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Youtube marketing interview 
In this file, we share with you all information that related to youtube 
marketing interview such as video marketing tips, video marketing tools, 
video marketing sites. 
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I. Video marketing content for you! 
Jake Larsen is a world-famous YouTube video marketing expert. Jake 
runs the agency and online training center “Video Power Marketing” at Jake has amazing insight and experience into how 
individuals and also businesses can increase sales and brand awareness 
using video and YouTube. It is with great pleasure that I say “Welcome 
to the call, Jake.” 
JAKE: Thanks for having me, I appreciate it. 
GREG: Excellent. I was looking forward to this. This is a very exciting 
area of online marketing and I think an area that’s really going to just get 
bigger and bigger. And I’ve been speaking to you over the last week and 
I know we met earlier in the year in the U.S. as well. I think once people 
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become more aware of what’s happening in this space, that’s going to 
definitely be more and more excitement around it. Would you agree? 
JAKE: Yeah. I just read an article today that video viewership in the 
next three years is supposed to double. So, if you think about how much 
it’s just grown in the last couple of the years, it’s just growing very fast. 
GREG: Yeah, it’s a crazy exciting area. And I think there’s amazing 
opportunities for…if you’d call them “early adopters” in this space. 
Before we get into the how the marketing works in this YouTube space, 
you’ve got a really interesting story with how you got started on 
YouTube with video marketing and how you got out of your day job. Do 
you mind sharing that with us at all? 
JAKE: For sure. A little bit about my background, I’ve always loved 
making videos as my video comes from video production. Like a lot of 
people, I can make really cool videos, but struggle to have people see 
them. You can post a video on YouTube and a month later, still only 
have 47 views. So, it was still really frustrating, right? 
GREG: Mm-hmm. 
JAKE: But I ended up getting a job at a company called ZAGG. They 
make mobile accessories; phone cases for your phone and all that stuff. 
And we did some scratch test videos for them and those kind of actually 
blew up and did really well. And it so well that the company became a 
case study on how businesses can effectively use video to grow their 
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And so, grew their YouTube channel from zero to 35,000 subscribers 
and 35 million views. And so, then, when YouTube came out with 
TrueView; those ads you can skip after five seconds? That’s relatively 
new. We’ve only been seeing those for the last year and a half, two 
years. Brand new platform. 
We were one of 10 companies asked by Google to be YouTube 
marketing ambassadors. And so, they kind of flew us up to the 
Googleplex and showed us this new TrueView platform which is done in 
AdWords. And we were one of the first companies to start 
experimenting within it and using it and kind of gave them some 
While I was there, they kind of shared that they want to take out TV 
advertising. Like, they have very high goals at Google. And the scary 
thing is, they’re doing exactly that. Looking back a couple years later, 
it’s happening. And it’s the future. 
So, after this experience and learning how to set up this campaign, I also 
got a lot of opportunity to spend tens of thousands of dollars with the 
company’s money and found out we learned what doesn’t work and we 
learned what works. And so, then, I started getting a lot of calls from 
people “Hey, can you set this up for my company in doing this?” 
And I was kind of straddling that line. “Do I quit my job and help other 
people with theirs? Or should I stay here with the security and all that 
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Our firstborn child was coming in a month and I saw the future, I saw 
what I could do. And I saw the value that I can also bring to people in 
building these effective video campaigns. 
And I made the jump. I quit my job a month before our baby was born 
and haven’t looked back. I’ve loved every second of it. And it’s only 
been 10 months. And I have a team helping me, too. Because business 
has been good. 
It’s not enough to have videos anymore. You need to know what to do 
with those videos to get them seen and creating YouTube advertising 
campaigns is very effective and it works. 
GREG: That’s great. I remember when you were telling me that I really 
resonated with your story. Because it pretty much mirrored ours. Not in 
the YouTube space, but we were getting good at doing stuff online. And 
then, people started asking “Would you mind doing that for us, would 
you mind doing that for us?” 
And we had to decide the same thing. “Do we keep the safe, corporate 
job? Or do we jump out and start running an agency and some training” 
and that kind of thing. And we had a child that was three months off 
being born. So, I think you were even more riskier than us. Good on you 
for taking that. 
And obviously, you’ve got the skill set and I think you’re riding the 
correct wave, as well. So, we’ve got no doubt about your success there. 
JAKE: I wanted to add something there because it was also interesting. 
About a month or a month and a half after I quit my job, I had been 
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using YouTube advertising to kind of market myself and my company 
and I was giving away a free video marketing course. 
But while I was marketing myself, one of the biggest marketers online, 
Ryan Deiss, saw my ad, purchased my course. Said “Hey, I put on this 
event every year in San Diego. We’d love to have you come and speak 
about YouTube marketing.” I was like “Oh, my gosh.” 
First of all, I didn’t say “Oh, my gosh,” because who is this guy? I never 
heard him before. So, I Google his name, “Oh, my gosh. He’s a big 
So, I go there and speak and it was a great experience. It also helped 
with kind of growing the company and getting some more clients. But it 
was just kind of cool. Like I’m eating my own dog food, you know? I’m 
preaching the YouTube advertising and I’m actually using it myself. 
And it works [inaudible 00:07:04]. Take it small. 
GREG: Well, that’s actually how I came across you. Because I’m with 
Ryan Deiss, I’m in their highest-level coaching group, which is the War 
Room. And so, obviously, I was at the Traffic & Conversion Summit in 
February as well. 
Truth be known, I missed your presentation because it was a split 
session. It’s true, because I had to go to an eCommerce thing. But 
everyone kept saying “Yeah, you’ve got to watch the videos of what this 
guy, Jake Larsen, said.” And it was a very big buzz at the time. 
And yes. True to form, I did do that and hooked you up afterwards. So, 
it’s great, isn’t it? One thing can lead into another and can lead you into 
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another. And who knows? Someone can see you on an Internet 
marketing magazine cover and then, who knows where that can go from 
JAKE: There you go. Because I know you guys got some heavy-baller 
(?) listeners. 
GREG: It’s outrageous, basically and listenership [SP] is from complete 
newbies through to eCommerce guys doing $100 million-plus. 
JAKE: And that’s the beauty of this platform. Honestly, it works for the 
big and the small. Like a year ago, I was in my cubicle at my day job. 
And then, because of YouTube advertising, I started to do it for myself. 
And it was a very cost-effective, easy way for me to get my name and 
my message out in front of very specific types of people all over the 
And so, nobodies can use it and become somebodies. And the 
somebodies can use it to kind of own their market and find a new way, 
that new way of getting your message out there. 
GREG: Exciting area. Which is really the CPV-type space, cost per 
view. Some people may not have come across that. They may be more 
familiar with CPM or CPC-type stuff. So, can you just explain how CPV 
works for those who haven’t come across it? 
JAKE: Yeah. The last 10 years, this whole…creating these campaigns is 
done in the Google AdWords platform. And so, AdWords has been 
around for what, 10, 12 years or something like that? And that’s 
traditionally a cost per click or a CPM, thousand views. 
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And the way YouTube advertising works, it’s a cost per view. And a 
cost per view ranges from $0.02 to $0.25 depending on how targeted 
you get. The cool thing happens, though, is a view, is if a viewer 
watches 30 seconds of the video or half of it, whichever comes first. 
So, if you have a 60-second video and the viewer watches 29 seconds 
and then skips to the ad, you don’t have to pay because they didn’t hit 
that 30-second threshold. It’s basically a free 29 seconds. 
GREG: Wow, that is so exciting for those who hasn’t grasped that 
concept. The opportunity to get free traffic from YouTube in that space. 
JAKE: And the way that it works, too, you can hack YouTube 
advertisings. There’s a way to hack it where you can technically get free 
So, when I was kind of out there at the Googleplex, they’re kind of 
teaching us about this cost per view. The cool thing is if a viewer clicks 
the video ad…I don’t know if you’ve seen this, when you’ve been on 
YouTube and you watch the ad, you can skip after five seconds? 
GREG: Yes. 
JAKE: Well, if you skip that ad, it pauses the video and takes you 
straight to a landing page or someone else’s site. So, if you’re kind of 
putting all these dots together…if you can get the viewer to click before 
30 seconds, you can technically drive free, targeted traffic to your 
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GREG: That is very sexy. Excellent. Because there’s multiple different 
ways to advertise on YouTube and that’s one of them. So, can you just 
explain, I think, the three sort of main ways to advertise on YouTube? 
JAKE: Yep. It originally started out, there was four ways. 
GREG: Four? Okay. 
JAKE: And then there was three ways. But actually, Google made a 
change a couple weeks ago and now there’s actually two ways. 
GREG: Really? So, what’s the latest in this space? 
JAKE: It’s in-stream and in-display. Those are the two types of videos. 
And the in-stream are what we talked about. In-stream ads are those 
ones you can skip after five seconds. 
GREG: Is that still called TrueView? Or not? 
JAKE: Yeah. It’s a TrueView in-stream ad. 
GREG: Gotcha. 
JAKE: So, this is all under TrueView, all in AdWords. And then, the 
other type of TrueView ad is display ad, in-display. And those are the 
videos you see that you can put up the type of search results. Or also on 
the right side in the suggested videos. Those are the in-display TrueView 
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GREG: Okay, cool. What about those little, sort of like a text bit that 
goes over a bottom of a YouTube video? They still doing that? 
JAKE: So, I’ve never used that type because I don’t think they work that 
well. But those are done, also, in AdWords. But it’s weird. There’s a 
TrueView video and then AdWords for video. And I think that’s done in 
the regular text, cost per click platform. 
GREG: Target YouTube. Excellent, all right. So, as far as which ways to 
be the most effective, what’s been your experience? 
JAKE: I have a bias. I’m a big fan of the in-stream ads. And that’s just 
because I build videos around a click. I want to get people’s attention, I 
want to get them off YouTube and on my website. So, I’m a big fan of 
the in-stream versions. 
That being said, I personally have never had huge success with the in-display. 
But I’ve talked to some people who have seen it work out and 
who have been successful with it. But my whole YouTube hacker 
strategy involves building video ads that get the click. 
Because I always laugh. I always laugh when I see a YouTube ad and 
it’s like a movie preview. Where there’s five, 10 seconds of the 
company’s logo. Nobody wants to look at your stupid logo. You’ve got 
five seconds to get someone’s attention, why are you so worried about 
your logo? Let’s cut straight into the meat, get someone’s attention and 
then get them off YouTube and get them onto your website. 
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I’m a big fan of getting clicks and getting people off of YouTube and 
onto the website. 
GREG: I couldn’t agree more. And where this did get sexier, as well, I 
think, is there’s more different ways we can target our exact audience on 
YouTube that we’re after. And in particular, there’s a way we can target 
our competitors, isn’t there? So, could you explain some of the different 
ways that we can target people? And particularly of what I was alluding 
to of how we could target your exact competitor if they had a big 
YouTube channel? 
JAKE: Yeah. I think one of the coolest ways to target is you could 
basically put your video, your message on your competitors’ YouTube 
channel or on their videos. 
GREG: That’s so cool. 
JAKE: In fact, when I had left ZAGG and they’re in the mobile 
accessories industry and started building this for other companies. A 
company who is also in the mobile accessories industry reached out and 
I went in there and they’re like “Yeah, how come whenever I watch a 
video of ours on our YouTube channel, a ZAGG ad pops up?” And I’m 
like “Well, I’m sorry about that. That was probably me that set you up.” 
But that’s what I can do for other people. So, ways to target. 
You can target any video, a specific video on YouTube, as long as it has 
ads on it. You can target by someone’s YouTube channel. Again, as long 
as you go on there and you see ads on it, you can put your ad right there. 
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You can target based on key words. So, any key words that are in the 
title or the description of the video. You can target by keywords that 
people search. You can target by people’s interests. 
So, if they’ve been viewing videos about how to market online, then you 
can put your ad on there. If that’s on their search history, then you can 
show up there. 
And then, also, one of the best converting targeting groups that I’ve 
noticed is re-marketing. So, if anyone’s been to your website and then 
they go onto YouTube and search whatever, then you could basically 
have your ad basically follow them around. 
GREG: So, it’ll show on the front of the video that they’re about to 
JAKE: Whatever they’re watching, yep. I mean, re-marketing always 
has like one of the best ways to convert. 
GREG: Agreed. And I remember early on, you were talking about this 
versus TV advertising. Not that being that politically correct here, but 
this kicks TV advertising’s ass, doesn’t it? Like, if you’re running your 
TV ad, you’re sending it out to a mass market. And I’m watching it, my 
grandma’s watching it, etc. We’ve got completely different interests. 
Even you and I may have completely different interests. 
With here, you’re able to target the exact people who you’re after. It’s 
just so much smarter. 
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JAKE: I think there’s a couple big reasons why. First of all, I’ll go to 
companies and some of the companies I work with, they spend $50,000, 
$100,000 a month just on TV ads. And I say “What are you guys getting 
for that? You’re spending that much, but what do you get for it?” 
They’re like “We don’t know. It’s just something you’re supposed to do 
for marketing. It’s branding exposure, we get this many impressions.” 
I’m like “Screw impressions. Who really counts impressions as a metric 
anymore? Give me a quarter or a tenth of your budget for TV and let me 
show you better results and more effective results.” And it happens and 
we’re able to prove that. Because we know how many people watch the 
video. We know how long they watch the video. 
We know if they click. We know if they go to the website. We know 
how long they’re on the website. We know if they buy something. You 
know everything you could possibly want to know. 
GREG: Whereas TV, they’re not getting that info. 
JAKE: And the other cool thing about it is the viewer that has a choice. 
They can watch it or not. They can skip the ad if they want to. And 
that’s not a bad thing. Some people are like “What if someone skips 
your ad?” Or “I always skip those ads.” That’s a good thing. Because 
you don’t want to waste your ad spend on people who aren’t interested. 
Because no matter how much money you spend, certain people will 
never buy your product. And why would you want to waste your ad 
spend on people who aren’t interested? 
GREG: Or their time, yep. 
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JAKE: I have an ad where I have a popup. “If you’re a marketer or a 
business owner, you need to check this out. I’ve got this cool, new way 
of advertising” or whatever. “If you’re not, skip this ad because I don’t 
want to talk to you.” Like, it’s totally okay to segment your message and 
exclude certain people. It’s not for everybody, right? 
GREG: Yeah, gotcha. What about from one ad agency guy to another, 
with getting in the door of some of those big companies that are doing 
the TV advertising? Are they seeking you out or are you doing some 
clever marketing to get their attention? 
JAKE: I do YouTube advertising to kind of get people to my site to get 
people to sign up. Because I have a free marketing course that I give 
away for free and people can sign up for that. I also have a couple of 
info products, like “How to make $1 a day on YouTube” or “How to 
hack YouTube advertising.” 
So, I use that to get my message out there. And a lot of the time, people 
come and say “Hey, I have this bigger company” and then I have a client 
brief or whatever and see if we’re the right fit to work with each other. 
That’s like the only marketing I do. And most of it has been kind of 
word of mouth or speaking at events, people hear me speak and 
[inaudible 00:20:01] results. 
GREG: That’s [inaudible 00:20:03] yeah. 
JAKE: And the beauty of it is, too, like I’m on a call with a client. It’s 
like there’s a ton of people doing AdWords, like a cost per click 
marketing. And for the smaller people, that may not be cost effective. 
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Because bigger companies and bigger brands can’t afford to outspend 
you to get a customer. 
But with YouTube, nobody is there. The costs are so low. 
GREG: It won’t be that way forever, yeah. 
JAKE: Yeah and it’s not going to be that way forever. I just think cost 
per view, like YouTube marketing is now where cost per click 
marketing was 10 years ago. It’s at the very beginning. It’s a blue ocean. 
Nobody is there. And the few people that are willing to test it out and 
experiment with it, I think they can do really well. 
GREG: I agree. It’s an exciting time in history that we live, definitely. 
So, what about some of the tech legal stuff? So, when you’re putting 
together a video for an ad, is there any specifications on size and quality, 
etc. that we would need to meet? 
JAKE: Yes. I actually have a checklist, like a video checklist that I have. 
Sometimes, we do the videos. And the cool thing is, when people follow 
this formula…your average click-through rate on TrueView, I think 
would be about 0.75 to 1% click-through rate. But on the videos that 
follow this formula, we’re getting like a 5% click-through rate. Or a 3%. 
So, it goes quite above. 
So, the first thing I have is cut out your stupid logo for five seconds at 
the beginning. And get someone’s attention right off. Like come and 
present your value. And then, also, the whole purpose of this video ad is 
to get people off of YouTube and onto your website. 
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And so, I say “Build the video around the click.” Whatever you need to 
do to get them to click the ad before 30 seconds, that’s not spammy and 
sketchy. Do that. Get people to click before 30 seconds. Put a button on 
there. But you also need to capture your people’s attention. Like show 
the value that you have. 
And a strong call to action. Every video needs a strong call to action. 
GREG: So, from a formula point of view, you’re actually, initially, 
you’re calling out the people you’re after? Like “Attention business 
owners and Internet marketers,” that sort of thing? 
JAKE: Yep. Like what I did. “Are you looking to grow your YouTube 
channel?” Or “Are you looking to…” I’m trying to think of what else 
we’ve done in other industries. 
I had work with a client, they sold vehicle accessories for your truck or 
your car, whatever. Like “Hey, are you a truck owner? Check this out.” 
Or whoever you’re trying to talk to, your perfect customer, call them out 
and [inaudible 00:23:16]. 
GREG: Then they’re less likely to do that skip as well, aren’t they? 
Because they know you’re talking directly to them. 
JAKE: Yeah. And like I said, if they skip it, if they’re not a truck owner, 
you don’t want to waste your money on people who don’t own trucks, 
right? You could almost say “Hey, if you don’t own a truck, skip this ad 
and it’s not for you.” Or whoever your customer is not, like I said. 
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You want a click, regardless. Whether it’s a click to your site or a click 
to skip the ad. I think that’s a good goal to have, that’s the purpose. 
And that’s another cool thing about this whole platform, right? TV 
advertising is such a passive experience. You just see an ad or a 
commercial. Or half the time, you’re on your phone and you’re in the 
other room and you don’t see it. 
Whereas with this type of advertising, it’s engagement. They’re either 
going to click to your website or they’re going to skip it. Either way, it’s 
a benefit for you. Because if they skip it, awesome, you’re not wasting 
your money on them. And if they click, obviously they’re interested or 
they’re relevant. 
GREG: So, in some ways, it’s got both a direct response component and 
an element of branding as well? Because like you said, you were getting 
your personal brand out there. But you were also getting people to click 
through to your site. So, it’s like re-marketing where you can get your 
brand out there, as well as get that direct response of people coming 
across. Very cool. 
You spoke a little earlier about AdWords. Is the AdWords side of things 
very difficult for those who don’t know AdWords? Would they need to 
speak to an AdWords partner to make that bit happen? Is that something 
you guys can help with as well? 
JAKE: Yes and no. It depends…three years ago, I had no idea what 
AdWords was. I never really used it. So, I kind of got into it and taught 
myself how. But then people who have at least tried one campaign on 
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AdWords or set something up, I think it’s very familiar to them. And it’s 
a quick pickup. 
But then some people who have never tried it. If you’re dedicated to it 
and you want to learn it, I think you can learn it. 
GREG: Okay. Is your agency still taking on…you’ve still got room to 
take on more clients at the moment? 
JAKE: Yes. Always, right? There’s a couple types, right? There’s people 
who want to do everything themselves and learn for themselves and 
maybe don’t have the money to pay someone else to do it, but have the 
time and willpower to kind of learn it themselves. 
And so, I have a course. I call it “How to Hack YouTube Advertising.” 
And I’ve kind of gone through what I do with my clients. From how to 
create the ad, the video checklist. Like what are certain things that 
everybody needs to have? 
And then, I do a screenshot tutorial of how I create my first campaign in 
AdWords and how to create targeting groups in AdWords. And how to 
put your video in AdWords and all kinds of step by step instruction. 
And then, if the company is profitable and they’re okay spending some 
money to make more money to find that person to get their message in 
front of the right person, I have a client brief that we have people fill out. 
Because I also want to make sure that we’re the right fit, too. I don’t 
think it’s the right fit for every company. 
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And so, if it makes sense for the both us, then let’s continue this 
relationship and let’s see if we can make it work. And if not, there’s that 
product I have that will teach them how they can do it as well. 
GREG: Okay. And is the best way to find you online? 
JAKE: Yeah, so it’s And I have a ton of blog posts that 
I post up there on some case studies that we have. I also have a free 
video marketing course that people can sign up for. And this was 
something that I was going to charge $47 for, but I decided “Let me just 
make it free and give it to everybody to invest in their relationship.” 
So, that’s something I give away. And from there, you can find the other 
kind of courses and products that I have. 
GREG: Brilliant. And I’ll include a link below this anyway to make it 
easy for people. Really exciting spaces and certainly, we’re going to test 
it a lot more from here on in. So, any last words of advice for people 
who are new to this area of YouTube marketing? 
JAKE: I think you’ve just got to try it and experiment, right? I always 
try and correct people when they introduce me as an expert. Because, 
really, I don’t consider myself an expert. I find there are no marketing 
experts. There are only expert testers and experienced marketers. 
So, this is something that I’ve experimented with and it’s worked. And 
every new client or every new project…it’s the same kind of steps to get 
there, but it’s also a new experience. 
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I always like to say “You know, I don’t know if it’s going to work. But 
let’s try it and see. Let’s throw some stuff against the wall and see if we 
can get something to stick.” 
GREG: Yeah, test and measure. 
JAKE: And so, that’s what we do. And so far, I think the majority of my 
clients, we’ve been able to hit their goals of cost per acquisition or cost 
per conversion. And in most cases, we’ve been able to even get under 
that to even outperform…well, it’s not hard to outperform TV 
advertising because they can’t really measure that. 
But in some cases, we’ve been able to outperform their cost per click 
marketing as well. 
GREG: Wow. One last thing I just thought of then is have you worked 
with any eCommerce stores or had any success with eCommerce stores? 
Because I found with a lot of different marketing platforms, eCommerce 
stores find they’re great at building brand awareness and that sort of 
thing. But it’s more difficult to drive sales? 
JAKE: Right. So, one of my clients, they actually got the fastest top 20 
fastest-growing eCommerce stores. I’d been working with them for the 
last six months. And the first month, we probably spent $5,000. Not one 
So, you’re first thinking “Oh, my God. This sucks. What the crap?” 
Well, then, the next month, we spent I think the same thing, $5,000. And 
we got I think it was like 10 conversions or whatever. And a customer to 
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them is worth around $300. And they’re willing to spend $75 to get a 
And again, it’s an eCommerce store. But after spending the money, we 
were able to see the holes in the campaign. You’ve got to spend money 
to see where the money’s going and then where the money just kind of 
drains through. Then plug a hole there, plug it up. And so, we do that. 
But by the third month, I think we spent $10,000 and we made $30,000. 
GREG: Wow. Because what’s interesting about that, most people would 
have killed it at the end of the first month. 
JAKE: It usually takes three months for it to work. And that’s also 
because the first month we went in there, I said “Your videos are 
horrible. They’re good videos, but they’re not made for TrueView.” 
They had their own kind of production team that they worked with. And 
I had them follow this formula and had them make new videos. 
And that third month was when it was actually kind of was put into 
place. So, you were able to see that for it. So, last month, we spent 
$12,000 on TrueView ads. And they made I think close to $80,000 in 
online sales. 
GREG: Wow. That should be a good testimonial for your site, that one, I 
would say, over time. 
JAKE: Yeah. They’ve been fun to work with. 
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GREG: Excellent. That shows it does work in the eCommerce space. 
But like you said, you test and measure. Fantastic. 
Hey, Jake, just one final question if I can. How can our readers, 
listeners, subscribers and members find more info about you online? 
And I know you said you had something very cool that you could do for 
the Internet marketing magazine community in regards to your course. 
JAKE: Yeah. You can find us on And on there, I have 
a free course that I created to give out to people for free. And have some 
products on there as well. 
And then also, for your readers, just because we’ve been talking about it, 
I just launched “How to Hack YouTube Advertising.” That whole 
product release. If you go to, Internet Marketing 
Magazine, there’s a discount code that they can use that will give them 
$100 off the course, which I have priced at $297. So, you can basically 
get that for $100 off and it teaches them that exact hacking YouTube 
strategy that I use for myself and that I use with clients. 
GREG: That’s awesome. Thank you very much for putting that together 
for our community. It’s very much appreciated. 
JAKE: No problem. 
GREG: Awesome, Jake. Thanks for sharing these valuable and timely 
insights. Like I said, it’s very much appreciated. 
Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 21
II. Video marketing tips 
#1: Take advantage of video’s 
branding opportunities 
For branding purposes, have your 
company logo displayed 
prominently somewhere on the 
screen. You can do this at all 
times, or during key times in your 
In the image below, notice how the company logo is displayed in the 
upper-left corner. You can display your logo throughout your video or 
only at key times. 
#2: Include your URL in your video 
When you edit your video, take advantage of the different editing 
features. One easy feature is to add a text box to your video. This is 
where you can display your website address and it’s a great way to get 
Here’s a screen shot of Mari Smith’s YouTube channel. Notice how she 
used a text box in her video to display key information, including her 
website URL at the end of her video. Smart move! 
#3: Make your title count 
Just like a headline to a blog post, video titles can pull powerful traffic. 
There are two main reasons why the title is so important. One, a great 
title can instantly grab a viewer’s attention. 
Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 22
Two, when you use the appropriate keywords in your title, you are more 
likely to show up on search engines when people are searching for your 
topic. And remember Google owns YouTube, so there’s a story 
connection between video and searching. 
#4: Provide excellent content 
Take some time to think about your ideal viewer. What do you know 
that they’ll find valuable? What can you teach them? “How-to” videos 
are extremely successful because not only do they offer great value to 
your viewer, but also you’re able to showcase your knowledge and skill, 
thus positioning yourself as an expert. This is key as you continue to 
grow your brand 
#5: Always provide an HTML link 
When you post on YouTube, you have the option to write a short 
description of your video. Always start with the link you want to drive 
your viewers to so you don’t miss this key opportunity. 
Here’s a snapshot of the description boxes from one of my YouTube 
videos. Notice the placement of my website URL (it’s the first thing 
you want to put in the box!) and the keywords I used in my title as well 
as the description. 
#6: Go beyond YouTube 
Most people post their videos on YouTube. In addition to this, make 
sure to always embed your video on your own website. This will 
increase the amount of time people spend on your website and help grow 
a captive audience. 
Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 23
Also, Google’s algorithms consider how many times a video is viewed, 
and embedded video views you receive get added to the ‘views’ tally on 
YouTube. This is important for showing up in Google search results! 
Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 24

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Youtube marketing interview

  • 1. Youtube marketing interview In this file, we share with you all information that related to youtube marketing interview such as video marketing tips, video marketing tools, video marketing sites. If you need top free materials below, please visit: · Top 21 tips for video marketing · Top 31 sites to upload your videos · Top free 7 tools for video marketing I. Video marketing content for you! Jake Larsen is a world-famous YouTube video marketing expert. Jake runs the agency and online training center “Video Power Marketing” at Jake has amazing insight and experience into how individuals and also businesses can increase sales and brand awareness using video and YouTube. It is with great pleasure that I say “Welcome to the call, Jake.” JAKE: Thanks for having me, I appreciate it. GREG: Excellent. I was looking forward to this. This is a very exciting area of online marketing and I think an area that’s really going to just get bigger and bigger. And I’ve been speaking to you over the last week and I know we met earlier in the year in the U.S. as well. I think once people Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 1
  • 2. become more aware of what’s happening in this space, that’s going to definitely be more and more excitement around it. Would you agree? JAKE: Yeah. I just read an article today that video viewership in the next three years is supposed to double. So, if you think about how much it’s just grown in the last couple of the years, it’s just growing very fast. GREG: Yeah, it’s a crazy exciting area. And I think there’s amazing opportunities for…if you’d call them “early adopters” in this space. Before we get into the how the marketing works in this YouTube space, you’ve got a really interesting story with how you got started on YouTube with video marketing and how you got out of your day job. Do you mind sharing that with us at all? JAKE: For sure. A little bit about my background, I’ve always loved making videos as my video comes from video production. Like a lot of people, I can make really cool videos, but struggle to have people see them. You can post a video on YouTube and a month later, still only have 47 views. So, it was still really frustrating, right? GREG: Mm-hmm. JAKE: But I ended up getting a job at a company called ZAGG. They make mobile accessories; phone cases for your phone and all that stuff. And we did some scratch test videos for them and those kind of actually blew up and did really well. And it so well that the company became a case study on how businesses can effectively use video to grow their company. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 2
  • 3. And so, grew their YouTube channel from zero to 35,000 subscribers and 35 million views. And so, then, when YouTube came out with TrueView; those ads you can skip after five seconds? That’s relatively new. We’ve only been seeing those for the last year and a half, two years. Brand new platform. We were one of 10 companies asked by Google to be YouTube marketing ambassadors. And so, they kind of flew us up to the Googleplex and showed us this new TrueView platform which is done in AdWords. And we were one of the first companies to start experimenting within it and using it and kind of gave them some feedback. While I was there, they kind of shared that they want to take out TV advertising. Like, they have very high goals at Google. And the scary thing is, they’re doing exactly that. Looking back a couple years later, it’s happening. And it’s the future. So, after this experience and learning how to set up this campaign, I also got a lot of opportunity to spend tens of thousands of dollars with the company’s money and found out we learned what doesn’t work and we learned what works. And so, then, I started getting a lot of calls from people “Hey, can you set this up for my company in doing this?” And I was kind of straddling that line. “Do I quit my job and help other people with theirs? Or should I stay here with the security and all that stuff?” Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 3
  • 4. Our firstborn child was coming in a month and I saw the future, I saw what I could do. And I saw the value that I can also bring to people in building these effective video campaigns. And I made the jump. I quit my job a month before our baby was born and haven’t looked back. I’ve loved every second of it. And it’s only been 10 months. And I have a team helping me, too. Because business has been good. It’s not enough to have videos anymore. You need to know what to do with those videos to get them seen and creating YouTube advertising campaigns is very effective and it works. GREG: That’s great. I remember when you were telling me that I really resonated with your story. Because it pretty much mirrored ours. Not in the YouTube space, but we were getting good at doing stuff online. And then, people started asking “Would you mind doing that for us, would you mind doing that for us?” And we had to decide the same thing. “Do we keep the safe, corporate job? Or do we jump out and start running an agency and some training” and that kind of thing. And we had a child that was three months off being born. So, I think you were even more riskier than us. Good on you for taking that. And obviously, you’ve got the skill set and I think you’re riding the correct wave, as well. So, we’ve got no doubt about your success there. JAKE: I wanted to add something there because it was also interesting. About a month or a month and a half after I quit my job, I had been Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 4
  • 5. using YouTube advertising to kind of market myself and my company and I was giving away a free video marketing course. But while I was marketing myself, one of the biggest marketers online, Ryan Deiss, saw my ad, purchased my course. Said “Hey, I put on this event every year in San Diego. We’d love to have you come and speak about YouTube marketing.” I was like “Oh, my gosh.” First of all, I didn’t say “Oh, my gosh,” because who is this guy? I never heard him before. So, I Google his name, “Oh, my gosh. He’s a big deal.” So, I go there and speak and it was a great experience. It also helped with kind of growing the company and getting some more clients. But it was just kind of cool. Like I’m eating my own dog food, you know? I’m preaching the YouTube advertising and I’m actually using it myself. And it works [inaudible 00:07:04]. Take it small. GREG: Well, that’s actually how I came across you. Because I’m with Ryan Deiss, I’m in their highest-level coaching group, which is the War Room. And so, obviously, I was at the Traffic & Conversion Summit in February as well. Truth be known, I missed your presentation because it was a split session. It’s true, because I had to go to an eCommerce thing. But everyone kept saying “Yeah, you’ve got to watch the videos of what this guy, Jake Larsen, said.” And it was a very big buzz at the time. And yes. True to form, I did do that and hooked you up afterwards. So, it’s great, isn’t it? One thing can lead into another and can lead you into Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 5
  • 6. another. And who knows? Someone can see you on an Internet marketing magazine cover and then, who knows where that can go from there? JAKE: There you go. Because I know you guys got some heavy-baller (?) listeners. GREG: It’s outrageous, basically and listenership [SP] is from complete newbies through to eCommerce guys doing $100 million-plus. JAKE: And that’s the beauty of this platform. Honestly, it works for the big and the small. Like a year ago, I was in my cubicle at my day job. And then, because of YouTube advertising, I started to do it for myself. And it was a very cost-effective, easy way for me to get my name and my message out in front of very specific types of people all over the world. And so, nobodies can use it and become somebodies. And the somebodies can use it to kind of own their market and find a new way, that new way of getting your message out there. GREG: Exciting area. Which is really the CPV-type space, cost per view. Some people may not have come across that. They may be more familiar with CPM or CPC-type stuff. So, can you just explain how CPV works for those who haven’t come across it? JAKE: Yeah. The last 10 years, this whole…creating these campaigns is done in the Google AdWords platform. And so, AdWords has been around for what, 10, 12 years or something like that? And that’s traditionally a cost per click or a CPM, thousand views. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 6
  • 7. And the way YouTube advertising works, it’s a cost per view. And a cost per view ranges from $0.02 to $0.25 depending on how targeted you get. The cool thing happens, though, is a view, is if a viewer watches 30 seconds of the video or half of it, whichever comes first. So, if you have a 60-second video and the viewer watches 29 seconds and then skips to the ad, you don’t have to pay because they didn’t hit that 30-second threshold. It’s basically a free 29 seconds. GREG: Wow, that is so exciting for those who hasn’t grasped that concept. The opportunity to get free traffic from YouTube in that space. JAKE: And the way that it works, too, you can hack YouTube advertisings. There’s a way to hack it where you can technically get free traffic. So, when I was kind of out there at the Googleplex, they’re kind of teaching us about this cost per view. The cool thing is if a viewer clicks the video ad…I don’t know if you’ve seen this, when you’ve been on YouTube and you watch the ad, you can skip after five seconds? GREG: Yes. JAKE: Well, if you skip that ad, it pauses the video and takes you straight to a landing page or someone else’s site. So, if you’re kind of putting all these dots together…if you can get the viewer to click before 30 seconds, you can technically drive free, targeted traffic to your website. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 7
  • 8. GREG: That is very sexy. Excellent. Because there’s multiple different ways to advertise on YouTube and that’s one of them. So, can you just explain, I think, the three sort of main ways to advertise on YouTube? JAKE: Yep. It originally started out, there was four ways. GREG: Four? Okay. JAKE: And then there was three ways. But actually, Google made a change a couple weeks ago and now there’s actually two ways. GREG: Really? So, what’s the latest in this space? JAKE: It’s in-stream and in-display. Those are the two types of videos. And the in-stream are what we talked about. In-stream ads are those ones you can skip after five seconds. GREG: Is that still called TrueView? Or not? JAKE: Yeah. It’s a TrueView in-stream ad. GREG: Gotcha. JAKE: So, this is all under TrueView, all in AdWords. And then, the other type of TrueView ad is display ad, in-display. And those are the videos you see that you can put up the type of search results. Or also on the right side in the suggested videos. Those are the in-display TrueView ads. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 8
  • 9. GREG: Okay, cool. What about those little, sort of like a text bit that goes over a bottom of a YouTube video? They still doing that? JAKE: So, I’ve never used that type because I don’t think they work that well. But those are done, also, in AdWords. But it’s weird. There’s a TrueView video and then AdWords for video. And I think that’s done in the regular text, cost per click platform. GREG: Target YouTube. Excellent, all right. So, as far as which ways to be the most effective, what’s been your experience? JAKE: I have a bias. I’m a big fan of the in-stream ads. And that’s just because I build videos around a click. I want to get people’s attention, I want to get them off YouTube and on my website. So, I’m a big fan of the in-stream versions. That being said, I personally have never had huge success with the in-display. But I’ve talked to some people who have seen it work out and who have been successful with it. But my whole YouTube hacker strategy involves building video ads that get the click. Because I always laugh. I always laugh when I see a YouTube ad and it’s like a movie preview. Where there’s five, 10 seconds of the company’s logo. Nobody wants to look at your stupid logo. You’ve got five seconds to get someone’s attention, why are you so worried about your logo? Let’s cut straight into the meat, get someone’s attention and then get them off YouTube and get them onto your website. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 9
  • 10. I’m a big fan of getting clicks and getting people off of YouTube and onto the website. GREG: I couldn’t agree more. And where this did get sexier, as well, I think, is there’s more different ways we can target our exact audience on YouTube that we’re after. And in particular, there’s a way we can target our competitors, isn’t there? So, could you explain some of the different ways that we can target people? And particularly of what I was alluding to of how we could target your exact competitor if they had a big YouTube channel? JAKE: Yeah. I think one of the coolest ways to target is you could basically put your video, your message on your competitors’ YouTube channel or on their videos. GREG: That’s so cool. JAKE: In fact, when I had left ZAGG and they’re in the mobile accessories industry and started building this for other companies. A company who is also in the mobile accessories industry reached out and I went in there and they’re like “Yeah, how come whenever I watch a video of ours on our YouTube channel, a ZAGG ad pops up?” And I’m like “Well, I’m sorry about that. That was probably me that set you up.” But that’s what I can do for other people. So, ways to target. You can target any video, a specific video on YouTube, as long as it has ads on it. You can target by someone’s YouTube channel. Again, as long as you go on there and you see ads on it, you can put your ad right there. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 10
  • 11. You can target based on key words. So, any key words that are in the title or the description of the video. You can target by keywords that people search. You can target by people’s interests. So, if they’ve been viewing videos about how to market online, then you can put your ad on there. If that’s on their search history, then you can show up there. And then, also, one of the best converting targeting groups that I’ve noticed is re-marketing. So, if anyone’s been to your website and then they go onto YouTube and search whatever, then you could basically have your ad basically follow them around. GREG: So, it’ll show on the front of the video that they’re about to watch? JAKE: Whatever they’re watching, yep. I mean, re-marketing always has like one of the best ways to convert. GREG: Agreed. And I remember early on, you were talking about this versus TV advertising. Not that being that politically correct here, but this kicks TV advertising’s ass, doesn’t it? Like, if you’re running your TV ad, you’re sending it out to a mass market. And I’m watching it, my grandma’s watching it, etc. We’ve got completely different interests. Even you and I may have completely different interests. With here, you’re able to target the exact people who you’re after. It’s just so much smarter. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 11
  • 12. JAKE: I think there’s a couple big reasons why. First of all, I’ll go to companies and some of the companies I work with, they spend $50,000, $100,000 a month just on TV ads. And I say “What are you guys getting for that? You’re spending that much, but what do you get for it?” They’re like “We don’t know. It’s just something you’re supposed to do for marketing. It’s branding exposure, we get this many impressions.” I’m like “Screw impressions. Who really counts impressions as a metric anymore? Give me a quarter or a tenth of your budget for TV and let me show you better results and more effective results.” And it happens and we’re able to prove that. Because we know how many people watch the video. We know how long they watch the video. We know if they click. We know if they go to the website. We know how long they’re on the website. We know if they buy something. You know everything you could possibly want to know. GREG: Whereas TV, they’re not getting that info. JAKE: And the other cool thing about it is the viewer that has a choice. They can watch it or not. They can skip the ad if they want to. And that’s not a bad thing. Some people are like “What if someone skips your ad?” Or “I always skip those ads.” That’s a good thing. Because you don’t want to waste your ad spend on people who aren’t interested. Because no matter how much money you spend, certain people will never buy your product. And why would you want to waste your ad spend on people who aren’t interested? GREG: Or their time, yep. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 12
  • 13. JAKE: I have an ad where I have a popup. “If you’re a marketer or a business owner, you need to check this out. I’ve got this cool, new way of advertising” or whatever. “If you’re not, skip this ad because I don’t want to talk to you.” Like, it’s totally okay to segment your message and exclude certain people. It’s not for everybody, right? GREG: Yeah, gotcha. What about from one ad agency guy to another, with getting in the door of some of those big companies that are doing the TV advertising? Are they seeking you out or are you doing some clever marketing to get their attention? JAKE: I do YouTube advertising to kind of get people to my site to get people to sign up. Because I have a free marketing course that I give away for free and people can sign up for that. I also have a couple of info products, like “How to make $1 a day on YouTube” or “How to hack YouTube advertising.” So, I use that to get my message out there. And a lot of the time, people come and say “Hey, I have this bigger company” and then I have a client brief or whatever and see if we’re the right fit to work with each other. That’s like the only marketing I do. And most of it has been kind of word of mouth or speaking at events, people hear me speak and [inaudible 00:20:01] results. GREG: That’s [inaudible 00:20:03] yeah. JAKE: And the beauty of it is, too, like I’m on a call with a client. It’s like there’s a ton of people doing AdWords, like a cost per click marketing. And for the smaller people, that may not be cost effective. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 13
  • 14. Because bigger companies and bigger brands can’t afford to outspend you to get a customer. But with YouTube, nobody is there. The costs are so low. GREG: It won’t be that way forever, yeah. JAKE: Yeah and it’s not going to be that way forever. I just think cost per view, like YouTube marketing is now where cost per click marketing was 10 years ago. It’s at the very beginning. It’s a blue ocean. Nobody is there. And the few people that are willing to test it out and experiment with it, I think they can do really well. GREG: I agree. It’s an exciting time in history that we live, definitely. So, what about some of the tech legal stuff? So, when you’re putting together a video for an ad, is there any specifications on size and quality, etc. that we would need to meet? JAKE: Yes. I actually have a checklist, like a video checklist that I have. Sometimes, we do the videos. And the cool thing is, when people follow this formula…your average click-through rate on TrueView, I think would be about 0.75 to 1% click-through rate. But on the videos that follow this formula, we’re getting like a 5% click-through rate. Or a 3%. So, it goes quite above. So, the first thing I have is cut out your stupid logo for five seconds at the beginning. And get someone’s attention right off. Like come and present your value. And then, also, the whole purpose of this video ad is to get people off of YouTube and onto your website. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 14
  • 15. And so, I say “Build the video around the click.” Whatever you need to do to get them to click the ad before 30 seconds, that’s not spammy and sketchy. Do that. Get people to click before 30 seconds. Put a button on there. But you also need to capture your people’s attention. Like show the value that you have. And a strong call to action. Every video needs a strong call to action. GREG: So, from a formula point of view, you’re actually, initially, you’re calling out the people you’re after? Like “Attention business owners and Internet marketers,” that sort of thing? JAKE: Yep. Like what I did. “Are you looking to grow your YouTube channel?” Or “Are you looking to…” I’m trying to think of what else we’ve done in other industries. I had work with a client, they sold vehicle accessories for your truck or your car, whatever. Like “Hey, are you a truck owner? Check this out.” Or whoever you’re trying to talk to, your perfect customer, call them out and [inaudible 00:23:16]. GREG: Then they’re less likely to do that skip as well, aren’t they? Because they know you’re talking directly to them. JAKE: Yeah. And like I said, if they skip it, if they’re not a truck owner, you don’t want to waste your money on people who don’t own trucks, right? You could almost say “Hey, if you don’t own a truck, skip this ad and it’s not for you.” Or whoever your customer is not, like I said. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 15
  • 16. You want a click, regardless. Whether it’s a click to your site or a click to skip the ad. I think that’s a good goal to have, that’s the purpose. And that’s another cool thing about this whole platform, right? TV advertising is such a passive experience. You just see an ad or a commercial. Or half the time, you’re on your phone and you’re in the other room and you don’t see it. Whereas with this type of advertising, it’s engagement. They’re either going to click to your website or they’re going to skip it. Either way, it’s a benefit for you. Because if they skip it, awesome, you’re not wasting your money on them. And if they click, obviously they’re interested or they’re relevant. GREG: So, in some ways, it’s got both a direct response component and an element of branding as well? Because like you said, you were getting your personal brand out there. But you were also getting people to click through to your site. So, it’s like re-marketing where you can get your brand out there, as well as get that direct response of people coming across. Very cool. You spoke a little earlier about AdWords. Is the AdWords side of things very difficult for those who don’t know AdWords? Would they need to speak to an AdWords partner to make that bit happen? Is that something you guys can help with as well? JAKE: Yes and no. It depends…three years ago, I had no idea what AdWords was. I never really used it. So, I kind of got into it and taught myself how. But then people who have at least tried one campaign on Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 16
  • 17. AdWords or set something up, I think it’s very familiar to them. And it’s a quick pickup. But then some people who have never tried it. If you’re dedicated to it and you want to learn it, I think you can learn it. GREG: Okay. Is your agency still taking on…you’ve still got room to take on more clients at the moment? JAKE: Yes. Always, right? There’s a couple types, right? There’s people who want to do everything themselves and learn for themselves and maybe don’t have the money to pay someone else to do it, but have the time and willpower to kind of learn it themselves. And so, I have a course. I call it “How to Hack YouTube Advertising.” And I’ve kind of gone through what I do with my clients. From how to create the ad, the video checklist. Like what are certain things that everybody needs to have? And then, I do a screenshot tutorial of how I create my first campaign in AdWords and how to create targeting groups in AdWords. And how to put your video in AdWords and all kinds of step by step instruction. And then, if the company is profitable and they’re okay spending some money to make more money to find that person to get their message in front of the right person, I have a client brief that we have people fill out. Because I also want to make sure that we’re the right fit, too. I don’t think it’s the right fit for every company. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 17
  • 18. And so, if it makes sense for the both us, then let’s continue this relationship and let’s see if we can make it work. And if not, there’s that product I have that will teach them how they can do it as well. GREG: Okay. And is the best way to find you online? JAKE: Yeah, so it’s And I have a ton of blog posts that I post up there on some case studies that we have. I also have a free video marketing course that people can sign up for. And this was something that I was going to charge $47 for, but I decided “Let me just make it free and give it to everybody to invest in their relationship.” So, that’s something I give away. And from there, you can find the other kind of courses and products that I have. GREG: Brilliant. And I’ll include a link below this anyway to make it easy for people. Really exciting spaces and certainly, we’re going to test it a lot more from here on in. So, any last words of advice for people who are new to this area of YouTube marketing? JAKE: I think you’ve just got to try it and experiment, right? I always try and correct people when they introduce me as an expert. Because, really, I don’t consider myself an expert. I find there are no marketing experts. There are only expert testers and experienced marketers. So, this is something that I’ve experimented with and it’s worked. And every new client or every new project…it’s the same kind of steps to get there, but it’s also a new experience. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 18
  • 19. I always like to say “You know, I don’t know if it’s going to work. But let’s try it and see. Let’s throw some stuff against the wall and see if we can get something to stick.” GREG: Yeah, test and measure. JAKE: And so, that’s what we do. And so far, I think the majority of my clients, we’ve been able to hit their goals of cost per acquisition or cost per conversion. And in most cases, we’ve been able to even get under that to even outperform…well, it’s not hard to outperform TV advertising because they can’t really measure that. But in some cases, we’ve been able to outperform their cost per click marketing as well. GREG: Wow. One last thing I just thought of then is have you worked with any eCommerce stores or had any success with eCommerce stores? Because I found with a lot of different marketing platforms, eCommerce stores find they’re great at building brand awareness and that sort of thing. But it’s more difficult to drive sales? JAKE: Right. So, one of my clients, they actually got the fastest top 20 fastest-growing eCommerce stores. I’d been working with them for the last six months. And the first month, we probably spent $5,000. Not one conversion. So, you’re first thinking “Oh, my God. This sucks. What the crap?” Well, then, the next month, we spent I think the same thing, $5,000. And we got I think it was like 10 conversions or whatever. And a customer to Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 19
  • 20. them is worth around $300. And they’re willing to spend $75 to get a customer. And again, it’s an eCommerce store. But after spending the money, we were able to see the holes in the campaign. You’ve got to spend money to see where the money’s going and then where the money just kind of drains through. Then plug a hole there, plug it up. And so, we do that. But by the third month, I think we spent $10,000 and we made $30,000. GREG: Wow. Because what’s interesting about that, most people would have killed it at the end of the first month. JAKE: It usually takes three months for it to work. And that’s also because the first month we went in there, I said “Your videos are horrible. They’re good videos, but they’re not made for TrueView.” They had their own kind of production team that they worked with. And I had them follow this formula and had them make new videos. And that third month was when it was actually kind of was put into place. So, you were able to see that for it. So, last month, we spent $12,000 on TrueView ads. And they made I think close to $80,000 in online sales. GREG: Wow. That should be a good testimonial for your site, that one, I would say, over time. JAKE: Yeah. They’ve been fun to work with. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 20
  • 21. GREG: Excellent. That shows it does work in the eCommerce space. But like you said, you test and measure. Fantastic. Hey, Jake, just one final question if I can. How can our readers, listeners, subscribers and members find more info about you online? And I know you said you had something very cool that you could do for the Internet marketing magazine community in regards to your course. JAKE: Yeah. You can find us on And on there, I have a free course that I created to give out to people for free. And have some products on there as well. And then also, for your readers, just because we’ve been talking about it, I just launched “How to Hack YouTube Advertising.” That whole product release. If you go to, Internet Marketing Magazine, there’s a discount code that they can use that will give them $100 off the course, which I have priced at $297. So, you can basically get that for $100 off and it teaches them that exact hacking YouTube strategy that I use for myself and that I use with clients. GREG: That’s awesome. Thank you very much for putting that together for our community. It’s very much appreciated. JAKE: No problem. GREG: Awesome, Jake. Thanks for sharing these valuable and timely insights. Like I said, it’s very much appreciated. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 21
  • 22. II. Video marketing tips #1: Take advantage of video’s branding opportunities For branding purposes, have your company logo displayed prominently somewhere on the screen. You can do this at all times, or during key times in your video. In the image below, notice how the company logo is displayed in the upper-left corner. You can display your logo throughout your video or only at key times. #2: Include your URL in your video When you edit your video, take advantage of the different editing features. One easy feature is to add a text box to your video. This is where you can display your website address and it’s a great way to get exposure. Here’s a screen shot of Mari Smith’s YouTube channel. Notice how she used a text box in her video to display key information, including her website URL at the end of her video. Smart move! #3: Make your title count Just like a headline to a blog post, video titles can pull powerful traffic. There are two main reasons why the title is so important. One, a great title can instantly grab a viewer’s attention. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 22
  • 23. Two, when you use the appropriate keywords in your title, you are more likely to show up on search engines when people are searching for your topic. And remember Google owns YouTube, so there’s a story connection between video and searching. #4: Provide excellent content Take some time to think about your ideal viewer. What do you know that they’ll find valuable? What can you teach them? “How-to” videos are extremely successful because not only do they offer great value to your viewer, but also you’re able to showcase your knowledge and skill, thus positioning yourself as an expert. This is key as you continue to grow your brand #5: Always provide an HTML link When you post on YouTube, you have the option to write a short description of your video. Always start with the link you want to drive your viewers to so you don’t miss this key opportunity. Here’s a snapshot of the description boxes from one of my YouTube videos. Notice the placement of my website URL (it’s the first thing you want to put in the box!) and the keywords I used in my title as well as the description. #6: Go beyond YouTube Most people post their videos on YouTube. In addition to this, make sure to always embed your video on your own website. This will increase the amount of time people spend on your website and help grow a captive audience. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 23
  • 24. Also, Google’s algorithms consider how many times a video is viewed, and embedded video views you receive get added to the ‘views’ tally on YouTube. This is important for showing up in Google search results! Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 24