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Part of Sage Day 2010

                                         lasting impressions
                                       places    personal stories
    Do something

  extraordinary                             memorable
                                 moments in time
                    customer stories
The dictionary definition of extraordinary is ‘very unusual,
special, unexpected or strange’. It is a word that can
have many meanings and is very subjective, as what one
person deems to be normal, another person may think
is extraordinary, as it all depends on their own previous
experiences and expectations.

Bearing this in mind, for something or someone to be
extraordinary, it does not necessarily have to be grand,
unique or something that others could not also achieve.

encompasses the little things that happen every day all
across the world that may not seem special to one person,
but might make a lasting impression on someone else.

Here at Sage, we want to provide extraordinary
experiences for our customers and our people and to
understand what that actually means to each and every
one of them. For our customers, being extraordinary could
simply be a live person on the end of the phone making a
personal connection with them. For our people, it could be
receiving the right recognition for a job well done by their
colleagues and managers. Or it could be something else
completely different.

Places Moments
People Quotes…
that have all touched people in some way and changed
the way they view the world. Some things are big, others
are small, but all are most definitely extraordinary.

Enjoy reading this booklet, we hope that it inspires you
to think about what extraordinary means to you.

Alison Brooks
Service Development Administrator
Sage Australia

                I have a quote at my workstation from Martin Luther King:

             “Life’s most urgent question is:
              what are you doing for others?”

                                                                Also, I had a wonderful uncle
                                                                who always responded to a
                                                                “How are you?” with a positive
                                                                “Great! How are you?” He even
                                                                did this when he was dying and
                                                                in much pain. In memory of my
                                                                uncle, I respond the same way,
                                                                and it is good to hear people’s
                                                                days improving with the
                                                                positiveness; much better than
                                                                the usual “Can’t complain”.

Kathleen Pock
Office Manager, on behalf
of the Williamsburg, VA office
Sage North America

                               Front Row Left to Right: Jill Steward,
                               Mr. Jefferson, Lisa Jones
                               Back Row Left to Right: Al Ptasznik, Kathleen Pock,
                               Bobby Andrade, Jean Phillips

                               The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
                               operates the world’s largest (301 acres) living
                               history museum in Williamsburg, Virginia –
                               the restored 18th-century capital of Britain’s
                               largest, wealthiest, and most populous
                               outpost of empire in the New World. This
                               extraordinary organisation recently selected
                               Sage Millennium for their donor management
                               software. Thomas Jefferson (centre), famous
                               Virginian and former President, is an inspiration
                               but not an actual member of the Sage
                               Millennium team.

Peter Hutt
Corporate Development Manager
Sage Ireland

                                                               Truly a place to
                                                               inspire as well as
               Nine miles off the Irish coast lies a small
               island group, ‘The Skelligs’. On the largest
                                                               an experience out
               of this group, ‘Skellig Michael’, in the
               7th Century, a group of monks made their
                                                               of the ordinary.
               home and monastery, a monastery that
               was inhabited for over 600 years.

               This monastery and island is one of the
               most inspiring places on the planet, on a
               still summer’s day, 230 metres high among
               the rocks, looking back at the coast, you
               can see how the monks thought that they
               were closer to God.

               On other days, with the fog making visibility
               impossible, but still hearing the beat of the
               waves, the cries of the gulls and the noise
               of the puffins there is a sense of being in
               another realm entirely.

Eric Mueller
Sage Germany

               Besides my parents
               I consider the following people as really extraordinary:
                                                                           to whom I owe my existence,

               Albert Einstein                             because he managed to unify several
               physical effects to a new understanding of space and time.

               Lisa Sauermann                               because she is currently the best pupil
               in mathematical competitions in Germany and is one of the really top participants in the
               International Mathematical Olympiad.

               Johann Sebastian Bach
               outstanding and timeless music, which I enjoy very much.
                                                                                      because of his really

               Martin Luther                            because many persecutions could not
               stop him and his bible translation has been the first basis for a rather unified written
               German language.

               Jesus Christ                     because of his astonishing answers to questions
               and reactions to problems and because I owe him very much in my life.

Jesús Martín
Implementation and Support
Sage Spain

               My favourite quote:

          “It would be
           better if we had
           not built so
           many walls and
           so few bridges.”
               To encourage collaboration between partners
               (building bridges) rather than promote
               competition, independence between them
               (building walls).

Nicola Kinsella
Internal Trainer and Coach
Sage Ireland

                                                                   “I’ve learned that people
                                                                    will forget what you
                                                                    said, people will forget
                                                                    what you did, but people
                                                                    will never forget how
                                                                    you made them feel.”

                 I have a quote that has popped up a few
                 times over the last month or so that I really
                 believe in, not just in life in general but I
                 especially believe in it because of the nature
                 of my role as a trainer here in Sage – it’s not
                 just about getting the information through
                 to a person, it’s more so about how you
                 make them feel when you are conveying
                 the information and helping them to learn.

Liz Hickok
Director, Human Resources
Sage North America

                One of my most extraordinary experiences          of the students as they performed during
                involved school children in Africa. During        a school assembly. The children were thrilled
                a Kenyan safari in 2002 with my husband           to receive additional supplies and playground
                and a group of friends, we visited local          equipment and squealed with delight as we
                community schools supported by the resort         simply blew bubbles into the group.
                                                                  While this school building does not compare
                It was incredible to see the extremely poor       at all with the typical new U.S. schools, it
                condition of one particular school and lack       definitely is an improvement and provides
                of supplies for teachers and students. Yet,       more opportunity for the children to learn
                it was amazing to see the students’ joy and       and improve their future conditions. This
                excitement to attend school, even as they         whole experience made us realise how
                had to walk as far as three miles one-way.        very fortunate we and U.S. children are
                                                                  to have such excellent educational facilities
                After our return to the U.S., one of our safari   and opportunities.
                members involved her company, Pfizer, who
                matched funds to build a new school. Upon
                our return to Kenya in 2007, we visited the
                school again and were delighted to see the
                change, the pride of the students and
                community, and the excitement and smiles

Rachel Wallace
HR Generalist
Sage North America

                                           “Do at least one
                                            thing every day
                                            that scares you.”
                                                Eleanor Roosevelt

               Recently I received a birthday card that
               had this quote I’ve really taken to heart.
               This quote is a great reminder of how easy
               it is to become complacent in our daily lives
               – and it’s just the encouragement I need to
               get out of my comfort zone!

Emma Nixon
SalesLogix Support Analyst
Sage UK

              In 2007 we went to Hua Hin in Thailand for
              our honeymoon. I had never been to Thailand
              before, but the memory will stay with me forever.
              It really is the ‘land of smiles’. The people are
              warm and friendly, the country is beautiful, and
              food is delicious. Sitting on the beach, over
              looking the sea watching the sun set was so
              peaceful and beautiful. Now I just have to get
              my husband to take me back there again!

Debra Larkin
Professional Services & Education Co-ordinator
Sage Australia

                 In 2003 when my son was 13 and in high          This information led to the removal of
                 school, he complained of not being able         my son’s bowel at the age of 14, which
                 to see the blackboard at school. I took him     was a terrible shock, but I am thankful that
                 to the optometrist to get his eyes checked.     an optometrist picked this up early.
                 The optometrist said there was nothing
                 wrong with his eyesight but there were          What stands out for me during this awful
                 some marks on the back of the retina that       time is the support I received from
                 he didn’t know what they were and would         HandiSoft management and staff.
                 it be ok if he referred me to a specialist.
                                                                 I was able to take extra time off work to stay
                 I took him to the eye specialist, who told me   in hospital with my son for a few weeks.
                 that there was nothing wrong with his sight
                 but he then started asking questions about      The day before I left I was presented with
                 whether I had bowel cancer in the family,       a parcel of things that my work colleagues
                 apparently the marks on the back of the eyes    had put together for me for the stay i.e.
                 are a sign of hereditary bowel cancer. My son   magazines, sample sized toiletries and lollies.
                 was then referred to the Gastroenterology       This gesture was overwhelming and made
                 department for a colonoscopy which              me realise that people genuinely cared about
                 showed up hundreds of polyps that were          me, it changed the way I viewed my life and
                 pre cancerous.                                  the impact I have on others.

Jennie Han
Senior Accountant
Sage Australia

                I have been living in Australia for 15 years.      disappointing afterwards is that I did not have
                I love this country and I always feel privileged   a chance to express my gratitude over the
                to live here, not only because of the beautiful    phone to some of them because they were
                environment but also the many wonderful            no longer working in the same position.
                people; people who can make a difference
                in the lives of others.                            As a result, my nephew was granted a
                                                                   permanent visa just 3 months after we lodged
                Two years ago, I invited my nephew Jiapeng         the application! This meant so much to a
                to come to Australia to study in high school       young man at his age. We are just ordinary
                as an overseas student. He was 16 years old immigrants with few connections. It was the
                at the time, and he was playing table tennis       enduring support from those many kind
                in the Chinese national youth team before he       people that ultimately made my nephew’s
                came to Australia. Soon, some friends realized dream come true. The immigration office held
                his talent and invited him to compete in some a special citizenship ceremony for Jiapeng on
                table tennis competitions. He surprised            the 29th June 2009 in Canberra. When the
                everyone when he started to win regional and immigration officer announced Jiapeng’s
                national competitions. Then we had a dream         citizenship, I could not hold back the tears...
                for him to represent Australia in table tennis.    That was my extraordinary and
                My nephew had never thought to immigrate           unforgettable moment; a moment and
                since it is very difficult to meet the criteria to experience that I shall cherish forever.
                qualify for the immigration.
                                                                   People can really make a difference.
                I thought that we might just give it a try to      My nephew is now training hard in
                lodge a PR application. While I was preparing preparation for the 2010 Table Tennis
                the lodgment documents, I became                   Australian Open Championships in June.
                overwhelmed by the generous support from           This is one of selections in the lead-up
                many people around us. They gave up their          to the Australian national team competing
                own time and energy to compose and post            at the Commonwealth Games to be held
                me the recommendation letters. I was so            in New Delhi in October this year.
                grateful and indeed surprised, as I had never
                even met some of these people. What is

Alexandra Ferrero
Sage Spain

                    My favourite quote is Nietzsche’s phrase:

               “Everyone thinks
                that the principal
                thing to the tree
                is the fruit, but in
                point of fact the
                principal thing to
                it is the seed.”
Ken Prokopec
Sales Manager – ACT!
Sage Australia

                After a particularly painful time in my life,     Sure enough our table started talking to the
                I decided to head overseas for a little solo      people at her table. Turns out she was called
                trip with the desire to use the trip as a time    Kristy and from Australia. We invited her along
                to reflect and find out who I was again.          with us that night for some drinks and we
                                                                  were inseparable. During the conversation,
                I was in the great Italian city of Rome and       it turns out that she first saw me in the
                visiting the Trevi Fountain. They say if you      restaurant and decided to also eat there
                throw three coins over your shoulder into the     as a result. The waiter had intended to sit
                fountain and make a wish, it will come true.      her elsewhere, but she asked if she could
                So when in Rome, do as the Romans do.             sit at the table right next to mine.
                Feeling lucky, I took a look around at my
                surroundings and then I found myself staring      Unfortunately, our travel plans were in
                at beautiful young lady posing for a photo        separate directions and we were only able to
                with the fountain in the background. I was        meet up that night. I remember heading back
                mesmerized. However, this came to a sudden        to our hostel and one of my friends teasing
                halt, as my travel companions were ready          me about Kristy – I responded by saying that
                to move on.                                       she was the girl I was going to marry. Thanks
                                                                  to e-mail we kept in touch and eventually, she
                We carried on sightseeing and found a spot        came over to Canada to see me.
                for lunch down a side street. Out of the corner
                of my eye, I spotted that same girl from the      After an amazing extended trip to Canada,
                fountain. Luckily for me, she was going to eat    I ended up moving to Australia. We then got
                at the restaurant as well and was seated at       engaged in the Greek Islands, got married in
                the table next to me.                             the Yarra Valley and now have 2 beautiful kids
                                                                  and are building our home in the country just
                                                                  outside of Melbourne.

Marion Streiss
Sage ERP X3 Consultant
Sage Germany

                Travelling is a great pleasure for me. That’s
                why I have already seen a lot of nice places.
                But the loveliest place I’ve ever seen are the
                falls of Iguaçu in Brazil and Argentina. It’s
                amazing to see the tonnes of water which run
                down the falls. In my opinion, it’s much better
                than the Niagara Falls, which are in the middle
                of a town. The falls of Iguaçu in Brazil and
                Argentina instead are surrounded by pure
                nature. You can see a lot of plants, trees,
                beautiful birds, colourful butterflies and last
                but not least there are no crowds of tourists.

Claudia Temmen
PA to the CEO
Sage Germany

                 I really like the story of The Little Prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry).
                 The story shows that it is great when people use their imagination.

                 Everything is possible and
                 sometimes it makes life
                 easier. Don’t lose your
                 imagination. It will enrich
                 your life.

Harsha Kandemulla
Support Consultant
Sage Australia

               In January 2010 this year, I went to East Timor        We also went to some nearby villages to
               with 8 other young people for the three and            teach English. I remember teaching them
               half weeks, teaching English to young children         the alphabet with great joy, as they were very
               and organizing prayer meetings. Our first trip         innocent. This was the highlight of my trip
               was to Ainaro, a five hour drive up the                to East Timor. What I noticed most about the
               mountains from Deli (the capital). We went             students, was their eagerness to learn, they
               to a seminary, where boys and girls from ages          were so attentive, and they were hanging on
               12 to 17 were studying. We spent around a              every word that you spoke.
               week in Ainaro, teaching English to the junior
               and senior boys.                                       We moved on to Eraulu, for about a week,
                                                                      staying at local houses. I stayed with a family
               We would prepare for the lessons during                that had ten children, and they were very
               the day, and then teach the children in the            hospitable. What struck me was the fact that
               evening, and night. Preparing and giving               the people were very happy. Being a third
               teachings was a new experience for me, and             world country, they didn’t have much
               I found it a bit challenging at first, but after the   materially speaking, but one thing they did
               first lesson it became easier. We used a lot of        have was a great connection with each other;
               sign language and pictures in the teachings,           and I believe this was one of the main reasons
               which worked really well. I recall a memorable         contributing to their happiness. Overall I found
               lesson; I was teaching the senior boys an              this trip to be a very rewarding, inspiring and
               English song, and I asked them to sing it very         a humbling experience.
               loudly with their hearts, and they did; I think
               the whole seminary heard them that night.

Sue Worth
Customer Experience Manager
Sage UK

               Someone once said to
               me that we always regret
               the things we don’t do far
               more than those we do.
               As an indecisive person, this has really helped
               me when I’ve had to take a decision and I
               must admit, it’s true! As far as I know we only
               live once and so you should really go for it
               whenever you can. And you can also tag onto
               this that its easier to beg forgiveness than ask
               permission. Go on – just do it!

Stacey Rogers
Test Technician
Sage UK

                  Some people will know already of my            The origin isn’t all that philosophical (it’s a
                  passion for this one – I’m not shy about it,   once used strap line from a Nike Advert) but
                  though I haven’t quite got around to getting   I feel the meaning I take from it is. It goes
                  it tattooed just yet!                          a little like this...

                  I live my life by the quote:                   If you want to run a marathon – you train like
                                                                 a marathon runner not a sprinter. If you want
                                                                 to be a cyclist – you’d ride a bike, not a horse!
                                                                 If you want to work in XYZ field, then you do
                                                                 your research and you ‘train’ to be XYZ. If you
                                                                 want the big house, the nice car, the 3 kids
                                                                 and the perfect married life – then there are
                                                                 things which you’ll need to factor into your
                                                                 world in order to achieve that dream.
                                                                 Otherwise it’ll never be anything more than

 “Training is                                                    simply a dream which you’re living in hope
                                                                 that one day you’ll achieve, as opposed to
                                                                 taking the reins and ‘training’ for it.

  the opposite                                                   What does this mean in terms of Sage? For
                                                                 me, if we ‘train’ by demonstrating our guiding
                                                                 principles, leadership standards and delivering

  of hoping.”                                                    an extraordinary experience, then ultimately
                                                                 we’ll achieve our vision and be as successful
                                                                 as we all want to be – if not, then we’re just
                                                                 living in hope that one day we’ll get there.

Dave Jones
Product Manager
Sage North America

               I live in the northeast portion of the USA.         Facing this unwelcome predicament,
               Winters in this area often include heavy            what the Sears representative did next was
               snowfalls of 12"-15" (28-30cm). As                  EXTRAORDINARY. She checked with her
               such, owning a snow blower is almost a              management and they agreed to replace my
               requirement to keep your driveway clear of          mid-priced unit with one of their top-of-the-
               snow. I also use my snow blower to keep the         line units that same day. When what ultimately
               driveways of several of my elderly neighbours       ended up being over 27” of snow fell I spent
               clear. In February 2010, a particularly large       over 3 hours working to get my driveway
               snowfall of 24"-36" (60-91cm) was predicted.        cleared as well as those of 13 of my elderly
                                                                   neighbours! I sent a note of thanks to the
               My snow blower had broken the week before           Sears store manager with my thanks for the
               and repairing it was going to take several          EXTRAORDINARY Customer Experience
               weeks. So I went to the local Sears store           I had with them.
               to purchase a new snow blower. I purchase
               a mid-priced snow blower and after getting          As a footnote, several weeks ago I needed
               it home, I started it up and began clearing         to purchase a new vacuum. While I was
               some of the snow that had already begun to          initially tempted to go to the local discount
               accumulate. After just 5 minutes of operation,      retailer, I decided to head back to Sears and
               the snow blower stopped working.                    check out their offerings for vacuums. The
                                                                   competitive pricing, informed sales staff and
               I called the Sears store and after speaking to      my past experience with Sears were
               their technician, we determined the unit was        compelling arguments as I made my decision
               a total loss. The Sears representative told me      on where to buy my vacuum. What was the
               that there were no additional units of that         outcome? My extraordinary customer
               model in stock. She searched other nearby           experience with Sears has paid dividends for
               stores but the prediction of snow meant they        me as well as for this trusted local retailer!
               had all sold out. I told the Sears representative
               of my concern of not being able to assist my
               elderly neighbours.

Klaus Lewalter
Sage Germany

                 “Life is like a box
                  of chocolates – you
                  never know what
                  you’re gonna get.”
                 (from Forrest Gump)
                  This is my life motto

Patrick Lange
Telesales Account Manager
Sage Germany

                My favourite inspirational quote, from a       And since that day I live this quotation.
                German Actress and Chansonette called          The more kindness I give, the more I get
                Georgette Dee, is “Some people think ‘less     back. The more service I offer to the
                is more’. That’s rather nonsense! Because      customer, the more satisfaction they have.
                ‘more is more’.”                               The more satisfied customer we have, the
                                                               more references we get. The more references
                My whole life I heard the phrase “less is      we have, the more orders we receive.
                more”. My parents told me. My grandparents,    As you can see:
                aunts and uncles also told me. One day when
                I came home feeling really upset because
                I got some disappointments at work and also
                in private, I heard the song “all of me” by
                Georgette Dee on the radio, starting with
                the quote named above. And suddenly
                I thought: Yes, that’s it! She’s right! More
                is definitely more.

Xavi Solà
Sage Spain

             This picture shows an example of a Spanish tradition
             in which I participate: Castellers, which happens at
             a number of local festivals. This is a perfect example
             of what can be achieved with teamwork in a
             business that does not concern itself with age, sex,
             religion or social class, demonstrating values we
             would all like to be more present in our society.

Tania Schulz
Customer Experience

                                                            “People may forget

                                                             what you said, but they
                                                             will never forget how
                                                             you made them feel.”

               In the Customer Experience Team, we often          All the crew on the Liner made the non fare
               have to explain what ‘Extraordinary’ is in the     paying passengers feel special and did not
               workshop we deliver, not an easy one to            let them feel any differently from those who
               define as this is unique to each person’s own      normally pay thousands of pounds for the
               experience. l can draw on many moments             privilege of staying on the luxury liner. It was
               of my own that l could easily categorise as        extraordinary because in today’s tough
               ‘Extraordinary’ but it is always interesting to    economic climate to put humanity before
               hear what delegates have to say.                   profit is rare and so wonderful to see.

               Mainly this is about service which has been        There are actually little moments of
               exemplary. For me recently it was the cruise       ‘Extraordinary’ through out life, singling
               liner Eclipse which ferried stranded passengers    one out is harder than l thought, which
               to and from Spain during the ‘volcanic ash’        is a positive thing.
               drama at no cost to those rescued.

Chris Gotts
Operations Consultant
Sage UK

                I believe the Abu Simbel temples in Egypt are    Not only that but, in this room there was a
                truly extraordinary. These two magnificent       statue of Ptah, the god of the underworld and
                temples, originally carved out of the mountain   his statue always remained in darkness, even
                side in the 13th Century were constructed in     on these two days.
                tribute to the then pharaoh Ramessess II and
                his queen Nefertari. However due to rising       When the huge move was undertaken in the
                water levels they were taken block by block      60’s, the entire site was carefully rebuilt piece
                and relocated to a man made hill above the       by piece, however regardless of how they tried
                Aswan reservoir in the 1960s.                    to reposition the temples they were unable
                                                                 to pinpoint the exact positioning for the sun
                What makes these so inspiring, is not the        to light the rear sanctuary on those two days.
                sheer size and beauty of the workmanship         The closest they managed was a day later.
                but something else even more special,
                the engineering.                                 Of course for the pharaoh, this would not
                                                                 have been good enough so for the architects
                Consider what tools and engineering skills       and engineers of the time I assume the
                were around 800 years ago. However, when         inspiration behind it was don’t give up, do or
                they were first constructed, the Egyptian        die, literally.
                architects positioned the axis of the temple
                in such a way that on two days in the year,      So for me, it’s hard to find a more inspirational
                the pharaoh’s birthday and his coronation        place. And for anyone who is planning a trip
                day, the sun would reach the far sanctuary       to Egypt, maybe to Cairo to see the pyramids
                and light up his sculpture so that he would      or Luxor for the valley of the kings, you really
                forever be allowed to take his place next        should make the effort to visit these wonderful
                to Amun Ra, father of all pharaohs’, king        temples just south of Aswan.
                of the gods of Egypt.

Javier Mora
Implementation and Support
Sage Spain

               In this life everything is earned by demonstrating
               every day that you deserve it, but there is nothing
               more pleasant than the personal satisfaction for a
               job well done. It’s you who wins through your own
               effort and dedication. You have to recognise this first
               as this helps you to move mountains.

José Antonio de la Cruz
Technical Support
Sage Spain

        People that inspire
        me are my wife and
        daughter, as they
        make me able to face
        each day as a very
        lucky person.

Hazel Van Der Lith
Group Marketing Manager
Softline, South Africa

                 I believe that these two quotes are truly extraordinary!

               “I learned that courage was not the absence
                of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave
                man is not he who does not feel afraid, but
                he who conquers that fear.”
                 Nelson Mandela

                                           “What we think,
                                            we become.”

Jennifer Gibson
Operations Team Leader
Sage Australia

               It was June 2002, I was 22 having just             compassion towards the patients. I remember
               finished my degree at Dublin City University       sitting in the hospital wondering how I could
               I headed off on an adventure to the wonderful      ever repay them for their utmost care and help
               Land Down Under with my four friends.              during these tough times.
               Having travelled the beautiful Australian
               outback for six months we finally settled in       It was late August 2005 when I decided I
               Sydney and I began working for Timberline          would run the Dublin Marathon in a way of
               Software Asia Pacific (now Sage Timberline).       thanking the wonderful hospital staff who
               Everything was perfect, I was sponsored by         cared so much. Let me tell you, I am no
               Timberline and loving my new life in Sydney.       runner and the thought of 42km was a little
                                                                  frightening. I had just under two months
               In April 2004, I received news my father was       training and on the 31st October having
               ill so without hesitation I returned home not      raised over 6000 Euros, I set off on what I can
               knowing what lay ahead. Over the next year         only explain as ‘hell’ and finished the Dublin
               my mother also took ill, so with hospital          Marathon in aid of St James Hospital
               appointments and treatment dates I resigned        Oncology Unit in 6 hours 21mins.
               from Timberline and knew I wouldn’t be back
               in Australia for a long time. I became full time   I remember seeing a t-shirt which on it had
               carer for both of them. My parents attended        printed “Marathons make you walk downstairs
               the oncology unit at St. James Hospital in         backwards” and how true was that, I actually
               Dublin. The hospital staff, doctors, nurses,       slept in the lounge the night I finished.
               professors, cleaners were just outstanding!
               I was blown away by their care and

Francisco García Fernández
Sage Spain

                My extraordinary moment was when I was          That is over 5 years ago and fortunately I am
                in the office and found a lump in my throat.    now recovered. For me every day is special.
                I did not think much of it, but still went to   I come to work and try to give everything,
                the doctors to have it checked out. They        because I’m living on my extra time and
                concluded it was harmless but still probably    I give thanks that my angel was watching
                best to operate. When I was in the operating    out for me.
                theatre, they discovered the reason behind it
                was thyroid cancer. When I woke up the          My old boss told me I was a happy man
                doctors told me I must have had a guardian      because I was always smiling. I believe I have
                angel, as they would otherwise have never       plenty of reasons to smile or laugh out loud.
                found the cancer early enough to treat it..

                                                                Life has given me
                                                                another chance.
Andrés Martín
Business Services
Sage Spain

                    The person who inspires me is Jesus Christ.
                    I believe in his values and his dedication to and
                    for others. There was talk of him even before birth,
                    and even today people are still mentioning his
                    achievements and miracles, millions of people who
                    follow his doctrine, and try to be good people.

Mike Präg
Senior Product Development Manager
Sage UK

               This isn’t probably isn’t a quote as such, but       What I personally find extraordinary about
               it’s a little note that my best friend from school   this country and culture is it’s amazing
               had hanging in his parents’ house and which          capacity to make me smile. I freely admit to
               I’ve always loved. I always say my wrinkles are      being a lover of London even though I now
               actually laughter lines, so it’s probably why        live in the Midlands. Whenever I’m arriving into
               I like the note!                                     Waterloo on the train I always remember to sit
                                                                    on the left hand side so I can glimpse the Tate
                                                                    gallery through the office blocks and across
                                                                    the river, down past the Houses of Parliament,
                                                                    Big Ben and St Thomas’ hospital and finally
                                                                    arriving alongside the London Eye.

“If your face wants                                                 I always walk over the river via the
                                                                    Hungerford bridge and glance down to
                                                                    St Paul’s Cathedral whilst looking ahead

 to smile, let it, if it                                            to dodge the people of all shapes & sizes
                                                                    rushing towards me. The countryside is
                                                                    stunning, as is the coastline, and in the main
 doesn’t, make it.”                                                 people are friendly and welcoming (Even
                                                                    those from the South, honest).

                                                                    I love the cultural diversity and influences from
                                                                    around the world that make us the country we
                                                                    are today, which is perhaps unsurprising given
                                                                    my own English/Irish/German heritage, and I
                                                                    passionately believe that all of these influences
                                                                    teach us to be more understanding and
                                                                    tolerant than more insular countries. We’re not
                                                                    perfect, but to use a political analogy, we’re
                                                                    certainly not broken!

Judith Desporte
Internal Communications
Sage France

                An extraordinary place is Delphos in Greece. The spirit there
                is so strong that you can feel ancient gods around you and begin
                to believe and trust. It’s also very peaceful.

                One extraordinary moment I treasure is when I walked past
                Pierre Hermé while I was eating one of his delicious macaroons.
                This is less spiritual but more about the creator and his creation
                at the same time.

Tara Caldwell
HR Manager
Sage Australia

                 In 2006 I was lucky enough to take 6 months           were at different placements, from time with
                 off work. Deciding I needed to do something           kids who had recently been displaced (found
                 useful with my time (besides sunning myself           on the streets, or taken from their homes) to
                 with cocktails in hand) I signed up to spend a        camps where underprivileged kids went once
                 month in a village in Russia volunteering in the      a week.
                 orphanages. I had a lot of self doubts – was
                 I going to achieve anything from only being           Saying good bye to my ‘babies’ was not a
                 there a month, shouldn’t I be doing this in           good day; there were a lot of tears. I taught
                 Australia, was I mad to head to Russia in the         the kids to play peek-a-boo, saw one of
                 middle of winter?                                     them have his first smile at the age of one,
                                                                       and taught them to blow kisses and high five.
                 Dealing with all these issues, I decided it was       All things that we teach our babies as a
                 still a great opportunity for me – after all, I had   matter of course. I did crafts with a little boy
                 the best parents ever, and these kids didn’t          that was in a home as his dad has been put
                 have anyone. My days were spent going to              into jail for murder. He had never used
                 “The Nursery” in the mornings. In a room with         scissors before and as I was leaning over him
                 12 kids aged from about 1-4 years old. I              showing him how to use them, he looked up
                 would take a couple of them outside to play           and wrapped his arms around my neck. So
                 to give them some one on one time they                much to give and showed me that kids just
                 wouldn’t normally get, and then come back to          want to be loved.
                 help out for the lunch feed. The afternoons

Luisa Sanchez
Sage Spain

                “Change is the
                 only constant.”
                       It makes you act so that you are not left behind.

Leigh Thompson
CSR Consultant
Sage UK

                 Crazy as it is, I’ve agreed to do the Coast to     (from IS) are my absolute heroes! They’ve
                 Coast bike ride in aid of Cancer Research UK       been there to advise, coach, motivate and
                 for our Annual Sage Day. A gruelling 135 miles     inspire me since the minute I signed up. With
                 in two days, on a bike, up and down some           everything from ‘pearls of wisdom’ of how
                 really big hills (in fact, I’m sure some of them   to cope with the mental challenge of the ride
                 are mountains), probably in the wind and rain      to helping me understand what kit I’ll need
                 – well, this is England and we’re doing it over    during the two days or simply being that quiet
                 a bank holiday weekend – you all know what         voice telling me “Come on Leigh, you can
                 the weather’s like over bank holiday weekends      do it, you know you can do it” as I’m telling
                 – all to raise money for a great cause.            myself “I can’t do this, I can’t do this, what on
                                                                    earth am I doing?” climbing up an awful hill
                 So, I’ve bought all the kit, including a new       somewhere in the middle of nowhere – all I
                 bike – my first bike since I was about 14 –        know is that it was close to Allenheads.
                 and I’m ready to go. Well, you’d think I would
                 be ready to go wouldn’t you? But there’s       Anyway, I suppose all I’m trying to say is,
                 the little question of the training and gettingonce I get to the end of the ride, I know I’m
                 both physically and mentally ready for the     going to feel amazing and like I’ve conquered
                 challenge ahead.                               the world but without people like Phil, Andy
                                                                and Colin being there to help me believe I can
                 This is where my Extraordinary People come     do it, I’d never even contemplate getting on a
                 in – thank goodness for the Sage Cycle Club    bike, let along doing the Coast to Coast
                 team and the practice rides they’ve organised. Challenge. How fab are they?
                 Phil Healey (who works on our IPT team in
                 Customer Services), Andy Palmer (from our
                 Shared Services team, soon to move to
                 Commercial Development) and Colin Edgar

Jeff Piper
Support Technician
Sage UK

                Holy Island off the Northumbrian Coast is          Holy Island is a beautiful place visited by
                such a beautiful place. Lindisfarne Priory, on     many thousands every year and many feel
                the island, was a centre of Christianity in the    the same peace and tranquility of the island.
                North East and was home to many of the             It is a must visit for those exploring the Ancient
                Northern Saints such as Aidan, Cuthbert and        Kingdom of Northumbria.
                Eadfrid and the spirituality and peace remains
                from that time.

                Whenever I go there I always feel that spiritual
                presence and walking round the island which
                teems with wildlife is so relaxing.

                Whenever I go I always come away with a
                feeling of contentment and awe at the lives
                of those Saints who trod the land before
                me. Who focussed their lives on God and
                beauty. I think of the work done to create
                the Lindisfarne Gospels and am amazed
                at its beauty.

Natalia Zamora
Technical Service
Sage Spain

           My favourite quote:

        “Loving life through work, is intimate
         with the innermost secret of life.
         Be glad of life because it gives you
         the opportunity to love, work, play
         and watch the stars.”

Juana Martin
Technical Services
Sage Spain

                 A beach near Tarifa, whilst I cannot remember its
                 name, I do remember seeing kitesurfing for the first
                 time and thinking this was an amazing sport. It was
                 extraordinary to be there watching and seeing the
                 jumps they can perform.

Xavi Toha
Sage Spain

             A poem called The wooden plate.
             The message it gives us is

             “How you work,
              will work with you.”

Charles Pludthura
Marketing Manager
Sage Australia

               I once got a booking at El Bulli – regarded by many as the world’s
               best restaurant. Open for only 6 months of the year, El Bulli, located
               north of Barcelona, only takes 8,000 out of 2,000,000 booking
               requests a year. I wrote a sob story in Spanish for my booking
               request, explaining that I was willing to come all the way from NZ
               if they gave us a reservation.

               Surreal is an understatement for this place. I enjoyed the most
               extraordinary dinner of a lifetime, experiencing a 30-course
               degustation meal right out of the Willy Wonka book of tricks.
               I also got to meet and chat with Ferran Adria – El Bulli’s Head Chef,
               who gave me and my wife a personal tour of the kitchen and a few
               minutes to hobnob with his cooking staff. There were some
               seriously mind blowing eating experiences that night – from
               popcorn air and melon caviar to chocolate bonbons that changed
               flavour with each different bite. As if that wasn’t enough, we also
               got to sit at the table next to Hugh Laurie.

Oscar Gil
Technical Support
Sage Spain

                People that inspire me are my colleagues
                in Sabadell (Barcelona). Each person has a
                different quality that sets them apart from the
                rest and makes us all learn from everyone.
                Everyone has contributed something, both
                professionally and personally. It is a singular
                team that makes my working day more
                pleasant and enjoyable. Actually I can only
                give thanks for the almost three years I’ve
                been with them as since the first day I was
                made to feel welcome. In short, they inspire
                me to continue improving every day. To all
                those who are and have been a colleague,
                thank you very much for being as you are.

Maria José León
Customer Satisfaction
Sage Spain

                My favourite quote is:

               “When life hands you a thousand
                reasons to mourn, prove that
                you have a thousand and one
                reasons to smile.”

Michael Kunz
Head of Product Marketing Small Business
Sage Switzerland

                My school friend Claudio Castagnoli is an inspiration.
                In 2004 he won a green card and took the decision
                to become a professional wrestler. He moved from
                Switzerland to the USA to live his dream and he is
                very successful now. He even had a short spot at
                the movie “The Wrestler”. His drive and will to live
                his dream is an inspiration to me. He does what he
                always wanted to do and he is a very happy man!

Piotr Durski
PR Manager
Sage Poland

               I receive many different newsletters
               throughout a week on various subjects and
               usually, I move these emails to one folder
               which I then browse at the end of a day.

               One day I received a completely new
               newsletter – unknown to me before – from a
               service I wasn’t subscribed to. It came from
               a brand new analyst agency, and it was quite
               interesting so I read it there and then. A few
               minutes later my phone rang and the person
               on the other end knew my name and asked
               me if I had liked the newsletter and did I find it
               valuable. The person on the phone was fully
               aware of my role at Sage and my interests
               and responsibilities.

               I was stunned how fast I was contacted after
               clicking on an email. I didn’t purchase any
               reports or research from this agency at that
               time, but some time later, when looking after
               some specific data, they were my first choice.

Ryan Moore
e-Marketing and Communications Consultant
Sage Australia

                I was hiking on Mt. Roland in Tasmania with       We chose the cliff face. We lost the path,
                my girlfriend, and in our eagerness to get to     and were forced to fumble our way down the
                the summit and enjoy the views, we’d not          mountain in total darkness. We had no idea
                prepared very well. We only had the clothes       whether the next foothold was 1 foot below
                we were wearing, and my camera. We left at        us or 100 metres, and I’ve never been so
                about 13.00, figuring it would be a four hour     scared of heights in all my life. When we finally
                round trip, getting us back to base at about      reached the tree line, we fumbled our way
                18.00. It was the middle of winter and            through very dense forest and across a few
                snowing, so camping at the summit wasn’t          icy streams, and after five hours of incredibly
                very tempting.                                    hard yakka, we found the road. We walked for
                                                                  a kilometre or so and found a ranger’s hut,
                The going was much tougher than we                and got a lift back to our motorcycle.
                thought and the afternoon passed us by.
                By the time we reached the summit it was          What I think is relevant about this story is that
                17.30, which was fantastic for the view but       it’s easy to get into tough spots when you’re
                we only had half an hour of daylight left!        less prepared than you thought you were, and
                                                                  the “moral of the story” is that when things go
                We had three choices — take the long              bad you get two choices: give up or suck it in
                sloping path up the ridge we’d just climbed       and get through it. The other moral of the
                for 4½ hours; stay up there in the snow for       story is that you shouldn’t be an idiot and go
                the night with no protection from the elements    climbing mountains in the dark with no lights
                or try a “path” on our map that ran down the      or equipment. :-)
                almost vertical cliff face. A guy had died that
                very week in the same area, and Tasmania
                can be a fairly dangerous wilderness if you’re
                not prepared.

Alan Osrin
Managing Director
Sage Australia

                Sometimes it is the simple things that make a difference…
                My mother had been visiting from South Africa, and before I knew
                it, her trip was over and it was time to take her to the airport. It is
                always hard to say good bye to my mum. I love my life in Australia;
                it is home and the best country in the world. My children are lucky
                to be growing up in such a great country. However, having family
                so far away is always a bit sad.

                After taking mum to the airport, I had mentioned to a mate that
                I was going to clean up some stuff around the house and hire a
                trailer. While I was dropping my mum at the airport, my mate not
                only arranged the trailer, but picked up the rubbish, and took it to
                the dump. When I tried to reimburse him for the hire of the trailer,
                he refused.

                Immigrating to a new country is always hard, and you tend to rely
                on your friends and colleagues more than when you are living in
                the same place you have grown up. Friends become extra special
                and in fact, friends become your family. I know that if I ever need
                anything, that this mate will be there, and to me that is extra
                special. It doesn’t take much to make a difference and this really
                made my day.

David Grieve
Technical Writer
Sage Australia

                   Way back in 1990, a colleague and I went
                   on a lecture tour of Paris, Antwerp and
                   Munich, preaching the gospel of Distributed
                   Queue Dual Bus broadband switching.

                   My family had only been in Australia for a year,
                   so I was travelling on South African passport,
                   which made the trip even more stressful
                   because every country demanded a Visa.
                   After delayed fights and lost baggage, we
                   finally got to Paris to present our first class.
                   Needless to say we were both extremely tired
                   and nervous. For a moment, I wished that I
                   had rather taken up plumbing as a career.

                   The lecture theatre was very nice, and
                   even had a man in a box at the back who
                   controlled the sound and dimmed the lights.
                   When my laser pointer gave up, he ran to
                   the front to give me another one.

                   At the end of the session, we sat down to
                   gather our books together when we were
                   startled by what sounded like an earthquake.
                   There must have been about 100 people in
                   the lecture theatre, and they were all knocking
                   on their desks. We found out that that was
                   the way many Europeans showed their
                   appreciation for a good class.

                   They were probably just being polite, but it
                   meant so much to me. All the stress of getting
                   visas, missing flights, lost baggage and
                   sleepless nights became worth it.

Günther Strauch
Key Account Manager Sage CRM
Sage Germany

                                            This is how Gypsy Cob horses are described
                                            in their native country of Ireland. Peace,
                                            dignity, honesty and good nature makes this
                                            breed very special. To me they are a source of
                                            power and energy and constantly provide me
                                            with enthusiasm and inspiration for my career.
                                            We breed horses to fulfil a dream and being
                                            able to do this means I really do enjoy my life
                                            with these wonderful animals.

                               “The jingles of the gypsies
                                and non sparkling gold.
                                It shimmers in the sun
                                and neighs in the dark.”
                                (Author Unknown)
Jay Taylor
Operations Consultant
Sage Australia

                I’ve always been involved with music in one    Not long ago I found a submission contest
                way or another for much of my life, dabbling   for the MTV network – being successful
                in music composition and production for        would result in having music published
                some time, but not really being sure what      on one of MTVs series as well as having
                to do with it beyond an unpaid hobby           a permanent contact in music publishing.
                                                               It was a great opportunity to get involved
                A year ago I started researching music         in the industry and earn some extra money
                production for TV, film, wanting to make use   from what I love doing.
                of my music production knowledge, outside
                of my time at Sage. Not having the contacts    I submitted a song I had written and a
                for TV & Film I did not know where to start.   month later I received an email from the
                I did find some paid freelance work mostly     publisher informing me the song was perfect
                for casual video games over the past year,     for the show.
                but the aim to have works published on
                TV & Film was still unfulfilled.               I was thrilled, certainly a big milestone in my
                                                               goal! The song is to be used in production for
                                                               the MTV series and I had the opportunity to
                                                               network with the publisher. I definitely gained
                                                               a lot out of this experience and hope to build
                                                               on it in future!

Joaquim Machado
Sage Portugal

              I am a client of Optimus Clix, one of the operators that provide
              voice, data and television services in Portugal. Recently I realized
              that my landline was not working and called Customer Services to
              report the anomaly. Since my landline was not working I had to use
              my mobile phone.

              Once my call had been answered, the customer service person
              asked me why I was calling from a mobile. I told them it was because
              my landline wasn’t working! They asked me to hang up the phone so
              they could call me back on my mobile, mindful of the cost to me of
              speaking to them from a mobile. A few seconds later they called back
              and I successfully reported the fault with my landline. A simple but
              extraordinary experience from the Optimus Customer Service!

Sérgio Braga
Sage Portugal

                I love travelling and I wish I had more time (and money) to do that...
                anyway, I’ve been fortunate enough to get to know some extraordinary places.

                Here are some less obvious suggestions:

                Plitvica Lakes, Croatia
                no words can describe such natural beauty...

                Henley on Thames, England
                a charming little town, where I had the pleasure to live and work for 8 months.
                The riverside seems to have been taken out of a fairy tale.

                Ljubljana, Slovenia
                what a surprise it was! it’s lively, young, cool, clean, ..., just go there...

                Minas de São Domingos,
                Alentejo, Portugal
                this is a hidden gem in Portugal. You’ll find a place which seems to have frozen
                in time 30 years ago... By this time, maybe it’s not anymore...

Michael Smith
General Manager
Sage Australia

                  As a child I befriended an old man who lived alone in a makeshift
                  shack. I had met him on my daily walk to school. He had meagre
                  possessions and made do with a measly pension that in reality
                  would not have remotely covered his basics. I’m not sure how he
                  made up any shortfall in his costs.

                  One morning he introduced me to his new friend; a scruffy brown
                  dog. Over the following months he cared for his friend better than
                  he cared for himself, often going hungry as a result. One day, as I
                  passed by on my way to school, his shack had been cleared away
                  and the old man and his dog had vanished. I was only 8 at the time
                  and was confused as to what might have happened. I never did
                  see the old man and his scruffy brown dog again, but I had been
                  taught the value of true generosity from an unlikely teacher.

                  We all get very involved in the challenge of “making money”, but
                  seem to be less enthusiastic about our plans to dispose of it, other
                  than by spending wantonly. What I learnt from that old man was
                  to question myself as to how many material possessions we really
                  need, and also whether I have enough resolve to give adequately
                  to the needy.

Toni van Heerden
Operations Manager
Sage Australia

               I competed and finished 2 XPD races. These
               are expedition length, 10 day, adventure races
               held every 18 months in Australia. Adventure
               racing includes navigation, kayaking,
               mountain biking, trekking and roping. We
               loved these challenges and thoroughly
               enjoyed spending time in the beautiful
               outdoors. You just keep racing, sleep when
               you want, where you want, but you are
               continually looking for the next checkpoint.
               These are found using topographical maps
               and a compass and you basically plot your
               course as you work out where all checkpoints
               are located. Teams of 4 and you have to be       We loved these challenges
               within 100m of each other the whole time.
               What a blast of a way to spend 10 days!!!!       and thoroughly enjoyed
                                                                spending time in the
                                                                beautiful outdoors.

Jorge Nobre
Sage Portugal

                With all of the conversations going on            I then decided to be more active, so I bought
                about being environmentally friendly, I started   a bicycle. I had to sell my beloved BMW
                thinking about what I personally could do         motorcycle, but it was worth the effort. The
                to help save the planet and also make a           first day I completed a sluggish 1.5 km trip
                difference to my own life. Being a smoker,        and finished completely depleted of any kind
                the first obvious difference I could make was     of stamina. Like an empty battery. Three years
                to stop. After being a 30 cigarette per day       later I enjoy each of my 125 km bicycle rides
                smoker for 20 year, quitting was like a breath    every Saturday morning. These rides are
                of fresh air.                                     completed in approximately 5 hours. As a
                                                                  result I have lost 25 kg.
                Quitting was excellent, not only for me, but
                also my family, my friends, and the environment, I have now rode more than 10,000 km in
                as well as giving less tax to the government.    total. In just three years I have lost 25 kg,
                                                                 became a nonsmoker and turned myself into
                                                                 a sportsman. An extraordinary experience at
                                                                 the age of 44.

                                    Do you have a bicycle?

Sue Moore
Principal Trainer, Learning Services
Sage North America

                  I’ve collected inspirational quotes since I was in high school. The
                  one that currently hangs above my monitor and I see each day is:

           “Live simply.
            Love generously.
            Care deeply.
            Speak kindly.”
                  It really embodies how I was raised, how I saw my parents act each
                  and every day and how I try to practice what they lived.


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Experiencias Extraordinarias

  • 1. Part of Sage Day 2010 lasting impressions inspiring experiences places personal stories Do something extraordinary memorable culture moments in time people customer stories
  • 2. The dictionary definition of extraordinary is ‘very unusual, special, unexpected or strange’. It is a word that can have many meanings and is very subjective, as what one person deems to be normal, another person may think is extraordinary, as it all depends on their own previous experiences and expectations. Bearing this in mind, for something or someone to be extraordinary, it does not necessarily have to be grand, unique or something that others could not also achieve. 1
  • 3. extra ordinary encompasses the little things that happen every day all across the world that may not seem special to one person, but might make a lasting impression on someone else. 2
  • 4. Here at Sage, we want to provide extraordinary experiences for our customers and our people and to understand what that actually means to each and every one of them. For our customers, being extraordinary could simply be a live person on the end of the phone making a personal connection with them. For our people, it could be receiving the right recognition for a job well done by their colleagues and managers. Or it could be something else completely different. 3
  • 5. Places Moments Experiences People Quotes… that have all touched people in some way and changed the way they view the world. Some things are big, others are small, but all are most definitely extraordinary. Enjoy reading this booklet, we hope that it inspires you to think about what extraordinary means to you. 4
  • 6. Alison Brooks Service Development Administrator Sage Australia I have a quote at my workstation from Martin Luther King: “Life’s most urgent question is: what are you doing for others?” Also, I had a wonderful uncle who always responded to a “How are you?” with a positive “Great! How are you?” He even did this when he was dying and in much pain. In memory of my uncle, I respond the same way, and it is good to hear people’s days improving with the positiveness; much better than the usual “Can’t complain”. 5
  • 7. Kathleen Pock Office Manager, on behalf of the Williamsburg, VA office Sage North America Front Row Left to Right: Jill Steward, Mr. Jefferson, Lisa Jones Back Row Left to Right: Al Ptasznik, Kathleen Pock, Bobby Andrade, Jean Phillips The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation operates the world’s largest (301 acres) living history museum in Williamsburg, Virginia – the restored 18th-century capital of Britain’s largest, wealthiest, and most populous outpost of empire in the New World. This extraordinary organisation recently selected Sage Millennium for their donor management software. Thomas Jefferson (centre), famous Virginian and former President, is an inspiration but not an actual member of the Sage Millennium team. 6
  • 8. Peter Hutt Corporate Development Manager Sage Ireland Truly a place to inspire as well as Nine miles off the Irish coast lies a small island group, ‘The Skelligs’. On the largest an experience out of this group, ‘Skellig Michael’, in the 7th Century, a group of monks made their of the ordinary. home and monastery, a monastery that was inhabited for over 600 years. This monastery and island is one of the most inspiring places on the planet, on a still summer’s day, 230 metres high among the rocks, looking back at the coast, you can see how the monks thought that they were closer to God. On other days, with the fog making visibility impossible, but still hearing the beat of the waves, the cries of the gulls and the noise of the puffins there is a sense of being in another realm entirely. 7
  • 9. Eric Mueller Developer Sage Germany Besides my parents I consider the following people as really extraordinary: to whom I owe my existence, Albert Einstein because he managed to unify several physical effects to a new understanding of space and time. Lisa Sauermann because she is currently the best pupil in mathematical competitions in Germany and is one of the really top participants in the International Mathematical Olympiad. Johann Sebastian Bach outstanding and timeless music, which I enjoy very much. because of his really Martin Luther because many persecutions could not stop him and his bible translation has been the first basis for a rather unified written German language. Jesus Christ because of his astonishing answers to questions and reactions to problems and because I owe him very much in my life. 8
  • 10. Jesús Martín Implementation and Support Sage Spain My favourite quote: “It would be better if we had not built so many walls and so few bridges.” To encourage collaboration between partners (building bridges) rather than promote competition, independence between them (building walls). 9
  • 11. Nicola Kinsella Internal Trainer and Coach Sage Ireland “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” I have a quote that has popped up a few times over the last month or so that I really believe in, not just in life in general but I especially believe in it because of the nature of my role as a trainer here in Sage – it’s not just about getting the information through to a person, it’s more so about how you make them feel when you are conveying the information and helping them to learn. 10
  • 12. Liz Hickok Director, Human Resources Sage North America One of my most extraordinary experiences of the students as they performed during involved school children in Africa. During a school assembly. The children were thrilled a Kenyan safari in 2002 with my husband to receive additional supplies and playground and a group of friends, we visited local equipment and squealed with delight as we community schools supported by the resort simply blew bubbles into the group. ( While this school building does not compare It was incredible to see the extremely poor at all with the typical new U.S. schools, it condition of one particular school and lack definitely is an improvement and provides of supplies for teachers and students. Yet, more opportunity for the children to learn it was amazing to see the students’ joy and and improve their future conditions. This excitement to attend school, even as they whole experience made us realise how had to walk as far as three miles one-way. very fortunate we and U.S. children are to have such excellent educational facilities After our return to the U.S., one of our safari and opportunities. members involved her company, Pfizer, who matched funds to build a new school. Upon our return to Kenya in 2007, we visited the school again and were delighted to see the change, the pride of the students and community, and the excitement and smiles 11
  • 13. Rachel Wallace HR Generalist Sage North America “Do at least one thing every day that scares you.” Eleanor Roosevelt Recently I received a birthday card that had this quote I’ve really taken to heart. This quote is a great reminder of how easy it is to become complacent in our daily lives – and it’s just the encouragement I need to get out of my comfort zone! 12
  • 14. Emma Nixon SalesLogix Support Analyst Sage UK In 2007 we went to Hua Hin in Thailand for our honeymoon. I had never been to Thailand before, but the memory will stay with me forever. It really is the ‘land of smiles’. The people are warm and friendly, the country is beautiful, and food is delicious. Sitting on the beach, over looking the sea watching the sun set was so peaceful and beautiful. Now I just have to get my husband to take me back there again! 13
  • 15. Debra Larkin Professional Services & Education Co-ordinator Sage Australia In 2003 when my son was 13 and in high This information led to the removal of school, he complained of not being able my son’s bowel at the age of 14, which to see the blackboard at school. I took him was a terrible shock, but I am thankful that to the optometrist to get his eyes checked. an optometrist picked this up early. The optometrist said there was nothing wrong with his eyesight but there were What stands out for me during this awful some marks on the back of the retina that time is the support I received from he didn’t know what they were and would HandiSoft management and staff. it be ok if he referred me to a specialist. I was able to take extra time off work to stay I took him to the eye specialist, who told me in hospital with my son for a few weeks. that there was nothing wrong with his sight but he then started asking questions about The day before I left I was presented with whether I had bowel cancer in the family, a parcel of things that my work colleagues apparently the marks on the back of the eyes had put together for me for the stay i.e. are a sign of hereditary bowel cancer. My son magazines, sample sized toiletries and lollies. was then referred to the Gastroenterology This gesture was overwhelming and made department for a colonoscopy which me realise that people genuinely cared about showed up hundreds of polyps that were me, it changed the way I viewed my life and pre cancerous. the impact I have on others. 14
  • 16. Jennie Han Senior Accountant Sage Australia I have been living in Australia for 15 years. disappointing afterwards is that I did not have I love this country and I always feel privileged a chance to express my gratitude over the to live here, not only because of the beautiful phone to some of them because they were environment but also the many wonderful no longer working in the same position. people; people who can make a difference in the lives of others. As a result, my nephew was granted a permanent visa just 3 months after we lodged Two years ago, I invited my nephew Jiapeng the application! This meant so much to a to come to Australia to study in high school young man at his age. We are just ordinary as an overseas student. He was 16 years old immigrants with few connections. It was the at the time, and he was playing table tennis enduring support from those many kind in the Chinese national youth team before he people that ultimately made my nephew’s came to Australia. Soon, some friends realized dream come true. The immigration office held his talent and invited him to compete in some a special citizenship ceremony for Jiapeng on table tennis competitions. He surprised the 29th June 2009 in Canberra. When the everyone when he started to win regional and immigration officer announced Jiapeng’s national competitions. Then we had a dream citizenship, I could not hold back the tears... for him to represent Australia in table tennis. That was my extraordinary and My nephew had never thought to immigrate unforgettable moment; a moment and since it is very difficult to meet the criteria to experience that I shall cherish forever. qualify for the immigration. People can really make a difference. I thought that we might just give it a try to My nephew is now training hard in lodge a PR application. While I was preparing preparation for the 2010 Table Tennis the lodgment documents, I became Australian Open Championships in June. overwhelmed by the generous support from This is one of selections in the lead-up many people around us. They gave up their to the Australian national team competing own time and energy to compose and post at the Commonwealth Games to be held me the recommendation letters. I was so in New Delhi in October this year. grateful and indeed surprised, as I had never even met some of these people. What is 15
  • 17. Alexandra Ferrero Marketing Sage Spain My favourite quote is Nietzsche’s phrase: “Everyone thinks that the principal thing to the tree is the fruit, but in point of fact the principal thing to it is the seed.” 16
  • 18. Ken Prokopec Sales Manager – ACT! Sage Australia After a particularly painful time in my life, Sure enough our table started talking to the I decided to head overseas for a little solo people at her table. Turns out she was called trip with the desire to use the trip as a time Kristy and from Australia. We invited her along to reflect and find out who I was again. with us that night for some drinks and we were inseparable. During the conversation, I was in the great Italian city of Rome and it turns out that she first saw me in the visiting the Trevi Fountain. They say if you restaurant and decided to also eat there throw three coins over your shoulder into the as a result. The waiter had intended to sit fountain and make a wish, it will come true. her elsewhere, but she asked if she could So when in Rome, do as the Romans do. sit at the table right next to mine. Feeling lucky, I took a look around at my surroundings and then I found myself staring Unfortunately, our travel plans were in at beautiful young lady posing for a photo separate directions and we were only able to with the fountain in the background. I was meet up that night. I remember heading back mesmerized. However, this came to a sudden to our hostel and one of my friends teasing halt, as my travel companions were ready me about Kristy – I responded by saying that to move on. she was the girl I was going to marry. Thanks to e-mail we kept in touch and eventually, she We carried on sightseeing and found a spot came over to Canada to see me. for lunch down a side street. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted that same girl from the After an amazing extended trip to Canada, fountain. Luckily for me, she was going to eat I ended up moving to Australia. We then got at the restaurant as well and was seated at engaged in the Greek Islands, got married in the table next to me. the Yarra Valley and now have 2 beautiful kids and are building our home in the country just outside of Melbourne. 17
  • 19. Marion Streiss Sage ERP X3 Consultant Sage Germany Travelling is a great pleasure for me. That’s why I have already seen a lot of nice places. But the loveliest place I’ve ever seen are the falls of Iguaçu in Brazil and Argentina. It’s amazing to see the tonnes of water which run down the falls. In my opinion, it’s much better than the Niagara Falls, which are in the middle of a town. The falls of Iguaçu in Brazil and Argentina instead are surrounded by pure nature. You can see a lot of plants, trees, beautiful birds, colourful butterflies and last but not least there are no crowds of tourists. 18
  • 20. Claudia Temmen PA to the CEO Sage Germany I really like the story of The Little Prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry). The story shows that it is great when people use their imagination. Everything is possible and sometimes it makes life easier. Don’t lose your imagination. It will enrich your life. 19
  • 21. Harsha Kandemulla Support Consultant Sage Australia In January 2010 this year, I went to East Timor We also went to some nearby villages to with 8 other young people for the three and teach English. I remember teaching them half weeks, teaching English to young children the alphabet with great joy, as they were very and organizing prayer meetings. Our first trip innocent. This was the highlight of my trip was to Ainaro, a five hour drive up the to East Timor. What I noticed most about the mountains from Deli (the capital). We went students, was their eagerness to learn, they to a seminary, where boys and girls from ages were so attentive, and they were hanging on 12 to 17 were studying. We spent around a every word that you spoke. week in Ainaro, teaching English to the junior and senior boys. We moved on to Eraulu, for about a week, staying at local houses. I stayed with a family We would prepare for the lessons during that had ten children, and they were very the day, and then teach the children in the hospitable. What struck me was the fact that evening, and night. Preparing and giving the people were very happy. Being a third teachings was a new experience for me, and world country, they didn’t have much I found it a bit challenging at first, but after the materially speaking, but one thing they did first lesson it became easier. We used a lot of have was a great connection with each other; sign language and pictures in the teachings, and I believe this was one of the main reasons which worked really well. I recall a memorable contributing to their happiness. Overall I found lesson; I was teaching the senior boys an this trip to be a very rewarding, inspiring and English song, and I asked them to sing it very a humbling experience. loudly with their hearts, and they did; I think the whole seminary heard them that night. 20
  • 22. Sue Worth Customer Experience Manager Sage UK Someone once said to me that we always regret the things we don’t do far more than those we do. As an indecisive person, this has really helped me when I’ve had to take a decision and I must admit, it’s true! As far as I know we only live once and so you should really go for it whenever you can. And you can also tag onto this that its easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission. Go on – just do it! 21
  • 23. Stacey Rogers Test Technician Sage UK Some people will know already of my The origin isn’t all that philosophical (it’s a passion for this one – I’m not shy about it, once used strap line from a Nike Advert) but though I haven’t quite got around to getting I feel the meaning I take from it is. It goes it tattooed just yet! a little like this... I live my life by the quote: If you want to run a marathon – you train like a marathon runner not a sprinter. If you want to be a cyclist – you’d ride a bike, not a horse! If you want to work in XYZ field, then you do your research and you ‘train’ to be XYZ. If you want the big house, the nice car, the 3 kids and the perfect married life – then there are things which you’ll need to factor into your world in order to achieve that dream. Otherwise it’ll never be anything more than “Training is simply a dream which you’re living in hope that one day you’ll achieve, as opposed to taking the reins and ‘training’ for it. the opposite What does this mean in terms of Sage? For me, if we ‘train’ by demonstrating our guiding principles, leadership standards and delivering of hoping.” an extraordinary experience, then ultimately we’ll achieve our vision and be as successful as we all want to be – if not, then we’re just living in hope that one day we’ll get there. 22
  • 24. Dave Jones Product Manager Sage North America I live in the northeast portion of the USA. Facing this unwelcome predicament, Winters in this area often include heavy what the Sears representative did next was snowfalls of 12"-15" (28-30cm). As EXTRAORDINARY. She checked with her such, owning a snow blower is almost a management and they agreed to replace my requirement to keep your driveway clear of mid-priced unit with one of their top-of-the- snow. I also use my snow blower to keep the line units that same day. When what ultimately driveways of several of my elderly neighbours ended up being over 27” of snow fell I spent clear. In February 2010, a particularly large over 3 hours working to get my driveway snowfall of 24"-36" (60-91cm) was predicted. cleared as well as those of 13 of my elderly neighbours! I sent a note of thanks to the My snow blower had broken the week before Sears store manager with my thanks for the and repairing it was going to take several EXTRAORDINARY Customer Experience weeks. So I went to the local Sears store I had with them. to purchase a new snow blower. I purchase a mid-priced snow blower and after getting As a footnote, several weeks ago I needed it home, I started it up and began clearing to purchase a new vacuum. While I was some of the snow that had already begun to initially tempted to go to the local discount accumulate. After just 5 minutes of operation, retailer, I decided to head back to Sears and the snow blower stopped working. check out their offerings for vacuums. The competitive pricing, informed sales staff and I called the Sears store and after speaking to my past experience with Sears were their technician, we determined the unit was compelling arguments as I made my decision a total loss. The Sears representative told me on where to buy my vacuum. What was the that there were no additional units of that outcome? My extraordinary customer model in stock. She searched other nearby experience with Sears has paid dividends for stores but the prediction of snow meant they me as well as for this trusted local retailer! had all sold out. I told the Sears representative of my concern of not being able to assist my elderly neighbours. 23
  • 25. Klaus Lewalter Logistics Sage Germany “Life is like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re gonna get.” (from Forrest Gump) This is my life motto 24
  • 26. Patrick Lange Telesales Account Manager Sage Germany My favourite inspirational quote, from a And since that day I live this quotation. German Actress and Chansonette called The more kindness I give, the more I get Georgette Dee, is “Some people think ‘less back. The more service I offer to the is more’. That’s rather nonsense! Because customer, the more satisfaction they have. ‘more is more’.” The more satisfied customer we have, the more references we get. The more references My whole life I heard the phrase “less is we have, the more orders we receive. more”. My parents told me. My grandparents, As you can see: aunts and uncles also told me. One day when I came home feeling really upset because I got some disappointments at work and also in private, I heard the song “all of me” by Georgette Dee on the radio, starting with the quote named above. And suddenly I thought: Yes, that’s it! She’s right! More is definitely more. MORE IS MORE! 25
  • 27. Xavi Solà R&D Sage Spain This picture shows an example of a Spanish tradition in which I participate: Castellers, which happens at a number of local festivals. This is a perfect example of what can be achieved with teamwork in a business that does not concern itself with age, sex, religion or social class, demonstrating values we would all like to be more present in our society. 26
  • 28. Tania Schulz Customer Experience “People may forget Consultant what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” Anon In the Customer Experience Team, we often All the crew on the Liner made the non fare have to explain what ‘Extraordinary’ is in the paying passengers feel special and did not workshop we deliver, not an easy one to let them feel any differently from those who define as this is unique to each person’s own normally pay thousands of pounds for the experience. l can draw on many moments privilege of staying on the luxury liner. It was of my own that l could easily categorise as extraordinary because in today’s tough ‘Extraordinary’ but it is always interesting to economic climate to put humanity before hear what delegates have to say. profit is rare and so wonderful to see. Mainly this is about service which has been There are actually little moments of exemplary. For me recently it was the cruise ‘Extraordinary’ through out life, singling liner Eclipse which ferried stranded passengers one out is harder than l thought, which to and from Spain during the ‘volcanic ash’ is a positive thing. drama at no cost to those rescued. 27
  • 29. Chris Gotts Operations Consultant Sage UK I believe the Abu Simbel temples in Egypt are Not only that but, in this room there was a truly extraordinary. These two magnificent statue of Ptah, the god of the underworld and temples, originally carved out of the mountain his statue always remained in darkness, even side in the 13th Century were constructed in on these two days. tribute to the then pharaoh Ramessess II and his queen Nefertari. However due to rising When the huge move was undertaken in the water levels they were taken block by block 60’s, the entire site was carefully rebuilt piece and relocated to a man made hill above the by piece, however regardless of how they tried Aswan reservoir in the 1960s. to reposition the temples they were unable to pinpoint the exact positioning for the sun What makes these so inspiring, is not the to light the rear sanctuary on those two days. sheer size and beauty of the workmanship The closest they managed was a day later. but something else even more special, the engineering. Of course for the pharaoh, this would not have been good enough so for the architects Consider what tools and engineering skills and engineers of the time I assume the were around 800 years ago. However, when inspiration behind it was don’t give up, do or they were first constructed, the Egyptian die, literally. architects positioned the axis of the temple in such a way that on two days in the year, So for me, it’s hard to find a more inspirational the pharaoh’s birthday and his coronation place. And for anyone who is planning a trip day, the sun would reach the far sanctuary to Egypt, maybe to Cairo to see the pyramids and light up his sculpture so that he would or Luxor for the valley of the kings, you really forever be allowed to take his place next should make the effort to visit these wonderful to Amun Ra, father of all pharaohs’, king temples just south of Aswan. of the gods of Egypt. 28
  • 30. Javier Mora Implementation and Support Sage Spain In this life everything is earned by demonstrating every day that you deserve it, but there is nothing more pleasant than the personal satisfaction for a job well done. It’s you who wins through your own effort and dedication. You have to recognise this first as this helps you to move mountains. 29
  • 31. José Antonio de la Cruz Technical Support Sage Spain People that inspire me are my wife and daughter, as they make me able to face each day as a very lucky person. 30
  • 32. Hazel Van Der Lith Group Marketing Manager Softline, South Africa I believe that these two quotes are truly extraordinary! “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” Nelson Mandela “What we think, we become.” Buddha 31
  • 33. Jennifer Gibson Operations Team Leader Sage Australia It was June 2002, I was 22 having just compassion towards the patients. I remember finished my degree at Dublin City University sitting in the hospital wondering how I could I headed off on an adventure to the wonderful ever repay them for their utmost care and help Land Down Under with my four friends. during these tough times. Having travelled the beautiful Australian outback for six months we finally settled in It was late August 2005 when I decided I Sydney and I began working for Timberline would run the Dublin Marathon in a way of Software Asia Pacific (now Sage Timberline). thanking the wonderful hospital staff who Everything was perfect, I was sponsored by cared so much. Let me tell you, I am no Timberline and loving my new life in Sydney. runner and the thought of 42km was a little frightening. I had just under two months In April 2004, I received news my father was training and on the 31st October having ill so without hesitation I returned home not raised over 6000 Euros, I set off on what I can knowing what lay ahead. Over the next year only explain as ‘hell’ and finished the Dublin my mother also took ill, so with hospital Marathon in aid of St James Hospital appointments and treatment dates I resigned Oncology Unit in 6 hours 21mins. from Timberline and knew I wouldn’t be back in Australia for a long time. I became full time I remember seeing a t-shirt which on it had carer for both of them. My parents attended printed “Marathons make you walk downstairs the oncology unit at St. James Hospital in backwards” and how true was that, I actually Dublin. The hospital staff, doctors, nurses, slept in the lounge the night I finished. professors, cleaners were just outstanding! I was blown away by their care and 32
  • 34. Francisco García Fernández R&D Sage Spain My extraordinary moment was when I was That is over 5 years ago and fortunately I am in the office and found a lump in my throat. now recovered. For me every day is special. I did not think much of it, but still went to I come to work and try to give everything, the doctors to have it checked out. They because I’m living on my extra time and concluded it was harmless but still probably I give thanks that my angel was watching best to operate. When I was in the operating out for me. theatre, they discovered the reason behind it was thyroid cancer. When I woke up the My old boss told me I was a happy man doctors told me I must have had a guardian because I was always smiling. I believe I have angel, as they would otherwise have never plenty of reasons to smile or laugh out loud. found the cancer early enough to treat it.. Life has given me another chance. 33
  • 35. Andrés Martín Business Services Sage Spain The person who inspires me is Jesus Christ. I believe in his values and his dedication to and for others. There was talk of him even before birth, and even today people are still mentioning his achievements and miracles, millions of people who follow his doctrine, and try to be good people. 34
  • 36. Mike Präg Senior Product Development Manager Sage UK This isn’t probably isn’t a quote as such, but What I personally find extraordinary about it’s a little note that my best friend from school this country and culture is it’s amazing had hanging in his parents’ house and which capacity to make me smile. I freely admit to I’ve always loved. I always say my wrinkles are being a lover of London even though I now actually laughter lines, so it’s probably why live in the Midlands. Whenever I’m arriving into I like the note! Waterloo on the train I always remember to sit on the left hand side so I can glimpse the Tate gallery through the office blocks and across the river, down past the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and St Thomas’ hospital and finally arriving alongside the London Eye. “If your face wants I always walk over the river via the Hungerford bridge and glance down to St Paul’s Cathedral whilst looking ahead to smile, let it, if it to dodge the people of all shapes & sizes rushing towards me. The countryside is stunning, as is the coastline, and in the main doesn’t, make it.” people are friendly and welcoming (Even those from the South, honest). I love the cultural diversity and influences from around the world that make us the country we are today, which is perhaps unsurprising given my own English/Irish/German heritage, and I passionately believe that all of these influences teach us to be more understanding and tolerant than more insular countries. We’re not perfect, but to use a political analogy, we’re certainly not broken! 35
  • 37. Judith Desporte Internal Communications Sage France An extraordinary place is Delphos in Greece. The spirit there is so strong that you can feel ancient gods around you and begin to believe and trust. It’s also very peaceful. One extraordinary moment I treasure is when I walked past Pierre Hermé while I was eating one of his delicious macaroons. This is less spiritual but more about the creator and his creation at the same time. 36
  • 38. Tara Caldwell HR Manager Sage Australia In 2006 I was lucky enough to take 6 months were at different placements, from time with off work. Deciding I needed to do something kids who had recently been displaced (found useful with my time (besides sunning myself on the streets, or taken from their homes) to with cocktails in hand) I signed up to spend a camps where underprivileged kids went once month in a village in Russia volunteering in the a week. orphanages. I had a lot of self doubts – was I going to achieve anything from only being Saying good bye to my ‘babies’ was not a there a month, shouldn’t I be doing this in good day; there were a lot of tears. I taught Australia, was I mad to head to Russia in the the kids to play peek-a-boo, saw one of middle of winter? them have his first smile at the age of one, and taught them to blow kisses and high five. Dealing with all these issues, I decided it was All things that we teach our babies as a still a great opportunity for me – after all, I had matter of course. I did crafts with a little boy the best parents ever, and these kids didn’t that was in a home as his dad has been put have anyone. My days were spent going to into jail for murder. He had never used “The Nursery” in the mornings. In a room with scissors before and as I was leaning over him 12 kids aged from about 1-4 years old. I showing him how to use them, he looked up would take a couple of them outside to play and wrapped his arms around my neck. So to give them some one on one time they much to give and showed me that kids just wouldn’t normally get, and then come back to want to be loved. help out for the lunch feed. The afternoons 37
  • 39. Luisa Sanchez Training Sage Spain “Change is the only constant.” It makes you act so that you are not left behind. 38
  • 40. Leigh Thompson CSR Consultant Sage UK Crazy as it is, I’ve agreed to do the Coast to (from IS) are my absolute heroes! They’ve Coast bike ride in aid of Cancer Research UK been there to advise, coach, motivate and for our Annual Sage Day. A gruelling 135 miles inspire me since the minute I signed up. With in two days, on a bike, up and down some everything from ‘pearls of wisdom’ of how really big hills (in fact, I’m sure some of them to cope with the mental challenge of the ride are mountains), probably in the wind and rain to helping me understand what kit I’ll need – well, this is England and we’re doing it over during the two days or simply being that quiet a bank holiday weekend – you all know what voice telling me “Come on Leigh, you can the weather’s like over bank holiday weekends do it, you know you can do it” as I’m telling – all to raise money for a great cause. myself “I can’t do this, I can’t do this, what on earth am I doing?” climbing up an awful hill So, I’ve bought all the kit, including a new somewhere in the middle of nowhere – all I bike – my first bike since I was about 14 – know is that it was close to Allenheads. and I’m ready to go. Well, you’d think I would be ready to go wouldn’t you? But there’s Anyway, I suppose all I’m trying to say is, the little question of the training and gettingonce I get to the end of the ride, I know I’m both physically and mentally ready for the going to feel amazing and like I’ve conquered challenge ahead. the world but without people like Phil, Andy and Colin being there to help me believe I can This is where my Extraordinary People come do it, I’d never even contemplate getting on a in – thank goodness for the Sage Cycle Club bike, let along doing the Coast to Coast team and the practice rides they’ve organised. Challenge. How fab are they? Phil Healey (who works on our IPT team in Customer Services), Andy Palmer (from our Shared Services team, soon to move to Commercial Development) and Colin Edgar 39
  • 41. Jeff Piper Support Technician Sage UK Holy Island off the Northumbrian Coast is Holy Island is a beautiful place visited by such a beautiful place. Lindisfarne Priory, on many thousands every year and many feel the island, was a centre of Christianity in the the same peace and tranquility of the island. North East and was home to many of the It is a must visit for those exploring the Ancient Northern Saints such as Aidan, Cuthbert and Kingdom of Northumbria. Eadfrid and the spirituality and peace remains from that time. Whenever I go there I always feel that spiritual presence and walking round the island which teems with wildlife is so relaxing. Whenever I go I always come away with a feeling of contentment and awe at the lives of those Saints who trod the land before me. Who focussed their lives on God and beauty. I think of the work done to create the Lindisfarne Gospels and am amazed at its beauty. 40
  • 42. Natalia Zamora Technical Service Sage Spain My favourite quote: “Loving life through work, is intimate with the innermost secret of life. Be glad of life because it gives you the opportunity to love, work, play and watch the stars.” 41
  • 43. Juana Martin Technical Services Sage Spain A beach near Tarifa, whilst I cannot remember its name, I do remember seeing kitesurfing for the first time and thinking this was an amazing sport. It was extraordinary to be there watching and seeing the jumps they can perform. 42
  • 44. Xavi Toha R&D Sage Spain A poem called The wooden plate. The message it gives us is “How you work, will work with you.” 43
  • 45. Charles Pludthura Marketing Manager Sage Australia I once got a booking at El Bulli – regarded by many as the world’s best restaurant. Open for only 6 months of the year, El Bulli, located north of Barcelona, only takes 8,000 out of 2,000,000 booking requests a year. I wrote a sob story in Spanish for my booking request, explaining that I was willing to come all the way from NZ if they gave us a reservation. Surreal is an understatement for this place. I enjoyed the most extraordinary dinner of a lifetime, experiencing a 30-course degustation meal right out of the Willy Wonka book of tricks. I also got to meet and chat with Ferran Adria – El Bulli’s Head Chef, who gave me and my wife a personal tour of the kitchen and a few minutes to hobnob with his cooking staff. There were some seriously mind blowing eating experiences that night – from popcorn air and melon caviar to chocolate bonbons that changed flavour with each different bite. As if that wasn’t enough, we also got to sit at the table next to Hugh Laurie. 44
  • 46. Oscar Gil Technical Support Sage Spain People that inspire me are my colleagues in Sabadell (Barcelona). Each person has a different quality that sets them apart from the rest and makes us all learn from everyone. Everyone has contributed something, both professionally and personally. It is a singular team that makes my working day more pleasant and enjoyable. Actually I can only give thanks for the almost three years I’ve been with them as since the first day I was made to feel welcome. In short, they inspire me to continue improving every day. To all those who are and have been a colleague, thank you very much for being as you are. 45
  • 47. Maria José León Customer Satisfaction Sage Spain My favourite quote is: “When life hands you a thousand reasons to mourn, prove that you have a thousand and one reasons to smile.” 46
  • 48. Michael Kunz Head of Product Marketing Small Business Sage Switzerland My school friend Claudio Castagnoli is an inspiration. In 2004 he won a green card and took the decision to become a professional wrestler. He moved from Switzerland to the USA to live his dream and he is very successful now. He even had a short spot at the movie “The Wrestler”. His drive and will to live his dream is an inspiration to me. He does what he always wanted to do and he is a very happy man! 47
  • 49. Piotr Durski PR Manager Sage Poland I receive many different newsletters throughout a week on various subjects and usually, I move these emails to one folder which I then browse at the end of a day. One day I received a completely new newsletter – unknown to me before – from a service I wasn’t subscribed to. It came from a brand new analyst agency, and it was quite interesting so I read it there and then. A few minutes later my phone rang and the person on the other end knew my name and asked me if I had liked the newsletter and did I find it valuable. The person on the phone was fully aware of my role at Sage and my interests and responsibilities. I was stunned how fast I was contacted after clicking on an email. I didn’t purchase any reports or research from this agency at that time, but some time later, when looking after some specific data, they were my first choice. 48
  • 50. Ryan Moore e-Marketing and Communications Consultant Sage Australia I was hiking on Mt. Roland in Tasmania with We chose the cliff face. We lost the path, my girlfriend, and in our eagerness to get to and were forced to fumble our way down the the summit and enjoy the views, we’d not mountain in total darkness. We had no idea prepared very well. We only had the clothes whether the next foothold was 1 foot below we were wearing, and my camera. We left at us or 100 metres, and I’ve never been so about 13.00, figuring it would be a four hour scared of heights in all my life. When we finally round trip, getting us back to base at about reached the tree line, we fumbled our way 18.00. It was the middle of winter and through very dense forest and across a few snowing, so camping at the summit wasn’t icy streams, and after five hours of incredibly very tempting. hard yakka, we found the road. We walked for a kilometre or so and found a ranger’s hut, The going was much tougher than we and got a lift back to our motorcycle. thought and the afternoon passed us by. By the time we reached the summit it was What I think is relevant about this story is that 17.30, which was fantastic for the view but it’s easy to get into tough spots when you’re we only had half an hour of daylight left! less prepared than you thought you were, and the “moral of the story” is that when things go We had three choices — take the long bad you get two choices: give up or suck it in sloping path up the ridge we’d just climbed and get through it. The other moral of the for 4½ hours; stay up there in the snow for story is that you shouldn’t be an idiot and go the night with no protection from the elements climbing mountains in the dark with no lights or try a “path” on our map that ran down the or equipment. :-) almost vertical cliff face. A guy had died that very week in the same area, and Tasmania can be a fairly dangerous wilderness if you’re not prepared. 49
  • 51. Alan Osrin Managing Director Sage Australia Sometimes it is the simple things that make a difference… My mother had been visiting from South Africa, and before I knew it, her trip was over and it was time to take her to the airport. It is always hard to say good bye to my mum. I love my life in Australia; it is home and the best country in the world. My children are lucky to be growing up in such a great country. However, having family so far away is always a bit sad. After taking mum to the airport, I had mentioned to a mate that I was going to clean up some stuff around the house and hire a trailer. While I was dropping my mum at the airport, my mate not only arranged the trailer, but picked up the rubbish, and took it to the dump. When I tried to reimburse him for the hire of the trailer, he refused. Immigrating to a new country is always hard, and you tend to rely on your friends and colleagues more than when you are living in the same place you have grown up. Friends become extra special and in fact, friends become your family. I know that if I ever need anything, that this mate will be there, and to me that is extra special. It doesn’t take much to make a difference and this really made my day. 50
  • 52. David Grieve Technical Writer Sage Australia Way back in 1990, a colleague and I went on a lecture tour of Paris, Antwerp and Munich, preaching the gospel of Distributed Queue Dual Bus broadband switching. My family had only been in Australia for a year, so I was travelling on South African passport, which made the trip even more stressful because every country demanded a Visa. After delayed fights and lost baggage, we finally got to Paris to present our first class. Needless to say we were both extremely tired and nervous. For a moment, I wished that I had rather taken up plumbing as a career. The lecture theatre was very nice, and even had a man in a box at the back who controlled the sound and dimmed the lights. When my laser pointer gave up, he ran to the front to give me another one. At the end of the session, we sat down to gather our books together when we were startled by what sounded like an earthquake. There must have been about 100 people in the lecture theatre, and they were all knocking on their desks. We found out that that was the way many Europeans showed their appreciation for a good class. They were probably just being polite, but it meant so much to me. All the stress of getting visas, missing flights, lost baggage and sleepless nights became worth it. 51
  • 53. Günther Strauch Key Account Manager Sage CRM Sage Germany This is how Gypsy Cob horses are described in their native country of Ireland. Peace, dignity, honesty and good nature makes this breed very special. To me they are a source of power and energy and constantly provide me with enthusiasm and inspiration for my career. We breed horses to fulfil a dream and being able to do this means I really do enjoy my life with these wonderful animals. “The jingles of the gypsies and non sparkling gold. It shimmers in the sun and neighs in the dark.” (Author Unknown) 52
  • 54. Jay Taylor Operations Consultant Sage Australia I’ve always been involved with music in one Not long ago I found a submission contest way or another for much of my life, dabbling for the MTV network – being successful in music composition and production for would result in having music published some time, but not really being sure what on one of MTVs series as well as having to do with it beyond an unpaid hobby a permanent contact in music publishing. It was a great opportunity to get involved A year ago I started researching music in the industry and earn some extra money production for TV, film, wanting to make use from what I love doing. of my music production knowledge, outside of my time at Sage. Not having the contacts I submitted a song I had written and a for TV & Film I did not know where to start. month later I received an email from the I did find some paid freelance work mostly publisher informing me the song was perfect for casual video games over the past year, for the show. but the aim to have works published on TV & Film was still unfulfilled. I was thrilled, certainly a big milestone in my goal! The song is to be used in production for the MTV series and I had the opportunity to network with the publisher. I definitely gained a lot out of this experience and hope to build on it in future! 53
  • 55. Joaquim Machado Sage Portugal I am a client of Optimus Clix, one of the operators that provide voice, data and television services in Portugal. Recently I realized that my landline was not working and called Customer Services to report the anomaly. Since my landline was not working I had to use my mobile phone. Once my call had been answered, the customer service person asked me why I was calling from a mobile. I told them it was because my landline wasn’t working! They asked me to hang up the phone so they could call me back on my mobile, mindful of the cost to me of speaking to them from a mobile. A few seconds later they called back and I successfully reported the fault with my landline. A simple but extraordinary experience from the Optimus Customer Service! 54
  • 56. Sérgio Braga Sage Portugal I love travelling and I wish I had more time (and money) to do that... anyway, I’ve been fortunate enough to get to know some extraordinary places. Here are some less obvious suggestions: Plitvica Lakes, Croatia no words can describe such natural beauty... Henley on Thames, England a charming little town, where I had the pleasure to live and work for 8 months. The riverside seems to have been taken out of a fairy tale. Ljubljana, Slovenia what a surprise it was! it’s lively, young, cool, clean, ..., just go there... Minas de São Domingos, Alentejo, Portugal this is a hidden gem in Portugal. You’ll find a place which seems to have frozen in time 30 years ago... By this time, maybe it’s not anymore... 55
  • 57. Michael Smith General Manager Sage Australia As a child I befriended an old man who lived alone in a makeshift shack. I had met him on my daily walk to school. He had meagre possessions and made do with a measly pension that in reality would not have remotely covered his basics. I’m not sure how he made up any shortfall in his costs. One morning he introduced me to his new friend; a scruffy brown dog. Over the following months he cared for his friend better than he cared for himself, often going hungry as a result. One day, as I passed by on my way to school, his shack had been cleared away and the old man and his dog had vanished. I was only 8 at the time and was confused as to what might have happened. I never did see the old man and his scruffy brown dog again, but I had been taught the value of true generosity from an unlikely teacher. We all get very involved in the challenge of “making money”, but seem to be less enthusiastic about our plans to dispose of it, other than by spending wantonly. What I learnt from that old man was to question myself as to how many material possessions we really need, and also whether I have enough resolve to give adequately to the needy. 56
  • 58. Toni van Heerden Operations Manager Sage Australia I competed and finished 2 XPD races. These are expedition length, 10 day, adventure races held every 18 months in Australia. Adventure racing includes navigation, kayaking, mountain biking, trekking and roping. We loved these challenges and thoroughly enjoyed spending time in the beautiful outdoors. You just keep racing, sleep when you want, where you want, but you are continually looking for the next checkpoint. These are found using topographical maps and a compass and you basically plot your course as you work out where all checkpoints are located. Teams of 4 and you have to be We loved these challenges within 100m of each other the whole time. What a blast of a way to spend 10 days!!!! and thoroughly enjoyed spending time in the beautiful outdoors. 57
  • 59. Jorge Nobre Sage Portugal With all of the conversations going on I then decided to be more active, so I bought about being environmentally friendly, I started a bicycle. I had to sell my beloved BMW thinking about what I personally could do motorcycle, but it was worth the effort. The to help save the planet and also make a first day I completed a sluggish 1.5 km trip difference to my own life. Being a smoker, and finished completely depleted of any kind the first obvious difference I could make was of stamina. Like an empty battery. Three years to stop. After being a 30 cigarette per day later I enjoy each of my 125 km bicycle rides smoker for 20 year, quitting was like a breath every Saturday morning. These rides are of fresh air. completed in approximately 5 hours. As a result I have lost 25 kg. Quitting was excellent, not only for me, but also my family, my friends, and the environment, I have now rode more than 10,000 km in as well as giving less tax to the government. total. In just three years I have lost 25 kg, became a nonsmoker and turned myself into a sportsman. An extraordinary experience at the age of 44. Do you have a bicycle? 58
  • 60. Sue Moore Principal Trainer, Learning Services Sage North America I’ve collected inspirational quotes since I was in high school. The one that currently hangs above my monitor and I see each day is: “Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.” It really embodies how I was raised, how I saw my parents act each and every day and how I try to practice what they lived. 59