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Mel"sa C. Pointer au#or

Who were the

Israel under Greek Rule

Israel was once a sovereign nation that was governed by holy laws. Within its borders
                                  was the seat of truth and the most holy oracles.
                                  However when Israel sinned and provoked the most
                                  High God he they were force to serve the Gentile
                                  nations. In the year 586 BC Nebuchadnezzer burned
                                  the temple built by Solomon. A second temple was
                                  built after the Medes and Persians conquered
                                  Babylon. Alexander the Great conquered the
                                  civilized world in 331 BC and Israel found itself
                                  under Greek rule.
                                  After Alexander the Great died his empire was
                                  divided into four parts. At first Israel was under the
                                  Ptolemaic rule. However due to constant conflicts
                                  between the Seleucid and Ptolemaic empires it
                                  eventually became a part of the Seleucid kingdom.
                                  At first there were no major changes in how Israel
                                  kept the laws of God during the third affliction. In
                                  fact it is written that Seleucus of Asia took money
                                  from the treasury to assist with the sacrifices at the
temple. Seleucus was one of the original generals that fought under Alexander the
!e Seleucid Empire
It would be over 150 years later when the 4th affliction would    In I Maccabees 1: 11-15 it discusses in detail the intents of
cause enormous suffering for the children of God. It should be    Jason and his followers:
noted that the Greeks viewed the high priest as a political       !        !
leader. It was a post that they believed they could appoint       ... In those days went there out of Israel wicked ! men, who
whomever they decided would be best. When a righteous man         persuaded many, saying, “ Let us go and make a covenant
was in the post the laws were kept and Jerusalem was at           with the heathen
peace. In II Maccabees 3 it reviews over a period of time         that are round
when Onias the high priest ensured that Israel kept the           about us”: for
covenant of God. It was because of this devotion to the           since          we
Almighty the inhabitants were protected from the Gentiles who     departed from
intended to remove the money from the treasury that was set       them we have
aside for the care of the widows and orphans. II Maccabees 3:     had        much
9-10, 23-28. The Greeks acknowledged that God kept his eye        sorrow. So this
on the sanctuary and he defended it.                              device much
                                                                  pleased them
However when Antiochus IV also known as Ephiphanes took
                                                                  well. Then certain
over the Seleucid kingdom Onias’s brother Jason hatched a
                                                                  of the people
plot to take the priesthood from his brother. He offered the
                                                                  were so forward
new king 360 talents of silver and other revenue in the form of
                                                                  herein, that they
80 talents. Jason promised to give Anitochus 150 talents on a
                                                                  went to the king,
regular basis because he wanted to promote the Greek life
                                                                  who gave them
style in Israel.
                                                                  license to do
                                                                  after the ! ordinances of the heathen: Whereupon they built
Corruption &folly

   a place ! o f e x e r c i s e a t J e r u s a l e m
 according to the customs of the heathen: And
 made themselves uncircumcised, and forsook
 the holy covenant, and joined themselves to
 the heathen, and were sold to do mischief.

                                                         The ruins of ancient gymnasium. Activities like discus
 Jason’s corruption did not stop there. He               were used to give honor to the Greek Gods.
 encourage the people to adapt all Greek
 fashions and the sacrifices were neglected at
 the temple. The rapid decline of obedience
 into God occurred with the hellenization of the
 Seleucid Empire. Antiochus was determined
 that the people that he ruled would be one
 and used hellenization to accomplish that

                                                          Hellenization was the adaption of Greek religion,
                                                         culture and customs. It required that all other customs
                                                         and beliefs be discarded.
Lust and             fil"y                    lucre
Jason the high Priest sent Menelaus to give 300 talents of silver to Antiochus. Menelaus then
convinced the king to give him the office of the priesthood by offering him money above the 300
He was not interested in the priesthood but was interested in ruling his own people with cruelty.
During this time Jason fled into the land of the Ammonites. Menelaus then took many of the holy
vessels in the temple and sold them to the city of Tyus and gave them to a Greek official. He also
had Onias murdered.
During this time Antiochus declared that all Israel should forsake their laws and sacrifice swine’s
flesh. Those who would disobey the king would be killed. The details of this hardship is discussed
in detail in I Maccabees 1:41-61.
!e Abomination of Desolation

Antiochus Ephiphanes came to                 behavior occurred in the same place        God’s law that these afflictions would
suppress what he believed to be a            that priests used to commune with          not have occurred. It was the lust of
Judea revolt. It had gotten back to him      God.     Even                              the flesh and the pride of life that lead
that Jason had assaulted Menelaus’s          the altar was                              to so much sorrow and pain. Even still
                                             profaned with
seat of power. Even though Jason had                                                    there are examples of great devotion
                                             swine’s flesh
killed many of his own nation in the                                                    to God’s law. When you read about
                                             and other
process without mercy that did not                                                      Eleazar one of the principal scribes
                                             u n c l e a n
stop Antiochus from attacking                                                           that stood up to the kings’s servants
                                             meats. The
Jerusalem with great ferocity. He was                                                   and refused to take part of the
                                             Gentiles drew
assisted by Menelaus. They took the          pictures of                                idolatrous feast; he did not want to
holy vessels and removed the things          their gods in the books of the law and     lead others a stray even by the
other kings in the past that had sent to     the Jews were compelled to keep the        appearance of eating swine.
glorify the place.                           fast of Bacchus (the god of wine). It
                                             was during this time that the woman
To establish his authority over the Jews     with seven sons were murdered
Antiochus decided that hellenization         because they refused to eat swine’s
should be firmly established in
Jerusalem and the their previous
religion would have to be rooted out         When you read over the history of our
completely. He sent an Athenian to
                                             people under the Greeks it is steeped
establish the worship of Jupiter in the
                                             in tears, sorrow and blood. It should be
holy temple; acts of prostitution, riotous
                                             noted that if Israel had not rejected
%e Persecution

He was given the option to bring his own meat to the feast but he would not because
he did not want to lead others a stray or anger the most high God. He took his position
as a leader seriously and while they flogged him he said these words...

!     !      It is manifest unto the Lord, that hath the holy

!     !      knowledge, that whereas I might have been

!     !      delivered from death, I now endure sore pains

!     !      in body by being beaten: but in soul am well

!     !      content to suffer these things, because I fear him.

!     !      !      !     !      !      !      !     II Maccabees 6: 30.

The powerful bonds of family and the love of children did not stop others for obeying
God as well. One of the most notable example is the woman with with 7 sons. They
were flogged because they refuse to eat swine. The king decided that flogging was not
sufficent. He then heated pans and cut off the tongue and dismembered one of the
men in front of his brothers and mother. Now think about if a paper cut is painful or an
eyelash in your eye causes you grief; how would having your members being cut feel.
Or the possible fear before it happens when you know what they are going to do to
you. Or for a woman to be willing to see her sons die and then to experience the same
painful death; it is an example to all of us that it is not impossible to be obedient under
adverse conditions.

We all must remember that as long as
Satan has access to our minds we must
continue to fight to maintain our spiritual
temples. We cannot be willing to sell
ourselves to obtain wealth and prestige
in this world. We also cannot allow
abominations to be set up within us.
There is simply no excuse to take part in
corrupt traditions. Or to allow our fears
and discomfort to sway us from being
obedient. We must be dedicated to God
in the way he was so dedicated to us
that he was willing to give his only
begotten son for us.
%e Maccabees

.The Maccabees were Levites that           was severe.                              rulers that they wanted to use to
lived in the city of Modin. They did not   There are                                manipulate the people. He was
agree with the process of                  examples of                              offered gold and the friendship of
Hellenization. They believed firmly in     women who                                the king if he would be the first
keeping the covenants of God. In fact      circumcised                              one in Modin to offer sacrifice to
one of the first acts of the Maccabees     their babies                             idols. Here is a portion of his
was killing those who sacrificed to the    of being                                 response...
greek gods. These are not the priests      thrown headlong with their children
that people think of in today’s era.       from a wall and them burning those in    !
These men were fierce warriors and         caves that tried to keep the Sabbath
                                                                                    ...Then Mattathias answered and
they had sincere devotion to God.          day holy. You can see that you would
                                                                                    spake with a loud voice, “Though all
They protected their people and            have to have true dedication to God
                                           and be firmly planted on the             the nations that are under the king’s
fought against the Gentiles. Mattathias
was a priest and he had five sons.         foundation of his word to not move to    dominion obey him, and fall away
The two books of Maccabees are             the left or the right. What the Greeks   everyone from the religion of their
named after his son Judas (who was         were not counting on was the great       fathers, and give consent to his
also called Maccabeus). After he           devotion and zeal of the Maccabees.      commandments: Yet will I and my
learned about how the temple was           It was normal for hellenization to       sons and my brethren walk in the
corrupted and people were being            begin with the leaders;                  covenant of our fathers. God forbid
killed for obeying God his family was      government officials to use the          that we should forsake the law and
in great consternation and sorrow. It      native rulers as an example. If
                                                                                    the ordinances. We will not hearken to
is true that the Greeks intended to        they could show that the leaders
                                                                                    the king’s words to go from our
use bribes, lucre, force and fear to       would obey; then they would
                                           have less problems with the              religion, either on the right hand or
cause Israel to reject God. The
punishment for not yielding to the king    residents of that particular city.       the left.”   I Maccabees 2: 19-22
                                           Mattathias was one of those
Fighting for & tru#

 He then backed up these words by killing a
 Jew that intended to sacrifice to idols on the
 altar. He then killed the government officials
 and destroyed that altar. His family followed
 him into the mountains and many of the
 inhabitants of the city went into the wilderness
 so that could serve God.

 Here we can see a division of people. The
 leaders were in the mountains and larger
 multitudes of people were in the wilderness.
 Those in the wilderness were killed on the
 Sabbath day by the Gentiles. However the
 Maccabees refused to allow the Gentiles to
 root them out. Instead they said they would
 defend themselves from those who would try
 to decimate them. People began to flee to the
 mountains to gain protection from the
 persecution. In addition they were joined by
 other brave men in Israel that love the laws of
 God and were willing to defend them with their
Tru$ vs Fear
With time the Maccabees began to               of us that live in the United States we     !      Consider ye throughout all
remove the altars and pursue those             do not have the government forcing          ages, that none that put their trust in
that had try to change the ordinances          us to choose between our living and         him shall be overcome. Fear not then
and corrupt the statutes of God. What          keeping God’s word. Often the choice        the words of a sinful man: for his
is remarkable is how much these men
                                               is about living a more comfortable life     glory shall be dung and worms. To
loved the words of God and
                                               versus less comfort. We will not be         day he shall be lifted up and to
esteemed them to be greater than
                                               accepted by the people around us            morrow he shall not be found,
their loved ones or their lives. They
truly put God first. We must also learn        because of our peculiar beliefs, that       because he is returned into his dust,
to trust in God completely so that we          strange religion that we seem to be         and his though is come to nothing.
do not fear what men can do to us.             devoted to. Is it worth it? They will ask   Wherefore, ye my sons, be valiant
This ferocity can only occur because           in multiple ways: you will deny your        and shew yourselves men in the
you reverence God’s law with your              children these opportunities, you will      behalf of the law; or by it shall ye
whole being. You will not be willing to        prevent yourself from excelling at your     obtain glory.”
live your life as a living sacrifice if you    company, shouldn’t family be the
do not revere God.            They also
                                               most important thing, isn’t life richer
exemplified that we must show sin no
                                               with friends and you have denied
mercy because it will show no mercy
                                               yourself so much and you don’t know
to us.
                                               for a fact what will come of it. In order
Today we live in a society that has            to withstand this assault we must
very little use for the Word of God.           remember what Mattathias told his
Sure they like the veneer of God but if        sons before he died:
you pull back the thin layer of it you
see nothing but corruption. For those
Surr'nded but not conquered

               As the picture on the left shows Israel was surrounded by hostile nations.
               During the reign of Antiochus strongholds were placed throughout the land of
               the Jews to ensure Hellenization was maintained. He set up men that would
               vex Israel: Philip a Phrygian was given Jerusalem, Andronicus was given
               Garizim, Apollonius to slay the young men and to sell the women and young
               children and of course Menelaus who despised his own people. Just like the
               woman was not afraid to die for God’s word; the Maccabees were not afraid
               to fight for God’s word and to be able to serve him without interference from
               the heathen. Now of course those same men set up did not simply allow
               Israel to begin to serve God in peace. In fact they brought multitudes like the
               sand of the sea to fight against them.
              However they did not know that the battle is
not won by strength or valor. They did not know that trusting
in a rock shaped like a man could and would not save you.
Which is why they repeatedly faced Judas and failed.
Apollonius was killed in his fight against the Maccabees and
when Seron a s Syrian prince decided to obtain fame by
trying to slaughter the Jews he was overthrown. In fact the
small company led by Judas killed 800 men and the rest of them fled to Philistia. However
during the rebellion of the Maccabees these strongholds were broken down and many of
the enemies were removed. This information disturbed Antiochus and he decided to gather
a great army to wipeout the children of Israel. Unfortunately this began to bankrupt him and
he had to go to Persia to obtain additional revenue. While he seek to build up additional
money he instructed Lysias to raise his son and to squash to the rebellion in Judah.
To ensure the that the strength of Israel was rooted out and          decided to fast and call unto the Lord. They also brought the
he remnant of the people removed Antiochus gave Lysias half           tithes and the first fruits as offering. They acknowledge that
 f his forces and all of his elephantry. He also instructed him       without God they could not stand...
 lace strangers in the land that was inhabited by Israel. Just
                                                                      !     For thy sanctuary is trodden down and profaned,
 ke his father, Satan, Antiochus wanted remove the children of
God immediately and would not be satisfied until no one would         !      and thy priests are in heaviness, and brought low.
emember who they were and more importantly who God was
                                                                      !     And low, the heathen are assembled together
 nd how to serve him. Being a good servant of the king;
 ysias worked hard to obey his instruction. Just like Satan’s         !     to destroy us: what things they imagine against
 hildren obey the devil to fulfill his will. He gathered the mighty
                                                                      !     us, thou knowest. How shall we be able to stand
men from the king’s circle of friends: Ptolemee, Nicanor, and
Gorgias. He also sent 40,000 foot men and 7,000 footmen to            !     against them, except thou, O God, be our help.
wipeout Israel. The fame of this army was known throughout
                                                                      !     !      !     !      I Maccabees 3: 51-53!
he lands and even the merchants took gold and servants so
hey could buy the                                                     This is something we need to remember and have to apply to
emaining Israelites                                                   be acceptable to God; we cannot do anything without him and
 s slaves.                                                            yielding to Satan never helps. We must remember if we give
                                                                      our very best effort we will succeed.
 o what did Judas
o when he saw the                                                     Now we all know that when Satan tempts you and you resist
rmies coming near                                                     he just doesn’t give up and Lysias did not give up when his
heir borders? They                                                    first attack on Jerusalem was not successful. Instead he
Enemies like & sands of & sea

decided to send 60,000 footmen and 5,000 horsemen to                them besides the Indian that controlled the elephant. In
subdue them. Think about it Judas had 10,000 men and he             addition Eupator had agitated the elephants with grape and
had to face a force of 65,000; that is 6.5 times the amount of                                                    mulberry juice.
people. This is more proof that Satan will continue to upgrade                                                    When you read
his attack to break you. We have to remember that God will                                                        about the battle
not put more upon us than we can bear and we can do all                                                           in I Maccabees
things Christ who strengthens us.                                                                                 6 it says that the
Lysias did not win that battle and decided to regroup and
                                                                                                                  glistened when
obtain more people to fight against the Jews. When the
                                                                                                                  the sun shined
nations surrounding Israel heard that Jews had rebuilt the
                                                                                                                  upon them
temple and began to serve God there again they sought to
                                                                                                                  because of the
remove them form the earth: Edomites, Ammonites, the
                                                                    amount of armor this army had. For many people this would
children of Bean and many others. Even when King Antioch
                                                                    be intimidating but Judas fought courageously. The Maccabees
died of a painful bowel affliction the heathen did not stop
                                                                    did when that battle. However the fighting did not end with the
persecuting God’s people. Instead his son Antiochus Eupator
                                                                    death of the Judas or the death of his brothers. Until the evil
escalated warfare with the children of Israel.
                                                                    root is removed from the children of God and Satan no longer
I suppose he decided that footmen and horsemen would not            has access to their minds and bodies he will be able to afflict
be sufficient. Eupator utilized an elphantry against the children   them.
of Israel as well. There were 1000 men for every elephant as
well as 500 horsemen. The men were heavily armed and
protected. There were wooden towers that had 32 men in
War Elephants

       by Drelen Williams

An army or war elephant was an elephant who
was trained and guided by humans for battle.
These elephants were mainly used to charge at
the enemy and to trample upon them. A
division or multitude of elephants are known as
elephantry. These war elephants were first
called to battle in India. This practice then got
out into south east Asia and westwards into the
Mediterranean. They were famously used in the
West by a Greek general, Phyrrhus of Epirus.
These war elephants were also used by the
armies of Cathrage. Later, in the Mediterranean,
elephants were reduced in battle. This was due
to improved tactics in combat. The use of
combat elephants came to a complete
conclusion in the 19th century.This then
restricted their use in labor roles.
TheFea$                     of Dedication

 During the ninth month on the 25th day the temple was cleansed and the
profane items of the heathen were removed. A new altar was erected and the
sacrifices were now being offered as they should be. It does not give the exact
length of time for the Abomination of Desolation unto the dedication. What we do
know is that there were shrubs growing in the sanctuary like it was part of the
wilderness. The gates were burned down and the priest’s chambers were pulled
down as well.
"e fea# of De$cation & %


 The Maccabees understood the importance of the sanctuary and why it was important
to cleanse it instead of building a fort to protect themselves against their many
enemies. Why? Because God was the one who protected them and it was vital to
revere him. They had to praise God for the wondrous miracle that he worked on their
behalf. The Greeks used seemingly endless cruelty and violence to wipe them from the
face of the earth but they were still standing. They had defiled the temple but God had
enable them to restore the sanctuary so that they could serve him without the
interference of the wicked.

It is written that the people fell upon their faces and praised the God of heaven for the
success that he had given them. Think about it they did not have to worry about being
burned alive for keeping the Sabbath day holy. They would not be forced to eat swine’s
flesh or have to see the holy books burned before them.

They were liberated from the reproach of the wicked. They also did not want to forget
what God had done for them so they decided to keep the feast of the dedication of the
altar for 7 days every year during the month of Casleu. The Temple was maintained
even during the era of the Romans. It was only during 70AD that the temple was finally
%e Symbol"m of & Temple

None of us like abandon buildings or        When they were able to return to build    In order for us to truly be established
lots. It is a very shameful thing to look   it a second time it showed how God        on the Words of Jesus; we have to
upon. Now imagine if your home was          was still with them and had not left      make sure our temples our clean just
vandalized and part of it was burned.       them. He had not forgotten his            like the Maccabees cleansed the
You would feel like it was one of the       people. Israel was able for a short       sanctuary. We have to remove
worst forcible violations. A person’s       period of time to serve God in peace      anything that was used to reverence
home is often their most costly             even though they were under the rule      idols. Old bricks to untrue
possession and has significant              of others.                                philosophies must be cast out. We
symbolism. Now think about what the                                                   need to carefully evaluate our lives to
                                            So you can see why the Maccabees
Temple meant to the children of God.                                                  make sure we are acceptable to be a
                                            were in great sorrow to see bushes in
It was the place where the priest                                                     temple of God. For God will not dwell
                                            what was suppose to be a holy place.
would commune with God. It was a                                                      in a corrupt vessel.
                                            Caricatures were drawn in the oracles
place where you could learn about
                                            of God. The altar was too corrupt to      Our next step will be to do all acts of
the truth and give offerings to the
                                            even use. Satan has always tried to       righteousness no matter how small or
Almighty. When Israel was a
                                            violate the children of God whenever      great: reading the bible daily,
sovereign nation the temple was the
                                            possible. It started with the garden of   worshiping God daily, meditating,
most beautiful building in Israel and
                                            Eden with him entering into our           singing praises, fasting, being
the world. When it was violently
                                            minds. He had no right to be there        baptized, assembling and worshiping
burned to the ground it had a
                                            only God should have access to our        God on the Sabbath, keeping the
significant impact on the children of
                                            emotions and thoughts in that             feasts days and paying tithes.
                                            intimate way.
Mel"sa Pointer au#or

              Our works

 This is not an all inclusive list and this does not mean that you will not have struggles, sacrifice
or burdens during this life. The end result is worth it because if we get on the foundation
successfully we will gain eternal life.

                                              published by:
                                        Little Dove Publications

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Who were the maccabees

  • 1. Mel"sa C. Pointer au#or Who were the Maccabees
  • 2. Israel under Greek Rule Israel was once a sovereign nation that was governed by holy laws. Within its borders was the seat of truth and the most holy oracles. However when Israel sinned and provoked the most High God he they were force to serve the Gentile nations. In the year 586 BC Nebuchadnezzer burned the temple built by Solomon. A second temple was built after the Medes and Persians conquered Babylon. Alexander the Great conquered the civilized world in 331 BC and Israel found itself under Greek rule. After Alexander the Great died his empire was divided into four parts. At first Israel was under the Ptolemaic rule. However due to constant conflicts between the Seleucid and Ptolemaic empires it eventually became a part of the Seleucid kingdom. At first there were no major changes in how Israel kept the laws of God during the third affliction. In fact it is written that Seleucus of Asia took money from the treasury to assist with the sacrifices at the temple. Seleucus was one of the original generals that fought under Alexander the Great.
  • 3. !e Seleucid Empire It would be over 150 years later when the 4th affliction would In I Maccabees 1: 11-15 it discusses in detail the intents of cause enormous suffering for the children of God. It should be Jason and his followers: noted that the Greeks viewed the high priest as a political ! ! leader. It was a post that they believed they could appoint ... In those days went there out of Israel wicked ! men, who whomever they decided would be best. When a righteous man persuaded many, saying, “ Let us go and make a covenant was in the post the laws were kept and Jerusalem was at with the heathen peace. In II Maccabees 3 it reviews over a period of time that are round when Onias the high priest ensured that Israel kept the about us”: for covenant of God. It was because of this devotion to the since we Almighty the inhabitants were protected from the Gentiles who departed from intended to remove the money from the treasury that was set them we have aside for the care of the widows and orphans. II Maccabees 3: had much 9-10, 23-28. The Greeks acknowledged that God kept his eye sorrow. So this on the sanctuary and he defended it. device much pleased them However when Antiochus IV also known as Ephiphanes took well. Then certain over the Seleucid kingdom Onias’s brother Jason hatched a of the people plot to take the priesthood from his brother. He offered the were so forward new king 360 talents of silver and other revenue in the form of herein, that they 80 talents. Jason promised to give Anitochus 150 talents on a went to the king, regular basis because he wanted to promote the Greek life who gave them style in Israel. license to do after the ! ordinances of the heathen: Whereupon they built
  • 4. Corruption &folly a place ! o f e x e r c i s e a t J e r u s a l e m according to the customs of the heathen: And made themselves uncircumcised, and forsook the holy covenant, and joined themselves to the heathen, and were sold to do mischief. The ruins of ancient gymnasium. Activities like discus Jason’s corruption did not stop there. He were used to give honor to the Greek Gods. encourage the people to adapt all Greek fashions and the sacrifices were neglected at the temple. The rapid decline of obedience into God occurred with the hellenization of the Seleucid Empire. Antiochus was determined that the people that he ruled would be one and used hellenization to accomplish that goal. Hellenization was the adaption of Greek religion, culture and customs. It required that all other customs and beliefs be discarded.
  • 5. Lust and fil"y lucre Jason the high Priest sent Menelaus to give 300 talents of silver to Antiochus. Menelaus then convinced the king to give him the office of the priesthood by offering him money above the 300 talents. He was not interested in the priesthood but was interested in ruling his own people with cruelty. During this time Jason fled into the land of the Ammonites. Menelaus then took many of the holy vessels in the temple and sold them to the city of Tyus and gave them to a Greek official. He also had Onias murdered. During this time Antiochus declared that all Israel should forsake their laws and sacrifice swine’s flesh. Those who would disobey the king would be killed. The details of this hardship is discussed in detail in I Maccabees 1:41-61.
  • 6. !e Abomination of Desolation Antiochus Ephiphanes came to behavior occurred in the same place God’s law that these afflictions would suppress what he believed to be a that priests used to commune with not have occurred. It was the lust of Judea revolt. It had gotten back to him God. Even the flesh and the pride of life that lead that Jason had assaulted Menelaus’s the altar was to so much sorrow and pain. Even still profaned with seat of power. Even though Jason had there are examples of great devotion swine’s flesh killed many of his own nation in the to God’s law. When you read about and other process without mercy that did not Eleazar one of the principal scribes u n c l e a n stop Antiochus from attacking that stood up to the kings’s servants meats. The Jerusalem with great ferocity. He was and refused to take part of the Gentiles drew assisted by Menelaus. They took the pictures of idolatrous feast; he did not want to holy vessels and removed the things their gods in the books of the law and lead others a stray even by the other kings in the past that had sent to the Jews were compelled to keep the appearance of eating swine. glorify the place. fast of Bacchus (the god of wine). It was during this time that the woman To establish his authority over the Jews with seven sons were murdered Antiochus decided that hellenization because they refused to eat swine’s should be firmly established in flesh. Jerusalem and the their previous religion would have to be rooted out When you read over the history of our completely. He sent an Athenian to people under the Greeks it is steeped establish the worship of Jupiter in the in tears, sorrow and blood. It should be holy temple; acts of prostitution, riotous noted that if Israel had not rejected
  • 7. %e Persecution He was given the option to bring his own meat to the feast but he would not because he did not want to lead others a stray or anger the most high God. He took his position as a leader seriously and while they flogged him he said these words... ! ! It is manifest unto the Lord, that hath the holy ! ! knowledge, that whereas I might have been ! ! delivered from death, I now endure sore pains ! ! in body by being beaten: but in soul am well ! ! content to suffer these things, because I fear him. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! II Maccabees 6: 30. The powerful bonds of family and the love of children did not stop others for obeying God as well. One of the most notable example is the woman with with 7 sons. They were flogged because they refuse to eat swine. The king decided that flogging was not sufficent. He then heated pans and cut off the tongue and dismembered one of the men in front of his brothers and mother. Now think about if a paper cut is painful or an eyelash in your eye causes you grief; how would having your members being cut feel. Or the possible fear before it happens when you know what they are going to do to you. Or for a woman to be willing to see her sons die and then to experience the same painful death; it is an example to all of us that it is not impossible to be obedient under adverse conditions.
  • 8. Remember We all must remember that as long as Satan has access to our minds we must continue to fight to maintain our spiritual temples. We cannot be willing to sell ourselves to obtain wealth and prestige in this world. We also cannot allow abominations to be set up within us. There is simply no excuse to take part in corrupt traditions. Or to allow our fears and discomfort to sway us from being obedient. We must be dedicated to God in the way he was so dedicated to us that he was willing to give his only begotten son for us.
  • 9. %e Maccabees .The Maccabees were Levites that was severe. rulers that they wanted to use to lived in the city of Modin. They did not There are manipulate the people. He was agree with the process of examples of offered gold and the friendship of Hellenization. They believed firmly in women who the king if he would be the first keeping the covenants of God. In fact circumcised one in Modin to offer sacrifice to one of the first acts of the Maccabees their babies idols. Here is a portion of his was killing those who sacrificed to the of being response... greek gods. These are not the priests thrown headlong with their children that people think of in today’s era. from a wall and them burning those in ! These men were fierce warriors and caves that tried to keep the Sabbath ...Then Mattathias answered and they had sincere devotion to God. day holy. You can see that you would spake with a loud voice, “Though all They protected their people and have to have true dedication to God and be firmly planted on the the nations that are under the king’s fought against the Gentiles. Mattathias was a priest and he had five sons. foundation of his word to not move to dominion obey him, and fall away The two books of Maccabees are the left or the right. What the Greeks everyone from the religion of their named after his son Judas (who was were not counting on was the great fathers, and give consent to his also called Maccabeus). After he devotion and zeal of the Maccabees. commandments: Yet will I and my learned about how the temple was It was normal for hellenization to sons and my brethren walk in the corrupted and people were being begin with the leaders; covenant of our fathers. God forbid killed for obeying God his family was government officials to use the that we should forsake the law and in great consternation and sorrow. It native rulers as an example. If the ordinances. We will not hearken to is true that the Greeks intended to they could show that the leaders the king’s words to go from our use bribes, lucre, force and fear to would obey; then they would have less problems with the religion, either on the right hand or cause Israel to reject God. The punishment for not yielding to the king residents of that particular city. the left.” I Maccabees 2: 19-22 Mattathias was one of those
  • 10. Fighting for & tru# He then backed up these words by killing a Jew that intended to sacrifice to idols on the altar. He then killed the government officials and destroyed that altar. His family followed him into the mountains and many of the inhabitants of the city went into the wilderness so that could serve God. Here we can see a division of people. The leaders were in the mountains and larger multitudes of people were in the wilderness. Those in the wilderness were killed on the Sabbath day by the Gentiles. However the Maccabees refused to allow the Gentiles to root them out. Instead they said they would defend themselves from those who would try to decimate them. People began to flee to the mountains to gain protection from the persecution. In addition they were joined by other brave men in Israel that love the laws of God and were willing to defend them with their lives.
  • 11. Tru$ vs Fear With time the Maccabees began to of us that live in the United States we ! Consider ye throughout all remove the altars and pursue those do not have the government forcing ages, that none that put their trust in that had try to change the ordinances us to choose between our living and him shall be overcome. Fear not then and corrupt the statutes of God. What keeping God’s word. Often the choice the words of a sinful man: for his is remarkable is how much these men is about living a more comfortable life glory shall be dung and worms. To loved the words of God and versus less comfort. We will not be day he shall be lifted up and to esteemed them to be greater than accepted by the people around us morrow he shall not be found, their loved ones or their lives. They truly put God first. We must also learn because of our peculiar beliefs, that because he is returned into his dust, to trust in God completely so that we strange religion that we seem to be and his though is come to nothing. do not fear what men can do to us. devoted to. Is it worth it? They will ask Wherefore, ye my sons, be valiant This ferocity can only occur because in multiple ways: you will deny your and shew yourselves men in the you reverence God’s law with your children these opportunities, you will behalf of the law; or by it shall ye whole being. You will not be willing to prevent yourself from excelling at your obtain glory.” live your life as a living sacrifice if you company, shouldn’t family be the do not revere God. They also most important thing, isn’t life richer exemplified that we must show sin no with friends and you have denied mercy because it will show no mercy yourself so much and you don’t know to us. for a fact what will come of it. In order Today we live in a society that has to withstand this assault we must very little use for the Word of God. remember what Mattathias told his Sure they like the veneer of God but if sons before he died: you pull back the thin layer of it you see nothing but corruption. For those
  • 12. Surr'nded but not conquered As the picture on the left shows Israel was surrounded by hostile nations. During the reign of Antiochus strongholds were placed throughout the land of the Jews to ensure Hellenization was maintained. He set up men that would vex Israel: Philip a Phrygian was given Jerusalem, Andronicus was given Garizim, Apollonius to slay the young men and to sell the women and young children and of course Menelaus who despised his own people. Just like the woman was not afraid to die for God’s word; the Maccabees were not afraid to fight for God’s word and to be able to serve him without interference from the heathen. Now of course those same men set up did not simply allow Israel to begin to serve God in peace. In fact they brought multitudes like the sand of the sea to fight against them. However they did not know that the battle is not won by strength or valor. They did not know that trusting in a rock shaped like a man could and would not save you. Which is why they repeatedly faced Judas and failed. Apollonius was killed in his fight against the Maccabees and when Seron a s Syrian prince decided to obtain fame by trying to slaughter the Jews he was overthrown. In fact the small company led by Judas killed 800 men and the rest of them fled to Philistia. However during the rebellion of the Maccabees these strongholds were broken down and many of the enemies were removed. This information disturbed Antiochus and he decided to gather a great army to wipeout the children of Israel. Unfortunately this began to bankrupt him and he had to go to Persia to obtain additional revenue. While he seek to build up additional money he instructed Lysias to raise his son and to squash to the rebellion in Judah.
  • 13. To ensure the that the strength of Israel was rooted out and decided to fast and call unto the Lord. They also brought the he remnant of the people removed Antiochus gave Lysias half tithes and the first fruits as offering. They acknowledge that f his forces and all of his elephantry. He also instructed him without God they could not stand... lace strangers in the land that was inhabited by Israel. Just ! For thy sanctuary is trodden down and profaned, ke his father, Satan, Antiochus wanted remove the children of God immediately and would not be satisfied until no one would ! and thy priests are in heaviness, and brought low. emember who they were and more importantly who God was ! And low, the heathen are assembled together nd how to serve him. Being a good servant of the king; ysias worked hard to obey his instruction. Just like Satan’s ! to destroy us: what things they imagine against hildren obey the devil to fulfill his will. He gathered the mighty ! us, thou knowest. How shall we be able to stand men from the king’s circle of friends: Ptolemee, Nicanor, and Gorgias. He also sent 40,000 foot men and 7,000 footmen to ! against them, except thou, O God, be our help. wipeout Israel. The fame of this army was known throughout ! ! ! ! I Maccabees 3: 51-53! he lands and even the merchants took gold and servants so hey could buy the This is something we need to remember and have to apply to emaining Israelites be acceptable to God; we cannot do anything without him and s slaves. yielding to Satan never helps. We must remember if we give our very best effort we will succeed. o what did Judas o when he saw the Now we all know that when Satan tempts you and you resist rmies coming near he just doesn’t give up and Lysias did not give up when his heir borders? They first attack on Jerusalem was not successful. Instead he
  • 14. Enemies like & sands of & sea decided to send 60,000 footmen and 5,000 horsemen to them besides the Indian that controlled the elephant. In subdue them. Think about it Judas had 10,000 men and he addition Eupator had agitated the elephants with grape and had to face a force of 65,000; that is 6.5 times the amount of mulberry juice. people. This is more proof that Satan will continue to upgrade When you read his attack to break you. We have to remember that God will about the battle not put more upon us than we can bear and we can do all in I Maccabees things Christ who strengthens us. 6 it says that the mountains Lysias did not win that battle and decided to regroup and glistened when obtain more people to fight against the Jews. When the the sun shined nations surrounding Israel heard that Jews had rebuilt the upon them temple and began to serve God there again they sought to because of the remove them form the earth: Edomites, Ammonites, the amount of armor this army had. For many people this would children of Bean and many others. Even when King Antioch be intimidating but Judas fought courageously. The Maccabees died of a painful bowel affliction the heathen did not stop did when that battle. However the fighting did not end with the persecuting God’s people. Instead his son Antiochus Eupator death of the Judas or the death of his brothers. Until the evil escalated warfare with the children of Israel. root is removed from the children of God and Satan no longer I suppose he decided that footmen and horsemen would not has access to their minds and bodies he will be able to afflict be sufficient. Eupator utilized an elphantry against the children them. of Israel as well. There were 1000 men for every elephant as well as 500 horsemen. The men were heavily armed and protected. There were wooden towers that had 32 men in
  • 15. War Elephants by Drelen Williams An army or war elephant was an elephant who was trained and guided by humans for battle. These elephants were mainly used to charge at the enemy and to trample upon them. A division or multitude of elephants are known as elephantry. These war elephants were first called to battle in India. This practice then got out into south east Asia and westwards into the Mediterranean. They were famously used in the West by a Greek general, Phyrrhus of Epirus. These war elephants were also used by the armies of Cathrage. Later, in the Mediterranean, elephants were reduced in battle. This was due to improved tactics in combat. The use of combat elephants came to a complete conclusion in the 19th century.This then restricted their use in labor roles.
  • 16. TheFea$ of Dedication During the ninth month on the 25th day the temple was cleansed and the profane items of the heathen were removed. A new altar was erected and the sacrifices were now being offered as they should be. It does not give the exact length of time for the Abomination of Desolation unto the dedication. What we do know is that there were shrubs growing in the sanctuary like it was part of the wilderness. The gates were burned down and the priest’s chambers were pulled down as well.
  • 17. "e fea# of De$cation & % Maccabees The Maccabees understood the importance of the sanctuary and why it was important to cleanse it instead of building a fort to protect themselves against their many enemies. Why? Because God was the one who protected them and it was vital to revere him. They had to praise God for the wondrous miracle that he worked on their behalf. The Greeks used seemingly endless cruelty and violence to wipe them from the face of the earth but they were still standing. They had defiled the temple but God had enable them to restore the sanctuary so that they could serve him without the interference of the wicked. It is written that the people fell upon their faces and praised the God of heaven for the success that he had given them. Think about it they did not have to worry about being burned alive for keeping the Sabbath day holy. They would not be forced to eat swine’s flesh or have to see the holy books burned before them. They were liberated from the reproach of the wicked. They also did not want to forget what God had done for them so they decided to keep the feast of the dedication of the altar for 7 days every year during the month of Casleu. The Temple was maintained even during the era of the Romans. It was only during 70AD that the temple was finally destroyed.
  • 18. %e Symbol"m of & Temple None of us like abandon buildings or When they were able to return to build In order for us to truly be established lots. It is a very shameful thing to look it a second time it showed how God on the Words of Jesus; we have to upon. Now imagine if your home was was still with them and had not left make sure our temples our clean just vandalized and part of it was burned. them. He had not forgotten his like the Maccabees cleansed the You would feel like it was one of the people. Israel was able for a short sanctuary. We have to remove worst forcible violations. A person’s period of time to serve God in peace anything that was used to reverence home is often their most costly even though they were under the rule idols. Old bricks to untrue possession and has significant of others. philosophies must be cast out. We symbolism. Now think about what the need to carefully evaluate our lives to So you can see why the Maccabees Temple meant to the children of God. make sure we are acceptable to be a were in great sorrow to see bushes in It was the place where the priest temple of God. For God will not dwell what was suppose to be a holy place. would commune with God. It was a in a corrupt vessel. Caricatures were drawn in the oracles place where you could learn about of God. The altar was too corrupt to Our next step will be to do all acts of the truth and give offerings to the even use. Satan has always tried to righteousness no matter how small or Almighty. When Israel was a violate the children of God whenever great: reading the bible daily, sovereign nation the temple was the possible. It started with the garden of worshiping God daily, meditating, most beautiful building in Israel and Eden with him entering into our singing praises, fasting, being the world. When it was violently minds. He had no right to be there baptized, assembling and worshiping burned to the ground it had a only God should have access to our God on the Sabbath, keeping the significant impact on the children of emotions and thoughts in that feasts days and paying tithes. God. intimate way.
  • 19. Mel"sa Pointer au#or Our works This is not an all inclusive list and this does not mean that you will not have struggles, sacrifice or burdens during this life. The end result is worth it because if we get on the foundation successfully we will gain eternal life. published by: Little Dove Publications ©2012