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How Did I Miss That Bug?
	Overcome Cognitive Bias in Testing
with Gerie Owen
Dedicated to Software Quality Improvement
Founded in 2006
We speed products to market with our expert:
•  Software QA consulting
•  Software testing
Global team with offices in San Francisco & Beijing
“Thorough, accurate and fast”
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Webinar Hashtag: #TestCaseTips
Meet Our Speakers
Philip Lew
CEO and Founder, XBOSoft
• Relevant specialties and
o  Software quality process,
evaluation, measurement
and improvement
o  Software quality in use / UX
o  Mobile User Experience and
o  Cycling and travel
Gerie Owen
•  Test Architect
•  Test Lead, Tester and as such
experienced bug finder and
bug misser
•  Subject expert on testing for
•  International and Domestic
Conference Presenter
•  Marathon Runner & Running
•  Cat Mom
Presenta-on	Agenda	
•  Why	are	we	talking	about	missed	bugs?	
•  What	is	a	missed	bug?	
•  How	do	we	miss	bugs?	
•  How	do	we	think?	
–  System	1	and	System	2	thinking	
–  Cogni-ve	Biases	Affec-ng	Tes-ng	
•  How	does	this	apply	to	Missing	Bugs	
–  Managing	Cogni-ve	Bias	for	 		
•  Testers	
•  Test	Leads	and	Managers	
•  Our	Profession	 6
Why	are	we	talking	about	missing	
•  Have	you	ever	missed	a	bug?	
•  Have	you	ever	been	asked	how	you	missed	a	
•  Have	you	ever	wondered	how	you	missed	a	
Consequences	of	Missed	Bugs	
•  Possible	Consequences	of	Missed	Bugs:	
– Nega-ve	Publicity	
– Lost	Sales	
– Lost	Customers	
– Even	Loss	of	Life	
My	Journey	
The	“HOW”	is	more	important	than	the	“WHY”	
And	now	,	I	invite	you	to	join	with	me		
into	the	journey	of	
How	Did	I	Miss	that	Bug?	
How	Do	We	Miss	Bugs?	
•  Missed	test	cases	
•  Misunderstanding	of	requirements	
•  Misjudgment	in	risk-based	tes-ng	
•  Inaen-on	
•  Fa-gue	
•  Burnout	
•  Mul--tasking	
How	Do	We	Test?	
•  What	is	So_ware	Tes-ng?	
– So_ware	tes-ng	is	making	judgments	about	the	
quality	of	the	so_ware	under	test	
– Involves:	
•  Objec-ve	comparisons	of	code	to	
•  AND	
•  Subjec-ve	assessments	regarding	usability,	
func-onality	etc	
What	IS	a	Missed	Bug?	
An	Error	in	Judgment!	
To	determine	how	testers	miss	bugs,	we	need	to	
understand	how	humans	make	judgments,	
especially	in	complex	situa-ons.	
How	do	we	make	judgments?	
•  Thinking,	Fast	and	Slow	–	Daniel	Kahneman	
– System	1	thinking	–	fast,	intui-ve,	and	some-mes	
– System	2	thinking	–	slower,	more	deliberate,	more	
System	1	vs.	System	2	Thinking	
•  System	1	thinking	keeps	us	func-oning	
–  Fast	decisions,	usually	right	enough	
–  Gullible	and	biased	
•  System	2	makes	deliberate,	thoughful	decisions	
–  It	is	in	charge	of	doubt	and	unbelieving	
–  But	is	o_en	lazy	
–  Difficult	to	engage	
How	Do	We	Apply	System	1	and	System	2	
•  System	1	thinking:	
–  Is	applied	in	our	ini-al		reac-ons	to	situa-ons.		
–  May	employ	Heuris-cs	or	rules	of	thumb	
•  System	2	thinking:	
–  Is	applied	when	we	analyze	a	problem,	for	
example	when	calcula-ng	the	answer	to	a	math	
•  System	1	and	System	2	can	be	in	conflict:	
–  		lead	to	biases	in	decision-making.			
How	do	Biases	Impact	Tes-ng?	
•  We	maintain	certain	beliefs	in	tes-ng	prac-ce	
– Which	may	or	may	not	be	factually	true	
– Those	biases	can	affect	our	tes-ng	results	
– We	may	be	predisposed	to	believe	something	that	
affects	our	work	and	our	conclusions	
•  How	do	bias	and	error	work?	
– We	may	test	the	wrong	things	
– Not	find	errors,	or	find	false	errors	
The	Representa-ve	Bias	
•  Happens	when	we	judge	the	likelihood	of	an	
occurrence	in	a	par-cular	situa-on	by	how	
closely	the	situa-on	resembles	similar	situa-ons.			
•  Testers	may	be	influenced	by	this	bias	when	
designing	data	matrices,	perhaps	not	tes-ng	data	
in	all	states	or	not	tes-ng	enough	types	of	data.		
•  Case	Study:		Ability	to	print	more	than	once	bug		
The	Curse	of	Knowledge	
•  Happens	when	we	are	so	knowledgeable	about	
something,	that	our	ability	to	address	it	from	a	less	
informed,	more	neutral	perspec-ve	is	diminished.		
•  When	testers	develop	so	much	domain	knowledge	
that	they	fail	to	test	from	the	perspec-ve	of	a	new	
user.		Usability	bugs	are	o_en	missed	due	to	this	
•  Case	Study:		Date	of	Death	Bug	
The	Congruence	Bias	
•  The	tendency	of	experimenters	to	plan	and	execute	tests	on	
just	their	own	hypotheses	without	considering	alterna-ve	
•  This	bias	is	o_en	the	root	cause	of	missed	nega-ve	test	
cases.		Testers	write	test	cases	to	validate	that	the	
func-onality	works	according	to	the	specifica-ons	and	
neglect	to	validate	that	the	func-onality	doesn’t	work	in	
ways	that	it	should	not.	
•  Case	Study:		Your	nega-ve	test	case	or	boundary	miss	
The	Confirma-on	Bias	
•  The	tendency	to	search	for	and	interpret	informa-on	
in	a	way	that	confirms	one’s	ini-al	percep-ons.		
•  Testers’	ini-al	percep-ons	of	the	quality	of	code,	the	
quality	of	the	requirements	and	the	capabili-es	of	
developers	can	impact	the	ways	in	which	they	test.		
•  Case	Study:			Whose	code	to	you	test	the	most	
The	Anchoring	Effect	
•  The	tendency	to	become	locked	on	and	rely	
too	heavily	on	one	piece	of	informa-on	and	
therefore	exclude	other	ideas	or	evidence	that	
contradicts	the	ini-al	informa-on.	
•  So_ware	testers	do	this	o_en	when	they	
validate	code	to	specifica-ons	exclusively	
without	considering	ambigui-es	or	errors	in	
the	requirements.	
Inaen-onal	Blindness	
•  Chabris	and	Simon	conducted	experiments	on	how	
focusing	on	one	thing	makes	us	blind	to	others	
– Invisible	gorilla	on	the	basketball	court	
– Images	on	a	lung	x-ray	
Inaen-onal	Blindness	
•  Psychological	lack	of	aen-on	
•  Tendency	to	miss	obvious	
inconsistencies	when	focusing	
specifically	on	a	par-cular	
•  This	happens	in	so_ware	
tes-ng	when	testers	miss	the	
blatantly	obvious	bugs		
Why	Do	We	Develop	Biases?	
•  The	Blind	Spot	Bias	
–  We	evaluate	our	own	decision-making	process	differently	
than	we	evaluate	how	others	make	decisions.			
•  West,	Meserve	and	Stanovich	
How	Does	This	Apply	To	Missing	
•  We	must	manage	the	way	we	think	throughout	
the	test	process.	
– As	individual	testers	
– As	test	managers	
– As	a	professional	community	
How	Can	Testers	Manage	Their	
Thought	Processes?	
•  Use	more	System	1	thinking?	
•  Use	more	System	2	thinking?	
Test	Methodology	and		
System	2	Thinking	
•  Test	methodology	is	the	analy-cal	framework	of	tes-ng;	it	
invokes	our	system	2	thinking	and	places	the	tester	under	
cogni-ve	load.	
•  The	determina-on	of	whether	the	actual	results	match	the	
expected	results	becomes	an	objec-ve	assessment.	
How	Do	We	Find	Bugs?	
Focus	on	System	1	thinking,	intui-on	and	
Focus	On	System	1	Thinking	
•  Heuris-cs	used	with	Oracles	
•  Recognize	our	emo-ons	as	indicators	of	poten-al	bugs	
•  Exploratory	Tes-ng	
The	Power	of	Exploratory	Tes-ng	
•  Exploratory	tes-ng	is	simultaneous	learning,	
test	design,	and	test	execu-on	
•  Exploratory	testers	o_en	use	tools	
– record	of	the	exploratory	session	
– generate	situa-ons	of	interest	
The	Characteris-cs	of	Exploratory	Tes-ng	
•  Planned	
•  Learning	experience	
•  Discovery	process	
•  Different	for	each	applica-on	
How	Should	We	Use	Exploratory	
•  Unstructured	
– Before	beginning	test	case	execu-on	
•  Minimizes	preconceived	no-ons	about	the	
applica-on	under	test	
– Oracle	based	
•  Users’	perspec-ves	
•  Data	flow	
How	Should	We	Use	Exploratory	
•  Structured	
– Use	to	create	addi-onal	test	cases	
•  May	be	done	earlier,	possible	as	modules	are	
– Session-Based	
•  Time-boxed	charters	
•  Mul-ple	testers		
•  Post	test	review	session	
•  What	are	situa-ons	of	interest?	
–  Usual	tasks	performed	by	the	user	
–  Things	that	a	user	might	do	
–  Things	covered	by	charter	
•  Document	the	plan	
–  It’s	not	ad	hoc	tes-ng	
•  Deviate	from	the	plan	as	
Learning Experience
•  What	can	I	learn	about	the	so_ware?	
–  What	all	the	buons	and	forms	do	
–  How	it	wants	the	user	to	work	
–  Strengths	and	weaknesses	
•  What	are	situa-ons	of	interest?	
–  Usual	tasks	performed	by	the	user	
–  Things	a	user	might	do	
•  Does	it	behave	as	expected?	
–  If	not,	lets	explore	
–  And	document	
What	Can	Test	Managers	Do?	
•  Foster	an	environment	in	which	the	testers	
feel	comfortable	and	empowered	to	use	
System	1	thinking.	
–  Plan	for	exploratory	tes-ng	in	the	test	schedule	
–  Encourage	Testers	to	take	risks	
–  Reward	for	Quality	of	bugs	rather	than	quan-ty	of	test	
cases	executed	
What	Can	the	QA	Profession	Do?	
A	Paradigm	Shi,		
–  Shi_	our	focus	from	requirements	coverage	based	test	execu-on	to	a	more	
intui-ve	approach	
–  Exploratory	tes-ng	and	business	process	flow	tes-ng	becomes	the	norm	
rather	than	the	excep-on	
–  Develop	new	tes-ng	frameworks	where	risk-based	tes-ng	is	executed	through	
targeted	exploratory	tes-ng	and	is	balanced	with	scripted	tes-ng	
– Our	purpose	should	be	providing	informa-on	
versus	finding	bugs	
Ques-on	Test	Results	
	•  Is	there	any	reason	to	suspect		we	are	
evalua-ng	our	test	results		based	on		self-
interest,	overconfidence,	or	aachment	to	
past	experiences?		
•  Have	we	fallen	in	love	with	our	test	results?	
•  Were	there	any	differences	of	opinion	among	
the	team	reviewing	the	test	results?	
How	Do	We	Find	Bugs?	
•  Focus	less	
•  Use	intui7on	
•  Believe	what	we	can’t	believe	
•  Ariely,	D.,		2009.	Predictably	Irra7onal:	The	hidden	forces	that	shape	our	decisions.		New	
York:	Harper	Colins	Publishers.	
•  Chabris,	C	and	Daniel	Simons,		2010.	The	Invisible	Gorilla:	How	Our	Intui7ons	Deceive	Us.		
New	York:	Crown	Publishers.	
•  Kahneman,	D.	(2011)	Thinking	Fast	and	Slow.	New	York:	Farrar,	Straus	&	Giroux	
•  Kahneman,	D.	(2003).	Maps	of	Bounded	Ra7onality:	Psychology	for	Behavioral	Economics.	
The	American	Economic	Review,	93(5),	1449-1475.	
•  Golieb,	D.	A.,	Weiss,	T.,	&	Chapman,	G.	B.	(2007).	The	Format	in	which	Uncertainty	
Informa7on	is	Presented	Affects	Decision	Biases.	Psychological	Science,	18(3),	240-246.		
•  Levav,	J.,	&	Fitzsimons,	G.	J.	(2006).	When	Ques7ons	Change	Behavior:	the	Role	of	Ease	of	
Representa7on.	Psychological	Science,	17(3),	207-213.	
•  Ariely,	D.	&	Norton,	M.	I.	(2008).	How	ac7ons	create—not	just	reveal—	preferences.	Trends	in	
Cogni-ve	Sciences,	12(1),	13-16.	
•  Johansson,	P.,	Hall,	L.,	Sikström,	S.,	&	Olsson,	A.	(2005).	Failure	to	Detect	Mismatches	
Between	Inten7on	and	Outcome	in	a	Simple	Decision	Task.	Science,	310(5745),	116-119.	
•  New	Yorker		June	12,	2012,		Jonah	Lehrer		Why	Smart	People	Are	Stupid			
•  West	RF,	Meserve	RJ,	Stanovich	KE	,	Cogni7ve	sophis7ca7on	does	not	aRenuate	the	bias	
blind	spot.		J	Pers	Soc	Psychol.	2012	Sep;103(3):506-19.	
•  Milkman	K,	Clough,	D.,	&	Bazerman,	M.		(2008)		How	Can	Decision	Making	Be	Improved?		
Harvard	Business	School.	
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YOU Don't Need No Stinking Test Cases? - XBOSoft Webinar
So You Think You Can Write a Test Case - XBOSoft Webinar
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