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“Did you hear, Hayden? Your children got into private school!”
“Seriously? That’s what you’re going to gossip about?”
“What’s wrong with that?”

Oh, mean sims and your incessant gossip. Welcome back to the final
chapter of the Vermachtnis Legacy for this generation. Let’s see the last
three children – big-eyed Veronica and twins Valerie and Victoria – grow up
and then there will be an heir poll at the end. Happy reading!
“Okay guys, we’ve got twins to raise and all of us are getting pretty old
for our current lifestages. Now on my count, let’s drink.

Hey, wait, why did you all drink before me?!”
Palmer seems to be the most invigorated by the elixir and
becomes a nurturing machine for the girls. He’s always there
to tuck them in and change their diapers while the rest of the
adults run around the house being stupid.
Veronica is still a super-sweet child. Now the only non-
baby in the house, she finds ways to amuse herself. She
rolled the want to teach Elroy to come here and did. I
think it’s funny that kids roll that want and then never
want to teach the dogs anything else.
Birthday time for the
                                           twins! I’m excited to
                                           see if either of them
                                           got the big eyes.

Lexie is at work but Veronica and Palmer
are there to help celebrate.
Both of the girls ended up with a lot of Hayden’s facial genes, so
no big eyes here. They’re still cute though. I’m so glad we got
at least one kid with the green skin.

Valerie, at left, has the personality 10/2/10/10/3.
Victoria is 8/2/6/3/8, making her the only other nice sim
besides Veronica. All of the kids this generation are super-neat
and super-shy and all except Victoria are very active. She’s
moderately active though. Lots of energy for cleaning, I guess.
As has become tradition, Valerie and Victoria learn to walk right
there in the kitchen immediately after their birthday. Lexie made it
home in time to dance with Veronica, even if she did miss the
The next day before school, the
girls set about making friends.
When Veronica leaves for school,
it isn’t long before Valerie and
Victoria are best friends.
Elroy got old! That’s . . . kind of all I have to say about it, actually.
Valerie and Victoria need to learn all their skills and their
relatives are there for them. I’ve been really into having
the kids play with family members and the Wabbit to build
relationships too. Val and Vic are very well taken care of.
Um, what are you doing, Veronica?

“Practicing my possessed look before I grow up! Either that
or I’m about to summon weather like Storm from the X-

Well then. Ok. I once went as Storm for Halloween as a kid,
so I approve of that over the possession.
Poor Veronica. Her siblings are all moved out or too young to
celebrate, and all her family members except for her mom are at
work during her birthday. Except Palmer should be home.
Hmm. I don’t remember where he was at the moment but he
was probably taking a bath or something. Oh well. Anyway,
Sasha was the only one there for Veronica’s birthday.
Here’s Veronica as a teen! I think she turned out pretty nice.
She looks a lot like a totally brown version of Sasha. Fittingly
for such a nice sim, she rolls Family/Popularity. Her lifetime
want is to have 20 Best Friends, just like her great-great-
grandmother June.
Hayden at least had a good excuse for missing his daughter’s
birthday. He came home with a promotion to Mad Scientist,
making his third LTW. His next is to become a Hall of Famer, but
it never came up before he became an elder. Too bad. Three is
respectable, however. He immediately got a different job
because I don’t like my sims to have night jobs.
Sasha’s secondary family
aspiration really shines
through with her youngest
children. She loves snuggling
and kissing them all the time.
Rather than heading off to college
like her older siblings, Veronica is
staying around to become an
overachiever to please several
members of her family as well as
because I just like her a lot. She’s
quite useful to have around too.
She studies and works hard and
finds time to fix things and snuggle
her little sisters too.
“Where did my pretty hair go?”

I’m really baffled by this. Why is part of the uniform for the teen
dance career default hair? This happened to Sammy in the last
generation too. She looks so sad about it too. Regardless,
Veronica has joined the dance career and, as a private school
student, starts at the second level. She has all the skills needed,
so she should come home with a . . .
. . . demotion? Stupid chance cards. I was going to send her off
to college after she became an overachiever, but it looks like we
have at least two more days to go before that happens.
Time for another birthday! Val and Vic are growing up and
their entire family is there to celebrate. Veronica gets to help
since she’s a family sim and likes this sort of thing.
This is the best birthday pic I took of them. I guess I was lazy
the day I played their birthday, lol. They still look much the
same except Victoria put her hair up.
Veronica is so sweet! Like her uncle Sid, who also had 10
nice points, she goes around giving kisses to anyone who
is available at the moment. She also tucks in her sisters,
even if it is 6 in the morning and Valerie is just
oversleeping because she stayed up too late.
Valerie and Victoria set about
skilling. Valerie might have
the stuck smart milk effect
that sometimes happens, I
think, because she skills at
least three times as fast as
Victoria. Seriously, Valerie got
all her skills to at least 8 and
maxed several while Victoria
was still on her third skill.
So . . . while waiting for Veronica to become an overachiever, she
needed an aspiration boost so I had her date the newspaper
carrier, purely because she was the most convenient teen. I wasn’t
going to write about it because it wasn’t really relevant, but then
they ended their date with a kiss, so I guess there goes Veronica’s
first kiss! Then I had to include the picture. Sims are so
unpredictable like that.
Val and Vic go to their first day of school and learn their
homework skill. The next day, the headmaster is invited over
and after an evening of salmon, bathrooms, and small talk, the
last of the Vermachtnis children are accepted into the local
Like most twins, Valerie and
Victoria are pretty close.
They like to play catch, which
is always a dangerous
endeavor with a mean sim.
Not surprisingly, mean little
Val also likes to tell secrets
about family members.
That’s not very nice after all
your sister has done for you,
“I’m right here, you guys. Just, you know, mind yourselves.”

Seems like Palmer has caught on to the shenanigans his wife
has been up to. She’s still following Hayden around and
engaging him in socials whenever possible. She’s not taking it
any further, thank god.
Poor Victoria is still skilling while Valerie is off playing. I
think on top of Val being a quick skiller, Victoria is a really
slow one. The contrast between them is pretty stark.
Sigh. Zombies in the neighborhood mean that trash can kicks
and newspaper thefts are not uncommon, without any
provocation. The two Zaubes are particularly bad at this, while
Malcolm doesn’t come by much.
“Me and my boring hair are finally an overachiever! Hurray!”


Took you long enough.
One more thing before Veronica
                                    leaves for college. She had been
                                    playing the instruments a lot and
                                    rolled the want to max her music
                                    enthusiasm. Since she was so close,
                                    I decided to let her do it before she

Thanks to her big eyes, she makes
some of the funniest faces when
she plays the drums.

As you can see from the top pic,
she reached the zone and was
ready to leave.
Goodbye, Veronica! See you soon! Have fun sitting in the
dorm with your siblings!
Palmer tries to keep Lexie busy, but they start having arguments
when they spend a lot of time together. They’ve both gotten
kind of ornery in their old age.
“What a fine form! What beauty! What noble angles and
subtle curves! Such a lovely sight! Truly a treat to the eyes!”

You are describing the statue, right, Lexie?
Vic gets in on the secret-telling but she has the good taste to at
least not make it about family members.
Showing off in the bedroom is a
pretty common activity. I’m a bit
more impressed with headstands
and cartwheels than
somersaults. I also admire the
amount of air Valerie has
obtained in the top pic.
Hayden tops some career, but I forgot to write it down. Geez,
I’m really falling down on the job in this chapter, guys. Sorry.
Anyway, good for you, Hayden. Since he’s knowledge/fortune,
he always rolls the want to top the careers and gets a healthy
amount of points for it.
We didn’t hold an elder birthday, and Sasha is a day older than
Hayden but I wanted them to grow up on the same day, so once
she grows up right away upon coming home from work, she finds
Hayden and he grows up too. I can’t believe they’re elders
already, but this has been kind of a longer generation than usual,
since I usually have them pop out the kids and ship ‘em off to
college as soon as possible.
Hayden and Sasha aged kind of . . . interestingly. Yeah,
interesting, let’s go with that. They’re cute together at least
and still have two bolts.
Hayden completes a hefty want by buying and selling real
estate. Just like in real life, making huge amounts of money
quickly is a lot easier if you’re already filthy rich and can afford
to throw around big numbers.

Please notice Lexie in the background, sulking that Hayden is
ignoring her.
Aw, poor Palmer. It seems like he didn’t have much time as an
elder. Even worse, not a single member of his family came to
see him off. He died in his bedroom, alone except for Grim and
the hula girls. That’s depressing. :( Sorry, Palmer. You
deserved better.
However, when Elroy goes later that day, everyone except
Victoria (who is sloooowly skilling in the other room), gathers
around and cries. What the heck is wrong with you sims? The
patriarch of the family dies and you completely ignore him, but
the animal dies and suddenly you’re inconsolable? Sims! I was
actually pretty angry about this until I remembered I was angry
at pixels.
“You should let me stay and haunt them instead of sending me
to the cemetery.”

I probably should, Palmer. They deserve it, but it’s tradition at
this point. Go join your foremothers and fathers. Have fun in
that great bathtub in the sky.

“Fine, whatever. Adios, jerks!”
It’s finally the girls’ birthday and they
                                      need an aspiration boost. Since Elroy
                                      just passed and they both wanted it,
                                      I let them get a puppy. And guess
                                      what? I forgot to write the name
                                      down and have no idea what I
                                      named it! Go me! >:(

Of course, they won’t really get to
play with the puppy unless one of
them is the heiress since they’re
going directly to college after
their birthday.
They’re both very pretty. Like nearly all of their siblings, they have
their dad’s eyes, but they’re still very nice-looking.

Valerie rolled Pleasure/Romance with the want to have 50 1st dates.
Victoria is Fortune/Popularity and wants to be The Law. Both of
their LTWs fit really well with their first and second aspirations.
With the cell phones I just plopped in their inventories, the girls call
for their scholarships and then taxis to take them to college. Not only
do they not even get makeovers, they don’t even get to change into
everyday clothes before they go!

Let’s take a peek at all the kids and then make sure to head over to
SiMania to vote for your favorite. Thanks for reading!
Vincent Vermachtnis
Romance/Fortune – Become Criminal Mastermind

The oldest of the children, Vincent threw up a lot as a baby
and toddler. That’s kind of his only defining characteristic.
Oh wait, he is a mean sim with an appropriately mean LTW.
That’s something.
Vance Vermachtnis
Pleasure/Family – 50 1st dates

Vance is the only other boy besides Vincent and is extremely
playful, neat, and active. He’s a clone of Vincent thanks to me
being forgetful. He’s twins with Vanessa.
Vanessa Vermachtnis
Romance/Popularity – Become Visionary

Vanessa turned out really pretty and is a good mix of her
parents. She was the first girl born this generation and is a
twin of Vance.
Veronica Vermachtnis
Family/Popularity – Have 20 Best Friends

Veronica is the only one to get Sasha’s big eyes and is the
nicest sim of the generation. She is very loving towards her
Valerie Vermachtnis
Pleasure/Romance – 50 1st dates

Despite being a pleasure sim, Valerie has a distinct
advantage from being the only green sim and additionally
quite pretty. She liked to tell secrets a lot as a kid to her
twin sister Victoria. She was an amazingly quick skiller.
Victoria Vermachtnis
Fortune/Popularity – Become The Law

Victoria is the only other nice sim this generation and is the
youngest. Except for her nose, she looks the most like
Hayden out of all the kids. She skills really slow and is a
twin to Valerie.

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Vermachtnis legacy chapter 16

  • 1.
  • 2. “Did you hear, Hayden? Your children got into private school!” “Seriously? That’s what you’re going to gossip about?” “What’s wrong with that?” Oh, mean sims and your incessant gossip. Welcome back to the final chapter of the Vermachtnis Legacy for this generation. Let’s see the last three children – big-eyed Veronica and twins Valerie and Victoria – grow up and then there will be an heir poll at the end. Happy reading!
  • 3. “Okay guys, we’ve got twins to raise and all of us are getting pretty old for our current lifestages. Now on my count, let’s drink. Hey, wait, why did you all drink before me?!”
  • 4. Palmer seems to be the most invigorated by the elixir and becomes a nurturing machine for the girls. He’s always there to tuck them in and change their diapers while the rest of the adults run around the house being stupid.
  • 5. Veronica is still a super-sweet child. Now the only non- baby in the house, she finds ways to amuse herself. She rolled the want to teach Elroy to come here and did. I think it’s funny that kids roll that want and then never want to teach the dogs anything else.
  • 6. Birthday time for the twins! I’m excited to see if either of them got the big eyes. Lexie is at work but Veronica and Palmer are there to help celebrate.
  • 7. Both of the girls ended up with a lot of Hayden’s facial genes, so no big eyes here. They’re still cute though. I’m so glad we got at least one kid with the green skin. Valerie, at left, has the personality 10/2/10/10/3. Victoria is 8/2/6/3/8, making her the only other nice sim besides Veronica. All of the kids this generation are super-neat and super-shy and all except Victoria are very active. She’s moderately active though. Lots of energy for cleaning, I guess.
  • 8. As has become tradition, Valerie and Victoria learn to walk right there in the kitchen immediately after their birthday. Lexie made it home in time to dance with Veronica, even if she did miss the birthday.
  • 9. The next day before school, the girls set about making friends. When Veronica leaves for school, it isn’t long before Valerie and Victoria are best friends.
  • 10. Elroy got old! That’s . . . kind of all I have to say about it, actually.
  • 11. Valerie and Victoria need to learn all their skills and their relatives are there for them. I’ve been really into having the kids play with family members and the Wabbit to build relationships too. Val and Vic are very well taken care of.
  • 12. Um, what are you doing, Veronica? “Practicing my possessed look before I grow up! Either that or I’m about to summon weather like Storm from the X- Men.” Well then. Ok. I once went as Storm for Halloween as a kid, so I approve of that over the possession.
  • 13. Poor Veronica. Her siblings are all moved out or too young to celebrate, and all her family members except for her mom are at work during her birthday. Except Palmer should be home. Hmm. I don’t remember where he was at the moment but he was probably taking a bath or something. Oh well. Anyway, Sasha was the only one there for Veronica’s birthday.
  • 14. Here’s Veronica as a teen! I think she turned out pretty nice. She looks a lot like a totally brown version of Sasha. Fittingly for such a nice sim, she rolls Family/Popularity. Her lifetime want is to have 20 Best Friends, just like her great-great- grandmother June.
  • 15. Hayden at least had a good excuse for missing his daughter’s birthday. He came home with a promotion to Mad Scientist, making his third LTW. His next is to become a Hall of Famer, but it never came up before he became an elder. Too bad. Three is respectable, however. He immediately got a different job because I don’t like my sims to have night jobs.
  • 16. Sasha’s secondary family aspiration really shines through with her youngest children. She loves snuggling and kissing them all the time.
  • 17. Rather than heading off to college like her older siblings, Veronica is staying around to become an overachiever to please several members of her family as well as because I just like her a lot. She’s quite useful to have around too. She studies and works hard and finds time to fix things and snuggle her little sisters too.
  • 18. “Where did my pretty hair go?” I’m really baffled by this. Why is part of the uniform for the teen dance career default hair? This happened to Sammy in the last generation too. She looks so sad about it too. Regardless, Veronica has joined the dance career and, as a private school student, starts at the second level. She has all the skills needed, so she should come home with a . . .
  • 19. . . . demotion? Stupid chance cards. I was going to send her off to college after she became an overachiever, but it looks like we have at least two more days to go before that happens.
  • 20. Time for another birthday! Val and Vic are growing up and their entire family is there to celebrate. Veronica gets to help since she’s a family sim and likes this sort of thing.
  • 21. This is the best birthday pic I took of them. I guess I was lazy the day I played their birthday, lol. They still look much the same except Victoria put her hair up.
  • 22. Veronica is so sweet! Like her uncle Sid, who also had 10 nice points, she goes around giving kisses to anyone who is available at the moment. She also tucks in her sisters, even if it is 6 in the morning and Valerie is just oversleeping because she stayed up too late.
  • 23. Valerie and Victoria set about skilling. Valerie might have the stuck smart milk effect that sometimes happens, I think, because she skills at least three times as fast as Victoria. Seriously, Valerie got all her skills to at least 8 and maxed several while Victoria was still on her third skill.
  • 24. So . . . while waiting for Veronica to become an overachiever, she needed an aspiration boost so I had her date the newspaper carrier, purely because she was the most convenient teen. I wasn’t going to write about it because it wasn’t really relevant, but then they ended their date with a kiss, so I guess there goes Veronica’s first kiss! Then I had to include the picture. Sims are so unpredictable like that.
  • 25. Val and Vic go to their first day of school and learn their homework skill. The next day, the headmaster is invited over and after an evening of salmon, bathrooms, and small talk, the last of the Vermachtnis children are accepted into the local academy.
  • 26. Like most twins, Valerie and Victoria are pretty close. They like to play catch, which is always a dangerous endeavor with a mean sim. Not surprisingly, mean little Val also likes to tell secrets about family members. That’s not very nice after all your sister has done for you, Val!
  • 27. “I’m right here, you guys. Just, you know, mind yourselves.” Seems like Palmer has caught on to the shenanigans his wife has been up to. She’s still following Hayden around and engaging him in socials whenever possible. She’s not taking it any further, thank god.
  • 28. Poor Victoria is still skilling while Valerie is off playing. I think on top of Val being a quick skiller, Victoria is a really slow one. The contrast between them is pretty stark.
  • 29. Sigh. Zombies in the neighborhood mean that trash can kicks and newspaper thefts are not uncommon, without any provocation. The two Zaubes are particularly bad at this, while Malcolm doesn’t come by much.
  • 30. “Me and my boring hair are finally an overachiever! Hurray!” Yay! Took you long enough.
  • 31. One more thing before Veronica leaves for college. She had been playing the instruments a lot and rolled the want to max her music enthusiasm. Since she was so close, I decided to let her do it before she left. Thanks to her big eyes, she makes some of the funniest faces when she plays the drums. As you can see from the top pic, she reached the zone and was ready to leave.
  • 32. Goodbye, Veronica! See you soon! Have fun sitting in the dorm with your siblings!
  • 33. Palmer tries to keep Lexie busy, but they start having arguments when they spend a lot of time together. They’ve both gotten kind of ornery in their old age.
  • 34. “What a fine form! What beauty! What noble angles and subtle curves! Such a lovely sight! Truly a treat to the eyes!” You are describing the statue, right, Lexie?
  • 35. Vic gets in on the secret-telling but she has the good taste to at least not make it about family members.
  • 36. Showing off in the bedroom is a pretty common activity. I’m a bit more impressed with headstands and cartwheels than somersaults. I also admire the amount of air Valerie has obtained in the top pic.
  • 37. Hayden tops some career, but I forgot to write it down. Geez, I’m really falling down on the job in this chapter, guys. Sorry. Anyway, good for you, Hayden. Since he’s knowledge/fortune, he always rolls the want to top the careers and gets a healthy amount of points for it.
  • 38. We didn’t hold an elder birthday, and Sasha is a day older than Hayden but I wanted them to grow up on the same day, so once she grows up right away upon coming home from work, she finds Hayden and he grows up too. I can’t believe they’re elders already, but this has been kind of a longer generation than usual, since I usually have them pop out the kids and ship ‘em off to college as soon as possible.
  • 39. Hayden and Sasha aged kind of . . . interestingly. Yeah, interesting, let’s go with that. They’re cute together at least and still have two bolts.
  • 40. Hayden completes a hefty want by buying and selling real estate. Just like in real life, making huge amounts of money quickly is a lot easier if you’re already filthy rich and can afford to throw around big numbers. Please notice Lexie in the background, sulking that Hayden is ignoring her.
  • 41. Aw, poor Palmer. It seems like he didn’t have much time as an elder. Even worse, not a single member of his family came to see him off. He died in his bedroom, alone except for Grim and the hula girls. That’s depressing. :( Sorry, Palmer. You deserved better.
  • 42. However, when Elroy goes later that day, everyone except Victoria (who is sloooowly skilling in the other room), gathers around and cries. What the heck is wrong with you sims? The patriarch of the family dies and you completely ignore him, but the animal dies and suddenly you’re inconsolable? Sims! I was actually pretty angry about this until I remembered I was angry at pixels.
  • 43. “You should let me stay and haunt them instead of sending me to the cemetery.” I probably should, Palmer. They deserve it, but it’s tradition at this point. Go join your foremothers and fathers. Have fun in that great bathtub in the sky. “Fine, whatever. Adios, jerks!”
  • 44. It’s finally the girls’ birthday and they need an aspiration boost. Since Elroy just passed and they both wanted it, I let them get a puppy. And guess what? I forgot to write the name down and have no idea what I named it! Go me! >:( Of course, they won’t really get to play with the puppy unless one of them is the heiress since they’re going directly to college after their birthday.
  • 45. They’re both very pretty. Like nearly all of their siblings, they have their dad’s eyes, but they’re still very nice-looking. Valerie rolled Pleasure/Romance with the want to have 50 1st dates. Victoria is Fortune/Popularity and wants to be The Law. Both of their LTWs fit really well with their first and second aspirations.
  • 46. With the cell phones I just plopped in their inventories, the girls call for their scholarships and then taxis to take them to college. Not only do they not even get makeovers, they don’t even get to change into everyday clothes before they go! Let’s take a peek at all the kids and then make sure to head over to SiMania to vote for your favorite. Thanks for reading!
  • 47. Vincent Vermachtnis 9/4/9/10/3 Romance/Fortune – Become Criminal Mastermind The oldest of the children, Vincent threw up a lot as a baby and toddler. That’s kind of his only defining characteristic. Oh wait, he is a mean sim with an appropriately mean LTW. That’s something.
  • 48. Vance Vermachtnis 9/4/9/10/3 Pleasure/Family – 50 1st dates Vance is the only other boy besides Vincent and is extremely playful, neat, and active. He’s a clone of Vincent thanks to me being forgetful. He’s twins with Vanessa.
  • 49. Vanessa Vermachtnis 9/2/10/2/3 Romance/Popularity – Become Visionary Vanessa turned out really pretty and is a good mix of her parents. She was the first girl born this generation and is a twin of Vance.
  • 50. Veronica Vermachtnis 7/2/10/6/10 Family/Popularity – Have 20 Best Friends Veronica is the only one to get Sasha’s big eyes and is the nicest sim of the generation. She is very loving towards her family.
  • 51. Valerie Vermachtnis 10/2/10/6/10 Pleasure/Romance – 50 1st dates Despite being a pleasure sim, Valerie has a distinct advantage from being the only green sim and additionally quite pretty. She liked to tell secrets a lot as a kid to her twin sister Victoria. She was an amazingly quick skiller.
  • 52. Victoria Vermachtnis 8/2/6/3/8 Fortune/Popularity – Become The Law Victoria is the only other nice sim this generation and is the youngest. Except for her nose, she looks the most like Hayden out of all the kids. She skills really slow and is a twin to Valerie.