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The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Web Development Training
PHP Básico
Preparação de ambiente
Sintaxe / Operações básicas
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
O que é PHP ?
•  linguagem interpretada
•  Interpretado do Servidor
•  HTML+CSS+JavaScript+PHP
•  arquivos PHP tem extensão
" .php "
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commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Seu Poder
•  PHP pode gerar páginas com
conteúdo dinâmico
•  PHP pode criar, abrir, ler,
escrever, apagar e fechar
arquivos no servidor
•  PHP pode coletar dados de
•  PHP pode enviar e receber
•  PHP pode adicionar, eliminar,
modificar dados na base de
•  PHP pode ser usado para
controlar o acesso de
•  PHP pode criptografar os
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commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
•  Encontrar um host com PHP e suporte ao MySQL
•  Instalar um servidor web no seu próprio PC, em seguida,
instalar o PHP e MySQL
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
//O código PHP fica aqui!
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
$txt = "Hello world!";
$x = 5;
$y = 10.5;
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
# Isto é apenas um comentário
// Isto também é um comentário
/* comentário */
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
$txt1 = "Learn PHP";
$txt2 = "";
$x = 5;
$y = 4;
echo "<h2>$txt1</h2>";
echo "Study PHP at $txt2<br>";
echo $x + $y;
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
If – Then - Else
if (condição) {
Código que é executado se a condição fôr
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
$x = 2; # Variáveis
if ($x >= 1 && $x < 3) { // se a variavel $x for
maior ou igual a 1 E(AND) menor que 3
echo 'Olá mundo!'; // escreve "Olá mundo!"
} else { // Se não...
print('Adeus mundo!'); // escreve 'Adeus
mundo!', print e echo podem ser usados com ou sem
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Web Development Training
Formulários e PHP
Ruben Manhiça
Jorge Lobo
Hervé Muneza
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Conceptos por aprender
• Formulários
• Métodos GET e POST
• Acesso no Servidor
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image part with relationship ID rId2 was not found in the file.
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
•  Permite enviar
dados para o
•  Pode ser enviado
usando os
métodos POST e
<form action =”processar.php”
Name: <input type=”text” name=”nome” />
Age: <input type=”text” name=idade” />
<input type=”submit” />
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Criam um vetor com um par de
Chaves – nomes de
controle do formulário;
v a l o r e s – d a d o s
introduzidos no formulários .
<form action =”processar.php”
Name: <input type=”text”
name=”nome” />
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Tem a limitação de só enviar 100 caracteres;
Mostra a informação enviada no Navegador;
Permite guardar a requisição ao Servidor no Bookmarks;
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image part with relationship ID rId2 was not found in the file.
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Método POST
Não tem limite de tamanho da
mensagem a enviar;
A informação enviada não é
visível no navegador;
<form action =”processar.php”
Name: <input type=”text”
name=”nome” />
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Acesso do Servidor
Método GET
Método POST
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
<form action =”processar.php”
Name: <input type=”text” name=”nome” /
Age: <input type=”text” name=idade” />
<input type=”submit” />
If(empty($_POST["nome"])) {
echo ”Preencha o seu nome”;
} else {
$nome = $_POST["nome"];
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
• Lengstorf, Jason. PHP For Absolute Beginners. [New
York.]: Apress, 2009. Print.
• Welling, Luke, and Laura Thomson. PHP And Mysql
Web Development. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Addison-
Wesley, 2008. Print.
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Web Development Training
Ruben Manhiça
Jorge Lobo
Hervé Muneza
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Base de dados – MySQL – Acesso ao servidor
•  Passo 1 - Abrir conexão com o banco.
•  Antes de criarmos a conexão com o banco devemos ter em mãos algumas
informações. São elas:
•  Utilizador – Nome de Utilizador com acesso a base de dados.
•  Senha – Senha do Utilizador.
•  Host – Nome ou IP do servidor. Ex: “localhost”
•  De posse dessas informações podemos criar nossa conexão com a Base
de dados utilizando o comando mysql_connect();
mysql_connect(host, Utilizador, senha);
•  Em caso de sucesso, este comando retorna um identificador de
conexão. Em caso de falha este comando retornará FALSE.
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Base de dados – MySQL – Acesso ao servidor
•  Exemplo
$conexao = mysql_connect(“host”,“Utilizador”, “senha”);
if ($conexao == TRUE){
echo “Conexão com o servidor efetuada com sucesso.”;
echo “Falha ao conectar no servidor.”;
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Base de dados – MySQL – Acesso ao servidor
•  Passo 3 – Fechar conexão com o Base de dados.
•  Após a execução dos comandos no banco devemos fechar a conexão
com o servidor para poupar recursos do servidor.
•  Para fechar a conexão com o banco utilizamos a função
mysql_close(identificador de conexão);
•  O comando mysql_close() retorna TRUE em caso de sucesso e
FALSE em caso de falha;
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Base de dados – MySQL – Acesso ao servidor
•  Exemplo
$conexao = mysql_connect(“host”,“Utilizador”, “senha”);
if ($conexao == TRUE){
echo “Conexão com o servidor efetuada com sucesso.”;
echo “Falha ao conectar no servidor.”;
echo “Conexão com o banco fechada com sucesso.”;
echo “Não havia conexão aberta ou a conexão já tinha sido fechada.”;
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Base de dados – MySQL – Manipulação de
•  Passo 2 – Executar comandos na Base de dados.
•  Após conectar no servidor de Base de dados, devemos especificar
qual base de dados será utilizada. Isto é feito através da função
mysql_select_db(nome do banco);
•  A execução de comandos no MySQL é feita através de declarações
•  Após a definição do comando, podemos executar o comando no
banco através do método mysql_query();
•  Além disso, ao executar o comando, esta função faz com que a
variável que estiver representando-a, armazene informações a
respeito da instrução SQL executada.
$variavel = mysql_query(declaração_sql);
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Base de dados – MySQL – Manipulação de
•  O tipo de informações armazenadas dependerão do tipo de instrução
SQL executada.
•  Para outros tipos de consultas SQL, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, DROP,
etc, mysql_query() retorna TRUE em caso de sucesso ou FALSE em
caso de erro.
mysql_query() retorna um resource em caso de sucesso, ou FALSE em
caso de falha.
•  Neste último caso, os resultados da instrução SQL podem ser acessadas
através de outras funções da biblioteca mysql.
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Base de dados – MySQL – Manipulação de
•  O recurso de resultado retornado pode ser passado para
mysql_fetch_array(), e outras funções para manipular tabelas de
resultados, para acessar os dados retornados.
•  Use mysql_num_rows(query) para obter quantas linhas foram retornadas
para um comando SELECT ou mysql_affected_rows(link resource) para
obter quantas linhas foram afetadas por um comando DELETE, INSERT,
•  mysql_query() irá também falhar e retornar FALSE se o Utilizador não
tiver permissões para acessar a tabela(s) referenciadas pela consulta.
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Base de dados – MySQL – Manipulação de
•  Exemplo do uso de comando INSERT:
$conexao = mysql_connect(“host”,“Utilizador”, “senha”);
$banco = mysql_select_db(“banco”);
$resultado = mysql_query($sql, $conexao);
if ($resultado){
$numeroRegistros = mysql_affected_rows($conexao);
echo “Comando executado com sucesso. ”;
echo “Foram afetados $numeroRegistros registros.”;
echo “Falha ao executar comando.”;
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Base de dados – MySQL – Manipulação de
•  No caso de comandos que retornam informações da BD, podemos utilizar algumas
funções para extrair as informações armazenadas no recurso de resultado. São
•  mysql_fetch_row – recupera o próximo registro em forma de array de índices numéricos.
•  mysql_fetch_assoc – recupera o próximo registro em forma de array de índices
associativos, onde cada índice é o nome do campo na tabela.
•  mysql_fecth_array – recupera o próximo registro em forma de array de índices numéricos
e associativos, ao mesmo tempo.
•  mysql_fecth_object - recupera o próximo registro em forma de objeto.
•  Todas elas necessitam como parâmetro do recurso contendo o resultado do
comando mysql_query()
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Base de dados – MySQL – Manipulação de
•  Exemplo do uso de comando SELECT:
$conexao = mysql_connect(“Utilizador”, “senha”, “host”);
$banco = mysql_select_db(“banco”);
$sql = “SELECT matricula, nome, salario FROM funcionario”;
$resultado = mysql_query($sql, $conexao,);
if ($resultado){
while ($registro = mysql_fecth_array($resultado)){
echo “Matricula: ”.$registro[”matricula”];
echo “Nome: ”. $registro[”nome”];
echo “Salário: ”. $registro[”salario”];
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
• Permite reutilizar uma
classe ou expandir para
diferente proposito.
• A classe filho herda os
métodos e propriedades
da classe pai.
• Construtores ???
Class cao extends mamifero {
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Web Development Training
Model – View - Controller
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
O que é MVC?
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
"MVC é um padrão de arquitetura que descreve uma
forma de estruturar nossa aplicação e as
responsabilidades e interações para cada parte nessa
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Model (Modelo)
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
O modelo é o de dados e as regras aplicáveis a
esses dados, que representam conceitos geridos
por uma aplicação
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Controller (Controlador)
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
O controlador gere as solicitações do utilizador (recebidos como
HTTP GET ou POST solicitados quando o utilizador clica em
elementos GUI para executar ações)
Sua principal função é chamar e coordenar os recursos
necessários / objetos necessários para executar a ação do
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Exemplo - Controller (Controlador)
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
class BooksController extends AppController {
 function list($category) {
 $this->set('books', $this->Book-
 function add() { ... ... }
 function delete() { ... ... }
 ... ... } ?>	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
View oferece maneiras diferentes de apresentar os dados
recebidos a partir do modelo.
<table> <tr> <th>Title</th> <th>Author</th>
<th>Price</th> </tr>
<?php foreach ($books as $book): ?> <tr> <td> <?
php echo $book['Book']['title']; ?> </td> <td> <?
php echo $book['Book']['author']; ?> </td> <td>
<?php echo $book['Book']['price']; ?> </td> </tr>
<?php endforeach; ?>
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	
"A vantagem mais óbvia que ganhamos usando MVC é uma clara
separação de apresentação (a interface com o utilizador) e lógica
da aplicação.”
The image
part with
p ID rId14
was not
found in
the file.
The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in
the file.
Para proxima semana
•  Dar vida aos formularios…
Presenta/on	licenced	under	non-commercial	crea/ve	
commons	3.0	

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Web Training Aula 02: Introduction to PHP

  • 1. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Web Development Training PHP Básico Definição Preparação de ambiente Sintaxe / Operações básicas 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 1
  • 2. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. O que é PHP ? •  linguagem interpretada •  Interpretado do Servidor •  HTML+CSS+JavaScript+PHP •  arquivos PHP tem extensão " .php " 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 2
  • 3. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Seu Poder •  PHP pode gerar páginas com conteúdo dinâmico •  PHP pode criar, abrir, ler, escrever, apagar e fechar arquivos no servidor •  PHP pode coletar dados de formulários •  PHP pode enviar e receber cookies •  PHP pode adicionar, eliminar, modificar dados na base de dados •  PHP pode ser usado para controlar o acesso de utilizadores •  PHP pode criptografar os dados 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 3
  • 4. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Instalação •  Encontrar um host com PHP e suporte ao MySQL •  Instalar um servidor web no seu próprio PC, em seguida, instalar o PHP e MySQL 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 4
  • 5. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Declaração <?php //O código PHP fica aqui! ?> 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 5
  • 6. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Variaveis <?php $txt = "Hello world!"; $x = 5; $y = 10.5; ?> 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 6
  • 7. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Comentários 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 # Isto é apenas um comentário // Isto também é um comentário /* comentário */ 7
  • 8. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. ECHO 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 <?php $txt1 = "Learn PHP"; $txt2 = ""; $x = 5; $y = 4; echo "<h2>$txt1</h2>"; echo "Study PHP at $txt2<br>"; echo $x + $y; ?> 8
  • 9. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. If – Then - Else if (condição) { Código que é executado se a condição fôr verdadeira; } 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 $x = 2; # Variáveis if ($x >= 1 && $x < 3) { // se a variavel $x for maior ou igual a 1 E(AND) menor que 3 echo 'Olá mundo!'; // escreve "Olá mundo!" } else { // Se não... print('Adeus mundo!'); // escreve 'Adeus mundo!', print e echo podem ser usados com ou sem parênteses. } 9
  • 10. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Web Development Training Formulários e PHP Ruben Manhiça Jorge Lobo Hervé Muneza 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 10
  • 11. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Conceptos por aprender • Formulários • Métodos GET e POST • Acesso no Servidor 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 The image part with relationship ID rId2 was not found in the file. 11
  • 12. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Formulários •  Permite enviar dados para o servidor •  Pode ser enviado usando os métodos POST e GET <html> <body> <form action =”processar.php” method=”post"> Name: <input type=”text” name=”nome” /> Age: <input type=”text” name=idade” /> <input type=”submit” /> </form> </body> </html> 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 12
  • 13. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. GET e POST Criam um vetor com um par de chaves/valores. Chaves – nomes de controle do formulário; v a l o r e s – d a d o s introduzidos no formulários . html> <body> <form action =”processar.php” method=”get"> Name: <input type=”text” name=”nome” /> .... 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 13
  • 14. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. GET Tem a limitação de só enviar 100 caracteres; Mostra a informação enviada no Navegador; Permite guardar a requisição ao Servidor no Bookmarks; 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 The image part with relationship ID rId2 was not found in the file. 14
  • 15. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. POST Método POST Não tem limite de tamanho da mensagem a enviar; A informação enviada não é visível no navegador; html> <body> <form action =”processar.php” method=”post"> Name: <input type=”text” name=”nome” /> .... 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 15
  • 16. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Acesso do Servidor Método GET $_GET[”nome"] Método POST $_POST[”nome"] 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 16
  • 17. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Exemplo Index.php html> <body> <form action =”processar.php” method=”post"> Name: <input type=”text” name=”nome” / > Age: <input type=”text” name=idade” /> <input type=”submit” /> </form> </body> </html> Processar.php <?php If(empty($_POST["nome"])) { echo ”Preencha o seu nome”; } else { $nome = $_POST["nome"]; } ?> 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 17
  • 18. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Referencias • Lengstorf, Jason. PHP For Absolute Beginners. [New York.]: Apress, 2009. Print. • Welling, Luke, and Laura Thomson. PHP And Mysql Web Development. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Addison- Wesley, 2008. Print. 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 18
  • 19. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Web Development Training PHP e MySQL Ruben Manhiça Jorge Lobo Hervé Muneza 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 19
  • 20. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Base de dados – MySQL – Acesso ao servidor •  Passo 1 - Abrir conexão com o banco. •  Antes de criarmos a conexão com o banco devemos ter em mãos algumas informações. São elas: •  Utilizador – Nome de Utilizador com acesso a base de dados. •  Senha – Senha do Utilizador. •  Host – Nome ou IP do servidor. Ex: “localhost” •  De posse dessas informações podemos criar nossa conexão com a Base de dados utilizando o comando mysql_connect(); mysql_connect(host, Utilizador, senha); •  Em caso de sucesso, este comando retorna um identificador de conexão. Em caso de falha este comando retornará FALSE. 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 20
  • 21. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Base de dados – MySQL – Acesso ao servidor •  Exemplo $conexao = mysql_connect(“host”,“Utilizador”, “senha”); if ($conexao == TRUE){ echo “Conexão com o servidor efetuada com sucesso.”; }else{ echo “Falha ao conectar no servidor.”; } 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 21
  • 22. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Base de dados – MySQL – Acesso ao servidor •  Passo 3 – Fechar conexão com o Base de dados. •  Após a execução dos comandos no banco devemos fechar a conexão com o servidor para poupar recursos do servidor. •  Para fechar a conexão com o banco utilizamos a função mysql_close(). mysql_close(identificador de conexão); •  O comando mysql_close() retorna TRUE em caso de sucesso e FALSE em caso de falha; 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 22
  • 23. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Base de dados – MySQL – Acesso ao servidor •  Exemplo $conexao = mysql_connect(“host”,“Utilizador”, “senha”); if ($conexao == TRUE){ echo “Conexão com o servidor efetuada com sucesso.”; }else{ echo “Falha ao conectar no servidor.”; } if(mysql_close($conexao)){ echo “Conexão com o banco fechada com sucesso.”; }else{ echo “Não havia conexão aberta ou a conexão já tinha sido fechada.”; } 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 23
  • 24. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Base de dados – MySQL – Manipulação de Dados •  Passo 2 – Executar comandos na Base de dados. •  Após conectar no servidor de Base de dados, devemos especificar qual base de dados será utilizada. Isto é feito através da função mysql_select_db(); mysql_select_db(nome do banco); •  A execução de comandos no MySQL é feita através de declarações SQL. •  Após a definição do comando, podemos executar o comando no banco através do método mysql_query(); mysql_query(declaração_sql); •  Além disso, ao executar o comando, esta função faz com que a variável que estiver representando-a, armazene informações a respeito da instrução SQL executada. $variavel = mysql_query(declaração_sql); 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 24
  • 25. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Base de dados – MySQL – Manipulação de Dados •  O tipo de informações armazenadas dependerão do tipo de instrução SQL executada. •  Para outros tipos de consultas SQL, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, DROP, etc, mysql_query() retorna TRUE em caso de sucesso ou FALSE em caso de erro. •  Para comandos SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE ou EXPLAIN, mysql_query() retorna um resource em caso de sucesso, ou FALSE em caso de falha. •  Neste último caso, os resultados da instrução SQL podem ser acessadas através de outras funções da biblioteca mysql. 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 25
  • 26. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Base de dados – MySQL – Manipulação de Dados •  O recurso de resultado retornado pode ser passado para mysql_fetch_array(), e outras funções para manipular tabelas de resultados, para acessar os dados retornados. •  Use mysql_num_rows(query) para obter quantas linhas foram retornadas para um comando SELECT ou mysql_affected_rows(link resource) para obter quantas linhas foram afetadas por um comando DELETE, INSERT, REPLACE, ou UPDATE. •  mysql_query() irá também falhar e retornar FALSE se o Utilizador não tiver permissões para acessar a tabela(s) referenciadas pela consulta. 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 26
  • 27. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Base de dados – MySQL – Manipulação de Dados •  Exemplo do uso de comando INSERT: $conexao = mysql_connect(“host”,“Utilizador”, “senha”); $banco = mysql_select_db(“banco”); $sql = “INSERT INTO FUNCIONARIO (MATRICULA, NOME) VALUES (1,’FULANO’)”; $resultado = mysql_query($sql, $conexao); if ($resultado){ $numeroRegistros = mysql_affected_rows($conexao); echo “Comando executado com sucesso. ”; echo “Foram afetados $numeroRegistros registros.”; }else{ echo “Falha ao executar comando.”; } mysql_close($conexao); 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 27
  • 28. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Base de dados – MySQL – Manipulação de Dados •  No caso de comandos que retornam informações da BD, podemos utilizar algumas funções para extrair as informações armazenadas no recurso de resultado. São elas: •  mysql_fetch_row – recupera o próximo registro em forma de array de índices numéricos. •  mysql_fetch_assoc – recupera o próximo registro em forma de array de índices associativos, onde cada índice é o nome do campo na tabela. •  mysql_fecth_array – recupera o próximo registro em forma de array de índices numéricos e associativos, ao mesmo tempo. •  mysql_fecth_object - recupera o próximo registro em forma de objeto. •  Todas elas necessitam como parâmetro do recurso contendo o resultado do comando mysql_query() 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 28
  • 29. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Base de dados – MySQL – Manipulação de Dados •  Exemplo do uso de comando SELECT: $conexao = mysql_connect(“Utilizador”, “senha”, “host”); $banco = mysql_select_db(“banco”); $sql = “SELECT matricula, nome, salario FROM funcionario”; $resultado = mysql_query($sql, $conexao,); if ($resultado){ while ($registro = mysql_fecth_array($resultado)){ echo “Matricula: ”.$registro[”matricula”]; echo “Nome: ”. $registro[”nome”]; echo “Salário: ”. $registro[”salario”]; } } mysql_close($conexao); 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 29
  • 30. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Herança • Permite reutilizar uma classe ou expandir para diferente proposito. • A classe filho herda os métodos e propriedades da classe pai. • Construtores ??? <?php Class cao extends mamifero { ... } ?> 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 30
  • 31. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Web Development Training MVC Model – View - Controller Definição Model Controller View Vantagem 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 31
  • 32. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. O que é MVC? 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 "MVC é um padrão de arquitetura que descreve uma forma de estruturar nossa aplicação e as responsabilidades e interações para cada parte nessa estrutura." 32
  • 33. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. MVC 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 33
  • 34. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Model (Modelo) 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 O modelo é o de dados e as regras aplicáveis a esses dados, que representam conceitos geridos por uma aplicação 34
  • 35. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Controller (Controlador) 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 O controlador gere as solicitações do utilizador (recebidos como HTTP GET ou POST solicitados quando o utilizador clica em elementos GUI para executar ações) Sua principal função é chamar e coordenar os recursos necessários / objetos necessários para executar a ação do utilizador 35
  • 36. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Exemplo - Controller (Controlador) 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 <?php   class BooksController extends AppController {    function list($category) {    $this->set('books', $this->Book- >findAllByCategory($category));    }    function add() { ... ... }    function delete() { ... ... }    ... ... } ?> 36
  • 37. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. View 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 View oferece maneiras diferentes de apresentar os dados recebidos a partir do modelo. <table> <tr> <th>Title</th> <th>Author</th> <th>Price</th> </tr>   <?php foreach ($books as $book): ?> <tr> <td> <? php echo $book['Book']['title']; ?> </td> <td> <? php echo $book['Book']['author']; ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $book['Book']['price']; ?> </td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?>   </table> 37
  • 38. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. MVC 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 38
  • 39. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Vantagem 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 "A vantagem mais óbvia que ganhamos usando MVC é uma clara separação de apresentação (a interface com o utilizador) e lógica da aplicação.” 39
  • 40. The image part with relationshi p ID rId14 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId14 was not found in the file. Para proxima semana •  Dar vida aos formularios… 3/28/16 Presenta/on licenced under non-commercial crea/ve commons 3.0 40