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               THE BOARD OF EDITORS

                   CLEMENT JOHN KOUKOL

                         Business Manager

        Organisations, ANTHONY POLLMANN
            Art, JOSEPH L. GROSS
                Grinds, MICHAEL KONRAD
                    Assistant Organizations, MANFRED SIMON
                          Assistant Athletics, STANLEY SKARVAN
                               Assistant Art, SAMUEL SCHWARTZ
                                     Assistant Grinds, CHARLES KATZ
         Subscription Manager, A. WALLACE ROBINSON


                  THE FACULTY
           ERNEST R. VON NARDROFF, Principal
          JAMES F. WILSON, Assistant Principal-
              MURRAY BRUCE, Chief Clerk
           JAMES V. SMITH, Clerical Assistant.
              FREDERICK H. LAW, Chairman
JAMES D. HINES                   W. PALMER SMITH
              WALTER E. FOSTER, Chairman
                  CLARENCE L. STAPLES
                   Modern Languages
              CLEMENT G. ELMER', Chairman
JOSEPH L. BEHA                   ABRAHAM LIPSKY •
ABRAHAM DEIXEL                   JOHN S. NORRIS^
ROBERT H. KEENER                 Louis E. WOLFERZ
           WILLIAM E. BRECKENRIDGE, Chairman
                  Physics and Chemistry
              ROBERT W. FULLER, Chairman

              SAMUEL F. MERSEREAU, Chairman
                       Metal Working
                CHARLES F. MOORE, Chairman
  STANLEV A. GAGE                 ARTHUR R. BAUDER
                    Mechanical Draiving
                CHARLES B. HOWE, Chairman
  T. HARRY KNOX                   LEWIS B. BATTEY
                     Free-Hand Drawing
                       HENRY E. FRITZ
                      Physical Training
  AISNER P. WAY, Chairman         GEORGE E. COOLEY
                      AUGUSTUS MAIER
                       PAUL MARTIN
                      Library Assistant
                     ARTHUR R. BAUDER
                 OUR NEW TEACHERS
JOSEPH G. BAIER, B.S. (Physics).
   Born at New Brunswick, New Jersey. Educated at New Bruns-
   wick High School, Rutgers College, Science graduate in Civil
   Engineering. Taught at Flushing Institute, New Brunswick,
   N. J.
HAROLD HUGO BALL, B.S., M.E. (Mechanical Drawing).
   Was born at Cold Springs, N. Y. Graduated from P. S. 14,
   Queens, '97, Newtown High, '01, New York University with
   B.S., '06, New York University, M.E., '08.
   Was born at Brooklyn, N. Y. Attended elementary and high
   schools in Brooklyn. Graduated from Columbia, '06, with de-
   gree of A.B. Attended LIniversity of Marburg, 'o6-'o7.

MILTON BRACKEN BRUNDAGE, B.S.                 (Chemistry and
   Was born at Newburg, N. Y. Graduated from Newburg High
   School, '96. Syracuse University, 'oo, with degree of B.S.
   Taught in Newtown II. S., Newtown, N. J., 'oi-'os; Patcrson
   H. S., Paterson, N. J., '05^09.
ARTHUR R. BAUDER, B.S., A.M. (Science).
   Born at Cleveland, Ohio. Educated at Cleveland High School,
   Case School of Applied Science, Columbia and Yale. Was six
  years in public school work; five years in college work. Member
  of the Electrical Engineering Staff of New York, New Haven
  and Hartford Railroad Company.
   Graduated from Monson Academy, Monson, Mass., '03. Spent
  one year at Dartmouth. Graduated from Princeton. '07. Post-
  graduate course at Columbia, receiving A.M. degree in '09. As-
   sociate Editor of the language publications in the American
   Book Company, 'o9-'io.
ELISHA FRIEDMAN, B.S. (Chemistry).
   Born New York City. Educated in Public Schools of New
   York, De Witt Clinton High School, College of the City of
   New York. Teacher at P. S. 6, Evening Schools and Vacation
SAMUEL GOLDSTEIN, A.B. (Mathematics).
  Was born at Berlin, Germany. Attended elementary and high
   schools at Woonsocket, R. I. At New York University he re-
   ceived degree of A.B. Taught one year in Newark Prepara-
   tory Schools and one year in Department of Commerce and
WARREN C. HUBERT, B.S. (Mathematics).
  Was born in New York City. Graduated from P. S. 46, 'oo.
  Graduated from C. C. N. Y., '07. Received degree of B.S. at
  N. Y. U., '09. Taught in P. S. 32, Bronx, ,'07-'10.
LESLIE A. JOHNSON, B.S. (Physics).
   Born at St. Lawrence County, New York. Educated at St.
   Lawrence, Ives Academy, N. Y. Taught at Ogdensburg Free
   Academy, N. Y.; Principal of Croton School, N. Y.; Public
   Schools of Brooklyn; Champlain. Hopes to get B.A. from post-
   graduate work at Columbia.

EARLR. LAYERS (Physics).
  Born at Lancaster, Pa. Educated at Eastern Pennsylvania
  H. S., Lafayette College. Taught formerly at Towanda, Penn.,
  Athens and Yonkers, New York.
ABRAHAM LIPSKY, A.B., A.M.., Ph.D. (German).
   Was born in. Russia. Attended elementary schools of Rochester,
   N. Y., University of Rochester, B.A. At Columbia, A.M., Ph.D.
   Attended University of Berlin one year. Taught in Rochester
   High School.
   Was born in New York City. Attended P. S. 89, Morris High
   School, Pratt Institute and graduated from Polytechnic Insti-
   tute, '09, with E.E.
FRANK A. REYNOLDS, A.B., LL.B., A.M. (Latin).
   Born at Balkstan Springs, New York. Educated at Northwest-
   ern University and Harvard. Head of Latin Department in
   University of Southern California; taught at Alameda High
   School, Morris High School.
CHARLES SINDELAR, B.S. (Mathematics)
   Was born in Guttenberg, Bohemia. Attended P. S. 70, Man-
   hattan. Graduated from C. C. N. Y. in '96 with degree B.S.
   Taught in P. S. 26, 'gS-'og. P. S. 35, '09.
   Was born at Portland, Me., receiving A.B. degree, '05, Univer-
   sity of Pennsylvania, receiving A.M. degree, '08. Attended
   Cheltenham Academy, 'o5-'o6. Attended Harvard. Taught at
   Camclen, N. J., '06-'09, and in Manual Training H. S.
   Was born at Ansonia, Conn. Prepared for college in the public
   Schools of Waterbury, Conn. Attended Yale University and
   received B.A. degree, 'oo; A.M., '03; Ph.D., '07. Taught at
   Paterson High School, Plainfield Cedarcroft School.
   Was born at Seneca Falls, N. Y. Attended Syracuse High
   School and State Normal School at Oswego. Went to Col-
   umbia and New York University. Taught Biology and Manual
   Training, State Normal School at Oswego. Bench work in
   elementary, summer and evening schools.

THE       f   N DI CA TOR


                          "We hcf2JC made a book"
       CTIONS speak louder            than words." For that reason we
A        shall let o ur efforts sr> <_>ak for themselves. We have striven
to make this sixth issue of the INDICATOR worthy of the school
that it represents. Xotvitl-» standing this laudable purpose, we
realize that a mere pen dcsci— iption is totally inadequate to express
the progress that has mark;^d the past year as the greatest of
Stuyvesant's history. We Ixave remained to see her triumphs—
indeed, we Bre been participants in them. As a last duty, we put
forth this v<Btne; trusting trxat, if the result is in any way unsatis-
 factory, ourKj ure will be attributed rather to our inexperience and
  ack of skil« to insufficj «nt endeavor. It is in this spirit that
     ...        1 lssue of the INDICATOR to the consideration and
 . 1Clsm °           friends.. On r task isfinished—others must be the
Judges thereof ,r
4.1.     , . , x ° tnose wt> o have in any way contributed toward
 "* making of , , .
                 s meager cl-aapter in the annals of our school, we
       ad our ,,
               B^ere gratitude.


              IMPORTANT EVENTS OF 1910

September 13, 1909—School opened.
September 29, 1910—Hudson-Fulton Celebration.          Play by the
    Irving Dramatic Society.
October i, 1909—Presentation of Mr. Bryan's picture.
October 16, 1909—Stuyvesant's first foot-ball victory.    Townsend
    Harris, 5—Stuyvesant, 23.
November 5, 1909—Stuyvesant Technical Society founded.
December n, 1909—Indoor Meet.
December 24-January 2—Christmas Holidays.
December 23—Alumni Reunion.
December 24—Christmas play by Irving Dramatic Club.
January 19—Yale Freshmen defeated in basketball.         Yale Fresh-
    men, 25—Stuyvesant, 39.
January 23—Commerce defeated in deciding game for the champion-
    ship. Commerce, 19—Stuyvesant, 29.
January 25—Graduation exercises. Minstrel show.
February i—New term begins.
February n (afternoon)—Central High School, champions of
    Philadelphia, defeated in basketball.   Central H.     S., 17—
    Stuyvesant, 30.
February n, (evening)—Prize Speaking Contest.
February 25—Final debate in auditorium.
March 31—Track meet with Jersey City High.


                        IN MEMORIAM
                    G. Mansfield Donnelly
                        S I M O N HARK, '09
               F those imbued with Joy of life
           O        Who left our Alma Mater's side
              To drift into the ceaseless tide
          That swirls and eddies,—man. world, strife,—
          Thou wert the first to perish,—first
              To leave that strife. Two years agone
              Thy hopes were bright, thy future shone,—
          For life thy spirit was a-thirst.
          And now—but leave this earthly song.
              Thou wert the first and, friend, we know
              Thou shalt not be the last,—all go
          The earthly path,—the right, the wrong.
          And we left here, that way must wend,
              And we that see thee here no more,
              Shall meet thee on the distant shore,
          In Grand Reunion at the end.

                          THE VISION
                      COLUMBUS HENRY TAYLOR

A    T the edge of a pine grove, one of the fringes of crooked little
        Farmington River, a young girl sat dreaming in the sunshine.
Her seat was an old board, wedged into the trunks of two tall trees.
It looked as if it had grown there, sun and rain had so mellowed it
into harmony with nature.
     The sun was shining through the pine needles, high above her
head. It turned the curly tips of her brown hair into little rings of
nnest golden thread. Flecks of sunshine lay upon the long, soft,
grey-green grass, revealing clusters of pansy-like violets, and from
the undergrowth on the border of the grove, gleamed pink and
white azaleas, that grow wild in the South.
     The girl sat bending over her rustic seat, dreamily wondering
a bout the histories whose mystic runes were cut into the old board
aild into the tree trunks that held it. Initials and various emblems
"ood there, that to many generations of lovers had meant much lovc-

lore. Her hat had fallen on the grass, and the gentle breeze wa
blowing her soft wavy hair about, making it a delicate frame for IKT
face. It was a puzzling little face, with a firm look about the sensi
tive lips, contradicted by the wistful, almost shrinking expressioi
that haunted them, its short oval not having the curves that would
seem to belong to it. This want of roundness was accentuated b loo

whole slender little figure, and yet at every point, a strong individu-
ality bespoke itself.
      An overgrown road passed by the old rustic seat, and lost itself
in a pasture at the right nearby. On the left the road wound across a
grassy plot, thickly sprinkled with young pines, opening a vista
through the wall of foliage beyond. The young girl sat facing
this opening. She was tracing with her finger some old initials
framed by a wreath of leaves. Perhaps it was this that attracted
her attention, though they had a quaint antique look of their own.
      The sweet face above them had a very absorbed look, as the1
little finger points traced the outlines. At last, with a tired motion,
the girl gave up her study of the carved letters, and leaned her
head against a tree trunk. Her eyes wandered over the sunny fields
beyond the grove, and found the blue hills that bounded the horizon;
then her gaze lost itself in space.
      Suddenly her attitude changed and an eager expression took
the place of the vague and dreamy one. The girl sat up with ;i
quick, expectant motion; her lips parted; and her breath came fast,
 sending a rush of color that palpitated under her fair skin, and died
 away quickly, leaving her very pale. Her vision grew shorter and
 shorter; she seemed to see something coming towards her. At
 length she turned slowly, as if the object were moving past her, then
 followed it with her eyes until it disappeared in the opposite
       "It's strange!" she said, under her breath. "She must have
 seen me this time—she looked right at me. It made me feel
 cold." She shivered a little as she turned to pick up her hat, then
 walked slowly to the edge of the grove, and looked out over the
 pastures. "I wonder what has become of her!" she thought. "Who
 can it be masquerading about in an old-fashioned dress like that?"
       Just then came the sound of a horn over the fields. The girl
 turned and picked her way, on stepping stones, across a little brook,
 then walked on in the direction from which the sound came.
       A few days later, the young girl was again on the old seat

      , the tall pines. She was not alone this time. A young man sat
  leaning against the opposite pine tree.
        "Cheer up, Florence!" he was saying, "The regiment isn't going
  • to camp till next week, and after that I can get off sometimes.
  You've got a regular pull with Colonel Taylor, you know."
        Florence was the picture of woe. She was trying to keep back
  the tears, but they would come and run over. The young man
 took both her hands in one of his, and with the other drew her little
 fi<nire close, kissing away the tears. Soon she was smiling brightly
 up into his face from his shoulder, where her fluffy head was
        Suddenly she started and sat upright, looking through the open-
 ing at the other side of the grove. So absorbed was she in watching
 something that she seemed to have forgotten her companion. He
 looked at her for a few seconds, greatly puzzled, then asked:
       "What is it, Floy? What are you looking at?"
        She started. "Look!—" she whispered. He turned and looked
 over his shoulder.
       'What is it?" he said again, "Somebody coming?"
       "Don't you see them ?" she asked in a low tone.
       "Where? I don't see anyone."
       She did not answer. Her eyes seemed to be following some-
 thing that was passing by, along the road, to the pasture. After the
 lapse of a moment she drew a long breath, and turned again to the
"young man.
       "What was it, Floy ?" he asked.
       She was trembling. "I—I don't know," she answered in a low
voice. "Sometimes I—I think I see strange things—people-—I can't
understand about it."
       He gathered her into his arms. "Don't bother your poor little
head about it, dear," he said, patting her shoulder gently. "You're
all tired out, I know. I suppose they're playing tricks to punish
       She threw her arms about his neck, and hid her face on his
shoulder. "Oh, George," she sobbed—"It's because I love you so!"
       "But you don't want me to stay at home like a coward, dearie ?"
       "No—George," came faintly from the region of his shoulder.
       "There's my brave girl!" said he. "Now let me tell you what I
Wa nt you to make for me."
       "Yes, I know; I've been thinking all about it," and she sat up.

talking with great animation about all the comforts in preparation
for his knapsack.
     "Dear me! How shall I look carrying about a trunk on mk ?"

      There were no more tears that day. When Florence felt them
coming, she resolutely choked them clown.
      Florence De Vernoy and George Stanton had trouble before
them. He had enlisted and had come to spend a few days with her
before going to join his company. Within a few weeks his regiment
was scheduled to start North.
      The next day, they went for a long horseback ride over the
hills. On their return, they were coming over a smooth stretch of
ground by the side of the river that glided placidly on its circuitous
way through the valley, and George was speaking:
      "Well, Floy, haven't we had a good time?"
      Florence did not answer. Her eyes were growing wider and
wider. She gazed intently at something in front. The horses
began to rear and plunge. She clung to the mare's mane. Soon they
quieted down. Florence fell out of the saddle.
      "Oh, George!" she gasped, as he stooped and lifted her into
place again.
      "Are you hurt, darling?" he asked anxiously.
      "No," replied she faintly, looking as if she would say more but
had decided not to.
      "I'd like to know what made Spence and Jack act like that.
They wouldn't have clone it for nothing."
      Florence opened her lips to speak, but turned pale again
and closed them. "He didn't see them! I thought we trampled
them under." She turned and looked back, but nothing was to be
seen. The road stretched behind them in a straight and vacant
course to the forest they had left, half an hour previous.
      "[ am sure you are frightened or injured more than you will
confess," George insisted. "Let's go down and rest a little while."
      By this time they had reached a stretch of wood-land, and
seated themselves beside a brook after George had attached the
      "What could have made them act in that manner?" he said
again, throwing himself down beside Florence. She did not say a
word, but felt as under a spell. She thought her mind was becoming
unbalanced. She didn't wish George to believe so too—so laughed
at herself for being so upset.

      "There!" said she, "I feel better. I'm such a. little coward!
Spence did frighten me."
      "Of course! I can't imagine what got into her. I've looked
   th over and nothing seems wrong," he answered.
      On reaching the house, horseback riding was pronounced too
t'ring ^or Florence, who was not strong enough for such brisk
      One sunny morning, some few days later, George said to
Florence, "Nothing nicer than the old grove; come, let us go there!"
      They wandered across the fields to the grove.
      "Oh, George," she said on entering, "You musn't forget to cut
our initials on the old seat. I've picked out a place for them."
      "I'll do it now," said he.
      She pointed out a vacant space, just beneath the wreath-
framed one.
     "Do you see," she asked, "My initials are there already?"
     "There inside the wreath."
     "Sure enough! 'F. S.'—Florence Spence? Who was it?"
     "My great-grandmother, I suppose, for I'm named after her,"
replied Florence dreamily.
      George sat down upon the ground, behind the low seat, and
was soon taken up with his work. Florence leaned back, amusing
herself in tangling his hair.
      "Do you really think the Yankees are getting stronger? The
      "Oh, yellow papers—say anything," replied George impatiently.
"If it be true, more men are needed—if not, then we'll soon pack
them off North."
      Florence could hardly restrain her tears, and tried to search
for some less dangerous subject. Silence was worse than speech.
      "It always makes me feel queer to see my initials there, it seems
as if yours ought to be alongside instead of those others, 'F. L.'—
Frederick Loughran."
      George did not reply, being absorbed in an elaborate carving.
ft was a large heart with cupid's bow and shiver beneath. Inside
were their initials. This accomplished, George stretched himself,
teaped over the seat and sat clown beside her. They had a long con-
versation—speaking of the future—the bright future ahead of the
      George was speaking with great animation and Florence

listened with a pathetic little smile. Suddenly she started, a death u,
pallor overspreading her face—her eyes looking affrightedly at some,
        The young man started back, feeling something queer w;i s
taking place. She turned rapidly and looked at him fearfully; but
her gaze was again attracted by something seemingly approachir ,
nearer and nearer.
        "George, they're coming here!"—she whispered frightfully
seizing his arm and drawing him up. Her eyes contracted as the,-
rose as if looking at something quite near. She shrank back, bin
George put his arm around her waist and drew her on.
        "Oh!" she exclaimed, looking back and falling limp into I n ,
arms. He carried her unconscious form to the little stream an. 1
dashed water over her face.
        She remained lifeless for some time, at length sighing an
 opening her eyes. Perspiration stood all over the young man'-
 face from the reaction. Suddenly she recalled all.
        "Are they there ?" she asked in a low, terrified tone.
        "No, clear, no one is about," he said in a cheerful voice.
        "But you have never seen them before?" she demanded doubt
        She got up and George led her to the bench thinking thus to
 reassure her on letting her see for herself. He was burning to
 ask the cause of her fright, but dared not recall it. She explained
 rf her own will.
        "It was a little lady, dressed in colonial costume. Often a
 young man accompanied her. Oh, how he resembled you, all but for
 his dress and tri-cornered hat. She smiled, then tears broke through
 ivhile he put an arm around her and neared us as if to come and
 sit clown. Oh! It was awful—I was so cold, and felt so strange.
  I tried to turn and go around, but you drew me on—then J
        A shiver ran through George, and Floy, her voice shrinking,
  sank into his arms.
        "George," she went on, "For a moment I knew what she felt.
  He was going to war and she feared he would be killed." Florence
  trembled in his arms.
        The young man's face was naturally a fresh and rosy one—
  hit it turned white as death as he listened. He smiled down tenderly
   at the little face pressed close against his shoulder.
        "It must have been a terrible scare, little girl!" said he, "But

      t cry yourself sick over me any more. Your nerves are all
          J                          "

            large tears fell on his hand. "Don't worry, dear—dear
<; ence," he whispered, calling her as he loved to by her middle
      e an d then wiped away her tears with a mite of a handkerchief
she wore in her belt.
       "But you know, it's so hard," said Florence in a pitiful voice.
       "I know," he answered encouragingly. He sat thinking for a
whil e > then spoke out musingly—"I wonder if your great-grand-
mother had a lover who was in the revolution! But never mind
about our great-grandmothers, let's have a good time to-day!"
       "And try not to think of the morrow," she sobbed.
       The day following he joined. The regiment was ordered for-
ward—and he found hardly time to accomplish all that was to be
done. He could not even get off for another visit to poor Spence.
                    |    *     #     *     *     *

     Six weeks later came a telegram—
                                       Gettysburg, July 2, 1863.
     Lieut. George Stan ton—fell fighting bravely in defence of
South. All military honors.                            R. E. LEE.
     Florence closed her eyes—"It's what she said," she whispered.
She fell sick and descended to Death's door. No one expected her
to recover, but youth is stronger than death, and she lived on.
                   #     j|s   si;   *     !|=   *

     Years after, Spence in rummaging through an old desk, dis-
covered a bundle of papers in a secret drawer. In them was told a
tale of love and loss such as had been her own. They were in the
handwriting of her great-grandmother, whose young husband, like
her lover, had left her to give his life in defence of the land of his
birth. Poor Spence placed her own letters with these and put them
sacredly away in the desk, that other generations might read the
sorrowful story.

                     THE SQUARE THING

                         BY J. GERALD COLE

T   HE December sky was streaked with the dirty smoke of
       myriad stacks, which thrust their tall, black forms out of th-
low factory roofs. The hum of the works was like the idle drone of
an immense bluebottle. Now, a jet of snowy steam, shooting ii|
pierced the smoky pall, and an instant later, the despondent groan
of the whistles told the community that it was six o'clock.
     Soon, black snakes of humanity issuing forth from the 1m
doorways, walked along the streets, and broke up into smaller and
smaller groups. In turn, these disintegrated, and now and then a-
individual would drop out of the line and enter one of the littK
white houses which dotted the scene. Still they poured out, spreading
as far as the eye could see, in a continuous stream of moving figure?
At last the individual forms began to trickle out, and then the streani
ceased. The last one left the factory, and turned toward home.
     He was a man of middle age, of heavy build, and rather dark
The arm that held the coat thrown over his shoulder hinted at great
strength. But his face, seen at close range, told a different storv
with its deeply-seared lines of care and lack-lustre eyes, that starci
dully at the ground as he walked. Without looking up, he turned
in at a narrow walk, pushed the gate open, mounted the steps am
entered the house. In the back room, only a short passagewa

merit on the worn washtub, paused, looked up, and stared out a
the man in the other room. She dropped the soapy mass back into tin
tub, and approached him, drying her hands on her apron. He did
not look up, and she bent over him, resting her hand on his shoulder
He kept muttering something to himself, and suddenly, she drek

waking from his lethargy, threw her rudely aside and growled—
"Yes, discharged, and don't start any of your infernal whimpering
or I'll—" he ended with a snarl, and snatching up his coat, strode
out of the room, out of the gate, and along the street. As the reali
zation of the blow struck him, the spark of a once strong and
resolute nature rekindled, and he clenched his fists, and walked
faster and faster, rising on his toes, and knitting his brow. Dis
charge from the factory in a small town meant long idleness, if no
utter ruin.

       Without knowing it, he had changed the direction of his walk,
  nd   was now hastening towards the very heart of the town. A
 glitter of lights and a roar of coarse laughter from a saloon smote
 his senses sharply, and he involuntarily stopped at the door and
 glanced in. Inside, a group of rough characters was clustered
 before the bar, about a certain person who seemed to be the object
 of the praise and congratulation of the crowd. Suddenly a thick
 bass voice growled above the noise of the barroom.
       "I don't care a rap fer yer talk, yer didn't do the square thing
 by him!" and the speaker, a great burly giant of a man, with thick
 black moustache and heavy features, looked defiantly at the crowd of
 hangers-on as if he expected to back his assertion by impressing
 something more tangible on the ears of the group. However, none
 challenged him. The room was filled with a harsh laugh, seeming to
 mock the very idea of his words. "The square thing" indeed! In
 such company it had no place, surely. Besides, it behooved them to
 laugh, for such men, or rather beings, gather about the "upper dog"
 whether he gain his end by fair means or foul. With an oath of
 disgust, the one who had spoken his mind stalked out of the noisy
 room. He almost collided with the man outside. The latter
 wheeled as the door banged shut, and recoiled from the towering
 form confronting him.
       "Oh! er, hello, Cronan, I didn't hear you coming. Look at the
 dog in there, will you ?" he said, recovering himself in a breath, and
 glaring at the central figure in the room. Again the crowd roared
 with laughter at some sally of the leader, doubtless at the expense of
.the man now watching him from the street. The jests of the "one-
 who-pays-the-score," as well as those of the rich, are ever success-
       "Come out o' this," said Cronan, drawing Purfield away, "That
 was the meanest deal I've seen yet. I'm goin' to quit and take to
 the railroad, an' if you're wise, you'll come along with me."
       "What, be a brakic!"
       "Sure, why not,—I'm sick of this factory work,—I was built
 for the road."
       "Well, I'm with you, old man, any day in the week," rejoined
 Purfield after a pause, as he clasped his friend's big rough hand.
       "That's the way to talk, now,—come on home a while, an'
 We'll talk over leavin' the ol' place," said Cronan, who, in spite of
 the fact that he knew Purfield had been discharged, did not mention
 it. The ofher hesitated, but with the thought of a job in his mind,

               SlIIYVES/lllT [fill SCHOOL LIBRARY
                       345 EAST 15lh STREET

  finally gave his consent, and they were soon in Cronan's house.
        Some hours later, Purfield turned his steps homeward through
  the silent streets with a new hope in his heart—the railroad. As he
  neared his own home with his head bowed down in contemplation of
  a new career, he was roused from his reverie by the sound of foot-
  steps. Glancing up, he was startled to see two men following a third
  across the street in front of him. Before his wondering eyes, he
   saw the two figures in the rear step up to the third, grapple him,
  one on each side, and throw him prostrate on the flags. With a
  cry, he darted forward to aid the assaulted man, but before he
  could reach the spot, one, seeing him approach, ran at top speed
  down the side street. Purfield threw himself on the other and cried
  loudly for help. His cries were heard and two men came running
  up together with an officer. There in the dim, flickering light of the
  street lamp, the trio stood staring, hatless, and out of breath.
        "Well, what's up?" said the bluecoat, looking from one to the
        "Officer, I want to make a charge of assault on these two men.
  They dogged me for blocks and then jumped on me, and if yon
  hadn't heard me yelling, I wouldn't have been able to tell the tale
  now." With a look of amazement, Purfield recognized in the
  speaker, the man who had been the center of the group in the saloon!
  His tongue refused to speak at first, but as the intent of the man
  gradually dawned on him, his amazement turned to rage, and he
  fairly shouted,
        "You lie! Walter Simpson, you lie! If it hadn't been for me,
  those two fellows would have beaten you senseless." With a snarl
  of rage Purfield threw himself on his accuser. The officer, and the
  few curious onlookers who had heard the uproar and had come
  to the scene, restrained him. The object of his rage turned to the
' officer and asked,
        "Hadn't we better go along to the station ? It's rather cold and
  there's no use standing here doing nothing.''
        Purfield, fuming with anger, was obliged to accompany them to
  the station-house, and, as he was being led away, his wife, who had
  been waiting and watching for him since early evening, rushed out,
  and burst in upon the crowd. She hurried to her husband's side and
        "Jim, Jim, why did you do this?" not doubting that in his
  despondency he had employed an easier method to gain the "al-
  mighty dollar" which had legitimately been denied him. He looked
THE           IN DIC AT OR

     . kej- jn a daze, and, not knowing why, he pushed her from him, and
    walked on.
                         *     s|s     ::
                                        |   *   #

       Days, weeks, months passed. James Purfield sat brooding on a
 low stool, with his head in his hands. A glance at his surroundings
 wa s enough to locate them.      The long, barred tiers, gloomy bal-
 conies and bare walls, all told the sad story. His trial had been
 short—it was well known that Simpson was the cause of Purfield's
 discharge from the factory—his need of money, the exclamation of
 his wife and, most of all, the testimony of the real highwayman,—
 a supposed confession—had been enough evidence in the eyes of the
 law to convict him.
       In the mean time, Cronan, and, strange to say, Simpson, had
 left the factory, and were now working in different positions.
 Popular sentiment had forced the latter to leave the town and strike
 out for new territory.
       Time rolled on, and Purfield was set free. In the confinement
 and chafing labor of the jail, he had sworn to track Simpson down.
 Once out, he lost no time in seeking him among the factory men.
 From them he learned that Simpson had been driven out of the
 town and had never been heard from since. The world is so large,
 and it offers such opportunities for hiding that Purfield told himself
 that he would never see Simpson again. His wife was living in a
 wretched quarter of the town, and at the sight of her husband she
•rushed to his arms. For a full minute they stood thus, and the
 eyes of both were moist when they drew away.
       Purfield found a sweet solace in the sound of her voice after so
 long a separation, and past memories were forgotten in the joy of
       In time he met Cronan. His staunch friend procured him a
 position on the railroad on one of the freight trains. When he
 entered the caboose for the first time, the rough "brakies" glanced
 at his shorn head and smiled grimly.        Doubtless, some of them
 had also "been there."
       Again time flew, and the following years found Purfield in the
 caboose of one of the fast freights of the road. One particularly
 stormy night, clad in slouch hat and oilskins, lantern in hand, he
 swung 'aboard the little caboose and signalled the engineer that all
 *as ready. The raindrops pattered ever louder on the roof of the
 little car, and the lightning glowed threateningly at intervals. Then
 would follow a broadside of thunder that told that the mighty Thor


was abroad in his chariot and was wielding his potent hammer. A
storm had always held a fascination for him, and, jamming his hat
down low, and buttoning up his oils, he mounted the top of the
last box car and glanced about him. Behind him stretched the
silvery rails, rushing away from the clacking trucks beneath him.
Far ahead he saw the light of the engine-cab gleaming indistinctly
in the rain. A flash of lightning illumined the scene for an instant,
and he saw the snaky length of cars; the engine pounding along,
and—silhouetted against the glare—the figure of a man standing on
top of the train. His first impulse was to call out to the tramp, as he
guessed it was, but he couldn't help feeling a touch of pity for the
man, exposed to the fury of the storm, and he returned to the
      "Hobo out on the cars—couldn't chase him off in this," was
the laconic explanation to the "brakies." The tramp, seeing that
the crew did not intend to drive him off, walked back on the slippery
tops of the cars, and called down,
      "Hey, let's in there, will you? It's kind of damp out here on
top.'' Purfield, in order to size up the tramp before saying anything,
stuck his head out of the window and peered up at the speaker.
The latter's face was lit up by the light of the fire in the caboose.
With a fierce oath, Purfield shouted,
      "Simpson!" and he sprang up on top of the box-car. Simpson—
for it was he, recognizing his enemy, ran forward, with Purfield in
hot pursuit. Midway down the length of the train, hearing his pur-
suer's footsteps close upon him, he turned, and Purfield plunged
into the man he was chasing and grappled with him.
      There on the top of the lurching stretch of slippery, narrow
runways, the two men swayed and twisted. Simpson knew that he
was fighting for his life, and dared not waste his strength in futile
efforts to overthrow Purfield, but instead endeavored to keep his
feet until Purfield had exhausted himself. Purfield, with the pains
and tortures of that prison term in his mind, fought and wrestled
with the strength of a maniac. It was a weird scene, that battle on
the car-tops, and the intermittent flashes of lightning illuminated
the fierce struggle for life and revenge—that sweet antidote of pain.
—with a ghastly light. The train whirled on, roaring over bridges
and rattling over switches. Suddenly, as a particularly bright flash
darted its fire into the inky blackness of the night, one of the forms
was seen to bend backward and with a mighty heave was thrown
down into the dark abyss between the cars. Some moments later, a

   an staggered into the caboose, dripping with rain, his hat gone, and
  ilskins flapping loosely. With blood-shot eyes, and gasping for
breath, he shouted with a supreme effort,
      "Boys, it was a fair fight. He pulled a knife, but—I threw
, j m -fair and square " The startled crew caught his sinking form
alid laid him on the floor with an ugly wound in the side, directly
beneath the armpit.
      For many days he lay on a couch of pain, his wife in constant
care and watchfulness. At last he began to convalesce, and as
soon as he was safe on the road to recovery, he was daily visited by
his friend Cronan.
      It was a wonderful sight to see that big, rough fellow sit by
the sick-bed, and watch his friend, slowly improving. When he
was able, Purfield whispered the tale of that life struggle to an
anxious listener. Then, and only then, did that deep voice burst
      "I alwus said he'd show yellow, an' he did. Must 'a' turned hobo,
and took to knifin'. But you got him, Jim, an' yer done the square
thing by him!"

                     THE SILENT SPIRIT
                          SIMON BARR, '09

          T   HE day is ever dreary
                   In that e'erlasting waste,
           The way is ever weary
               In the white wild englacecl;
                    Not e'en a weed-leaf vernal,
                    Not e'en a light diurnal,—
                    Only the ice eternal,
               Eternal-night encased.

           The air is deathly soundless,
               The sea is wave-forlorn,
           And hyaline and boundless
               The ice is ever from ;
                    And not a sound befriending
                    Breaks silence e'er unending-
                    Only the icebergs rending
               In drifting waters drawn.

Here is God the solemn, Holy,
    In sacred solitude,
And Man to Nature lowly:
    Away from gold-born feud,
         Away from fool's conventions,
         Away from man's inventions,
         Away from earth's dissensions,—
The madding multitude.
The darkness now is lightness
    Resplendently endued
With heav'n's auroral brightness
    Divinely multi-hued,
         Celestial scintillations,
         Coronal coruscations,
         Refulgent radiations,
    In light's infinitude.
The ice-peaks loom phantasmal
    In multi-forms of white,
The sea is dark and chasmal
    In interglacial light;
         The jagged fields are beaming,
         The dizzying steeps are gleaming,
         Prismatically streaming
    And tremulously bright.
Supreme a Silent Spirit
    Reigns o'er the dim domain
And Man may not inherit
    The vasty skull-strewn plain:
        Yet e'er the call alluring
        To death-ward man is luring,—
        He follows, all enduring,
    The answer of the slain.
Now after years of vying
    Have men attained the goal.
Or can it be but lying,
    But bitterness of soul?
         Despite all man's endeavor,
         Contention wrangling ever,—
        Reigns deathless and forever
    The Spirit of the Pole.

                       THE LIFE-SAVER
                        EDWIN G. GOLDSTONE
       DISCONSOLATE air hung over the whole city, especially
A      about the fashionable section of X
yard park.
                                                  street, fronting Hal-

     It was a raw December evening, with the wind shrieking dis-
mally through the leafless trees, the boughs swaying to and fro at
the will of the fitful breezes, and the rain pattering incessantly on
the asphalt pavement. Not a living object could be seen as far as
the eye could pierce the gloom. Now and then the monotonous
pattering would be broken by a peal of thunder or a flash of light-
ning, making a vivid contrast.
     All of the houses facing the park-front were brilliantly illu-
minated, for it was Christmas day,—all but one which stood dark
and majestic on one of the corners, as if it were a silent guardian
of the quiet neighborhood.
     Then without the least warning, the death-like stillness of the
evening was broken by the shrieks of "Fire! Help! Fire!" An
excited-looking personage, hatless, coatless and breathless, was seen
running towards a fire-alarm box. Hastily tugging at the handle, he
nervously turned in the alarm.
     At the sound of the man's excited cries, the neighborhood seemed
to have become enchanted. Men, women, children appeared to have
sprung up from the ground, all hurrying, jostling and pushing in the
same direction. Where a minute before not a living person could
be seen, was now a moving river of human beings.
     The excitement increased when with a rumble and a roar, the
clanging of bells and the tooting of sirens, the heavy fire-engines
came tearing down the street from all directions, towards the
burning house. With marvelous rapidity the hose was attached
to the engines, ladders sprung up in the air, and sizzling streams of
water were soon turned on the house.
     A deathly silence prevailed over the crowd as the firemen went
hither and thither in their work, broken only by the throbbing of the
engines. Then suddenly a heart-rending voice cried out—"Save my
darlings! Oh, please save my darlings!"
     One of the firemen hurriedly walked over to the woman and
e nquiringly asked:
     "On what floor, madam, on what floor?"
     "The third floor, back," was the sobbing reply.

     A groan and then a hush followed as the crowd saw the man
rush quickly into what seemed to he his doom.
     A few minutes of breathless anxiety. Oh! how many hearts
stopped throbbing and what countless prayers were silently muttered,
while the man was within that cauldron of fire and smoke! A groan
escaped from everyone's lips when a flaming rafter fell down,
causing a countless number of sparks to shoot heavenward. After
what seemed eternity, a blackened and soot-covered figure was
seen coming out of the house already doomed. A mighty cheer rent
the heavens as the hero came staggering out. In his hands he carried
two small white spaniels !
     A hysterical laugh was heard from the woman over the din of
laughter as the hero staggering over to her said in a choking, gasp-
ing voice: "Madam, here are your precious darlings," and then he
went back to do his duty and save lives.

     H E program of tlie Stuyvesant Literary Society affixed belcnv
T      needs little comment. Hie Society has proved itself to be a
valuable medium for the expression of literary talent on the part of
the students. The success of the meetings are, in a great measure.
due to the excellent work of the Orchestra and Glee Clubs under the
directorship of Mr. Martin. Mr. W. Palmer Smith also has had a
prominent share in preparing the youthful orators and debaters for
                Officers for term cndintj June 30, 1910
           Herbert J. Slingo        ...................   President
           A. Wallace Robinson ...... First Vice-President
           Howard W. Bohm ....... Second Vice-President
           A. Grover Shary .......... Third Vice-President
           Alfred W. Townsend            ................ Secretary
           J. Gerald Cole       ......................    Treasurer
                          Executive Committee
                        Arthur Tienken, Chairman
      William Moscowitz                                   George Halm
                            Faculty Committee
                           Mr. Law, Chairman
      Mr. Breckenridge                                       Mr. Foster
      The inter-class debates for the school championship were as
 follows : —
      Resolved :— That in the Public Schools of New York, Women
 Teachers Doing the Same Work as Men, Should Receive the Same
               Affirmative                                ^Negative
    Frank Schulman, 3J                        Wm. Moscowitz, 3a
    Joseph Quinn, 33                           Edgar Waugh, 3a
      Resolved :—That Foot-ball Should be Abolished in the High
                ^Affirmative                               Negative
    Charles Katz, 6a                           John Coulter, 6b
    Bernard Gottlieb, 6a                       George Hahn, 6b


    Resolved:—That the Stuyvesant High School Students are
Benefited More by the Study of English Literature than by the Study
of Mathematics.
             * Affirmative                        Negative
  George Murphy, 8a                  William Wilson, 7a
  Morris Eskowsky, 8a                Wallace Robinson, ya.
    Resolved:—That the Self Government System Should be
Established in the Stuyvesant High School.
           Affirmative                         ^Negative
  Wm. Moscowitz, 33                  Bernard Gottlieb, 6a
  Otto Brandt, 3a                    Charles Katz, 6a
                    •'^Indicates winning team
     On Friday evening, February 25, the championship debate took
place in the auditorium between classes 6a and 8a. The decision
was awarded in favor of 6a. The question:
     Resolved:—That the United States Government Should Grant
a Pension to All Persons Over Sixty-Five Years of Age, Said
"ension to be Distributed as Fairly as Possible.
             Affirmative                         ^Negative
   Morris Eskowlskv                  Charles Katz
   George 13. Murphy                 Bernard Gottlieb
r H E i N D i cA r o R

                      I I I ' . T K C I I X I C A L SOCIKTY

                 THE TECHNICAL SOCIETY

T    HE Technical Society is one of the most progressive organiza-
       tions in the school. It was established on the principle that the
greater part of the work be carried on by the students themselves. As
a result a great deal of pleasure and profit has been derived from the
year's work. Illustrated lectures and non-technical discussions
upon scientific and industrial subjects have been given by the mem-
bers on every alternate Friday afternoon. From time to time the
Society, accompanied by Mr. Mersereau, the Faculty Director, has
made profitable visits to various machine shops and engineering
places in the city. Owing to the fact that it would be undesirable to
take a large number of boys upon such expeditions, the regular mem-
bership of the Club is limited to twenty. Much care has been taken
in the selection of new members, since any student who desires to be
admitted to the privileges must first prove that he is interested in
the work.
     The stereopticon and the reflectoscope have been used ex-
tensively for lecture purposes. Towards the close of last term, much
enthusiasm was shown in wireless telegraphy, and a station was in-

  ta     i" tne sc'100' building. During February, the Society gave a
  ublic meeting that was a success in every way. Mr. Charles H.
iV"ilson, representing the Hoard of Trade and Industries of Niagara
Falls, gave an interesting lecture on "Commercial and Industrial
 Niagara .Falls." The lecture was illustrated by stcreopticon views
as well as by moving pictures.          The following are some of the
subjects given by members during the last term :—
The Evolution of the Aeroplane                            Matthew Schon
The Making of Chisels                                        John Coulter
The Manufacture of Saws                                       Otto Schultz
The Big Trees of California                            Clifford (ioodacre
The Japanese Torpedo lioat                                      I Tarn 1 fata
The Evolution of the Lathe                                Mr. Mersereau
The Monorail Car                                             John Fischer
The Development of Energy at Niagara                       I [cnry Mandle
The Construction and the Operation of the Subway, Clement Koukol
The General Electric Company                                 Chester Hyde
                      The officers are as,follows:
            Clement John Koukol                        President
            Herbert J. Slingo                    J'icc-Prcsidcnt
           Otto (j. Schultz                 Secretary-Treasurer
           Mr. Mersereau                   Honorary President

       E Boar's Head Dramatic Society, named after the famous
       tavern in Eastcheap, was formed toward the close of last
term. Its object is to supply the place of the Irving Dramatic So-
ciety in the lower classes of the school. Anyone in the four lower
term classes showing dramatic ability is eligible to membership.
     The society aims to give two plays every year, one of which at
'east is to be written by members of the society. The play chosen
for production in May, 1910, is "Dr. Bilby's Aeroplane," written by
Joseph Hinclin, Louis Mumford and Louis Morinsky in,consultation
with others.
     The headquarters of the Boar's Head are Room 507, and the
faculty adviser. Mr. Bates.
     The officers are as follows:
          William Bender                            President
          John Lambert                        Vice-President
          Louis Mumford                             Secretary
          William Donahue                            Treasurer

                       THE ORCHESTRA

     URING the past year the Orchestra of the school has done a
D      great deal toward making our meetings and celebrations
successful. Under the able direction and through the hard work of
Mr. Martin, the Orchestra has attained a high standard of efficiency
and merit. The members of the Orchestra are as follows:
             First Violins                            Second Violins
  Edgar Krones                               Arthur Bengston
  Otto G. Schulz                             Herbert Zimmerman
  Daniel Shakofsky                           Edward Wohlers
  Herman Albers                              Charles Wexler
  Leon Witt                                  Isidor Loeffelholz
  Thomas Donahue                             Abraham Dick
  Leo Heyman                                 Carl Schonwald
                 Viola                                     Cello
  Louis Schwartz                             Louis Moskowitz
             First Cornet                             Second Cornet
  Jacob Essner                               Edward Ouenzer
             First Clarinet                          Second Clarinet
  J. di Static                               Julius Berkowitz
                                             Harry Immesberger
           French Horn                                   Drums
  Victor Paradies                            James Yriones
                              Daniel Stravitz
                Conductor—Mr. Paul Martin, Jr.
        Edgar Krones                                     President
        Otto G. Schulz                             1'ice-President
        Daniel Shakofsky                                 Secretary

                  EDITORS OK STUDKXT GUIDE

                       STUDENT'S GUIDE

I  X a school like Stuyvesant where there are so many or-
     ganizations, a boy is often at a complete loss to keep track of
many things that happen to be out of the particular line in which he
is especially interested. The Student's (nude is, as it implies, a
publication intended to supply information regarding the "where"
and the "how" of everything of any importance in the school. The
Guide is an encyclopedia, directory and advisor all in one. Besides
containing a complete list of the organizations, school songs, yells,
athletic teams, etc., it includes a great deal of interesting information
about the school history and building. The book is annually issued
under the auspices of the Stuyvesant Literary Society. The Board
of editors follow :—
                              Editorial Board             *
                         Patrick Hanbury (chief)
   Wallace Robinson                     Howard Bohm
 . Gerald Cole                         A l f r e d Townsend
   Israel Scheiber                      A. L. Crossly, Faculty Adi'isor.
                               Business Staff
     William A. Stockham. . . .manager. . .Abraham Alperowitz
     Ralph Colp           distributing manager . . .Benjamin Pinco
TH E      IN DI C A T O K


           THE IRVING          DRAMATIC         SOCIETY

      I K Irving Dramatic Society has had a year of great profit and
       rich experience. Hesides the regular meetings held every Tues-
day afternoon at which varied programs were given by the members,
the society has presented two plays. These are recorded elsewhere in
this issue. During this term, rehearsals have been held for a third
production, "Shore Acres," which will be given toward the close of
the year. Membership in the society has been restricted to third
an d fourth year students.    The society is under the direction of
Mr - W. Palmer Smith.     The officers:
        A. Wallace Robinson                           President
        m Yilson                    I'ice-President
        Alfred W. Townsend . . .Secretary and Treasurer
        Edwin (i. Goldstone . . . .      . . . . . . .Librarian

                    THE CAL1PER BOARD

                        THE CALIPER

T    HE Caliper presents an exceptional opportunity to that class o
       students who desire to bend their energies along litera
lines. The Caliper is a monthly publication containing stories, poem
cartoons, and other original contributions as well as news concernin
the progress and affairs of the different school activities. A growin
school demands continually progressive organizations, and the Calipe
has proved no exception. Like every other activity, it has been im
proved in proportion to the increased support given to it by ti
students. The Caliper in its capacity as a representative paper go
a great way towards indirectly shaping school opinion and conduc
As the Caliper is good or bad, every line of work is reacted upon am
influenced accordingly. For that reason it should be accorded ti
highest position among school organizations. The board-of-edito
                 Editor-in-chief—Herbert J. Slingo
  Art Editor—Albert W. Townsend School News—Otto G. Schtil
  Athletics—J. Gerald Cole             Exchanges—J. Gerald Cole.
                   Business Manager—Harry Wagner
            Subscription Manager—Abraham Alperovitz

Benjamin Pinco
       in                        Leon Caplin
Tames O'Connor                  James Grigg

                 THE CAMERA CLUB

                          T    OWARDS the close of last
                                 term the Camera Club held an
                          exhibition of the Inter-High School
                          Camera Club League in the school
                          library. A large number of varied
                          types of pictures taken by the so-
                          ciety's members were exhibited.
                          The Club meets in room 416 every
                          alternate Wednesday to discuss
                          special problems in amateur pho-
                          tography. Mr. Dulk is the faculty

                  THE CAMERA CLUB



          THE. MATH                      EMATJCAL
                   SOCI                  ETY
T   i l l ' - Mathematical Society has just completed a year of success
          fill work. Its main object is the promotion of interest in
mathematics. At its meetings, which have been held once a month,
interesting papers on both the history and the practical side of mathe-
matics were presented and discussed.
     Besides this work, the society, by co-operating with the teachers
of the mathematical department, has done some interesting and
unique work along the line of aiding students deficient in mathe-
matics. Towards the close of the present term, however, a new sys-
tem of aiding the students was begun. Every afternoon a room was
thrown open and placed in charge of a member of the society. Stu-
dents who had fallen behind in their mathematics through absence
or other causes, or who were in need of special aid, were invited t"
come in and obtain help.

e society decided again to offer at the close of the term
zes  for excellence in mathematics. As heretofore, the award of
se prizes was to be determined 50 per cent, by a competitive exam-
tion and 50 per cent, by the term's average. On February 28, 1910,
•ing the assembly, the prizes for last term were awarded. The
d medal for the best work in 4th year mathematics was won by
lil Freudenfels; the gold medal for the best work in 3rd year
thematics was won by Theodore Phillips; the silver medal for
  best work in 2nd year mathematics was won by liciij. S.
 dbcrg; and the bronze medal for the best work in i st year matbc-
;ics was won by Frnest Schreider.
Tie present officers of the society are:
       Silvio I'ellerano                        President
       Yilliam M. Vicscnberg          st Vice-President
        ISenj. Zimmerman              2nd I'icc-Presidcnt
                      ILvccutii'c Committee
eph Jacobson            Victor Dalla Rosa         Edwin Goldstone

IHE Chess and Checker Club meets regularly in room 410.
   Throughout the year matches have been arranged with various
;r schools. In chess, the team defeated all of the Manhattan
'h Schools. Some of the scores are:—
      Roys' High—4                           Stuyvesant—4
      Clinton—3                                   "    —5
      Commerce—i                                       —3
      Commercial—o                                     —4
      Townsend-TTarris—3                               —5
      Manual Training—6y 2                             —i l /2

 The officers are as follows:
      Jacob Grossman                              President
      Paul Fenton                                 Secretary
      Mr. Henriques                  Treasurer and Director


     HIS year the work of the Sketcli Club was principally con
T      cerned with drawing from life. For this purpose, professional
models have at times been employed to give the members bettei
opportunities to practice. The membership is open to any whc
show sufficient interest in the work of the society. The officers f<>:
the last term are :
           Leon Witt                               President
           Herbert Passarge                        Treasurer
           Mr. Fritz                       Faculty Director


E    NCOURAGED by the great success last year, a second annual
       prize speaking contest was held in the school auditorium or
the evening of Friday, February the eleventh. In spite of tin
wintry weather a large crowd turned out to cheer the youthful ora-
tors, and the evening was one of pleasure and profit. The work
of preparation and selection of the speakers was under the direction
of Mr. W. Palmer Smith. As will be seen by the program affixed
below, the contest was divided into two parts—five original oration:-
and five declamations, a silver and a bronze medal being awarded
to each section respectively. Of the declamations, Lester Trotsks

were tied for second honors. The prize for the original orations wa>
won by Ralph Colp, with Meyer Falkoff second. After the contest the
shops and the laboratories on the first and second floors of the school
building were thrown open for the inspection of the visitors. The
committee of judges consisted of:—Mr. Edward W. Stitt, Distric 1
Superintendent; Mr. Raymond N. Kellogg, Instructor in Publu
Speaking, Morris High School, and Miss Bertha L. Colburn, In-
structor in Elocution, Yonkers High School. The program follows:
Overture—"MARTHA"                                                Floton
                        Stuyvesant Orchestra

  Iration—Tine ACTOR'S MISSION
                                Meyer Falkoff
         ation—JOAM DECOSTA                              Jules V'erne
                             Morris Eskowlsky
                                Boris Barsky
 'Declamation—KXI-KRIENCE W I T H A WATCH DOG Frank R. Stockton
                             William S. Wilson
•Oration—SLAVERY IN 1910
                           Benjamin Braverman
Ehorus—(a) " S A I L O R ' S SONG"                             Gcibcl
            (b) " L I K E T H E WOODLAND ROSES"                 Mair
                           Stuyvesant Glee Club
 Declamation—KISSING CUP'S RACE                 Campbell
                             George B. Murphy
                               Carl J. Austrian
                                                William Shakespeare
                                Nathan Haber
                                 Ralph Colp
 Declamation—JEAN VALJEAN AND THE BISHOP                Victor Hugo
                             Lester A. Trotsky
 Chorus—"ANNIE LAURIE"                                          Buck
                              Faculty Glee Club
              Decision of Judges and Awarding of Medals

          THE HUDSON-FULTON              CELEBRATION

 T   HE week of September 25-October 2 in New York City was set
       aside for the purpose of commemorating the achievements of
 Henry Hudson and Robert Fulton. The pageants on land and water
 afforded a varied and impressive program to the thousands that
 gathered to witness them. Stuyvesant's share in the week of fes-
•ivity and merry-making consisted of appropriate exercises held in
Spe auditorium on the afternoon of September the twenty-ninth, the
 feature of which was a play given by the Dramatic Society. It was
 Inclusively a "home talent" affair, the authors, Emil Freudenfels
 and Ralph Colp, being students of the February graduating class. .
      Notwithstanding the many difficulties connected with the staging
 'P a play for which the auditorium is but poorly adapted, the play

was a decided success in mure respects than one. The features of the
play were the exceptionally realistic acting of Lester Trosky as
President of the Dutch Company and of Xathan Haber as Henry
Hudson. The play itself was divided into two scenes. The first de-
picted the members of the Dutch Company seated in the council
chamber at New Amsterdam discussing the advisability of attempt-
ing a northwest passage to India. After a somewhat spirited debate.
Henry Hudson was called into the conference and chosen to seek for
the coveted sea-route. The second scene opened with the somewhat
martial contortions of a band of Indians on Manhattan Island as,
with bewilderment and alarm, they witness the approach of Hudson's
vessel up the harbor. Events moved swiftly, and after the very im-
pressive ceremony of smoking the pipe of peace, a general exchange
of trinkets, whiskey, furs and other articles of a like conciliaton
nature, took place. The play came to a close with an eulogy between
Hudson and his clerk on the beautv and the richness of the ne^-

     X the afternoon of December 24 the Dramatic Society gave it-
O       second play in the school auditorium. The play consisted of a
series of dramatized scenes arranged from Charles Dickens' "Christ-
mas Carol." Every one of the forty odd members included in the casi
came off with flying colors, particularly those who had the oppor-
tunity of appearing before their envious classmates in the rather
novel garb of the fairer sex. Xathan Haber headed the list with his
usual characteristic interpretation, seconded by Lester Trotsky as
Bob Cratchit. The play followed very closely the story of Dickens:
and there were plenty of thrills in the way of ghosts, visions, and
other unusual people. In the first vision of the second scene where
the bewildered Scrooge was transported back to the years of long
ago by the Ghost of Christmas Past, the audience enjoyed a decided
treat in the shape of a genuine, old English "Sir Roger de Coverley"
dance. The third vision in which the old women, with a mixture oi
pathos and drollery, haggled over Scrooge's last earthly possessions
with old Joe the rag dealer, furnished the climax of the change that
is gradually occurring in the miser's hard-hearted spirit. Tin
transformation was ably brought out in the final scene between
Cratchit and Scrooge in the counting chamber the morning aftei
Christmas. The play was interpreted with a directness and spirit that
served to bring home the simple lesson with vividness and truth.

                     BASKETBALL REVIEW

                        F       OR the second time the Dodge Trophy,
                                  emblematic of the High School Basket-
                          ball Championship, rests beneath folds of
                           scarlet and blue. Our five, following the ex-
                           ample of Stuyvesant's victorious team of the
                          year preceding, again made a runaway race of
                           the 1". S. A. L. scries, coming out with a clean
                           slate of nine convincing victories. And what
                           is more, not a single defeat mars their entire
                           schedule of eighteen games. Local high
                           schools did not prove the sole victims of their
    rowess, moreover. Yale, Columbia and C. C. N. Y. freshmen, as
          as Pratt Institute, were likewise forced to acknowledge the
    jperiority of our five.
         The loss of Cavallaro and November, at the close of the pre-
  ceding season, seemed a hard enough blow to bear. When this
  misfortune was supplemented by the departure of our only de-
  pendable "subs," Nerritt and Hanson, our hopes of another cham-
  pionship wavered. Friedland and Jacobson, however, had been left
  out of our reckoning. Friedland, former captain of the Mercury
  A. C., proved to be the sensation of the season at left forward, and a
  unanimous choice for an all-scholastic position.
         Jacobson, a former second team man, proved a running-mate of
       quality far beyond expectations. Throughout the season, his
  stolidly efficient style of play seemed in great contrast to "Kiddy"
   "riedland's tiger-like quickness of action. Long, at center, appeared
  to lack his usual fire and dash for the greater part of the season.
  He came to life again, just as it ended, as his performance in the
  Morris game testified, when he caged the ball eleven times.
         Captain Tommy Bowling, at guard, played his usual heady
    line, for the fourth year filling a position on the All-Scholastic
   H 'ive. His one fault is almost a virtue—his desire to play two posi-
  tions at once—to take the bulk of the scoring from the hands of the
  forwards, in addition to playing his own position at guard. Hoops,
  his companion, appeared a living refutation of the principle of the
["conservation" of energy. While apparently exerting no effort
  whatever in his work, he proved as efficient a guard as the league
I possessed. A little more aggressiveness in his play might have been
  desired, but his work earned him an all-scholastic position. Blair was

offered few chances to show his ability as guard. As was to be
expected, he appeared rather awkward in his play, but another
season should suffice to remove the rough edges and bring out what
there is in him.
      The team work throughout the season was of the highest order,
any tendency toward individual play being supressed as quickly as
it arose. All credit is clue to Dr. Way, the coach of our five, whose
work in its behalf again made possible the achievement of the
season's honors.
      Our quintette first showed what was to be expected of it in the
future by taking into camp the team of Pratt Institute, and, a week-
later, by humbling the Columbia freshmen in their own gym.
Sandwiched in between these successes was a decisive victory over
Hoboken High. Far Rockaway and Boys' High were the next
victims, both suffering defeat by large scores. The fact that neither
Far Rockaway nor Boys' High was able to claim a single field goal
 shows how rapidly our team work and defensive play had developed,
 even at this early stage of the season.
       Flushing High barely managed to cage the ball for a single field
 goal, in her contest with Stuyvesant. A week later, our five defeated
Newtown High's quintette after the fastest and most exciting game of
 the season. Erasmus came and went, bearing away with her the bur-
 den of a defeat at our hands by the score of 46 to 15. The game was
 one-sided and rather slow, and signs of a slump were in evidence.
       The team failed to show its true form in the game with Clinton.
 The contest was characterized, as far as we were concerned, by poor
 passing, reckless shooting and a listlessness of play. Stuyvesant,
 after being completely outplayed in the first half, gradually im-
 proved, and Clinton, fighting desperately in her effort to stand the
 pace, fouled time and again. The most closely contested game
 of the season resulted in a victory for Stuyvesant by the score of
  32 to 23.
       January 12 was a red-letter day in Stuyvesant's history. On
  that date, our five vanquished Yale freshmen by a score of 47 to 25.
  The final outcome was never in dovibt, Stuyvesant main-
  taining the lead at all stages of the contest. Victories over
  Eastern District and Paterson High followed in quick succession.
  On January 22, Commerce High went down to defeat at our hands
  by the score of 29 to 19. Spectacular guarding by Hoops and Dowl-
  ing prevented our opponents from finding the basket for a single
  field goal in the first half. At length, however, Goldberg, Com-

  inerce's clever forward, managed to cage the ball for our oppo-
  nent's one active contribution toward their own score during the
  entire game.
        How we treated fair Morris, our next opponent, is history.
  Our boys, despite Morris' desperate resistance, amassed the largest
  score in the I'. S. A. L. records. The fast C. C. N. Y. freshmen
  five suffered defeat a week later, by the score of 39 to 2 r . Our
  composure was somewhat shaken by the whirlwind manner in
  which the losers started play, caging the ball four times before
  Stnyvesant had a single point to her credit. The team soon found
  itself, however, and gradually forged ahead to a decisive victory.
        On February 11, our five clearly established its claim to the
  title of Eastern Champions by defeating Central High School,
  champions of Philadelphia for two successive seasons. The game
  furnished a most satisfactory conclusion to the most successful
, season that a Stuyvesant team has ever enjoyed.
        Friedland succeeds Dowling as captain for next year, and,
  with Jacobson and Blair, should form the nucleus of a strong team.
  Although the end of the season witnesses the departure of our
  trusty veterans, Hoops and Long, yet all signs point to a continuation
  of the success that has hitherto attended our efforts upon the
  basketball court.
                          The Line-it p :
     Joseph Jacobson                               Right Forward
     Abraham Friedland                              Left Forward
     William Long                                          Center
     Frederick Hoops                                 Right Guard
     Thomas Dowling                                   Left Guard
     William Blair, Harry Menefee                      Substitutes
  Jov. 24    Pratt Institute            14    Stuyvesant             24
       27    Hoboken H. S               23          "                43
 Dec. i      Columbia, 1913              9          "                n
        4   *Boys' H. S                  5          "                57
       11   *Flushing H. S               9          "                35
       15    St. Benedict's College . . 13          '                37
       18   *Newtown II. S              25          "                48
       22   *Far Rockaway H. S. . . . 6             "                48
       24   *Erasmus H. S               15          "                46
       31    Stuyvesant Ex-members 19               "                33

Jan.     8 *De Witt Clinton                23
  "     T *)
               Y' H 1P
               JL ctlCj
                          T O T "3
                                           ^? C
                                              J                    •47
  "    15 !l!Eastern District              14                      •4i
  "    19   Paterson H. S                  19                      .61
  "    22 *H. S. Commerce                  19                      .29
  "    29 *Morris H. S                     13                      .76
Feb.    4 C. C. N. Y., 1913                21
  "    ii   Central H. S                   17

                                  289                              737
        (P. S. A. L. Tournament games indicated by asterisk)


       William Long                                   President
       Thomas Dowling                             Vice-President
       Anthony Pollmann                                Secretary
       Mr. Mines .                                     Treasurer


                     FOOTBALL REVIEW
                                 NDOUBTEDLY, there are factors,
                          U        other than the mere winning of
                          scheduled games, which determine the calibre
                          of a football team. The spirit with which
                           it accepts defeat, the vigor with which it
                           combats the thousand and one obstacles
                          generally placed in the path of a losing
                           team,—these are some of the things to be
                           considered before a final estimate of the sea-
                           son's results is given. Considered in this
                           respect, Stuyvesant may well be proud of
the eleven which represented her this year, under the leadership of
Captain Sharpe. Jts record, while mainly one of defeats, is yet
free from blemish, for in every game, whether victory or otherwise,
its members played to the best of their ability. More could not be
      The opening contest of the season, with Curtis High, resulted
in a defeat for the scarlet and blue, by the score of 5 to 3. The
comparison of this score with that of the initial contest of the
season previous, 35 to o, certainly afforded us grounds for consider-
ing the result encouraging. During the course of the game, we had
possession of the pigskin four times upon our opponents' five yard
line and yet were unable to score, except through a field goal by
McNamara. The latter, by the way, has the honor of kicking the
only field goal in the P. S. A. L. series.
      In our following game with Commercial, neither team scored
until near the close of the first half. Our line, weakened by the fierce
assaults of Commercial, finally gave way, and the latter soon had
five points to her credit. During this period, Stuyvesant revealed a
surprisingly strong defence, twice obtaining possession of the ball
When a score seemed inevitable for Commercial, and working it
B of danger. Several gains were made through well-executed
 forward passes, but Commercial invariably regained the lost ground
  "Tough our weakening line. Thoroughly played out, in the second
  ^n, the team offered no effectual resistance to the ceaseless batter-
 ln£ of the boys in red and gray.     Our opponents had no difficulty in
 "•coring twice again during that period.
   _ROne week later, at Ontario Field, our eleven overwhelmed that
 "^•Pwnsencl Harris by the score of 23 to 5. The team played a

  listless game (luring the first half, allowing Townsend to cross the
  line for a touchdown within five minutes after play had started.
  When the half ended, the prospect of a victory for the scarlet and
  blue was not particularly bright.
        Our boys, however, amazed their supporters by starting off the
  second half in whirlwind fashion. Heforc the bewildered Townsend
  eleven could pull themselves together, they were seven points in the
  rear. Vith victory in sight Stuyvesant strove with added zeal and
  had no trouble in scoring twice again. For the first time that season,
  consistent and effectual line-plunging was used, although the touch-
  downs themselves were the direct result of long runs by McGuire
  and Jiigley.
        Our rejoicings were rudely dispelled one week later, in the next
  league game with I)e Witt Clinton. Our line was ripped to shreds,
  time and again, by the continual plunges of our aggressive oppo-
  nents. Outweighed and outplayed, as it was at every stage of the
  game, the plucky manner in which our team "took its medicine"
   served as balm to the rooters who witnessed Stuyvesant's defeat.
   Twice, during the contest, the ball was in our possession on top of
   Clinton's goal line, but adverse fate, aided by a fumble and an
   unlucky bound of the pigskin over Tienken's head, spoiled our
   chances for a score.
         Morris J ligh was Stuyvesant's next opponent, and both teams,
   at first glance, seemed evenly matched. A steady succession of line
   plunges by Morris advanced the ball within scoring distance, and
   an onsicle kick enabled our opponents to cross our line near the
   close of the first half.
         In the second period we kept the pigskin continually in Morris'
   territory. Whenever in position for a score, however, a kicking
   game was foolishly resorted to, and Stuyvesant invariably came out
   second best. Had the fact been recognized that Morris' weak spot
   lay in her line, the game, in all probability, would have had a dif-
   ferent ending. Morris benefited by every exchange of kicks, and
   managed to gain the victory by a single touchdown.
         The game with Commerce High was our final contest, our
   boys "capping the climax" by allowing their opponents to pile up
   the highest score of the season. The weighty Commerce men tore
   through our line as though it were composed of paper, and scored
   touchdown after touchdown. Then suddenly changing tactics they
'• would bewilder us with cleverly executed trick plays, against which
   our team seemed powerless. At times Stuyvesant held desperately,

but these rallies were never long sustained—mere flashes in the
pan. Invariably, Commerce would break through and continue her
triumphant march down the gridiron. Stuyvesant's ragged inter-
ference, faulty team-work and half-hearted tackling were in sharp
contrast to the machine-like precision with which Commerce's plays
were executed. The final score tells the story plainly enough.
      Throughout the season, Schleusner and McGuire alternated at
quarter-back, and, on the whole, each performed fairly well. Sharpe,
at center, played his usual steady game and proved a tower of
strength to the line men, who, outweighed as they were, in nearly
every game, filled their positions creditably. In the back-field,
Beeghly's play as full-back was of the highest order. McNamara,
inclined at times to be erratic, showed occasional flashes of good
form. Tienken deserves special notice for his plucky and effective
game at end. A slight increase in weight should work wonders in his
      Naturally, it would have been more satisfying to our self-
esteem, had our eleven won its full quota of victories. However,
we can review our record, not merely as one of defeats, but as one
of unrewarded efforts. Here's hoping that those same exertions
reap better fruit next season.
                           The Liiic-up :
    Percy Sharpe                                       Captain
    Milton Blumberg                                   Manager
    Percy W. O'Dair                                  Left End
    Gerald Brand, Percy Sharpe                     Left Tackle
    John Seeke, George Orthey                      Left Guard
    Percy Sharpe, William Bender                         Center
    Leo Carroll                                   Right Guard
    William Bender, Louis Jenik                   Right Tackle
    Arthur Tienken                                  Right End
    Morris Schlossner, Edward McGuire            Quarter Back
    Leo Colleth                                Left Half Back
    Joseph A. Macnamara                       Right Half Back
    Frank Becghly                                    Full Back
Oct. 2 Curtis H. S                 5        Stuyvesant             3
 " 9 Commercial H. S              16             "                 o
 " 16 Townsend Harris Hall . . . . 5             "                23
 " 23 De Witt Clinton             27             "                 o

      30 Morris H. S                     6                            o
  3V. 13 White Plains H. S              27                            o
      20 Commerce H. S                  49                            o


                  F      ROM present indications Stuyvesant has a
                           fast nine representing her upon the dia-
                    mond this Spring. There was a gratifying response
                    to Coach Dunn's call for candidates, more than
                    sixty striving for positions. Practice was held
                    daily upon the Westchester Golf Links, and after a
                    lengthy process of elimination, the regular nine was
                    picked. A schedule of seventeen games has been
                    arranged by Manager William McGovern, and the
                    nine has already won its opening games with Stevens
                    Prep, and Yonkers High School.
                         The entire infield presents a changed appear-
                    ance. Dolan, formerly at short, now covers first
                    and appears a fixture at that position. Tienken and
                    Dowling, last year's outfielders, are stationed at
                    short-stop and second base, respectively. Stewart,
  upon last year's second team, now guards third base, and barring a
  slight weakness in his fielding of ground balls, appears satisfactory
  in most respects. Boylston, one of our veterans, Emden, a former
Isecond team man, and Nagel constitute the outfield, with Adelman
  in the role of substitute.
       Clark, behind the bat, is considered the find of the season and
  handles Banker's delivery to perfection. The latter appears to be
  in rare trim and has already broken his last season's record of eigh-
Been strike-outs. In the initial game of the season with Stevens Prep.,
, Nineteen of his opponents proved unable to fathom his delivery and
W* few days later, in a six inning contest with Yonkers High, twelve
 '.Were retired on strikes. Nagel will take his turn at twirling this
pear, and, properly developed, should most satisfactorily fill the gap
Bfcft by I lunter's departure.
       The nine appears to be fairly strong at bat, but their fielding
  f an unknown quantity as, owing to the splendid pitching of Banker
 !j$hus far, fielding chances have been few and far between. Their

^Weakness seems to lie in their throwing, but a few more games
 should remedy this fault.
                          The Line-up:
    Fred Banker, Frank agel                         Pitchers
    Andrew Dolan                                  First Base
    Thomas Bowling                              Second Base
    James Stewart                                 Third Base
    Arthur Tienken                                Short Stop
    Bert Williams, Ernest Emden                  Right Field
    John Boylston                              Center Field
    Frank Xagel                                   Left Field
    James Clark                                       Catcher
    Jos. Walsh, Albert Schaefer, Jacob Adelman. . Substitutes
    Mr. Dunn, Mr. Cooley . . /                       Coaches
    William McGovern                                Manager
    Arthur Tienken                                   Captain

April 2   Stevens Prep              2   Stuyvesant               4
      6   Yonkers H. S              o        "                   4
 "    9 White Plains H. S          fo        "                   9
 " 13     Horace Mann H. S          5        "                   6
 " 16     East Orange H. S          5        "                   8
    20 Clason Point M. A            i       "                    6
    23 Greenwich Academy . . . . 3           "                  22
    27    Manhattan Prep            7                            2
    30 *Curtis H. S                 o        "                   2
May 4 Fordham Prep.
      7 *De Witt Clinton H. S.
     ii   Adelphi Academy
     14 *Townsend-Harris Hall
     17   Barringer H. S.
    21 *H. S. of Commerce
    25    De La Salle Inst.
 " 28 *Morris H. S.
   *Indicates P. S. A. L. Tournament Games.
   ^Forfeited to Stuyvesant.
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i
Yearbook 1910i

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Yearbook 1910i

  • 1. FIFTY-THIRD YEAR PACKARD «s« THOROUGH IN E V E R Y T H I N G PERTAINING TO BUSINESS EDUCATION The distinctive Packard Method enables a student to Inter at any time without disadvantage. Each student re- •eives special attention according to his individual capacity, Kucation, and desire to learn. All Commercial Subjects — Bookkeeping, Business Arithmetic, Penmanship, Correspondence, Rapid Calcula- tions. Civil (iovernment, Commercial Law, Business Prac- Bce, Banking, Shorthand, Typewriting, Business and Legal •orrns, etc. PACKARD COMMERCIAL SCHOOL FOURTH AVENUE AND T W E N T Y - T H I R D STREET SUBWAY STATION AT DOOR TELEPHONE, GRAMERCY 1O1 DAY AND EVENING
  • 2. Can there be stronger or more convincing proof of MERIT than the making and selling of an article in ever increasing quantities over a long period of time ? For SEVENTY YEARS the DISSTON BRAND SAWS have been made and sold—TO-DAY, as for some years past, there are more DIS- STON BRAND SAWS sold and used than any other the world over. This is an absolute FACT, not a mere advertising phrase, and speaks for itself regarding the satisfying qualities and efficiency of the DISSTON BRAND SAWS, TOOLS and FILES. We manufacture the finest and largest line of saws in the world. SAWS Hard, Compass, Nest, Square-hole, Keyhole, Dovetail, Pattern-mak- ers', Turkish, Stairbuilders', Joiner, Plumbers', Pruning, Back, Bench, Buck, Butcher, Kitchen, Hack Circular, Shingle, Veneer, Mitre, Concave, Cylinder, Grooving, Metal, Milling, Mulay, Mill, Gang, Drag, Pit, Ice, Crosscut, Web, Etc., Saw Handles, Etc. TOOLS Crosscut Saw Tools, Mandrels, Gummers, Swages, Anvils, Saw Tools, Saw Sets, Saw Clamps, Wire Gauges, Trowels, Cane and Corn Knives, Steel Rules, Squares, Bevels, Gauges, Screwdrivers, Levels, Plumb and Levels, Crout and Slaw Cutters, Files, Etc., Etc. HENRY DISSTON & SONS INCORPORATED Keystone Saw, Tool, Steel and File Works PHILADELPHIA, U.S.A.
  • 3. CLARKSON SCHOOL of TECHNOLOGY A COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING FOR THE TRAINING OF MEN Required for adiin-M«n. •'• t o u r year high school course. Courses leading to the decree of the University of Bachelor or Science in Chemical, Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, comprising four years ofthorough training ami rc-iilrnt college work. Located in the vrr, lic.-iit l i i u l c l i m a t e of Northern New York. Tuition, SKXUin ,,. i .minim. Board, from §3.00 to $4.00 per week. The Ctarkton Bulletin, quarterly publication of the Technology, mailed on WM. S. ALDRICH, DIRECTOR, Potsdam, N. Y. CASSARD, BONNEY & CO. MEMBERS C O N S O I . l D A T K l ) STOCK E X C H A N G E OF NEW YORK STOCKS 68 Broad Street, N . Y . BONDS TELEPHONE, 2980 BROAD. STOCKS B O I M I I AND SOLD FOR CASH, OR ON CONSERVATIVE MARGIN. FRACTIONAL LOTS OF m S l l l t K S OR MULTIPLES OF TEN, GIVEN THE S l l - . I ' K H S O N A L ATTENTION AND QUICK F SERVICE AS 100 SHARE ORDERS. A High School Boy's Library Should Contain Standard booU of life and adventure in attractive, cloth-bound editions. Such arc. Bulwer's " Last Days of Pompeii," Burns' Poems, Cooper'-. "Deerslayer" and "The Spy," Dana's "Two Years Before t i n - M a - t . " Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe," Dickens' •Tale of Two Cities," Goldsmith's " Vicar of Wakefield," Scott's Kenihvorth," ' Talisman," and ' Quentin Durward," Ste- venson's Treasure Island" and 'Kidnapped," Thackeray's Henry Esmond,'' all of which are included in Macmillan's handy series of I'm k< t American and English Classics. Twenty -five cents postpaid. NEW VOLUMES JUST ISSUED. Deiri Robinson OHM ic ( i a s t o t i > Stevenson's Kidnapped (Brown) English Narrative ]'<>' try ^ I ness) Stevenson's Inland Voyage and Travels Gray's Elegy and Cowper's John Gil- with a Donkey (Cross) pin iCastleiiian Thackeray's English Humorists (Cas- Irrin|r.'s Tales of a Traveller (Chase) tleman) Lincoln's Addressee ( l i n b l i Thoreau's Walden (Rees) Hilory's Morte D ' A i i l n i r :S«iy-j;ett) Virgil's Aeneid (Shumway) Parkraan's Oregon I in! THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 64-66 Fifth Ave., New York
  • 4. When you complete a course at EASTMAN you have solved the prob- lem of how to earn a good living. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Type- writhig, Penmanship, Civil Service and Academic Departments. Open during the entire year. Call or write for Catalogue. 123d St. and Lenox Ave.
  • 5. H C K J 2^cp2 ^^ici f !>-C <»i -T (Q ? 4 a H o
  • 8.
  • 12. THE INDICATOR Woodworking SAMUEL F. MERSEREAU, Chairman MOSES F. GOODRICH JOHN MESSENGER EDWARD D. GRISWOLD WALTER M. SMITH CLARENCE D. HANFORD GEORCE F. STAIIL WILLIAM C. HOPKINS ALBERT STOTLER HENRY E. MEIIRTENS WILLIAM A. WORTH Metal Working CHARLES F. MOORE, Chairman STANLEV A. GAGE ARTHUR R. BAUDER CLIFFORD B. GRISWOLD HARGRAVES W. MURRAY WILLIAM B. HENRY WILLIAM T. WYMAN Mechanical Draiving CHARLES B. HOWE, Chairman HAROLD H. BALL THEODORE S. LEONHARD FRANK A. GARDNER FELIX ULLMAN T. HARRY KNOX LEWIS B. BATTEY WILLIAM D. MCJENNETT JOHN B. STEINERT Free-Hand Drawing HAROLD H. BROWN, Chairman ROBERT DULK HENRY E. FRITZ Physical Training AISNER P. WAY, Chairman GEORGE E. COOLEY AUGUSTUS MAIER Music PAUL MARTIN Library Assistant ARTHUR R. BAUDER OUR NEW TEACHERS JOSEPH G. BAIER, B.S. (Physics). Born at New Brunswick, New Jersey. Educated at New Bruns- wick High School, Rutgers College, Science graduate in Civil Engineering. Taught at Flushing Institute, New Brunswick, N. J. HAROLD HUGO BALL, B.S., M.E. (Mechanical Drawing). Was born at Cold Springs, N. Y. Graduated from P. S. 14, Queens, '97, Newtown High, '01, New York University with B.S., '06, New York University, M.E., '08. GEORGE J. BRANDAU, A.B. (German). Was born at Brooklyn, N. Y. Attended elementary and high schools in Brooklyn. Graduated from Columbia, '06, with de- gree of A.B. Attended LIniversity of Marburg, 'o6-'o7. 12
  • 13. THE INDICATOR MILTON BRACKEN BRUNDAGE, B.S. (Chemistry and Physics). Was born at Newburg, N. Y. Graduated from Newburg High School, '96. Syracuse University, 'oo, with degree of B.S. Taught in Newtown II. S., Newtown, N. J., 'oi-'os; Patcrson H. S., Paterson, N. J., '05^09. ARTHUR R. BAUDER, B.S., A.M. (Science). Born at Cleveland, Ohio. Educated at Cleveland High School, Case School of Applied Science, Columbia and Yale. Was six years in public school work; five years in college work. Member of the Electrical Engineering Staff of New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company. CHARLES WESLEY DUNN, A.B., A.M. (Latin). Graduated from Monson Academy, Monson, Mass., '03. Spent one year at Dartmouth. Graduated from Princeton. '07. Post- graduate course at Columbia, receiving A.M. degree in '09. As- sociate Editor of the language publications in the American Book Company, 'o9-'io. ELISHA FRIEDMAN, B.S. (Chemistry). Born New York City. Educated in Public Schools of New York, De Witt Clinton High School, College of the City of New York. Teacher at P. S. 6, Evening Schools and Vacation Schools. SAMUEL GOLDSTEIN, A.B. (Mathematics). Was born at Berlin, Germany. Attended elementary and high schools at Woonsocket, R. I. At New York University he re- ceived degree of A.B. Taught one year in Newark Prepara- tory Schools and one year in Department of Commerce and Labor. WARREN C. HUBERT, B.S. (Mathematics). Was born in New York City. Graduated from P. S. 46, 'oo. Graduated from C. C. N. Y., '07. Received degree of B.S. at N. Y. U., '09. Taught in P. S. 32, Bronx, ,'07-'10. LESLIE A. JOHNSON, B.S. (Physics). Born at St. Lawrence County, New York. Educated at St. Lawrence, Ives Academy, N. Y. Taught at Ogdensburg Free Academy, N. Y.; Principal of Croton School, N. Y.; Public Schools of Brooklyn; Champlain. Hopes to get B.A. from post- graduate work at Columbia. 13
  • 14. THE INDICATOR EARLR. LAYERS (Physics). Born at Lancaster, Pa. Educated at Eastern Pennsylvania H. S., Lafayette College. Taught formerly at Towanda, Penn., Athens and Yonkers, New York. ABRAHAM LIPSKY, A.B., A.M.., Ph.D. (German). Was born in. Russia. Attended elementary schools of Rochester, N. Y., University of Rochester, B.A. At Columbia, A.M., Ph.D. Attended University of Berlin one year. Taught in Rochester High School. HOWARD WALWORTH MOTT, E.E. (Physics). Was born in New York City. Attended P. S. 89, Morris High School, Pratt Institute and graduated from Polytechnic Insti- tute, '09, with E.E. FRANK A. REYNOLDS, A.B., LL.B., A.M. (Latin). Born at Balkstan Springs, New York. Educated at Northwest- ern University and Harvard. Head of Latin Department in University of Southern California; taught at Alameda High School, Morris High School. CHARLES SINDELAR, B.S. (Mathematics) Was born in Guttenberg, Bohemia. Attended P. S. 70, Man- hattan. Graduated from C. C. N. Y. in '96 with degree B.S. Taught in P. S. 26, 'gS-'og. P. S. 35, '09. CLARENCE LEONARD STAPLES, A.B, A.M. (Latin) Was born at Portland, Me., receiving A.B. degree, '05, Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, receiving A.M. degree, '08. Attended Cheltenham Academy, 'o5-'o6. Attended Harvard. Taught at Camclen, N. J., '06-'09, and in Manual Training H. S. GEORGE BREMNER TENNANT, B.A., A.M., Ph.D. (English). Was born at Ansonia, Conn. Prepared for college in the public Schools of Waterbury, Conn. Attended Yale University and received B.A. degree, 'oo; A.M., '03; Ph.D., '07. Taught at Paterson High School, Plainfield Cedarcroft School. WILLIAM ALONZO WORTH (Joinery) Was born at Seneca Falls, N. Y. Attended Syracuse High School and State Normal School at Oswego. Went to Col- umbia and New York University. Taught Biology and Manual Training, State Normal School at Oswego. Bench work in elementary, summer and evening schools. 14
  • 15. THE f N DI CA TOR FOREWORD "We hcf2JC made a book" CTIONS speak louder than words." For that reason we A shall let o ur efforts sr> <_>ak for themselves. We have striven to make this sixth issue of the INDICATOR worthy of the school that it represents. Xotvitl-» standing this laudable purpose, we realize that a mere pen dcsci— iption is totally inadequate to express the progress that has mark;^d the past year as the greatest of Stuyvesant's history. We Ixave remained to see her triumphs— indeed, we Bre been participants in them. As a last duty, we put forth this v<Btne; trusting trxat, if the result is in any way unsatis- factory, ourKj ure will be attributed rather to our inexperience and ack of skil« to insufficj «nt endeavor. It is in this spirit that ... 1 lssue of the INDICATOR to the consideration and . 1Clsm ° friends.. On r task isfinished—others must be the Judges thereof ,r 4.1. , . , x ° tnose wt> o have in any way contributed toward "* making of , , . s meager cl-aapter in the annals of our school, we ad our ,, B^ere gratitude. is
  • 16. THE INDICATOR IMPORTANT EVENTS OF 1910 September 13, 1909—School opened. September 29, 1910—Hudson-Fulton Celebration. Play by the Irving Dramatic Society. October i, 1909—Presentation of Mr. Bryan's picture. October 16, 1909—Stuyvesant's first foot-ball victory. Townsend Harris, 5—Stuyvesant, 23. November 5, 1909—Stuyvesant Technical Society founded. December n, 1909—Indoor Meet. December 24-January 2—Christmas Holidays. December 23—Alumni Reunion. December 24—Christmas play by Irving Dramatic Club. January 19—Yale Freshmen defeated in basketball. Yale Fresh- men, 25—Stuyvesant, 39. January 23—Commerce defeated in deciding game for the champion- ship. Commerce, 19—Stuyvesant, 29. January 25—Graduation exercises. Minstrel show. February i—New term begins. February n (afternoon)—Central High School, champions of Philadelphia, defeated in basketball. Central H. S., 17— Stuyvesant, 30. February n, (evening)—Prize Speaking Contest. February 25—Final debate in auditorium. March 31—Track meet with Jersey City High. 16
  • 17. THE IN DICA TOR IN MEMORIAM G. Mansfield Donnelly S I M O N HARK, '09 F those imbued with Joy of life O Who left our Alma Mater's side To drift into the ceaseless tide That swirls and eddies,—man. world, strife,— Thou wert the first to perish,—first To leave that strife. Two years agone Thy hopes were bright, thy future shone,— For life thy spirit was a-thirst. And now—but leave this earthly song. Thou wert the first and, friend, we know Thou shalt not be the last,—all go The earthly path,—the right, the wrong. And we left here, that way must wend, And we that see thee here no more, Shall meet thee on the distant shore, In Grand Reunion at the end. THE VISION COLUMBUS HENRY TAYLOR A T the edge of a pine grove, one of the fringes of crooked little Farmington River, a young girl sat dreaming in the sunshine. Her seat was an old board, wedged into the trunks of two tall trees. It looked as if it had grown there, sun and rain had so mellowed it into harmony with nature. The sun was shining through the pine needles, high above her head. It turned the curly tips of her brown hair into little rings of nnest golden thread. Flecks of sunshine lay upon the long, soft, grey-green grass, revealing clusters of pansy-like violets, and from the undergrowth on the border of the grove, gleamed pink and white azaleas, that grow wild in the South. The girl sat bending over her rustic seat, dreamily wondering a bout the histories whose mystic runes were cut into the old board aild into the tree trunks that held it. Initials and various emblems "ood there, that to many generations of lovers had meant much lovc-
  • 18. THE INDICATOR lore. Her hat had fallen on the grass, and the gentle breeze wa blowing her soft wavy hair about, making it a delicate frame for IKT face. It was a puzzling little face, with a firm look about the sensi tive lips, contradicted by the wistful, almost shrinking expressioi that haunted them, its short oval not having the curves that would seem to belong to it. This want of roundness was accentuated b loo whole slender little figure, and yet at every point, a strong individu- ality bespoke itself. An overgrown road passed by the old rustic seat, and lost itself in a pasture at the right nearby. On the left the road wound across a grassy plot, thickly sprinkled with young pines, opening a vista through the wall of foliage beyond. The young girl sat facing this opening. She was tracing with her finger some old initials framed by a wreath of leaves. Perhaps it was this that attracted her attention, though they had a quaint antique look of their own. The sweet face above them had a very absorbed look, as the1 little finger points traced the outlines. At last, with a tired motion, the girl gave up her study of the carved letters, and leaned her head against a tree trunk. Her eyes wandered over the sunny fields beyond the grove, and found the blue hills that bounded the horizon; then her gaze lost itself in space. Suddenly her attitude changed and an eager expression took the place of the vague and dreamy one. The girl sat up with ;i quick, expectant motion; her lips parted; and her breath came fast, sending a rush of color that palpitated under her fair skin, and died away quickly, leaving her very pale. Her vision grew shorter and shorter; she seemed to see something coming towards her. At length she turned slowly, as if the object were moving past her, then followed it with her eyes until it disappeared in the opposite direction. "It's strange!" she said, under her breath. "She must have seen me this time—she looked right at me. It made me feel cold." She shivered a little as she turned to pick up her hat, then walked slowly to the edge of the grove, and looked out over the pastures. "I wonder what has become of her!" she thought. "Who can it be masquerading about in an old-fashioned dress like that?" Just then came the sound of a horn over the fields. The girl turned and picked her way, on stepping stones, across a little brook, then walked on in the direction from which the sound came. A few days later, the young girl was again on the old seat 18
  • 19. THE INDICATOR , the tall pines. She was not alone this time. A young man sat leaning against the opposite pine tree. "Cheer up, Florence!" he was saying, "The regiment isn't going • to camp till next week, and after that I can get off sometimes. You've got a regular pull with Colonel Taylor, you know." Florence was the picture of woe. She was trying to keep back the tears, but they would come and run over. The young man took both her hands in one of his, and with the other drew her little fi<nire close, kissing away the tears. Soon she was smiling brightly up into his face from his shoulder, where her fluffy head was resting. Suddenly she started and sat upright, looking through the open- ing at the other side of the grove. So absorbed was she in watching something that she seemed to have forgotten her companion. He looked at her for a few seconds, greatly puzzled, then asked: "What is it, Floy? What are you looking at?" She started. "Look!—" she whispered. He turned and looked over his shoulder. 'What is it?" he said again, "Somebody coming?" "Don't you see them ?" she asked in a low tone. "Where? I don't see anyone." She did not answer. Her eyes seemed to be following some- thing that was passing by, along the road, to the pasture. After the lapse of a moment she drew a long breath, and turned again to the "young man. "What was it, Floy ?" he asked. She was trembling. "I—I don't know," she answered in a low voice. "Sometimes I—I think I see strange things—people-—I can't understand about it." He gathered her into his arms. "Don't bother your poor little head about it, dear," he said, patting her shoulder gently. "You're all tired out, I know. I suppose they're playing tricks to punish you." She threw her arms about his neck, and hid her face on his shoulder. "Oh, George," she sobbed—"It's because I love you so!" "But you don't want me to stay at home like a coward, dearie ?" "No—George," came faintly from the region of his shoulder. "There's my brave girl!" said he. "Now let me tell you what I Wa nt you to make for me." "Yes, I know; I've been thinking all about it," and she sat up. 19
  • 20. THE INDICATOR talking with great animation about all the comforts in preparation for his knapsack. "Dear me! How shall I look carrying about a trunk on mk ?" There were no more tears that day. When Florence felt them coming, she resolutely choked them clown. Florence De Vernoy and George Stanton had trouble before them. He had enlisted and had come to spend a few days with her before going to join his company. Within a few weeks his regiment was scheduled to start North. The next day, they went for a long horseback ride over the hills. On their return, they were coming over a smooth stretch of ground by the side of the river that glided placidly on its circuitous way through the valley, and George was speaking: "Well, Floy, haven't we had a good time?" Florence did not answer. Her eyes were growing wider and wider. She gazed intently at something in front. The horses began to rear and plunge. She clung to the mare's mane. Soon they quieted down. Florence fell out of the saddle. "Oh, George!" she gasped, as he stooped and lifted her into place again. "Are you hurt, darling?" he asked anxiously. "No," replied she faintly, looking as if she would say more but had decided not to. "I'd like to know what made Spence and Jack act like that. They wouldn't have clone it for nothing." Florence opened her lips to speak, but turned pale again and closed them. "He didn't see them! I thought we trampled them under." She turned and looked back, but nothing was to be seen. The road stretched behind them in a straight and vacant course to the forest they had left, half an hour previous. "[ am sure you are frightened or injured more than you will confess," George insisted. "Let's go down and rest a little while." By this time they had reached a stretch of wood-land, and seated themselves beside a brook after George had attached the horses. "What could have made them act in that manner?" he said again, throwing himself down beside Florence. She did not say a word, but felt as under a spell. She thought her mind was becoming unbalanced. She didn't wish George to believe so too—so laughed at herself for being so upset.
  • 21. THE INDICATOR "There!" said she, "I feel better. I'm such a. little coward! Spence did frighten me." "Of course! I can't imagine what got into her. I've looked th over and nothing seems wrong," he answered. On reaching the house, horseback riding was pronounced too t'ring ^or Florence, who was not strong enough for such brisk exercise. One sunny morning, some few days later, George said to Florence, "Nothing nicer than the old grove; come, let us go there!" They wandered across the fields to the grove. "Oh, George," she said on entering, "You musn't forget to cut our initials on the old seat. I've picked out a place for them." "I'll do it now," said he. She pointed out a vacant space, just beneath the wreath- framed one. "Do you see," she asked, "My initials are there already?" "Where?" "There inside the wreath." "Sure enough! 'F. S.'—Florence Spence? Who was it?" "My great-grandmother, I suppose, for I'm named after her," replied Florence dreamily. George sat down upon the ground, behind the low seat, and was soon taken up with his work. Florence leaned back, amusing herself in tangling his hair. "Do you really think the Yankees are getting stronger? The papers—" "Oh, yellow papers—say anything," replied George impatiently. "If it be true, more men are needed—if not, then we'll soon pack them off North." Florence could hardly restrain her tears, and tried to search for some less dangerous subject. Silence was worse than speech. "It always makes me feel queer to see my initials there, it seems as if yours ought to be alongside instead of those others, 'F. L.'— Frederick Loughran." George did not reply, being absorbed in an elaborate carving. ft was a large heart with cupid's bow and shiver beneath. Inside were their initials. This accomplished, George stretched himself, teaped over the seat and sat clown beside her. They had a long con- versation—speaking of the future—the bright future ahead of the War. George was speaking with great animation and Florence
  • 22. THE INDICATOR listened with a pathetic little smile. Suddenly she started, a death u, pallor overspreading her face—her eyes looking affrightedly at some, thing. The young man started back, feeling something queer w;i s taking place. She turned rapidly and looked at him fearfully; but her gaze was again attracted by something seemingly approachir , nearer and nearer. "George, they're coming here!"—she whispered frightfully seizing his arm and drawing him up. Her eyes contracted as the,- rose as if looking at something quite near. She shrank back, bin George put his arm around her waist and drew her on. "Oh!" she exclaimed, looking back and falling limp into I n , arms. He carried her unconscious form to the little stream an. 1 dashed water over her face. She remained lifeless for some time, at length sighing an opening her eyes. Perspiration stood all over the young man'- face from the reaction. Suddenly she recalled all. "Are they there ?" she asked in a low, terrified tone. "No, clear, no one is about," he said in a cheerful voice. "But you have never seen them before?" she demanded doubt fully. She got up and George led her to the bench thinking thus to reassure her on letting her see for herself. He was burning to ask the cause of her fright, but dared not recall it. She explained rf her own will. "It was a little lady, dressed in colonial costume. Often a young man accompanied her. Oh, how he resembled you, all but for his dress and tri-cornered hat. She smiled, then tears broke through ivhile he put an arm around her and neared us as if to come and sit clown. Oh! It was awful—I was so cold, and felt so strange. I tried to turn and go around, but you drew me on—then J fainted." A shiver ran through George, and Floy, her voice shrinking, sank into his arms. "George," she went on, "For a moment I knew what she felt. He was going to war and she feared he would be killed." Florence trembled in his arms. The young man's face was naturally a fresh and rosy one— hit it turned white as death as he listened. He smiled down tenderly at the little face pressed close against his shoulder. "It must have been a terrible scare, little girl!" said he, "But
  • 23. THE INDICATOR t cry yourself sick over me any more. Your nerves are all J " unstrung!" large tears fell on his hand. "Don't worry, dear—dear <; ence," he whispered, calling her as he loved to by her middle e an d then wiped away her tears with a mite of a handkerchief she wore in her belt. "But you know, it's so hard," said Florence in a pitiful voice. "I know," he answered encouragingly. He sat thinking for a whil e > then spoke out musingly—"I wonder if your great-grand- mother had a lover who was in the revolution! But never mind about our great-grandmothers, let's have a good time to-day!" "And try not to think of the morrow," she sobbed. The day following he joined. The regiment was ordered for- ward—and he found hardly time to accomplish all that was to be done. He could not even get off for another visit to poor Spence. :! | * # * * * Six weeks later came a telegram— Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Lieut. George Stan ton—fell fighting bravely in defence of South. All military honors. R. E. LEE. Florence closed her eyes—"It's what she said," she whispered. She fell sick and descended to Death's door. No one expected her to recover, but youth is stronger than death, and she lived on. # j|s si; * !|= * Years after, Spence in rummaging through an old desk, dis- covered a bundle of papers in a secret drawer. In them was told a tale of love and loss such as had been her own. They were in the handwriting of her great-grandmother, whose young husband, like her lover, had left her to give his life in defence of the land of his birth. Poor Spence placed her own letters with these and put them sacredly away in the desk, that other generations might read the sorrowful story.
  • 24. THE INDICATOR THE SQUARE THING BY J. GERALD COLE T HE December sky was streaked with the dirty smoke of myriad stacks, which thrust their tall, black forms out of th- low factory roofs. The hum of the works was like the idle drone of an immense bluebottle. Now, a jet of snowy steam, shooting ii| pierced the smoky pall, and an instant later, the despondent groan of the whistles told the community that it was six o'clock. Soon, black snakes of humanity issuing forth from the 1m doorways, walked along the streets, and broke up into smaller and smaller groups. In turn, these disintegrated, and now and then a- individual would drop out of the line and enter one of the littK white houses which dotted the scene. Still they poured out, spreading as far as the eye could see, in a continuous stream of moving figure? At last the individual forms began to trickle out, and then the streani ceased. The last one left the factory, and turned toward home. He was a man of middle age, of heavy build, and rather dark The arm that held the coat thrown over his shoulder hinted at great strength. But his face, seen at close range, told a different storv with its deeply-seared lines of care and lack-lustre eyes, that starci dully at the ground as he walked. Without looking up, he turned in at a narrow walk, pushed the gate open, mounted the steps am entered the house. In the back room, only a short passagewa merit on the worn washtub, paused, looked up, and stared out a the man in the other room. She dropped the soapy mass back into tin tub, and approached him, drying her hands on her apron. He did not look up, and she bent over him, resting her hand on his shoulder He kept muttering something to himself, and suddenly, she drek waking from his lethargy, threw her rudely aside and growled— "Yes, discharged, and don't start any of your infernal whimpering or I'll—" he ended with a snarl, and snatching up his coat, strode out of the room, out of the gate, and along the street. As the reali zation of the blow struck him, the spark of a once strong and resolute nature rekindled, and he clenched his fists, and walked faster and faster, rising on his toes, and knitting his brow. Dis charge from the factory in a small town meant long idleness, if no utter ruin. 24
  • 25. THE IN DIC A TOR Without knowing it, he had changed the direction of his walk, nd was now hastening towards the very heart of the town. A glitter of lights and a roar of coarse laughter from a saloon smote his senses sharply, and he involuntarily stopped at the door and glanced in. Inside, a group of rough characters was clustered before the bar, about a certain person who seemed to be the object of the praise and congratulation of the crowd. Suddenly a thick bass voice growled above the noise of the barroom. "I don't care a rap fer yer talk, yer didn't do the square thing by him!" and the speaker, a great burly giant of a man, with thick black moustache and heavy features, looked defiantly at the crowd of hangers-on as if he expected to back his assertion by impressing something more tangible on the ears of the group. However, none challenged him. The room was filled with a harsh laugh, seeming to mock the very idea of his words. "The square thing" indeed! In such company it had no place, surely. Besides, it behooved them to laugh, for such men, or rather beings, gather about the "upper dog" whether he gain his end by fair means or foul. With an oath of disgust, the one who had spoken his mind stalked out of the noisy room. He almost collided with the man outside. The latter wheeled as the door banged shut, and recoiled from the towering form confronting him. "Oh! er, hello, Cronan, I didn't hear you coming. Look at the dog in there, will you ?" he said, recovering himself in a breath, and glaring at the central figure in the room. Again the crowd roared with laughter at some sally of the leader, doubtless at the expense of .the man now watching him from the street. The jests of the "one- who-pays-the-score," as well as those of the rich, are ever success- ful. "Come out o' this," said Cronan, drawing Purfield away, "That was the meanest deal I've seen yet. I'm goin' to quit and take to the railroad, an' if you're wise, you'll come along with me." "What, be a brakic!" "Sure, why not,—I'm sick of this factory work,—I was built for the road." "Well, I'm with you, old man, any day in the week," rejoined Purfield after a pause, as he clasped his friend's big rough hand. "That's the way to talk, now,—come on home a while, an' We'll talk over leavin' the ol' place," said Cronan, who, in spite of the fact that he knew Purfield had been discharged, did not mention it. The ofher hesitated, but with the thought of a job in his mind, SlIIYVES/lllT [fill SCHOOL LIBRARY 345 EAST 15lh STREET
  • 26. THE INDICATOR finally gave his consent, and they were soon in Cronan's house. Some hours later, Purfield turned his steps homeward through the silent streets with a new hope in his heart—the railroad. As he neared his own home with his head bowed down in contemplation of a new career, he was roused from his reverie by the sound of foot- steps. Glancing up, he was startled to see two men following a third across the street in front of him. Before his wondering eyes, he saw the two figures in the rear step up to the third, grapple him, one on each side, and throw him prostrate on the flags. With a cry, he darted forward to aid the assaulted man, but before he could reach the spot, one, seeing him approach, ran at top speed down the side street. Purfield threw himself on the other and cried loudly for help. His cries were heard and two men came running up together with an officer. There in the dim, flickering light of the street lamp, the trio stood staring, hatless, and out of breath. "Well, what's up?" said the bluecoat, looking from one to the other. "Officer, I want to make a charge of assault on these two men. They dogged me for blocks and then jumped on me, and if yon hadn't heard me yelling, I wouldn't have been able to tell the tale now." With a look of amazement, Purfield recognized in the speaker, the man who had been the center of the group in the saloon! His tongue refused to speak at first, but as the intent of the man gradually dawned on him, his amazement turned to rage, and he fairly shouted, "You lie! Walter Simpson, you lie! If it hadn't been for me, those two fellows would have beaten you senseless." With a snarl of rage Purfield threw himself on his accuser. The officer, and the few curious onlookers who had heard the uproar and had come to the scene, restrained him. The object of his rage turned to the ' officer and asked, "Hadn't we better go along to the station ? It's rather cold and there's no use standing here doing nothing.'' Purfield, fuming with anger, was obliged to accompany them to the station-house, and, as he was being led away, his wife, who had been waiting and watching for him since early evening, rushed out, and burst in upon the crowd. She hurried to her husband's side and cried, "Jim, Jim, why did you do this?" not doubting that in his despondency he had employed an easier method to gain the "al- mighty dollar" which had legitimately been denied him. He looked 26
  • 27. THE IN DIC AT OR . kej- jn a daze, and, not knowing why, he pushed her from him, and walked on. * s|s :: | * # Days, weeks, months passed. James Purfield sat brooding on a low stool, with his head in his hands. A glance at his surroundings wa s enough to locate them. The long, barred tiers, gloomy bal- conies and bare walls, all told the sad story. His trial had been short—it was well known that Simpson was the cause of Purfield's discharge from the factory—his need of money, the exclamation of his wife and, most of all, the testimony of the real highwayman,— a supposed confession—had been enough evidence in the eyes of the law to convict him. In the mean time, Cronan, and, strange to say, Simpson, had left the factory, and were now working in different positions. Popular sentiment had forced the latter to leave the town and strike out for new territory. Time rolled on, and Purfield was set free. In the confinement and chafing labor of the jail, he had sworn to track Simpson down. Once out, he lost no time in seeking him among the factory men. From them he learned that Simpson had been driven out of the town and had never been heard from since. The world is so large, and it offers such opportunities for hiding that Purfield told himself that he would never see Simpson again. His wife was living in a wretched quarter of the town, and at the sight of her husband she •rushed to his arms. For a full minute they stood thus, and the eyes of both were moist when they drew away. Purfield found a sweet solace in the sound of her voice after so long a separation, and past memories were forgotten in the joy of reunion. In time he met Cronan. His staunch friend procured him a position on the railroad on one of the freight trains. When he entered the caboose for the first time, the rough "brakies" glanced at his shorn head and smiled grimly. Doubtless, some of them had also "been there." Again time flew, and the following years found Purfield in the caboose of one of the fast freights of the road. One particularly stormy night, clad in slouch hat and oilskins, lantern in hand, he swung 'aboard the little caboose and signalled the engineer that all *as ready. The raindrops pattered ever louder on the roof of the little car, and the lightning glowed threateningly at intervals. Then would follow a broadside of thunder that told that the mighty Thor <
  • 28. THE INDICATOR was abroad in his chariot and was wielding his potent hammer. A storm had always held a fascination for him, and, jamming his hat down low, and buttoning up his oils, he mounted the top of the last box car and glanced about him. Behind him stretched the silvery rails, rushing away from the clacking trucks beneath him. Far ahead he saw the light of the engine-cab gleaming indistinctly in the rain. A flash of lightning illumined the scene for an instant, and he saw the snaky length of cars; the engine pounding along, and—silhouetted against the glare—the figure of a man standing on top of the train. His first impulse was to call out to the tramp, as he guessed it was, but he couldn't help feeling a touch of pity for the man, exposed to the fury of the storm, and he returned to the caboose. "Hobo out on the cars—couldn't chase him off in this," was the laconic explanation to the "brakies." The tramp, seeing that the crew did not intend to drive him off, walked back on the slippery tops of the cars, and called down, "Hey, let's in there, will you? It's kind of damp out here on top.'' Purfield, in order to size up the tramp before saying anything, stuck his head out of the window and peered up at the speaker. The latter's face was lit up by the light of the fire in the caboose. With a fierce oath, Purfield shouted, "Simpson!" and he sprang up on top of the box-car. Simpson— for it was he, recognizing his enemy, ran forward, with Purfield in hot pursuit. Midway down the length of the train, hearing his pur- suer's footsteps close upon him, he turned, and Purfield plunged into the man he was chasing and grappled with him. There on the top of the lurching stretch of slippery, narrow runways, the two men swayed and twisted. Simpson knew that he was fighting for his life, and dared not waste his strength in futile efforts to overthrow Purfield, but instead endeavored to keep his feet until Purfield had exhausted himself. Purfield, with the pains and tortures of that prison term in his mind, fought and wrestled with the strength of a maniac. It was a weird scene, that battle on the car-tops, and the intermittent flashes of lightning illuminated the fierce struggle for life and revenge—that sweet antidote of pain. —with a ghastly light. The train whirled on, roaring over bridges and rattling over switches. Suddenly, as a particularly bright flash darted its fire into the inky blackness of the night, one of the forms was seen to bend backward and with a mighty heave was thrown down into the dark abyss between the cars. Some moments later, a 28
  • 29. THE INDICATOR an staggered into the caboose, dripping with rain, his hat gone, and ilskins flapping loosely. With blood-shot eyes, and gasping for breath, he shouted with a supreme effort, "Boys, it was a fair fight. He pulled a knife, but—I threw , j m -fair and square " The startled crew caught his sinking form alid laid him on the floor with an ugly wound in the side, directly beneath the armpit. For many days he lay on a couch of pain, his wife in constant care and watchfulness. At last he began to convalesce, and as soon as he was safe on the road to recovery, he was daily visited by his friend Cronan. It was a wonderful sight to see that big, rough fellow sit by the sick-bed, and watch his friend, slowly improving. When he was able, Purfield whispered the tale of that life struggle to an anxious listener. Then, and only then, did that deep voice burst forth: "I alwus said he'd show yellow, an' he did. Must 'a' turned hobo, and took to knifin'. But you got him, Jim, an' yer done the square thing by him!" THE SILENT SPIRIT SIMON BARR, '09 T HE day is ever dreary In that e'erlasting waste, The way is ever weary In the white wild englacecl; Not e'en a weed-leaf vernal, Not e'en a light diurnal,— Only the ice eternal, Eternal-night encased. The air is deathly soundless, The sea is wave-forlorn, And hyaline and boundless The ice is ever from ; And not a sound befriending Breaks silence e'er unending- Only the icebergs rending In drifting waters drawn. 29
  • 30. THE INDICATOR Here is God the solemn, Holy, In sacred solitude, And Man to Nature lowly: Away from gold-born feud, Away from fool's conventions, Away from man's inventions, Away from earth's dissensions,— The madding multitude. The darkness now is lightness Resplendently endued With heav'n's auroral brightness Divinely multi-hued, Celestial scintillations, Coronal coruscations, Refulgent radiations, In light's infinitude. The ice-peaks loom phantasmal In multi-forms of white, The sea is dark and chasmal In interglacial light; The jagged fields are beaming, The dizzying steeps are gleaming, Prismatically streaming And tremulously bright. Supreme a Silent Spirit Reigns o'er the dim domain And Man may not inherit The vasty skull-strewn plain: Yet e'er the call alluring To death-ward man is luring,— He follows, all enduring, The answer of the slain. Now after years of vying Have men attained the goal. Or can it be but lying, But bitterness of soul? Despite all man's endeavor, Contention wrangling ever,— Reigns deathless and forever The Spirit of the Pole. 3°
  • 31. THE INDICATOR THE LIFE-SAVER EDWIN G. GOLDSTONE DISCONSOLATE air hung over the whole city, especially A about the fashionable section of X yard park. street, fronting Hal- It was a raw December evening, with the wind shrieking dis- mally through the leafless trees, the boughs swaying to and fro at the will of the fitful breezes, and the rain pattering incessantly on the asphalt pavement. Not a living object could be seen as far as the eye could pierce the gloom. Now and then the monotonous pattering would be broken by a peal of thunder or a flash of light- ning, making a vivid contrast. All of the houses facing the park-front were brilliantly illu- minated, for it was Christmas day,—all but one which stood dark and majestic on one of the corners, as if it were a silent guardian of the quiet neighborhood. Then without the least warning, the death-like stillness of the evening was broken by the shrieks of "Fire! Help! Fire!" An excited-looking personage, hatless, coatless and breathless, was seen running towards a fire-alarm box. Hastily tugging at the handle, he nervously turned in the alarm. At the sound of the man's excited cries, the neighborhood seemed to have become enchanted. Men, women, children appeared to have sprung up from the ground, all hurrying, jostling and pushing in the same direction. Where a minute before not a living person could be seen, was now a moving river of human beings. The excitement increased when with a rumble and a roar, the clanging of bells and the tooting of sirens, the heavy fire-engines came tearing down the street from all directions, towards the burning house. With marvelous rapidity the hose was attached to the engines, ladders sprung up in the air, and sizzling streams of water were soon turned on the house. A deathly silence prevailed over the crowd as the firemen went hither and thither in their work, broken only by the throbbing of the engines. Then suddenly a heart-rending voice cried out—"Save my darlings! Oh, please save my darlings!" One of the firemen hurriedly walked over to the woman and e nquiringly asked: "On what floor, madam, on what floor?" "The third floor, back," was the sobbing reply. 31
  • 32. THE INDICATOR A groan and then a hush followed as the crowd saw the man rush quickly into what seemed to he his doom. A few minutes of breathless anxiety. Oh! how many hearts stopped throbbing and what countless prayers were silently muttered, while the man was within that cauldron of fire and smoke! A groan escaped from everyone's lips when a flaming rafter fell down, causing a countless number of sparks to shoot heavenward. After what seemed eternity, a blackened and soot-covered figure was seen coming out of the house already doomed. A mighty cheer rent the heavens as the hero came staggering out. In his hands he carried two small white spaniels ! A hysterical laugh was heard from the woman over the din of laughter as the hero staggering over to her said in a choking, gasp- ing voice: "Madam, here are your precious darlings," and then he went back to do his duty and save lives.
  • 33.
  • 34. THE INDICATOR fSTUYVESANT LITERARY SOCIETY H E program of tlie Stuyvesant Literary Society affixed belcnv T needs little comment. Hie Society has proved itself to be a valuable medium for the expression of literary talent on the part of the students. The success of the meetings are, in a great measure. due to the excellent work of the Orchestra and Glee Clubs under the directorship of Mr. Martin. Mr. W. Palmer Smith also has had a prominent share in preparing the youthful orators and debaters for public-speaking. Officers for term cndintj June 30, 1910 Herbert J. Slingo ................... President A. Wallace Robinson ...... First Vice-President Howard W. Bohm ....... Second Vice-President A. Grover Shary .......... Third Vice-President Alfred W. Townsend ................ Secretary J. Gerald Cole ...................... Treasurer Executive Committee Arthur Tienken, Chairman William Moscowitz George Halm Faculty Committee Mr. Law, Chairman Mr. Breckenridge Mr. Foster The inter-class debates for the school championship were as follows : — Resolved :— That in the Public Schools of New York, Women Teachers Doing the Same Work as Men, Should Receive the Same Salary. Affirmative ^Negative Frank Schulman, 3J Wm. Moscowitz, 3a Joseph Quinn, 33 Edgar Waugh, 3a Resolved :—That Foot-ball Should be Abolished in the High Schools. ^Affirmative Negative Charles Katz, 6a John Coulter, 6b Bernard Gottlieb, 6a George Hahn, 6b 34
  • 35. THE INDICATOR OFFICERS FOR THE FEB.-JUNE TERM Resolved:—That the Stuyvesant High School Students are Benefited More by the Study of English Literature than by the Study of Mathematics. * Affirmative Negative George Murphy, 8a William Wilson, 7a Morris Eskowsky, 8a Wallace Robinson, ya. Resolved:—That the Self Government System Should be Established in the Stuyvesant High School. Affirmative ^Negative Wm. Moscowitz, 33 Bernard Gottlieb, 6a Otto Brandt, 3a Charles Katz, 6a •'^Indicates winning team On Friday evening, February 25, the championship debate took place in the auditorium between classes 6a and 8a. The decision was awarded in favor of 6a. The question: Resolved:—That the United States Government Should Grant a Pension to All Persons Over Sixty-Five Years of Age, Said "ension to be Distributed as Fairly as Possible. Affirmative ^Negative Morris Eskowlskv Charles Katz George 13. Murphy Bernard Gottlieb
  • 36. r H E i N D i cA r o R I I I ' . T K C I I X I C A L SOCIKTY THE TECHNICAL SOCIETY T HE Technical Society is one of the most progressive organiza- tions in the school. It was established on the principle that the greater part of the work be carried on by the students themselves. As a result a great deal of pleasure and profit has been derived from the year's work. Illustrated lectures and non-technical discussions upon scientific and industrial subjects have been given by the mem- bers on every alternate Friday afternoon. From time to time the Society, accompanied by Mr. Mersereau, the Faculty Director, has made profitable visits to various machine shops and engineering places in the city. Owing to the fact that it would be undesirable to take a large number of boys upon such expeditions, the regular mem- bership of the Club is limited to twenty. Much care has been taken in the selection of new members, since any student who desires to be admitted to the privileges must first prove that he is interested in the work. The stereopticon and the reflectoscope have been used ex- tensively for lecture purposes. Towards the close of last term, much enthusiasm was shown in wireless telegraphy, and a station was in- 36
  • 37. THE INDICATOR ta i" tne sc'100' building. During February, the Society gave a ublic meeting that was a success in every way. Mr. Charles H. iV"ilson, representing the Hoard of Trade and Industries of Niagara Falls, gave an interesting lecture on "Commercial and Industrial Niagara .Falls." The lecture was illustrated by stcreopticon views as well as by moving pictures. The following are some of the subjects given by members during the last term :— The Evolution of the Aeroplane Matthew Schon The Making of Chisels John Coulter The Manufacture of Saws Otto Schultz The Big Trees of California Clifford (ioodacre The Japanese Torpedo lioat I Tarn 1 fata The Evolution of the Lathe Mr. Mersereau The Monorail Car John Fischer The Development of Energy at Niagara I [cnry Mandle The Construction and the Operation of the Subway, Clement Koukol The General Electric Company Chester Hyde The officers are as,follows: Clement John Koukol President Herbert J. Slingo J'icc-Prcsidcnt Otto (j. Schultz Secretary-Treasurer Mr. Mersereau Honorary President THE BOAR'S HEAD DRAMATIC SOCIETY E Boar's Head Dramatic Society, named after the famous tavern in Eastcheap, was formed toward the close of last term. Its object is to supply the place of the Irving Dramatic So- ciety in the lower classes of the school. Anyone in the four lower term classes showing dramatic ability is eligible to membership. The society aims to give two plays every year, one of which at 'east is to be written by members of the society. The play chosen for production in May, 1910, is "Dr. Bilby's Aeroplane," written by Joseph Hinclin, Louis Mumford and Louis Morinsky in,consultation with others. The headquarters of the Boar's Head are Room 507, and the faculty adviser. Mr. Bates. The officers are as follows: William Bender President John Lambert Vice-President Louis Mumford Secretary William Donahue Treasurer 37
  • 39. THE INDICATOR THE ORCHESTRA URING the past year the Orchestra of the school has done a D great deal toward making our meetings and celebrations successful. Under the able direction and through the hard work of Mr. Martin, the Orchestra has attained a high standard of efficiency and merit. The members of the Orchestra are as follows: First Violins Second Violins Edgar Krones Arthur Bengston Otto G. Schulz Herbert Zimmerman Daniel Shakofsky Edward Wohlers Herman Albers Charles Wexler Leon Witt Isidor Loeffelholz Thomas Donahue Abraham Dick Leo Heyman Carl Schonwald Viola Cello Louis Schwartz Louis Moskowitz First Cornet Second Cornet Jacob Essner Edward Ouenzer First Clarinet Second Clarinet J. di Static Julius Berkowitz Harry Immesberger French Horn Drums Victor Paradies James Yriones Piano Daniel Stravitz Conductor—Mr. Paul Martin, Jr. Officers Edgar Krones President Otto G. Schulz 1'ice-President Daniel Shakofsky Secretary 39
  • 40. T PI II INDICATOR EDITORS OK STUDKXT GUIDE STUDENT'S GUIDE I X a school like Stuyvesant where there are so many or- ganizations, a boy is often at a complete loss to keep track of many things that happen to be out of the particular line in which he is especially interested. The Student's (nude is, as it implies, a publication intended to supply information regarding the "where" and the "how" of everything of any importance in the school. The Guide is an encyclopedia, directory and advisor all in one. Besides containing a complete list of the organizations, school songs, yells, athletic teams, etc., it includes a great deal of interesting information about the school history and building. The book is annually issued under the auspices of the Stuyvesant Literary Society. The Board of editors follow :— Editorial Board * Patrick Hanbury (chief) Wallace Robinson Howard Bohm . Gerald Cole A l f r e d Townsend Israel Scheiber A. L. Crossly, Faculty Adi'isor. Business Staff William A. Stockham. . . .manager. . .Abraham Alperowitz Ralph Colp distributing manager . . .Benjamin Pinco 40
  • 41. TH E IN DI C A T O K THE I R V I N G DRAMATIC SOCIETY THE IRVING DRAMATIC SOCIETY I K Irving Dramatic Society has had a year of great profit and rich experience. Hesides the regular meetings held every Tues- day afternoon at which varied programs were given by the members, the society has presented two plays. These are recorded elsewhere in this issue. During this term, rehearsals have been held for a third production, "Shore Acres," which will be given toward the close of the year. Membership in the society has been restricted to third an d fourth year students. The society is under the direction of Mr - W. Palmer Smith. The officers: A. Wallace Robinson President m Yilson I'ice-President Alfred W. Townsend . . .Secretary and Treasurer Edwin (i. Goldstone . . . . . . . . . . .Librarian
  • 42. THE INDICATOR THE CAL1PER BOARD THE CALIPER T HE Caliper presents an exceptional opportunity to that class o students who desire to bend their energies along litera lines. The Caliper is a monthly publication containing stories, poem cartoons, and other original contributions as well as news concernin the progress and affairs of the different school activities. A growin school demands continually progressive organizations, and the Calipe has proved no exception. Like every other activity, it has been im proved in proportion to the increased support given to it by ti students. The Caliper in its capacity as a representative paper go a great way towards indirectly shaping school opinion and conduc As the Caliper is good or bad, every line of work is reacted upon am influenced accordingly. For that reason it should be accorded ti highest position among school organizations. The board-of-edito follow:— Editor-in-chief—Herbert J. Slingo Art Editor—Albert W. Townsend School News—Otto G. Schtil Athletics—J. Gerald Cole Exchanges—J. Gerald Cole. Business Manager—Harry Wagner Subscription Manager—Abraham Alperovitz 42
  • 43. THE INDICATOR Assistants Benjamin Pinco in Leon Caplin Tames O'Connor James Grigg THE CAMERA CLUB T OWARDS the close of last term the Camera Club held an exhibition of the Inter-High School Camera Club League in the school library. A large number of varied types of pictures taken by the so- ciety's members were exhibited. The Club meets in room 416 every alternate Wednesday to discuss special problems in amateur pho- tography. Mr. Dulk is the faculty director. THE CAMERA CLUB 43
  • 44. THE INDICATOR THE MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY THE. MATH EMATJCAL SOCI ETY T i l l ' - Mathematical Society has just completed a year of success fill work. Its main object is the promotion of interest in mathematics. At its meetings, which have been held once a month, interesting papers on both the history and the practical side of mathe- matics were presented and discussed. Besides this work, the society, by co-operating with the teachers of the mathematical department, has done some interesting and unique work along the line of aiding students deficient in mathe- matics. Towards the close of the present term, however, a new sys- tem of aiding the students was begun. Every afternoon a room was thrown open and placed in charge of a member of the society. Stu- dents who had fallen behind in their mathematics through absence or other causes, or who were in need of special aid, were invited t" come in and obtain help. 44
  • 45. THE IN DICA TOR e society decided again to offer at the close of the term zes for excellence in mathematics. As heretofore, the award of se prizes was to be determined 50 per cent, by a competitive exam- tion and 50 per cent, by the term's average. On February 28, 1910, •ing the assembly, the prizes for last term were awarded. The d medal for the best work in 4th year mathematics was won by lil Freudenfels; the gold medal for the best work in 3rd year thematics was won by Theodore Phillips; the silver medal for best work in 2nd year mathematics was won by liciij. S. dbcrg; and the bronze medal for the best work in i st year matbc- ;ics was won by Frnest Schreider. Tie present officers of the society are: Silvio I'ellerano President Yilliam M. Vicscnberg st Vice-President ISenj. Zimmerman 2nd I'icc-Presidcnt ILvccutii'c Committee eph Jacobson Victor Dalla Rosa Edwin Goldstone THE CHESS AND CHECKER CLUB IHE Chess and Checker Club meets regularly in room 410. Throughout the year matches have been arranged with various ;r schools. In chess, the team defeated all of the Manhattan 'h Schools. Some of the scores are:— Roys' High—4 Stuyvesant—4 Clinton—3 " —5 Commerce—i —3 Commercial—o —4 Townsend-TTarris—3 —5 Manual Training—6y 2 —i l /2 The officers are as follows: Jacob Grossman President Paul Fenton Secretary Mr. Henriques Treasurer and Director 45
  • 46. THE INDICATOR HIS year the work of the Sketcli Club was principally con T cerned with drawing from life. For this purpose, professional models have at times been employed to give the members bettei opportunities to practice. The membership is open to any whc show sufficient interest in the work of the society. The officers f<>: the last term are : Leon Witt President Herbert Passarge Treasurer Mr. Fritz Faculty Director THE PRIZE SPEAKING CONTEST E NCOURAGED by the great success last year, a second annual prize speaking contest was held in the school auditorium or the evening of Friday, February the eleventh. In spite of tin wintry weather a large crowd turned out to cheer the youthful ora- tors, and the evening was one of pleasure and profit. The work of preparation and selection of the speakers was under the direction of Mr. W. Palmer Smith. As will be seen by the program affixed below, the contest was divided into two parts—five original oration:- and five declamations, a silver and a bronze medal being awarded to each section respectively. Of the declamations, Lester Trotsks were tied for second honors. The prize for the original orations wa> won by Ralph Colp, with Meyer Falkoff second. After the contest the shops and the laboratories on the first and second floors of the school building were thrown open for the inspection of the visitors. The committee of judges consisted of:—Mr. Edward W. Stitt, Distric 1 Superintendent; Mr. Raymond N. Kellogg, Instructor in Publu Speaking, Morris High School, and Miss Bertha L. Colburn, In- structor in Elocution, Yonkers High School. The program follows: Overture—"MARTHA" Floton Stuyvesant Orchestra 46
  • 47. THE INDICATOR Iration—Tine ACTOR'S MISSION Meyer Falkoff ation—JOAM DECOSTA Jules V'erne Morris Eskowlsky jQration—Tine V A L U E OF TRADE UNIONS TO WORKINGMEN Boris Barsky 'Declamation—KXI-KRIENCE W I T H A WATCH DOG Frank R. Stockton William S. Wilson •Oration—SLAVERY IN 1910 Benjamin Braverman Ehorus—(a) " S A I L O R ' S SONG" Gcibcl (b) " L I K E T H E WOODLAND ROSES" Mair Stuyvesant Glee Club Declamation—KISSING CUP'S RACE Campbell George B. Murphy Oration—THE MERCHANT MARINE Carl J. Austrian Declamation—THE MECHANICS IN AMATUER THEATRICALS William Shakespeare Nathan Haber Oration—THE NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN AS A WARRIOR Ralph Colp Declamation—JEAN VALJEAN AND THE BISHOP Victor Hugo Lester A. Trotsky Chorus—"ANNIE LAURIE" Buck Faculty Glee Club Decision of Judges and Awarding of Medals THE HUDSON-FULTON CELEBRATION T HE week of September 25-October 2 in New York City was set aside for the purpose of commemorating the achievements of Henry Hudson and Robert Fulton. The pageants on land and water afforded a varied and impressive program to the thousands that gathered to witness them. Stuyvesant's share in the week of fes- •ivity and merry-making consisted of appropriate exercises held in Spe auditorium on the afternoon of September the twenty-ninth, the feature of which was a play given by the Dramatic Society. It was Inclusively a "home talent" affair, the authors, Emil Freudenfels and Ralph Colp, being students of the February graduating class. . Notwithstanding the many difficulties connected with the staging 'P a play for which the auditorium is but poorly adapted, the play 47
  • 48. THE I N DLCATOR was a decided success in mure respects than one. The features of the play were the exceptionally realistic acting of Lester Trosky as President of the Dutch Company and of Xathan Haber as Henry Hudson. The play itself was divided into two scenes. The first de- picted the members of the Dutch Company seated in the council chamber at New Amsterdam discussing the advisability of attempt- ing a northwest passage to India. After a somewhat spirited debate. Henry Hudson was called into the conference and chosen to seek for the coveted sea-route. The second scene opened with the somewhat martial contortions of a band of Indians on Manhattan Island as, with bewilderment and alarm, they witness the approach of Hudson's vessel up the harbor. Events moved swiftly, and after the very im- pressive ceremony of smoking the pipe of peace, a general exchange of trinkets, whiskey, furs and other articles of a like conciliaton nature, took place. The play came to a close with an eulogy between Hudson and his clerk on the beautv and the richness of the ne^- THE CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT X the afternoon of December 24 the Dramatic Society gave it- O second play in the school auditorium. The play consisted of a series of dramatized scenes arranged from Charles Dickens' "Christ- mas Carol." Every one of the forty odd members included in the casi came off with flying colors, particularly those who had the oppor- tunity of appearing before their envious classmates in the rather novel garb of the fairer sex. Xathan Haber headed the list with his usual characteristic interpretation, seconded by Lester Trotsky as Bob Cratchit. The play followed very closely the story of Dickens: and there were plenty of thrills in the way of ghosts, visions, and other unusual people. In the first vision of the second scene where the bewildered Scrooge was transported back to the years of long ago by the Ghost of Christmas Past, the audience enjoyed a decided treat in the shape of a genuine, old English "Sir Roger de Coverley" dance. The third vision in which the old women, with a mixture oi pathos and drollery, haggled over Scrooge's last earthly possessions with old Joe the rag dealer, furnished the climax of the change that is gradually occurring in the miser's hard-hearted spirit. Tin transformation was ably brought out in the final scene between Cratchit and Scrooge in the counting chamber the morning aftei Christmas. The play was interpreted with a directness and spirit that served to bring home the simple lesson with vividness and truth.
  • 49.
  • 51. THE INDICATOR BASKETBALL REVIEW F OR the second time the Dodge Trophy, emblematic of the High School Basket- ball Championship, rests beneath folds of scarlet and blue. Our five, following the ex- ample of Stuyvesant's victorious team of the year preceding, again made a runaway race of the 1". S. A. L. scries, coming out with a clean slate of nine convincing victories. And what is more, not a single defeat mars their entire schedule of eighteen games. Local high schools did not prove the sole victims of their rowess, moreover. Yale, Columbia and C. C. N. Y. freshmen, as as Pratt Institute, were likewise forced to acknowledge the jperiority of our five. The loss of Cavallaro and November, at the close of the pre- ceding season, seemed a hard enough blow to bear. When this misfortune was supplemented by the departure of our only de- pendable "subs," Nerritt and Hanson, our hopes of another cham- pionship wavered. Friedland and Jacobson, however, had been left out of our reckoning. Friedland, former captain of the Mercury A. C., proved to be the sensation of the season at left forward, and a unanimous choice for an all-scholastic position. Jacobson, a former second team man, proved a running-mate of quality far beyond expectations. Throughout the season, his stolidly efficient style of play seemed in great contrast to "Kiddy" "riedland's tiger-like quickness of action. Long, at center, appeared to lack his usual fire and dash for the greater part of the season. He came to life again, just as it ended, as his performance in the Morris game testified, when he caged the ball eleven times. Captain Tommy Bowling, at guard, played his usual heady line, for the fourth year filling a position on the All-Scholastic H 'ive. His one fault is almost a virtue—his desire to play two posi- tions at once—to take the bulk of the scoring from the hands of the forwards, in addition to playing his own position at guard. Hoops, his companion, appeared a living refutation of the principle of the ["conservation" of energy. While apparently exerting no effort whatever in his work, he proved as efficient a guard as the league I possessed. A little more aggressiveness in his play might have been desired, but his work earned him an all-scholastic position. Blair was
  • 52. THE IN DIC A TOR offered few chances to show his ability as guard. As was to be expected, he appeared rather awkward in his play, but another season should suffice to remove the rough edges and bring out what there is in him. The team work throughout the season was of the highest order, any tendency toward individual play being supressed as quickly as it arose. All credit is clue to Dr. Way, the coach of our five, whose work in its behalf again made possible the achievement of the season's honors. Our quintette first showed what was to be expected of it in the future by taking into camp the team of Pratt Institute, and, a week- later, by humbling the Columbia freshmen in their own gym. Sandwiched in between these successes was a decisive victory over Hoboken High. Far Rockaway and Boys' High were the next victims, both suffering defeat by large scores. The fact that neither Far Rockaway nor Boys' High was able to claim a single field goal shows how rapidly our team work and defensive play had developed, even at this early stage of the season. Flushing High barely managed to cage the ball for a single field goal, in her contest with Stuyvesant. A week later, our five defeated Newtown High's quintette after the fastest and most exciting game of the season. Erasmus came and went, bearing away with her the bur- den of a defeat at our hands by the score of 46 to 15. The game was one-sided and rather slow, and signs of a slump were in evidence. The team failed to show its true form in the game with Clinton. The contest was characterized, as far as we were concerned, by poor passing, reckless shooting and a listlessness of play. Stuyvesant, after being completely outplayed in the first half, gradually im- proved, and Clinton, fighting desperately in her effort to stand the pace, fouled time and again. The most closely contested game of the season resulted in a victory for Stuyvesant by the score of 32 to 23. January 12 was a red-letter day in Stuyvesant's history. On that date, our five vanquished Yale freshmen by a score of 47 to 25. The final outcome was never in dovibt, Stuyvesant main- taining the lead at all stages of the contest. Victories over Eastern District and Paterson High followed in quick succession. On January 22, Commerce High went down to defeat at our hands by the score of 29 to 19. Spectacular guarding by Hoops and Dowl- ing prevented our opponents from finding the basket for a single field goal in the first half. At length, however, Goldberg, Com- 52
  • 53. THE INDICATOR inerce's clever forward, managed to cage the ball for our oppo- nent's one active contribution toward their own score during the entire game. How we treated fair Morris, our next opponent, is history. Our boys, despite Morris' desperate resistance, amassed the largest score in the I'. S. A. L. records. The fast C. C. N. Y. freshmen five suffered defeat a week later, by the score of 39 to 2 r . Our composure was somewhat shaken by the whirlwind manner in which the losers started play, caging the ball four times before Stnyvesant had a single point to her credit. The team soon found itself, however, and gradually forged ahead to a decisive victory. On February 11, our five clearly established its claim to the title of Eastern Champions by defeating Central High School, champions of Philadelphia for two successive seasons. The game furnished a most satisfactory conclusion to the most successful , season that a Stuyvesant team has ever enjoyed. Friedland succeeds Dowling as captain for next year, and, with Jacobson and Blair, should form the nucleus of a strong team. Although the end of the season witnesses the departure of our trusty veterans, Hoops and Long, yet all signs point to a continuation of the success that has hitherto attended our efforts upon the basketball court. The Line-it p : Joseph Jacobson Right Forward Abraham Friedland Left Forward William Long Center Frederick Hoops Right Guard Thomas Dowling Left Guard William Blair, Harry Menefee Substitutes Schedule: Jov. 24 Pratt Institute 14 Stuyvesant 24 27 Hoboken H. S 23 " 43 Dec. i Columbia, 1913 9 " n 4 *Boys' H. S 5 " 57 11 *Flushing H. S 9 " 35 15 St. Benedict's College . . 13 ' 37 18 *Newtown II. S 25 " 48 22 *Far Rockaway H. S. . . . 6 " 48 24 *Erasmus H. S 15 " 46 31 Stuyvesant Ex-members 19 " 33 53
  • 54. THE INDICATOR Jan. 8 *De Witt Clinton 23 " T *) 1^ Y' H 1P JL ctlCj T O T "3 -'-S/O ^? C J •47 " 15 !l!Eastern District 14 •4i " 19 Paterson H. S 19 .61 " 22 *H. S. Commerce 19 .29 " 29 *Morris H. S 13 .76 Feb. 4 C. C. N. Y., 1913 21 " ii Central H. S 17 289 737 (P. S. A. L. Tournament games indicated by asterisk) OFFICERS OF ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION William Long President Thomas Dowling Vice-President Anthony Pollmann Secretary Mr. Mines . Treasurer 54
  • 55. THE INDICATOR FOOTBALL REVIEW NDOUBTEDLY, there are factors, U other than the mere winning of scheduled games, which determine the calibre of a football team. The spirit with which it accepts defeat, the vigor with which it combats the thousand and one obstacles generally placed in the path of a losing team,—these are some of the things to be considered before a final estimate of the sea- son's results is given. Considered in this respect, Stuyvesant may well be proud of the eleven which represented her this year, under the leadership of Captain Sharpe. Jts record, while mainly one of defeats, is yet free from blemish, for in every game, whether victory or otherwise, its members played to the best of their ability. More could not be demanded. The opening contest of the season, with Curtis High, resulted in a defeat for the scarlet and blue, by the score of 5 to 3. The comparison of this score with that of the initial contest of the season previous, 35 to o, certainly afforded us grounds for consider- ing the result encouraging. During the course of the game, we had possession of the pigskin four times upon our opponents' five yard line and yet were unable to score, except through a field goal by McNamara. The latter, by the way, has the honor of kicking the only field goal in the P. S. A. L. series. In our following game with Commercial, neither team scored until near the close of the first half. Our line, weakened by the fierce assaults of Commercial, finally gave way, and the latter soon had five points to her credit. During this period, Stuyvesant revealed a surprisingly strong defence, twice obtaining possession of the ball When a score seemed inevitable for Commercial, and working it B of danger. Several gains were made through well-executed forward passes, but Commercial invariably regained the lost ground "Tough our weakening line. Thoroughly played out, in the second ^n, the team offered no effectual resistance to the ceaseless batter- ln£ of the boys in red and gray. Our opponents had no difficulty in "•coring twice again during that period. _ROne week later, at Ontario Field, our eleven overwhelmed that "^•Pwnsencl Harris by the score of 23 to 5. The team played a 55
  • 57. THE INDICATOR listless game (luring the first half, allowing Townsend to cross the line for a touchdown within five minutes after play had started. When the half ended, the prospect of a victory for the scarlet and blue was not particularly bright. Our boys, however, amazed their supporters by starting off the second half in whirlwind fashion. Heforc the bewildered Townsend eleven could pull themselves together, they were seven points in the rear. Vith victory in sight Stuyvesant strove with added zeal and had no trouble in scoring twice again. For the first time that season, consistent and effectual line-plunging was used, although the touch- downs themselves were the direct result of long runs by McGuire and Jiigley. Our rejoicings were rudely dispelled one week later, in the next league game with I)e Witt Clinton. Our line was ripped to shreds, time and again, by the continual plunges of our aggressive oppo- nents. Outweighed and outplayed, as it was at every stage of the game, the plucky manner in which our team "took its medicine" served as balm to the rooters who witnessed Stuyvesant's defeat. Twice, during the contest, the ball was in our possession on top of Clinton's goal line, but adverse fate, aided by a fumble and an unlucky bound of the pigskin over Tienken's head, spoiled our chances for a score. Morris J ligh was Stuyvesant's next opponent, and both teams, at first glance, seemed evenly matched. A steady succession of line plunges by Morris advanced the ball within scoring distance, and an onsicle kick enabled our opponents to cross our line near the close of the first half. In the second period we kept the pigskin continually in Morris' territory. Whenever in position for a score, however, a kicking game was foolishly resorted to, and Stuyvesant invariably came out second best. Had the fact been recognized that Morris' weak spot lay in her line, the game, in all probability, would have had a dif- ferent ending. Morris benefited by every exchange of kicks, and managed to gain the victory by a single touchdown. The game with Commerce High was our final contest, our boys "capping the climax" by allowing their opponents to pile up the highest score of the season. The weighty Commerce men tore through our line as though it were composed of paper, and scored touchdown after touchdown. Then suddenly changing tactics they '• would bewilder us with cleverly executed trick plays, against which our team seemed powerless. At times Stuyvesant held desperately, 57
  • 58. THE INDICATOR but these rallies were never long sustained—mere flashes in the pan. Invariably, Commerce would break through and continue her triumphant march down the gridiron. Stuyvesant's ragged inter- ference, faulty team-work and half-hearted tackling were in sharp contrast to the machine-like precision with which Commerce's plays were executed. The final score tells the story plainly enough. Throughout the season, Schleusner and McGuire alternated at quarter-back, and, on the whole, each performed fairly well. Sharpe, at center, played his usual steady game and proved a tower of strength to the line men, who, outweighed as they were, in nearly every game, filled their positions creditably. In the back-field, Beeghly's play as full-back was of the highest order. McNamara, inclined at times to be erratic, showed occasional flashes of good form. Tienken deserves special notice for his plucky and effective game at end. A slight increase in weight should work wonders in his play. Naturally, it would have been more satisfying to our self- esteem, had our eleven won its full quota of victories. However, we can review our record, not merely as one of defeats, but as one of unrewarded efforts. Here's hoping that those same exertions reap better fruit next season. The Liiic-up : Percy Sharpe Captain Milton Blumberg Manager Percy W. O'Dair Left End Gerald Brand, Percy Sharpe Left Tackle John Seeke, George Orthey Left Guard Percy Sharpe, William Bender Center Leo Carroll Right Guard William Bender, Louis Jenik Right Tackle Arthur Tienken Right End Morris Schlossner, Edward McGuire Quarter Back Leo Colleth Left Half Back Joseph A. Macnamara Right Half Back Frank Becghly Full Back Schedule Oct. 2 Curtis H. S 5 Stuyvesant 3 " 9 Commercial H. S 16 " o " 16 Townsend Harris Hall . . . . 5 " 23 " 23 De Witt Clinton 27 " o 58
  • 59. THE INDICATOR 30 Morris H. S 6 o 3V. 13 White Plains H. S 27 o 20 Commerce H. S 49 o BASEBALL F ROM present indications Stuyvesant has a fast nine representing her upon the dia- mond this Spring. There was a gratifying response to Coach Dunn's call for candidates, more than sixty striving for positions. Practice was held daily upon the Westchester Golf Links, and after a lengthy process of elimination, the regular nine was picked. A schedule of seventeen games has been arranged by Manager William McGovern, and the nine has already won its opening games with Stevens Prep, and Yonkers High School. The entire infield presents a changed appear- ance. Dolan, formerly at short, now covers first and appears a fixture at that position. Tienken and Dowling, last year's outfielders, are stationed at short-stop and second base, respectively. Stewart, upon last year's second team, now guards third base, and barring a slight weakness in his fielding of ground balls, appears satisfactory in most respects. Boylston, one of our veterans, Emden, a former Isecond team man, and Nagel constitute the outfield, with Adelman in the role of substitute. Clark, behind the bat, is considered the find of the season and handles Banker's delivery to perfection. The latter appears to be in rare trim and has already broken his last season's record of eigh- Been strike-outs. In the initial game of the season with Stevens Prep., , Nineteen of his opponents proved unable to fathom his delivery and W* few days later, in a six inning contest with Yonkers High, twelve '.Were retired on strikes. Nagel will take his turn at twirling this pear, and, properly developed, should most satisfactorily fill the gap Bfcft by I lunter's departure. The nine appears to be fairly strong at bat, but their fielding f an unknown quantity as, owing to the splendid pitching of Banker !j$hus far, fielding chances have been few and far between. Their 59
  • 61. THE IN DIC ATOR ^Weakness seems to lie in their throwing, but a few more games should remedy this fault. The Line-up: Fred Banker, Frank agel Pitchers Andrew Dolan First Base Thomas Bowling Second Base James Stewart Third Base Arthur Tienken Short Stop Bert Williams, Ernest Emden Right Field John Boylston Center Field Frank Xagel Left Field James Clark Catcher Jos. Walsh, Albert Schaefer, Jacob Adelman. . Substitutes Mr. Dunn, Mr. Cooley . . / Coaches William McGovern Manager Arthur Tienken Captain Schedule: April 2 Stevens Prep 2 Stuyvesant 4 6 Yonkers H. S o " 4 " 9 White Plains H. S fo " 9 " 13 Horace Mann H. S 5 " 6 " 16 East Orange H. S 5 " 8 20 Clason Point M. A i " 6 23 Greenwich Academy . . . . 3 " 22 27 Manhattan Prep 7 2 30 *Curtis H. S o " 2 May 4 Fordham Prep. 7 *De Witt Clinton H. S. ii Adelphi Academy 14 *Townsend-Harris Hall 17 Barringer H. S. 21 *H. S. of Commerce 25 De La Salle Inst. " 28 *Morris H. S. *Indicates P. S. A. L. Tournament Games. ^Forfeited to Stuyvesant.