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                                              Chris Walker

              Personal Mastery at Work
          AN OPEN MIND                                   CHRIS WALKER
                                   and explore with us
                                   the wonder of
          It’s a time to learn                 
                                   personal mastery,
          and grow. If you come    skills and
          to the river with a                  
                                   techniques to
          full cup there is no     improve the quality
          way to catch some                              61 2 93283198
                                   of your life and
          water. So, we suggest    work.
          you empty your mind      Chris Walker


              Spiritual Straight

We are nature. We are part of nature. We are the environment we create. The environment within and the
environment without are one-in-the-same.

Life’s pretty simple really.                                                       Once we didn’t have to learn all this. It was automatic: we worked
                                                                              the soil with our hands, so we understood life, really understood life.
                                                                                   But now, with our digital worlds, our isolated offices, television and
     Good life, good work and good health it’s all very natural. We can
                                                                              over filled minds we struggle to differentiate between virtual reality and
make it complicated, we can make it less than intended, but if our real
                                                                              reality and we pay a high price for it.
mission is to have a good life and make sure others do too, then it’s not
                                                                                   My aim is to bring this simple understanding of life to the whole
so complex.
                                                                              world. I’ve seen how it changes people, families, companies and whole
     By simplifying things we cut to the chase. We solve issues, deal
                                                                              communities. However, it’s really up to you.
with troubles and stay on track. And the great thing is, you do it fast.
                                                                                   If you are ready, and have the commitment to help bring a new
     Why wouldn’t you want to get happier, better faster? Why not take
                                                                              reconnection to the nature of life, to help reverse the dependencies on
the fast train? That’s what you get from the Laws of Nature.
                                                                              drugs and medicines to cure the ailments that are nothing more than
     In this program you’ll discover how to reverse our growing
                                                                              disharmony with nature, we can really make change.
disconnection to nature which is creating increased social, relationship
                                                                                   You can begin to make this change starting your work-life by finding
and personal disharmony. You can learn what this new understanding of
                                                                              balance, harmony, evolution, vision and connections. The shift is
the Laws of Nature can do to change all that. Fast...
                                                                              immediate, the benefits outstanding. Let’s begin.


Program Agenda

MASTERY                   Day 1. Qi to Life
                               1.      Balance
                                                                                      Day 1
                               2.      Physical
                               3.      Mental

     Body                                                                             Qi2 life
                          Day 2. Innerwealth
                                                                                      2 feet solid on
                               1.      Personal Harmony
                                                                                      the ground
                               2.      Personal Change - Growth

                          Day 3. VIP
                               1.      Law of Attraction
                               2.      Dreams for the Future

                                                                                      Day 2
                          Life’s pretty simple really...
                               Many years ago people were in tune with
                                                                                   a great attitude
                          nature. Nature’s harmony and human happiness
                          were considered as one. They observed that what
                          happened outside of us, was already happening

      Mind                within. But now, with time and technology, we
                          have lost touch with this awareness. As our culture
                          evolves into this current era, we suffer the
                          separation from having worked with the land,
                          understanding natures rhythm and a dependency
                                                                                      Day 3
                          on nature for her sustenance. As we modernise,
                          we have moved away from that harmony.

                               The outer world has risen and taken
                          precedence in our life, we look for solutions
                                                                                      Future Vision
                          instead of awareness. We can all benefit from a
       Spirit             more honest and deeper approach to life. If we
                          can re-connect with the harmony of nature, while
                          remaining a part of the evolution of humanity, we
                          will be able to celebrate both worlds, inner and
                          outer harmony.

                               Everything you’ll ever need to learn about life,
                                                                                  We are nature. We are
A thousand years of       love and business can be learned from nature...
                                                                                  part of nature. We are
learning distilled into                                                           the environment we
three days of personal,                                                           create. The environment
business and spiritual    A thousand years of learning distilled                  within and the
change/growth.            into three days of personal, business                   environment without are
                          and spiritual change/growth.                            one in the same.

    Inner Peace - Stillness

                                                                              THE QI TO LIFE
           balance starts with

                                                                              PHYSICAL BALANCE
         two feet firmly planted
              on the earth”

People are surprised to hear that life force comes from the earth. If we are out of balance, we block it or lose it.
So, we begin with an understanding of personal energy, life force.

      If you come home from work with less               The Qi to life - Finding your real centre.
energy than you had when you went to work,          Your centre is both a physical and a mental
you’ve got a self-management problem (unless        thing. Physically it sits just below the navel,
you are a weight lifter by profession).             belly button. This is the Hara and the power
      Many people are surprised to find that food    source of the human condition. This is where
and drink are only a small percentage of our        your seat is, energetically.
energy source.                                           So, if you are in a meeting or doing help for
      If we block our energy we lose the juice      someone and you lose connection to this
that makes work enjoyable and sustainable.          physical place in your body you become un-
      So, let’s explore the real human power, the   centred and ungrounded.
material earth beneath our feet and how to tap
it, store it, use it and direct it.                      Stand with your feet hip width apart, feet
                                                    facing forward, outer sides of the feet parallel to
      Building Energy                               each other. Unlock the knees and tuck the tail
                                                                                                          Tai Chi
      Storing Energy                                bone in, under the pelvis. This grounds you.
                                                                                                          In Tai Chi you are taught to
      Stopping the loss of Energy
                                                                                                          move and play with energy.
      Directing Energy - Manifestation                   Try a HA Breath..... in the mornings...          Drawing in, pushing aside,
                                                                                                          directing life force.


Life Force - vitality

                                            THE QI TO LIFE                                                    If you come home from work
                                                                                                              with less energy than you
                                                                                                              came to work with,
                                                                                                              something is wrong.
                                                                                                              If you think that food is
                                                                                                              the primary source of life
                                                                                                              force, something needs to
                                                                                                              If you know how to hold,
                                                                                                              build and stop the loss of
                                                                                                              nature’s Qi you are very

                                                                                                               THE QI TO LIFE

Manage your energy - life force - build it, store it, save it and direct it.
     If we translate all the teachings about management and spirituality          By far, the most critical of those three is the stopping the loss of
into one single topic, it would have to be the management of energy, life    energy. If we cannot stop the loss then building the energy levels and
force.                                                                              holding the energy levels are going to be very difficult. So, this is
     If we are able to focus our energy we have a very great                            why we are going to spend significant effort on this topic in
achievement because we will get things done with a                                        the program.
minimum of fuss.                                                                           Building Life force – Natural Vitality
                                                                   The Qi to life
     If we are unable to focus our energy, we will become                                  There are many techniques we can use to build up our life
tired and, as a result potentially cause ourselves illness,                                force. Those techniques are valuable because really, this
emotion, cloudy thinking and more negative consequences.                                 essence of who we are, our energy, goes into everything we
So, in this program we plan to focus on three different issues                         do. If that energy isn’t clean, then we can accidently corrupt
around energy.                                                                    what we do with a good heart.

 YOUR LIFE FORCE - QI ENERGY                          BUILDING QI            STOP LOSS QI              STORAGE QI                   DIRECTING QI

 We are like human batteries,                         Natural                                          Potential                    Living Life
 filled with energy, sometimes                        We can build                                     As vitality                  Directing the
                                                                             We can stop
 short circuit but in a healthy                       enormous                                         starts to                    energy into
                                                                             the leakage of
 person, a total power house.                         energy inside                                    build there’s                those things
                                                                             energy from
                                                      our body.                                        a temptation                 we really want
                                                                             our body and
                                                                                                       to blow it                   to create.
                                                                             transform our
                                                                                                       away.                        Focus.

Breathe Deep                                        Connect

                                   Of all the issues of workplace ill-health, I        Your life force comes from your
                              think I can trace about 90% of them back to         connection to things outside yourself. So,
                              poor breathing practices. We sit badly so our       connecting to nature, your God, the universe,
                              lungs starve, hence, we lower our blood             friends, family, lovers and your bigger self are
                              oxygen content, hence we starve the brain,          the most potent way to build Qi.
                              and bingo, we get sick.                                  Ultimately it doesn’t matter what it is, as
                                   Every now and then take a deep,                long as it’s bigger than you, is outside your
                              beautiful breath. I’ll show you how in this         control, and for you, is the source of your life
                              workshop. Most people don’t know how to             force.
                              breathe. Funny isn’t it! Breathing affects               When we get stressed, worried, or ill we
                              everything, our work, mind, love life, health,      become self absorbed. This is essential
                              mood, longevity and yet, most people don’t          because it draws us down into the survival
                              know how to breathe properly.                       mode of life. So, a person under self imposed
                                   Half a breath, is half a life.                 pressure or externally imposed pressure can
                                                                                  easily become completely self-obsessed. That
  Breathe Deep
                                            Yogi Breath                           means the only source of life giving energy is
                                            Nadi Sodana                           from their small self.
                                            Tension Release
                                            Anti Depressant                            Connecting to the source of your life
                                            Re-Energising Breath                  force means acknowledging that you are a
                                                                                  part of a pool of massive resource and that
                                                                                  this resource is yours for the borrowing. You
                                                                                  can tap it. This is the abundant mind,
                                   Relaxation is not watching TV or standing
                                                                                  expanding out from the tiny confines of the
                              at the bar with a beer (or wine) in your hand
                                                                                  head cavity or the heart cavity and out into the
                              drawing back on a long cigarette. Although
                                                                                  wider definition of Self. One that’s connected
              x               these things are time out they are not
           la                                                                     to all things, a part of something bigger.
        Re                    producing the recovery of vitality or building
                              Qi. I’ll show you how to do that...


When you look at the world
and people around you,
what do you see? Mirrors or               Connecting to
paintings?                                 a self bigger
                                            than you...
The art of connectedness
is really the art of



Posture                                            Physical Loss

                                      Conserving energy begins with your                 Trembling, tapping, stopping,
                                 posture. If you are bent all out of shape, so,     uncontrolled movements, fidgeting, nervous
                                 your idea of balance will be compensatory.         movements, habitual actions (like bum or nose
                                                                                    scratching) are really just ways we use to
                                      Nobel Prize winning work was done by          release stored and vital energy. Hyperactivity
     Posture                     Candice Pert in her book Molecules of              is the result of an overcharged battery without
                                 Emotion. Her work only served to consolidate       a purpose. I’ll show you how to conserve this
                                 what yogi’s and nature masters have known          energy.
                                 for millennia. The body and the mind are one.
                                      Nature’s Anti Depressant                      Nervous loss
                                      Know your mind, check your shoes.
                                                                                         Shocks, constant alert, excessive
                                      Left side - Right side brain function
                                                                                    stimulation, over exertion, excess tension,
                                      Front body - back body
                                                                                    rigidity, defensiveness put the body on red
                                      Neck - The vitality of Youth
                                                                                    alert. I’ll show you a technique for nervous
                                      Do you put your best foot forward?
                                                                                    tension that is healthy. Never give 100%...

                                 Joy - Pain and Suffering
                                                                                    Mental loss
                                      There’ a vast difference between pain
          Fun                                                                            By far the most common cause of lost
                                 and suffering. Pain is something that comes
                                                                                    vitality comes from the mind, mental loss. Low
                                 and goes, you know it will leave eventually.
                                                                                    self-esteem, self-importance, self-indulgence,
                                 Suffering is something that you don’t know
                                                                                    self-improvement, self-criticism. Add to this,
                                 when it will leave. So, it’s both painful and
                                                                                    anxiety, judgement, criticism, anger, pain,
                                 debilitating because it feels like it may last
                                                                                    emotionality, grief, uncertainty and you’ll start
                                 forever. Pain borrows energy. Suffering
                                                                                    to get a picture of why people go home from a
                                 completely erodes it. Pain can be healthy in
                                                                                    job in which they did very little all day, but feel
                                 that it can show us where we need to direct
                                                                                    exhausted from it. I’ll share the skills of mind
                                 our attention for healing and care. Suffering is
                                                                                    mastery so you can, if you choose, prevent
                                 not healthy because we don’t necessarily
                                                                                    this waste.
                                 know where the cause is.


What you don’t appreciate,
you lose... We are given a
                                                 We are a
gift and this is the energy of
                                              human battery,
life. To blow it away seems a
                                              don’t waste the
slap in the face to the
source that gave it to us.



a singular topic. We can’t be a loving person
                             Simple Mudra
                                                                                  at home and an arse at work. There is no

                                  You have no doubt witnessed the hand
                                                                                  exclusivity here. We treat people and conflict
                             movements of healers, priests, saints in
                                                                                  with people and those we are responsible for
                             history and holy people.
                                                                                  with the same attitude at home or at work.
                                  To the majority their movements are
                                                                                         Sometimes the way we treat people is
               Mudra         spontaneous but to the educated eye, they are
                                                                                  expressed or repressed.
                             deliberate science called mudra (and other
                                                                                         The key here is to see that we treat
                             labels.). Mudra are hand, body and internal
                                                                                  others as we treat ourselves. Although we
                             organic positions that are believed to store,
                                                                                  might have short term aberrations of attitude
                             build and distribute energy.
                                                                                  we are generally trapped in this.
                                                                                         So, the greatest self-help program on
                             Simple Bundha                                        earth comes in the form of how we treat
                                                                                  people. That’s attitude.
                                  What do you notice about people when
                                                                                         There are four attitudes that are
                             they lose their spirit for life, get tired, burned
                                                                                  considered to be the finest in the land. They
                             out or depressed? So, we can clearly say, that
                             if we don’t do those things, we’ve got a good
                             chance of not getting burned out, exhausted
                             or depressed. In the science of yoga those
                             things are called the Bundha, and they are
                             designed to store more Qi.

                                                                                         Sleep deprivation causes mood swings,
                                  Few things store more juice than
                                                                                  depression, mistakes, emotional instability,
                             happiness. Two people doing the same job
    Attitude                                                                      tiredness, exhaustion, hunger, and addictions
                             can come out of it totally different based on
                                                                                  - so it’s important to get it right - we sleep
                             their attitude. Anything done with resentment
                                                                                  about 1/3 of our life ....zzzzzzzzzzzzz
                             kills us. Whether it’s in relationship, work,
                                                                                         The keys to great sleep are...
                             cleaning the car, washing the cat, cutting your
                             nails or changing the diaper. But attitude is not

Sleep deprivation causes
mood swings, depression,
mistakes, emotion,
tiredness, hunger, blood
pressure problems,
addictions and grumpiness.



                                                                                 The Other Shore
                                                                                      Every outcome has a balance of good
                                                                                 news and bad. I walked to the water’s edge
                                  A balanced mind is a peaceful mind. A          and dove in. I wanted to find a new world, one
                             scattered brain, chattering and fragmented
 Perspective                                                                     with less pain. I swam and swam for thirty, forty
                             can’t focus and therefore wastes huge               years. I rested on Islands along the way but I
                             amounts of Qi. It begins with an awareness that     never stopped swimming on the journey to the
                             can only be achieved with a helicopter              other shore.
                             perspective. You can’t manage anything you               One day, out of the blue I saw it: that
                             are in.                                             other shore. I swam and swam and finally
                                  There are infinite possibilities to change      exhausted I crawled up on that beautiful
                             the world and for every change that’s sorted        shoreline. I lay there transfixed at the beauty of
                             out, another one evolves. So trying to fix things    it, I couldn’t believe that, after all these years of
                             is like coating the world with leather instead of   exploration and search and fear and struggle,
                             wearing shoes. This perspective requires three      I’d found it.
                             things:                                                  I lay there basking in the Sun. I rolled over
                                                                                 onto my side to touch the sand and it was then
                                  1. Imbalanced Perspectives                     that I noticed something weird.
 Perspective                      2. Nervous Tension                                  My old footprints were there. They lead
                                  3. Righteousness                               into the water.
                                                                                      I soon realised I was back, right where I’d
                                  Another alternative is to come to peace        started thirty - forty years before.
                             with the world, as it is. That’s a massive               But everything felt different. What had
                             change of heart. It requires three things:          changed? The wars were still there. The pain
                                                                                 was still there. The human drama, including my
                                  1. Balanced Perspectives                       own were still there, but it was different.
                                  2. Ability to see order in chaos                    Maybe the only thing that changed in all
                                  3. Humility                                    those years of swimming, was my perspective.
                                                                                 Maybe this was all it needed - a change of
                                  One of these two brings with it a focused,     heart a different perspective.
                             productive, sustainable state: peace of mind.

                                         Peace of mind
                                        comes from your

   Peace cannot exist in a
      righteous mind
You may see things in the
world you would love to
change, this is your
purpose and vision. But
there is a vast difference
between purpose, vision
and being right.



                                                                             There are four states of “life alert” we can
                                                                        place ourselves in.
                                                                             Black - Frozen
                                                                             Red - Fight - flight
                        Now the importance of meditation is well
                                                                             Yellow - Attentive
                   documented. The benefits are well
Perspective                                                                  Green - Na-na land
                   documented. The only question is about the
                                                                        The crazy concept is to live in Red or Black
                   process. Is sitting on your butt, with pain in
                                                                        and sit on a cushion in the morning or night for
                   your knees staring at a statue of some sort,
                                                                        the Green... This burns huge amounts of Qi for
                   sniffing smoky incense and lighting candles
                                                                        very little return.
                   really necessary?
                        What if there’s a short cut through all the
                                                                        Mind Control
                   hullabaloo and reverence for meditation? What
                   if there’s a way to meditate while you walk, talk,        Whatever success means, the ultimate
                   sleep, eat, fart and play?                           experience is to be in total contentment, to
                        Meditation is actually the ability to put       want absolutely nothing, to desire nothing, to
                   your mind in a certain brain wave frequency.         be totally content with yourself where there is
                   2-4 mz to be exact. In that state your mind is       nothing lacking; there is no desire, no
                   calm and receptors are open. That state of           motivation to fix, or repair, or change. Then
                   mind does not require a meditation stool,            from this place all actions are taken voluntarily,
                   smoke, flames, statues, crossed legs or even a        inspired, not reactive. With contentment,
                   head shave.                                          whatever you touch, whatever you are doing or
                                                                        not doing -- even just existing -- is a peak
                   Life Meditation                                      experience. You are alive and that is enough.
                                                                             Then life can occur with inner harmony.
                        You can meditate by learning stillness.
                                                                        Now this will seem to be contradicting the ideal
                   Stillness means that your body is frozen like a
Perspective                                                             that we must aspire to be the best we can or
                   block of Antarctic ice before global warming.
                                                                        that we must continually evolve in order to give
                   Your inner stuff is running rampant and you are
                                                                        and serve others but we are not talking about
                   watching it. You are watching it and bit by bit,
                                                                        doing things here, we are talking about, being
                   that inner stuff starts to go where you direct it.
                                                                        complete before we act. That means totally
                                                                        content, comfortable with who we are.

                                   I want
                               nothing need
                                nothing and
                              therefore I have

   Peace of mind
   comes from a



                                                                                   Yellow Consciousness

                                                                                        This is the perfect state of consciousness
                                                                                   at work. It is neither unconscious nor deluded.
                                                                                   In fact, it is ambivalent. You might be surprised
                               Black Hole Consciousness                            that I use the word ambivalent to define a great
                                    There is a state of anxiety and fear that      state of mind, but ambivalent is, without doubt
                               renders a person inactive. It’s a state of          the most powerful place you can sustain.
  Delta -Theta Wave Mind       overwhelm, too much information, too much           Here’s why. Anything you can’t see the balance
  state (Meditation,           emotional drama and the mind goes to glug.          in runs you. Now, if you see the balance in
  Intuition, Memory 1-7        There’s neither the instinct to run nor the         something you can take it or leave it. Like a
  Hz)                          wisdom not to. This is the black hole and we        new car or a new relationship. If you can say, I
                               can call it unconscious,depression, bipolar, and    can take it or leave it, this doesn’t sound
                               in extremes, schizophrenia. When a person           romantic or enthusiastic, but what it does mean
                               enters the realms of the unconscious, they are      is that you have the power.
                               lost to action.

                                                                                   Green Consciousness
                               Red Consciousness                                        There’s a truck rushing at on you. The
  Alpha Wave                        Red consciousness (Mini Me) is low             business is going bust. Your health is going to
                               consciousness. This is a state of mind very         ruin. If you are in black consciousness you go
                               close to bipolar. The individual is high one        down with the ship. If you are in red
  Visualisation, Creativity
                               minute and withdrawn the next. Here people          consciousness you have a panic attack and get
  7-12 Hz)                     become quite deluded, believing in their own        emotional, if you have yellow consciousness
   Beta Mind States            infallibility and sometimes taking extreme risks.   you sit and work out a solution. If you are in
                                                                                   green consciousness you don’t give a damn.
                                    In less extreme Red Consciousness, the              Green consciousness (Maxi Me) is like the
                               individual is highly emotional, prone to burst of   captain of the Titanic, “full speed ahead, she’ll
  Cognition 12-40 Hz)          temper, sadness, tears and joy - often in the       be right, the universe will look after us. OOPS,
                               same day. This consciousness is often the           oh, goodness what’s that big white thing?
                               consciousness of artists and highly excitable
                               creative people.

  Gamma Wave (High
  alert, Clarity, Perception        !
  40+ Hz)
                                                                                                                 Medication -

 Not enough tension?
 We will demonstrate the
 power of mental tension
 and nerve tension in
 creating a “healthy
 state” of productivity.
 We call this state
 “intensity.” You want
 something done, ask a
 busy person.



Inner peace, mental resilience, personal
magnetism all come from the art of stillness
                                                     the essence of who we are. A closed
     “Give me a few hours by
                                                     heart just creates trouble.
myself, leave me alone, shut out all                      Following the laws of nature
                                                     you will rid yourself of clutter,
interruptions, and I can bring
                                                     physically and mentally which brings
myself down to my work. It is here                   a purity to your life. If anything or
                                                     anyone starts to obstruct your
that my true nature comes alive.”
                                                     journey, by letting nature guide you,
                                                                                                            your work, you will automatically be bringing
Chris Walker                                         then you will be able to transform those
                                                                                                            the best to the world and your own life.
     In our complex world, we have the               challenges back to inspiration, spontaneously.
opportunity to simplify our understandings by             Through this awareness, there is an
                                                                                                            The goal of life is living in
relating everything to nature. The                              implied merging of stillness and
                                                                                                            agreement with nature.
forest, the ocean, the sky, species,                               fluidity. Stillness is vital because
rocks, plants, animals and insects                                    unless the mind is still, it cannot         Bringing these five laws of nature into your
all have a voice. It requires                                          find truth. Fluidity, because the     life you can tap your inspiration any time. It’s
                                           comes through
silence and wisdom to hear it.                                         world itself is endlessly            simply a matter of rising into that state by
     The Laws of Nature bring the                                      changing around us, in busy          ordering your mind, creating the right
harmony of nature into everyday                                       chance events. Yet your mind, at      environment, distancing yourself from any
life. Evidence of those laws can be                               the heart of all this restlessness,       overriding emotion and then concentrating on
found in music, in dance, in business as                     must remain still, motionless, holding         the task at hand. It is automatic when we do
well as relationships. The universal laws are        harmony with nature.                                   what we love to do, with people we love to be
found in every walk of life.                                                                                around. Nature’s law frees you to be inspired,
     Knowing those laws will create harmony in                                                              even when those perfect circumstances don’t
                                                     “When one tugs at a
your work, stimulate the environment you                                                                    exist. It’s a great power.
create, direct the exercises you do and help
                                                     single thing in nature, he
create the depth and silence to open your inner
                                                     or she finds it attached to
ear to your own life inspiration.
                                                                                                                  When you run your fingers over the solid
     A stressed, emotional individual cannot
                                                     the rest of the world.”                                trunk of a tree, pick up a stone and notice its
create healthy environments. If we become
                                                                                                            aged patterns, examine the fragility of a leaf,
emotional and insecure we loose the foundation
                                                          The laws of nature bring the silence that is      and let water flow through your fingers you
on which we live. Nature’s Law provides an
                                                     necessary for inspiration into your life. We do        allow yourself to let your real inspiration for life
alternative: Stillness, harmony and beauty are
                                                     not make the world a better place by running           flow through you. You simply feel the wonder of
our connection to our own inspiration. We
                                                     around trying to fix things, this just adds to the      it, and see how every object of nature can guide
cannot do what we love if we continually loose
                                                     problem. If you can learn to be still, immersed in     you and help you manage and understand.

  1st law of nature -                                  learned from the outside – wisdom comes                experience have been adopted as truth.
                                                       from within.                                           They are simply collections of data and
  Balance                                                                                                     knowledge that can be unlearned.
  It is said in the East that the first thing to be     To live and work inspired and in harmony               Wisdom
  learned is to unlock what has already been           with nature we must be willing to surrender
                                                                                                                  Balanced mind
  learned and then unlearn it. This unlearning         to the awareness that one’s ideas and                      Balanced Body
  is what is called real wisdom. Knowledge is          opinions are just a collection of erroneous                Balanced ideas
                                                                                                                  Balanced Lifestyle
                                                       facts that, through conditioning or

                                                      the world. Honesty with yourself is essential,       discrepancy in human judgement as a new
                                                      every un-needed calorie, everything taken in         disease. Every time someone lacks the will to
                                                      that is not needed is a step closer to the grave.    stop eating or thinking a certain way they design
                                                      Why not be honest about it, most people’s            a new drug to help those people lose weight.
     Only 5% of people die from old age, the
                                                      health is suicide.                                   Can you see the fallacy in this?
rest die from ignorance, accidents and abuse.
                                                           If you are carrying excess weight, stressed,         No drug can give vitality, stamina, health
Think through your health habits and eliminate
                                                      worried, feeling emotionally disturbed               and endurance. No drug can give self respect or
anything that is making you more acidic.
                                                      acknowledge that you are doing the wrong thing       wholesomeness. No drug can build families or
     Be Honest – Are you Sick?
                                                      by yourself. It’s a human choice to do bad           businesses. Drugs can only counteract effect.
     Is everything you do a big effort?
                                                      health. Some do it quick and some slow. Un           And they have side effects. No drug has not side
     Have you started to lose your skin tone?
                                                      healthy people are choosing body pleasure over       effect. They all ultimately deny truth. Humans
     Are you forgetful and confused?
                                                      life, they are doing suicide faster than most. For   can heal, humans cause their reality.
     Has your hearing begun to deteriorate?
                                                      every cubic inch of fat on the overweight            Empowerment begins with this knowledge.
     Has your vision begun to dim?
                                                      person, the body must have 700 miles of fine               Haphazard living is the true reason why
     Do you wobble a little when you walk?
                                                      tubes to nourish and sustain this excess fat –       people feel dragged out, weak or worn or
     Do you get out of breath when you climb
                                                      this puts a huge burden on the breathing             prematurely old, full of aches and pains, headed
                                                      apparatus and the normal function of the heart.      for the human scrap heap.
     How limber is your lower back?
                                                      The pulse and blood pressure are forced to raise          We can change all this.
     Do your joints creak?
                                                      to dangerous heights. We can choose to
     How well do you adjust to cold and heat?
     Are you slipping and not quite yourself any
                                                                                                           Getting out of your head
                                                      Be a professional ‘rester’                                We live most of our lives in our head and in
                                                                                                           this realm of seemingly infinite possibilities it
It’s hard to do good if you don’t feel                     In our competitive business world we build
                                                                                                           becomes so easy to be deluded.
                                                      up tremendous pressures, tensions and strains
good                                                                                                            Delusions un-ground us and take out
                                                      and try to project a healthy image – it takes
     Sickness is Nature’s way of showing you                                                               energy from our being that could, if channelled,
                                                      tremendous energy to project an image and
that you are filled with toxin. Dead people do not                                                          be directed toward love, inspiration, friends,
                                                      uphold this image. Rest is something few people
catch colds. Today, take the time to drink two                                                             care, compassion and our wellness.
                                                      know how to do. Being still is something few
glasses of the most beautiful water, sip it slowly,                                                             The first step is to detect our delusion. We
                                                      people enjoy. We must schedule into our day
smile each time you sip, really enjoy two glasses                                                          must be open to observing where we are lost in
                                                      time to rest. Begin to live as nature wants you
of water, and give yourself the 20 seconds it                                                              our head.
                                                      to live. Demand of yourself a higher standard of
takes to celebrate it.                                                                                          If we are deluded it is like being mentally
                                                      health and happiness. You cannot receive higher
     Healthy lifestyles dispel the wastes and                                                              and physically constipated. In this state we
                                                      health unless your body gets its rest periods to
toxins that kill many people. Make time to work,                                                           cannot absorb new nutrients and the old
                                                      develop new vitality and energy. Regard your
think, play, read, worship, help, love, dream,                                                             becomes toxic.
                                                      body as a machine under your care and
laugh, beautify, health, plan. The greatest enemy                                                               First, we must learn to get out of our head
                                                      supervision and every machine must have rest
of long life is lack of respect for the needs of                                                           in order to find inner balance and calm. Second
                                                      periods or you will build up too much nervous
good balanced lifestyle.                                                                                   we can learn to get back into our head and to
                                                      friction and tension. Seek a life of peacefulness
     There is little doubt that people born with a                                                         think without delusion.
                                                      and serenity as you grow older, away from the
sound constitution can, without difficulty, live to
                                                      pressures and stimulation. Put yourself in
                                                                                                           “all human problems (including violence)
be 120. Ageing is a myth. Keep away from
                                                      Nature’s hands and let her run your machine,
                                                                                                           come from our inability to sit quietly in a
greasy food. Greasy food makes you sleep
                                                      heal your ailments. Your rewards will be many in
longer, have less energy, think slower and feel all                                                        room, alone.” Pascal
                                                      renewed health, a calmness of spirit and a new
rebound sluggish, plus your digestion will be
                                                                                                           Sit still
                                                      awareness of the perfect natural beauties that
slow and cause toxicity in the body.
                                                      nature has bestowed upon us so generously.
                                                                                                           A great way to cultivate life force is by
                                                                                                           systematically teaching your body to obey you,
Choose to live or Die?                                Vitality is a choice - balance begins                in other words. Sit still. You can teach your
     Rewards are granted by nature alone. She
                                                                                                           body to sit in the posture that you prescribe to
                                                           Physical weakness, flabbiness, are
can give you long life and health. Food and
                                                                                                           it, and not move. Or, it can stand in a place
                                                      choices. No excuses. They are short-term
lifestyle must merge in a natural way to build the
                                                                                                           where you want it to, and not move. You can
                                                      choices with long-term repercussions. We either
foundation for your being. The healthy person
                                                                                                           train your body not to become restless, or
                                                      choose to listen to our dumb habits or we
never dies young; rarely by accident, for nature
                                                                                                           fatigued by what is asked of it, simply by
                                                      choose to follow our will. The medical
takes care of those who are on purpose. Totally
                                                                                                           learning not to fidget.
                                                      profession is a looking to name every
healthy people live as long as they are useful in
                                                                                                              Avoid over cooked food.
                                                    Beyond Anger
                                                                                                              Eliminate Dairy other than skim milk
                                                         The second method is one of my
                                                                                                         Minimise wheat and processed flour.
                                                    favourites when I am under pressure. Drop
Balanced mind - Balanced Breath                     your arms by your sides, open your hands,
                                                                                                         Feed yourself well
                                                    and feel the anger drain out of the ends of
     We are air machines. Oxygen not only
                                                    your fingers. The tingling in your fingers is the           The body requires only 14 do 15
purifies our body but is also one of the great
                                                    release of emotion and the opening in your           elements, and when these are supplied the
energisers of the human body. We are air
                                                    chest is often the recycled energy, freed from       needs of life are met; but if you send down
pressure machines. We live at the bottom of
                                                    the emotion that generated it.                       into the system a massive thing that the body
an atmospheric ocean approximately 70 miles
                                                                                                         cannot use, then it will be stored as fat or
deep. The air pressure is fourteen pounds per
                                                                                                         overload the system. An internal war
square inch. Between the exhalation and the
                                                                                                         develops. This takes vitality away from the
inhalation of a breath, a vacuum is formed. As           If we can’t control what goes in our
                                                                                                         other functions of the body. In other words if
long as we continue to have this rhythmical         mouth, if cannot stop smoking or drinking or
                                                                                                         you eat improper foods, or meals that are too
intake and outgo of oxygen, we will live. We        eating chocolate for a day or two, then the
                                                                                                         big, your blood will become toxic, you
know that we can go without food for 30 days        notion of following one’s inner guide is
                                                                                                         become vulnerable to disease, get irritable
or more and still survive, but we can only go       ridiculous. Mastering the fundamental
                                                                                                         and lose energy. Sometimes, the more you
without air for a very few minutes, so air is one   principles of life, the disciplines of good
                                                                                                         eat, the more tired you get.
of the important energisers of the human            eating, exercise and self control are the
body. The more deeply you breathe pure air,         foundation stones from which higher
                                                                                                         Good Decision making
the better your chances are for extending your      explorations of life are possible.
years on this earth.                                     Today, do a don’t do. Don’t do                       Of all the energy draining possibilities,
     Long-lived people have one common              something that you always do. Park the car in        emotion is the largest consumer of human
denominator – they are deep breathers. The          a different place, walk sideways, put the other      power, life force and vitality.
deeper and fewer breaths a person takes in          leg into your pants first or stay silent all day or        I am sure you have witnessed the
one minute, the longer they live. Take long,        leave the computer off, skip coffee. Do              obvious drain on energy that comes from
slow, deep breaths first thing in the morning        something small but significant and become            depression, worry, sadness, anxiety, grief.
and during working hours take periods to            aware of the mindless habits that might be                There are others too; anger is the most
practice long, full, deep breaths.                  running your life.                                   hidden and yet, one of the largest consumers
                                                                                                         of personal vitality.
Breathe through anger                                                                                         Let’s examine ways to prevent the loss of
                                                    Intestinal Happiness
                                                                                                         life-force through accidental emotional
     When you are angry, find where it is in              Intestinal poisoning due to bad diet is
your body that you feel it most. Is it in your      one of the most common diseases and
                                                                                                         Balanced mind - More Love - Less
stomach below the navel, or the chest, fist,         demagnetising influences in society. 99
jaw, or throat? These are areas of your body        percent of people suffer from bad digestion.
that have become contracted, and in this            Foods that poison the intestine, aggravate the            A loving person is never one-sided. Two
state they cannot function. Literally, they are     intestine-- poison the body and mind. You            sides is love, one side is emotion.
blocked energy centres. One method to               can’t hold concentration or mind control with        Righteousness comes from imbalanced
change anger is to focus one by one on the          a mind that is under the affect of toxic food.       thinking, it will have significant swings of
areas of blockage and begin to release them              Do not over eat at any time. Two                emotion from infatuation to resentment,
one by one using the breath. If you can sense       handfuls per meal is ideal                           elation to depression, attraction to repulsion,
the energy within your anger, and if you can             Beware of nightshades. Especially               this is not love.
concentrate on feeling that, then let it flow        Eggplant, raw onion, mushroom, tomato.                    Loving living is neither excess or
down the front of your body like a current, and          Beware of excess sugar and sweets. It is        deficiency. Neither overeating nor under
then up your spine.                                 not a food.                                          eating. Never too much, never too little. The
      This is the life force re-directed, and            Beware of excess coffee, tea, alcohol,          result is balanced living. A balanced person
instead of releasing and wasting that vital         tobacco and the other stimulants.                    will be at ease because there is always
force, you are re directing it. This is not to           Beware of processed food. Especially            awareness of love in their heart. No matter
suggest that you should repress the anger or        white flour and Salt.                                 what the situation, this loving attitude will not
hold it within. To turn anger inside means to            Don’t eat animal organs.                        be lost.
channel the energy and reclaim the energy                Don’t put excess food in the fridge to eat
that is being wasted, and use it to uplift you      tomorrow.
and others.                                              Avoid excessively hot or cold food or
                                                           If the body starts to compensate for a one      Then it’s wake up time.
                                                     shouldered load, the compensations go all the         What time, and what to do?
                                                     way to the ankles, knees, hips, lower back,           What to eat?
                                                     kidneys, middle back, neck and shoulders.             Exercise?
                                                           This is the chiropractors dream. The one
Take a smoko (without the smoke)                     shoulder, a shoulder bag...and now, add a nice 3      Then it’s about getting to work
                                                     kg computer, a water bottle and some coins.           Arrival time
      One of the hidden benefits of smoking is                                                              Self time
the forced time out it gives people. You can see                                                           Step one each day
                                                     Don’t bring it home
those people just standing there, looking up to
the sky celebrating the toxins that flood into
                                                           If there is a trace of frustration, elation,
their lungs and make them feel calm.
                                                     depression, sadness, self adulation in your
      Well, no one is advocating the need for
                                                     emotional being when you walk in the front door
cigarettes, but we still need to take the five
                                                     of your home, you’re polluting the people you
minutes smoko every hour or so.
                                                     love. And what’s more, they are goinng to react
      Stop. Take five minutes for yourself every
                                                     to it and then two people at least, are messed
hour and in that five minutes, just stand, stop,
enjoy the view, chill out, rejuvenate your heart
                                                           If you think you are better than anybody
and soul. Then go back renewed.
                                                     else, people are going to put you down. If you
                                                     are down on yourself people want to put you up.
The Power nap                                        So, if you don’t want to screw up your home life
                                                     because of your work life. Learn to let go of it.
      There are five different levels of brain wave         I’ll give you a few ideas as to how to do it.
activity. Some restful, some not. You can learn
how to drop into the deepest of these levels, far          First, note that you can’t do good things
deeper rest than most sleep provides, at will.       that have no bad news built in. This is the ego’s
      Power naps are a vital and important           nightmare. It screams, “oh, how dare you spoil
ingredient of lifestyles that demand high levels     my upper.” but I promise, you won’t regret it if
of interaction, emotional response, and personal     you simply balance down your uppers by finding
availability.                                        what you could have done better.
      We have seen remarkable results from this            On the other side, the ego loves to criticise
skill in company cultures where the benefits are      you. So, that very same ego that builds us up,
understood. Power naps are not sleeps. They          puts us down. Now we don’t have to wait till we
last a maximum of 10 minutes. They are not a         get home for all this. Simply take those things
“gee I need to go lie down for the afternoon.”       that are downers in your day and find the
                                                     benefit. In other words how did those things

Shoulder bags                                        happening cause you to live more of your
                                                     dreams. If you just take a second to do it, more
                                                     often than not, you discover that your greatest
      Do you see those business people running
                                                     downers are actually your greatest support on
through air ports with their garment bag on one
                                                     your path. That’s nature...
shoulder, overcoat dragging under their arm and
an overloaded brief case on the other.
                                                     Before you start work
      Now, if you were a scientist building a
structure to handle those forces, would you
make it like a human body? Little vertebra all             Self nourishing starts before you hit the
one on top of the other and compressible             front door of the office.
sponges in between them carrying nerves and
vital fuel to the rest of the body?                        It begins with how you went to bed the
      I doubt it...                                  night before.
      The one shoulder bag is a cantilever on the          Did you sleep well?
spine that has disastrous effects on health,               If not, what can we do about it?
mind, body and amazingly, spirit.                          What affects a good night’s sleep?



Choose to live or die, to be healthy or not. Let’s see
how we are so far...

Your New Food Plan                            Your new thinking plan

                                                                                              Your Coaching others plan

Your New Exercise plan                                   Your new wake up plan
                                    are thoughts -
                                  ideas are ideas -                                           Your New Decision making plan
                                    promises are
                                promises but results
                                     are the only

Your New Rest Plan
                                                                                              Your New Energy Conservation plan
                                              Your new sleeping plan

                                               a global expert within 2 years (if you could
 If you don’t plan ahead                                                                       Wisdom
                                               remember the content).
                                                                                                   Good Decisions
 you plan to fail                                                                              •
                                               The pain of regret always outweighs the             Long term thinking
                                               pain of discipline. So, why not commit
 Habits today cause life tomorrow. There’s                                                         Health is a priority
                                                                                                   Body first mind second
                                               yourself to a way of being that is
 short-term thinking, medium-term and
 long-term. Did you know that if you read a
                                                                                               No one can do it for you
 book a week, stayed on one topic, you’d be





INNER BALANCE                                                                   Taking Responsibility
                                                                                                                  If you can understand
                                                                                                                  the nature of the human
                                                                                                                  body, you have a guru in
                                                                                                                  nature, a way of knowing
                                                                                                                  yourself far deeper and
                                                                                                                  more honest than the ego
                                                                                                                  mind. Where does the
                                                                                                                  body begin and the mind

                                                                                                                            Face it

How do I know if I am out of balance? Read nature’s bible - your body.
     All illness, disease, pain, and mental disturbance comes from excess     now make a doctor of the body, and a psychologist of the mind, two
or deficiency. Too much or too little of something. In other words an          separate professions. Understandably so, because they are highly refined
imbalance. So, your body is one of the most powerful feedback                         technical areas.
loops you have regarding the balance of your mind and body.                               Over specialisation leads to extinction and in the case of
                                                                        Disease is
     In dealing with physical illness, disease or pain first we                              health it is not the extinction of the practitioner that is at
must address the effect. The whole science of health is to                                   stake but the life and wellness of the patient. We must stay
                                                                         excess or
heal the body first. When this is done, or at some stage                                      open to the full diversity of health and healing otherwise
                                                                       deficiency -
during that process, it can be wise to heal at a deeper level.                              we become dependent on the drugs and pharmaceuticals
     For thousands of years in human history the mind and                                  which are being invented as fast as new diseases are being
the body were not treated as separate. They were considered a                            named. All to repair our disconnection to the balance of nature.
part of the same science of healing and health. A healthy mind creates              I encourage you to keep a broad outlook on the value of both mind
a healthy body they used to say... But, we’ve drifted from those times and    and body in the process of wellness.

 BODY MIND SCIENCE                                    ANKLES                  KNEES                      LUNGS                       MIGRAINE

                                                      Core values             Beliefs                    Emotion                     Inspiration
                                                      Uncertainty or          Stuck or                   Attachment to               Intuition
                                                      confusion in            stubborn                   the past -                  arguing with
                                                      direction               attachment                 Asthma - can’t              reality and we
                                                      leads to                causes knee                let go the                  just don’t
                                                      sprained or             pains or                   last breath..               want to admit
                                                      painful                 injury.                                                it.



5 U’S
Five Elements

                Although we like to think of
                ourselves as an integrated
                human being, under different
                circumstances we function
                quite differently. So one key is
                gaining mastery over all five
                “selves” not just one.



BE IN YOUR ELEMENT                                                                                Earth
                                                                                                               There is a part of us
                                                                                                               all that is earth. This
                                                                                                               part of our personality
                                                                                                               loves to get its hands
                                                                                                               dirty, is trustworthy,
                                                                                                               fun, reliable, faithful,
                                                                                                               and can manage the
                                                                                                               complexities of life.

Earth energy is the foundation of all good management - ambivalence
     What would happen if you gave the following full time tasks to an       surface. These might not be “nice” according to your self projection of
earth energy environment? Nursing, Care giving, Human Resource               who you are, but this is the art of emptiness. To just watch your thoughts
management, Visionary, Creative design, Imagination, Sales,                         without expectation or judgement. It sounds boring to some
Change leader, Therapy, Healing, Government.                                            people, a waste of time to others, but please, tell those ego’s
                                                                     All great
     The power of Ambivalence - Grounded.                                                 it’s OK, you will return to your ego after you finish.
     Once you have learned to be “dead still” the second            decisions
discipline is to kill the power of the ego. “dead thinking” – In                           Helicopter Mindset - balanced mind
                                                                   happen from
a state of dead stillness, and preferably only after you
                                                                      earth.              You can’t manage anything that you are in. You can’t
master that skill for 10 minutes, you start to withdraw yourself
                                                                                        manage anything your can’t see the balance in. Sometimes we
from your thoughts. You achieve this by just watching them.
                                                                                    need to do a helicopter on our life. In other words, step out of
Now, this is more challenging than it sounds because you must not
                                                                             things and look back, objectively. I wonder what you’d see?
try. Therefore, you must let any thought that chooses to be in your head,

EARTH CONSTITUTION BODY                               SPACES                 FOOD                      THOUGHTS                  MOTIVES

                                                      Environments:          Grounding:                What                      Strength:
                                                      Wood, leather,         Red meat, deep            Tell me what              Security,
                                                      book shelves,          sea fish,                 you are going             strength,
                                                      history,               night shades,             to do. Then               resources,
                                                      strength,              pumpkin,                  tell me how               responsibility
                                                      solid, quiet,          potato, ice-              and when.                 sustainability
                                                      predictable,           cream,                                              long term.
                                                      traditional.           chocolate.


     1   2    3   4   5     6    7   8   9   10













             There are no half
             hearted success

People say put your heart into it; it means to become fully invested. It means to throw the full weight of your
humanity behind something. We must be vigilant. When the heart goes out of something we sabotage it.

       There’s low emotion and there’s high              When we explore the term heart in
emotion, and your heart is the highest of them      common language we find that 'heart' means
all.                                                the central or innermost part of something such
       We speak of the heart as if it were a        as the ‘heart of the city’, it also means the
spongy weak mushy place that opens at               essential or vital part of something such as
movies, dribbles that tear down your cheek at       quot;what is the heart of the matter?quot; A person with
the worst of moments, and makes us so               a ‘lot of heart’ is someone with determination.
vulnerable. But the heart is without doubt the      To ‘lose heart’ means to be discouraged so we
                                                                                                         be true to yourself and others. It all begins with
most powerful human centre that can exist. All      see that the will of a person emanates from their
                                                                                                         gaining a true sense of your being. It’s a way to
humanitarian power comes from the heart - all       heart. We refer to the heart when we talk about
                                                                                                         think and feel that reflects your true nature, it is
compassion, motivation, consideration and           generosity or sincerity as well as consideration,
                                                                                                         natural, and, it creates an inner happiness.
care. This is the experience we have in the         understanding and helpfulness as when we say,
                                                                                                              As soon harmony is felt within the human
presence of a powerful individual, a leader,        quot;He has a big heart.quot; or quot;She is a dear heart.quot;
                                                                                                         heart it comes alive in the form of graciousness.
performer or lover. An open heart is the greatest   When a person is cruel or mean or when
                                                                                                         You feel it in a person who is:
power any human can contain within their body       someone shows no regard for others we say,
                                                                                                              1. Centred
and it is the human heart that can make or          quot;His heart is closed or small or cold or that he
                                                                                                              2. Balanced
break harmony at work.                              has no heart at all.quot; To find your heart is to find
                                                                                                              3. Relaxed
                                                    your path, it’s also to hold a certain centre, and

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  • 1. INNERWEALTH Chris Walker Personal Mastery at Work AN OPEN MIND CHRIS WALKER and explore with us the wonder of It’s a time to learn personal mastery, and grow. If you come skills and to the river with a techniques to full cup there is no improve the quality way to catch some 61 2 93283198 of your life and water. So, we suggest work. you empty your mind Chris Walker [1]
  • 2. ? WHY ARE WE HERE? [2]
  • 3. HAPPIER - BETTER FASTER Spiritual Straight Talk NATURE’S UNIVERSAL LAWS We are nature. We are part of nature. We are the environment we create. The environment within and the environment without are one-in-the-same. Life’s pretty simple really. Once we didn’t have to learn all this. It was automatic: we worked the soil with our hands, so we understood life, really understood life. But now, with our digital worlds, our isolated offices, television and Good life, good work and good health it’s all very natural. We can over filled minds we struggle to differentiate between virtual reality and make it complicated, we can make it less than intended, but if our real reality and we pay a high price for it. mission is to have a good life and make sure others do too, then it’s not My aim is to bring this simple understanding of life to the whole so complex. world. I’ve seen how it changes people, families, companies and whole By simplifying things we cut to the chase. We solve issues, deal communities. However, it’s really up to you. with troubles and stay on track. And the great thing is, you do it fast. If you are ready, and have the commitment to help bring a new Why wouldn’t you want to get happier, better faster? Why not take reconnection to the nature of life, to help reverse the dependencies on the fast train? That’s what you get from the Laws of Nature. drugs and medicines to cure the ailments that are nothing more than In this program you’ll discover how to reverse our growing disharmony with nature, we can really make change. disconnection to nature which is creating increased social, relationship You can begin to make this change starting your work-life by finding and personal disharmony. You can learn what this new understanding of balance, harmony, evolution, vision and connections. The shift is the Laws of Nature can do to change all that. Fast... immediate, the benefits outstanding. Let’s begin. [3]
  • 4. ? WHY ARE YOU HERE? [4]
  • 5. Program Agenda MASTERY MASTERY Day 1. Qi to Life 1. Balance Day 1 2. Physical 3. Mental Body Qi2 life Day 2. Innerwealth 2 feet solid on 1. Personal Harmony the ground 2. Personal Change - Growth Day 3. VIP 1. Law of Attraction 2. Dreams for the Future Day 2 Life’s pretty simple really... Innerwealth Many years ago people were in tune with a great attitude nature. Nature’s harmony and human happiness were considered as one. They observed that what happened outside of us, was already happening Mind within. But now, with time and technology, we have lost touch with this awareness. As our culture evolves into this current era, we suffer the separation from having worked with the land, understanding natures rhythm and a dependency Day 3 on nature for her sustenance. As we modernise, we have moved away from that harmony. V.I.P. The outer world has risen and taken precedence in our life, we look for solutions Future Vision instead of awareness. We can all benefit from a Spirit more honest and deeper approach to life. If we can re-connect with the harmony of nature, while remaining a part of the evolution of humanity, we will be able to celebrate both worlds, inner and outer harmony. Everything you’ll ever need to learn about life, We are nature. We are A thousand years of love and business can be learned from nature... part of nature. We are learning distilled into the environment we three days of personal, create. The environment business and spiritual A thousand years of learning distilled within and the change/growth. into three days of personal, business environment without are and spiritual change/growth. one in the same. [5]
  • 6. BALANCE Inner Peace - Stillness THE QI TO LIFE “Personal balance starts with PHYSICAL BALANCE two feet firmly planted on the earth” BUILDING RESILIENCE - FINDING BALANCE People are surprised to hear that life force comes from the earth. If we are out of balance, we block it or lose it. So, we begin with an understanding of personal energy, life force. If you come home from work with less The Qi to life - Finding your real centre. energy than you had when you went to work, Your centre is both a physical and a mental you’ve got a self-management problem (unless thing. Physically it sits just below the navel, you are a weight lifter by profession). belly button. This is the Hara and the power Many people are surprised to find that food source of the human condition. This is where and drink are only a small percentage of our your seat is, energetically. energy source. So, if you are in a meeting or doing help for If we block our energy we lose the juice someone and you lose connection to this that makes work enjoyable and sustainable. physical place in your body you become un- So, let’s explore the real human power, the centred and ungrounded. material earth beneath our feet and how to tap it, store it, use it and direct it. Stand with your feet hip width apart, feet facing forward, outer sides of the feet parallel to Building Energy each other. Unlock the knees and tuck the tail Tai Chi Storing Energy bone in, under the pelvis. This grounds you. In Tai Chi you are taught to Stopping the loss of Energy move and play with energy. Directing Energy - Manifestation Try a HA Breath..... in the mornings... Drawing in, pushing aside, directing life force. [6]
  • 8. Life Force - vitality THE QI TO LIFE If you come home from work with less energy than you came to work with, something is wrong. If you think that food is the primary source of life force, something needs to change. If you know how to hold, build and stop the loss of nature’s Qi you are very blessed. THE QI TO LIFE Manage your energy - life force - build it, store it, save it and direct it. If we translate all the teachings about management and spirituality By far, the most critical of those three is the stopping the loss of into one single topic, it would have to be the management of energy, life energy. If we cannot stop the loss then building the energy levels and force. holding the energy levels are going to be very difficult. So, this is If we are able to focus our energy we have a very great why we are going to spend significant effort on this topic in achievement because we will get things done with a the program. minimum of fuss. Building Life force – Natural Vitality The Qi to life If we are unable to focus our energy, we will become There are many techniques we can use to build up our life tired and, as a result potentially cause ourselves illness, force. Those techniques are valuable because really, this emotion, cloudy thinking and more negative consequences. essence of who we are, our energy, goes into everything we So, in this program we plan to focus on three different issues do. If that energy isn’t clean, then we can accidently corrupt around energy. what we do with a good heart. YOUR LIFE FORCE - QI ENERGY BUILDING QI STOP LOSS QI STORAGE QI DIRECTING QI We are like human batteries, Natural Potential Living Life Leakage filled with energy, sometimes We can build As vitality Directing the We can stop short circuit but in a healthy enormous starts to energy into the leakage of person, a total power house. energy inside build there’s those things energy from our body. a temptation we really want our body and to blow it to create. transform our away. Focus. health. [8]
  • 9. Breathe Deep Connect BUILDING QI Of all the issues of workplace ill-health, I Your life force comes from your think I can trace about 90% of them back to connection to things outside yourself. So, poor breathing practices. We sit badly so our connecting to nature, your God, the universe, lungs starve, hence, we lower our blood friends, family, lovers and your bigger self are oxygen content, hence we starve the brain, the most potent way to build Qi. and bingo, we get sick. Ultimately it doesn’t matter what it is, as Every now and then take a deep, long as it’s bigger than you, is outside your beautiful breath. I’ll show you how in this control, and for you, is the source of your life workshop. Most people don’t know how to force. breathe. Funny isn’t it! Breathing affects When we get stressed, worried, or ill we everything, our work, mind, love life, health, become self absorbed. This is essential mood, longevity and yet, most people don’t because it draws us down into the survival know how to breathe properly. mode of life. So, a person under self imposed Half a breath, is half a life. pressure or externally imposed pressure can easily become completely self-obsessed. That Breathe Deep Yogi Breath means the only source of life giving energy is Nadi Sodana from their small self. Tension Release Anti Depressant Connecting to the source of your life Re-Energising Breath force means acknowledging that you are a part of a pool of massive resource and that this resource is yours for the borrowing. You Relax can tap it. This is the abundant mind, Relaxation is not watching TV or standing expanding out from the tiny confines of the at the bar with a beer (or wine) in your hand head cavity or the heart cavity and out into the drawing back on a long cigarette. Although wider definition of Self. One that’s connected x these things are time out they are not la to all things, a part of something bigger. Re producing the recovery of vitality or building Qi. I’ll show you how to do that... Connect When you look at the world and people around you, what do you see? Mirrors or Connecting to paintings? a self bigger than you... The art of connectedness is really the art of youthfulness. [9]
  • 11. Posture Physical Loss STOP LOSS QI Conserving energy begins with your Trembling, tapping, stopping, posture. If you are bent all out of shape, so, uncontrolled movements, fidgeting, nervous your idea of balance will be compensatory. movements, habitual actions (like bum or nose scratching) are really just ways we use to Nobel Prize winning work was done by release stored and vital energy. Hyperactivity Posture Candice Pert in her book Molecules of is the result of an overcharged battery without Emotion. Her work only served to consolidate a purpose. I’ll show you how to conserve this what yogi’s and nature masters have known energy. for millennia. The body and the mind are one. Nature’s Anti Depressant Nervous loss Know your mind, check your shoes. Shocks, constant alert, excessive Left side - Right side brain function stimulation, over exertion, excess tension, Front body - back body rigidity, defensiveness put the body on red Neck - The vitality of Youth alert. I’ll show you a technique for nervous Do you put your best foot forward? tension that is healthy. Never give 100%... Joy - Pain and Suffering Mental loss There’ a vast difference between pain Fun By far the most common cause of lost and suffering. Pain is something that comes vitality comes from the mind, mental loss. Low and goes, you know it will leave eventually. self-esteem, self-importance, self-indulgence, Suffering is something that you don’t know self-improvement, self-criticism. Add to this, when it will leave. So, it’s both painful and anxiety, judgement, criticism, anger, pain, debilitating because it feels like it may last emotionality, grief, uncertainty and you’ll start forever. Pain borrows energy. Suffering to get a picture of why people go home from a completely erodes it. Pain can be healthy in job in which they did very little all day, but feel that it can show us where we need to direct exhausted from it. I’ll share the skills of mind our attention for healing and care. Suffering is mastery so you can, if you choose, prevent not healthy because we don’t necessarily this waste. know where the cause is. Be the 90% person What you don’t appreciate, you lose... We are given a We are a gift and this is the energy of human battery, life. To blow it away seems a don’t waste the slap in the face to the energy. source that gave it to us. [11]
  • 13. a singular topic. We can’t be a loving person Simple Mudra at home and an arse at work. There is no STORE QI You have no doubt witnessed the hand exclusivity here. We treat people and conflict movements of healers, priests, saints in with people and those we are responsible for history and holy people. with the same attitude at home or at work. To the majority their movements are Sometimes the way we treat people is Mudra spontaneous but to the educated eye, they are expressed or repressed. deliberate science called mudra (and other The key here is to see that we treat labels.). Mudra are hand, body and internal others as we treat ourselves. Although we organic positions that are believed to store, might have short term aberrations of attitude build and distribute energy. we are generally trapped in this. So, the greatest self-help program on Simple Bundha earth comes in the form of how we treat people. That’s attitude. What do you notice about people when There are four attitudes that are they lose their spirit for life, get tired, burned considered to be the finest in the land. They out or depressed? So, we can clearly say, that are: if we don’t do those things, we’ve got a good 1/ chance of not getting burned out, exhausted 2/ or depressed. In the science of yoga those 3/ things are called the Bundha, and they are 4/ designed to store more Qi. Sleep Attitude Sleep deprivation causes mood swings, Few things store more juice than depression, mistakes, emotional instability, happiness. Two people doing the same job Attitude tiredness, exhaustion, hunger, and addictions can come out of it totally different based on - so it’s important to get it right - we sleep their attitude. Anything done with resentment about 1/3 of our life ....zzzzzzzzzzzzz kills us. Whether it’s in relationship, work, The keys to great sleep are... cleaning the car, washing the cat, cutting your nails or changing the diaper. But attitude is not Sleep Sleep deprivation causes mood swings, depression, mistakes, emotion, tiredness, hunger, blood pressure problems, addictions and grumpiness. [13]
  • 15. PEACE OF MIND DIRECTING QI The Other Shore Every outcome has a balance of good news and bad. I walked to the water’s edge A balanced mind is a peaceful mind. A and dove in. I wanted to find a new world, one scattered brain, chattering and fragmented Perspective with less pain. I swam and swam for thirty, forty can’t focus and therefore wastes huge years. I rested on Islands along the way but I amounts of Qi. It begins with an awareness that never stopped swimming on the journey to the can only be achieved with a helicopter other shore. perspective. You can’t manage anything you One day, out of the blue I saw it: that are in. other shore. I swam and swam and finally There are infinite possibilities to change exhausted I crawled up on that beautiful the world and for every change that’s sorted shoreline. I lay there transfixed at the beauty of out, another one evolves. So trying to fix things it, I couldn’t believe that, after all these years of is like coating the world with leather instead of exploration and search and fear and struggle, wearing shoes. This perspective requires three I’d found it. things: I lay there basking in the Sun. I rolled over onto my side to touch the sand and it was then 1. Imbalanced Perspectives that I noticed something weird. Perspective 2. Nervous Tension My old footprints were there. They lead 3. Righteousness into the water. I soon realised I was back, right where I’d Another alternative is to come to peace started thirty - forty years before. with the world, as it is. That’s a massive But everything felt different. What had change of heart. It requires three things: changed? The wars were still there. The pain was still there. The human drama, including my 1. Balanced Perspectives own were still there, but it was different. 2. Ability to see order in chaos Maybe the only thing that changed in all 3. Humility those years of swimming, was my perspective. Maybe this was all it needed - a change of One of these two brings with it a focused, heart a different perspective. productive, sustainable state: peace of mind. Perspective Peace of mind comes from your perspective. Peace cannot exist in a righteous mind You may see things in the world you would love to change, this is your purpose and vision. But there is a vast difference between purpose, vision and being right. [15]
  • 17. CONTENTMENT DIRECTING QI There are four states of “life alert” we can place ourselves in. Black - Frozen Red - Fight - flight Now the importance of meditation is well Yellow - Attentive documented. The benefits are well Perspective Green - Na-na land documented. The only question is about the The crazy concept is to live in Red or Black process. Is sitting on your butt, with pain in and sit on a cushion in the morning or night for your knees staring at a statue of some sort, the Green... This burns huge amounts of Qi for sniffing smoky incense and lighting candles very little return. really necessary? What if there’s a short cut through all the Mind Control hullabaloo and reverence for meditation? What if there’s a way to meditate while you walk, talk, Whatever success means, the ultimate sleep, eat, fart and play? experience is to be in total contentment, to Meditation is actually the ability to put want absolutely nothing, to desire nothing, to your mind in a certain brain wave frequency. be totally content with yourself where there is 2-4 mz to be exact. In that state your mind is nothing lacking; there is no desire, no calm and receptors are open. That state of motivation to fix, or repair, or change. Then mind does not require a meditation stool, from this place all actions are taken voluntarily, smoke, flames, statues, crossed legs or even a inspired, not reactive. With contentment, head shave. whatever you touch, whatever you are doing or not doing -- even just existing -- is a peak Life Meditation experience. You are alive and that is enough. Then life can occur with inner harmony. You can meditate by learning stillness. Now this will seem to be contradicting the ideal Stillness means that your body is frozen like a Perspective that we must aspire to be the best we can or block of Antarctic ice before global warming. that we must continually evolve in order to give Your inner stuff is running rampant and you are and serve others but we are not talking about watching it. You are watching it and bit by bit, doing things here, we are talking about, being that inner stuff starts to go where you direct it. complete before we act. That means totally content, comfortable with who we are. Perspective I want nothing need nothing and therefore I have everything Peace of mind comes from a balanced perspective. [17]
  • 19. LIFE MEDITATION Yellow Consciousness DIRECTING QI This is the perfect state of consciousness at work. It is neither unconscious nor deluded. In fact, it is ambivalent. You might be surprised Black Hole Consciousness that I use the word ambivalent to define a great There is a state of anxiety and fear that state of mind, but ambivalent is, without doubt renders a person inactive. It’s a state of the most powerful place you can sustain. Delta -Theta Wave Mind overwhelm, too much information, too much Here’s why. Anything you can’t see the balance state (Meditation, emotional drama and the mind goes to glug. in runs you. Now, if you see the balance in Intuition, Memory 1-7 There’s neither the instinct to run nor the something you can take it or leave it. Like a Hz) wisdom not to. This is the black hole and we new car or a new relationship. If you can say, I can call it unconscious,depression, bipolar, and can take it or leave it, this doesn’t sound in extremes, schizophrenia. When a person romantic or enthusiastic, but what it does mean enters the realms of the unconscious, they are is that you have the power. lost to action. Green Consciousness Red Consciousness There’s a truck rushing at on you. The Alpha Wave Red consciousness (Mini Me) is low business is going bust. Your health is going to consciousness. This is a state of mind very ruin. If you are in black consciousness you go (Relaxation, close to bipolar. The individual is high one down with the ship. If you are in red Visualisation, Creativity minute and withdrawn the next. Here people consciousness you have a panic attack and get 7-12 Hz) become quite deluded, believing in their own emotional, if you have yellow consciousness Beta Mind States infallibility and sometimes taking extreme risks. you sit and work out a solution. If you are in green consciousness you don’t give a damn. (Alertness, In less extreme Red Consciousness, the Green consciousness (Maxi Me) is like the Concentration, individual is highly emotional, prone to burst of captain of the Titanic, “full speed ahead, she’ll Cognition 12-40 Hz) temper, sadness, tears and joy - often in the be right, the universe will look after us. OOPS, same day. This consciousness is often the oh, goodness what’s that big white thing? consciousness of artists and highly excitable creative people. Gamma Wave (High alert, Clarity, Perception ! 40+ Hz) Not Medication - Meditation! Not enough tension? We will demonstrate the power of mental tension and nerve tension in creating a “healthy state” of productivity. We call this state “intensity.” You want something done, ask a busy person. [19]
  • 21. INNER BALANCE Inner peace, mental resilience, personal magnetism all come from the art of stillness the essence of who we are. A closed “Give me a few hours by heart just creates trouble. myself, leave me alone, shut out all Following the laws of nature you will rid yourself of clutter, interruptions, and I can bring physically and mentally which brings myself down to my work. It is here a purity to your life. If anything or anyone starts to obstruct your that my true nature comes alive.” journey, by letting nature guide you, your work, you will automatically be bringing Chris Walker then you will be able to transform those the best to the world and your own life. In our complex world, we have the challenges back to inspiration, spontaneously. opportunity to simplify our understandings by Through this awareness, there is an The goal of life is living in relating everything to nature. The implied merging of stillness and agreement with nature. forest, the ocean, the sky, species, fluidity. Stillness is vital because rocks, plants, animals and insects unless the mind is still, it cannot Bringing these five laws of nature into your Stillness all have a voice. It requires find truth. Fluidity, because the life you can tap your inspiration any time. It’s comes through silence and wisdom to hear it. world itself is endlessly simply a matter of rising into that state by balance The Laws of Nature bring the changing around us, in busy ordering your mind, creating the right harmony of nature into everyday chance events. Yet your mind, at environment, distancing yourself from any life. Evidence of those laws can be the heart of all this restlessness, overriding emotion and then concentrating on found in music, in dance, in business as must remain still, motionless, holding the task at hand. It is automatic when we do well as relationships. The universal laws are harmony with nature. what we love to do, with people we love to be found in every walk of life. around. Nature’s law frees you to be inspired, Knowing those laws will create harmony in even when those perfect circumstances don’t “When one tugs at a your work, stimulate the environment you exist. It’s a great power. create, direct the exercises you do and help single thing in nature, he create the depth and silence to open your inner Connected or she finds it attached to ear to your own life inspiration. When you run your fingers over the solid A stressed, emotional individual cannot the rest of the world.” trunk of a tree, pick up a stone and notice its create healthy environments. If we become aged patterns, examine the fragility of a leaf, emotional and insecure we loose the foundation The laws of nature bring the silence that is and let water flow through your fingers you on which we live. Nature’s Law provides an necessary for inspiration into your life. We do allow yourself to let your real inspiration for life alternative: Stillness, harmony and beauty are not make the world a better place by running flow through you. You simply feel the wonder of our connection to our own inspiration. We around trying to fix things, this just adds to the it, and see how every object of nature can guide cannot do what we love if we continually loose problem. If you can learn to be still, immersed in you and help you manage and understand. 1st law of nature - learned from the outside – wisdom comes experience have been adopted as truth. from within. They are simply collections of data and Balance knowledge that can be unlearned. It is said in the East that the first thing to be To live and work inspired and in harmony Wisdom learned is to unlock what has already been with nature we must be willing to surrender Balanced mind • learned and then unlearn it. This unlearning to the awareness that one’s ideas and Balanced Body • is what is called real wisdom. Knowledge is opinions are just a collection of erroneous Balanced ideas • Balanced Lifestyle • facts that, through conditioning or [21]
  • 22. INNER BALANCE the world. Honesty with yourself is essential, discrepancy in human judgement as a new every un-needed calorie, everything taken in disease. Every time someone lacks the will to that is not needed is a step closer to the grave. stop eating or thinking a certain way they design Why not be honest about it, most people’s a new drug to help those people lose weight. Only 5% of people die from old age, the health is suicide. Can you see the fallacy in this? rest die from ignorance, accidents and abuse. If you are carrying excess weight, stressed, No drug can give vitality, stamina, health Think through your health habits and eliminate worried, feeling emotionally disturbed and endurance. No drug can give self respect or anything that is making you more acidic. acknowledge that you are doing the wrong thing wholesomeness. No drug can build families or Be Honest – Are you Sick? by yourself. It’s a human choice to do bad businesses. Drugs can only counteract effect. Is everything you do a big effort? health. Some do it quick and some slow. Un And they have side effects. No drug has not side Have you started to lose your skin tone? healthy people are choosing body pleasure over effect. They all ultimately deny truth. Humans Are you forgetful and confused? life, they are doing suicide faster than most. For can heal, humans cause their reality. Has your hearing begun to deteriorate? every cubic inch of fat on the overweight Empowerment begins with this knowledge. Has your vision begun to dim? person, the body must have 700 miles of fine Haphazard living is the true reason why Do you wobble a little when you walk? tubes to nourish and sustain this excess fat – people feel dragged out, weak or worn or Do you get out of breath when you climb this puts a huge burden on the breathing prematurely old, full of aches and pains, headed stairs? apparatus and the normal function of the heart. for the human scrap heap. How limber is your lower back? The pulse and blood pressure are forced to raise We can change all this. Do your joints creak? to dangerous heights. We can choose to How well do you adjust to cold and heat? change. Are you slipping and not quite yourself any Getting out of your head more? Be a professional ‘rester’ We live most of our lives in our head and in this realm of seemingly infinite possibilities it It’s hard to do good if you don’t feel In our competitive business world we build becomes so easy to be deluded. up tremendous pressures, tensions and strains good Delusions un-ground us and take out and try to project a healthy image – it takes Sickness is Nature’s way of showing you energy from our being that could, if channelled, tremendous energy to project an image and that you are filled with toxin. Dead people do not be directed toward love, inspiration, friends, uphold this image. Rest is something few people catch colds. Today, take the time to drink two care, compassion and our wellness. know how to do. Being still is something few glasses of the most beautiful water, sip it slowly, The first step is to detect our delusion. We people enjoy. We must schedule into our day smile each time you sip, really enjoy two glasses must be open to observing where we are lost in time to rest. Begin to live as nature wants you of water, and give yourself the 20 seconds it our head. to live. Demand of yourself a higher standard of takes to celebrate it. If we are deluded it is like being mentally health and happiness. You cannot receive higher Healthy lifestyles dispel the wastes and and physically constipated. In this state we health unless your body gets its rest periods to toxins that kill many people. Make time to work, cannot absorb new nutrients and the old develop new vitality and energy. Regard your think, play, read, worship, help, love, dream, becomes toxic. body as a machine under your care and laugh, beautify, health, plan. The greatest enemy First, we must learn to get out of our head supervision and every machine must have rest of long life is lack of respect for the needs of in order to find inner balance and calm. Second periods or you will build up too much nervous good balanced lifestyle. we can learn to get back into our head and to friction and tension. Seek a life of peacefulness There is little doubt that people born with a think without delusion. and serenity as you grow older, away from the sound constitution can, without difficulty, live to pressures and stimulation. Put yourself in “all human problems (including violence) be 120. Ageing is a myth. Keep away from Nature’s hands and let her run your machine, come from our inability to sit quietly in a greasy food. Greasy food makes you sleep heal your ailments. Your rewards will be many in longer, have less energy, think slower and feel all room, alone.” Pascal renewed health, a calmness of spirit and a new rebound sluggish, plus your digestion will be Sit still awareness of the perfect natural beauties that slow and cause toxicity in the body. nature has bestowed upon us so generously. A great way to cultivate life force is by systematically teaching your body to obey you, Choose to live or Die? Vitality is a choice - balance begins in other words. Sit still. You can teach your Rewards are granted by nature alone. She body to sit in the posture that you prescribe to Physical weakness, flabbiness, are can give you long life and health. Food and it, and not move. Or, it can stand in a place choices. No excuses. They are short-term lifestyle must merge in a natural way to build the where you want it to, and not move. You can choices with long-term repercussions. We either foundation for your being. The healthy person train your body not to become restless, or choose to listen to our dumb habits or we never dies young; rarely by accident, for nature fatigued by what is asked of it, simply by choose to follow our will. The medical takes care of those who are on purpose. Totally learning not to fidget. profession is a looking to name every healthy people live as long as they are useful in [22]
  • 23. INNER BALANCE Avoid over cooked food. Beyond Anger Eliminate Dairy other than skim milk The second method is one of my Minimise wheat and processed flour. favourites when I am under pressure. Drop Balanced mind - Balanced Breath your arms by your sides, open your hands, Feed yourself well and feel the anger drain out of the ends of We are air machines. Oxygen not only your fingers. The tingling in your fingers is the The body requires only 14 do 15 purifies our body but is also one of the great release of emotion and the opening in your elements, and when these are supplied the energisers of the human body. We are air chest is often the recycled energy, freed from needs of life are met; but if you send down pressure machines. We live at the bottom of the emotion that generated it. into the system a massive thing that the body an atmospheric ocean approximately 70 miles cannot use, then it will be stored as fat or deep. The air pressure is fourteen pounds per overload the system. An internal war Self-Discipline square inch. Between the exhalation and the develops. This takes vitality away from the inhalation of a breath, a vacuum is formed. As If we can’t control what goes in our other functions of the body. In other words if long as we continue to have this rhythmical mouth, if cannot stop smoking or drinking or you eat improper foods, or meals that are too intake and outgo of oxygen, we will live. We eating chocolate for a day or two, then the big, your blood will become toxic, you know that we can go without food for 30 days notion of following one’s inner guide is become vulnerable to disease, get irritable or more and still survive, but we can only go ridiculous. Mastering the fundamental and lose energy. Sometimes, the more you without air for a very few minutes, so air is one principles of life, the disciplines of good eat, the more tired you get. of the important energisers of the human eating, exercise and self control are the body. The more deeply you breathe pure air, foundation stones from which higher Good Decision making the better your chances are for extending your explorations of life are possible. years on this earth. Today, do a don’t do. Don’t do Of all the energy draining possibilities, Long-lived people have one common something that you always do. Park the car in emotion is the largest consumer of human denominator – they are deep breathers. The a different place, walk sideways, put the other power, life force and vitality. deeper and fewer breaths a person takes in leg into your pants first or stay silent all day or I am sure you have witnessed the one minute, the longer they live. Take long, leave the computer off, skip coffee. Do obvious drain on energy that comes from slow, deep breaths first thing in the morning something small but significant and become depression, worry, sadness, anxiety, grief. and during working hours take periods to aware of the mindless habits that might be There are others too; anger is the most practice long, full, deep breaths. running your life. hidden and yet, one of the largest consumers of personal vitality. Breathe through anger Let’s examine ways to prevent the loss of Intestinal Happiness life-force through accidental emotional When you are angry, find where it is in Intestinal poisoning due to bad diet is release. your body that you feel it most. Is it in your one of the most common diseases and Balanced mind - More Love - Less stomach below the navel, or the chest, fist, demagnetising influences in society. 99 righteousness jaw, or throat? These are areas of your body percent of people suffer from bad digestion. that have become contracted, and in this Foods that poison the intestine, aggravate the A loving person is never one-sided. Two state they cannot function. Literally, they are intestine-- poison the body and mind. You sides is love, one side is emotion. blocked energy centres. One method to can’t hold concentration or mind control with Righteousness comes from imbalanced change anger is to focus one by one on the a mind that is under the affect of toxic food. thinking, it will have significant swings of areas of blockage and begin to release them Do not over eat at any time. Two emotion from infatuation to resentment, one by one using the breath. If you can sense handfuls per meal is ideal elation to depression, attraction to repulsion, the energy within your anger, and if you can Beware of nightshades. Especially this is not love. concentrate on feeling that, then let it flow Eggplant, raw onion, mushroom, tomato. Loving living is neither excess or down the front of your body like a current, and Beware of excess sugar and sweets. It is deficiency. Neither overeating nor under then up your spine. not a food. eating. Never too much, never too little. The This is the life force re-directed, and Beware of excess coffee, tea, alcohol, result is balanced living. A balanced person instead of releasing and wasting that vital tobacco and the other stimulants. will be at ease because there is always force, you are re directing it. This is not to Beware of processed food. Especially awareness of love in their heart. No matter suggest that you should repress the anger or white flour and Salt. what the situation, this loving attitude will not hold it within. To turn anger inside means to Don’t eat animal organs. be lost. channel the energy and reclaim the energy Don’t put excess food in the fridge to eat that is being wasted, and use it to uplift you tomorrow. and others. Avoid excessively hot or cold food or drink. [23]
  • 24. INNER BALANCE If the body starts to compensate for a one Then it’s wake up time. shouldered load, the compensations go all the What time, and what to do? way to the ankles, knees, hips, lower back, What to eat? kidneys, middle back, neck and shoulders. Exercise? This is the chiropractors dream. The one Take a smoko (without the smoke) shoulder, a shoulder bag...and now, add a nice 3 Then it’s about getting to work kg computer, a water bottle and some coins. Arrival time One of the hidden benefits of smoking is Self time the forced time out it gives people. You can see Step one each day Don’t bring it home those people just standing there, looking up to the sky celebrating the toxins that flood into If there is a trace of frustration, elation, their lungs and make them feel calm. depression, sadness, self adulation in your Well, no one is advocating the need for emotional being when you walk in the front door cigarettes, but we still need to take the five of your home, you’re polluting the people you minutes smoko every hour or so. love. And what’s more, they are goinng to react Stop. Take five minutes for yourself every to it and then two people at least, are messed hour and in that five minutes, just stand, stop, up. enjoy the view, chill out, rejuvenate your heart If you think you are better than anybody and soul. Then go back renewed. else, people are going to put you down. If you are down on yourself people want to put you up. The Power nap So, if you don’t want to screw up your home life because of your work life. Learn to let go of it. There are five different levels of brain wave I’ll give you a few ideas as to how to do it. activity. Some restful, some not. You can learn how to drop into the deepest of these levels, far First, note that you can’t do good things deeper rest than most sleep provides, at will. that have no bad news built in. This is the ego’s Power naps are a vital and important nightmare. It screams, “oh, how dare you spoil ingredient of lifestyles that demand high levels my upper.” but I promise, you won’t regret it if of interaction, emotional response, and personal you simply balance down your uppers by finding availability. what you could have done better. We have seen remarkable results from this On the other side, the ego loves to criticise skill in company cultures where the benefits are you. So, that very same ego that builds us up, understood. Power naps are not sleeps. They puts us down. Now we don’t have to wait till we last a maximum of 10 minutes. They are not a get home for all this. Simply take those things “gee I need to go lie down for the afternoon.” that are downers in your day and find the benefit. In other words how did those things Shoulder bags happening cause you to live more of your dreams. If you just take a second to do it, more often than not, you discover that your greatest Do you see those business people running downers are actually your greatest support on through air ports with their garment bag on one your path. That’s nature... shoulder, overcoat dragging under their arm and an overloaded brief case on the other. Before you start work Now, if you were a scientist building a structure to handle those forces, would you make it like a human body? Little vertebra all Self nourishing starts before you hit the one on top of the other and compressible front door of the office. sponges in between them carrying nerves and vital fuel to the rest of the body? It begins with how you went to bed the I doubt it... night before. The one shoulder bag is a cantilever on the Did you sleep well? spine that has disastrous effects on health, If not, what can we do about it? mind, body and amazingly, spirit. What affects a good night’s sleep? [24]
  • 26. YOUR CHOICES Choose to live or die, to be healthy or not. Let’s see how we are so far... Your New Food Plan Your new thinking plan Your Coaching others plan Your New Exercise plan Your new wake up plan Thoughts are thoughts - ideas are ideas - Your New Decision making plan promises are promises but results are the only reality Your New Rest Plan Your New Energy Conservation plan Your new sleeping plan a global expert within 2 years (if you could If you don’t plan ahead Wisdom remember the content). Good Decisions you plan to fail • The pain of regret always outweighs the Long term thinking • pain of discipline. So, why not commit Habits today cause life tomorrow. There’s Health is a priority • Body first mind second • yourself to a way of being that is short-term thinking, medium-term and sustainable? long-term. Did you know that if you read a No one can do it for you book a week, stayed on one topic, you’d be [26]
  • 29. INNER BALANCE Taking Responsibility If you can understand the nature of the human body, you have a guru in nature, a way of knowing yourself far deeper and more honest than the ego mind. Where does the body begin and the mind finish? Face it How do I know if I am out of balance? Read nature’s bible - your body. All illness, disease, pain, and mental disturbance comes from excess now make a doctor of the body, and a psychologist of the mind, two or deficiency. Too much or too little of something. In other words an separate professions. Understandably so, because they are highly refined imbalance. So, your body is one of the most powerful feedback technical areas. loops you have regarding the balance of your mind and body. Over specialisation leads to extinction and in the case of Disease is In dealing with physical illness, disease or pain first we health it is not the extinction of the practitioner that is at must address the effect. The whole science of health is to stake but the life and wellness of the patient. We must stay excess or heal the body first. When this is done, or at some stage open to the full diversity of health and healing otherwise deficiency - during that process, it can be wise to heal at a deeper level. we become dependent on the drugs and pharmaceuticals imbalance For thousands of years in human history the mind and which are being invented as fast as new diseases are being the body were not treated as separate. They were considered a named. All to repair our disconnection to the balance of nature. part of the same science of healing and health. A healthy mind creates I encourage you to keep a broad outlook on the value of both mind a healthy body they used to say... But, we’ve drifted from those times and and body in the process of wellness. BODY MIND SCIENCE ANKLES KNEES LUNGS MIGRAINE Core values Beliefs Emotion Inspiration Uncertainty or Stuck or Attachment to Intuition confusion in stubborn the past - arguing with direction attachment Asthma - can’t reality and we leads to causes knee let go the just don’t sprained or pains or last breath.. want to admit painful injury. it. ankles. [29]
  • 31. 5 U’S Five Elements Although we like to think of ourselves as an integrated human being, under different circumstances we function quite differently. So one key is gaining mastery over all five “selves” not just one. [31]
  • 33. BE IN YOUR ELEMENT Earth There is a part of us all that is earth. This part of our personality loves to get its hands dirty, is trustworthy, fun, reliable, faithful, and can manage the complexities of life. EARTH Earth energy is the foundation of all good management - ambivalence What would happen if you gave the following full time tasks to an surface. These might not be “nice” according to your self projection of earth energy environment? Nursing, Care giving, Human Resource who you are, but this is the art of emptiness. To just watch your thoughts management, Visionary, Creative design, Imagination, Sales, without expectation or judgement. It sounds boring to some Change leader, Therapy, Healing, Government. people, a waste of time to others, but please, tell those ego’s All great The power of Ambivalence - Grounded. it’s OK, you will return to your ego after you finish. Once you have learned to be “dead still” the second decisions discipline is to kill the power of the ego. “dead thinking” – In Helicopter Mindset - balanced mind happen from a state of dead stillness, and preferably only after you earth. You can’t manage anything that you are in. You can’t master that skill for 10 minutes, you start to withdraw yourself manage anything your can’t see the balance in. Sometimes we from your thoughts. You achieve this by just watching them. need to do a helicopter on our life. In other words, step out of Now, this is more challenging than it sounds because you must not things and look back, objectively. I wonder what you’d see? try. Therefore, you must let any thought that chooses to be in your head, EARTH CONSTITUTION BODY SPACES FOOD THOUGHTS MOTIVES Environments: Grounding: What Strength: Wood, leather, Red meat, deep Tell me what Security, book shelves, sea fish, you are going strength, history, night shades, to do. Then resources, strength, pumpkin, tell me how responsibility solid, quiet, potato, ice- and when. sustainability predictable, cream, long term. traditional. chocolate. [33]
  • 34. WHAT DO YOU WANT? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [34]
  • 35. THE DETAILS [35]
  • 36. HARMONY Personal There are no half hearted success stories HARMONY AT WORK - PUT YOUR HEART INTO IT 100% People say put your heart into it; it means to become fully invested. It means to throw the full weight of your humanity behind something. We must be vigilant. When the heart goes out of something we sabotage it. There’s low emotion and there’s high When we explore the term heart in emotion, and your heart is the highest of them common language we find that 'heart' means all. the central or innermost part of something such We speak of the heart as if it were a as the ‘heart of the city’, it also means the spongy weak mushy place that opens at essential or vital part of something such as movies, dribbles that tear down your cheek at quot;what is the heart of the matter?quot; A person with the worst of moments, and makes us so a ‘lot of heart’ is someone with determination. vulnerable. But the heart is without doubt the To ‘lose heart’ means to be discouraged so we be true to yourself and others. It all begins with most powerful human centre that can exist. All see that the will of a person emanates from their gaining a true sense of your being. It’s a way to humanitarian power comes from the heart - all heart. We refer to the heart when we talk about think and feel that reflects your true nature, it is compassion, motivation, consideration and generosity or sincerity as well as consideration, natural, and, it creates an inner happiness. care. This is the experience we have in the understanding and helpfulness as when we say, As soon harmony is felt within the human presence of a powerful individual, a leader, quot;He has a big heart.quot; or quot;She is a dear heart.quot; heart it comes alive in the form of graciousness. performer or lover. An open heart is the greatest When a person is cruel or mean or when You feel it in a person who is: power any human can contain within their body someone shows no regard for others we say, 1. Centred and it is the human heart that can make or quot;His heart is closed or small or cold or that he 2. Balanced break harmony at work. has no heart at all.quot; To find your heart is to find 3. Relaxed your path, it’s also to hold a certain centre, and [36]