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NEW YORK | 21 MAY 2022
H.R.H. Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Friends & Family
NEW YORK | 21 MAY 2022
H.R.H. Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Friends & Family
H.R.H. Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Friends & Family
21 MAY 2022
10:00 AM
1334 York Avenue
New York, NY 10021
+1 212 606 7000
H.R.H. Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Friends & Family
N10978 “MITO”
+1 212 606 7414
fax +1 212 606 7016
Telephone bid requests should
be received 24 hours prior
to the sale.
Wei-Ling Carrigan
+1 212 606 7050
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LOTS 482, 483, 468, 470, 655
LOTS 735, 736
s my family and colleagues can attest, one of the maxims that I often quote and that
I therefore try to live by is: every challenge brings opportunity. In July 2016, when my
wife and I received the diagnosis for Frederik’s condition, a rare, degenerative PolG-
related mitochondrial disease, we were absolutely devastated. Shocked, scared
and desperate, like so many families around the world who are suddenly faced with caring
for a sick child or a loved one. In that very moment, there was no silver lining, no sense of
opportunity. Like so many parents who have lost a child or are caring for a sick child, we felt
wholly unequipped to handle this situation.
My wife is the daughter of a surgeon and professor. As such, Julie has always had tremendous
esteem for the medical community. Her father had always been a great support and resource
for us but now, suddenly, we were out of our depth. On the very day that we learned of
Frederik’s diagnosis, we reached out to two good friends (both doctors) who happened to be
nearby. They appeared by our sides immediately to listen and to discuss possible next steps.
This was neither the first nor the last time that we would discover the deep empathy and
generosity of the amazing medical community; clinicians, nurses and all of those people who
have followed this vocation to bring succour to their fellow man.
By her nature, my wife is blessed with natural drive and abundant energy, but now faced with
Frederik’s illness and an extraordinary resolve to find answers, once past the initial shock, her
force took on a whole new level. Within 48 hours, we were able to reach out to a number of
world experts, and within days we were on a plane headed to Ohio to meet with one of the top
specialists in the mitochondrial world.
The next five years were made up of continuous care, surgeries for dear Frederik, and of
course a frenetic search for answers, therapies and a cure. We attended conferences and
seminars, met with foundations, biotech start-ups, funds, big pharma, clinicians, researchers
and laboratories all around the globe.
Once we were able to stabilise Frederik and made it beyond some of his first surgeries, we
came up for some air. We realised that unwittingly we had created a virtual world focused
resolutely on finding a cure for patients suffering from PolG. We were a speck at the heart of
this international web. We wanted to help others and have them benefit from our experience.
This is, in short, is how The PolG Foundation was born.
When our youngest son, Frederik was a baby and a young child, everyone always remarked on
what a cheerful demeanour he had. He remains an intensely social, wise and insightful being.
Other characteristics of his have always been his perseverance, focus and strong will. How all
of these qualities have been challenged over the years! How very proud we are of his resolve
and drive…and his creativity. I certainly do not wish to sugar-coat the reality of his existence
here. Like so many others in his situation, Frederik lives through some exceedingly challenging
moments. These are recurrent, and to be expected given his circumstances, and yet he offers
so much to all of those people that surround him, not least of whom to his siblings and parents!
As the Creative Director of The PolG Foundation, Frederik has created our foundation logo,
look and identity (featured in this catalogue). As an extension of this, he has come up with a
design for a “MITO” clothing line that we will be selling to raise awareness of his disease and
funds for the Foundation. This creative outlet, and his collaboration with his friends at RTM,
have been a true gift for Frederik and we trust that this will bring pleasure to the folks that will
be acquiring and sporting the clothes This was the case for so many of his friends who showed
up to model them! Shout out to our Mito models!
One of the gifts of our circumstance is that we have met some of the most remarkable people.
Carers, teachers, friends, even total strangers, have come out of the woodwork and surprised
us with their kindness, warmth and generosity. We call these people our angels….and there
have been many that have touched us deeply.
We had absolutely no intention of making our story public, but with the creation of The PolG
Foundation, we realised that in this moment we might be able to provide a voice and a face
among millions to represent others who are sharing Frederik’s and our family’s plight. There is
nothing special about us. We share the same hospital corridor, the same medical challenges,
the same fears and the same hopes as all of these families do. Nevertheless, with the help
of our supporters and The PolG Foundation, we can bring significant means and a sense of
urgency to this space. We have already built a good number of bridges and opened up new
international lines of communication. With the creation of this US Public Charity, we will work
relentlessly to bring a greater awareness to Mitochondrial Diseases and specifically to PolG.
We will seek to discover desperately needed therapies and cures for the patients suffering
from this devastating disease.
Thankfully, a good number of non-profit foundations already exist, which offer support and
information resources for patients, families and carers. Organisations such as the UMDF, Mito-
Action, Mitocon, The Lily Foundation, MitoCanada, to name just a few, will at times foster both
cutting edge research while also providing patient and family support. They have been a lifeline
for so many of us and we would like to extend our deepest gratitude to them here. This has also
been the case for many other similar research foundations focused on other diseases who are
such an important inspiration to us. Their stories, examples and successes drive us forward.
While also working closely with such charities, our Mission is nonetheless resolutely focused
on finding therapies and a cure for PolG-related mitochondrial diseases. You may find detailed
information on our website at: Here you will also discover some of the
projects that The PolG Foundation is involved with and supporting. The partner entities listed
here are only as good as the exceptional people that make up their teams. We feel honoured
to know them and to participate in frequent exchanges, briefing us on their challenges and
ultimately their progress.
We have been joined in our efforts by an outstanding Foundation Board and Scientific Advisory
Board of volunteers, who help to guide us in our common mission. We could not do this without
them. We are also aided by the RTM group and their team. We receive a lot of pro-bono help in
different sectors (and yes, we will request more from so many generous people in the future).
Sotheby’s has been a wonderful partner in putting together this auction. The wine department
has spent weeks combing over every case and bottle in my cellar. They will describe these in
an impartial manner. I will only state here that I never had any intention of selling these bottles
and formats. Whatever would not have been enjoyed with family and friends, I would have left
for the young generation to enjoy. When I first entertained the idea of emptying out my cellar in
this rather public fashion, I of course started by approaching my wife and children, to ask them
if they agreed with this proposition. There was not a minute of hesitation from them….and
thus we were off to the races! Soon thereafter, we were joined by other members of my family
and our family company, who generously supported this effort in a substantial manner. My
colleagues in Bordeaux got to work, cataloguing, verifying, re-conditioning (when necessary),
packing and (post Sotheby’s verification) shipping.
Then came the cherry (or in this case the grape) on the cake: Our family company is a member
of Primum Familiae Vini, an organisation that represents 12 of the finest wine-making families
in the world. All of these families pitched in with their own extraordinary donations. In parallel,
some of the very finest wine producers in France, heard about our sale and donated some
truly exceptional and thus hugely valuable lots to our sale! These donations were joined by
those of some individual wine collectors with even more extraordinary bottles. Thanks to all of
their generosity, we have now succeeded in putting together one of the very finest collections
of wine that Sotheby’s has ever brought to the auction market. We are so deeply moved by
the gesture and generosity of these donors! These hugely distinguished wine producers are
at times offering a singular rare bottle from their cellar that has never before been offered at
auction or elsewhere! As is the case for my personal cellar, they have donated extraordinary
priceless offerings of large formats most likely never to be seen again! Have you seen the line-
up of those Imperials?! On behalf of all of the patients and families affected by this disease, and
as Chairman of the The PolG Foundation, I once again extend our most heartfelt gratitude to
them! They have made this a truly historic sale.
Any bidders who are lucky enough to win one (or a number) of these lots will be certain to
know that they will enjoy some of the very finest and rarest wines in the world, while also
supporting a cause that will ultimately help all of us as we come to benefit from an acceleration
in mitochondrial research and thereby a focus on better understanding the powerhouse of our
cells. With your help, we will face this challenge and aim to seize the opportunity of uncovering
a cure for PolG!
Prince Robert de Luxembourg
he POLG Foundation was created by Robert and Julie de Luxembourg.
“In our family,” they have reported, “there exists life before July 26, 2016, and life after.
On that date, our then-14-year-old son, Frederik, was diagnosed with a mitochondrial
disease, a genetic disorder that robs the body’s cells of energy, in turn causing multiple organ
dysfunction and failure. Frederik’s particular disease is due to a mutation in the PolG gene.”
The Founders soon learned that mitochondrial diseases, once considered rare, are now
believed to affect as many as one in 5000 people globally, “rendering it the second-most-
commonly diagnosed, serious genetic disease after cystic fibrosis.” Distressingly, the
Founders also learned that research into treatments and cures for mitochondrial diseases
were uncommon and, where it existed, it was often underfunded and conducted in an
informational vacuum.
After five years of struggling with the disease within their own family, the Founders imagined
an effort to find treatments, and ultimately a cure, for the disease afflicting so many patients
and families globally. Given the profound lack of research into and knowledge about PolG-
related mitochondrial diseases, and following extensive consultation with research and clinical
advisers, they agreed to create The PolG Foundation to seek a “visionary and innovative
approach to diagnose, treat and cure a complex mitochondrial disease.” Their investment in
research was further encouraged by recognizing that greater knowledge of PolG may open
the door to improved treatments for related diseases including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s,
diabetes, cardiac issues, depression and some cancers.
Although, at this writing, the Foundation is in its infancy, it has already attracted broad support
within the global scientific and medical communities. Luminaries from various fields have
offered their time and expertise as members of the Foundation’s Board of Directors, Scientific
Advisory Board and friends.
-Frederik de Nassau
The POLG Foundation is pleased to introduce the MITO line of clothing, a visual
representation of the Foundation’s quest for treatments and a cure. A product
of Creative Director Frederik de Nassau’s rich imagination, the style is at-once
novel and delightful. Diagnosed with PolG disorder at age 14, Frederik hopes
you will wear this clothing for comfort and beauty – and for fun, knowing that
proceeds from sales move the Foundation one step closer to a cure.
Organic / Sustainable fibers with 100% recycled packaging. Made in Portugal.
Available at
Fashion Designer
Donna Karan — MITO
Streetwear’s biggest
fan — with Frederik de
t is a great honour for all of us at Sotheby’s to work with Prince Robert, and his family and
friends, on this exceptional sale, which combines genuinely rare wines that come with
incomparable provenance, with the fact that all the wines have been donated to The PolG
Foundation,so it can use the funds to help cure people facing mitochondrial-related conditions.
We have collaborated with Prince Robert on many wonderful auctions related to Domaine
Clarence Dillon, but this auction is different — it is an intensely personal auction for him and his
wife, Julie. In 2016, their youngest son Frederik was diagnosed with a rare mitochondrial disease,
a genetic disorder that robs the body’s cells of energy, in turn causing organ dysfunction and
failure. It turned the family’s world upside down, but they decided to concentrate all their efforts
on finding a cure, not only for Frederik, but for all those suffering from this not so rare disease.
The non-profit foundation they created is becoming an amazing research hub, whose impact
will benefit millions of people facing mitochondrial-related conditions, from Parkinson’s and
Alzheimer’s, to autism and some forms of cancer.
The wines in this sale have been donated by three distinct groups: Prince Robert; his family; and
his friends. Each one includes extremely rare wines, the majority of which come directly from
cellars where they have been kept for most or all their lives, which brings the finest provenance
and, naturally, the best condition.
Prince Robert de Luxembourg is opening up his personal cellar to offer a selection of rare bottles,
with a singular mission in mind: to raise awareness and funds for The PolG Foundation — the
result is the most exceptional and unique wine sale to come to the market in many years.
Prince Robert’s personal cellar rests at Château Haut Brion, under perfect, supervised
conditions, so it is natural that wines from the family properties are in exceptional condition.
As expected, where appropriate, some of the bottles of the family properties have been
reconditioned, with each bottle being tasted before it was topped up and recorked, to ensure
the wines are in excellent condition. This process is only undertaken as needed, so some bottles
are on original cork. The catalogue description of each lot indicates whether the wine has been
Prince Robert’s personal cellar includes the opportunity to acquire historic vintages of Château
Haut Brion with bottles from 1906, 1918 and 1919, then the decades of the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s
(the war years, where the bottles are in pale blue glass), 1950s and onto more recent vintages.
H.R.H. Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Friends & Family
It includes the exceptional 1924 and legendary 1926 in Jeroboams, both of which have been
recorked. The sale also includes the most impressive range of very rare magnums of Haut Brion
Blanc, La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc and Laville Haut-Brion ever to come to auction.
The result is one of the greatest offerings of rare wines to come to auction.
Prince Robert is Chairman and CEO of Domaine Clarence Dillon, the family wine business, which
oversees Châteaux Haut-Brion (his great-grandfather Clarence Dillon, a Texan banker of French
descent, purchased the estate in 1935) and La Mission Haut-Brion – wine estates with exalted
histories – in addition to Château Quintus in St Emilion, Clarendelle (a line of branded Bordeaux
wines founded by Prince Robert), Restaurant Le Clarence in Paris, La Cave du Château (Paris’
most illustrious wine shop, with an additional outlet in Bordeaux), and Clarence Dillon Wines (a
Bordeaux négociant business).
The Board of Domaine Clarence Dillon, acting without Prince Robert’s participation, has made
exceptional donations to the PolG Foundation, with each item coming direct from each of the
château’s cellars. Highlights include:
•	 Bordeaux Experience for 6 at Domaine Clarence Dillon
•	 Paris Experience for 4 at Hotel Dillon
•	 Domaine Clarence Dillon 75th Anniversary Console
•	 Rare 12-liter bottles of Haut Brion and La Mission Haut Brion from the exceptional
2009 vintage
Prince Robert’s decision to offer a very significant portion of his personal cellar, in order to
support the work of The PolG Foundation, in turn inspired many friends to do the same.
, as it is best known, is an international association of twelve of the leading family-owned
European wineries, who produce some of the greatest wines in the world. Domaine Clarence
Dillon is one of the members and it is natural that the other PFV members have shown such
wonderful support through their donations, including:
•	 A PFV Haute Couture Case offered by all members; and
•	 Individual donations by: Marchesi Antinori, Domaine Clarence Dillon, Joseph Drouhin,
Famille Perrin, Champagne Pol Roger, Baron Philippe de Rothschild, Sassicaia, Symington
Family Estates, Familia Torres, Vega Sicilia.
Generous donations have been made by: Angelus, Champagne Billecart Salmon, Christian Seele
& AXA Millésimes, Domaine Marcel Deiss, Edmond Guerrand Hermes, Louis Jadot, Château
Montrose, Petrus, Hazel & Marvin Shanken, and Château Smith Haut Lafitte. As is clearly
illustrated, this auction combines a selection of very rare wines, that come with impeccable
provenance and condition, with the generosity and philanthropy of a dedicated part of the wine
community who are helping to fund a cure for PolG and other mitochondrial conditions. Now, it is
the time for buyers to show their generosity in bidding, buying and enjoying these wines, all for a
cause that will help so many people in the future.
Jamie Ritchie
Senior Vice President,
Worldwide Chairman, Sotheby’s Wine
The wines in this sale were inspected in Bordeaux by a team of
Sotheby’s specialists in March 2022, unless otherwise noted.
Following inspection, the wines were shipped via air freight to
the Sotheby’s East Coast warehouse.
All but a few of the wines donated by H.R.H. Prince Robert de
Luxembourg and Family have never left Bordeaux.These wines
are denoted by a special symbol (“l “) next to each lot number.
La Mission Haut-Brion		 Lots 1 - 171
Laville Haut-Brion			 Lots 172 - 198
La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc 	 Lots 199 - 246
Haut Brion 			 Lots 247 - 491
Haut Brion Blanc 			 Lots 492 - 577
Lafite 				 Lots 578 - 640
Latour 				 Lots 641 - 665
Margaux				 Lots 666 - 678
Mouton Rothschild 		 Lots 679 - 703
Léoville Las Cases 			 Lots 704 - 705
Prieuré Lichine 			 Lots 706 - 707
Ausone 				 Lots 708 - 709
Cheval Blanc 			 Lots 710 - 717
Petrus 				 Lots 718 - 721
d’Yquem				 Lots 722 - 734
Duclot Bordeaux Collection Cases	 Lots 276 - 734
Bollinger				 Lots 735 - 735
Taittinger				Lot 736
Cognac				 Lots 737 - 744
Haut Brion 			 Lots 745 - 764
La Mission Haut-Brion		 Lots 765 - 766
DCD 75th Anniversary Console	 Lot 767
DCD Experiences			 Lots 768 - 769
Haut Brion			 Lots 770 - 771
La Mission Haut-Brion		 Lots 770 - 771
Quintus				 Lots 772 - 775
PFV Haute Couture Case		 Lot 776
Beaucastel			Lot 777
Joseph Drouhin			 Lot 778
Dow				 Lot 779 - 780
Graham’s			 Lots 781 - 783
Mouton Rothschild			 Lot 784
Pol Roger			 Lot 785
Sassicaia				Lot 786
Tignanello			Lot 787
Torres				 Lots 788 - 789
Vega Sicilia			 Lots 790
Petrus				 Lots 791 - 795
Pichon Baron			 Lots 796 - 807
Quinta do Noval			 Lot 808
Angélus				Lot 809
Billecart-Salmon			Lot 810
Marcel Deiss			 Lot 811
Louis Jadot			Lot 812
Montrose			Lot 813
Pichon Lalande			 Lot 814
Smith Haut Lafitte			 Lot 815
Masseto				Lot 816
Mouton Rothschild			 Lot 817
Cheval Blanc			 Lot 818
24 25
Lots 1–766
Château La Mission Haut-Brion 1991
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé
Lot 7: Levels into the neck, Lot 8: Level bn or into the neck
Concentrated, cedary, cassis nose. Cocoa taste - really coats
the mouth. Lovely berryish heart to it. Blackcurrant finish.
Velvety and ripe. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
7 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
8 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $3,200-4,200
Château La Mission Haut-Brion 1993
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé
Lot 9: u. bnob, slightly damp-stained labels, packed in
12-pack owc, Lot 10: u. bnob, Lot 11: Levels into the neck,
Lot 12: Levels into the neck, 1 signs of old seepage, Lot 13: u.
bnob, 2 wine-stained labels, 3 signs of old seepage
Wonderful, vivacious, plummy nose of lovely fruit and life.
Very blackberry taste, with a lovely coffee finish. Absolutely
delicious. One of the best buys on the whole Bordeaux
market. True right to the end. I am amazed.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
9 	 l	 8 bts (owc)
per lot: $1,200-1,800
10 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $1,800-2,400
11 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
12 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
13 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $2,400-3,200
Château La Mission Haut-Brion 1994
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé
Lot 14: u. bnob, packed in unbranded 12 bottle wooden case,
Lot 15-16: Levels into the neck, Lot 17: u. bnob, 1 slightly
nicked label, 2 slightly wine-stained labels
Real blackcurrant nose. Very aromatic and interesting. Full
of black fruit on the palate. Like chocolate-covered cassis
berries. Delicious now. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
14 	 l	 8 bts (cn)
per lot: $1,400-2,200
15 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
16 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
17 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $2,200-3,200
La Mission Haut Brion, together with Haut Brion itself, are the
two ‘twins’ of top Bordeaux, fascinating in their differences
and yet with the shared parentage of ownership and a
similar appellation. Sometimes the divergence is dramatic,
with deep, structured, majestic La Mission, denser than the
sumptuous softness of Haut Brion, but they share the class,
complexity and peaty/cigary Pessac- Léognan characteristics
that draw in addicts such as ourselves. La Mission is
fabulously consistent and with a wonderfully pronounced
profile, married with the power to mature to perfection. It
should, of course, be a First Growth and it is considered as
such, always impressing in vertical tastings with its strong-
flavoured impact, challenging its ‘rival’ at every turn. We, the
consumers, want them both, to compare and contrast in
consummate style. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
Château La Mission Haut-Brion 1989
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé
Lot 1-2: u. bnob, slightly scuffed capsules, Lot 3: u. bnob,
slightly scuffed capsules, 1 signs of old seepage
Thicker, darker colour than the ‘90, but more mature.
Wonderfully dense, intense, concentrated bouquet of vanilla,
violets and cigars. Blackberry compote. Totally rich and
mouth coating. So thick and lush. Touch of Seville oranges
and cloves. Pure exotica. I think even more exciting than the
sleek, beautiful ‘90. Phenomenal. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 100
1 	 l	 4 bts (sc)
per lot: $4,000-6,000
2 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
3 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $12,000-17,000
Château La Mission Haut-Brion 1990
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé
Lot 4: u. bnob, Lot 5-6: u. 3vts, otherwise bn
Last tasted from magnum in 2013. Here you get all the cigary
brilliance, together with brambly black fruit, complexity and
wonderful structure. The balance between fruit and tannin
is superb. A very successful wine, with enveloping cedary
sweetness at the end. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 99
4 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $6,500-8,500
5 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
6 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $7,000-10,000
LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2003
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé
In 2016, a wonderfully intense cedar wood and cigars nose.
Such a delicious ripe, “sweet” flavour. Soft and velvety, it
caresses the palate with spices and black fruit wine gums. A
great finish of black liquorice. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
36 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
37 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
38 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
39 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $2,000-2,600
40 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
41 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
42 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
43 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $2,200-2,800
Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2004
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé
In 2018, this is really a revelation and confirms my view that
it is the best wine of the vintage. It retains its purity and
freshness, with beautiful fruit and verve. A great earthy/
peaty/cigary nose and flavour that are totally its own and
with lovely impact on the palate. Not quite sure how they did
it - but they did! Serena Sutcliffe, MW
44 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
45 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
46 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
47 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $1,700-2,400
48 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
49 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
50 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
51 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $1,800-2,600
52 	 l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $700-1,000
53 	 l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $1,400-2,000
Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2000
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé
Lot 18-25: Levels into the neck, Lot 26-30: Level into the neck
58% Merlot, 31% Cabernet Sauvignon, 11% Cabernet
Franc. In 2013, this is immensely scented, just so fresh
and bouncy. Full of blueberries, fleshy and creamy on
the palate, with tannin, fruit and acidity in big doses à la
2000. Luscious, sweet and ripe and set for the long haul.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 100
18 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
19 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
20 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
21 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $5,000-7,000
22 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
23 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
24 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
25 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $6,500-9,000
26 	 l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
27 	 l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
28 	 l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $2,200-2,800
29 	 l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
30 	 l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $5,000-7,000
Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2001
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé
63% Merlot, 35% Cabernet Sauvignon, 2% Cabernet Franc.
In 2021, this is the most delightful mouthful, perfectly
balanced and palate-caressing. The structure is now well
disguised and it slips down in its spicy, cigary way, full of
charm and flavour, not massive but very come-hither.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
31 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $2,000-3,000
32 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
33 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
34 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
35 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $2,200-3,200
Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2005
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé
69% Merlot, 30% Cabernet Sauvignon, 1% Cabernet Franc.
In 2019, this is a beautifully balanced, aristocratic wine, with
youthful verve and freshness and lashings of black and red
fruit. Behind it all, there is the peaty/cigary character of the
cru, finely integrated into the concentrated impact of the
wine. This is a top 2005, utterly satisfying and with a very
long finish that just does not want to say goodbye. Fantastic
attack and stunning projection. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 100
54 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
55 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
56 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
57 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $4,500-6,000
58 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
59 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
60 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
61 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $5,000-7,000
62 	 l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
63 	 l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $4,000-5,500
Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2006
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé
A great peaty nose. Shows all the class of the cru, with
excellent ripeness. Superbly defined wine of indubitable
nobility. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 94
64 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
65 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
66 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
67 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $1,800-2,400
68 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
69 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
70 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
71 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $1,900-2,600
72 	 l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
73 	 l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $800-1,100
74 	 l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
75 	 l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $1,600-2,400
Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2007
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé
48% Cabernet Sauvignon, 43% Merlot, 9% Cabernet Franc.
70% new oak. Rich, spicy, opulent nose. Black cherries
soaked in liqueur. Great, attractive persistence. Complex
too. Markedly “iodé” on the palate. Luscious, opulent and
minty. Firing on all cylinders at 6 years old. Cassis, glycerol
and a very pretty, “sweet” finish. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
76 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
77 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
78 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
79 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $1,700-2,400
80 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
81 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
82 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
83 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $1,600-2,200
84 	 l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
85 	 l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $750-1,000
86 	 l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
87 	 l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $1,500-2,000
Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2008
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé
In 2016, a rich tobacco and plush loganberries nose. Sweet
succulent on the palate, with irony overtones and opulent
undergrowth flavours. The tannins melt in the mouth. Finish
of the embers of a wood fire. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 95
88 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
89 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
90 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
91 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $2,000-2,800
92 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
93 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
94 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
95 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $2,000-2,800
96 	 l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
97 	 l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $750-1,100
98 	 l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
99 	 l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $1,500-2,000
Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2009
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé
Only 50% of production went into the ‘grand vin’. Very
aromatic nose. Big, irony wine of rich alcohol. The
earthiness of La Mission with juicy acidity to match the
ripeness. Cigary and really mouth-coating. Gummy,
liquorice, mineral taste of great volume. In 2013, a
concentrated, ‘tight’ bouquet leads to a great, plummy,
inky taste. A giant still slumbering. Sumptuous and many-
layered. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 100
100 	l	 12 bts (owc)
101 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
102 	l	 12 bts (owc)
103 	l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $4,500-6,000
104 	l	 6 mags (owc)
105 	l	 6 mags (owc)
106 	l	 6 mags (owc)
107 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $4,800-6,500
108 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
109 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $2,000-2,800
110 	 l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
111 	 l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $4,200-6,000
Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2010
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé
62% Cabernet Sauvignon, 37% Merlot, 1% Cabernet Franc.
In 2014, a real, intense, top cru nose. Glorious deep flavour
and great verve. Huge and plummy with lovely, fresh acidity
which totally disguises the alcohol. Roses and earthiness at
the end. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 98
112 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
113 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
114 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
115 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $4,200-6,000
116 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
117 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
118 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
119 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $4,200-6,500
120 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
121 	 l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $1,600-2,400
122 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
123 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $3,500-5,000
Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2015
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé
Merlot 58%, Cabernet Sauvignon 35%, Cabernet Franc
7%. 70% new barrels. Huge, all-enveloping nose, with
brambles and redcurrant jelly. On the palate, great tannic
structure, with enormous black liquorice and glycerol. Notes
of nutmeg, inky and saline. Immensely satisfying and juicy.
A mega ‘vin de garde’. In 2019, its superb class and style
immediately hit you. Stunning structure, with great length
and succulence. Mmm. This is one of my favourites of the
vintage. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
148 	l	 12 bts (owc)
149 	l	 12 bts (owc)
150 	l	 12 bts (owc)
151 	 l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $3,000-4,000
152 	l	 6 mags (owc)
153 	l	 6 mags (owc)
154 	l	 6 mags (owc)
155 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $3,200-4,200
156 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
157 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $1,200-1,600
158 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
159 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $2,200-3,000
Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2016
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé
Merlot 57.5%, Cabernet Sauvignon 42.5%. In 2021,
cool, clean, classy nose, with a touch of Cuban cigars.
Tremendous impact on the palate, full of irony attack
married to marvellous glycerol. Real tannic structure,
finishing on a sweet ‘high’. A gem. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
160 	l	 3 mags (owc)
161 	 l	 3 mags (owc)
162 	l	 3 mags (owc)
163 	l	 3 mags (owc)
164 	l	 3 mags (owc)
165 	l	 3 mags (owc)
166 	l	 3 mags (owc)
167 	l	 3 mags (owc)
per lot: $2,600-3,800
168 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
169 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $1,100-1,500
170 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
171 	 l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $2,200-3,000
Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2012
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé
62% Merlot, 38% Cabernet Sauvignon. 75% new oak. In
2016, this has a marvellous, projected, peaty/cigary nose
that is pure La Mission. Sumptuous on the middle palate,
with the tannic power at the end and a touch of charcoal that
one saw when it was in barrel. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
124 	l	 12 bts (owc)
125 	l	 12 bts (owc)
126 	l	 12 bts (owc)
127 	l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $1,700-2,600
128 	l	 6 mags (owc)
129 	l	 6 mags (owc)
130 	l	 6 mags (owc)
131 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $1,800-2,800
132 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
133 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $650-900
134 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
135 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $1,300-1,800
Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2014
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé
54% Merlot, 45% Cabernet Sauvignon, 1% Cabernet Franc.
In 2018, a fascinating, aromatic nose, with exotic notes yet
rooted in its appellation and great terroir. So much depth and
generosity on the palate, plus the superb structure. Finishes
fresh, in spite of the 14.5% alcohol, which is not noticeable.
I loved this spicy, souk-like wine from the start and I still do.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
136 	l	 12 bts (owc)
137 	l	 12 bts (owc)
138 	l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $1,800-2,600
139 	l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $1,800-1,600
140 	l	 6 mags (owc)
141 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
142 	l	 6 mags (owc)
143 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $2,000-2,800
144 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
145 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $750-1,100
146 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
147 	 l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $1,300-1,800
Château Laville Haut-Brion 1998
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Cru Classé
Levels into the neck
80% Sémillon, 20% Sauvignon Blanc. A bouquet of
greatness. So honied. Lemons and lychees on the nose -
enormous impact and weight. One could compare it with
the fabulous 1989. On the palate, the high proportion of
Sémillon comes on very strong. So rich, fat and yet with
perfect acidity balance. The empty glass smells of lavender.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
172 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $1,000-1,400
Château Laville Haut-Brion 2001
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Cru Classé
At 10 years old, very mineral and lemony, clean, incisive and
crystal pure. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
173 	l	 6 mags (owc)
174 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $1,100-1,500
Château Laville Haut-Brion 2003
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Cru Classé
The harvest for this began on 13 August! Wonderful flinty,
minerally nose. Such a lemony taste. A recent bottle had
an incredible grapefruit and smoke nose and a divine, highly
original, delicious taste. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 96
175 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
176 	l	 6 mags (owc)
177 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
178 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $1,200-1,800
Château Laville Haut-Brion 2004
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Cru Classé
83% Sémillon, 17% Sauvignon Blanc. In 2013, grapefruit,
petrol, minerality and white truffles on the nose. Rich, citrus
glycerol on the palate. Grapefruit zests plus smoke and
bons bons anglais or ‘boiled sweets’ as the English call them.
Reminds me of some of the greatest Hunter Valley Sémillons
of the past! Finishes on oranges. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
179 	l	 6 mags (owc)
180 	l	 6 mags (owc)
181 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
182 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $1,100-1,500
Château Laville Haut-Brion 2005
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Cru Classé
At the property, they like to say this is the ‘Alsace’ of their
two famous white wines! I can see their point, because of all
the lovely mineral elements. With a very high percentage of
Sémillon this year, this is sleek, pale and beautiful, with that
tell-tale grapefruit nose and stunning limey, gingery taste.
Silky and crisp at the same time. Perfect sashimi wine.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
183 	l	 6 mags (owc)
184 	l	 6 mags (owc)
185 	l	 6 mags (owc)
186 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $1,500-2,000
Château Laville Haut-Brion 2006
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Cru Classé
86% Sémillon, 14% Sauvignon Blanc. A lovely nose of
smoky grapefruit skins. A stunning, and surprising, taste
of fresh ginger which is enchanting. Formidable fragrance.
Enormous, flowery, honied richness on the palate. Limes,
grapefruit and ginger on the finish. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 98
187 	l	 6 mags (owc)
188 	l	 6 mags (owc)
189 	l	 6 mags (owc)
190 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $1,100-1,500
LOTS 172, 174, 200, 201
This wine was previously named “Château Laville Haut-Brion” – the
combination of the names of two separate but neighbouring estates,
Clos Laville and Château La Mission Haut-Brion, the two united in
1931 as a result of the acquisition of the Clos by the owner of La
Mission, Frédéric Woltner. At this time, Clos Laville, representing 2.5
hectares, was producing a white wine qualified as Premier Cru on its
label. Before this acquisition, Mr. Woltner had harvested four vintages
of Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc, between 1927 and 1930. The
fusion of the two terroirs gave birth to a magical wine, first sold under
the name of “Château Laville – Terroir du Haut Brion”, before taking
the name of Château Laville Haut-Brion in 1934.
THe 2008 vintage was the last one for Château Laville Haut-Brion. As
of the 2009 vintage, this wine, produced exclusively since 1927 in the
Château La Mission Haut-Brion cellars, reverted to its original name:
Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc.
This wine was ranked as a Classed Growth of Graves white wine in the
1953 classification.
Produced from a blend including a very significant proportion of
Sémillon (at least 80%, with the remainder Sauvignon Blanc),
Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc is one of the world’s most
unusual dry white wines. It has remarkable longevity. The fact that
Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc is often considered at least
on par with the most exceptional white Burgundies is not surprising.
These original features, together with a very limited production, make
it an extremely rare and sought-after wine.
Château Laville Haut-Brion 2007
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Cru Classé
Lot 192: 1 slightly nicked label, Lot 193: 1 slightly scuffed label
Last tasted in 2012 and absolutely ready in all its silky
softness. Grapefruit, orange and that signature minerality -
incredibly more-ish and seductive. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 96
191 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
192 	l	 6 mags (owc)
193 	l	 6 mags (owc)
194 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $950-1,200
Château Laville Haut-Brion 2008
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Cru Classé
79% Sémillon, 21% Sauvignon Blanc. In 2013, that great
grapefruit nose at which Laville excels. There is a lovely
fragrance and lightness of touch, with hints of lemon and
hay too. Beautiful citron pressé taste. Elegance of the
year. Such tempting, even appley, freshness. And stunning
mineral notes to finish. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
195 	l	 6 mags (owc)
196 	l	 6 mags (owc)
197 	l	 6 mags (owc)
198 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $1,000-1,500
Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc 2009
Graves, Cru Classé
84% Sémillon, 16% Sauvignon Blanc. At 10 years old and
from magnum, this has a real ‘petrol’ nose of the appellation,
something I adore. A lovely sleek, silky wine on the palate,
with great freshness and pulsating power and lanolin
Sémillon to the fore. An amazing appley finish is a super,
youthful surprise. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 96
199 	l	 6 mags (owc)
200 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $6,500-9,000
Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc 2013
Graves, Cru Classé
Lot 214: 1 slightly torn capsule
76% Sémillon, 24% Sauvignon. 34% went into the grand
vin. A nose of fresh gingerbread. Lemons and limes on
the palate. So smooth and silky, with real texture. Lovely
and rich, with balancing fresh acidity and a touch of milk
chocolate at the end. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 93
211 	 l	 6 mags (owc)
212 	l	 6 mags (owc)
213 	l	 6 mags (owc)
214 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $5,000-7,000
Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc 2014
Graves, Cru Classé
72% Sémillon, 28% Sauvignon Blanc. That glorious, limey/
lanolin nose. Superb clementine oranges taste. Buttery
lemon honey flavours plus minerality. A heavenly ‘tisane’
of lime flowers, with a touch of orange blossom too.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 93
215 	l	 6 mags (owc)
216 	l	 6 mags (owc)
217 	l	 6 mags (owc)
218 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $3,200-4,500
Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc 2015
Graves, Cru Classé
Sémillon 67%, Sauvignon 33%. The Sémillons showed better
here this year than at Haut Brion, hence the blends. Musky,
almost smoky nose. On the palate, honied but dry and
very mineral. A finish of tangerines, a soft landing but with
freshness. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 94+
219 	l	 6 mags (owc)
220 	l	 6 mags (owc)
221 	l	 6 mags (owc)
222 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $3,500-5,000
Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc 2010
Graves, Cru Classé
81% Sémillon, 19% Sauvignon Blanc. A wine of enormous
finesse with a lovely lemony taste that emanates from the
Sémillon. This, of course, is the greatest dry Sémillon wine
made in the world. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 96
201 	l	 6 mags (owc)
202 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $6,000-8,000
Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc 2011
Graves, Cru Classé
72.9% Sémillon, 27.1% Sauvignon Blanc. Quite closed on the
nose when very young, which is normal for a wine with high
Sémillon content. Lovely richness on the palate with that
super-sec Sémillon taste. This reminds me of wonderful old
Hunter Valley Sémillons! In 2014, minerality on the nose and
a vanillin taste. Such a lovely ‘stony’ finish. The Clos Ste.
Hune of Bordeaux! In 2015, apple blossom on the nose and
a lovely, flinty, sweet hawthorn wine. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 94
203 	l	 6 mags (owc)
204 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $4,200-6,000
205 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
206 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $1,700-2,400
Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc 2012
Graves, Cru Classé
84% Sémillon, 16% Sauvignon Blanc. In 2018, the bouquet
involves hazelnuts, quince and greengages, with the mineral
element of La Mission Blanc coming through on the palate.
Very soft, melting in the mouth, with that ‘cushiony’ Sémillon
feel to it. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 94+
207 	l	 6 mags (owc)
208 	l	 6 mags (owc)
209 	l	 6 mags (owc)
210 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $4,200-6,000
Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc 2016
Graves, Cru Classé
WA 95+
223 	l	 3 mags (owc)
224 	l	 3 mags (owc)
225 	l	 3 mags (owc)
226 	l	 3 mags (owc)
227 	l	 3 mags (owc)
228 	l	 3 mags (owc)
229 	l	 3 mags (owc)
230 	l	 3 mags (owc)
per lot: $2,000-2,800
Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc 2017
Graves, Cru Classé
WA 97
231 	l	 3 mags (owc)
232 	l	 3 mags (owc)
233 	l	 3 mags (owc)
234 	l	 3 mags (owc)
235 	l	 3 mags (owc)
236 	l	 3 mags (owc)
237 	l	 3 mags (owc)
238 	l	 3 mags (owc)
per lot: $2,200-3,000
Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc 2018
Graves, Cru Classé
WA 96
239 	l	 3 mags (owc)
240 	l	 3 mags (owc)
241 	l	 3 mags (owc)
242 	l	 3 mags (owc)
243 	l	 3 mags (owc)
244 	l	 3 mags (owc)
245 	l	 3 mags (owc)
246 	l	 3 mags (owc)
per lot: $2,400-3,500
36 37
38 39
My overriding impression of this stunning First Growth is that
it is the silkiest, most perfumed, most fine-grained of all the
legendary top châteaux of Bordeaux. Haut Brion has an inner
‘spirituality’to it, a haunting quality that lingers long on the
senses. Its unique position on the edge of the city of Bordeaux
gives it a micro-climate that fosters ripeness and generosity
- there is a velvety warmth to the wine. The extra‘plus’to
the property is the family ownership and its long-standing
link with three generations of another family, the Delmas, on
the managing side, which has provided a totally beneficial
continuity to the estate. Haut Brion often blooms early among
the First Growths but, unlike human beings, it continues to grow
more beautiful in middle age and retains the bone structure and
elegance of a very distinguished old age! Serena Sutcliffe, MW
Château Haut Brion 2017
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
WA 97
247 	l	 6 bts (owc)
248 	l	 6 bts (owc)
249 	l	 6 bts (owc)
250 	l	 6 bts (owc)
251 	l	 6 bts (owc)
252 	l	 6 bts (owc)
253 	l	 6 bts (owc)
254 	l	 6 bts (owc)
per lot: $1,600-2,200
255 	l	 3 mags (owc)
256 	l	 3 mags (owc)
257 	l	 3 mags (owc)
258 	l	 3 mags (owc)
per lot: $1,800-2,400
Château Haut Brion 2016
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
Merlot 56%, Cabernet Sauvignon 37.5%, Cabernet Franc
6.5%. In 2021, the most wonderful, heady, hedonistic
nose, followed by a stunningly juicy taste, redolent of black
cherries and the property’s signature ‘smoky fireplaces’.
Just so utterly alluring and a star of the vintage, one of those
irresistible Haut Brions. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 100
259 	l	 6 bts (owc)
260 	l	 6 bts (owc)
261 	l	 6 bts (owc)
262 	l	 6 bts (owc)
per lot: $2,400-3,500
263 	l	 3 mags (owc)
264 	l	 3 mags (owc)
265 	l	 3 mags (owc)
266 	l	 3 mags (owc)
per lot: $4,800-7,000
267 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
268 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $3,800-5,000
Château Haut Brion 2015
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
Merlot 50%, Cabernet Sauvignon 42%, Cabernet Franc 8%.
In 2019, an incredible nose of super breed. Voluptuous and
glorious on the palate, sumptuous and fascinating, mocha
and spices. The fruit glows - this wine is nutritious! It is also
sublime and has been from the start. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 100
269 	l	 6 bts (owc)
270 	l	 6 bts (owc)
271 	l	 6 bts (owc)
272 	l	 6 bts (owc)
273 	l	 6 bts (owc)
274 	l	 6 bts (owc)
275 	l	 6 bts (owc)
276 	l	 6 bts (owc)
per lot: $2,200-3,200
277 	l	 3 mags (owc)
278 	l	 3 mags (owc)
279 	l	 3 mags (owc)
280 	l	 3 mags (owc)
281 	l	 3 mags (owc)
282 	l	 3 mags (owc)
283 	l	 3 mags (owc)
284 	l	 3 mags (owc)
per lot: $2,400-3,500
285 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
286 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $4,000-5,500
Château Haut Brion 2014
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
50% Merlot, 39% Cabernet Sauvignon, 11% Cabernet
Franc. In 2018, the marvellous perfume comes out with
seductive beauty, with a whiff of the best Havanas. On the
palate, the great finesse of texture of Haut Brion, combined
with intensity of flavour. Juicy and concentrated. Fabulous,
velvety wine. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
287 	l	 6 bts (owc)
288 	l	 6 bts (owc)
289 	l	 6 bts (owc)
290 	l	 6 bts (owc)
per lot: $1,600-2,200
291 	l	 6 mags (owc)
292 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $3,500-5,000
293 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
294 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $1,200-1,600
295 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
296 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $2,600-3,500
Château Haut Brion 2013
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
27hl/hectare yield at the property. 50% Merlot, 45.5%
Cabernet Sauvignon, 4,5% Cabernet Franc. 65% new
wood. Immediately, one sees that this is First Growth on the
nose, with so much class and intensity. Here, the Cabernet
Sauvignon has really given both flesh and volume. A real
Arabica coffee taste. Fat and glycerol, with such a smooth
texture. Round and very well-bred. Vanilla pod finish. I fell
for this in a big way. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
297 	l	 12 bts (owc)
298 	l	 12 bts (owc)
299 	l	 12 bts (owc)
l	 12 bts (owc)
301 	l	 12 bts (owc)
302 	l	 12 bts (owc)
303 	l	 12 bts (owc)
304 	l	 12 bts (owc)
305 	l	 12 bts (owc)
306 	l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $3,500-4,800
307 	l	 6 mags (owc)
308 	l	 6 mags (owc)
309 	l	 6 mags (owc)
310 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $3,200-4,500
311 	 l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
312 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
313 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
314 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $1,100-1,500
315 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
316 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
317 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
318 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $2,400-3,500
Château Haut Brion 2012
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
65.5% Merlot, 32.5% Cabernet Sauvignon, 2% Cabernet
Franc. 75% new oak. From the outset, always alluring at
all levels - it still is, in 2016 . The complex, coffee-ish nose
leads to divine finesse and class on the palate, with a really
persistent, cigary finish to it. This is a true favourite in the
vintage, showing its aristocratic, silky texture at every turn.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 98
319 	l	 12 bts (owc)
320 	l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $3,500-5,000
321 	l	 6 mags (owc)
322 	l	 6 mags (owc)
323 	l	 6 mags (owc)
324 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $3,800-5,500
325 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
326 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $1,400-1,900
327 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
328 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $3,000-4,000
Château Haut Brion 2011
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
46.3% Cabernet Sauvignon 34.8% Merlot, 18.9% Cabernet
Franc. A nose of smoked bacon! The most lovely vanilla,
cream and coffee taste with a touch of mint. There is
so much glycerol around the framework. Flavours of
fresh blackberry jam. A great Haut Brion oozing breed.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 95
329 	l	 12 bts (owc)
330 	l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $3,500-5,000
331 	l	 6 mags (owc)
332 	l	 6 mags (owc)
333 	l	 6 mags (owc)
334 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $3,200-4,500
335 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
336 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $2,400-3,500
Château Haut Brion 2010
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
57% Cabernet Sauvignon, 23% Merlot, 20% Cabernet Franc
- this is the lowest percentage of Merlot in any Haut Brion. A
great, dry year in Bordeaux. In 2014, an amazing blueberry
nose, with a whiff of smoke. So rich in glycerol on the palate,
with both mineral and maritime notes. Mouth-coating
and smooth. This has the total integration and balance,
complexity and sheer force, to take it forward for decades.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 100
337 	l	 12 bts (owc)
338 	l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $6,500-9,000
339 	l	 6 mags (owc)
340 	l	 6 mags (owc)
341 	l	 6 mags (owc)
342 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $8,000-12,000
343 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
344 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $2,400-3,200
345 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
346 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $4,800-7,000
Château Haut Brion 2009
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
In 2014, there is great spiciness on the nose, plus morello
cherries. A real irony core to it on the palate. Silky textured,
in that Haut Brion way, with mocha on the finish. There is
real tannic grip, but it is also so juicy, in spite of the heat of
the year. Perfectly composed by ultimate professionals,
from stunning terroir. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 100
347 	l	 12 bts (owc)
348 	l	 12 bts (owc)
349 	l	 12 bts (owc)
350 	l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $6,500-9,000
351 	l	 6 mags (owc)
352 	l	 6 mags (owc)
353 	l	 6 mags (owc)
354 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $7,500-10,000
355 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
356 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $3,000-4,000
357 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
358 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $5,500-7,500
Château Haut Brion 2008
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
In 2021, a rich, opulent, sensual nose, showing the 41%
Merlot. Spicy and sparky on the palate, but the velvet lies
underneath. Fresh black fruit on the finish. One is tempted
to lay this down and see where it goes, because it changes in
character each time it makes a (very welcome!) appearance.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 96
359 	l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $3,800-5,000
360 	l	 6 mags (owc)
361 	l	 6 mags (owc)
362 	l	 6 mags (owc)
363 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $4,000-6,000
364 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
365 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $1,300-1,800
366 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
367 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $2,600-3,800
Château Haut Brion 2007
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
44% Cabernet Sauvignon, 43% Merlot, 13% Cabernet Franc.
71% new oak. Scented, even “Burgundian” nose. Fragrant
violets and a touch of peppermint. Blueberries, coffee and
cocoa on the palate. Very smooth. Blackberries and smoke
at the end. This has the softness to make it approachable at
6 years old. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 92
368 	l	 12 bts (owc)
369 	l	 12 bts (owc)
370 	l	 12 bts (owc)
371 	l	 12 bts (owc)
372 	l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $3,500-4,800
373 	l	 6 mags (owc)
374 	l	 6 mags (owc)
375 	l	 6 mags (owc)
376 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $3,500-5,000
377 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
378 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $1,200-1,600
379 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
380 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $2,400-3,500
Château Haut Brion 2006
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
In 2012, lovely layers of red fruit on the nose. Superb
cherries dominate. So unctuous and rich with a silky texture.
Liquorice and wine gums and with real concentration. Depth,
power and length. Not to be missed. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 96
381 	l	 12 bts (owc)
382 	l	 12 bts (owc)
383 	l	 12 bts (owc)
384 	l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $3,500-5,000
385 	l	 6 mags (owc)
386 	l	 6 mags (owc)
387 	l	 6 mags (owc)
388 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $3,500-5,000
389 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
390 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $1,200-1,600
391 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
392 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $2,600-3,800
Château Haut Brion 2005
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
Lot 399: 1 nicked capsule
A dry year in Bordeaux and immensely impressive right from
the start. In 2014, marvellous, inky violets on the nose. And
real ‘inkiness’ on the palate. Like Fortuny silk on the texture,
a signature Haut Brion characteristic. Great vivacity on
the finish, a part of the fresh acidity of the year. Will go the
distance. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 100
393 	l	 12 bts (owc)
394 	l	 12 bts (owc)
395 	l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $6,500-9,500
396 	l	 6 mags (owc)
397 	l	 6 mags (owc)
398 	l	 6 mags (owc)
399 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $8,000-12,000
l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
401 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $2,400-3,500
402 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $5,000-7,000
Château Haut Brion 2004
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
A nose of real finesse and breed. Total attack of Havana
cigars and fresh healthy fruit. A long finish in the context
of the year. On its 10th birthday, there is chocolate
density here, with softness that melts in the mouth.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 92
403 	l	 6 mags (owc)
404 	l	 6 mags (owc)
405 	l	 6 mags (owc)
406 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $3,200-4,500
407 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $1,400-2,000
408 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $2,800-3,800
Château Haut Brion 2003
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
Tasted from Imperial in 2011 in Hong Kong. Spice bazaar
and cinnamon, vanilla pod and drinking chocolate on the
nose. Great woodsmoke (think Pessac-Léognan) and red
fruit taste. Layers of flavour and velvet curtains texture.
Already a delight, even in this generous format. From
bottle in 2012, deep, brilliant colour. Rich and winey on
the nose. Very spicy on the palate, with big, soft tannins.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 95
409 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $1,600-2,200
410 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $3,500-4,800
Château Haut Brion 2001
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
In 2018, an ineffable, classy, ultra-scented nose of intense
projection, followed by an absolute blueberries taste. The
vivacity and gleaming fruit of this wine are pure delight.
The appellation impact is fabulous - I really love this wine.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 94
411 	 l	 3 bts (owc)
per lot: $950-1,300
412 	l	 6 mags (owc)
413 	l	 6 mags (owc)
414 	l	 6 mags (owc)
415 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $4,000-5,500
416 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $1,600-2,200
Château Haut Brion 2000
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
Lot 417-422: Levels into the neck, Lot 423-428: Level into the
In 2014, so scented and perfumed, more ‘tamed’ and less
wild than when younger. A marked ‘maritime’ centre to
it, with those intense blueberry flavours that are so often
present in Haut Brion. Finishes on a strong note of arabica
coffee. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 99
417 	l	 12 bts (owc)
418 	l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $3,500-5,000
419 	l	 6 mags (owc)
420 	l	 6 mags (owc)
421 	l	 6 mags (owc)
422 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $7,500-10,000
423 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
424 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
425 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $2,600-3,500
426 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
427 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
428 	l	 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc)
per lot: $5,500-8,000
Château Haut Brion 1998
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
Lot 429-437: Levels into the neck, Lot 438: Levels into the
neck, 1 slightly nicked label
On Boxing Day 2019 (26 December!), cigary, smoky and
heathery on the nose. Finesse of tannin, ripe, exciting
flavour, plus elegance allied to balance and structure. A
classic of the genre. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 96
429 	l	 12 bts (owc)
430 	l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $4,500-6,000
431 	l	 6 mags (owc)
432 	l	 6 mags (owc)
433 	l	 6 mags (owc)
434 	l	 6 mags (owc)
435 	l	 6 mags (owc)
436 	l	 6 mags (owc)
437 	l	 6 mags (owc)
438 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $5,500-7,500
Château Haut Brion 1996
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
Lot 439: Levels into the neck, packed in 12 bottle original
wooden case, Lot 440-445: Level into the neck
In 2013, a super, smoky, peaty nose that is just so generous
and opulent. Lots of blackcurrant in there with some
liquorice too. So youthful and fresh, together with the
richness. Big structure and a keeper although it has that
alluring Haut Brion softness. Long finish. A superb wine.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 92
439	8 bts (owc)
per lot: $2,600-3,500
440 	l	 1 mag (owc)
441 	l	 1 mag (owc)
per lot: $750-1,000
442 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
443 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
444 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
445 	l	 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc)
per lot: $1,500-2,000
LOTS 440-441, 442-445
Château Haut Brion 1994
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
Lot 446: Levels into the neck, packed in 6-pack original
wooden case, Lot 447: Levels into the neck, 1 signs of old
seepage, packed in unbranded 6 pack magnum wooden case,
Lot 448: Levels into the neck, slightly scuffed capsules, 3
signs of old seepage, Lot 449: Levels into the neck, 2 signs of
old seepage
The nose has become a real bouquet as opposed to a
primary aroma. Deep cassis and intensity. Fruit heart to
it, with some quite dry, concentrated tannins. Long, fruity
finish. Blackcurrant dominates with cold coffee flavours.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 92
446 	l	 3 mags (owc)
per lot: $1,600-2,200
447 	l	 3 mags (cn)
per lot: $1,600-2,200
448 	l	 6 mags (owc)
449 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $3,200-4,500
Château Haut Brion 1993
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
Lot 450: u. 1x3.5cm, otherwise levels into the neck, 2 signs of
old seepage, packed in unbranded 6 bottle wooden case, Lot
451: Levels into the neck, slightly scuffed capsules, packed in
6 pack magnum original wooden case, Lot 452: Levels into
the neck, 1 slightly scuffed capsule
Intensely spicy aroma - deeply scented and like heather
in flower. Juicy, violetty fruit on the palate. Pretty. Drink
from now. Perfectly delicious. Lovely balance and harmony.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
450 	l	 4 mags (cn)
451 	l	 4 mags (owc)
per lot: $2,000-2,800
452 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $3,000-4,200
Château Haut Brion 1991
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
Lot 453: Levels into the neck, Lot 454: Levels into the neck, 1
slightly bin-soiled label, 5 signs of old seepage
Very scented and cedary. Very full and plummy. A beautiful
mouthful. Totally balanced. Lovely loganberries in syrup.
Super. A liqueur of a wine! Serena Sutcliffe, MW
453 	l	 12 bts (owc)
454 	l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $3,500-5,000
Château Haut Brion 1990
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
Lot 455: Levels into the neck, 2 slightly bin-soiled labels, Lot
456: Levels into the neck, Lot 457: 3x3.5cm, otherwise levels
into the neck
In 2019, this remains spectacular. An unbelievably young,
cedary nose leads to a wonderful juicy, blackberry taste
backed up by great structure of perfect composition. Utterly
fruity to the end, an extraordinary liquid compote of ultimate
class. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 98
455 	l	 4 bts (sc)
per lot: $2,400-3,500
456 	l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $7,000-11,000
457 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $9,000-12,000
Château Haut Brion 1989
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
Lot 458: Levels into the neck, 3 slightly bin-soiled labels, 1
slightly scuffed capsule, packed in a 12 bottle original wooden
case, Lot 459-460: Levels into the neck
Every single plot was green harvested to produce this density
and they even chaptalized the wine! In 2014, a great black
olive, ‘tapenade’ nose. On the palate, there is a touch of both
vanillin and the sea, with sandalwood elements. The volume
is impressive, with concentration all through. You can almost
eat this. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 100
458 	l	 10 bts (owc)
per lot: $17,000-24,000
459 	l	 12 bts (owc)
460 	l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $20,000-28,000
LOTS 459-460
Château Haut Brion 1966
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
Lot 461: u. 5x3.5cm, 1x4cm, otherwise levels into the
neck, slightly damp-stained labels, Lot 462: Levels into the
neck, reconditioned at chateau March 18, 2022, packed
in unbranded 12 bottle wooden case, Lot 463: u. 2x3.5cm,
3x4cm, 5x4.5cm, 2x5cm, slightly bin-soiled labels, packed
in unbranded 12 bottle wooden case, Lot 464: u. 5x3.5cm,
6x4cm, 1x4.5cm, slightly bin-soiled labels, slightly scufed
capsules, 2 slightly sunken corks, packed in unbranded
12 bottle wooden case, Lot 465: Levels into the neck,
reconditioned at chateau March 18, 2022, Lot 466: u.
1x4.5cm, otherwise level into the neck, scuffed capsules, Lot
467: Levels into the neck, reconditioned at the chateau March
18, 2022, packed in 6 pack magnum original wooden case
In 2014, a bouncy, fresh, spicy nose of great projection. Rich,
aromatic and mouth-coating on the palate. This was a very
good bottle, direct from the property and still showing its
paces. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
461 	l	 8 bts (sc)
per lot: $2,400-3,500
462 	l	 11 bts (cn)
per lot: $3,200-5,000
463 	l	 12 bts (cn)
464 	l	 12 bts (cn)
per lot: $3,500-5,500
465 	l	 2 mags (cn)
466 	l	 2 mags (cn)
per lot: $1,200-1,600
467 	l	 5 mags (owc)
per lot: $3,000-4,000
Château Haut Brion 1964
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
Lot 468: Levels into the neck, slightly scuffed capsules, Lot
469: Levels into the neck, reconditioned at chateau March 18,
2022, packed in unbranded 12 bottle wooden case, Lot 470:
Levels into the neck, reconditioned at chateau March 18, 2022
Harvested before the rain - timing was all in this vintage. At
50 years old, there is a bouquet of its time that I can describe
as ‘damp cellars’, bringing back a hoard of memories.
The taste is all blackcurrant and richly redolent of mince
pies, those dried fruit concoctions that the British eat at
Christmas, spicy and rich. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
468 	l	 6 bts (sc)
per lot: $1,700-2,400
469 	l	 8 bts (cn)
per lot: $2,200-3,200
470 	l	 3 mags (owc)
per lot: $1,900-2,600
Château Haut Brion 1958
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
u. 3.5cm, slightly scuffed capsule, Mahler-Besse neck tag
Not much nose. Very coffee and tobacco taste. Delicious.
Smoky finish. Really surprising for a light year, at this age.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
471 	l	 1 bt (cn)
per lot: $650-850
Château Haut Brion 1940
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
u. 3ts, 1t/hs, 1h/ms, 1ms, pale blue glass bottles, slightly
damp-stained lables, scuffed capsules, 4 oxidized capsules,
packed in unbranded wooden case
472 	l	 6 bts (sc)
per lot: $5,000-8,500
Château Haut Brion 1937
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
Reconditioned at the chateau March 18, 2022, packed in
unbranded 12 bottle wooden case
1937 produced a tiny crop as there was a hailstorm in
June - 60-70 casks. Very aromatic bouquet- for me, the
best of the vintage together with La Mission. Coffee and
cherry kernels. Smoky taste. High acidity. A very good
1937 as not dry. Would be excellent with lièvre à la royale.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
473 	l	 8 bts (cn)
per lot: $8,500-12,000
Château Haut Brion 1934
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
Lot 474: Reconditioned at the chateau on March 15, 2022,
Lot 475: u. t/hs, 1 oxidized capsule, 1 corroded capsule
At 80 years old, this still has a lot to say for itself. There is a
sweetness of bouquet that draws you in, followed by quite a
sharp, ‘maritime’ taste, turning to succulence. Ultimately, the
wine is violetty and sweet, a ‘tour de force’ when many 1934s
are drying. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
474 	l	 1 bt (cn)
per lot: $1,200-1,600
475 	l	 2 bts (sc)
per lot: $2,400-3,200
Château Haut Brion 1929
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
Lot 476: u. 2ts, 1t/hs, 1 slightly raised cork, scuffed capsules,
short capsules reveal vintage branded corks, Lot 477: u. ts,
damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly wine-stained
label, 2 signs of old seepage
Almost damsons and Port nose. Raisins and orange zest.
It has the consistency of Port. Liqueur sweet finish. This
is actually bigger than a Port of this epoch would be now!
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
476 	l	 3 bts (sc)
477 	l	 3 bts (sc)
per lot: $5,000-7,000
Château Haut Brion 1928
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
Lot 478: Level into the neck, reconditioned at the chateau
March 18, 2022, Lot 479: u. ts, scuffed capsules
This has always been a wine to cause comment,
seemingly super-extracted and sweet. In 2014, it was all
toffee and raisins, with high volatile acidity that makes it
seem almost ageless. A conundrum, but a riveting one.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 97
478 	l	 1 bt (sc)
per lot: $2,600-3,800
479 	l	 2 bts (sc)
per lot: $5,500-7,500
Château Haut Brion 1926
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
Lot 480: Level into the neck, reconditioned at the chateau on
March 21, 2022, Lot 481: u. 3t/hs, 1h/ms, scuffed capsules,
1 slightly sunken cork, short capsules reveal vintage branded
corks, signs of old seepage, 1 oxidized capsule, Lot 482:
Levels into the neck, reconditioned at the chateau March
15th, 2022, Lot 483: Level into the neck, reconditioned at the
chateau March 9, 2022
A very great Haut Brion and a perfect example of this
splendid, rich vintage. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 96
480 	l	 1 bt (cn)
per lot: $1,200-1,800
481 	l	 4 bts (sc)
482 	l	 4 bts (sc)
per lot: $4,800-6,500
483 	l	 1 jero - 4.5 litres (owc)
per lot: $7,500-12,000
Château Haut Brion 1924
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
Level into the neck, reconditioned at the chateau March 9,
Superb nose. Complex spices - so sweet on the palate.
Cinnamon and cardamom. Some acidity but the volume of
the wine coats the mouth. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
484 	l	 1 jero - 4.5 litres (owc)
per lot: $7,500-12,000
LOTS 483, 484
Château Haut Brion 1921
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
Lot 485: u. 2ts 1t/hs, scuffed capsules, Lot 486: Levels into
the neck, 1 slightly scuffed label, 1 slightly nicked label, slightly
damp-stained labels, reconditioned at the chateau March 18,
Sweet/smoky bouquet. Glorious meaty flavour. A bit dried
up on the finish - flavours of prunes. But then the 1921
sweetness steals up on you. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
485 	l	 3 bts (sc)
per lot: $3,200-4,500
486 	l	 4 bts (sc)
per lot: $4,200-6,500
Château Haut Brion 1919
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
Lot 487-488: Level into the neck, reconditioned at chateau in
So gentle. Very wet fur taste. Such currants in the mouth.
Like divine treacle. Just wallow in it! Serena Sutcliffe, MW
487 	l	 1 bt (cn)
488 	l	 1 bt (cn)
per lot: $1,200-1,600
Château Haut Brion 1918
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
Lot 489: Level into the neck, reconditioned at the chateau
March 18, 2022, Lot 490: Level into the neck, reconditioned at
the chateau 2022 March 15, 2022
489 	l	 1 bt (cn)
490 	l	 1 bt (cn)
per lot: $1,400-1,900
Château Haut Brion 1906
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé
Level into the neck, slightly damp-stained label, reconditioned
at the chateau March 8, 2022
491 	l	 1 bt (cn)
per lot: $1,700-2,400
LOTS 487-488, 489-490
The rarest of the rare, the utterly beautiful Haut Brion Blanc
is the magical meeting between Sauvignon and Sémillon,
vinified to their ultimate levels of quality. The smoky, waxy,
citrus notes of this wine transcend mere technical details
of grape variety and vinification methods, melting into a
wine of such intriguing complexity and rich texture that any
wine lover feels truly blessed. I can sip it forever, with or
without food, but it deserves the freshest turbot or halibut
to show it off to perfection. But, then, scallops or lobster
are fantastic with HBB as well and, if these luxuries are not
to hand, try it with fishcakes or fish pie! Just never miss the
opportunity to experience it. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
Château Haut Brion Blanc 2018
Pessac-Léognan (Graves)
492 	l	 3 mags (owc)
493 	l	 3 mags (owc)
494 	l	 3 mags (owc)
495 	l	 3 mags (owc)
496 	l	 3 mags (owc)
497 	l	 3 mags (owc)
498 	l	 3 mags (owc)
499 	l	 3 mags (owc)
per lot: $3,000-4,000
Château Haut Brion Blanc 2017
Pessac-Léognan (Graves)
l	 3 mags (owc)
501 	l	 3 mags (owc)
502 	l	 3 mags (owc)
503 	l	 3 mags (owc)
504 	l	 3 mags (owc)
505 	l	 3 mags (owc)
506 	l	 3 mags (owc)
507 	l	 3 mags (owc)
per lot: $3,000-4,000
Château Haut Brion Blanc 2016
Pessac-Léognan (Graves)
508 	l	 3 mags (owc)
509 	l	 3 mags (owc)
510 	l	 3 mags (owc)
511 	 l	 3 mags (owc)
512 	l	 3 mags (owc)
513 	l	 3 mags (owc)
514 	l	 3 mags (owc)
515 	l	 3 mags (owc)
per lot: $3,000-4,000
Château Haut Brion Blanc 2015
Pessac-Léognan (Graves)
Sauvignon 69% (a high proportion this year), Sémillon
31%. A more tight nose than La Mission Blanc. Very classy
and with marked appellation character. There is enticing,
almost mysterious, smokiness in there, as if one had put a
grapefruit under the grill. So fresh at the end. Great wine.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA (94-96)
516 	l	 6 mags (owc)
517 	l	 6 mags (owc)
518 	l	 6 mags (owc)
519 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $6,000-8,000
Château Haut Brion Blanc 2014
Pessac-Léognan (Graves)
68% Sémillon, 32% Sauvignon Blanc. Wonderful, rich,
aromatic honey nose. It falls like Fortuny silk on the
palate. There are flavours of cloves and ginger and
it is just so opulent, luscious and satisfying. What an
amazing pair of wines with La Mission Haut Brion Blanc!
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
520 	l	 6 mags (owc)
521 	l	 6 mags (owc)
522 	l	 6 mags (owc)
523 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $6,000-8,000
LOTS 492-499, 500-507, 572-575, 576
Château Haut Brion Blanc 2013
Pessac-Léognan (Graves)
66% Sauvignon, 34% Sémillon, a smaller proportion than
usual. 42% went into the grand vin. A lovely hazelnuts and
fresh ginger nose - this must be the most special place for
Sauvignon in the world. So much lanolin smoothness on the
palate, followed by a real taste of greengages. A wine of very
serious ‘majesty’. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA (94-96)
524 	l	 6 mags (owc)
525 	l	 6 mags (owc)
526 	l	 6 mags (owc)
527 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $6,500-9,000
Château Haut Brion Blanc 2012
Pessac-Léognan (Graves)
55% Sauvignon, 45% Sémillon. A touch of smoke and
hazelnuts on the nose. A real taste of waxy clementines on
the palate, like the freshly-pressed juice of a Sicilian summer
morning - this is a heavenly version! Amazing freshness and
volume. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 98
528 	l	 6 mags (owc)
529 	l	 6 mags (owc)
530 	l	 6 mags (owc)
531 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $6,000-8,000
Château Haut Brion Blanc 2011
Pessac-Léognan (Graves)
57.9% Sémillon, 42.1% Sauvignon Blanc. Picked on 18
August! There is more grapefruit here on the nose as
there is more Sauvignon in the blend. Rich grapefruit and
cinnamon on the palate. The alcohol is totally absorbed. A
real pomegranates taste and finish. In 2015, a hawthorn and
honey nose and a full, rich, lanolin taste of lemon and cloves.
Opulent. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 95
532 	l	 6 mags (owc)
533 	l	 6 mags (owc)
534 	l	 6 mags (owc)
535 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $6,500-9,000
Château Haut Brion Blanc 2010
Pessac-Léognan (Graves)
54% Sauvignon Blanc, 46%, Sémillon. Very rich
and aromatic on the nose. This has a glorious white
peaches taste which I have never seen before at such an
intense level. Absolutely exceptional Haut Brion Blanc.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 98
536 	l	 6 mags (owc)
537 	l	 6 mags (owc)
538 	l	 6 mags (owc)
539 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $8,000-12,000
Château Haut Brion Blanc 2009
Pessac-Léognan (Graves)
Last tasted in 2014 and from magnum, this has that
wonderful ‘petrol’ nose that I love so much, even though
Jean-Bernard Delmas used to have a wry expression when
I mentioned it! A great guava taste, with a touch of fresh
ginger, à la great Montrachet. This is just so fat and rich,
indicative of the warm year. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 98+
540 	l	 6 mags (owc)
541 	l	 6 mags (owc)
542 	l	 6 mags (owc)
543 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $8,500-12,000
Château Haut Brion Blanc 2008
Pessac-Léognan (Graves)
55% Sémillon, 45% Sauvignon Blanc. (This is almost the
‘image’ of the vineyard planting). In 2013, a gingerbread
bouquet and richer than the elegant Laville 2008 on the
nose. An opulent, imposing wine on the palate, full of gingery
spiciness, honey and treacle. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA (94)
544 	l	 6 mags (owc)
545 	l	 6 mags (owc)
546 	l	 6 mags (owc)
547 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $6,000-8,000
Château Haut Brion Blanc 2007
Pessac-Léognan (Graves)
55% Sauvignon Blanc, 45% Sémillon. In 2013, a rich, warm,
almost “lazy” nose - you just sink into it! Superb honey
and oranges taste, with oriental spiciness. Cinnamon,
saffron and allspice. All-enveloping. Lovely clementines
freshness at the end, after the mouth-filling experience.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 95+
548 	l	 6 mags (owc)
549 	l	 6 mags (owc)
550 	l	 6 mags (owc)
551 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $6,500-9,000
Château Haut Brion Blanc 2006
Pessac-Léognan (Graves)
56% Sauvignon Blanc, 44% Sémillon. 9 months in 45%
new oak. Marvellously subtle fragrance of honeysuckle
and acacia. Class and breed too. Heavenly silkiness,
with beautifully integrated vanilla and lots of nutmeg and
gingerbread, plus a delectable honied sweetness. This is so
fine-tuned and “civilised”. A celestial joy to drink in 2013 and,
no doubt, for many years to come. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 95
552 	l	 6 mags (owc)
553 	l	 6 mags (owc)
554 	l	 6 mags (owc)
555 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $7,000-9,500
Château Haut Brion Blanc 2005
Pessac-Léognan (Graves)
52% Sauvignon Blanc, 48% Sémillon. In 2013, honeysuckle
honey on the nose. Flowers, apricots and mandarin oranges.
An amazing taste of apricots and apples. Very rich and
powerful. The orange is very strong, with a touch of caramel
and melon at the end. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 95+
556 	l	 6 mags (owc)
557 	l	 6 mags (owc)
558 	l	 6 mags (owc)
559 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $8,000-12,000
Château Haut Brion Blanc 2004
Pessac-Léognan (Graves)
A 50/50 split between Sauvignon and Sémillon. Incredible,
rich, fat and floral wine, with the depth and texture of a
great Montrachet but a stupendous, all-enveloping, totally
alluring character that is pure HBB. Smoky opulence and
lemony at the end. One of the greats of the genre. It was
marvellous with poached halibut and hollandaise sauce.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 94
560 	l	 6 mags (owc)
561 	l	 6 mags (owc)
562 	l	 6 mags (owc)
563 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $6,000-8,000
Château Haut Brion Blanc 2003
Pessac-Léognan (Graves)
Great, rich, acacia nose. Honey and almonds - so opulent.
This has a longer, bigger finish than the Laville in this very
early vintage. In 2013, it is very round and rich, a child of
heat! Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 97
564 	l	 6 mags (owc)
565 	l	 6 mags (owc)
566 	l	 6 mags (owc)
567 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $6,500-9,000
Château Haut Brion Blanc 2002
Pessac-Léognan (Graves)
That “petrolly” nose of white Pessac-Léognan wines -
aeroplanes and not cars and I assure you it is lovely! Masses
of orange on the palate. Slightly “muscaté”. So much
glycerol and a nice lick of freshness at the end in 2013.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
568 	l	 6 mags (owc)
569 	l	 6 mags (owc)
570 	l	 6 mags (owc)
571 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $5,500-7,500
Château Haut Brion Blanc 2001
Pessac-Léognan (Graves)
In 2013, very spicy and full of gingerbread on the nose.
Great finesse. Perfect fruit/acidity balance. Fabulous year,
fabulous harmony. This has a terrific lemon kick-back on
the palate. Such silky bliss. Ace wine. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 93
572 	l	 6 mags (owc)
573 	l	 6 mags (owc)
574 	l	 6 mags (owc)
575 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $6,000-8,000
Château Haut Brion Blanc 1998
Pessac-Léognan (Graves)
Levels into the neck
50% Sauvignon Blanc, 50% Sémillon. Last tasted in 2014
and from magnum, this is pure honeysuckle on the nose.
Extraordinary minerality on the palate, with orange zest all
through. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 96
576 	l	 6 mags (owc)
per lot: $7,500-10,000
Château Haut Brion Blanc 1996
Pessac-Léognan (Graves)
Levels into the neck
A stupendous year for dry whites from Pessac-Léognan -
and this is the tops. Rich, huge and all-enveloping, but with
marvellous acidity giving it total freshness and a finish of
fresh ginger. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 93
577 	l	 12 bts (owc)
per lot: $4,800-6,500
Throughout the centuries, Lafite has proved that this is a
wine that ages in the most ethereal way. Lafite combines
elegance, breed and scent with sustained power, a miracle
of balance and nobility. The extraordinary terroir and
position in Pauillac have always been matched by the
Rothschilds’ sense of quality and vision, resulting in a wine
that has mythical status. Continuity is vital in producing
a great wine and the wine-making brilliance of Charles
Chevallier from the 1990s to early 2016 has added extra
lustre to this exceptional liquid, with the fame of the
property spreading further throughout the world. When
serving Lafite, decant it well in advance of drinking as its
bouquet and taste amplify to multi-faceted dimensions
on contact with the air. At the Château itself, they double
decant, back into the original bottle with its unchanging,
instantly recognisable label. Lafite matures slowly,
developing gloriously with bottle age, as historic tastings
have shown. Collect Lafite for yourself and watch it grow!
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
Château Lafite 1981
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé
Lot 578: u. bn, slightly wine-stained labels, Lot 579: Levels bn
or into neck, damp-stained and slightly wine-stained labels, 2
torn labels, 1 slightly raised cork, heavily worn original tissues,
Lot 580: Level into the neck, slightly damp-stained label, Lot
581: u. 1ts, otherwise levels into the neck, damp-stained and
bin-soiled labels, 3 slightly wine-stained labels, 1 slightly torn
label, 1 slightly raised cork, packed in unbranded 6-magnum
wooden case
578 	l	 2 bts (sc)
per lot: $950-1,300
579 	l	 4 bts (sc)
per lot: $1,900-2,600
580 	l	 1 mag (cn)
per lot: $1,100-1,500
581 	l	 4 mags (cn)
per lot: $4,200-6,000
Château Lafite 1979
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé
Lot 582: u. 2ts, otherwise vts, slightly damp-stained labels,
slight tissue paper adhered to labels, packed in unbranded
12 bottle wooden case, Lot 583: u. 1 ts, otherwise bn, slightly
bin-soiled labels, 11 slight tissue paper adhered to labels, Lot
584: Levels into the neck, 1 damp-stained and wrinkled label,
1 heavily damp-stained label, 1 wine-stained label, torn labels,
1 tissue paper adhered to back of bottle, Lot 585: Levels bn
or better, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, 1 signs of old
I always thought this was a great 1979 and, at 30 years old,
it still is. Last tasted (drunk, actually) from magnum. A
lovely meaty, chocolatey nose. Some mint too, as it always
had. Beautiful middle taste. Real power, with that mocha/
mint finish. A lot of ‘matière’ here. Some mushrooms on the
finish. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
582 	l	 11 bts (cn)
per lot: $3,800-5,000
583 	l	 12 bts (cn)
per lot: $4,200-5,500
584 	l	 2 mags (cn)
585 	l	 2 mags (cn)
per lot: $1,600-2,200
Château Lafite 1978
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé
Lot 586: u. 3t/hs, 7h/ms, damp-stained and bin-soiled
labels, 1 slightly torn label, 1 slightly raised cork, 1 signs of old
seepage, 2 heavily corroded capsules, packed in unbranded
12 bottle wooden case, Lot 587: u. 2vts, 5ts, 4t/hs, damp-
stained and bin-soiled labels, slightly scuffed capsules, packed
in unbranded 12-bottle wooden case Lot 588: u. bn, damp-
stained and bin-soiled label, Lot 589: Levels bn or into neck,
heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, slightly scuffed
capsules, packed in unbranded 6-magnum wooden case
I always loved this wine from the start and now, from
magnum, it is terrific. Very aromatic bouquet, symptomatic
of this late vintage. So much fat and glycerol on the
palate. Finishes so spicy and lacy. The most recent bottle
had a meaty nose. Tea and roses. Really rich and spicy.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
586 	l	 10 bts (cn)
per lot: $3,500-5,000
587 	l	 11 bts (cn)
per lot: $4,000-5,500
588 	l	 1 mag (cn)
per lot: $1,000-1,400
589 	l	 4 mags (cn)
per lot: $4,000-5,500
LOTS 619, 622, 625, 627, 628, 629, 630, 632, 634, 637, 639, 640
Château Lafite 1977
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé
Lot 590: u. 1vts, 2ts, heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled
labels, Lot 591: Levels bn or into neck, damp-stained and
bin-soiled labels, sightly oxidized capsules, Lot 592: u. vts,
heavily bin-soiled and damp-stained labels, wine stained
labels, oxidized capsules, packed in unbranded 6 pack
magnum wooden case, Lot 593: u. bn, heavily damp-stained
and bin-soiled labels, oxidized capsules, packed in unbranded
6-magnum wooden case
590 	l	 3 bts (sc)
per lot: $1,200-18,000
591 	l	 5 bts (sc)
per lot: $2,000-3,000
592 	l	 2 mags (cn)
593 	l	 2 mags (cn)
per lot: $1,800-2,400
Château Lafite 1976
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé
Lot 594: u. 1bn, 2ts, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels,
slightly oxidized capsules, Lot 595: u. ts, damp-stained and
bin-soiled labels, oxidized capsules, sunken corks, Lot 596:
u. 3bn, 2vts, 1ts, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, oxidized
capsules, 1 slightly torn capsule, 1 sunken cork, 3 signs of old
In 2009, and from double magnum, this is very good ‘now’
drinking. The very spicy nose leads to lovely aromatic
cocoa on the palate. It finishes with delicacy - filigree Lafite.
Our own bottles at home are also showing very well, with
some fat to match the spiciness. In 2011, vanillin, spicy
and mature. Length, elegance and freshness on the palate.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 93
594 	l	 3 bts (sc)
595 	l	 3 bts (sc)
per lot: $1,000-1,400
596 	l	 6 mags (cn)
per lot: $4,200-6,500
Château Lafite 1975
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé
Lot 597: u. 1vts, 1ts, bin-soiled and damp-stained labels,
oxidized capsules, 73cl, Lot 598: u. vts, damp-stained and
bin-soiled labels, 73cl, Lot 599: u. bn, heavily damp-stained
and bin-soiled label, Lot 600: u. vts, heavily damp-stained and
bin-soiled label, wine-stained label, signs of old seepage, Lot
601: u. 2vts, 1ts, heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, 1
slightly oxidized capsule, 1 corroded capsule
The vintage marked the start of Eric de Rothschild’s regime
at Lafite, with all the improvement that this brought. In
2009, this had an absolutely classic, top Pauillac nose,
cedary and fruity. Then a lovely explosion of cassis berries
on the palate. An excellent bottle, with a long finish and real
consistency all through. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 92
597 	l	 2 bts (sc)
per lot: $700-1,000
598 	l	 3 bts (sc)
per lot: $1,000-1,500
599 	l	 1 mag (cn)
600 	 l	 1 mag (cn)
per lot: $750-1,000
601 	l	 3 mags (cn)
per lot: $2,200-3,000
Château Lafite 1974
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé
Lot 602: u. 2ts, 1t/hs, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels,
oxidized capsules, 73cl, Lot 603: u. 4 vts, 2 ts, damp-stained
and bin-soiled labels, 73cl, Lot 604: u. 1bn, 1vts, heavily
damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, oxidized capsules, 1 torn
capsule, Lot 605: u. 1bn, 1vts, heavily damp-stained and bin-
soiled labels, oxidized capsules
Smoky nose. Some middle fruit. Now better than La Mission,
which was the best of this year. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
602 	l	 3 bts (sc)
per lot: $1,200-1,600
603 	l	 6 bts (sc)
per lot: $2,400-3,200
604 	l	 2 mags (cn)
605 	l	 2 mags (cn)
per lot: $1,700-2,400
Château Lafite 1973
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé
Lot 606: u. 3ts, 3t/hs, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels,
oxidized capsules, 1 sunken cork, 73cl, packed in unbranded
wooden case, Lot 607: u. 1vts, 8ts, damp-stained, bin-soiled
and wine-stained labels, 73cl, Lot 608: u. bnob, 4 deteriorated
labels, 3 heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, 1 nicked
label, scuffed capsules, 3 signs of old seepage, 1 heavily
corroded capsule, packed in unbranded 6 pack magnum
wooden case
Good. Really fills out on the palate and shows First Growth
character in such a year. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
606 	l	 6 bts (cn)
per lot: $2,000-2,800
607 	l	 9 bts (sc)
per lot: $3,000-4,200
608 	l	 6 mags (cn)
per lot: $4,200-6,500
Château Lafite 1972
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé
Lot 609: u. t/hs, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, 2
oxidized capsules, 1 corroded capsule, 1 slightly sunken cork,
signs of seepage, 73cl, Lot 610: u. ts, damp-stained and bin-
soiled labels, slightly oxidized capsules, 73cl, Lot 611: u. vts,
heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, oxidized capsules,
signs of old seepage, Lot 612: u. 1vts, 1ts, heavily damp-
stained and bin-soiled labels, oxidized capsules, signs of old
609 	l	 3 bts (sc)
per lot: $1,300-1,800
610 	l	 4 bts (sc)
per lot: $1,700-2,400
611 	 l	 2 mags (cn)
612 	l	 2 mags (cn)
per lot: $1,900-2,600
Château Lafite 1971
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé
Lot 613: u. t/hs, heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled label,
oxidized capsule, signs of old seepage, Lot 614: u. vts, damp-
stained and bin-soiled labels, bin-soiled capsules
613 	l	 1 mag (cn)
per lot: $850-1,200
614 	l	 2 mags (cn)
per lot: $1,700-2,400
Château Lafite 1970
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé
Lot 615: u. t/hs, damp-stained, bin-soiled and wine-stained
label, scuffed and slightly corroded capsule, signs of old
seepage, Lot 616: u. ts, damp-stained, bin-soiled, and wine-
stained labels, Lot 617: u. bn or better, heavily damp-stained
and bin-soiled labels, 1 deteriorated label, oxidized capsules,
signs of old seepage, Lot 618: u. 1vts, 1ts, heavily deteriorated
labels, 1 oxidized capsule, 1 corroded capsule, signs of old
In 2014, very scented and elegant, pure Lafite. Gentle and
harmonious on the palate, fine-textured and classy. Drink
now, anyway from bottle. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
615 	l	 1 bt (cn)
per lot: $150-250
616 	l	 2 bts (sc)
per lot: $750-1,000
617 	l	 2 mags (cn)
618 	l	 2 mags (cn)
per lot: $1,600-2,200
Château Lafite 1967
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé
u. ts, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, bin-soiled and
slightly oxidized capsules, signs of old seepage
Smoky poultry nose! Bacon. Fascinating aromatics on the
palate. Sweet and melting. The best examples are as good
as Pétrus in this year. My most recent bottle had an almost
Burgundian nose and, on the palate, it was sweet but a bit
spiky. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
619 	l	 2 mags (cn)
per lot: $1,700-2,400
Château Lafite 1964
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé
Lot 620: u. h/ms, heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled label,
oxidized capsule, signs of old seepage, Lot 621: u. t/hs, damp-
stained and bin-soiled label, bin-soiled capsule, Lot 622: u.
1vts, 1ts, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly nicked
label, 1 torn label, oxidized capsules, 1 signs of old seepage
My last bottle in 2009 was better than expected, given
the rain of the vintage in this part of the Médoc. Gentle
aromatics on the nose. The rain took the big personality out
of the wine, but there is herby charm on the palate. Smoky
finish. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
620 	l	 1 bt (cn)
621 	l	 1 bt (cn)
per lot: $450-550
622 	l	 2 bts (sc)
per lot: $900-1,100
Château Lafite 1955
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé
u. 2h/ms, 1ms, heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled labels,
bin-soiled, torn and oxidized capsules
In 2020, that ethereal, ‘up in the sky’, heather, camphor
and cedar wood bouquet, with a sweet touch. Pure,
inimitable Lafite, that sheer ‘other world’ characteristic.
Such sweet, cherry flavours, with filigree laciness and an
endless, lingering finish. The problem with Lafite is that
it is a bit addictive! David Peppercorn drank the 1893 at
the same stage of its life and he thought this was even
better, with more vigour - there is absolutely no fading here.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
628 	l	 3 bts (sc)
per lot: $5,000-7,000
Château Lafite 1953
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé
u. ms, damp-stained and bin-soiled label, corroded and
slightly torn capsule
I have had many perfectly delicious bottles of this, with
textbook Lafite beauty and harmony, delicacy of flavour
and the true trademark long finish. It is getting older, of
course, and my last bottle in 2009 was all sweetness and
cinnamon, but beginning to dry up. As usual, with wines of
this age, every bottle is different, enhanced by the variation
in provenance, as one would expect. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 99
629 	l	 1 bt (sc)
per lot: $1,900-2,600
Château Lafite 1963
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé
u. h/ms, damp-stained and bin-soiled label, corroded
capsule, torn capsule partially revealing cork,
623 	l	 1 bt (sc)
per lot: $550-750
Château Lafite 1962
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé
Lot 624: u. h/ms, heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled labels,
wine-stained labels, corroded capsules, signs of old seepage,
Lot 625: u. 1ts, 2t/hs, 1 h/ms, bin-soiled and damp-stained
labels, 1 slightly raised cork, short capsules reveal vintage
branded corks
In 2009, a really cedary Pauillac nose. It now has finesse and
delicacy rather than power. Filigree, lacy, fruity Lafite finish.
Serena Sutcliffe, MW
624 	l	 3 bts (sc)
per lot: $2,200-3,000
625 	l	 4 bts (sc)
per lot: $3,000-4,000
Château Lafite 1958
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé
Lot 626: u. h/ms, heavily damp-stained, bin-soiled and torn
labels, corroded capsules, signs of old seepage, Lot 627: u.
1ts, 1t/hs, damp-stained, bin-soiled, and deteriorated labels,
oxidized capsules, short capsules reveal vintage branded
626 	l	 2 bts (sc)
627 	l	 2 bts (sc)
per lot: $1,100-1,500
Château Lafite 1952
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé
h/ms, heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, corroded
capsules, short capsules reveal vintage branded corks
630 	l	 2 bts (sc)
per lot: $1,100-1,500
Château Lafite 1950
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé
Lot 631: u. 1ts, 5t/hs, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, 2
slightly torn labels, 1 slightly corroded capsule, 4 corroded
capsules, 1 torn capsule, Lot 632: u. 4h/ms, 2ms, damp-
stained and bin-soiled labels, 2 torn labels, bin-soiled
capsules, 3 corroded capsules, signs of old seepage
Lovely, classy, cedary nose. Lovely chocolate taste. Very
Médoc. Sweet upturn at the end. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 92
631 	l	 6 bts (sc)
632 	l	 6 bts (sc)
per lot: $3,200-4,500
Château Lafite 1949
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé
Lot 633: u. ms, damp-stained, bin-soiled, and slightly torn
label, oxidized, bin-soiled, and slightly torn capsule, short
capsule reveals vintage branded cork, Lot 634: u. 1ts 1t/hs,
damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly torn label, bin-
soiled capsules, short capsules reveal vintage branded corks
Glorious bouquet - the enchantment and distinctive quality
of Lafite in this wondrous year is still stunning at 55 years
old. It never seems big but has enormous concentration
and flavour. This, for me, has always been one of the great
Lafites. My most recent bottle had a lovely, heart-of-Claret,
candied nose. Dreamy, ethereal, lacy Lafite. To die for.
Raspberry finish. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
633 	l	 1 bt (sc)
per lot: $750-1,000
634 	l	 2 bts (sc)
per lot: $1,500-2,000
Château Lafite 1945
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé
u. t/hs, heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled label, torn capsule
partially revealing cork, short capsule revealing vintage branded
It is worth remembering that 1945, 2000 and 2008 were the
only years when the bottles were embossed with the vintage.
In 2018, courtesy of a very generous friend, we saw again the
inimitable scent and breed of this wine, all heathery perfume.
There is a touch of volatility that sets in after a while, but the
integrated, elegant, seamless side of Lafite caresses the palate,
with silky sweetness and mouth-enveloping richness. Above
all, it is all-conquering, signature Lafite, with myriad, smoky
black fruit flavours that keep on making an appearance until the
last drop. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
635 	l	 1 bt (cn)
per lot: $2,000-2,800
Château Lafite 1926
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé
Lot 636: u. 1 h/ms, heavily deteriorated label, short capsule reveals
fully branded cork, Lot 637: u. h/ms, heavily damp-stained, bin-
soiled label, and slightly scuffed label, bin-soiled capsules
636 	l	 1 bt (sc)
637 	l	 1 bt (sc)
per lot: $1,000-1,400
Château Lafite 1925
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé
Lot 638: u. h/ms, heavily deteriorated label, heavily damp-
stained, torn label obscuring vintage, short capsule revealing
fully branded cork and 1925 vintage, Lot 639: u. t/hs, heavily
damp-stained, bin-soiled, and torn labels, scuffed and bin-soiled
capsules, short capsules reveal fully branded corks
In 2010, from ex-cellars Lafite stock and with a wonderful
Chinese dinner in Shanghai. A bouquet of smoky mushrooms
and ivy and then that almost mystical Lafite laciness on the
palate. This had real style and stayed well in the glass - so much
so that I had some more! Perfect provenance that paid off, as
always. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
638 	l	 1 bt (sc)
per lot: $850-1,200
639 	l	 3 bts (sc)
per lot: $2,600-3,500
Château Lafite 1924
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé
u. 2t/hs, 1h/ms, heavily deteriorated labels, 1 corroded capsule,
bin-soiled capsules, signs of old seepage, 2 short capsules reveal
vintage branded corks, 1 dark glass obscures readability of cork
This wine has always been a gem, gentle, velvety and sweet,
with an unbelievably spicy, intoxicating bouquet - spellbinding
stuff. In 2010, it remains one of my top Lafites and I feel
privileged to know it as I do. Rich treacle and heather, with that
Lafite sweetness and lace, touches of toffee and oodles of great
ripe fruit. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
640 	l	 3 bts (sc)
per lot: $4,000-5,500
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg
Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg

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Vente des vins du Prince Robert de Luxembourg

  • 1. NEW YORK | 21 MAY 2022 THE PERSONAL CELLARS OF H.R.H. Prince Robert de Luxembourg Friends & Family Benefitting 21 MAY 2022 N10978 THE PERSONAL CELLARS OF H.R.H. PRINCE ROBERT DE LUXEMBOURG | POLG NEW YORK
  • 2. NEW YORK | 21 MAY 2022 THE PERSONAL CELLARS OF H.R.H. Prince Robert de Luxembourg Friends & Family Benefitting
  • 3. THE PERSONAL CELLARS OF H.R.H. Prince Robert de Luxembourg Friends & Family Benefitting
  • 4.
  • 5. AUCTION IN NEW YORK 21 MAY 2022 10:00 AM 1334 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 +1 212 606 7000 FOLLOW US @SOTHEBYS #SOTHEBYSWINE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS SALE, VISIT SOTHEBYS.COM/N10978 THE PERSONAL CELLARS OF H.R.H. Prince Robert de Luxembourg Friends & Family Benefitting
  • 6. ENQUIRIES SALE NUMBER N10978 “MITO” BIDS DEPARTMENT +1 212 606 7414 fax +1 212 606 7016 Telephone bid requests should be received 24 hours prior to the sale. PROGRAM COORDINATOR Wei-Ling Carrigan +1 212 606 7050 POST SALE SERVICES Lexie Deeter Post Sale Manager Morgan Risi Post Sale Coordinator FOR PAYMENT, DELIVERY AND COLLECTION +1 212 606 7059 fax +1 212 606 7880 FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS CALL +1 212 606 7000 USA +44 (0)20 7293 5000 for UK & Europe SPECIALISTS WORLDWIDE Serena Sutcliffe, MW Honorary Chairman, Sotheby’s Wine +44 (0)20 7293 6423 Jamie Ritchie Senior Vice President Worldwide Chairman, Sotheby’s Wine +1 212 606 7865 Benoit Vialle Senior Vice President Global Head, Sotheby’s Wine +1 212 606 7056 NEW YORK Paul Tortora Vice President, Head of Auction Sales +1 212 606 7050 Richard Young Vice President, Senior Specialist +1 212 606 7050 Alexandria Cubbage Assistant Vice President, Specialist, Property +1 212 606 7050 Lukas Dempsey Specialist +1 212 606 7050 Allen Morgan Specialist, Property +1 212 606 7050 LOTS 482, 483, 468, 470, 655
  • 8. A s my family and colleagues can attest, one of the maxims that I often quote and that I therefore try to live by is: every challenge brings opportunity. In July 2016, when my wife and I received the diagnosis for Frederik’s condition, a rare, degenerative PolG- related mitochondrial disease, we were absolutely devastated. Shocked, scared and desperate, like so many families around the world who are suddenly faced with caring for a sick child or a loved one. In that very moment, there was no silver lining, no sense of opportunity. Like so many parents who have lost a child or are caring for a sick child, we felt wholly unequipped to handle this situation. My wife is the daughter of a surgeon and professor. As such, Julie has always had tremendous esteem for the medical community. Her father had always been a great support and resource for us but now, suddenly, we were out of our depth. On the very day that we learned of Frederik’s diagnosis, we reached out to two good friends (both doctors) who happened to be nearby. They appeared by our sides immediately to listen and to discuss possible next steps. This was neither the first nor the last time that we would discover the deep empathy and generosity of the amazing medical community; clinicians, nurses and all of those people who have followed this vocation to bring succour to their fellow man. By her nature, my wife is blessed with natural drive and abundant energy, but now faced with Frederik’s illness and an extraordinary resolve to find answers, once past the initial shock, her force took on a whole new level. Within 48 hours, we were able to reach out to a number of world experts, and within days we were on a plane headed to Ohio to meet with one of the top specialists in the mitochondrial world. The next five years were made up of continuous care, surgeries for dear Frederik, and of course a frenetic search for answers, therapies and a cure. We attended conferences and seminars, met with foundations, biotech start-ups, funds, big pharma, clinicians, researchers and laboratories all around the globe. Once we were able to stabilise Frederik and made it beyond some of his first surgeries, we came up for some air. We realised that unwittingly we had created a virtual world focused resolutely on finding a cure for patients suffering from PolG. We were a speck at the heart of this international web. We wanted to help others and have them benefit from our experience. This is, in short, is how The PolG Foundation was born. When our youngest son, Frederik was a baby and a young child, everyone always remarked on what a cheerful demeanour he had. He remains an intensely social, wise and insightful being. Other characteristics of his have always been his perseverance, focus and strong will. How all of these qualities have been challenged over the years! How very proud we are of his resolve and drive…and his creativity. I certainly do not wish to sugar-coat the reality of his existence here. Like so many others in his situation, Frederik lives through some exceedingly challenging moments. These are recurrent, and to be expected given his circumstances, and yet he offers PRINCE ROBERT DE LUXEMBOURG 6
  • 9. so much to all of those people that surround him, not least of whom to his siblings and parents! As the Creative Director of The PolG Foundation, Frederik has created our foundation logo, look and identity (featured in this catalogue). As an extension of this, he has come up with a design for a “MITO” clothing line that we will be selling to raise awareness of his disease and funds for the Foundation. This creative outlet, and his collaboration with his friends at RTM, have been a true gift for Frederik and we trust that this will bring pleasure to the folks that will be acquiring and sporting the clothes This was the case for so many of his friends who showed up to model them! Shout out to our Mito models! One of the gifts of our circumstance is that we have met some of the most remarkable people. Carers, teachers, friends, even total strangers, have come out of the woodwork and surprised us with their kindness, warmth and generosity. We call these people our angels….and there have been many that have touched us deeply. We had absolutely no intention of making our story public, but with the creation of The PolG Foundation, we realised that in this moment we might be able to provide a voice and a face among millions to represent others who are sharing Frederik’s and our family’s plight. There is nothing special about us. We share the same hospital corridor, the same medical challenges, the same fears and the same hopes as all of these families do. Nevertheless, with the help of our supporters and The PolG Foundation, we can bring significant means and a sense of urgency to this space. We have already built a good number of bridges and opened up new international lines of communication. With the creation of this US Public Charity, we will work relentlessly to bring a greater awareness to Mitochondrial Diseases and specifically to PolG. We will seek to discover desperately needed therapies and cures for the patients suffering from this devastating disease. Thankfully, a good number of non-profit foundations already exist, which offer support and information resources for patients, families and carers. Organisations such as the UMDF, Mito- Action, Mitocon, The Lily Foundation, MitoCanada, to name just a few, will at times foster both cutting edge research while also providing patient and family support. They have been a lifeline for so many of us and we would like to extend our deepest gratitude to them here. This has also been the case for many other similar research foundations focused on other diseases who are such an important inspiration to us. Their stories, examples and successes drive us forward. While also working closely with such charities, our Mission is nonetheless resolutely focused on finding therapies and a cure for PolG-related mitochondrial diseases. You may find detailed information on our website at: Here you will also discover some of the projects that The PolG Foundation is involved with and supporting. The partner entities listed here are only as good as the exceptional people that make up their teams. We feel honoured to know them and to participate in frequent exchanges, briefing us on their challenges and ultimately their progress. 9
  • 10. 10 We have been joined in our efforts by an outstanding Foundation Board and Scientific Advisory Board of volunteers, who help to guide us in our common mission. We could not do this without them. We are also aided by the RTM group and their team. We receive a lot of pro-bono help in different sectors (and yes, we will request more from so many generous people in the future). Sotheby’s has been a wonderful partner in putting together this auction. The wine department has spent weeks combing over every case and bottle in my cellar. They will describe these in an impartial manner. I will only state here that I never had any intention of selling these bottles and formats. Whatever would not have been enjoyed with family and friends, I would have left for the young generation to enjoy. When I first entertained the idea of emptying out my cellar in this rather public fashion, I of course started by approaching my wife and children, to ask them if they agreed with this proposition. There was not a minute of hesitation from them….and thus we were off to the races! Soon thereafter, we were joined by other members of my family and our family company, who generously supported this effort in a substantial manner. My colleagues in Bordeaux got to work, cataloguing, verifying, re-conditioning (when necessary), packing and (post Sotheby’s verification) shipping. Then came the cherry (or in this case the grape) on the cake: Our family company is a member of Primum Familiae Vini, an organisation that represents 12 of the finest wine-making families in the world. All of these families pitched in with their own extraordinary donations. In parallel, some of the very finest wine producers in France, heard about our sale and donated some truly exceptional and thus hugely valuable lots to our sale! These donations were joined by those of some individual wine collectors with even more extraordinary bottles. Thanks to all of their generosity, we have now succeeded in putting together one of the very finest collections of wine that Sotheby’s has ever brought to the auction market. We are so deeply moved by the gesture and generosity of these donors! These hugely distinguished wine producers are at times offering a singular rare bottle from their cellar that has never before been offered at auction or elsewhere! As is the case for my personal cellar, they have donated extraordinary priceless offerings of large formats most likely never to be seen again! Have you seen the line- up of those Imperials?! On behalf of all of the patients and families affected by this disease, and as Chairman of the The PolG Foundation, I once again extend our most heartfelt gratitude to them! They have made this a truly historic sale. Any bidders who are lucky enough to win one (or a number) of these lots will be certain to know that they will enjoy some of the very finest and rarest wines in the world, while also supporting a cause that will ultimately help all of us as we come to benefit from an acceleration in mitochondrial research and thereby a focus on better understanding the powerhouse of our cells. With your help, we will face this challenge and aim to seize the opportunity of uncovering a cure for PolG! Prince Robert de Luxembourg
  • 11. 12 T he POLG Foundation was created by Robert and Julie de Luxembourg. “In our family,” they have reported, “there exists life before July 26, 2016, and life after. On that date, our then-14-year-old son, Frederik, was diagnosed with a mitochondrial disease, a genetic disorder that robs the body’s cells of energy, in turn causing multiple organ dysfunction and failure. Frederik’s particular disease is due to a mutation in the PolG gene.” The Founders soon learned that mitochondrial diseases, once considered rare, are now believed to affect as many as one in 5000 people globally, “rendering it the second-most- commonly diagnosed, serious genetic disease after cystic fibrosis.” Distressingly, the Founders also learned that research into treatments and cures for mitochondrial diseases were uncommon and, where it existed, it was often underfunded and conducted in an informational vacuum. After five years of struggling with the disease within their own family, the Founders imagined an effort to find treatments, and ultimately a cure, for the disease afflicting so many patients and families globally. Given the profound lack of research into and knowledge about PolG- related mitochondrial diseases, and following extensive consultation with research and clinical advisers, they agreed to create The PolG Foundation to seek a “visionary and innovative approach to diagnose, treat and cure a complex mitochondrial disease.” Their investment in research was further encouraged by recognizing that greater knowledge of PolG may open the door to improved treatments for related diseases including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, diabetes, cardiac issues, depression and some cancers. Although, at this writing, the Foundation is in its infancy, it has already attracted broad support within the global scientific and medical communities. Luminaries from various fields have offered their time and expertise as members of the Foundation’s Board of Directors, Scientific Advisory Board and friends. THE POLG FOUNDATION MISSION
  • 12. 14 THE PERSONAL CELLARS OF H.R.H PRINCE ROBERT DE LUXEMBOURG FRIENDS & FAMILY “I DON’T THINK THIS DISEASE DEFINES ME. I STAY HAPPY. I STAY MOVING. I JUST DO ME.” -Frederik de Nassau The POLG Foundation is pleased to introduce the MITO line of clothing, a visual representation of the Foundation’s quest for treatments and a cure. A product of Creative Director Frederik de Nassau’s rich imagination, the style is at-once novel and delightful. Diagnosed with PolG disorder at age 14, Frederik hopes you will wear this clothing for comfort and beauty – and for fun, knowing that proceeds from sales move the Foundation one step closer to a cure. Organic / Sustainable fibers with 100% recycled packaging. Made in Portugal. Available at Fashion Designer Donna Karan — MITO Streetwear’s biggest fan — with Frederik de Nassau
  • 13. 17 17 I t is a great honour for all of us at Sotheby’s to work with Prince Robert, and his family and friends, on this exceptional sale, which combines genuinely rare wines that come with incomparable provenance, with the fact that all the wines have been donated to The PolG Foundation,so it can use the funds to help cure people facing mitochondrial-related conditions. AN AUCTION BENEFITING THE POLG FOUNDATION We have collaborated with Prince Robert on many wonderful auctions related to Domaine Clarence Dillon, but this auction is different — it is an intensely personal auction for him and his wife, Julie. In 2016, their youngest son Frederik was diagnosed with a rare mitochondrial disease, a genetic disorder that robs the body’s cells of energy, in turn causing organ dysfunction and failure. It turned the family’s world upside down, but they decided to concentrate all their efforts on finding a cure, not only for Frederik, but for all those suffering from this not so rare disease. The non-profit foundation they created is becoming an amazing research hub, whose impact will benefit millions of people facing mitochondrial-related conditions, from Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, to autism and some forms of cancer. THE PROVENANCE OF THE WINES THAT HAVE BEEN DONATED The wines in this sale have been donated by three distinct groups: Prince Robert; his family; and his friends. Each one includes extremely rare wines, the majority of which come directly from cellars where they have been kept for most or all their lives, which brings the finest provenance and, naturally, the best condition. THE PERSONAL CELLAR OF H.R.H. PRINCE ROBERT DE LUXEMBOURG & HIS FAMILY Prince Robert de Luxembourg is opening up his personal cellar to offer a selection of rare bottles, with a singular mission in mind: to raise awareness and funds for The PolG Foundation — the result is the most exceptional and unique wine sale to come to the market in many years. Prince Robert’s personal cellar rests at Château Haut Brion, under perfect, supervised conditions, so it is natural that wines from the family properties are in exceptional condition. As expected, where appropriate, some of the bottles of the family properties have been reconditioned, with each bottle being tasted before it was topped up and recorked, to ensure the wines are in excellent condition. This process is only undertaken as needed, so some bottles are on original cork. The catalogue description of each lot indicates whether the wine has been recorked. Prince Robert’s personal cellar includes the opportunity to acquire historic vintages of Château Haut Brion with bottles from 1906, 1918 and 1919, then the decades of the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s (the war years, where the bottles are in pale blue glass), 1950s and onto more recent vintages. THE PERSONAL CELLARS OF H.R.H. Prince Robert de Luxembourg Friends & Family Benefitting
  • 14. 18 18 It includes the exceptional 1924 and legendary 1926 in Jeroboams, both of which have been recorked. The sale also includes the most impressive range of very rare magnums of Haut Brion Blanc, La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc and Laville Haut-Brion ever to come to auction. The result is one of the greatest offerings of rare wines to come to auction. DOMAINE CLARENCE DILLON Prince Robert is Chairman and CEO of Domaine Clarence Dillon, the family wine business, which oversees Châteaux Haut-Brion (his great-grandfather Clarence Dillon, a Texan banker of French descent, purchased the estate in 1935) and La Mission Haut-Brion – wine estates with exalted histories – in addition to Château Quintus in St Emilion, Clarendelle (a line of branded Bordeaux wines founded by Prince Robert), Restaurant Le Clarence in Paris, La Cave du Château (Paris’ most illustrious wine shop, with an additional outlet in Bordeaux), and Clarence Dillon Wines (a Bordeaux négociant business). The Board of Domaine Clarence Dillon, acting without Prince Robert’s participation, has made exceptional donations to the PolG Foundation, with each item coming direct from each of the château’s cellars. Highlights include: • Bordeaux Experience for 6 at Domaine Clarence Dillon • Paris Experience for 4 at Hotel Dillon • Domaine Clarence Dillon 75th Anniversary Console • Rare 12-liter bottles of Haut Brion and La Mission Haut Brion from the exceptional 2009 vintage DONATIONS BY FRIENDS Prince Robert’s decision to offer a very significant portion of his personal cellar, in order to support the work of The PolG Foundation, in turn inspired many friends to do the same. PRIMUM FAMILIAE VINI “PFV” , as it is best known, is an international association of twelve of the leading family-owned European wineries, who produce some of the greatest wines in the world. Domaine Clarence Dillon is one of the members and it is natural that the other PFV members have shown such wonderful support through their donations, including: • A PFV Haute Couture Case offered by all members; and • Individual donations by: Marchesi Antinori, Domaine Clarence Dillon, Joseph Drouhin, Famille Perrin, Champagne Pol Roger, Baron Philippe de Rothschild, Sassicaia, Symington Family Estates, Familia Torres, Vega Sicilia. OTHER FRIENDS Generous donations have been made by: Angelus, Champagne Billecart Salmon, Christian Seele & AXA Millésimes, Domaine Marcel Deiss, Edmond Guerrand Hermes, Louis Jadot, Château Montrose, Petrus, Hazel & Marvin Shanken, and Château Smith Haut Lafitte. As is clearly illustrated, this auction combines a selection of very rare wines, that come with impeccable provenance and condition, with the generosity and philanthropy of a dedicated part of the wine community who are helping to fund a cure for PolG and other mitochondrial conditions. Now, it is the time for buyers to show their generosity in bidding, buying and enjoying these wines, all for a cause that will help so many people in the future. Jamie Ritchie Senior Vice President, Worldwide Chairman, Sotheby’s Wine
  • 15. INSPECTION The wines in this sale were inspected in Bordeaux by a team of Sotheby’s specialists in March 2022, unless otherwise noted. SHIPPING Following inspection, the wines were shipped via air freight to the Sotheby’s East Coast warehouse. PROVENANCE AND STORAGE All but a few of the wines donated by H.R.H. Prince Robert de Luxembourg and Family have never left Bordeaux.These wines are denoted by a special symbol (“l “) next to each lot number. THE WINES IN THIS AUCTION 20 CHATEAU HAUT BRION
  • 16. 22 SALE HIGHLIGHTS PLEASE SEE INDICES FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF WINES AND SPIRITS DONATED BY H.R.H. PRINCE ROBERT DE LUXEMBOURG AND FAMILY La Mission Haut-Brion Lots 1 - 171 Laville Haut-Brion Lots 172 - 198 La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc Lots 199 - 246 Haut Brion Lots 247 - 491 Haut Brion Blanc Lots 492 - 577 Lafite Lots 578 - 640 Latour Lots 641 - 665 Margaux Lots 666 - 678 Mouton Rothschild Lots 679 - 703 Léoville Las Cases Lots 704 - 705 Prieuré Lichine Lots 706 - 707 Ausone Lots 708 - 709 Cheval Blanc Lots 710 - 717 Petrus Lots 718 - 721 d’Yquem Lots 722 - 734 Duclot Bordeaux Collection Cases Lots 276 - 734 Bollinger Lots 735 - 735 Taittinger Lot 736 Cognac Lots 737 - 744 Haut Brion Lots 745 - 764 La Mission Haut-Brion Lots 765 - 766 DONATED BY DOMAINE CLARENCE DILLON DCD 75th Anniversary Console Lot 767 DCD Experiences Lots 768 - 769 Haut Brion Lots 770 - 771 La Mission Haut-Brion Lots 770 - 771 Quintus Lots 772 - 775 DONATED BY PRIMUM FAMILIAE VINI (“PFV”) PFV Haute Couture Case Lot 776 Beaucastel Lot 777 Joseph Drouhin Lot 778 Dow Lot 779 - 780 Graham’s Lots 781 - 783 Mouton Rothschild Lot 784 Pol Roger Lot 785 Sassicaia Lot 786 Tignanello Lot 787 Torres Lots 788 - 789 Vega Sicilia Lots 790 DONATED BY FRIENDS Petrus Lots 791 - 795 Pichon Baron Lots 796 - 807 Quinta do Noval Lot 808 Angélus Lot 809 Billecart-Salmon Lot 810 Marcel Deiss Lot 811 Louis Jadot Lot 812 Montrose Lot 813 Pichon Lalande Lot 814 Smith Haut Lafitte Lot 815 Masseto Lot 816 Mouton Rothschild Lot 817 Cheval Blanc Lot 818
  • 18. 27 Château La Mission Haut-Brion 1991 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé Lot 7: Levels into the neck, Lot 8: Level bn or into the neck Concentrated, cedary, cassis nose. Cocoa taste - really coats the mouth. Lovely berryish heart to it. Blackcurrant finish. Velvety and ripe. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 7 l 12 bts (owc) 8 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $3,200-4,200 Château La Mission Haut-Brion 1993 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé Lot 9: u. bnob, slightly damp-stained labels, packed in 12-pack owc, Lot 10: u. bnob, Lot 11: Levels into the neck, Lot 12: Levels into the neck, 1 signs of old seepage, Lot 13: u. bnob, 2 wine-stained labels, 3 signs of old seepage Wonderful, vivacious, plummy nose of lovely fruit and life. Very blackberry taste, with a lovely coffee finish. Absolutely delicious. One of the best buys on the whole Bordeaux market. True right to the end. I am amazed. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 9 l 8 bts (owc) per lot: $1,200-1,800 10 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $1,800-2,400 11 l 6 mags (owc) 12 l 6 mags (owc) 13 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $2,400-3,200 Château La Mission Haut-Brion 1994 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé Lot 14: u. bnob, packed in unbranded 12 bottle wooden case, Lot 15-16: Levels into the neck, Lot 17: u. bnob, 1 slightly nicked label, 2 slightly wine-stained labels Real blackcurrant nose. Very aromatic and interesting. Full of black fruit on the palate. Like chocolate-covered cassis berries. Delicious now. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 14 l 8 bts (cn) per lot: $1,400-2,200 15 l 12 bts (owc) 16 l 12 bts (owc) 17 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $2,200-3,200 BORDEAUX RED CHATEAU LA MISSION HAUT-BRION La Mission Haut Brion, together with Haut Brion itself, are the two ‘twins’ of top Bordeaux, fascinating in their differences and yet with the shared parentage of ownership and a similar appellation. Sometimes the divergence is dramatic, with deep, structured, majestic La Mission, denser than the sumptuous softness of Haut Brion, but they share the class, complexity and peaty/cigary Pessac- Léognan characteristics that draw in addicts such as ourselves. La Mission is fabulously consistent and with a wonderfully pronounced profile, married with the power to mature to perfection. It should, of course, be a First Growth and it is considered as such, always impressing in vertical tastings with its strong- flavoured impact, challenging its ‘rival’ at every turn. We, the consumers, want them both, to compare and contrast in consummate style. Serena Sutcliffe, MW Château La Mission Haut-Brion 1989 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé Lot 1-2: u. bnob, slightly scuffed capsules, Lot 3: u. bnob, slightly scuffed capsules, 1 signs of old seepage Thicker, darker colour than the ‘90, but more mature. Wonderfully dense, intense, concentrated bouquet of vanilla, violets and cigars. Blackberry compote. Totally rich and mouth coating. So thick and lush. Touch of Seville oranges and cloves. Pure exotica. I think even more exciting than the sleek, beautiful ‘90. Phenomenal. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 100 1 l 4 bts (sc) per lot: $4,000-6,000 2 l 12 bts (owc) 3 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $12,000-17,000 Château La Mission Haut-Brion 1990 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé Lot 4: u. bnob, Lot 5-6: u. 3vts, otherwise bn Last tasted from magnum in 2013. Here you get all the cigary brilliance, together with brambly black fruit, complexity and wonderful structure. The balance between fruit and tannin is superb. A very successful wine, with enveloping cedary sweetness at the end. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 99 4 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $6,500-8,500 5 l 6 mags (owc) 6 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $7,000-10,000 LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  • 19. Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2003 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé In 2016, a wonderfully intense cedar wood and cigars nose. Such a delicious ripe, “sweet” flavour. Soft and velvety, it caresses the palate with spices and black fruit wine gums. A great finish of black liquorice. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 36 l 12 bts (owc) 37 l 12 bts (owc) 38 l 12 bts (owc) 39 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $2,000-2,600 40 l 6 mags (owc) 41 l 6 mags (owc) 42 l 6 mags (owc) 43 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $2,200-2,800 Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2004 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé In 2018, this is really a revelation and confirms my view that it is the best wine of the vintage. It retains its purity and freshness, with beautiful fruit and verve. A great earthy/ peaty/cigary nose and flavour that are totally its own and with lovely impact on the palate. Not quite sure how they did it - but they did! Serena Sutcliffe, MW 44 l 12 bts (owc) 45 l 12 bts (owc) 46 l 12 bts (owc) 47 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $1,700-2,400 48 l 6 mags (owc) 49 l 6 mags (owc) 50 l 6 mags (owc) 51 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $1,800-2,600 52 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $700-1,000 53 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $1,400-2,000 Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2000 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé Lot 18-25: Levels into the neck, Lot 26-30: Level into the neck 58% Merlot, 31% Cabernet Sauvignon, 11% Cabernet Franc. In 2013, this is immensely scented, just so fresh and bouncy. Full of blueberries, fleshy and creamy on the palate, with tannin, fruit and acidity in big doses à la 2000. Luscious, sweet and ripe and set for the long haul. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 100 18 l 12 bts (owc) 19 l 12 bts (owc) 20 l 12 bts (owc) 21 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $5,000-7,000 22 l 6 mags (owc) 23 l 6 mags (owc) 24 l 6 mags (owc) 25 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $6,500-9,000 26 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 27 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 28 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $2,200-2,800 29 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 30 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $5,000-7,000 Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2001 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé 63% Merlot, 35% Cabernet Sauvignon, 2% Cabernet Franc. In 2021, this is the most delightful mouthful, perfectly balanced and palate-caressing. The structure is now well disguised and it slips down in its spicy, cigary way, full of charm and flavour, not massive but very come-hither. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 31 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $2,000-3,000 32 l 6 mags (owc) 33 l 6 mags (owc) 34 l 6 mags (owc) 35 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $2,200-3,200 CHATEAU LA MISSION HAUT-BRION 28 THE PERSONAL CELLARS OF H.R.H PRINCE ROBERT DE LUXEMBOURG FRIENDS & FAMILY
  • 20. Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2005 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé 69% Merlot, 30% Cabernet Sauvignon, 1% Cabernet Franc. In 2019, this is a beautifully balanced, aristocratic wine, with youthful verve and freshness and lashings of black and red fruit. Behind it all, there is the peaty/cigary character of the cru, finely integrated into the concentrated impact of the wine. This is a top 2005, utterly satisfying and with a very long finish that just does not want to say goodbye. Fantastic attack and stunning projection. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 100 54 l 12 bts (owc) 55 l 12 bts (owc) 56 l 12 bts (owc) 57 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $4,500-6,000 58 l 6 mags (owc) 59 l 6 mags (owc) 60 l 6 mags (owc) 61 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $5,000-7,000 62 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 63 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $4,000-5,500 Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2006 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé A great peaty nose. Shows all the class of the cru, with excellent ripeness. Superbly defined wine of indubitable nobility. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 94 64 l 12 bts (owc) 65 l 12 bts (owc) 66 l 12 bts (owc) 67 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $1,800-2,400 68 l 6 mags (owc) 69 l 6 mags (owc) 70 l 6 mags (owc) 71 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $1,900-2,600 72 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 73 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $800-1,100 74 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 75 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $1,600-2,400 Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2007 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé 48% Cabernet Sauvignon, 43% Merlot, 9% Cabernet Franc. 70% new oak. Rich, spicy, opulent nose. Black cherries soaked in liqueur. Great, attractive persistence. Complex too. Markedly “iodé” on the palate. Luscious, opulent and minty. Firing on all cylinders at 6 years old. Cassis, glycerol and a very pretty, “sweet” finish. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 76 l 12 bts (owc) 77 l 12 bts (owc) 78 l 12 bts (owc) 79 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $1,700-2,400 80 l 6 mags (owc) 81 l 6 mags (owc) 82 l 6 mags (owc) 83 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $1,600-2,200 84 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 85 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $750-1,000 86 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 87 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $1,500-2,000 Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2008 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé In 2016, a rich tobacco and plush loganberries nose. Sweet succulent on the palate, with irony overtones and opulent undergrowth flavours. The tannins melt in the mouth. Finish of the embers of a wood fire. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 95 88 l 12 bts (owc) 89 l 12 bts (owc) 90 l 12 bts (owc) 91 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $2,000-2,800 92 l 6 mags (owc) 93 l 6 mags (owc) 94 l 6 mags (owc) 95 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $2,000-2,800 96 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 97 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $750-1,100 98 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 99 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $1,500-2,000 31 CHATEAU LA MISSION HAUT-BRION
  • 21. Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2009 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé Only 50% of production went into the ‘grand vin’. Very aromatic nose. Big, irony wine of rich alcohol. The earthiness of La Mission with juicy acidity to match the ripeness. Cigary and really mouth-coating. Gummy, liquorice, mineral taste of great volume. In 2013, a concentrated, ‘tight’ bouquet leads to a great, plummy, inky taste. A giant still slumbering. Sumptuous and many- layered. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 100 100 l 12 bts (owc) 101 l 12 bts (owc) 102 l 12 bts (owc) 103 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $4,500-6,000 104 l 6 mags (owc) 105 l 6 mags (owc) 106 l 6 mags (owc) 107 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $4,800-6,500 108 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 109 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $2,000-2,800 110 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 111 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $4,200-6,000 Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2010 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé 62% Cabernet Sauvignon, 37% Merlot, 1% Cabernet Franc. In 2014, a real, intense, top cru nose. Glorious deep flavour and great verve. Huge and plummy with lovely, fresh acidity which totally disguises the alcohol. Roses and earthiness at the end. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 98 112 l 12 bts (owc) 113 l 12 bts (owc) 114 l 12 bts (owc) 115 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $4,200-6,000 116 l 6 mags (owc) 117 l 6 mags (owc) 118 l 6 mags (owc) 119 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $4,200-6,500 120 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 121 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $1,600-2,400 122 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 123 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $3,500-5,000 Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2015 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé Merlot 58%, Cabernet Sauvignon 35%, Cabernet Franc 7%. 70% new barrels. Huge, all-enveloping nose, with brambles and redcurrant jelly. On the palate, great tannic structure, with enormous black liquorice and glycerol. Notes of nutmeg, inky and saline. Immensely satisfying and juicy. A mega ‘vin de garde’. In 2019, its superb class and style immediately hit you. Stunning structure, with great length and succulence. Mmm. This is one of my favourites of the vintage. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 148 l 12 bts (owc) 149 l 12 bts (owc) 150 l 12 bts (owc) 151 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $3,000-4,000 152 l 6 mags (owc) 153 l 6 mags (owc) 154 l 6 mags (owc) 155 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $3,200-4,200 156 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 157 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $1,200-1,600 158 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 159 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $2,200-3,000 Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2016 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé Merlot 57.5%, Cabernet Sauvignon 42.5%. In 2021, cool, clean, classy nose, with a touch of Cuban cigars. Tremendous impact on the palate, full of irony attack married to marvellous glycerol. Real tannic structure, finishing on a sweet ‘high’. A gem. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 160 l 3 mags (owc) 161 l 3 mags (owc) 162 l 3 mags (owc) 163 l 3 mags (owc) 164 l 3 mags (owc) 165 l 3 mags (owc) 166 l 3 mags (owc) 167 l 3 mags (owc) per lot: $2,600-3,800 168 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 169 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $1,100-1,500 170 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 171 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $2,200-3,000 Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2012 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé 62% Merlot, 38% Cabernet Sauvignon. 75% new oak. In 2016, this has a marvellous, projected, peaty/cigary nose that is pure La Mission. Sumptuous on the middle palate, with the tannic power at the end and a touch of charcoal that one saw when it was in barrel. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 124 l 12 bts (owc) 125 l 12 bts (owc) 126 l 12 bts (owc) 127 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $1,700-2,600 128 l 6 mags (owc) 129 l 6 mags (owc) 130 l 6 mags (owc) 131 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $1,800-2,800 132 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 133 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $650-900 134 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 135 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $1,300-1,800 Château La Mission Haut-Brion 2014 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé 54% Merlot, 45% Cabernet Sauvignon, 1% Cabernet Franc. In 2018, a fascinating, aromatic nose, with exotic notes yet rooted in its appellation and great terroir. So much depth and generosity on the palate, plus the superb structure. Finishes fresh, in spite of the 14.5% alcohol, which is not noticeable. I loved this spicy, souk-like wine from the start and I still do. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 136 l 12 bts (owc) 137 l 12 bts (owc) 138 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $1,800-2,600 139 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $1,800-1,600 140 l 6 mags (owc) 141 l 6 mags (owc) 142 l 6 mags (owc) 143 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $2,000-2,800 144 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 145 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $750-1,100 146 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 147 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $1,300-1,800 32 THE PERSONAL CELLARS OF H.R.H PRINCE ROBERT DE LUXEMBOURG FRIENDS & FAMILY CHATEAU LA MISSION HAUT-BRION
  • 22. BORDEAUX DRY WHITE Château Laville Haut-Brion 1998 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Cru Classé Levels into the neck 80% Sémillon, 20% Sauvignon Blanc. A bouquet of greatness. So honied. Lemons and lychees on the nose - enormous impact and weight. One could compare it with the fabulous 1989. On the palate, the high proportion of Sémillon comes on very strong. So rich, fat and yet with perfect acidity balance. The empty glass smells of lavender. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 172 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $1,000-1,400 Château Laville Haut-Brion 2001 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Cru Classé At 10 years old, very mineral and lemony, clean, incisive and crystal pure. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 173 l 6 mags (owc) 174 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $1,100-1,500 Château Laville Haut-Brion 2003 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Cru Classé The harvest for this began on 13 August! Wonderful flinty, minerally nose. Such a lemony taste. A recent bottle had an incredible grapefruit and smoke nose and a divine, highly original, delicious taste. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 96 175 l 6 mags (owc) 176 l 6 mags (owc) 177 l 6 mags (owc) 178 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $1,200-1,800 Château Laville Haut-Brion 2004 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Cru Classé 83% Sémillon, 17% Sauvignon Blanc. In 2013, grapefruit, petrol, minerality and white truffles on the nose. Rich, citrus glycerol on the palate. Grapefruit zests plus smoke and bons bons anglais or ‘boiled sweets’ as the English call them. Reminds me of some of the greatest Hunter Valley Sémillons of the past! Finishes on oranges. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 179 l 6 mags (owc) 180 l 6 mags (owc) 181 l 6 mags (owc) 182 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $1,100-1,500 Château Laville Haut-Brion 2005 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Cru Classé At the property, they like to say this is the ‘Alsace’ of their two famous white wines! I can see their point, because of all the lovely mineral elements. With a very high percentage of Sémillon this year, this is sleek, pale and beautiful, with that tell-tale grapefruit nose and stunning limey, gingery taste. Silky and crisp at the same time. Perfect sashimi wine. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 183 l 6 mags (owc) 184 l 6 mags (owc) 185 l 6 mags (owc) 186 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $1,500-2,000 Château Laville Haut-Brion 2006 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Cru Classé 86% Sémillon, 14% Sauvignon Blanc. A lovely nose of smoky grapefruit skins. A stunning, and surprising, taste of fresh ginger which is enchanting. Formidable fragrance. Enormous, flowery, honied richness on the palate. Limes, grapefruit and ginger on the finish. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 98 187 l 6 mags (owc) 188 l 6 mags (owc) 189 l 6 mags (owc) 190 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $1,100-1,500 35 LOTS 172, 174, 200, 201 CHATEAU LA MISSION HAUT-BRION BLANC A DRY WHITE WINE THAT ACHIEVES ETHEREAL HEIGHTS This wine was previously named “Château Laville Haut-Brion” – the combination of the names of two separate but neighbouring estates, Clos Laville and Château La Mission Haut-Brion, the two united in 1931 as a result of the acquisition of the Clos by the owner of La Mission, Frédéric Woltner. At this time, Clos Laville, representing 2.5 hectares, was producing a white wine qualified as Premier Cru on its label. Before this acquisition, Mr. Woltner had harvested four vintages of Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc, between 1927 and 1930. The fusion of the two terroirs gave birth to a magical wine, first sold under the name of “Château Laville – Terroir du Haut Brion”, before taking the name of Château Laville Haut-Brion in 1934. THe 2008 vintage was the last one for Château Laville Haut-Brion. As of the 2009 vintage, this wine, produced exclusively since 1927 in the Château La Mission Haut-Brion cellars, reverted to its original name: Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc. This wine was ranked as a Classed Growth of Graves white wine in the 1953 classification. Produced from a blend including a very significant proportion of Sémillon (at least 80%, with the remainder Sauvignon Blanc), Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc is one of the world’s most unusual dry white wines. It has remarkable longevity. The fact that Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc is often considered at least on par with the most exceptional white Burgundies is not surprising. These original features, together with a very limited production, make it an extremely rare and sought-after wine. 34
  • 23. Château Laville Haut-Brion 2007 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Cru Classé Lot 192: 1 slightly nicked label, Lot 193: 1 slightly scuffed label Last tasted in 2012 and absolutely ready in all its silky softness. Grapefruit, orange and that signature minerality - incredibly more-ish and seductive. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 96 191 l 6 mags (owc) 192 l 6 mags (owc) 193 l 6 mags (owc) 194 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $950-1,200 Château Laville Haut-Brion 2008 Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Cru Classé 79% Sémillon, 21% Sauvignon Blanc. In 2013, that great grapefruit nose at which Laville excels. There is a lovely fragrance and lightness of touch, with hints of lemon and hay too. Beautiful citron pressé taste. Elegance of the year. Such tempting, even appley, freshness. And stunning mineral notes to finish. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 195 l 6 mags (owc) 196 l 6 mags (owc) 197 l 6 mags (owc) 198 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $1,000-1,500 Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc 2009 Graves, Cru Classé 84% Sémillon, 16% Sauvignon Blanc. At 10 years old and from magnum, this has a real ‘petrol’ nose of the appellation, something I adore. A lovely sleek, silky wine on the palate, with great freshness and pulsating power and lanolin Sémillon to the fore. An amazing appley finish is a super, youthful surprise. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 96 199 l 6 mags (owc) 200 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $6,500-9,000 Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc 2013 Graves, Cru Classé Lot 214: 1 slightly torn capsule 76% Sémillon, 24% Sauvignon. 34% went into the grand vin. A nose of fresh gingerbread. Lemons and limes on the palate. So smooth and silky, with real texture. Lovely and rich, with balancing fresh acidity and a touch of milk chocolate at the end. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 93 211 l 6 mags (owc) 212 l 6 mags (owc) 213 l 6 mags (owc) 214 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $5,000-7,000 Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc 2014 Graves, Cru Classé 72% Sémillon, 28% Sauvignon Blanc. That glorious, limey/ lanolin nose. Superb clementine oranges taste. Buttery lemon honey flavours plus minerality. A heavenly ‘tisane’ of lime flowers, with a touch of orange blossom too. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 93 215 l 6 mags (owc) 216 l 6 mags (owc) 217 l 6 mags (owc) 218 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $3,200-4,500 Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc 2015 Graves, Cru Classé Sémillon 67%, Sauvignon 33%. The Sémillons showed better here this year than at Haut Brion, hence the blends. Musky, almost smoky nose. On the palate, honied but dry and very mineral. A finish of tangerines, a soft landing but with freshness. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 94+ 219 l 6 mags (owc) 220 l 6 mags (owc) 221 l 6 mags (owc) 222 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $3,500-5,000 Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc 2010 Graves, Cru Classé 81% Sémillon, 19% Sauvignon Blanc. A wine of enormous finesse with a lovely lemony taste that emanates from the Sémillon. This, of course, is the greatest dry Sémillon wine made in the world. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 96 201 l 6 mags (owc) 202 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $6,000-8,000 Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc 2011 Graves, Cru Classé 72.9% Sémillon, 27.1% Sauvignon Blanc. Quite closed on the nose when very young, which is normal for a wine with high Sémillon content. Lovely richness on the palate with that super-sec Sémillon taste. This reminds me of wonderful old Hunter Valley Sémillons! In 2014, minerality on the nose and a vanillin taste. Such a lovely ‘stony’ finish. The Clos Ste. Hune of Bordeaux! In 2015, apple blossom on the nose and a lovely, flinty, sweet hawthorn wine. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 94 203 l 6 mags (owc) 204 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $4,200-6,000 205 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 206 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $1,700-2,400 Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc 2012 Graves, Cru Classé 84% Sémillon, 16% Sauvignon Blanc. In 2018, the bouquet involves hazelnuts, quince and greengages, with the mineral element of La Mission Blanc coming through on the palate. Very soft, melting in the mouth, with that ‘cushiony’ Sémillon feel to it. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 94+ 207 l 6 mags (owc) 208 l 6 mags (owc) 209 l 6 mags (owc) 210 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $4,200-6,000 Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc 2016 Graves, Cru Classé WA 95+ 223 l 3 mags (owc) 224 l 3 mags (owc) 225 l 3 mags (owc) 226 l 3 mags (owc) 227 l 3 mags (owc) 228 l 3 mags (owc) 229 l 3 mags (owc) 230 l 3 mags (owc) per lot: $2,000-2,800 Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc 2017 Graves, Cru Classé WA 97 231 l 3 mags (owc) 232 l 3 mags (owc) 233 l 3 mags (owc) 234 l 3 mags (owc) 235 l 3 mags (owc) 236 l 3 mags (owc) 237 l 3 mags (owc) 238 l 3 mags (owc) per lot: $2,200-3,000 Château La Mission Haut-Brion Blanc 2018 Graves, Cru Classé WA 96 239 l 3 mags (owc) 240 l 3 mags (owc) 241 l 3 mags (owc) 242 l 3 mags (owc) 243 l 3 mags (owc) 244 l 3 mags (owc) 245 l 3 mags (owc) 246 l 3 mags (owc) per lot: $2,400-3,500 36 37 THE PERSONAL CELLARS OF H.R.H PRINCE ROBERT DE LUXEMBOURG FRIENDS & FAMILY
  • 25. BORDEAUX RED CHATEAU HAUT BRION My overriding impression of this stunning First Growth is that it is the silkiest, most perfumed, most fine-grained of all the legendary top châteaux of Bordeaux. Haut Brion has an inner ‘spirituality’to it, a haunting quality that lingers long on the senses. Its unique position on the edge of the city of Bordeaux gives it a micro-climate that fosters ripeness and generosity - there is a velvety warmth to the wine. The extra‘plus’to the property is the family ownership and its long-standing link with three generations of another family, the Delmas, on the managing side, which has provided a totally beneficial continuity to the estate. Haut Brion often blooms early among the First Growths but, unlike human beings, it continues to grow more beautiful in middle age and retains the bone structure and elegance of a very distinguished old age! Serena Sutcliffe, MW Château Haut Brion 2017 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé WA 97 247 l 6 bts (owc) 248 l 6 bts (owc) 249 l 6 bts (owc) 250 l 6 bts (owc) 251 l 6 bts (owc) 252 l 6 bts (owc) 253 l 6 bts (owc) 254 l 6 bts (owc) per lot: $1,600-2,200 255 l 3 mags (owc) 256 l 3 mags (owc) 257 l 3 mags (owc) 258 l 3 mags (owc) per lot: $1,800-2,400 Château Haut Brion 2016 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé Merlot 56%, Cabernet Sauvignon 37.5%, Cabernet Franc 6.5%. In 2021, the most wonderful, heady, hedonistic nose, followed by a stunningly juicy taste, redolent of black cherries and the property’s signature ‘smoky fireplaces’. Just so utterly alluring and a star of the vintage, one of those irresistible Haut Brions. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 100 259 l 6 bts (owc) 260 l 6 bts (owc) 261 l 6 bts (owc) 262 l 6 bts (owc) per lot: $2,400-3,500 263 l 3 mags (owc) 264 l 3 mags (owc) 265 l 3 mags (owc) 266 l 3 mags (owc) per lot: $4,800-7,000 267 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 268 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $3,800-5,000 40 CHATEAU HAUT BRION
  • 26. Château Haut Brion 2015 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé Merlot 50%, Cabernet Sauvignon 42%, Cabernet Franc 8%. In 2019, an incredible nose of super breed. Voluptuous and glorious on the palate, sumptuous and fascinating, mocha and spices. The fruit glows - this wine is nutritious! It is also sublime and has been from the start. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 100 269 l 6 bts (owc) 270 l 6 bts (owc) 271 l 6 bts (owc) 272 l 6 bts (owc) 273 l 6 bts (owc) 274 l 6 bts (owc) 275 l 6 bts (owc) 276 l 6 bts (owc) per lot: $2,200-3,200 277 l 3 mags (owc) 278 l 3 mags (owc) 279 l 3 mags (owc) 280 l 3 mags (owc) 281 l 3 mags (owc) 282 l 3 mags (owc) 283 l 3 mags (owc) 284 l 3 mags (owc) per lot: $2,400-3,500 285 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 286 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $4,000-5,500 Château Haut Brion 2014 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé 50% Merlot, 39% Cabernet Sauvignon, 11% Cabernet Franc. In 2018, the marvellous perfume comes out with seductive beauty, with a whiff of the best Havanas. On the palate, the great finesse of texture of Haut Brion, combined with intensity of flavour. Juicy and concentrated. Fabulous, velvety wine. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 287 l 6 bts (owc) 288 l 6 bts (owc) 289 l 6 bts (owc) 290 l 6 bts (owc) per lot: $1,600-2,200 291 l 6 mags (owc) 292 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $3,500-5,000 293 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 294 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $1,200-1,600 295 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 296 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $2,600-3,500 Château Haut Brion 2013 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé 27hl/hectare yield at the property. 50% Merlot, 45.5% Cabernet Sauvignon, 4,5% Cabernet Franc. 65% new wood. Immediately, one sees that this is First Growth on the nose, with so much class and intensity. Here, the Cabernet Sauvignon has really given both flesh and volume. A real Arabica coffee taste. Fat and glycerol, with such a smooth texture. Round and very well-bred. Vanilla pod finish. I fell for this in a big way. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 297 l 12 bts (owc) 298 l 12 bts (owc) 299 l 12 bts (owc) 300 l 12 bts (owc) 301 l 12 bts (owc) 302 l 12 bts (owc) 303 l 12 bts (owc) 304 l 12 bts (owc) 305 l 12 bts (owc) 306 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $3,500-4,800 307 l 6 mags (owc) 308 l 6 mags (owc) 309 l 6 mags (owc) 310 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $3,200-4,500 311 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 312 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 313 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 314 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $1,100-1,500 315 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 316 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 317 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 318 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $2,400-3,500 42 THE PERSONAL CELLARS OF H.R.H PRINCE ROBERT DE LUXEMBOURG FRIENDS & FAMILY Château Haut Brion 2012 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé 65.5% Merlot, 32.5% Cabernet Sauvignon, 2% Cabernet Franc. 75% new oak. From the outset, always alluring at all levels - it still is, in 2016 . The complex, coffee-ish nose leads to divine finesse and class on the palate, with a really persistent, cigary finish to it. This is a true favourite in the vintage, showing its aristocratic, silky texture at every turn. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 98 319 l 12 bts (owc) 320 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $3,500-5,000 321 l 6 mags (owc) 322 l 6 mags (owc) 323 l 6 mags (owc) 324 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $3,800-5,500 325 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 326 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $1,400-1,900 327 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 328 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $3,000-4,000 Château Haut Brion 2011 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé 46.3% Cabernet Sauvignon 34.8% Merlot, 18.9% Cabernet Franc. A nose of smoked bacon! The most lovely vanilla, cream and coffee taste with a touch of mint. There is so much glycerol around the framework. Flavours of fresh blackberry jam. A great Haut Brion oozing breed. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 95 329 l 12 bts (owc) 330 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $3,500-5,000 331 l 6 mags (owc) 332 l 6 mags (owc) 333 l 6 mags (owc) 334 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $3,200-4,500 335 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 336 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $2,400-3,500 Château Haut Brion 2010 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé 57% Cabernet Sauvignon, 23% Merlot, 20% Cabernet Franc - this is the lowest percentage of Merlot in any Haut Brion. A great, dry year in Bordeaux. In 2014, an amazing blueberry nose, with a whiff of smoke. So rich in glycerol on the palate, with both mineral and maritime notes. Mouth-coating and smooth. This has the total integration and balance, complexity and sheer force, to take it forward for decades. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 100 337 l 12 bts (owc) 338 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $6,500-9,000 339 l 6 mags (owc) 340 l 6 mags (owc) 341 l 6 mags (owc) 342 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $8,000-12,000 343 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 344 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $2,400-3,200 345 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 346 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $4,800-7,000 Château Haut Brion 2009 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé In 2014, there is great spiciness on the nose, plus morello cherries. A real irony core to it on the palate. Silky textured, in that Haut Brion way, with mocha on the finish. There is real tannic grip, but it is also so juicy, in spite of the heat of the year. Perfectly composed by ultimate professionals, from stunning terroir. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 100 347 l 12 bts (owc) 348 l 12 bts (owc) 349 l 12 bts (owc) 350 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $6,500-9,000 351 l 6 mags (owc) 352 l 6 mags (owc) 353 l 6 mags (owc) 354 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $7,500-10,000 355 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 356 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $3,000-4,000 357 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 358 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $5,500-7,500 43
  • 27. Château Haut Brion 2008 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé In 2021, a rich, opulent, sensual nose, showing the 41% Merlot. Spicy and sparky on the palate, but the velvet lies underneath. Fresh black fruit on the finish. One is tempted to lay this down and see where it goes, because it changes in character each time it makes a (very welcome!) appearance. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 96 359 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $3,800-5,000 360 l 6 mags (owc) 361 l 6 mags (owc) 362 l 6 mags (owc) 363 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $4,000-6,000 364 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 365 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $1,300-1,800 366 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 367 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $2,600-3,800 Château Haut Brion 2007 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé 44% Cabernet Sauvignon, 43% Merlot, 13% Cabernet Franc. 71% new oak. Scented, even “Burgundian” nose. Fragrant violets and a touch of peppermint. Blueberries, coffee and cocoa on the palate. Very smooth. Blackberries and smoke at the end. This has the softness to make it approachable at 6 years old. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 92 368 l 12 bts (owc) 369 l 12 bts (owc) 370 l 12 bts (owc) 371 l 12 bts (owc) 372 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $3,500-4,800 373 l 6 mags (owc) 374 l 6 mags (owc) 375 l 6 mags (owc) 376 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $3,500-5,000 377 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 378 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $1,200-1,600 379 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 380 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $2,400-3,500 Château Haut Brion 2006 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé In 2012, lovely layers of red fruit on the nose. Superb cherries dominate. So unctuous and rich with a silky texture. Liquorice and wine gums and with real concentration. Depth, power and length. Not to be missed. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 96 381 l 12 bts (owc) 382 l 12 bts (owc) 383 l 12 bts (owc) 384 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $3,500-5,000 385 l 6 mags (owc) 386 l 6 mags (owc) 387 l 6 mags (owc) 388 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $3,500-5,000 389 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 390 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $1,200-1,600 391 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 392 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $2,600-3,800 Château Haut Brion 2005 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé Lot 399: 1 nicked capsule A dry year in Bordeaux and immensely impressive right from the start. In 2014, marvellous, inky violets on the nose. And real ‘inkiness’ on the palate. Like Fortuny silk on the texture, a signature Haut Brion characteristic. Great vivacity on the finish, a part of the fresh acidity of the year. Will go the distance. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 100 393 l 12 bts (owc) 394 l 12 bts (owc) 395 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $6,500-9,500 396 l 6 mags (owc) 397 l 6 mags (owc) 398 l 6 mags (owc) 399 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $8,000-12,000 400 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 401 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $2,400-3,500 402 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $5,000-7,000 44 THE PERSONAL CELLARS OF H.R.H PRINCE ROBERT DE LUXEMBOURG FRIENDS & FAMILY
  • 28. Château Haut Brion 2004 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé A nose of real finesse and breed. Total attack of Havana cigars and fresh healthy fruit. A long finish in the context of the year. On its 10th birthday, there is chocolate density here, with softness that melts in the mouth. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 92 403 l 6 mags (owc) 404 l 6 mags (owc) 405 l 6 mags (owc) 406 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $3,200-4,500 407 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $1,400-2,000 408 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $2,800-3,800 Château Haut Brion 2003 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé Tasted from Imperial in 2011 in Hong Kong. Spice bazaar and cinnamon, vanilla pod and drinking chocolate on the nose. Great woodsmoke (think Pessac-Léognan) and red fruit taste. Layers of flavour and velvet curtains texture. Already a delight, even in this generous format. From bottle in 2012, deep, brilliant colour. Rich and winey on the nose. Very spicy on the palate, with big, soft tannins. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 95 409 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $1,600-2,200 410 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $3,500-4,800 46 CHATEAU HAUT BRION
  • 29. Château Haut Brion 2001 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé In 2018, an ineffable, classy, ultra-scented nose of intense projection, followed by an absolute blueberries taste. The vivacity and gleaming fruit of this wine are pure delight. The appellation impact is fabulous - I really love this wine. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 94 411 l 3 bts (owc) per lot: $950-1,300 412 l 6 mags (owc) 413 l 6 mags (owc) 414 l 6 mags (owc) 415 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $4,000-5,500 416 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $1,600-2,200 Château Haut Brion 2000 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé Lot 417-422: Levels into the neck, Lot 423-428: Level into the neck In 2014, so scented and perfumed, more ‘tamed’ and less wild than when younger. A marked ‘maritime’ centre to it, with those intense blueberry flavours that are so often present in Haut Brion. Finishes on a strong note of arabica coffee. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 99 417 l 12 bts (owc) 418 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $3,500-5,000 419 l 6 mags (owc) 420 l 6 mags (owc) 421 l 6 mags (owc) 422 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $7,500-10,000 423 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 424 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 425 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $2,600-3,500 426 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 427 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) 428 l 1 imperial - 6 litres (owc) per lot: $5,500-8,000 Château Haut Brion 1998 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé Lot 429-437: Levels into the neck, Lot 438: Levels into the neck, 1 slightly nicked label On Boxing Day 2019 (26 December!), cigary, smoky and heathery on the nose. Finesse of tannin, ripe, exciting flavour, plus elegance allied to balance and structure. A classic of the genre. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 96 429 l 12 bts (owc) 430 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $4,500-6,000 431 l 6 mags (owc) 432 l 6 mags (owc) 433 l 6 mags (owc) 434 l 6 mags (owc) 435 l 6 mags (owc) 436 l 6 mags (owc) 437 l 6 mags (owc) 438 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $5,500-7,500 Château Haut Brion 1996 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé Lot 439: Levels into the neck, packed in 12 bottle original wooden case, Lot 440-445: Level into the neck In 2013, a super, smoky, peaty nose that is just so generous and opulent. Lots of blackcurrant in there with some liquorice too. So youthful and fresh, together with the richness. Big structure and a keeper although it has that alluring Haut Brion softness. Long finish. A superb wine. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 92 439 8 bts (owc) per lot: $2,600-3,500 440 l 1 mag (owc) 441 l 1 mag (owc) per lot: $750-1,000 442 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 443 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 444 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) 445 l 1 d.mag - 3 litres (owc) per lot: $1,500-2,000 49 LOTS 440-441, 442-445
  • 30. Château Haut Brion 1994 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé Lot 446: Levels into the neck, packed in 6-pack original wooden case, Lot 447: Levels into the neck, 1 signs of old seepage, packed in unbranded 6 pack magnum wooden case, Lot 448: Levels into the neck, slightly scuffed capsules, 3 signs of old seepage, Lot 449: Levels into the neck, 2 signs of old seepage The nose has become a real bouquet as opposed to a primary aroma. Deep cassis and intensity. Fruit heart to it, with some quite dry, concentrated tannins. Long, fruity finish. Blackcurrant dominates with cold coffee flavours. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 92 446 l 3 mags (owc) per lot: $1,600-2,200 447 l 3 mags (cn) per lot: $1,600-2,200 448 l 6 mags (owc) 449 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $3,200-4,500 Château Haut Brion 1993 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé Lot 450: u. 1x3.5cm, otherwise levels into the neck, 2 signs of old seepage, packed in unbranded 6 bottle wooden case, Lot 451: Levels into the neck, slightly scuffed capsules, packed in 6 pack magnum original wooden case, Lot 452: Levels into the neck, 1 slightly scuffed capsule Intensely spicy aroma - deeply scented and like heather in flower. Juicy, violetty fruit on the palate. Pretty. Drink from now. Perfectly delicious. Lovely balance and harmony. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 450 l 4 mags (cn) 451 l 4 mags (owc) per lot: $2,000-2,800 452 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $3,000-4,200 Château Haut Brion 1991 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé Lot 453: Levels into the neck, Lot 454: Levels into the neck, 1 slightly bin-soiled label, 5 signs of old seepage Very scented and cedary. Very full and plummy. A beautiful mouthful. Totally balanced. Lovely loganberries in syrup. Super. A liqueur of a wine! Serena Sutcliffe, MW 453 l 12 bts (owc) 454 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $3,500-5,000 Château Haut Brion 1990 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé Lot 455: Levels into the neck, 2 slightly bin-soiled labels, Lot 456: Levels into the neck, Lot 457: 3x3.5cm, otherwise levels into the neck In 2019, this remains spectacular. An unbelievably young, cedary nose leads to a wonderful juicy, blackberry taste backed up by great structure of perfect composition. Utterly fruity to the end, an extraordinary liquid compote of ultimate class. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 98 455 l 4 bts (sc) per lot: $2,400-3,500 456 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $7,000-11,000 457 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $9,000-12,000 Château Haut Brion 1989 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé Lot 458: Levels into the neck, 3 slightly bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly scuffed capsule, packed in a 12 bottle original wooden case, Lot 459-460: Levels into the neck Every single plot was green harvested to produce this density and they even chaptalized the wine! In 2014, a great black olive, ‘tapenade’ nose. On the palate, there is a touch of both vanillin and the sea, with sandalwood elements. The volume is impressive, with concentration all through. You can almost eat this. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 100 458 l 10 bts (owc) per lot: $17,000-24,000 459 l 12 bts (owc) 460 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $20,000-28,000 LOTS 459-460 50 THE PERSONAL CELLARS OF H.R.H PRINCE ROBERT DE LUXEMBOURG FRIENDS & FAMILY
  • 31. Château Haut Brion 1966 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé Lot 461: u. 5x3.5cm, 1x4cm, otherwise levels into the neck, slightly damp-stained labels, Lot 462: Levels into the neck, reconditioned at chateau March 18, 2022, packed in unbranded 12 bottle wooden case, Lot 463: u. 2x3.5cm, 3x4cm, 5x4.5cm, 2x5cm, slightly bin-soiled labels, packed in unbranded 12 bottle wooden case, Lot 464: u. 5x3.5cm, 6x4cm, 1x4.5cm, slightly bin-soiled labels, slightly scufed capsules, 2 slightly sunken corks, packed in unbranded 12 bottle wooden case, Lot 465: Levels into the neck, reconditioned at chateau March 18, 2022, Lot 466: u. 1x4.5cm, otherwise level into the neck, scuffed capsules, Lot 467: Levels into the neck, reconditioned at the chateau March 18, 2022, packed in 6 pack magnum original wooden case In 2014, a bouncy, fresh, spicy nose of great projection. Rich, aromatic and mouth-coating on the palate. This was a very good bottle, direct from the property and still showing its paces. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 461 l 8 bts (sc) per lot: $2,400-3,500 462 l 11 bts (cn) per lot: $3,200-5,000 463 l 12 bts (cn) 464 l 12 bts (cn) per lot: $3,500-5,500 465 l 2 mags (cn) 466 l 2 mags (cn) per lot: $1,200-1,600 467 l 5 mags (owc) per lot: $3,000-4,000 Château Haut Brion 1964 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé Lot 468: Levels into the neck, slightly scuffed capsules, Lot 469: Levels into the neck, reconditioned at chateau March 18, 2022, packed in unbranded 12 bottle wooden case, Lot 470: Levels into the neck, reconditioned at chateau March 18, 2022 Harvested before the rain - timing was all in this vintage. At 50 years old, there is a bouquet of its time that I can describe as ‘damp cellars’, bringing back a hoard of memories. The taste is all blackcurrant and richly redolent of mince pies, those dried fruit concoctions that the British eat at Christmas, spicy and rich. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 468 l 6 bts (sc) per lot: $1,700-2,400 469 l 8 bts (cn) per lot: $2,200-3,200 470 l 3 mags (owc) per lot: $1,900-2,600 Château Haut Brion 1958 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé u. 3.5cm, slightly scuffed capsule, Mahler-Besse neck tag Not much nose. Very coffee and tobacco taste. Delicious. Smoky finish. Really surprising for a light year, at this age. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 471 l 1 bt (cn) per lot: $650-850 Château Haut Brion 1940 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé u. 3ts, 1t/hs, 1h/ms, 1ms, pale blue glass bottles, slightly damp-stained lables, scuffed capsules, 4 oxidized capsules, packed in unbranded wooden case 472 l 6 bts (sc) per lot: $5,000-8,500 Château Haut Brion 1937 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé Reconditioned at the chateau March 18, 2022, packed in unbranded 12 bottle wooden case 1937 produced a tiny crop as there was a hailstorm in June - 60-70 casks. Very aromatic bouquet- for me, the best of the vintage together with La Mission. Coffee and cherry kernels. Smoky taste. High acidity. A very good 1937 as not dry. Would be excellent with lièvre à la royale. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 473 l 8 bts (cn) per lot: $8,500-12,000 Château Haut Brion 1934 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé Lot 474: Reconditioned at the chateau on March 15, 2022, Lot 475: u. t/hs, 1 oxidized capsule, 1 corroded capsule At 80 years old, this still has a lot to say for itself. There is a sweetness of bouquet that draws you in, followed by quite a sharp, ‘maritime’ taste, turning to succulence. Ultimately, the wine is violetty and sweet, a ‘tour de force’ when many 1934s are drying. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 474 l 1 bt (cn) per lot: $1,200-1,600 475 l 2 bts (sc) per lot: $2,400-3,200 53 CHATEAU HAUT BRION
  • 32. Château Haut Brion 1929 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé Lot 476: u. 2ts, 1t/hs, 1 slightly raised cork, scuffed capsules, short capsules reveal vintage branded corks, Lot 477: u. ts, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly wine-stained label, 2 signs of old seepage Almost damsons and Port nose. Raisins and orange zest. It has the consistency of Port. Liqueur sweet finish. This is actually bigger than a Port of this epoch would be now! Serena Sutcliffe, MW 476 l 3 bts (sc) 477 l 3 bts (sc) per lot: $5,000-7,000 Château Haut Brion 1928 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé Lot 478: Level into the neck, reconditioned at the chateau March 18, 2022, Lot 479: u. ts, scuffed capsules This has always been a wine to cause comment, seemingly super-extracted and sweet. In 2014, it was all toffee and raisins, with high volatile acidity that makes it seem almost ageless. A conundrum, but a riveting one. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 97 478 l 1 bt (sc) per lot: $2,600-3,800 479 l 2 bts (sc) per lot: $5,500-7,500 Château Haut Brion 1926 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé Lot 480: Level into the neck, reconditioned at the chateau on March 21, 2022, Lot 481: u. 3t/hs, 1h/ms, scuffed capsules, 1 slightly sunken cork, short capsules reveal vintage branded corks, signs of old seepage, 1 oxidized capsule, Lot 482: Levels into the neck, reconditioned at the chateau March 15th, 2022, Lot 483: Level into the neck, reconditioned at the chateau March 9, 2022 A very great Haut Brion and a perfect example of this splendid, rich vintage. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 96 480 l 1 bt (cn) per lot: $1,200-1,800 481 l 4 bts (sc) 482 l 4 bts (sc) per lot: $4,800-6,500 483 l 1 jero - 4.5 litres (owc) per lot: $7,500-12,000 Château Haut Brion 1924 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé Level into the neck, reconditioned at the chateau March 9, 2022 Superb nose. Complex spices - so sweet on the palate. Cinnamon and cardamom. Some acidity but the volume of the wine coats the mouth. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 484 l 1 jero - 4.5 litres (owc) per lot: $7,500-12,000 LOTS 483, 484 54 THE PERSONAL CELLARS OF H.R.H PRINCE ROBERT DE LUXEMBOURG FRIENDS & FAMILY
  • 33. Château Haut Brion 1921 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé Lot 485: u. 2ts 1t/hs, scuffed capsules, Lot 486: Levels into the neck, 1 slightly scuffed label, 1 slightly nicked label, slightly damp-stained labels, reconditioned at the chateau March 18, 2022 Sweet/smoky bouquet. Glorious meaty flavour. A bit dried up on the finish - flavours of prunes. But then the 1921 sweetness steals up on you. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 485 l 3 bts (sc) per lot: $3,200-4,500 486 l 4 bts (sc) per lot: $4,200-6,500 Château Haut Brion 1919 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé Lot 487-488: Level into the neck, reconditioned at chateau in 1993 So gentle. Very wet fur taste. Such currants in the mouth. Like divine treacle. Just wallow in it! Serena Sutcliffe, MW 487 l 1 bt (cn) 488 l 1 bt (cn) per lot: $1,200-1,600 Château Haut Brion 1918 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé Lot 489: Level into the neck, reconditioned at the chateau March 18, 2022, Lot 490: Level into the neck, reconditioned at the chateau 2022 March 15, 2022 489 l 1 bt (cn) 490 l 1 bt (cn) per lot: $1,400-1,900 Château Haut Brion 1906 Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé Level into the neck, slightly damp-stained label, reconditioned at the chateau March 8, 2022 491 l 1 bt (cn) per lot: $1,700-2,400 LOTS 487-488, 489-490 56 THE PERSONAL CELLARS OF H.R.H PRINCE ROBERT DE LUXEMBOURG FRIENDS & FAMILY 57
  • 34. BORDEAUX DRY WHITE CHÂTEAU HAUT BRION BLANC The rarest of the rare, the utterly beautiful Haut Brion Blanc is the magical meeting between Sauvignon and Sémillon, vinified to their ultimate levels of quality. The smoky, waxy, citrus notes of this wine transcend mere technical details of grape variety and vinification methods, melting into a wine of such intriguing complexity and rich texture that any wine lover feels truly blessed. I can sip it forever, with or without food, but it deserves the freshest turbot or halibut to show it off to perfection. But, then, scallops or lobster are fantastic with HBB as well and, if these luxuries are not to hand, try it with fishcakes or fish pie! Just never miss the opportunity to experience it. Serena Sutcliffe, MW Château Haut Brion Blanc 2018 Pessac-Léognan (Graves) 492 l 3 mags (owc) 493 l 3 mags (owc) 494 l 3 mags (owc) 495 l 3 mags (owc) 496 l 3 mags (owc) 497 l 3 mags (owc) 498 l 3 mags (owc) 499 l 3 mags (owc) per lot: $3,000-4,000 Château Haut Brion Blanc 2017 Pessac-Léognan (Graves) 500 l 3 mags (owc) 501 l 3 mags (owc) 502 l 3 mags (owc) 503 l 3 mags (owc) 504 l 3 mags (owc) 505 l 3 mags (owc) 506 l 3 mags (owc) 507 l 3 mags (owc) per lot: $3,000-4,000 Château Haut Brion Blanc 2016 Pessac-Léognan (Graves) 508 l 3 mags (owc) 509 l 3 mags (owc) 510 l 3 mags (owc) 511 l 3 mags (owc) 512 l 3 mags (owc) 513 l 3 mags (owc) 514 l 3 mags (owc) 515 l 3 mags (owc) per lot: $3,000-4,000 Château Haut Brion Blanc 2015 Pessac-Léognan (Graves) Sauvignon 69% (a high proportion this year), Sémillon 31%. A more tight nose than La Mission Blanc. Very classy and with marked appellation character. There is enticing, almost mysterious, smokiness in there, as if one had put a grapefruit under the grill. So fresh at the end. Great wine. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA (94-96) 516 l 6 mags (owc) 517 l 6 mags (owc) 518 l 6 mags (owc) 519 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $6,000-8,000 Château Haut Brion Blanc 2014 Pessac-Léognan (Graves) 68% Sémillon, 32% Sauvignon Blanc. Wonderful, rich, aromatic honey nose. It falls like Fortuny silk on the palate. There are flavours of cloves and ginger and it is just so opulent, luscious and satisfying. What an amazing pair of wines with La Mission Haut Brion Blanc! Serena Sutcliffe, MW 520 l 6 mags (owc) 521 l 6 mags (owc) 522 l 6 mags (owc) 523 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $6,000-8,000 LOTS 492-499, 500-507, 572-575, 576 58 THE PERSONAL CELLARS OF H.R.H PRINCE ROBERT DE LUXEMBOURG FRIENDS & FAMILY 59
  • 35. Château Haut Brion Blanc 2013 Pessac-Léognan (Graves) 66% Sauvignon, 34% Sémillon, a smaller proportion than usual. 42% went into the grand vin. A lovely hazelnuts and fresh ginger nose - this must be the most special place for Sauvignon in the world. So much lanolin smoothness on the palate, followed by a real taste of greengages. A wine of very serious ‘majesty’. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA (94-96) 524 l 6 mags (owc) 525 l 6 mags (owc) 526 l 6 mags (owc) 527 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $6,500-9,000 Château Haut Brion Blanc 2012 Pessac-Léognan (Graves) 55% Sauvignon, 45% Sémillon. A touch of smoke and hazelnuts on the nose. A real taste of waxy clementines on the palate, like the freshly-pressed juice of a Sicilian summer morning - this is a heavenly version! Amazing freshness and volume. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 98 528 l 6 mags (owc) 529 l 6 mags (owc) 530 l 6 mags (owc) 531 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $6,000-8,000 Château Haut Brion Blanc 2011 Pessac-Léognan (Graves) 57.9% Sémillon, 42.1% Sauvignon Blanc. Picked on 18 August! There is more grapefruit here on the nose as there is more Sauvignon in the blend. Rich grapefruit and cinnamon on the palate. The alcohol is totally absorbed. A real pomegranates taste and finish. In 2015, a hawthorn and honey nose and a full, rich, lanolin taste of lemon and cloves. Opulent. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 95 532 l 6 mags (owc) 533 l 6 mags (owc) 534 l 6 mags (owc) 535 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $6,500-9,000 Château Haut Brion Blanc 2010 Pessac-Léognan (Graves) 54% Sauvignon Blanc, 46%, Sémillon. Very rich and aromatic on the nose. This has a glorious white peaches taste which I have never seen before at such an intense level. Absolutely exceptional Haut Brion Blanc. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 98 536 l 6 mags (owc) 537 l 6 mags (owc) 538 l 6 mags (owc) 539 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $8,000-12,000 Château Haut Brion Blanc 2009 Pessac-Léognan (Graves) Last tasted in 2014 and from magnum, this has that wonderful ‘petrol’ nose that I love so much, even though Jean-Bernard Delmas used to have a wry expression when I mentioned it! A great guava taste, with a touch of fresh ginger, à la great Montrachet. This is just so fat and rich, indicative of the warm year. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 98+ 540 l 6 mags (owc) 541 l 6 mags (owc) 542 l 6 mags (owc) 543 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $8,500-12,000 Château Haut Brion Blanc 2008 Pessac-Léognan (Graves) 55% Sémillon, 45% Sauvignon Blanc. (This is almost the ‘image’ of the vineyard planting). In 2013, a gingerbread bouquet and richer than the elegant Laville 2008 on the nose. An opulent, imposing wine on the palate, full of gingery spiciness, honey and treacle. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA (94) 544 l 6 mags (owc) 545 l 6 mags (owc) 546 l 6 mags (owc) 547 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $6,000-8,000 Château Haut Brion Blanc 2007 Pessac-Léognan (Graves) 55% Sauvignon Blanc, 45% Sémillon. In 2013, a rich, warm, almost “lazy” nose - you just sink into it! Superb honey and oranges taste, with oriental spiciness. Cinnamon, saffron and allspice. All-enveloping. Lovely clementines freshness at the end, after the mouth-filling experience. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 95+ 548 l 6 mags (owc) 549 l 6 mags (owc) 550 l 6 mags (owc) 551 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $6,500-9,000 60 THE PERSONAL CELLARS OF H.R.H PRINCE ROBERT DE LUXEMBOURG FRIENDS & FAMILY Château Haut Brion Blanc 2006 Pessac-Léognan (Graves) 56% Sauvignon Blanc, 44% Sémillon. 9 months in 45% new oak. Marvellously subtle fragrance of honeysuckle and acacia. Class and breed too. Heavenly silkiness, with beautifully integrated vanilla and lots of nutmeg and gingerbread, plus a delectable honied sweetness. This is so fine-tuned and “civilised”. A celestial joy to drink in 2013 and, no doubt, for many years to come. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 95 552 l 6 mags (owc) 553 l 6 mags (owc) 554 l 6 mags (owc) 555 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $7,000-9,500 Château Haut Brion Blanc 2005 Pessac-Léognan (Graves) 52% Sauvignon Blanc, 48% Sémillon. In 2013, honeysuckle honey on the nose. Flowers, apricots and mandarin oranges. An amazing taste of apricots and apples. Very rich and powerful. The orange is very strong, with a touch of caramel and melon at the end. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 95+ 556 l 6 mags (owc) 557 l 6 mags (owc) 558 l 6 mags (owc) 559 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $8,000-12,000 Château Haut Brion Blanc 2004 Pessac-Léognan (Graves) A 50/50 split between Sauvignon and Sémillon. Incredible, rich, fat and floral wine, with the depth and texture of a great Montrachet but a stupendous, all-enveloping, totally alluring character that is pure HBB. Smoky opulence and lemony at the end. One of the greats of the genre. It was marvellous with poached halibut and hollandaise sauce. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 94 560 l 6 mags (owc) 561 l 6 mags (owc) 562 l 6 mags (owc) 563 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $6,000-8,000 Château Haut Brion Blanc 2003 Pessac-Léognan (Graves) Great, rich, acacia nose. Honey and almonds - so opulent. This has a longer, bigger finish than the Laville in this very early vintage. In 2013, it is very round and rich, a child of heat! Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 97 564 l 6 mags (owc) 565 l 6 mags (owc) 566 l 6 mags (owc) 567 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $6,500-9,000 Château Haut Brion Blanc 2002 Pessac-Léognan (Graves) That “petrolly” nose of white Pessac-Léognan wines - aeroplanes and not cars and I assure you it is lovely! Masses of orange on the palate. Slightly “muscaté”. So much glycerol and a nice lick of freshness at the end in 2013. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 568 l 6 mags (owc) 569 l 6 mags (owc) 570 l 6 mags (owc) 571 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $5,500-7,500 Château Haut Brion Blanc 2001 Pessac-Léognan (Graves) In 2013, very spicy and full of gingerbread on the nose. Great finesse. Perfect fruit/acidity balance. Fabulous year, fabulous harmony. This has a terrific lemon kick-back on the palate. Such silky bliss. Ace wine. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 93 572 l 6 mags (owc) 573 l 6 mags (owc) 574 l 6 mags (owc) 575 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $6,000-8,000 Château Haut Brion Blanc 1998 Pessac-Léognan (Graves) Levels into the neck 50% Sauvignon Blanc, 50% Sémillon. Last tasted in 2014 and from magnum, this is pure honeysuckle on the nose. Extraordinary minerality on the palate, with orange zest all through. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 96 576 l 6 mags (owc) per lot: $7,500-10,000 Château Haut Brion Blanc 1996 Pessac-Léognan (Graves) Levels into the neck A stupendous year for dry whites from Pessac-Léognan - and this is the tops. Rich, huge and all-enveloping, but with marvellous acidity giving it total freshness and a finish of fresh ginger. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 93 577 l 12 bts (owc) per lot: $4,800-6,500 61
  • 36. BORDEAUX RED CHATEAU LAFITE Throughout the centuries, Lafite has proved that this is a wine that ages in the most ethereal way. Lafite combines elegance, breed and scent with sustained power, a miracle of balance and nobility. The extraordinary terroir and position in Pauillac have always been matched by the Rothschilds’ sense of quality and vision, resulting in a wine that has mythical status. Continuity is vital in producing a great wine and the wine-making brilliance of Charles Chevallier from the 1990s to early 2016 has added extra lustre to this exceptional liquid, with the fame of the property spreading further throughout the world. When serving Lafite, decant it well in advance of drinking as its bouquet and taste amplify to multi-faceted dimensions on contact with the air. At the Château itself, they double decant, back into the original bottle with its unchanging, instantly recognisable label. Lafite matures slowly, developing gloriously with bottle age, as historic tastings have shown. Collect Lafite for yourself and watch it grow! Serena Sutcliffe, MW Château Lafite 1981 Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé Lot 578: u. bn, slightly wine-stained labels, Lot 579: Levels bn or into neck, damp-stained and slightly wine-stained labels, 2 torn labels, 1 slightly raised cork, heavily worn original tissues, Lot 580: Level into the neck, slightly damp-stained label, Lot 581: u. 1ts, otherwise levels into the neck, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, 3 slightly wine-stained labels, 1 slightly torn label, 1 slightly raised cork, packed in unbranded 6-magnum wooden case 578 l 2 bts (sc) per lot: $950-1,300 579 l 4 bts (sc) per lot: $1,900-2,600 580 l 1 mag (cn) per lot: $1,100-1,500 581 l 4 mags (cn) per lot: $4,200-6,000 Château Lafite 1979 Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé Lot 582: u. 2ts, otherwise vts, slightly damp-stained labels, slight tissue paper adhered to labels, packed in unbranded 12 bottle wooden case, Lot 583: u. 1 ts, otherwise bn, slightly bin-soiled labels, 11 slight tissue paper adhered to labels, Lot 584: Levels into the neck, 1 damp-stained and wrinkled label, 1 heavily damp-stained label, 1 wine-stained label, torn labels, 1 tissue paper adhered to back of bottle, Lot 585: Levels bn or better, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, 1 signs of old seepage I always thought this was a great 1979 and, at 30 years old, it still is. Last tasted (drunk, actually) from magnum. A lovely meaty, chocolatey nose. Some mint too, as it always had. Beautiful middle taste. Real power, with that mocha/ mint finish. A lot of ‘matière’ here. Some mushrooms on the finish. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 582 l 11 bts (cn) per lot: $3,800-5,000 583 l 12 bts (cn) per lot: $4,200-5,500 584 l 2 mags (cn) 585 l 2 mags (cn) per lot: $1,600-2,200 Château Lafite 1978 Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé Lot 586: u. 3t/hs, 7h/ms, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly torn label, 1 slightly raised cork, 1 signs of old seepage, 2 heavily corroded capsules, packed in unbranded 12 bottle wooden case, Lot 587: u. 2vts, 5ts, 4t/hs, damp- stained and bin-soiled labels, slightly scuffed capsules, packed in unbranded 12-bottle wooden case Lot 588: u. bn, damp- stained and bin-soiled label, Lot 589: Levels bn or into neck, heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, slightly scuffed capsules, packed in unbranded 6-magnum wooden case I always loved this wine from the start and now, from magnum, it is terrific. Very aromatic bouquet, symptomatic of this late vintage. So much fat and glycerol on the palate. Finishes so spicy and lacy. The most recent bottle had a meaty nose. Tea and roses. Really rich and spicy. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 586 l 10 bts (cn) per lot: $3,500-5,000 587 l 11 bts (cn) per lot: $4,000-5,500 588 l 1 mag (cn) per lot: $1,000-1,400 589 l 4 mags (cn) per lot: $4,000-5,500 LOTS 619, 622, 625, 627, 628, 629, 630, 632, 634, 637, 639, 640 62 THE PERSONAL CELLARS OF H.R.H PRINCE ROBERT DE LUXEMBOURG FRIENDS & FAMILY 63
  • 37. Château Lafite 1977 Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé Lot 590: u. 1vts, 2ts, heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, Lot 591: Levels bn or into neck, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, sightly oxidized capsules, Lot 592: u. vts, heavily bin-soiled and damp-stained labels, wine stained labels, oxidized capsules, packed in unbranded 6 pack magnum wooden case, Lot 593: u. bn, heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, oxidized capsules, packed in unbranded 6-magnum wooden case 590 l 3 bts (sc) per lot: $1,200-18,000 591 l 5 bts (sc) per lot: $2,000-3,000 592 l 2 mags (cn) 593 l 2 mags (cn) per lot: $1,800-2,400 Château Lafite 1976 Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé Lot 594: u. 1bn, 2ts, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, slightly oxidized capsules, Lot 595: u. ts, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, oxidized capsules, sunken corks, Lot 596: u. 3bn, 2vts, 1ts, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, oxidized capsules, 1 slightly torn capsule, 1 sunken cork, 3 signs of old seepage In 2009, and from double magnum, this is very good ‘now’ drinking. The very spicy nose leads to lovely aromatic cocoa on the palate. It finishes with delicacy - filigree Lafite. Our own bottles at home are also showing very well, with some fat to match the spiciness. In 2011, vanillin, spicy and mature. Length, elegance and freshness on the palate. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 93 594 l 3 bts (sc) 595 l 3 bts (sc) per lot: $1,000-1,400 596 l 6 mags (cn) per lot: $4,200-6,500 Château Lafite 1975 Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé Lot 597: u. 1vts, 1ts, bin-soiled and damp-stained labels, oxidized capsules, 73cl, Lot 598: u. vts, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, 73cl, Lot 599: u. bn, heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled label, Lot 600: u. vts, heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled label, wine-stained label, signs of old seepage, Lot 601: u. 2vts, 1ts, heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly oxidized capsule, 1 corroded capsule The vintage marked the start of Eric de Rothschild’s regime at Lafite, with all the improvement that this brought. In 2009, this had an absolutely classic, top Pauillac nose, cedary and fruity. Then a lovely explosion of cassis berries on the palate. An excellent bottle, with a long finish and real consistency all through. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 92 597 l 2 bts (sc) per lot: $700-1,000 598 l 3 bts (sc) per lot: $1,000-1,500 599 l 1 mag (cn) 600 l 1 mag (cn) per lot: $750-1,000 601 l 3 mags (cn) per lot: $2,200-3,000 Château Lafite 1974 Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé Lot 602: u. 2ts, 1t/hs, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, oxidized capsules, 73cl, Lot 603: u. 4 vts, 2 ts, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, 73cl, Lot 604: u. 1bn, 1vts, heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, oxidized capsules, 1 torn capsule, Lot 605: u. 1bn, 1vts, heavily damp-stained and bin- soiled labels, oxidized capsules Smoky nose. Some middle fruit. Now better than La Mission, which was the best of this year. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 602 l 3 bts (sc) per lot: $1,200-1,600 603 l 6 bts (sc) per lot: $2,400-3,200 604 l 2 mags (cn) 605 l 2 mags (cn) per lot: $1,700-2,400 64 THE PERSONAL CELLARS OF H.R.H PRINCE ROBERT DE LUXEMBOURG FRIENDS & FAMILY Château Lafite 1973 Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé Lot 606: u. 3ts, 3t/hs, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, oxidized capsules, 1 sunken cork, 73cl, packed in unbranded wooden case, Lot 607: u. 1vts, 8ts, damp-stained, bin-soiled and wine-stained labels, 73cl, Lot 608: u. bnob, 4 deteriorated labels, 3 heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, 1 nicked label, scuffed capsules, 3 signs of old seepage, 1 heavily corroded capsule, packed in unbranded 6 pack magnum wooden case Good. Really fills out on the palate and shows First Growth character in such a year. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 606 l 6 bts (cn) per lot: $2,000-2,800 607 l 9 bts (sc) per lot: $3,000-4,200 608 l 6 mags (cn) per lot: $4,200-6,500 Château Lafite 1972 Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé Lot 609: u. t/hs, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, 2 oxidized capsules, 1 corroded capsule, 1 slightly sunken cork, signs of seepage, 73cl, Lot 610: u. ts, damp-stained and bin- soiled labels, slightly oxidized capsules, 73cl, Lot 611: u. vts, heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, oxidized capsules, signs of old seepage, Lot 612: u. 1vts, 1ts, heavily damp- stained and bin-soiled labels, oxidized capsules, signs of old seepage 609 l 3 bts (sc) per lot: $1,300-1,800 610 l 4 bts (sc) per lot: $1,700-2,400 611 l 2 mags (cn) 612 l 2 mags (cn) per lot: $1,900-2,600 Château Lafite 1971 Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé Lot 613: u. t/hs, heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled label, oxidized capsule, signs of old seepage, Lot 614: u. vts, damp- stained and bin-soiled labels, bin-soiled capsules 613 l 1 mag (cn) per lot: $850-1,200 614 l 2 mags (cn) per lot: $1,700-2,400 Château Lafite 1970 Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé Lot 615: u. t/hs, damp-stained, bin-soiled and wine-stained label, scuffed and slightly corroded capsule, signs of old seepage, Lot 616: u. ts, damp-stained, bin-soiled, and wine- stained labels, Lot 617: u. bn or better, heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, 1 deteriorated label, oxidized capsules, signs of old seepage, Lot 618: u. 1vts, 1ts, heavily deteriorated labels, 1 oxidized capsule, 1 corroded capsule, signs of old seepage In 2014, very scented and elegant, pure Lafite. Gentle and harmonious on the palate, fine-textured and classy. Drink now, anyway from bottle. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 615 l 1 bt (cn) per lot: $150-250 616 l 2 bts (sc) per lot: $750-1,000 617 l 2 mags (cn) 618 l 2 mags (cn) per lot: $1,600-2,200 Château Lafite 1967 Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé u. ts, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, bin-soiled and slightly oxidized capsules, signs of old seepage Smoky poultry nose! Bacon. Fascinating aromatics on the palate. Sweet and melting. The best examples are as good as Pétrus in this year. My most recent bottle had an almost Burgundian nose and, on the palate, it was sweet but a bit spiky. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 619 l 2 mags (cn) per lot: $1,700-2,400 Château Lafite 1964 Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé Lot 620: u. h/ms, heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled label, oxidized capsule, signs of old seepage, Lot 621: u. t/hs, damp- stained and bin-soiled label, bin-soiled capsule, Lot 622: u. 1vts, 1ts, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly nicked label, 1 torn label, oxidized capsules, 1 signs of old seepage My last bottle in 2009 was better than expected, given the rain of the vintage in this part of the Médoc. Gentle aromatics on the nose. The rain took the big personality out of the wine, but there is herby charm on the palate. Smoky finish. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 620 l 1 bt (cn) 621 l 1 bt (cn) per lot: $450-550 622 l 2 bts (sc) per lot: $900-1,100 65
  • 38. 67 Château Lafite 1955 Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé u. 2h/ms, 1ms, heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, bin-soiled, torn and oxidized capsules In 2020, that ethereal, ‘up in the sky’, heather, camphor and cedar wood bouquet, with a sweet touch. Pure, inimitable Lafite, that sheer ‘other world’ characteristic. Such sweet, cherry flavours, with filigree laciness and an endless, lingering finish. The problem with Lafite is that it is a bit addictive! David Peppercorn drank the 1893 at the same stage of its life and he thought this was even better, with more vigour - there is absolutely no fading here. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 628 l 3 bts (sc) per lot: $5,000-7,000 Château Lafite 1953 Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé u. ms, damp-stained and bin-soiled label, corroded and slightly torn capsule I have had many perfectly delicious bottles of this, with textbook Lafite beauty and harmony, delicacy of flavour and the true trademark long finish. It is getting older, of course, and my last bottle in 2009 was all sweetness and cinnamon, but beginning to dry up. As usual, with wines of this age, every bottle is different, enhanced by the variation in provenance, as one would expect. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 99 629 l 1 bt (sc) per lot: $1,900-2,600 Château Lafite 1963 Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé u. h/ms, damp-stained and bin-soiled label, corroded capsule, torn capsule partially revealing cork, 623 l 1 bt (sc) per lot: $550-750 Château Lafite 1962 Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé Lot 624: u. h/ms, heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, wine-stained labels, corroded capsules, signs of old seepage, Lot 625: u. 1ts, 2t/hs, 1 h/ms, bin-soiled and damp-stained labels, 1 slightly raised cork, short capsules reveal vintage branded corks In 2009, a really cedary Pauillac nose. It now has finesse and delicacy rather than power. Filigree, lacy, fruity Lafite finish. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 624 l 3 bts (sc) per lot: $2,200-3,000 625 l 4 bts (sc) per lot: $3,000-4,000 Château Lafite 1958 Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé Lot 626: u. h/ms, heavily damp-stained, bin-soiled and torn labels, corroded capsules, signs of old seepage, Lot 627: u. 1ts, 1t/hs, damp-stained, bin-soiled, and deteriorated labels, oxidized capsules, short capsules reveal vintage branded corks 626 l 2 bts (sc) 627 l 2 bts (sc) per lot: $1,100-1,500 CHATEAU LAFITE
  • 39. Château Lafite 1952 Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé h/ms, heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, corroded capsules, short capsules reveal vintage branded corks 630 l 2 bts (sc) per lot: $1,100-1,500 Château Lafite 1950 Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé Lot 631: u. 1ts, 5t/hs, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, 2 slightly torn labels, 1 slightly corroded capsule, 4 corroded capsules, 1 torn capsule, Lot 632: u. 4h/ms, 2ms, damp- stained and bin-soiled labels, 2 torn labels, bin-soiled capsules, 3 corroded capsules, signs of old seepage Lovely, classy, cedary nose. Lovely chocolate taste. Very Médoc. Sweet upturn at the end. Serena Sutcliffe, MW WA 92 631 l 6 bts (sc) 632 l 6 bts (sc) per lot: $3,200-4,500 Château Lafite 1949 Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé Lot 633: u. ms, damp-stained, bin-soiled, and slightly torn label, oxidized, bin-soiled, and slightly torn capsule, short capsule reveals vintage branded cork, Lot 634: u. 1ts 1t/hs, damp-stained and bin-soiled labels, 1 slightly torn label, bin- soiled capsules, short capsules reveal vintage branded corks Glorious bouquet - the enchantment and distinctive quality of Lafite in this wondrous year is still stunning at 55 years old. It never seems big but has enormous concentration and flavour. This, for me, has always been one of the great Lafites. My most recent bottle had a lovely, heart-of-Claret, candied nose. Dreamy, ethereal, lacy Lafite. To die for. Raspberry finish. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 633 l 1 bt (sc) per lot: $750-1,000 634 l 2 bts (sc) per lot: $1,500-2,000 Château Lafite 1945 Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé u. t/hs, heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled label, torn capsule partially revealing cork, short capsule revealing vintage branded cork It is worth remembering that 1945, 2000 and 2008 were the only years when the bottles were embossed with the vintage. In 2018, courtesy of a very generous friend, we saw again the inimitable scent and breed of this wine, all heathery perfume. There is a touch of volatility that sets in after a while, but the integrated, elegant, seamless side of Lafite caresses the palate, with silky sweetness and mouth-enveloping richness. Above all, it is all-conquering, signature Lafite, with myriad, smoky black fruit flavours that keep on making an appearance until the last drop. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 635 l 1 bt (cn) per lot: $2,000-2,800 Château Lafite 1926 Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé Lot 636: u. 1 h/ms, heavily deteriorated label, short capsule reveals fully branded cork, Lot 637: u. h/ms, heavily damp-stained, bin- soiled label, and slightly scuffed label, bin-soiled capsules 636 l 1 bt (sc) 637 l 1 bt (sc) per lot: $1,000-1,400 Château Lafite 1925 Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé Lot 638: u. h/ms, heavily deteriorated label, heavily damp- stained, torn label obscuring vintage, short capsule revealing fully branded cork and 1925 vintage, Lot 639: u. t/hs, heavily damp-stained, bin-soiled, and torn labels, scuffed and bin-soiled capsules, short capsules reveal fully branded corks In 2010, from ex-cellars Lafite stock and with a wonderful Chinese dinner in Shanghai. A bouquet of smoky mushrooms and ivy and then that almost mystical Lafite laciness on the palate. This had real style and stayed well in the glass - so much so that I had some more! Perfect provenance that paid off, as always. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 638 l 1 bt (sc) per lot: $850-1,200 639 l 3 bts (sc) per lot: $2,600-3,500 Château Lafite 1924 Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé u. 2t/hs, 1h/ms, heavily deteriorated labels, 1 corroded capsule, bin-soiled capsules, signs of old seepage, 2 short capsules reveal vintage branded corks, 1 dark glass obscures readability of cork This wine has always been a gem, gentle, velvety and sweet, with an unbelievably spicy, intoxicating bouquet - spellbinding stuff. In 2010, it remains one of my top Lafites and I feel privileged to know it as I do. Rich treacle and heather, with that Lafite sweetness and lace, touches of toffee and oodles of great ripe fruit. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 640 l 3 bts (sc) per lot: $4,000-5,500 68 THE PERSONAL CELLARS OF H.R.H PRINCE ROBERT DE LUXEMBOURG FRIENDS & FAMILY CHATEAU LAFITE