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Why is Marketing
                              Even More
                           Important Now?

C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
Why is Marketing Even
                More Important Now?
                      “There is just a job, and in more
                      cases than ever before it will go
                      to the best, smartest, most
                      productive, or cheapest worker –
                      wherever he or she resides.”

                                  Chapter 6 The Untouchables, The World Is Flat, 2007
                                  edition, Thomas L. Friedman.

                         Why is Marketing Even More Important Now?
C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
Why is Marketing Even
                More Important Now?
                      “As the cost of communicating with the other side of
                      the globe falls essentially to zero, as India becomes
                      (by 2010) the country with the most English speakers
                      in the world, and as developing nations continue to
                      mint millions of extremely capable knowledge
                      workers, the professional lives of people in the West
                      will change dramatically. If number crunching, chart
                      reading and code writing can be done for a lot less
                      overseas and delivered to clients instantly via fibre-
                      optic cable, that’s where the work will go.”
                                  A Whole New Mind: Moving from the Information Age
                                  to the Conceptual Age, Daniel Pink.

                         Why is Marketing Even More Important Now?
C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
Why is Marketing Even
                More Important Now?
                      “’Untouchables’, in my lexicon,
                      are people whose jobs cannot be
                      outsourced, digitalised, or

                                  Chapter 6 The Untouchables, The World Is Flat, 2007
                                  edition, Thomas L. Friedman.

                         Why is Marketing Even More Important Now?
C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
Why is Marketing Even
                More Important Now?
                      “In a world upended by outsourcing, deluged
                      with data, and choked with choices, the
                      abilities that matter most are now closer in
                      spirit to the specialities of the right [brain]
                      hemisphere – artistry, empathy, seeing the
                      big picture, and pursuing the transcendent.”
                                  A Whole New Mind: Moving from the
                                  Information Age to the Conceptual Age, Daniel

                              Why is Marketing Even More Important?
C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
Why is Marketing Even
                More Important Now?
                            Great Collaborators and Orchestrators
                            Great Synthesisers
                            Great Explainers
                            Great Leveragers
                            Great Adapters
                            Green People
                            Passionate Personalisers
                            Math Lovers
                            Great Localisers
                                  Chapter 6 The Untouchables, The World Is Flat, 2007 edition,
                                  Thomas L. Friedman.

                         Why is Marketing Even More Important Now?
C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
Why is Marketing Even
                More Important Now?
                      If you want to be untouchables – people
                      with jobs that a “computer or robot cannot
                      do faster or some talented foreigner cannot
                      do cheaper and just as well”, you need to
                      focus on constantly developing your right-
                      brain skills – “such as forging relationships
                      rather than executing transactions, tackling
                      novel challenges instead of solving routine
                      problems, and synthesising the big picture
                      rather than analysing a single component”.
                                  A Whole New Mind: Moving from the Information Age to the
                                  Conceptual Age, Daniel Pink.

                         Why is Marketing Even More Important Now?
C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
Why is Marketing Even
                More Important Now?
                      “But only certain kinds of white-collar jobs –
                      those that can be reduced to a set of rules,
                      routines, and instructions. That’s why narrow left-
                                      instructions.                        left-
                      brain work such as basic computer coding, accounting,
                      legal research, and financial analysis is migrating
                      across the oceans. But that’s also why plenty of
                      opportunities remain for people doing less routine
                      work – programmers who can design entire systems,
                      accountants who serve as life planners, and bankers
                      expert less in the intricacies of Excel than in the art of
                      the deal.”
                                  A Whole New Mind: Moving from the Information Age
                                  to the Conceptual Age, Daniel Pink.

                         Why is Marketing Even More Important Now?
C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
Why is Marketing Even
                More Important Now?
                      Marketing is both an art and a science and combines
                      both narrow left-brain work and ‘high concept’, ‘high
                      touch’ creative right-brain work.
                                  ‘High concept’: involves the ability to create artistic
                                  and emotional beauty, to detect patterns and
                                  opportunities, to craft a satisfying narrative, and to
                                  come up with inventions the world didn’t know it was
                                  ‘High touch’: involves the capacity to emphasise, to
                                  understand the subtleties of human interaction, to
                                  find joy in one’s self and to elicit it in others, and to
                                  stretch in pursuit of purpose and meaning.
                                      – DEFINITIONS based on A Whole New Mind: Moving
                                        from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age, Daniel

                         Why is Marketing Even More Important Now?
C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
Why is Marketing Even
                More Important Now?
                      But how exactly do you go about nurturing
                      your right-brain skills?
                            One way to nurture your right-brain is by doing
                            something you love to do – or at least like to do –
                            because you will bring something intangible to it,
                            something out of your right brain, which cannot be
                            easily repeated, automated, or outsourced.
                            As Pink puts it: “The sort of abilities that matter
                            most now it turns out are also the sorts of things
                            that people do out of intrinsic motivation.”
                                  The World Is Flat, 2007 edition, Thomas L. Friedman.

                         Why is Marketing Even More Important Now?
C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
Why is Marketing Even
                More Important Now?
                      We and especially you (because you are likely to live
                      longer than me) are living in a time of rapidly
                      increasing competition for resources. (We discuss this
                            For now, consider the following:
                               “People in the Third World aspire to First World living
                               standards”. “If the people of China alone achieved a
                               First World living standard while everyone else’s
                               living standard remained constant, that would double
                               our human impact on the world (Chapter 12).”
                                  Collapse: How Societies Choose To Fail Or Succeed, 2005,
                                  Jared Diamond. (P. 495).

                         Why is Marketing Even More Important Now?
C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
Why is Marketing Even
                More Important Now?
                      “Even if the human populations of the Third
                      World did not exist, it would be impossible
                      for the First World alone to maintain its
                      present course, because it is not in a steady
                      state but is depleting its own resources as
                      well as those imported from the Third World.
                      At present, it is untenable politically for First
                      World political leaders to propose to their
                      own citizens that they lower their living
                      standards . . . ”
                                  Collapse: How Societies Choose To Fail Or Succeed,
                                  2005, Jared Diamond. (P. 496).

                         Why is Marketing Even More Important Now?
C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
Why is Marketing Even
                More Important Now?
                      “By 2010 two billion people and close to 80
                      million companies will be trading on the
                      Internet – all the time, in real time!”
                         “In India and China, which doubtless will
                         be the biggest economies by 2030, there
                         will be over two billion people connected
                         to the Internet. Today worldwide there are
                         a little under 400 million. India and China
                         will have five times the Internet economic
                         output in their countries that we have
                         today worldwide from those 400 million.”
                                  Thomas Power, Chief Knowledge Officer, The
                        , www., August 2000.
                         Why is Marketing Even More Important Now?
C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
Why is Marketing Even
                More Important Now?
                      “. . . increasing ease of global market entry
                      means new suppliers hunting your
                      customers. And new suppliers are going to
                      keep coming and coming . . . your customers
                      are going to be under siege.
                         “In tomorrow’s world only extreme
                         performers by today’s standards will
                         survive. For these extreme performers
                         immersing their whole operation in the
                         brand will be their differentiator.”
                                  Will Murray, Brand Storm, A Tale of Passion,
                                  Betrayal, and Revenge, 2000. (P. x)

                         Why is Marketing Even More Important Now?
C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
Why is Marketing Even
                More Important Now?
                      What industries should you avoid?
                            The long-term sick (US airlines, US car companies)
                            Industries immediately affected by credit and
                            economic crises (home builders, mortgage lenders,
                            monoline insurers)
                            Industries soon affected by credit and economic
                            crises (retailing, restaurants, manufacturing and
                            food processing).
                            Industries that produce high-priced consumer
                            durable goods and luxury goods such as cars and

                         Why is Marketing Even More Important Now?
C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
Why is Marketing Even
                More Important Now?
                      A non-definitive list of recession-proof industries:
                        non-                   recession-
                            Medical Services / Healthcare / Pharmaceuticals
                            Necessities: food / grocery stores / cosmetics
                            Home & vehicle repair & maintenance / improvement
                            Debt collection
                            Tax preparation / simplification
                            Career / Job search / Life coaching
                            Security / Alarm services companies
                            Weapons industry

                         Why is Marketing Even More Important Now?
C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
Why is Marketing Even
                More Important Now?
                      Unhealthy Investments Are Best!
                                  By Andrew M. Gordon
                            What trumps a stalled economy? Demographics. And
                            what are the two biggest demographic trends today?
                                  Globally, it's the rapid growth of a middle class in countries
                                  like India, China, and Brazil [and Russia; the so-called
                                       India, China,                    Russia;       so-
                                  BRIC countries, CS]. They want what we already have: a
                                  nice car and house, modern appliances, and good education
                                  and health care for their children.
                                  Domestically, it's back to the future. Boomers [like me,
                                  CS] still rule. And they're getting old. Hospitals, long-term-
                                  care facilities, vaccines, and medicines of all kinds will see
                                  greater demand.
                            What these two trends have in common is health
                            Globally and domestically, it's set to grow – even if the
                            economy isn't.quot;

                         Why is Marketing Even More Important Now?
C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
Why is Marketing Even
                More Important Now?
                      A few last points: “In a study of single and married
                      women from countries across the world, females
                      consistently rated ‘ambition’ and ‘industriousness’ as
                      ‘important’ or ‘indispensable’. This was not true for
                            “The pattern was clear. Men sought attractiveness and
                            offered resources. Women sought resources and offered
                                  “Buss cites several studies that independently demonstrate
                                  that high-earning women in the U.S.A. are even more
                                  demanding in their demand for status in men. Female
                                  millionaires want male billionaires.”

                         Why is Marketing Even More Important Now?
C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
Why is Marketing Even
                More Important Now?
                      So . . . you MUST learn how to market (brand)
                      yourself and your company much better than the
                      competition if you are not going to suffer lower living
                      standards, in the near future.
                            Competition is increasing fast, resources are not!
                              Former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan predicts that
                              the Fed will have to raise interest rates to double-
                              digit levels in coming years to thwart inflation. [Too
                              much demand vs. too little supply.]
                                      – The flow of people into the workforce in developing
                                        countries such as China, which has seen a movement of
                                        workers from farms into factories, will slow, leading to
                                        stronger wage pressures and prices, he says. The
                                        impact will be global.

                         Why is Marketing Even More Important Now?
C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
Why is Marketing Even
                More Important Now?
                      UPDATE: The next phase of the world’s
                      economic downturn is taking shape: a
                      global jobs crisis.
                            . . . the severity, breadth and likely length of the
                            recession, together with changes in the structure of
                            labour markets in both rich and emerging
                            economies, suggest the world is about to undergo
                            its biggest increase in unemployment for

                                  “The Economist”, 390, 8622, March 14th, 2009, p64.

                         Why is Marketing Even More Important Now?
C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
Your Instructor: 1
                Chris Shallow
                          Degree in European Studies (BA, Hons.)
                          Post-graduate diplomas in Export Marketing
                          Management, and Information Technology in
                          Business. Studying for MSc in Marketing.
                          More than 20 years marketing management
                          experience in American, British, Czech,
                          German, and Japanese companies. Now coach
                          & consultant.
                          Lecturer in advertising, e-commerce, e-
                                                   e-          e-
                          marketing, globalisation and marketing.

                         Why is Marketing Even More Important Now?
C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
Your Instructor: 2
                Chris Shallow
                          Experienced in teaching business
                          English both general and specialised (e.g.
                          financial, management, marketing) to
                          Czech and Slovak managers at all levels, in
                          international companies in a variety of
                          industries including engineering, logistics,
                          pharmaceuticals and steel.
                                I have always received very positive feedback
                                from both clients and participants in courses
                                which I have run.

                         Why is Marketing Even More Important Now?
C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
Chris Shallow
Why is Marketing Even
                More Important Now?


C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
Why is Marketing
                              Even More
                           Important Now?

C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB

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Why Is Marketing Even More Important Now Linkedin

  • 1. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? 1-1 C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
  • 2. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? “There is just a job, and in more cases than ever before it will go to the best, smartest, most productive, or cheapest worker – wherever he or she resides.” Chapter 6 The Untouchables, The World Is Flat, 2007 Flat, edition, Thomas L. Friedman. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? 1-2 C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
  • 3. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? “As the cost of communicating with the other side of the globe falls essentially to zero, as India becomes (by 2010) the country with the most English speakers in the world, and as developing nations continue to mint millions of extremely capable knowledge workers, the professional lives of people in the West will change dramatically. If number crunching, chart reading and code writing can be done for a lot less overseas and delivered to clients instantly via fibre- fibre- optic cable, that’s where the work will go.” A Whole New Mind: Moving from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age, Daniel Pink. Age, Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? 1-3 C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
  • 4. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? “’Untouchables’, in my lexicon, are people whose jobs cannot be outsourced, digitalised, or automated.” Chapter 6 The Untouchables, The World Is Flat, 2007 Flat, edition, Thomas L. Friedman. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? 1-4 C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
  • 5. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? “In a world upended by outsourcing, deluged with data, and choked with choices, the abilities that matter most are now closer in spirit to the specialities of the right [brain] hemisphere – artistry, empathy, seeing the big picture, and pursuing the transcendent.” A Whole New Mind: Moving from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age, Daniel Age, Pink. Why is Marketing Even More Important? 1-5 C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
  • 6. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? Untouchables: Great Collaborators and Orchestrators Great Synthesisers Great Explainers Great Leveragers Great Adapters Green People Passionate Personalisers Math Lovers Great Localisers Chapter 6 The Untouchables, The World Is Flat, 2007 edition, Flat, Thomas L. Friedman. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? 1-6 C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
  • 7. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? If you want to be untouchables – people with jobs that a “computer or robot cannot do faster or some talented foreigner cannot do cheaper and just as well”, you need to well”, focus on constantly developing your right- right- brain skills – “such as forging relationships rather than executing transactions, tackling novel challenges instead of solving routine problems, and synthesising the big picture rather than analysing a single component”. A Whole New Mind: Moving from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age, Daniel Pink. Age, Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? 1-7 C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
  • 8. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? “But only certain kinds of white-collar jobs – white- those that can be reduced to a set of rules, routines, and instructions. That’s why narrow left- instructions. left- brain work such as basic computer coding, accounting, legal research, and financial analysis is migrating across the oceans. But that’s also why plenty of opportunities remain for people doing less routine work – programmers who can design entire systems, accountants who serve as life planners, and bankers expert less in the intricacies of Excel than in the art of the deal.” A Whole New Mind: Moving from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age, Daniel Pink. Age, Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? 1-8 C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
  • 9. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? Marketing is both an art and a science and combines both narrow left-brain work and ‘high concept’, ‘high left- touch’ creative right-brain work. right- ‘High concept’: involves the ability to create artistic and emotional beauty, to detect patterns and opportunities, to craft a satisfying narrative, and to come up with inventions the world didn’t know it was missing. ‘High touch’: involves the capacity to emphasise, to understand the subtleties of human interaction, to find joy in one’s self and to elicit it in others, and to stretch in pursuit of purpose and meaning. – DEFINITIONS based on A Whole New Mind: Moving from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age, Daniel Age, Pink. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? 1-9 C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
  • 10. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? But how exactly do you go about nurturing your right-brain skills? right- One way to nurture your right-brain is by doing right- something you love to do – or at least like to do – because you will bring something intangible to it, something out of your right brain, which cannot be easily repeated, automated, or outsourced. As Pink puts it: “The sort of abilities that matter most now it turns out are also the sorts of things that people do out of intrinsic motivation.” The World Is Flat, 2007 edition, Thomas L. Friedman. Flat, Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? 1-10 C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
  • 11. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? We and especially you (because you are likely to live longer than me) are living in a time of rapidly increasing competition for resources. (We discuss this resources. later.) For now, consider the following: “People in the Third World aspire to First World living standards”. “If the people of China alone achieved a First World living standard while everyone else’s living standard remained constant, that would double our human impact on the world (Chapter 12).” Collapse: How Societies Choose To Fail Or Succeed, 2005, Succeed, Jared Diamond. (P. 495). Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? 1-11 C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
  • 12. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? “Even if the human populations of the Third World did not exist, it would be impossible for the First World alone to maintain its present course, because it is not in a steady state but is depleting its own resources as well as those imported from the Third World. At present, it is untenable politically for First World political leaders to propose to their own citizens that they lower their living standards . . . ” Collapse: How Societies Choose To Fail Or Succeed, Succeed, 2005, Jared Diamond. (P. 496). Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? 1-12 C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
  • 13. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? “By 2010 two billion people and close to 80 million companies will be trading on the Internet – all the time, in real time!” “In India and China, which doubtless will be the biggest economies by 2030, there will be over two billion people connected to the Internet. Today worldwide there are a little under 400 million. India and China will have five times the Internet economic output in their countries that we have today worldwide from those 400 million.” Thomas Power, Chief Knowledge Officer, The, www., August 2000. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? 1-13 C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
  • 14. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? “. . . increasing ease of global market entry means new suppliers hunting your customers. And new suppliers are going to keep coming and coming . . . your customers are going to be under siege. “In tomorrow’s world only extreme performers by today’s standards will survive. For these extreme performers immersing their whole operation in the brand will be their differentiator.” Will Murray, Brand Storm, A Tale of Passion, Betrayal, and Revenge, 2000. (P. x) Revenge, Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? 1-14 C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
  • 15. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? What industries should you avoid? The long-term sick (US airlines, US car companies) long- Industries immediately affected by credit and economic crises (home builders, mortgage lenders, monoline insurers) Industries soon affected by credit and economic crises (retailing, restaurants, manufacturing and food processing). Industries that produce high-priced consumer high- durable goods and luxury goods such as cars and jewellery. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? 1-15 C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
  • 16. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? A non-definitive list of recession-proof industries: non- recession- Medical Services / Healthcare / Pharmaceuticals Necessities: food / grocery stores / cosmetics Education Entertainment Home & vehicle repair & maintenance / improvement Debt collection Tax preparation / simplification Career / Job search / Life coaching Energy Security / Alarm services companies Weapons industry Vices Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? 1-16 C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
  • 17. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? Unhealthy Investments Are Best! By Andrew M. Gordon What trumps a stalled economy? Demographics. And Demographics. what are the two biggest demographic trends today? Globally, it's the rapid growth of a middle class in countries like India, China, and Brazil [and Russia; the so-called India, China, Russia; so- BRIC countries, CS]. They want what we already have: a nice car and house, modern appliances, and good education and health care for their children. Domestically, it's back to the future. Boomers [like me, CS] still rule. And they're getting old. Hospitals, long-term- long-term- care facilities, vaccines, and medicines of all kinds will see greater demand. What these two trends have in common is health Globally and domestically, it's set to grow – even if the economy isn't.quot; Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? 1-17 C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
  • 18. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? A few last points: “In a study of single and married women from countries across the world, females consistently rated ‘ambition’ and ‘industriousness’ as ‘important’ or ‘indispensable’. This was not true for men.” “The pattern was clear. Men sought attractiveness and offered resources. Women sought resources and offered attractiveness.” “Buss cites several studies that independently demonstrate that high-earning women in the U.S.A. are even more high- demanding in their demand for status in men. Female millionaires want male billionaires.” Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? 1-18 C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
  • 19. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? So . . . you MUST learn how to market (brand) (brand) yourself and your company much better than the competition if you are not going to suffer lower living standards, standards, in the near future. Competition is increasing fast, resources are not! Former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan predicts that the Fed will have to raise interest rates to double- double- digit levels in coming years to thwart inflation. [Too [Too much demand vs. too little supply.] supply.] – The flow of people into the workforce in developing countries such as China, which has seen a movement of workers from farms into factories, will slow, leading to stronger wage pressures and prices, he says. The prices, impact will be global. global. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? 1-19 C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
  • 20. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? UPDATE: The next phase of the world’s economic downturn is taking shape: a global jobs crisis. crisis. . . . the severity, breadth and likely length of the recession, together with changes in the structure of labour markets in both rich and emerging economies, suggest the world is about to undergo its biggest increase in unemployment for decades. decades. “The Economist”, 390, 8622, March 14th, 2009, p64. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? 1-20 C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
  • 21. Your Instructor: 1 Chris Shallow Degree in European Studies (BA, Hons.) Hons.) Post- Post-graduate diplomas in Export Marketing Management, and Information Technology in Business. Studying for MSc in Marketing. More than 20 years marketing management experience in American, British, Czech, German, and Japanese companies. Now coach & consultant. Lecturer in advertising, e-commerce, e- e- e- marketing, globalisation and marketing. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? 1-21 C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
  • 22. Your Instructor: 2 Chris Shallow Experienced in teaching business English both general and specialised (e.g. financial, management, marketing) to marketing) Czech and Slovak managers at all levels, in international companies in a variety of industries including engineering, logistics, pharmaceuticals and steel. steel. I have always received very positive feedback from both clients and participants in courses which I have run. run. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? 1-22 C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
  • 23. Chris Shallow /chrisshallow
  • 24. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? End C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB
  • 25. Why is Marketing Even More Important Now? 1-25 C.M.G. Shallow BA DipExM DipITB