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on warwick business school vision warwick business school vision warwick
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                                            Warwick Business School
usiness school vision warwick business school vision warwick business
                                            Vision 2008–09
on warwick business school vision warwick business school vision warwick
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on warwick business school vision warwick business school vision warwick
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on warwick business school vision warwick business school vision warwick
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on warwick business school vision warwick business school vision warwick
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on warwick business school vision warwick business school vision warwick
chool vision warwick business school vision warwick business school vision
Real impact
                              We don’t just lecture.
                              WBS is at the forefront
                              of creative delivery. By     We generate ideas for
                              developing innovative        sustainable competitive                                    Excellent graduates
                              learning channels and        advantage, with expertise                                  Every FTSE 100 company
                              techniques we can address    in:                                                        has recruited a WBS
                              the increasingly diverse                                                                graduate. Why?
                                                           h Corporate governance      Thought leadership
                              needs of global businesses
                                                                                       Our many and varied areas      We produce highly
                              and their people:            h Entrepreneurship
                                                                                       of expertise constitute a      regarded graduates, armed
Warwick Business School       Our blended learning is      h Finance (behavioural)     unique research portfolio,     with the latest knowledge
is a leading thought-         a combination of face-       h Finance (international)   and make us one of the         combined with practical
developer and innovator,      to-face and interactive      h Financial econometrics    largest business and           relevance, who are able
in the top one per cent of    distance learning channels                               management faculties in        to start adding value to an
                                                           h Risk management
global business schools.      based on our unique,                                     Europe.                        organisation immediately.
Our students come from        world-leading, intranet      h Health – business &
                                                                                       As part of the University      Each year over 1,200
over 130 countries to learn   platform.                      management
                                                                                       of Warwick we are able         students graduate from one
at undergraduate, Masters,                                 h Innovation & knowledge
                              We incorporate film,                                     to draw upon cross-            of our many business and
MBA, and PhD levels.                                         management
                              theatre, fiction, and                                    departmental expertise         management programmes.
We educate and develop        the latest psychology        h Leadership development    to create a fusion of          They go on to work for a
global citizens, and          research into the learning   h Lean thinking &           knowledge creation             range of companies and
promote new knowledge         experience to challenge        continuous improvement    between faculties.             organisations all over the
to benefit business and       the way that people think                                                               world.
                                                           h Public/private sector     Our research is recognised
society, through our          about problem-solving and
                                                             interface                 as being of international      The Guardian consistently
executive education and       decision-making.
                                                                                       excellence. We were one of     places us in the top three
applied research.                                          h Regulated industries
                              We work with organisations                               only three business schools    UK universities for business
                                                             – telecoms, utilities,
Consistently top-rated        to develop customised                                    in the UK to be awarded        and management, and
for teaching quality and      programmes and delivery                                  the highest 5* rating by the   we are widely regarded
research, WBS means           mechanisms that meet         h Security & resilience     Higher Education Funding       as producing highly
business.                     their strategic needs.       h Service excellence        Council for England.           employable graduates.
Warwick Business School – Vision   3

Dean’s welcome
WBS has achieved a global reputation for excellence in just 40 years.
We have one of the broadest subject bases and most highly-regarded faculty of any business
school in the world. In the most recent national assessment of University research output, we
achieved the highest 5* accolade, placing us as one of the top three research business schools in
the UK. These research credentials are fundamental to our culture and help to differentiate us
from most of our competitors.
Being one of the leading academic departments of the University of Warwick brings with it great
research and learning possibilities, but also a significant responsibility to help the University
achieve its overarching vision for 2015: to be firmly in the top 50 of world universities.
Our vision and strategy for the next 10 years is closely integrated with that of the University and
has been developed in consultation with staff, students, alumni, and members of our Board.
As a global business school, we operate in a highly competitive and increasingly crowded market.
Our strategy is a living set of ideas that evolve to take advantage of opportunities as they arise
whilst keeping our objective firmly in view: to be in the top echelons of European business
In this document, you can explore the key themes of our strategy and understand where we are
now and what our goals and key activities will be as we continue to strive towards excellence,
providing uniquely and consistently high value to our stakeholders in every part of WBS over the
next few years.

Professor Howard Thomas
Dean, WBS
Professor Thomas is also the Chair of the Association of Business Schools
and Chair Elect of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
Warwick Business School – Vision            5

Some believe we have            We have identified six key                    I am proud to be a member
already attained this           areas that are fundamental                    of the WBS Advisory Board.
position; but when people       to us achieving European                      Given my time as a plc board
talk about the relative rank    leadership; these are the                     director and now as a top
of a business school they       supporting strategies that                    consultant helping the UK’s
are invariably relying on the   are essential for leveraging                  FTSE boardrooms, I hope I
position attributed to it by    our excellent academic                        can offer helpful insight into
an MBA survey in a popular      reputation. This document                     varied corporate markets.
magazine or newspaper.          explains the goals for each
                                                                              Jan Hall OBE
                                area and outlines how we
WBS is more than just                                                         Partner, JCA Group
                                will achieve them.
a provider of one of
the world’s finest MBA          h Research excellence                         I am proud to have been
programmes. The Warwick                                                       associated with WBS over the
                                h Excellence in teaching
MBA is only one of over 30                                                    last decade, when it has gone
                                  & learning
different courses that form                                                   from strength to strength
our varied portfolio, from      h International profile                       and steadily improved its
undergraduate to doctoral       h Practical relevance                         standing in the international
level and including post-                                                     rankings. It is great to be
                                h Securing our long-term
experience qualifications.                                                    associated with such a
                                                                              successful school, where the
Our mission is to present a     h The WBS community                           faculty has such an excellent
more rounded picture of the
exceptional quality of our
institution. To do this, we                                                   Val Gooding CBE
must ensure that we excel                                                     former Chief Executive
in the surveys used to create                                                 BUPA
league tables relied upon
by the media, for all of our
taught programmes and our
academic research.

Our aim: to be in the top echelon of the
European business schools by 2015
1:   increase the output of excellent,
     influential research of international
Warwick Business School – Vision             7

Research Excellence             We are delighted that           To achieve this we will:                     I chose WBS because it’s one
WBS was one of only three       the Advanced Institute                                                       of the best business schools
                                                                h Create innovative and
UK business schools to          of Management Research                                                       in the country with a great
                                                                  challenging cross-cutting
be awarded the highest          (AIM) recently joined us at                                                  reputation; it practically
                                                                  research themes that
5* rating for international     WBS. AIM is a UK leader in                                                   invented Industrial Relations.
                                                                  will generate large-
and national excellence in      the field of management                                                      But it’s huge; it has experts
                                                                  scale research funding
the Research Assessment         research. It brings                                                          on all aspects of business.
                                                                  within WBS and, where
Exercise 2001, conducted        academics from various
                                                                  appropriate, across the                    WBS is not for the faint
by the Higher Education         institutions together with
                                                                  University                                 hearted: you are challenged
Funding Council for             business, public sector,
                                                                                                             to deal with a wide range
England. We submitted 106       and policy thinkers in order    h Develop a profile-
                                                                                                             of very difficult and fuzzy
top-rated, research active      to develop and deliver            raising campaign for
                                                                                                             concepts and issues to which
staff, the largest number of    research of a world class         WBS research based on
                                                                                                             there are no easy answers.
any UK business school.         standard which has an             the output of our key,
                                                                                                             There is a big emphasis on
                                immediate and significant         research-active faculty
Since then our faculty has                                                                                   seeing the reality of what
                                impact on management            h Encourage our faculty to
grown to 180 academics,                                                                                      really happens in the world
                                practice.                         increase their targeting
48 of whom are full                                                                                          of work and learning to deal
                                w                 of high impact journals                    with it.
professors, and is truly
                                                                  in which to publish their
international with around       Academics’ research themes                                                   Since leaving WBS, I have
34 percent from twenty          are not dictated by the                                                      been studying Japanese on
countries outside the UK.                                       h Adopt challenging new
                                University or WBS but are                                                    a fully-funded scholarship at
Our research is widely                                            metrics for evaluating
                                pursued at the discretion of                                                 the new National Institute
disseminated, with over                                           research performance.
                                the experts in each field, as                                                of Japanese Studies at the
650 articles, books, and        they identify new questions                                                  Universities of Sheffield and
contributions to academic       that need to be answered.                                                    Leeds. My WBS dissertation
publications in the past year   However, shared interests                                                    at a Japanese MNC set me
alone.                          have brought out seven                                                       up to move on to doctoral
Our academics are highly        major research themes that                                                   research which I will start
sought after because of their   WBS will focus upon for the                                                  this year. I will be researching
combination of high quality     next few years:                                                              parent company–subsidiary
scholarship with practical                                                                                   relations, probably based
                                h Business & management
relevance. Many are closely                                                                                  in Tokyo and visiting
                                  of health
involved with real business                                                                                  subsidiaries in East Asia and
situations through research,    h Enterprise Hub                                                             Europe.
consultancy, and corporate      h Financial markets                                                          Ian Woozley
education.                        & financialisation                                                         MA Industrial Relations
Our faculty is organised        h Global energy research                                                     & Personnel Management
into nine subject groups,       h Knowledge management                                                       2006
covering the broad                & innovation
disciplines of business
                                h Security & resilience
and management and
providing hubs for              h Sports management.
research activity. Many
academic staff are also
members of one or more
of our eight specialised
or interdisciplinary
research centres. For more
information see page 23.
2:   deliver excellent teaching of market-
     relevant subjects to geographically
     diverse participants through a
     combination of delivery channels
Warwick Business School – Vision            9

Excellence in teaching         Our students are able to        To achieve this we will:                      I was looking for a world-
& learning                     combine the high quality                                                      class business programme
                                                               h Further develop
We have a well-deserved        learning environment of                                                       I could pursue while
                                                                 our systems and
reputation for being           WBS, judged ‘excellent’ in                                                    still working in the field
                                                                 infrastructure to enhance
academically rigorous;         the last National Teaching                                                    I’m passionate about,
                                                                 our students’ learning
both in our research and in    Assessment Exercise, with                                                     humanitarian aid. The
the quality of the students    the exceptional facilities of                                                 Warwick MBA’s flexible
we recruit and in ensuring     the University, its campus,     h Devise a quality assurance                  programme was perfect:
their positive learning        Students’ Union, and other        and pedagogical skills                      I took three months’ leave
experience. We combine         resources.                        development programme                       and joined the full-time class
cutting-edge, research-led,                                      for teaching staff                          for the first term. Now I’m
                               All our students, whether
teaching with practice, and                                    h Develop our blended                         back at work preparing to
                               they are here on campus
encourage our students to                                        learning platform so that                   start distance learning for
                               or studying at a distance
engage constructively in                                         we can better engage                        the second part of my studies
                               from the other side of
critical discussion.                                             with the changing study/                    and am considering shifting
                               the planet, can join our
                                                                 lifestyle requirements of                   to full-time study again for
To be an employable            web-based community
                                                                 the market                                  the finish.
global citizen, our students   my.wbs. This unique
need both theory and           intranet portal enables         h Extend the delivery of                      Beginning the Warwick MBA
practice. Wherever             students to communicate           existing courses through                    as a full-time participant
possible we design a           online with colleagues,           our blended learning                        allowed me to build strong
curriculum to incorporate      access digital resources,         approach                                    relationships not only with
real-world opportunities       submit assignments, and         h Expand our portfolio of                     other students but with the
to implement students’         receive course feedback and       postgraduate courses to                     academic, administration,
new-found knowledge.           updates. Designed by our          fully use our academic                      and Personal & Career
We also regularly review       own Information Systems           expertise                                   Development teams, who
our courses, working closely   Support Unit (ISSU), this                                                     provided fantastic support
                                                               h Build our customised
with employers to ensure       powerful digital platform                                                     and advice throughout. The
                                                                 corporate education
that content is relevant       has regular updates and the                                                   workshops and personal
                                                                 offering through client
and meets the needs of the     latest version 7.0 will be                                                    career coaching were
                                                                 growth, using blended
market while still being       released in 2009.                                                             invaluable and I’m looking
                                                                 learning delivery where
academically challenging.                                                                                    forward to maintaining
                               We offer over 30 courses          appropriate.
                                                                                                             contact through the excellent
We attract some of the         across our entire portfolio.
                                                                                                             WBS Alumni Association.
finest students from over      For more information see
130 different countries.       page 19.                                                                      I relished being part of a
Our encouragement of the                                                                                     truly international intake
sharing and understanding                                                                                    and learned a huge amount
of ideas and influences from                                                                                 about teamwork and
a diverse range of cultures                                                                                  management skills. I think
is a real strength of our                                                                                    the Warwick MBA is ideal
teaching practice.                                                                                           for those with family and
                                                                                                             work commitments who
                                                                                                             don’t want to miss out on the
                                                                                                             full-time MBA experience. My
                                                                                                             first term was unforgettable!
                                                                                                             Marwa Bouka
                                                                                                             current participant
                                                                                                             on the Warwick MBA
3:   create a positive brand awareness
     with corporations and leading higher
     education institutions in key global
Warwick Business School – Vision            11

International profile             To achieve this we will:                      Very few universities invest
We enjoy a solid                                                                as much in their brand
                                  h Develop and implement
international profile that                                                      awareness as WBS. Employers
                                    a strategy and supportive
has been built upon our                                                         worldwide now recognise it
                                    infrastructure for
students, graduates,                                                            as a world-class institution
                                    international profile-
faculty, clients, institutional                                                 and that opens doors for you.
alliances, international                                                        Reputation was important
accreditations, and global        h Ensure that all WBS
                                                                                to me; although I wanted to
ranking performances.               initiatives with an
                                                                                learn more about financial
                                    international dimension
In 2007, the University                                                         markets, I planned to use the
                                    are supportive of the
undertook an independent                                                        programme to get the best
                                    international profile-
survey of opinion leaders                                                       possible launch pad for a full-
                                    raising strategy
from business, politics, and                                                    time career in finance.
higher education based            h Work closely with the
                                    University’s International                  It worked. I got everything
in six key markets: China,                                                      I had hoped for and more. I
Hong Kong, India, Russia,           and Vice-Chancellor’s
                                    Offices to undertake                        found that employers value
Singapore, and the USA. The                                                     the WBS brand and I secured
report stated that ‘across all      mutually reinforcing
                                    international activities.                   a good job in finance. The
markets, WBS clearly leads                                                      careers service is extremely
awareness of Warwick’s                                                          dedicated to each individual’s
“Centres of Excellence”’.                                                       professional development.
However, despite being                                                          Not only can you tap into
known and respected by                                                          the University of Warwick’s
our international peers,                                                        vast resources, but WBS has
we still have some way                                                          its own very specialised team
to go to equal the brand                                                        for the banking and asset
building that comes from                                                        management sector.
a mediaeval history or vast                                                     Midhat Syed
endowments. In the UK                                                           MSc Economics & Finance
and certain other markets,                                                      2006
Warwick and WBS have a                                                          Trainee Analyst
well-deserved reputation                                                        Gulf International Bank
for excellent links with                                                        London
business. Our challenge
over the next few years is
to develop and extend that
reputation into targeted
overseas markets.
4:   strengthen our reputation for
     practical relevance in research
     and learning
Warwick Business School – Vision           13

Practical relevance            At a more strategic level,       To achieve this we will:                     WBS is rated as one of the
As one of the top three        we are fortunate to be able                                                   best business schools in the
                                                                h Continue to develop and
business schools in the UK,    to draw upon the advice                                                       UK, not only for its teaching
                                                                  implement our corporate
and being research-led, we     of the group of extremely                                                     but also for its research which
                                                                  relations strategy,
have a reputation for being    experienced business                                                          feeds back into the taught
                                                                  identifying and targeting
an intellectual powerhouse.    leaders that constitute                                                       courses. WBS has a very
                                                                  key organisations with
But our research is directly   the Board of Warwick                                                          encouraging atmosphere
                                                                  whom to develop close
accessible to organisations    Business School. Under                                                        conducive to learning; you’re
through consortia and          the Chairmanship of Sir                                                       surrounded by some of the
networks established by        George Cox this group fulfils    h Continue to implement                      best staff and students in
our research centres and       the role of ‘critical friend’,     a development (fund-                       the UK.
subject groups, covering       challenging our strategies,        raising) programme that
                                                                                                             Jennifer Leong
the breadth of business and    providing a non-academic           will secure endowments
                                                                                                             current student on our
management. Our research       perspective to our thinking,       to support innovative
                                                                                                             BSc Accounting & Finance
goes straight into practice.   and providing much valued          projects.
                               support in helping us meet                                                    The Warwick Diploma is a
Our graduates are
                               our objectives.                                                               rigorous programme that
recognised as being highly
employable, because of         The WBS Alumni                                                                challenges your academic
their mix of intellectual      Association is also a rich                                                    abilities. The practitioners
rigour combined with           source of practical support                                                   dazzle with tales of their
practical relevance. To        to us. Alumni engagement                                                      experiences and I particularly
ensure that the latest         with our students and our                                                     enjoyed their sessions and
market trends are reflected    teaching programmes                                                           the active participation.
in our teaching we             often contributes directly                                                    It is a perfect fit for my
encourage practitioners        to our recruitment activities                                                 busy schedule; its structure
to work with Academic          all around the world,                                                         allows me to combine work,
Directors of our courses       and provides industry                                                         home life, and academia
to advise or participate in    connections for academic                                                      but requires diligence and
delivering practice-based      research and student                                                          dedication. A well-rounded
seminars. Some courses         recruitment post-study.                                                       understanding of public
have their own industry                                                                                      finance from a world class
                               It is important that we
advisory groups and we                                                                                       institution awaits those with
                               continue to strengthen
occasionally bestow                                                                                          ambition…
                               relationships with
Honorary Professorships        management practitioners                                                      Cajetan Chukwulozie
upon highly successful         and our alumni across                                                         current participant on our
industry leaders who have      all sectors to ensure the                                                     Warwick Diploma in Public
a natural leaning towards      relevance of our intellectual                                                 Finance & Leadership
academia and teaching.         contribution, and to build
                               strong support for our
5:   to develop a scalable teaching
     portfolio to enable the sustained
     investment necessary to compete in
     the global elite of business schools
Warwick Business School – Vision   15

Securing our                     We have a key strength          To achieve this we will:      h Develop and launch a
long-term future                 in our blended learning                                         Global Executive MBA,
                                                                 h Ensure the resilience of
WBS has grown in physical        capability. This will be                                        delivered through an
                                                                   our blended learning
size, academic excellence,       a central plank in the                                          alliance of prestigious
and revenue generation           development of new global                                       global business schools
for each of the last forty       teaching programmes as          h Develop a blended
                                                                                               h Explore and scope
years. To maintain and           well as in extending the          learning version of our
                                                                                                 a proposal for a
build upon this success          delivery of existing courses.     MSc Management
                                                                                                 Warwick MBA for
requires maximum effort          We will also continue           h Expand our customised         medical practitioners,
in a globally competitive        to develop new courses            executive education           in collaboration with
environment.                     from academic centres of          portfolio through             Warwick Medical School
In 2007, the British             excellence within WBS,            appropriate use of
                                                                                               h Identify gaps in the
Prime Minister spoke             in collaboration with             blended learning
                                                                                                 postgraduate market into
about investing in higher        other departments at the        h Expand the intake onto        which we can launch
education. He noted              University of Warwick,            the Warwick MBA by            new specialist or hybrid
that UK universities are         and in alliance with peer         distance learning through     master’s courses or
competing with better            institutions across the           corporate and individual      extend existing courses
funded competitors               world.                            markets                       through new delivery
abroad, not least in the                                         h Launch the Warwick            channels
USA. However, government                                           Global Energy MBA,          h Open up new
funding now accounts for                                           delivered via blended         opportunities through
less than 20 percent of                                            learning                      which the highest quality
our income and is likely to                                                                      postgraduate researchers
                                                                 h Launch the Enterprise
reduce in the future.                                                                            can enrol onto our
                                                                   Hub to support and
Almost 70 percent of our                                           promote undergraduate         Doctoral Programme.
income comes from our                                              enterprise and innovation
teaching portfolio and
therefore we need to
concentrate on finding
viable, sustainable, and
scalable ways of expanding
this vital income stream.
We must remain relevant
and keep investing in new
and innovative knowledge
transfer in terms of research,
new course development,
and channels of delivery.
6:   to create a cohesive community
     through improving the physical and
     cultural environment
Warwick Business School – Vision          17

The WBS community              Social Hub                       To achieve this we will:                   What really surprised me
We know that it is crucial     At the heart of our plans is                                                was the remarkably diverse
                                                                h Complete our new
to continue to create an       a social hub; a public area                                                 range of backgrounds
                                                                  landmark building by
inspiring and motivating       that will open WBS to the                                                   the programme brought
environment that               rest of the campus and                                                      together; academically,
encourages students and        be used by all students,         h Implement a programme                    socially, and culturally. It
research to thrive. In 2007    faculty, staff, alumni,            of staff management                      not only provided me with
we completed a £9 million      friends, and visitors. The         development and team                     an opportunity to interact
extension to our existing      hub will contain a cafeteria       building                                 with people from all over
building. However, our         and lounge area that can         h Streamline business                      the world and make some
staff and students remain      be used for a wide range of        processes through our                    amazing friends but led to
spread across a number of      activities from receptions to      Operational Excellence                   some fascinating discussions.
buildings.                     informal business meetings.        programme                                Studying at WBS is a ‘breath
                                                                                                           of fresh air’ and a most
We have an £18 million         This facility will be set in a   h Create a WBS Community
                                                                                                           rewarding experience.
landmark building at           three-storey glass atrium          Group to address issues
the planning stage that        overlooking the lake.              raised by the staff                      Fiza Farhan
will provide efficiency by     Floating above the meeting         satisfaction audit.                      current student on our
locating all of our staff      space and protruding out                                                    MSc Management
offices and postgraduate       through the glass wall will
teaching together. In          be a giant ovoid containing
addition to adding more        two state-of-the-art lecture
lecture theatres and seminar   theatres. This will be a
rooms, it will offer two key   landmark feature that
features to reinforce the      softens and opens the
sense of community and         modernist lines of the rest
shared thinking at WBS:        of the building and creates a
                               natural circulation.
Undergraduate Centre
                               Providing a single, unifying,
With over 1,200 students
                               building will create the
on our single honours
                               environment, but on its
and joint degrees, WBS is
                               own it will not create the
the largest community of
                               culture of community to
undergraduates at Warwick.
                               which we aspire. We know
The Undergraduate Centre
                               that we have to improve
will give them a base within
                               other aspects of working life
WBS where they can meet,
                               at WBS; building teams and
work, and network.
                               developing individuals, and
                               finding ‘smarter’ ways to
                               work to improve efficiency
                               and reduce workload
For your information…
Warwick Business School – Vision              19

Triple accreditation            Programme list                 The Warwick MBA               Rankings                        It is no surprise that the high
WBS was the first business                                     h By full-time study                                          regard in which WBS is held
                                Undergraduate                                                Undergraduate
school in the United                                                                                                         by the international business
                                h BSc Management               h By executive study          In their most recent
Kingdom to hold triple                                                                                                       community has translated
                                                               h By distance learning        surveys both The Times and
accreditation from the three    h BSc Accounting & Finance                                                                   into being recognised as a UK
                                                                                             The Guardian place our
major, global, management       h BSc International Business   h Corporate                                                   Business Superbrand. It is a
                                                                                             undergraduate courses in
education bodies.                                                (single company)                                            brand that continues to gain
                                h BSc International                                          the top five in the UK, with
                                                               h The Warwick Global                                          momentum and every year is
EQUIS Equis is the quality        Management                                                 Accounting & Finance at
                                                                 Energy MBA                                                  a more compelling challenger
inspectorate for the                                                                         number one.
                                Plus combined degrees with                                                                   to its often older and more
European Foundation for
                                Law, Science, German, and      The Warwick MPA                                               established rivals. As the
Management Development.                                                                      MBA
                                others                                                                                       most improved brand in its
It offers a mission-based                                      h Full time                   Our full-time and executive
                                                                                             MBAs both feature in the        category, jumping almost
accreditation, evaluating       Masters                        h Part time
                                                                                             most recent Financial Times     100 places in the rankings, it
activities from international
                                h MSc Business Analytics                                                                     is clear that its influence on
perspectives. We were first
                                  & Consulting
                                                               The Warwick Diploma           global top 30, while our
                                                                                             distance learning MBA is        both experts and business
accredited by Equis in 2000.                                   h Local Government
                                h MSc Finance                                                ranked number three in          professionals alike is growing.
AACSB WBS was the first                                          Management
                                h MSc Finance & Economics                                    the world by the Economist      Stephen Cheliotis
institution in the United                                      h Public Finance
                                                                                             Intelligence Unit.              Chief Executive
Kingdom to be accredited        h MSc Financial                  & Leadership
                                  Mathematics                                                                                The Centre for Brand
by the US-based AACSB                                          h Public Leadership                                           Analysis
International. We first         h MA Industrial Relations        & Management                                                Chair, UK Superbrands &
gained accreditation in their     & Managing Human
                                                               h Diploma in Applied                                          CoolBrands Councils
mission-based scheme in           Resources
                                h MSc Information Systems
                                                               h Diploma in Service
AMBA WBS meets the high           & Management
standards for quality and       h MA International &             (Singapore only)
relevance required by the         European Employment
Association of MBAs. AMBA         Relations                    Doctoral Programme
operates a standards-based                                     (including PhD Finance)
                                h MSc Management
system, which WBS has
                                                               h Full time
always valued, and which        h MSc Management
is trusted by applicants.         distance learning            h Part time
The Warwick MBA was first         (Corporate only, subject
                                  to approval)                 Corporate Education
accredited in 1999. Along
with the Warwick MPA,                                          h Customised courses for
                                h MA Management &
it has been re-accredited                                        individual organisations,
                                  Organizational Analysis
until 2009. In 2007, our                                         with or without a
                                h MSc Management Science         Warwick qualification at
MSc in Management was
                                  & Operational Research         completion
accredited by AMBA as a
Pre-Experience Masters in       h MSc Marketing & Strategy     h Short courses, open to
General Management.             h MSc Public Management          individuals.
                                  (entry through Warwick
                                  Diploma only)


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                           Academic staff

Non-academic staff
                                                  Executive delegates
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Income £39.5million
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                                                                                                                                                                                          24                                                     ua
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Warwick Business School – Vision

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                                                                                                                                     60% International 40% 1,323
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Finances 2007–08

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                                                                                                71% International

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Warwick Business School – Vision           21

WBS Board, Steering, & Faculty

The Board of Warwick         Steering Group               Academics                Enterprise Group              Finance Group
Business School              Professor Ruth Davies        Accounting Group         Stuart Fraser                 Peter Corvi
Mike Akers                   Jenny Hocking MBE                                     Associate Professor           Principal Teaching Fellow
                                                          Thomas Ahrens
Martin Angle                 Professor Bob Johnston       Professor                Francis Greene                Pasquale Della Corte
Dr Craig Baker                                                                     Associate Professor           Assistant Professor
                             Professor John McGee         Fiona Anderson-Gough
Professor Susan Bassnett                                  Reader                   Margi Levy                    Alexandra Dias
                             Zoe Nichols
                                                                                   Associate Professor           Assistant Professor
Keith Bedell-Pearce                                       Antonia Botsari
                             Professor Harry Scarbrough
                                                          Assistant Professor      Kevin Mole                    Jana Fidrmuc-Pal’agova
David Clarke                 Professor Howard Thomas                               Associate Professor           Assistant Professor
                                                          Rhoda Brown
Sir George Cox               Professor David Wilson       Associate Professor      Roger Mumby-Croft             Stewart Hodges
Dr Frank Craig                                                                     Professorial Fellow           Professor
                                                          Rob Bryer
Maria Frantzeskakis                                       Professor                Stephen Roper                 Yi Hong
Val Gooding CBE                                                                    Professor                     Warwick Research Fellow
                                                          Colin Clubb
Anne Gunther                                              Professor                David Storey                  Xing Jin
                                                                                   Professor                     Associate Professor
Jan Hall OBE                                              Sue Deebank
                                                          Senior Teaching Fellow   Nigel Sykes                   Kostas Koufopoulos
Jenny Hocking MBE
                                                                                   Principal Teaching Fellow     Assistant Professor
Russ Houlden                                              Ann-Christine Frandsen
                                                          Assistant Professor                                    Roman Kozhan
Rupert Howell                                                                                                    Assistant Professor
                                                          Louise Gracia
John Leighfield CBE                                                                                              Marco Lyrio
                                                          Assistant Professor
Roger Lovering                                                                                                   Assistant Professor
                                                          Robin Hewins
Stella Manzie CBE                                         Senior Teaching Fellow                                 Anthony Neuberger
Professor John McGee                                                                                             Professor
                                                          Shahed Imam
Sandy Meadows                                             Assistant Professor                                    Ingmar Nolte
                                                                                                                 Associate Professor
Professor Andrew Oswald                                   Rihab Khalifa
                                                          Associate Professor                                    Silvia Rossetto
Richard Parry-Jones CBE
                                                                                                                 Assistant Professor
                                                          Sadia Khan
David Richards CBE
                                                          Teaching Fellow                                        Mark Salmon
Jasminder Singh                                                                                                  Professor
                                                          Ellertone Ndalama
Professor Harry Scarbrough                                Teaching Fellow                                        Lucio Sarno
Tony Temple                                                                                                      Professor
                                                          Lynne Oats
Gill Thewlis                                              Reader                                                 Paul Schneider
                                                                                                                 Assistant Professor
Professor Howard Thomas                                   Rob Poole
                                                          Senior Teaching Fellow                                 Alex Stremme
Professor Nigel Thrift
                                                                                                                 Senior Teaching Fellow
Mike Tokarz                                               Graham Sara
                                                          Senior Teaching Fellow                                 Ilias Tsiakas
John Ward                                                                                                        Associate Professor
                                                          Simona Scarparo
David Whitmore                                                                                                   Nick Webber
                                                          Associate Professor
Richard Wright                                                                                                   Reader
                                                          Zulfiqar Shah
                                                          Associate Professor                                    Elizabeth Whalley
                                                          Min Wongkaew
                                                          Assistant Professor                                    David Wu
                                                                                                                 Warwick Research Fellow
                                                                                                                 Chendi Zhang
                                                                                                                 Assistant Professor
22           Warwick Business School – Vision

Industrial Relations           John Purcell           Marketing & Strategic       Nigel Piercy                Yun Jiang
& Organisational               Professor              Management Group            Professor                   Research Fellow
Behaviour Group                Melanie Simms          Temi Abimbola               Taman Powell                Arie Koster
Trevor Colling                 Associate Professor    Associate Professor         Research Fellow             Assistant Professor
Senior Lecturer                André Spicer           Duncan Angwin               Duncan Robertson            Kathy Kotiadis
Alessia Contu                  Associate Professor    Associate Professor         Assistant Professor         Assistant Professor
Associate Professor            Andy Sturdy            David Arnott                Andrew Sentance             Frances O’Brien
Martin Corbett                 Professor              Associate Professor         Professorial Fellow         Associate Professor
Senior Lecturer                Jacky Swan             Layla Branicki              Paul Stoneman               Leslie Oakshott
Ardha Danieli                  Professor              Research Fellow             Professor                   Senior Teaching Fellow
Associate Professor            Hari Tsoukas           Sue Bridgewater             Howard Thomas               Victor Podinovski
Deborah Dean                   Professor              Associate Professor         Professor                   Associate Professor
Associate Professor            Nick Wylie             Adrian Caldart              Bridgette Sullivan-Taylor   Stewart Robinson
Linda Dickens                  Teaching Fellow        Assistant Professor         Assistant Professor         Professor
Professor                                                                         Qing Wang                   Estelle Shale
                               Information Systems    Martin Cave
Paul du Gay                                                                       Associate Professor         Associate Professor
                               & Management Group     Professor
Professor                                                                         Alyson Warhurst             Stephanie Stray
                               John Baptista          Simon Collinson
Paul Edwards                   Assistant Professor    Professor                   Professor                   Associate Professor
Professor                                                                         David Wilson
                               Stephen Corea          Derek Condon                                            Operations
Michel Goyer                   Associate Professor                                Professor
                                                      Senior Teaching Fellow                                  Management Group
Associate Professor
                               Wendy Currie           Scott Dacko                 Operational Research        Jannis Angelis
Anne-Marie Greene              Professor              Associate Professor         & Management Sciences       Assistant Professor
Senior Lecturer                                                                   Group
                               David Finnegan         Amanda Goodall                                          Nicola Burgess
Chris Grey                     Assistant Professor    Research Fellow             Mette Asmild                Research Fellow
Professor                                                                         Associate Professor
                               Jimmy Huang            Andrew Hardwick                                         Stuart Chambers
Mark Hall                      Reader                 Senior Teaching Fellow      Del Booth                   Principal Teaching Fellow
Professorial Fellow            Julia Kotlarsky        Lloyd Harris                Research Fellow             Daniel Chicksand
Philip Hancock                 Associate Professor    Professor                   Bo Chen                     Assistant Professor
Associate Professor            Andrew Martin          Loizos Heracleous           Professor                   Mihalis Giannakis
Sonia Liff                     Associate Professor    Professor                   Ruth Davies                 Assistant Professor
Reader                         Yasmin Merali          Keith Hoskin                Professor                   Bob Johnston
Nick Llewellyn                 Associate Professor    Professor                   Vladimir Deineko            Professor
Associate Professor            Joe Nandhakumar        Yansong Hu                  Associate Professor         Zoe Radnor
Paul Marginson                 Professor              Assistant Professor         Robert Dyson                Associate Professor
Professor                      Sue Newell             Zafeira Kastrinaki          Emeritus Professor          Rhian Silvestro
Guglielmo Meardi               Professor              Research Fellow             Alberto Franco              Associate Professor
Associate Professor            Nikiforos Panourgias   Alina Kudina                Associate Professor         Nigel Slack
Glenn Morgan                   Research Fellow        Assistant Professor         Nalan Gulpinar              Professor
Professor                      Harry Scarbrough       Nikala Lane                 Associate Professor         Nicholas Wake
Davide Nicolini                Professor              Associate Professor         Sinan Gurel                 Teaching Fellow
Assistant Professor                                   John McGee                  Research Fellow             Helen Walker
                                                      Professor                   Giles Hindle                Associate Professor
                                                      Grier Palmer                Assistant Professor         Paul Walley
                                                      Principal Teaching Fellow   Katy Hoad                   Associate Professor
                                                      Sotirios Paroutis           Research Fellow
                                                      Assistant Professor
WBS Vision 2009
WBS Vision 2009

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WBS Vision 2009

  • 1. on warwick business school vision warwick business school vision warwick chool vision warwick business school vision warwick business school vision usiness school vision warwick business school vision warwick business on warwick business school vision warwick business school vision warwick chool vision warwick business school vision warwick business school vision usiness school vision warwick business school vision warwick business on warwick business school vision warwick business school vision warwick chool vision warwick business school vision warwick business school vision usiness school vision warwick business school vision warwick business on warwick business school vision warwick business school vision warwick chool vision warwick business school vision warwick business school vision usiness school vision warwick business school vision warwick business on warwick business school vision warwick business school vision warwick chool vision warwick business school vision warwick business school vision usiness school vision warwick business school vision warwick business on warwick business school vision warwick business school vision warwick chool vision warwick business school vision warwick business school vision usiness school vision warwick business school vision warwick business on warwick business school vision warwick business school vision warwick chool vision warwick business school vision warwick business school vision usiness school vision warwick business school vision warwick business on warwick business school vision warwick business school vision warwick chool vision warwick business school vision warwick business school vision usiness school vision warwick business school vision warwick business on warwick business school vision warwick business school vision warwick chool vision warwick business school vision warwick business school vision usiness school vision warwick business school vision warwick business on warwick business school vision warwick business school vision warwick chool vision warwick business school vision warwick business school vision usiness school vision warwick business school vision warwick business on warwick business school vision warwick business school vision warwick chool vision warwick business school vision warwick business school vision Warwick Business School usiness school vision warwick business school vision warwick business Vision 2008–09 on warwick business school vision warwick business school vision warwick chool vision warwick business school vision warwick business school vision usiness school vision warwick business school vision warwick business on warwick business school vision warwick business school vision warwick chool vision warwick business school vision warwick business school vision usiness school vision warwick business school vision warwick business on warwick business school vision warwick business school vision warwick chool vision warwick business school vision warwick business school vision usiness school vision warwick business school vision warwick business on warwick business school vision warwick business school vision warwick chool vision warwick business school vision warwick business school vision usiness school vision warwick business school vision warwick business on warwick business school vision warwick business school vision warwick chool vision warwick business school vision warwick business school vision usiness school vision warwick business school vision warwick business on warwick business school vision warwick business school vision warwick chool vision warwick business school vision warwick business school vision
  • 2. Real impact We don’t just lecture. WBS is at the forefront of creative delivery. By We generate ideas for developing innovative sustainable competitive Excellent graduates learning channels and advantage, with expertise Every FTSE 100 company techniques we can address in: has recruited a WBS the increasingly diverse graduate. Why? h Corporate governance Thought leadership needs of global businesses Our many and varied areas We produce highly and their people: h Entrepreneurship of expertise constitute a regarded graduates, armed Warwick Business School Our blended learning is h Finance (behavioural) unique research portfolio, with the latest knowledge is a leading thought- a combination of face- h Finance (international) and make us one of the combined with practical developer and innovator, to-face and interactive h Financial econometrics largest business and relevance, who are able in the top one per cent of distance learning channels management faculties in to start adding value to an h Risk management global business schools. based on our unique, Europe. organisation immediately. Our students come from world-leading, intranet h Health – business & As part of the University Each year over 1,200 over 130 countries to learn platform. management of Warwick we are able students graduate from one at undergraduate, Masters, h Innovation & knowledge We incorporate film, to draw upon cross- of our many business and MBA, and PhD levels. management theatre, fiction, and departmental expertise management programmes. We educate and develop the latest psychology h Leadership development to create a fusion of They go on to work for a global citizens, and research into the learning h Lean thinking & knowledge creation range of companies and promote new knowledge experience to challenge continuous improvement between faculties. organisations all over the to benefit business and the way that people think world. h Public/private sector Our research is recognised society, through our about problem-solving and interface as being of international The Guardian consistently executive education and decision-making. excellence. We were one of places us in the top three applied research. h Regulated industries We work with organisations only three business schools UK universities for business – telecoms, utilities, Consistently top-rated to develop customised in the UK to be awarded and management, and energy for teaching quality and programmes and delivery the highest 5* rating by the we are widely regarded research, WBS means mechanisms that meet h Security & resilience Higher Education Funding as producing highly business. their strategic needs. h Service excellence Council for England. employable graduates.
  • 3. Warwick Business School – Vision 3 Dean’s welcome WBS has achieved a global reputation for excellence in just 40 years. We have one of the broadest subject bases and most highly-regarded faculty of any business school in the world. In the most recent national assessment of University research output, we achieved the highest 5* accolade, placing us as one of the top three research business schools in the UK. These research credentials are fundamental to our culture and help to differentiate us from most of our competitors. Being one of the leading academic departments of the University of Warwick brings with it great research and learning possibilities, but also a significant responsibility to help the University achieve its overarching vision for 2015: to be firmly in the top 50 of world universities. Our vision and strategy for the next 10 years is closely integrated with that of the University and has been developed in consultation with staff, students, alumni, and members of our Board. As a global business school, we operate in a highly competitive and increasingly crowded market. Our strategy is a living set of ideas that evolve to take advantage of opportunities as they arise whilst keeping our objective firmly in view: to be in the top echelons of European business schools. In this document, you can explore the key themes of our strategy and understand where we are now and what our goals and key activities will be as we continue to strive towards excellence, providing uniquely and consistently high value to our stakeholders in every part of WBS over the next few years. Professor Howard Thomas Dean, WBS Professor Thomas is also the Chair of the Association of Business Schools and Chair Elect of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
  • 4.
  • 5. Warwick Business School – Vision 5 Some believe we have We have identified six key I am proud to be a member already attained this areas that are fundamental of the WBS Advisory Board. position; but when people to us achieving European Given my time as a plc board talk about the relative rank leadership; these are the director and now as a top of a business school they supporting strategies that consultant helping the UK’s are invariably relying on the are essential for leveraging FTSE boardrooms, I hope I position attributed to it by our excellent academic can offer helpful insight into an MBA survey in a popular reputation. This document varied corporate markets. magazine or newspaper. explains the goals for each Jan Hall OBE area and outlines how we WBS is more than just Partner, JCA Group will achieve them. a provider of one of the world’s finest MBA h Research excellence I am proud to have been programmes. The Warwick associated with WBS over the h Excellence in teaching MBA is only one of over 30 last decade, when it has gone & learning different courses that form from strength to strength our varied portfolio, from h International profile and steadily improved its undergraduate to doctoral h Practical relevance standing in the international level and including post- rankings. It is great to be h Securing our long-term experience qualifications. associated with such a future successful school, where the Our mission is to present a h The WBS community faculty has such an excellent more rounded picture of the reputation. exceptional quality of our institution. To do this, we Val Gooding CBE must ensure that we excel former Chief Executive in the surveys used to create BUPA league tables relied upon by the media, for all of our taught programmes and our academic research. Our aim: to be in the top echelon of the European business schools by 2015
  • 6. 1: increase the output of excellent, influential research of international repute
  • 7. Warwick Business School – Vision 7 Research Excellence We are delighted that To achieve this we will: I chose WBS because it’s one WBS was one of only three the Advanced Institute of the best business schools h Create innovative and UK business schools to of Management Research in the country with a great challenging cross-cutting be awarded the highest (AIM) recently joined us at reputation; it practically research themes that 5* rating for international WBS. AIM is a UK leader in invented Industrial Relations. will generate large- and national excellence in the field of management But it’s huge; it has experts scale research funding the Research Assessment research. It brings on all aspects of business. within WBS and, where Exercise 2001, conducted academics from various appropriate, across the WBS is not for the faint by the Higher Education institutions together with University hearted: you are challenged Funding Council for business, public sector, to deal with a wide range England. We submitted 106 and policy thinkers in order h Develop a profile- of very difficult and fuzzy top-rated, research active to develop and deliver raising campaign for concepts and issues to which staff, the largest number of research of a world class WBS research based on there are no easy answers. any UK business school. standard which has an the output of our key, There is a big emphasis on immediate and significant research-active faculty Since then our faculty has seeing the reality of what impact on management h Encourage our faculty to grown to 180 academics, really happens in the world practice. increase their targeting 48 of whom are full of work and learning to deal w of high impact journals with it. professors, and is truly in which to publish their international with around Academics’ research themes Since leaving WBS, I have research 34 percent from twenty are not dictated by the been studying Japanese on countries outside the UK. h Adopt challenging new University or WBS but are a fully-funded scholarship at Our research is widely metrics for evaluating pursued at the discretion of the new National Institute disseminated, with over research performance. the experts in each field, as of Japanese Studies at the 650 articles, books, and they identify new questions Universities of Sheffield and contributions to academic that need to be answered. Leeds. My WBS dissertation publications in the past year However, shared interests at a Japanese MNC set me alone. have brought out seven up to move on to doctoral Our academics are highly major research themes that research which I will start sought after because of their WBS will focus upon for the this year. I will be researching combination of high quality next few years: parent company–subsidiary scholarship with practical relations, probably based h Business & management relevance. Many are closely in Tokyo and visiting of health involved with real business subsidiaries in East Asia and situations through research, h Enterprise Hub Europe. consultancy, and corporate h Financial markets Ian Woozley education. & financialisation MA Industrial Relations Our faculty is organised h Global energy research & Personnel Management into nine subject groups, h Knowledge management 2006 covering the broad & innovation disciplines of business h Security & resilience and management and providing hubs for h Sports management. research activity. Many academic staff are also members of one or more of our eight specialised or interdisciplinary research centres. For more information see page 23.
  • 8. 2: deliver excellent teaching of market- relevant subjects to geographically diverse participants through a combination of delivery channels
  • 9. Warwick Business School – Vision 9 Excellence in teaching Our students are able to To achieve this we will: I was looking for a world- & learning combine the high quality class business programme h Further develop We have a well-deserved learning environment of I could pursue while our systems and reputation for being WBS, judged ‘excellent’ in still working in the field infrastructure to enhance academically rigorous; the last National Teaching I’m passionate about, our students’ learning both in our research and in Assessment Exercise, with humanitarian aid. The experience the quality of the students the exceptional facilities of Warwick MBA’s flexible we recruit and in ensuring the University, its campus, h Devise a quality assurance programme was perfect: their positive learning Students’ Union, and other and pedagogical skills I took three months’ leave experience. We combine resources. development programme and joined the full-time class cutting-edge, research-led, for teaching staff for the first term. Now I’m All our students, whether teaching with practice, and h Develop our blended back at work preparing to they are here on campus encourage our students to learning platform so that start distance learning for or studying at a distance engage constructively in we can better engage the second part of my studies from the other side of critical discussion. with the changing study/ and am considering shifting the planet, can join our lifestyle requirements of to full-time study again for To be an employable web-based community the market the finish. global citizen, our students my.wbs. This unique need both theory and intranet portal enables h Extend the delivery of Beginning the Warwick MBA practice. Wherever students to communicate existing courses through as a full-time participant possible we design a online with colleagues, our blended learning allowed me to build strong curriculum to incorporate access digital resources, approach relationships not only with real-world opportunities submit assignments, and h Expand our portfolio of other students but with the to implement students’ receive course feedback and postgraduate courses to academic, administration, new-found knowledge. updates. Designed by our fully use our academic and Personal & Career We also regularly review own Information Systems expertise Development teams, who our courses, working closely Support Unit (ISSU), this provided fantastic support h Build our customised with employers to ensure powerful digital platform and advice throughout. The corporate education that content is relevant has regular updates and the workshops and personal offering through client and meets the needs of the latest version 7.0 will be career coaching were growth, using blended market while still being released in 2009. invaluable and I’m looking learning delivery where academically challenging. forward to maintaining We offer over 30 courses appropriate. contact through the excellent We attract some of the across our entire portfolio. WBS Alumni Association. finest students from over For more information see 130 different countries. page 19. I relished being part of a Our encouragement of the truly international intake sharing and understanding and learned a huge amount of ideas and influences from about teamwork and a diverse range of cultures management skills. I think is a real strength of our the Warwick MBA is ideal teaching practice. for those with family and work commitments who don’t want to miss out on the full-time MBA experience. My first term was unforgettable! Marwa Bouka current participant on the Warwick MBA
  • 10. 3: create a positive brand awareness with corporations and leading higher education institutions in key global markets
  • 11. Warwick Business School – Vision 11 International profile To achieve this we will: Very few universities invest We enjoy a solid as much in their brand h Develop and implement international profile that awareness as WBS. Employers a strategy and supportive has been built upon our worldwide now recognise it infrastructure for students, graduates, as a world-class institution international profile- faculty, clients, institutional and that opens doors for you. raising alliances, international Reputation was important accreditations, and global h Ensure that all WBS to me; although I wanted to ranking performances. initiatives with an learn more about financial international dimension In 2007, the University markets, I planned to use the are supportive of the undertook an independent programme to get the best international profile- survey of opinion leaders possible launch pad for a full- raising strategy from business, politics, and time career in finance. higher education based h Work closely with the University’s International It worked. I got everything in six key markets: China, I had hoped for and more. I Hong Kong, India, Russia, and Vice-Chancellor’s Offices to undertake found that employers value Singapore, and the USA. The the WBS brand and I secured report stated that ‘across all mutually reinforcing international activities. a good job in finance. The markets, WBS clearly leads careers service is extremely awareness of Warwick’s dedicated to each individual’s “Centres of Excellence”’. professional development. However, despite being Not only can you tap into known and respected by the University of Warwick’s our international peers, vast resources, but WBS has we still have some way its own very specialised team to go to equal the brand for the banking and asset building that comes from management sector. a mediaeval history or vast Midhat Syed endowments. In the UK MSc Economics & Finance and certain other markets, 2006 Warwick and WBS have a Trainee Analyst well-deserved reputation Gulf International Bank for excellent links with London business. Our challenge over the next few years is to develop and extend that reputation into targeted overseas markets.
  • 12. 4: strengthen our reputation for practical relevance in research and learning
  • 13. Warwick Business School – Vision 13 Practical relevance At a more strategic level, To achieve this we will: WBS is rated as one of the As one of the top three we are fortunate to be able best business schools in the h Continue to develop and business schools in the UK, to draw upon the advice UK, not only for its teaching implement our corporate and being research-led, we of the group of extremely but also for its research which relations strategy, have a reputation for being experienced business feeds back into the taught identifying and targeting an intellectual powerhouse. leaders that constitute courses. WBS has a very key organisations with But our research is directly the Board of Warwick encouraging atmosphere whom to develop close accessible to organisations Business School. Under conducive to learning; you’re partnerships through consortia and the Chairmanship of Sir surrounded by some of the networks established by George Cox this group fulfils h Continue to implement best staff and students in our research centres and the role of ‘critical friend’, a development (fund- the UK. subject groups, covering challenging our strategies, raising) programme that Jennifer Leong the breadth of business and providing a non-academic will secure endowments current student on our management. Our research perspective to our thinking, to support innovative BSc Accounting & Finance goes straight into practice. and providing much valued projects. support in helping us meet The Warwick Diploma is a Our graduates are our objectives. rigorous programme that recognised as being highly employable, because of The WBS Alumni challenges your academic their mix of intellectual Association is also a rich abilities. The practitioners rigour combined with source of practical support dazzle with tales of their practical relevance. To to us. Alumni engagement experiences and I particularly ensure that the latest with our students and our enjoyed their sessions and market trends are reflected teaching programmes the active participation. in our teaching we often contributes directly It is a perfect fit for my encourage practitioners to our recruitment activities busy schedule; its structure to work with Academic all around the world, allows me to combine work, Directors of our courses and provides industry home life, and academia to advise or participate in connections for academic but requires diligence and delivering practice-based research and student dedication. A well-rounded seminars. Some courses recruitment post-study. understanding of public have their own industry finance from a world class It is important that we advisory groups and we institution awaits those with continue to strengthen occasionally bestow ambition… relationships with Honorary Professorships management practitioners Cajetan Chukwulozie upon highly successful and our alumni across current participant on our industry leaders who have all sectors to ensure the Warwick Diploma in Public a natural leaning towards relevance of our intellectual Finance & Leadership academia and teaching. contribution, and to build strong support for our future.
  • 14. 5: to develop a scalable teaching portfolio to enable the sustained investment necessary to compete in the global elite of business schools
  • 15. Warwick Business School – Vision 15 Securing our We have a key strength To achieve this we will: h Develop and launch a long-term future in our blended learning Global Executive MBA, h Ensure the resilience of WBS has grown in physical capability. This will be delivered through an our blended learning size, academic excellence, a central plank in the alliance of prestigious infrastructure and revenue generation development of new global global business schools for each of the last forty teaching programmes as h Develop a blended h Explore and scope years. To maintain and well as in extending the learning version of our a proposal for a build upon this success delivery of existing courses. MSc Management Warwick MBA for requires maximum effort We will also continue h Expand our customised medical practitioners, in a globally competitive to develop new courses executive education in collaboration with environment. from academic centres of portfolio through Warwick Medical School In 2007, the British excellence within WBS, appropriate use of h Identify gaps in the Prime Minister spoke in collaboration with blended learning postgraduate market into about investing in higher other departments at the h Expand the intake onto which we can launch education. He noted University of Warwick, the Warwick MBA by new specialist or hybrid that UK universities are and in alliance with peer distance learning through master’s courses or competing with better institutions across the corporate and individual extend existing courses funded competitors world. markets through new delivery abroad, not least in the h Launch the Warwick channels USA. However, government Global Energy MBA, h Open up new funding now accounts for delivered via blended opportunities through less than 20 percent of learning which the highest quality our income and is likely to postgraduate researchers h Launch the Enterprise reduce in the future. can enrol onto our Hub to support and Almost 70 percent of our promote undergraduate Doctoral Programme. income comes from our enterprise and innovation teaching portfolio and therefore we need to concentrate on finding viable, sustainable, and scalable ways of expanding this vital income stream. We must remain relevant and keep investing in new and innovative knowledge transfer in terms of research, new course development, and channels of delivery.
  • 16. 6: to create a cohesive community through improving the physical and cultural environment
  • 17. Warwick Business School – Vision 17 The WBS community Social Hub To achieve this we will: What really surprised me We know that it is crucial At the heart of our plans is was the remarkably diverse h Complete our new to continue to create an a social hub; a public area range of backgrounds landmark building by inspiring and motivating that will open WBS to the the programme brought 2011 environment that rest of the campus and together; academically, encourages students and be used by all students, h Implement a programme socially, and culturally. It research to thrive. In 2007 faculty, staff, alumni, of staff management not only provided me with we completed a £9 million friends, and visitors. The development and team an opportunity to interact extension to our existing hub will contain a cafeteria building with people from all over building. However, our and lounge area that can h Streamline business the world and make some staff and students remain be used for a wide range of processes through our amazing friends but led to spread across a number of activities from receptions to Operational Excellence some fascinating discussions. buildings. informal business meetings. programme Studying at WBS is a ‘breath of fresh air’ and a most We have an £18 million This facility will be set in a h Create a WBS Community rewarding experience. landmark building at three-storey glass atrium Group to address issues the planning stage that overlooking the lake. raised by the staff Fiza Farhan will provide efficiency by Floating above the meeting satisfaction audit. current student on our locating all of our staff space and protruding out MSc Management offices and postgraduate through the glass wall will teaching together. In be a giant ovoid containing addition to adding more two state-of-the-art lecture lecture theatres and seminar theatres. This will be a rooms, it will offer two key landmark feature that features to reinforce the softens and opens the sense of community and modernist lines of the rest shared thinking at WBS: of the building and creates a natural circulation. Undergraduate Centre Providing a single, unifying, With over 1,200 students building will create the on our single honours environment, but on its and joint degrees, WBS is own it will not create the the largest community of culture of community to undergraduates at Warwick. which we aspire. We know The Undergraduate Centre that we have to improve will give them a base within other aspects of working life WBS where they can meet, at WBS; building teams and work, and network. developing individuals, and finding ‘smarter’ ways to work to improve efficiency and reduce workload pressures.
  • 19. Warwick Business School – Vision 19 Triple accreditation Programme list The Warwick MBA Rankings It is no surprise that the high WBS was the first business h By full-time study regard in which WBS is held Undergraduate Undergraduate school in the United by the international business h BSc Management h By executive study In their most recent Kingdom to hold triple community has translated h By distance learning surveys both The Times and accreditation from the three h BSc Accounting & Finance into being recognised as a UK The Guardian place our major, global, management h BSc International Business h Corporate Business Superbrand. It is a undergraduate courses in education bodies. (single company) brand that continues to gain h BSc International the top five in the UK, with h The Warwick Global momentum and every year is EQUIS Equis is the quality Management Accounting & Finance at Energy MBA a more compelling challenger inspectorate for the number one. Plus combined degrees with to its often older and more European Foundation for Law, Science, German, and The Warwick MPA established rivals. As the Management Development. MBA others most improved brand in its It offers a mission-based h Full time Our full-time and executive MBAs both feature in the category, jumping almost accreditation, evaluating Masters h Part time most recent Financial Times 100 places in the rankings, it activities from international h MSc Business Analytics is clear that its influence on perspectives. We were first & Consulting The Warwick Diploma global top 30, while our distance learning MBA is both experts and business accredited by Equis in 2000. h Local Government h MSc Finance ranked number three in professionals alike is growing. AACSB WBS was the first Management h MSc Finance & Economics the world by the Economist Stephen Cheliotis institution in the United h Public Finance Intelligence Unit. Chief Executive Kingdom to be accredited h MSc Financial & Leadership Mathematics The Centre for Brand by the US-based AACSB h Public Leadership Analysis International. We first h MA Industrial Relations & Management Chair, UK Superbrands & gained accreditation in their & Managing Human h Diploma in Applied CoolBrands Councils mission-based scheme in Resources Management 1999. h MSc Information Systems h Diploma in Service AMBA WBS meets the high & Management Leadership standards for quality and h MA International & (Singapore only) relevance required by the European Employment Association of MBAs. AMBA Relations Doctoral Programme operates a standards-based (including PhD Finance) h MSc Management system, which WBS has h Full time always valued, and which h MSc Management is trusted by applicants. distance learning h Part time The Warwick MBA was first (Corporate only, subject to approval) Corporate Education accredited in 1999. Along with the Warwick MPA, h Customised courses for h MA Management & it has been re-accredited individual organisations, Organizational Analysis until 2009. In 2007, our with or without a h MSc Management Science Warwick qualification at MSc in Management was & Operational Research completion accredited by AMBA as a Pre-Experience Masters in h MSc Marketing & Strategy h Short courses, open to General Management. h MSc Public Management individuals. (entry through Warwick Diploma only) EFMD
  • 20. 20 71 22 28 % .5% M .3% People A Tu BA it UK & EU UK & EU co c a d e io n 191 184 st s m ic fe e s Expenditure sta ff Postgraduates Academic staff Undergraduates Non-academic staff Executive delegates Income £39.5million 20 . 4% Un de r gr ad 24 ua .5% Warwick Business School – Vision te U & ni ve s e r si r v ty i ce le ch v y 60% International 40% 1,323 ar g e s 13 .9 Finances 2007–08 % M as te r s 16 .3% Ex 9.9 & te r n % Ed te a a l Co uca c h te a r p t io in g c h or n su i n g a te pp or t 3 .6 % M 15 PA % 1.5 % & N Di 9.3 % Do pl s t a on - a om H c to ff c ca r al as os d em – r EF CE ts i es g c ea r a r ch nt s 71% International 7.5 % 2,943 Re 4. & s ea 2% co r c h nt Re r ac g r a 4 .1 se 6% t s nt s ar c % hs HE Pre up – t F CE 3.8 mi po ea g se rt ch r an % s 5.5 in g t s Ca % 29% 1.7 te r Ot in g he 1.7 % M & r % ar co 0. Te ket nf 4% c h in er e 3,676 no g nc Do lo g es na y t io ns
  • 21. Warwick Business School – Vision 21 WBS Board, Steering, & Faculty The Board of Warwick Steering Group Academics Enterprise Group Finance Group Business School Professor Ruth Davies Accounting Group Stuart Fraser Peter Corvi Mike Akers Jenny Hocking MBE Associate Professor Principal Teaching Fellow Thomas Ahrens Martin Angle Professor Bob Johnston Professor Francis Greene Pasquale Della Corte Dr Craig Baker Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor John McGee Fiona Anderson-Gough Professor Susan Bassnett Reader Margi Levy Alexandra Dias Zoe Nichols Associate Professor Assistant Professor Keith Bedell-Pearce Antonia Botsari Professor Harry Scarbrough Assistant Professor Kevin Mole Jana Fidrmuc-Pal’agova David Clarke Professor Howard Thomas Associate Professor Assistant Professor Rhoda Brown Sir George Cox Professor David Wilson Associate Professor Roger Mumby-Croft Stewart Hodges Dr Frank Craig Professorial Fellow Professor Rob Bryer Maria Frantzeskakis Professor Stephen Roper Yi Hong Val Gooding CBE Professor Warwick Research Fellow Colin Clubb Anne Gunther Professor David Storey Xing Jin Professor Associate Professor Jan Hall OBE Sue Deebank Senior Teaching Fellow Nigel Sykes Kostas Koufopoulos Jenny Hocking MBE Principal Teaching Fellow Assistant Professor Russ Houlden Ann-Christine Frandsen Assistant Professor Roman Kozhan Rupert Howell Assistant Professor Louise Gracia John Leighfield CBE Marco Lyrio Assistant Professor Roger Lovering Assistant Professor Robin Hewins Stella Manzie CBE Senior Teaching Fellow Anthony Neuberger Professor John McGee Professor Shahed Imam Sandy Meadows Assistant Professor Ingmar Nolte Associate Professor Professor Andrew Oswald Rihab Khalifa Associate Professor Silvia Rossetto Richard Parry-Jones CBE Assistant Professor Sadia Khan David Richards CBE Teaching Fellow Mark Salmon Jasminder Singh Professor Ellertone Ndalama Professor Harry Scarbrough Teaching Fellow Lucio Sarno Tony Temple Professor Lynne Oats Gill Thewlis Reader Paul Schneider Assistant Professor Professor Howard Thomas Rob Poole Senior Teaching Fellow Alex Stremme Professor Nigel Thrift Senior Teaching Fellow Mike Tokarz Graham Sara Senior Teaching Fellow Ilias Tsiakas John Ward Associate Professor Simona Scarparo David Whitmore Nick Webber Associate Professor Richard Wright Reader Zulfiqar Shah Associate Professor Elizabeth Whalley Lecturer Min Wongkaew Assistant Professor David Wu Warwick Research Fellow Chendi Zhang Assistant Professor
  • 22. 22 Warwick Business School – Vision Industrial Relations John Purcell Marketing & Strategic Nigel Piercy Yun Jiang & Organisational Professor Management Group Professor Research Fellow Behaviour Group Melanie Simms Temi Abimbola Taman Powell Arie Koster Trevor Colling Associate Professor Associate Professor Research Fellow Assistant Professor Senior Lecturer André Spicer Duncan Angwin Duncan Robertson Kathy Kotiadis Alessia Contu Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Andy Sturdy David Arnott Andrew Sentance Frances O’Brien Martin Corbett Professor Associate Professor Professorial Fellow Associate Professor Senior Lecturer Jacky Swan Layla Branicki Paul Stoneman Leslie Oakshott Ardha Danieli Professor Research Fellow Professor Senior Teaching Fellow Associate Professor Hari Tsoukas Sue Bridgewater Howard Thomas Victor Podinovski Deborah Dean Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Nick Wylie Adrian Caldart Bridgette Sullivan-Taylor Stewart Robinson Linda Dickens Teaching Fellow Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Qing Wang Estelle Shale Information Systems Martin Cave Paul du Gay Associate Professor Associate Professor & Management Group Professor Professor Alyson Warhurst Stephanie Stray John Baptista Simon Collinson Paul Edwards Assistant Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor David Wilson Stephen Corea Derek Condon Operations Michel Goyer Associate Professor Professor Senior Teaching Fellow Management Group Associate Professor Wendy Currie Scott Dacko Operational Research Jannis Angelis Anne-Marie Greene Professor Associate Professor & Management Sciences Assistant Professor Senior Lecturer Group David Finnegan Amanda Goodall Nicola Burgess Chris Grey Assistant Professor Research Fellow Mette Asmild Research Fellow Professor Associate Professor Jimmy Huang Andrew Hardwick Stuart Chambers Mark Hall Reader Senior Teaching Fellow Del Booth Principal Teaching Fellow Professorial Fellow Julia Kotlarsky Lloyd Harris Research Fellow Daniel Chicksand Philip Hancock Associate Professor Professor Bo Chen Assistant Professor Associate Professor Andrew Martin Loizos Heracleous Professor Mihalis Giannakis Sonia Liff Associate Professor Professor Ruth Davies Assistant Professor Reader Yasmin Merali Keith Hoskin Professor Bob Johnston Nick Llewellyn Associate Professor Professor Vladimir Deineko Professor Associate Professor Joe Nandhakumar Yansong Hu Associate Professor Zoe Radnor Paul Marginson Professor Assistant Professor Robert Dyson Associate Professor Professor Sue Newell Zafeira Kastrinaki Emeritus Professor Rhian Silvestro Guglielmo Meardi Professor Research Fellow Alberto Franco Associate Professor Associate Professor Nikiforos Panourgias Alina Kudina Associate Professor Nigel Slack Glenn Morgan Research Fellow Assistant Professor Nalan Gulpinar Professor Professor Harry Scarbrough Nikala Lane Associate Professor Nicholas Wake Davide Nicolini Professor Associate Professor Sinan Gurel Teaching Fellow Assistant Professor John McGee Research Fellow Helen Walker Professor Giles Hindle Associate Professor Grier Palmer Assistant Professor Paul Walley Principal Teaching Fellow Katy Hoad Associate Professor Sotirios Paroutis Research Fellow Assistant Professor