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Why Is Gmo Considered Bad
Although GMO's in my opinion are considered bad, there are some benefits to them. One reason is that they are cheap, and affordable. Ingredients
grown using GM technology require fewer pesticides, and less water making them cheap. This is very beneficial to those who may live in certain
places, where food is hard to come by. They are able to afford the food, because of the
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Gmo Essay
Introduction Many people are does not know what genetic modified organism (GMO) mean or they may have only a vague idea of what it is. The
terms genetic modified (GMO), genetic engineered (GE), and transgenic crops are used interchangeable. GMO is a process that altered the genetic
make–up an organism through mutating, inserting or deleting genes by using genetic engineering or biotechnology (Goldbas, 2014). GE is not a
natural process of life, for instant a scientist can take the gene of a fish or other animals and insert it into a fruits to create new species. This will never
occur in nature. Some people may not be aware that in the United States, a great portion of the foods in supermarkets are GMO. According to Science more content...
Much research is needed in anticipation of pest becoming immune to the GE crops. There need to be a collaboration between different organizations at
both the federal and state levels along with other stakeholder to devise a safer and cost–effective way to remedy this problem. Although, some may see
GMO as being good for the soil because less water is used and less tillage is needed, there still remains a great concern about the effect the
herbicide/pesticide may have on the quality of the water supply, since the chemicals remains in the soil for a couple of years. According to Science
Daily (2010), there is not any infrastructure in place to track and analyze the consequences of using GE crops. More studies are needed in this area.
Some genetics are exploring using a protein that lethal to some crop's pest, called Bacillus thuringiensis, that destroy the gut of the pests (Gewin,
2003). Much thought has to be given to what effect this can have on some of the insects that are helpful and is needed to sustain the ecological system.
One may argue that care is being taken to keep the production of crops that use this process separate from others that do not, but who is truly regulating
this process. According to Goldbas (2013), the United States is one the most least regulated countries and the federal regulations are minimal.
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GMOs Essay examples
What is a GMO?
A GMO, or genetically modified organism, is a virus, bacterium, or more complex life–form in which the DNA has been altered for a particular
purpose. Some of these purposes include: research into the nature of genes and biological processes, manufacturing animal proteins, correcting genetic
defects, and making improvements to animals and plants (Natural Environment Research Council). Making improvements to animals and plants is a
major motivation to produce GMOs. With a world population on its way to 9 plus billion by the year 2050, a viable option for sustenance production
is needed. With this ever–growing world population there is a need for somehow controlling the amount of people born. China is one
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These chemical signals set off a cascade of gene activity in the A. tumefaciens which direct a series of events required for the transfer of tDNA from the
plasmid into the plant's cells through the wounds of the plant. The tDNA then moves into the nucleus of the plant cell and becomes integrated into the
plant chromosome (Understanding GMOs).
This procedure has also been performed successfully in the lab with dicots, broadleaf plants, soybeans and tomatoes for many years. Through this
procedure, the desired gene and marker is inserted into the tDNA of the plasmid. Tissues of theorganism are then transferred to a medium containing an
antibiotic or herbicide in order to tell if the organism has successfully taken up the desired gene because only the tissues expressing the marker will
survive. These tissues are then grown under controlled environmental conditions in tissue cultures containing nutrients and hormones so that whole
plants are grown. When plants are grown and have produced seed, an evaluation of the progeny is done making sure that the desired traits have been
passed on (Understanding GMOs).
A basic method in which we get specific genes integrated with another organism's chromosome is as follows: Isolate the DNA from which selected
gene is to be taken from and treat it with enzymes that will cut out that specific gene. These genes are then inserted into bacteria and grown into
colonies being
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Gmo Essay
Since their first moment on shelves in 1994, the safety of GMOs has been a controversial topic. GMOs or genetically modified organisms are
'advanced' organisms created by scientists taking helpful fragments of other species DNA and inserting into the DNA stream of another organism.
GMOs have created tomatoes that don't freeze in the winter, and apple that cannot become brown, but at what cost? Citizens have voiced their concerns
regarding modifying natural plants and after research overall, it became clear that GMOs are harmful to other organisms. GMOs have been linked to
bacterial infections, and very severe consequences like chronic conditions and birth defects, which most likely coincides with the rapidly increasing
amount of more content...
The long–term health effects that come with using GMOs conclusively outweigh the few positives.
Majorly, most of the American population believes that the use of GMOs on crops leads to little to no pesticide use. What many people are not
aware of is that pesticide usage has actually grown since GMO crops have become more popular. According to information from the 'Earth's Open
Source', an organization dedicated to stronger crops and better farming methods, the allowed residue limit of glyphosate, the world's top weed killer,
has also been increased.
(Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) – Myths and Truths) After a high increase in pesticide and herbicide usage, a substantial decrease in the
populations of helpful and beautiful insects such as the Monarch butterfly occurred. Scientists have concluded that this is almost definitely an effect of
high pesticide consumption. Another important piece of evidence coinciding with the death of natural resources from GMO crops is a significant rise
in SDS or sudden death syndrome. SDS is a disease that inhabits plants and makes them turn yellow and die quicker than they averagely would. The
profound increase of sudden death syndrome could lead farmers to lose approximately 10% of their crops each yielding period. (Huffstutter, pg 3) While
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Gmo Not Safe Essay
GMO's are a result of a laboratory process where genes from the DNA of one species are extracted and artificially forced into the genes of an
unrelated plant or animal. GMO's can come from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals, or humans. We should avoid GMO's, and here's why.
There are many reasons why GMO's are not safe. Long term studies have shown proven impacts on the human body. GMO's have been used since
the mid 90's, so it's kind of hard to know what the long term effects are. With GMO's there is a heavy use of toxic pesticides and herbicides. The main
thing they are used for is to kill unwanted insects and plants, but there is more to it than that. A lot of chemicals have been known to cause stomach
issues in humans. They have been connected with an increased risk of certain cancers.
GMO's are very unhealthy. They cause organ damage to animals, gastrointestinal, and immune system disorders that are accelerated and infertility.
From GMO's, genetically modified food can leave material inside us, possibly causing long term problems. It can transfer into DNA of bacteria living
inside us, called toxic insecticide. The health problems were increased after GMO's were introduced in 1996. Any percent of Americans with 3 or
more Chronic illnesses went from 7% to 13% in 9 years.The food allergies gained, and disorders like Autism, more content...
The scientists who discovered problems with GMO's have been attacked, gagged, fired, and get denied funding. "The GM crops and their associated
herbicide can harm birds, insects, amphibians, marine ecosystems, and soil organisms." They reduce polluted water sources and are unsustainable.
"For example, GM crops are eliminating habitat for monarch butterflies, whose population is down 50% in the U.S." It shows that GMO's can cause
birth defects in amphibians, embryonic deaths and, endocrine disruptions, even if they have low doses. GMOs threaten to pass on its herbicide tolerant
genes on to
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Gmo's Argument Essay
By genetically modifying traits in plants, biotechnology allows for higher food production in a wider array of places without the use of chemicals or
limited resources. The increased crop availability results in economic profit, not only in the United States, but in developed and non–developed nations
around the globe. A study to support this claim from Iowa State University shows that without GMO's, global prices would be nearly 10% higher for
soybeans and 6% higher for corn, two largely grown crops throughout the world. The net economic benefit for farmers in 2011 was $19.8 billion (PG
Economics, 1996–2011). This results in an average rise in income of $329 per acre. For the entire 16–year period since the introduction of GMO's, the
increase in more content...
Henry I. Miller, of the Hoover Institute is a reliable source, in terms of facts and statistics, but can be biased and does have a vested interest in the
topic because of his prior work with the FDA, in which he served as one of the individuals to medically review the first GMO. He received many
awards for his work, proving a vested interest. Jennifer Schmidt's reliability is questionable. She is a Maryland farmer and a registered dietician. She
has a vested interested because dieticians, usually refrain from non–natural food practices, as they say it could cause health issues, such as GMOs. She
does not have much experience in the field, making her validity somewhat unreliable. Philip H. Howard is an associate professor at Michigan State
University. He is reliable because his studies remained unbiased, current, and relevant. Although, he does have a vested interest due to his teaching
profession, specializing in food
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Gmo's Research Paper
The GMO's have many differences from insects. Insects are actually very healthy for humans to eat. The GMO's are not really healthy for humans
to eat. It is a bad way for the animals to grow up because it is not natural. Many businesses like chipotle are now not using the GMO's because it is
better for people. Many people boycott businesses because they use the GMO's. Insects are a better thing to use. In the future people will predict that
we will eat insects and meat for the protein. The insects are better and aren't as expensive. The meal worms that lizards eat are really good for humans
also. Many people would rather eat insects too. Many people hate when people use GMO's and even protest and boycott business. Now many
businesses tell
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Essay on GMO Labeling
GMO labeling
Ever since their entrance onto the consumer market in the last two decades of the twentieth century, genetically modified organisms (often referred to
as GMOs) have been getting mixed reviews from the public. Genetically modified consumer products (primarily food) have pushed the barriers of
some people's comfort levels. Born out of either a lack of knowledge or a sincere concern for public health or the environment, a consumer rights
movement has been planted around the world pushing for labeling of genetically modified food products. This movement has matured in many places
to a degree where interest groups have successfully lobbied governments into adopting criteria for labeling transgenic more content...
A generally accepted definition of a GMO is an organism whose genetic makeup has been altered in a way other than by means of natural mating or
natural recombination (Le Meur 1). Under this blanket definition, age old methods of horticulture and animal husbandry are also ways of genetic
modification or engineering. However, common usage of the term implies the use of recombinant DNA technology.
An example of an organism that has been produced in recent years that fits the modern definition of genetic modification is Bt corn. This breed of
corn derives it name from the bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis, which has a gene that produces a protein that resists a common soil larva that is known
to attack corn roots. Once inserted into the corn genome, it expresses the same trait as the bacteria (European Commision 1). This has ultimately saved
millions of dollars and reduced growers¦Ð reliance on pesticides.
Because of the success of transgenic crops like Bt corn, the usage and availability of GMOs has increased exponentially. The number of GM crops
produced in the United States grew from 1.45 hectares in 1996 to over 29 million in 2000. This accounts for about 70% of the total GM crops grown
in the world (European Commission 2). Similar patterns have emerged from other agriculture–intensive countries like Canada, Argentina, China, and
Brazil. Large percentages of products like soybeans (68%), cotton (50%) and corn (28%) are now
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Genetically Modified Organisms Essay
Many people today are often amazed by the amount of nutrition and health information required for humans. The constant stream of genetic
modification of food can be confusing. Genetically modified (GM) foods are plants and animals that have had their genetic makeup artificially altered
by scientists to make them grow faster, taste better, last longer and to provide more nutrients. Scientists make these alternations by transferring genes
from one organism into another in order to change the condition or character of the receiving organism. This process is known as biotechnology or
genetic engineering (GE), and it has revolutionized the way that agriculture is practiced in many parts of the world. Researchers are now able to use GE more content...
Companies and researchers alternate the genetic structure of crops to withstand pesticides, non–GM weeds and insects can gradually develop a
resistance to the chemicals. At this point farmers actually have to increase their use of pesticides. These practice causes weed populations to adapt to
the herbicide and eventually become resistant to it. Once these superweeds emerge farmers must find a new herbicides and more potent products.
People who support GM foods dismiss complaints that they might not be safe to eat. GM foods are likely to be more nutritious and contain smaller
amounts of pesticide residues that foods raised by traditional farming methods. Food poisoning agents such as salmonella are natural and they kill
thousands of people each year. Lots of plants produce powerful toxins to deter pests. With the technology of GM Crops including beans and cassava
(a fruit grown in tropical countries) produce cyanide that can be removed before cooking. This is extremely useful for consumers to eat and for
producers to make.
In the other hand GM critics worry that transgenic crops could harm wildlife and cause lasting damage to fragile food chains. What will happen if
GM farming practices wipe out weedy plants that some bird's species rely on for survival? Or if insects that are important
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Gmo Essay
According to The Center for Food Safety, "it has been estimated that upwards of 75% of processed foods on supermarket shelves– from soda to soup,
crackers to condiments– contain genetically engineered ingredients" (Center for Food Safety). With genetically modified organisms taking over
supermarkets across the nation, consumers are beginning to question their safety and how they are affecting our health. Since the Federal Food and
Drug Association (FDA) deemed GMOs safe for human consumption, manufacturers have not been required by law to label their products as so. What
are the current laws on the labeling of GMOs? The current FDA labeling laws state that "food manufacturers may voluntarily label their food with
information about more content...
I.Manufacturers Argument However, it is understandable that manufacturers use alternative labeling methods to maintain customers. No consumer is
going to want to want to purchase a food product that has the words "contains GMOs" slapped across the front. A poll done by ABC News found that
"fifty–seven percent [of consumers] say they'd be less likely to buy foods labeled as genetically modified" (Langer). Manufacturers take advantage of
the QR codes and 1–800 numbers to deter consumers from finding out the truth behind their genetically altered ingredients. GMOs are a smart
business decision for large companies because they allow yields to be much larger compared to conventional foods. Above all, it is important to
recognize that manufacturers are fully aware of how they are manipulating customers into purchasing their products. Furthermore, opponents argue
that the labeling of GMOs is costly and will raise food prices. Manufacturers argue that adding a few words to their food packaging labels will
dramatically increase food prices nationwide. According to William Lesser, a writer for The Washington Post, "if GMO labeling is required in New
York, a family of four would pay $500 more each year" (Lee). Ultimately, opponents argue that this will be the case for all companies because
companies will have to spend
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Against Gmos Essay
If We Are What We Eat, What Have We Become?
When I think of all–natural foods, my mind is filled with thoughts of free range chicken, organic vegetables, and farm fresh eggs. I envision the
farmer, tending his crops; the baker selling his goods. One thing that does not come to mind is Genetically Modified Organisms. Everywhere we
turn, GMOs are popping up at an alarming rate. The scary thing is that many people are not even aware they are consuming these products. As of
now, companies who manufacture GMOs are not required to label their products as such. These foods that are consumed by millions of people every
day are still permitted to be labeled as "all natural." Producers of genetically–modified organisms should be required more content...
Upon learning this, I vowed to never again eat a genetically modified apple.
However, eating foods that are not genetically altered may be easier said than done. At present, manufacturers are not required to label their products as
containing GMOs. According to the Food and Drug Administration, "foods developed using recombinant DNA (or rDNA) techniques would not be
required to have special labeling to reveal that fact to consumers (Le Trent)." While this may seem like a harmless practice to many consumers, it can
often lead a person to feel deceived and misinformed.
According to a January 2012 lawsuit against Frito–Lay filed by Chris Shake, "modified organisms are created artificially in a laboratory by swapping
genetic material across species to exhibit traits not naturally theirs (Dye)." The lawsuit also argues that the labeling of snack foods such as Tostitos and
Sun Chips as "all–natural" should not be permitted sine they are made from genetically engineered corn and oils. In my opinion, "all–natural" means
the ingredients can be found in nature, not in a Petri dish.
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) proposes that a myriad of health problems including infertility, immune system
problems, accelerated aging, disruption of insulin and cholesterol regulation, gastrointestinal problems, and organ damage are all associated with the
ingestion of genetically modified
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Why Is Gmo Considered Bad

  • 1. Why Is Gmo Considered Bad Although GMO's in my opinion are considered bad, there are some benefits to them. One reason is that they are cheap, and affordable. Ingredients grown using GM technology require fewer pesticides, and less water making them cheap. This is very beneficial to those who may live in certain places, where food is hard to come by. They are able to afford the food, because of the Get more content on
  • 2. Gmo Essay Introduction Many people are does not know what genetic modified organism (GMO) mean or they may have only a vague idea of what it is. The terms genetic modified (GMO), genetic engineered (GE), and transgenic crops are used interchangeable. GMO is a process that altered the genetic make–up an organism through mutating, inserting or deleting genes by using genetic engineering or biotechnology (Goldbas, 2014). GE is not a natural process of life, for instant a scientist can take the gene of a fish or other animals and insert it into a fruits to create new species. This will never occur in nature. Some people may not be aware that in the United States, a great portion of the foods in supermarkets are GMO. According to Science more content... Much research is needed in anticipation of pest becoming immune to the GE crops. There need to be a collaboration between different organizations at both the federal and state levels along with other stakeholder to devise a safer and cost–effective way to remedy this problem. Although, some may see GMO as being good for the soil because less water is used and less tillage is needed, there still remains a great concern about the effect the herbicide/pesticide may have on the quality of the water supply, since the chemicals remains in the soil for a couple of years. According to Science Daily (2010), there is not any infrastructure in place to track and analyze the consequences of using GE crops. More studies are needed in this area. Some genetics are exploring using a protein that lethal to some crop's pest, called Bacillus thuringiensis, that destroy the gut of the pests (Gewin, 2003). Much thought has to be given to what effect this can have on some of the insects that are helpful and is needed to sustain the ecological system. One may argue that care is being taken to keep the production of crops that use this process separate from others that do not, but who is truly regulating this process. According to Goldbas (2013), the United States is one the most least regulated countries and the federal regulations are minimal. Get more content on
  • 3. GMOs Essay examples GMOs What is a GMO? A GMO, or genetically modified organism, is a virus, bacterium, or more complex life–form in which the DNA has been altered for a particular purpose. Some of these purposes include: research into the nature of genes and biological processes, manufacturing animal proteins, correcting genetic defects, and making improvements to animals and plants (Natural Environment Research Council). Making improvements to animals and plants is a major motivation to produce GMOs. With a world population on its way to 9 plus billion by the year 2050, a viable option for sustenance production is needed. With this ever–growing world population there is a need for somehow controlling the amount of people born. China is one more content... These chemical signals set off a cascade of gene activity in the A. tumefaciens which direct a series of events required for the transfer of tDNA from the plasmid into the plant's cells through the wounds of the plant. The tDNA then moves into the nucleus of the plant cell and becomes integrated into the plant chromosome (Understanding GMOs). This procedure has also been performed successfully in the lab with dicots, broadleaf plants, soybeans and tomatoes for many years. Through this procedure, the desired gene and marker is inserted into the tDNA of the plasmid. Tissues of theorganism are then transferred to a medium containing an antibiotic or herbicide in order to tell if the organism has successfully taken up the desired gene because only the tissues expressing the marker will survive. These tissues are then grown under controlled environmental conditions in tissue cultures containing nutrients and hormones so that whole plants are grown. When plants are grown and have produced seed, an evaluation of the progeny is done making sure that the desired traits have been passed on (Understanding GMOs). A basic method in which we get specific genes integrated with another organism's chromosome is as follows: Isolate the DNA from which selected gene is to be taken from and treat it with enzymes that will cut out that specific gene. These genes are then inserted into bacteria and grown into colonies being
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  • 5. Gmo Essay Since their first moment on shelves in 1994, the safety of GMOs has been a controversial topic. GMOs or genetically modified organisms are 'advanced' organisms created by scientists taking helpful fragments of other species DNA and inserting into the DNA stream of another organism. GMOs have created tomatoes that don't freeze in the winter, and apple that cannot become brown, but at what cost? Citizens have voiced their concerns regarding modifying natural plants and after research overall, it became clear that GMOs are harmful to other organisms. GMOs have been linked to bacterial infections, and very severe consequences like chronic conditions and birth defects, which most likely coincides with the rapidly increasing amount of more content... The long–term health effects that come with using GMOs conclusively outweigh the few positives. Majorly, most of the American population believes that the use of GMOs on crops leads to little to no pesticide use. What many people are not aware of is that pesticide usage has actually grown since GMO crops have become more popular. According to information from the 'Earth's Open Source', an organization dedicated to stronger crops and better farming methods, the allowed residue limit of glyphosate, the world's top weed killer, has also been increased. (Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) – Myths and Truths) After a high increase in pesticide and herbicide usage, a substantial decrease in the populations of helpful and beautiful insects such as the Monarch butterfly occurred. Scientists have concluded that this is almost definitely an effect of high pesticide consumption. Another important piece of evidence coinciding with the death of natural resources from GMO crops is a significant rise in SDS or sudden death syndrome. SDS is a disease that inhabits plants and makes them turn yellow and die quicker than they averagely would. The profound increase of sudden death syndrome could lead farmers to lose approximately 10% of their crops each yielding period. (Huffstutter, pg 3) While Get more content on
  • 6. Gmo Not Safe Essay GMO's are a result of a laboratory process where genes from the DNA of one species are extracted and artificially forced into the genes of an unrelated plant or animal. GMO's can come from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals, or humans. We should avoid GMO's, and here's why. There are many reasons why GMO's are not safe. Long term studies have shown proven impacts on the human body. GMO's have been used since the mid 90's, so it's kind of hard to know what the long term effects are. With GMO's there is a heavy use of toxic pesticides and herbicides. The main thing they are used for is to kill unwanted insects and plants, but there is more to it than that. A lot of chemicals have been known to cause stomach issues in humans. They have been connected with an increased risk of certain cancers. GMO's are very unhealthy. They cause organ damage to animals, gastrointestinal, and immune system disorders that are accelerated and infertility. From GMO's, genetically modified food can leave material inside us, possibly causing long term problems. It can transfer into DNA of bacteria living inside us, called toxic insecticide. The health problems were increased after GMO's were introduced in 1996. Any percent of Americans with 3 or more Chronic illnesses went from 7% to 13% in 9 years.The food allergies gained, and disorders like Autism, more content... The scientists who discovered problems with GMO's have been attacked, gagged, fired, and get denied funding. "The GM crops and their associated herbicide can harm birds, insects, amphibians, marine ecosystems, and soil organisms." They reduce polluted water sources and are unsustainable. "For example, GM crops are eliminating habitat for monarch butterflies, whose population is down 50% in the U.S." It shows that GMO's can cause birth defects in amphibians, embryonic deaths and, endocrine disruptions, even if they have low doses. GMOs threaten to pass on its herbicide tolerant genes on to Get more content on
  • 7. Gmo's Argument Essay By genetically modifying traits in plants, biotechnology allows for higher food production in a wider array of places without the use of chemicals or limited resources. The increased crop availability results in economic profit, not only in the United States, but in developed and non–developed nations around the globe. A study to support this claim from Iowa State University shows that without GMO's, global prices would be nearly 10% higher for soybeans and 6% higher for corn, two largely grown crops throughout the world. The net economic benefit for farmers in 2011 was $19.8 billion (PG Economics, 1996–2011). This results in an average rise in income of $329 per acre. For the entire 16–year period since the introduction of GMO's, the increase in more content... Henry I. Miller, of the Hoover Institute is a reliable source, in terms of facts and statistics, but can be biased and does have a vested interest in the topic because of his prior work with the FDA, in which he served as one of the individuals to medically review the first GMO. He received many awards for his work, proving a vested interest. Jennifer Schmidt's reliability is questionable. She is a Maryland farmer and a registered dietician. She has a vested interested because dieticians, usually refrain from non–natural food practices, as they say it could cause health issues, such as GMOs. She does not have much experience in the field, making her validity somewhat unreliable. Philip H. Howard is an associate professor at Michigan State University. He is reliable because his studies remained unbiased, current, and relevant. Although, he does have a vested interest due to his teaching profession, specializing in food Get more content on
  • 8. Gmo's Research Paper The GMO's have many differences from insects. Insects are actually very healthy for humans to eat. The GMO's are not really healthy for humans to eat. It is a bad way for the animals to grow up because it is not natural. Many businesses like chipotle are now not using the GMO's because it is better for people. Many people boycott businesses because they use the GMO's. Insects are a better thing to use. In the future people will predict that we will eat insects and meat for the protein. The insects are better and aren't as expensive. The meal worms that lizards eat are really good for humans also. Many people would rather eat insects too. Many people hate when people use GMO's and even protest and boycott business. Now many businesses tell Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on GMO Labeling GMO labeling Ever since their entrance onto the consumer market in the last two decades of the twentieth century, genetically modified organisms (often referred to as GMOs) have been getting mixed reviews from the public. Genetically modified consumer products (primarily food) have pushed the barriers of some people's comfort levels. Born out of either a lack of knowledge or a sincere concern for public health or the environment, a consumer rights movement has been planted around the world pushing for labeling of genetically modified food products. This movement has matured in many places to a degree where interest groups have successfully lobbied governments into adopting criteria for labeling transgenic more content... A generally accepted definition of a GMO is an organism whose genetic makeup has been altered in a way other than by means of natural mating or natural recombination (Le Meur 1). Under this blanket definition, age old methods of horticulture and animal husbandry are also ways of genetic modification or engineering. However, common usage of the term implies the use of recombinant DNA technology. An example of an organism that has been produced in recent years that fits the modern definition of genetic modification is Bt corn. This breed of corn derives it name from the bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis, which has a gene that produces a protein that resists a common soil larva that is known to attack corn roots. Once inserted into the corn genome, it expresses the same trait as the bacteria (European Commision 1). This has ultimately saved millions of dollars and reduced growers¦Ð reliance on pesticides. Because of the success of transgenic crops like Bt corn, the usage and availability of GMOs has increased exponentially. The number of GM crops produced in the United States grew from 1.45 hectares in 1996 to over 29 million in 2000. This accounts for about 70% of the total GM crops grown in the world (European Commission 2). Similar patterns have emerged from other agriculture–intensive countries like Canada, Argentina, China, and Brazil. Large percentages of products like soybeans (68%), cotton (50%) and corn (28%) are now Get more content on
  • 10. Genetically Modified Organisms Essay Many people today are often amazed by the amount of nutrition and health information required for humans. The constant stream of genetic modification of food can be confusing. Genetically modified (GM) foods are plants and animals that have had their genetic makeup artificially altered by scientists to make them grow faster, taste better, last longer and to provide more nutrients. Scientists make these alternations by transferring genes from one organism into another in order to change the condition or character of the receiving organism. This process is known as biotechnology or genetic engineering (GE), and it has revolutionized the way that agriculture is practiced in many parts of the world. Researchers are now able to use GE more content... Companies and researchers alternate the genetic structure of crops to withstand pesticides, non–GM weeds and insects can gradually develop a resistance to the chemicals. At this point farmers actually have to increase their use of pesticides. These practice causes weed populations to adapt to the herbicide and eventually become resistant to it. Once these superweeds emerge farmers must find a new herbicides and more potent products. People who support GM foods dismiss complaints that they might not be safe to eat. GM foods are likely to be more nutritious and contain smaller amounts of pesticide residues that foods raised by traditional farming methods. Food poisoning agents such as salmonella are natural and they kill thousands of people each year. Lots of plants produce powerful toxins to deter pests. With the technology of GM Crops including beans and cassava (a fruit grown in tropical countries) produce cyanide that can be removed before cooking. This is extremely useful for consumers to eat and for producers to make. In the other hand GM critics worry that transgenic crops could harm wildlife and cause lasting damage to fragile food chains. What will happen if GM farming practices wipe out weedy plants that some bird's species rely on for survival? Or if insects that are important Get more content on
  • 11. Gmo Essay According to The Center for Food Safety, "it has been estimated that upwards of 75% of processed foods on supermarket shelves– from soda to soup, crackers to condiments– contain genetically engineered ingredients" (Center for Food Safety). With genetically modified organisms taking over supermarkets across the nation, consumers are beginning to question their safety and how they are affecting our health. Since the Federal Food and Drug Association (FDA) deemed GMOs safe for human consumption, manufacturers have not been required by law to label their products as so. What are the current laws on the labeling of GMOs? The current FDA labeling laws state that "food manufacturers may voluntarily label their food with information about more content... I.Manufacturers Argument However, it is understandable that manufacturers use alternative labeling methods to maintain customers. No consumer is going to want to want to purchase a food product that has the words "contains GMOs" slapped across the front. A poll done by ABC News found that "fifty–seven percent [of consumers] say they'd be less likely to buy foods labeled as genetically modified" (Langer). Manufacturers take advantage of the QR codes and 1–800 numbers to deter consumers from finding out the truth behind their genetically altered ingredients. GMOs are a smart business decision for large companies because they allow yields to be much larger compared to conventional foods. Above all, it is important to recognize that manufacturers are fully aware of how they are manipulating customers into purchasing their products. Furthermore, opponents argue that the labeling of GMOs is costly and will raise food prices. Manufacturers argue that adding a few words to their food packaging labels will dramatically increase food prices nationwide. According to William Lesser, a writer for The Washington Post, "if GMO labeling is required in New York, a family of four would pay $500 more each year" (Lee). Ultimately, opponents argue that this will be the case for all companies because companies will have to spend Get more content on
  • 12. Against Gmos Essay If We Are What We Eat, What Have We Become? When I think of all–natural foods, my mind is filled with thoughts of free range chicken, organic vegetables, and farm fresh eggs. I envision the farmer, tending his crops; the baker selling his goods. One thing that does not come to mind is Genetically Modified Organisms. Everywhere we turn, GMOs are popping up at an alarming rate. The scary thing is that many people are not even aware they are consuming these products. As of now, companies who manufacture GMOs are not required to label their products as such. These foods that are consumed by millions of people every day are still permitted to be labeled as "all natural." Producers of genetically–modified organisms should be required more content... Upon learning this, I vowed to never again eat a genetically modified apple. However, eating foods that are not genetically altered may be easier said than done. At present, manufacturers are not required to label their products as containing GMOs. According to the Food and Drug Administration, "foods developed using recombinant DNA (or rDNA) techniques would not be required to have special labeling to reveal that fact to consumers (Le Trent)." While this may seem like a harmless practice to many consumers, it can often lead a person to feel deceived and misinformed. According to a January 2012 lawsuit against Frito–Lay filed by Chris Shake, "modified organisms are created artificially in a laboratory by swapping genetic material across species to exhibit traits not naturally theirs (Dye)." The lawsuit also argues that the labeling of snack foods such as Tostitos and Sun Chips as "all–natural" should not be permitted sine they are made from genetically engineered corn and oils. In my opinion, "all–natural" means the ingredients can be found in nature, not in a Petri dish. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) proposes that a myriad of health problems including infertility, immune system problems, accelerated aging, disruption of insulin and cholesterol regulation, gastrointestinal problems, and organ damage are all associated with the ingestion of genetically modified Get more content on