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Claire Pace
Account Executive
Harper Biewen
Assistant Account Executive
Julia Kleiber
Strategic Planner
Michelle Li
Brian Lee
Art Director
Stephanie Addo
Assistant Art Director
Team • 5
streak (n) • a group of tigers
Located in the heart of Athens’ historic
Boulevard district, White Tiger Gourmet
is a restaurant well-known as a
neighborhood favorite. From BBQ to
burgers to vegetarian options, head chef
and owner Ken Manring creates classic
yet unique dishes made with fresh, local
ingredients. His wife, Melinda Edwards,
works as the PR and marketing director
for the restaurant, coordinating events
and advertising.
the unique building, the biggest selling
point of White Tiger is their menu, which
includes delicious, rich bbq, burger, and
vegetarian dishes, while still maintaining
affordable prices. In addition to their
regular menu, they also offer exclusive
specials that change daily, such as their
Krispy Kreme burger and Spicy Siracha
Tilapia Tacos. White Tiger prides itself
in smoking its meat every day and
uses as many locally sourced seasonal
ingredients as possible. Their menu is
diverse and expansive, with something
to fit any consumers’ preferences.
One of the things that makes White Tiger
unique is the building itself. Built in 1905,
the space originally housed a grocery
store called “Davis House” and served
the residents of the mill neighborhood.
The historic building is both cozy and
informal, filled with artwork from local
artists. White Tiger has both indoor and
outdoor seating, with a large picnic
table-filled yard. At night, White Tiger
can be spotted anywhere on the street
from the glittering lights strung around
the trees.
Background • 7
the world of White Tiger
•	 They have a diverse and delicious menu with a plethora of
options for both meat-lovers (barbecue and burgers) and
•	 The surrounding neighborhood has a large, loyal customer
base, made of mostly families and townies
•	 Has a open, outdoor lawn with large picnic tables and little
Christmas lights, perfect for eating outside during spring/
•	 Partners with local artists to showcase their work
•	 Has a kitschy, homey vibe that feels both warm and
welcoming when customers dine in
•	 Well-reviewed on both Yelp and Facebook
Background • 9
•	 Located in Boulevard District, rather than downtown,
an obscure location for those that do not live in the
•	 Has a weak Instagram presence with very few followers
•	 Website is clunky and outdated and the information is hard
to locate
•	 The branding is disorganized and incohesive across
platforms and in-store
•	 The owners are very willing to work with the student
population by offering discounts, freebies, and other
•	 They can cater to both their current neighborhood
population as well as students without altering location or
•	 There is a lack of direct competition within the area,
especially due to their diverse menu and unique ambiance
•	 Interested in rebranding in-store and social presence to
increase brand awareness
•	 There are a few direct competitors in the BBQ category
such as Pulaski Heights BBQ, Saucehouse BBQ, Butt Hut
•	 Indirect competition with other local restaurants including
Mama’s Boy, Heirloom, and The Grit
•	 Lack of brand awareness in college student population
•	 Downtown Athens and Five Points both offer a largervariety
of restaurants in the vicinity
White Tiger Gourmet serves homestyle,
southern dishes made with simple, fresh
White Tiger lacks cohesive branding
across social and digital platforms. They
also struggle with brand awareness
due to their obscure location and sparse
social media presence. This also makes
it difficult for them to attract the student
Increase social media presence on
Facebook and Instagram.
Increase rate of student customers by
organizing student nights and discounts.
Create cohesive branding through a new
logo, redesign of menu and website.
The primary targets are University of
Georgia students. White Tiger Gourmet
provides food at an affordable price for
college students and an arrangement of
popular dishes.
The secondary target is locals that
already enjoy White Tiger Gourmet. We
want to broaden our clientele to include
college students without losing our
current local customers.
“As a college student, it is nice to find
restaurants that are affordable that also
have great food. It is hard to find places
in Athens that have both, especially
when I have a limited budget.”
Your next-door neighbor meets gourmet
White Tiger has a friendly, involved staff
and afunky, locallyinspired atmosphere.
Their wide range of barbecue and
vegetarian dishes satisfies all kinds of
customers. Outdoor seating provides
the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors in
the fun, home-style environment.
Fun, laid-back social media tone to set a
relaxed vibe that matches the location’s
Consistent brand image and tone across
all platforms.
Print: fliers, newspapers
Social Media: Facebook, Instagram
Guerrilla: contests, student discounts
10 • Background
Our challenge was broken down into
two distinct categories - a lack of
a clear, cohesive brand and lack of
brand awareness in the Athens’ student
body. There was a disjoint between the
physical restaurant, a funky, local bbq
and burger joint, and its digital and
social presence. White Tiger had a small
social following with a need for relevant,
interactive content. Our research gave
us insight that students at the University
of Georgia had either not heard of
White Tiger or were not aware of its
location, but were interested in eating
local with a decent disposable income.
By addressing both elements of our
challenge, we would be able to create
a brand image that matched White
Tiger and spread the newly rebranded
restaurant all over Athens, Georgia.
Executive Summary • 13
To tackle the two-prong challenge, we
broke our strategy into two parts as well,
addressing both brand cohesiveness
design guidelines and a brand voice that
matched the homey, neighborly feel
of the restaurant. We then used those
guidelines to redesign White Tiger’s
logo, website, and menu so their online
presence matched the aesthetic of the
restaurant. Oncethe brandwas cohesive
in all elements, we turned our attention
to brand awareness. We amped up their
social media presence by incorporating
contests, visually appealing content, and
user-generated content on Instagram.
We promoted events and posted
photo albums on Facebook, garnering
thousands of consumer interactions. We
designed and implemented branded
t-shirts, koozies, and stickers to spread
the logo to as many people as we could
Through social media, events, print and
digital ads, we were able to increase the
brand awareness of the student body, as
well as the general Athens population.
Our social media grew immensely, with
an 844% increase in Instagram followers
to a grand total of 1228 followers.
Facebook also saw an increase of 10%
page likes. Where we saw large growth
on Facebook was in post interaction –
including a Buzzfeed article we created
that reached 6,860 users with 143 shares
and comments. Overall sales increased
everymonththisyearas comparedtothe
same month of the previous year, with a
huge increase of 38% in sales December
2015 as compared to December 2014. To
keep up with consumer demand, White
Tiger decided to open up new hours,
expanding to include Monday lunch.
The restaurant is now open 7 days a
week for the first time in its history.
the executive summary
Research • 15
Before the start of our campaign, we sent out a survey to
UGA students to gather information about college student’s
restaurant eating habits. We wanted to better understand
this demographic and learn how much they were willing to
spend on meals, what type of food they liked, and how they
heard about new restaurants. We gathered responses from 58
From our research, we found that 38% of respondents said they
ate out two times a week. Only 6% of respondents reported
that they ate out “a lot”, showing that students are more likely
to get food from the dining halls or eat at home. Most people
reported that they preferred to eat at places that had a local,
laid-back feel.
the research findings
Although students did not seem to eat out an overwhelming
amount, they all reported having a good amount of disposable
income, with the majority of students willing to spend $10-$15
on a meal at a restaurant. 63.7% of students said they prefer
to eat local. Almost all students reported that they ate out for
dinner over other meals. This research helped us understand
the general eating habits of college students and allowed us to
tailor our events and strategies to this demographic.
16 • Research
$10 - $15
White Tiger Gourmet was well-known around the Boulevard
District, but that was about it. While it was a common dining
spot for local townies, White Tiger was missing the opportunity
to extend their deliciously rich mac n’ cheese to the vast college
student population. We chalked this up to two hindrances: its
incongruous brand image across all platforms and its lack of
brand recognition on campus, especially due to its obscure
location (read: outside downtown Athens).
So, our first task was clear: rebrand the store by creating
a cohesive social and digital presence that was as visually
dynamic as the restaurant itself, while still maintaining the
warm neighborhood aesthetic.
Task two, spread the word! Our goal was to bring White Tiger
to the forefront of consumers’ minds. We wanted to get as many
people, namely students, looking at, talking about, and, most
importantly, eating at White Tiger Gourmet.
Challenge • 19
the challenges to overcome
When rebranding White Tiger, we were careful in keeping the
local, homey feel that emanated from the restaurant, while still
building a modern and clean brand.
We chose shades of reds, oranges, and browns that embodied
that warm vibe that we wanted to project consumers, matching
the coziness of the actual restaurant. We contrasted this kitschy
vibe with clean san serif fonts to create the perfect juxtaposition
of traditional and modern.
The otheraspect of ourbrand imagewas the brandvoice.White
Tiger already had a unique voice – friendly and neighborly –
and we didn’t want to lose that. We took their voice and played
with it to add elements of professionalism and wit. Not only did
we want to be your next-door-neighbor, we also wanted to be
quirky, smart, and sharp.
And thus, with new brand guidelines and a voice, our brand
image was born.
Strategy • 21
the big rebrand
Body copy in Sofia Pro.
HEX F84523
Strategy • 23
24 • Strategy
Afterthe brand imagewas established,we dove immediately
into creating a new logo.
While White Tiger’s existing logo had certain elements that
matched the look we wanted to accomplish, it did not fully
represent the new brand image we had built.
After designing and drafting several different options, the
clients chose a clean, centric logo with a lasting modern
aesthetic, while still maintaining its kitschy vibe. The logo
is both simplistic and easily adaptable, two very important
aspects to our client.
Strategy • 25
To match the new brand guidelines, new menus were
designed and printed. The old menus were cluttered with
information, so we pared it down to the basic items, keeping
the look of the menu very sleek.
Strategy • 2726 • Strategy
1/2 lb beef burger with grilled portobella mushrooms,
mozzarella cheese, topped with organic field greens &
tiger sauce, served on a toasted kaiser roll
The Alice Burger • 7.50
1/2 lb beef burger with cheddar, bacon, field greens &
mayo, served on a toasted kaiser roll
Bacon Cheddar Burger • 7.50
28 • Strategy
Food is the centerpiece of White Tiger, and it was important
for us to highlightthe essence ofthe restaurantto customers.
We captured photographs that matched our brand image –
modern and clean as well as organic. We shot everything in
bright, warm lighting to match the warmth of the restaurant.
Strategy • 29
From the beginning, we understood that White Tiger needed a
strong digital presence – and their website needed to be at the
center of that.
Their previous website was clunky, outdated, and unfriendly to
mobile users. Using the new brand guidelines, we created a sleek,
easy-to-navigate website with refreshed, concise content.
It was vital that the new site be easily maintainable by the
restaurant owners. Because of its user-friendly interface, we
chose to create the site on Squarespace. Our new website was
functional and responsive to all different screen sizes.
Strategy • 3130 • Strategy
spreading the good word
34 • Strategy
We wanted to focus a lot of our social advertising on Instagram
because of the visual nature of food. Prior to our campaign, White
Tiger had a small following with few likes on content that was
mostly irrelevant to the restaurant.
The first step was taking professional photos of White Tiger’s food
to capture that mouth-watering element that the restaurant had,
but its Instagram lacked. We paired this with friendly, humorous
captions that matched the brand image and tone, and began
racking up likes 5x more than their previous posts. We also
ran Instagram contests, where we received a lot of consumer
engagement, upwards of 60+ comments on our most successful
Additionally, we created the hashtag #tigerstreak, that customers
could tag when they posted pictures at White Tiger, creating a
hub for all White Tiger customer photos under one hashtag. In
exchange, we offered them “secret rewards” for their user-
generated content.
Strategy • 35
White Tiger Gourmet
whitetigerathens Want to win a super soft, limited
edition, glow-in-the-dark White Tiger tee? All you
have to do is follow us, like this picture, and tag 2
friends to enter!
We considered Facebook as a platform to reach the older
demographic because the previous engagements on Facebook
were often interactions with townies (ages 25+). We geared our
Facebook posts towards this demographic, especially when
advertising more expensive events such as the Valentine’s Day
Prix Fix Dinner and the Tiger Turkeys for Thanksgiving. Because
of the larger audience we could reach with Facebook, we also
promoted things that required consumer engagement and
clickthrough such as the Flagpole Athens’ Favorites’ contest and
a Buzzfeed article we created entitled, “10 Signs You’re Obsessed
with White Tiger”.
36 • Strategy Strategy • 37
Excited to announce that White Tiger was the runner-
up winner of Best BBQ Joint in Flagpole Magazine’s
Athens’ Favorites! A HUGE thank you to everyone
who voted for us. We love you all!
White Tiger Gourmet
March 2
231 Likes 8 Comments
38 • Strategy
In a small town like Athens, GA, we saw the importance of a logo’s
presence in as many places as possible. Like other well-known
restaurants in Athens, we wanted to put our logo on everything to
spread brand awareness, not only on campus, but in the Athens
area. We mocked up a variety of items including stickers, tattoos,
stamps, etc. Two of our mockups came to life – the t-shirts and
koozies, available for purchase in store today.
Strategy • 39
We designed several advertisements for White Tiger’s social
accounts and website that promoted their events, menu items, or
announcements.These ads ran on Instagram,where theyreached
their primary target audience of students, as well as Facebook,
where they reached the secondary audience of local townies.
40 • Strategy Strategy • 41
42 • Strategy
Shindig in early November that featured the Tuten Brothers, a
local band, and special deals for the students who came. Despite
the poor weather, students still came out in masses, filling out the
entire restaurant, with a line out the door.
Our second student night event was in late March and had much
higher attendance. We booked Classic City Live, and they played
for a packed out lawn. The special of the night was a Krispy Kreme
donut burger – a mouthwatering bacon cheeseburger between
two grilled donuts. We even created a sponsored Snapchat filter
for customers to use when they took pictures at the restaurant.
Strategy • 43
Impact • 45
Statistically examining progress on social media platforms,
we saw a rise in White Tiger’s Instagram followers, a 845%
increase in 6 months. Instagram interactions increased 5x, now
garnering an average of 50 likes per post. Instagram contest
posts received an average of 30 comments with consumers,
with our most successful contest getting 63 interactions.
the impact and results
Facebook also saw in increase in page fans, from 1,773 to 1,950,
a 10% increase in 6 months. Additionally, Facebook also saw a
much larger organic growth in post interaction, with a single
post garnering 230 likes and a reach of 6,860, higher than any
content ever put out.
130 1,228
Oct 2015
Apr 2016
1,773 1,950
Oct 2015
Apr 2016
46 • Impact
Every year at Thanksgiving, Ken and Melinda smoke and
fry turkeys for people to pick up the day before the holiday.
We set up a food photoshoot and photographed an entire
Thanksgiving feast. We created an ad promoting these turkeys,
which was digitally posted on all social platforms, as well
as printed in Flagpole Magazine. Our advertisements were
highly successful, more than doubling the turkey sales from the
previous year. White Tiger sold out of turkeys, making a total of
67 turkeys before Thanksgiving.
Student Shindigs were another measurable success of ours.
Our first Student Shindig, in early November, was successful,
filling the restaurant to capacity and selling out of the student
special, despite being held on a rainy day.
Our second Student Shindig, in late March, garnered even
more success, filling the indoor and outdoor seating areas,
with lines out the door. Sales increased 68% as compared to a
typical March dinner revenue.
Additionally, the Snapchat filter we created for the night had
38 users, generating 3,000+ total views during the next 24
hours. The filter was $5, costing only $00.0015/impression.
This Valentine’s Day, White Tiger planned an intimate event
featuring a six-course menu. By pushing out ads on Facebook
and Instagram, we filled up all 24 spots the week prior to
Valentine’s Day. Even more impressively, on the night of the
event, the guests were so satisfied with each course that they
clapped every time Ken entered the room.
30 67turkeys
total views
cost per impression
Impact • 47
cost of filter
+ 18%
+ 4%
+ 38%
+ 3%
+ 15%
48 • Impact Impact • 49
Late March, towards the tail end of our campaign, we sent out
a second survey to gauge brand awareness and public opinion
of White Tiger. Our survey received 25 responses, with 88% of
our respondents now having heard of White Tiger, and 60%
reporting that they had eaten at the restaurant. When asked
to describe White Tiger, the responses were overwhelmingly
positive, including, “yummy, mouth-watering food”, “quaint,
cute, eclectic, authentic, local, homey, yummy”, and the ever-
so-classic “dank as hell.”
site visits
page views
mobile visits
FROM FEB 2016 - MAR 2016
White Tiger’s redesigned Squarespace site launched in early
February and already has 4,000+ site visits and 10,000+
individual page views.
The majority of site traffic was driven from Google. Over 60%
of users found their way to White Tiger’s website from search
engine results. The new website’s advanced search engine
optimization allows more people to find the restaurant online.
Most importantly, over half of the site visitors came to the site
via mobile.The oldWhiteTigerGourmetwebsitewas not mobile
friendly, making website view on mobile a very hard task. Our
new website is highly adaptable on all devices, especially for
mobile, but also tablets. This adaptability helped to include
mobile users into viewership.
unique visitors
Google referrals
desktop visits
Finally, we looked at overall sales, which increased every single
month this year when compared to the corresponding month of
the previous year. November and January increased between
3-4%. October and February saw significant increases between
15-18%, but our greatest sales spike came in December 2015
with a 38% increase in comparison to December 2014. Due to
increasing demand from customers, White Tiger also opened
up new hours, expanding to lunch on Monday. In a historic
milestone, White Tiger is now open 7 days a week for the first
time since its conception.

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  • 3. Claire Pace Account Executive Harper Biewen Assistant Account Executive Julia Kleiber Strategic Planner Michelle Li Copywriter Brian Lee Art Director Stephanie Addo Assistant Art Director Team • 5 MEET THE STREAK streak (n) • a group of tigers
  • 4. WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE Located in the heart of Athens’ historic Boulevard district, White Tiger Gourmet is a restaurant well-known as a neighborhood favorite. From BBQ to burgers to vegetarian options, head chef and owner Ken Manring creates classic yet unique dishes made with fresh, local ingredients. His wife, Melinda Edwards, works as the PR and marketing director for the restaurant, coordinating events and advertising. Asidefromthefriendly,talentedstaffand the unique building, the biggest selling point of White Tiger is their menu, which includes delicious, rich bbq, burger, and vegetarian dishes, while still maintaining affordable prices. In addition to their regular menu, they also offer exclusive specials that change daily, such as their Krispy Kreme burger and Spicy Siracha Tilapia Tacos. White Tiger prides itself in smoking its meat every day and uses as many locally sourced seasonal ingredients as possible. Their menu is diverse and expansive, with something to fit any consumers’ preferences. One of the things that makes White Tiger unique is the building itself. Built in 1905, the space originally housed a grocery store called “Davis House” and served the residents of the mill neighborhood. The historic building is both cozy and informal, filled with artwork from local artists. White Tiger has both indoor and outdoor seating, with a large picnic table-filled yard. At night, White Tiger can be spotted anywhere on the street from the glittering lights strung around the trees. Background • 7 the world of White Tiger
  • 5. WEAKNESSES S.W.O.T. ANALYSIS STRENGTHS • They have a diverse and delicious menu with a plethora of options for both meat-lovers (barbecue and burgers) and vegetarians • The surrounding neighborhood has a large, loyal customer base, made of mostly families and townies • Has a open, outdoor lawn with large picnic tables and little Christmas lights, perfect for eating outside during spring/ summer • Partners with local artists to showcase their work • Has a kitschy, homey vibe that feels both warm and welcoming when customers dine in • Well-reviewed on both Yelp and Facebook THREATS OPPORTUNITIES Background • 9 • Located in Boulevard District, rather than downtown, an obscure location for those that do not live in the neighborhood. • Has a weak Instagram presence with very few followers • Website is clunky and outdated and the information is hard to locate • The branding is disorganized and incohesive across platforms and in-store • The owners are very willing to work with the student population by offering discounts, freebies, and other incentives • They can cater to both their current neighborhood population as well as students without altering location or menu • There is a lack of direct competition within the area, especially due to their diverse menu and unique ambiance • Interested in rebranding in-store and social presence to increase brand awareness • There are a few direct competitors in the BBQ category such as Pulaski Heights BBQ, Saucehouse BBQ, Butt Hut BBQ • Indirect competition with other local restaurants including Mama’s Boy, Heirloom, and The Grit • Lack of brand awareness in college student population • Downtown Athens and Five Points both offer a largervariety of restaurants in the vicinity
  • 6. KEY FACT White Tiger Gourmet serves homestyle, southern dishes made with simple, fresh ingredients. PROBLEM White Tiger lacks cohesive branding across social and digital platforms. They also struggle with brand awareness due to their obscure location and sparse social media presence. This also makes it difficult for them to attract the student population. OBJECTIVES Increase social media presence on Facebook and Instagram. Increase rate of student customers by organizing student nights and discounts. Create cohesive branding through a new logo, redesign of menu and website. TARGET The primary targets are University of Georgia students. White Tiger Gourmet provides food at an affordable price for college students and an arrangement of popular dishes. The secondary target is locals that already enjoy White Tiger Gourmet. We want to broaden our clientele to include college students without losing our current local customers. INSIGHT “As a college student, it is nice to find restaurants that are affordable that also have great food. It is hard to find places in Athens that have both, especially when I have a limited budget.” PROMISE Your next-door neighbor meets gourmet chef. SUPPORT White Tiger has a friendly, involved staff and afunky, locallyinspired atmosphere. Their wide range of barbecue and vegetarian dishes satisfies all kinds of customers. Outdoor seating provides the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors in the fun, home-style environment. TONE AND MANNER Fun, laid-back social media tone to set a relaxed vibe that matches the location’s atmosphere. Consistent brand image and tone across all platforms. MEDIA VEHICLES Print: fliers, newspapers Social Media: Facebook, Instagram Guerrilla: contests, student discounts CREATIVE BRIEF 10 • Background
  • 7. Our challenge was broken down into two distinct categories - a lack of a clear, cohesive brand and lack of brand awareness in the Athens’ student body. There was a disjoint between the physical restaurant, a funky, local bbq and burger joint, and its digital and social presence. White Tiger had a small social following with a need for relevant, interactive content. Our research gave us insight that students at the University of Georgia had either not heard of White Tiger or were not aware of its location, but were interested in eating local with a decent disposable income. By addressing both elements of our challenge, we would be able to create a brand image that matched White Tiger and spread the newly rebranded restaurant all over Athens, Georgia. Executive Summary • 13 CHALLENGE STRATEGY RESULTS To tackle the two-prong challenge, we broke our strategy into two parts as well, addressing both brand cohesiveness andbrandawareness.Wecreatedbrand design guidelines and a brand voice that matched the homey, neighborly feel of the restaurant. We then used those guidelines to redesign White Tiger’s logo, website, and menu so their online presence matched the aesthetic of the restaurant. Oncethe brandwas cohesive in all elements, we turned our attention to brand awareness. We amped up their social media presence by incorporating contests, visually appealing content, and user-generated content on Instagram. We promoted events and posted photo albums on Facebook, garnering thousands of consumer interactions. We designed and implemented branded t-shirts, koozies, and stickers to spread the logo to as many people as we could reach. Through social media, events, print and digital ads, we were able to increase the brand awareness of the student body, as well as the general Athens population. Our social media grew immensely, with an 844% increase in Instagram followers to a grand total of 1228 followers. Facebook also saw an increase of 10% page likes. Where we saw large growth on Facebook was in post interaction – including a Buzzfeed article we created that reached 6,860 users with 143 shares and comments. Overall sales increased everymonththisyearas comparedtothe same month of the previous year, with a huge increase of 38% in sales December 2015 as compared to December 2014. To keep up with consumer demand, White Tiger decided to open up new hours, expanding to include Monday lunch. The restaurant is now open 7 days a week for the first time in its history. FROM HEAD TO TAIL the executive summary
  • 8. KEEPING AN EAR TO THE GROUND Research • 15 Before the start of our campaign, we sent out a survey to UGA students to gather information about college student’s restaurant eating habits. We wanted to better understand this demographic and learn how much they were willing to spend on meals, what type of food they liked, and how they heard about new restaurants. We gathered responses from 58 students. From our research, we found that 38% of respondents said they ate out two times a week. Only 6% of respondents reported that they ate out “a lot”, showing that students are more likely to get food from the dining halls or eat at home. Most people reported that they preferred to eat at places that had a local, laid-back feel. the research findings
  • 9. Although students did not seem to eat out an overwhelming amount, they all reported having a good amount of disposable income, with the majority of students willing to spend $10-$15 on a meal at a restaurant. 63.7% of students said they prefer to eat local. Almost all students reported that they ate out for dinner over other meals. This research helped us understand the general eating habits of college students and allowed us to tailor our events and strategies to this demographic. 16 • Research WILLING TO SPEND MORE THAN $15 WILLING TO SPEND LESS THAN $10 WILLING TO SPEND $10 - $15
  • 10. EYES ON THE PRIZE White Tiger Gourmet was well-known around the Boulevard District, but that was about it. While it was a common dining spot for local townies, White Tiger was missing the opportunity to extend their deliciously rich mac n’ cheese to the vast college student population. We chalked this up to two hindrances: its incongruous brand image across all platforms and its lack of brand recognition on campus, especially due to its obscure location (read: outside downtown Athens). So, our first task was clear: rebrand the store by creating a cohesive social and digital presence that was as visually dynamic as the restaurant itself, while still maintaining the warm neighborhood aesthetic. Task two, spread the word! Our goal was to bring White Tiger to the forefront of consumers’ minds. We wanted to get as many people, namely students, looking at, talking about, and, most importantly, eating at White Tiger Gourmet. Challenge • 19 the challenges to overcome
  • 11. DISTINGUISHING OUR STRIPES When rebranding White Tiger, we were careful in keeping the local, homey feel that emanated from the restaurant, while still building a modern and clean brand. We chose shades of reds, oranges, and browns that embodied that warm vibe that we wanted to project consumers, matching the coziness of the actual restaurant. We contrasted this kitschy vibe with clean san serif fonts to create the perfect juxtaposition of traditional and modern. The otheraspect of ourbrand imagewas the brandvoice.White Tiger already had a unique voice – friendly and neighborly – and we didn’t want to lose that. We took their voice and played with it to add elements of professionalism and wit. Not only did we want to be your next-door-neighbor, we also wanted to be quirky, smart, and sharp. And thus, with new brand guidelines and a voice, our brand image was born. Strategy • 21 the big rebrand
  • 13. 24 • Strategy LOGO Afterthe brand imagewas established,we dove immediately into creating a new logo. While White Tiger’s existing logo had certain elements that matched the look we wanted to accomplish, it did not fully represent the new brand image we had built. After designing and drafting several different options, the clients chose a clean, centric logo with a lasting modern aesthetic, while still maintaining its kitschy vibe. The logo is both simplistic and easily adaptable, two very important aspects to our client. Strategy • 25 ORIGINAL ALTERNATIVES
  • 14. MENU To match the new brand guidelines, new menus were designed and printed. The old menus were cluttered with information, so we pared it down to the basic items, keeping the look of the menu very sleek. Strategy • 2726 • Strategy BURGERS 1/2 lb beef burger with grilled portobella mushrooms, mozzarella cheese, topped with organic field greens & tiger sauce, served on a toasted kaiser roll The Alice Burger • 7.50 1/2 lb beef burger with cheddar, bacon, field greens & mayo, served on a toasted kaiser roll Bacon Cheddar Burger • 7.50
  • 15. 28 • Strategy PHOTOGRAPHY Food is the centerpiece of White Tiger, and it was important for us to highlightthe essence ofthe restaurantto customers. We captured photographs that matched our brand image – modern and clean as well as organic. We shot everything in bright, warm lighting to match the warmth of the restaurant. Strategy • 29
  • 16. WEBSITE From the beginning, we understood that White Tiger needed a strong digital presence – and their website needed to be at the center of that. Their previous website was clunky, outdated, and unfriendly to mobile users. Using the new brand guidelines, we created a sleek, easy-to-navigate website with refreshed, concise content. It was vital that the new site be easily maintainable by the restaurant owners. Because of its user-friendly interface, we chose to create the site on Squarespace. Our new website was functional and responsive to all different screen sizes. Strategy • 3130 • Strategy
  • 17. HEAR US ROAR spreading the good word
  • 18. 34 • Strategy INSTAGRAM We wanted to focus a lot of our social advertising on Instagram because of the visual nature of food. Prior to our campaign, White Tiger had a small following with few likes on content that was mostly irrelevant to the restaurant. The first step was taking professional photos of White Tiger’s food to capture that mouth-watering element that the restaurant had, but its Instagram lacked. We paired this with friendly, humorous captions that matched the brand image and tone, and began racking up likes 5x more than their previous posts. We also ran Instagram contests, where we received a lot of consumer engagement, upwards of 60+ comments on our most successful contest. Additionally, we created the hashtag #tigerstreak, that customers could tag when they posted pictures at White Tiger, creating a hub for all White Tiger customer photos under one hashtag. In exchange, we offered them “secret rewards” for their user- generated content. Strategy • 35 whitetigerathens White Tiger Gourmet 117 likes whitetigerathens Want to win a super soft, limited edition, glow-in-the-dark White Tiger tee? All you have to do is follow us, like this picture, and tag 2 friends to enter!
  • 19. FACEBOOK We considered Facebook as a platform to reach the older demographic because the previous engagements on Facebook were often interactions with townies (ages 25+). We geared our Facebook posts towards this demographic, especially when advertising more expensive events such as the Valentine’s Day Prix Fix Dinner and the Tiger Turkeys for Thanksgiving. Because of the larger audience we could reach with Facebook, we also promoted things that required consumer engagement and clickthrough such as the Flagpole Athens’ Favorites’ contest and a Buzzfeed article we created entitled, “10 Signs You’re Obsessed with White Tiger”. 36 • Strategy Strategy • 37 3 Shares Excited to announce that White Tiger was the runner- up winner of Best BBQ Joint in Flagpole Magazine’s Athens’ Favorites! A HUGE thank you to everyone who voted for us. We love you all! White Tiger Gourmet March 2 231 Likes 8 Comments
  • 20. 38 • Strategy BRANDED SWAG In a small town like Athens, GA, we saw the importance of a logo’s presence in as many places as possible. Like other well-known restaurants in Athens, we wanted to put our logo on everything to spread brand awareness, not only on campus, but in the Athens area. We mocked up a variety of items including stickers, tattoos, stamps, etc. Two of our mockups came to life – the t-shirts and koozies, available for purchase in store today. Strategy • 39 T-SHIRTS KOOZIES STAMPS
  • 21. DIGITAL ADVERTISEMENTS We designed several advertisements for White Tiger’s social accounts and website that promoted their events, menu items, or announcements.These ads ran on Instagram,where theyreached their primary target audience of students, as well as Facebook, where they reached the secondary audience of local townies. 40 • Strategy Strategy • 41 STUDENT SHINDIG AD MENU PROMO AD VALENTINE’S DINNER AD
  • 22. 42 • Strategy EVENTS Toreachouttothestudentpopulationearlyon,weplannedStudent Shindig in early November that featured the Tuten Brothers, a local band, and special deals for the students who came. Despite the poor weather, students still came out in masses, filling out the entire restaurant, with a line out the door. Our second student night event was in late March and had much higher attendance. We booked Classic City Live, and they played for a packed out lawn. The special of the night was a Krispy Kreme donut burger – a mouthwatering bacon cheeseburger between two grilled donuts. We even created a sponsored Snapchat filter for customers to use when they took pictures at the restaurant. Strategy • 43
  • 23. MAKING OUR MARK Impact • 45 Statistically examining progress on social media platforms, we saw a rise in White Tiger’s Instagram followers, a 845% increase in 6 months. Instagram interactions increased 5x, now garnering an average of 50 likes per post. Instagram contest posts received an average of 30 comments with consumers, with our most successful contest getting 63 interactions. SOCIAL the impact and results Facebook also saw in increase in page fans, from 1,773 to 1,950, a 10% increase in 6 months. Additionally, Facebook also saw a much larger organic growth in post interaction, with a single post garnering 230 likes and a reach of 6,860, higher than any content ever put out. INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK 130 1,228 followers Oct 2015 followers Apr 2016 1,773 1,950 likes Oct 2015 likes Apr 2016 845% 10%
  • 24. EVENTS 46 • Impact Every year at Thanksgiving, Ken and Melinda smoke and fry turkeys for people to pick up the day before the holiday. We set up a food photoshoot and photographed an entire Thanksgiving feast. We created an ad promoting these turkeys, which was digitally posted on all social platforms, as well as printed in Flagpole Magazine. Our advertisements were highly successful, more than doubling the turkey sales from the previous year. White Tiger sold out of turkeys, making a total of 67 turkeys before Thanksgiving. EVENTS Student Shindigs were another measurable success of ours. Our first Student Shindig, in early November, was successful, filling the restaurant to capacity and selling out of the student special, despite being held on a rainy day. Our second Student Shindig, in late March, garnered even more success, filling the indoor and outdoor seating areas, with lines out the door. Sales increased 68% as compared to a typical March dinner revenue. Additionally, the Snapchat filter we created for the night had 38 users, generating 3,000+ total views during the next 24 hours. The filter was $5, costing only $00.0015/impression. This Valentine’s Day, White Tiger planned an intimate event featuring a six-course menu. By pushing out ads on Facebook and Instagram, we filled up all 24 spots the week prior to Valentine’s Day. Even more impressively, on the night of the event, the guests were so satisfied with each course that they clapped every time Ken entered the room. TIGER TURKEYS VALENTINE’S PRIX FIX DINNER 30 67turkeys 2014 turkeys 2015 STUDENT SHINDIGS 38 users 3,326 total views .0015¢ cost per impression SNAPCHAT RESULTS Impact • 47 $5 cost of filter
  • 25. WEBSITE SALES & OVERALL IMPACT OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY + 18% + 4% + 38% + 3% + 15% SALES INCREASE AS COMPARED TO PREVIOUS YEAR 48 • Impact Impact • 49 Late March, towards the tail end of our campaign, we sent out a second survey to gauge brand awareness and public opinion of White Tiger. Our survey received 25 responses, with 88% of our respondents now having heard of White Tiger, and 60% reporting that they had eaten at the restaurant. When asked to describe White Tiger, the responses were overwhelmingly positive, including, “yummy, mouth-watering food”, “quaint, cute, eclectic, authentic, local, homey, yummy”, and the ever- so-classic “dank as hell.” 4,397 site visits 10,933 page views 55% mobile visits WEBSITE INTERACTIONS FROM FEB 2016 - MAR 2016 MOBILE VISITS DESKTOP VISITS White Tiger’s redesigned Squarespace site launched in early February and already has 4,000+ site visits and 10,000+ individual page views. The majority of site traffic was driven from Google. Over 60% of users found their way to White Tiger’s website from search engine results. The new website’s advanced search engine optimization allows more people to find the restaurant online. Most importantly, over half of the site visitors came to the site via mobile.The oldWhiteTigerGourmetwebsitewas not mobile friendly, making website view on mobile a very hard task. Our new website is highly adaptable on all devices, especially for mobile, but also tablets. This adaptability helped to include mobile users into viewership. 3,569 unique visitors 63% Google referrals 45% desktop visits Finally, we looked at overall sales, which increased every single month this year when compared to the corresponding month of the previous year. November and January increased between 3-4%. October and February saw significant increases between 15-18%, but our greatest sales spike came in December 2015 with a 38% increase in comparison to December 2014. Due to increasing demand from customers, White Tiger also opened up new hours, expanding to lunch on Monday. In a historic milestone, White Tiger is now open 7 days a week for the first time since its conception.