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vi survival guide                                          18. May 2006

1. Introduction
If you are trying to work at a command line in pretty much The students discovered they could use terminal escape codes
any Operating System, no matter if a Linux such as Ubuntu or          so that the terminal moved the cursor to the bottom, and they
Fedora Core, or another UNIX-like system like Mac OS X or             dubbed it "open mode." Short commands could be typed in.
FreeBSD; or even if in Microsoft Windows, you will most def-          There were later derivatives of the ed tool called em and en;
initely need a text editor sooner or later. If you are using a        students were experimenting with reprogramming each one
UNIX-like system, like GNU/Linux variants, there are many             and borrowing each other's features. Eventually the most
text editors that may or may not be installed. Luckily there is       popular became Bill's project, vi. When the VAX came about,
one de-facto standard: vi is included in almost every GNU/            the terminal escape codes became standardized as VT100
Linux or UNIX distribution. "Vi" is a truncation of the word          (Vax Terminal 100). VT100 carried over into the BSD Unix
"visual" and has (contrary to popular belief) nothing to do with      and is still there today, implemented, for example, in the
the Roman number six. Many people are not fond of vi, but             Linux console and xterm. These codes were utilized in
they are often forced into using it when it is the only known         moving the cursor around in the editor; in scrolling sections;
option. You may prefer easier editors like gedit (Gnome), kate        in blocking off certain sections so that they do not scroll; and
(KDE), emacs or ne (command line) -- but they may not be              in other cursor movements. What is most important to note
present when working at a given command line. Therefore it is         about vi's history is that there was very limited memory and
best to know the basics of vi and to understand it a little better.   disk space, so commands seemed to be more efficient if they
What you will learn in this guide is basic survival in vi. Unlike     were short keystrokes, rather than typing out words. Menus
what you may have heard regarding the invention of C, the vi          and even a mouse weren't invented yet at XEROX PARC center,
editor was not an idea of some kind of sick joke. -- It was           so short keystroke commands seemed to fit the ticket. Dan
for real and it served a real purpose. -- I am writing this in vi.    Bricklin's Visicalc program would later hinge off of that aspect
                                                                      and use keystrokes which brought up menus -- an approach
Vi is old, 1976 to be exact -- only 6 years after 1970-01-01,         that led to the success of Lotus 1-2-3. So short keystrokes it
which is the second number zero, the Big Bang, the Christmas          became. Each of us who use Linux should get to know how to
Day of UNIX system clocks. In the age of information and              survive in using these keystrokes. Like many things in Unix
the internet, 30 years is a century. -- Remembering vi's age          and Linux, when enough people know about a command and
may help you accept it, if you do not particularly like vi.           depend on it, it becomes one of the defacto items that, like
Many people, however, do like that they can memorize the vi           it or leave it, just have to be rolled in, or people will complain.
keystrokes and feel at home with vi for quick tasks; and they
do like vi's tiny footprint in disk space and RAM. They like it       2. Basic crash course
both as the old reliable standard and as a powerful editing
                                                                      Let's start with the most basic vi knowledge -- what you will
tool as well.
                                                                      need to use vi when vi is the only choice. Vi is different from
                                                                      most editors in that it has several so-called « modes ». When vi
Vi  has an interesting history. It was created in 1976 in a           starts up, it is in NORMAL mode where every key has some
Berkeley University dorm room at Evans Hall by Bill Joy and           special function. Pressing x, for example, deletes the character
friends. Joy was the one who fleshed out most of it, using the        under the cursor. Beginners will start off preferring vi's INSERT
Pascal language. He designed it for a version of Unix he was          mode: you enter it by pressing 'i ' from NORMAL mode. Here
working on at Berkeley called BSD Unix (Berkeley Software             letters are letters, backspace is backspace etc -- like in any edi-
Distribution Unix: the base for such modern Unices as the popular     tor. This is a safe mode for beginners, since (unlike in NORMAL
FreeBSD). Bill Joy eventually moved on to Sun Microsystems            mode) ordinary keys don't do non-ordinary things. When you
as one of its original founding members, and he has since             have made the changes you want, switch back to NORMAL
moved on to other projects. Before Bill Joy wrote vi, students        mode by pressing <ESC>. You can always return to INSERT
at the university were using an editor called ed. The ed tool,        mode by pressing i. -- You will now want to do some special
still as widespread as vi, unfortunately, is much harder to use.      things such as saving. Here are commands you should know:

Vi_Survival_Guide                                                                                                             page 1 of 6
:w <ENTER>                  write file [save to disk]           3.1.1. Movement
 :wq <ENTER>                 write file and quit                 Even in NORMAL mode, you can use the arrow keys, but that
 :w FILENAME <ENTER> write file as FILENAME                      means moving your hand from the letters to the arrow keys.
 :e   FILENAME <ENTER> edit file FILENAME                        On laptop keyboards, it is especially inconvienient. Instead, vi
                                                                 offers the following movement keys:
 :q <ENTER>                  quit from vi editor
 :q! <ENTER>                 quit witdout saving                                   k up

3. Other Modes                                                   h left                   l right

By now you should be able to survive in vi for a quick config             j down
file edit, code hack or simple ASCII art. But vi is a lot more
than insert mode.
                                                                 These keys are under a touch typist's right hand. The keys can
3.1. A guide to NORMAL mode                                      be memorized in different ways. h and l are the furthest left
                                                                 and right (respectively) in the set of four. The letter j looks like
Normal mode is, as you may have guessed, the vi mode. You        it's pointing downward. The j key often has a little stud or
can do almost anything from inside NORMAL mode.                  bump at the bottom (to locate the key by feel when touch typing).

Here are some more movement keys. -- Some are especially useful combined with other commands (see next section):

  Inside the line
      $     moves to the end of the line
      0     moves to the beginning of the line
      ^     moves to the first non-whitespace character -- i.e. to the beginning of an indented line.
  Movement via words (where a word is a sequence of alphanumeric OR punctuation signs)
      w     next word
      e     end of current word
      b     previous word
  Movement via words (where a word is a sequence of non-blank characters)
      W     next word
      E     end of current word
      B     previous word
  Other Jumps
      H     jump to top of screen
      L     jump to bottom of screen
      {     jump to previous paragraph
      }     jump to next paragraph
      fx    jump to next occurence of character x (where x is any character, of course)
      tx    jump right before next occurence of character x ('till x) (again, x in anything)
      Fx    jump to previous occurence of character x (again, x in anything)
      Tx    jump right after previous occurence of character x (back 'till x) (again, x in anything)
      G     jump to EOF (End of file)
 LINE G jump to line number LINE

Vi_Survival_Guide                                                                                                         page 2 of 6
3.1.2. Modifying, Deleting, Copying, Pasting

Obviously, you are in vi to edit text. You could also be in vi to hear beeps when you press some wierd keys, but
then you probably wouldn't be reading a guide to vi. You have already learned about INSERT mode, but there is
more to it that just 'i' ! To "just" get into INSERT mode, you can use the following commands:

i places you in INSERT mode before the current character.
I places you in INSERT mode at the beginning of the line. Same as ^i
    places you in INSERT mode after the current character. Same as i <RIGHT-ARROW>
    (or li when not at the end of the line)
A places you in INSERT mode at the end of the line. Same as $a
o places you in INSERT mode in a new line below the current one. Same as $i <ENTER>
O places you in INSERT mode in a new line above the current one. Same as ko

vi also offers simple command for single-character deleting and editing:

x delete character under cursor. like <DEL> in INSERT mode.
X deletes the previous character. like Backspace in INSERT mode.
rx replace the character under the cursor with character x (where x is any character)

Now let's go over to some more larger-scale editing in NORMAL mode, as you seriously don't want to use 'x' or
'X' to delete a paragraph of text, for example. This is also [where] the movement commands from section 3.1.1.
become really useful.

d{motion} delete all text up to the destination of movement {motion}
c{motion} delete all text up to the destination of movement {motion} and enter INSERT mode (to change the text)
y{motion} copy (yank in vi-speak) all text up to the destination of movement {motion}
     p      paste (or put) the last deleted, changed or yanked text after the current position
     P      paste (or put) the last deleted, changed or yanked text before the current position

For better comprehension, a few examples are in order.

dw delete up to the beginning of the next word
{c} change current paragraph
ywP duplicate word

There are also a few special cases, namely:

dd deleted current line
cc change current line
yy yank current line

When you delete, change or yank a line [i.e. copy it: «yank » is a mnemonic for the y key], the p and P keys also
operate line-wise: p places the yanked line after the current line, while P places it before the current line.

Vi_Survival_Guide                                                                                            page 3 of 6
3.1.3. Repetition features in vi: how to avoid doing mindlessly repetitive tasks with special keystrokes.

[Mindless] repetition [of editing tasks] is annoying and senseless. Vi has some features to make editing [jobs]
easier in this respect. First of all comes the command « . » (yes, that's a period.). The period key repeats the last
command. If, for instance, your last command was dd, then tapping period . deletes another [one more] line.

Counts are another very useful feature. It lets you repeat a command a specific number of times. The syntax is:

{number}{command}             do {command} {number} of times.

Counts also works for motions that are part of a command. A few examples:

10j move 10 lines down
3yy yank three lines
c3w change 3 words

Now for some commands that every editor supports, including Notepad:

    u              undo last command (including INSERT mode sessions)
<Ctrl+r>           redo last undone command

Unlike with Notepad, vi supports undo and re-do multiple times.

3.2. Ex mode
"Ex mode" is a command-line-like mode. In ex mode you can type certain longer commands, which are then
executed by typing <ENTER>. There are several ways to use ex mode (see below). Single ex commands are pre-
ceded by a colon : . A series of ex commands may be done by entering the ex mode [inside vi's NORMAL mode].
Note: certain vi clones, vile in particular, support some common vi ex modes without supporting certain others.]

:{ex-mode command}            execute one ex mode command
           gQ                 enter ex mode

Sound familiar? -- The save, edit and quit commands in section 2 are actually ex mode commands. Here are
some important ex mode commands (colon itself not shown). The parts below inside square brackets are optional.

w[rite] [FILENAME]            write file to FILENAME (if given)
w[rite]! FILENAME             write file to FILENAME, overwriting if it exists.
 e[dit] FILENAME              edit FILENAME
 e[dit]! FILENAME             edit FILENAME without saving
        q[uit]                quit
        q[uit]!               quit without saving
   ! COMMAND                  execute shell command COMMAND
        vi[sual]              exit ex mode

Vi_Survival_Guide                                                                                                page 4 of 6
4. Searching and replacing                                             s/foo/bar/
                                                                                      replace the first occurence of
                                                                                      foo on the current line with bar
Searching and replacing are two very important features                               replace all occurences of foo
when editing text files; just think of how easy it is to lose a                       on the current line with bar
line in a large config file or on an enormous screen. I'll                            perform s/foo/bar/[g] on every
                                                                                      line in the file.
start with the simpler of the two: searching. The commands
                                                                                      perform s/foo/bar/[g] on every
are issued in NORMAL mode.                                           X,Ys/foo/bar/
                                                                                      line between line # X and # Y.

              search (forwards) for strings that match             APPENDIX. VIM -- Vi IMproved
              the regular expression /REGEX/.
              search for strings that match the regular            There are many vi clones and dereviatives out there.        In
 ?REGEX                                                            fact, when you open "vi", you will probably not see the
              expression /REGEX/ , but go backwards.
                                                                   original vi, but a clone like nvi or vim [or vile]. VIM is
     n        go to the next occurence in the search process       probably by far the most advanced clone. It has numerous
     N        go to the previous occurence [ last one back ]       features that are interesting for programmers, among other
                                                                   people. I will explain below two features which are, in my
                                                                   eyes, the most interesting additions found in Vim. (Syntax
This may sound dreadfully complicated to you. You may              highlighting in Vim is enabled with the ex command syntax on:)
be thinking along the lines, "Regular expressions ... Huh?".       Vim has (1) VISUAL MODE and (2) MULTIPLE WINDOW capability.
Well, don't panic. -- Regular expressions are a standardized
way of expressing patterns to search for. -- The syntax is         APPENDIX.1. VISUAL mode
not easy to understand, and it is beyond the scope of this doc-
ument. So that you get the idea, I'll give a few examples:         Yes, another mode. In this Vim mode, you can select text
'[0-9]{1,3}' matches any one- to three-digit number, and           and perform operations which usually take a movement as
'joe' matches the three letters 'joe' (lowercase) , and nothing    argument. For example: selecting text and pressing 'd ' will
else. If you're not dealing with special characters, you can       delete the text. As usual, you enter VISUAL mode from
forget about regex [ for the time being ] .                        NORMAL mode; but unlike the other modes, VISUAL has
                                                                   multiple sub-modes (three of them).
Now to replacing. -- The syntax for replacing is inherited
from [ s ]ed , [ from i.e. programs ed and sed ] . These are ex-       v    Enter normal VISUAL mode
mode commands and like before use regular expressions:                 V    Enter VISUAL LINE mode
this time with bracket substitution, since it is replacing.        <Ctrl+v> Enter VISUAL BLOCK mode


normal VISUAL mode
This is pretty much like selecting in most graphical editors: you select character-wise. Let me show you an example:

Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is:
    Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is:
        Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is:
Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is:
    Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is:
        Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is:


This is a little bit niftier. It selects line-wise, not character-wise. Doing 'd' on VISUAL LINE selected text is like
doing 'dd' on all the lines.

Vi_Survival_Guide                                                                                                        page 5 of 6
Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is:
    Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is:
        Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is:
Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is:
    Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is:
        Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is:


This is the niftiest of selection modes. You select blocks (duh). I cannot convey this better than with an example --

Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is:
    Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is:
        Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is:
Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is:
    Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is:
        Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is:

APPENDIX.2. Multiple Windows
Vim has support for splitting the screen into multiple windows (but not the overlapping windows you know from popular
GUIs). Vim's multiple windows are parts of a split screen (like on GNU Emacs and GNU screen ). With vim's multiple win-
dows you can, for example, do editing in one part of the screen while you are looking at a different file (or at a diff-
erent part of the same file) at the same time [in i.e. a single instance of Vim]. Try out vim to see what multiple windows
are about! Here I will list only the most important window-related commands. Use the ex command help usr_08
in vim to get to the relevant section in the on-line [help-] docs [ bundled with Vim ]. [ Vi-clone vile has multiple windows.]

Window-related ex commands
    split  horizontally split the current window and display the current buffer (=file) in the new window
   vsplit vertically split the current window and display the current buffer in the new window
    new    horizontally split the current window and create a new buffer in the new window.
   vnew    vertically split the current window and create a new buffer in the new window.
    only   destroy all other windows.
   only!   destroy all other windows, discarding unsaved changes
      q    destroy the current window.
     qa    destroy all windows (exiting vim)
     qa!   destroy all windows (exiting vim), discarding unsaved changes
Window-related NORMAL commands
<ctrl+w> h move one window left
<ctrl+w> j move one window down
<ctrl+w> k move one window up
<ctrl+w> l move one window right

Final Words
As you have seen, vi is a complicated, unusual editor with many annoyances to the normal user. Surprisingly, the vi editing
model has greatly improved productivity of many. If you do a lot of editing (e.g. programming), vi can increase your efficiency.
If you do decide seriously to learn vi or vim, try to use vi exclusively, at least for a time. And, above all, stay away from
INSERT mode as much as you can. -- Over-using INSERT mode won't help in the slightest if you want to really use vi.

Vi_Survival_Guide                                                                                                     page 6 of 6

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Vi survival guide

  • 1. vi survival guide 18. May 2006 1. Introduction If you are trying to work at a command line in pretty much The students discovered they could use terminal escape codes any Operating System, no matter if a Linux such as Ubuntu or so that the terminal moved the cursor to the bottom, and they Fedora Core, or another UNIX-like system like Mac OS X or dubbed it "open mode." Short commands could be typed in. FreeBSD; or even if in Microsoft Windows, you will most def- There were later derivatives of the ed tool called em and en; initely need a text editor sooner or later. If you are using a students were experimenting with reprogramming each one UNIX-like system, like GNU/Linux variants, there are many and borrowing each other's features. Eventually the most text editors that may or may not be installed. Luckily there is popular became Bill's project, vi. When the VAX came about, one de-facto standard: vi is included in almost every GNU/ the terminal escape codes became standardized as VT100 Linux or UNIX distribution. "Vi" is a truncation of the word (Vax Terminal 100). VT100 carried over into the BSD Unix "visual" and has (contrary to popular belief) nothing to do with and is still there today, implemented, for example, in the the Roman number six. Many people are not fond of vi, but Linux console and xterm. These codes were utilized in they are often forced into using it when it is the only known moving the cursor around in the editor; in scrolling sections; option. You may prefer easier editors like gedit (Gnome), kate in blocking off certain sections so that they do not scroll; and (KDE), emacs or ne (command line) -- but they may not be in other cursor movements. What is most important to note present when working at a given command line. Therefore it is about vi's history is that there was very limited memory and best to know the basics of vi and to understand it a little better. disk space, so commands seemed to be more efficient if they What you will learn in this guide is basic survival in vi. Unlike were short keystrokes, rather than typing out words. Menus what you may have heard regarding the invention of C, the vi and even a mouse weren't invented yet at XEROX PARC center, editor was not an idea of some kind of sick joke. -- It was so short keystroke commands seemed to fit the ticket. Dan for real and it served a real purpose. -- I am writing this in vi. Bricklin's Visicalc program would later hinge off of that aspect and use keystrokes which brought up menus -- an approach Vi is old, 1976 to be exact -- only 6 years after 1970-01-01, that led to the success of Lotus 1-2-3. So short keystrokes it which is the second number zero, the Big Bang, the Christmas became. Each of us who use Linux should get to know how to Day of UNIX system clocks. In the age of information and survive in using these keystrokes. Like many things in Unix the internet, 30 years is a century. -- Remembering vi's age and Linux, when enough people know about a command and may help you accept it, if you do not particularly like vi. depend on it, it becomes one of the defacto items that, like Many people, however, do like that they can memorize the vi it or leave it, just have to be rolled in, or people will complain. keystrokes and feel at home with vi for quick tasks; and they do like vi's tiny footprint in disk space and RAM. They like it 2. Basic crash course both as the old reliable standard and as a powerful editing Let's start with the most basic vi knowledge -- what you will tool as well. need to use vi when vi is the only choice. Vi is different from most editors in that it has several so-called « modes ». When vi Vi has an interesting history. It was created in 1976 in a starts up, it is in NORMAL mode where every key has some Berkeley University dorm room at Evans Hall by Bill Joy and special function. Pressing x, for example, deletes the character friends. Joy was the one who fleshed out most of it, using the under the cursor. Beginners will start off preferring vi's INSERT Pascal language. He designed it for a version of Unix he was mode: you enter it by pressing 'i ' from NORMAL mode. Here working on at Berkeley called BSD Unix (Berkeley Software letters are letters, backspace is backspace etc -- like in any edi- Distribution Unix: the base for such modern Unices as the popular tor. This is a safe mode for beginners, since (unlike in NORMAL FreeBSD). Bill Joy eventually moved on to Sun Microsystems mode) ordinary keys don't do non-ordinary things. When you as one of its original founding members, and he has since have made the changes you want, switch back to NORMAL moved on to other projects. Before Bill Joy wrote vi, students mode by pressing <ESC>. You can always return to INSERT at the university were using an editor called ed. The ed tool, mode by pressing i. -- You will now want to do some special still as widespread as vi, unfortunately, is much harder to use. things such as saving. Here are commands you should know: Vi_Survival_Guide page 1 of 6
  • 2. :w <ENTER> write file [save to disk] 3.1.1. Movement :wq <ENTER> write file and quit Even in NORMAL mode, you can use the arrow keys, but that :w FILENAME <ENTER> write file as FILENAME means moving your hand from the letters to the arrow keys. :e FILENAME <ENTER> edit file FILENAME On laptop keyboards, it is especially inconvienient. Instead, vi offers the following movement keys: :q <ENTER> quit from vi editor :q! <ENTER> quit witdout saving k up 3. Other Modes h left l right By now you should be able to survive in vi for a quick config j down file edit, code hack or simple ASCII art. But vi is a lot more than insert mode. These keys are under a touch typist's right hand. The keys can 3.1. A guide to NORMAL mode be memorized in different ways. h and l are the furthest left and right (respectively) in the set of four. The letter j looks like Normal mode is, as you may have guessed, the vi mode. You it's pointing downward. The j key often has a little stud or can do almost anything from inside NORMAL mode. bump at the bottom (to locate the key by feel when touch typing). Here are some more movement keys. -- Some are especially useful combined with other commands (see next section): Inside the line $ moves to the end of the line 0 moves to the beginning of the line ^ moves to the first non-whitespace character -- i.e. to the beginning of an indented line. Movement via words (where a word is a sequence of alphanumeric OR punctuation signs) w next word e end of current word b previous word Movement via words (where a word is a sequence of non-blank characters) W next word E end of current word B previous word Other Jumps H jump to top of screen L jump to bottom of screen { jump to previous paragraph } jump to next paragraph fx jump to next occurence of character x (where x is any character, of course) tx jump right before next occurence of character x ('till x) (again, x in anything) Fx jump to previous occurence of character x (again, x in anything) Tx jump right after previous occurence of character x (back 'till x) (again, x in anything) G jump to EOF (End of file) LINE G jump to line number LINE Vi_Survival_Guide page 2 of 6
  • 3. 3.1.2. Modifying, Deleting, Copying, Pasting Obviously, you are in vi to edit text. You could also be in vi to hear beeps when you press some wierd keys, but then you probably wouldn't be reading a guide to vi. You have already learned about INSERT mode, but there is more to it that just 'i' ! To "just" get into INSERT mode, you can use the following commands: i places you in INSERT mode before the current character. I places you in INSERT mode at the beginning of the line. Same as ^i places you in INSERT mode after the current character. Same as i <RIGHT-ARROW> a (or li when not at the end of the line) A places you in INSERT mode at the end of the line. Same as $a o places you in INSERT mode in a new line below the current one. Same as $i <ENTER> O places you in INSERT mode in a new line above the current one. Same as ko vi also offers simple command for single-character deleting and editing: x delete character under cursor. like <DEL> in INSERT mode. X deletes the previous character. like Backspace in INSERT mode. rx replace the character under the cursor with character x (where x is any character) Now let's go over to some more larger-scale editing in NORMAL mode, as you seriously don't want to use 'x' or 'X' to delete a paragraph of text, for example. This is also [where] the movement commands from section 3.1.1. become really useful. d{motion} delete all text up to the destination of movement {motion} c{motion} delete all text up to the destination of movement {motion} and enter INSERT mode (to change the text) y{motion} copy (yank in vi-speak) all text up to the destination of movement {motion} p paste (or put) the last deleted, changed or yanked text after the current position P paste (or put) the last deleted, changed or yanked text before the current position For better comprehension, a few examples are in order. dw delete up to the beginning of the next word {c} change current paragraph ywP duplicate word There are also a few special cases, namely: dd deleted current line cc change current line yy yank current line When you delete, change or yank a line [i.e. copy it: «yank » is a mnemonic for the y key], the p and P keys also operate line-wise: p places the yanked line after the current line, while P places it before the current line. Vi_Survival_Guide page 3 of 6
  • 4. 3.1.3. Repetition features in vi: how to avoid doing mindlessly repetitive tasks with special keystrokes. [Mindless] repetition [of editing tasks] is annoying and senseless. Vi has some features to make editing [jobs] easier in this respect. First of all comes the command « . » (yes, that's a period.). The period key repeats the last command. If, for instance, your last command was dd, then tapping period . deletes another [one more] line. Counts are another very useful feature. It lets you repeat a command a specific number of times. The syntax is: {number}{command} do {command} {number} of times. Counts also works for motions that are part of a command. A few examples: 10j move 10 lines down 3yy yank three lines c3w change 3 words Now for some commands that every editor supports, including Notepad: u undo last command (including INSERT mode sessions) <Ctrl+r> redo last undone command Unlike with Notepad, vi supports undo and re-do multiple times. 3.2. Ex mode "Ex mode" is a command-line-like mode. In ex mode you can type certain longer commands, which are then executed by typing <ENTER>. There are several ways to use ex mode (see below). Single ex commands are pre- ceded by a colon : . A series of ex commands may be done by entering the ex mode [inside vi's NORMAL mode]. Note: certain vi clones, vile in particular, support some common vi ex modes without supporting certain others.] :{ex-mode command} execute one ex mode command gQ enter ex mode Sound familiar? -- The save, edit and quit commands in section 2 are actually ex mode commands. Here are some important ex mode commands (colon itself not shown). The parts below inside square brackets are optional. w[rite] [FILENAME] write file to FILENAME (if given) w[rite]! FILENAME write file to FILENAME, overwriting if it exists. e[dit] FILENAME edit FILENAME e[dit]! FILENAME edit FILENAME without saving q[uit] quit q[uit]! quit without saving ! COMMAND execute shell command COMMAND vi[sual] exit ex mode Vi_Survival_Guide page 4 of 6
  • 5. 4. Searching and replacing s/foo/bar/ replace the first occurence of foo on the current line with bar Searching and replacing are two very important features replace all occurences of foo s/foo/bar/g when editing text files; just think of how easy it is to lose a on the current line with bar line in a large config file or on an enormous screen. I'll perform s/foo/bar/[g] on every %s/foo/bar/[g] line in the file. start with the simpler of the two: searching. The commands perform s/foo/bar/[g] on every are issued in NORMAL mode. X,Ys/foo/bar/ line between line # X and # Y. search (forwards) for strings that match APPENDIX. VIM -- Vi IMproved /REGEX the regular expression /REGEX/. search for strings that match the regular There are many vi clones and dereviatives out there. In ?REGEX fact, when you open "vi", you will probably not see the expression /REGEX/ , but go backwards. original vi, but a clone like nvi or vim [or vile]. VIM is n go to the next occurence in the search process probably by far the most advanced clone. It has numerous N go to the previous occurence [ last one back ] features that are interesting for programmers, among other people. I will explain below two features which are, in my eyes, the most interesting additions found in Vim. (Syntax This may sound dreadfully complicated to you. You may highlighting in Vim is enabled with the ex command syntax on:) be thinking along the lines, "Regular expressions ... Huh?". Vim has (1) VISUAL MODE and (2) MULTIPLE WINDOW capability. Well, don't panic. -- Regular expressions are a standardized way of expressing patterns to search for. -- The syntax is APPENDIX.1. VISUAL mode not easy to understand, and it is beyond the scope of this doc- ument. So that you get the idea, I'll give a few examples: Yes, another mode. In this Vim mode, you can select text '[0-9]{1,3}' matches any one- to three-digit number, and and perform operations which usually take a movement as 'joe' matches the three letters 'joe' (lowercase) , and nothing argument. For example: selecting text and pressing 'd ' will else. If you're not dealing with special characters, you can delete the text. As usual, you enter VISUAL mode from forget about regex [ for the time being ] . NORMAL mode; but unlike the other modes, VISUAL has multiple sub-modes (three of them). Now to replacing. -- The syntax for replacing is inherited from [ s ]ed , [ from i.e. programs ed and sed ] . These are ex- v Enter normal VISUAL mode mode commands and like before use regular expressions: V Enter VISUAL LINE mode this time with bracket substitution, since it is replacing. <Ctrl+v> Enter VISUAL BLOCK mode --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- normal VISUAL mode This is pretty much like selecting in most graphical editors: you select character-wise. Let me show you an example: Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is: Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is: Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is: Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is: Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is: Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is: VISUAL LINE mode This is a little bit niftier. It selects line-wise, not character-wise. Doing 'd' on VISUAL LINE selected text is like doing 'dd' on all the lines. Vi_Survival_Guide page 5 of 6
  • 6. Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is: Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is: Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is: Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is: Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is: Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is: VISUAL BLOCK mode This is the niftiest of selection modes. You select blocks (duh). I cannot convey this better than with an example -- Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is: Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is: Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is: Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is: Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is: Some text text text just to show the readers what VISUAL mode is all about. As I said this is: APPENDIX.2. Multiple Windows Vim has support for splitting the screen into multiple windows (but not the overlapping windows you know from popular GUIs). Vim's multiple windows are parts of a split screen (like on GNU Emacs and GNU screen ). With vim's multiple win- dows you can, for example, do editing in one part of the screen while you are looking at a different file (or at a diff- erent part of the same file) at the same time [in i.e. a single instance of Vim]. Try out vim to see what multiple windows are about! Here I will list only the most important window-related commands. Use the ex command help usr_08 in vim to get to the relevant section in the on-line [help-] docs [ bundled with Vim ]. [ Vi-clone vile has multiple windows.] Window-related ex commands split horizontally split the current window and display the current buffer (=file) in the new window vsplit vertically split the current window and display the current buffer in the new window new horizontally split the current window and create a new buffer in the new window. vnew vertically split the current window and create a new buffer in the new window. only destroy all other windows. only! destroy all other windows, discarding unsaved changes q destroy the current window. qa destroy all windows (exiting vim) qa! destroy all windows (exiting vim), discarding unsaved changes Window-related NORMAL commands <ctrl+w> h move one window left <ctrl+w> j move one window down <ctrl+w> k move one window up <ctrl+w> l move one window right Final Words As you have seen, vi is a complicated, unusual editor with many annoyances to the normal user. Surprisingly, the vi editing model has greatly improved productivity of many. If you do a lot of editing (e.g. programming), vi can increase your efficiency. If you do decide seriously to learn vi or vim, try to use vi exclusively, at least for a time. And, above all, stay away from INSERT mode as much as you can. -- Over-using INSERT mode won't help in the slightest if you want to really use vi. Vi_Survival_Guide page 6 of 6