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What Is A White Lie Essay
Lying is unavoidable in our daily lives. Whether it be small or large, people have tendencies to lie in
order to benefit themselves or others. One very common lie is a white lie, which is a lie that is
considered harmless and often is used to avoid hurting someone's feelings. Another type of lie is an
Out–and–Out lie, which are "complete" or "absolute" lies that are often bad, or the person is trying
to avoid trouble. Everybody lies at some point to avoid, protect, or to minimize consequences.
However, consequences are determined by the severity of the lie. The less severe, such as a white
lie, the less harmful it can be to yourself and others. The more severe, such as the Out–and–Out lie,
become more harmful to yourself and others. A good way to avoid bad feeling between a friend
when you don't feel like going over to their house is to make up an excuse. Sometimes when i'm too
tired, or too lazy to go over to a friends house I reply to them with a random, false story that I made
up. I tell them my dad told me I couldn't when I really never asked my dad to go, or to explain how
busy you are and won't be able to make it, when really ... Show more content on ...
When I looked up I realized I was heading straight for a mailbox, I quickly turned the wheel, but
that wasn't enough to stop a big long scratch from appearing on my dads truck. It didn't take long for
my dad to realize the scratch was on his truck and when he questioned me about it I told him I knew
nothing about the scratch, which was completely false. Now, Just like the first two lies I easily could
have told my dad the truth, but the fear of becoming grounded or the vehicle being taken away was
definitely playing a role in the lie. This lie is known as an out–out lie, because it was probably
totally obvious to my dad that I was lying and was not being sneaky at
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Stephanie Ericsson's Essay: The Ways We Lie
After reading Stephanie Ericsson's essay, "The Ways We Lie", I believe that there are several ways a
person may tell a lie. According to our text, Webster defines a lie as a false statement or action
especially made with the intent to deceive. Some lies can be harmless and others can be very
harmful. Any lie told is one of deceitful intentions, whether it was an intentional or unintentional lie.
A person could tell a white lie, facade, ignoring the plain facts, stereotypes and clichés, or an out–
and–out lie. Regardless, of what type of lie that is told some lies can do more harm than good. I
believe that the white lie and the out–and–out lies are the most harmless lies, while, ignoring the
plain facts could be very harmful. A white lie is
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Analysis Of The Ways We Lie By Stephanie Ericsson
"We lie. We all do. We exaggerate, we minimize, we avoid confrontation, we spare people's feelings,
we conveniently forget, we keep secrets, we justify lying to the big–guy institutions. Like most
people, I indulge in small falsehoods and still think of myself as an honest person. Sure i lie, but it
doesn't hurt anything. Or does it?"(Ericsson 472) This is how Stephanie Ericsson starts her paper
"The Ways We Lie" in the anthology of Patterns for college writing. As many would guess this paper
is about lies and how common they, are whether people recognize it or not. Ericsson makes an
interesting point in saying that she lies and still sees herself as an honest person. When Iironically,
being an honest person would mean admitting that you tell ... Show more content on
The point that Ii am trying to relayreciprocate is that there are many different kinds of lies, and not
only do we lie to other people without even noticing, but we also lie to ourselves. Lying has become
a part of human nature, a part that we would not survive without. It has become almost an instinct
and this shows by the way people don't even notice that they are doing it. One Of Ericsson's key
points is the consequences of telling the truth and why we lie. She says that by telling small lies we
are protecting ourselves and protecting others. I believe that this is a completely situational thing but
i do agree with her that it is impossible for somebody to not tell any lies at all and that it is for the
greater good that they are told. Another good point that Ericsson brings up is that by telling small
lies people have good intentions but in doing so they might be doing something harmful without
knowing it. I believe that the good outweighs the bad in this situation and that if people didn't tell
these white lies to protect people than they would end up even more
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Why Lying Is A Common Behavior
Reasons for lying Lying is a common behavior in today's society. But ever since we were young we
were shunned away from telling lies and were taught that we should be truthful. Why is it that lying
was immoral, but then as we grow up we drift away from that lesson? Many can say that we are
cowards who hide behind our lies. Today there exists a white lie which states that you are telling a
lie to help someone. Why do we teach our kids that lying is bad when adults lie all the time? In the
quote Nancy Farmer compares the liars to rats who are cowards that hides and runs around in dark
places because looking at the word lying it can give off a vibe of a dark and lonely place. Just like
rats who runs and hides in dark places, liars are basically hiding behind the shadows and living
alone in their lie. From the quote I agree and disagree with the quote, where I agreed with the quote
that liars are basically rats who hides and run from the truth, they don't care if it's unpleasant to
others and see lying as an escape route from trouble. Where I disagree is they can't be called
cowards because they might be telling a white lie and instead of being unpleasant, it can actually
help the person that is receiving the lie.
Getting told a lie is a very unpleasant feeling for some while for others. They have a stronger
mentality and can withstand being told a lie. Personally in my opinion, being told a lie makes one
feel as if they can't trust the person anymore due to the fact that they
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Argumentative Essay On Why We Lie
"People think that a liar gains a victory over his victim. What I've learned is that a lie is an act of
self–abdication, because one surrenders one's reality to the person to whom one lies, making that
person one's master, condemning oneself from then on to faking the sort of reality that person's view
requires to be faked...The man who lies to the world, is the world's slave from then on...There are no
white lies, there is only the blackest of destruction, and a white lie is the blackest of all"( Ayn Rand).
The source I'll be using to help me better understand the definition of Lying are Everything's an
argument–The Reprehensibility of White Lie by Jennifer Pier Pg. 206–209, National Geographic
"Why We Lie by Yudhijit Bhattacharjee and Jason Silva on Lying – Brain Games. Lying is a word
that has many different definitions that also vary from person to person just like the definition I
found on different dictionary. Everything's an argument, National Geographic "Why We Lie, and
Jason Silva will help he understand the concept of lying and the purpose of a lie, regardless of who
tells it. Why do we lie?
Before we can speak of Lying, we must understand why do we believe in these lie's. According to
National Geographic "Why We Lie by Yudhijit Bhattacharjee, "Researchers are learning that we're
prone to believe some lies even when they're unambiguously contradicted by clear evidence" (pg.
38). Rather than search for information that either confirms or discredit the person he/she will
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The Ways We Lie By Stephanie Ericcson
Stephanie Ericcson's definition of a white lie in "The Ways We Lie" is that it's a common everyday
lie. It's used to make someone feel good instead of telling them the truth and hurting their feelings.
The white lie is also used so we won't feel guilty about lying because we think we are going
something good. Everyone lies one way or another but that lie still does harm in some y way even if
it doesn't feel like it. It does more harm than good. "Everyone lies in this world, one way or
another." The dictionary definition of a white lie is a harmless or trivia lie, especially one told to
avoid hurting someone feelings. Stephanie Ericcson's definition of a white lie is that it's a common
everyday lie, "the white lie assumes that the truth will
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The Ways We Lie 'And The World Of Doublespeak'
In the essays "The Ways We Lie" by Stephanie Ericsson, and "The World of Doublespeak" by
William Lutz, there are two different angles on lying. They both have a different outlook on lying,
Ericsson believes that it is just a part of our language, and that these lies are not deliberate. Lutz
believes that it is more deliberate, and intentional. Both Ericsson and Lutz use anecdotes and stories
as examples of lies, while describing different kinds of lies.
The author's purpose in both of these essays are the same, to tell the world about lies people tell. In
"The Ways We Lie" Ericsson describes different ways people lie, while in "The World of
Doublespeak" Lutz goes into detail into one kind of lie, doublespeak, rather than multiple ways
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Kant On The Morality Of Lying
Everyone has told some sort of lie in their life. A person's lies can range from small white lies such
as, "your haircut looks amazing". Some people tell bigger lies such as "no, I did not commit tax
evasion". I believe it is morally permissible to lie, because people who always tell the truth can
cause lots of ill–will. Then in cases the truth will end up causing more pain, a lie is the morally
Lying is defined as misleading someone deliberately. The philosopher Kant believed that lying is
always morally wrong. He believes that it is not just wrong telling a lie, but a person is more
immoral because they are corrupting the capacity of a human. He also believes that this prevents
others to act rationally, because lies undermine the dignity of others. The philosopher Fried has a
similar belief, he believes lying is wrong, no matter if the lie will cause good outcomes. Fried claims
that it violates respect and is a breaks a level of trust with one another. He also states that lying still
creates injury, it may not be in a physical way, but lying will hurt people. Kant and Fried are on the
position that lying is wrong no matter how small it is. Aristotle has ... Show more content on ...
In many social interactions many people provide on another with white lies. Without these white lies
people will have more feelings of ill–will towards one another. In environments such as stores,
associates might need to tell a lie to help ease the customer in purchasing a product. If all sales
associates told the truth many place would be out of a business. White lies are a big part of
friendships and people you might interact with on a more friendlier level. If an individual had a
"friend" that told the truth, even if they knew it would hurt someone. That "friend" typically would
be avoided, because most people do not want to hear the brutal truth especially if it will be
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The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time
Uses of Honesty
In literature, it is hard to have a character that is completely truthful; there is usually at least one
scenario where the protagonist would be required to tell a lie to get out of a situation. Even in real
life, the average person is guaranteed to tell at least a few lies in their lifetime. In the book, The
Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night–Time by Mark Haddon, the protagonist is a teenage boy by
the name of Christopher. He suffers from a type of autism, and this is why he is physically unable to
tell lies. This has a large impact on the plot because of the way Christopher deals with the problems
he faces in the book. Instead of telling strategically placed fibs to get the information he needs,
Christopher can only be brutally honest, which can be either helpful or harmful to his cause
depending on the situation. Christopher being honest throughout the book is a major key to how the
plot progresses. ... Show more content on ...
He even says outright, "I always tell the truth" (Haddon 109). Despite saying this, there are a
handful of times in the book where he uses a white lie in a way that a normal person would. At one
point he does not want to tell his dad that he had been investigating Wellington's murder, so he tells
a white lie to get out of it. One would believe that Christopher would be against saying white lies
because of the same logic he is against regular lies, but he clarifies it by saying: "...A white lie is not
a lie at all. It is where you tell the truth but you do not tell all of the truth." (79.3). This is useful at
some points in the novel, but it is not foolproof. If his Father, or the person that he is using the white
lie on asked him to elaborate, he wouldn't be able to lie further, and would be required to tell the
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The Dangers Of White Lies In Shakespeare's King Lear
"Lies and secrets are like cancer in the soul. They eat away what is good and leave only destruction
behind". But can lying be acceptable? What about white lies? The small lies we tell to protect other
people or simply to avoid hurting one's feelings by saying "no of course you don't look fat in those
jeans". The problem about these white lies is not knowing what is too far and in the end a lie is a lie.
Lying ultimately masks over reality and warps our minds into believing an altered perception of
reality; however, the question stands, is lying to change one's reality for the better truly that bad?
King Lear does an exquisite job at showing how lying does destroy family ties and, on the more
dramatic side, has the ability of ending with a lot of dead bodies. The play does however show how
lying can be helpful temporarily, but the lies never end well. Lies create barriers that obstruct trust
and breakdown family ties and overall cause more harm than good.
Even though white lies may avoid hurting one's relationship, they break the trust between people.
Today's society has accepted white lies as they provide comfort and boost one's self esteem;
however, in King Lear these little white lies destroy family ties. For example, King Lear asks his
daughters to express how strong their love is for their father and the amount of love determines their
inheritance. The two eldest daughters shower their father in white lies full of flattery, "Sir, I love you
more than words can wield the matter... A love that makes breath poor and speech unable" (1.1 20–
60). However, the youngest daughter simply tells the truth that she cannot "heave her heart into her
mouth" (1.1 90). Therefore, the youngest daughter's inheritance is taken away and split between the
two eldest daughters. Simple flattery destroyed a fathers' relationship with his only honest daughter.
The lies told by the eldest daughters were not white lies to protect anyone, but white lies for their
greed of power.
"The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth" (Montaigne) and these small
flattering white lies led to the moral of not murdering family members vanish. The white lies started
the war that led to the death of the characters in
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Lying Is A Common Social Phenomenon. In Any Social Context,
Lying is a common social phenomenon. In any social context, it presents itself as a factor to hijack
any interaction. From a young age, introductions to the ethics of lying are conducted. Arguments as
ancient as ancient as Greek philosophers often arise on whether lying in general is right or wrong –
more specifically lying to children. A little lie here, a small one there, drizzle a bit of Santa Claus
into the mix, and one ends up with the bad recipe for incredulity and mistrust. It's that mistrust and
damage to credulity that is a snowball that continuously rolls down the hill, getting bigger and doing
more damage. There are generally two types of lies that are presented to children, ones that destroy
morals and ones that are perceived ... Show more content on ...
The parents themselves don't support their own child lying, but what does the child think about the
parent lying. As the child gets older, his or her moral evaluation of both lies and truth becomes
submersed in doubt. One does not know said child's evaluation without understanding their
developments. White lies, ones that prove to be harmless and trivial such as the Santa Lie, are
messages that confuse children altogether. Parents hope to teach morals such as lying is always bad,
but at the same time cross their fingers and act deceitfully in order to make life easier. The child just
ends up confused. Not all lies have negative consequences for the other person, and not all truths
have positive consequences for someone else (Carson 1988). The delicate balance between a child's
moral understanding is impossible to determine and predict, but it does not stop people from trying
to comprehend it. Lies tend to snowball and evolve, making it easier to lie in the future. Before, the
science of lying was a pseudo–science full of uncertainty, but recently studies came to light which
supporting the theory that one lie makes future lies easier. This digression of the moral code and
increase of corruption are seen as a numbing agent to the brain. In a study by Neil Garrett, 80 people
were shown a jar full of pennies and given different guidelines on the lies that were to say. Each
guideline will determine if the lie resulted in the individual receiving
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Repeated Lying: The USC Study
Americans tell an average of 11 lies every week. People often lie in order to make their life easier,
because they are afraid of the consequences of telling the truth. As this becomes a habit they forget
about the feelings of others. Lying is much worse than a nasty habit, for it can alter the structure of
your brain, as well as how your brain works. Thus, a University of Southern California (USC) study
found that people who lie, cheat, and manipulate others have structural brain abnormalities. The aim
of this study was to look into the structural differences in prefrontal gray matter and prefrontal white
matter in individuals. Yaling Yang and Adrian Raine lead the research for this study. The study
consists of 108 volunteers taken from Los ... Show more content on ...
Following that, they use Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to look into the structural brain
differences between each group. "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a technique that uses a
magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of the organs and tissues within your body"
(Mayo Clinic Staff). Results from the MRI show that liars have more "white matter" and less "gray
matter". The exact percentages show that the "repeated liars" had a 25.7 percent increase in
prefrontal white matter compared to the "Antisocial" group. The "Repeated Liars" had a 22 percent
increase compared to the "Normal" group, seen as the control group. "Repeated Liars" also showed
a 14.2 percent decrease in prefrontal gray matter compared to the "Normal" group. The study shows
that liars have more prefrontal white matter than prefrontal gray matter. Particularly, the autistic
people show a shift in gray–to–white matter ratio opposite to what is seen among liars in the current
study. Not only is there damage mentally towards the brain, but as seen in this study it can also
cause harm physically towards the brain. "According to Raine, because gray matter consists of brain
cells, while white matter forms the "wiring" or connections between these cells, pathological liars
may have more capacity to lie and fewer moral restraints" (News
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Summary Of White Lies Natasha Trethewey
What are White Lies? When reading "White Lies" by Natasha Trethewey, some may believe that she
is simply referring to lies that are made to others in order to make one seem better. However, it is
not the case, once one learns about Trethewey's upbringings. Trethewey was born into an interracial
family in the 1960's, which at the time was illegal. Deeply examining the poem, it portrays a series
of complicated events that took place in Natasha's life. The poem illustrates the hardships that come
with being born to an interracial family. An accurate point of view of "White Lies" is that one is
willing to lie in order to be accepted. While examining the first stanza of "White Lies", one can
conclude that Trethewey begins her life as a lie. She ... Show more content on ...
It is first shown in the entirety of the first stanza. Where it is stated that lies as a young child have
led the individual into a dark place. This can be interpreted that the individual is feeling ashamed of
themselves for all the lies they have told. Guilt is demonstrated once again in the second stanza. In
line 14–18, Trethewey expresses, "I could even keep quiet, quiet as kept, like the time a white girl
said (squeezing my hand), Now we have three of us in the class" (Trethewey 473). Keeping quiet
would have been a better option, instead of lying about their life in order to be accepted by others in
the community. The tone of guilt makes the individual saddened and ashamed of herself for what
they did.
Vivid color imagery used by Trethewey helps the reader understand the message portrayed in the
poem. The words used such as "near–white' and 'light–bright' helps the audience comprehend that
the speaker is not fully white. The word choice provides a deeper purpose. The mother of the
individual washes her daughter's mouth with "ivory soap", while ivory is a pure color. It represents
the fact that her mother wants her to purify her honesty and stop lying about her
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King Lear Character Analysis
Facts are defined as a thing that is indisputably the case. With this definition, the facts of King Lear
are as follows: it is a tragedy. The events that ultimately lead to end of many lives are riddled with
lies and deceptions for personal gain. Although lying lead to their demise the sense of self
betterment isn't one that should necessarily be looked upon negatively. Within the first scene of King
Lear, the idea that lying for personal gain becomes very prominent right off the bat. Regan, Goneril,
and Cordelia are told to profess their love for their father with beautiful words to secure their portion
of their father's kingdom. In this situation, Goneril and Regan try their best to flatter their father
while Cordelia remains silent. The two sisters only saw the opportunity to better themselves with no
consideration for the morality of their work
As a reader, the words the sisters speeches are seemingly harmless in the sense that the lies they tell
aren't hurts any specific person or group. This idea begs to question, does lying matter as long as no
one gets hurt? A snowball of events occur from one maybe white lie. Perhaps the entire course of the
play would end in happiness rather than death of the sisters didn't utter such lies. Would Edmund not
have killed the king if Goneril and Regan had not lied to their father? Ultimately, for every action
there is a reaction. There is no harmless lie and there is no harmless truth.
To have had the outcome that King Lear had
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Lars And The Real Girl Analysis
Liar, liar, pants on fire. The world often rebukes phonies, whether with a catchy phrase or by frankly
calling them liars. As a society we view lying as a cardinal sin: an act of unprincipled behavior. We
believe honesty is key. According to author John Bradshaw, "It is essential to tell the truth at all
times. This will reduce life's pain." Normally this claim would be true, but once you think about it
lies have also minimized life's pain. For children, we have lies that help when their teeth fall out
(which makes the experience of teeth falling out a little more exciting and a little less frightening)
by embellishing in the Tooth Fairy who slipped the crisp George Washington under their pillow the
night before; lies about jolly old Saint ... Show more content on ...
During April we bring out the dusty, furry white bunny costume to fabricate the reason for millions
of colorful eggs scattered in the grass. Malls hire fat white men, dress them up, and create elaborate
displays of Santa's workshop to create the illusion that "Santa has come to town". We as a society
accept lying to children for the benefit of their innocence and imagination. In Lars and the Real Girl,
the town holds the same views when they lie to Lars and pretend Bianca (the sex doll bought online)
is a real person and more importantly Lars' girlfriend. Sadly the only person in town that struggle to
go along with Bianca's existence is Lars' brother Gus, but Dr. Dagmar is able to bring Bianca to life
when she hints, " She is real. She is right out there " after Gus had declared, "She is not real." The
similarities between Lars and lying to children are that we lie to benefit the person being lied to. In
Lars' case, the town was finally able to connect to him once Bianca arrived in town. They saw it as
beneficial to play into Lars delusion as they watched him blossom into an active member of the
community – a substantial difference from his normal solitary lifestyle. Similarly parents with
children believe making up fictional characters to create a delusion like Santa, brings magic into
their child's life. It is also commonly understood, as a community the folk tale of Santa and naturally
anyone in contact with young children are very cautious when on the subject. Many times friends,
teachers, and neighbors will join in on the tale of old Saint Nick, just as the town had joined in Lars'
delusion. Typically as an unspoken rule, it is known that you do not tell a young child Santa is not
real. Revealing to a child that Santa is a made up Christmas folk tale before they are ready to hear
the truth, is worse than telling them the lie. Society would view
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Little White Lie Thesis
The film "Little White Lie" follows the life of Lacey Schwartz who is trying to find out why she is
black even though both her parents are clearly white. The film starts off with Lacey showing us
video tapes starting with her birth and her whole childhood where you can clearly see she looks very
different compared to the people around her who are all white. Her parents' first answer to this
question was that Lacey inherited her grandfathers gene who was dark skin and was from Italy. The
title of this film has a lot to do with the actual film because throughout the documentary and Lacey's
life, Lacey and everyone around her have convinced themselves that she is white giving themselves
that "Little White Lie". The main points of this film ... Show more content on ...
As lacey's difference was more visible sometype of answer was needed, and that answer was that
Lacey got her look from her fathers side. Lacey's father had ancenstory from Italy and her parents'
answer was that she probably got her grandfather's looks who was dark skin. But as time passed on
Lacey grew up and entered High School which is the fourth main point of the film. High School was
a more diverse place for Lacey and kids there would not understand what Lacey was, more
specifiaclly the black kids. Lacey clearly had more then just Italian dark skin genes in her and high
school showed Lacey that this little lie could not go on forver. After completing High School Lacey
decided to apply for George Town University where she faced a dillema and brings us to the fifth
main point of the film which was college. On the George Town Application Lacey didn't know what
race to categorize herself in, was she either black or white? Lacey felt white but looked black.
Eventually after sending in a photo of herself she was categorized as black and while attending
college Lacey found herself joining the black people aliicance club where for the first time she
started hanging
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The Truth vs. the "White Lie"
The Truth vs. the "White Lie" Lying in a marriage is a slippery slope and trust is a delicate thing. I
have told my children that a thousand truths can be destroyed by just one lie. Once those truths are
destroyed, it is the lie that will typify you. The truth is extremely powerful as well, because you can
try to bury it, but you can't kill it. Sooner or later someone is going to dig it up. The truth is an
awkward subject that our spouses believe they want to hear no matter what the answer is, that is,
until their feelings are hurt and the husband learns how to employ the "white lie." Husbands have,
and will continue to struggle with, the decision of choosing to tell their wives the truth or a "white
lie" to protect a spouse's ... Show more content on ...
Most spouses realize that they tell each other things they want to hear. In summary, the telling of the
truth and "white lies" are both essential parts of a healthy and devoted relationship. The truth is
sometimes challenging, but a "white lie" can ease the pain associated with the truth. Trust is the
corner–stone of all healthy relationships, in the same way that telling the truth is essential to a
healthy marriage. Moreover, relationships are strengthened by the truth, and the trust that comes
from that truth. In conclusion, the truth is sometimes hard to convey to the ones you love. When
making the choice between the truth and using a "white lie", people must take into consideration the
effects of, dishonesty and honesty to a marriage, as well as the consequences of telling a "white lie."
The use of a "white lie" to protect a loved one is acceptable, and will continue to be used in the
future as a tool in a healthy marriage. The truth may be the gears of a good relationship; never the
less, the "white lie" is the grease that makes it all run
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Analysis Of The Book ' The Noble Lie '
The thought that Sissela Bok about the "whole truth" being attained is that it is impossible that it can
be attained. She believes that people are lying deceived everyone, and sometime is used to protect
the person. She also thinks that people that are lying is more important than anything in all of the
decision that a simple lie brings. I believe she doesn't have any faith that everyone could tell the
truth. The truth is something that is hard to say, and people at times need to lie to protect their love
ones. In the beginning of the chapter of "The Noble Lie" she explains how there are different lies.
She explains how the lies have different reasons to for people doing it. For some of those reasons it
is impossible to be completely truth. Some have to lie to protect others, and cover up the secrets that
can be told. There are plenty reasons that there are to lie to people. She states, "The lies are often
seen as necessary merely at one stage in the education of the public." (Bok 166) This is something
that everyone does growing up, and no one in one time of their life cannot lie to anyone. The view
of rejecting all lies that Sissela Bok has is endanger and is something that could affect your soul. She
explains on page 33 how religion is someone that rejects that thought of lying. It is forbidden by our
super natural because it affects our soul. St Augustine someone that believed that lies was justified.
But that god never believed that they it was good,
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White Lie Is Still a Lie
Ever since the early age, we have taught that lying is wrong and hurts people including ourselves.
Moreover, we also have educated that it is better to accept the consequences of my actions than to
lie. However, the more we grow up, the more we know about using of lying because telling the truth
cannot always solve the problem. From my point of view, some lying is acceptable, some is not. It
depends upon what purposes that make people tell lies.
A white lie is allegedly one which is done for someone's good and which harms no one. There's no
such thing. The philosophical view that allows people to think that lies can be harmless is one which
counts the self as nothing morally interesting.
The first point to note is that although telling ... Show more content on ...
If it is for selfish, self–serving motives, or to serve in an undeserved, destructive way for others, it is
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Essay on White Lies
According to Robert Braul "Every lie is two lies, the lie we tell others and the lie we tell ourselves to
justify it." So, is it okay to tell white lies? Do you tell white lies for your own sake? Why do you lie
even though you know that no matter how big or small your lie is, it is still considered as immoral?
Well, according to an article entitled "Tell White Lies (Occasionally)" there are 3 possible reasons
why people lie and I agree with the author. I agree with Donald W. McCullough that it is okay to tell
white lies when we know that it isn't the right time, place, and way to tell the truth that sometimes
we lie to protect ourselves and not to protect other people, and that we should be careful with the
words we say.
I agree that ... Show more content on ...
Finally, we lie because we do not want to get hurt. An example is we protect our own feelings. They
say that honesty is the best policy but this does not work all the time, we lie because the truth hurts.
Another example is we protect our pride. Most of us do not want to tell the truth because we do not
want to admit that we are wrong.
I also agree that we should think before we act. First, we tell lies to avoid hurting the feelings of
someone. Words are very powerful so when we are friends with someone and we know that they are
hurting we usually tell white lies to make them feel better. In addition, we tell lies to protect their
own feelings. If we know that a lie can make a person happy then go for it even though it is bad
because we love them and we will do everything for them. Second, we tell lies to avoid getting into
trouble. An example is we prevent physical and mental harm. A situation that is proper to this is
when we are in danger; obviously we need to tell numerous lies to protect ourselves from getting
hurt. Third, we tell lies to avoid losing someone. We tend to lie because the truth might ruin our
relationship with the person even though we know that when we lie to someone, we already ruin the
relationship we have with them. Moreover, gaining the trust of a person is very hard; we tend to
push them away because some of us have trust issues, so when we finally gained that trust we are
afraid to
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Are People Lie For The Good Or Bad
People lie for the good and bad all the time, I mean we've all had to at one point in our lives. It's not
a bad thing to do, you can lie to protect people's feeling or from harm, but it's not good to lie when
you're protecting yourself for selfish reasons. There really all kinds of situations to lie about it just
depends on what you are lying for. As if you are lying in a situation when you're to protect others or
yourself from a dangerous situation,but when you're lying for selfish reason or when you're truly
guilty that's when the best thing to do is to tell the truth. So lying is justified only sometimes. I
believe that it's sometimes okay tell the truth, because only at certain times lying can be justified. It
truly all depends on the situation you're in. Lying is sometimes justified when lets say your friend
has a really ugly shirt on and you don't want to hurt their feelings because you know it makes them
happy, so you just say you that shirt looks great, so you don't hurt their feelings.
When lying can be justified at times when it's right to protect others. As "little white lies" are never
to purposely hurt anybody,but have good kind of intentions are most to make things sounds nicer so
no one can get hurt. As stated in the article, The U.S. Political ... Show more content on ...
It told lying is never okay in the article "Brad Blanton: Honestly, Tell the Truth" by Barbara
Ballinger because your morals ,but if the situation between life and death will you really tell the
truth? It is wrong to lie when it comes to people lying for selfish reasons as for example rumors and
guilty consequence but when it comes to telling the truth in situation people or you're in danger you
lie for protection. Lying is need, without it so many hurtful things be in the world. It is lying and
telling the truth that is good for the world,but just one would
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What Is A Lie Essay
The lie.
I mean the lie is the first sin we commit. As children, we often learn always to tell the truth.
However, there is an opportunity in life when we are taking the first steps toward a lie: to avoid a
punishment, to achieve a goal, to adapt to a situation, or to enhance our status. It is for this reason
that the lies are so close to us.
There are different levels of lies, and none of them is okay, not even the white little lie. A white lie is
a lie that offers consolation and a false belief of security. The best cover up of the lie is the absence
of truth. The absence of truth is a lie that is harder to see through but to defraud, and omission of
information as a tool to fool us from the truth is a lie straight through.
One of the main features of people who defraud information or omit the truth is that they are
constantly on the defensive. Because of this, they do not want to collaborate and have few
explanations for why they should be perceived as trustworthy, and they are trying to ... Show more
content on ...
Do not let the lies control your deeds and actions in a given situation. Instead, allow the truth to
prevail. Sure, the truth hurts, but the truth hurts once while the lie hurts forever. I do not like lies that
are comforting me or a half–truth. I prefer reality, even if it hurts.
It does not matter how painful the truth is. It offers us an opportunity to strengthen our ability to
make decisions, analyse things, and determine our emotional and cognitive identity.
What does the truth give? It gives you confidences, self–esteem, and respect. To others, it provides
integrity, authenticity, and an opportunity for a free choice.
Keep in mind that honesty is the most important thing in life when dealing with other people.
Therefore, always be honest because it is the only way to grow the integrity of the relationship and
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Couple Lies by
Everyday people tell lies that seem minor and ineffective on life. These lies are considered white lies
or kind lies. A white lie is a cautious, wrong statement which is meant to do no harm or is intended
to produce an encouraging result. Adair Lara's Couple lie shows readers white lies in marriage. She
states "This is marital lying. It's not a white lie, meant to spare your feelings. It's a pink lie, a couple
lie." In her opinion white lies and couple lies are different, couple lies are acceptable. The author
and many people see white lies and couple lies as a way to get through life, but are the results
always positive? Couple Lies and White lies may seem innocent and harmless but can potentially
cause problems in relationships and ... Show more content on ...
These white lies are often overlooked and shrugged at, when people should actually be more
cautious because it can be effortless to tell a lie or not say the truth. Telling the truth may hurt
someone, but you will be respected more for your honesty and have a chance to resolve an issue
without having your character
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Analysis Of ' The 's The Way We Lie '
To Lie or Not to Lie?
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." These were the infamous words
proclaimed by former President Bill Clinton in response to the allegation that he had an affair with a
White House intern while serving as President of the United States. A statement that was later found
to be false and perjurious, and one that would eventually undermine his presidency. Lies come in
different shapes and forms – while some lies are innocuous, others, such as President Clinton's
scandalous lie, are self–serving and can cause a great degree of harm to others or even to oneself. In
Stephanie Ericsson's "The Way We Lie," Ericsson categorizes the various types of lies and their
ramifications, whereas in Anton Chekhov's "The Lady with the Dog," the writing touches on the
selfish lies that both Dmitri Gurov and Anna Sergeyevna tell to sustain their adulterous relationship.
Although the extent to which lying is selfish depends on the motives and circumstances of the lie, I
claim that not only are most lies selfish, but they are also morally wrong because they can cause
irreparable damage to relationships and the trust between people.
While lies are told with the intent to deceive, I say that it is the motive for the lie that determines
whether or not the lie is selfish. When a lie is used to serve only the interest of the liar, and is used at
the expense of harming another person, the lie must be considered selfish. Although it seems that
lies are
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The 's The Way We Lie
In Stephanie Ericsson's "The Way We Lie," Ericsson categorizes the various types of lies and their
ramifications, whereas in Anton Chekhov's "The Lady with the Dog," the writing touches on the
selfish lies that both Dmitri Gurov and Anna Sergeyevna tell to sustain their adulterous relationship.
Although the extent to which lying is selfish depends on the motives and circumstances for the lie,
and whose interest it benefits, I claim that not only are most lies selfish, but they are also morally
wrong because they can cause irreparable damage to relationships and the trust between people.
While lies are told with the intent to deceive, I say that it is the motive for or behind? the lie that
determines whether or not the lie is selfish. When a lie is used to serve only the interest of the liar,
and is used at the expense of harming another person, the lie must be considered selfish. Although it
seems that lies are commonly perpetrated by bad and dishonest strangers, sometimes the love ones
we think we can trust are the ones who deceive us the most. A good example of this is depicted in
Chekhov's "The Lady with the Dog." The liar, Dmitri Gurov, misleads his wife about his
whereabouts in order to hide the various affairs he is having with other women. His wife does not
suspect otherwise because she has faith that he will stay true to their oath of marriage. During
Gurov's time in Yalta, yet another excursion to get away from his wife, Chekhov writes, "he had first
begun deceiving
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The Issue Of A White Lie
A white lie is a term for a harmless or trivial lie. Humans lie and that is a truth no one can deny. I
had dinner at a friend's house last week and she went out of her way to cook a complex seafood
meal, which I did not care for. When asked if I wanted seconds, I said no. My claim was that I was
already full. Was that lie? Yes, I lied to be polite, rather than to tell her I did not like the way she
prepared the fish. The First Amendment gives us the right to tell these lies without fear of
repercussions. No harm is bein¬¬¬g done to others and the lie, however deceitful, will soon be
forgotten. However, when does a lie break the law?
The First Amendment protects rights to express opinions, even if unpopular. However, this right isn't
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¬Regardless of the nature of the lie, it is still a lie. Some lies, however, come with hefty fines, and
can even send a person to jail.
In 2007, Xavier Alvarez was elected to the board of Three Valleys Water District. He introduced
himself with a series of lies about being a retired Marine, married to a Mexican movie star, having
rescued an Americ an ambassador during the Iranian hostage crisis, playing hockey for Detroit Red
Wings, and having been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. Word spread of his extravagant
accomplishments and it wasn't long before a light was shed on his blatant lies. Alvarez soon found
himself in court, facing charges of stolen valor. Of all the lies Alvarez told, one landed him facing
charges; lying about receiving a Congressional Medal of Honor is a federal crime. Technically lying
about something is freedom of speech and remains protected by the first amendment. So why is a lie
a crime and where do we draw the line?
Looking at this case from a moral perspective it is evident that Xavier Alvarez committed a moral
crime. His actions directly undermine the accomplishments of those who have truly put their lives
on the line to protect our country and earn those medals. Whether it is sympathy, respect,
admiration, or benefits that he seeks, Alvarez is disrespecting all those who have in fact served.
When people hear or read about cases like United States v. Alvarez the first thought that comes to
mind is how disgraceful it is for an
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Analysis Of The Ways We Lie By Stephanie Ericsson
"The Ways We Lie" is a name of an article by Stephanie Ericsson. Stephanie Ericsson is a published
free–lance writer. This article is from an American magazine Utne Reader and this article is based
off her experience. The article is about the different ways we lie and the types of lies and why lies
are dangerous.
In this article Stephanie Ericsson quoted "We lie. We all do. We exaggerate, minimize, we avoid
confrontation, we spare people's feelings, we conveniently forget, we keep secrets, small falsehoods
and still think of myself as an honest person." She said that these lies don't hurt anyone mentally but
she also feels they might really do hurt mentally. The answer to that question is when someone lies
to their victim; the victim loses ... Show more content on ...
I will now explain my thoughts on the subject, so stay with me. The article is mostly true in a factual
matter. I do feel that lies do hurt the victim that is being lied to. The thing that I don't like about her
feelings on the subject is; the lie type "The White Lie" is true but it can also be false too. I think she
is just being a baby on the subject. She is afraid of people getting hurt from someone telling a white
lie to a friend, but that is not always the case. People tell white lies all the time and I never see
people get hurt. Stephanie Ericsson has been just over thinking the facts that white lies are lies and
that lies hurt their victims. It is like an ocd person, that over thinks things that are not always true. I
have a lot of examples to write about of times a white lie helped instead of causing problems. The
example I chose is my favorite one to tell. My family and I went to the Pittsburgh Zoo and PGG
Aquarium last summer. There were a lot of bees flying around flowers and plants. A fact to mention
that relates to the story is my sister is allergic to bees. We were walking around the zoo, seeing the
animals in their cages and suddenly a honey bee landed on my sister's head. She did not know a
honey bee landed on her head. I was looking around and I noticed that a honey bee was on her head.
Then my sister started to feel something on her head. She asked what it was, afraid to touch it; she
asked me what it was. I answered back that it was just her imagination and nothing was on her head.
She said ok and kept on walking ahead. After I lied to her, the honey bee flew away. If I had told the
truth, she could have panicked and the bee could have stung her. That white lie could have saved her
life because she had no epipen on her. Later that day I told her the truth and she thanked me. She
said no hard feelings and the day went on. Stephanie Ericsson's feeling on the
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A White Lie in the Heart of Darkness Essay examples
A White Lie in the Heart of Darkness
"He cried in a whisper at some image, at some vision, – he cried out twice, a cry that was no more
than a breath – 'The horror! The horror!'" (Conrad, Heart of Darkness, pg112)1. After returning to
Brussels, Marlow pays a visit to Kurtz' intended and brings these final words of Kurtz with him.
When asked to reveal Kurtz' last declaration, Marlow offers this: "'The last word he pronounced was
– your name.'" (Heart, pg123). He lies.
In this situation, with the possibility existing of inflicting severe emotional damage on an already
grieving soul, should Marlow have lied? Of course, the answer is neither simple nor short, and
depends heavily on who is asked. The most ... Show more content on ...
However, there is another element that must be examined. Marlow's original statement about lies
included one very peculiar statement. He yields the fact that his distain for lies is, "not because I am
straighter than the rest of us..." (Heart, pg49). Despite his extremely harsh words, Marlow actually
admits to committing the very offense he speaks of. In addition, his reaction later after lying also
includes the feeling that, "my heart stood still, stopped dead short by an exulting terrible cry, by the
cry of inconceivable triumph and of unspeakable pain." (Heart, pg123). The "terrible cry...of
unspeakable pain" is obviously his distain for his actions, but what about the "inconceivable
triumph"? The "triumph" here is successfully avoiding having to tell Kurtz' intended the truth,
because it "would have been too dark." (Heart, pg123). It seems Marlow is a bit of a hypocrite. He
hates lies, yet admits to lying, and also recognizes the triumph when he does. This new revelation,
however, does not actually change the fact that Marlow would believe that he shouldn't have lied; it
simply means that that belief wouldn't necessarily stop him from doing so.
This very philosophical issue of the morality of Marlow's lie begs a philosophical perspective. In
fact, the 18th–century German philosopher Immanuel Kant wrote quite extensively on the subject.
Kant's categorical imperative states: "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the
same time
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Stephanie Ericsson White Lie
We all lie, to say we do not in and of itself is a lie. Humans lie in a multitude of ways. Stephanie
Ericsson writes about the falsehoods we tell– is it beneficial or does it cause more damage? The
author argues our lies are more powerful than we think; like any other action lies have their
consequences. However, even with this knowledge we continue to lie, and include it in our everyday
life. I believe your intentions can not justify the action as you are never certain of the outcome.
Ericsson structures her writing through subheadings, and categorizing each lie with insightful
examples. The author first tackles the white lie. She writes, "The white lie assumes that the truth will
cause more damage than a simple harmless untruth... it as an act of subtle arrogance for anyone to
decide what is best for someone else" (160). I believe white lies can only do as much damage
compared to the extent of the lie. I tell my mom I've done a chore, which I haven't yet, but if she
were to arrive earlier I would be in trouble for lying. The lie was intended to be harmless, but I faced
the consequences. If I had told the truth I would not have to face as much anger from my mother.
Nevertheless, even the smallest white lies end up with negative outcomes. One's intentions could
also cloud the fact that the white lie might harm the other party. The example of the sergeant's white
lie, where he reports the soldier as missing instead of dead, shows how such a small lie can impact
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The Ways We Lie By Stephanie Ericsson
Should we stop lying and should stop letting people lie to us? In "The Ways We Lie", Stephanie
Ericsson describes lying as "a cultural cancer that... reorders reality until moral garbage becomes as
invisible to us as water is to a fish" (Ericsson 186). Ericsson believes that we have accepted lies to
the point where do not recognize it anymore. Ericsson has a point when she says that lying should
not be tolerated, but it should be the unnecessary lies that should not be tolerated. There are lies that
are justifiable based on the intent of the person lying. All lies are harmful in their own ways but
sometimes we need to lie to protect others and ourselves.
In "The Ways We Lie", Ericsson describes the different types of lies: white lie, facades, ignoring the
plain facts, deflecting, omission, stereotypes and clichés, groupthink, out–and–out lies, dismissal,
and delusion. First Ericsson claims that white lies is when a person "assumes that the truth will
cause more damage than a simple, harmless untruth" (Ericsson 181). A person decides that it is
better to tell the lie rather than to tell the truth because of how he or she perceives the outcome will
be. Ericsson believes that people who use white lies decide what is best for the other person and it
"is an act of subtle arrogance to decide what is best for someone else" (Ericsson 181). When people
use white lies they're assuming that what they are doing something that is beneficial for the other
person. Although they do not know
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The Way We Lie
It is very true that we lie. We lie everyday conscious or unconsciously, anywhere and to anyone. It
has become a way of life to many people, when one lies it feels completely normal, actually they
don't feel anything at all. One can be couth lying in any place like work, home and to different
person's friends, family, clients, teachers and even authority. In the preface of the story the author
had describe how in a day she had lied a minimum of four times to various people. In spite of this
the authors tried a different approach she tried now to go a week without consciously lying, she
discovered that it is merely impossible and of course as various negative consequences. So the main
topic here could be why do we lie? Thus to know the reason why we like we must first examine the
ways we lie, the so commonly ways we lie daily fashion. And to these there are several ways to lie,
let's examine two: The so called "White Lies" and of course the common stereotypes and Clichés.
First of the so called white lies are the lies permitted to everyone, and those even thought to
children. We have all heard this in a certain time: "Ohh but it's just a little white lie, he will never
know". Of course as a lie you are still hiding the truth and sooner or later it will come out, thus there
are other negative attributes to a lie and even to those small and innocent as a white lie. White lies
according to the author, are lies that we are intended to not damage someone else feelings. So far we
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Animal Farm Greed Quotes
Greed. Greed can sometime change people negatively, changing them to where the person
manipulates others with lies. Georg C. Lichtenberg once said, "the most dangerous untruths are
truths slightly distorted." In other words, Lichtenberg says the most harmful lies to society are those
that changed truths. When only half the truth is told, it is easier for the liar to lie. In the novel,
"Animal Farm", by George Orwell, Napoleon, the pig dictator, who has a greed for power, uses
white lies to gain control over the farm. The twisted lies Napoleon tells lead to the downfall of
animalism. First of all, Lichtenberg's quote clearly shows that when white lies are told, it seems
more convincing. A white lie is partly the truth, and because of this,
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The Way We Lie article by Jennifer Ericsson
Lies can be expressed in a variety of ways, as listed in the reading "The Way We Lie" (Ericsson, Pg.
216–224). At times you can tell a lie without getting noticed but other times you can get caught in
between a lie, and what good is the truth when you could hurt the other person's feeling such as
saying " Man, you don't look good today" or " Oh my gosh, what are you wearing? This isn't the
20th century" there are always different ways people take in criticism either they take it positively
and approve and grow from that, or they can look at it negatively bringing their self–esteem down
and then even making them think that there outer appearance as well as inner isn't considered 'right'.
Even though we don't seem to see their reaction to ... Show more content on ...
Those that were listed in the list on the website, all these white lies are told to people because it adds
a sense of kindness to people that may have uncertainty's about how their party went, or even just
offering guidance, or clarification that the person(s) actions, and/or appearance. Just by saying that
there food tasted delicious, when really there might've not been the best you've tasted, since it
might've been off it's the satisfaction that the host feels that the lunch or dinner she cooked for her
guests weren't as bad or to her standards, and she had thought wrong. So, from there she feels
relived that her guests enjoyed themselves while in her presence, and doesn't have that thought in
the back of her mind, 'your party was a disaster and the guests hated the food'. In the end, the
entertainer or hostess will have a better end of the day since, everything turned out great and how
she envisioned it.
Sometimes our lies can get carried away, and we find that for some of use it comes easier than for
others, sometimes people can tell lies and not feel bad about it. Honestly, everyone tells white lies I
even tell a white lie but not day after day, I like keeping it low key, and there's nothing wrong with
telling one and then again if there was something wrong, why is? As
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The 's The Way We Lie
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." These were the infamous words
proclaimed by former President Bill Clinton in response to the allegation that he had an affair with a
White House intern while serving as President of the United States. A statement that was later found
to be false and perjurious, and one that would eventually undermine his presidency. Lies come in
different shapes and forms – while some lies can be harmless, others, such as President Clinton's
scandalous lie, are self–serving and can cause a great degree of harm to others or even to oneself. In
Stephanie Ericsson's "The Way We Lie," Ericsson categorizes the various types of lies and their
ramifications, whereas in Anton Chekhov's "The Lady with the Dog," the writing touches on the
selfish lies that both Dmitri Gurov and Anna Sergeyevna tell to sustain their adulterous relationship.
Although the extent to which lying is selfish depends on the motives and circumstances of the lie, I
claim that not only are most lies selfish, but they are also morally wrong because they can cause
irreparable damage to relationships and the trust between people.
While lies are told with the intent to deceive, I say that it is the motive for the lie that determines
whether or not the lie is selfish. When a lie is used to serve only the interest of the liar, and is used at
the expense of harming another person, the lie must be considered selfish. Although it seems that
lies are commonly perpetrated by
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The Controversy Around The Truth, By Martin Buber
Lies are not a rare occurrence, and are all around us. When faced with an unsettling truth, humans
opt out confronting that truth by lying. No one is exempt from this imperfect quality of human
nature. The statement made by Martin Buber is valid because of how prevalent lying is in day to day
life. The liar believes that lying can create a bubble around the truth, but all bubbles are easily
popped. Once they are popped, the liar is left in a worse position than they started in, but many lies
go un–popped, as they blend with all other surroundings. The reasons people lie vary, but can be
distinguished into lies that are for personal benefit or for someone else's benefit; because humans
tend to be selfish creatures, the first category is more
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Still Tell The Truth Analysis
Lies, they're everywhere, are they worth the trouble? Throughout these three articles, "It's the truth",
"Honestly tell the truth", and "Rejecting all lies", the authors precisely analyze who agrees, and who
doesn't agree with lying, and why. Lying may be the first thing to come to mind when in a bad
situation, but does anyone realize how much damage it can cause towards the other person or to the
liar themselves?
Consequences and stress are a common outcome of lies, yet people still commit them to deliberately
hide the truth. "...Brad Blanton says you're unnecessarily complicating your life." Lies that are told
often are intended to keep another's feelings from being hurt, and in the end cause even more
damage. Stress and other mental ... Show more content on ...
"...ok to lie to avoid hurting someone's feelings." The people who believe lying is justified, usually
say it's ok to not tell the truth to cover someone's feelings or to keep someone from being hurt
mentally and/or physically. However in the long run, they may think it's for the better but are still
blatantly lying and could possibly cause even more damage than intended. "Apparently even white
lies are acceptable, even necessary." Everyone tells a white lie here and there, and if they're lucky it
won't affect anyone, but why should it be risked? Just because we color code a lie doesn't makes it
kind of "ok." Do we say a white lie is ok, and a yellow lie is bad, and a red lie is unacceptable?o,
because a lie is lie in the end, whether is considered a "white lie" or just a lie. A person might tell a
white lie, but gets caught so has to cover it with another lie again and again, and in the end turns out
not to be considered a white lie anymore. Others who say it's justified, have a different opinion on
lying, but as a question, why should we lie when honesty is an option?Everyday people hear others
lie and see how bad the outcome it could be, however still deliberately lie. When a person lies to you
they don't respect you in a way others don't see, or when a person calls you a liar they insult your
integrity. However, in vise versa if the opposite person lies to them they are being egocentric. So in
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Summary Of The White Lie By Ericsson
Says (Summary)
Does (Analysis)
Ericsson starts off the text by talking about her day.
She says that she "lied" and told her client she was stuck in traffic, she told her husband she had a
good day, and she told her friend that she was too busy to go out to lunch.
She states that we all tell lies: "We lie. We all do. We exaggerate, we minimize, we avoid
confrontation, we spare people's feelings..."
She writes her essay from the first person perspective.
She uses exemplification: provides examples of the ways we lie during the course of the day. She
states, "I told my client traffic had been bad. When my partner came home, his haggard face told me
his day hadn't gone any better than mine..."
Syntax: "We lie. We all do."
This creates a sense of tension or urgency. She wants her readers that "we are all liars" right at the
start of the essay.
Uses understatement: "I indulge in small falsehoods."
Intentionally used to make lies seem less important than they really are.
PAGE 160 (The white Lie)
Says (Summary)
Does (Analysis)
She starts off the paragraph by indicating white people assume the truth will cause more harm than a
simple harmless untruth.
A white lie is a intent to say good things about people, however whatever they are saying is not true.
She states, " his intent was honorable. Yet for twenty years this family kept their hopes alive, unable
to move on to a new life"
She uses personification: to relates ideas object to people so the "white lie assumes"
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Curious Incident Of A Dog In The Night-Time
The best lies are made up of partial–truths. Therefore, white lies must be the same as lies, since both
of them tell only part of the truth. Lies are used on purpose, while white lies are used to avoid
hurting the feelings of others. The purpose of telling a white lie may be for a good cause, but in the
long run, white lies have the same negative effect as lies. In Curious Incident of a Dog in the Night–
Time, white lies have the same consequence as lies since they both tear apart Christopher from his
parents; this is shown by Christopher's white lie about going out, Christopher's dad's lies about his
mom, and Christopher's definition of love, metaphors, and white lies.
Christopher's white lie about chatting with Mrs. Alexander has the same ... Show more content on ...
Christopher learned, two years ago, that his mother was in the hospital with heart problems. Two
weeks later, his mom dies from a heart attack. However, none of this is true. Christopher's dad was
afraid of hurting Christopher with the truth, so instead, he lies and says that Christopher's mom is
dead. Later on, Christopher finds letters that his mom wrote to him after her death, meaning that she
was still alive. His father discoverers Christopher looking at the letters, and after chaos ensues, his
father ends up confessing that he killed Wellington. The shock from learning that his mom is
actually alive, and that his father killed Wellington, is enough to spur Christopher into illogical
action. Because his father lied to him, Christopher panics and runs away to London. In this case, the
effect of the lie that Christopher's dad told only distanced Christopher from himself, and actually
placed Christopher closer to his mother. The actual lie, however, distanced Christopher from his
mom, since he thought she was dead. In the end, this lie had the same consequences as the white lie
mentioned earlier, since both of them end up hurting Christopher, and pulling him away from his
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Defining Lies: A Look at Different Types of Lies Essay
What are lies? A lie is defined as follows: To make a statement that one knows to be false, especially
with the intent to deceive. There are several ways that lies are told for instance, there are white lies,
lies of omission, bold faced lies, and lies of exaggeration. No matter what type of lie that one
chooses to tell many people believe that lies do more harm than good. White lies are defined as
diplomatic or well–intentioned deception. There are many different types of white lies that are told,
such as, lies of flattery for example; if someone gives another person a gift and the gift was not what
the person wanted, this person would reply "thank you so much! I just love it!" This type of white
lie is told because telling someone ... Show more content on ...
White lies are often told when people are afraid of what would happen if they told the truth. To lie
by omission is another way some people choose to tell a lie. To lie by omission means to
intentionally omit a vital piece or pieces of information leaving the other person with a
misconception. For instance, a wife asks her husband if he were at the night club, the husband tells
his wife that he is working late, which is true, however, he omit's the fact that he also visited the
night club. Lying by omission undermines the truth. It is often used to manipulate someone into
altering their behavior to suit the desire of the deceiver. The lie is not the words or lack of words; the
omission is the intention of the deceiver. Lying by omission includes failures to correct pre– existing
misconceptions. A bold–faced lie is a lie which is told when it is obvious to all involved that it is a
lie. For example, a child has written all over his/her room with a red crayon while still holding the
crayon the child attempts to deny it. The bold–faced lie in this instance was used to avoid
punishment. Since most parents do not tolerate lies from their children lying in this situation could
have made matters worse especially since the child was still holding the evidence. Lies
... Get more on ...

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What Is A White Lie Essay

  • 1. What Is A White Lie Essay Lying is unavoidable in our daily lives. Whether it be small or large, people have tendencies to lie in order to benefit themselves or others. One very common lie is a white lie, which is a lie that is considered harmless and often is used to avoid hurting someone's feelings. Another type of lie is an Out–and–Out lie, which are "complete" or "absolute" lies that are often bad, or the person is trying to avoid trouble. Everybody lies at some point to avoid, protect, or to minimize consequences. However, consequences are determined by the severity of the lie. The less severe, such as a white lie, the less harmful it can be to yourself and others. The more severe, such as the Out–and–Out lie, become more harmful to yourself and others. A good way to avoid bad feeling between a friend when you don't feel like going over to their house is to make up an excuse. Sometimes when i'm too tired, or too lazy to go over to a friends house I reply to them with a random, false story that I made up. I tell them my dad told me I couldn't when I really never asked my dad to go, or to explain how busy you are and won't be able to make it, when really ... Show more content on ... When I looked up I realized I was heading straight for a mailbox, I quickly turned the wheel, but that wasn't enough to stop a big long scratch from appearing on my dads truck. It didn't take long for my dad to realize the scratch was on his truck and when he questioned me about it I told him I knew nothing about the scratch, which was completely false. Now, Just like the first two lies I easily could have told my dad the truth, but the fear of becoming grounded or the vehicle being taken away was definitely playing a role in the lie. This lie is known as an out–out lie, because it was probably totally obvious to my dad that I was lying and was not being sneaky at ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Stephanie Ericsson's Essay: The Ways We Lie After reading Stephanie Ericsson's essay, "The Ways We Lie", I believe that there are several ways a person may tell a lie. According to our text, Webster defines a lie as a false statement or action especially made with the intent to deceive. Some lies can be harmless and others can be very harmful. Any lie told is one of deceitful intentions, whether it was an intentional or unintentional lie. A person could tell a white lie, facade, ignoring the plain facts, stereotypes and clichés, or an out– and–out lie. Regardless, of what type of lie that is told some lies can do more harm than good. I believe that the white lie and the out–and–out lies are the most harmless lies, while, ignoring the plain facts could be very harmful. A white lie is ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Analysis Of The Ways We Lie By Stephanie Ericsson "We lie. We all do. We exaggerate, we minimize, we avoid confrontation, we spare people's feelings, we conveniently forget, we keep secrets, we justify lying to the big–guy institutions. Like most people, I indulge in small falsehoods and still think of myself as an honest person. Sure i lie, but it doesn't hurt anything. Or does it?"(Ericsson 472) This is how Stephanie Ericsson starts her paper "The Ways We Lie" in the anthology of Patterns for college writing. As many would guess this paper is about lies and how common they, are whether people recognize it or not. Ericsson makes an interesting point in saying that she lies and still sees herself as an honest person. When Iironically, being an honest person would mean admitting that you tell ... Show more content on ... The point that Ii am trying to relayreciprocate is that there are many different kinds of lies, and not only do we lie to other people without even noticing, but we also lie to ourselves. Lying has become a part of human nature, a part that we would not survive without. It has become almost an instinct and this shows by the way people don't even notice that they are doing it. One Of Ericsson's key points is the consequences of telling the truth and why we lie. She says that by telling small lies we are protecting ourselves and protecting others. I believe that this is a completely situational thing but i do agree with her that it is impossible for somebody to not tell any lies at all and that it is for the greater good that they are told. Another good point that Ericsson brings up is that by telling small lies people have good intentions but in doing so they might be doing something harmful without knowing it. I believe that the good outweighs the bad in this situation and that if people didn't tell these white lies to protect people than they would end up even more ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Why Lying Is A Common Behavior Reasons for lying Lying is a common behavior in today's society. But ever since we were young we were shunned away from telling lies and were taught that we should be truthful. Why is it that lying was immoral, but then as we grow up we drift away from that lesson? Many can say that we are cowards who hide behind our lies. Today there exists a white lie which states that you are telling a lie to help someone. Why do we teach our kids that lying is bad when adults lie all the time? In the quote Nancy Farmer compares the liars to rats who are cowards that hides and runs around in dark places because looking at the word lying it can give off a vibe of a dark and lonely place. Just like rats who runs and hides in dark places, liars are basically hiding behind the shadows and living alone in their lie. From the quote I agree and disagree with the quote, where I agreed with the quote that liars are basically rats who hides and run from the truth, they don't care if it's unpleasant to others and see lying as an escape route from trouble. Where I disagree is they can't be called cowards because they might be telling a white lie and instead of being unpleasant, it can actually help the person that is receiving the lie. Getting told a lie is a very unpleasant feeling for some while for others. They have a stronger mentality and can withstand being told a lie. Personally in my opinion, being told a lie makes one feel as if they can't trust the person anymore due to the fact that they ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Argumentative Essay On Why We Lie "People think that a liar gains a victory over his victim. What I've learned is that a lie is an act of self–abdication, because one surrenders one's reality to the person to whom one lies, making that person one's master, condemning oneself from then on to faking the sort of reality that person's view requires to be faked...The man who lies to the world, is the world's slave from then on...There are no white lies, there is only the blackest of destruction, and a white lie is the blackest of all"( Ayn Rand). The source I'll be using to help me better understand the definition of Lying are Everything's an argument–The Reprehensibility of White Lie by Jennifer Pier Pg. 206–209, National Geographic "Why We Lie by Yudhijit Bhattacharjee and Jason Silva on Lying – Brain Games. Lying is a word that has many different definitions that also vary from person to person just like the definition I found on different dictionary. Everything's an argument, National Geographic "Why We Lie, and Jason Silva will help he understand the concept of lying and the purpose of a lie, regardless of who tells it. Why do we lie? Before we can speak of Lying, we must understand why do we believe in these lie's. According to National Geographic "Why We Lie by Yudhijit Bhattacharjee, "Researchers are learning that we're prone to believe some lies even when they're unambiguously contradicted by clear evidence" (pg. 38). Rather than search for information that either confirms or discredit the person he/she will ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Ways We Lie By Stephanie Ericcson Stephanie Ericcson's definition of a white lie in "The Ways We Lie" is that it's a common everyday lie. It's used to make someone feel good instead of telling them the truth and hurting their feelings. The white lie is also used so we won't feel guilty about lying because we think we are going something good. Everyone lies one way or another but that lie still does harm in some y way even if it doesn't feel like it. It does more harm than good. "Everyone lies in this world, one way or another." The dictionary definition of a white lie is a harmless or trivia lie, especially one told to avoid hurting someone feelings. Stephanie Ericcson's definition of a white lie is that it's a common everyday lie, "the white lie assumes that the truth will ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Ways We Lie 'And The World Of Doublespeak' In the essays "The Ways We Lie" by Stephanie Ericsson, and "The World of Doublespeak" by William Lutz, there are two different angles on lying. They both have a different outlook on lying, Ericsson believes that it is just a part of our language, and that these lies are not deliberate. Lutz believes that it is more deliberate, and intentional. Both Ericsson and Lutz use anecdotes and stories as examples of lies, while describing different kinds of lies. The author's purpose in both of these essays are the same, to tell the world about lies people tell. In "The Ways We Lie" Ericsson describes different ways people lie, while in "The World of Doublespeak" Lutz goes into detail into one kind of lie, doublespeak, rather than multiple ways people ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Kant On The Morality Of Lying Everyone has told some sort of lie in their life. A person's lies can range from small white lies such as, "your haircut looks amazing". Some people tell bigger lies such as "no, I did not commit tax evasion". I believe it is morally permissible to lie, because people who always tell the truth can cause lots of ill–will. Then in cases the truth will end up causing more pain, a lie is the morally correct. Lying is defined as misleading someone deliberately. The philosopher Kant believed that lying is always morally wrong. He believes that it is not just wrong telling a lie, but a person is more immoral because they are corrupting the capacity of a human. He also believes that this prevents others to act rationally, because lies undermine the dignity of others. The philosopher Fried has a similar belief, he believes lying is wrong, no matter if the lie will cause good outcomes. Fried claims that it violates respect and is a breaks a level of trust with one another. He also states that lying still creates injury, it may not be in a physical way, but lying will hurt people. Kant and Fried are on the position that lying is wrong no matter how small it is. Aristotle has ... Show more content on ... In many social interactions many people provide on another with white lies. Without these white lies people will have more feelings of ill–will towards one another. In environments such as stores, associates might need to tell a lie to help ease the customer in purchasing a product. If all sales associates told the truth many place would be out of a business. White lies are a big part of friendships and people you might interact with on a more friendlier level. If an individual had a "friend" that told the truth, even if they knew it would hurt someone. That "friend" typically would be avoided, because most people do not want to hear the brutal truth especially if it will be something ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time Uses of Honesty In literature, it is hard to have a character that is completely truthful; there is usually at least one scenario where the protagonist would be required to tell a lie to get out of a situation. Even in real life, the average person is guaranteed to tell at least a few lies in their lifetime. In the book, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night–Time by Mark Haddon, the protagonist is a teenage boy by the name of Christopher. He suffers from a type of autism, and this is why he is physically unable to tell lies. This has a large impact on the plot because of the way Christopher deals with the problems he faces in the book. Instead of telling strategically placed fibs to get the information he needs, Christopher can only be brutally honest, which can be either helpful or harmful to his cause depending on the situation. Christopher being honest throughout the book is a major key to how the plot progresses. ... Show more content on ... He even says outright, "I always tell the truth" (Haddon 109). Despite saying this, there are a handful of times in the book where he uses a white lie in a way that a normal person would. At one point he does not want to tell his dad that he had been investigating Wellington's murder, so he tells a white lie to get out of it. One would believe that Christopher would be against saying white lies because of the same logic he is against regular lies, but he clarifies it by saying: "...A white lie is not a lie at all. It is where you tell the truth but you do not tell all of the truth." (79.3). This is useful at some points in the novel, but it is not foolproof. If his Father, or the person that he is using the white lie on asked him to elaborate, he wouldn't be able to lie further, and would be required to tell the ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. The Dangers Of White Lies In Shakespeare's King Lear "Lies and secrets are like cancer in the soul. They eat away what is good and leave only destruction behind". But can lying be acceptable? What about white lies? The small lies we tell to protect other people or simply to avoid hurting one's feelings by saying "no of course you don't look fat in those jeans". The problem about these white lies is not knowing what is too far and in the end a lie is a lie. Lying ultimately masks over reality and warps our minds into believing an altered perception of reality; however, the question stands, is lying to change one's reality for the better truly that bad? King Lear does an exquisite job at showing how lying does destroy family ties and, on the more dramatic side, has the ability of ending with a lot of dead bodies. The play does however show how lying can be helpful temporarily, but the lies never end well. Lies create barriers that obstruct trust and breakdown family ties and overall cause more harm than good. Even though white lies may avoid hurting one's relationship, they break the trust between people. Today's society has accepted white lies as they provide comfort and boost one's self esteem; however, in King Lear these little white lies destroy family ties. For example, King Lear asks his daughters to express how strong their love is for their father and the amount of love determines their inheritance. The two eldest daughters shower their father in white lies full of flattery, "Sir, I love you more than words can wield the matter... A love that makes breath poor and speech unable" (1.1 20– 60). However, the youngest daughter simply tells the truth that she cannot "heave her heart into her mouth" (1.1 90). Therefore, the youngest daughter's inheritance is taken away and split between the two eldest daughters. Simple flattery destroyed a fathers' relationship with his only honest daughter. The lies told by the eldest daughters were not white lies to protect anyone, but white lies for their greed of power. "The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth" (Montaigne) and these small flattering white lies led to the moral of not murdering family members vanish. The white lies started the war that led to the death of the characters in ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Lying Is A Common Social Phenomenon. In Any Social Context, Lying is a common social phenomenon. In any social context, it presents itself as a factor to hijack any interaction. From a young age, introductions to the ethics of lying are conducted. Arguments as ancient as ancient as Greek philosophers often arise on whether lying in general is right or wrong – more specifically lying to children. A little lie here, a small one there, drizzle a bit of Santa Claus into the mix, and one ends up with the bad recipe for incredulity and mistrust. It's that mistrust and damage to credulity that is a snowball that continuously rolls down the hill, getting bigger and doing more damage. There are generally two types of lies that are presented to children, ones that destroy morals and ones that are perceived ... Show more content on ... The parents themselves don't support their own child lying, but what does the child think about the parent lying. As the child gets older, his or her moral evaluation of both lies and truth becomes submersed in doubt. One does not know said child's evaluation without understanding their developments. White lies, ones that prove to be harmless and trivial such as the Santa Lie, are messages that confuse children altogether. Parents hope to teach morals such as lying is always bad, but at the same time cross their fingers and act deceitfully in order to make life easier. The child just ends up confused. Not all lies have negative consequences for the other person, and not all truths have positive consequences for someone else (Carson 1988). The delicate balance between a child's moral understanding is impossible to determine and predict, but it does not stop people from trying to comprehend it. Lies tend to snowball and evolve, making it easier to lie in the future. Before, the science of lying was a pseudo–science full of uncertainty, but recently studies came to light which supporting the theory that one lie makes future lies easier. This digression of the moral code and increase of corruption are seen as a numbing agent to the brain. In a study by Neil Garrett, 80 people were shown a jar full of pennies and given different guidelines on the lies that were to say. Each guideline will determine if the lie resulted in the individual receiving ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Repeated Lying: The USC Study Americans tell an average of 11 lies every week. People often lie in order to make their life easier, because they are afraid of the consequences of telling the truth. As this becomes a habit they forget about the feelings of others. Lying is much worse than a nasty habit, for it can alter the structure of your brain, as well as how your brain works. Thus, a University of Southern California (USC) study found that people who lie, cheat, and manipulate others have structural brain abnormalities. The aim of this study was to look into the structural differences in prefrontal gray matter and prefrontal white matter in individuals. Yaling Yang and Adrian Raine lead the research for this study. The study consists of 108 volunteers taken from Los ... Show more content on ... Following that, they use Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to look into the structural brain differences between each group. "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a technique that uses a magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of the organs and tissues within your body" (Mayo Clinic Staff). Results from the MRI show that liars have more "white matter" and less "gray matter". The exact percentages show that the "repeated liars" had a 25.7 percent increase in prefrontal white matter compared to the "Antisocial" group. The "Repeated Liars" had a 22 percent increase compared to the "Normal" group, seen as the control group. "Repeated Liars" also showed a 14.2 percent decrease in prefrontal gray matter compared to the "Normal" group. The study shows that liars have more prefrontal white matter than prefrontal gray matter. Particularly, the autistic people show a shift in gray–to–white matter ratio opposite to what is seen among liars in the current study. Not only is there damage mentally towards the brain, but as seen in this study it can also cause harm physically towards the brain. "According to Raine, because gray matter consists of brain cells, while white matter forms the "wiring" or connections between these cells, pathological liars may have more capacity to lie and fewer moral restraints" (News ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Summary Of White Lies Natasha Trethewey What are White Lies? When reading "White Lies" by Natasha Trethewey, some may believe that she is simply referring to lies that are made to others in order to make one seem better. However, it is not the case, once one learns about Trethewey's upbringings. Trethewey was born into an interracial family in the 1960's, which at the time was illegal. Deeply examining the poem, it portrays a series of complicated events that took place in Natasha's life. The poem illustrates the hardships that come with being born to an interracial family. An accurate point of view of "White Lies" is that one is willing to lie in order to be accepted. While examining the first stanza of "White Lies", one can conclude that Trethewey begins her life as a lie. She ... Show more content on ... It is first shown in the entirety of the first stanza. Where it is stated that lies as a young child have led the individual into a dark place. This can be interpreted that the individual is feeling ashamed of themselves for all the lies they have told. Guilt is demonstrated once again in the second stanza. In line 14–18, Trethewey expresses, "I could even keep quiet, quiet as kept, like the time a white girl said (squeezing my hand), Now we have three of us in the class" (Trethewey 473). Keeping quiet would have been a better option, instead of lying about their life in order to be accepted by others in the community. The tone of guilt makes the individual saddened and ashamed of herself for what they did. Vivid color imagery used by Trethewey helps the reader understand the message portrayed in the poem. The words used such as "near–white' and 'light–bright' helps the audience comprehend that the speaker is not fully white. The word choice provides a deeper purpose. The mother of the individual washes her daughter's mouth with "ivory soap", while ivory is a pure color. It represents the fact that her mother wants her to purify her honesty and stop lying about her ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. King Lear Character Analysis Facts are defined as a thing that is indisputably the case. With this definition, the facts of King Lear are as follows: it is a tragedy. The events that ultimately lead to end of many lives are riddled with lies and deceptions for personal gain. Although lying lead to their demise the sense of self betterment isn't one that should necessarily be looked upon negatively. Within the first scene of King Lear, the idea that lying for personal gain becomes very prominent right off the bat. Regan, Goneril, and Cordelia are told to profess their love for their father with beautiful words to secure their portion of their father's kingdom. In this situation, Goneril and Regan try their best to flatter their father while Cordelia remains silent. The two sisters only saw the opportunity to better themselves with no consideration for the morality of their work As a reader, the words the sisters speeches are seemingly harmless in the sense that the lies they tell aren't hurts any specific person or group. This idea begs to question, does lying matter as long as no one gets hurt? A snowball of events occur from one maybe white lie. Perhaps the entire course of the play would end in happiness rather than death of the sisters didn't utter such lies. Would Edmund not have killed the king if Goneril and Regan had not lied to their father? Ultimately, for every action there is a reaction. There is no harmless lie and there is no harmless truth. To have had the outcome that King Lear had ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Lars And The Real Girl Analysis Liar, liar, pants on fire. The world often rebukes phonies, whether with a catchy phrase or by frankly calling them liars. As a society we view lying as a cardinal sin: an act of unprincipled behavior. We believe honesty is key. According to author John Bradshaw, "It is essential to tell the truth at all times. This will reduce life's pain." Normally this claim would be true, but once you think about it lies have also minimized life's pain. For children, we have lies that help when their teeth fall out (which makes the experience of teeth falling out a little more exciting and a little less frightening) by embellishing in the Tooth Fairy who slipped the crisp George Washington under their pillow the night before; lies about jolly old Saint ... Show more content on ... During April we bring out the dusty, furry white bunny costume to fabricate the reason for millions of colorful eggs scattered in the grass. Malls hire fat white men, dress them up, and create elaborate displays of Santa's workshop to create the illusion that "Santa has come to town". We as a society accept lying to children for the benefit of their innocence and imagination. In Lars and the Real Girl, the town holds the same views when they lie to Lars and pretend Bianca (the sex doll bought online) is a real person and more importantly Lars' girlfriend. Sadly the only person in town that struggle to go along with Bianca's existence is Lars' brother Gus, but Dr. Dagmar is able to bring Bianca to life when she hints, " She is real. She is right out there " after Gus had declared, "She is not real." The similarities between Lars and lying to children are that we lie to benefit the person being lied to. In Lars' case, the town was finally able to connect to him once Bianca arrived in town. They saw it as beneficial to play into Lars delusion as they watched him blossom into an active member of the community – a substantial difference from his normal solitary lifestyle. Similarly parents with children believe making up fictional characters to create a delusion like Santa, brings magic into their child's life. It is also commonly understood, as a community the folk tale of Santa and naturally anyone in contact with young children are very cautious when on the subject. Many times friends, teachers, and neighbors will join in on the tale of old Saint Nick, just as the town had joined in Lars' delusion. Typically as an unspoken rule, it is known that you do not tell a young child Santa is not real. Revealing to a child that Santa is a made up Christmas folk tale before they are ready to hear the truth, is worse than telling them the lie. Society would view ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Little White Lie Thesis The film "Little White Lie" follows the life of Lacey Schwartz who is trying to find out why she is black even though both her parents are clearly white. The film starts off with Lacey showing us video tapes starting with her birth and her whole childhood where you can clearly see she looks very different compared to the people around her who are all white. Her parents' first answer to this question was that Lacey inherited her grandfathers gene who was dark skin and was from Italy. The title of this film has a lot to do with the actual film because throughout the documentary and Lacey's life, Lacey and everyone around her have convinced themselves that she is white giving themselves that "Little White Lie". The main points of this film ... Show more content on ... As lacey's difference was more visible sometype of answer was needed, and that answer was that Lacey got her look from her fathers side. Lacey's father had ancenstory from Italy and her parents' answer was that she probably got her grandfather's looks who was dark skin. But as time passed on Lacey grew up and entered High School which is the fourth main point of the film. High School was a more diverse place for Lacey and kids there would not understand what Lacey was, more specifiaclly the black kids. Lacey clearly had more then just Italian dark skin genes in her and high school showed Lacey that this little lie could not go on forver. After completing High School Lacey decided to apply for George Town University where she faced a dillema and brings us to the fifth main point of the film which was college. On the George Town Application Lacey didn't know what race to categorize herself in, was she either black or white? Lacey felt white but looked black. Eventually after sending in a photo of herself she was categorized as black and while attending college Lacey found herself joining the black people aliicance club where for the first time she started hanging ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Truth vs. the "White Lie" The Truth vs. the "White Lie" Lying in a marriage is a slippery slope and trust is a delicate thing. I have told my children that a thousand truths can be destroyed by just one lie. Once those truths are destroyed, it is the lie that will typify you. The truth is extremely powerful as well, because you can try to bury it, but you can't kill it. Sooner or later someone is going to dig it up. The truth is an awkward subject that our spouses believe they want to hear no matter what the answer is, that is, until their feelings are hurt and the husband learns how to employ the "white lie." Husbands have, and will continue to struggle with, the decision of choosing to tell their wives the truth or a "white lie" to protect a spouse's ... Show more content on ... Most spouses realize that they tell each other things they want to hear. In summary, the telling of the truth and "white lies" are both essential parts of a healthy and devoted relationship. The truth is sometimes challenging, but a "white lie" can ease the pain associated with the truth. Trust is the corner–stone of all healthy relationships, in the same way that telling the truth is essential to a healthy marriage. Moreover, relationships are strengthened by the truth, and the trust that comes from that truth. In conclusion, the truth is sometimes hard to convey to the ones you love. When making the choice between the truth and using a "white lie", people must take into consideration the effects of, dishonesty and honesty to a marriage, as well as the consequences of telling a "white lie." The use of a "white lie" to protect a loved one is acceptable, and will continue to be used in the future as a tool in a healthy marriage. The truth may be the gears of a good relationship; never the less, the "white lie" is the grease that makes it all run ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Analysis Of The Book ' The Noble Lie ' The thought that Sissela Bok about the "whole truth" being attained is that it is impossible that it can be attained. She believes that people are lying deceived everyone, and sometime is used to protect the person. She also thinks that people that are lying is more important than anything in all of the decision that a simple lie brings. I believe she doesn't have any faith that everyone could tell the truth. The truth is something that is hard to say, and people at times need to lie to protect their love ones. In the beginning of the chapter of "The Noble Lie" she explains how there are different lies. She explains how the lies have different reasons to for people doing it. For some of those reasons it is impossible to be completely truth. Some have to lie to protect others, and cover up the secrets that can be told. There are plenty reasons that there are to lie to people. She states, "The lies are often seen as necessary merely at one stage in the education of the public." (Bok 166) This is something that everyone does growing up, and no one in one time of their life cannot lie to anyone. The view of rejecting all lies that Sissela Bok has is endanger and is something that could affect your soul. She explains on page 33 how religion is someone that rejects that thought of lying. It is forbidden by our super natural because it affects our soul. St Augustine someone that believed that lies was justified. But that god never believed that they it was good, ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. White Lie Is Still a Lie Ever since the early age, we have taught that lying is wrong and hurts people including ourselves. Moreover, we also have educated that it is better to accept the consequences of my actions than to lie. However, the more we grow up, the more we know about using of lying because telling the truth cannot always solve the problem. From my point of view, some lying is acceptable, some is not. It depends upon what purposes that make people tell lies. A white lie is allegedly one which is done for someone's good and which harms no one. There's no such thing. The philosophical view that allows people to think that lies can be harmless is one which counts the self as nothing morally interesting. The first point to note is that although telling ... Show more content on ... If it is for selfish, self–serving motives, or to serve in an undeserved, destructive way for others, it is not ... Get more on ...
  • 38.
  • 39. Essay on White Lies According to Robert Braul "Every lie is two lies, the lie we tell others and the lie we tell ourselves to justify it." So, is it okay to tell white lies? Do you tell white lies for your own sake? Why do you lie even though you know that no matter how big or small your lie is, it is still considered as immoral? Well, according to an article entitled "Tell White Lies (Occasionally)" there are 3 possible reasons why people lie and I agree with the author. I agree with Donald W. McCullough that it is okay to tell white lies when we know that it isn't the right time, place, and way to tell the truth that sometimes we lie to protect ourselves and not to protect other people, and that we should be careful with the words we say. I agree that ... Show more content on ... Finally, we lie because we do not want to get hurt. An example is we protect our own feelings. They say that honesty is the best policy but this does not work all the time, we lie because the truth hurts. Another example is we protect our pride. Most of us do not want to tell the truth because we do not want to admit that we are wrong. I also agree that we should think before we act. First, we tell lies to avoid hurting the feelings of someone. Words are very powerful so when we are friends with someone and we know that they are hurting we usually tell white lies to make them feel better. In addition, we tell lies to protect their own feelings. If we know that a lie can make a person happy then go for it even though it is bad because we love them and we will do everything for them. Second, we tell lies to avoid getting into trouble. An example is we prevent physical and mental harm. A situation that is proper to this is when we are in danger; obviously we need to tell numerous lies to protect ourselves from getting hurt. Third, we tell lies to avoid losing someone. We tend to lie because the truth might ruin our relationship with the person even though we know that when we lie to someone, we already ruin the relationship we have with them. Moreover, gaining the trust of a person is very hard; we tend to push them away because some of us have trust issues, so when we finally gained that trust we are afraid to ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Are People Lie For The Good Or Bad People lie for the good and bad all the time, I mean we've all had to at one point in our lives. It's not a bad thing to do, you can lie to protect people's feeling or from harm, but it's not good to lie when you're protecting yourself for selfish reasons. There really all kinds of situations to lie about it just depends on what you are lying for. As if you are lying in a situation when you're to protect others or yourself from a dangerous situation,but when you're lying for selfish reason or when you're truly guilty that's when the best thing to do is to tell the truth. So lying is justified only sometimes. I believe that it's sometimes okay tell the truth, because only at certain times lying can be justified. It truly all depends on the situation you're in. Lying is sometimes justified when lets say your friend has a really ugly shirt on and you don't want to hurt their feelings because you know it makes them happy, so you just say you that shirt looks great, so you don't hurt their feelings. When lying can be justified at times when it's right to protect others. As "little white lies" are never to purposely hurt anybody,but have good kind of intentions are most to make things sounds nicer so no one can get hurt. As stated in the article, The U.S. Political ... Show more content on ... It told lying is never okay in the article "Brad Blanton: Honestly, Tell the Truth" by Barbara Ballinger because your morals ,but if the situation between life and death will you really tell the truth? It is wrong to lie when it comes to people lying for selfish reasons as for example rumors and guilty consequence but when it comes to telling the truth in situation people or you're in danger you lie for protection. Lying is need, without it so many hurtful things be in the world. It is lying and telling the truth that is good for the world,but just one would ... Get more on ...
  • 42.
  • 43. What Is A Lie Essay The lie. I mean the lie is the first sin we commit. As children, we often learn always to tell the truth. However, there is an opportunity in life when we are taking the first steps toward a lie: to avoid a punishment, to achieve a goal, to adapt to a situation, or to enhance our status. It is for this reason that the lies are so close to us. There are different levels of lies, and none of them is okay, not even the white little lie. A white lie is a lie that offers consolation and a false belief of security. The best cover up of the lie is the absence of truth. The absence of truth is a lie that is harder to see through but to defraud, and omission of information as a tool to fool us from the truth is a lie straight through. One of the main features of people who defraud information or omit the truth is that they are constantly on the defensive. Because of this, they do not want to collaborate and have few explanations for why they should be perceived as trustworthy, and they are trying to ... Show more content on ... Do not let the lies control your deeds and actions in a given situation. Instead, allow the truth to prevail. Sure, the truth hurts, but the truth hurts once while the lie hurts forever. I do not like lies that are comforting me or a half–truth. I prefer reality, even if it hurts. It does not matter how painful the truth is. It offers us an opportunity to strengthen our ability to make decisions, analyse things, and determine our emotional and cognitive identity. What does the truth give? It gives you confidences, self–esteem, and respect. To others, it provides integrity, authenticity, and an opportunity for a free choice. Keep in mind that honesty is the most important thing in life when dealing with other people. Therefore, always be honest because it is the only way to grow the integrity of the relationship and create ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Couple Lies by Everyday people tell lies that seem minor and ineffective on life. These lies are considered white lies or kind lies. A white lie is a cautious, wrong statement which is meant to do no harm or is intended to produce an encouraging result. Adair Lara's Couple lie shows readers white lies in marriage. She states "This is marital lying. It's not a white lie, meant to spare your feelings. It's a pink lie, a couple lie." In her opinion white lies and couple lies are different, couple lies are acceptable. The author and many people see white lies and couple lies as a way to get through life, but are the results always positive? Couple Lies and White lies may seem innocent and harmless but can potentially cause problems in relationships and ... Show more content on ... These white lies are often overlooked and shrugged at, when people should actually be more cautious because it can be effortless to tell a lie or not say the truth. Telling the truth may hurt someone, but you will be respected more for your honesty and have a chance to resolve an issue without having your character ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Analysis Of ' The 's The Way We Lie ' To Lie or Not to Lie? "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." These were the infamous words proclaimed by former President Bill Clinton in response to the allegation that he had an affair with a White House intern while serving as President of the United States. A statement that was later found to be false and perjurious, and one that would eventually undermine his presidency. Lies come in different shapes and forms – while some lies are innocuous, others, such as President Clinton's scandalous lie, are self–serving and can cause a great degree of harm to others or even to oneself. In Stephanie Ericsson's "The Way We Lie," Ericsson categorizes the various types of lies and their ramifications, whereas in Anton Chekhov's "The Lady with the Dog," the writing touches on the selfish lies that both Dmitri Gurov and Anna Sergeyevna tell to sustain their adulterous relationship. Although the extent to which lying is selfish depends on the motives and circumstances of the lie, I claim that not only are most lies selfish, but they are also morally wrong because they can cause irreparable damage to relationships and the trust between people. While lies are told with the intent to deceive, I say that it is the motive for the lie that determines whether or not the lie is selfish. When a lie is used to serve only the interest of the liar, and is used at the expense of harming another person, the lie must be considered selfish. Although it seems that lies are ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The 's The Way We Lie In Stephanie Ericsson's "The Way We Lie," Ericsson categorizes the various types of lies and their ramifications, whereas in Anton Chekhov's "The Lady with the Dog," the writing touches on the selfish lies that both Dmitri Gurov and Anna Sergeyevna tell to sustain their adulterous relationship. Although the extent to which lying is selfish depends on the motives and circumstances for the lie, and whose interest it benefits, I claim that not only are most lies selfish, but they are also morally wrong because they can cause irreparable damage to relationships and the trust between people. While lies are told with the intent to deceive, I say that it is the motive for or behind? the lie that determines whether or not the lie is selfish. When a lie is used to serve only the interest of the liar, and is used at the expense of harming another person, the lie must be considered selfish. Although it seems that lies are commonly perpetrated by bad and dishonest strangers, sometimes the love ones we think we can trust are the ones who deceive us the most. A good example of this is depicted in Chekhov's "The Lady with the Dog." The liar, Dmitri Gurov, misleads his wife about his whereabouts in order to hide the various affairs he is having with other women. His wife does not suspect otherwise because she has faith that he will stay true to their oath of marriage. During Gurov's time in Yalta, yet another excursion to get away from his wife, Chekhov writes, "he had first begun deceiving ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The Issue Of A White Lie A white lie is a term for a harmless or trivial lie. Humans lie and that is a truth no one can deny. I had dinner at a friend's house last week and she went out of her way to cook a complex seafood meal, which I did not care for. When asked if I wanted seconds, I said no. My claim was that I was already full. Was that lie? Yes, I lied to be polite, rather than to tell her I did not like the way she prepared the fish. The First Amendment gives us the right to tell these lies without fear of repercussions. No harm is bein¬¬¬g done to others and the lie, however deceitful, will soon be forgotten. However, when does a lie break the law? The First Amendment protects rights to express opinions, even if unpopular. However, this right isn't ... Show more content on ... ¬Regardless of the nature of the lie, it is still a lie. Some lies, however, come with hefty fines, and can even send a person to jail. In 2007, Xavier Alvarez was elected to the board of Three Valleys Water District. He introduced himself with a series of lies about being a retired Marine, married to a Mexican movie star, having rescued an Americ an ambassador during the Iranian hostage crisis, playing hockey for Detroit Red Wings, and having been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. Word spread of his extravagant accomplishments and it wasn't long before a light was shed on his blatant lies. Alvarez soon found himself in court, facing charges of stolen valor. Of all the lies Alvarez told, one landed him facing charges; lying about receiving a Congressional Medal of Honor is a federal crime. Technically lying about something is freedom of speech and remains protected by the first amendment. So why is a lie a crime and where do we draw the line? Looking at this case from a moral perspective it is evident that Xavier Alvarez committed a moral crime. His actions directly undermine the accomplishments of those who have truly put their lives on the line to protect our country and earn those medals. Whether it is sympathy, respect, admiration, or benefits that he seeks, Alvarez is disrespecting all those who have in fact served. When people hear or read about cases like United States v. Alvarez the first thought that comes to mind is how disgraceful it is for an ... Get more on ...
  • 52.
  • 53. Analysis Of The Ways We Lie By Stephanie Ericsson "The Ways We Lie" is a name of an article by Stephanie Ericsson. Stephanie Ericsson is a published free–lance writer. This article is from an American magazine Utne Reader and this article is based off her experience. The article is about the different ways we lie and the types of lies and why lies are dangerous. In this article Stephanie Ericsson quoted "We lie. We all do. We exaggerate, minimize, we avoid confrontation, we spare people's feelings, we conveniently forget, we keep secrets, small falsehoods and still think of myself as an honest person." She said that these lies don't hurt anyone mentally but she also feels they might really do hurt mentally. The answer to that question is when someone lies to their victim; the victim loses ... Show more content on ... I will now explain my thoughts on the subject, so stay with me. The article is mostly true in a factual matter. I do feel that lies do hurt the victim that is being lied to. The thing that I don't like about her feelings on the subject is; the lie type "The White Lie" is true but it can also be false too. I think she is just being a baby on the subject. She is afraid of people getting hurt from someone telling a white lie to a friend, but that is not always the case. People tell white lies all the time and I never see people get hurt. Stephanie Ericsson has been just over thinking the facts that white lies are lies and that lies hurt their victims. It is like an ocd person, that over thinks things that are not always true. I have a lot of examples to write about of times a white lie helped instead of causing problems. The example I chose is my favorite one to tell. My family and I went to the Pittsburgh Zoo and PGG Aquarium last summer. There were a lot of bees flying around flowers and plants. A fact to mention that relates to the story is my sister is allergic to bees. We were walking around the zoo, seeing the animals in their cages and suddenly a honey bee landed on my sister's head. She did not know a honey bee landed on her head. I was looking around and I noticed that a honey bee was on her head. Then my sister started to feel something on her head. She asked what it was, afraid to touch it; she asked me what it was. I answered back that it was just her imagination and nothing was on her head. She said ok and kept on walking ahead. After I lied to her, the honey bee flew away. If I had told the truth, she could have panicked and the bee could have stung her. That white lie could have saved her life because she had no epipen on her. Later that day I told her the truth and she thanked me. She said no hard feelings and the day went on. Stephanie Ericsson's feeling on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. A White Lie in the Heart of Darkness Essay examples A White Lie in the Heart of Darkness "He cried in a whisper at some image, at some vision, – he cried out twice, a cry that was no more than a breath – 'The horror! The horror!'" (Conrad, Heart of Darkness, pg112)1. After returning to Brussels, Marlow pays a visit to Kurtz' intended and brings these final words of Kurtz with him. When asked to reveal Kurtz' last declaration, Marlow offers this: "'The last word he pronounced was – your name.'" (Heart, pg123). He lies. In this situation, with the possibility existing of inflicting severe emotional damage on an already grieving soul, should Marlow have lied? Of course, the answer is neither simple nor short, and depends heavily on who is asked. The most ... Show more content on ... However, there is another element that must be examined. Marlow's original statement about lies included one very peculiar statement. He yields the fact that his distain for lies is, "not because I am straighter than the rest of us..." (Heart, pg49). Despite his extremely harsh words, Marlow actually admits to committing the very offense he speaks of. In addition, his reaction later after lying also includes the feeling that, "my heart stood still, stopped dead short by an exulting terrible cry, by the cry of inconceivable triumph and of unspeakable pain." (Heart, pg123). The "terrible cry...of unspeakable pain" is obviously his distain for his actions, but what about the "inconceivable triumph"? The "triumph" here is successfully avoiding having to tell Kurtz' intended the truth, because it "would have been too dark." (Heart, pg123). It seems Marlow is a bit of a hypocrite. He hates lies, yet admits to lying, and also recognizes the triumph when he does. This new revelation, however, does not actually change the fact that Marlow would believe that he shouldn't have lied; it simply means that that belief wouldn't necessarily stop him from doing so. This very philosophical issue of the morality of Marlow's lie begs a philosophical perspective. In fact, the 18th–century German philosopher Immanuel Kant wrote quite extensively on the subject. Kant's categorical imperative states: "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time ... Get more on ...
  • 56.
  • 57. Stephanie Ericsson White Lie We all lie, to say we do not in and of itself is a lie. Humans lie in a multitude of ways. Stephanie Ericsson writes about the falsehoods we tell– is it beneficial or does it cause more damage? The author argues our lies are more powerful than we think; like any other action lies have their consequences. However, even with this knowledge we continue to lie, and include it in our everyday life. I believe your intentions can not justify the action as you are never certain of the outcome. Ericsson structures her writing through subheadings, and categorizing each lie with insightful examples. The author first tackles the white lie. She writes, "The white lie assumes that the truth will cause more damage than a simple harmless untruth... it as an act of subtle arrogance for anyone to decide what is best for someone else" (160). I believe white lies can only do as much damage compared to the extent of the lie. I tell my mom I've done a chore, which I haven't yet, but if she were to arrive earlier I would be in trouble for lying. The lie was intended to be harmless, but I faced the consequences. If I had told the truth I would not have to face as much anger from my mother. Nevertheless, even the smallest white lies end up with negative outcomes. One's intentions could also cloud the fact that the white lie might harm the other party. The example of the sergeant's white lie, where he reports the soldier as missing instead of dead, shows how such a small lie can impact ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. The Ways We Lie By Stephanie Ericsson Should we stop lying and should stop letting people lie to us? In "The Ways We Lie", Stephanie Ericsson describes lying as "a cultural cancer that... reorders reality until moral garbage becomes as invisible to us as water is to a fish" (Ericsson 186). Ericsson believes that we have accepted lies to the point where do not recognize it anymore. Ericsson has a point when she says that lying should not be tolerated, but it should be the unnecessary lies that should not be tolerated. There are lies that are justifiable based on the intent of the person lying. All lies are harmful in their own ways but sometimes we need to lie to protect others and ourselves. In "The Ways We Lie", Ericsson describes the different types of lies: white lie, facades, ignoring the plain facts, deflecting, omission, stereotypes and clichés, groupthink, out–and–out lies, dismissal, and delusion. First Ericsson claims that white lies is when a person "assumes that the truth will cause more damage than a simple, harmless untruth" (Ericsson 181). A person decides that it is better to tell the lie rather than to tell the truth because of how he or she perceives the outcome will be. Ericsson believes that people who use white lies decide what is best for the other person and it "is an act of subtle arrogance to decide what is best for someone else" (Ericsson 181). When people use white lies they're assuming that what they are doing something that is beneficial for the other person. Although they do not know ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Way We Lie It is very true that we lie. We lie everyday conscious or unconsciously, anywhere and to anyone. It has become a way of life to many people, when one lies it feels completely normal, actually they don't feel anything at all. One can be couth lying in any place like work, home and to different person's friends, family, clients, teachers and even authority. In the preface of the story the author had describe how in a day she had lied a minimum of four times to various people. In spite of this the authors tried a different approach she tried now to go a week without consciously lying, she discovered that it is merely impossible and of course as various negative consequences. So the main topic here could be why do we lie? Thus to know the reason why we like we must first examine the ways we lie, the so commonly ways we lie daily fashion. And to these there are several ways to lie, let's examine two: The so called "White Lies" and of course the common stereotypes and Clichés. First of the so called white lies are the lies permitted to everyone, and those even thought to children. We have all heard this in a certain time: "Ohh but it's just a little white lie, he will never know". Of course as a lie you are still hiding the truth and sooner or later it will come out, thus there are other negative attributes to a lie and even to those small and innocent as a white lie. White lies according to the author, are lies that we are intended to not damage someone else feelings. So far we ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Animal Farm Greed Quotes Greed. Greed can sometime change people negatively, changing them to where the person manipulates others with lies. Georg C. Lichtenberg once said, "the most dangerous untruths are truths slightly distorted." In other words, Lichtenberg says the most harmful lies to society are those that changed truths. When only half the truth is told, it is easier for the liar to lie. In the novel, "Animal Farm", by George Orwell, Napoleon, the pig dictator, who has a greed for power, uses white lies to gain control over the farm. The twisted lies Napoleon tells lead to the downfall of animalism. First of all, Lichtenberg's quote clearly shows that when white lies are told, it seems more convincing. A white lie is partly the truth, and because of this, ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Way We Lie article by Jennifer Ericsson Lies can be expressed in a variety of ways, as listed in the reading "The Way We Lie" (Ericsson, Pg. 216–224). At times you can tell a lie without getting noticed but other times you can get caught in between a lie, and what good is the truth when you could hurt the other person's feeling such as saying " Man, you don't look good today" or " Oh my gosh, what are you wearing? This isn't the 20th century" there are always different ways people take in criticism either they take it positively and approve and grow from that, or they can look at it negatively bringing their self–esteem down and then even making them think that there outer appearance as well as inner isn't considered 'right'. Even though we don't seem to see their reaction to ... Show more content on ... Those that were listed in the list on the website, all these white lies are told to people because it adds a sense of kindness to people that may have uncertainty's about how their party went, or even just offering guidance, or clarification that the person(s) actions, and/or appearance. Just by saying that there food tasted delicious, when really there might've not been the best you've tasted, since it might've been off it's the satisfaction that the host feels that the lunch or dinner she cooked for her guests weren't as bad or to her standards, and she had thought wrong. So, from there she feels relived that her guests enjoyed themselves while in her presence, and doesn't have that thought in the back of her mind, 'your party was a disaster and the guests hated the food'. In the end, the entertainer or hostess will have a better end of the day since, everything turned out great and how she envisioned it. Sometimes our lies can get carried away, and we find that for some of use it comes easier than for others, sometimes people can tell lies and not feel bad about it. Honestly, everyone tells white lies I even tell a white lie but not day after day, I like keeping it low key, and there's nothing wrong with telling one and then again if there was something wrong, why is? As ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. The 's The Way We Lie "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." These were the infamous words proclaimed by former President Bill Clinton in response to the allegation that he had an affair with a White House intern while serving as President of the United States. A statement that was later found to be false and perjurious, and one that would eventually undermine his presidency. Lies come in different shapes and forms – while some lies can be harmless, others, such as President Clinton's scandalous lie, are self–serving and can cause a great degree of harm to others or even to oneself. In Stephanie Ericsson's "The Way We Lie," Ericsson categorizes the various types of lies and their ramifications, whereas in Anton Chekhov's "The Lady with the Dog," the writing touches on the selfish lies that both Dmitri Gurov and Anna Sergeyevna tell to sustain their adulterous relationship. Although the extent to which lying is selfish depends on the motives and circumstances of the lie, I claim that not only are most lies selfish, but they are also morally wrong because they can cause irreparable damage to relationships and the trust between people. While lies are told with the intent to deceive, I say that it is the motive for the lie that determines whether or not the lie is selfish. When a lie is used to serve only the interest of the liar, and is used at the expense of harming another person, the lie must be considered selfish. Although it seems that lies are commonly perpetrated by ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Controversy Around The Truth, By Martin Buber Lies are not a rare occurrence, and are all around us. When faced with an unsettling truth, humans opt out confronting that truth by lying. No one is exempt from this imperfect quality of human nature. The statement made by Martin Buber is valid because of how prevalent lying is in day to day life. The liar believes that lying can create a bubble around the truth, but all bubbles are easily popped. Once they are popped, the liar is left in a worse position than they started in, but many lies go un–popped, as they blend with all other surroundings. The reasons people lie vary, but can be distinguished into lies that are for personal benefit or for someone else's benefit; because humans tend to be selfish creatures, the first category is more ... Get more on ...
  • 70.
  • 71. Still Tell The Truth Analysis Lies, they're everywhere, are they worth the trouble? Throughout these three articles, "It's the truth", "Honestly tell the truth", and "Rejecting all lies", the authors precisely analyze who agrees, and who doesn't agree with lying, and why. Lying may be the first thing to come to mind when in a bad situation, but does anyone realize how much damage it can cause towards the other person or to the liar themselves? Consequences and stress are a common outcome of lies, yet people still commit them to deliberately hide the truth. "...Brad Blanton says you're unnecessarily complicating your life." Lies that are told often are intended to keep another's feelings from being hurt, and in the end cause even more damage. Stress and other mental ... Show more content on ... "...ok to lie to avoid hurting someone's feelings." The people who believe lying is justified, usually say it's ok to not tell the truth to cover someone's feelings or to keep someone from being hurt mentally and/or physically. However in the long run, they may think it's for the better but are still blatantly lying and could possibly cause even more damage than intended. "Apparently even white lies are acceptable, even necessary." Everyone tells a white lie here and there, and if they're lucky it won't affect anyone, but why should it be risked? Just because we color code a lie doesn't makes it kind of "ok." Do we say a white lie is ok, and a yellow lie is bad, and a red lie is unacceptable?o, because a lie is lie in the end, whether is considered a "white lie" or just a lie. A person might tell a white lie, but gets caught so has to cover it with another lie again and again, and in the end turns out not to be considered a white lie anymore. Others who say it's justified, have a different opinion on lying, but as a question, why should we lie when honesty is an option?Everyday people hear others lie and see how bad the outcome it could be, however still deliberately lie. When a person lies to you they don't respect you in a way others don't see, or when a person calls you a liar they insult your integrity. However, in vise versa if the opposite person lies to them they are being egocentric. So in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Summary Of The White Lie By Ericsson Says (Summary) Does (Analysis) Ericsson starts off the text by talking about her day. She says that she "lied" and told her client she was stuck in traffic, she told her husband she had a good day, and she told her friend that she was too busy to go out to lunch. She states that we all tell lies: "We lie. We all do. We exaggerate, we minimize, we avoid confrontation, we spare people's feelings..." She writes her essay from the first person perspective. She uses exemplification: provides examples of the ways we lie during the course of the day. She states, "I told my client traffic had been bad. When my partner came home, his haggard face told me his day hadn't gone any better than mine..." Syntax: "We lie. We all do." This creates a sense of tension or urgency. She wants her readers that "we are all liars" right at the start of the essay. Uses understatement: "I indulge in small falsehoods." Intentionally used to make lies seem less important than they really are. PAGE 160 (The white Lie) Says (Summary) Does (Analysis) She starts off the paragraph by indicating white people assume the truth will cause more harm than a simple harmless untruth. A white lie is a intent to say good things about people, however whatever they are saying is not true. She states, " his intent was honorable. Yet for twenty years this family kept their hopes alive, unable to move on to a new life" She uses personification: to relates ideas object to people so the "white lie assumes" ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Curious Incident Of A Dog In The Night-Time The best lies are made up of partial–truths. Therefore, white lies must be the same as lies, since both of them tell only part of the truth. Lies are used on purpose, while white lies are used to avoid hurting the feelings of others. The purpose of telling a white lie may be for a good cause, but in the long run, white lies have the same negative effect as lies. In Curious Incident of a Dog in the Night– Time, white lies have the same consequence as lies since they both tear apart Christopher from his parents; this is shown by Christopher's white lie about going out, Christopher's dad's lies about his mom, and Christopher's definition of love, metaphors, and white lies. Christopher's white lie about chatting with Mrs. Alexander has the same ... Show more content on ... Christopher learned, two years ago, that his mother was in the hospital with heart problems. Two weeks later, his mom dies from a heart attack. However, none of this is true. Christopher's dad was afraid of hurting Christopher with the truth, so instead, he lies and says that Christopher's mom is dead. Later on, Christopher finds letters that his mom wrote to him after her death, meaning that she was still alive. His father discoverers Christopher looking at the letters, and after chaos ensues, his father ends up confessing that he killed Wellington. The shock from learning that his mom is actually alive, and that his father killed Wellington, is enough to spur Christopher into illogical action. Because his father lied to him, Christopher panics and runs away to London. In this case, the effect of the lie that Christopher's dad told only distanced Christopher from himself, and actually placed Christopher closer to his mother. The actual lie, however, distanced Christopher from his mom, since he thought she was dead. In the end, this lie had the same consequences as the white lie mentioned earlier, since both of them end up hurting Christopher, and pulling him away from his ... Get more on ...
  • 76.
  • 77. Defining Lies: A Look at Different Types of Lies Essay What are lies? A lie is defined as follows: To make a statement that one knows to be false, especially with the intent to deceive. There are several ways that lies are told for instance, there are white lies, lies of omission, bold faced lies, and lies of exaggeration. No matter what type of lie that one chooses to tell many people believe that lies do more harm than good. White lies are defined as diplomatic or well–intentioned deception. There are many different types of white lies that are told, such as, lies of flattery for example; if someone gives another person a gift and the gift was not what the person wanted, this person would reply "thank you so much! I just love it!" This type of white lie is told because telling someone ... Show more content on ... White lies are often told when people are afraid of what would happen if they told the truth. To lie by omission is another way some people choose to tell a lie. To lie by omission means to intentionally omit a vital piece or pieces of information leaving the other person with a misconception. For instance, a wife asks her husband if he were at the night club, the husband tells his wife that he is working late, which is true, however, he omit's the fact that he also visited the night club. Lying by omission undermines the truth. It is often used to manipulate someone into altering their behavior to suit the desire of the deceiver. The lie is not the words or lack of words; the omission is the intention of the deceiver. Lying by omission includes failures to correct pre– existing misconceptions. A bold–faced lie is a lie which is told when it is obvious to all involved that it is a lie. For example, a child has written all over his/her room with a red crayon while still holding the crayon the child attempts to deny it. The bold–faced lie in this instance was used to avoid punishment. Since most parents do not tolerate lies from their children lying in this situation could have made matters worse especially since the child was still holding the evidence. Lies ... Get more on ...