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1) X was an Indian mathematician, statistician,
   Marxist historian, and polymath who contributed
   to genetics by introducing _____'s map function.
   He is well known for his work in numismatics and
   for compiling critical editions of ancient Sanskrit
   texts. His father Y, had studied ancient Indian
   texts with a particular emphasis on Buddhism
   and its literature in the Pali language. X was also
   a Marxist historian specializing in ancient India
   who employed the historical materialist approach
   in his work. He is described as "the patriarch of
   the Marxist school of Indian historiography".
   Id X and Y.
Damodar               Dharmananda
Dharmananda Kosambi   Damodar Kosambi
2) X was a noted historian and indologist and author of a number
of books. As a Professor at the School of Oriental and African
Studies, London in the 1950s and the 1960s, he taught a number
of famous Indian historians, including Professors R.S. Sharma and
Romila Thapar.
Possibly his most popular book is Y (Sidgwick & Jackson, London,
1954) - published seven years after the 1947 Independence of
India. Revised editions of the book were released in 1963 and
then 1967. Rupa & Co, New Delhi brought out a paperback edition
in 1981. Macmillan Publishers Ltd., London, brought out a
paperback edition in 1985. By 2001, the paperback version was in
its 37th edition. staff review/book description reads
"most widely used introduction to Indian civilization. Although
first published in 1954, it has remained a classic interpretation."
3) Whose Artwork?
Robert Crumb
4) The Bubba ____ Shrimp Company Restaurant and Market is a seafood
restaurant chain inspired by the 1994 film X. As of September 2010, thirty-
two Bubba _____ restaurants operate worldwide. Twenty-two of these
locations are in the United States, three are in Japan, two are located in
Mexico, three are in Malaysia, and one each in the Philippines, Indonesia
and Hong Kong. The company is based in San Clemente, California, and has
been a division of Landry's Restaurants since 2010.
Give me X.
5) Where are these two Shakti Peeths located?

Shivaharkaray                                Hinglaj Mata
6) X is a Canadian musician. A multi-instrumentalist, he was known
primarily for playing electric violin and mandolin, as well as
harmonica, keyboards, glockenspiel, and other instruments
(sometimes described as "devices" on album notes).
X worked as a solo artist beginning in 1975, then founded the
progressive rock band FM in 1976. After the release of FM's first
album, Black Noise (FM album) he left in 1977 to resume his solo
career, which he relaunched in February 1978. (It was not until
after X's departure that the album was widely issued and
promoted, eventually charting and receiving a gold record award.
He later rejoined FM from 1983 to 1996, concurrent with his solo
Nash the Slash
7) X also referred to as biophysical economics, is a school
of heterodox economics that applies the laws of
thermodynamics to economic theory. The term X was
coined in 1962 by American engineer Myron Tribus, and
developed by the statistician and economist Nicholas
Georgescu-Roegen. X can be thought of as the statistical
physics of economic value.
8) X is a term used, usually pejoratively, to refer to belief in the
universal applicability of the scientific method and approach, and the
view that empirical science constitutes the most authoritative
worldview or most valuable part of human learning to the exclusion of
other viewpoints. It has been defined as "the view that the
characteristic inductive methods of the natural sciences are the only
source of genuine factual knowledge and, in particular, that they
alone can yield true knowledge about man and society." The term
frequently implies a critique of the more extreme expressions of
logical positivism and has been used by social scientists such as
Friedrich Hayek, philosophers of science such as Karl Popper, and
philosophers such as Hilary Putnam and Tzvetan Todorov to describe
the dogmatic endorsement of scientific methodology and the
reduction of all knowledge to only that which is measurable.
9) The X-Y debate is a dispute concerning whether X's
ideas of "power analytics" and "genealogy" or Y's ideas of
"communicative rationality" and "discourse ethics" provide
a better critique of the nature of power within society. The
debate compares and evaluates the central ideas of Y and X
as they pertain to questions of power, reason, ethics,
modernity, democracy, civil society, and social action.
The debate was a dialogue between texts and followers; X
and Y did not actually debate in person, though they were
considering a formal one in the U.S. before X's death in
1984. Y‘s essay, Taking Aim at the Heart of the Present
(1984) was altered before release in order to account for
X's inability to reply.
10) X is the largest town in the central Afghan region
of Hazarajat, and lies approximately 240 kilometres
north-west of Kabul, the national capital. X was the
site of an early Hindu–Buddhist monastery from
which X takes its name. X's name is translated as ‘The
Place of Shining Light.’ In 2008, X was found to be the
home of the world's oldest oil paintings.
11) The X Conventions were two international treaties negotiated at
international peace conferences at X. The First X Conference in 1899 and
the Second X Conference in 1907. Along with the Geneva Conventions,
the X Conventions were among the first formal statements of the laws of
war and war crimes in the body of secular international law. A third
conference was planned for 1914 and later rescheduled for 1915, but
never took place due to the start of World War I. The German
international law scholar and neo-Kantian pacifist Walther Schücking
called the assemblies the "international union of X conferences". and saw
them as a nucleus of an international federation that was to meet at
regular intervals to administer justice and develop international law
procedures for the peaceful settlement of disputes, asserting "that a
definite political union of the states of the world has been created with
the First and Second Conferences."
The Hague
12) Jalalpur Sharif is a small town located in Jhelum, and is a Union
Council of Pind Dadan Khan Tehsil in Jhelum District, Punjab province,
Pakistan. Jalalpur’s modern name came from the renaming of its
ancient name, Girjakh, by its king Malik Darwesh Khan Janjua who was
also a high ranking General of the Imperial Mughal Army under
Emperor Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar’s reign. It is stated that Malik
Darwesh ordered the renaming of Girjakh to Jalalpur, when Emperor
Akbar visited him. This was done in honour of the Emperor and the
Janjua family's relationship.
The town is the burial site of X, one of the most colourful characters
from history; X’s “best friend” even built a city (Phalia) to
commemorate his valiant death.
Id X.
13) On the film's title sequence, X has said:
The sequence for Y did very important non-narrative things; in the original
script there was a title sequence that had Z buying a house out in the middle of
nowhere and then travelling back on a train. He was making his way back to the
unnamed city from the unnamed suburban sprawl, and that's where the title
was supposed to be—"insert title sequence here"—but we didn't have the
money to do that. We also lacked the feeling of John Doe, the villain, who just
appeared 90 minutes into the movie. It was oddly problematic, you just needed
a sense of what these guys were up against. Kyle Cooper, the designer of the
title sequence, came to me and said, "You know, you have these amazing books
that you spent tens of thousands of dollars to make for the John Doe interior
props. I'd like to see them featured." And I said, "Well, that would be neat, but
that's kind of a 2D glimpse. Figure out a way for it to involve John Doe, to show
that somewhere across town somebody is working on some really evil shit. I
don't want it to be just flipping through pages, as beautiful as they are." So Kyle
came up with a great storyboard, and then we got Angus Wall and Harris
Savides—Harris to shoot it and Angus to cut it—and the rest, as they say, is
internet history
14) Frank Lloyd Wright was an American architect, interior
designer, writer and educator, who designed more than
1,000 structures and completed 532 works. Wright believed
in designing structures which were in harmony with
humanity and its environment, a philosophy he called
organic architecture. This philosophy was best exemplified
by his design for Fallingwater (1935), which has been called
"the best all-time work of American architecture“. Wright
was a leader of the Prairie School movement of architecture
and developed the concept of the Usonian home, his unique
vision for urban planning in the United States.
Which famous literary character is partly inspired from his
Howard Roark
15) Date- April 14, ____ (Ford’s Theater)
Halfway through Act III, Scene 2

Asa Trenchard- "Don't know the manners of good society, eh?
Well, I guess I know enough to turn you inside out, old gal —
you sockdologizing old man-trap.” (directed at Mrs.

Considered to be the funniest lines of the play, these lines had
the audience going into laughter seizures; precisely the
situation X (an actor, not in the scene) wanted to complete his

X- “Sic semper tyrannis” (after completing his task)

What did X do? (Hints- one of the major character's style of
beard — long, bushy sideburns — gave the English language
the word "dundrearies".)
16) Shig Murao, a City Lights clerk was arrested on June 3, 1957,
alongwith Lawrence Ferlinghetti, by an undercover San Francisco police
officer for selling X. They were later exonerated and Y was judged
protected under the First Amendment
17) Dastak (The Knock) is a classic Hindi film made in
The film is still known for its award-winning
performances by its leading cast, Sanjeev Kumar, and
the newcomer, Rehana Sultan, and for its memorable
songs by Madan Mohan, who won his first National
Film Award for it, and the lyrics of Majrooh Sultanpuri.
Hrishikesh Mukherjee, the editor, won a Filmfare
Award, his second after Madhumati in 1958.

Which famous personality made his directorial debut
with this film?
Rajinder Singh Bedi
18) X Combat, also known as X War or Euro War films, is a nickname
for a broad sub-genre of war film that emerged in the mid-1960s, so
named because most were produced and directed by European co-
productions, notably Italians. The typical team was made up of an
Italian director, Italo-Spanish technical staff, and a cast of Italian and
Spanish actors and sometimes German and French, sometimes a
fading Hollywood star. The films were primarily shot in Europe and
later, the Philippines. Much like the Italian spaghetti western, the X
Combat film mimicked the success of American films such as The
Dirty Dozen and Where Eagles Dare. Like spaghetti westerns, Euro
War films were characterized by their production in the Italian
language, low budgets, added violence, and a recognizable highly
fluid and minimalist cinematography.
Macaroni Combat
19) It’s a German propaganda film about a single German sniper warding
off an entire contingent of Allied forces. Who directed the movie; and,
where have we come across this film?
20) Adaptation. is a 2002 American semi-
autobiographical drama metafilm directed by Spike Jonze
and written by Charlie Kaufman. The film is based on
Susan Orlean's non-fiction book The Orchid Thief, with
numerous self-referential events added. Though the film
is billed as an adaptation of The Orchid Thief, its primary
narrative focus is Charlie Kaufman's difficult struggle to
adapt The Orchid Thief into a film, while dramatizing the
events of the book in parallel.
Which film is Kaufman trying to make?
21) The X novel is a popular sub-genre of prose
fiction which is usually satirical and depicts, in
realistic and often humorous detail, the adventures
of a roguish hero of low social class who lives by his
wits in a corrupt society. This style of novel
originated in sixteenth century Spain and flourished
throughout Europe in the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries.
22) The collection of short stories that makes up this
anthology was written during the 1940s for a private
client known simply as "Collector"'. This "Collector"
commissioned X, along with other now well-known
writers (including Henry Miller), to produce erotic fiction
for his private consumption. Despite being told to leave
poetic language aside and concentrate on graphic,
sexually explicit scenarios, X was able to give these
stories a literary flourish and a layer of images and ideas
beyond the pornographic. In the introduction, she called
herself "the madam of this snobbish literary house of
Id X and the novel.
23) X is an English-language idiom that commonly refers to a logical
fallacy that misleads or detracts from the actual issue. It is also a
literary device employed by writers that leads readers or characters
towards a false conclusion, often used in mystery or detective fiction.
The origin of the expression has a number of theories. Conventional
wisdom has long attributed it to a technique of training hounds to
follow a scent, or of distracting hounds during a fox hunt; however
modern linguistic research suggests that it was most likely a literary
device invented in 1807 by English polemicist William Cobbett, and
never an actual practice of hunters. The phrase was later borrowed to
provide a formal name for the logical fallacy, and is also a formal name
for a literary device or technique.
24) X is a paradox that raises the question of whether an object which
    has had all its component parts replaced remains fundamentally
    the same object. The paradox is most notably recorded by Plutarch
    in Life of ______ from the late 1st century. Plutarch asked whether
    a ship which was restored by replacing all its wooden parts,
    remained the same ship.
"The ship wherein ______ and the youth of Athens returned [from
    Crete] had thirty oars, and was preserved by the Athenians down
    even to the time of Demetrius Phalereus, for they took away the
    old planks as they decayed, putting in new and stronger timber in
    their place, insomuch that this ship became a standing example
    among the philosophers, for the logical question of things that
    grow; one side holding that the ship remained the same, and the
    other contending that it was not the same."
—Plutarch, _______
25) X is a book by American journalist and socialist Y about
    the October Revolution in Russia in 1917, which Y
    experienced firsthand. Y followed many of the
    prominent Bolshevik leaders, especially Grigory
    Zinoviev and Karl Radek, closely during his time in
    Russia. Y died in 1920, shortly after the book was
    finished, and he is one of the few Americans buried at
    the Kremlin Wall Necropolis in Moscow, a site normally
    reserved only for the most prominent Soviet leaders.
26) The husband and wife team of A and B developed the story that
would eventually become C as a way of understanding why some
children cannot conform to a conventional educational system. Their
initial work began as a short story that evolved into a screenplay
over seven years. B later stated in an interview with The Hindu that
her original inspiration was not D but rather the childhood of
filmmaker E, who performed poorly in school.
F, a highly acclaimed Indian painter, had a guest appearance in this
film (her first acting experience). F is the sister of G, a filmmaker,
sometimes referred to as "India's Orson Welles". F’s daughter H is
also a filmmaker; she was also the manager of
singer/lyricist/writer/film-maker I.
•   A- Amol Gupte
•   B- Deepa Bhatia
•   C- Taare Zameen Par
•   D- Dyslexia
•   E- Akira Kurosawa
•   F- Lalita Lajmi
•   G- Guru Dutt
•   H- Kalpana Lajmi
•   I- Bhupen Hazarika
27) X is a supernatural being in Norse mythology and Scandinavian
folklore. In origin, X may have been a negative synonym for a jötunn
(plural jötnar), a being in Norse mythology. In Old Norse sources, beings
described as Xs dwell in isolated rocks, mountains, or caves, live
together in small family units, and are rarely helpful to human beings.
Later, in Scandinavian folklore, Xs became beings in their own right,
where they live far from human habitation, are not Christianized, and
are considered dangerous to human beings. Depending on the region
from which accounts of Xs stem, their appearance varies greatly; Xs
may be ugly and slow-witted or look and behave exactly like human
beings, with no particularly grotesque characteristic about them. Xs are
sometimes associated with particular landmarks, which at times may
be explained as formed from a troll exposed to sunlight. One of the
most famous elements of Scandinavian folklore, Xs are depicted in a
variety of media in modern popular culture.
28) X was a German-born American poet, novelist and
short story writer. His writing was influenced by the
social, cultural and economic ambience of his home city
of Los Angeles. It is marked by an emphasis on the
ordinary lives of poor Americans, the act of writing,
alcohol, relationships with women and the drudgery of
work. X wrote thousands of poems, hundreds of short
stories and six novels, eventually publishing over sixty
books. In 1986 Time called X a "laureate of American
lowlife“. Regarding X's enduring popular appeal, Adam
Kirsch of The New Yorker wrote, "the secret of X's appeal.
. . [is that] he combines the confessional poet's promise
of intimacy with the larger-than-life aplomb of a pulp-
fiction hero."
Charles Bukowski
29) The cover art for X was inspired by the ending of Arthur C.
Clarke's novel Childhood's End. (The ending involves several
hundred million naked children, only slightly and physically
resembling the human race in basic forms.) It is a collage of several
photographs which were taken at the Giant's Causeway, Northern
Ireland, by Aubrey Powell of Hipgnosis. This location was chosen
ahead of an alternative one in Peru which was being considered.
The two children who modelled for the cover were siblings Stefan
and Samanatha Gates. The photoshoot was a frustrating affair over
the course of ten days. Shooting was done first thing in the morning
and at sunset in order to capture the light at dawn and dusk, but the
desired effect was never achieved due to constant rain and clouds.
The photos of the two children were taken in black and white and
were multi-printed to create the effect of 11 individuals that can be
seen on the album cover. The results of the shoot were less than
satisfactory, but some accidental tinting effects in post-production
created an unexpectedly striking album cover.
Houses of the Holy
30) X is a book by avant-garde filmmaker Kenneth Anger which
details the sordid scandals of many famous and infamous Hollywood
denizens from the 1900s to the 1950s. First published in the US in
1965, it was banned ten days later and would not be republished
until 1975. Upon its second release, the New York Times said of it, "If
a book such as this can be said to have charm, it lies in the fact that
here is a book without one single redeeming merit.“
The book details the stories of Hollywood stars from the silent film
era to stars of the 1960s including stories about Lupe Vélez, Rudolph
Valentino, Olive Thomas, Thelma Todd, Frances Farmer, Juanita
Hansen, Mae Murray, Alma Rubens, Barbara La Marr, and Marilyn
Monroe. X also featured chapters on the Fatty Arbuckle-Virginia
Rappe scandal, the murder of William Desmond Taylor, the
Hollywood Blacklist, the murder of Sharon Tate, and the Confidential
magazine lawsuits.
Yugantar Quiz- Finals

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Yugantar Quiz- Finals

  • 1. 1) X was an Indian mathematician, statistician, Marxist historian, and polymath who contributed to genetics by introducing _____'s map function. He is well known for his work in numismatics and for compiling critical editions of ancient Sanskrit texts. His father Y, had studied ancient Indian texts with a particular emphasis on Buddhism and its literature in the Pali language. X was also a Marxist historian specializing in ancient India who employed the historical materialist approach in his work. He is described as "the patriarch of the Marxist school of Indian historiography". Id X and Y.
  • 2. Damodar Dharmananda Dharmananda Kosambi Damodar Kosambi
  • 3. 2) X was a noted historian and indologist and author of a number of books. As a Professor at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London in the 1950s and the 1960s, he taught a number of famous Indian historians, including Professors R.S. Sharma and Romila Thapar. Possibly his most popular book is Y (Sidgwick & Jackson, London, 1954) - published seven years after the 1947 Independence of India. Revised editions of the book were released in 1963 and then 1967. Rupa & Co, New Delhi brought out a paperback edition in 1981. Macmillan Publishers Ltd., London, brought out a paperback edition in 1985. By 2001, the paperback version was in its 37th edition. staff review/book description reads "most widely used introduction to Indian civilization. Although first published in 1954, it has remained a classic interpretation."
  • 4.
  • 7. 4) The Bubba ____ Shrimp Company Restaurant and Market is a seafood restaurant chain inspired by the 1994 film X. As of September 2010, thirty- two Bubba _____ restaurants operate worldwide. Twenty-two of these locations are in the United States, three are in Japan, two are located in Mexico, three are in Malaysia, and one each in the Philippines, Indonesia and Hong Kong. The company is based in San Clemente, California, and has been a division of Landry's Restaurants since 2010. Give me X.
  • 8.
  • 9. 5) Where are these two Shakti Peeths located? Shivaharkaray Hinglaj Mata
  • 10.
  • 11. 6) X is a Canadian musician. A multi-instrumentalist, he was known primarily for playing electric violin and mandolin, as well as harmonica, keyboards, glockenspiel, and other instruments (sometimes described as "devices" on album notes). X worked as a solo artist beginning in 1975, then founded the progressive rock band FM in 1976. After the release of FM's first album, Black Noise (FM album) he left in 1977 to resume his solo career, which he relaunched in February 1978. (It was not until after X's departure that the album was widely issued and promoted, eventually charting and receiving a gold record award. He later rejoined FM from 1983 to 1996, concurrent with his solo work.
  • 13. 7) X also referred to as biophysical economics, is a school of heterodox economics that applies the laws of thermodynamics to economic theory. The term X was coined in 1962 by American engineer Myron Tribus, and developed by the statistician and economist Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen. X can be thought of as the statistical physics of economic value.
  • 14.
  • 15. 8) X is a term used, usually pejoratively, to refer to belief in the universal applicability of the scientific method and approach, and the view that empirical science constitutes the most authoritative worldview or most valuable part of human learning to the exclusion of other viewpoints. It has been defined as "the view that the characteristic inductive methods of the natural sciences are the only source of genuine factual knowledge and, in particular, that they alone can yield true knowledge about man and society." The term frequently implies a critique of the more extreme expressions of logical positivism and has been used by social scientists such as Friedrich Hayek, philosophers of science such as Karl Popper, and philosophers such as Hilary Putnam and Tzvetan Todorov to describe the dogmatic endorsement of scientific methodology and the reduction of all knowledge to only that which is measurable.
  • 16.
  • 17. 9) The X-Y debate is a dispute concerning whether X's ideas of "power analytics" and "genealogy" or Y's ideas of "communicative rationality" and "discourse ethics" provide a better critique of the nature of power within society. The debate compares and evaluates the central ideas of Y and X as they pertain to questions of power, reason, ethics, modernity, democracy, civil society, and social action. The debate was a dialogue between texts and followers; X and Y did not actually debate in person, though they were considering a formal one in the U.S. before X's death in 1984. Y‘s essay, Taking Aim at the Heart of the Present (1984) was altered before release in order to account for X's inability to reply.
  • 18.
  • 19. 10) X is the largest town in the central Afghan region of Hazarajat, and lies approximately 240 kilometres north-west of Kabul, the national capital. X was the site of an early Hindu–Buddhist monastery from which X takes its name. X's name is translated as ‘The Place of Shining Light.’ In 2008, X was found to be the home of the world's oldest oil paintings.
  • 21. 11) The X Conventions were two international treaties negotiated at international peace conferences at X. The First X Conference in 1899 and the Second X Conference in 1907. Along with the Geneva Conventions, the X Conventions were among the first formal statements of the laws of war and war crimes in the body of secular international law. A third conference was planned for 1914 and later rescheduled for 1915, but never took place due to the start of World War I. The German international law scholar and neo-Kantian pacifist Walther Schücking called the assemblies the "international union of X conferences". and saw them as a nucleus of an international federation that was to meet at regular intervals to administer justice and develop international law procedures for the peaceful settlement of disputes, asserting "that a definite political union of the states of the world has been created with the First and Second Conferences."
  • 23. 12) Jalalpur Sharif is a small town located in Jhelum, and is a Union Council of Pind Dadan Khan Tehsil in Jhelum District, Punjab province, Pakistan. Jalalpur’s modern name came from the renaming of its ancient name, Girjakh, by its king Malik Darwesh Khan Janjua who was also a high ranking General of the Imperial Mughal Army under Emperor Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar’s reign. It is stated that Malik Darwesh ordered the renaming of Girjakh to Jalalpur, when Emperor Akbar visited him. This was done in honour of the Emperor and the Janjua family's relationship. The town is the burial site of X, one of the most colourful characters from history; X’s “best friend” even built a city (Phalia) to commemorate his valiant death. Id X.
  • 25. 13) On the film's title sequence, X has said: The sequence for Y did very important non-narrative things; in the original script there was a title sequence that had Z buying a house out in the middle of nowhere and then travelling back on a train. He was making his way back to the unnamed city from the unnamed suburban sprawl, and that's where the title was supposed to be—"insert title sequence here"—but we didn't have the money to do that. We also lacked the feeling of John Doe, the villain, who just appeared 90 minutes into the movie. It was oddly problematic, you just needed a sense of what these guys were up against. Kyle Cooper, the designer of the title sequence, came to me and said, "You know, you have these amazing books that you spent tens of thousands of dollars to make for the John Doe interior props. I'd like to see them featured." And I said, "Well, that would be neat, but that's kind of a 2D glimpse. Figure out a way for it to involve John Doe, to show that somewhere across town somebody is working on some really evil shit. I don't want it to be just flipping through pages, as beautiful as they are." So Kyle came up with a great storyboard, and then we got Angus Wall and Harris Savides—Harris to shoot it and Angus to cut it—and the rest, as they say, is internet history
  • 26.
  • 27. 14) Frank Lloyd Wright was an American architect, interior designer, writer and educator, who designed more than 1,000 structures and completed 532 works. Wright believed in designing structures which were in harmony with humanity and its environment, a philosophy he called organic architecture. This philosophy was best exemplified by his design for Fallingwater (1935), which has been called "the best all-time work of American architecture“. Wright was a leader of the Prairie School movement of architecture and developed the concept of the Usonian home, his unique vision for urban planning in the United States. Which famous literary character is partly inspired from his life?
  • 29. 15) Date- April 14, ____ (Ford’s Theater) Halfway through Act III, Scene 2 Asa Trenchard- "Don't know the manners of good society, eh? Well, I guess I know enough to turn you inside out, old gal — you sockdologizing old man-trap.” (directed at Mrs. Mountchessington) Considered to be the funniest lines of the play, these lines had the audience going into laughter seizures; precisely the situation X (an actor, not in the scene) wanted to complete his task. X- “Sic semper tyrannis” (after completing his task) What did X do? (Hints- one of the major character's style of beard — long, bushy sideburns — gave the English language the word "dundrearies".)
  • 30.
  • 31. 16) Shig Murao, a City Lights clerk was arrested on June 3, 1957, alongwith Lawrence Ferlinghetti, by an undercover San Francisco police officer for selling X. They were later exonerated and Y was judged protected under the First Amendment
  • 32.
  • 33. 17) Dastak (The Knock) is a classic Hindi film made in 1970. The film is still known for its award-winning performances by its leading cast, Sanjeev Kumar, and the newcomer, Rehana Sultan, and for its memorable songs by Madan Mohan, who won his first National Film Award for it, and the lyrics of Majrooh Sultanpuri. Hrishikesh Mukherjee, the editor, won a Filmfare Award, his second after Madhumati in 1958. Which famous personality made his directorial debut with this film?
  • 35. 18) X Combat, also known as X War or Euro War films, is a nickname for a broad sub-genre of war film that emerged in the mid-1960s, so named because most were produced and directed by European co- productions, notably Italians. The typical team was made up of an Italian director, Italo-Spanish technical staff, and a cast of Italian and Spanish actors and sometimes German and French, sometimes a fading Hollywood star. The films were primarily shot in Europe and later, the Philippines. Much like the Italian spaghetti western, the X Combat film mimicked the success of American films such as The Dirty Dozen and Where Eagles Dare. Like spaghetti westerns, Euro War films were characterized by their production in the Italian language, low budgets, added violence, and a recognizable highly fluid and minimalist cinematography.
  • 37. 19) It’s a German propaganda film about a single German sniper warding off an entire contingent of Allied forces. Who directed the movie; and, where have we come across this film?
  • 38.
  • 39. 20) Adaptation. is a 2002 American semi- autobiographical drama metafilm directed by Spike Jonze and written by Charlie Kaufman. The film is based on Susan Orlean's non-fiction book The Orchid Thief, with numerous self-referential events added. Though the film is billed as an adaptation of The Orchid Thief, its primary narrative focus is Charlie Kaufman's difficult struggle to adapt The Orchid Thief into a film, while dramatizing the events of the book in parallel. Which film is Kaufman trying to make?
  • 40.
  • 41. 21) The X novel is a popular sub-genre of prose fiction which is usually satirical and depicts, in realistic and often humorous detail, the adventures of a roguish hero of low social class who lives by his wits in a corrupt society. This style of novel originated in sixteenth century Spain and flourished throughout Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
  • 42.
  • 43. 22) The collection of short stories that makes up this anthology was written during the 1940s for a private client known simply as "Collector"'. This "Collector" commissioned X, along with other now well-known writers (including Henry Miller), to produce erotic fiction for his private consumption. Despite being told to leave poetic language aside and concentrate on graphic, sexually explicit scenarios, X was able to give these stories a literary flourish and a layer of images and ideas beyond the pornographic. In the introduction, she called herself "the madam of this snobbish literary house of prostitution". Id X and the novel.
  • 44.
  • 45. 23) X is an English-language idiom that commonly refers to a logical fallacy that misleads or detracts from the actual issue. It is also a literary device employed by writers that leads readers or characters towards a false conclusion, often used in mystery or detective fiction. The origin of the expression has a number of theories. Conventional wisdom has long attributed it to a technique of training hounds to follow a scent, or of distracting hounds during a fox hunt; however modern linguistic research suggests that it was most likely a literary device invented in 1807 by English polemicist William Cobbett, and never an actual practice of hunters. The phrase was later borrowed to provide a formal name for the logical fallacy, and is also a formal name for a literary device or technique.
  • 46.
  • 47. 24) X is a paradox that raises the question of whether an object which has had all its component parts replaced remains fundamentally the same object. The paradox is most notably recorded by Plutarch in Life of ______ from the late 1st century. Plutarch asked whether a ship which was restored by replacing all its wooden parts, remained the same ship. "The ship wherein ______ and the youth of Athens returned [from Crete] had thirty oars, and was preserved by the Athenians down even to the time of Demetrius Phalereus, for they took away the old planks as they decayed, putting in new and stronger timber in their place, insomuch that this ship became a standing example among the philosophers, for the logical question of things that grow; one side holding that the ship remained the same, and the other contending that it was not the same." —Plutarch, _______
  • 48.
  • 49. 25) X is a book by American journalist and socialist Y about the October Revolution in Russia in 1917, which Y experienced firsthand. Y followed many of the prominent Bolshevik leaders, especially Grigory Zinoviev and Karl Radek, closely during his time in Russia. Y died in 1920, shortly after the book was finished, and he is one of the few Americans buried at the Kremlin Wall Necropolis in Moscow, a site normally reserved only for the most prominent Soviet leaders.
  • 50.
  • 51. 26) The husband and wife team of A and B developed the story that would eventually become C as a way of understanding why some children cannot conform to a conventional educational system. Their initial work began as a short story that evolved into a screenplay over seven years. B later stated in an interview with The Hindu that her original inspiration was not D but rather the childhood of filmmaker E, who performed poorly in school. F, a highly acclaimed Indian painter, had a guest appearance in this film (her first acting experience). F is the sister of G, a filmmaker, sometimes referred to as "India's Orson Welles". F’s daughter H is also a filmmaker; she was also the manager of singer/lyricist/writer/film-maker I.
  • 52. Answers • A- Amol Gupte • B- Deepa Bhatia • C- Taare Zameen Par • D- Dyslexia • E- Akira Kurosawa • F- Lalita Lajmi • G- Guru Dutt • H- Kalpana Lajmi • I- Bhupen Hazarika
  • 53. 27) X is a supernatural being in Norse mythology and Scandinavian folklore. In origin, X may have been a negative synonym for a jötunn (plural jötnar), a being in Norse mythology. In Old Norse sources, beings described as Xs dwell in isolated rocks, mountains, or caves, live together in small family units, and are rarely helpful to human beings. Later, in Scandinavian folklore, Xs became beings in their own right, where they live far from human habitation, are not Christianized, and are considered dangerous to human beings. Depending on the region from which accounts of Xs stem, their appearance varies greatly; Xs may be ugly and slow-witted or look and behave exactly like human beings, with no particularly grotesque characteristic about them. Xs are sometimes associated with particular landmarks, which at times may be explained as formed from a troll exposed to sunlight. One of the most famous elements of Scandinavian folklore, Xs are depicted in a variety of media in modern popular culture.
  • 54. Troll
  • 55. 28) X was a German-born American poet, novelist and short story writer. His writing was influenced by the social, cultural and economic ambience of his home city of Los Angeles. It is marked by an emphasis on the ordinary lives of poor Americans, the act of writing, alcohol, relationships with women and the drudgery of work. X wrote thousands of poems, hundreds of short stories and six novels, eventually publishing over sixty books. In 1986 Time called X a "laureate of American lowlife“. Regarding X's enduring popular appeal, Adam Kirsch of The New Yorker wrote, "the secret of X's appeal. . . [is that] he combines the confessional poet's promise of intimacy with the larger-than-life aplomb of a pulp- fiction hero."
  • 57. 29) The cover art for X was inspired by the ending of Arthur C. Clarke's novel Childhood's End. (The ending involves several hundred million naked children, only slightly and physically resembling the human race in basic forms.) It is a collage of several photographs which were taken at the Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland, by Aubrey Powell of Hipgnosis. This location was chosen ahead of an alternative one in Peru which was being considered. The two children who modelled for the cover were siblings Stefan and Samanatha Gates. The photoshoot was a frustrating affair over the course of ten days. Shooting was done first thing in the morning and at sunset in order to capture the light at dawn and dusk, but the desired effect was never achieved due to constant rain and clouds. The photos of the two children were taken in black and white and were multi-printed to create the effect of 11 individuals that can be seen on the album cover. The results of the shoot were less than satisfactory, but some accidental tinting effects in post-production created an unexpectedly striking album cover.
  • 59. 30) X is a book by avant-garde filmmaker Kenneth Anger which details the sordid scandals of many famous and infamous Hollywood denizens from the 1900s to the 1950s. First published in the US in 1965, it was banned ten days later and would not be republished until 1975. Upon its second release, the New York Times said of it, "If a book such as this can be said to have charm, it lies in the fact that here is a book without one single redeeming merit.“ The book details the stories of Hollywood stars from the silent film era to stars of the 1960s including stories about Lupe Vélez, Rudolph Valentino, Olive Thomas, Thelma Todd, Frances Farmer, Juanita Hansen, Mae Murray, Alma Rubens, Barbara La Marr, and Marilyn Monroe. X also featured chapters on the Fatty Arbuckle-Virginia Rappe scandal, the murder of William Desmond Taylor, the Hollywood Blacklist, the murder of Sharon Tate, and the Confidential magazine lawsuits.