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Cultivate My Garden | Kimberly
“The changes in our life must come from the
impossibility to live otherwise than according to
the demands of our conscience, and not from our
mental resolution to try a new form of life.”
- Leo Tolstoy
Dedication Page
Thank you to the people and things who I would like to thank for existing. You have
inspired me (in a way) to write this giant slab of rock with symbols meaning words,
thoughts, and ideas. Again, thank you for existing.
1. Kiersten Jade Rabehl
2. Madeline Beyer
3. Laura Pendleton
4. Mr.Gibbs
5. Dr.Suess
6. Pokemon
7. The Mortal Instruments
8. Mrs.Grubs, my teacher
9. kamiko-kishinuma on Tumblr
10. My parents
11. Magnus Bane, like wow
12. Ciara Roybal
13. The cute animals in the world
14. PeanutButter Jelly Sandwiches
15. And you, the reader!
Dedication Page.......................................... 0
Chapter One: Career ................................... 1
Family: Chapter Two ................................... 3
Chapter Three-Hobbies............................... 5
Chapter Four- Where Would I Live? ........... 6
Chapter Five-Ideas In Life............................ 8
Hello, this is the plan for my life. Life cannot normally be confined to a singular point or defined
by one line. My opinions and choices will change next week, and they will be different five
minutes after I finish this plan. There is nothing one can do.
Chapter One: Career
With my interest in science, history, and
Psychology, I could follow a handful of jobs
that involve any of them, but I have chosen
to follow the path of a forensic scientist,
which, if done correctly, can involve both
science and psychology. In order to follow
this career, I will need to have good grades
and a better understanding of science. I will
also have to have a good standing in math
and understanding of English, as well as
good conversational skills coupled with the
ability to present facts and statistics at a
professional level in court, or among my
peers, as stated by Cypress Resume and the
Stanford website.
According to the small
recommendation letter, in order to have a
career in the justice system, one must not
have any criminal record. What that means
is that I can’t even have a strike one, so no
experimenting, or sneaking into movie
theaters on Saturdays. I wish to follow the
path of a Crime Laboratory Analyst, which
needs a college major of Biology or
Chemistry, and occasionally evidence is
encountered that requires other specialties,
such as entomology, anthropology, zoology
and botany. And, as the ending of the letter
reads “Recognize that there are a very, very
limited number of jobs available in profiling
and none of them involve visions as
portrayed on TV. Rather they include
science and statistics. Right now you either
better like straight criminal investigation
&/or crime scene analysis and use your
knowledge of psychology to enhance them,
or look for another career.” I never liked the
T.V. version, so I believe this is better than
most who fancy the T.V. aspect.
Also, it would be splendid if I tried
out for an internship at a forensics hub, like
at the FBI. They offer internship programs
for individuals in college. There is a full
background check, of course, and I will have
to have a GPA of 3.0 or higher in order to
enter. As the FBI website says, “The FBI
actively seeks women, minorities and
persons with disabilities for participation in
all FBI Internship Programs.” , and so I
think I have a pretty good chance of getting
in for the ten week program. In addition, if I
qualify for the honors program, I get paid.
There are currently no specifics on their
website as to this, but I believe you’d have
to be in your school’s honor program to
I plan to go to college at Stanford to
get an “Undergraduate Diploma” in
Chemistry which would cost me a total of
$62,801. That includes the $44,184 tuition,
$13,631 room and board costs, $1,425 books
and supplies, the $438 orientation fee, and
the $573 campus health fee. Which doesn’t
include the personal expenses of about
$2,500, and that’s for this last year,
according to the Stanford Webpage.
I have all of these plans, yet the time
during college is a large blank spot, and I
can’t say I have a plan in there except for
studying, worrying, and sleeping. There
might be a job at GameStop if I have the
time, and if there are nearby openings for
that sort of job. Afterwards, I plan to go on
to Marshall University, one of the leading
colleges in Forensics, to get my Master’s
degree in Forensics. The total cost would be
approximately $28,334 for me, as a
nonresident of West Virginia. The tuition
itself costs about $15,992, the book and
supply costs are at about $1,100. Then there
is the “Transportation” fee of $2,000, the
Misc. category of $1,078, and then the
average loan fee of about $124.
I would quite like to work for the
FBI in order to assist the public and the
government. their website says that there
will be a thorough investigation into my past
and or criminal record. In order to fully
understand my job, especially the specifics
about the role of an analyst, I would be in
the lab working to identify substances, the
identity of human material, or the steps that
lead to the investigation. The average pay is
$54,360, according to FBI webpage.
Getting and maintaining a job in this
market currently will be difficult, but I can
hope to achieve this.
Family: Chapter Two
My dream life is to have a spouse
and two children, maybe three. I have no
want to give birth, or to do anything of the
sort; I want to adopt. My wish is to adopt a
sibling pair of any race or gender, to take
them to a house they can call their own,
together. As I have seen in many things,
siblings are often separated in the adoption
system, and often the younger child is taken.
I wish there was a law to keep siblings
together. I also want to have so many pets
that it would be insane. Well, maybe not that
many, and just a cat or two… maybe a ferret
or so as well. Ferrets,
and their fluffiness have always just
seemed so unreal to me, and I
must, in the name of
science, investigate
these adorable little
creatures on a personal
Adoption can be
as much as $5,000! Wow!
But they can also be as low as
about maybe $500, like through the
foster program. Foster children can be sweet
little angels who just want to have a place to
stay. They can also be punk out rock kids
who want a place to sleep and gather their
clothes. Whatever child I look at and see a
life with in my future is the child I will ask
to spend their life with me. Keeping kids
takes a lot of money. Like, a lot. Maybe
$100,000 per year. Per kid. Man we cost a
lot. In order to adopt, you would need to
have a clear background, pass a small
personal check from the adoption system,
and prove you make enough money to
support a child.
The average cost of keeping a cat
(from experience) is about $300 minus vet
expenses, which would, unsurprisingly, be
about $700 altogether. The cost for a ferret,
not taking into account the purchase price
from a pet store, is close to $1,000 or less
for the first year, and the expenses for the
rest of its life are about $500 per year.
Overall, the price of the pets and their
lifestyles will be about $2,000 per year.
Taking into account the love the pets will
give, and the pets happiness, the cost is
nothing. This is if it is the ferret’s first year
in the household, and the cats need
a lot of medical assistance.
I simply adore cats
and ferrets, and the rules
for keeping them, as I
would like the put it, are
simple. You need to give
all the pets adequate food
and space, and litter-box train
them, and love them. The ferrets
need shiny toys so they don’t steal
your keys, and cats need scratching
posts so they don’t use your old chairs or
new drapes as one. They need food and
water and sleeping locations, like little cat
beds or little ferret cages or actual human
beds and human warm water bottles.
All in all, by the end of the day,
having pets is expensive, but those little
creatures are worth their weight in gold.
Chapter Three-Hobbies
Drawing and writing are two of the
most important things in my life. I enjoy
doing both, and normally correlate the two
in some way. I draw my feelings and write
what I can’t draw.
I’ve always found that I can’t write
formally if I leave myself enough time to
change my mind, because I most definitely
can and will five minutes before the turn in
date. I have also found that my creative
ideas come in the middle of a lesson or
when I should be asleep, or when I am
writing for a grade. Yes,
I do mean now, and yes,
I mean in every class at
school. My plans for the
future of writing and
drawing are bleak. I
don’t like sharing my
works, but i do have the
anonymity of being able
to publish it online now
that I have Weebly. I am
actually currently
writing a backdrop for a
series I can write in the
future, involving
manipulation of time, which is
always fun to explain.
If I wanted to voice act, I’d have to
purchase equipment up to $2,000 or more
depending on my price range. To get a set
like the Blue Microphone Yeti, one of the
best in its class, costing at approximately
$500 for a brand new 2015 edition, would
be very beneficial. It would be the same for
youtubing. To youtube and juggle a job will
require a schedule. I already have
one made, in slightness. I plan to record
about half of an hour to an hour in one
sitting. I already have an account, and will
be able to pay any and all fines i need to
keep up with the changes if Net Neutrality
comes in to play. Net Neutrality is a current
widespread issue in the US. It is when you
would have to pay in order to use certain
functions of a website, or even go on the
website. And, according to freepress, it
might become a global issue. Lets all hope
for the best.
Voice acting has always been a
passion of mine, as has youtubing. I have
always just enjoyed looking at the
videos and to imagine myself
doing it has been exhilarating
I guess the obsession started
when I managed to sing with
a Disney song perfectly in
tune. It made me fall in love
with the character, and the
emotions in her voice were
believable. I want to be able
to give that gift to as many
people as possible. The
ability to look at a person
drawn up on a screen and to
relate, and see them come out
okay in the end is the greatest
feeling in the world, and it makes you feel
like the world doesn’t have to come to an
I also enjoy blogging. Blogging is
more of a strenuous process then many are
lead to believe. Emotions you don’t feel and
have never felt are shoved down your throat.
Opinions might as well be law. The internet
is full of people who want nothing more
than to watch you fall and cry. Hurtful
words are tossed around like nothing, and so
many people are hurt. Yet it can also save
lives. The internet is a dual-edged sword,
just waiting for a bad day to cheer you up, or
to make you wish it had never been created.
I find it
exciting to
turn on my
computer and
see what new
trend is
flowing off
the page into
my life.
always hurt
you, and it
always have
to be
horrible. I’d
like to
blogging into
the future
because I love
the reactions from people as I tell them they
have so many people to fall back on, or that
have the nicest way of telling people what
they think. The internet hasn’t really
wounded me because I
don’t put myself on
there. All of my
hobbies can be done
on the internet, and
will most likely be
done there and there
only. I must admit, I
won’t have much of
an outside life, but
the job I will live
leads to many
differing insights on
the collective
mindset of the rest
of the world. And
now, it seems, you
always are inside all
the time, or never
inside in the future
of this world.
Chapter Four-WhereWould I Live?
From scanning across the web, i have come
to realize that living in New York might not
be as great as I thought it was made out to
be. From hearing about the
cost of apartments, the faulty
public transport, and
scandalous taxicab drivers,
the excitement about living
in New York for me is just
gone. It has lost all appeal.
There is no specific
website or series of them. It
has all been learned by
word of mouth from my
friend who lives there.
Sweden has always
been fascinating to me.
Maybe its the cold air, or
the snow, or the gender
equality. It has held a place
in my heart for as long as I
knew where it was. Sweden
is located above England and
is close to Norway and Denmark,
being part of the Nordic
“five”, and is above the
Arctic Circle, which means
it has about three hours of sun in the winter,
but more sun in the summer.
Also, from what I have heard on
“Twenty Things to Know Before Moving to
Sweden”, time is important, and being
moderate is good. Coffee is almost
considered a common delicacy,
and they have separate days set aside for
food, like October 4, which is dedicated to
cinnamon buns. The Swedes are patient
people, and have laws to conserve the
environment. One such law, the
Right of Public Access, is
basically a law that says “Go
wherever, do whatever, but
don’t leave a mess and don’t
hurt anyone.” I can respect that
law. As well as that, I have been
told from the article mentioned
above, healthcare and education
is almost free, and considerably
more so compared to America’s.
and they are ranked fifth
happiest in the world by
Forbes. Living in
Sweden is about
25,000 SEK a year,
according to just
searching the topic
on google.
So, overall,
Sweden is a much
more welcoming
place then New
York, and has less people, and is all around
happier. Sweden seems a much better place
to live. The place has great affordability, and
the like. Working is not the best subject to
touch on, really, as I will never have enough
money to move there, and will be stuck here
in the USA. It doesn’t bother me, though. I
like living in Benicia, and I wouldn’t really
want to move, anyway!
New York City
Chapter Five-Ideas In Life
Deism is a hard concept to some, and
an even harder word to spell. It means that
one who is a deist believes some higher
power created the world, and the cosmos,
but has long since abandoned it (according
to The idea that there is a
god still up there just seems so optimistic to
me. Not to say I’m a pessimist, but why
would anyone believe that there is
somebody up there that allows all this hate
to reign the world beneath them is a bit
ignorant of
the point that a god is supposed to protect
everything and everyone. No
offense to each and every
other religion out there,
almost, but really? It’s not
my place to say this
anywhere, but why? Why
do people believe in
something that isn’t
doing what we all
thought it was doing? I
really like the idea of
something up there,
protecting me, but with all of these
disgusting people who think themselves
above everyone else who is different is
beyond me. I really don’t mean to come off
as rude, and that was the rudest thing to say,
but it has to be said. Apologies, to each and
every person in the history of the world who
holds on to a beautiful dream of a glamorous
place with a reigning god who protects
them. Don’t let me shatter the world I wish
was real.
On to a different subject entirely!
Feminism is the concept many men and
some women and a few others don’t seem to
understand. It isn’t that women are created
better than everyone, or that you have to be
radical to be a good woman, it is the thought
that people are created equal. Despite skin
differences, and despite how old you are,
and despite your social standing or gender,
that you are still a jerk when you call
someone ugly, and that you are still just
being polite when you help someone out.
And that you aren’t trying to be flirty when
you laugh at a joke. Some people think that
to be a feminist you have to hate men and
eat children. I just think that is absurd no
matter how you look at it. Many workplaces
won’t hire women, or if they do, they
pay them 88 cents to the
man’s dollar, or even less.
I don’t want to be the
Debbie downer of the
generation, but something
has got to go.
Great, I hear you
thinking, we have a social
justice blogger on our hands.
Well, I have nothing to say to
that. If someone thinks that a
person who wants to see a better world and
likes to use the internet to blog and watch
movies has to be a social justice blogger,
then I must thank
you for being the reason the world isn’t
changing, unless you think of that term
better than most people. Most people, when
they look at that, see a girl sitting on a
laptop drinking coffee and yelling at all the
men and whites of the world. people don’t
really think of social justice bloggers as
people who want to see change. I just want
to see a change.
"20 Things to Know before Moving to Sweden." N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2015.
"Adoption Stats Pop-out." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2015.
"Annual Cost in Swedish Living." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2015.
“Cypress Resume." Cypress Resume. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2015.
"Deism.", n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2015.
"FBI INTERNSHIPS." FBI. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2015.
"Ferret Costs." The Cost Of Ferrets. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2015.
Forbes. Forbes Magazine, n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2015.
"Microphones & Accessories." : Musical Instruments: Microphones, Accessories
& More. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2015.
"MU Graduate College." MU Graduate College. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2015
"Net Neutrality: What You Need to Know Now." Free Press. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.
State University . Advice about a Career in Forensic Science (n.d.): n. pag. Web. 13 Feb. 2015.
"The Student Budget." : Stanford University. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2015.
"Undergraduate Programs." Undergraduate Programs. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2015.

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  • 1. Cultivate My Garden | Kimberly Williams LIT 1 HONORS THE INDECISIVE LIFE OF AN INDECISIVE PERSON
  • 2. “The changes in our life must come from the impossibility to live otherwise than according to the demands of our conscience, and not from our mental resolution to try a new form of life.” - Leo Tolstoy
  • 3. Dedication Page Thank you to the people and things who I would like to thank for existing. You have inspired me (in a way) to write this giant slab of rock with symbols meaning words, thoughts, and ideas. Again, thank you for existing. 1. Kiersten Jade Rabehl 2. Madeline Beyer 3. Laura Pendleton 4. Mr.Gibbs 5. Dr.Suess 6. Pokemon 7. The Mortal Instruments 8. Mrs.Grubs, my teacher 9. kamiko-kishinuma on Tumblr 10. My parents 11. Magnus Bane, like wow 12. Ciara Roybal 13. The cute animals in the world 14. PeanutButter Jelly Sandwiches 15. And you, the reader! *THE
  • 4. Contents Dedication Page.......................................... 0 Chapter One: Career ................................... 1 Family: Chapter Two ................................... 3 Chapter Three-Hobbies............................... 5 Chapter Four- Where Would I Live? ........... 6 Chapter Five-Ideas In Life............................ 8
  • 5. Hello, this is the plan for my life. Life cannot normally be confined to a singular point or defined by one line. My opinions and choices will change next week, and they will be different five minutes after I finish this plan. There is nothing one can do. Chapter One: Career With my interest in science, history, and Psychology, I could follow a handful of jobs that involve any of them, but I have chosen to follow the path of a forensic scientist, which, if done correctly, can involve both science and psychology. In order to follow this career, I will need to have good grades and a better understanding of science. I will also have to have a good standing in math and understanding of English, as well as good conversational skills coupled with the ability to present facts and statistics at a professional level in court, or among my peers, as stated by Cypress Resume and the Stanford website. According to the small recommendation letter, in order to have a career in the justice system, one must not have any criminal record. What that means is that I can’t even have a strike one, so no experimenting, or sneaking into movie theaters on Saturdays. I wish to follow the path of a Crime Laboratory Analyst, which needs a college major of Biology or Chemistry, and occasionally evidence is encountered that requires other specialties, such as entomology, anthropology, zoology and botany. And, as the ending of the letter reads “Recognize that there are a very, very limited number of jobs available in profiling and none of them involve visions as portrayed on TV. Rather they include science and statistics. Right now you either better like straight criminal investigation &/or crime scene analysis and use your knowledge of psychology to enhance them, or look for another career.” I never liked the T.V. version, so I believe this is better than most who fancy the T.V. aspect. Also, it would be splendid if I tried out for an internship at a forensics hub, like at the FBI. They offer internship programs for individuals in college. There is a full background check, of course, and I will have to have a GPA of 3.0 or higher in order to enter. As the FBI website says, “The FBI actively seeks women, minorities and persons with disabilities for participation in all FBI Internship Programs.” , and so I
  • 6. think I have a pretty good chance of getting in for the ten week program. In addition, if I qualify for the honors program, I get paid. There are currently no specifics on their website as to this, but I believe you’d have to be in your school’s honor program to qualify. I plan to go to college at Stanford to get an “Undergraduate Diploma” in Chemistry which would cost me a total of $62,801. That includes the $44,184 tuition, $13,631 room and board costs, $1,425 books and supplies, the $438 orientation fee, and the $573 campus health fee. Which doesn’t include the personal expenses of about $2,500, and that’s for this last year, according to the Stanford Webpage. I have all of these plans, yet the time during college is a large blank spot, and I can’t say I have a plan in there except for studying, worrying, and sleeping. There might be a job at GameStop if I have the time, and if there are nearby openings for that sort of job. Afterwards, I plan to go on to Marshall University, one of the leading colleges in Forensics, to get my Master’s degree in Forensics. The total cost would be approximately $28,334 for me, as a nonresident of West Virginia. The tuition itself costs about $15,992, the book and supply costs are at about $1,100. Then there is the “Transportation” fee of $2,000, the Misc. category of $1,078, and then the average loan fee of about $124. I would quite like to work for the FBI in order to assist the public and the government. their website says that there will be a thorough investigation into my past and or criminal record. In order to fully understand my job, especially the specifics about the role of an analyst, I would be in the lab working to identify substances, the identity of human material, or the steps that lead to the investigation. The average pay is $54,360, according to FBI webpage. Getting and maintaining a job in this market currently will be difficult, but I can hope to achieve this.
  • 7. Family: Chapter Two My dream life is to have a spouse and two children, maybe three. I have no want to give birth, or to do anything of the sort; I want to adopt. My wish is to adopt a sibling pair of any race or gender, to take them to a house they can call their own, together. As I have seen in many things, siblings are often separated in the adoption system, and often the younger child is taken. I wish there was a law to keep siblings together. I also want to have so many pets that it would be insane. Well, maybe not that many, and just a cat or two… maybe a ferret or so as well. Ferrets, and their fluffiness have always just seemed so unreal to me, and I must, in the name of science, investigate these adorable little creatures on a personal level. Adoption can be as much as $5,000! Wow! But they can also be as low as about maybe $500, like through the foster program. Foster children can be sweet little angels who just want to have a place to stay. They can also be punk out rock kids who want a place to sleep and gather their clothes. Whatever child I look at and see a life with in my future is the child I will ask to spend their life with me. Keeping kids takes a lot of money. Like, a lot. Maybe $100,000 per year. Per kid. Man we cost a lot. In order to adopt, you would need to have a clear background, pass a small personal check from the adoption system, and prove you make enough money to support a child. The average cost of keeping a cat (from experience) is about $300 minus vet expenses, which would, unsurprisingly, be about $700 altogether. The cost for a ferret, not taking into account the purchase price from a pet store, is close to $1,000 or less for the first year, and the expenses for the rest of its life are about $500 per year. Overall, the price of the pets and their lifestyles will be about $2,000 per year. Taking into account the love the pets will give, and the pets happiness, the cost is nothing. This is if it is the ferret’s first year in the household, and the cats need a lot of medical assistance. I simply adore cats and ferrets, and the rules for keeping them, as I would like the put it, are simple. You need to give all the pets adequate food and space, and litter-box train them, and love them. The ferrets need shiny toys so they don’t steal your keys, and cats need scratching posts so they don’t use your old chairs or new drapes as one. They need food and water and sleeping locations, like little cat beds or little ferret cages or actual human beds and human warm water bottles. All in all, by the end of the day, having pets is expensive, but those little creatures are worth their weight in gold.
  • 8. Chapter Three-Hobbies Drawing and writing are two of the most important things in my life. I enjoy doing both, and normally correlate the two in some way. I draw my feelings and write what I can’t draw. I’ve always found that I can’t write formally if I leave myself enough time to change my mind, because I most definitely can and will five minutes before the turn in date. I have also found that my creative ideas come in the middle of a lesson or when I should be asleep, or when I am writing for a grade. Yes, I do mean now, and yes, I mean in every class at school. My plans for the future of writing and drawing are bleak. I don’t like sharing my works, but i do have the anonymity of being able to publish it online now that I have Weebly. I am actually currently writing a backdrop for a series I can write in the future, involving manipulation of time, which is always fun to explain. If I wanted to voice act, I’d have to purchase equipment up to $2,000 or more depending on my price range. To get a set like the Blue Microphone Yeti, one of the best in its class, costing at approximately $500 for a brand new 2015 edition, would be very beneficial. It would be the same for youtubing. To youtube and juggle a job will require a schedule. I already have one made, in slightness. I plan to record about half of an hour to an hour in one sitting. I already have an account, and will be able to pay any and all fines i need to keep up with the changes if Net Neutrality comes in to play. Net Neutrality is a current widespread issue in the US. It is when you would have to pay in order to use certain functions of a website, or even go on the website. And, according to freepress, it might become a global issue. Lets all hope for the best. Voice acting has always been a passion of mine, as has youtubing. I have always just enjoyed looking at the videos and to imagine myself doing it has been exhilarating I guess the obsession started when I managed to sing with a Disney song perfectly in tune. It made me fall in love with the character, and the emotions in her voice were believable. I want to be able to give that gift to as many people as possible. The ability to look at a person drawn up on a screen and to relate, and see them come out okay in the end is the greatest feeling in the world, and it makes you feel like the world doesn’t have to come to an end. I also enjoy blogging. Blogging is more of a strenuous process then many are lead to believe. Emotions you don’t feel and have never felt are shoved down your throat. Opinions might as well be law. The internet is full of people who want nothing more than to watch you fall and cry. Hurtful words are tossed around like nothing, and so many people are hurt. Yet it can also save lives. The internet is a dual-edged sword,
  • 9. just waiting for a bad day to cheer you up, or to make you wish it had never been created. I find it exciting to turn on my computer and see what new trend is flowing off the page into my life. Blogging doesn’t always hurt you, and it doesn’t always have to be horrible. I’d like to continue blogging into the future because I love the reactions from people as I tell them they have so many people to fall back on, or that they have the nicest way of telling people what they think. The internet hasn’t really wounded me because I don’t put myself on there. All of my hobbies can be done on the internet, and will most likely be done there and there only. I must admit, I won’t have much of an outside life, but the job I will live leads to many differing insights on the collective mindset of the rest of the world. And now, it seems, you always are inside all the time, or never inside in the future of this world.
  • 10. Chapter Four-WhereWould I Live? From scanning across the web, i have come to realize that living in New York might not be as great as I thought it was made out to be. From hearing about the cost of apartments, the faulty public transport, and scandalous taxicab drivers, the excitement about living in New York for me is just gone. It has lost all appeal. There is no specific website or series of them. It has all been learned by word of mouth from my friend who lives there. Sweden has always been fascinating to me. Maybe its the cold air, or the snow, or the gender equality. It has held a place in my heart for as long as I knew where it was. Sweden is located above England and is close to Norway and Denmark, being part of the Nordic “five”, and is above the Arctic Circle, which means it has about three hours of sun in the winter, but more sun in the summer. Also, from what I have heard on “Twenty Things to Know Before Moving to Sweden”, time is important, and being moderate is good. Coffee is almost considered a common delicacy, and they have separate days set aside for food, like October 4, which is dedicated to cinnamon buns. The Swedes are patient people, and have laws to conserve the environment. One such law, the Right of Public Access, is basically a law that says “Go wherever, do whatever, but don’t leave a mess and don’t hurt anyone.” I can respect that law. As well as that, I have been told from the article mentioned above, healthcare and education is almost free, and considerably more so compared to America’s. and they are ranked fifth happiest in the world by Forbes. Living in Sweden is about 25,000 SEK a year, according to just searching the topic on google. So, overall, Sweden is a much more welcoming place then New York, and has less people, and is all around happier. Sweden seems a much better place to live. The place has great affordability, and the like. Working is not the best subject to touch on, really, as I will never have enough money to move there, and will be stuck here in the USA. It doesn’t bother me, though. I like living in Benicia, and I wouldn’t really want to move, anyway! New York City Sweden
  • 11. Chapter Five-Ideas In Life Deism is a hard concept to some, and an even harder word to spell. It means that one who is a deist believes some higher power created the world, and the cosmos, but has long since abandoned it (according to The idea that there is a god still up there just seems so optimistic to me. Not to say I’m a pessimist, but why would anyone believe that there is somebody up there that allows all this hate to reign the world beneath them is a bit ignorant of the point that a god is supposed to protect everything and everyone. No offense to each and every other religion out there, almost, but really? It’s not my place to say this anywhere, but why? Why do people believe in something that isn’t doing what we all thought it was doing? I really like the idea of something up there, protecting me, but with all of these disgusting people who think themselves above everyone else who is different is beyond me. I really don’t mean to come off as rude, and that was the rudest thing to say, but it has to be said. Apologies, to each and every person in the history of the world who holds on to a beautiful dream of a glamorous place with a reigning god who protects them. Don’t let me shatter the world I wish was real. On to a different subject entirely! Feminism is the concept many men and some women and a few others don’t seem to understand. It isn’t that women are created better than everyone, or that you have to be radical to be a good woman, it is the thought that people are created equal. Despite skin differences, and despite how old you are, and despite your social standing or gender, that you are still a jerk when you call someone ugly, and that you are still just being polite when you help someone out. And that you aren’t trying to be flirty when you laugh at a joke. Some people think that to be a feminist you have to hate men and eat children. I just think that is absurd no matter how you look at it. Many workplaces won’t hire women, or if they do, they pay them 88 cents to the man’s dollar, or even less. I don’t want to be the Debbie downer of the generation, but something has got to go. Great, I hear you thinking, we have a social justice blogger on our hands. Well, I have nothing to say to that. If someone thinks that a person who wants to see a better world and likes to use the internet to blog and watch movies has to be a social justice blogger, then I must thank you for being the reason the world isn’t changing, unless you think of that term better than most people. Most people, when they look at that, see a girl sitting on a laptop drinking coffee and yelling at all the men and whites of the world. people don’t really think of social justice bloggers as people who want to see change. I just want to see a change.
  • 12. "20 Things to Know before Moving to Sweden." N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2015. "Adoption Stats Pop-out." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2015. "Annual Cost in Swedish Living." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2015. “Cypress Resume." Cypress Resume. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2015. "Deism.", n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2015. "FBI INTERNSHIPS." FBI. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2015. "Ferret Costs." The Cost Of Ferrets. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2015. Forbes. Forbes Magazine, n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2015. "Microphones & Accessories." : Musical Instruments: Microphones, Accessories & More. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2015. "MU Graduate College." MU Graduate College. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2015 "Net Neutrality: What You Need to Know Now." Free Press. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2015. State University . Advice about a Career in Forensic Science (n.d.): n. pag. Web. 13 Feb. 2015. "The Student Budget." : Stanford University. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. "Undergraduate Programs." Undergraduate Programs. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2015.