Within each family, each individual has a given a name like this - Acacia, narra, mahogany,ipil-ipil, kamagong [Trees] Reflection Points The Stages of Renewal [Assigned Youth Leader] - Sunflower, gumamela, sampaguita, rose, Waling-Waling [Flowers] For too long we’ve separated the Word of God from the work of God. As the - Tarsier, Water Buffalo, Bearcat, Philippine eagle, Cloud Rat [Animals] church, we’re called to be the body of Christ – the whole body. We’re not Lake, River, Spring, Falls, Streams [Body of Water] just called to be the mouth of Christ, but the feet and hands as well. For too - If there are more participants you can add another group long some of us separates the Word of God from the work of God. As the [like family of insects, or crops as long as the theme has church, we’re called to be the body of Christ – the whole body. something to do with nature. We’re not just called to be the mouth of Christ, but the feet and 13 The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal 18
  • 15. 3. Let the participants draw lots and have the paper sticked on their fore- Biblico Theological Reflection heads Theme: The Church in Mission: Called to Repentance and Renewal 4. Give the signal to start the search for their family membership Open Forum / Workshops 5. Drawing Together [ Raise awareness and discernment about communication within a group Announcements / Awarding of Certificates Materials:  Certificate of Participation Duration: 10-15 Minutes  Certificate of Appreciation for the Local Church Steps  [highly suggested: to provide T-Shirt printed with Youth Week Celebration] 1. Participants are divided into small groups 2. Each group is asked to make a collective drawing with a marker on the sheet  Words of Encouragement CYF Presidents half size Manila Paper.  Words of Challenge Church Minster / Youth Pastor 3. The members of the groups are not allowed to speak to each other 4. Each member is given only one minute each until all members of the group  Closing Song Here We Are have contributed to the drawing (chorus) 5. Each group should explain what they tried to draw 6. Small Group Reflection [Within the Groupings] C Am F G C Am F G - How and what did you feel about the collaboration within the group? Here we are, all together, as we sing our song joyfully - How could we have made a better collective drawing? C Am F G C F C G Here we are, all together, as we pray we will always be…. - What did you learn from this activity? C Am F G Join we now as friends and celebrate Peacemaking Ministry and Peace Building Part 1 C Am F G  Community Singing The brotherhood we share all as one C Am F G National Situationer (IBON FOUNDATION) Keep the fire burning, kindle it with care C Am F G Open Forum And we'll all join in and sing (chorus) Freedom we do shout, for everybody Big Group Reflection [Commitment Building] Church Pastor / Youth Pastor And until there is, we should pray That soon there will be one true Fellowship,  Song of Commitment O Jesus, I have promised And we'll all join in and sing (Chorus)  O Jesus, I have promised to serve Thee to the end; Be Thou forever near me, my Master and my Friend; Glorify the Lord with all our voices I shall not fear the battle if Thou art by my side, Show Him we're sincere by all our deeds Nor wander from the pathway if Thou wilt be my Guide. Shout the joys of freedom everywhere And we'll all join in and sing (Chorus)  O let me feel Thee near me! The world is ever near; Let us make the world an alleluia I see the sights that dazzle, the tempting sounds I hear; Let us make the world a better place My foes are ever near me, around me and within; Keep a smile handy, lend a helping hand But Jesus, draw Thou nearer, and shield my soul from sin. And we‟ll all join in and sing (Chorus)  O let me hear Thee speaking in accents clear and still, Closing Prayer Church Minister / Youth Pastor Above the storms of passion, the murmurs of self will. O speak to reassure me, to hasten or control; 17 The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal 14
  • 16. O speak, and make me listen, Thou Guardian of my soul. Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden Sprung in completeness where his feet pass  O Jesus, Thou hast promised to all who follow Thee That where Thou art in glory there shall Thy servant be.  Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning And Jesus, I have promised to serve Thee to the end; Born of the one light, Eden saw play O give me grace to follow, my Master and my Friend. Praise with elation, praise every morning God's recreation of the new day Closing Prayer Church Minister / Youth Pastor Morning and Thanksgiving Prayer Assigned Youth Leader  Response: O Jesus, I have promised last stanza  O let me see Thy footprints, and in them plant mine own; Breakfast Break My hope to follow duly is in Thy strength alone. Preparation for the Outdoor Activities O guide me, call me, draw me, uphold me to the end; Outdoor Activities And then in Heaven receive me, my Savior and my Friend. Outdoor Activities [Suggested]  Team Building Activities  Evolution  Teamwork Olympics Christian Youth Fellowship Union Saturday Fun Day  Laps And Peace Building Activity  Blinfolded Leader  Blind Square Early Morning Devotion  Human Bingo Shibashi Worship Movements  Ball Games [Suggested] [Soft Martial Arts Movements to start the Day with Soft Tai Chi Music]  Big Volleyball [ If one can secure a big big big Ball for Community Shibashi Qigong is based on T'ai Chi, and extracts some of the best movements Volleyball it would be nice] from the Yang style form. It places emphasis on synchronizing the 18 moves with  Sepak Takraw breathing technique, movement and visualization, drawing heavily on beautiful im-  Kickball ages from nature. It is a gentle and flowing exercise routine that is both a joy to do  Basketball and deeply relaxing. Christianity came to Asia from the west and it came with west-  Basketball Less Ordinary [ Basket ball game that each team ern forms of worship and spiritual practice. Contemporary Asian Christian women should make points by running to the moving basket carried by wanting to find a way to express their Christian faith through traditional Asian prac- one member of opposing teams tices have discovered Shibashi to enter into prayer not only with our minds and voices but with our bodies.  Regular Volleyball Lunch Break  Opening Song Morning Has Broken Outdoor Activities [Continuation]  Morning has broken, like the first morning Break / Rest Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird Peacemaking and Peace Building Part 2 Praise for the singing, praise for the morning Praise for the springing fresh from the word Community Singing / Praise Song  Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven Centering Prayer Like the first dewfall, on the first grass 15 The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal The Church in Mission: called to Repentance and Renewal 16