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Web 2.0: Lies, Mystery, and Opportunity Rolf Skyberg [email_address] Disruptive Innovator for eBay, Inc. Monday, 16 June 2008
I often get asked:
“ what exactly does a disruptive innovator  do? ”
I am tempted to say,
I innovate,
but that’s simplifying things.
I do innovate disruptively,
but I also have the roots of an evangelist,
and it’s in the combination of the two,
that I can be most effective.
sometimes, my disruption is the innovation
sometimes, my innovation is the disruption
more to the point,
the wider I can spread new ways of looking at the world,
the more disruption I can cause, by proxy.
and hopefully, that disruption
starts with you.
last year I told you about
and France.
this year will be
no different.
I also told you
that you should sell hotdogs,
imagine the social aspects of your business eat shop
and to stop being fascinated
that your toilet is internet enabled.
of course, not to mention,
my favorite slide
the electric jock strap.
this year I'm going to tell you a new story
twice as shocking as the electric jockstrap,
and no less important.
it starts, now:
The Lie (we all wanted to believe)
the title of my presentation last year was:
"Web 2.0: Why We Got Here and What's Next"
I remember thinking as I stood before you
"well isn't Web 2.0 a little dated?
“ isn't it kinda already over?"
but based on the reception I received,
the message that I gave was right on target.
I'm going to start this presentation
by reminding you of last year's message,
"Web 2.0 is great and all,
but it can be even better if you fulfill needs.”
perhaps the part of the previous sentence left off
is the why .
of course it's implied:
by fulfilling needs, you increase your business
and therefore profit.
but what if you're not generating any profit in the first place?
what if you’re just starting out?
is Web 2.0 still the path to riches?
this morning I'm going to paint you a picture
of where others have left off
and  your  opportunity begins.
maybe I should have entitled this session:
Web 2.0: show me the money
so let's start with a story:
since ancient times
it was known that rubbing a piece of amber jewelry
with a patch of fur
could create an electric shock
specifically, the rubbing would create static electricity.
an imbalance of electrons ,[object Object],+ + + + + + _ _ _ _ _ _ + _ _
wanting to “jump back” from where they came from. + + + + + + + _ _ _ _ _ _ + _ _
you've probably been shocked
when exiting your car
even though your seat is not made of amber,
and your backside is not covered in fur.
for a long while,
static electricity was   regarded as a curiosity:
something known, but not understood.
in the 1700's experiments started in earnest
and scientists got pretty adept at creating a charge
but they still didn't know what to do with it.
so, they took turns igniting tins of alcohol,
shocking themselves and each other,
lining up monks in a mile-long row
and shocking them,
shocking birds and beasts at a distance,
and even lining up 900 soldiers
having them hold hands
and shocking the wits out of them
for the amusement of the royalty.
electrity was great,
a fun party game
but what to do with it?
they made all sorts of fascinating devices
some for shocking
some for sending sparks shooting across the room
one was a tiny cannon you filled with swamp gas,
corked the end, and ignited with a spark.
heady with passion of the era,
embracing both the ducats
and the time's discoveries,
these illustrious researchers
created a series of fantastic contraptions.
their elaborate machines
were financed by the kings and queens,
or lords and barons
(some of whom they were themselves)
and often drew a large audience,
or at least the consternation of popes.
and yet, electricity was still a novelty:
while these machines might be good
at making dead frogs dance,
hardly was this a path to riches.
the real value of electricity
wouldn't be known for another 150 years,
when someone figured out how
to turn it into a reliable light source.
shocking each other was amusing
for a century and a half,
but darkness itself was the problem electricity was to eventually solve.
let me tell you another story
with a similar beginning,
and a twist near the end.
in the dark days following the first dot-com bust
the world was flush with opportunity:
massive investment
in internet-delivered dog food
was now sunk cost
and the raw materials for growth
were abundant.
one raw material was the trained professionals
and as you would expect:
with no dot-com to boom,
they were bored.
the curious among them started picking up the pieces
mashing them together in interesting ways
and creating new fantastic machines.
eventually they needed help,
and additional dollars,
and it wasn't long before the engineers and VCs came
attracted by a hunger
to be part of the next big thing.
the gadgets with promise
attracted the most attention,
and collectively began to take shape.
whatever that thing was with the old web,
this new one is  awesom r !
instead of watching dead frogs dance
you could view numa numa dance on YouTube
let your friends know through Digg,
bookmark it with,
spam your contacts on their myspace wall
all while snapping photos of their reaction
to then post on Flickr
and what was the twist?
lumbering giants of the first internet age awoke
reached for their wallets
and plonked down fat stacks of cash.
these new startups should fit nicely
with their  existing cash streams.
suddenly, the new exit strategy wasn't an IPO
it was getting bought out.
create a machine that's fantastic enough
and somebody wealthier than you
will step in and make your dreams come true.
massing their arsenal,
the remaining entrepreneurial among them
smelled the fortune and dove in with both feet.
the lie we all wanted to believe
was that all it takes is a quirky idea,
grab some pieces,
and a whole lot of pastel graphics.
step 4 profit!
and perhaps it wasn't a lie really,
nobody told us that we'd attain fame and fortune
but we hoped,
we believed.
we watched a lucky few come up all cherries
in round two of the web.
yet some held back
“ I don't get it,” they'd say
“I don't believe it,” said others.
the skeptics were unswayed by the new web
at lunch time, the old guard and new guard would spar:
"how are you going to make money showing videos on the internet?"
"doesn't matter!” they reply,
"we'll just put some ads on it!"
and therein lay the mystery:
if the coffers of Web 1.0
wouldn't cough up the cash for all of their projects
how were they going to make money?
it's wonderful if you can create: the next social network around categorizing and tagging media via your mobile phone
but is anybody going to pay to use it?
The Mystery (of what to do next)
problem was,
many of these fantastic machines
were novel toys,
stunning in their own right,
but still largely
flights of fancy.
they were solutions without problems,
or at least:
solutions without problems people would be willing to pay for,
how do you monetize something never designed to make money?
if cash flow wasn't part of your original objectives,
it's unlikely it will exist in the final product.
to understand the future, we must look to the past,
the  pieces  that I've been mentioning
are ones you should all recognize,
in fact, I mentioned most of them last year.
what's interesting is to understand how they fit in context.
Web 1.0 pushed our technology hard
and we saw giant improvements in big databases and cheap connectivity.
the databases gave us a place to put all our stuff,
and the connectivity let us get it back out again.
the ability for users to upload created a flood
from niche markets,
amassing us something to "put" in our new services,
and creating a sense of purpose.
surely all these people
with all this stuff
must need services!
throw in the next generation of
synchronous and asynchronous communication
and you've got some "life" around stuff,
there are people here and it's interesting!
these five pieces laid the groundwork for the next five:
major websites built names around the voting and ranking of content,
delivering the "best" stuff to the most people.
on the fast, cheap storage
we had plenty of space to squirrel away
rich resources like photos and video.
and once we had the interesting stuff to watch and view,
the technological cleverness of AJAX
let us achieve this without hassle
and also stream this across the web,
via embedded widgets.
other major building blocks
are the creation of reputation over time,
mass-user editable content,
social networking functionality,
pushing info out through feeds,
or aggregating it in,
and embracing the mobile world.
so imagine this petri dish of a world
and what happens when you let it grow…
flickr is built of these parts
so is YouTube,
and Facebook.
they all share a common DNA
and their success would have been impossible without it.
this world was flush with investment and enthusiam,
everyone pumping the environment with hopes and dreams
it's not suprising to assume,
"surely you could do  something with these pieces?"
and of course you can build fantastic machines
and they can solve real-world problems,
but this isn't quite the real world, is it?
these fantastic machines,
these weird creatures,
evolved in a world
where they didn't have to make money ,[object Object]
where the bottom line, was more of a
"hazy area".
so where do you come in?
what hope are we left with to make a buck?
The Opportunity (before you)
in the wake of 2.0 fervor,
opportunities have multiplied.
while some might regard Web 2.0 as an interesting,
if ultimately over-hyped era,
the clever among us don’t see the opportunity lost,
but found.
if you attempt to extrapolate
the current group of Web 2.0 products,
you get a very skewed conception of making money.
lack of monetization pathways
doesn't signal there's no future,
but it does signal that the present is not a good indicator
of what's to come.
just like web 1.0,
the 2.0 era included massive investment,
and some of the work of our generation's best minds.
the relative rarity of new millionaires
doesn't imply the work done was for naught.
because as the hopeful were toiling away
crafting elegant and useful solutions
to problems in their own special spheres,
they were also sharing their solutions
though open source and open platforms.
and what we're left with is an incredible wealth,
of  potential  solutions.
so let's examine a few of the pieces
to give you an idea of what I'm talking about:
RSS feeds
what we think they do: keep us updated on the latest news
what they actually do: represent a uniform, user-controlled method of staying informed by providing a conduit to share information asynchronously across multiple platforms
(this is a big deal!)
opportunity fields: marketing, CRM, inventory management, metrics reporting
what we think it does: allow users to rank the "most popular" of items
what it actually does: with the right algorithm, separate the good from the bad
opportunity fields: spam filtering, fraud detection, market research, collaborative creation, data normalization, taxonomy bootstrapping
what we think it does: cool stuff on the web
what it actually does: reduces operator fatigue, reduces wasted bandwidth, is a bridging tool between the document-based web and the next
opportunity fields: personalized experience, live data integration, visualization and creation, navigation and click-through activity tracking, web-application creation
social networking
what we think it does: spam your inbox with vampire invites
what it actually does: create "protected spaces" with in-built relationship roles and de-facto whitelists where members express themselves in often machine-parseable ways
opportunity areas: CRM, marketing, opinion research
what we think it does: shows me tiny, painful little websites
what it actually does: provides an always-on real-time bi-directional portal to the rest of the world, usually within 36 inches of the user, capable of monitoring physical location, capturing voice, video and photo
opportunity areas: (can you even begin to imagine?)
your opportunity
is to find the problems
these solutions solve.
everyone in this room should know
who wants these solutions.
the people who want the answers,
want the processes,
are the people who can afford to pay
because it's not an expenditure to them,
its an investment.
a rich new set of problems is waiting to be solved,
and two major types of opportunity abound.
if you want this all as a simple graph
get out your pencils:
we start with a line:
now add web 2.0, draw your favorite fantastic machine
and there are two stops in the middle:
let’s label them for now:
let’s label them for now: ,[object Object]
oh, and we need a goal. ?   !
add in your favorite of your choice: ?   !
?   !
on one side, we have the fantastic machines ?   !
on the other side, we have the businesses with problems. ?   !
notice how far apart Web 2.0 and the money are ?   !
because we forgot about that detail in our excitement. ?   !
businesses will reward you, ?   !
if you can flow through points one and two. ?   !
so what’s Point One?
disassemble the fantastic creations of crazy inventors
test the parts independently
and characterize their output,
then implement them again,
and make them your own.
technological sophistication has increased at a such a rate,
few (if any) know the latest and greatest
in scope or capability.
bridging the gap between the unknown and known
is a valuable ability worth paying for.
after we know what the pieces are capable of
we can speak of their abilities  with familiarity and confidence
“ I know that if we did X on our site, it would be so much better,”
“ do you know how to do X? Can you do it for us?”
“ Absolutely ,”
you reply with a swagger.
but Point One and a swagger only gets us half  way there.
Point Two is where the real brilliance shows up.
after you know what these parts can do
its your opportunity to find the problems they fix.
“ I know that if we did X for your company, it would be great,”
“ and it would make you Y dollars,”
“ all it takes is for you to sign here…”
anticipating the needs of your clients
and delivering on them
because you understand their business
can create profound loyalty
(and revenue)
there’s no need to seek new Web 2.0 dragons to slay
when there are plenty of yaks to be shaved right nearby.
and remember,
because a lot of these technologies
came from the creative minds of people with  no money
they often solve problems in uniquely cost effective ways.
not only do the latest gadgets add the shiny-shiny to your site,
there’s also the opportunity for massive return on investment.
so to the web(!) my ladies and gentlemen,
start accepting those vampire invites,
(but only to dissect them)
voting on that news,
(to see if you can game the algorithm)
and sign up for a Twitter account,
so you can “Tweet” and not feel funny about it.
the world awaits,
and some of them have the cash to distribute,
if you can make them more.
Thank you for attending, (especially after lunch)
my best of luck in attacking points One and Two,
and I hope you create some fantastic  money-making  machines in the process.
The End.
Rolf Skyberg Disruptive Innovation, Team Lead [email_address] twitter: @rolfsky
Thank you to: Lawrence Lessig, for the presentation style Dick Hardt, for the inspiration Inkscape, for a wonderful vector graphics tool my lovely wife and you, (yes you), for coming
Slide #
Rolf Skyberg [email_address] Share, reuse, and remix this talk These slides are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.

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Safe Software
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Product School
"Impact of front-end architecture on development cost", Viktor Turskyi
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Ralf Eggert
Designing Great Products: The Power of Design and Leadership by Chief Designe...
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Product School
De-mystifying Zero to One: Design Informed Techniques for Greenfield Innovati...
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De-mystifying Zero to One: Design Informed Techniques for Greenfield Innovati...
Product School
Key Trends Shaping the Future of Infrastructure.pdf
Key Trends Shaping the Future of Infrastructure.pdfKey Trends Shaping the Future of Infrastructure.pdf
Key Trends Shaping the Future of Infrastructure.pdf
Cheryl Hung
Search and Society: Reimagining Information Access for Radical Futures
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Bhaskar Mitra
When stars align: studies in data quality, knowledge graphs, and machine lear...
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When stars align: studies in data quality, knowledge graphs, and machine lear...
Elena Simperl
Smart TV Buyer Insights Survey 2024 by 91mobiles.pdf
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FIDO Alliance Osaka Seminar: Passkeys and the Road Ahead.pdf
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FIDO Alliance Osaka Seminar: Passkeys and the Road Ahead.pdf
FIDO Alliance
FIDO Alliance Osaka Seminar: The WebAuthn API and Discoverable Credentials.pdf
FIDO Alliance Osaka Seminar: The WebAuthn API and Discoverable Credentials.pdfFIDO Alliance Osaka Seminar: The WebAuthn API and Discoverable Credentials.pdf
FIDO Alliance Osaka Seminar: The WebAuthn API and Discoverable Credentials.pdf
FIDO Alliance
Epistemic Interaction - tuning interfaces to provide information for AI support
Epistemic Interaction - tuning interfaces to provide information for AI supportEpistemic Interaction - tuning interfaces to provide information for AI support
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Alan Dix
Connector Corner: Automate dynamic content and events by pushing a button
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Kubernetes & AI - Beauty and the Beast !?! @KCD Istanbul 2024
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Ramesh Iyer
How world-class product teams are winning in the AI era by CEO and Founder, P...
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