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berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
who is a data scientist?
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
who is a data scientist?
review of literature
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
who is a data scientist?
review of literature
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
review of literature
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
review of literature
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
who is a data scientist?
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
who is a data scientist?
“a scientist who can code”
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
who is a data scientist?
“a scientist who can code”
• lower barrier to attack new problems
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
who is a data scientist?
“a scientist who can code”
• lower barrier to attack new problems
• repeatable analysis
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
who is a data scientist?
“a scientist who can code”
• lower barrier to attack new problems
• repeatable analysis
• freedom to think about problems new ways
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
using emerging technologies to approach
problems scientifically
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
using emerging technologies to approach
problems scientifically
which were difficult to answer before
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
which were difficult to answer before
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
computing has progressed
which were difficult to answer before
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
computing has progressed
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
cost of new
computing has progressed
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
cost of new
computing has progressed
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
cost of new
computing has progressed
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
cost of new
computing has progressed
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
cost of new
computing has progressed
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
cost of new
same person thinking about the problem
can conduct experiments to answer it
computing has progressed
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
computing has progressed
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
open-source code
computing has progressed
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
open-source code
standing on
shoulders of giants
computing has progressed
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
open-source code
standing on
shoulders of giants
computing has progressed
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
open-source code
standing on
shoulders of giants
computing has progressed
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
open-source code
standing on
shoulders of giants
reinventing the wheel
computing has progressed
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
open-source code
standing on
shoulders of giants
reinventing the wheel
computing has progressed
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
using emerging technologies to approach
problems scientifically
which were difficult to answer before
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
using emerging technologies to approach
problems scientifically
what is possible
which were difficult to answer before
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
using emerging technologies to approach
problems scientifically
which were difficult to answer before
what is possible
something useful
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
using emerging technologies to approach
problems scientifically
which were difficult to answer before
what is possible
something useful
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
using emerging technologies to approach
problems scientifically
which were difficult to answer before
what is possible
something useful
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
using emerging technologies to approach
problems scientifically
which were difficult to answer before
what is possible
something useful
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
using emerging technologies to approach
problems scientifically
which were difficult to answer before
what is possible
something useful
the right
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
using emerging technologies to approach
problems scientifically
which were difficult to answer before
what is possible
something useful
the right
asking whytools
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
using emerging technologies to approach
problems scientifically
which were difficult to answer before
what is possible
something useful
the right
asking why
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
using emerging technologies to approach
problems scientifically
which were difficult to answer before
what is possible
something useful
the right
asking whytools
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
using emerging technologies to approach
problems scientifically
which were difficult to answer before
what is possible
something useful
the right
asking whytools WHY
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is data science?
using emerging technologies to approach
problems scientifically
which were difficult to answer before
what is possible
something useful
the right
asking whytools WHY
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
why why why
what is data science?
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
why why why
what is data science?
science is about asking why
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
why why why
what is data science?
science is about asking why
start there
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
an anecdote
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
an example
from the real world
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
• e
an example
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
goal: save money
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
goal: save money
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
goal: save money
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
goal: save money
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
goal: save money
task: find needle in the haystack (without poking yourself)
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
goal: save money
task: find needle in the haystack (without poking yourself)
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
goal: save money
task: find needle in the haystack (without poking yourself)
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
goal: save money
task: find needle in the haystack (without poking yourself)
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
turn over to plaintiff
turn over to plaintiff
adverse inference
goal: save money
task: find needle in the haystack (without poking yourself)
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
turn over to plaintiff
turn over to plaintiff
adverse inference
give away trade secrets
goal: save money
task: find needle in the haystack (without poking yourself)
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
turn over to plaintiff
turn over to plaintiff
adverse inference
give away trade secrets
goal: save money
task: find needle in the haystack (without poking yourself)
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
turn over to plaintiff
turn over to plaintiff
goal: save money
task: find needle in the haystack (without poking yourself)
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
goal: save money
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
goal: save money
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
goal: save money
prototype — design for lawyers
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
goal: save money
prototype — design for lawyers
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
Sexier. Less nerdy. Tailored.
design for transparency
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
another example
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
another example
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
classify schizophrenia w MRItask:
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
classify schizophrenia w MRItask:
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
classify schizophrenia w MRItask:
improve understanding of disease
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
classify schizophrenia w MRItask:
improve understanding of disease
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
classify schizophrenia w MRItask:
improve understanding of disease
how? … outside contest purview
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
why? outside contest purview
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
why? outside contest purview
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
why? outside contest purview
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
why? outside contest purview
getting data
making usable
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
why? outside contest purview
getting data
making usable
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
timeline of contest
Accuracy of Classification
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
timeline of contest
Accuracy of Classification
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is AUC?
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is AUC? Area Under Curve
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is AUC? Area Under Curve
what curve?
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is AUC? Area Under Curve
what curve? Receiver Operating
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is AUC? Area Under Curve
what curve? Receiver Operating
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is AUC? Area Under Curve
what curve? Receiver Operating
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is AUC? Area Under Curve
what curve? Receiver Operating
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
True Positive Rate
False Positive Rate
what is AUC? Area Under Curve
what curve? Receiver Operating
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
True Positive Rate
False Positive Rate
what is AUC? Area Under Curve
what curve? Receiver Operating
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is AUC?
True Positive Rate
False Positive Rate
Area Under Curve
what curve? Receiver Operating
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is AUC?
True Positive Rate
False Positive Rate
Area Under Curve
what curve? Receiver Operating
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is AUC?
True Positive Rate
False Positive Rate
Area Under Curve
what curve? Receiver Operating
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
what is AUC?
True Positive Rate
False Positive Rate
Area Under Curve
what curve? Receiver Operating
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
choice of metric matters a LOT
in practice
what is AUC?
True Positive Rate
False Positive Rate
Area Under Curve
what curve? Receiver Operating
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
timeline of contest
Accuracy of Classification
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
timeline of contest
Accuracy of Classification
random guess
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
timeline of contest
Accuracy of Classification
random guess
basic SVM
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
timeline of contest
Accuracy of Classification
random guess
basic SVM
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
timeline of contest
goal: depends on why
Accuracy of Classification
random guess
basic SVM
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
random guess
basic SVM
timeline of contest
Accuracy of Classification
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
timeline of contest
Accuracy of Classification
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
timeline of contest
Accuracy of Classification
turned out to place 9th — because overfitting
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
timeline of contest
Accuracy of Classification
turned out to place 9th — because overfitting
very common problem
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
timeline of contest
Accuracy of Classification
worth it?
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
an example
just for fun
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
Chicago Bike Share System
kind of like call-a-bike
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
Show what I like about Bike share
Chicago Bike Share System
kind of like call-a-bike
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
Show what I like about Bike share
Think about how bike share has changed geography
Chicago Bike Share System
kind of like call-a-bike
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
a typical trip for me
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
Bus transit
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
Chicago is a grid city
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
Transit on
the grid
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
Transit on
the grid
2+ buses = FAIL
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
Adding bikes to
public transit
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
show how has divvy
changed where people
can go
viz Goal:
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
show how has divvy
changed where people
can go
show where people
actually go
viz Goal:
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
in conclusion
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february

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Why Why Why

  • 1. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science?
  • 2. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science?
  • 3. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science? who is a data scientist?
  • 4. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science? who is a data scientist? review of literature
  • 5. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science? who is a data scientist? review of literature
  • 6. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science? review of literature
  • 7. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science? review of literature
  • 8. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science? who is a data scientist?
  • 9. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science? who is a data scientist? “a scientist who can code”
  • 10. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science? who is a data scientist? “a scientist who can code” • lower barrier to attack new problems
  • 11. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science? who is a data scientist? “a scientist who can code” • lower barrier to attack new problems • repeatable analysis
  • 12. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science? who is a data scientist? “a scientist who can code” • lower barrier to attack new problems • repeatable analysis • freedom to think about problems new ways
  • 13. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science?
  • 14. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science? using emerging technologies to approach problems scientifically
  • 15. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science? using emerging technologies to approach problems scientifically which were difficult to answer before
  • 16. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february which were difficult to answer before
  • 17. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february computing has progressed which were difficult to answer before
  • 18. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february 1950 computing has progressed
  • 19. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february 1950 cost of new analysis computing has progressed
  • 20. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february 1950 cost of new analysis years computing has progressed
  • 21. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february 1950 cost of new analysis years today computing has progressed
  • 22. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february 1950 cost of new analysis years today v computing has progressed
  • 23. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february 1950 cost of new analysis years today hoursv v computing has progressed
  • 24. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february 1950 cost of new analysis years today same person thinking about the problem can conduct experiments to answer it hoursv v computing has progressed
  • 25. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february computing has progressed
  • 26. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february open-source code computing has progressed
  • 27. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february open-source code standing on shoulders of giants computing has progressed
  • 28. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february open-source code standing on shoulders of giants computing has progressed
  • 29. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february open-source code standing on shoulders of giants computing has progressed
  • 30. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february open-source code standing on shoulders of giants reinventing the wheel computing has progressed
  • 31. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february open-source code standing on shoulders of giants reinventing the wheel computing has progressed
  • 32. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science? using emerging technologies to approach problems scientifically which were difficult to answer before
  • 33. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science? using emerging technologies to approach problems scientifically knowing what is possible which were difficult to answer before
  • 34. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science? using emerging technologies to approach problems scientifically which were difficult to answer before knowing what is possible doing something useful
  • 35. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science? using emerging technologies to approach problems scientifically which were difficult to answer before knowing what is possible doing something useful HOW
  • 36. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science? using emerging technologies to approach problems scientifically which were difficult to answer before knowing what is possible doing something useful HOW WHY
  • 37. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science? using emerging technologies to approach problems scientifically which were difficult to answer before knowing what is possible doing something useful
  • 38. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science? using emerging technologies to approach problems scientifically which were difficult to answer before knowing what is possible doing something useful using new good the right tools
  • 39. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science? using emerging technologies to approach problems scientifically which were difficult to answer before knowing what is possible doing something useful using new good the right asking whytools
  • 40. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science? using emerging technologies to approach problems scientifically which were difficult to answer before knowing what is possible doing something useful using new good the right asking why tools
  • 41. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science? using emerging technologies to approach problems scientifically which were difficult to answer before knowing what is possible doing something useful using new good the right asking whytools
  • 42. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science? using emerging technologies to approach problems scientifically which were difficult to answer before knowing what is possible doing something useful using new good the right asking whytools WHY
  • 43. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is data science? using emerging technologies to approach problems scientifically which were difficult to answer before knowing what is possible doing something useful using new good the right asking whytools WHY WHY
  • 44. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february why why why what is data science?
  • 45. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february why why why what is data science? science is about asking why
  • 46. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february why why why what is data science? science is about asking why start there
  • 47. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february an anecdote
  • 48. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
  • 49. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
  • 50. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
  • 51. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february an example from the real world
  • 52. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february • e an example
  • 53. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
  • 54. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
  • 55. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
  • 56. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february goal: save money
  • 57. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february goal: save money
  • 58. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february goal: save money
  • 59. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february goal: save money
  • 60. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february goal: save money task: find needle in the haystack (without poking yourself)
  • 61. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february goal: save money task: find needle in the haystack (without poking yourself)
  • 62. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february goal: save money task: find needle in the haystack (without poking yourself)
  • 63. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february aboutpatent not aboutpatent goal: save money task: find needle in the haystack (without poking yourself)
  • 64. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february aboutpatent not aboutpatent turn over to plaintiff don’t turn over to plaintiff adverse inference goal: save money task: find needle in the haystack (without poking yourself)
  • 65. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february aboutpatent not aboutpatent turn over to plaintiff don’t turn over to plaintiff adverse inference give away trade secrets goal: save money task: find needle in the haystack (without poking yourself)
  • 66. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february aboutpatent not aboutpatent turn over to plaintiff don’t turn over to plaintiff adverse inference give away trade secrets goal: save money task: find needle in the haystack (without poking yourself)
  • 67. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february turn over to plaintiff don’t turn over to plaintiff goal: save money task: find needle in the haystack (without poking yourself)
  • 68. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
  • 69. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
  • 70. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
  • 71. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february goal: save money prototype
  • 72. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february goal: save money prototype
  • 73. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february goal: save money prototype — design for lawyers
  • 74. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february goal: save money prototype — design for lawyers
  • 75. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february Sexier. Less nerdy. Tailored. design for transparency
  • 76. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 februaryberlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
  • 77. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february another example contests
  • 78. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february another example
  • 79. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
  • 80. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february task:
  • 81. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february classify schizophrenia w MRItask:
  • 82. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february why? classify schizophrenia w MRItask:
  • 83. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february why? classify schizophrenia w MRItask: improve understanding of disease
  • 84. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february why? classify schizophrenia w MRItask: improve understanding of disease how?
  • 85. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february why? classify schizophrenia w MRItask: improve understanding of disease how? … outside contest purview
  • 86. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february why? outside contest purview
  • 87. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february why? outside contest purview
  • 88. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february why? outside contest purview kaggle
  • 89. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february why? outside contest purview kaggle getting data & making usable
  • 90. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february why? outside contest purview kaggle getting data & making usable WHY
  • 91. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february timeline of contest Accuracy of Classification
  • 92. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february timeline of contest AUC Accuracy of Classification
  • 93. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february what is AUC? AUC
  • 94. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february AUC what is AUC? Area Under Curve
  • 95. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february AUC what is AUC? Area Under Curve what curve?
  • 96. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february AUC what is AUC? Area Under Curve what curve? Receiver Operating Characteristic
  • 97. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february AUC what is AUC? Area Under Curve what curve? Receiver Operating Characteristic
  • 98. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february AUC what is AUC? Area Under Curve what curve? Receiver Operating Characteristic
  • 99. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february balances: AUC what is AUC? Area Under Curve what curve? Receiver Operating Characteristic
  • 100. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february balances: True Positive Rate False Positive Rate AUC what is AUC? Area Under Curve what curve? Receiver Operating Characteristic
  • 101. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february balances: True Positive Rate False Positive Rate AUC what is AUC? Area Under Curve what curve? Receiver Operating Characteristic
  • 102. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february AUC what is AUC? balances: True Positive Rate False Positive Rate Area Under Curve what curve? Receiver Operating Characteristic
  • 103. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february why? AUC what is AUC? balances: True Positive Rate False Positive Rate Area Under Curve what curve? Receiver Operating Characteristic
  • 104. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february why? … AUC what is AUC? balances: True Positive Rate False Positive Rate Area Under Curve what curve? Receiver Operating Characteristic
  • 105. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february why? … upshot: AUC what is AUC? balances: True Positive Rate False Positive Rate Area Under Curve what curve? Receiver Operating Characteristic
  • 106. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february why? … choice of metric matters a LOT upshot: in practice AUC what is AUC? balances: True Positive Rate False Positive Rate Area Under Curve what curve? Receiver Operating Characteristic
  • 107. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february timeline of contest Accuracy of Classification AUC
  • 108. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february timeline of contest Accuracy of Classification AUC random guess
  • 109. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february timeline of contest Accuracy of Classification AUC random guess basic SVM
  • 110. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february timeline of contest goal? Accuracy of Classification AUC random guess basic SVM
  • 111. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february timeline of contest goal: depends on why Accuracy of Classification AUC random guess basic SVM
  • 112. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february random guess basic SVM timeline of contest Accuracy of Classification AUC
  • 113. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february me timeline of contest Accuracy of Classification AUC
  • 114. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february me timeline of contest Accuracy of Classification AUC turned out to place 9th — because overfitting
  • 115. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february me timeline of contest Accuracy of Classification AUC turned out to place 9th — because overfitting very common problem
  • 116. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february timeline of contest Accuracy of Classification worth it? AUC
  • 117. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
  • 118. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
  • 119. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
  • 120. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
  • 121. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
  • 122. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
  • 123. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
  • 124. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
  • 125. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
  • 126. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february an example just for fun
  • 127. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february Chicago Bike Share System ! ! kind of like call-a-bike
  • 128. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february Show what I like about Bike share ! Chicago Bike Share System ! ! kind of like call-a-bike
  • 129. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february Show what I like about Bike share ! Think about how bike share has changed geography Chicago Bike Share System ! ! kind of like call-a-bike
  • 130. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february a typical trip for me
  • 131. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february Bus transit times = a LIE
  • 132. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february Chicago is a grid city
  • 133. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february Difficult Public Transit on the grid =+ Diagonals
  • 134. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february Difficult Public Transit on the grid =+ Diagonals 2+ buses = FAIL
  • 135. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february Adding bikes to public transit = win
  • 136. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february show how has divvy changed where people can go viz Goal:
  • 137. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february show how has divvy changed where people can go show where people actually go viz Goal:
  • 138. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february demo
  • 139. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february in conclusion
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  • 143. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
  • 144. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february
  • 145. berlin pydata | @gabegaster | 2015 february thanks! @gabegaster