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                          A PR Launch Presentation

                         March 15, 2012

                         VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12
                         Agency is tasked to develop an effective
                         and impressive communication PR
                         campaign of Gau Do Instant Porridge.

                         Starting on 20 March to 30 April - 2012
                         + Budget: 2,000,000,000 VND

                                       VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12
                         •   How to generate awareness, interest
                             and trial among new users/switchers
                             (home porridge to Gau Do)

                         •   How to own a mindshare on as
                             good as home made porridge,
                             not just by share of voice
                             (media) but by persuasion

                         •   How to drive continued
                             consumption and increased
                             usage among loyals/patrons

                                     VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12
                         Change the instant porridge perception to positive

                         Own the instant porridge category by associating
                             or likening it with home made porridge

                                                                   More ownership
                                                                   of the category
                                                                   and intensify
                            Branded                                brand appeal

                                           VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12

                         Inspire a persuasive take out of Gau Do

                            Porridge as a genuine, real goodness,
                         taste and nutrition of home made porridge
                                with added value of Vitamin B

                                      VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12
                     Gau Do   =   Home Made Porridge

                                       +        More Nutritional Value

                                  VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12
                         Gau Do Porridge, has the same goodness and
                         taste of home made porridge that you love but
                         with more nutritional benefits and convenience.

                                     SE-BEST technology

                                  No artificial preservatives

                                   Mekong rice + Mix Rice

                                           Vitamin B

                                       VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12
                         Phase 1   Gau Do
                              As good as home-made porridge.

                         Phase 2   Gau Do
                               Porridge that you love, made better.

                                       VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12

                         Combination of branded and natural PR

                         Influencer(and not star power) will need to give

                         Run a coherent media plan that will synergize with

                         Maximize reach but prioritize effective persuasion

                                        VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12
                         As good as home-made porridge.

                                   VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12
                          As good as home made porridge

                             NORTH                               The sweet taste of
                                                                 porridge your mom
                         Can instant porridge                    used to cook is here
                         be as good as home                      (Vị ngọt cháo mẹ
                         cooked porridge?                        nấu là đây)
                         (Cháo gói có ngon                        We deliver persuasion
                         như cháo nấu?)                           around attributes of putting
                                                                  the best elements together
                                                                  to make the same
                    We exploit creative stories to                goodness of home made
                    tell key talking points about                 porridge that you can only
                    how Gau Do is as good as                      find in Gau Do porridge: as
                    home made porridge                            good as mom cooks.

                                                     VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12
       ria                As good as home made porridge

                             Mom's best kept secret:
                                                                      3 reasons to help kids stay at
                             the porridge my kids
                                                                      home; Gau do Porridge tops the
                             love! Now easy and
                             ready with Gau Do
                         MC Quynh Giang will not be able               Kids only stay at home when they find an
                         to balance her busy life if she does          attractive reason that cannot step out of the
                         not know what is the best choice,             door:
                         espcially for her 4 cute kids. Her            - TV:cartoon and music programs with idols
                         secret to persuade the kids in their          they love
                         meal is Gau Do porridge with its              - home games: enjoy the funs of playing
                         attractive aroma and taste. With              exciting games with parents or friends/relatives
                         Gau Do, kids' favourite dish is               - and delicious dishes that their moms cook:
                         always ready and easy.                        Gau Do porridge now will be added to Mom's
                         At the bottom of the layout there             list because of the non-stop facy taste it offers.
                         will be a box of 2 suggested                  At the bottom of the layout there will be a box
                         recipies to have attractive and               of 2 suggested recipies to have attractive and
                         nutritious porridge for kids.                 nutritious porridge for kids.
                                      Celebrity Story

                                                         VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12
                              As good as home made porridge

                                                                                     Baby must eat- Nutritious
                                                                                     porridge, now made easy with
                                                                                     the same goodness and
           Have the goodness of                                                      delicious taste
           home-made porridge
           in a snap, anywhere,                                                      Porridge is nutritious and easy for kids to
           anytime… as good as                                                       eat, especially when:
                                                                                     + they are sick,
           home                                                                      + after the playing and having a lot of
                           + or even it is a good snack between the
                    And they will never deny the attractive
                 aroma and delicious taste that Gau Do
                            offers. Wish some lovely decoration and
  homemade!                                                          the charm of Gau Do itself, Moms will give
                                                                                     her kids the best Porridge in her busy life.

                                                                         VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12
                         As good as home made porridge

                                                                             Career woman's
                     Expert Mom                                              day in the life:
                     knows the best                                          quality and
                     porridge                                                efficient time:
                     goodness at                                             always manage to
                     home…                                                   pull off a delicious
                                                                             and nutritious
                         Nutrition expert Mom knows                          porridge any day!
                         well about criteria for a
                         delicious and nutritious
                         porridge, and always tries to                      Modern woman will
                         give her kids the best she can.                    never forget her role as a
                         Gau Do is always trusted by                        wife and a mother in her
                         her to be the instant porridge                     family, especial the food
                         that can offer the nutrition                       she cooks for her
                         and taste as good as                               husband and kids. Gau
                         homemade one when she                              Do porridge is her
                         doesnt have much time to                           interesting exploration
                         prepare.                                           and has been her best
                                                                            friend to keep her family
                                                                            healthy and happy with
                                                                            their meals.

                                                    VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12
                         As good as home made porridge

                The truth about home made meals
                for babies: not all home prepared
                nutritious meals are the same                                              My career begin with
                                                                                               my Mom's home
                   There is a truth that sometimes Moms                                         made porridge
                   can make mistakes while cooking
                   such as overcooking, loose the
                   balance of the spices, or choose the                     Popular chef talks about his favorite
                   wrong ingredients…those are factors                      meal from his mom: the home made
                   that can make her porridge not as                        porridge that inspired him to learn how
                   tasty and nutritious as it should be.                    to cook. To him, to make delicious and
                   Meanwhile, Gau Do instant Porridge,                      nutritious porridge is an art and he highly
                   with its advanced technology and                         evaluate the taste with the benefit that
                   essential ingredient, can offer you a                    Gau Do instant porridge can offer
                   standard proportion of best taste with
                   Vitamin B for your health.

                                                    VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12
                         As good as home made porridge

                  Gau Do Instant
                  Porridge reminds
                  me of home
                                                                       As good as it gets: Gau Do
                 Celebrity confesses their sweet                       Porridge captures home made
                 memories of home and how Gau
                 Do reminds them of Mom and their                      goodness with all natural
                 cherished child hood                                  ingredients

                                                                        Now with Gau Do porridge, you can
                                                                        find any best value and quality that a
                                                                        homemade porridge can have

                                                    VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12
      T ie                    As good as home made porridge

                 Introducing delicious 12 porridges for
                   kids from the reputable Mom Chef
                          A COLUMN series of 4 successive publications of 1 outcome (Tiep Thi Gia Dinh/ Me Yeu
                         Be…) to suggest different kinds porridge taste with fresh and fun color for the whole family
                                                  which is delicious and looks appetizing.

                                                        VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12
                         As good as home made porridge

                                   Same old feeds for                 Porridge a must have
                                   your sick baby: now                for family bonding
                                   you got Gau Do with                during busy days
                                   the same goodness
                                   and caring taste                  No need to go to the market and spend
                                                                     hours to collect all the ingredients that make
               How you feed your kid is always important             a perfect and nutritious porridge. Food for
               element moms should care when raising kids,           busy day of the family will be still perfectly
               and it become more important when kids                nutritious and as good as cooked with just
               get sick. There are 3 things moms must supply         some minutes with Gau Do porridge.
               for their kids during this time are:                  Gau Do porridge, keep family close, even
               + Water                                               you dont have much time!
               + Vitamin
               + and Porridge, as the easiest and nutritious
               food for kids' body.
               Gau Do now, with the best quality and taste
               is here for moms to take every care of her
               beloved children.

                                                   VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12
                         As good as home made porridge

                          My mother-in-
                          law praises me
                          for my porridge
                          cooking                                       A bowl of porridge a hard
                                                                        work from a busy mother
                          Story of a man who had chance to              made easy
                          show his 'cooking talent' with his
                          father in law in the past Women's                 Feature Gau Do porridge as an effective
                          day (08 March). He was so wise to                 supporter for Busy moms to finish her task
                          use a very simple and convenient                  of being a wife, a mother perfectly with
                          food, Gau Do porridge, with other                 nutritious and tasty porridge that is always
                          ingredient to make a perfect                      her kids and husband's favorite dish.
                          porrige that his mother in law                    At the bottom of the layout there will be a
                          complimented a lot. Now he knows                  box of 2 suggested recipes to have
                          that cooking is not difficult at all              attractive and nutritious porridge for
                          because Gau Do is here for him to                 family.
                          explore and perform.


                                                    VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12
As good as home made porridge
      en                        Self Introduction clip should be one clip for all channels in Vietnam, it will be 3 major contents:
                                    -          Introducing NEW Gau Do Porridge

                                    -          Introducing Se-Best technology

                                    -          Outstanding elements of the Gau Do Porridge

                   Gau Do: 3 Minutes to Delicious Home
                    Made Porridge You Grow Up With
               •          In today's busy life, arranging time to take care of the family was difficult, the processing of
                          aromatic meals, tasty and safe is harder than many times. In particular, capital soup familiar
                          to families in Vietnam, the ancestors used to care for relatives, friends, as few have the
                          opportunity to appear in the daily meal. This indeed is a problem that housewives

               •          One solution is making porridge. For a long time, consumers around the world have favored
                          the type of rice porridge with Vietnamese convenience its outstanding advantages
                          compared to other packaged foods.
                          In Vietnam in recent years, Asian Food companies have used a completely new technology,
                          combined with premium materials to create the type of rice porridge is not only delicious
                          home cooked as porridge, which also add B vitamins good for health. This is an indispensable
                          product for housewives today.

               •          Introducing NEW Gau Do Porridge with outstanding elements and Se-Best technology

                                                                VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
 Thursday, March 15, 12
As good as home made porridge
on edia


                         homemadesimple                       Food & Recipes
                                                             home organization
                                creative things that you          crafts
                                 can do by yourself for        home decor
                                family, kids to show how         garden
                                much you love and care
                                         for them

                                     VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12

                 Gau Do JUNIOR CHEF CONTEST:
                 + Time: Mid April to Mid May (4 weeks)
                 + Purpose: This will be a chance for kid to show their talent and enjoy the fun of cooking. Gau Do will be the main
                 ingredient in the porridge and bring funs with attractive taste to kids.
                 + Execution: organize in 4 Districts of HCMC, cooperate with the Organization of Women and Cultural House for Kid to call
                 for participating in the contest, where kid can cook their own porridge and mix it with other ingredient, then decorate it in
                 their own way è we will have prize for the best kid with certain criteria, and have media to cover the contest.

                                                            VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12
                         Porridge that you love, made better.

                                     VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12
                         PORRIDGE THAT YOU LOVE, MADE BETTER

                         Nurture your baby's              How to provide Vitamin B for your family
                         nutritional need
                         with a delicious bowl of
                         Gau Do Instant Porridge
                                                            Role of Vitamin B (4 kinds B1, B2, B6, B12) to the
          When your baby begins feeding,                   health of the family.
          he/she needs the right nutrition to              * Where you can find vitamin B? Beans, meats, egg,
          ensure his optimal growth.                       nuts, cereals, milk, pig livers...
                                                           * An easy way to provide Vitamin B for your family :
          You feel unsure if your food can                 Gau Do porridge
          deliver the right nutrients. However,
          Gau Do porridge can be your
          - Provide enough nutrition value
          for your baby's health: nutri,
          protein, nature oil,...
          - Convenience: easy to prepare a
          delicious meal for your baby

                                                  VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12
                         PORRIDGE THAT YOU LOVE, MADE BETTER

                          Nutrition expert's grocery
                          check list
                          Gau Do is hero as constant
                          and easy - delicious source
                          of Vitamin B

                            According to nutrition expert A
                            (endorsor), there is few
                            convenience food providing
                            Vitamin B
                            - Vitamin B plays an important role
                            for kids' growth. However, there's a
                            lake of Vitamin B in convenience
                            * Gau Do porridge is an exception:
                            easy to cook & provide much of
                            Vitamin B

                                                  VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12

                                Essential Family Nutrition check list
                         Every Sunday, Ms Mai (testimonial) spends about 20 minutes to make a food list for
                          the next week. She makes the list to make sure that she won't miss any necessary
                                                     food for the whole family.

                           - Gau Do porridge is a "must have" in Ms Mai's food list because it is one of the
                                             most favorite food of her 5-year-old son.

                                          Box: Nutritional values in a Gau Do porridge bow

                                                 VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12
                         PORRIDGE THAT YOU LOVE, MADE BETTER

                         Chef expert talks about the perfect porridge then latch Gau Do as
                               having the perfect mix blossom, stickyness and smell

                                        According to Chef A, a perfect porridge bowl
                                                          must have:
                                                        1) good taste,
                                        2)provide some vitamin, nutri good for health;
                                                         easy to cook
                                                    Box: Gau Do porridge

                                               VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12
                         PORRIDGE THAT YOU LOVE, MADE BETTER

               A valuable offer in every serving ---
               Mom's show care for appetite
               and nutritional value

                     * A valuable offer in every serving: how      Child athlete's must-have daily
                     much is enough?
                     * Prepare how many ingredients for a
                                                                   snack - a Gau Do filled with mom's
                     bowl?                                         home made goodness and taste
                     * Mom's show care for appetite and            plus Vitamin B
                     nutritional value
                     * Gau Do porridge provide most nutrition
                     and vitamins you need                         *Before each game, child athlete is served
                                                                   home made food, filled with vitamins
                                                                   *Quick and easy,
                                                                   *Gau Do - with mom's home made goodness
                                                                   and taste plus Vitamin B

                                                     VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12
                         PORRIDGE THAT YOU LOVE, MADE BETTER

                  More nutrition in 3 minutes: The
                  Gau Do porridge Advantage                             Nourishment or convenience?

                                                                       It is said that convenience food isn't as nourish as
                     A secret for busy women: prepare a
                                                                       the home made. So, moms seem have to choose
                     delicious snack for your kids in just 3
                                                                       1 of the 2 benefits. However, Gau Do porridge
                     minutes. Suggestion list:
                                                                       should bring both: nutritional values for kids and
                     - Biscuits; - Soup; - A bow of instant
                                                                       convenience for mom.

                                                        VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12
       m                    PORRIDGE THAT YOU LOVE, MADE BETTER

              PHOTO CONTEST                                 “I LOVE GAU DO”
                          A 4 –week Photo contest for member  Webtretho named “Tôi yêu Gấu
                          Đỏ” (I love Gau Do)
                          Members share pictures of their family enjoying Gau Do instant porridge.
                             -          Create an fun and lively activity in Webtretho, the most popular
                                      forum for MOMS and KIDS, give them a chance to share and show
                                      their happy and proud moments of their family
                             -          With the sponsorship and cooperation of Gau Do porridge, the
                                      forum wants to share as many recipes for porridge as possible, for
                                      member to serve their family good porridge
                          Gau Do porridge also wants to send the message about their product: “as
                          good as homemade porridge” which is convenient, delicious, and
                          nutritious è Gau Do porridge is introduced to the right target audience:
                          Supporting channel:
                             -          Forum seeding: about “How instant porridge can be as good as,
                                      and replace homemade porridge” in 4 weeks (aired 1 week before
                                      the contest), and will embed the information of the contest in the
                             -          Flash banner: on webtretho, and to link to the contest when
                                      clicking to it. (aired during the contest in high traffic position)

                                                                 VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
 Thursday, March 15, 12
Thank You!

                          VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS
Thursday, March 15, 12

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Violet gau do_march15final

  • 1. GAU DO A PR Launch Presentation March 15, 2012 VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 2. THE BRIEF Agency is tasked to develop an effective and impressive communication PR campaign of Gau Do Instant Porridge. Starting on 20 March to 30 April - 2012 + Budget: 2,000,000,000 VND VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 3. THE CHALLENGE • How to generate awareness, interest and trial among new users/switchers (home porridge to Gau Do) • How to own a mindshare on as good as home made porridge, not just by share of voice (media) but by persuasion (content) • How to drive continued consumption and increased usage among loyals/patrons VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 4. PR TASKS Change the instant porridge perception to positive Own the instant porridge category by associating or likening it with home made porridge More ownership NORTH of the category and intensify Branded brand appeal content SOUTH VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 5. STRATEGY Inspire a persuasive take out of Gau Do Porridge as a genuine, real goodness, taste and nutrition of home made porridge with added value of Vitamin B VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 6. PR PLATFORM Gau Do = Home Made Porridge + More Nutritional Value VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 7. PR TALKING POINTS Gau Do Porridge, has the same goodness and taste of home made porridge that you love but with more nutritional benefits and convenience. SE-BEST technology No artificial preservatives Mekong rice + Mix Rice Vitamin B VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 8. CAMPAIGN DESIGN Phase 1 Gau Do As good as home-made porridge. Phase 2 Gau Do Porridge that you love, made better. VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 9. EXECUTIONAL DELIVERY Combination of branded and natural PR Influencer(and not star power) will need to give credibility. Run a coherent media plan that will synergize with print Maximize reach but prioritize effective persuasion VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 10. PHASE 1 As good as home-made porridge. VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 11. ls rto ria As good as home made porridge ve Ad NORTH NORTH The sweet taste of porridge your mom Can instant porridge used to cook is here be as good as home (Vị ngọt cháo mẹ cooked porridge? nấu là đây) (Cháo gói có ngon We deliver persuasion như cháo nấu?) around attributes of putting the best elements together to make the same We exploit creative stories to goodness of home made tell key talking points about porridge that you can only how Gau Do is as good as find in Gau Do porridge: as home made porridge good as mom cooks. VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 12. ls rto ria As good as home made porridge ve Ad SOUTH NORTH Mom's best kept secret: 3 reasons to help kids stay at the porridge my kids home; Gau do Porridge tops the love! Now easy and list. ready with Gau Do MC Quynh Giang will not be able Kids only stay at home when they find an to balance her busy life if she does attractive reason that cannot step out of the not know what is the best choice, door: espcially for her 4 cute kids. Her - TV:cartoon and music programs with idols secret to persuade the kids in their they love meal is Gau Do porridge with its - home games: enjoy the funs of playing attractive aroma and taste. With exciting games with parents or friends/relatives Gau Do, kids' favourite dish is - and delicious dishes that their moms cook: always ready and easy. Gau Do porridge now will be added to Mom's At the bottom of the layout there list because of the non-stop facy taste it offers. will be a box of 2 suggested At the bottom of the layout there will be a box recipies to have attractive and of 2 suggested recipies to have attractive and nutritious porridge for kids. nutritious porridge for kids. Celebrity Story VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 13. ls rto ria As good as home made porridge ve Ad Baby must eat- Nutritious porridge, now made easy with the same goodness and Have the goodness of delicious taste home-made porridge in a snap, anywhere, Porridge is nutritious and easy for kids to anytime… as good as eat, especially when: + they are sick, home + after the playing and having a lot of sweat, Gau  Do  porridge  brings  you  the   + or even it is a good snack between the feeling  of  home  porridge  not  only   meals. because  of  its  taste  but  also  the   And they will never deny the attractive real  value  and  quality  its  offers.  As   aroma and delicious taste that Gau Do tasty  as  homemade,  as  nutri=ous   offers. Wish some lovely decoration and as  homemade! the charm of Gau Do itself, Moms will give her kids the best Porridge in her busy life. VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 14. ls rto ria As good as home made porridge ve Ad Career woman's Expert Mom day in the life: knows the best quality and porridge efficient time: goodness at always manage to home… pull off a delicious and nutritious Nutrition expert Mom knows porridge any day! well about criteria for a delicious and nutritious porridge, and always tries to Modern woman will give her kids the best she can. never forget her role as a Gau Do is always trusted by wife and a mother in her her to be the instant porridge family, especial the food that can offer the nutrition she cooks for her and taste as good as husband and kids. Gau homemade one when she Do porridge is her doesnt have much time to interesting exploration prepare. and has been her best friend to keep her family healthy and happy with their meals. VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 15. ls rto ria As good as home made porridge ve Ad The truth about home made meals for babies: not all home prepared nutritious meals are the same My career begin with my Mom's home There is a truth that sometimes Moms made porridge can make mistakes while cooking such as overcooking, loose the balance of the spices, or choose the Popular chef talks about his favorite wrong ingredients…those are factors meal from his mom: the home made that can make her porridge not as porridge that inspired him to learn how tasty and nutritious as it should be. to cook. To him, to make delicious and Meanwhile, Gau Do instant Porridge, nutritious porridge is an art and he highly with its advanced technology and evaluate the taste with the benefit that essential ingredient, can offer you a Gau Do instant porridge can offer standard proportion of best taste with Vitamin B for your health. VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 16. ls rto ria As good as home made porridge ve Ad Gau Do Instant Porridge reminds me of home As good as it gets: Gau Do Celebrity confesses their sweet Porridge captures home made memories of home and how Gau Do reminds them of Mom and their goodness with all natural cherished child hood ingredients Now with Gau Do porridge, you can find any best value and quality that a homemade porridge can have VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 17. p -U ia T ie As good as home made porridge ed M Introducing delicious 12 porridges for kids from the reputable Mom Chef A COLUMN series of 4 successive publications of 1 outcome (Tiep Thi Gia Dinh/ Me Yeu Be…) to suggest different kinds porridge taste with fresh and fun color for the whole family which is delicious and looks appetizing. VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 18. ls rto ria As good as home made porridge ve Ad Same old feeds for Porridge a must have your sick baby: now for family bonding you got Gau Do with during busy days the same goodness and caring taste No need to go to the market and spend hours to collect all the ingredients that make How you feed your kid is always important a perfect and nutritious porridge. Food for element moms should care when raising kids, busy day of the family will be still perfectly and it become more important when kids nutritious and as good as cooked with just get sick. There are 3 things moms must supply some minutes with Gau Do porridge. for their kids during this time are: Gau Do porridge, keep family close, even + Water you dont have much time! + Vitamin + and Porridge, as the easiest and nutritious food for kids' body. Gau Do now, with the best quality and taste is here for moms to take every care of her beloved children. VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 19. ls rto ria As good as home made porridge ve Ad My mother-in- law praises me for my porridge cooking A bowl of porridge a hard work from a busy mother Story of a man who had chance to made easy show his 'cooking talent' with his father in law in the past Women's Feature Gau Do porridge as an effective day (08 March). He was so wise to supporter for Busy moms to finish her task use a very simple and convenient of being a wife, a mother perfectly with food, Gau Do porridge, with other nutritious and tasty porridge that is always ingredient to make a perfect her kids and husband's favorite dish. porrige that his mother in law At the bottom of the layout there will be a complimented a lot. Now he knows box of 2 suggested recipes to have that cooking is not difficult at all attractive and nutritious porridge for because Gau Do is here for him to family. explore and perform. testimonials VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 20. As good as home made porridge ry ta en Self Introduction clip should be one clip for all channels in Vietnam, it will be 3 major contents: -          Introducing NEW Gau Do Porridge m -          Introducing Se-Best technology cu -          Outstanding elements of the Gau Do Porridge Do Gau Do: 3 Minutes to Delicious Home Made Porridge You Grow Up With • In today's busy life, arranging time to take care of the family was difficult, the processing of aromatic meals, tasty and safe is harder than many times. In particular, capital soup familiar to families in Vietnam, the ancestors used to care for relatives, friends, as few have the opportunity to appear in the daily meal. This indeed is a problem that housewives "headache". • One solution is making porridge. For a long time, consumers around the world have favored the type of rice porridge with Vietnamese convenience its outstanding advantages compared to other packaged foods. In Vietnam in recent years, Asian Food companies have used a completely new technology, combined with premium materials to create the type of rice porridge is not only delicious home cooked as porridge, which also add B vitamins good for health. This is an indispensable product for housewives today. • Introducing NEW Gau Do Porridge with outstanding elements and Se-Best technology VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 21. As good as home made porridge s on edia ip rsh so M Sp homemadesimple Food & Recipes home organization creative things that you crafts can do by yourself for home decor family, kids to show how garden much you love and care for them VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 22. d un ro G n O Gau Do JUNIOR CHEF CONTEST:   + Time: Mid April to Mid May (4 weeks) + Purpose: This will be a chance for kid to show their talent and enjoy the fun of cooking. Gau Do will be the main ingredient in the porridge and bring funs with attractive taste to kids.   + Execution: organize in 4 Districts of HCMC, cooperate with the Organization of Women and Cultural House for Kid to call for participating in the contest, where kid can cook their own porridge and mix it with other ingredient, then decorate it in their own way è we will have prize for the best kid with certain criteria, and have media to cover the contest.   VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 23. PHASE 2 Porridge that you love, made better. VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 24. ls rto ria PORRIDGE THAT YOU LOVE, MADE BETTER ve Ad Nurture your baby's How to provide Vitamin B for your family nutritional need with a delicious bowl of Gau Do Instant Porridge Role of Vitamin B (4 kinds B1, B2, B6, B12) to the When your baby begins feeding, health of the family. he/she needs the right nutrition to * Where you can find vitamin B? Beans, meats, egg, ensure his optimal growth. nuts, cereals, milk, pig livers... * An easy way to provide Vitamin B for your family : You feel unsure if your food can Gau Do porridge deliver the right nutrients. However, Gau Do porridge can be your solution. - Provide enough nutrition value for your baby's health: nutri, protein, nature oil,... - Convenience: easy to prepare a delicious meal for your baby VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 25. ls rto ria PORRIDGE THAT YOU LOVE, MADE BETTER ve Ad Nutrition expert's grocery check list Gau Do is hero as constant and easy - delicious source of Vitamin B According to nutrition expert A (endorsor), there is few convenience food providing Vitamin B - Vitamin B plays an important role for kids' growth. However, there's a lake of Vitamin B in convenience food. * Gau Do porridge is an exception: easy to cook & provide much of Vitamin B VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 26. l ria ito Ed Essential Family Nutrition check list Every Sunday, Ms Mai (testimonial) spends about 20 minutes to make a food list for the next week. She makes the list to make sure that she won't miss any necessary food for the whole family. - Gau Do porridge is a "must have" in Ms Mai's food list because it is one of the most favorite food of her 5-year-old son. Box: Nutritional values in a Gau Do porridge bow VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 27. ls rto ria PORRIDGE THAT YOU LOVE, MADE BETTER ve Ad Chef expert talks about the perfect porridge then latch Gau Do as having the perfect mix blossom, stickyness and smell According to Chef A, a perfect porridge bowl must have: 1) good taste, 2)provide some vitamin, nutri good for health; easy to cook Box: Gau Do porridge VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 28. ls rto ria PORRIDGE THAT YOU LOVE, MADE BETTER ve Ad A valuable offer in every serving --- Mom's show care for appetite and nutritional value * A valuable offer in every serving: how Child athlete's must-have daily much is enough? * Prepare how many ingredients for a snack - a Gau Do filled with mom's bowl? home made goodness and taste * Mom's show care for appetite and plus Vitamin B nutritional value * Gau Do porridge provide most nutrition and vitamins you need *Before each game, child athlete is served home made food, filled with vitamins *Quick and easy, *Gau Do - with mom's home made goodness and taste plus Vitamin B VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 29. ls rto ria PORRIDGE THAT YOU LOVE, MADE BETTER ve Ad More nutrition in 3 minutes: The Gau Do porridge Advantage Nourishment or convenience? It is said that convenience food isn't as nourish as A secret for busy women: prepare a the home made. So, moms seem have to choose delicious snack for your kids in just 3 1 of the 2 benefits. However, Gau Do porridge minutes. Suggestion list: should bring both: nutritional values for kids and - Biscuits; - Soup; - A bow of instant convenience for mom. porridge; VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 30. t en ge m PORRIDGE THAT YOU LOVE, MADE BETTER ga En PHOTO CONTEST “I LOVE GAU DO” Content: A 4 –week Photo contest for member  Webtretho named “Tôi yêu Gấu Đỏ” (I love Gau Do)   Members share pictures of their family enjoying Gau Do instant porridge. Purpose: -          Create an fun and lively activity in Webtretho, the most popular forum for MOMS and KIDS, give them a chance to share and show their happy and proud moments of their family -          With the sponsorship and cooperation of Gau Do porridge, the forum wants to share as many recipes for porridge as possible, for member to serve their family good porridge Gau Do porridge also wants to send the message about their product: “as good as homemade porridge” which is convenient, delicious, and nutritious è Gau Do porridge is introduced to the right target audience: family. Supporting channel: -          Forum seeding: about “How instant porridge can be as good as, and replace homemade porridge” in 4 weeks (aired 1 week before the contest), and will embed the information of the contest in the discussion. -          Flash banner: on webtretho, and to link to the contest when clicking to it. (aired during the contest in high traffic position)   VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12
  • 31. Thank You! VIOLETA COMMUNICATONS Thursday, March 15, 12