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Universitas Vilnensis

V I L N I U S   U N I V E R S I T Y
Universitas Vilnensis

Introduction	 	    	   	   	   	   	   	   4        	   Faculties,	institutes

A	short	history	   	   	   	   	   	   	   5        Faculty	of	Chemistry	 	     	     	   	   	   22

The	architectural	ensemble	                         Faculty	of	Communication	 	           	   	   23

of	Vilnius	University	 	   	   	   	   	   7        Faculty	of	Economics		      	     	   	   	   24

Mission	and	vision	    	   	   	   	   	   8        Faculty	of	History		   	    	     	   	   	   24

Studies	at	Vilnius	University	 	   	   	   9        Faculty	of	Humanities	in	Kaunas		         	   25

International	students		   	   	   	   	   9        Faculty	of	Law	    	   	    	     	   	   	   28

Research	 	    	   	   	   	   	   	   	   14       Faculty	of	Mathematics	and	Informatics	 29

International	relations	
                       	   	   	   	   	   15       Faculty	of	Medicine	 	      	     	   	   	   30

New	initiatives	   	   	   	   	   	   	   16       Faculty	of	Natural	Sciences	 	        	   	   31

The	Library	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   20       Faculty	of	Philology	 	     	     	   	   	   31	

Students’	Representation	and	                       Faculty	of	Philosophy	

other	student	organisations	 	     	   	   21       Faculty	of	Physics		   	    	     	   	   	   33

Leisure	time	activities	for	students	 	    21       Institute	of	Foreign	Languages	 	         	   36

Sports	and	tourism	    	   	   	   	   	   22       Institute	of	International	Relations

                                                    and	Political	Sciences		    	     	   	   	   37	 	

                                                	   Institute	of	Material	Science		

                                                    and	Applied	Research	       	     	   	   	   37

                                                    	   Study	and	Research	Centres	 	             38

                                                    International	Business	School	        	   	   42	 	
                                                                                                          Universitas Vilnensis
Since	its	establishment	in	the	16th	century,	             The	 number	 of	 students	 at	 the	 University	
                        Vilnius	University,	as	integral	part	of	European	         comprises	 one-fifth	 of	 the	 total	 population	 of	
                        science	and	culture,	has	embodied	the	concept	            students	in	the	country.	One-fourth	of	the	pro-
                        of	a	classical	university	and	the	unity	of	studies	       fessors	 of	 higher	 education	 establishments	 of	
                        and	research.                                             Lithuania	work	here.
                            The	 oldest	 and	 largest	 Lithuanian	 higher	            The	 prestigious	 Vilnius	 University	 devotes	
                        education	 institution,	 Vilnius	 University	 is	 an	     special	attention	to	the	development	of	funda-
                        active	participant	in	international	scientific	and	       mental	and	applied	sciences	and	the	quality	of	
                        academic	activities	and	boasts	many	prominent	            studies.	The	University	enjoys	a	unique	academic	
                        scientists,	 professors	 and	 graduates.	 With	 the	      atmosphere	 and	 academic	 freedom	 with	 the	
                        support	of	social	partners,	the	University	educa-         priority	 always	 given	 to	 intellect,	 wisdom	 and	
                        tes	globally-minded	specialists	who	successfully	         tolerance.
                        integrate	in	the	modern	European	community.                   Vilnius	 University,	 which	 is	 celebrating	 its	
Universitas Vilnensis

                            Currently,	the	University	has	12	faculties,	8	        425th	anniversary,	remains	young,	dynamic,	pro-
                        institutes,	 3	 university	 hospitals,	 10	 study	 and	   gressive	and	open	to	the	world,	scientific	values	
                        research	centres,	one	of	the	richest	libraries	in	Eu-     and	variety	of	cultures.
                        rope,	the	Astronomical	Observatory,	a	botanical	
                        garden,	a	computer	centre,	St	Johns’	Church.	                 	   	    	   	   		Rector			Benediktas	Juodka
A Short History                                   6
                                                              The	 Faculty	 of	 Law	 was	 established	 under	
    Vilnius	University,	one	of	the	oldest	higher	         the	charter	of	the	King	Vladislaus	IV	and	funded	
education	establishments	in	Central	and	Eastern	          by	the	Lithuanian	vice-chancellor	Casimirus	Leo	
Europe,	has	for	a	long	time	been	the	only	Lithua-         Sapieha.
nian	university	and	had	a	marked	influence	on	
the	cultural	life	of	the	neighbouring	states.                 7
    The	 history	 of	 the	 University	 is	 complex	           The	Astronomic	Observatory	was	established,	
and	diverse,	intertwined	with	the	history	of	the	         which	was	the	fourth	in	the	world	and	the	oldest	
Lithuanian	state	and	reflecting	its	most	dramatic	        in	Eastern	Europe.
    70                                                      After	 the	 abolition	 of	 the	 Jesuit	 Order,	 the	
    The	 Jesuits,	 who	 came	 to	 Vilnius	 at	 the	       University	 was	 put	 under	 the	 authority	 of	 the	
invitation	 of	 Bishop	 Valerianus	 Protasevicius,	       Education	 Commission,	 the	 prototype	 of	 the	
established	a	College	and	opened	a	library.	The	          ministry	 of	 secular	 education	 in	 Europe.	 The	
library	 was	 started	 with	 a	 collection	 of	 books	    teaching	of	natural	sciences	was	reinforced.
donated	by	the	King	of	Poland	and	Grand	Duke	
of	Lithuania,	Sigismundus	Augustus.                           78
                                                              The	University	was	granted	the	name	of	the	
    79                                                  Central	School	of	the	Grand	Duchy	of	Lithuania.	
    On	1	April,	King	Stephanus	Batoreus	issued	           The	Faculty	of	Medicine	was	established.
a	Charter	granting	the	College	the	privileges	of	a	
university,	and	on	30	October,	Pope	Gregory	XIII	             80
announced	a	Papal	Bull	confirming	the	transfor-               The	 University	 was	 named	 an	 Imperial	
mation	of	the	College	into	a	University.	                 University.	It	was	authorized	to	manage	one	of	
    Although	far	from	European	cultural	centres,	         six	Russian	education	districts.	At	that	time	the	
the	 University	 of	 Vilnius	 sufficed	 potential	 for	   University	 had	 a	 number	 of	 world-renowned	
developing	progressive	scientific	ideas	and	could	        scholars:	the	naturalist	Georg	Forster,	who	was	
                                                          also	a	famous	traveller,	member	of	the	team	of	
                                                                                                                     Universitas Vilnensis

boast	a	number	of	distinguished	professors	and	
students.	 The	 poet	 and	 professor	 Mathias	 Ca-        Captain	Cook’s	second	voyage	around	the	world,	
simirus	Sarbievius,	the	laureate	of	Pope	Urban	           professor	 Andrzej	 Sniadecki,	 the	 originator	 of	
VIII	prize,	became	known	throughout	Europe,	              physiology	in	Lithuania,	the	medics	from	Vienna	-	
and	the	book	by	professor	Martinus	Smiglecius,	           Johann	Peter	Frank	and	his	son	Joseph	Frank	(the	
“Logica”	(“Logic”),	gained	recognition	and	was	           former	reformed	the	teaching	of	medicine	and	              
widely	used	in	French	and	British	universities.           established	a	therapy	clinics	and	the	latter	set	up
the	Vilnius	Medicine	Society,	Medicine	Institute	         1940,	Vilnius	University	was	reorganized	accor-
                        and	Vaccination	and	Maternity	Institutes).	               ding	to	the	model	of	higher	education	establish-
                                                                                  ments	of	the	Soviet	Union.
                            Tsar	Nicholas	I	ordered	the	university	to	be	            9
                        closed.                                                      The	 Nazi	 invaders	 closed	 the	 University	 in	
                            The	name	of	Vilnius	University	was	proclai-           1943,	 and	 it	 resumed	 its	 work	 in	 the	 autumn	
                        med	by	its	graduates	-	writers	and	poets	Adam	            of	1944.	
                        Mickiewicz,	Juliusz	Slowacki,	Jozef	Ignacy	Kras-
                        zewski	and	Antony	Edward	Odynec,	historians	                 990
                        Michal	Balinski	and	Teodor	Narbutt,	orientolo-               With	the	restoration	of	Lithuanian	indepen-
                        gists	Jozef	Kowalewski	and	Jozef	Senkowski,	and	          dence,	the	statute	of	the	university	was	approved	
                        geologist	Ignacy	Domeyko.	                                and	the	University	regained	its	autonomy.
                            After	 the	 proclamation	 of	 Lithuania’s	 inde-
                        pendence	on	16	February,	attempts	were	made	
                        to	reopen	the	university.	On	5	December	1918,	
                        the	Lithuanian	State	Council	approved	the	Statute	
                        of	the	University	and	announced	a	decision	to	
                        re-establish	the	University	in	January	1919.	

                            The	Polish	Stephen	Bathory	University	func-
                        tioned	 in	 Vilnius.	 One	 of	 its	 students	 was	 the	
                        future	Nobel	Prize	winner,	Czeslaw	Milosz.

                            Vilnius	University	renewed	its	activity	when	
                        Faculties	of	Humanities	and	Law	were	transferred	
Universitas Vilnensis

                        from	Kaunas.	

                            After	 the	 Soviet	 annexation	 of	 Lithuania	 in	

The architectural                                awarded	to	a	European	university.	Vilnius	Uni-
                                                         versity	is	one	of	the	few	universities	in	Europe	
       ensemble of Vilnius                               which	has	preserved	the	original	purpose	of	its	
           University                                    buildings	since	its	establishment.	The	ensemble	
                                                         of	Vilnius	University	will	represent	Lithuania	in	
    Vilnius	 University	 was	 established	 back	 in	     the	Brussels	park	“Mini	Europe”	which	displays	
the	 16th	 century	 under	 the	 jurisdiction	 of	 the	   the	most	famous	buildings	and	other	structures	
Vilnius	bishop	in	a	block	of	Vilnius	framed	by	          of	 cultural	 or	 historical	 value	 of	 the	 European	
four	streets:	Universiteto	(formerly	Vyskupù),	Šv.	      Union	member	states.
Jono,	Pilies	and	Skapo.	The	initiator	of	the	Vilnius	        The	 spectacular	 chambers	 and	 cozy	 cour-
Jesuit	College,	Bishop	Valerianus	Protasevicius,	        tyards	 of	 Vilnius	 University,	 the	 active	 student	
bought	 a	 brick	 building	 for	 the	 college	 from	     life	and	the	aura	of	the	past	have	always	attracted	
the	secretary	of	the	Grand	Duchy	of	Lithuania,	          many	visitors.	University	teachers	and	students	
Mikalojus	Jasinskis.	In	1570,	on	establishment	of	       are	 proud	 of	 the	 buildings	 of	 the	 University,	
the	College	and	the	Library,	several	more	nearby	        which	are	the	witnesses	of	the	honourable	and	
buildings	were	bought	and	in	1571,	the	Jesuits	          rich	 past	 and	 surround	 the	 university	 with	 a	
were	also	given	St	John’s	Church.	The	ensemble	          special	and	unique	atmosphere.
was	 gradually	 expanding	 until	 it	 occupied	 the	
entire	block	of	the	Old	town	and	many	surroun-               The	old	buildings	comprise	the	faculties	of	
ding	buildings.                                          History	 and	 Philology,	 the	 Institute	 of	 Foreign	
    In	 four	 centuries,	 the	 purpose,	 design	 and	    Languages,	the	Library	and	the	Rector’s	office.	
architectural	 forms	 of	 the	 university	 buildings	    Here,	students	from	all	faculties	gather	on	1	Sep-
often	 changed.	 Currently,	 the	 old	 architectural	    tember	to	celebrate	the	start	of	a	new	academic	
ensemble	 of	 the	 University	 is	 made	 up	 of	 13	     year.	 Other	 faculties	 of	 the	 University	 are	 dis-
courtyards	with	13	buildings	which	have	several	         persed	around	the	city:	there	are	five	campuses	
sections	each	as	well	as	St	John’s	Church	and	a	         in	Vilnius	and	one	in	Kaunas.	In	total,	Vilnius	
belfry.	The	thirteenth	Bursa	courtyard	and	the	          University	owns	over	100	buildings	in	Vilnius,	
buildings	of	the	Faculty	of	Philosophy	would	be	         Kaunas	and	other	Lithuanian	towns.	
attached	to	the	ensemble	in	2004.
    In	1985,	Vilnius	University	was	awarded	the	
                                                                                                                   Universitas Vilnensis

European	 gold	 medal	 for	 the	 preservation	 of	
old	buildings.	This	was	the	second	such	medal	

Mission                                                  Vision
                           The	mission	of	Vilnius	University	is	to	create,	        •	To	position	and	distinguish	itself	in	Euro-
                        accumulate	and	disseminate	knowledge	by	en-            pean	research	and	education	area	by	top	level	
                        suring	continuity	of	authentic	university	culture	     research,	which	should	be	sustained	by	Univer-
                        distinguished	by	the	atmosphere	where	old	tra-         sity’s	 research	 teams	 of	 international	 acclaim	
                        ditions	and	new	ideas	enrich	each	other.               and	 new	 teams,	 as	 well	 as	 to	 ensure	 annually	
                           Freedom	of	thought	and	diversity	of	opinions	       increasing	 involvement	 in	 	 European	 research	
                        are	the	main	values	of	the	University	community.	      and	educational	programmes;
                        A	unity	of	research	and	studies	is	the	core	prin-          •	to	ensure	that	the	balanced	development	
                        ciple	of	the	overall	activity	of	the	University.       and	interaction	of	research	in	humanities,	social,	
                           The	 University	 should	 distinguish	 itself	 by	   physical,	biomedical	and	technological	sciences	
                        a	broad	spectrum	of	fundamental	and	applied	           remains	 the	 most	 outstanding	 feature	 of	 the	
                        research.	It	should	seek	to	assume	the	leading	        University,	 which	 essentially	 differentiates	 it	
                        position	among	other	Lithuanian	institutions	in	       from	other	Lithuanian	establishments	of	higher	
                        all	research	areas	that	are	essential	to	the	very	     education	and	research;
                        nature	 of	 a	 comprehensive	 University	 and	 set	        •	to	initiate	and	actively	implement	the	pro-
                        itself	the	goal	of	international	excellence	in	the	    jects	of	value	for	the	economic	development	of	
                        interdisciplinary	research.	The	University	should	     the	 country,	 which	 would	 encourage	 effective	
                        be	 committed	 to	 the	 mission	 of	 opening	 the	     co-operation	 of	 scientific	 and	 educational	 ins-
                        doors	and	providing	universal	education	for	the	       titutions	 with	 high	 technology	 companies	 and	
                        most	talented	young	people	from	all	districts	of	      create	 favourable	 conditions	 and	 environment	
                        Lithuania	and	educating	active	and	responsible	        for	innovations	and	entrepreneurship;
                        specialists,	who	demonstrate	the	need	to	expand	           •	to	create	a	well-functioning	quality	assu-
                        their	knowledge	and	improve	professionally	and	        rance	system	which	would	guarantee	effective	
                        who	are	able	to	learn	throughout	their	lifetime.	      monitoring	 of	 the	 existing	 study	 programmes	
                        The	University	should	seek	that	the	quality	of	all	    and	 development	 of	 new	 programmes	 and	
                        forms	of	studies	conforms	to	the	modern	culture	       which	 would	 encourage	 the	 implementation	
                        and	technologies	and	pertains	to	the	needs	of	         of	 advanced	 teaching	 methods	 and	 tools.	 The	
Universitas Vilnensis

                        the	state	and	society.                                 system	should	ensure	that	generic	and	specific	
                                                                               competencies	and	skills	of	University	graduates	
                                                                               are	in	consistency	with	the	needs	and	tenden-
                                                                               cies	 in	 the	 economy,	culture	and	labour	market	
                                                                               of	the	country;
•	 to	 significantly	 expand	 non-consecutive,	      graduate	studies.	The	residence	–	postgraduate	
distance	 and	 other	 flexible	 study	 forms	 and	       -	 studies	 enable	 the	 medicine	 and	 odontology	
methods	and	become	the	centre	of	continuous	             graduates	to	acquire	a	higher	qualification	of	a	
professional	improvement	and	lifelong	learning,	         specialized	medical	doctor.	The	doctoral	studies	
which	plays	an	important	role	in	transition	of	the	      prepare	researchers	in	various	fields.	These	post-
country	toward	knowledge-based	society.                  graduate	studies	last	four	years	and	end	with	the	
                                                         defence	of	a	doctoral	thesis.
              Studies at                                     Seeking	 to	 satisfy	 the	 need	 of	 society	 for	
                                                         life-long	learning,	Vilnius	University	is	offering	
          Vilnius University                             many	different	courses	and	programmes	aimed	
                                                         at	increasing	the	qualification	or	re-qualification	
    Thanks	 to	 the	 academic	 traditions,	 which	
                                                         of	specialists	as	well	as	expanding	the	general	
were	formed	during	long	centuries,	Vilnius	Uni-
                                                         or	professional	knowledge	of	citizens.
versity	 has	 accumulated	 a	 wide	 experience	 in	
organizing	studies	and	created	the	foundations	
of	various	study	areas	and	fields	based	on	the	
knowledge	 reflecting	 fundamental	 and	 latest	              International students
scientific	achievements.	The	university	has	also	
raised	qualified	teaching	staff	able	to	ensure	the	                    Regular students
unity	of	studies	and	science.
    Vilnius	University	offers	undergraduate,	gra-            The	 University	 of	 Vilnius	 admits	 non-Lit-

duate	 and	 postgraduate	 studies	 in	 humanities,	      huanian	citizens	to	all	study	programmes	of	all	

social	sciences,	physical	sciences,	biomedicine	         three	cycles	and	to	all	faculties.	The	international	

and	technologies.                                        degree	students	are	admitted	through	general	ad-

    The	undergraduate	studies	usually	last	four	         mission	procedure	run	by	the	Study	Office.	The	

years	 and	 graduates	 are	 awarded	 a	 bachelor’s	      language	of	instruction	in	all	degree	programmes	

degree	and,	in	certain	areas,	also	a	professional	       is	 Lithuanian;	 therefore,	 one-year	 Lithuanian	

qualification.	 The	 graduate	 studies	 –	 Master-       language	courses	are	offered	by	the	university	

degree	studies	or	professional	studies	–	last	from	      before	the	regular	studies	begin.	

one	and	a	half	to	two	years.	Graduates	of	Master	            The	 degree	 programmes	 offered	 at	 Vilnius	
                                                         University	rest	on	a	pattern	leading	to	Bachelor’s	
                                                                                                                  Universitas Vilnensis

studies	 are	 awarded	 a	 Master	 degree.	 Special	
professional	 studies	 are	 aimed	 at	 granting	 the	    degree	 after	 four	 years	 of	 study	 (160	 national	

students	a	high-level	professional	qualification.	       or	240	ECTS	credits)	and	Master’s	degree	after	

    Studies	 in	 the	 fields	 of	 law,	 medicine	 and	   another	 two	 years	 (80	 national	 and	 120	 ECTS	

odontology	 embrace	 both	 undergraduate	 and	           credits).
Universitas Vilnensis

Universitas Vilnensis
The	postgraduate	doctoral	programmes	are	            are	exempt	from	the	tuition	fees	at	Vilnius	Uni-
                        of	 individual	 character	 and	 require	 up	 to	 four	   versity.	The	free-movers	are	expected	to	cover	
                        years	 of	 combined	 course	 work,	 exams,	 and	         tuition	costs.
                        research	as	well	as	contribution	to	international	           There	are	several	different	ways	of	arranging	
                        publications.                                            temporary	stay	at	Vilnius	University.	The	most	
                            The	specific	professional	qualification	is	of-       common	are:
                        fered	in	medicine	and	law	at	Vilnius	University.	            1.	 Bilateral	agreements	–	signed	by	Vilnius	
                        The	 studies	 leading	 to	 these	 degrees	 last	 five	   University	and	a	sending	university	on	any	level:	
                        years	in	law	and	six	years	in	medicine	and	put	an	       institutional,	 faculty	 or	 departmental.	 The	 stu-
                        emphasis	on	a	considerable	amount	of	practical	          dents	may	inquire	about	the	options	at	the	Office	
                        work	in	the	chosen	field	of	specialisation.              of	International	Relations	of	their	universities.
                            A	degree	programme	combines	compulsory,	                 2.	 SOCRATES/ERASMUS	 and	 /or	 TEMPUS	
                        optional,	and	elective	subjects	leading	to	a	degree	     programmes.	
                        title	 which	 specifies	 the	 main	 subject	 studied.	       3.	 Cultural	agreements	–	concluded	by	Lit-
                        The	 percentage	 of	 compulsory,	 optional	 and	         huanian	authorities	with	the	authorities	of	other	
                        elective	 subjects	 within	 each	 particular	 degree	    countries	to	promote	co-operation	and	cultural	
                        programme	 differs	 both	 from	 year	 to	 year	 of	      links.	The	cultural	agreements	are	managed	by	
                        study	as	well	as	from	faculty	to	faculty.                Department	of	Science	and	Research	under	the	
                                                                                 Ministry	of	Education	of	Lithuania,	nevertheless	a	
                                      Exchange students                          letter	of	acceptance	at	a	Lithuanian	institution	has	
                                                                                 to	be	submitted	together	with	the	application.	
                            At	 present	 the	 university	 also	 offers	 about	       At	 the	 moment	 Lithuania	 enjoys	 cultural	
                        200	courses	in	foreign	languages	for	free	movers	        agreements	 with	 the	 following	 countries:	 Be-
                        and	 exchange	 students,	 who	 wish	 to	 spend	 a	       larus,	Denmark,	Great	Britain,	Estonia,	France,	
                        study	 period	 at	 the	 University.	 In	 these	 cases	
                                                                             	   Latvia,	Mexico,	Poland,	Czech	Republic,	China,	
                        international	 students	 are	 invited	 to	 compose	      Flanders,	Switzerland,	and	Italy.	Please,	apply	to	
                        their	study	programme	from	the	offered	list	ac-          your	country’s	authorities	in	order	to	find	more	
                        cording	to	their	interests	and	the	requirements	         about	 the	 possibilities	 to	 study	 under	 bilateral	
                        leading	to	study	period	recognition	at	their	home	       agreements.
Universitas Vilnensis

                            The	 exchange	 students	 coming	 to	 Vilnius	
                        under	 the	 exchange	 programme	 or	 bilateral	
                        agreement	 are	 treated	 according	 to	 the	 pro-
                        gramme	or	agreement	conditions	and,	as	a	rule,
Academic calendar                          tions	of	higher	education	or:
                                                          International	 Programmes	 and	 Relations	
   The	academic	year	consists	of	autumn	and	           Office
spring	 semesters.	 Both	 semesters	 are	 compo-          Vilnius	University
sed	 of	 16	 study	 weeks	 and	 four	 examination	        Universiteto	3
weeks.                                                    LT-01513	Vilnius
   The	autumn	semester	starts	on	1	September	             Lithuania
and	 finishes	 on	 21	 December.	 Winter	 session	        Tel.	(370-5)	268	70	49
starts	on	22	December	and	finishes	26	January.            Fax:	(370-5)	268	70	69
   The	spring	semester	starts	on	4	February	and	          E-mail:
finishes	on	2	June.	Spring	session	starts	on	3	June
and	finishes	on	30	June.
   The	 academic	 year	 is	 interrupted	 by	 some	                    Regular students
days	 for	 Christmas	 Holiday.	 Summer	 vacation	
starts	on	1	July	and	finishes	on	31	August.	Most	         Please,	 note	 that	 application	 deadline	 and	
departments	and	the	library	operate	throughout	        requirements	differ	from	those	for	visiting	stu-
the	summer	vacation.                                   dents.	If	you	wish	to	apply	for	regular	studies,	
                                                       please,	apply	at	least	a	year	in	advance:
         Admission procedures and                         Admissions	Officer
          deadlines for application                       Vilnius	University
                                                          Universiteto	3
              Visiting students                           LT-01513	Vilnius
   The	students	are	advised	to	contact	the	co-            Tel.	(370-5)	268	70	53
ordinator	at	their	home	university	first	in	order	        Fax:	(370-5)	268	70	64
to	get	more	detailed	information	as	well	as	appli-        E-mail:
cation	forms	of	Vilnius	University.	The	deadlines
for	the	applications	are:	

   Spring	semester	–15	November	
                                                                                                             Universitas Vilnensis

   Autumn	semester	–	15	June	

   For	 additional	 information	 and	 application	
forms	are	welcome	to	contact	the	Offices	of	the	
International	Relations	of	the	respective	institu-
Research                                 genome.	Moreover,	Vilnius	University	develops	
                                                                                 new	 technologies	 such	 as	 information	 society	
                                                                                 technologies,	laser	technologies,	material	crystal	
                            Vilnius	University	boasts	over	1,500	teaching	       structure	engineering	and	nanostructure	techno-
                        and	research	staff	including	approx.	170	doctors	        logies,	semiconductor	radiant	technologies,	etc.
                        habilitus,	nearly	900	doctors	and	600	doctoral	stu-          The	new	trends	in	the	development	of	the	
                        dents.	In	the	recent	five	years,	over	300	doctoral	      Lithuanian	state	and	the	prospect	of	integration	
                        and	38	doctor	habilitus	theses	were	defended.	           into	 the	 European	 Union	 have	 opened	 wide	
                        Annually,	 University	 researchers	 publish	 ap-         prospects	for	the	development	of	contemporary	
                        proximately	 30	 monographs,	 20-30	 textbooks	          branches	 of	 social	 and	 humanitarian	 sciences:	
                        and	teaching	manuals	and	over	1,500	articles	in	         research	 of	 the	 communication	 in	 knowledge-
                        Lithuanian,	 international	 and	 foreign	 research	      based	economy;	citizens,	governance	and	secu-
                        journals.	The	results	of	research	at	the	University	     rity	 in	 the	 conditions	 of	 globalization;	 society,	
                        are	 presented	 at	 Lithuanian	 and	 international	      community	and	personality:	the	change	of	the	
                        conferences.                                             quality	of	life	and	values;	gender	studies;	langua-
                            The	 scientific	 schools	 that	 were	 formed	        ge	and	thought;	oriental	studies	and	comparative	
                        at	 Vilnius	 University,	 such	 as	 research	 of	 the	   culturology,	etc.	The	modern	era	presented	new	
                        Baltic	languages,	laser	physics,	semiconductor,	         opportunities	to	develop	the	fields	important	for	
                        ferroelectric	and	disordered	solid	state	physics,	       the	Lithuanian	culture	and	science	such	as	the	
                        research	of	biomolecular	transformations,	num-           Lithuanian	 history,	 philosophy,	 literature	 and	
                        ber	theory	and	probability	theory,	cardiovascular	       book	 science,	 to	 create	 the	 scientific	 basis	 for	
                        surgery,	new	chemical	compound	synthesis	and	            the	Lithuanian	legal	reform	and	conduct	research	
                        research,	have	created	the	basis	for	the	develop-        into	the	political	thought,	political	systems	and	
                        ment	of	new	scientific	fields	and	branches.              economic	and	social	development	in	Lithuania.
                            Scientific	 development	 and	 the	 expanding	            The	role	and	importance	of	Vilnius	University	
                        relations	 with	 global	 research	 centres	 have	        is	increasing	together	with	the	restructurization	
                        contributed	to	the	variety	of	research	at	Vilnius	       of	 the	 Lithuanian	 science.	 The	 University	 now	
                        University.	 The	 research	 achievements	 and	           embraces	five	state	research	institutes	of	Ecology,	
                        integration	 of	 the	 recent	 decades	 have	 encou-      Experimental	 and	 Clinical	 Medicine,	 Immuno-
                        raged	the	emergence	of	new	modern	research	              logy,	 Oncology	 and	 Theoretical	 Physics	 and	
Universitas Vilnensis

                        branches	such	as	bioethics,	bio-information	and	         Astronomy.	 Several	 hospitals	 -	 the	 Santariškés	
                        behaviouristic	systems,	biomedicine	optics	and	          Clinics,	 the	 Žalgirio	 Clinics	 and	 the	 Children’s	
                        laser	medicine,	ecosystems	and	global	changes,	          Hospital	-	gained	the	status	of	Vilnius	University	
                        genomics	 and	 biotechnology	 and	 the	 variety,	        hospitals.	 These	 changes	 have	 contributed	 to	
                        origin	and	phenotypic	realization	of	the	human
expanding	the	possibilities	of	scientific	research	
and	its	practical	importance.
    The	 researchers	 of	 Vilnius	 University	 are	
increasingly	engaged	in	Lithuanian,	EU,	NATO	
and	 other	 international	 scientific	 programmes	
and	conduct	commissioned	research	work.	The	
laser	 specialists	 of	 the	 University	 have	 joined	
                                                              International relations
the	European	Laser	Network	and	have	created	
                                                             Vilnius	 University,	 just	 as	 any	 other	 old	
a	 centre	 of	 excellence	 “Cebiola”	 together	 with	
                                                         European	university,	has	developed	a	tradition	
the	biochemistry	specialists.	The	researchers	of	
                                                         of	 international	 relations	 and	 cooperation	 as	
the	material	science	established	a	“Selitec”	centre	
                                                         well	as	student	and	teacher	exchange.	Since	its	
of	excellence	and	joined	the	programmes	of	the	
                                                         establishment,	the	university	has	been	inviting	
European	Nuclear	Research	Centre,	CERN.	Many	
                                                         foreign	 professors	 and	 accepting	 international	
foreign	researchers	are	using	our	research	base,	
                                                         students	from	all	the	lands	of	the	Grand	Duchy	of	
and	the	international	conferences	organized	by	
                                                         Lithuania,	Poland,	the	Czech	Republic,	Hungary	
the	university	attract	many	prominent	scientific	
                                                         and	Western	Europe.
figures,	e.g.	Nobel	prize	winners	physicists	Klaus	
                                                             The	international	relations	of	the	University	
von	Klitzing,	Zhores	Alfiorov,	and	chemists	Ryoji	
                                                         were	developing	and	deteriorating	following	the	
Noyori	and	K.B.	Sharpless.
                                                         pattern	of	the	overall	state’s	political	and	econo-
    University	researchers	have	earned	national	
                                                         mic	situation,	but	have	never	actually	ceased.
and	international	acclaim.	This	is	illustrated	by	
                                                             Currently,	 international	 cooperation	 and	
their	 membership	 of	 the	 Lithuanian	 Science	
                                                         international	relations	are	witnessing	an	upswing.	
Academy,	European	Science	and	Art	Academy	
                                                         The	number	of	bilateral	agreements	with	foreign	
and	other	international	academic	organizations,	
                                                         universities	is	growing,	cooperation	geography	
awards	of	honorary	titles	at	foreign	universities,	
                                                         expanding	and	its	nature	changing.	Internatio-
participation	 in	 international	 congresses	 and	
                                                         nal	cooperation	has	an	impact	on	all	spheres	of	
programme	committees	and	international	prizes	
                                                         University	life	embracing	studies,	research	and	
and	 grants.	 Since	 the	 restoration	 of	 Lithuanian	
                                                         administrator	 cooperation.	 The	 University	 also	
independence	 in	 1990,	 27	 research	 works	 of	
                                                         opens	 up	 for	 partners	 from	 abroad.	 It	 actively	
Vilnius	University	were	awarded	the	most	impor-
                                                                                                                  Universitas Vilnensis

                                                         participates	 in	 projects	 of	 international	 organi-
tant	scientific	award	of	the	state,	the	Lithuanian	
                                                         zations	such	as	UNESCO,	NATO	and	EUA	and	
science	 prize,	 and	 57	 researchers	 became	 the	
                                                         engages	in	EU	education	and	scientific	program-
winners	of	this	prize.
                                                         mes	 SOCRATES,	 LEONARDO,	 EUREKA,	 COST	
                                                         and	FRAMEWORK.
Today,	the	focus	has	shifted	from	the	quantity	     Vilnius	University	has	signed	over	150	bilateral	
                        of	relations	to	their	quality.	In	1996,	Vilnius	Uni-    agreements	 and	 is	 a	 member	 of	 13	 ERASMUS	
                        versity	was	the	first	in	Lithuania	to	start	implemen-   programme	thematic	networks.
                        ting	the	ECTS	–	European	credit	transfer	system.	           Vilnius	University	takes	part	in	4	projects	and	
                        In	1998,	the	University	offered	the	first	courses	      coordinates	1	project	of	the	SOCRATES/LINGUA	
                        in	foreign	languages	to	exchange	students.	In	the	      programme.	It	also	participates	in	1	project	of	the	
                        academic	year	2003/2004,	the	University	plans	to	       SOCRATES/MINERVA	programme.
                        issue	the	first	European	diploma	supplements.	All	          Vilnius	University	is	a	contractor	and	coordi-
                        such	initiatives	are	aimed	at	facilitating	student	     nator	of	the	6th	thematic	network	of	the	project	
                        exchange.                                               “Quality	Culture”	conducted	by	the	European	Uni-
                            Vilnius	University	is	a	signatory	to	the Magna      versity	Association	under	the	additional	measures	
                        Carta	 of	 European	 universities,	 member	 of	 the	    programme	of	SOCRATES	in	2002-2003.
                        International	 University	 Association,	 European	
                        University	Association,	Baltic	University	Rectors’	         Under	 the	 LEONARDO	 DA	 VINCI	 project,	
                        Conference,	Utrecht	Network	and	Baltic	Sea	Re-          Vilnius	 University	 is	 the	 coordinator	 of	 2	 pilot	
                        gion	University	Network.                                projects,	3	student	mobility	projects	and	2	teacher	
                                                                                mobility	projects.
                            Vilnius	University	has	signed	63	bilateral	co-
                        operation	programmes.
                            In	 1992-2000,	 it	 implemented	 25	 TEMPUS	
                                                                                             New initiatives
                            In	1993-2003	it	implemented	and	participated	
                        in	7	NATO	projects,	20	projects	of	FRAMEWORK	
                        4,	 15	 projects	 of	 FRAMEWORK	 5	 and	 5	 COST	

                            Vilnius	University	owns:
                            -	The	UNESCO	Department	of	International	                   Visoriai Information
                        Relations;                                                       Technology Park
                            -	 The	 UNESCO	 Associated	 Centre	 of	 Excel-
Universitas Vilnensis

                        lence;                                                      Visoriai	Information	Technology	Park	(VITP)	
                            -	2	departments,	1	module	and	1	course	fun-         is	a	non-profit	organization	established	as	a	result	
                        ded	under	JEAN	MONNET	programme.                        of	close	cooperation	between	study	and	research	
                                                                                institutions	(Vilnius	University,	Vilnius	Gediminas	

6                          Under	the	SOCRATES/ERASMUS	programme,	              Technical	 University,	 Vilnius	 College	 and	 the
Mathematics	and	Informatics	Institute),	state	ins-      Vilnius	University,	Vilnius	Gediminas	Technical	
titutions	and	information	technology	businesses.	       University,	 Vilnius	 City	 Municipality,	 private	
The	park	is	set	up	in	Visoriai,	the	concentration	      companies	AB	Alna	and	UAB	Bite	GSM	and	UAB	
of	 many	 institutions	 and	 companies	 fostering	      Ekspla,	which	represents	a	group	of	laser	and	
the	traditions	of	cooperation	between	research	         photonics	research	and	business	institutions.
and	business.                                              The	vision	of	the	Sunrise	Valley	is	to	create	
    The	main	aim	of	the	VITP	is	to	develop	a	full-      a	knowledge	economy	hub	uniting	modern	uni-
fledged	structure	which	would	create	favourable	        versities,	research	institutes,	top-level	high-tech	
conditions	 for	 the	 development	 of	 the	 priority	   companies	and	fast-developing	start	ups.
spheres	of	information	technologies	(IT),	estab-           The	 objectives	 of	 the	 valley	 is	 to	 create	 a	
lishment	of	new	companies,	development	of	new	          modern	environment	for	studies	and	research,	
technologies	and	application	and	commerciali-           professional	 improvement	 and	 business;	 pool	
zation	of	scientific	achievements.	The	computer	        promising	and	fast-developing	high-tech	compa-
classes	in	the	park	are	used	by	the	students	of	        nies;	create	new	jobs;	develop	a	favourable	en-
Vilnius	universities	to	solve	business	case	studies	    vironment	for	the	commercialization	of	scientific	
under	the	guidance	of	IT	company	managers.	In	          research	and	attract	foreign	and	domestic	invest-
2003,	the	first	company	was	established	by	the	         ment	for	scientific	research	at	universities.
students	trained	at	the	VITP.
   The	VITP	is	an	active	participant	in	EU	pro-
jects,	raises	funds	for	the	development	of	inno-
vative	products	and	technologies	and	encourages	
international	cooperation.	The	Visoriai	IT	park	
is	a	member	of	the	international	association	of	
scientific	parks	IASP.
                                                                   Career Centre
                                                           The	Vilnius	University	Career	Centre	was	set	
                                                        up	by	the	University	in	the	Saulétekis	academic	
                                                        campus	 in	 November	 2003.	 The	 initiative	 was	
                                                        supported	 by	 over	 100	 companies,	 institutions	
                                                                                                                  Universitas Vilnensis

                                                        and	organizations.	The	aims	of	the	centre	are	to	
        The Sunrise Valley                              facilitate	the	career	choice	for	the	students	and	
                                                        develop	their	abilities	to	adopt	and	implement	
    On	27	May	2003,	the	public	agency	Saulé-            career-related	decisions,	to	introduce	University	
tekio	Slénis	(Sunrise	Valley)	was	established	by	       graduates	to	potential	employers	and	help	the	
Universitas Vilnensis

Universitas Vilnensis
University	to	understand	and	adapt	to	the	fast-         boasts	over	178,000	titles	of	big	scientific,	cultu-
                        changing	labour	market.                                 ral	and	historical	value,	which	were	published	
                                                                                before	 1800,	 and	 the	 largest	 collection	 of	 old	
                            The	Career	Centre	offers	lectures,	seminars	        Lithuanian	books	in	the	world.	A	valuable	cartog-
                        and	 consultations	 for	 students	 on	 professional	    raphy	fund,	which	includes	maps	drawn	by	the	
                        career	issues	and	holds	seminars	and	consulta-          most	prominent	cartographers	of	the	16th-18th	
                        tions	for	employers.	It	also	organizes	meetings,	       centuries,	is	also	stored	here.
                        interviews	and	career	days,	fairs	and	conferences	          The	 manuscript	 division	 has	 over	 245,000	
                        with	 representatives	 of	 companies,	 institutions	    documents	of	13th-21st	centuries.	The	graphics	
                        and	organizations	and	accumulates	information	          room	 boasts	 more	 than	 87,000	 graphic	 works.	
                        about	employers,	their	requirements	for	gradu-          Vilnius	University	library	is	a	deposit	library	of	
                        ates	and	employment	opportunities.                      United	 Nations	 Organization	 and	 its	 divisions.	
                                                                                The	library	structure	also	includes	the	Museum	of	
                                                                                Adam	Mickiewicz	and	the	Museum	of	Science.
                                                                                    The	library	has	nearly	26,500	readers	and	15	
                                                                                faculty	libraries	whose	funds	are	formed	accor-
                                                                                ding	to	the	faculty	profile.
                                                                                    An	electronic	catalogue	of	Vilnius	University	

                                           Library                              library	has	been	operative	since	1993	and	comp-
                                                                                rises	over	530,000	entries.	In	the	year	2000,	the	
                                                                                library	installed	special	software	ALEPH	together	
                            Universiteto g. 3, LT-01513 Vilnius,                with	 the	 libraries	 of	 other	 Lithuanian	 higher	
                            tel. (370 5) 268 71 01, fax (370 5) 268 71 04,      education	establishments.	Now,	the	main	library	
                            e-mail:,                                processes	are	computerized.
                                                                                    The	database	of	Vilnius	University	staff	publi-
                            web site
                                                                                cations	is	currently	under	development	(today,	it	
                                                                                includes	over	12,000	bibliographic	entries).	The	
                            Vilnius	University	library,	which	was	set	up	
                                                                                library	subscribes	to	electronic	databases	EBSCO,	
                        in	1570,	is	the	oldest	library	in	the	Baltic	States.	
                                                                                Cambridge	 Journals	 Online,	 ProQuest,	 Science	
                        It	was	given	a	start	by	the	collections	of	books	
                                                                                Direct,	Springer	LINK	and	Web	of	Science.
Universitas Vilnensis

                        donated	by	Vilnius	bishop	Valerianus	Protasevi-
                                                                                    The	historical	halls	of	Smuglevicius	and	Lele-
                        cius	and	the	King	of	Poland	and	Grand	Duke	of	
                                                                                vel	and	the	White	Hall	as	well	as	the	exhibition	
                        Lithuania,	Sigismundus	Augustus.
                                                                                of	 old	 books	 and	 manuscripts	 in	 the	 central	
                            Currently,	 the	 library	 stores	 5.3	 million	
                                                                                university	 architectural	 ensemble	 attract	 large	
                        printed	works.	The	division	of	rare	publications	
flows	of	tourists:	annually,	the	library	receives	             There	 are	 also	 several	 organisations	 in	 the	
over	7,500	visitors.	                                   University	 which	 unite	 students	 of	 one	 study	
                                                        field:	the	corporation	of	young	political	analysts	
                                                        RePublika,	corporation	of	history	students	Tilia,	
                                                        association	 of	 Lithuanian	 students	 of	 medicine	
                                                        LiMSa,	the	union	of	law	students	ELSA	Vilnius	
                                                        and	the	international	association	AIESEC	of	the	
                                                        students	of	economics.

 Representation and other
  student organisations
    Vilnius	 University	 Students’	 Representation	
(VUSA)	is	an	organisation	uniting	lively,	smart	                Leisure time activities
and	proactive	students,	and	representing	all	the	
students	 of	 Vilnius	 University,	 defending	 their	
                                                                     for students
rights	and	interests	inside	and	outside	the	Uni-
                                                               Vilnius	University	is	not	just	an	institution	of	
versity.	Every	student	is	welcome	there	–	those	
                                                        academic	studies	and	the	students	are	not	only	
with	the	ideas	and	wishes	to	implement	them,	
                                                        encouraged	 to	 learn	 and	 attend	 lectures.	 The	
and	the	ones	looking	for	answers	to	important	
                                                        University	provides	various	opportunities	for	its	
                                                        students	to	dance,	sing,	act,	take	photographs,	
    The	 activities	 of	 VUSA	 are	 very	 broad	 and	
diverse.	The	Representation	is	producing	the	big-
                                                               Music	 lovers	 have	 an	 exceptionally	 wide	
gest	monthly	for	students	in	Lithuania	Studentù	
                                                        choice.	There	are	two	choirs	–	the	women’s	choir	
Era	(Students’	Era),	organising	students	leisure	
                                                        Virgo	and	a	mixed	choir.	The	University	also	has	
activities,	 taking	 care	 of	 students	 social	 and	
                                                        a	chamber	music	ensemble	with	old	traditions	
academic	welfare.	
                                                        and	 a	 long	 experience	 in	 touring.	 The	 choirs	
    The	Debate	Club,	Photo	and	Film	Club	and	
                                                        and	the	ensemble	have	been	awarded	in	many	
Club	 of	 Young	 Businessmen	 of	 Lithuania	 are	
                                                                                                                    Universitas Vilnensis

                                                        international	contests.	The	University	also	has	a	
functioning	under	the	wing	of	VUSA.
                                                        wind	instrument	orchestra	Oktava	for	those	of	
    More	information	may	be	located	at	the	web	
                                                        you	with	stronger	lungs.	Attached	to	Oktava	is	
                                                        a	choreography	group.	The	folk	dance	traditions	
                                                        are	fostered	by	the	ensembles	Ratilio	and	Jauni-
mėlis	as	well	as	the	University	song	and	dance	           by	the	University	Tourism	Club	to	join	it	on	trips	
                        ensemble,	which	has	visited	the	farthest	corners	         on	foot	and	biking	and	canoeing	events	as	well	
                        of	the	world	on	its	tours.                                as	mountaineering	and	rock	climbing.
                            Those	 who	 want	 to	 act	 can	 choose	 from	
                        among	the	Courtyard	Theatre,	the	physical-visual	
                        theatre	of	Andrius	Pulkauninkas	and	the	chamber	
                                                                                         Faculties, Institutes
                        theatre	Minimum.

                                                                                        Faculty of Chemistry
                               Sports and tourism
                                                                                      Naugarduko g. 24, LT-03225 Vilnius,
                            The	ancient	Romans	said	that	a	healthy	mind	
                                                                                      tel./fax: (370 5) 233 09 87,
                        lives	in	a	healthy	body.	Vilnius	University	pro-
                        vides	an	opportunity	for	its	students	to	be	not	              e-mail:,
                        only	intelligent	but	also	healthy.                            web site
                            The	university	owns	three	sports	halls	and	a	
                        stadium.	The	Naktigoné	sports	hall	is	suitable	for	           Chemistry	was	first	introduced	as	a	subject	in	
                        playing	basketball	and	holding	aerobics	sessions;	        Vilnius	University	College	of	Physical	Sciences	at	
                        the	 Blue	 Hall	 invites	 the	 lovers	 of	 basketball,	   the	end	of	the	18th	century.	In	1784,	a	member	of	
                        handball,	 table	 tennis,	 football	 and	 mountain	       the	Royal	Academy	of	Torino,	Joseph	Sartorius,	
                        tourism;	and	the	hall	in	Æiurlionis	Street	offers	        was	 invited	 to	 teach	 chemistry	 and	 set	 up	 the	
                        facilities	 for	 playing	 basketball,	 volleyball	 and	   Chemistry	 Department	 and	 the	 first	 chemistry	
                        tennis	as	well	as	engaging	in	bodybuilding	and	           laboratory.	The	Faculty	of	Chemistry	was	estab-
                        aerobics.                                                 lished	in	1944.
                            The	 Health	 and	 Sports	 Centre	 organizes	              Currently,	 the	 faculty	 has	 5	 departments:	
                        individual	 sessions	 of	 various	 sports,	 students’	
Universitas Vilnensis

                                                                                  Department	of	Analytical	Chemistry,	Department	
                        sports	games	and	sports	contests	and	participates	        of	General	and	Inorganic	Chemistry,	Department	
                        in	students’	sports	and	tourism	events	not	only	          of	 Organic	 Chemistry,	 Department	 of	 Physical	
                        in	Lithuania	but	also	abroad.                             Chemistry	and	Department	of	Polymer	Chemistry.	
                            The	enthusiasts	of	outdoor	sports	are	invited	        The	 faculty	 also	 runs	 the	 Laboratory	 of	 Liquid
Crystals.                                                  The	Faculty	of	Communications	was	set	up	
    The	main	study	programmes	taught	are	che-           in	1991.	The	faculty	consists	of	4	main	academic	
mistry	and	biochemistry.	The	Faculty	offers	two	        divisions:	Institute	of	Documentation	and	Book	
Master-degree	study	programmes	and	a	special	           Science,	Institute	of	Journalism,	Department	of	
professional	study	programme	on	conservation	           Knowledge	 Management	 and	 Department	 of	
of	cultural	values	(developed	together	with	the	        Library	and	Information	Science.
A.	Gudynas	Restoration	Centre	of	the	Lithuanian	           The	 main	 study	 programmes	 on	 offer	 are	
Art	Museum).                                            Archives	Studies,	Library	and	Information	Studies,	
    The	 faculty	 cooperates	 with	 higher	 educa-      Information	Management,	Business	Information	
tion	 establishments	 from	 Denmark,	 Sweden,	          Management	and	Journalism.	The	faculty	offers	
Germany,	 France,	 the	 USA,	 Japan	 and	 other	        7	Master-degree	study	programmes.	
countries,	 the	 Lithuanian	 Association	 of	 Che-         In	cooperation	with	the	Faculties	of	History	
mistry	Industry,	Vilnius	Academy	of	Art	and	the	        and	Economics	and	the	Institute	of	International	
A.	Gudynas	Restoration	Centre	of	the	Lithuanian	        Relations	and	Political	Sciences,	the	Faculty	of	
Art	Museum.	The	faculty	is	one	of	the	founders	         Communication	has	initiated	several	inter-faculty	
of	 the	 association	 Eurachem-Lietuva,	 which	         study	programmes.	The	faculty	was	one	of	the	
is	 a	 member	 of	 the	 European	 Association	 of	      first	in	Lithuania	to	offer	distance	learning	stu-
Analytical	Chemistry,	Eurachem.	Together	with	          dies.	The	faculty	hosts	the	Lithuanian	Centre	of	
the	 Lithuanian	 Science	 Academy,	 the	 faculty	       Journalism,	which	is	a	lifelong	learning	educati-
publishes	 successive	 series	 of	 scientific	 works	   on	institution	set	up	by	the	Open	Society	Fund	
Chemija (Chemistry).                                    -	Lithuania.
                                                           The	 Faculty	 of	 Communication	 conducts	
                                                        research	on	knowledge-based	society	communi-
                                                        cation,	book	culture	and	the	Lithuanian	national	
                                                        bibliography.	The	faculty	gives	much	attention	
                                                        to	 cooperation	 with	 the	 professionals	 of	 the	
                                                        field	and	international	relations	and	constantly	
Faculty of Communication                                participates	in	international	projects.
                                                           Annually,	the	faculty	organizes	seminars	on	
                                                        book	science,	the	Day	of	Information	and	semi-
                                                                                                              Universitas Vilnensis

    Saulétekio al. 9, LT-10222 Vilnius,
                                                        nars	of	Vaclovas	Biržiška.	The	faculty	publishes	
    tel. (370 5) 236 61 00, fax (370 5) 236 61 04,      research	publications	Knygotyra (Book Science),
    e-mail:,                                Informacijos Mokslai (Information Science),
                                                        Mokslotyra (Science Research) and Baltic Media
    web site
                                                        Law Newsletter.
ties	and	participates	in	international	programmes	
                                                                              and	the	activity	of	the	EuroFaculty.
                                                                                  The	Faculty	of	Economics	also	offers	com-
                                                                              pensatory	 studies	 and	 additional	 courses	 of	
                                                                              economics	as	well	as	management	and	business	
                                                                              administration	 to	 those	 students	 who	 want	 to	
                             Faculty of Economics                             enter	Master-degree	studies	of	economics.
                                                                                  Teachers	of	the	Faculty	of	Economics	conduct	
                           Saulétekio al. 9,LT-10222 Vilnius,                 research	in	the	fields	of	management	and	econo-
                           tel. (370 5) 236 61 20, fax (370 5) 236 61 27,     mics	and	publish	their	works	both	in	Lithuania	
                                                                              and	abroad.	The	faculty	publishes	successive	se-
                                                                              ries	of	scientific	works	Ekonomika (Economics).	
                           web site                       Commissioned	by	state	institutions	and	the	pri-
                                                                              vate	sector,	faculty’s	professors	conduct	applied	
                           Economic	 disciplines	 were	 introduced	 at	       research	 and	 expert	 evaluations	 and	 actively	
                        Vilnius	University	by	Hieronim	Strojnowski,	who	      participate	in	designing	the	Lithuanian	economic	
                        taught	economic	theory	of	physiocrats.	In	1803,	      development	 and	 planning	 its	 strategies.	 They	
                        the	first	Department	of	Political	Economy	in	the	     also	 perform	 analyses	 of	 institutional	 activity	
                        world	was	set	up	at	Vilnius	University.	Today,	       and	 functions,	 prepare	 draft	 laws	 and	 provide	
                        the	faculty	includes	12	departments:	Department	      recommendations	to	state	institutions.
                        of	Finance	and	Credit,	Department	of	Economic	
                        Informatics,	 Department	 of	 System	 Analysis	 of	
                        Economy,	 Department	 of	 Accounting,	 Depart-
                        ment	 of	 Theoretical	 Economy,	 Department	 of	
                        Statistics,	Department	of	Economics	of	Enterp-
                        rises,	Department	of	Management,	Department	
                        of	Economic	Policy,	Department	of	Marketing,	
                        Department	of	Quality	Management	and	Trade	                    Faculty of History
                        and	the	Laboratory	of	Economic	Informatics.
                           The	 main	 study	 programmes	 offered	 are	            Universiteto g. 7, LT-01122 Vilnius,
Universitas Vilnensis

                        economics,	 management	 and	 business	 admi-
                                                                                  tel. (370 5) 268 72 80, fax (370 5) 268 72 82,
                        nistration	and	management	information	systems.	
                        The	faculty	offers	15	Master-degree	study	pro-            e-mail:,
                        grammes.                                                  web site
                           The	faculty	cooperates	with	foreign	universi-
The	first	Department	of	History	was	establis-
hed	at	Vilnius	University	in	1783.	At	the	begin-
ning	of	the	19th	century,	Vilnius	History	School	
was	founded	by	J.	Lelewel	and	I.	Onacevicius.	
The	Faculty	of	History	was	set	up	in	1968.
   The	 faculty	 has	 four	 departments:	 Depart-
ment	 of	 Archaeology,	 Department	 of	 History	
                                                             Faculty of Humanities
Theory	and	Culture	History,	Department	of	New	                     in Kaunas
History	and	Department	of	Ancient	and	Medieval	
History.	There	is	also	a	centre	for	archaeological	        Muitinés g. 8, LT-44280 Kaunas,
research	and	the	Lithuanian	statute	and	the	Lit-
                                                           tel. (370 37) 42 25 23, tel./fax: (370 37) 42 32 22,
huanian	register	research	group.	In	the	autumn	
of	1999,	the	Centre	for	Stateless	Cultures	was	set	        e-mail:,

up	as	a	joint	project	of	the	Faculty	of	History	and	       web site
the	Open	Society	Foundation	Lithuania.	This	is	
the	first	university	division	in	the	world,	which	         Faculty	of	Humanities	in	Kaunas	is	the	only	
researches	 stateless	 ethnic	 groups	 (Lithuanian	     faculty	of	Vilnius	University	established	in	a	dif-
Tatars,	Karaites,	Old	Believers,	Romany	people	         ferent	city	other	than	the	main	campuses.	The	
and	the	Yiddish).                                       faculty	was	set	up	in	1964.	Situated	in	one	of	the	
   The	main	study	programmes	offered	by	the	            oldest	parts	of	Kaunas,	the	faculty	boasts	magni-
Faculty	of	History	are	archaeology,	history,	cultu-     ficent	architecture	of	the	16th-17th	centuries.
re	history	and	anthropology.	There	are	4	Master	           Currently,	 the	 faculty	 comprises	 8	 depart-
degree	study	programmes.	The	faculty	also	ma-           ments:	Department	of	Philosophy	and	Political	
nages	a	school	project	on	historical	issues,	which	     Sciences,	Department	of	Finance	and	Accounting,	
helps	 secondary	 school	 graduates	 prepare	 for	      Department	of	German	Philology,	Department	of	
the	national	examination	of	history.	The	faculty	       Commerce,	 Department	 of	 Computer	 Science,	
publishes	 successive	 series	 of	 scientific	 works	   Department	of	Lithuanian	Philology,	Department	
Lietuvos Istorijos Studijos (Lithuanian History         of	Foreign	Languages	and	Department	of	Busi-
Studies) and Archaeologia Lituana.                      ness,	Economics	and	Management.	The	faculty	
                                                        also	 comprises	 the	 Institute	 of	 Sociocultural	
                                                                                                                  Universitas Vilnensis

                                                           The	faculty	offers	full-time,	evening	and	part-
                                                        time	studies.	The	main	study	programmes	include	
                                                        full-time	studies	in	Lithuanian	philology	and	ad-
                                                        vertising,	English	philology,	German	philology,
Universitas Vilnensis

Universitas Vilnensis
English	 and	 Russian	 languages,	 management	
                        and	business	administration,	business	informa-
                        tion,	 culture	 management,	 evening	 studies	 in	
                        management	 and	 business	 administration	 and	
                        part-time	studies	in	economics.	The	faculty	offers	
                        11	Master-degree	study	programmes.
                            Since	its	establishment,	the	faculty	has	been	
                                                                                              Faculty of Law
                        focusing	on	three	study	areas	-	social	sciences,	
                        humanities	and	physical	sciences	(computer	sci-              Saulétekio al. 9, LT-10222 Vilnius,
                        ence).	This	traditional	interdisciplinary	medium	is	         tel. (370 5) 236 61 60, fax (370 5) 236 61 63,
                        the	only	of	its	kind	among	Lithuanian	academic	
                        and	 research	 institutions.	 For	 this	 reason,	 the	
                        Institute	of	Sociocultural	Studies	was	set	up	to	            web site

                        unite	the	scientific	potential	of	the	faculty	and	
                        focus	on	the	research	of	humanities	(language	               The	 Faculty	 of	 Law	 of	 Vilnius	 University	

                        and	 mentality)	 and	 social	 sciences	 (business	       is	 the	 first,	 the	 oldest	 and	 for	 a	 long	 time	 the	

                        environment	factors).                                    only	institution	which	prepared	law	specialists	

                            The	faculty	cooperates	with	many	universities	       in	 Lithuania.	 It	 was	 established	 in	 1641	 under	

                        and	other	academic	institutions	of	the	Central	and	      the	 privilege	 of	 Vėadysėaus	 Wasa,	 the	 King	 of	

                        Eastern	 Europe,	 Scandinavia	 and	 America	 and	        Poland	and	the	Grand	Duke	of	Lithuania.	Bet-

                        participates	in	joint	research	projects,	organizes	      ween	 1641	 and	 1832,	 the	 faculty’s	 professors	

                        conferences	 and	 publishes	 successive	 series	         included	famous	scientists	of	that	time	such	as	

                        of	 scientific	 works	 Respectus Philologicus and        H.	Strojnowski,	A.Olisarovius,	A.Capelli,	I.Danila-

                        Transformations in Business  Economics.                 vicius,	I.Oldachowski,	S.Malewski,	J.Jaroszewicz,	
                                                                                 J.Lelewel	 and	 others.	 After	 different	 historical	
                                                                                 disturbances,	the	Faculty	of	Law	was	reopened	
                                                                                 in	the	autumn	of	1944.
                                                                                     Currently,	 the	 faculty	 has	 7	 departments:	
                                                                                 Department	 of	 Constitutional	 and	 Administra-
                                                                                 tive	 Law,	 Department	 of	 International	 and	 EU	
Universitas Vilnensis

                                                                                 Law	(operating	together	with	the Jean Monnet
                                                                                 EU	 Law	 Department),	 Department	 of	 Labour	
                                                                                 Law,	Department	of	Theory	and	History	of	State	
                                                                                 and	 Law,	 Department	 of	 Civil	 Law	 and	 Civil	
                                                                                 Proceedings,	Department	of	Penal	Law	and	the	
8                                                                               Department	 of	 Criminology	 and	 Criminal	 Pro-
cedure.	 The	 faculty	 also	 embraces	 the	 centres	
of	information	law,	German	law,	Polish	law	and	
Eastern	European	law.	A	school	of	French	law	
will	be	set	up	soon.
    The	 faculty	 offers	 the	 following	 full-time	
study	specializations:	criminal	justice,	labour	law,	
finance	and	tax	law,	commercial	law,	crimino-
                                                            Faculty of Mathematics
logy,	private	and	social	insurance,	international	             and Informatics
law,	 law	 theory	 and	 history	 and	 public	 admi-
nistration	law.	The	faculty	also	offers	part-time	           Naugarduko g. 24, LT-03225 Vilnius,
                                                             tel. (370 5) 233 60 28, fax (370 5) 215 15 85,
    The	Faculty	of	Law	organizes	thematic	sci-
entific	 conferences	 and	 publishes	 a	 successive	         e-mail:,

series	of	scientific	works	Teisé (Law).	The	faculty	         web site
staff	actively	participates	in	drafting	Lithuanian	
laws	and	other	legal	acts,	performs	expert	assess-           Mathematics	 was	 introduced	 on	 the	 curri-
ments	 and	 consults	 legislators	 on	 legal	 issues.	   culum	 of	 Vilnius	 University	 at	 the	 time	 of	 its	
Since	1999,	the	faculty	has	been	operating	a	pub-        establishment	 in	 1579.	 Then,	 the	 Department	
lic	agency	Legal	Clinics.	Its	aim	is	to	implement	       of	 Mathematics	 was	 a	 part	 of	 the	 Faculty	 of	
a	charge-free	legal	aid	system	in	Lithuania	and	         Philosophy.	 Mathematics	 was	 separated	 from	
improve	the	study	and	traineeship	programmes	            philosophy	at	the	beginning	of	the	18th	century.	
of	the	students	of	the	Faculty	of	Law.                   A	separate	Faculty	of	Mathematics	and	Mecha-
    The	 faculty	 cooperates	 with	 Switzerland	         nics	was	set	up	in	1965	(in	1978,	the	name	was	
Comparative	 Law	 Institute	 in	 Lausanne,	 Max	         changed	to	the	Faculty	of	Mathematics).	In	1999,	
Plank	Public	and	International	Law	Institute	in	         the	faculty	changed	its	name	into	the	Faculty	of	
Germany	and	other	foreign	universities.                  Mathematics	and	Informatics.
                                                             Currently,	 the	 faculty	 has	 10	 departments:	
                                                         Department	of	Differential	Equations	and	Nume-
                                                         rical	 Mathematics,	 Department	 of	 Econometric	
                                                         Analysis,	Department	of	Informatics,	Department	
                                                                                                                   Universitas Vilnensis

                                                         of	Computer	Science,	Department	of	Didactics	
                                                         of	 Mathematics,	 Department	 of	 Mathematical	
                                                         Analysis,	Department	of	Mathematical	Statistics,	
                                                         Department	 of	 Mathematical	 Computer	 Scien-

ce,	 Department	 of	 Software	 Engineering	 and	         arch	and	studies	in	Eastern	Europe.	Professors	
                        Department	of	Probability	Theory	and	Number	             of	 the	 faculty	 included	 such	 world	 celebrities	
                        Theory.                                                  as	L.	Bojanus,	J.	Sniadecki	and	father	and	son	
                            The	 main	 study	 programmes	 offered	 are	          Frank.	The	faculty	is	renowned	for	its	educational	
                        econometrics,	 finance	 and	 insurance	 mathe-           premises	and	laboratories	and	has	contributed	to	
                        matics,	 informatics,	 didactics	 of	 mathematics	       the	establishment	of	some	of	the	first	European	
                        and	informatics,	mathematics	and	mathematics	            vaccination	and	maternity	institutes.
                        applications,	software	systems	and	statistics.	The	          Currently,	 the	 faculty	 comprises	 5	 depart-
                        faculty	offers	4	Master-degree	study	programmes	         ments,	2	institutes,	15	clinics	with	45	centres	and	
                        and	 the	 possibility	 to	 acquire	 the	 professional	   laboratories	as	well	as	a	library.
                        qualification	of	a	mathematics	teacher.	The	rese-            The	study	fields	of	the	faculty	are	medicine	
                        arch	fields	of	postgraduate	studies	are	informatics	     and	stomatology	(the	latter	are	professional	stu-
                        and	mathematics.                                         dies).	The	main	study	programmes	are	nursing,	
                                                                                 public	 health,	 kinezitherapy	 and	 ergotherapy.	
                                                                                 The	 faculty	 offers	 3	 Master-degree	 study	 pro-
                                                                                     The	Faculty	of	Medicine	conducts	research	in	
                                                                                 the	following	areas:	variety,	origin	and	phenoty-
                                                                                 pic	realization	of	the	human	genome;	human	and	
                               Faculty of Medicine                               public	health,	quality	of	life	and	environment:	
                                                                                 scientific	and	applied	research;	health	of	mother	
                                                                                 and	child,	physiological	and	social	aspects	and	
                            M. K. Æiurlionio g. 21, LT- 03101 Vilnius,
                                                                                 research	in	the	trends	of	individual	development;	
                            tel. (370 5) 239 87 00, fax (370 5) 239 87 05,       bioethics,	health	policy	and	application	of	new	
                            e-mail:,                                 technologies;	ethiopathogenesis,	and	fundamen-
                                                                                 tal	and	clinical	research	in	diagnostics,	treatment,	
                            web site
                                                                                 rehabilitation	and	prevention	of	diseases.

                            The	Faculty	of	Medicine	of	Vilnius	University	
                        is	 the	 oldest	 higher	 educational	 establishment	
Universitas Vilnensis

                        of	 medicine	 in	 Lithuania	 which	 was	 set	 up	 in	
                        1781.	The	faculty	is	one	of	the	largest	ones	in	
                        Vilnius	University.	At	the	beginning	of	the	19th	
                        century,	the	Faculty	of	Medicine	became	one	of	
                        the	most	prominent	institutions	of	medical	rese-
Faculty of                                   climatology,	 hydrogeology	 and	 engineering	
                                                         geology,	molecular	biology	and	biophysics.	The	
         Natural Sciences                                faculty	offers	12	Master-degree	study	program-
                                                         mes	and	special	professional	studies	in	the	fields	
    M. K. Æiurlionio g. 21/27, LT-03101 Vilnius,         of	biology	and	geography	teaching.
                                                             The	faculty	takes	part	in	European	Commis-
    tel. (370 5) 239 82 00, fax (370 5) 239 82 04,
                                                         sion	 programmes,	 NATO	 projects,	 cooperates	
    e-mail:,                                 with	foreign	universities	and	publishes	successive	
    web site                         series	of	scientific	works	Biologija (Biology), Ge-
                                                         ografija (Geography) and Geologija (Geology).
                                                             The	Botanical	Garden	is	located	in	two	sites	
    Natural	 sciences	 have	 been	 taught	 at	
                                                         (in	 the	 suburb	 of	 Kairėnai	 and	 Vingis	 Park	 in	
Vilnius	 University	 since	 its	 establishment.	 The	
                                                         Vilnius).	It	is	the	biggest	such	garden	in	Lithuania	
first	 independent	 natural	 science	 unit	 was	 the	
                                                         with	the	area	of	199	ha.	The	garden	boasts	the	
Department	 of	 Natural	 History	 set	 up	 in	 1781.	
                                                         richest	collection	of	plants	of	over	9,000	names.	
At	the	same	time,	the	university	also	established	
                                                         The	 Botanical	 Garden	 conducts	 research	 and	
a	Botanic	Garden,	one	of	the	oldest	in	the	then	
                                                         educational	 activity	 and	 aims	 at	 becoming	 the	
Lithuanian	and	Polish	state.	In	the	19th	century,	
                                                         representative	botanical	garden	of	Lithuania.
the	professors	of	the	department	included	many	
famous	scientists	such	as	J.E.	Gilibert,	S.	Jundzill,	
L.	Bojanus,	E.	Eichwald	and	J.G.	Forster.	The	year	
1944	saw	the	establishment	of	the	independent	
Faculty	of	Natural	Sciences.
    The	 faculty	 comprises	 8	 departments:	 De-
partment	of	Plant	Physiology	and	Microbiology,	
Department	of	General	Geography,	Department	                    Faculty of Philology
of	Biochemistry	and	Biophysics,	Department	of	
Botany	 and	 Genetics,	 Department	 of	 Geology	             Universiteto g. 5, LT-01122 Vilnius,
and	 Mineralogy,	 Department	 of	 Hydrogeology	              tel. (370 5) 268 72 02, fax (370 5) 268 72 08,
and	Engineering	Geology,	Department	of	Hydro-
                                                                                                                  Universitas Vilnensis

logy	and	Climatology	and	Department	of	Zoo-
logy.	The	faculty	also	owns	a	Botanical	Garden	              web site
and	the	Centre	of	Cartography.
    The	main	study	programmes	are	ecological	                Philology	studies	were	introduced	at	Vilnius	
biology,	 geography,	 geology,	 hydrology	 and	          Jesuit	College	back	in	1570.	Subjects	taught	inc-
luded	Latin,	Greek	and	Hebrew	languages,	works	         study	 programmes	 and	 special	 professional	
                        of	ancient	authors,	grammar,	poetics	and	rhetoric.	     studies.
                        In	16th-17th	centuries,	the	Jesuit	academy	could	           The	faculty	organizes	numerous	international	
                        boast	famous	professors	such	as	the	developer	of	       events:	every	five	years	it	holds	the	Baltic	cong-
                        the	Lithuanian	writing,	K.	Sirvydas,	professor	and	     ress,	every	two	years	-	conferences	of	K.	Bėga	
                        poet	M.	K.	Sarbievius,	rhetoric	professor	K.	Wijuk	     and	J.	Kazlauskas	and	conferences	of	Slavonic	
                        -	Koialovicius	and	others.	At	the	end	of	the	19th	      and	Germanic	philology.	The	faculty	publishes	
                        century,	apart	from	Latin	and	Greek	languages,	         successive	 series	 of	 scientific	 works	 Baltistica,
                        the	faculty	taught	ancient	mythology,	art,	science,	    Literatúra (Literature) and Kalbotyra (Language
                        epigraphy,	 chronology	 and	 numismatics.	 This	        Science).
                        faculty	educated	the	fosterers	of	the	Lithuanian	
                        national	self-consciousness	Simonas	Daukantas	
                        and	 Simonas	 Stanevicius	 and	 the	 Polish	 Rom-
                        anticist	Adam	Mickiewicz,	who	proclaimed	the	
                        name	of	Lithuania	in	his	works.	
                            The	Faculty	of	Philology	was	set	up	in	1968	
                        and	 currently	 has	 14	 departments.	 The	 faculty	         Faculty of Philosophy
                        also	owns	a	computer	centre	with	three	computer	
                        rooms,	3	libraries,	the	laboratory	of	experimental	
                                                                                    Universiteto g. 9/1, LT-01513 Vilnius,
                        phonetics	and	12	specialized	classrooms-centres	
                        of	 different	 study	 fields,	 e.g.	 the	 new	 Greek	       e-mail:,
                        language,	 the	 Italian	 language,	 Canadian	 stu-          web site
                        dies,	 Lithuanian	 literature,	 Lithuanian	 studies,	
                        Netherlands	 studies,	 Russian,	 Scandinavian,	             Philosophy	was	introduced	at	Vilnius	Univer-
                        Turkish,	Hungarian	language	studies	and	trans-          sity	(the	then	Jesuit	College)	in	1571.	The	Faculty	
                        lation	studies.                                         of	Philosophy	was	established	in	1579.	Professors	
                            The	main	study	programmes	include	English	          of	the	faculty	included	such	prominent	authoriti-
                        Philology,	Classical	Philology,	Lithuanian	Philo-       es	of	the	European	science	as	Marcin	Smiglecki,	
                        logy,	Lithuanian	Philology	for	non-Lithuanians,	        Sigismundus	 Lauxminus,	 Mathias	 Casimirus	
                        Polish	Philology,	Polish	Philology	as	non-native	       Sarbievius	 and	 Albertus	 Wijuk	 -	 Koialovicius.	
Universitas Vilnensis

                        language,	French	Philology,	Russian	Philology,	         However,	 in	 the	 18th	 century	 the	 faculty	 was	
                        Russian	Philology	as	non	native	language,	Slavo-        closed	on	the	decision	of	the	Education	Com-
                        nic	Philology,	Scandinavian	Philology,	German	          mission.	In	the	19th	century,	only	the	Faculty	of	
                        Philology	and	Lithuanian	Philology	and	a	Foreign	       Moral	and	Political	Sciences	was	active.	In	1939,	
                      Language.	 The	 faculty	 offers	 12	 Master-degree	     when	Vilnius	was	reunited	with	the	Lithuanian
mainland,	Vilnius	and	Kaunas	universities	were	
reorganized	and	the	Faculty	of	Humanities	with	
the	department	of	philosophy	was	transferred	to	
Vilnius.	After	more	than	200	years	since	it	was	
closed	in	1989,	the	Faculty	of	Philosophy	was	
re-established	at	Vilnius	University.
    Currently,	 the	 faculty	 comprises	 8	 depart-              Faculty of Physics
ments:	 Department	 of	 General	 Psychology,	
Department	 of	 Education	 Science,	 Department	            Saulétekio al. 9, LT-10222 Vilnius,
of	History	of	Philosophy	and	Logic,	Department	
                                                            tel. (370 5) 236 60 00, fax (370 5) 236 60 03,
of	Philosophy,	Department	of	Clinical	and	Or-
ganizational	Psychology,	Department	of	Political	           e-mail:,

Science,	Department	of	Sociology	and	Depart-                web site
ment	of	Social	Work.	There	are	also	3	centres:	
Information	Society	Studies	Centre,	Social	Studies	         Physics	 has	 been	 taught	 at	 the	 University	
Centre	and	Education	Policy	Centre,	and	2	lab-          since	its	establishment.	In	the	first	years,	it	was	
oratories	of	special	psychology	and	sociology.          considered	to	be	a	subject	of	natural	philosophy.	
    The	main	study	programmes	include	philo-            In	1753,	an	Astronomical	Observatory	was	estab-
sophy,	 sociology	 and	 social	 work.	 The	 faculty	    lished	at	Vilnius	University.	In	1772,	the	Jesuit	
offers	10	Master-degree	study	programmes	and	           Academy	started	teaching	experimental	physics	
special	professional	studies	in	social	work.	It	also	   and	set	up	a	Physics	Museum.	After	the	reform	
offers	opportunities	for	life-long	learning:	supp-      of	 1803,	 the	 imperial	 Vilnius	 University	 had	 4	
lementary	studies	of	social	work	and	modules	           faculties,	the	Faculty	of	Physics	and	Mathematic	
of	 certification	 and	 qualification	 improvement	     Sciences	being	one	of	them.
for	social	workers.                                         Currently,	 the	 Faculty	 of	 Physics	 has	 7	 de-
    The	faculty	provides	a	variety	of	services:	it	     partments:	those	of	Quantum	Electronics,	Laser	
performs	social,	psychological,	educational	and	        Research	Centre,	Semiconductor	Physics,	Solid	
demographic	 studies,	 personnel	 selection	 and	       State	Electronics,	Theoretical	Physics,	Radiophy-
in-house	 training,	 etc.	 The	 faculty	 publishes	     sics	and	General	Physics	and	Spectroscopy.	The	
successive	series	of	scientific	works	Problemos         faculty	also	owns	an	Astronomical	Observatory	
                                                                                                                 Universitas Vilnensis

(Problems), Psichologija (Psychology) and Acta          and	6	laboratories.	The	faculty	hosts	the	Europe-
Paedagogica Vilnensia.                                  an	Union-sponsored	research	centres	CEBIOLA	
                                                        and	 SELITECH,	 conducts	 EU	 5th	 Framework	
                                                        Programme	 projects,	 two	 long-term	 projects	
                                                        of	the	NATO	programme	Science	for	Peace	as
Universitas Vilnensis
Universitas Vilnensis
well	 as	 joint	 research	 with	 dozens	 of	 foreign	                                                   	
                                                                                all	faculties	and	taught	as	compulsory	subjects.	
                        universities.                                           	   During	the	recent	decades,	foreign	language	
                            The	 main	 study	 programmes	 include	 ast-         instruction	 was	 the	 responsibility	 of	 specially	
                        rophysics,	physics	and	teaching	of	physics,	com-        established	foreign	language	departments	at	the	
                        puter	physics,	modern	technology	management,	           Faculty	of	Philology,	which	now	make	up	the	
                        applied	physics,	telecommunications	physics	and	        Institute	 of	 Foreign	 Languages:	 Department	 of	
                        electronics.	 The	 faculty	 offers	 7	 Master-degree	   English	for	Physical	and	Biomedicine	Sciences,	
                        study	programmes.                                       Department	of	English	for	Humanities,	Depart-
                                                                                ment	of	English	for	Social	Sciences,	Department	
                                                                                of	Romance	Languages	and	Department	of	the	
                                                                                German	Language.
                                                                                    Currently,	 the	 institute	 teaches	 five	 foreign	
                                                                                languages	(English,	German,	French,	Spanish	and	
                                                                                Italian)	to	as	many	as	6,000	students	annually.	
                                Institute of Foreign                            The	most	popular	choice	is	the	English	language,	
                                                                                which	is	taught	to	85	percent	of	students	of	all	
                                    Languages                                   faculties.
                                                                                    The	Institute	of	Foreign	Languages	helps	to	
                            Universiteto g. 5, LT-01122 Vilnius,                improve	the	qualification	of	the	Lithuanian	tea-
                            tel. (370 5) 268 72 64, fax (370 5) 268 72 65       chers	by	organizing	two	BA	study	programmes:	
                                                                                The English language and teaching	 and	 The
                                                                                German language and teaching.
                            web site                           The	 Institute	 organizes	 evening	 language	
                                                                                courses	for	society	at	large	at	different	levels	in	
                            The	Institute	of	Foreign	Languages,	which	is	       all	the	five	languages	and	has	recently	launched	
                        an	independent	subdivision	of	Vilnius	University,	      a	 new	 non-consecutive	 study	 programme	 in	
                        was	established	in	1999,	although	the	tradition	        Business English,	which	is	targeted	at	managers	
                        of	teaching	foreign	languages	at	the	University	        and	 employees	 of	 companies,	 organizations	
                        goes	back	to	the	early	days	of	its	existence.	The	      and	firms.
                        Old	Jesuit	College	set	up	in	1570	taught	Latin,	            The	staff	of	the	Institute	is	involved	in	the	
Universitas Vilnensis

                        Greek	 and	 Hebrew	 as	 well	 as	 new	 European	        research	of	the	structures	(grammatical,	lexical,	
                        Languages	-	German,	French	and	Russian.	Te-             semantic	and	stylistic)	of	the	Germanic,	Romance	
                        aching	 contemporary	 languages	 on	 a	 regular	        and	Lithuanian	languages,	their	integration	into	
                        basis	 was	 commenced	 in	 1801	 when	 foreign	         the	 teaching	 process	 and	 lexicographic	 practi-
                        languages	 were	 included	 into	 the	 curricula	 of	    ce.	Some	of	the	researchers	analyse	American,	
English	and	German	literature	and	cultures	and	       the	American	Studies	Centre	and	the	Asian	and	
their	contacts	with	Lithuania.                        African	Studies	Centre.	
                                                         The	main	study	programmes	are	internatio-
                                                      nal	relations	and	diplomacy,	European	studies,	
                                                      comparative	politics,	public	administration	and	
                                                      European	public	administration.	
                                                          The	 institute	 investigates	 the	 problems	 of	
                                                      Lithuanian	and	other	countries’	internal	policy,	

   Institute of International                         management,	international	relations	and	foreign	
                                                      policy	 and	 diplomacy,	 organizes	 qualification	
    Relations and Political                           improvement	 programmes	 for	 public	 servants	
           Sciences                                   and	diplomats,	and	disseminates	political	science	
                                                      ideas	to	the	specialists	and	society	at	large	by	
   Vokieæiù g. 10, LT-01130 Vilnius,                  organizing	 conferences,	 seminars	 and	 round-
                                                      table	discussions.
   tel. (370 5) 251 41 30, fax (370 5) 251 41 34,
                                                          The	institute	has	implemented	six	NATO	sci-
   e-mail:,                         entific	research	programme	projects	and	11	other	
   web site                    projects	on	Lithuanian	political	culture,	elections	
                                                      and	foreign	policy.	The	institute	publishes	a	per-
   The	Institute	of	International	Relations	and	      iodical	of	scientific	works	Politologija.
Political	Sciences	was	established	in	1992	on	the	
initiative	of	Vilnius	University	and	was	funded	            Institute of Material
by	 the	 Supreme	 Committee	 for	 the	 Liberation	
                                                           Science and Applied
of	Lithuania.	In	the	first	decade	of	activity,	the	
institute	became	the	main	higher	education	estab-                 Research
lishment	in	Lithuania	which	prepares	specialists	
of	political	sciences,	international	relations	and	       Saulétekio al. 9, LT-10222 Vilnius,
public	 administration	 and	 conducts	 political	         tel./fax: (370 5) 236 60 59,
science	research.
   The	 faculty	 comprises	 4	 departments:	 De-
                                                                                                              Universitas Vilnensis

partment	of	International	Relations	(UNESCO),	            web site
Department	of	European	Studies (Jean Monnet),	
Department	of	Public	Administration	and	Depart-           The	 Applied	 Research	 Institute	 was	 set	 up	
ment	of	Comparative	Politics.	The	institute	also	     in	1992	with	the	aim	of	pooling	the	potential	of	
includes	 the	 European	 Documentation	 Centre,	      Vilnius	University	scientific	and	teaching	staff	for	   7
Vilnius University
Vilnius University
Vilnius University
Vilnius University
Vilnius University
Vilnius University
Vilnius University

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Vilnius University

  • 1. Universitas Vilnensis V I L N I U S U N I V E R S I T Y
  • 3. Contents Introduction 4 Faculties, institutes A short history 5 Faculty of Chemistry 22 The architectural ensemble Faculty of Communication 23 of Vilnius University 7 Faculty of Economics 24 Mission and vision 8 Faculty of History 24 Studies at Vilnius University 9 Faculty of Humanities in Kaunas 25 International students 9 Faculty of Law 28 Research 14 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics 29 International relations 15 Faculty of Medicine 30 New initiatives 16 Faculty of Natural Sciences 31 The Library 20 Faculty of Philology 31 Students’ Representation and Faculty of Philosophy 32 other student organisations 21 Faculty of Physics 33 Leisure time activities for students 21 Institute of Foreign Languages 36 Sports and tourism 22 Institute of International Relations and Political Sciences 37 Institute of Material Science and Applied Research 37 Study and Research Centres 38 International Business School 42 Universitas Vilnensis
  • 4. Since its establishment in the 16th century, The number of students at the University Vilnius University, as integral part of European comprises one-fifth of the total population of science and culture, has embodied the concept students in the country. One-fourth of the pro- of a classical university and the unity of studies fessors of higher education establishments of and research. Lithuania work here. The oldest and largest Lithuanian higher The prestigious Vilnius University devotes education institution, Vilnius University is an special attention to the development of funda- active participant in international scientific and mental and applied sciences and the quality of academic activities and boasts many prominent studies. The University enjoys a unique academic scientists, professors and graduates. With the atmosphere and academic freedom with the support of social partners, the University educa- priority always given to intellect, wisdom and tes globally-minded specialists who successfully tolerance. integrate in the modern European community. Vilnius University, which is celebrating its Universitas Vilnensis Currently, the University has 12 faculties, 8 425th anniversary, remains young, dynamic, pro- institutes, 3 university hospitals, 10 study and gressive and open to the world, scientific values research centres, one of the richest libraries in Eu- and variety of cultures. rope, the Astronomical Observatory, a botanical garden, a computer centre, St Johns’ Church. Rector Benediktas Juodka
  • 5. A Short History 6 The Faculty of Law was established under Vilnius University, one of the oldest higher the charter of the King Vladislaus IV and funded education establishments in Central and Eastern by the Lithuanian vice-chancellor Casimirus Leo Europe, has for a long time been the only Lithua- Sapieha. nian university and had a marked influence on the cultural life of the neighbouring states. 7 The history of the University is complex The Astronomic Observatory was established, and diverse, intertwined with the history of the which was the fourth in the world and the oldest Lithuanian state and reflecting its most dramatic in Eastern Europe. periods. 77 70 After the abolition of the Jesuit Order, the The Jesuits, who came to Vilnius at the University was put under the authority of the invitation of Bishop Valerianus Protasevicius, Education Commission, the prototype of the established a College and opened a library. The ministry of secular education in Europe. The library was started with a collection of books teaching of natural sciences was reinforced. donated by the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, Sigismundus Augustus. 78 The University was granted the name of the 79 Central School of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. On 1 April, King Stephanus Batoreus issued The Faculty of Medicine was established. a Charter granting the College the privileges of a university, and on 30 October, Pope Gregory XIII 80 announced a Papal Bull confirming the transfor- The University was named an Imperial mation of the College into a University. University. It was authorized to manage one of Although far from European cultural centres, six Russian education districts. At that time the the University of Vilnius sufficed potential for University had a number of world-renowned developing progressive scientific ideas and could scholars: the naturalist Georg Forster, who was also a famous traveller, member of the team of Universitas Vilnensis boast a number of distinguished professors and students. The poet and professor Mathias Ca- Captain Cook’s second voyage around the world, simirus Sarbievius, the laureate of Pope Urban professor Andrzej Sniadecki, the originator of VIII prize, became known throughout Europe, physiology in Lithuania, the medics from Vienna - and the book by professor Martinus Smiglecius, Johann Peter Frank and his son Joseph Frank (the “Logica” (“Logic”), gained recognition and was former reformed the teaching of medicine and widely used in French and British universities. established a therapy clinics and the latter set up
  • 6. the Vilnius Medicine Society, Medicine Institute 1940, Vilnius University was reorganized accor- and Vaccination and Maternity Institutes). ding to the model of higher education establish- ments of the Soviet Union. 8 Tsar Nicholas I ordered the university to be 9 closed. The Nazi invaders closed the University in The name of Vilnius University was proclai- 1943, and it resumed its work in the autumn med by its graduates - writers and poets Adam of 1944. Mickiewicz, Juliusz Slowacki, Jozef Ignacy Kras- zewski and Antony Edward Odynec, historians 990 Michal Balinski and Teodor Narbutt, orientolo- With the restoration of Lithuanian indepen- gists Jozef Kowalewski and Jozef Senkowski, and dence, the statute of the university was approved geologist Ignacy Domeyko. and the University regained its autonomy. 98 After the proclamation of Lithuania’s inde- pendence on 16 February, attempts were made to reopen the university. On 5 December 1918, the Lithuanian State Council approved the Statute of the University and announced a decision to re-establish the University in January 1919. 99-99 The Polish Stephen Bathory University func- tioned in Vilnius. One of its students was the future Nobel Prize winner, Czeslaw Milosz. 99 Vilnius University renewed its activity when Faculties of Humanities and Law were transferred Universitas Vilnensis from Kaunas. 90 After the Soviet annexation of Lithuania in 6
  • 7. The architectural awarded to a European university. Vilnius Uni- versity is one of the few universities in Europe ensemble of Vilnius which has preserved the original purpose of its University buildings since its establishment. The ensemble of Vilnius University will represent Lithuania in Vilnius University was established back in the Brussels park “Mini Europe” which displays the 16th century under the jurisdiction of the the most famous buildings and other structures Vilnius bishop in a block of Vilnius framed by of cultural or historical value of the European four streets: Universiteto (formerly Vyskupù), Šv. Union member states. Jono, Pilies and Skapo. The initiator of the Vilnius The spectacular chambers and cozy cour- Jesuit College, Bishop Valerianus Protasevicius, tyards of Vilnius University, the active student bought a brick building for the college from life and the aura of the past have always attracted the secretary of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, many visitors. University teachers and students Mikalojus Jasinskis. In 1570, on establishment of are proud of the buildings of the University, the College and the Library, several more nearby which are the witnesses of the honourable and buildings were bought and in 1571, the Jesuits rich past and surround the university with a were also given St John’s Church. The ensemble special and unique atmosphere. was gradually expanding until it occupied the entire block of the Old town and many surroun- The old buildings comprise the faculties of ding buildings. History and Philology, the Institute of Foreign In four centuries, the purpose, design and Languages, the Library and the Rector’s office. architectural forms of the university buildings Here, students from all faculties gather on 1 Sep- often changed. Currently, the old architectural tember to celebrate the start of a new academic ensemble of the University is made up of 13 year. Other faculties of the University are dis- courtyards with 13 buildings which have several persed around the city: there are five campuses sections each as well as St John’s Church and a in Vilnius and one in Kaunas. In total, Vilnius belfry. The thirteenth Bursa courtyard and the University owns over 100 buildings in Vilnius, buildings of the Faculty of Philosophy would be Kaunas and other Lithuanian towns. attached to the ensemble in 2004. In 1985, Vilnius University was awarded the Universitas Vilnensis European gold medal for the preservation of old buildings. This was the second such medal 7
  • 8. Mission Vision The mission of Vilnius University is to create, • To position and distinguish itself in Euro- accumulate and disseminate knowledge by en- pean research and education area by top level suring continuity of authentic university culture research, which should be sustained by Univer- distinguished by the atmosphere where old tra- sity’s research teams of international acclaim ditions and new ideas enrich each other. and new teams, as well as to ensure annually Freedom of thought and diversity of opinions increasing involvement in European research are the main values of the University community. and educational programmes; A unity of research and studies is the core prin- • to ensure that the balanced development ciple of the overall activity of the University. and interaction of research in humanities, social, The University should distinguish itself by physical, biomedical and technological sciences a broad spectrum of fundamental and applied remains the most outstanding feature of the research. It should seek to assume the leading University, which essentially differentiates it position among other Lithuanian institutions in from other Lithuanian establishments of higher all research areas that are essential to the very education and research; nature of a comprehensive University and set • to initiate and actively implement the pro- itself the goal of international excellence in the jects of value for the economic development of interdisciplinary research. The University should the country, which would encourage effective be committed to the mission of opening the co-operation of scientific and educational ins- doors and providing universal education for the titutions with high technology companies and most talented young people from all districts of create favourable conditions and environment Lithuania and educating active and responsible for innovations and entrepreneurship; specialists, who demonstrate the need to expand • to create a well-functioning quality assu- their knowledge and improve professionally and rance system which would guarantee effective who are able to learn throughout their lifetime. monitoring of the existing study programmes The University should seek that the quality of all and development of new programmes and forms of studies conforms to the modern culture which would encourage the implementation and technologies and pertains to the needs of of advanced teaching methods and tools. The Universitas Vilnensis the state and society. system should ensure that generic and specific competencies and skills of University graduates are in consistency with the needs and tenden- cies in the economy, culture and labour market of the country; 8
  • 9. • to significantly expand non-consecutive, graduate studies. The residence – postgraduate distance and other flexible study forms and - studies enable the medicine and odontology methods and become the centre of continuous graduates to acquire a higher qualification of a professional improvement and lifelong learning, specialized medical doctor. The doctoral studies which plays an important role in transition of the prepare researchers in various fields. These post- country toward knowledge-based society. graduate studies last four years and end with the defence of a doctoral thesis. Studies at Seeking to satisfy the need of society for life-long learning, Vilnius University is offering Vilnius University many different courses and programmes aimed at increasing the qualification or re-qualification Thanks to the academic traditions, which of specialists as well as expanding the general were formed during long centuries, Vilnius Uni- or professional knowledge of citizens. versity has accumulated a wide experience in organizing studies and created the foundations of various study areas and fields based on the knowledge reflecting fundamental and latest International students scientific achievements. The university has also raised qualified teaching staff able to ensure the Regular students unity of studies and science. Vilnius University offers undergraduate, gra- The University of Vilnius admits non-Lit- duate and postgraduate studies in humanities, huanian citizens to all study programmes of all social sciences, physical sciences, biomedicine three cycles and to all faculties. The international and technologies. degree students are admitted through general ad- The undergraduate studies usually last four mission procedure run by the Study Office. The years and graduates are awarded a bachelor’s language of instruction in all degree programmes degree and, in certain areas, also a professional is Lithuanian; therefore, one-year Lithuanian qualification. The graduate studies – Master- language courses are offered by the university degree studies or professional studies – last from before the regular studies begin. one and a half to two years. Graduates of Master The degree programmes offered at Vilnius University rest on a pattern leading to Bachelor’s Universitas Vilnensis studies are awarded a Master degree. Special professional studies are aimed at granting the degree after four years of study (160 national students a high-level professional qualification. or 240 ECTS credits) and Master’s degree after Studies in the fields of law, medicine and another two years (80 national and 120 ECTS odontology embrace both undergraduate and credits). 9
  • 12. The postgraduate doctoral programmes are are exempt from the tuition fees at Vilnius Uni- of individual character and require up to four versity. The free-movers are expected to cover years of combined course work, exams, and tuition costs. research as well as contribution to international There are several different ways of arranging publications. temporary stay at Vilnius University. The most The specific professional qualification is of- common are: fered in medicine and law at Vilnius University. 1. Bilateral agreements – signed by Vilnius The studies leading to these degrees last five University and a sending university on any level: years in law and six years in medicine and put an institutional, faculty or departmental. The stu- emphasis on a considerable amount of practical dents may inquire about the options at the Office work in the chosen field of specialisation. of International Relations of their universities. A degree programme combines compulsory, 2. SOCRATES/ERASMUS and /or TEMPUS optional, and elective subjects leading to a degree programmes. title which specifies the main subject studied. 3. Cultural agreements – concluded by Lit- The percentage of compulsory, optional and huanian authorities with the authorities of other elective subjects within each particular degree countries to promote co-operation and cultural programme differs both from year to year of links. The cultural agreements are managed by study as well as from faculty to faculty. Department of Science and Research under the Ministry of Education of Lithuania, nevertheless a Exchange students letter of acceptance at a Lithuanian institution has to be submitted together with the application. At present the university also offers about At the moment Lithuania enjoys cultural 200 courses in foreign languages for free movers agreements with the following countries: Be- and exchange students, who wish to spend a larus, Denmark, Great Britain, Estonia, France, study period at the University. In these cases Latvia, Mexico, Poland, Czech Republic, China, international students are invited to compose Flanders, Switzerland, and Italy. Please, apply to their study programme from the offered list ac- your country’s authorities in order to find more cording to their interests and the requirements about the possibilities to study under bilateral leading to study period recognition at their home agreements. university. Universitas Vilnensis The exchange students coming to Vilnius under the exchange programme or bilateral agreement are treated according to the pro- gramme or agreement conditions and, as a rule,
  • 13. Academic calendar tions of higher education or: International Programmes and Relations The academic year consists of autumn and Office spring semesters. Both semesters are compo- Vilnius University sed of 16 study weeks and four examination Universiteto 3 weeks. LT-01513 Vilnius The autumn semester starts on 1 September Lithuania and finishes on 21 December. Winter session Tel. (370-5) 268 70 49 starts on 22 December and finishes 26 January. Fax: (370-5) 268 70 69 The spring semester starts on 4 February and E-mail: finishes on 2 June. Spring session starts on 3 June and finishes on 30 June. The academic year is interrupted by some Regular students days for Christmas Holiday. Summer vacation starts on 1 July and finishes on 31 August. Most Please, note that application deadline and departments and the library operate throughout requirements differ from those for visiting stu- the summer vacation. dents. If you wish to apply for regular studies, please, apply at least a year in advance: Admission procedures and Admissions Officer deadlines for application Vilnius University Universiteto 3 Visiting students LT-01513 Vilnius Lithuania The students are advised to contact the co- Tel. (370-5) 268 70 53 ordinator at their home university first in order Fax: (370-5) 268 70 64 to get more detailed information as well as appli- E-mail: cation forms of Vilnius University. The deadlines for the applications are: Spring semester –15 November Universitas Vilnensis Autumn semester – 15 June For additional information and application forms are welcome to contact the Offices of the International Relations of the respective institu-
  • 14. Research genome. Moreover, Vilnius University develops new technologies such as information society technologies, laser technologies, material crystal Vilnius University boasts over 1,500 teaching structure engineering and nanostructure techno- and research staff including approx. 170 doctors logies, semiconductor radiant technologies, etc. habilitus, nearly 900 doctors and 600 doctoral stu- The new trends in the development of the dents. In the recent five years, over 300 doctoral Lithuanian state and the prospect of integration and 38 doctor habilitus theses were defended. into the European Union have opened wide Annually, University researchers publish ap- prospects for the development of contemporary proximately 30 monographs, 20-30 textbooks branches of social and humanitarian sciences: and teaching manuals and over 1,500 articles in research of the communication in knowledge- Lithuanian, international and foreign research based economy; citizens, governance and secu- journals. The results of research at the University rity in the conditions of globalization; society, are presented at Lithuanian and international community and personality: the change of the conferences. quality of life and values; gender studies; langua- The scientific schools that were formed ge and thought; oriental studies and comparative at Vilnius University, such as research of the culturology, etc. The modern era presented new Baltic languages, laser physics, semiconductor, opportunities to develop the fields important for ferroelectric and disordered solid state physics, the Lithuanian culture and science such as the research of biomolecular transformations, num- Lithuanian history, philosophy, literature and ber theory and probability theory, cardiovascular book science, to create the scientific basis for surgery, new chemical compound synthesis and the Lithuanian legal reform and conduct research research, have created the basis for the develop- into the political thought, political systems and ment of new scientific fields and branches. economic and social development in Lithuania. Scientific development and the expanding The role and importance of Vilnius University relations with global research centres have is increasing together with the restructurization contributed to the variety of research at Vilnius of the Lithuanian science. The University now University. The research achievements and embraces five state research institutes of Ecology, integration of the recent decades have encou- Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Immuno- raged the emergence of new modern research logy, Oncology and Theoretical Physics and Universitas Vilnensis branches such as bioethics, bio-information and Astronomy. Several hospitals - the Santariškés behaviouristic systems, biomedicine optics and Clinics, the Žalgirio Clinics and the Children’s laser medicine, ecosystems and global changes, Hospital - gained the status of Vilnius University genomics and biotechnology and the variety, hospitals. These changes have contributed to origin and phenotypic realization of the human
  • 15. expanding the possibilities of scientific research and its practical importance. The researchers of Vilnius University are increasingly engaged in Lithuanian, EU, NATO and other international scientific programmes and conduct commissioned research work. The laser specialists of the University have joined International relations the European Laser Network and have created Vilnius University, just as any other old a centre of excellence “Cebiola” together with European university, has developed a tradition the biochemistry specialists. The researchers of of international relations and cooperation as the material science established a “Selitec” centre well as student and teacher exchange. Since its of excellence and joined the programmes of the establishment, the university has been inviting European Nuclear Research Centre, CERN. Many foreign professors and accepting international foreign researchers are using our research base, students from all the lands of the Grand Duchy of and the international conferences organized by Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary the university attract many prominent scientific and Western Europe. figures, e.g. Nobel prize winners physicists Klaus The international relations of the University von Klitzing, Zhores Alfiorov, and chemists Ryoji were developing and deteriorating following the Noyori and K.B. Sharpless. pattern of the overall state’s political and econo- University researchers have earned national mic situation, but have never actually ceased. and international acclaim. This is illustrated by Currently, international cooperation and their membership of the Lithuanian Science international relations are witnessing an upswing. Academy, European Science and Art Academy The number of bilateral agreements with foreign and other international academic organizations, universities is growing, cooperation geography awards of honorary titles at foreign universities, expanding and its nature changing. Internatio- participation in international congresses and nal cooperation has an impact on all spheres of programme committees and international prizes University life embracing studies, research and and grants. Since the restoration of Lithuanian administrator cooperation. The University also independence in 1990, 27 research works of opens up for partners from abroad. It actively Vilnius University were awarded the most impor- Universitas Vilnensis participates in projects of international organi- tant scientific award of the state, the Lithuanian zations such as UNESCO, NATO and EUA and science prize, and 57 researchers became the engages in EU education and scientific program- winners of this prize. mes SOCRATES, LEONARDO, EUREKA, COST and FRAMEWORK.
  • 16. Today, the focus has shifted from the quantity Vilnius University has signed over 150 bilateral of relations to their quality. In 1996, Vilnius Uni- agreements and is a member of 13 ERASMUS versity was the first in Lithuania to start implemen- programme thematic networks. ting the ECTS – European credit transfer system. Vilnius University takes part in 4 projects and In 1998, the University offered the first courses coordinates 1 project of the SOCRATES/LINGUA in foreign languages to exchange students. In the programme. It also participates in 1 project of the academic year 2003/2004, the University plans to SOCRATES/MINERVA programme. issue the first European diploma supplements. All Vilnius University is a contractor and coordi- such initiatives are aimed at facilitating student nator of the 6th thematic network of the project exchange. “Quality Culture” conducted by the European Uni- Vilnius University is a signatory to the Magna versity Association under the additional measures Carta of European universities, member of the programme of SOCRATES in 2002-2003. International University Association, European University Association, Baltic University Rectors’ Under the LEONARDO DA VINCI project, Conference, Utrecht Network and Baltic Sea Re- Vilnius University is the coordinator of 2 pilot gion University Network. projects, 3 student mobility projects and 2 teacher mobility projects. Vilnius University has signed 63 bilateral co- operation programmes. In 1992-2000, it implemented 25 TEMPUS New initiatives projects. In 1993-2003 it implemented and participated in 7 NATO projects, 20 projects of FRAMEWORK 4, 15 projects of FRAMEWORK 5 and 5 COST projects. Vilnius University owns: - The UNESCO Department of International Visoriai Information Relations; Technology Park - The UNESCO Associated Centre of Excel- Universitas Vilnensis lence; Visoriai Information Technology Park (VITP) - 2 departments, 1 module and 1 course fun- is a non-profit organization established as a result ded under JEAN MONNET programme. of close cooperation between study and research institutions (Vilnius University, Vilnius Gediminas 6 Under the SOCRATES/ERASMUS programme, Technical University, Vilnius College and the
  • 17. Mathematics and Informatics Institute), state ins- Vilnius University, Vilnius Gediminas Technical titutions and information technology businesses. University, Vilnius City Municipality, private The park is set up in Visoriai, the concentration companies AB Alna and UAB Bite GSM and UAB of many institutions and companies fostering Ekspla, which represents a group of laser and the traditions of cooperation between research photonics research and business institutions. and business. The vision of the Sunrise Valley is to create The main aim of the VITP is to develop a full- a knowledge economy hub uniting modern uni- fledged structure which would create favourable versities, research institutes, top-level high-tech conditions for the development of the priority companies and fast-developing start ups. spheres of information technologies (IT), estab- The objectives of the valley is to create a lishment of new companies, development of new modern environment for studies and research, technologies and application and commerciali- professional improvement and business; pool zation of scientific achievements. The computer promising and fast-developing high-tech compa- classes in the park are used by the students of nies; create new jobs; develop a favourable en- Vilnius universities to solve business case studies vironment for the commercialization of scientific under the guidance of IT company managers. In research and attract foreign and domestic invest- 2003, the first company was established by the ment for scientific research at universities. students trained at the VITP. The VITP is an active participant in EU pro- jects, raises funds for the development of inno- vative products and technologies and encourages international cooperation. The Visoriai IT park is a member of the international association of scientific parks IASP. Career Centre The Vilnius University Career Centre was set up by the University in the Saulétekis academic campus in November 2003. The initiative was supported by over 100 companies, institutions Universitas Vilnensis and organizations. The aims of the centre are to The Sunrise Valley facilitate the career choice for the students and develop their abilities to adopt and implement On 27 May 2003, the public agency Saulé- career-related decisions, to introduce University tekio Slénis (Sunrise Valley) was established by graduates to potential employers and help the 7
  • 20. University to understand and adapt to the fast- boasts over 178,000 titles of big scientific, cultu- changing labour market. ral and historical value, which were published before 1800, and the largest collection of old The Career Centre offers lectures, seminars Lithuanian books in the world. A valuable cartog- and consultations for students on professional raphy fund, which includes maps drawn by the career issues and holds seminars and consulta- most prominent cartographers of the 16th-18th tions for employers. It also organizes meetings, centuries, is also stored here. interviews and career days, fairs and conferences The manuscript division has over 245,000 with representatives of companies, institutions documents of 13th-21st centuries. The graphics and organizations and accumulates information room boasts more than 87,000 graphic works. about employers, their requirements for gradu- Vilnius University library is a deposit library of ates and employment opportunities. United Nations Organization and its divisions. The library structure also includes the Museum of Adam Mickiewicz and the Museum of Science. The library has nearly 26,500 readers and 15 faculty libraries whose funds are formed accor- ding to the faculty profile. An electronic catalogue of Vilnius University Library library has been operative since 1993 and comp- rises over 530,000 entries. In the year 2000, the library installed special software ALEPH together Universiteto g. 3, LT-01513 Vilnius, with the libraries of other Lithuanian higher tel. (370 5) 268 71 01, fax (370 5) 268 71 04, education establishments. Now, the main library e-mail:, processes are computerized. The database of Vilnius University staff publi- web site cations is currently under development (today, it includes over 12,000 bibliographic entries). The Vilnius University library, which was set up library subscribes to electronic databases EBSCO, in 1570, is the oldest library in the Baltic States. Cambridge Journals Online, ProQuest, Science It was given a start by the collections of books Direct, Springer LINK and Web of Science. Universitas Vilnensis donated by Vilnius bishop Valerianus Protasevi- The historical halls of Smuglevicius and Lele- cius and the King of Poland and Grand Duke of vel and the White Hall as well as the exhibition Lithuania, Sigismundus Augustus. of old books and manuscripts in the central Currently, the library stores 5.3 million university architectural ensemble attract large printed works. The division of rare publications 0
  • 21. flows of tourists: annually, the library receives There are also several organisations in the over 7,500 visitors. University which unite students of one study field: the corporation of young political analysts RePublika, corporation of history students Tilia, association of Lithuanian students of medicine LiMSa, the union of law students ELSA Vilnius and the international association AIESEC of the students of economics. Students’ Representation and other student organisations Vilnius University Students’ Representation (VUSA) is an organisation uniting lively, smart Leisure time activities and proactive students, and representing all the students of Vilnius University, defending their for students rights and interests inside and outside the Uni- Vilnius University is not just an institution of versity. Every student is welcome there – those academic studies and the students are not only with the ideas and wishes to implement them, encouraged to learn and attend lectures. The and the ones looking for answers to important University provides various opportunities for its questions. students to dance, sing, act, take photographs, The activities of VUSA are very broad and etc. diverse. The Representation is producing the big- Music lovers have an exceptionally wide gest monthly for students in Lithuania Studentù choice. There are two choirs – the women’s choir Era (Students’ Era), organising students leisure Virgo and a mixed choir. The University also has activities, taking care of students social and a chamber music ensemble with old traditions academic welfare. and a long experience in touring. The choirs The Debate Club, Photo and Film Club and and the ensemble have been awarded in many Club of Young Businessmen of Lithuania are Universitas Vilnensis international contests. The University also has a functioning under the wing of VUSA. wind instrument orchestra Oktava for those of More information may be located at the web you with stronger lungs. Attached to Oktava is site a choreography group. The folk dance traditions are fostered by the ensembles Ratilio and Jauni-
  • 22. mėlis as well as the University song and dance by the University Tourism Club to join it on trips ensemble, which has visited the farthest corners on foot and biking and canoeing events as well of the world on its tours. as mountaineering and rock climbing. Those who want to act can choose from among the Courtyard Theatre, the physical-visual theatre of Andrius Pulkauninkas and the chamber Faculties, Institutes theatre Minimum. Faculty of Chemistry Sports and tourism Naugarduko g. 24, LT-03225 Vilnius, The ancient Romans said that a healthy mind tel./fax: (370 5) 233 09 87, lives in a healthy body. Vilnius University pro- vides an opportunity for its students to be not e-mail:, only intelligent but also healthy. web site The university owns three sports halls and a stadium. The Naktigoné sports hall is suitable for Chemistry was first introduced as a subject in playing basketball and holding aerobics sessions; Vilnius University College of Physical Sciences at the Blue Hall invites the lovers of basketball, the end of the 18th century. In 1784, a member of handball, table tennis, football and mountain the Royal Academy of Torino, Joseph Sartorius, tourism; and the hall in Æiurlionis Street offers was invited to teach chemistry and set up the facilities for playing basketball, volleyball and Chemistry Department and the first chemistry tennis as well as engaging in bodybuilding and laboratory. The Faculty of Chemistry was estab- aerobics. lished in 1944. The Health and Sports Centre organizes Currently, the faculty has 5 departments: individual sessions of various sports, students’ Universitas Vilnensis Department of Analytical Chemistry, Department sports games and sports contests and participates of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Department in students’ sports and tourism events not only of Organic Chemistry, Department of Physical in Lithuania but also abroad. Chemistry and Department of Polymer Chemistry. The enthusiasts of outdoor sports are invited The faculty also runs the Laboratory of Liquid
  • 23. Crystals. The Faculty of Communications was set up The main study programmes taught are che- in 1991. The faculty consists of 4 main academic mistry and biochemistry. The Faculty offers two divisions: Institute of Documentation and Book Master-degree study programmes and a special Science, Institute of Journalism, Department of professional study programme on conservation Knowledge Management and Department of of cultural values (developed together with the Library and Information Science. A. Gudynas Restoration Centre of the Lithuanian The main study programmes on offer are Art Museum). Archives Studies, Library and Information Studies, The faculty cooperates with higher educa- Information Management, Business Information tion establishments from Denmark, Sweden, Management and Journalism. The faculty offers Germany, France, the USA, Japan and other 7 Master-degree study programmes. countries, the Lithuanian Association of Che- In cooperation with the Faculties of History mistry Industry, Vilnius Academy of Art and the and Economics and the Institute of International A. Gudynas Restoration Centre of the Lithuanian Relations and Political Sciences, the Faculty of Art Museum. The faculty is one of the founders Communication has initiated several inter-faculty of the association Eurachem-Lietuva, which study programmes. The faculty was one of the is a member of the European Association of first in Lithuania to offer distance learning stu- Analytical Chemistry, Eurachem. Together with dies. The faculty hosts the Lithuanian Centre of the Lithuanian Science Academy, the faculty Journalism, which is a lifelong learning educati- publishes successive series of scientific works on institution set up by the Open Society Fund Chemija (Chemistry). - Lithuania. The Faculty of Communication conducts research on knowledge-based society communi- cation, book culture and the Lithuanian national bibliography. The faculty gives much attention to cooperation with the professionals of the field and international relations and constantly Faculty of Communication participates in international projects. Annually, the faculty organizes seminars on book science, the Day of Information and semi- Universitas Vilnensis Saulétekio al. 9, LT-10222 Vilnius, nars of Vaclovas Biržiška. The faculty publishes tel. (370 5) 236 61 00, fax (370 5) 236 61 04, research publications Knygotyra (Book Science), e-mail:, Informacijos Mokslai (Information Science), Mokslotyra (Science Research) and Baltic Media web site Law Newsletter.
  • 24. ties and participates in international programmes and the activity of the EuroFaculty. The Faculty of Economics also offers com- pensatory studies and additional courses of economics as well as management and business administration to those students who want to Faculty of Economics enter Master-degree studies of economics. Teachers of the Faculty of Economics conduct Saulétekio al. 9,LT-10222 Vilnius, research in the fields of management and econo- tel. (370 5) 236 61 20, fax (370 5) 236 61 27, mics and publish their works both in Lithuania and abroad. The faculty publishes successive se- e-mail:, ries of scientific works Ekonomika (Economics). web site Commissioned by state institutions and the pri- vate sector, faculty’s professors conduct applied Economic disciplines were introduced at research and expert evaluations and actively Vilnius University by Hieronim Strojnowski, who participate in designing the Lithuanian economic taught economic theory of physiocrats. In 1803, development and planning its strategies. They the first Department of Political Economy in the also perform analyses of institutional activity world was set up at Vilnius University. Today, and functions, prepare draft laws and provide the faculty includes 12 departments: Department recommendations to state institutions. of Finance and Credit, Department of Economic Informatics, Department of System Analysis of Economy, Department of Accounting, Depart- ment of Theoretical Economy, Department of Statistics, Department of Economics of Enterp- rises, Department of Management, Department of Economic Policy, Department of Marketing, Department of Quality Management and Trade Faculty of History and the Laboratory of Economic Informatics. The main study programmes offered are Universiteto g. 7, LT-01122 Vilnius, Universitas Vilnensis economics, management and business admi- tel. (370 5) 268 72 80, fax (370 5) 268 72 82, nistration and management information systems. The faculty offers 15 Master-degree study pro- e-mail:, grammes. web site The faculty cooperates with foreign universi-
  • 25. The first Department of History was establis- hed at Vilnius University in 1783. At the begin- ning of the 19th century, Vilnius History School was founded by J. Lelewel and I. Onacevicius. The Faculty of History was set up in 1968. The faculty has four departments: Depart- ment of Archaeology, Department of History Faculty of Humanities Theory and Culture History, Department of New in Kaunas History and Department of Ancient and Medieval History. There is also a centre for archaeological Muitinés g. 8, LT-44280 Kaunas, research and the Lithuanian statute and the Lit- tel. (370 37) 42 25 23, tel./fax: (370 37) 42 32 22, huanian register research group. In the autumn of 1999, the Centre for Stateless Cultures was set e-mail:, up as a joint project of the Faculty of History and web site the Open Society Foundation Lithuania. This is the first university division in the world, which Faculty of Humanities in Kaunas is the only researches stateless ethnic groups (Lithuanian faculty of Vilnius University established in a dif- Tatars, Karaites, Old Believers, Romany people ferent city other than the main campuses. The and the Yiddish). faculty was set up in 1964. Situated in one of the The main study programmes offered by the oldest parts of Kaunas, the faculty boasts magni- Faculty of History are archaeology, history, cultu- ficent architecture of the 16th-17th centuries. re history and anthropology. There are 4 Master Currently, the faculty comprises 8 depart- degree study programmes. The faculty also ma- ments: Department of Philosophy and Political nages a school project on historical issues, which Sciences, Department of Finance and Accounting, helps secondary school graduates prepare for Department of German Philology, Department of the national examination of history. The faculty Commerce, Department of Computer Science, publishes successive series of scientific works Department of Lithuanian Philology, Department Lietuvos Istorijos Studijos (Lithuanian History of Foreign Languages and Department of Busi- Studies) and Archaeologia Lituana. ness, Economics and Management. The faculty also comprises the Institute of Sociocultural Universitas Vilnensis Research. The faculty offers full-time, evening and part- time studies. The main study programmes include full-time studies in Lithuanian philology and ad- vertising, English philology, German philology,
  • 28. English and Russian languages, management and business administration, business informa- tion, culture management, evening studies in management and business administration and part-time studies in economics. The faculty offers 11 Master-degree study programmes. Since its establishment, the faculty has been Faculty of Law focusing on three study areas - social sciences, humanities and physical sciences (computer sci- Saulétekio al. 9, LT-10222 Vilnius, ence). This traditional interdisciplinary medium is tel. (370 5) 236 61 60, fax (370 5) 236 61 63, the only of its kind among Lithuanian academic e-mail:, and research institutions. For this reason, the Institute of Sociocultural Studies was set up to web site unite the scientific potential of the faculty and focus on the research of humanities (language The Faculty of Law of Vilnius University and mentality) and social sciences (business is the first, the oldest and for a long time the environment factors). only institution which prepared law specialists The faculty cooperates with many universities in Lithuania. It was established in 1641 under and other academic institutions of the Central and the privilege of Vėadysėaus Wasa, the King of Eastern Europe, Scandinavia and America and Poland and the Grand Duke of Lithuania. Bet- participates in joint research projects, organizes ween 1641 and 1832, the faculty’s professors conferences and publishes successive series included famous scientists of that time such as of scientific works Respectus Philologicus and H. Strojnowski, A.Olisarovius, A.Capelli, I.Danila- Transformations in Business Economics. vicius, I.Oldachowski, S.Malewski, J.Jaroszewicz, J.Lelewel and others. After different historical disturbances, the Faculty of Law was reopened in the autumn of 1944. Currently, the faculty has 7 departments: Department of Constitutional and Administra- tive Law, Department of International and EU Universitas Vilnensis Law (operating together with the Jean Monnet EU Law Department), Department of Labour Law, Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Department of Civil Law and Civil Proceedings, Department of Penal Law and the 8 Department of Criminology and Criminal Pro-
  • 29. cedure. The faculty also embraces the centres of information law, German law, Polish law and Eastern European law. A school of French law will be set up soon. The faculty offers the following full-time study specializations: criminal justice, labour law, finance and tax law, commercial law, crimino- Faculty of Mathematics logy, private and social insurance, international and Informatics law, law theory and history and public admi- nistration law. The faculty also offers part-time Naugarduko g. 24, LT-03225 Vilnius, studies. tel. (370 5) 233 60 28, fax (370 5) 215 15 85, The Faculty of Law organizes thematic sci- entific conferences and publishes a successive e-mail:, series of scientific works Teisé (Law). The faculty web site staff actively participates in drafting Lithuanian laws and other legal acts, performs expert assess- Mathematics was introduced on the curri- ments and consults legislators on legal issues. culum of Vilnius University at the time of its Since 1999, the faculty has been operating a pub- establishment in 1579. Then, the Department lic agency Legal Clinics. Its aim is to implement of Mathematics was a part of the Faculty of a charge-free legal aid system in Lithuania and Philosophy. Mathematics was separated from improve the study and traineeship programmes philosophy at the beginning of the 18th century. of the students of the Faculty of Law. A separate Faculty of Mathematics and Mecha- The faculty cooperates with Switzerland nics was set up in 1965 (in 1978, the name was Comparative Law Institute in Lausanne, Max changed to the Faculty of Mathematics). In 1999, Plank Public and International Law Institute in the faculty changed its name into the Faculty of Germany and other foreign universities. Mathematics and Informatics. Currently, the faculty has 10 departments: Department of Differential Equations and Nume- rical Mathematics, Department of Econometric Analysis, Department of Informatics, Department Universitas Vilnensis of Computer Science, Department of Didactics of Mathematics, Department of Mathematical Analysis, Department of Mathematical Statistics, Department of Mathematical Computer Scien- 9
  • 30. ce, Department of Software Engineering and arch and studies in Eastern Europe. Professors Department of Probability Theory and Number of the faculty included such world celebrities Theory. as L. Bojanus, J. Sniadecki and father and son The main study programmes offered are Frank. The faculty is renowned for its educational econometrics, finance and insurance mathe- premises and laboratories and has contributed to matics, informatics, didactics of mathematics the establishment of some of the first European and informatics, mathematics and mathematics vaccination and maternity institutes. applications, software systems and statistics. The Currently, the faculty comprises 5 depart- faculty offers 4 Master-degree study programmes ments, 2 institutes, 15 clinics with 45 centres and and the possibility to acquire the professional laboratories as well as a library. qualification of a mathematics teacher. The rese- The study fields of the faculty are medicine arch fields of postgraduate studies are informatics and stomatology (the latter are professional stu- and mathematics. dies). The main study programmes are nursing, public health, kinezitherapy and ergotherapy. The faculty offers 3 Master-degree study pro- grammes. The Faculty of Medicine conducts research in the following areas: variety, origin and phenoty- pic realization of the human genome; human and Faculty of Medicine public health, quality of life and environment: scientific and applied research; health of mother and child, physiological and social aspects and M. K. Æiurlionio g. 21, LT- 03101 Vilnius, research in the trends of individual development; tel. (370 5) 239 87 00, fax (370 5) 239 87 05, bioethics, health policy and application of new e-mail:, technologies; ethiopathogenesis, and fundamen- tal and clinical research in diagnostics, treatment, web site rehabilitation and prevention of diseases. The Faculty of Medicine of Vilnius University is the oldest higher educational establishment Universitas Vilnensis of medicine in Lithuania which was set up in 1781. The faculty is one of the largest ones in Vilnius University. At the beginning of the 19th century, the Faculty of Medicine became one of the most prominent institutions of medical rese- 0
  • 31. Faculty of climatology, hydrogeology and engineering geology, molecular biology and biophysics. The Natural Sciences faculty offers 12 Master-degree study program- mes and special professional studies in the fields M. K. Æiurlionio g. 21/27, LT-03101 Vilnius, of biology and geography teaching. The faculty takes part in European Commis- tel. (370 5) 239 82 00, fax (370 5) 239 82 04, sion programmes, NATO projects, cooperates e-mail:, with foreign universities and publishes successive web site series of scientific works Biologija (Biology), Ge- ografija (Geography) and Geologija (Geology). The Botanical Garden is located in two sites Natural sciences have been taught at (in the suburb of Kairėnai and Vingis Park in Vilnius University since its establishment. The Vilnius). It is the biggest such garden in Lithuania first independent natural science unit was the with the area of 199 ha. The garden boasts the Department of Natural History set up in 1781. richest collection of plants of over 9,000 names. At the same time, the university also established The Botanical Garden conducts research and a Botanic Garden, one of the oldest in the then educational activity and aims at becoming the Lithuanian and Polish state. In the 19th century, representative botanical garden of Lithuania. the professors of the department included many famous scientists such as J.E. Gilibert, S. Jundzill, L. Bojanus, E. Eichwald and J.G. Forster. The year 1944 saw the establishment of the independent Faculty of Natural Sciences. The faculty comprises 8 departments: De- partment of Plant Physiology and Microbiology, Department of General Geography, Department Faculty of Philology of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Department of Botany and Genetics, Department of Geology Universiteto g. 5, LT-01122 Vilnius, and Mineralogy, Department of Hydrogeology tel. (370 5) 268 72 02, fax (370 5) 268 72 08, and Engineering Geology, Department of Hydro- e-mail:, Universitas Vilnensis logy and Climatology and Department of Zoo- logy. The faculty also owns a Botanical Garden web site and the Centre of Cartography. The main study programmes are ecological Philology studies were introduced at Vilnius biology, geography, geology, hydrology and Jesuit College back in 1570. Subjects taught inc-
  • 32. luded Latin, Greek and Hebrew languages, works study programmes and special professional of ancient authors, grammar, poetics and rhetoric. studies. In 16th-17th centuries, the Jesuit academy could The faculty organizes numerous international boast famous professors such as the developer of events: every five years it holds the Baltic cong- the Lithuanian writing, K. Sirvydas, professor and ress, every two years - conferences of K. Bėga poet M. K. Sarbievius, rhetoric professor K. Wijuk and J. Kazlauskas and conferences of Slavonic - Koialovicius and others. At the end of the 19th and Germanic philology. The faculty publishes century, apart from Latin and Greek languages, successive series of scientific works Baltistica, the faculty taught ancient mythology, art, science, Literatúra (Literature) and Kalbotyra (Language epigraphy, chronology and numismatics. This Science). faculty educated the fosterers of the Lithuanian national self-consciousness Simonas Daukantas and Simonas Stanevicius and the Polish Rom- anticist Adam Mickiewicz, who proclaimed the name of Lithuania in his works. The Faculty of Philology was set up in 1968 and currently has 14 departments. The faculty Faculty of Philosophy also owns a computer centre with three computer rooms, 3 libraries, the laboratory of experimental Universiteto g. 9/1, LT-01513 Vilnius, phonetics and 12 specialized classrooms-centres of different study fields, e.g. the new Greek e-mail:, language, the Italian language, Canadian stu- web site dies, Lithuanian literature, Lithuanian studies, Netherlands studies, Russian, Scandinavian, Philosophy was introduced at Vilnius Univer- Turkish, Hungarian language studies and trans- sity (the then Jesuit College) in 1571. The Faculty lation studies. of Philosophy was established in 1579. Professors The main study programmes include English of the faculty included such prominent authoriti- Philology, Classical Philology, Lithuanian Philo- es of the European science as Marcin Smiglecki, logy, Lithuanian Philology for non-Lithuanians, Sigismundus Lauxminus, Mathias Casimirus Polish Philology, Polish Philology as non-native Sarbievius and Albertus Wijuk - Koialovicius. Universitas Vilnensis language, French Philology, Russian Philology, However, in the 18th century the faculty was Russian Philology as non native language, Slavo- closed on the decision of the Education Com- nic Philology, Scandinavian Philology, German mission. In the 19th century, only the Faculty of Philology and Lithuanian Philology and a Foreign Moral and Political Sciences was active. In 1939, Language. The faculty offers 12 Master-degree when Vilnius was reunited with the Lithuanian
  • 33. mainland, Vilnius and Kaunas universities were reorganized and the Faculty of Humanities with the department of philosophy was transferred to Vilnius. After more than 200 years since it was closed in 1989, the Faculty of Philosophy was re-established at Vilnius University. Currently, the faculty comprises 8 depart- Faculty of Physics ments: Department of General Psychology, Department of Education Science, Department Saulétekio al. 9, LT-10222 Vilnius, of History of Philosophy and Logic, Department tel. (370 5) 236 60 00, fax (370 5) 236 60 03, of Philosophy, Department of Clinical and Or- ganizational Psychology, Department of Political e-mail:, Science, Department of Sociology and Depart- web site ment of Social Work. There are also 3 centres: Information Society Studies Centre, Social Studies Physics has been taught at the University Centre and Education Policy Centre, and 2 lab- since its establishment. In the first years, it was oratories of special psychology and sociology. considered to be a subject of natural philosophy. The main study programmes include philo- In 1753, an Astronomical Observatory was estab- sophy, sociology and social work. The faculty lished at Vilnius University. In 1772, the Jesuit offers 10 Master-degree study programmes and Academy started teaching experimental physics special professional studies in social work. It also and set up a Physics Museum. After the reform offers opportunities for life-long learning: supp- of 1803, the imperial Vilnius University had 4 lementary studies of social work and modules faculties, the Faculty of Physics and Mathematic of certification and qualification improvement Sciences being one of them. for social workers. Currently, the Faculty of Physics has 7 de- The faculty provides a variety of services: it partments: those of Quantum Electronics, Laser performs social, psychological, educational and Research Centre, Semiconductor Physics, Solid demographic studies, personnel selection and State Electronics, Theoretical Physics, Radiophy- in-house training, etc. The faculty publishes sics and General Physics and Spectroscopy. The successive series of scientific works Problemos faculty also owns an Astronomical Observatory Universitas Vilnensis (Problems), Psichologija (Psychology) and Acta and 6 laboratories. The faculty hosts the Europe- Paedagogica Vilnensia. an Union-sponsored research centres CEBIOLA and SELITECH, conducts EU 5th Framework Programme projects, two long-term projects of the NATO programme Science for Peace as
  • 36. well as joint research with dozens of foreign all faculties and taught as compulsory subjects. universities. During the recent decades, foreign language The main study programmes include ast- instruction was the responsibility of specially rophysics, physics and teaching of physics, com- established foreign language departments at the puter physics, modern technology management, Faculty of Philology, which now make up the applied physics, telecommunications physics and Institute of Foreign Languages: Department of electronics. The faculty offers 7 Master-degree English for Physical and Biomedicine Sciences, study programmes. Department of English for Humanities, Depart- ment of English for Social Sciences, Department of Romance Languages and Department of the German Language. Currently, the institute teaches five foreign languages (English, German, French, Spanish and Italian) to as many as 6,000 students annually. Institute of Foreign The most popular choice is the English language, which is taught to 85 percent of students of all Languages faculties. The Institute of Foreign Languages helps to Universiteto g. 5, LT-01122 Vilnius, improve the qualification of the Lithuanian tea- tel. (370 5) 268 72 64, fax (370 5) 268 72 65 chers by organizing two BA study programmes: The English language and teaching and The e-mail:, German language and teaching. web site The Institute organizes evening language courses for society at large at different levels in The Institute of Foreign Languages, which is all the five languages and has recently launched an independent subdivision of Vilnius University, a new non-consecutive study programme in was established in 1999, although the tradition Business English, which is targeted at managers of teaching foreign languages at the University and employees of companies, organizations goes back to the early days of its existence. The and firms. Old Jesuit College set up in 1570 taught Latin, The staff of the Institute is involved in the Universitas Vilnensis Greek and Hebrew as well as new European research of the structures (grammatical, lexical, Languages - German, French and Russian. Te- semantic and stylistic) of the Germanic, Romance aching contemporary languages on a regular and Lithuanian languages, their integration into basis was commenced in 1801 when foreign the teaching process and lexicographic practi- languages were included into the curricula of ce. Some of the researchers analyse American, 6
  • 37. English and German literature and cultures and the American Studies Centre and the Asian and their contacts with Lithuania. African Studies Centre. The main study programmes are internatio- nal relations and diplomacy, European studies, comparative politics, public administration and European public administration. The institute investigates the problems of Lithuanian and other countries’ internal policy, Institute of International management, international relations and foreign policy and diplomacy, organizes qualification Relations and Political improvement programmes for public servants Sciences and diplomats, and disseminates political science ideas to the specialists and society at large by Vokieæiù g. 10, LT-01130 Vilnius, organizing conferences, seminars and round- table discussions. tel. (370 5) 251 41 30, fax (370 5) 251 41 34, The institute has implemented six NATO sci- e-mail:, entific research programme projects and 11 other web site projects on Lithuanian political culture, elections and foreign policy. The institute publishes a per- The Institute of International Relations and iodical of scientific works Politologija. Political Sciences was established in 1992 on the initiative of Vilnius University and was funded Institute of Material by the Supreme Committee for the Liberation Science and Applied of Lithuania. In the first decade of activity, the institute became the main higher education estab- Research lishment in Lithuania which prepares specialists of political sciences, international relations and Saulétekio al. 9, LT-10222 Vilnius, public administration and conducts political tel./fax: (370 5) 236 60 59, science research. e-mail:, The faculty comprises 4 departments: De- Universitas Vilnensis partment of International Relations (UNESCO), web site Department of European Studies (Jean Monnet), Department of Public Administration and Depart- The Applied Research Institute was set up ment of Comparative Politics. The institute also in 1992 with the aim of pooling the potential of includes the European Documentation Centre, Vilnius University scientific and teaching staff for 7