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Khalid Fagih
World's Most Inuential Construction
Leaders in Middle East, 2023
As we look around, we see that construction is constantly
adapting to keep up with the rest of the world. The modern
construction landscape is vastly different from the one I first
entered nearly ten years ago. Numerous changes have left
their mark, resulting in both positive and negative
outcomes. Nonetheless, there have been notable
developments that have significantly improved the industry.
Environmentally aware construction practices, increased
diversity, and the nurturing of communal ties are major
changes among these transformative shifts. These three
areas are expected to see the most significant innovative
Every day, visionary construction leaders are working to
creating an impact that push the limits of imagination. The
year 2023 has provided a excess of promising future
indicators so the World's Leaders “World's Most Influential
Construction Leaders in Middle East, 2023” has featured
extraordinary leaders who have reached new heights thanks
to their astute leadership, unwavering determination, and
exceptional talent.
The cover has Khalid Fagih from Saudi Arabia, a highly
skilled professional with extensive expertise in the field of
Financial Services. With a rich background spanning
decades, Khalid has amassed valuable experience in
Banking, Risk Management, Investment Banking, Project
Finance, and International Business Development.
Throughout his career, he has successfully executed
numerous projects, leading transformation programs,
engaging in multinational negotiations, and driving skill
development initiatives. Khalid actively participates in the
business community, holding memberships in the Chamber
of Commerce, as well as multiple innovation forums and
sustainability initiatives.
With a strong passion for innovation, disruption, and, above
all, environmental concerns, Khalid considers himself a
staunch advocate for constructing a better, safer future
through intelligent practices that prioritize the needs of
tomorrow. In terms of education, Khalid holds a degree in
Statistics & Computer Science and has received training
from prestigious institutions such as Harvard Business
School, INSEAD, Stanford Business School, and London
Business School. Additionally, during his financial services
career, he has also taken on the role of training young
aspiring bankers many times at the esteemed SAMA
Institute of Banking in Saudi Arabia.
Also, while you flip through the pages, don't forget to read
the articles created by our in-house editorial staff and
industry experts.
Creating a Better Tomorrow
Have a lovely read!
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JULY 2023
Fostering Transformation and Sustainability
Jamal N. Al-Houti
Matt Squires
The Resilience of
Real Estate
Samer Samad
William Haddad
Sameer Daoud
Rizwan Sajan
Kerem Cengiz
The Evolving Role of a
Realtor in a Changing
Real Estate Landscape
and Sustainability
08 | JULY 2023 | 09 | 09
he role of a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) holds immense
Timportance in any organization, as it entails significant
leadership responsibilities. CEOs bear the crucial task of
making strategic decisions, overseeing the overall operations of the
company, and propelling its growth and triumph. While the position
of a CEO offers fulfilling experiences, it also presents a multitude of
challenges and obligations. Khalid Fagih, the CEO of Red Sea
International Company, is one exemplary individual who embodies
these responsibilities.
Khalid Fagih from Saudi Arabia, is a highly skilled professional with
extensive expertise in the field of Financial Services. With a rich
background spanning decades, Khalid has amassed valuable
experience in Banking, Risk Management, Investment Banking,
Project Finance, and International Business Development.
Throughout his career, he has successfully executed numerous
projects, leading transformation programs, engaging in
multinational negotiations, and driving skill development initiatives.
Khalid actively participates in the business community, holding
memberships in the Chamber of Commerce, as well as multiple
innovation forums and sustainability initiatives.
With a strong passion for innovation, disruption, and, above all,
environmental concerns, Khalid considers himself a staunch
advocate for constructing a better, safer future through intelligent
practices that prioritize the needs of tomorrow. In terms of
education, Khalid holds a degree in Statistics & Computer Science
and has received training from prestigious institutions such as
Harvard Business School, INSEAD, Stanford Business School, and
London Business School. Additionally, during his financial services
career, he has also taken on the role of training young aspiring
bankers many times at the esteemed SAMA Institute of Banking in
Saudi Arabia.
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Accepting New Challenges
Transitioning from a lifelong career in
banking to a new industry at RSI has
been the most significant decision in
Khalid's professional life. This switch
entailed navigating a completely
different landscape in terms of nature,
processes, applications, operations,
business development, and market risk.
Undoubtedly, it posed a significant
challenge, one that continues to be an
ongoing journey. However, it is
precisely this challenge that adds to the
intrigue and fuels Khalid's
determination and commitment.
In today's fast-paced business world,
the notion of planning for the "next
five years" has become outdated.
Technologies, market dynamics,
delivery speed, collaborations,
partnerships, and ever-evolving
technological advancements constantly
present new opportunities and shorten
the path to success. Each day brings
forth opportunities for growth,
performance, and achievement. The
choice of how to navigate and seize
these opportunities lies in one's hands.
In a rapidly evolving world
characterized by development, change,
challenges, and opportunities,
businesses and organizations must
embrace continuous learning, evolve
with maturity, and adopt a clear vision
for the future, accompanied by a
practical roadmap. Success in the
future will be achieved by offering
solutions that are comprehensive,
effective, and simple. It is crucial for
businesses to envision and build
processes that are streamlined,
efficient, and environmentally
conscious, utilizing renewable ideas
and elements.
As a Saudi Arabian business entity, this
is an opportune time for growth and
development, with numerous
opportunities presented to existing and
innovative ideas. Khalid recognizes
Saudi Arabia as a nation under
visionary leadership, transforming its
landscape and global position through
the historic blueprint of "Vision 2030."
This ambitious transformation plan
provides an expansive platform for
growth, particularly for those who are
intuitive and adaptive. Therefore, any
strategy adopted must be focused on
readiness to capitalize on the vast
landscape of opportunities offered by
Vision 2030. RSI, as a company, is
positioning itself with determination to
seek out ideas for growth within this
vast canvas. However, this requires a
strong sense of readiness, capability,
and commitment.
Just as individuals evolve and
strengthen over time through learning
and assimilation, companies and
corporations also undergo a similar
process. RSI is no exception to this
reality. Over the past two years, the
company has reimagined its business
nature and repositioned itself to
address the opportunities that are
ahead. RSI has embraced a broader
vision, offering a wider range of
solutions to its international customer
base. It is still a long road ahead but
with the right focus on re-organization
and re-prioritization based on the fast
eveolving market scenario, it will be
imperative to make the right decisions
assessing risks and planning principles.
RSI, a Saudi Arabian company with a
global presence spanning several
decades, has built a reputable brand by
designing, planning, producing,
managing, and operating housing
solutions and facilities management
services across 65 countries. In today's
global business landscape, the ability
to provide multi-faceted solutions is
critical. This outlook expands the
market universe and provides a larger
platform for customer growth. In
addition to the traditional oil and gas
markets, RSI is diversifying its product
portfolio into new sectors such as
health, hospitality, education, and
residential, where there is a growing
demand for its solutions.
RSI is now investing in the real estate
spectrum to support and collaborate
with successful ventures in real estate
investment, a rapidly developing field
of hospitality projects, and various
entities across the commercial sector.
This expanded positioning offers
strong growth potential and
consolidates RSI's capabilities to
provide multiple solutions under its
established brand. Additionally,
diversifying revenue streams through
increased rental and leasing options
will be an area of opportunity and
growth as RSI moves away from a
manufacturing-focused business
model. Facilities management is also a
critically important segment, and RSI
aims to grow its presence and become
a regional and international leader in
this field. The company's innovative
solutions are reflected in its diverse
product portfolio and successful track
record across industry sectors, firmly
establishing its reputation as a
successful player in the field of
imaginative engineering. Most recently
under Khalid's leadership RSI also
announced the acquisition of 51% of
the share capital of The Fundamental
Installation for Electric Work Company
Ltd - better known as 'First Fix' and
valued at Saudi Riyals 1.06 billion.
This acquisition strengthens the
framework of RSI which synergizes
with First Fix as an internal group
entity that will further augment the
speed of project delivery and quality
Conscious Leadership
In Khalid's pursuit of personal growth
and leadership development, he
12 | JULY 2023
Vision for RSI's Global Success
From Khalid's personal standpoint, he envisions RSI as a globally esteemed
corporation, highly regarded for its qualities of Quality, Integrity, Innovation,
Reliability, Imagination, and Service. By embodying these attributes, RSI can attain
an unbeatable position in the market, which is exactly where Khalid aspires the
company to be. To achieve this, Khalid emphasizes the importance of fostering
innovation and imagination within the team to complement RSI's core capabilities.
This approach is essential for expanding RSI's footprint and maintaining its
leadership position within the industry. | 13
identifies with the concept of a
"conscious leader." While many
individuals strive for performance,
success, leadership, and personal
identity, Khalid emphasizes the
significance of building and leading a
team. For him, the happiness and well-
being of the team members hold great
importance. Khalid is particularly
dedicated to the development of youth
throughout the Kingdom, aiming to
inspire them to broaden their horizons
and adopt a global perspective. His
aspiration is to galvanize the youth by
encouraging them to strive for better,
safer practices that focus on
tomorrow's needs.
Khalid perceives leadership as a
multifaceted quality that requires
authenticity, understanding, support,
inspiration, and collaboration. He
recognizes the importance of these
qualities and their impact on
individuals and teams. Khalid believes
that effective leadership should never
be underestimated, as it plays a pivotal
role in creating a positive and
empowering environment for growth
and success.
Commitment to Sustainability and
According to Khalid, RSI's core focus
lies in creating better living
environments by constructing vibrant
and multi-use communities in high-
performing settings. This approach
aims to positively impact people's lives
while also contributing to sustainability
objectives. The RSI team possesses a
wealth of experience accumulated over
40 years, and the company's success
has been built upon its unwavering
commitment to delivering high-quality
products and personalized service.
RSI's global vision revolves around
creating meaningful impact and
scalability for the greater good through
the principles of Giving, Earning, and
What sets RSI apart is its dedication to
integrity, quality products, and service.
Moreover, the company's technology
and practices are designed to support
and facilitate "Net Zero" and "Circular
Economy" initiatives. By adopting
responsible business practices, RSI
aims to make a significant difference in
promoting sustainability and
environmental responsibility.
Navigating the Path to Leadership
Khalid firmly believes that companies
should not simply earn money; they
must also innovate and take risks to
truly claim leadership in their
respective industries. In his view, as
the CEO, he holds the ultimate
decision-making authority and is
responsible for setting the company's
vision. To be an effective CEO, Khalid
understands the importance of leading
by example and guiding the workforce
like the captain of a ship. His aim is to
educate and develop the minds of the
younger generation who will become
the leaders of tomorrow.
When formulating a business outlook,
Khalid considers various factors,
including the mandates and
expectations from the board, investors,
employees, and other stakeholders. He
also takes into account the company's
strengths, purpose, and understanding
of what creates value. Furthermore,
Khalid stays attuned to the
opportunities and trends in the
marketplace while aligning with his
personal aspirations and values. By
reframing the perspective, he
recognizes that his company competes
not just within its industry but also for
talent, capital, and influence on a
broader stage. This mindset shift
allows for a collective sense of
ownership within the team and brings
clarity to the overall intent, with key
performance measures like
organizational health taking on new
Investing in People
Khalid strongly believes that every
decision made by a CEO should
involve an investment. This includes
investing in initiatives, allocating time,
and, most importantly, investing in
According to Khalid, investing in
people is the most valuable use of
financial resources. As a responsible
CEO, he recognizes the importance of
nurturing a management team that is
happy, motivated, determined, and
capable of working cohesively. Khalid
understands that a united team working
towards a shared vision is more likely
to achieve exceptional performance. In
order to achieve this, he emphasizes
the need to evaluate and optimize team
composition, considering factors such
as size, diversity, and capability. This
may involve making difficult decisions,
such as parting ways with
underperforming individuals or
promoting those with high potential,
even if they may be challenging to
work with.
Khalid stresses the significance of
maintaining a balanced approach in
individual relationships, striking a
balance between objectivity and
building trust and loyalty. Additionally,
he emphasizes the need to
continuously assess and improve the
team's operating rhythm, meeting
protocols, interaction quality, and
dynamics to ensure maximum
productivity. When hiring new team
members, Khalid focuses on finding
individuals who fit well within the
existing team and contribute to its
overall success.
Significance of Innovation and
According to Khalid, the construction
industry has undergone significant
changes in the past decade, with two
crucial factors for success being
14 | JULY 2023
"Innovation" and "Sustainability."
Sustainability is a constant
responsibility at both the individual
and corporate levels, while innovation
offers numerous possibilities.
Innovation can be achieved through
strategic positioning and realignment
of existing processes and ideas to cater
to multiple needs simultaneously, such
as platform-based ideas. Additionally,
innovation can also stem from thinking
outside the box and can emerge from
seemingly simple ideas.
The combination of innovation and
sustainability has the potential to
uncover new market opportunities and
even give rise to entirely new
industries. When considering
innovation from a technological
standpoint within the construction
industry, Khalid highlights five main
areas that have emerged and become
imperative for companies to embrace.
Ÿ Construction Software and Full
Integration - One of the elements
that have made construction
software so indispensable has to do
with the fact that it allows for the
real-time exchange of information
between the various project agents.
This means a significant decrease
of budget miscalculations and task
Ÿ Augmented and Virtual Reality -
AR and VR can truly take the
construction processes to the next
level. Thanks to this technology,
construction managers can now
have a detailed overview of the
whole project and plan ahead. The
price of this modern equipment is
currently cost-prohibitive, but the
technology for this type of work is
already in existence today.
Ÿ Next Generation Tools - We have
to keep in mind that emerging
technology takes the form of
software and hardware. There are
always going to be better and more
powerful tools. But the next
generation of tools are different.
These devices and robots come
with their own software, and
eventually machine learning.
Ÿ New Workforce Type -
Construction has a unique
opportunity to attract skillful and
educated young professionals. The
advent of new technologies in
combination with the extensive use
of software has started transforming
construction to a promising career
field. There is a younger generation
that's more comfortable with
technology coming along and when
this generation gets into leadership
roles in the top construction
companies, there will be an
expedited shift towards futuristic
Ÿ Green Construction - The ultimate
goal, in this case, is the
establishment of sustainable
building as the prevailing
construction procedure. Green
construction can have some great
benefits not only for our industry
but for our environment and
everyday lives. It can help in
reducing energy waste, increasing
productivity and establishing higher
living and aesthetic standards. | 15
16 | JULY 2023
The Evolving Role of
a Realtor in a Changing
Real Estate
Real Estate
Real Estate
he real estate industry has
witnessed significant changes
in recent years, fueled by
technological advancements, shifting
market dynamics, and changing
consumer preferences. Amidst this
transformation, the role of a realtor has
also evolved, adapting to meet the
needs and demands of today's buyers
and sellers. This article explores the
changing landscape of the real estate
market and highlights the key aspects
of a realtor's role in the modern era. | 17
Embracing Technology
Technology has become a game-
changer in the real estate industry,
empowering realtors to streamline
their processes, enhance customer
experiences, and reach a wider
audience. Realtors now leverage
advanced tools and pla orms for
property lis ngs, virtual tours, and
online marke ng. This sec on
discusses how realtors are leveraging
technology to stay compe ve and
provide value-added services to their
Naviga ng Market Trends
Market trends and condi ons play a
crucial role in real estate transac ons.
Realtors are expected to possess up-
to-date knowledge of local market
trends, property values, and emerging
opportuni es. The ar cle delves into
how realtors analyze market data,
interpret trends, and guide their
clients to make informed decisions
based on current market condi ons.
Providing Personalized Guidance
Despite the availability of online
resources, many buyers and sellers s ll
rely on realtors for their exper se and
personalized guidance throughout the
real estate process. This sec on
explores the various aspects of a
realtor's role in providing tailored
advice, nego a ng deals, and
facilita ng smooth transac ons. It also
emphasizes the importance of strong
communica on and interpersonal
skills for realtors in building trust with
their clients.
Adap ng to Changing Consumer
Expecta ons
Today's consumers have higher
expecta ons when it comes to the real
estate experience. They seek realtors
who understand their needs,
communicate effec vely, and offer
personalized services. The ar cle
examines how realtors are adap ng to
these changing expecta ons by
providing excep onal customer
service, embracing transparency, and
priori zing client sa sfac on.
Niche Specializa ons
In a compe ve real estate market,
realtors o en specialize in specific
property types, geographical areas, or
customer segments. This sec on
explores the benefits of niche
specializa ons for realtors and how it
allows them to establish themselves as
experts in their chosen fields. It also
highlights the importance of ongoing
educa on and professional
development for realtors to stay
relevant and informed within their
Building a Strong Online Presence
In today's digital age, having a robust
online presence is crucial for realtors
to a ract clients and stay ahead of the
compe on. This sec on discusses the
importance of a well-designed
website, ac ve social media presence,
and posi ve online reviews. It also
explores the use of content marke ng
and digital adver sing strategies that
realtors can employ to enhance their
visibility and reach.
The role of a realtor has transformed
significantly in response to the
changing real estate landscape. By
embracing technology, staying
informed about market trends,
providing personalized guidance,
adap ng to consumer expecta ons,
specializing in niche markets, and
building a strong online presence,
realtors can thrive in the modern real
estate industry. As the market
con nues to evolve, realtors must
con nue to adapt and innovate to
meet the needs of buyers and sellers
in an ever-changing environment.
18 | JULY 2023
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22 | JULY 2023 | 23
Chief Executive Officer
24 | JULY 2023
Matt Squires joined SSH in July 2013 and was
promoted to Managing Director for all SSH areas
in early 2014. Matt's assistance with the Oman
office was vital in SSH being named Consultant of
the Year at the Construction Week Oman Awards in
Matt became SSH's Chief Operating Officer for all
regions the next year, supervising the company's
divisional reporting for the Building, Infrastructure,
and Construction Services divisions. In this
capacity, he oversaw not only the diversification of
income sources throughout SSH's regional and
worldwide markets, but also the growth of the
company's project portfolio across its regions.
Matt was named Chief Executive Officer of SSH in
2017 with the goal of strengthening the company's
reputation as a trusted collaborator to its clients and
key partners while also encouraging new business.
Matt worked with Atkins for 16 years before
joining SSH, eventually becoming the Managing
Director for the Oman office, overseeing master
planning, buildings, infrastructure, and site
operations. Matt was previously the Northern Gulf
Business's Design Solutions Director Designate.
Matt's geographical experience includes the GCC,
Eastern Europe, and the United Kingdom. During
his stint at Atkins Oman, he was named Consultant
of the Year by Construction Week Magazine, as
well as Executive of the Year. Matt's exceptional
leadership and client skills, as well as his ability to
find and nurture young technical and design talent,
were recognized by several accolades.
He has a Bachelor of Civil Engineering degree
from Southampton University in the United
Kingdom and is a chartered member of the UK
Institute of Civil Engineers.
About the Company
SSH has been providing
architectural and engineering
consultation services throughout
the Middle East and North Africa
area since 1961, employing
approximately 800 individuals in
offices in Abu Dhabi, Algeria,
Bahrain, Dubai, Kuwait, London,
Oman, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sub-
Saharan Africa, and North Africa.
The team of worldwide and
regional talent is committed to
providing excellent quality and
value to the company's clients
while building solid, long-term
relationships with them as well as
our industry partners, workers,
and investors. | 25
An entrepreneur recognizes a need in
society and creates a business to fill
it. Mr. Rizwan Sajan, backed by the
principle of perpetual evolution, has
been the driving force behind the
Danube Group’s success. His
capacity to be open to change while
also discovering and energizing the
group has led to the company’s
defining success.
Mr. Rizwan Sajan’s imaginative
approach earned him a spot on
Forbes Middle East’s “Top 100
Indian Leaders in the UAE” list.
Below are the highlights of the
interview conducted between World's
Leaders and Rizwan Sajan:
Describe who you are as a person,
inside and outside of the
I am a simple and humble person. I
started life a bit earlier than others –
at the age of 16, right after the sad
demise of my father, and started to
take care of the family through the
meagre earnings that I could generate
by working side by side with my
classes in college.
In business and management, I am a
very straight forward person. I want
to empower people, take risks, give
responsibilities to people who
deserve them, and hold them
accountable if anything goes wrong.
Transparency and accountability are
very important. I am a transparent
person, and I am accountable for the
A Visionary Entrepreneur and Global Business Thinker
28 | JULY 2023
Founder & Chairman
Danube Group | 29
success or failure of the entire group.
But I can only be successful if my
team works in tandem.
Describe your background and
what did you do before you
started/joined the company?
I come from a humble family
background – in Mumbai. My father
used to work in a private company.
My mother used to be a homemaker.
We are two brothers and a sister. We
were brought up on strict principles
and ethics – imbibed in our character
by our parents in our early childhood.
Life used to be normal in the
Mumbai neighbourhood where we
grew up and had our schooling.
However, things almost came to a
standstill after the sudden death of
my father. I was 16 and not eligible
to work. However, I was offered a
part-time position in the same
company where my father worked by
his colleagues—to support our
family. So, I used to work at the
company in the evening while
continuing my college studies.
A few years later, one of my uncles
offered me a job in his building
materials shop in Kuwait when I
reached the age of 18 and was
eligible to work. So, I went to
Kuwait and joined his business. I
learned the ins and outs of the
building materials trade in my uncle's
shop and soon helped to expand it
through my knowledge and hard
At one point in time, I was entrusted
by my uncle to make business
decisions for him – and run the
business – till the outbreak of the
Iraq-Kuwait war in 1991. We had to
close the company and return to
Tell us about the inception of the
company. How did it all start?
After the setback in Kuwait, I started
thinking of coming back to the Gulf
to start my career. That’s what I did. I
came to Dubai – the land of
Since I knew the business of building
materials, I joined a company as their
sales person. I used to procure orders
for the company and ensure supplies.
However, the company did not have
30 | JULY 2023
all the products, so I had to source
them from other suppliers for the
client, as I didn’t want to say “No” to
the clients.
This way, I had built a strong rapport
with clients and suppliers, who started
to trust me. In 1993, I started Danube
Building Materials as a small supplier
of building materials. Due to my
efficiency and contacts, we started to
get orders in bulk and continued to
supply in large quantities.
As business grew, I hired people to
support me. We took the warehouse,
increased the showroom space, and
then started to import materials in bulk.
This is how it all started from a two-
person company to what it is currently
a large business with a diversified
So, my decision to start a business in
building materials was due to my
experience in Kuwait in this field.
Which are the major services of the
company and how do they the
company to get ahead in the
competition? What value-added
services does the company provide?
As mentioned, we started as a building
materials trading business and later
introduced joinery services. Then we
launched our retail operations under
Danube Home — which is the home
improvement arm of our business.
In 2014, we started our real estate
development arm – Danube Properties
– which has been a major success. We
have so far launched 16 projects and
delivered 11 of them to more than
3,000 happy families.
In 2021, we launched our Hospitality
Solutions Division—for the hotels and
catering sector, which is picking up.
So, we are predominantly into trading,
export, import, wholesale, retail, and
services sectors.
What are the most important aspects
of a company's culture? What
principles do you believe in and how
do you build this culture?
The strength of the business lies in our
core values: integrity, quality services,
transparency, accountability, strong
ethics and sound business practice. You
need to be honest and sincere in your
dealings. If there is a problem with a
product or service, then it is important
to communicate with the customer so
that they are aware of the problem.
What is the significance of
innovative ideas in the company?
The survival of a business will depend
on technology adoption, innovation,
and creativity. A business could
collapse if it fails to change with the
times and if it lacks innovation.
Business is carried out by humans. It is
skill-based. So, you need to develop
human capital across the organisation
and inculcate a strong culture of
productivity, accountability and
transparency. Continuous training,
mentoring, and development of human
resources are critical.
You need to introduce technology and
ensure that the team members keep
abreast of the latest technology.
Give us your opinion on; do
organisations rely heavily on
individual heroics or team
Business is about teamwork. However,
within team work, you need
heroes—role models for others to
inspire and improve.
What are your responsibilities as the
Founder/CEO of the company?
What is the happiest part of your
daily routine?
As a businessman, I take strategic
development decisions, and the team
runs the business. I assist the team in
running the business in accordance
with my strategic thinking, which is
aligned with the government's vision.
What advice would you give
someone going into a leadership
position for the first time?
Do your homework before venturing
into anything. You need to find a gap in
society and then develop a business
around it. Whatever you do, put your
heart and soul into it.
Business is not about money alone.
Working for a cause The money will
come. Develop a business to fix a
problem and money will pour in. Learn
how to monetise your skills.
Don’t be afraid to fail. Don't lose heart
every time you fail. But try to analyse
why you failed, so that you can rectify
the mistakes. Failure is the pillar of
Be honest, humble and remain
grounded. Result will come. Think
global, act local. | 31
The Resilience of
Real Estate
Real estate has long been considered a solid investment and an
essential component of wealth creation. However, the industry is not
immune to challenges and market fluctuations. This article explores
the resilience of the real estate market, how it has weathered past
crises, and the opportunities it presents for investors and
homeowners alike.
32 | JULY 2023 | 33
Historical Resilience
The real estate market has demonstrated resilience
throughout history, rebounding from economic downturns,
recessions, and even major crises. This section highlights
notable examples, such as the recovery from the 2008
financial crisis, to emphasize the industry's ability to
withstand challenges and regain momentum.
Adapting to Market Shifts
Real estate is a dynamic sector that adapts to changing
market conditions. This section examines how the industry
has responded to evolving trends, such as the rise of remote
work and the increasing demand for sustainable properties.
It also explores the emergence of new property types, like
co-living spaces and mixed-use developments, that cater to
changing lifestyles and preferences.
Investment Opportunities
Real estate continues to offer a range of investment
opportunities. This section discusses the potential for long-
term appreciation, rental income, and diversification within
a well-structured investment portfolio. It explores different
avenues, including residential, commercial, and real estate
investment trusts (REITs), and provides insights on factors
to consider when evaluating investment options.
Homeownership Advantages
For individuals and families, homeownership remains a
cornerstone of stability and financial security. This section
explores the benefits of owning a home, including building
equity, potential tax advantages, and the sense of
community and pride associated with homeownership. It
also provides tips on navigating the homebuying process
and understanding the local market.
Real Estate Market Challenges
While real estate offers numerous opportunities, it is
essential to acknowledge and address the challenges that
can arise. This section discusses factors such as fluctuating
interest rates, regulatory changes, and market
oversaturation, highlighting the importance of due
diligence, risk management, and strategic decision-making.
Technology and Innovation
Technological advancements have revolutionized the real
estate industry, enhancing efficiency, transparency, and
customer experiences. This section explores how proptech
(property technology) innovations, such as online listing
platforms, virtual tours, and blockchain-based transactions,
are reshaping the way properties are bought, sold, and
Global and Regional Trends
Real estate markets vary across regions, and it is crucial to
understand local dynamics. This section provides insights
into global and regional trends, such as urbanization,
demographic shifts, and the impact of economic factors,
enabling investors and homeowners to make informed
decisions based on specific market conditions.
What's Ahead!
Despite the challenges it may face, real estate remains a
resilient and rewarding industry. By understanding
historical trends, adapting to market shifts, recognizing
investment opportunities, and leveraging technological
advancements, individuals and investors can navigate the
real estate landscape successfully. Whether as a long-term
investment or a place to call home, real estate continues to
hold substantial value and potential for growth.
34 | JULY 2023
Kerem Managing Director
36 | JULY 2023
LWK + PARTNERS' Managing
Director - MENA is Kerem Cengiz. He
has over 25 years of international
expertise in all elements of design and
real estate development, with a strong
design-led background and technical
and commercial ability.
Through thought, creativity, strong
leadership, and effective management,
Kerem aspires to produce
developments that contribute to
combining high urban design quality
with certain financial success. He has
spoken at and participated in a number
of international conferences, including
MIPIM, Cityscapes, and The Big5
Dubai. Kerem has also given
presentations at universities and
institutes, as well as overseen the
development of national architectural
guidelines and regulatory publications.
Kerem's exceptional work and
leadership has helped obtain numerous
large and high-profile projects in the
UAE, GCC, and broader MENA
Region, as well as overseas, where he
frequently competes with globally
recognized international design
companies. To mention a few, his
mindset has won him and the team he
oversees the "Mohammed Bin Rashid
Al Maktoum Business Award for
Innovation" in 2017, as well as "The
Queen's Award for Enterprise:
International Trade" in 2009.
LWK + PARTNERS is a Hong Kong-based architectural and
design firm. Its 850+ creative brains cooperate across a
global network of 11 locations to offer world-class built-
environment solutions. Architecture, planning & urban
design, interiors, landscaping, historical conservation,
building information modeling (BIM), brand experience,
and lighting design are among its many services.
With more than 38 years of experience, the firm has
executed several exceptional projects in a variety of
sectors, including mixed-use, commercial, residential,
education, transit-oriented developments, and leisure and
public amenities developments.
C Cheng Holdings Limited (HKEX stock code: 1486) is the
first listed architectural services company in Hong Kong
and mainland China. Strong synergies and unified
capabilities within the group provide the practice with
unique benefits in spreading top design power over the
world. | 37
38 | JULY 2023 | 39
40 | JULY 2023 | 41
44 | JULY 2023
William, drawing upon the knowledge and training he
acquired during his tenure at CCC, ventured into the
establishment of MACE—a specialized company focused
on the development of oil fields and the maintenance of
cross-country pipelines, flow lines, and pump stations. With
his expertise and experience in operating within the
challenging environment of the Libyan Desert, William
aimed to provide exceptional services in the oil and gas
MACE, under William's leadership, quickly gained
recognition for its expertise and efficiency in handling
complex projects. The company assembled a team of highly
skilled engineers, technicians, and field experts who were
well-versed in the intricacies of oil field development and
pipeline maintenance. Leveraging the latest technologies
and innovative approaches, MACE aimed to deliver cost-
effective solutions while ensuring the highest standards of
safety and environmental sustainability.
Simultaneously, MACE excelled in the maintenance and
management of cross-country pipelines, flow lines, and
pump stations. The company implemented proactive
maintenance strategies, utilizing cutting-edge inspection
techniques and predictive analytics to prevent potential
failures and minimize downtime. MACE's dedicated field
teams worked tirelessly to ensure uninterrupted flow of oil
and gas, implementing rigorous maintenance schedules and
responding promptly to any issues that arose.
The Company
Mechanical and Civil Engineering Contractors Company Limited (MACE) is based in the
United Arab Emirates with its headquarters for the region located in the city of Abu
MACE established in Libya 1968 and provided a vast range of construction and services
to oil companies in the region encompassing all aspects of oil field development and
maintenance for cross country pipelines, flow line, pump stations and plant turn
MACE gained an excellent reputation for comprehensive maintenance service of
refineries, gas plants, housing and office services to isolated areas over 500 Kms into
the Libyan desert.
Following the successful ventures in Libya, MACE extended its operations into the
Arabian Gulf In 1973 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, MACE's operation duplicated its
Libya operations in the oilfields, serving ARAMCO (Saudi Arabian Oil Company),SCECO
(Now Saudi Electrical Company SEC) and other ministries dealing with the
infrastructure and construction projects on major pipelines for gas, oil and water. | 45
Samer A. Samad
Leading Nesma & Partners with Commitment to Safety,
Excellence, and Environmental Responsibility
amer A. Samad holds the
esteemed position of President
& CEO at Nesma & Partners, a
leading contracting company in the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In this
capacity, he assumes the crucial role of
ensuring the safety and well-being of
the company's employees while
surpassing the expectations of its
stakeholders. Samer diligently
oversees that all projects undertaken
by the company are completed within
the designated timeline while
upholding the highest standards of
By leading and supporting Nesma &
Partners employees, Samer strives to
align the company with its corporate
strategy. Valuing the contributions of
every team member, he creates an
atmosphere where they feel esteemed
and recognized as vital assets to the
Samer also recognizes his
responsibility towards the
environment. He actively endeavors to
integrate environmental, social, and
governance (ESG) considerations into
the company's business strategy. This
commitment entails delivering projects
in a manner that prioritizes safety,
excellence, and efficiency while
adhering to the highest ethical business
For Samer, the happiest part of his
daily routine lies in collaborative
meetings with various members of his
team. These interactions serve as
opportunities to exchange ideas and
devise comprehensive plans to propel
the growth of the business. It is during
these moments of shared vision and
innovation that Samer derives the
greatest satisfaction.
Below are highlights of the interview
conducted between World's Leaders
and Samer A. Samad:
Describe who you are as a person,
inside and outside of the workplace.
I would describe myself as a friendly,
passionate, empathetic, humble, and
transparent person, who loves to
extend support and aid others.
Describe your background and what
did you do before you started/joined
the company.
I graduated with a Bachelor of Science
in Civil Engineering from New York
University Tandon School of
Engineering (formerly Polytechnic
University) Brooklyn. Followed by
earning my Master's degree in Master
of Science in Civil Engineering from
New York University, Tandon School
of Engineering.
46 | JULY 2023 | 47
48 | JULY 2023 | 49
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World’s Most Influential Construction Leaders in Middle East, 2023.pdf

  • 1. Vol. 07 | Issue 07 | JULY 2023 Khalid Khalid Khalid Fagih Fagih Fagih
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  • 4. World's Most Inuential Construction Leaders in Middle East, 2023 As we look around, we see that construction is constantly adapting to keep up with the rest of the world. The modern construction landscape is vastly different from the one I first entered nearly ten years ago. Numerous changes have left their mark, resulting in both positive and negative outcomes. Nonetheless, there have been notable developments that have significantly improved the industry. Environmentally aware construction practices, increased diversity, and the nurturing of communal ties are major changes among these transformative shifts. These three areas are expected to see the most significant innovative changes. Every day, visionary construction leaders are working to creating an impact that push the limits of imagination. The year 2023 has provided a excess of promising future indicators so the World's Leaders “World's Most Influential Construction Leaders in Middle East, 2023” has featured extraordinary leaders who have reached new heights thanks to their astute leadership, unwavering determination, and exceptional talent. The cover has Khalid Fagih from Saudi Arabia, a highly skilled professional with extensive expertise in the field of Financial Services. With a rich background spanning decades, Khalid has amassed valuable experience in Banking, Risk Management, Investment Banking, Project Finance, and International Business Development. Throughout his career, he has successfully executed numerous projects, leading transformation programs, engaging in multinational negotiations, and driving skill development initiatives. Khalid actively participates in the business community, holding memberships in the Chamber of Commerce, as well as multiple innovation forums and sustainability initiatives. With a strong passion for innovation, disruption, and, above all, environmental concerns, Khalid considers himself a staunch advocate for constructing a better, safer future through intelligent practices that prioritize the needs of tomorrow. In terms of education, Khalid holds a degree in Statistics & Computer Science and has received training from prestigious institutions such as Harvard Business School, INSEAD, Stanford Business School, and London Business School. Additionally, during his financial services career, he has also taken on the role of training young aspiring bankers many times at the esteemed SAMA Institute of Banking in Saudi Arabia. Also, while you flip through the pages, don't forget to read the articles created by our in-house editorial staff and industry experts. Creating a Better Tomorrow Have a lovely read!
  • 5. Copyright 2023 WORLD’S LEADERS, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from WORLD’S LEADERS Reprint rights remain solely with WORLD’S LEADERS. 3296 Westerville Rd #250, Columbus, OH 43224, USA Follow us on : Editor-in-Chief Steve Sanchez Managing Editor Jagdish Chincholikar Executive Editor Nicole Williams Assistant Editor Gayatri Bhujbal Art & Design Director Jack Anderson Business Development Manager Kyle Adams Business Development Executive Natalie, Jerrey Associate Designer Kevin Rust Digital Marketing Manager Victor Clarke Sales Manager Megan Morgan, Irfan Shekh Marketing Manager Tom Swann Technical Specialist Barry Jones Circulation Manager Danny Parker CREDIT PAGE JULY 2023
  • 7. Jamal N. Al-Houti Matt Squires The Resilience of Real Estate Samer Samad William Haddad Sameer Daoud Rizwan Sajan Kerem Cengiz The Evolving Role of a Realtor in a Changing Real Estate Landscape 46 44 38 36 32 28 24 20 16
  • 10. he role of a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) holds immense Timportance in any organization, as it entails significant leadership responsibilities. CEOs bear the crucial task of making strategic decisions, overseeing the overall operations of the company, and propelling its growth and triumph. While the position of a CEO offers fulfilling experiences, it also presents a multitude of challenges and obligations. Khalid Fagih, the CEO of Red Sea International Company, is one exemplary individual who embodies these responsibilities. Khalid Fagih from Saudi Arabia, is a highly skilled professional with extensive expertise in the field of Financial Services. With a rich background spanning decades, Khalid has amassed valuable experience in Banking, Risk Management, Investment Banking, Project Finance, and International Business Development. Throughout his career, he has successfully executed numerous projects, leading transformation programs, engaging in multinational negotiations, and driving skill development initiatives. Khalid actively participates in the business community, holding memberships in the Chamber of Commerce, as well as multiple innovation forums and sustainability initiatives. With a strong passion for innovation, disruption, and, above all, environmental concerns, Khalid considers himself a staunch advocate for constructing a better, safer future through intelligent practices that prioritize the needs of tomorrow. In terms of education, Khalid holds a degree in Statistics & Computer Science and has received training from prestigious institutions such as Harvard Business School, INSEAD, Stanford Business School, and London Business School. Additionally, during his financial services career, he has also taken on the role of training young aspiring bankers many times at the esteemed SAMA Institute of Banking in Saudi Arabia. 10 | JULY 2023
  • 12. Accepting New Challenges Transitioning from a lifelong career in banking to a new industry at RSI has been the most significant decision in Khalid's professional life. This switch entailed navigating a completely different landscape in terms of nature, processes, applications, operations, business development, and market risk. Undoubtedly, it posed a significant challenge, one that continues to be an ongoing journey. However, it is precisely this challenge that adds to the intrigue and fuels Khalid's determination and commitment. In today's fast-paced business world, the notion of planning for the "next five years" has become outdated. Technologies, market dynamics, delivery speed, collaborations, partnerships, and ever-evolving technological advancements constantly present new opportunities and shorten the path to success. Each day brings forth opportunities for growth, performance, and achievement. The choice of how to navigate and seize these opportunities lies in one's hands. About RED SEA INTERNATIONAL In a rapidly evolving world characterized by development, change, challenges, and opportunities, businesses and organizations must embrace continuous learning, evolve with maturity, and adopt a clear vision for the future, accompanied by a practical roadmap. Success in the future will be achieved by offering solutions that are comprehensive, effective, and simple. It is crucial for businesses to envision and build processes that are streamlined, efficient, and environmentally conscious, utilizing renewable ideas and elements. As a Saudi Arabian business entity, this is an opportune time for growth and development, with numerous opportunities presented to existing and innovative ideas. Khalid recognizes Saudi Arabia as a nation under visionary leadership, transforming its landscape and global position through the historic blueprint of "Vision 2030." This ambitious transformation plan provides an expansive platform for growth, particularly for those who are intuitive and adaptive. Therefore, any strategy adopted must be focused on readiness to capitalize on the vast landscape of opportunities offered by Vision 2030. RSI, as a company, is positioning itself with determination to seek out ideas for growth within this vast canvas. However, this requires a strong sense of readiness, capability, and commitment. Just as individuals evolve and strengthen over time through learning and assimilation, companies and corporations also undergo a similar process. RSI is no exception to this reality. Over the past two years, the company has reimagined its business nature and repositioned itself to address the opportunities that are ahead. RSI has embraced a broader vision, offering a wider range of solutions to its international customer base. It is still a long road ahead but with the right focus on re-organization and re-prioritization based on the fast eveolving market scenario, it will be imperative to make the right decisions assessing risks and planning principles. RSI, a Saudi Arabian company with a global presence spanning several decades, has built a reputable brand by designing, planning, producing, managing, and operating housing solutions and facilities management services across 65 countries. In today's global business landscape, the ability to provide multi-faceted solutions is critical. This outlook expands the market universe and provides a larger platform for customer growth. In addition to the traditional oil and gas markets, RSI is diversifying its product portfolio into new sectors such as health, hospitality, education, and residential, where there is a growing demand for its solutions. RSI is now investing in the real estate spectrum to support and collaborate with successful ventures in real estate investment, a rapidly developing field of hospitality projects, and various entities across the commercial sector. This expanded positioning offers strong growth potential and consolidates RSI's capabilities to provide multiple solutions under its established brand. Additionally, diversifying revenue streams through increased rental and leasing options will be an area of opportunity and growth as RSI moves away from a manufacturing-focused business model. Facilities management is also a critically important segment, and RSI aims to grow its presence and become a regional and international leader in this field. The company's innovative solutions are reflected in its diverse product portfolio and successful track record across industry sectors, firmly establishing its reputation as a successful player in the field of imaginative engineering. Most recently under Khalid's leadership RSI also announced the acquisition of 51% of the share capital of The Fundamental Installation for Electric Work Company Ltd - better known as 'First Fix' and valued at Saudi Riyals 1.06 billion. This acquisition strengthens the framework of RSI which synergizes with First Fix as an internal group entity that will further augment the speed of project delivery and quality excellence Conscious Leadership In Khalid's pursuit of personal growth and leadership development, he 12 | JULY 2023
  • 13. Vision for RSI's Global Success From Khalid's personal standpoint, he envisions RSI as a globally esteemed corporation, highly regarded for its qualities of Quality, Integrity, Innovation, Reliability, Imagination, and Service. By embodying these attributes, RSI can attain an unbeatable position in the market, which is exactly where Khalid aspires the company to be. To achieve this, Khalid emphasizes the importance of fostering innovation and imagination within the team to complement RSI's core capabilities. This approach is essential for expanding RSI's footprint and maintaining its leadership position within the industry. | 13
  • 14. identifies with the concept of a "conscious leader." While many individuals strive for performance, success, leadership, and personal identity, Khalid emphasizes the significance of building and leading a team. For him, the happiness and well- being of the team members hold great importance. Khalid is particularly dedicated to the development of youth throughout the Kingdom, aiming to inspire them to broaden their horizons and adopt a global perspective. His aspiration is to galvanize the youth by encouraging them to strive for better, safer practices that focus on tomorrow's needs. Khalid perceives leadership as a multifaceted quality that requires authenticity, understanding, support, inspiration, and collaboration. He recognizes the importance of these qualities and their impact on individuals and teams. Khalid believes that effective leadership should never be underestimated, as it plays a pivotal role in creating a positive and empowering environment for growth and success. Commitment to Sustainability and Quality According to Khalid, RSI's core focus lies in creating better living environments by constructing vibrant and multi-use communities in high- performing settings. This approach aims to positively impact people's lives while also contributing to sustainability objectives. The RSI team possesses a wealth of experience accumulated over 40 years, and the company's success has been built upon its unwavering commitment to delivering high-quality products and personalized service. RSI's global vision revolves around creating meaningful impact and scalability for the greater good through the principles of Giving, Earning, and Sustaining. What sets RSI apart is its dedication to integrity, quality products, and service. Moreover, the company's technology and practices are designed to support and facilitate "Net Zero" and "Circular Economy" initiatives. By adopting responsible business practices, RSI aims to make a significant difference in promoting sustainability and environmental responsibility. Navigating the Path to Leadership Khalid firmly believes that companies should not simply earn money; they must also innovate and take risks to truly claim leadership in their respective industries. In his view, as the CEO, he holds the ultimate decision-making authority and is responsible for setting the company's vision. To be an effective CEO, Khalid understands the importance of leading by example and guiding the workforce like the captain of a ship. His aim is to educate and develop the minds of the younger generation who will become the leaders of tomorrow. When formulating a business outlook, Khalid considers various factors, including the mandates and expectations from the board, investors, employees, and other stakeholders. He also takes into account the company's strengths, purpose, and understanding of what creates value. Furthermore, Khalid stays attuned to the opportunities and trends in the marketplace while aligning with his personal aspirations and values. By reframing the perspective, he recognizes that his company competes not just within its industry but also for talent, capital, and influence on a broader stage. This mindset shift allows for a collective sense of ownership within the team and brings clarity to the overall intent, with key performance measures like organizational health taking on new significance. Investing in People Khalid strongly believes that every decision made by a CEO should involve an investment. This includes investing in initiatives, allocating time, and, most importantly, investing in people. According to Khalid, investing in people is the most valuable use of financial resources. As a responsible CEO, he recognizes the importance of nurturing a management team that is happy, motivated, determined, and capable of working cohesively. Khalid understands that a united team working towards a shared vision is more likely to achieve exceptional performance. In order to achieve this, he emphasizes the need to evaluate and optimize team composition, considering factors such as size, diversity, and capability. This may involve making difficult decisions, such as parting ways with underperforming individuals or promoting those with high potential, even if they may be challenging to work with. Khalid stresses the significance of maintaining a balanced approach in individual relationships, striking a balance between objectivity and building trust and loyalty. Additionally, he emphasizes the need to continuously assess and improve the team's operating rhythm, meeting protocols, interaction quality, and dynamics to ensure maximum productivity. When hiring new team members, Khalid focuses on finding individuals who fit well within the existing team and contribute to its overall success. Significance of Innovation and Sustainability According to Khalid, the construction industry has undergone significant changes in the past decade, with two crucial factors for success being 14 | JULY 2023
  • 15. "Innovation" and "Sustainability." Sustainability is a constant responsibility at both the individual and corporate levels, while innovation offers numerous possibilities. Innovation can be achieved through strategic positioning and realignment of existing processes and ideas to cater to multiple needs simultaneously, such as platform-based ideas. Additionally, innovation can also stem from thinking outside the box and can emerge from seemingly simple ideas. The combination of innovation and sustainability has the potential to uncover new market opportunities and even give rise to entirely new industries. When considering innovation from a technological standpoint within the construction industry, Khalid highlights five main areas that have emerged and become imperative for companies to embrace. Ÿ Construction Software and Full Integration - One of the elements that have made construction software so indispensable has to do with the fact that it allows for the real-time exchange of information between the various project agents. This means a significant decrease of budget miscalculations and task delays. Ÿ Augmented and Virtual Reality - AR and VR can truly take the construction processes to the next level. Thanks to this technology, construction managers can now have a detailed overview of the whole project and plan ahead. The price of this modern equipment is currently cost-prohibitive, but the technology for this type of work is already in existence today. Ÿ Next Generation Tools - We have to keep in mind that emerging technology takes the form of software and hardware. There are always going to be better and more powerful tools. But the next generation of tools are different. These devices and robots come with their own software, and eventually machine learning. Ÿ New Workforce Type - Construction has a unique opportunity to attract skillful and educated young professionals. The advent of new technologies in combination with the extensive use of software has started transforming construction to a promising career field. There is a younger generation that's more comfortable with technology coming along and when this generation gets into leadership roles in the top construction companies, there will be an expedited shift towards futuristic solutions. Ÿ Green Construction - The ultimate goal, in this case, is the establishment of sustainable building as the prevailing construction procedure. Green construction can have some great benefits not only for our industry but for our environment and everyday lives. It can help in reducing energy waste, increasing productivity and establishing higher living and aesthetic standards. | 15
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  • 17. The Evolving Role of a Realtor in a Changing Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Landscape Landscape Landscape T he real estate industry has witnessed significant changes in recent years, fueled by technological advancements, shifting market dynamics, and changing consumer preferences. Amidst this transformation, the role of a realtor has also evolved, adapting to meet the needs and demands of today's buyers and sellers. This article explores the changing landscape of the real estate market and highlights the key aspects of a realtor's role in the modern era. | 17
  • 18. Embracing Technology Technology has become a game- changer in the real estate industry, empowering realtors to streamline their processes, enhance customer experiences, and reach a wider audience. Realtors now leverage advanced tools and pla orms for property lis ngs, virtual tours, and online marke ng. This sec on discusses how realtors are leveraging technology to stay compe ve and provide value-added services to their clients. Naviga ng Market Trends Market trends and condi ons play a crucial role in real estate transac ons. Realtors are expected to possess up- to-date knowledge of local market trends, property values, and emerging opportuni es. The ar cle delves into how realtors analyze market data, interpret trends, and guide their clients to make informed decisions based on current market condi ons. Providing Personalized Guidance Despite the availability of online resources, many buyers and sellers s ll rely on realtors for their exper se and personalized guidance throughout the real estate process. This sec on explores the various aspects of a realtor's role in providing tailored advice, nego a ng deals, and facilita ng smooth transac ons. It also emphasizes the importance of strong communica on and interpersonal skills for realtors in building trust with their clients. Adap ng to Changing Consumer Expecta ons Today's consumers have higher expecta ons when it comes to the real estate experience. They seek realtors who understand their needs, communicate effec vely, and offer personalized services. The ar cle examines how realtors are adap ng to these changing expecta ons by providing excep onal customer service, embracing transparency, and priori zing client sa sfac on. Niche Specializa ons In a compe ve real estate market, realtors o en specialize in specific property types, geographical areas, or customer segments. This sec on explores the benefits of niche specializa ons for realtors and how it allows them to establish themselves as experts in their chosen fields. It also highlights the importance of ongoing educa on and professional development for realtors to stay relevant and informed within their niche. Building a Strong Online Presence In today's digital age, having a robust online presence is crucial for realtors to a ract clients and stay ahead of the compe on. This sec on discusses the importance of a well-designed website, ac ve social media presence, and posi ve online reviews. It also explores the use of content marke ng and digital adver sing strategies that realtors can employ to enhance their visibility and reach. The role of a realtor has transformed significantly in response to the changing real estate landscape. By embracing technology, staying informed about market trends, providing personalized guidance, adap ng to consumer expecta ons, specializing in niche markets, and building a strong online presence, realtors can thrive in the modern real estate industry. As the market con nues to evolve, realtors must con nue to adapt and innovate to meet the needs of buyers and sellers in an ever-changing environment. 18 | JULY 2023
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  • 25. Matt Squires joined SSH in July 2013 and was promoted to Managing Director for all SSH areas in early 2014. Matt's assistance with the Oman office was vital in SSH being named Consultant of the Year at the Construction Week Oman Awards in 2015. Matt became SSH's Chief Operating Officer for all regions the next year, supervising the company's divisional reporting for the Building, Infrastructure, and Construction Services divisions. In this capacity, he oversaw not only the diversification of income sources throughout SSH's regional and worldwide markets, but also the growth of the company's project portfolio across its regions. Matt was named Chief Executive Officer of SSH in 2017 with the goal of strengthening the company's reputation as a trusted collaborator to its clients and key partners while also encouraging new business. Matt worked with Atkins for 16 years before joining SSH, eventually becoming the Managing Director for the Oman office, overseeing master planning, buildings, infrastructure, and site operations. Matt was previously the Northern Gulf Business's Design Solutions Director Designate. Matt's geographical experience includes the GCC, Eastern Europe, and the United Kingdom. During his stint at Atkins Oman, he was named Consultant of the Year by Construction Week Magazine, as well as Executive of the Year. Matt's exceptional leadership and client skills, as well as his ability to find and nurture young technical and design talent, were recognized by several accolades. He has a Bachelor of Civil Engineering degree from Southampton University in the United Kingdom and is a chartered member of the UK Institute of Civil Engineers. About the Company SSH has been providing architectural and engineering consultation services throughout the Middle East and North Africa area since 1961, employing approximately 800 individuals in offices in Abu Dhabi, Algeria, Bahrain, Dubai, Kuwait, London, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sub- Saharan Africa, and North Africa. The team of worldwide and regional talent is committed to providing excellent quality and value to the company's clients while building solid, long-term relationships with them as well as our industry partners, workers, and investors. | 25
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  • 28. Rizwan Sajan An entrepreneur recognizes a need in society and creates a business to fill it. Mr. Rizwan Sajan, backed by the principle of perpetual evolution, has been the driving force behind the Danube Group’s success. His capacity to be open to change while also discovering and energizing the group has led to the company’s defining success. Mr. Rizwan Sajan’s imaginative approach earned him a spot on Forbes Middle East’s “Top 100 Indian Leaders in the UAE” list. Below are the highlights of the interview conducted between World's Leaders and Rizwan Sajan: Describe who you are as a person, inside and outside of the workplace. A I am a simple and humble person. I started life a bit earlier than others – at the age of 16, right after the sad demise of my father, and started to take care of the family through the meagre earnings that I could generate by working side by side with my classes in college. In business and management, I am a very straight forward person. I want to empower people, take risks, give responsibilities to people who deserve them, and hold them accountable if anything goes wrong. Transparency and accountability are very important. I am a transparent person, and I am accountable for the A Visionary Entrepreneur and Global Business Thinker 28 | JULY 2023
  • 29. Founder & Chairman Danube Group | 29
  • 30. success or failure of the entire group. But I can only be successful if my team works in tandem. Describe your background and what did you do before you started/joined the company? I come from a humble family background – in Mumbai. My father used to work in a private company. My mother used to be a homemaker. We are two brothers and a sister. We were brought up on strict principles and ethics – imbibed in our character by our parents in our early childhood. Life used to be normal in the Mumbai neighbourhood where we grew up and had our schooling. However, things almost came to a standstill after the sudden death of my father. I was 16 and not eligible to work. However, I was offered a part-time position in the same company where my father worked by his colleagues—to support our family. So, I used to work at the company in the evening while continuing my college studies. A few years later, one of my uncles offered me a job in his building materials shop in Kuwait when I reached the age of 18 and was eligible to work. So, I went to Kuwait and joined his business. I learned the ins and outs of the building materials trade in my uncle's shop and soon helped to expand it through my knowledge and hard work. At one point in time, I was entrusted by my uncle to make business decisions for him – and run the business – till the outbreak of the Iraq-Kuwait war in 1991. We had to close the company and return to India. Tell us about the inception of the company. How did it all start? After the setback in Kuwait, I started thinking of coming back to the Gulf to start my career. That’s what I did. I came to Dubai – the land of opportunity. Since I knew the business of building materials, I joined a company as their sales person. I used to procure orders for the company and ensure supplies. However, the company did not have 30 | JULY 2023
  • 31. all the products, so I had to source them from other suppliers for the client, as I didn’t want to say “No” to the clients. This way, I had built a strong rapport with clients and suppliers, who started to trust me. In 1993, I started Danube Building Materials as a small supplier of building materials. Due to my efficiency and contacts, we started to get orders in bulk and continued to supply in large quantities. As business grew, I hired people to support me. We took the warehouse, increased the showroom space, and then started to import materials in bulk. This is how it all started from a two- person company to what it is currently a large business with a diversified portfolio. So, my decision to start a business in building materials was due to my experience in Kuwait in this field. Which are the major services of the company and how do they the company to get ahead in the competition? What value-added services does the company provide? As mentioned, we started as a building materials trading business and later introduced joinery services. Then we launched our retail operations under Danube Home — which is the home improvement arm of our business. In 2014, we started our real estate development arm – Danube Properties – which has been a major success. We have so far launched 16 projects and delivered 11 of them to more than 3,000 happy families. In 2021, we launched our Hospitality Solutions Division—for the hotels and catering sector, which is picking up. So, we are predominantly into trading, export, import, wholesale, retail, and services sectors. What are the most important aspects of a company's culture? What principles do you believe in and how do you build this culture? The strength of the business lies in our core values: integrity, quality services, transparency, accountability, strong ethics and sound business practice. You need to be honest and sincere in your dealings. If there is a problem with a product or service, then it is important to communicate with the customer so that they are aware of the problem. What is the significance of innovative ideas in the company? The survival of a business will depend on technology adoption, innovation, and creativity. A business could collapse if it fails to change with the times and if it lacks innovation. Business is carried out by humans. It is skill-based. So, you need to develop human capital across the organisation and inculcate a strong culture of productivity, accountability and transparency. Continuous training, mentoring, and development of human resources are critical. You need to introduce technology and ensure that the team members keep abreast of the latest technology. Give us your opinion on; do organisations rely heavily on individual heroics or team processes? Business is about teamwork. However, within team work, you need heroes—role models for others to inspire and improve. What are your responsibilities as the Founder/CEO of the company? What is the happiest part of your daily routine? As a businessman, I take strategic development decisions, and the team runs the business. I assist the team in running the business in accordance with my strategic thinking, which is aligned with the government's vision. What advice would you give someone going into a leadership position for the first time? Do your homework before venturing into anything. You need to find a gap in society and then develop a business around it. Whatever you do, put your heart and soul into it. Business is not about money alone. Working for a cause The money will come. Develop a business to fix a problem and money will pour in. Learn how to monetise your skills. Don’t be afraid to fail. Don't lose heart every time you fail. But try to analyse why you failed, so that you can rectify the mistakes. Failure is the pillar of success. Be honest, humble and remain grounded. Result will come. Think global, act local. | 31
  • 32. The Resilience of Real Estate Real estate has long been considered a solid investment and an essential component of wealth creation. However, the industry is not immune to challenges and market fluctuations. This article explores the resilience of the real estate market, how it has weathered past crises, and the opportunities it presents for investors and homeowners alike. 32 | JULY 2023
  • 34. Historical Resilience The real estate market has demonstrated resilience throughout history, rebounding from economic downturns, recessions, and even major crises. This section highlights notable examples, such as the recovery from the 2008 financial crisis, to emphasize the industry's ability to withstand challenges and regain momentum. Adapting to Market Shifts Real estate is a dynamic sector that adapts to changing market conditions. This section examines how the industry has responded to evolving trends, such as the rise of remote work and the increasing demand for sustainable properties. It also explores the emergence of new property types, like co-living spaces and mixed-use developments, that cater to changing lifestyles and preferences. Investment Opportunities Real estate continues to offer a range of investment opportunities. This section discusses the potential for long- term appreciation, rental income, and diversification within a well-structured investment portfolio. It explores different avenues, including residential, commercial, and real estate investment trusts (REITs), and provides insights on factors to consider when evaluating investment options. Homeownership Advantages For individuals and families, homeownership remains a cornerstone of stability and financial security. This section explores the benefits of owning a home, including building equity, potential tax advantages, and the sense of community and pride associated with homeownership. It also provides tips on navigating the homebuying process and understanding the local market. Real Estate Market Challenges While real estate offers numerous opportunities, it is essential to acknowledge and address the challenges that can arise. This section discusses factors such as fluctuating interest rates, regulatory changes, and market oversaturation, highlighting the importance of due diligence, risk management, and strategic decision-making. Technology and Innovation Technological advancements have revolutionized the real estate industry, enhancing efficiency, transparency, and customer experiences. This section explores how proptech (property technology) innovations, such as online listing platforms, virtual tours, and blockchain-based transactions, are reshaping the way properties are bought, sold, and managed. Global and Regional Trends Real estate markets vary across regions, and it is crucial to understand local dynamics. This section provides insights into global and regional trends, such as urbanization, demographic shifts, and the impact of economic factors, enabling investors and homeowners to make informed decisions based on specific market conditions. What's Ahead! Despite the challenges it may face, real estate remains a resilient and rewarding industry. By understanding historical trends, adapting to market shifts, recognizing investment opportunities, and leveraging technological advancements, individuals and investors can navigate the real estate landscape successfully. Whether as a long-term investment or a place to call home, real estate continues to hold substantial value and potential for growth. 34 | JULY 2023
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  • 36. Kerem Managing Director LWK + PARTNERS Cengiz 36 | JULY 2023
  • 37. LWK + PARTNERS' Managing Director - MENA is Kerem Cengiz. He has over 25 years of international expertise in all elements of design and real estate development, with a strong design-led background and technical and commercial ability. Through thought, creativity, strong leadership, and effective management, Kerem aspires to produce developments that contribute to combining high urban design quality with certain financial success. He has spoken at and participated in a number of international conferences, including MIPIM, Cityscapes, and The Big5 Dubai. Kerem has also given presentations at universities and institutes, as well as overseen the development of national architectural guidelines and regulatory publications. Kerem's exceptional work and leadership has helped obtain numerous large and high-profile projects in the UAE, GCC, and broader MENA Region, as well as overseas, where he frequently competes with globally recognized international design companies. To mention a few, his mindset has won him and the team he oversees the "Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Business Award for Innovation" in 2017, as well as "The Queen's Award for Enterprise: International Trade" in 2009. L About LWK + PARTNERS LWK + PARTNERS is a Hong Kong-based architectural and design firm. Its 850+ creative brains cooperate across a global network of 11 locations to offer world-class built- environment solutions. Architecture, planning & urban design, interiors, landscaping, historical conservation, building information modeling (BIM), brand experience, and lighting design are among its many services. With more than 38 years of experience, the firm has executed several exceptional projects in a variety of sectors, including mixed-use, commercial, residential, education, transit-oriented developments, and leisure and public amenities developments. C Cheng Holdings Limited (HKEX stock code: 1486) is the first listed architectural services company in Hong Kong and mainland China. Strong synergies and unified capabilities within the group provide the practice with unique benefits in spreading top design power over the world. | 37
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  • 45. William, drawing upon the knowledge and training he acquired during his tenure at CCC, ventured into the establishment of MACE—a specialized company focused on the development of oil fields and the maintenance of cross-country pipelines, flow lines, and pump stations. With his expertise and experience in operating within the challenging environment of the Libyan Desert, William aimed to provide exceptional services in the oil and gas industry. MACE, under William's leadership, quickly gained recognition for its expertise and efficiency in handling complex projects. The company assembled a team of highly skilled engineers, technicians, and field experts who were well-versed in the intricacies of oil field development and pipeline maintenance. Leveraging the latest technologies and innovative approaches, MACE aimed to deliver cost- effective solutions while ensuring the highest standards of safety and environmental sustainability. Simultaneously, MACE excelled in the maintenance and management of cross-country pipelines, flow lines, and pump stations. The company implemented proactive maintenance strategies, utilizing cutting-edge inspection techniques and predictive analytics to prevent potential failures and minimize downtime. MACE's dedicated field teams worked tirelessly to ensure uninterrupted flow of oil and gas, implementing rigorous maintenance schedules and responding promptly to any issues that arose. The Company Mechanical and Civil Engineering Contractors Company Limited (MACE) is based in the United Arab Emirates with its headquarters for the region located in the city of Abu Dhabi. MACE established in Libya 1968 and provided a vast range of construction and services to oil companies in the region encompassing all aspects of oil field development and maintenance for cross country pipelines, flow line, pump stations and plant turn around. MACE gained an excellent reputation for comprehensive maintenance service of refineries, gas plants, housing and office services to isolated areas over 500 Kms into the Libyan desert. Following the successful ventures in Libya, MACE extended its operations into the Arabian Gulf In 1973 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, MACE's operation duplicated its Libya operations in the oilfields, serving ARAMCO (Saudi Arabian Oil Company),SCECO (Now Saudi Electrical Company SEC) and other ministries dealing with the infrastructure and construction projects on major pipelines for gas, oil and water. | 45
  • 46. Samer A. Samad Leading Nesma & Partners with Commitment to Safety, Excellence, and Environmental Responsibility S amer A. Samad holds the esteemed position of President & CEO at Nesma & Partners, a leading contracting company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In this capacity, he assumes the crucial role of ensuring the safety and well-being of the company's employees while surpassing the expectations of its stakeholders. Samer diligently oversees that all projects undertaken by the company are completed within the designated timeline while upholding the highest standards of quality. By leading and supporting Nesma & Partners employees, Samer strives to align the company with its corporate strategy. Valuing the contributions of every team member, he creates an atmosphere where they feel esteemed and recognized as vital assets to the organization. Samer also recognizes his responsibility towards the environment. He actively endeavors to integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into the company's business strategy. This commitment entails delivering projects in a manner that prioritizes safety, excellence, and efficiency while adhering to the highest ethical business practices. For Samer, the happiest part of his daily routine lies in collaborative meetings with various members of his team. These interactions serve as opportunities to exchange ideas and devise comprehensive plans to propel the growth of the business. It is during these moments of shared vision and innovation that Samer derives the greatest satisfaction. Below are highlights of the interview conducted between World's Leaders and Samer A. Samad: Describe who you are as a person, inside and outside of the workplace. I would describe myself as a friendly, passionate, empathetic, humble, and transparent person, who loves to extend support and aid others. Describe your background and what did you do before you started/joined the company. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from New York University Tandon School of Engineering (formerly Polytechnic University) Brooklyn. Followed by earning my Master's degree in Master of Science in Civil Engineering from New York University, Tandon School of Engineering. 46 | JULY 2023
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