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No. 702                                        July 9, 2012

                 Would a Financial Transaction Tax
                 Affect Financial Market Activity?
                             Insights from Futures Markets
                                by George H. K. Wang and Jot Yau

                                       Executive Summary

         In the wake of the recent financial crisis,        such computation. We show that a transaction
     several commentators have suggested a trans-           tax on futures trading will not only fail to gener-
     action tax on financial markets. The potential         ate the expected tax revenue, it will likely drive
     consequences of such a tax could be hazardous          business away from U.S. exchanges and toward
     to the financial markets affected as well as to the    untaxed foreign markets.
     economy. In this paper, we review the relevant             A review of the literature and estimates con-
     theoretical and empirical literature and apply         tained here indicates that there is an inverse
     our findings to estimate the possible impact of        relationship between transaction cost (bid-ask
     a transaction tax on U.S. futures market activity      spread) and trading volume; to the extent that
     as well as its utility as potential tax revenue.       a transaction tax increases costs, trading vol-
         We find that the impact of a transaction tax       umes will likely fall. There is also a positive re-
     on market activity (trading volume, bid-ask            lationship between transaction cost and price
     spread, and price volatility) will determine the       volatility, suggesting that the imposition of a
     potential of such a tax as a source of government      transaction tax could actually increase financial
     revenue. We also find that the current estimat-        market fragility, increasing the likelihood of a
     ed elasticity of trading volume with respect to        financial crisis rather than reducing it. Perverse-
     a transaction tax in the U.S. futures markets is       ly, the imposition of a financial transaction tax
     much higher than those reported in the extant          could have results that are exactly the opposite
     literature and those used by the government in         of those hoped for by its proponents.

     George H. K. Wang is research professor of finance at the School of Management, George Mason University, and
     former deputy chief economist at the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Jot Yau is Dr. Khalil Dibee
     Endowed Chair in Finance at the Albers School of Business and Economics, Seattle University.
Financial               Introduction                              forms, dating from Great Britain’s 1694
      transaction                                                         stamp duty9 to recent Tobin taxes on cur-
                        The financial crisis of 2007–2008 has             rency transactions and the latest rejection
   and securities   raised many concerns and questions about              of a proposed bank tax in Europe.10 In 1978
      transaction   financial regulation and policymaking. One            James Tobin first proposed a tax on foreign
                    of the more popular proposals in the wake of          exchange transactions. It aimed to curb ex-
    tax proposals   the crisis has been to impose financial trans-        cessive speculative volatility as exchange
        have been   action taxes (FTTs).1 For example, the Re-            rates freely fluctuated after the collapse of
  brought up for    public of Korea pushed for an international           the Bretton Woods Agreement, which had
                    levy on bank transactions at the G-20 meet-           established a fixed exchange rate system fea-
consideration by    ing in 2010, while the International Mon-             turing many other countries pegging their
several American    etary Fund had presented its own bank-tax             currencies to the U.S. dollar.11
 administrations    proposal at the same meeting.2 The Euro-                 FTTs have come under severe criticism by
                    pean Union (EU) has also considered various           legislators, regulators, and the public—espe-
 and Congresses.    FTTs, though a proposal for a bank transac-           cially the financial services industry and in-
                    tion tax was rejected by the EU in 2010.3 In          vestors—because the effects of the taxes are
                    September 2011 the European Commission                so wide-ranging. Those who oppose FTTs
                    proposed a new plan for a pan-EU Tobin tax            argue that a tax on securities transactions
                    taking effect in 2014. It had the backing of          would increase price volatility, reduce mar-
                    France and Germany but outright opposi-               ket liquidity (trading volume), and decrease
                    tion from Britain.4 Proponents of the finan-          price efficiency, thus increasing the cost of
                    cial transaction tax suggest that it can be           capital and lowering security values.12 In ad-
                    used effectively as a means to curb excessive         dition, an STT could drive trading in some
                    financial market volatility, stabilize the mar-       securities to overseas markets not burdened
                    kets, and raise revenues for various purposes.        by tax. Thus, the tax may affect the relative
                        Financial transaction and securities              competitiveness of taxing countries in global
                    transaction tax (STT) proposals have been             financial markets and would naturally be
                    brought up for consideration by several               of particular concern for the U.S. futures
                    American administrations and Congresses.5             industry.13 Some pundits warn that FTTs
                    During the fiscal year 1990 budget negotia-           are easily avoidable and likely to drive finan-
                    tions, the Bush administration proposed a             cial activity underground, beyond regula-
                    broad-based 0.5 percent tax on transactions           tory oversight.14 FTT proponents argue that
                    in stocks, bonds, and exchange-traded deriv-          FTTs would increase government revenues
                    atives.6 In 1993 the Clinton administration           that could be used for various purposes, in-
                    proposed a fixed 14-cent tax on transactions          cluding funding regulatory agencies (e.g., the
                    in futures and options on futures.7 The               U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commis-
                    Obama administration has proposed a user              sion or Securities Exchange Commission),
                    fee in the 2012 federal budget on all futures         pay back the bailout money to the govern-
                    trading to fund the U.S. Commodities Fu-              ment, fund a country’s future budget, or ex-
                    tures Trading Commission, while 28 mem-               tract a larger contribution from the financial
                    bers of the House of Representatives have             sectors toward funding public goods.15
                    co-sponsored legislation that would im-                  Transaction tax rates vary with the type
                    pose a transaction tax on regulated futures           of financial instruments in question (e.g.,
                    transactions. The proposed tax is 0.02 per-           equities are typically taxed at higher rates
                    cent of the notional amount of each futures           than debt instruments or derivatives), the lo-
                    transaction, to be charged to each party of           cation of trade (i.e., on- or off-exchange, on
                    the transaction, with a projected revenue of          domestic or foreign markets), and the status
                    hundreds of billions of dollars per year.8            of the buyer or seller (domestic or foreign
                        FTTs have a long history in various               resident, market maker, or general trader). As

financial markets have become more global-             an FTT/STT with regard to trading volume,
ized with advances in information and trad-            price volatility, pricing efficiency, and esti-
ing technologies, exchanges can now attract            mated revenue. Following that, we discuss a
more business by lowering trading costs. For           methodology for estimating potential trans-
example, countries such as Sweden and Fin-             action tax revenue with an example illustrat-
land removed all STTs, while others such as            ing the application for estimating potential
Australia, Japan, the United Kingdom, and              tax revenues that can be raised from U.S.
Taiwan lowered their tax rates. John Camp-             futures markets. Finally, we present our con-
bell and Kenneth Froot in 1994 referred to             clusion.
this shift in taxation as an important func-
tion of STTs, that they “reveal the nature
and scope of powerful underlying changes                      What Does Theory
in international capital markets, and offer a                 Say about the FTT?
glimpse into a future in which government
policy not so much disciplines, but is instead             The theoretical arguments for an FTT are
disciplined by, competition in modern capi-            based on rational economic theories, which
tal markets.”16 That STTs are not common-              assume participants in the markets are all ra-
place in most countries lends credence to the          tional, having complete information about
                                                                                                         Extant literature
hypothesis that implementing an STT will               future prospects. Participants make deci-         presents myriad
have a negative impact on a given market’s             sions based on the maximization of their          theoretical
relative competitiveness.                              utility functions given the assumed (cost-
    Before one can properly evaluate the pros          less) complete information they have. Trans-      arguments
and cons of a transaction tax on financial             action costs in financial transactions, in-       in support of
markets, one needs to know what potential              cluding all kinds of taxes and levies charged
impact an increase in transaction cost would           by the authorities, are considered by traders
                                                                                                         and against a
have on trading volume, market liquidity,              as they optimize their welfare in these mod-      transaction tax.
price volatility, potential revenue, and the           els. However, with different assumptions on
general welfare of market participants.                the rationality and composition of market
    The objective of this paper is to review the       participants and the degree of market effi-
relevant literature on the theoretical ratio-          ciency, arguments for and against the FTT
nale for a financial transaction tax as well as        both have reasonable theoretical appeal.
empirical evidence that measures outcomes                  Extant literature presents myriad theo-
from the imposition of such a tax. In this re-         retical arguments in support of and against
view, we concentrate on STTs because (1) this          a transaction tax. The arguments all address
type of transaction tax has been proposed in           the following basic questions: (1) Does the
Europe, and a proposal is still under consid-          FTT reduce price volatility? (2) Does the FTT
eration in the United States, and (2) STTs             reduce trading volume and market liquidity?
are the most common FTT that has been ap-              (3) Does the FTT affect cost of capital and
plied in other parts of the world, allowing us         stock prices? Also, does the FTT cause cor-
to analyze the impact of the tax on trading            porate management to emphasize long-term
volume, volatility, and price efficiency.17            or short-term results relatively more? (4) Will
    The rest of the paper is organized as fol-         the FTT cause trading to shift to overseas
lows. In the following section, we review the          untaxed markets and make domestic mar-
theoretical arguments for and against a FTT.           kets less competitive? (5) Will the FTT raise
Specifically, we review the literature on the          substantial tax revenue?
analysis of the imposition of a FTT on trad-
ing activities (measured in terms of trading           Reduced Excess Speculation and Price
volume) and price volatility. Next, we review          Volatility
the empirical evidence on the imposition of              Proponents of an FTT have suggested

that a transaction tax may reduce specula-                This line of argument for a transac-
                     tive trading and excess market volatility.             tion tax can be attributed to John Maynard
                     They believe short-term speculative trading            Keynes. In light of excessive speculation
                     is the source of excess volatility, so by impos-       and volatility during the Great Depression,
                     ing a transaction tax, short-term speculative          Keynes proposed a securities transaction tax
                     trading and price volatility will be reduced.          as a means of mitigating the predominance
                         The argument rests on the assumption               of speculation in the stock market during
                     that there is a positive relationship between          the Great Depression.18 Witnessing excess
                     short-term speculation and excess price vol-           volatility in the foreign exchange markets
                     atility. To FTT proponents, there appear to            after the dissolution of the Bretton Woods
                     be two types of traders in a financial mar-            Agreement, James Tobin proposed an inter-
                     ket: value investors and noise traders. Value          national transfer tax on currencies in 1978.
                     investors, also known as fundamentalists,              Keynes’s and Tobin’s proposals, although
                     purchase stocks on the basis of comparison             made decades apart, were based on the
                     of security price with estimates of funda-             same assumption that short-term trades are
                     mental values. That is, they buy stocks when           likely to be more destabilizing to financial
                     market price is below the fundamental value            markets than longer-term trades.19 In sub-
                     and sell stocks when market price is above             sequent work, Tobin stated that a financial
                     the fundamental value. This value-based                transaction tax is “fundamental valuation
                     trading is assumed to reduce stock price               efficient” since it lowers excess volatility. 20
                     volatility by pushing stock prices back to-               In 1953, however, Milton Friedman ar-
                     ward estimates of the worth of the compa-              gued that speculation cannot be destabiliz-
                     ny. Conversely, short-term noise traders act           ing in general; if it were, the participants
                     on the basis of past price movements or the            would lose money.21 Other advocates of the
                     results of technical analysis of stock market          Efficient Market Hypothesis argue that spec-
                     data itself. They purchase stocks when mar-            ulators—by rationally arbitraging the unex-
                     ket prices rise and sell the stocks when they          ploited profit opportunities when a market
                     fall. This type of trading, based on positive          becomes inefficient—help to clear markets,
                     feedbacks from market prices, is assumed to            stabilize prices, and bring the assets and se-
                     destabilize markets because it often drives            curities back to their fundamental values.22
                     market price away from estimates of funda-             This suggests that the impact of a transaction
                     mental values and thus creates excess price            tax on price volatility may hinge on whether
                     volatility. Value investors who trade on the           markets are dominated by speculators, ar-
                     basis of market price deviations from the              bitrageurs, or long-term investors. In other
                     fundamental values are long-term inves-                words, any FTT’s success is dependent upon
                     tors and have no need to trade frequently.             the composition of traders in the market.
Keynes proposed      On the other hand, short-term speculative                 Joseph Stiglitz suggests that a desirable
      a securities   traders do need to trade frequently because            FTT should not impede the functioning of
  transaction tax    their strategy is to follow recent past price          the capital market as an allocator of scarce
                     behavior. Because the trading frequency                resources. As such, an FTT based on the
    as a means of    of short term traders is much greater than             value of the transaction (e.g., a turnover tax
   mitigating the    that of long-term investors, the imposition            on trades) should be broad-based in order to
   predominance      of a transaction tax will increase the trad-           avoid the frequent introduction of unneces-
                     ing cost for short-term speculative traders            sary distortions, set at a low rate, and be eq-
of speculation in    but will have less impact on the trading cost          uitable. Stiglitz further suggests that a suffi-
the stock market     of long-term value investors. As a result, a           ciently small transaction tax (~ 0.5 percent to
                     transaction tax will curb the frequency of             1 percent) is negligible and would not affect
during the Great     short-term speculative trading and thus,               exchange efficiency, but would have different
     Depression.     theoretically, curb excess volatility.                 impacts on the welfare of different groups of

traders. He asserts that the uninformed trad-          have irrationally or that waste too many re-      Proponents of
ers are hardly likely to be affected by a tax at       sources for this speculative zero-sum game.24     transaction taxes
a moderate rate of less than 1 percent. Like-              Short-term technical traders are not neces-
wise, the informed traders (insiders) would            sarily amateurs or low-volume traders. Port-      argue that they
not be discouraged from trading with that              folio managers, for example, are often evalu-     will discourage
amount of transaction tax. This is because             ated on the basis of quarterly performance.
they operate more often on long-term bases             Thus, portfolio managers are incentivized
for valuation and thus are unlikely to have            to maximize performance in the near term.         trading.
their behavior greatly affected.23                     This leads them to give short-term prospects
    Stiglitz posits that the turnover tax pri-         a disproportionate weight in determining
marily affects short-term market partici-              stock purchases. As a consequence, corpo-
pants—noise traders and speculators—who                rate managers are forced to slight long-term
buy and sell within the trading day and within         investment in favor of delivering short-term
days or weeks. As such, a transaction tax may          earnings.
represent a significant fraction of the returns            Proponents of transaction taxes argue
they hope to achieve on each transaction. He           that they will discourage short-term trading
argues that the large number of noise trad-            and reduce the number of speculative short-
ers and liquidity providers (those who trade           term traders due to higher trading costs
with the noise traders) bear the lion’s share          in the markets. More market participants
of the transaction tax and may actually ex-            would, theoretically, look beyond quarterly
perience a welfare gain from impeding these            earnings reports and short-run prospects,
exchanges. There may be greater volatility if          resulting in more stable prices. In this mod-
the FTT is too big (barring arbitrage trades),         el, corporate managers would pursue more
but this is unlikely if the tax is small. Based        long-term investment projects.
on this logic, Stiglitz establishes that the
upper bound on the volatility increase will            Reduced Cost of Capital
not be greater than that without the trans-                Stock markets allow firms to raise new
action tax. He therefore believes that if the          capital from shareholders by way of exchange.
tax is small, there will be significant reduc-         Thus, a transaction tax that impedes the ex-
tion in volatility as noise traders drop out           change function of the stock market might
of the market. Thus, he argues that such a             interfere with the capital raising function of
tax may actually be beneficial because it dis-         the market, ironically forcing management
courages short-term speculative trading. The           and investors to focus on short-term returns
tax won’t affect the long-term investors too           rather than long-term concerns.25 Stiglitz ar-
much because a transaction tax, on average,            gues that this potential impact is negligible
has the property of automatically phasing              for a small transfer tax and, to the contrary,
itself out for long-term investments; that is,         would enhance the capital-raising function
as a proportion of returns, it becomes negli-          of the stock market if the tax reduces stock
gible as the holding period increases. Thus,           market volatility.26 Reducing market volatil-
the tax will not have a significant effect on          ity will make it easier for firms to raise eq-
long-term investors. He suggests this feature          uity capital at a lower cost, thus increasing
makes a turnover tax more desirable than a             efficiency. If true, management would focus
capital gains tax because a capital gains tax          their orientation toward a longer-term strat-
subsidizes noise traders and penalizes arbi-           egy.27
trageurs, leading to increased price volatility.
Lawrence Summers and Victoria Summers                  Increased Tax Revenue
also agree that a securities transactions tax              Transaction tax proponents suggest that
improves the efficiency of financial markets           the revenue potential of a transaction tax
by crowding out market participants that be-           is formidable.28 The Congressional Budget

Office (CBO), in its publication Reducing                   Franklin Edwards argues that transac-
                    the Deficit: Spending and Revenue Options, esti-       tion taxes increase trading costs, making
                    mated the revenue from a broadly based 0.5             U.S. futures markets less competitive be-
                    percent securities transaction tax to be about         cause of the impact on price efficiency and
                    $12 billion per year based on a five-year aver-        on the cost of hedging. He argues that a tax-
                    age. Based on the same tax rate used by the            induced reduction in trading may decrease
                    CBO, Summers and Summers suggest a sim-                informational efficiency by discouraging
                    ilar figure, estimating government revenues            “information” trades by informed specula-
                    of at least $10 billion a year.29 Another esti-        tors and hedgers. He admits that it is not
                    mate indicates that revenue from a securities          easy to determine the impact on price effi-
                    transaction tax could be as large as $70–$100          ciency because the tax also discourages noise
                    billion per year.30 Outside the United States,         trading.35
                    it was estimated that a securities transac-                Evidence from a pair of studies suggests
                    tion tax in Japan would bring in $12 billion           that reducing the transaction tax in the Tai-
                    a year.31 The European Commission in a                 wan futures market greatly improved the
                    June 2011 budget proposal calculated that              efficiencies of price execution36 and price
                    a financial transaction tax would contribute           discovery.37 Likewise, a study by Shinhua
   A small fixed    €50 billion per year to the European budget,           Liu examined the impact of a 1989 change
transaction cost    or €350 billion over a seven-year period.32            in tax rates on securities in Japan. Liu found
    significantly                                                          significant decreases in estimates of the first
                    Effects on Trading Volume, Market                      auto-correlations in returns for Japanese
 reduces trading    Liquidity, and Information Efficiency                  stocks listed in Japan, but no changes for
        volume.         Some literature suggests that there is a           Japanese stocks dually listed in the United
                    negative relationship between trading vol-             States as American Depository Receipts
                    ume and trading costs. Increases in trading            (ADRs), which were not subject to the tax
                    costs lower the profitability of trading, lead-        law change. Liu also found a lower price ba-
                    ing traders to trade less frequently or extend         sis between the ADRs and their underlying
                    their hold period in order to minimize their           Japanese stocks, concluding that these re-
                    trading costs over time. As trading volume is          sults are consistent with the hypothesis that
                    reduced, traders will take more time to off-           a reduction in transaction costs (transaction
                    set their trades and face a larger price impact        tax) improves the efficiency of the price dis-
                    of a given trade, thus diminishing market li-          covery process.38
                    quidity as well. When the market is illiquid,
                    information will be more slowly incorporat-            FTTs Do Not Necessarily Reduce Price
                    ed into equity or futures prices, impairing            Volatility
                    overall market efficiency.                                 Donald Kiefer argued that a transaction
                        Andrew Lo, Harry Mamaysky, and Ji-                 tax can theoretically increase or decrease
                    ang Wang proposed a dynamic equilibrium                volatility.39 Paul Kupiec demonstrated that
                    model of asset prices and trading volume.              a transaction tax has ambiguous effects on
                    It shows that a small fixed transaction cost           price volatility in a general equilibrium mod-
                    significantly reduces trading volume.33 Even           el framework. In the context of his model, he
                    Stiglitz, a supporter of the transaction tax,          shows that a transaction tax can reduce the
                    agrees that a sizable transaction cost can re-         price volatility of risky assets.40 However, the
                    duce trading, thinning market liquidity if the         reduction in price volatility is accompanied
                    buy and sell sides are symmetric, although             by a fall of the taxed asset’s price, while con-
                    “for widely traded stocks, on both theoretical         versely the volatility of risky asset returns will
                    and empirical grounds, it is hard to believe           increase with the transaction tax. Thus, the
                    that this effect [larger bid-ask spread due to a       net effect of a transaction tax on price volatil-
                    transaction tax] would be significant.”34              ity could be to increase it, decrease it, or leave

it unchanged, depending on other factors in            volatility is caused by changes in the relative
the scenario.                                          share of noise traders and fundamentalists.
    In a general equilibrium model, Frank              In their general equilibrium model, Shi and
Song and Junxi Zhang examined the effects              Xu analyzed entry costs for both informed
of a transaction tax on a set of noise trad-           and noise traders after an introduction of
ers and the resulting market volatility. They          a transaction tax. The model assumed in-
showed that a transaction tax may not only             formed traders’ unconditional expectation
discourage the trading activity of noise trad-         of excess return depends on the ratio of noise
ers but also discourage rational and stabi-            entrants to informed entrants, but this does
lizing value investors from trading.41 The             not influence noise traders’ expectations. An
net effect of a transaction tax on volatility          increase in the noise component increases
depends on the change of trader composi-               market volatility. In analyzing three equilib-
tion that results from the implementation              ria with different entry costs to the market,
of the tax. They referred to this as the “trader       their major finding was that the imposition
composition effect.”42 Furthermore, a trans-           of a Tobin tax did not reduce volatility and
action tax may decrease trading volume and             may, in fact, increase it, depending on the ra-
increase the bid-ask spread. This potential            tio of noise to informed entrants. An increase
effect of a transaction tax on liquidity is la-        in market volatility was also an important as-
beled as the “liquidity effect.” The net im-           sumption for the impact of a transaction tax,
pact of a transaction tax could decrease or            demonstrated in models assuming stochas-
increase market price volatility. The final re-        tic interaction between agents, who are as-
sults depend on the relative magnitude and             sumed not to be able to influence aggregate
interaction of the trader composition and              variables.45 In these models, exchange rate
liquidity effects.                                     volatility will be low if the market is domi-
    Paolo Pellizzari and Frank Westerhoff an-          nated by fundamentalists and will be high
alyzed the effect of a transaction tax on mar-         if the market is dominated by noise trad-
ket price volatility in a number of computa-           ers. These models reflect the stylized facts
tional experiments. They showed that the               of financial markets, most notably, “volatil-
effectiveness of transaction taxes depends             ity clustering”—in which the exchange rate
on the types of trading markets: specifi-              switches irregularly between phases of high
cally, they compared a continuous double-              and low volatility.
auction market versus a dealership market.                 Overall, the implications of theoretical
In a continuous double auction market, the             models on the price volatility effects of an
imposition of a transaction tax is not likely          FTT are mixed. Conclusions about the im-
to reduce market volatility since a reduction          pact of a transaction tax on price volatility
in market liquidity amplifies the average              depend on the assumptions of the theoreti-
price impact of a given trade order. Liquid-           cal models and assumed mechanisms of in-
ity is endogenously generated in this type of          formation transmission. We will examine
market. Their model predicts that in a deal-           some of these in section III.
ership market, a transaction tax may reduce
market volatility because abundant liquidity           Increased Costs of Capital and of
is exogenously provided, prompting special-            Hedging                                              The net effect
ists and some traders to retreat from the                 Trading costs affect stock prices because         of a transaction
market, causing volume to decline.43                   trading costs reduce the expected return of
    Kang Shi and Juanyi Xu examined the im-            stocks. Investors demand higher expected             tax on volatility
pact of a transaction tax on foreign currency          return when paying increased costs.                  depends on the
transactions, which was designed to limit the             Yakov Amihud and Haim Mendelson
impact of noise traders in order to reduce             found that the expected rate of return on
                                                                                                            change of trader
volatility.44 They also believe exchange rate          equities (i.e., the cost of equity) is an increas-   composition.

The imposition       ing concave function of the bid-ask spread,              trading in 1989, they admitted that a trans-
    of transaction     a proxy measure of liquidity.46 Since other              action tax could have damaging impacts on
                       transaction costs of equity trading (e.g., the           the industry as evidenced in the demise of
          taxes will   brokerage fee) are positively related to the             the Sweden Options and Futures Exchange
       increase the    bid-ask spread, the estimates obtained by                following implementation of a tax on op-
                       Amihud and Mendelson imply that, for a                   tions.51
 trading costs on      given increase in the bid-ask spread, expect-                Joseph Grundfest and John Shoven sug-
 stocks, and thus      ed returns increase at a larger amount as the            gest that an STT would cause distortions in
     investors will    equity issue becomes more liquid. Likewise,              the financial markets and could cause many
                       a securities tax that is analogous to a bigger           investors—particularly institutions—to shift
demand a higher        bid-ask spread will raise the expected return            their equity trading away from organized
  expected return      of equity (i.e., the cost of capital). Later stud-       domestic exchanges toward foreign coun-
   commensurate        ies have also documented two similar re-                 tries. They believe even a small STT can have
                       sults: (1) The greater the liquidity of a given          major adverse consequences for the value of
   with the added      stock, the lower its expected return,47 and              instruments subject to the tax and for the
               cost.   (2) lower trading costs are associated with              cost of capital in the U.S. economy. They
                       lower expected return of the stock.48                    also criticize the CBO’s static model because
                           In 2002 Amihud investigated the effects              it does not consider the STT’s effect on trad-
                       of changing overall market liquidity on stock            ing volume or market prices, nor does it
                       prices over the period from 1963 to 1996. He             consider the possibility of substitution away
                       observed that a decline in market liquidity              from taxable instruments and transactions.
                       was accompanied by a significant decline in              Thus, they contend, the CBO overstates the
                       stock prices and subsequent increase in ex-              actual tax revenue that can be collected.52
                       pected return (i.e., the cost of capital).49 Pre-            Franklin Edwards has argued that even
                       vious studies clearly indicate that the impo-            a very small transaction tax would be suf-
                       sition of transaction taxes will increase the            ficient to drive all U.S. futures trading to
                       trading costs on stocks, and thus investors              untaxed overseas markets.53 He considered
                       will demand a higher expected return com-                a tax of 0.5 percent on the value of the con-
                       mensurate with the added cost. As a conse-               tract to be prohibitively high as a percentage
                       quence, firms’ cost of equity would rise and             of total transaction cost on trading as com-
                       their stock prices will decrease.                        pared to stocks.54 Should a lower rate be set
                           Franklin Edwards argued that a declin-               on futures trading vis-à-vis stocks, the differ-
                       ing trading volume due to a transaction tax              ence in the transaction tax may cause traders
                       would likely increase the risk premiums that             to pursue transactions that bear a lower tax.
                       hedgers would have to pay to speculators                 Substitution may take place domestically or
                       who provide liquidity. This makes futures                across international borders. This is why Sti-
                       less efficient risk management instruments               glitz suggested in 1989 that transaction tax
                       and thus the FTT undermines one of the                   rates should be uniform within the United
                       primary economic functions of futures mar-               States on substitutable assets.55
                       kets.50                                                      Edwards also pointed out that a critical
                                                                                feature of futures markets across the globe is
                       Migration of Trading and Relative Com-                   low transaction costs. “If U.S. markets were
                       petitiveness                                             to have higher trading costs . . . it would
                          Previous literature on transaction taxes              be a relatively simple matter for trading to
                       shed light on the potential adverse effects of           shift to foreign markets.”56 The shift will
                       FTTs on the international competitiveness                take place because: (1) there are restrictions
                       of the U.S. financial services industry. While           that require foreign exchanges to trade the
                       Summers and Summers did not believe a                    same contract in order to compete for the
                       transaction tax would cripple U.S. equities              same business (e.g., TAIFEX and Nikkei 225

indexes were traded on the Singapore Ex-             the actual transaction tax. Some caveats are
change) and commodity futures are traded             in order here. First, although test results on
all over the world; and (2) there are no re-         the hypothesized impact of a transaction tax
strictions on Americans shifting their trad-         are useful in explaining its possible impact,
ing to foreign exchanges. This has been the          the actual impact may differ in practice. An
main reason why the futures industry op-             explicit tax charged on a transaction may
poses a transaction tax on futures trading.          not be perceived as an implicit transaction
    John Campbell and Kenneth Froot ex-              cost embedded in the bid-ask spread or a
plained that investors in Sweden moved eq-           reduction in brokerage fee. Second, despite
uity trading offshore and fixed income trad-         controlling for variables that could affect the
ing to untaxed local substitutes in response         empirical results, the results obtained from
to the country’s imposition of an STT. In the        foreign countries where market environ-
United Kingdom, the stamp duty STT stim-             ments are different may vary considerably
ulated trading in untaxed substitute assets          when and if an FTT is applied to U.S. mar-
and seemed to reduce total trading volume            kets. Third, because most studies are done in
to some degree. They concluded that if an            securities and foreign exchange markets and
STT is aimed at reducing overall trading vol-        very few in futures markets, observers should
ume or raising revenue, most likely it won’t         recognize the limits of similarities between      Investors in
achieve its goal because investors would             the results and implications obtained from        Sweden moved
move trading to offshore markets or un-              those markets and what would happen if            equity trading
taxed assets. They believe the British type of       they were applied to a futures market.
STT would be more workable for the United                                                              offshore and
States than the Swedish type.57                      Effects on Trading Volume and Market              fixed income
                                                         One major argument against transac-
                                                                                                       trading to
         What Does the                               tion taxes is that a transaction tax would        untaxed local
       Empirical Evidence                            increase trading cost, which would reduce         substitutes.
                                                     trading volume and market liquidity. A nar-
       Say about the FTT?                            rowly based transaction tax would provide a
                                                     strong incentive for traders to migrate to an
   There are ample empirical studies on the          alternative domestic instrument or to un-
impact of FTTs on various aspects of finan-          taxed foreign markets that have lower costs.
cial market quality, including trading vol-          Furthermore, a reduction in trading volume
ume, volatility, liquidity, and price discov-        would increase trading costs (e.g., a wider
ery. In general, the literature can be placed        bid-ask spread) and decrease market liquid-
into two groups. The first group of studies          ity. Market and price efficiency would be im-
has used direct ex post tests on the impact          paired when market liquidity deteriorated.
of transaction taxes on market quality in                Several studies provide estimates of the
countries where actual direct taxes, whether         elasticity of trading volume in equity mar-
STTs or Tobin taxes, had been charged on             kets. In 1976 Thomas Epps estimated the
financial transactions.                              share transaction cost turnover elasticity
   The second group of studies has used              to be about -0.26 in U.S. equity markets,59
ex ante analysis of the impact of a transac-         whereas Patricia Jackson and Gus O’Donnell
tion tax on the quality of financial markets         estimated the transaction cost turnover
where there have been no actual STT or               elasticity of equities traded in London to be
Tobin taxes. The studies use different mea-          -0.70 nine years later.60 Put simply, previ-
sures and proxies of transaction costs (e.g.,        ous studies find that transaction costs and
changes in bid-ask spreads, brokerage com-           trading volume have a negative relationship.
mission, and tick size58) but not necessarily        Likewise, empirical studies find that the

SST had a negative effect on local trading.             fect on the volume of trade in Swedish eq-
                       For example, Steven Umlauf documented in                uities by foreign institutions. There is little
                       1993 that 60 percent of the trading volume              evidence that total trading volume in Swed-
                       of the 11 most actively traded Swedish share            ish stocks responded strongly to changes in
                       classes, amounting to 30 percent of the total           taxation of trades in Stockholm. This lends
                       trading volume, shifted to the London stock             additional support to the view that interna-
                       exchange when the Swedish transaction                   tional investors easily evaded Swedish turn-
                       tax on equity increased from 1 percent to 2             over taxes. They find that the transaction tax
                       percent in 1986.61 Two econometric studies              had a larger impact on local fixed-income
                       on equity turnover, one in the United King-             trading volume than on stocks. Campbell
                       dom62 and one in Sweden,63 found that the               and Froot offer several observations: (1) The
                       long-run elasticity of turnover with respect            effect of the tax seems to be quite large; (2)
                       to overall transactions costs is in the range           much of the volume decline in futures oc-
                       of -1 and -1.7. Their best estimate is -1 (i.e.,        curred in anticipation of the tax; (3) these ef-
                       for each reduction or removal of 1 percent              fects ran in reverse once the tax was removed
                       round trip transaction tax (or 0.5 percent on           in April 1990. In short, the turnover tax in
                       buy and 0.5 on sell), trading volume would              fixed income securities raised little revenue
                       increase by 100 percent.64                              since substitution toward other Swedish do-
                           Taking into consideration the margins               mestic securities was easy, with little need
                       of substitution, Campbell and Froot esti-               for migration abroad given the existence of
                       mated the elasticity of trading volume af-              less costly domestic substitutes.
                       ter changes in transaction taxes in Sweden                  Campbell and Froot proposed two prin-
                       and found evidence that foreign investors               ciples that might be used to rationalize
                       tended to move toward more trading abroad               transaction tax rates across securities. The
                       and domestic investors became less likely to            first principle is that the transactions that
                       engage in any trading at all. They reported             give rise to the same pattern of payoffs
                       that when the SST was in place from 1988–               should pay the same tax, though they admit
                       91, the fraction of trading taking place in             that it is conceptually impossible to apply
                       Stockholm was much lower for unrestricted               this principle consistently. The second prin-
                       shares. This is corroborated by further evi-            ciple is that transactions that use the same
                       dence that commissions paid by large U.S.               resources should pay the same tax. For ex-
                       institutional investors when trading Swed-              ample, they point out that Sweden used to
                       ish equities remained constant but the share            tax domestic brokerage services, whereas the
      Sixty percent    of their taxes paid fell from 68 percent in             United Kingdom taxes registration (i.e., the
     of the trading    1987 to 13 percent by 1990. That is, foreign            stamp duty).
                       investors such as U.S. institutions (and their              Previous evidence of STT impacts in eq-
     volume of the     brokers) were increasingly able to evade the            uity markets shows that a transaction tax re-
   11 most actively    tax by eliminating the use of Swedish bro-              duces trading volume and market liquidity.
   traded Swedish      kers when trading in Sweden or by exchang-              For highly elastic instruments, substitution
                       ing Swedish securities in London and New                will take place, driving some or all trading
       share classes   York. They reported that by 1990, 50 percent            to overseas markets where the tax rates are
      shifted to the   of trading volume was shifted to the London             lower, or out of the market entirely.
     London stock      equity exchange. The authors also found                     Likewise, previous studies in futures mar-
                       that the Swedish tax shifted fixed-income               kets demonstrated a statistically significant
    exchange when      trading activity from income-securities and             negative relationship between trading vol-
        the Swedish    futures markets to untaxed markets such                 ume and trading costs in U.S., Taiwanese,
                       as variable-rate notes, corporate loans, and            and Indian futures markets.65 For example,
transaction tax on     forward rate agreements. They contended                 Johan Bjursell, George Wang, and Jot Yau ex-
  equity increased.    that the Swedish tax had only a marginal ef-            amined the relations among trading volume,

bid-ask spread, and price volatility in 11 U.S.             The first group of literature includes the     Transaction
futures markets from 2005 to 2010. They                 work of Harold Mulherin, who examined              taxes do not
found that a transaction tax would have the             the relationship between trading costs in
same effect as a wider bid-ask spread, reduc-           the New York Stock Exchange and the daily          necessarily cause
ing trading volume, increasing price volatil-           volatility of the Dow Jones Industrial Aver-       volatility to
ity, and generating a modest amount of tax              age returns from 1897 to 1987. He conclud-
revenue.66                                              ed that the imposition of a transaction tax
    Robert Aliber, Bhagwan Chowdhry, and                may not necessarily reduce volatility.69 Like-
Shu Yan studied the impact of a small trans-            wise, Charles Jones and Paul Seguin used the
action cost (averaged around 0.05 percent)              elimination of the minimal brokerage com-
on the trading volume and price volatility of           missions in the U.S. stock market in 1975 as
four currency futures traded on the Chicago             a proxy for a one-time reduction in the trans-
Mercantile Exchange (CME) over the period               action tax. They found that volatility fell the
of 1977–1999. They found that an increase               year after the abolishment of the minimum
of 0.02 percent in transaction costs leads to a         commission rates in NYSE and AMEX mar-
reduction in trading volume as well as an in-           kets, but the decline in volatility was also ob-
crease of volatility of 0.5 percentage points.67        served in the NASDAQ market.70
    Robin Chou and George Wang found                        Using the cross-sectional data of 23 coun-
that before Taiwan cut the tax on the Taiwan            tries for the period up to, during, and after
Index (TIX) futures trading by 50 percent in            the October market crash (1987–1989),
2000, futures trading volume was smaller                Richard Roll found no significant evidence
than that in the Singapore futures exchange.            that volatility is negatively related to trans-
However, since July 2002, the trading volume            action taxes.71 In other words, transaction
for TIX exceeded that of the same contract              taxes do not necessarily cause volatility to
on the Singapore futures exchange.68 This               decrease across countries, and it is question-
evidence indicates that lower transaction               able whether transaction taxes should be
costs change the relative competitiveness               used with confidence as an effective policy
of exchanges and significant migration of               instrument. Shing-yang Hu analyzed nu-
trade may take place because of lower trad-             merous changes in STT rates in Hong Kong,
ing costs.                                              Japan, Korea, and Taiwan during the period
    In summary, evidence in extant futures              1975–1994 but concluded that, on average, a
literature is consistent with the anti-tax              change in STT rates had no effect on volatil-
hypothesis that increasing trading costs                ity and market turnover.72
through a transaction tax would reduce                      In one study, Ragnar Lindgren and An-
trading volume and market liquidity, and                ders Westlund found no significant effect of
increase price inefficiency of taxed financial          an STT on price volatility of Swedish stocks,
instruments.                                            but in later work they found a weak positive
                                                        relationship between STT and price volatil-
Effects on Price Volatility                             ity.73 Steven Umlauf examined the impact
    The empirical studies of transaction                of increasing the transaction tax on market
taxes’ impact on price volatility can be clas-          price volatility. He reported several inter-
sified into two groups. The first group of pa-          esting results: (1) there was no significant
pers that examine the relationship between              difference in volatility across the three tax
price volatility and trading costs does not             regimes (i.e., before 1984 [0 percent], 1984–
find any definitive pattern or relationship,            1986 [1 percent ], after 1986 [2 percent]);74
whereas the second group of papers finds                (2) there was a statistically significant in-
evidence of either an increase or a decrease            crease in daily volatility of returns, which
in volatility. Putting them together, empiri-           was higher during the 2 percent tax regime
cal results are inconclusive.                           than in other regimes, but there was no sys-

tematic relationship between transaction tax          trading volume for selected U.S. futures
                       regimes and volatility;75 and (3) the volatil-        contracts. Pravakar Sahoo and Rajiv Kumar
                       ity of London-traded shares of 11 companies           analyzed the relations for five most traded
                       was lower than the volatility of these com-           commodity futures contracts in India. These
                       panies’ Stockholm-traded classes.76 Robin             studies showed that there is a significantly
                       Chou and George Wang found that there                 positive relation between price volatility and
                       were no significant changes in the daily price        bid-ask spread (transaction costs) for each
                       volatility of Taiwan index futures after the          futures contract examined.83
                       tax reduction.77                                          Robert Aliber, Bhagwan Chowdhry, and
                           Among studies that belong to the second           Shu Yan studied the impact of a small trans-
                       group, Shinhua Liu and Zhen Zhu studied               action cost (averaged around 0.05 percent)
                       the deregulation of fixed brokerage commis-           on four currency futures traded on CME in
                       sions and the removal of an STT in Japan in           the period of 1977–1999 on their trading vol-
                       October 1999, and found results contrary to           ume and price volatility. They found that an
                       those of Jones and Seguin. They found that            increase of 0.02 percent in transaction costs
                       the reduction in transaction costs (in which          on the four currency futures traded on CME
                       an STT was included) increased volatility in          leads to an increase of volatility of 0.5 per-
       Most of the     the Tokyo Stock Exchange.78 Liu and Zhu               cent points, coupled with a decline in asset
          previous     offered a possible explanation for contradic-         prices due to the decline in the demand be-
         empirical     tory results: commission rates were drasti-           cause of higher transaction costs.84 Markku
                       cally reduced in Japan, whereas they were             Lanne and Timo Vesala found larger trans-
evidence does not      not in the United States. Hendrik Bessem-             action costs impact on foreign exchange rate
  support the use      binder found that larger tick sizes were as-          volatility between 1992–1993.85 Badi Baltagi,
                       sociated with higher transaction costs and            Dong Li, and Qi Li investigated the effect of
  of a transaction     also with higher volatility.79 Bessembinder           an increase in the stamp tax on price volatil-
tax as an effective    and Subhrendu Rath found that stocks                  ity in the two Chinese stock exchanges using
 regulatory policy     that had moved from NASDAQ to NYSE,                   an event study methodology. They found
                       where trading costs were lower, saw a reduc-          market price volatility significantly increased
    tool to reduce     tion in volatility.80 Harald Hau also found           after the increase in the stamp tax rate.86
     market price      a positive relationship between transaction               Overall, most of the previous empirical
         volatility.   costs and price volatility in the French stock        evidence does not support the use of a trans-
                       market, where significant volatility increases        action tax as an effective regulatory policy
                       were observed when there was an increase in           tool to reduce market price volatility.
                       the cost of trading stocks due to an increase
                       in the tick size.81                                   Effects on Information Efficiency and
                           Franklin Edwards examined the relation            Price Discovery
                       between trading volume and volatility for                Robin Chou and Jie-Haun Lee provided
                       16 U.S. commodity markets during 1989                 interesting empirical evidence of the effect of
                       and found no significant relationship be-             a transaction tax cut on the price efficiency
                       tween the two.82 He concluded that even if a          of the Taiwan Futures Exchange (TAIFEX)
                       transaction tax were to succeed in reducing           and the Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX).87
                       speculative or short-term trading in futures          They demonstrated that after the tax reduc-
                       markets, there was no evidence that it would          tion in 1986, the TAIFEX assumed a lead-
                       reduce price volatility in either futures or          ing role over the SGX in the price discovery
                       the underlying spot markets. Based on the             process for index futures contracts. They
                       three-equation structural model used by               showed that a reduction in the transaction
                       George Wang and Jot Yau in a 2000 study,              tax greatly improves the efficiency of price
                       Bjursell, Wang, and Yau examined the rela-            execution. Wen-Liang Hsieh also noted that
                       tions among volatility, bid-ask spread, and           the information advantage of the SGX di-

minished as the TAIFEX lowered its transac-             magnitude of 0.5 percent would probably
tion tax.88 Badi Baltagi, Dong Li, and Qi Li            eliminate all futures trading in the United
found that volatility shocks were not quickly           States, driving all of those transactions
incorporated into stock prices in the Shang-            overseas. Of course, no revenue would be
hai and Shenzhen exchanges once China                   collected in that case. According to his con-
had increased its STT from 0.3 percent to 0.5           servative estimate, only negligible revenue (~
percent in July 1997, suggesting that the in-           $287 million) could be raised from futures
crease adversely affected the price discovery           trading even if the lowest tax rate (0.0001
function of the stock market.89 In contrast,            percent) and a low demand elasticity (-0.26)
Shinhua Liu showed a reduction in the first-            were assumed.97 He also computed esti-
order autocorrelation of Japanese stock pric-           mated potential tax revenue with a range
es after the STT reduction in 1989, implying            of assumed elasticities (from -1 to -20) and
an improvement in the efficiency of the price           concluded that a transaction tax on futures
discovery process.                                      trading would not generate substantial rev-
Effects on Potential Tax Revenue                            George Wang, Jot Yau, and Tony Baptiste
    Transaction tax proponents argue that               provided the first empirical estimates of the
the revenue potential of a transaction tax is           elasticity of trading volume for several U.S.
formidable.90 The U.S. Congressional Budget             futures contracts. They documented that
Office estimates the revenue from a broad-              estimates of trading volume elasticity with
based 0.5 percent securities transaction tax to         respect to trading costs were in the range
be about $12 billion per year over five years.91        of -0.116 to -2.72, which were less than the
Based on the same tax rate used by the CBO,             elasticities (-5 to -20) used by Edwards, but
Lawrence Summers and Victoria Summers                   higher than the elasticity of -0.26 used in
provided a similar estimate of at least $10 bil-        the CBO report.99 Bjursell, Wang, and Yau
lion a year.92 Robert Pollin, Dean Baker, and           provided empirical estimates of the elastic-
Marc Schaberg suggested that revenue from               ity volume for 11 U.S. futures for the years
an STT could be as large as $70–$100 billion            2005–2010 in a three-equation structural
per year.93 Outside of the United States, a             model.100 They estimated the potential post-
Japanese STT was estimated to bring in $12              tax trading volume and tax revenue with up-
billion a year in the late 1990s,94 and the             dated cost estimates of trading volume elas-
European Commission expected an FTT to                  ticity under alternative tax rates. For a 0.02
provide €50 billion per year over a seven-year          percent tax rate, they found that the trading
period as recently as 2011.95                           volume for six futures (S&P 500, E-mini S&P
    Edwards doubts that a tax on futures                500, 10-year T-Note, British pound, soy-
transactions would potentially generate sig-            beans, and gold) would be totally eliminat-
nificant tax revenue. He argues that the elas-          ed, resulting in zero post-tax revenue from
ticity of trading volume in futures markets             these six futures.101 They concluded that a
is much more than that of equities because              sizable transaction tax could have signifi-
close substitutes are easily available in inter-        cant adverse impacts on market quality and
national futures markets, due to the growth             would not raise substantial revenue for the      A sizable
in trading and information technologies.96              government as suggested in other studies.        transaction
Thus, he contends that the CBO overesti-                Moreover, the tax could potentially hurt the
mated the revenue from the STT because                  international competitiveness of U.S. futures
                                                                                                         tax could have
the elasticity of demand (-0.26) used in the            markets. A study on Indian futures trading       significant
estimate was based on an assumption of no               also concluded that implementation of a          adverse impacts
suitable international substitutes. Given a             transaction tax would not bring in substan-
more elastic trading volume in futures, Ed-             tial tax revenue.102                             on market
wards argues that a transaction tax of the                  Chou and Wang found that the 50 per-         quality.

Trading     cent reduction in the TAIFEX transaction                    Estimation of Potential
  volume may      tax rate reduced tax revenue, but the pro-                 Transaction Tax Revenue
                  portional decrease in the tax revenue (30
precipitously     percent) was less than the 50 percent reduc-                 One major argument for implementing
     decline in   tion in the tax rate. Interestingly, tax revenue         a transaction tax in security and futures
                  increased in the second and third year after             markets is to raise substantial tax revenue
   response to    the tax reduction when compared to the                   for the government. However, proponents
     increased    year before the tax reduction.103 This sug-              of the transaction tax often employ a naïve
  tax-induced     gests that tax reduction has no permanent                method to calculate transaction tax revenue,
                  negative impact on tax revenue.                          multiplying the tax fee by current aggregate
trading costs.       Finally, some of the literature suggests              trading volume in the given markets assum-
                  that the burden of transaction taxes on mar-             ing a static model.105 In other words, their
                  ket participants depends on the availability             models assume the imposition of a tax will
                  of no-tax substitutes for their instruments.             not affect the trading volume in the market.
                  For instance, the elasticity of financial and            This assumption can vastly overestimate
                  metals futures are much higher than those                the potential tax revenue because it does
                  of agriculture futures. Thus, the traders of             not take into account the relation between
                  agriculture futures would have a larger tax              transaction costs and trading volume (see
                  burden relative to traders of financial fu-              no. 1, above). Trading volume may precipi-
                  tures.104 A transaction tax would raise the              tously decline in response to increased tax-
                  relative cost of hedgers using agriculture fu-           induced trading costs.
                  tures to hedge against their underlying asset                William Schwert and Paul Seguin pre-
                  price risk.                                              sented a model to estimate tax revenues that
                     In sum, the review presented above sug-               accounts for the impact of the transaction
                  gests the following:                                     tax on trading volume and price volatility.106
                                                                           They assumed a flat tax rate, τ, for all finan-
                    1.	There is an inverse relationship be-                cial transactions. Revenues can be estimated
                       tween transaction cost (bid-ask spread)             as follows:
                       and trading volume;                                     R = τ (P + ΔP) (Q + ΔQ) + ΔOR, where R is
                    2.	There is a positive relationship that               the revenue, P the volume-weighted average
                       may or may not be statistically signifi-            price level, Q the quantity of transactions, ΔP
                       cant between transaction cost and price             and ΔQ the change in P and Q, respectively,
                       volatility;                                         and ΔOR the change in other government
                    3.	There is a positive relationship between            revenues associated with the tax. The magni-
                       trading volume and price volatility;                tude of the decline in trading volume (ΔQ)
                    4.	Relationships among trading volume,                 depends on the elasticity of trading volume,
                       bid-ask spread, and price volatility are            which requires estimation with respect to the
                       jointly determined;                                 percentage increase in trading costs due to
                    5.	Demand for U.S. futures trading is very             the transaction tax for each financial instru-
                       sensitive (i.e., very elastic) with a strong        ment (see no. 5, above). Likewise, the impact
                       substitution effect between domestic                of the transaction tax on prices (ΔP) needs
                       and untaxed overseas markets; and                   to be estimated. More importantly, previous
                    6.	Although estimated potential tax rev-               studies have shown that the elasticity of de-
                       enue is formidable in the equities mar-             mand in the futures market is not likely to be
                       kets, tax revenue raised by a transaction           the same as that in the equities market.107 As
                       tax in the U.S. futures markets would               such, the potential revenue that can be raised
                       not be as much as many would believe                from a transaction tax in these two markets
                       because the demand for U.S. futures is              can be substantially different depending on
                       found to be very elastic.                           the differing elasticities (see no. 6, above).

It can be inferred that the estimation of          estimating the elasticity of trading volume
the elasticity of trading volume is critical to        for the purpose of estimating the potential
the accurate estimation of the potential tax           tax revenue, one needs to have a model that
revenue. Previous studies found a strong               allows relevant variables to be jointly deter-
and significant positive relation between              mined in estimating the parameters of the
trading volume/liquidity and price volatil-            model. However, in Wang, Yau, and Bap-
ity (see no. 2, above), and an inverse rela-           tiste’s model, price volatility was omitted.
tion between transaction costs and trading             It is imperative to estimate the elasticity of
volume/liquidity (see no. 1, above). The em-           trading volume with respect to the transac-
pirical relation between price volatility and          tion tax (bid-ask spread) in a structural mod-
transaction costs depends on how transac-              el that jointly determines the relationships
tion costs affect trading volume, which, in            between price volatility, bid-ask spread, and
turn, affects the price volatility as theory           trading volume.111 In 2000 George Wang
suggested. Model specifications of these               and Jot Yau proposed a three-equation struc-
previous studies, however, are incomplete              tural model that allows trading volume and
because trading volume is assumed to be a              price volatility to be jointly determined to-
function of transaction costs and/or price             gether with transaction costs in the estima-
per share only.108 Likewise, one study found           tion of tax revenues, which has been used in
                                                                                                          The empirical
that trading volume was not only a function            other studies discussed above.112                  relation between
of volatility, but also one of open interest,              In 2011, Bjursell, Wang, and Yau provid-       price volatility
interest rates, exchange rates, and other vari-        ed updated estimates of the trading volume
ables in futures markets.109 Unfortunately, it         elasticity to bid-ask spread on the 11 select-     and transaction
does not include any measure of transaction            ed U.S. futures based on Wang and Yau’s            costs depends on
costs (such as the bid-ask spread) or transac-         methodology.113
tion taxes/fees as an explanatory variable in              In Table 1, the estimates of the elasticity
                                                                                                          how transaction
the model. In other words, the estimation              of trading volume with respect to transac-         costs affect
of the relationship between trading volume             tion costs (proxied by the bid-ask spread) for     trading volume.
and other explanatory variables is done sepa-          11 U.S. futures are presented. The estimates
rately instead of jointly in a structural model        range from -2.6 (E-mini S&P 500 index fu-
(i.e., ignoring no. 4, above).                         tures) to -0.81 (heating oil), suggesting that
    In light of the deficiencies in the empiri-        the trading volume of a futures contract will
cal estimation of the relation of trading vol-         decline if transaction costs increase, as by the
ume and price volatility, and the relation of          imposition of an FTT. For example, the elas-
bid-ask spread and price volatility, Wang,             ticity of -0.81 for the S&P 500 index futures
Yau, and Baptiste proposed a two-equation              indicates that the trading volume for these
structural model to examine the relations be-          futures will decrease 0.81 percent for each
tween trading volume and transaction costs             one percent increase in the bid-ask spread
in seven financial, agricultural, and metals           or financial transaction tax. The lower-end
futures.110 By estimating the elasticities in a        of the corresponding interval estimates with
simultaneous-equation system, they explicit-           a 95 percent confidence level are all greater
ly formalize the jointly determined relation-          than one, except for 30-year T-bond (-0.972)
ship between trading volume and bid-ask                and heating oil (-0.923) futures. These results
spread. Their study confirms that trading              suggest that the elasticity of trading volume
volume and bid-ask spread are jointly de-              with respect to transaction costs had been
termined in the U.S. futures markets. It also          very high during the period 2005–2010 for
shows that the differences in the estimates            most futures examined. Bjursell, Wang, and
for four U.S. futures markets underestimate            Yau pointed out the important implication
the elasticities and overestimate the poten-           that an increase in the bid-ask spread due to
tial tax revenues in these markets. Thus, in           a new transaction tax would substantially re-

Table 1
                     Elasticity of Trading Volume with Respect to Transaction Costs in Selected U.S.
                     Futures Markets

                                                       January 2005–December 2010                  January 1990–April 1994
                     Contract                              Elasticity Estimatesa                     Elasticity Estimatesb
                     S&P500                                           -0.81                                    -0.78
                     E-mini S&P500                                    -2.60
                     30-Year T-Bond                                   -0.87
                     10-Year T-Note                                   -1.36
                     British Pound                                    -0.97
                     Wheat                                            -0.98
                     Soybean                                          -1.66
                     Copper                                           -1.44
                     Gold                                             -2.02                                    -1.31
                     Crude Oil                                        -1.00
                     Heating Oil                                      -0.80
                     Deutschemark                                                                              -1.30
                     Silver                                                                                    -0.90

                     Source: aC. Johan Bjursell, George H.K. Wang, and Jot Yau, “Transaction tax and market quality of U.S. futures
                     market: An ex ante analysis,” Review of Futures Markets (2012), forthcoming. bGeorge H.K. Wang, and Jot Yau,
                     “Trading volume, bid-ask spread, and price volatility in futures markets,” Journal of Futures Markets 20, no. 10
                     (2000): 943–70.
                     Note: Numbers in parentheses denote standard errors for the corresponding point estimates.

                     duce trading volume and decrease liquidity                 proximated by the average yearly price in
                     for the U.S. futures exchanges. The elasticity             2010. The transaction tax revenue is then
                     used in the CBO’s 1990 report, -0.26, esti-                expressed as a percentage of the total fixed
                     mated by Thomas Epps based on U.S. stock                   transaction costs (TFC), which is $14.8.
                     data, seriously understates current elasticity             Thus, for S&P 500 futures, the transaction
                     in the futures markets. Hence, the CBO over-               tax revenue as a percentage of the total fixed
                     estimated the potential revenue of a transac-              transaction costs (TR%TC) is
   The elasticity    tion tax in futures markets.
      used in the        We use the following example to illustrate              $283,981 * 0.0002
                                                                                                        = 3.837581 or 383.7581%
     CBO’s 1990      how Bjursell, Wang, and Yau computed the                          $14.8
                     estimated tax revenue for S&P 500 index
 report seriously    futures, using a transaction tax of 0.02 per-                  Second, the post-tax volume (PTV), i.e.,
     understates     cent.114                                                   the estimated trading volume after a trans-
current elasticity       First, we calculate the 0.02 percent trans-            action tax is imposed, is calculated based
                     action tax revenue on the S&P 500 futures                  on the current elasticity of trading volume
   in the futures    transactions based on the notional value                   (TV) with respect to transaction costs/taxes
        markets.     of the futures contract, or $283,981 as ap-                (-0.81 for the S&P 500 futures, Table 1) and

the total trading volume (the number of                    transaction tax (e.g., 0.02 percent) is big             Even a small
contracts traded in 2010). Thus,                           enough to wipe out all S&P 500 index fu-                transaction
                                                           tures transactions, leaving no tax revenues to
                                                           be collected by the government. This result             tax (e.g., 0.02
PTV = 	 Total TV*[1 + (current elasticity of               suggests that the impact of a transaction tax           percent) is big
	TV*(TR%TC/TFC))]                                          on trading costs and trading volume can vary
PTV	=7,689,961*[1 + (-0.81*3.837581)]                      significantly with different types of futures
                                                                                                                   enough to wipe
	   = -16,213,825                                          since they have different degrees of trading            out all S&P 500
                                                           volume elasticity.                                      index futures
  Third, the change in trading volume                          Finally, the estimated potential tax rev-
(ΔTV) is computed to be equal to                           enues to be collected on various futures con-           transactions,
                                                           tracts is calculated based on the post tax vol-         leaving no tax
   ΔTV = PTV − TV                                          ume (column 3, Table 2) estimated with the              revenues to be
   ΔTV 	 = -16,213,825 – 7,689,961                         recent estimates of trading volume elasticity
   	     = -23,903,786                                     (from Table 1). Column 5 in Table 2 presents            collected by the
                                                           the estimates of the potential post-tax reve-           government.
This result shows that the trading volume                  nue for the eleven futures computed by Bjur-
of S&P 500 index futures is very sensitive to              sell, Wang, and Yau with recent estimates of
changes in transaction costs. Even a small                 trading volume elasticity. The potential tax

Table 2
Estimates of Post-Tax Revenue in Selected U.S. Futures Markets

                                                                      (4) Post Tax          (5) Post Tax
                      (2) Average Yearly  (3) Post Tax               Revenue Naïve       Revenue Elasticity
   (1) Contract        Price (2010) ($) Trading Volume                Method ($)a          Adjusted ($)b
S&P 500                      283,981                         0          436,760,532                       0
E-mini S&P 500                 56,776                        0        6,305,896,991                       0
30-Year T-Bond               124,069              29,208,455          2,072,187,486           724,770,376
10-Year T-Note               121,174                         0        7,118,223,079                       0
British Pound                  96,522                        0          583,383,582                       0
Wheat                          29,512             14,747,726            136,289,676            87,048,101
Soybean                        52,434                        0          387,315,432                       0
Copper                          8,572              8,340,933             17,668,989            14,300,463
Gold                         122,616                         0        1,096,935,043                       0
Crude Oil                      79,621                        0        2,685,649,749                       0
Heating Oil                     9,033             21,518,357             48,725,003            38,875,710
Total                                                               20,889,035,562            864,994,651

Source: C. Johan Bjursell, George H.K. Wang, and Jot Yau, “Transaction Tax and Market Quality of U.S. Futures
Market: An ex ante Analysis,” Review of Futures Markets (2012), forthcoming.
Notes: a Estimated potential revenue under this method is computed as Trading volume 2010 x Average Yearly
Price (2010) x Tax rate (0.02%). bEstimated potential revenue under this method is computed as: Post-tax trading
volume x Average Yearly Price (2010) x Tax rate (0.02%).

revenues (PTR) collected from each futures                             Conclusion
                      contract is computed as follows:
                                                                                   In this paper, we reviewed the theoreti-
                          PTR = 	PTV*Average Yearly Price (2010)*              cal and empirical studies on the impact of a
                      	          Tax rate (0.02%)                              transaction tax.116 Specifically, we reviewed
                                                                               the empirical evidence on the imposition
                      For comparison purposes, presented in col-               of a FTT in futures markets with regard to
                      umn 4 in Table 2 are the post-tax revenues               trading volume, price volatility, pricing effi-
                      calculated by the naïve method, that is, as-             ciency, and estimated revenue. We discussed
                      suming trading volume will stay the same                 a methodology for estimating the potential
                      and not be affected by the transaction tax.              transaction tax revenue that can be raised
                      The tax revenue generated by the naïve                   from U.S. futures markets. The empirical
                      method (column 4) is often used by propo-                model proposed by the authors and used in
                      nents of transaction tax as the basis for ar-            several previous studies accounts for the en-
                      guing that transaction taxes would generate              dogenous relationships among trading vol-
                      substantial revenue.115 For the 0.02 percent             ume, bid-ask spread (transaction cost), and
                      tax rate, six futures (S&P 500, E-mini S&P               volatility.117 We explained the estimation of
  The transaction     500, 10-year T-Note, British pound, soy-                 the empirical elasticity of trading volume
       tax revenue    bean, and gold) would cease to be traded at              and post-tax adjusted trading volume us-
 estimated by the     all in U.S. markets, and would therefore gen-            ing Bjursell, Wang, and Yau’s estimates on
                      erate zero tax revenue (column 5). The other             11 futures traded in the United States. We
   pre-tax trading    five futures (30-year T-Bond, wheat, copper,             showed that current estimates of the elastic-
  volume or with      crude oil, and heating oil), given their trad-           ity of trading volume with respect to a trans-
                      ing volume elasticity, generate tax revenues             action tax in U.S. futures markets are much
an unrealistically    that are less than the corresponding esti-               higher than those reported in the extant lit-
     low elasticity   mated tax revenues from the naïve method.                erature and those used by the government in
     can seriously        There are three noteworthy findings from             transaction tax revenue estimation. As such,
                      the study by Bjursell, Wang and Yau. First,              a transaction tax would reduce trading vol-
     overestimate     the magnitude of the decline in the post-tax             ume significantly, may not reduce price vola-
 the potential tax    volume depends on the relative importance                tility, and might only raise a modest amount
          revenue.    of the transaction tax to the total fixed cost           of tax revenue, much smaller than expected.
                      and/or the elasticity of trading volume with             More importantly, results indicate that
                      respect to transaction costs on each future.             with such high estimates of trading volume
                      For example, the post-tax trading volume of              elasticity, it is very likely that futures trad-
                      the S&P 500 index futures is reduced to zero             ing activities would be shifted to untaxed
                      when the transaction tax is 383.76 percent               foreign markets should a transaction tax be
                      of the total fixed transaction cost with an              imposed. We conclude that a transaction tax
                      elasticity of -0.81. In the soybean case, the            on futures trading will not only fail to gen-
                      elasticity is high (i.e., -1.66) but the post-tax        erate the expected tax revenue, it will likely
                      trading volume still drops to zero even if the           drive business away from U.S. exchanges
                      transaction tax is only 65.75 percent of the             and toward untaxed foreign markets.
                      total fixed transaction cost.
                          Second, the impact of a transaction tax
                      on transaction costs and trading volumes                                    Notes
                      varies significantly with different types of             We would like to thank Mark A. Calabria, direc-
                      futures. Third, the transaction tax revenue              tor of financial regulation studies at the Cato
                      estimated by the pre-tax trading volume or               Institute, for encouraging us to write this paper.
                      with an unrealistically low elasticity can seri-         The views expressed here do not necessarily re-
                                                                               flect those of our current or former employers.
                      ously overestimate the potential tax revenue.

1.	 Financial transaction taxes (FTTs) can be                Chicago Press, 1994), pp. 277–308.
classified into (1) securities transaction taxes
(STT); (2) currency transaction taxes (CTT or To-            10.	 The European Commission rejected a pro-
bin tax); (3) capital levy or registration taxes; (4)        posal for a bank tax to pay for the bailout of
bank transaction taxes (BTT); and (5) real estate            failed European banks due to the 2007–2008 fi-
transaction taxes. Thornton Matheson, “Taxing                nancial crisis.
Financial Transactions: Issues and Evidence,”
International Monetary Fund working paper,                   11.	 James E. Tobin, “A Proposal for Internation-
WP11/54, 2011. The term “Tobin tax” originally               al Monetary Reform,” Eastern Economic Journal 4,
referred to the tax on currency transactions (i.e.,          no. 3 (1978): 153–9.
CTT). It is now used interchangeably with finan-
cial transaction taxes, as in this paper.                    12.	 For a review of arguments, see Schwert and
                                                             Seguin, pp. 27–35; Paul H. Kupiec, Patricia A.
2.	 Evan Ramstad, “World News: Seoul Will                    White, and Gregory Duffee, “A Securities Trans-
Seek Support for Levy,” The Wall Street Journal,             action Tax: Beyond the Rhetoric,” Research in Fi-
June 4, 2010, p. A14.                                        nancial Services Private and Public Policy 5 (1993):
                                                             55–76; R. Glenn Hubbard, “Securities Transac-
3.	 Jason Zweig, “Flash Tax: Why Levies on                   tion Taxes: Can They Raise Revenue?” MidAm-
High-Speed Trading Won’t Work,” The Wall Street              erica Institute Research Project on Transaction
Journal, September 3–4, 2011, p. B11.                        Tax, July 1993; Summers and Summers; Steven
                                                             R. Umlauf, “Transaction Taxes and the Behavior
4.	 Alex Barker, George Parker, and Brooke Mas-              of the Swedish Stock Market,” Journal of Financial
ters, “Fresh Clashes Brew Over Tobin Tax,” Finan-            Economics 33 (1993): 227–240; and Neil McCull-
cial Times, January 5, 2012, p. 4.                           och and Grazia Pacillo, “The Tobin Tax–A Re-
                                                             view of the Evidence,” working paper, Institute
5.	 Joseph A. Grundfest and John B. Shoven,                  of Development Studies, University of Sussex,
“Adverse Implications of a Security Transaction              2010.
Excise Tax,” Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Fi-
nance 6 (1991): 409–42. Grundfest and Shoven                 13.	 See Franklin R. Edwards, “Taxing Transac-
believe the STT is “a resilient proposal,” p. 410. G.        tions in Futures Markets: Objectives and Effects,”
William Schwert and Paul J. Seguin, “Securities              Journal of Financial Services Research 7 (1992): 75–91;
Transaction Taxes: An Overview of Costs, Bene-               and George H. K. Wang, Jot Yau, and Tony Bap-
fits and Unresolved Questions,” Financial Analysts           tiste, “Trading Volume and Transaction Costs in
Journal 49 (September–October 1993): p. 28.                  Futures Markets,” Journal of Futures Markets 17, no.
                                                             7 (1997): 757–80.
6.	 Donald W. Kiefer, “The Securities Transac-
tion Tax: An Overview of the Issues,” CRS Report             14.	 “Charlemagne: The Seven-Yearly War,” Econ-
for Congress (1990).                                         omist, June 30, 2011.

7.	 General Accounting Office, GGd-93-108-                   15.	 Kiefer.
Futures Transaction Fee, p. 1.
                                                             16.	 Campbell and Froot, p. 277.
8.	 Kathleen Cronin, “A Transaction Tax’s Unin-
tended Consequences,” 2010, http://archive.opn               17.	 Previous studies present summaries for vari-                  ous types of financial transaction taxes around
tended-consequences/; E. Noll, “The Perils of a              the world over different time periods. See Robert
Financial Services Transaction Tax,” 2010, http://           Pollin, Dean Baker, and Marc Schaberg, “Secu-                         rities Transaction Taxes for U.S. Financial Mar-
                                                             kets,” Eastern Economic Journal 29, no. 4 (2003):
9.	 The stamp duty in the U.K. is a levy on the              527–58; McCulloch and Pacillo; Schwert and Se-
transfer of assets and securities. Richard Roll,             guin; Roll; and Matheson.
“Price Volatility, International Market Links, and
Their Implications for Regulatory Policies,” Jour-           18.	 John Maynard Keynes, The General Theory of
nal of Financial Services Research 3 (1989): 211–46;         Employment, Interest, and Money (New York: Har-
Lawrence H. Summers and Victoria P. Summers,                 court Brace, 1936).
“When Financial Markets Work Too Well: A Cau-
tious Case for a Security Transaction Tax,” Jour-            19.	 James Tobin, “A Proposal for International
nal of Financial Services Research 3 (1989): 261–86;         Monetary Reform.”
John Y. Campbell and Kenneth A. Froot, “Inter-
national Experiences with Securities Transaction             20.	 James E. Tobin, “On the Efficiency of Fi-
Taxes,” in Jeffrey A. Frankel, ed. The Internation-          nancial Systems,” Lloyds Bank Review 153 (1984):
alization of Equity Markets (Chicago: University of          1–15.

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Wang ttf y_actividad_financiera

  • 1. No. 702 July 9, 2012 Would a Financial Transaction Tax Affect Financial Market Activity? Insights from Futures Markets by George H. K. Wang and Jot Yau Executive Summary In the wake of the recent financial crisis, such computation. We show that a transaction several commentators have suggested a trans- tax on futures trading will not only fail to gener- action tax on financial markets. The potential ate the expected tax revenue, it will likely drive consequences of such a tax could be hazardous business away from U.S. exchanges and toward to the financial markets affected as well as to the untaxed foreign markets. economy. In this paper, we review the relevant A review of the literature and estimates con- theoretical and empirical literature and apply tained here indicates that there is an inverse our findings to estimate the possible impact of relationship between transaction cost (bid-ask a transaction tax on U.S. futures market activity spread) and trading volume; to the extent that as well as its utility as potential tax revenue. a transaction tax increases costs, trading vol- We find that the impact of a transaction tax umes will likely fall. There is also a positive re- on market activity (trading volume, bid-ask lationship between transaction cost and price spread, and price volatility) will determine the volatility, suggesting that the imposition of a potential of such a tax as a source of government transaction tax could actually increase financial revenue. We also find that the current estimat- market fragility, increasing the likelihood of a ed elasticity of trading volume with respect to financial crisis rather than reducing it. Perverse- a transaction tax in the U.S. futures markets is ly, the imposition of a financial transaction tax much higher than those reported in the extant could have results that are exactly the opposite literature and those used by the government in of those hoped for by its proponents. George H. K. Wang is research professor of finance at the School of Management, George Mason University, and former deputy chief economist at the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Jot Yau is Dr. Khalil Dibee Endowed Chair in Finance at the Albers School of Business and Economics, Seattle University.
  • 2. Financial Introduction forms, dating from Great Britain’s 1694 transaction stamp duty9 to recent Tobin taxes on cur- The financial crisis of 2007–2008 has rency transactions and the latest rejection and securities raised many concerns and questions about of a proposed bank tax in Europe.10 In 1978 transaction financial regulation and policymaking. One James Tobin first proposed a tax on foreign of the more popular proposals in the wake of exchange transactions. It aimed to curb ex- tax proposals the crisis has been to impose financial trans- cessive speculative volatility as exchange have been action taxes (FTTs).1 For example, the Re- rates freely fluctuated after the collapse of brought up for public of Korea pushed for an international the Bretton Woods Agreement, which had levy on bank transactions at the G-20 meet- established a fixed exchange rate system fea- consideration by ing in 2010, while the International Mon- turing many other countries pegging their several American etary Fund had presented its own bank-tax currencies to the U.S. dollar.11 administrations proposal at the same meeting.2 The Euro- FTTs have come under severe criticism by pean Union (EU) has also considered various legislators, regulators, and the public—espe- and Congresses. FTTs, though a proposal for a bank transac- cially the financial services industry and in- tion tax was rejected by the EU in 2010.3 In vestors—because the effects of the taxes are September 2011 the European Commission so wide-ranging. Those who oppose FTTs proposed a new plan for a pan-EU Tobin tax argue that a tax on securities transactions taking effect in 2014. It had the backing of would increase price volatility, reduce mar- France and Germany but outright opposi- ket liquidity (trading volume), and decrease tion from Britain.4 Proponents of the finan- price efficiency, thus increasing the cost of cial transaction tax suggest that it can be capital and lowering security values.12 In ad- used effectively as a means to curb excessive dition, an STT could drive trading in some financial market volatility, stabilize the mar- securities to overseas markets not burdened kets, and raise revenues for various purposes. by tax. Thus, the tax may affect the relative Financial transaction and securities competitiveness of taxing countries in global transaction tax (STT) proposals have been financial markets and would naturally be brought up for consideration by several of particular concern for the U.S. futures American administrations and Congresses.5 industry.13 Some pundits warn that FTTs During the fiscal year 1990 budget negotia- are easily avoidable and likely to drive finan- tions, the Bush administration proposed a cial activity underground, beyond regula- broad-based 0.5 percent tax on transactions tory oversight.14 FTT proponents argue that in stocks, bonds, and exchange-traded deriv- FTTs would increase government revenues atives.6 In 1993 the Clinton administration that could be used for various purposes, in- proposed a fixed 14-cent tax on transactions cluding funding regulatory agencies (e.g., the in futures and options on futures.7 The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commis- Obama administration has proposed a user sion or Securities Exchange Commission), fee in the 2012 federal budget on all futures pay back the bailout money to the govern- trading to fund the U.S. Commodities Fu- ment, fund a country’s future budget, or ex- tures Trading Commission, while 28 mem- tract a larger contribution from the financial bers of the House of Representatives have sectors toward funding public goods.15 co-sponsored legislation that would im- Transaction tax rates vary with the type pose a transaction tax on regulated futures of financial instruments in question (e.g., transactions. The proposed tax is 0.02 per- equities are typically taxed at higher rates cent of the notional amount of each futures than debt instruments or derivatives), the lo- transaction, to be charged to each party of cation of trade (i.e., on- or off-exchange, on the transaction, with a projected revenue of domestic or foreign markets), and the status hundreds of billions of dollars per year.8 of the buyer or seller (domestic or foreign FTTs have a long history in various resident, market maker, or general trader). As 2
  • 3. financial markets have become more global- an FTT/STT with regard to trading volume, ized with advances in information and trad- price volatility, pricing efficiency, and esti- ing technologies, exchanges can now attract mated revenue. Following that, we discuss a more business by lowering trading costs. For methodology for estimating potential trans- example, countries such as Sweden and Fin- action tax revenue with an example illustrat- land removed all STTs, while others such as ing the application for estimating potential Australia, Japan, the United Kingdom, and tax revenues that can be raised from U.S. Taiwan lowered their tax rates. John Camp- futures markets. Finally, we present our con- bell and Kenneth Froot in 1994 referred to clusion. this shift in taxation as an important func- tion of STTs, that they “reveal the nature and scope of powerful underlying changes What Does Theory in international capital markets, and offer a Say about the FTT? glimpse into a future in which government policy not so much disciplines, but is instead The theoretical arguments for an FTT are disciplined by, competition in modern capi- based on rational economic theories, which tal markets.”16 That STTs are not common- assume participants in the markets are all ra- place in most countries lends credence to the tional, having complete information about Extant literature hypothesis that implementing an STT will future prospects. Participants make deci- presents myriad have a negative impact on a given market’s sions based on the maximization of their theoretical relative competitiveness. utility functions given the assumed (cost- Before one can properly evaluate the pros less) complete information they have. Trans- arguments and cons of a transaction tax on financial action costs in financial transactions, in- in support of markets, one needs to know what potential cluding all kinds of taxes and levies charged impact an increase in transaction cost would by the authorities, are considered by traders and against a have on trading volume, market liquidity, as they optimize their welfare in these mod- transaction tax. price volatility, potential revenue, and the els. However, with different assumptions on general welfare of market participants. the rationality and composition of market The objective of this paper is to review the participants and the degree of market effi- relevant literature on the theoretical ratio- ciency, arguments for and against the FTT nale for a financial transaction tax as well as both have reasonable theoretical appeal. empirical evidence that measures outcomes Extant literature presents myriad theo- from the imposition of such a tax. In this re- retical arguments in support of and against view, we concentrate on STTs because (1) this a transaction tax. The arguments all address type of transaction tax has been proposed in the following basic questions: (1) Does the Europe, and a proposal is still under consid- FTT reduce price volatility? (2) Does the FTT eration in the United States, and (2) STTs reduce trading volume and market liquidity? are the most common FTT that has been ap- (3) Does the FTT affect cost of capital and plied in other parts of the world, allowing us stock prices? Also, does the FTT cause cor- to analyze the impact of the tax on trading porate management to emphasize long-term volume, volatility, and price efficiency.17 or short-term results relatively more? (4) Will The rest of the paper is organized as fol- the FTT cause trading to shift to overseas lows. In the following section, we review the untaxed markets and make domestic mar- theoretical arguments for and against a FTT. kets less competitive? (5) Will the FTT raise Specifically, we review the literature on the substantial tax revenue? analysis of the imposition of a FTT on trad- ing activities (measured in terms of trading Reduced Excess Speculation and Price volume) and price volatility. Next, we review Volatility the empirical evidence on the imposition of Proponents of an FTT have suggested 3
  • 4. that a transaction tax may reduce specula- This line of argument for a transac- tive trading and excess market volatility. tion tax can be attributed to John Maynard They believe short-term speculative trading Keynes. In light of excessive speculation is the source of excess volatility, so by impos- and volatility during the Great Depression, ing a transaction tax, short-term speculative Keynes proposed a securities transaction tax trading and price volatility will be reduced. as a means of mitigating the predominance The argument rests on the assumption of speculation in the stock market during that there is a positive relationship between the Great Depression.18 Witnessing excess short-term speculation and excess price vol- volatility in the foreign exchange markets atility. To FTT proponents, there appear to after the dissolution of the Bretton Woods be two types of traders in a financial mar- Agreement, James Tobin proposed an inter- ket: value investors and noise traders. Value national transfer tax on currencies in 1978. investors, also known as fundamentalists, Keynes’s and Tobin’s proposals, although purchase stocks on the basis of comparison made decades apart, were based on the of security price with estimates of funda- same assumption that short-term trades are mental values. That is, they buy stocks when likely to be more destabilizing to financial market price is below the fundamental value markets than longer-term trades.19 In sub- and sell stocks when market price is above sequent work, Tobin stated that a financial the fundamental value. This value-based transaction tax is “fundamental valuation trading is assumed to reduce stock price efficient” since it lowers excess volatility. 20 volatility by pushing stock prices back to- In 1953, however, Milton Friedman ar- ward estimates of the worth of the compa- gued that speculation cannot be destabiliz- ny. Conversely, short-term noise traders act ing in general; if it were, the participants on the basis of past price movements or the would lose money.21 Other advocates of the results of technical analysis of stock market Efficient Market Hypothesis argue that spec- data itself. They purchase stocks when mar- ulators—by rationally arbitraging the unex- ket prices rise and sell the stocks when they ploited profit opportunities when a market fall. This type of trading, based on positive becomes inefficient—help to clear markets, feedbacks from market prices, is assumed to stabilize prices, and bring the assets and se- destabilize markets because it often drives curities back to their fundamental values.22 market price away from estimates of funda- This suggests that the impact of a transaction mental values and thus creates excess price tax on price volatility may hinge on whether volatility. Value investors who trade on the markets are dominated by speculators, ar- basis of market price deviations from the bitrageurs, or long-term investors. In other fundamental values are long-term inves- words, any FTT’s success is dependent upon tors and have no need to trade frequently. the composition of traders in the market. Keynes proposed On the other hand, short-term speculative Joseph Stiglitz suggests that a desirable a securities traders do need to trade frequently because FTT should not impede the functioning of transaction tax their strategy is to follow recent past price the capital market as an allocator of scarce behavior. Because the trading frequency resources. As such, an FTT based on the as a means of of short term traders is much greater than value of the transaction (e.g., a turnover tax mitigating the that of long-term investors, the imposition on trades) should be broad-based in order to predominance of a transaction tax will increase the trad- avoid the frequent introduction of unneces- ing cost for short-term speculative traders sary distortions, set at a low rate, and be eq- of speculation in but will have less impact on the trading cost uitable. Stiglitz further suggests that a suffi- the stock market of long-term value investors. As a result, a ciently small transaction tax (~ 0.5 percent to transaction tax will curb the frequency of 1 percent) is negligible and would not affect during the Great short-term speculative trading and thus, exchange efficiency, but would have different Depression. theoretically, curb excess volatility. impacts on the welfare of different groups of 4
  • 5. traders. He asserts that the uninformed trad- have irrationally or that waste too many re- Proponents of ers are hardly likely to be affected by a tax at sources for this speculative zero-sum game.24 transaction taxes a moderate rate of less than 1 percent. Like- Short-term technical traders are not neces- wise, the informed traders (insiders) would sarily amateurs or low-volume traders. Port- argue that they not be discouraged from trading with that folio managers, for example, are often evalu- will discourage amount of transaction tax. This is because ated on the basis of quarterly performance. they operate more often on long-term bases Thus, portfolio managers are incentivized short-term for valuation and thus are unlikely to have to maximize performance in the near term. trading. their behavior greatly affected.23 This leads them to give short-term prospects Stiglitz posits that the turnover tax pri- a disproportionate weight in determining marily affects short-term market partici- stock purchases. As a consequence, corpo- pants—noise traders and speculators—who rate managers are forced to slight long-term buy and sell within the trading day and within investment in favor of delivering short-term days or weeks. As such, a transaction tax may earnings. represent a significant fraction of the returns Proponents of transaction taxes argue they hope to achieve on each transaction. He that they will discourage short-term trading argues that the large number of noise trad- and reduce the number of speculative short- ers and liquidity providers (those who trade term traders due to higher trading costs with the noise traders) bear the lion’s share in the markets. More market participants of the transaction tax and may actually ex- would, theoretically, look beyond quarterly perience a welfare gain from impeding these earnings reports and short-run prospects, exchanges. There may be greater volatility if resulting in more stable prices. In this mod- the FTT is too big (barring arbitrage trades), el, corporate managers would pursue more but this is unlikely if the tax is small. Based long-term investment projects. on this logic, Stiglitz establishes that the upper bound on the volatility increase will Reduced Cost of Capital not be greater than that without the trans- Stock markets allow firms to raise new action tax. He therefore believes that if the capital from shareholders by way of exchange. tax is small, there will be significant reduc- Thus, a transaction tax that impedes the ex- tion in volatility as noise traders drop out change function of the stock market might of the market. Thus, he argues that such a interfere with the capital raising function of tax may actually be beneficial because it dis- the market, ironically forcing management courages short-term speculative trading. The and investors to focus on short-term returns tax won’t affect the long-term investors too rather than long-term concerns.25 Stiglitz ar- much because a transaction tax, on average, gues that this potential impact is negligible has the property of automatically phasing for a small transfer tax and, to the contrary, itself out for long-term investments; that is, would enhance the capital-raising function as a proportion of returns, it becomes negli- of the stock market if the tax reduces stock gible as the holding period increases. Thus, market volatility.26 Reducing market volatil- the tax will not have a significant effect on ity will make it easier for firms to raise eq- long-term investors. He suggests this feature uity capital at a lower cost, thus increasing makes a turnover tax more desirable than a efficiency. If true, management would focus capital gains tax because a capital gains tax their orientation toward a longer-term strat- subsidizes noise traders and penalizes arbi- egy.27 trageurs, leading to increased price volatility. Lawrence Summers and Victoria Summers Increased Tax Revenue also agree that a securities transactions tax Transaction tax proponents suggest that improves the efficiency of financial markets the revenue potential of a transaction tax by crowding out market participants that be- is formidable.28 The Congressional Budget 5
  • 6. Office (CBO), in its publication Reducing Franklin Edwards argues that transac- the Deficit: Spending and Revenue Options, esti- tion taxes increase trading costs, making mated the revenue from a broadly based 0.5 U.S. futures markets less competitive be- percent securities transaction tax to be about cause of the impact on price efficiency and $12 billion per year based on a five-year aver- on the cost of hedging. He argues that a tax- age. Based on the same tax rate used by the induced reduction in trading may decrease CBO, Summers and Summers suggest a sim- informational efficiency by discouraging ilar figure, estimating government revenues “information” trades by informed specula- of at least $10 billion a year.29 Another esti- tors and hedgers. He admits that it is not mate indicates that revenue from a securities easy to determine the impact on price effi- transaction tax could be as large as $70–$100 ciency because the tax also discourages noise billion per year.30 Outside the United States, trading.35 it was estimated that a securities transac- Evidence from a pair of studies suggests tion tax in Japan would bring in $12 billion that reducing the transaction tax in the Tai- a year.31 The European Commission in a wan futures market greatly improved the June 2011 budget proposal calculated that efficiencies of price execution36 and price a financial transaction tax would contribute discovery.37 Likewise, a study by Shinhua A small fixed €50 billion per year to the European budget, Liu examined the impact of a 1989 change transaction cost or €350 billion over a seven-year period.32 in tax rates on securities in Japan. Liu found significantly significant decreases in estimates of the first Effects on Trading Volume, Market auto-correlations in returns for Japanese reduces trading Liquidity, and Information Efficiency stocks listed in Japan, but no changes for volume. Some literature suggests that there is a Japanese stocks dually listed in the United negative relationship between trading vol- States as American Depository Receipts ume and trading costs. Increases in trading (ADRs), which were not subject to the tax costs lower the profitability of trading, lead- law change. Liu also found a lower price ba- ing traders to trade less frequently or extend sis between the ADRs and their underlying their hold period in order to minimize their Japanese stocks, concluding that these re- trading costs over time. As trading volume is sults are consistent with the hypothesis that reduced, traders will take more time to off- a reduction in transaction costs (transaction set their trades and face a larger price impact tax) improves the efficiency of the price dis- of a given trade, thus diminishing market li- covery process.38 quidity as well. When the market is illiquid, information will be more slowly incorporat- FTTs Do Not Necessarily Reduce Price ed into equity or futures prices, impairing Volatility overall market efficiency. Donald Kiefer argued that a transaction Andrew Lo, Harry Mamaysky, and Ji- tax can theoretically increase or decrease ang Wang proposed a dynamic equilibrium volatility.39 Paul Kupiec demonstrated that model of asset prices and trading volume. a transaction tax has ambiguous effects on It shows that a small fixed transaction cost price volatility in a general equilibrium mod- significantly reduces trading volume.33 Even el framework. In the context of his model, he Stiglitz, a supporter of the transaction tax, shows that a transaction tax can reduce the agrees that a sizable transaction cost can re- price volatility of risky assets.40 However, the duce trading, thinning market liquidity if the reduction in price volatility is accompanied buy and sell sides are symmetric, although by a fall of the taxed asset’s price, while con- “for widely traded stocks, on both theoretical versely the volatility of risky asset returns will and empirical grounds, it is hard to believe increase with the transaction tax. Thus, the that this effect [larger bid-ask spread due to a net effect of a transaction tax on price volatil- transaction tax] would be significant.”34 ity could be to increase it, decrease it, or leave 6
  • 7. it unchanged, depending on other factors in volatility is caused by changes in the relative the scenario. share of noise traders and fundamentalists. In a general equilibrium model, Frank In their general equilibrium model, Shi and Song and Junxi Zhang examined the effects Xu analyzed entry costs for both informed of a transaction tax on a set of noise trad- and noise traders after an introduction of ers and the resulting market volatility. They a transaction tax. The model assumed in- showed that a transaction tax may not only formed traders’ unconditional expectation discourage the trading activity of noise trad- of excess return depends on the ratio of noise ers but also discourage rational and stabi- entrants to informed entrants, but this does lizing value investors from trading.41 The not influence noise traders’ expectations. An net effect of a transaction tax on volatility increase in the noise component increases depends on the change of trader composi- market volatility. In analyzing three equilib- tion that results from the implementation ria with different entry costs to the market, of the tax. They referred to this as the “trader their major finding was that the imposition composition effect.”42 Furthermore, a trans- of a Tobin tax did not reduce volatility and action tax may decrease trading volume and may, in fact, increase it, depending on the ra- increase the bid-ask spread. This potential tio of noise to informed entrants. An increase effect of a transaction tax on liquidity is la- in market volatility was also an important as- beled as the “liquidity effect.” The net im- sumption for the impact of a transaction tax, pact of a transaction tax could decrease or demonstrated in models assuming stochas- increase market price volatility. The final re- tic interaction between agents, who are as- sults depend on the relative magnitude and sumed not to be able to influence aggregate interaction of the trader composition and variables.45 In these models, exchange rate liquidity effects. volatility will be low if the market is domi- Paolo Pellizzari and Frank Westerhoff an- nated by fundamentalists and will be high alyzed the effect of a transaction tax on mar- if the market is dominated by noise trad- ket price volatility in a number of computa- ers. These models reflect the stylized facts tional experiments. They showed that the of financial markets, most notably, “volatil- effectiveness of transaction taxes depends ity clustering”—in which the exchange rate on the types of trading markets: specifi- switches irregularly between phases of high cally, they compared a continuous double- and low volatility. auction market versus a dealership market. Overall, the implications of theoretical In a continuous double auction market, the models on the price volatility effects of an imposition of a transaction tax is not likely FTT are mixed. Conclusions about the im- to reduce market volatility since a reduction pact of a transaction tax on price volatility in market liquidity amplifies the average depend on the assumptions of the theoreti- price impact of a given trade order. Liquid- cal models and assumed mechanisms of in- ity is endogenously generated in this type of formation transmission. We will examine market. Their model predicts that in a deal- some of these in section III. ership market, a transaction tax may reduce market volatility because abundant liquidity Increased Costs of Capital and of is exogenously provided, prompting special- Hedging The net effect ists and some traders to retreat from the Trading costs affect stock prices because of a transaction market, causing volume to decline.43 trading costs reduce the expected return of Kang Shi and Juanyi Xu examined the im- stocks. Investors demand higher expected tax on volatility pact of a transaction tax on foreign currency return when paying increased costs. depends on the transactions, which was designed to limit the Yakov Amihud and Haim Mendelson impact of noise traders in order to reduce found that the expected rate of return on change of trader volatility.44 They also believe exchange rate equities (i.e., the cost of equity) is an increas- composition. 7
  • 8. The imposition ing concave function of the bid-ask spread, trading in 1989, they admitted that a trans- of transaction a proxy measure of liquidity.46 Since other action tax could have damaging impacts on transaction costs of equity trading (e.g., the the industry as evidenced in the demise of taxes will brokerage fee) are positively related to the the Sweden Options and Futures Exchange increase the bid-ask spread, the estimates obtained by following implementation of a tax on op- Amihud and Mendelson imply that, for a tions.51 trading costs on given increase in the bid-ask spread, expect- Joseph Grundfest and John Shoven sug- stocks, and thus ed returns increase at a larger amount as the gest that an STT would cause distortions in investors will equity issue becomes more liquid. Likewise, the financial markets and could cause many a securities tax that is analogous to a bigger investors—particularly institutions—to shift demand a higher bid-ask spread will raise the expected return their equity trading away from organized expected return of equity (i.e., the cost of capital). Later stud- domestic exchanges toward foreign coun- commensurate ies have also documented two similar re- tries. They believe even a small STT can have sults: (1) The greater the liquidity of a given major adverse consequences for the value of with the added stock, the lower its expected return,47 and instruments subject to the tax and for the cost. (2) lower trading costs are associated with cost of capital in the U.S. economy. They lower expected return of the stock.48 also criticize the CBO’s static model because In 2002 Amihud investigated the effects it does not consider the STT’s effect on trad- of changing overall market liquidity on stock ing volume or market prices, nor does it prices over the period from 1963 to 1996. He consider the possibility of substitution away observed that a decline in market liquidity from taxable instruments and transactions. was accompanied by a significant decline in Thus, they contend, the CBO overstates the stock prices and subsequent increase in ex- actual tax revenue that can be collected.52 pected return (i.e., the cost of capital).49 Pre- Franklin Edwards has argued that even vious studies clearly indicate that the impo- a very small transaction tax would be suf- sition of transaction taxes will increase the ficient to drive all U.S. futures trading to trading costs on stocks, and thus investors untaxed overseas markets.53 He considered will demand a higher expected return com- a tax of 0.5 percent on the value of the con- mensurate with the added cost. As a conse- tract to be prohibitively high as a percentage quence, firms’ cost of equity would rise and of total transaction cost on trading as com- their stock prices will decrease. pared to stocks.54 Should a lower rate be set Franklin Edwards argued that a declin- on futures trading vis-à-vis stocks, the differ- ing trading volume due to a transaction tax ence in the transaction tax may cause traders would likely increase the risk premiums that to pursue transactions that bear a lower tax. hedgers would have to pay to speculators Substitution may take place domestically or who provide liquidity. This makes futures across international borders. This is why Sti- less efficient risk management instruments glitz suggested in 1989 that transaction tax and thus the FTT undermines one of the rates should be uniform within the United primary economic functions of futures mar- States on substitutable assets.55 kets.50 Edwards also pointed out that a critical feature of futures markets across the globe is Migration of Trading and Relative Com- low transaction costs. “If U.S. markets were petitiveness to have higher trading costs . . . it would Previous literature on transaction taxes be a relatively simple matter for trading to shed light on the potential adverse effects of shift to foreign markets.”56 The shift will FTTs on the international competitiveness take place because: (1) there are restrictions of the U.S. financial services industry. While that require foreign exchanges to trade the Summers and Summers did not believe a same contract in order to compete for the transaction tax would cripple U.S. equities same business (e.g., TAIFEX and Nikkei 225 8
  • 9. indexes were traded on the Singapore Ex- the actual transaction tax. Some caveats are change) and commodity futures are traded in order here. First, although test results on all over the world; and (2) there are no re- the hypothesized impact of a transaction tax strictions on Americans shifting their trad- are useful in explaining its possible impact, ing to foreign exchanges. This has been the the actual impact may differ in practice. An main reason why the futures industry op- explicit tax charged on a transaction may poses a transaction tax on futures trading. not be perceived as an implicit transaction John Campbell and Kenneth Froot ex- cost embedded in the bid-ask spread or a plained that investors in Sweden moved eq- reduction in brokerage fee. Second, despite uity trading offshore and fixed income trad- controlling for variables that could affect the ing to untaxed local substitutes in response empirical results, the results obtained from to the country’s imposition of an STT. In the foreign countries where market environ- United Kingdom, the stamp duty STT stim- ments are different may vary considerably ulated trading in untaxed substitute assets when and if an FTT is applied to U.S. mar- and seemed to reduce total trading volume kets. Third, because most studies are done in to some degree. They concluded that if an securities and foreign exchange markets and STT is aimed at reducing overall trading vol- very few in futures markets, observers should ume or raising revenue, most likely it won’t recognize the limits of similarities between Investors in achieve its goal because investors would the results and implications obtained from Sweden moved move trading to offshore markets or un- those markets and what would happen if equity trading taxed assets. They believe the British type of they were applied to a futures market. STT would be more workable for the United offshore and States than the Swedish type.57 Effects on Trading Volume and Market fixed income Liquidity One major argument against transac- trading to What Does the tion taxes is that a transaction tax would untaxed local Empirical Evidence increase trading cost, which would reduce substitutes. trading volume and market liquidity. A nar- Say about the FTT? rowly based transaction tax would provide a strong incentive for traders to migrate to an There are ample empirical studies on the alternative domestic instrument or to un- impact of FTTs on various aspects of finan- taxed foreign markets that have lower costs. cial market quality, including trading vol- Furthermore, a reduction in trading volume ume, volatility, liquidity, and price discov- would increase trading costs (e.g., a wider ery. In general, the literature can be placed bid-ask spread) and decrease market liquid- into two groups. The first group of studies ity. Market and price efficiency would be im- has used direct ex post tests on the impact paired when market liquidity deteriorated. of transaction taxes on market quality in Several studies provide estimates of the countries where actual direct taxes, whether elasticity of trading volume in equity mar- STTs or Tobin taxes, had been charged on kets. In 1976 Thomas Epps estimated the financial transactions. share transaction cost turnover elasticity The second group of studies has used to be about -0.26 in U.S. equity markets,59 ex ante analysis of the impact of a transac- whereas Patricia Jackson and Gus O’Donnell tion tax on the quality of financial markets estimated the transaction cost turnover where there have been no actual STT or elasticity of equities traded in London to be Tobin taxes. The studies use different mea- -0.70 nine years later.60 Put simply, previ- sures and proxies of transaction costs (e.g., ous studies find that transaction costs and changes in bid-ask spreads, brokerage com- trading volume have a negative relationship. mission, and tick size58) but not necessarily Likewise, empirical studies find that the 9
  • 10. SST had a negative effect on local trading. fect on the volume of trade in Swedish eq- For example, Steven Umlauf documented in uities by foreign institutions. There is little 1993 that 60 percent of the trading volume evidence that total trading volume in Swed- of the 11 most actively traded Swedish share ish stocks responded strongly to changes in classes, amounting to 30 percent of the total taxation of trades in Stockholm. This lends trading volume, shifted to the London stock additional support to the view that interna- exchange when the Swedish transaction tional investors easily evaded Swedish turn- tax on equity increased from 1 percent to 2 over taxes. They find that the transaction tax percent in 1986.61 Two econometric studies had a larger impact on local fixed-income on equity turnover, one in the United King- trading volume than on stocks. Campbell dom62 and one in Sweden,63 found that the and Froot offer several observations: (1) The long-run elasticity of turnover with respect effect of the tax seems to be quite large; (2) to overall transactions costs is in the range much of the volume decline in futures oc- of -1 and -1.7. Their best estimate is -1 (i.e., curred in anticipation of the tax; (3) these ef- for each reduction or removal of 1 percent fects ran in reverse once the tax was removed round trip transaction tax (or 0.5 percent on in April 1990. In short, the turnover tax in buy and 0.5 on sell), trading volume would fixed income securities raised little revenue increase by 100 percent.64 since substitution toward other Swedish do- Taking into consideration the margins mestic securities was easy, with little need of substitution, Campbell and Froot esti- for migration abroad given the existence of mated the elasticity of trading volume af- less costly domestic substitutes. ter changes in transaction taxes in Sweden Campbell and Froot proposed two prin- and found evidence that foreign investors ciples that might be used to rationalize tended to move toward more trading abroad transaction tax rates across securities. The and domestic investors became less likely to first principle is that the transactions that engage in any trading at all. They reported give rise to the same pattern of payoffs that when the SST was in place from 1988– should pay the same tax, though they admit 91, the fraction of trading taking place in that it is conceptually impossible to apply Stockholm was much lower for unrestricted this principle consistently. The second prin- shares. This is corroborated by further evi- ciple is that transactions that use the same dence that commissions paid by large U.S. resources should pay the same tax. For ex- institutional investors when trading Swed- ample, they point out that Sweden used to ish equities remained constant but the share tax domestic brokerage services, whereas the Sixty percent of their taxes paid fell from 68 percent in United Kingdom taxes registration (i.e., the of the trading 1987 to 13 percent by 1990. That is, foreign stamp duty). investors such as U.S. institutions (and their Previous evidence of STT impacts in eq- volume of the brokers) were increasingly able to evade the uity markets shows that a transaction tax re- 11 most actively tax by eliminating the use of Swedish bro- duces trading volume and market liquidity. traded Swedish kers when trading in Sweden or by exchang- For highly elastic instruments, substitution ing Swedish securities in London and New will take place, driving some or all trading share classes York. They reported that by 1990, 50 percent to overseas markets where the tax rates are shifted to the of trading volume was shifted to the London lower, or out of the market entirely. London stock equity exchange. The authors also found Likewise, previous studies in futures mar- that the Swedish tax shifted fixed-income kets demonstrated a statistically significant exchange when trading activity from income-securities and negative relationship between trading vol- the Swedish futures markets to untaxed markets such ume and trading costs in U.S., Taiwanese, as variable-rate notes, corporate loans, and and Indian futures markets.65 For example, transaction tax on forward rate agreements. They contended Johan Bjursell, George Wang, and Jot Yau ex- equity increased. that the Swedish tax had only a marginal ef- amined the relations among trading volume, 10
  • 11. bid-ask spread, and price volatility in 11 U.S. The first group of literature includes the Transaction futures markets from 2005 to 2010. They work of Harold Mulherin, who examined taxes do not found that a transaction tax would have the the relationship between trading costs in same effect as a wider bid-ask spread, reduc- the New York Stock Exchange and the daily necessarily cause ing trading volume, increasing price volatil- volatility of the Dow Jones Industrial Aver- volatility to ity, and generating a modest amount of tax age returns from 1897 to 1987. He conclud- revenue.66 ed that the imposition of a transaction tax decrease. Robert Aliber, Bhagwan Chowdhry, and may not necessarily reduce volatility.69 Like- Shu Yan studied the impact of a small trans- wise, Charles Jones and Paul Seguin used the action cost (averaged around 0.05 percent) elimination of the minimal brokerage com- on the trading volume and price volatility of missions in the U.S. stock market in 1975 as four currency futures traded on the Chicago a proxy for a one-time reduction in the trans- Mercantile Exchange (CME) over the period action tax. They found that volatility fell the of 1977–1999. They found that an increase year after the abolishment of the minimum of 0.02 percent in transaction costs leads to a commission rates in NYSE and AMEX mar- reduction in trading volume as well as an in- kets, but the decline in volatility was also ob- crease of volatility of 0.5 percentage points.67 served in the NASDAQ market.70 Robin Chou and George Wang found Using the cross-sectional data of 23 coun- that before Taiwan cut the tax on the Taiwan tries for the period up to, during, and after Index (TIX) futures trading by 50 percent in the October market crash (1987–1989), 2000, futures trading volume was smaller Richard Roll found no significant evidence than that in the Singapore futures exchange. that volatility is negatively related to trans- However, since July 2002, the trading volume action taxes.71 In other words, transaction for TIX exceeded that of the same contract taxes do not necessarily cause volatility to on the Singapore futures exchange.68 This decrease across countries, and it is question- evidence indicates that lower transaction able whether transaction taxes should be costs change the relative competitiveness used with confidence as an effective policy of exchanges and significant migration of instrument. Shing-yang Hu analyzed nu- trade may take place because of lower trad- merous changes in STT rates in Hong Kong, ing costs. Japan, Korea, and Taiwan during the period In summary, evidence in extant futures 1975–1994 but concluded that, on average, a literature is consistent with the anti-tax change in STT rates had no effect on volatil- hypothesis that increasing trading costs ity and market turnover.72 through a transaction tax would reduce In one study, Ragnar Lindgren and An- trading volume and market liquidity, and ders Westlund found no significant effect of increase price inefficiency of taxed financial an STT on price volatility of Swedish stocks, instruments. but in later work they found a weak positive relationship between STT and price volatil- Effects on Price Volatility ity.73 Steven Umlauf examined the impact The empirical studies of transaction of increasing the transaction tax on market taxes’ impact on price volatility can be clas- price volatility. He reported several inter- sified into two groups. The first group of pa- esting results: (1) there was no significant pers that examine the relationship between difference in volatility across the three tax price volatility and trading costs does not regimes (i.e., before 1984 [0 percent], 1984– find any definitive pattern or relationship, 1986 [1 percent ], after 1986 [2 percent]);74 whereas the second group of papers finds (2) there was a statistically significant in- evidence of either an increase or a decrease crease in daily volatility of returns, which in volatility. Putting them together, empiri- was higher during the 2 percent tax regime cal results are inconclusive. than in other regimes, but there was no sys- 11
  • 12. tematic relationship between transaction tax trading volume for selected U.S. futures regimes and volatility;75 and (3) the volatil- contracts. Pravakar Sahoo and Rajiv Kumar ity of London-traded shares of 11 companies analyzed the relations for five most traded was lower than the volatility of these com- commodity futures contracts in India. These panies’ Stockholm-traded classes.76 Robin studies showed that there is a significantly Chou and George Wang found that there positive relation between price volatility and were no significant changes in the daily price bid-ask spread (transaction costs) for each volatility of Taiwan index futures after the futures contract examined.83 tax reduction.77 Robert Aliber, Bhagwan Chowdhry, and Among studies that belong to the second Shu Yan studied the impact of a small trans- group, Shinhua Liu and Zhen Zhu studied action cost (averaged around 0.05 percent) the deregulation of fixed brokerage commis- on four currency futures traded on CME in sions and the removal of an STT in Japan in the period of 1977–1999 on their trading vol- October 1999, and found results contrary to ume and price volatility. They found that an those of Jones and Seguin. They found that increase of 0.02 percent in transaction costs the reduction in transaction costs (in which on the four currency futures traded on CME an STT was included) increased volatility in leads to an increase of volatility of 0.5 per- Most of the the Tokyo Stock Exchange.78 Liu and Zhu cent points, coupled with a decline in asset previous offered a possible explanation for contradic- prices due to the decline in the demand be- empirical tory results: commission rates were drasti- cause of higher transaction costs.84 Markku cally reduced in Japan, whereas they were Lanne and Timo Vesala found larger trans- evidence does not not in the United States. Hendrik Bessem- action costs impact on foreign exchange rate support the use binder found that larger tick sizes were as- volatility between 1992–1993.85 Badi Baltagi, sociated with higher transaction costs and Dong Li, and Qi Li investigated the effect of of a transaction also with higher volatility.79 Bessembinder an increase in the stamp tax on price volatil- tax as an effective and Subhrendu Rath found that stocks ity in the two Chinese stock exchanges using regulatory policy that had moved from NASDAQ to NYSE, an event study methodology. They found where trading costs were lower, saw a reduc- market price volatility significantly increased tool to reduce tion in volatility.80 Harald Hau also found after the increase in the stamp tax rate.86 market price a positive relationship between transaction Overall, most of the previous empirical volatility. costs and price volatility in the French stock evidence does not support the use of a trans- market, where significant volatility increases action tax as an effective regulatory policy were observed when there was an increase in tool to reduce market price volatility. the cost of trading stocks due to an increase in the tick size.81 Effects on Information Efficiency and Franklin Edwards examined the relation Price Discovery between trading volume and volatility for Robin Chou and Jie-Haun Lee provided 16 U.S. commodity markets during 1989 interesting empirical evidence of the effect of and found no significant relationship be- a transaction tax cut on the price efficiency tween the two.82 He concluded that even if a of the Taiwan Futures Exchange (TAIFEX) transaction tax were to succeed in reducing and the Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX).87 speculative or short-term trading in futures They demonstrated that after the tax reduc- markets, there was no evidence that it would tion in 1986, the TAIFEX assumed a lead- reduce price volatility in either futures or ing role over the SGX in the price discovery the underlying spot markets. Based on the process for index futures contracts. They three-equation structural model used by showed that a reduction in the transaction George Wang and Jot Yau in a 2000 study, tax greatly improves the efficiency of price Bjursell, Wang, and Yau examined the rela- execution. Wen-Liang Hsieh also noted that tions among volatility, bid-ask spread, and the information advantage of the SGX di- 12
  • 13. minished as the TAIFEX lowered its transac- magnitude of 0.5 percent would probably tion tax.88 Badi Baltagi, Dong Li, and Qi Li eliminate all futures trading in the United found that volatility shocks were not quickly States, driving all of those transactions incorporated into stock prices in the Shang- overseas. Of course, no revenue would be hai and Shenzhen exchanges once China collected in that case. According to his con- had increased its STT from 0.3 percent to 0.5 servative estimate, only negligible revenue (~ percent in July 1997, suggesting that the in- $287 million) could be raised from futures crease adversely affected the price discovery trading even if the lowest tax rate (0.0001 function of the stock market.89 In contrast, percent) and a low demand elasticity (-0.26) Shinhua Liu showed a reduction in the first- were assumed.97 He also computed esti- order autocorrelation of Japanese stock pric- mated potential tax revenue with a range es after the STT reduction in 1989, implying of assumed elasticities (from -1 to -20) and an improvement in the efficiency of the price concluded that a transaction tax on futures discovery process. trading would not generate substantial rev- enue.98 Effects on Potential Tax Revenue George Wang, Jot Yau, and Tony Baptiste Transaction tax proponents argue that provided the first empirical estimates of the the revenue potential of a transaction tax is elasticity of trading volume for several U.S. formidable.90 The U.S. Congressional Budget futures contracts. They documented that Office estimates the revenue from a broad- estimates of trading volume elasticity with based 0.5 percent securities transaction tax to respect to trading costs were in the range be about $12 billion per year over five years.91 of -0.116 to -2.72, which were less than the Based on the same tax rate used by the CBO, elasticities (-5 to -20) used by Edwards, but Lawrence Summers and Victoria Summers higher than the elasticity of -0.26 used in provided a similar estimate of at least $10 bil- the CBO report.99 Bjursell, Wang, and Yau lion a year.92 Robert Pollin, Dean Baker, and provided empirical estimates of the elastic- Marc Schaberg suggested that revenue from ity volume for 11 U.S. futures for the years an STT could be as large as $70–$100 billion 2005–2010 in a three-equation structural per year.93 Outside of the United States, a model.100 They estimated the potential post- Japanese STT was estimated to bring in $12 tax trading volume and tax revenue with up- billion a year in the late 1990s,94 and the dated cost estimates of trading volume elas- European Commission expected an FTT to ticity under alternative tax rates. For a 0.02 provide €50 billion per year over a seven-year percent tax rate, they found that the trading period as recently as 2011.95 volume for six futures (S&P 500, E-mini S&P Edwards doubts that a tax on futures 500, 10-year T-Note, British pound, soy- transactions would potentially generate sig- beans, and gold) would be totally eliminat- nificant tax revenue. He argues that the elas- ed, resulting in zero post-tax revenue from ticity of trading volume in futures markets these six futures.101 They concluded that a is much more than that of equities because sizable transaction tax could have signifi- close substitutes are easily available in inter- cant adverse impacts on market quality and national futures markets, due to the growth would not raise substantial revenue for the A sizable in trading and information technologies.96 government as suggested in other studies. transaction Thus, he contends that the CBO overesti- Moreover, the tax could potentially hurt the mated the revenue from the STT because international competitiveness of U.S. futures tax could have the elasticity of demand (-0.26) used in the markets. A study on Indian futures trading significant estimate was based on an assumption of no also concluded that implementation of a adverse impacts suitable international substitutes. Given a transaction tax would not bring in substan- more elastic trading volume in futures, Ed- tial tax revenue.102 on market wards argues that a transaction tax of the Chou and Wang found that the 50 per- quality. 13
  • 14. Trading cent reduction in the TAIFEX transaction Estimation of Potential volume may tax rate reduced tax revenue, but the pro- Transaction Tax Revenue portional decrease in the tax revenue (30 precipitously percent) was less than the 50 percent reduc- One major argument for implementing decline in tion in the tax rate. Interestingly, tax revenue a transaction tax in security and futures increased in the second and third year after markets is to raise substantial tax revenue response to the tax reduction when compared to the for the government. However, proponents increased year before the tax reduction.103 This sug- of the transaction tax often employ a naïve tax-induced gests that tax reduction has no permanent method to calculate transaction tax revenue, negative impact on tax revenue. multiplying the tax fee by current aggregate trading costs. Finally, some of the literature suggests trading volume in the given markets assum- that the burden of transaction taxes on mar- ing a static model.105 In other words, their ket participants depends on the availability models assume the imposition of a tax will of no-tax substitutes for their instruments. not affect the trading volume in the market. For instance, the elasticity of financial and This assumption can vastly overestimate metals futures are much higher than those the potential tax revenue because it does of agriculture futures. Thus, the traders of not take into account the relation between agriculture futures would have a larger tax transaction costs and trading volume (see burden relative to traders of financial fu- no. 1, above). Trading volume may precipi- tures.104 A transaction tax would raise the tously decline in response to increased tax- relative cost of hedgers using agriculture fu- induced trading costs. tures to hedge against their underlying asset William Schwert and Paul Seguin pre- price risk. sented a model to estimate tax revenues that In sum, the review presented above sug- accounts for the impact of the transaction gests the following: tax on trading volume and price volatility.106 They assumed a flat tax rate, τ, for all finan- 1. There is an inverse relationship be- cial transactions. Revenues can be estimated tween transaction cost (bid-ask spread) as follows: and trading volume; R = τ (P + ΔP) (Q + ΔQ) + ΔOR, where R is 2. There is a positive relationship that the revenue, P the volume-weighted average may or may not be statistically signifi- price level, Q the quantity of transactions, ΔP cant between transaction cost and price and ΔQ the change in P and Q, respectively, volatility; and ΔOR the change in other government 3. There is a positive relationship between revenues associated with the tax. The magni- trading volume and price volatility; tude of the decline in trading volume (ΔQ) 4. Relationships among trading volume, depends on the elasticity of trading volume, bid-ask spread, and price volatility are which requires estimation with respect to the jointly determined; percentage increase in trading costs due to 5. Demand for U.S. futures trading is very the transaction tax for each financial instru- sensitive (i.e., very elastic) with a strong ment (see no. 5, above). Likewise, the impact substitution effect between domestic of the transaction tax on prices (ΔP) needs and untaxed overseas markets; and to be estimated. More importantly, previous 6. Although estimated potential tax rev- studies have shown that the elasticity of de- enue is formidable in the equities mar- mand in the futures market is not likely to be kets, tax revenue raised by a transaction the same as that in the equities market.107 As tax in the U.S. futures markets would such, the potential revenue that can be raised not be as much as many would believe from a transaction tax in these two markets because the demand for U.S. futures is can be substantially different depending on found to be very elastic. the differing elasticities (see no. 6, above). 14
  • 15. It can be inferred that the estimation of estimating the elasticity of trading volume the elasticity of trading volume is critical to for the purpose of estimating the potential the accurate estimation of the potential tax tax revenue, one needs to have a model that revenue. Previous studies found a strong allows relevant variables to be jointly deter- and significant positive relation between mined in estimating the parameters of the trading volume/liquidity and price volatil- model. However, in Wang, Yau, and Bap- ity (see no. 2, above), and an inverse rela- tiste’s model, price volatility was omitted. tion between transaction costs and trading It is imperative to estimate the elasticity of volume/liquidity (see no. 1, above). The em- trading volume with respect to the transac- pirical relation between price volatility and tion tax (bid-ask spread) in a structural mod- transaction costs depends on how transac- el that jointly determines the relationships tion costs affect trading volume, which, in between price volatility, bid-ask spread, and turn, affects the price volatility as theory trading volume.111 In 2000 George Wang suggested. Model specifications of these and Jot Yau proposed a three-equation struc- previous studies, however, are incomplete tural model that allows trading volume and because trading volume is assumed to be a price volatility to be jointly determined to- function of transaction costs and/or price gether with transaction costs in the estima- per share only.108 Likewise, one study found tion of tax revenues, which has been used in The empirical that trading volume was not only a function other studies discussed above.112 relation between of volatility, but also one of open interest, In 2011, Bjursell, Wang, and Yau provid- price volatility interest rates, exchange rates, and other vari- ed updated estimates of the trading volume ables in futures markets.109 Unfortunately, it elasticity to bid-ask spread on the 11 select- and transaction does not include any measure of transaction ed U.S. futures based on Wang and Yau’s costs depends on costs (such as the bid-ask spread) or transac- methodology.113 tion taxes/fees as an explanatory variable in In Table 1, the estimates of the elasticity how transaction the model. In other words, the estimation of trading volume with respect to transac- costs affect of the relationship between trading volume tion costs (proxied by the bid-ask spread) for trading volume. and other explanatory variables is done sepa- 11 U.S. futures are presented. The estimates rately instead of jointly in a structural model range from -2.6 (E-mini S&P 500 index fu- (i.e., ignoring no. 4, above). tures) to -0.81 (heating oil), suggesting that In light of the deficiencies in the empiri- the trading volume of a futures contract will cal estimation of the relation of trading vol- decline if transaction costs increase, as by the ume and price volatility, and the relation of imposition of an FTT. For example, the elas- bid-ask spread and price volatility, Wang, ticity of -0.81 for the S&P 500 index futures Yau, and Baptiste proposed a two-equation indicates that the trading volume for these structural model to examine the relations be- futures will decrease 0.81 percent for each tween trading volume and transaction costs one percent increase in the bid-ask spread in seven financial, agricultural, and metals or financial transaction tax. The lower-end futures.110 By estimating the elasticities in a of the corresponding interval estimates with simultaneous-equation system, they explicit- a 95 percent confidence level are all greater ly formalize the jointly determined relation- than one, except for 30-year T-bond (-0.972) ship between trading volume and bid-ask and heating oil (-0.923) futures. These results spread. Their study confirms that trading suggest that the elasticity of trading volume volume and bid-ask spread are jointly de- with respect to transaction costs had been termined in the U.S. futures markets. It also very high during the period 2005–2010 for shows that the differences in the estimates most futures examined. Bjursell, Wang, and for four U.S. futures markets underestimate Yau pointed out the important implication the elasticities and overestimate the poten- that an increase in the bid-ask spread due to tial tax revenues in these markets. Thus, in a new transaction tax would substantially re- 15
  • 16. Table 1 Elasticity of Trading Volume with Respect to Transaction Costs in Selected U.S. Futures Markets January 2005–December 2010 January 1990–April 1994 Contract Elasticity Estimatesa Elasticity Estimatesb S&P500 -0.81 -0.78 E-mini S&P500 -2.60 30-Year T-Bond -0.87 10-Year T-Note -1.36 British Pound -0.97 Wheat -0.98 Soybean -1.66 Copper -1.44 Gold -2.02 -1.31 Crude Oil -1.00 Heating Oil -0.80 Deutschemark -1.30 Silver -0.90 Source: aC. Johan Bjursell, George H.K. Wang, and Jot Yau, “Transaction tax and market quality of U.S. futures market: An ex ante analysis,” Review of Futures Markets (2012), forthcoming. bGeorge H.K. Wang, and Jot Yau, “Trading volume, bid-ask spread, and price volatility in futures markets,” Journal of Futures Markets 20, no. 10 (2000): 943–70. Note: Numbers in parentheses denote standard errors for the corresponding point estimates. duce trading volume and decrease liquidity proximated by the average yearly price in for the U.S. futures exchanges. The elasticity 2010. The transaction tax revenue is then used in the CBO’s 1990 report, -0.26, esti- expressed as a percentage of the total fixed mated by Thomas Epps based on U.S. stock transaction costs (TFC), which is $14.8. data, seriously understates current elasticity Thus, for S&P 500 futures, the transaction in the futures markets. Hence, the CBO over- tax revenue as a percentage of the total fixed estimated the potential revenue of a transac- transaction costs (TR%TC) is The elasticity tion tax in futures markets. used in the We use the following example to illustrate $283,981 * 0.0002 = 3.837581 or 383.7581% CBO’s 1990 how Bjursell, Wang, and Yau computed the $14.8 estimated tax revenue for S&P 500 index report seriously futures, using a transaction tax of 0.02 per- Second, the post-tax volume (PTV), i.e., understates cent.114 the estimated trading volume after a trans- current elasticity First, we calculate the 0.02 percent trans- action tax is imposed, is calculated based action tax revenue on the S&P 500 futures on the current elasticity of trading volume in the futures transactions based on the notional value (TV) with respect to transaction costs/taxes markets. of the futures contract, or $283,981 as ap- (-0.81 for the S&P 500 futures, Table 1) and 16
  • 17. the total trading volume (the number of transaction tax (e.g., 0.02 percent) is big Even a small contracts traded in 2010). Thus, enough to wipe out all S&P 500 index fu- transaction tures transactions, leaving no tax revenues to be collected by the government. This result tax (e.g., 0.02 PTV = Total TV*[1 + (current elasticity of suggests that the impact of a transaction tax percent) is big TV*(TR%TC/TFC))] on trading costs and trading volume can vary PTV =7,689,961*[1 + (-0.81*3.837581)] significantly with different types of futures enough to wipe = -16,213,825 since they have different degrees of trading out all S&P 500 volume elasticity. index futures Third, the change in trading volume Finally, the estimated potential tax rev- (ΔTV) is computed to be equal to enues to be collected on various futures con- transactions, tracts is calculated based on the post tax vol- leaving no tax ΔTV = PTV − TV ume (column 3, Table 2) estimated with the revenues to be ΔTV = -16,213,825 – 7,689,961 recent estimates of trading volume elasticity = -23,903,786 (from Table 1). Column 5 in Table 2 presents collected by the the estimates of the potential post-tax reve- government. This result shows that the trading volume nue for the eleven futures computed by Bjur- of S&P 500 index futures is very sensitive to sell, Wang, and Yau with recent estimates of changes in transaction costs. Even a small trading volume elasticity. The potential tax Table 2 Estimates of Post-Tax Revenue in Selected U.S. Futures Markets (4) Post Tax (5) Post Tax (2) Average Yearly (3) Post Tax Revenue Naïve Revenue Elasticity (1) Contract Price (2010) ($) Trading Volume Method ($)a Adjusted ($)b S&P 500 283,981 0 436,760,532 0 E-mini S&P 500 56,776 0 6,305,896,991 0 30-Year T-Bond 124,069 29,208,455 2,072,187,486 724,770,376 10-Year T-Note 121,174 0 7,118,223,079 0 British Pound 96,522 0 583,383,582 0 Wheat 29,512 14,747,726 136,289,676 87,048,101 Soybean 52,434 0 387,315,432 0 Copper 8,572 8,340,933 17,668,989 14,300,463 Gold 122,616 0 1,096,935,043 0 Crude Oil 79,621 0 2,685,649,749 0 Heating Oil 9,033 21,518,357 48,725,003 38,875,710 Total 20,889,035,562 864,994,651 Source: C. Johan Bjursell, George H.K. Wang, and Jot Yau, “Transaction Tax and Market Quality of U.S. Futures Market: An ex ante Analysis,” Review of Futures Markets (2012), forthcoming. Notes: a Estimated potential revenue under this method is computed as Trading volume 2010 x Average Yearly Price (2010) x Tax rate (0.02%). bEstimated potential revenue under this method is computed as: Post-tax trading volume x Average Yearly Price (2010) x Tax rate (0.02%). 17
  • 18. revenues (PTR) collected from each futures Conclusion contract is computed as follows: In this paper, we reviewed the theoreti- PTR = PTV*Average Yearly Price (2010)* cal and empirical studies on the impact of a Tax rate (0.02%) transaction tax.116 Specifically, we reviewed the empirical evidence on the imposition For comparison purposes, presented in col- of a FTT in futures markets with regard to umn 4 in Table 2 are the post-tax revenues trading volume, price volatility, pricing effi- calculated by the naïve method, that is, as- ciency, and estimated revenue. We discussed suming trading volume will stay the same a methodology for estimating the potential and not be affected by the transaction tax. transaction tax revenue that can be raised The tax revenue generated by the naïve from U.S. futures markets. The empirical method (column 4) is often used by propo- model proposed by the authors and used in nents of transaction tax as the basis for ar- several previous studies accounts for the en- guing that transaction taxes would generate dogenous relationships among trading vol- substantial revenue.115 For the 0.02 percent ume, bid-ask spread (transaction cost), and tax rate, six futures (S&P 500, E-mini S&P volatility.117 We explained the estimation of The transaction 500, 10-year T-Note, British pound, soy- the empirical elasticity of trading volume tax revenue bean, and gold) would cease to be traded at and post-tax adjusted trading volume us- estimated by the all in U.S. markets, and would therefore gen- ing Bjursell, Wang, and Yau’s estimates on erate zero tax revenue (column 5). The other 11 futures traded in the United States. We pre-tax trading five futures (30-year T-Bond, wheat, copper, showed that current estimates of the elastic- volume or with crude oil, and heating oil), given their trad- ity of trading volume with respect to a trans- ing volume elasticity, generate tax revenues action tax in U.S. futures markets are much an unrealistically that are less than the corresponding esti- higher than those reported in the extant lit- low elasticity mated tax revenues from the naïve method. erature and those used by the government in can seriously There are three noteworthy findings from transaction tax revenue estimation. As such, the study by Bjursell, Wang and Yau. First, a transaction tax would reduce trading vol- overestimate the magnitude of the decline in the post-tax ume significantly, may not reduce price vola- the potential tax volume depends on the relative importance tility, and might only raise a modest amount revenue. of the transaction tax to the total fixed cost of tax revenue, much smaller than expected. and/or the elasticity of trading volume with More importantly, results indicate that respect to transaction costs on each future. with such high estimates of trading volume For example, the post-tax trading volume of elasticity, it is very likely that futures trad- the S&P 500 index futures is reduced to zero ing activities would be shifted to untaxed when the transaction tax is 383.76 percent foreign markets should a transaction tax be of the total fixed transaction cost with an imposed. We conclude that a transaction tax elasticity of -0.81. In the soybean case, the on futures trading will not only fail to gen- elasticity is high (i.e., -1.66) but the post-tax erate the expected tax revenue, it will likely trading volume still drops to zero even if the drive business away from U.S. exchanges transaction tax is only 65.75 percent of the and toward untaxed foreign markets. total fixed transaction cost. Second, the impact of a transaction tax on transaction costs and trading volumes Notes varies significantly with different types of We would like to thank Mark A. Calabria, direc- futures. Third, the transaction tax revenue tor of financial regulation studies at the Cato estimated by the pre-tax trading volume or Institute, for encouraging us to write this paper. with an unrealistically low elasticity can seri- The views expressed here do not necessarily re- flect those of our current or former employers. ously overestimate the potential tax revenue. 18
  • 19. 1. Financial transaction taxes (FTTs) can be Chicago Press, 1994), pp. 277–308. classified into (1) securities transaction taxes (STT); (2) currency transaction taxes (CTT or To- 10. The European Commission rejected a pro- bin tax); (3) capital levy or registration taxes; (4) posal for a bank tax to pay for the bailout of bank transaction taxes (BTT); and (5) real estate failed European banks due to the 2007–2008 fi- transaction taxes. Thornton Matheson, “Taxing nancial crisis. Financial Transactions: Issues and Evidence,” International Monetary Fund working paper, 11. James E. Tobin, “A Proposal for Internation- WP11/54, 2011. The term “Tobin tax” originally al Monetary Reform,” Eastern Economic Journal 4, referred to the tax on currency transactions (i.e., no. 3 (1978): 153–9. CTT). It is now used interchangeably with finan- cial transaction taxes, as in this paper. 12. For a review of arguments, see Schwert and Seguin, pp. 27–35; Paul H. Kupiec, Patricia A. 2. Evan Ramstad, “World News: Seoul Will White, and Gregory Duffee, “A Securities Trans- Seek Support for Levy,” The Wall Street Journal, action Tax: Beyond the Rhetoric,” Research in Fi- June 4, 2010, p. A14. nancial Services Private and Public Policy 5 (1993): 55–76; R. Glenn Hubbard, “Securities Transac- 3. Jason Zweig, “Flash Tax: Why Levies on tion Taxes: Can They Raise Revenue?” MidAm- High-Speed Trading Won’t Work,” The Wall Street erica Institute Research Project on Transaction Journal, September 3–4, 2011, p. B11. Tax, July 1993; Summers and Summers; Steven R. Umlauf, “Transaction Taxes and the Behavior 4. Alex Barker, George Parker, and Brooke Mas- of the Swedish Stock Market,” Journal of Financial ters, “Fresh Clashes Brew Over Tobin Tax,” Finan- Economics 33 (1993): 227–240; and Neil McCull- cial Times, January 5, 2012, p. 4. och and Grazia Pacillo, “The Tobin Tax–A Re- view of the Evidence,” working paper, Institute 5. Joseph A. Grundfest and John B. Shoven, of Development Studies, University of Sussex, “Adverse Implications of a Security Transaction 2010. Excise Tax,” Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Fi- nance 6 (1991): 409–42. Grundfest and Shoven 13. See Franklin R. Edwards, “Taxing Transac- believe the STT is “a resilient proposal,” p. 410. G. tions in Futures Markets: Objectives and Effects,” William Schwert and Paul J. Seguin, “Securities Journal of Financial Services Research 7 (1992): 75–91; Transaction Taxes: An Overview of Costs, Bene- and George H. K. Wang, Jot Yau, and Tony Bap- fits and Unresolved Questions,” Financial Analysts tiste, “Trading Volume and Transaction Costs in Journal 49 (September–October 1993): p. 28. Futures Markets,” Journal of Futures Markets 17, no. 7 (1997): 757–80. 6. Donald W. Kiefer, “The Securities Transac- tion Tax: An Overview of the Issues,” CRS Report 14. “Charlemagne: The Seven-Yearly War,” Econ- for Congress (1990). omist, June 30, 2011. 7. General Accounting Office, GGd-93-108- 15. Kiefer. Futures Transaction Fee, p. 1. 16. Campbell and Froot, p. 277. 8. Kathleen Cronin, “A Transaction Tax’s Unin- tended Consequences,” 2010, http://archive.opn 17. Previous studies present summaries for vari- ous types of financial transaction taxes around tended-consequences/; E. Noll, “The Perils of a the world over different time periods. See Robert Financial Services Transaction Tax,” 2010, http:// Pollin, Dean Baker, and Marc Schaberg, “Secu- rities Transaction Taxes for U.S. Financial Mar- kets,” Eastern Economic Journal 29, no. 4 (2003): 9. The stamp duty in the U.K. is a levy on the 527–58; McCulloch and Pacillo; Schwert and Se- transfer of assets and securities. Richard Roll, guin; Roll; and Matheson. “Price Volatility, International Market Links, and Their Implications for Regulatory Policies,” Jour- 18. John Maynard Keynes, The General Theory of nal of Financial Services Research 3 (1989): 211–46; Employment, Interest, and Money (New York: Har- Lawrence H. Summers and Victoria P. Summers, court Brace, 1936). “When Financial Markets Work Too Well: A Cau- tious Case for a Security Transaction Tax,” Jour- 19. James Tobin, “A Proposal for International nal of Financial Services Research 3 (1989): 261–86; Monetary Reform.” John Y. Campbell and Kenneth A. Froot, “Inter- national Experiences with Securities Transaction 20. James E. Tobin, “On the Efficiency of Fi- Taxes,” in Jeffrey A. Frankel, ed. The Internation- nancial Systems,” Lloyds Bank Review 153 (1984): alization of Equity Markets (Chicago: University of 1–15. 19