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Dr	Adam	Read	–	Prac<ce	Director	
Waste	Management	&	Resource	Efficiency,	AEA	
AWMA	2012	
19th	–	22nd	June	
San	Antonio,	Texas	
A	world	leading	
energy	and	climate	
change	consultancy
An	Overview	….	In	20	minutes	…..	
+  Personal	Welcome	
+  IntroducBon	to	the	topic	
+  What	was	the	issue?	
+  Why	a	toolkit?	
+  Development	and	producBon	of	the	toolkit	
+  The	training	programme	
+  What’s	happening	now?	
+  Use	of	the	toolkit	
+  Some	conclusions	
A	personal	welcome	
+  Adam	Read	
- PracBce	Director	@	AEA		for	Waste	Management	
- 18	years	of	operaBonal	experBse	in	recycling	service	
design,	roll-out	and	monitoring	
- Staff	of	>	75	consultants	(UK	and	US)	
+  Role	on	the	project	
- Project	Director	
+  Acknowledgements	
- Sarahjane	Widdowson,	Gareth	Morton	and	Gwyndaf	Parry	
- AEA	for	their	support	in	allowing	me	to	be	here	today	
My	sponsors	….	
Our	US	sponsors	
+  We	are	here	exhibiBng	with	ERG	
- we	acquired	them	in	2010	
+  Come	and	see	us	on	Booth	#118	
- ERG	and	AEA	Technology	Group	
+  Franklin	Associates	(ERG	division)	
- extensive	experience	in	all	aspects	of	
solid	waste	management	(over	30	years	
of	pracBce)	
- integrated	solid	waste	master	plans	
- full	life	cycle	analyses	of	solid	waste	
- waste	stream	evaluaBons	for	local,	
regional,	state,	and	naBonal	agencies	
The	UK	Context	
+  Landfill	disposal	cost	is	increasing	each	year	
- Landfill	tax	is	increasing	by	£8	per	tonne	(currently	£64/tonne)	
+  EU	Waste	Framework	DirecBve	requires:	
- 50%	recycling	2025					
- 75%	reducBon	on	1995	levels	of	BMW	going	to	landfill	by	2020	
+  Recycling	targets	set	by	Devolved	AdministraBons	in	the	UK	
- 70%	target	for	Scotland	by	2020	
- 70%	target	for	Wales	by	2025	
+  These	are	driving	local	authoriBes	to	introduce	
comprehensive	services	to	reduce,	recycle	and	recover	waste	
+  An	esBmated	750	new	waste	treatment	faciliBes	needed	
- before	2020	so	the	UK	can	meet	its	obligaBons	 7
Community	Engagement	is	key	….	
+  UK	is	a	Bny	island!	
- 2.5%	of	the	US	land	mass	
+  Land	is	in	compeBBon	
- retail,	domesBc,	industry	
+  Planning	is	a	local	poliBcal	issue	
+  People	power	is	an	increasing	trend	
+  A	Government	who	are	encouraging	
+  Waste	faciliBes	are	not	popular	
+  Yet	waste	faciliBes	should	be	‘urban’	
- feedstock	&	markets	 8
Public	consulta<on	
+  Is	a	fact	of	life…	
- By	law	
- By	encouragement		
- By	popular	demand	…
+  People	no	longer	trust	decision	makers!
The	basic	problem...1
The	basic	problem...2	
The	basic	problem...3	
The	Unsustainable	 	vs.		 	The	Undeliverable	
UK	EfW	facili<es	–	May	2012	
Operational, proposed
& in planning
The	NIMBY	response!	
+  Hull	Opposing	The	Incinerator	(HOTI)
People	need	to	have	their	‘say’
The	results	of	‘not	listening’
Cost	of	Residual	Waste	Procurement?	
+  Authority	X	have	spent	£3/4	million	on	
- Strategy	&	Outline	Business	Case	
- Procurement	(EOI	to	full	tender)	
- Staff	&	Advisors	
- 3-5	years	of	work	
+  Value	of	contract	procured?	
- £3	billion	(over	30	years)	
+  Value	of	communicaBons	budget	=	insignificant!	
- £300,000	
- Would	you	mind	paying	£900,00	if	it	guarantees	success?	
+  But	what	is	the	cost	of	not	operaBonal	on	Day	1?
Opposing	Cornwall	
+  A	vociferous	and	
effecBve	opposiBon	
- Campaign	website	
- Logo	
- Literature	
- Mobilised	local	
- Led	public	opinion
SITA	Public	MeeBng	in	a	Marquee	in	St	
Dennis	arracted	800	people		
from	all	parts	of	Cornwall
Cost	of	delays	?	Every	month	….	
+  Contract	penalBes	
- £100	per	tonne	(£3	million)	
+  On-going	landfill	fees	&	taxes	
- £100	per	tonne	(£3	million)	
+  Planning	Appeals	&	Enquiries	
- £500,000	-	£1	Million	
+  Main	reason	for	infrastructure	delays	=	PLANNING	
- Driven	by	local	concerns	and	NIMBY	acBvists!	
+  Spending	wisely	on	community	engagement	=	INVESTMENT!	
Reality	check	….
What	are	the	sustainable	solu<ons?	
+  Ones	that	help	the	UK	meet	its	statutory	targets	
+  Ones	that	are	affordable	
+  Ones	that	are	environmentally	acceptable	
+  Ones	that	generate	jobs	
+  Ones	that	protect	human	health	
+  Ones	that	are	deliverable	in	the	Bme	available	
+  Ones	that	are	robust	and	flexible	
+  Ones	that	are	poliBcally	acceptable	
+  Ones	that	are	publicly	acceptable	
- Ones	that	have	been	fully	consulted	on……	
What	is	the	public	concerned	about?	
+  Fear	of	impact	to	health	
+  Effects	on	quality	of	life	
+  Damage	to	natural	environment	
+  Lack	of	trust	in	authority	
+  Traffic	movements	
+  Local	house	prices	(NIMBY)	
+  Local	landscape	
+  What	technology	will	be	used	
+  These	need	to	be	addressed	
- design	them	into	your	engagement	
plan	right	from	the	start	 24
Overcoming	public	fears	
Public	Engagement	is	vital	to	
+  Provide	people	with	accurate	informaBon	
+  Understand	public	concerns	
+  Gain	the	support	of	the	wider	community	
+  Encourage	posiBve	acBon	
+  Provide	a	sense	of	‘ownership’	
- of	the	problem	
- and	of	the	soluBons	
+  Develop	a	proposal	which	is	mutually	beneficial	
+  Providing	a	community	benefit	
Key	issues		
+  Stakeholders	are	not	obliged	to	co-operate	
+  They	are	giving	their	Bme	and	therefore	determine	how	long	
they	wish	to	spend	in	consultaBon	
+  They	have	the	right	to	confidenBality	
+  They	have	a	right	to	receive	informaBon	in	return	
+  Need	to	set	out	clearly	the	use	of	informaBon	and	
commitment	to	acBng	on	results	
- consultaBon	for	fact	finding	or	for	making	decisions?	
- conversaBon	is	important!	
Business	Case	Development	
Contractor	PQQ	&	Procurement	
Procurement	Strategy	&	Market	Engagement	
Outline		Business	Case	
Op<ons	Appraisal	
Strategy	and	SEA	
Preferred	Op<on		
Public	Informa<on	Giving	
Waste	Planning	Guide	and	Site	Selec<on	
Site	Selec<on	Criteria	Consulta<on	
Site	Specific	Consulta<on	
Public	Informa<on	Giving	
Planning	and	site	acquisi<on			
When	to	consult	
A procurement timetable and
Decide	and	defend?	
+  If	‘consultaBon	is	lev	unBl	as	late	as	the	site	planning	stage:	
- effecBvely	no	consultaBon	with	public	
- either	a	Yes	or	No	decision	
- undoubtedly	local	opposiBon	will	block	the	applicaBon	or	
at	least	slow	down	its	acceptance	
- public	will	react	with	hosBlity	to	this	type	of	‘decide	and	
defend’	approach	to	facility	development	
+  This	has	been	the	UK	approach….	
+  Must	move	beyond	this	tradiBonal	‘them	and	us’	approach:	
- a	posiBon	based	on	parBcipatory	planning	
- focusing	on	engagement	and	joined	up	thinking	
Waste Management - WALES
Millennium Stadium, Cardiff, 1st November 2007
How	to	Consult?	
+  The	team	conducBng	the	consultaBon	need	to	be	acBve	and	
believe	in	the	process	
+  There	is	no	point	carrying	out	a	consultaBon	if	it	is	just	a	Bck	
box	exercise	
- Stakeholders	will	see	through	this	quickly	and	won’t	engage	
+  OpBons	
- Public	MeeBngs	/	Focus	Groups	
- Shopping	Centre	Roadshows	
- Newspaper	arBcles	
- Radio	and	TV	adverBsing	
- Leaflets	/	Website	
- Home	visits	/	School	visits	
- Community	Advisory	Groups	/	CiBzen	Juries
Online	Surveys	&	Informa<on
Waste Management - WALES
Millennium Stadium, Cardiff, 1st November 2007
Waste Management - WALES
Millennium Stadium, Cardiff, 1st November 2007
Waste Management - WALES
Millennium Stadium, Cardiff, 1st November 2007
The	Toolkit	
About	Wales	
+  Part	of	UK	
+  3m	populaBon	
+  22	local	authoriBes,	
including	a	mix	of	
rural,	urban	and	valley	
+  Devolved	Government	
+  Target	of	70%	recycling	
by	2025	
Se_ng	the	Scene	in	Wales	…	
+  European	and	UK	legislaBve	drivers	aim	to	divert	
waste	from	landfill		
+  The	Welsh	Government	(WG)	published	its	
revised	NaBonal	Waste	Strategy	(2010)	
- Towards	Zero	Waste	
+  The	strategy	set	a		
- 70%	recycling	target	
- cap	of	30%	on	high	efficiency	EfW	plants	
+  RecogniBon	that	new	infrastrucutre	was	
- sorBng,	treatment,	reprocessing	
- all	needing	to	get	through	the	planning	system	 37
Delivering	waste	facili<es	in	Wales	
+  Planning	of	waste	management	
infrastructure	has	been	historically	difficult	
- even	including	bring	banks	
+  Pressure	to	meet	European	Union	landfill	
diversion	Targets	
+  Several	hundred	new	waste	faciliBes	needed	
- from	bring	banks	to	treatment	plants	
+  Welsh	Government	commissioned	the	
producBon	of	a	new	public	engagement	
- help	local	authoriBes	consult	and	engage	
more	effecBvely	with	the	general	public	
on	waste	infrastructure	issues	 38
The	aim	
Enable	any	‘user’	to	
develop	a	local	campaign	
which	is	appropriate	and	
focused	on	local	solu;ons	
What’s	in	it?	
+  It	considers	the	different	stages	of	consultaBon:	
- iniBal	awareness	raising	of	the	problem		
- strategic	evaluaBon	of	alternaBve	opBons	
- understanding	of	the	need	for	change	
- choice	of	technology	
- decisions	on	site	search	criteria		
- planning	and	licensing	applicaBons	for	specific	faciliBes	
+  All	can	be	done	in	isolaBon	
+  Berer	sBll	they	should	be	seen	as	a	holisBc	programme	of	
consultaBon	leading	to	delivery	of	the	appropriate	faciliBes	
for	the	area	in	quesBon	
How	does	is	work?	
+  The	toolkit	is	a	step-by-step	guide	to	consulBng	with	all	
stakeholders	on	waste	infrastructure	issues	
+  It	is	based	around	the	following	concepts:		
- Why	consult	
- When	should	you	consult	
- Who	should	you	consult	with	
- How	do	you	consult?		
+  It	uses	best	pracBce	and	a	detailed	literature	review	of	
exisBng	documents	with	relevance	to	communicaBons,	
consultaBon,	and	waste	management	
Toolkit	contents	
+  Tick	sheets	of	key	tasks	
+  Project	Timetables		
+  Stakeholder	Involvement	
- How	to	
- When	to	
- Reason	to	
+  Stakeholder	roles	
+  Events	Management	
+  Costs	
- Outline	budgets	
+  Monitoring	and	EvaluaBon	tools	
What’s	in	it?	
Media	guide	
+  FAQs	
+  Press	release	template	
- adverBsing	consultaBon	events	
+  PowerPoint	presentaBons	
- for	use	at	consultaBon	events	/	public	meeBngs	etc	
- covering	technologies	
Why	is	it	different?	
+  There	are	excellent	guidance	documents	on	stakeholder	
consultaBon	already	available	
- it	is	not	a	new	concept	in	the	environment	field		
- nor	the	waste	management	sector	
+  The	difference	lies	in	its	pracBcal	nature	
+  As	well	as	convenBonal	guidance,	it	provides:		
- indicaBve	Bmings	and	costs	for	running	campaigns	
- detailed	fact	sheets	and	images	of	all	types	of	waste	
treatment	technologies	that	can	be	provided	to	the	public	
to	help	explain	these	issues	and	help	to	demysBfy	the	
The	training	programme	
Why	a	training	programme	too?	
The	Welsh	Government	recognised	two	things:	
+  Public	acceptance	of	new	faciliBes	would	be	crucial	to	
keeping	their	waste	strategy	on	track	and	local	authoriBes	
would	need	help	in	developing	berer	pracBces	
+  The	relevant	local	authority	officers	and	personnel	from	the	
Environment	Agency	in	Wales	needed	to	be,	not	only	made	
aware	of	the	toolkits	existence,	but	also	trained	in	its	use		
- Just	possessing	the	toolkit	wasn’t	enough	
- How	many	guides	sit	on	a	shelf?	
Target	audiences	and	aims	
+  Awareness	Raising:		
- TargeBng	those	involved	in	the	procurement	process,	ensuring	they	
had	a	broad	understanding	of	the	main	issues,	processes	and	
objecBves	of	good	consultaBon	
+  Member	Training:		
- TargeBng	local	elected	councillors	with	a	responsibility	for	or	an	
interest	in	waste	management	to	give	an	understanding	of	the	need	
for,	and	their	role	in,	community	engagement	during	the	procurement	
of	new	food	processing	and	residual	waste	treatment	technologies	
+  Local	Authority	Officer	Training:		
- Specifically	those	involved	in	the	procurement	of	residual	and	food	
waste	treatment	faciliBes	
- Providing	the	knowledge	and	confidence	to	create	an	appropriate	
communicaBons	plan	for	their	parBcular	procurement	process,	and	to	
organise	and	conduct	appropriate	types	of	engagement	 48
Detailed	course	aims	
+  Provide	delegates	with	appropriate	‘tools’	for	use	during	
planned	Community	Engagement	
+  Increase	understanding	of	the	current	waste	infrastructure	
procurement	programmes	and	their	Bmetables	amongst	the	
+  Provide	delegates	with	details	of	when,	how	and	with	whom	
to	engage	throughout	the	procurement	of	any	new	facility	
+  Supply	delegates	with	sufficient	knowledge	to	deal	
saBsfactorily	with	any	planned	‘merchant	faciliBes’	
+  Advise	delegates	on	how	to	deal	with	the	media	
+  Enable	delegates	to	create	a	communicaBons	plan	for	their	
area	/	projects	
How	the	training	was	delivered	
+  Geography	-	The	training	was	designed	to	run	in	locaBons	
that	were:	
- accessible	to	the	widely	dispersed	audience	
- matched	the	locaBons	of	a	number	of	waste	treatment	
facility	procurement	‘hubs’	that	were	operaBng	
+  Convenience	-	The	3	day	course	was	also	designed	to	have	
minimum	impact	on	officer’s	Bme	by:	
- scheduling	sessions	for	just	one	day	per	week	in	each	of	
the	three	locaBons	over	three	weeks	
+  AccreditaBon	
- 18	hours	of	ConBnued	Professional	Development	(CPD)	
approved	by	Chartered	InsBtute	of	Wastes	Management	
(UK	professional	body	for	waste	managers)	 50
The	procurement	hubs	and	training	loca<ons		
+  IniBal	3	day	programme	
+  Follow	up	‘all-Wales’	
+  Training	for	elected	
members	at	naBonal	
conference	in	Cardiff	
Who	afended?	
+  Over	50	officers	(from	all	of	the	22	local	authoriBes	
in	Wales)	arended	the	training	courses		
+  Around	30	councillors	arended	the	special	session	
held	at	the	naBonal	conference	in	Cardiff		
The	current	situa<on	
A	major	waste	management	infrastructure	delivery	programme	
is	now	firmly	underway:	
+  Out	of	the	22	local	authoriBes	in	Wales:	
- 18	are	part	of	one	of	5	food	waste	focused	procurement	hubs	to	
jointly	procure	waste	management	infrastructure		
- 4	other	authoriBes	have	already	secured	appropriate	measures	
+  For	residual	waste	in	parBcular….	
- 6	procurement	hubs	are	in	place.	Each	hub	has	a	projected	capacity	
requirement	for	the	treatment	of	residual	waste	ranging	from	45,000	
tonnes	to	230,000	tonnes	per	annum	
- Total	waste	tonnage	treatment	capacity	for	the	whole	of	Wales	is	up	
to	815,000	tonnes		
- The	hubs	are	technology	neutral	(i.e.	no	specific	technology	specified)		
o Makes	engagement	even		more	cri<cal!	
The	role	of	the	hubs	
+  These	hubs	(both	residual	waste	
treatment	and	AD	focused)	will	be	
responsible	for	designing	and	
procuring	over	25	major	new	
faciliBes	by	2020	
+  All	will	need	careful	community	and	
stakeholder	engagement	if	they	are	
to	proceed	smoothly	to	their	
operaBonal	stage	
+  All	must	demonstrate	they	have	an	
engagement	plan	and	are	
implemenBng	effecBvely	to	retain	
Government	funding	&	support!	
Use	of	the	toolkit?	
+  57%	(12)	local	authoriBes	in	Wales	used	the	Toolkit	for:	
- generic	awareness	raising	acBviBes	related	to	reduce,	reuse	and	
recycling	messages	as	well	as	waste	infrastructure	campaigns	
+  Of	these	authoriBes,	30%	(4)	had	used	it,	or	were	intending	
on	using	it,	specifically	for:		
- awareness	raising	acBviBes	surrounding	the	introducBon	of	new	waste	
+  A	further	41%	of	local	authoriBes	in	Wales	were:		
- planning	to	use	the	Toolkit	over	the	next	24	months	in	conjuncBon	
with	their	infrastructure	delivery	plans	
+  Many	local	authoriBes	were	planning	to	use	the	toolkit		
- for	more	general	recycling	and	waste	campaigns,	addressing	waste	
prevenBon,	home	composBng	and	lirer	
You’ve	got	to	engage	
+  The	community	is	an	essenBal	part	of	the	waste	
management	process	
+  FaciliBes	and	more	likely	to	be	accepted	if	communiBes	are	
involved	in	a	dialogue	with	the	provider	
+  A	lack	of	consultaBon	can		
- Increase	your	costs	
- Stop	your	project	
- Devalue	your	brand	
+  It	pays	to	engage!	
Lessons	for	the	US	
+  Landfill	is	cheap	and	accessible	but		what	
about	resource	security?	
- Will	new	infrastructure	be	needed?	
+  Some	faciliBes	benefit	from	being	close	to	
local	communiBes	(CHP)	
- Contractors	need	to	be	‘good	neighbours’	
+  As	fuel	(gasoline)	prices	increase,	localising	
faciliBes	to	communiBes	will	be	key	
- This	will	bring	tension	
- Need	to	plan	for	this!	
+  Community	engagement	can	be	expensive	–	
but	not	engaging	is	usually	more	costly!	
Thank	you!	
Come	and	see	us	….	Booth	#118	
Adam	Read	
Prac<ce	Director	-	AEA	
Waste	Management	&	Resource	
cell:	0044	7968	707	239	
Shelly	Schneider	
Franklin	Associates	(ERG)	
Waste	Management	&	Resource	
tel:	913-800-8276	

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