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Vegetables and benefits
❖ Common Name:-Bean
❖ Scientific Name:-Phaseolus vulgaris L.
❖ Different Varieties:-1.Bush
b)Top Crop
2.Pole bean
a)KentukyWonder Green
b)Kentucky Wonder Wax
c)Other Promising Varieties
-Pees Butter
-Lanka Nill
❖ Growing Areas :-Bush beans and pole beans can be grown in all agro-
ecological regions except the up-country Wet Zone.
❖ Growing Seasons :-Planting after heavy rains is recommended for both Maha and
Yala seasons.
❖ Nutritional Value :-
Amount Per
100 grams
100 grams
Calories 347
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 1.2 g 1%
Saturated fat 0.2 g 1%
Polyunsaturated fat 0.4 g
Monounsaturated fat 0.2 g
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Sodium 12 mg 0%
Potassium 1,393 mg 39%
Total Carbohydrate 63 g 21%
Dietary fiber 16 g 64%
Sugar 2.1 g
Protein 21 g 42%
Vitamin A 0% Vitamin C 10%
Calcium 11% Iron 28%
Vitamin D 0% Vitamin B-6 25%
Vitamin B-12 0% Magnesium 44%
❖ Benefits:-
1.Dry Beans Provide Complex Carbohydrates. -Complex
carbohydrates are typically rich in fiber--A good source of protein, beans have a low glycemic index.
-This makes an ideal food for the management of insulin resistance, diabetes and hyperlipidemia.-
Beans may be a very important food for a healthy gut
2. Dry Beans Provide Beneficial Dietary Fiber
-Dry beans are rich in both soluble and insoluble fibers. Soluble fiber traps dietary cholesterol inside
the digestive tract. The cholesterol is then excreted versus being absorbed, which helps to lower
blood levels of LDL cholesterol, especially if LDL cholesterol levels were high to begin with.
-Dry beans also provide substantial amounts of insoluble fiber, which help attract water to the stool
and keeps you regular. This may help to combat constipation, colon cancer, and other digestive
health conditions
3.Dry Beans Are A Source of Plant-based Protein
-Dry beans are a good source of plant-based protein and have therefore been identified as a meat
alternative. --------
Regular intake of dried beans is extremely important worldwide as they provide a good source of
protein at a low cost compared to animal protein sources like beef, pork, and chicken.
❖ Dry Beans Contain Essential Vitamins and Minerals
-Most types of beans are good sources of potassium, a mineral that promotes healthy blood pressure
levels. -
-Beans are excellent sources of copper, phosphorus, manganese and magnesium.
-Most types of dry beans are rich sources of iron, which makes them important for vegetarians and
vegans who do not get an animal source of iron. --
-Dry beans are an excellent source of the water-soluble vitamins thiamin and folic acid and a good
source of riboflavin and vitamin B6.
❖ Common Name:-Carrot
❖ Scientific Name:-Daucus carota
❖ Different Varieties:-Lanka Carrot
➢ Up Country
1) Cape Market
2) Top Weight
➢ Mid Country
1) Cape Market
2) Nantes Half Long
➢ IER 6vriety
❖ Growing Area:-Carrot can be grown in all agro-ecological regions.
❖ Growing Seasons:- Yala and Maha
❖ Nutritional Value:-
• Dietery Fiber - 12%
• Carbohydrates-3%
• Calories-2%
• Protein-1%
• Vitamins
-Vitamin A27.6%
-Vitamin K 12%
-Vitamin B65%
• Minerals-Manganese 8% -Potassium 7%
-Iron 5%-Copper 5%
❖ Benefits
-Prevent Heart Diseases
-Lower Blood Pressure
-Boost Immunity
-Help in Digestion
-Prevent Cancer
-Reduce Macular Degeneration
-Improve Eyesight
-Improve Oral Health
-Reduce the Risk of Stroke
-Control Diabetes
❖ Common Name :-Pumpkin
❖ Scientific Name:-Cucurbita maxima
❖ Different Varieties:-
• Local Varieties
• Ruhunu Varieties
• E-W hybrids
• Rajah F1
• Cha chaKabocha
• Casper White
• Jack Be Little
• Black Futsu
• Golden Acom
• Great White
• Delicata
• Butternut
• Farmer Mark’s Orange
• Black Peanuts
• Baby bear
• Cinderella
❖ Cultivating Seasons:- -Local varieties are
advisable to cultivate during the seasonsYala - May
Maha– October
-Ruhunu varieties can be cultivated during any season with irrigation facilities.
❖ Growing Areas:-Anuradhapura, Thissamaharama, Dambulla Ampara, Monaragala
❖ Nutritional Values:-
Amount Per
100 grams
100 grams
Calories 26
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 0.1 g 0%
Saturated fat 0.1 g 0%
Polyunsaturated fat 0 g
Monounsaturated fat 0 g
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Sodium 1 mg 0%
Potassium 340 mg 9%
Total Carbohydrate 7 g 2%
Dietary fiber 0.5 g 2%
Sugar 2.8 g
Protein 1 g 2%
Vitamin A 170% Vitamin C 15%
Calcium 2% Iron 4%
Vitamin D 0% Vitamin B-6 5%
Vitamin B-12 0% Magnesium 3%
*Per cent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. People’s
daily values may be higher or lower depending on their calorie
❖ Benefits:-
• Pumpkins keep eyesight sharp
• Pumpkins aid weight loss
• Pumpkin seeds can Help heart(Can reduce LDL or bad cholesterol level)
• Pumpkins may reduce Cancer risk
• Pumpkins protect the skin
• Pumpkin seeds can boost our mood
• Pumpkins can help after a hard workout
• Pumpkins can boost our immune system
❖ Common Name:-Capsicum
❖ Scientific Name:-Capsicum annum L.
❖ Varieties:- There are two varieties
1) Hungariyan Yellow Wax (HYW)
2) C.A - 8
❖ Growing Areas:-Any area
❖ Season: -Any season
❖ Nutritional Value:- Composition of 100g of edible portion of capsicum
Carotene ( g) 600
Thiamine ( g) 300
Riboflavin ( g) 12
❖ Benefits of Capsium:
• The phytochemical constituents of capsicum are
shown to produce an anti-inflammatory response that alleviates
peripheral neurogenic pain related to Crohn’s disease, an inflammatory
disease of the bowels.
• Capsicum contains tannins. Tannins are astringent and are often
considered for their benefits when treating gastrointestinal disorders
such as diarrhea, dysentery, and other microbial disorders.
• Another bioactive effect of tannin contained in capsicum is in the
prevention and treatment of cancer.
• They are beneficial towards preventing coronary heart disease.
• Many of the bioactive compounds of capsicum provide antioxidant
• With the worldwide prevalence of diabetes, the consideration of
capsicum as hypoglycemic medicine has provoked research into this
Calories 291
Carbohydrates (%) 33
Protein (g) 15
Fat (g) 11
Calcium (mg) 150
• Many clinical trials show the effectiveness of capsicum for treating
symptoms of fibromyalgia when applied topically.
• Vitamins in the capsicum chili pepper are shown to have an antioxidant
effect on cell tissues, which may improve skin health and prevent aging.
• Menopausal symptoms may also be relieved by the consumption of
flavonoid-containing fruits such as capsicum chili.
❖ Common Name:- Brinjal
❖ Scientific Name:-Solanum mlongina L
❖ Varieties:- There are five varieties
1) Anjalee (F1 Hybrid)
2) Amanda (F1 Hybrid)
3) Thinnavelli Purple
4) SM -64
5) Padagoda (BW 11)
❖ Grown Area:-All Agro-climatic regions except up country-wet zone
❖ Season:-Throughout year
❖ Nutritional value:-
Nutritive Components in 100 gm of edible portion of Brinjal
Component Composition
Moisture ( % ) 92.7
Protein (g ) 1.4
Fat (g) 0.3
Mineral salt (g) 0.3
Fiber (g) 1.3
Carbohydrates (g) 4.0
Oxalic acid (mg) 18.0
Calcium (mg) 18.0
Magnesium (mg) 16.0
Phosphorous (mg) 47.0
Iron (mg) 0.9
❖ Benefits of Brinjal:-
• Fibre and antioxidants are just two of the nutrients that make brinjal a food that can keep
cancer at bay.
• Brinjals are great for weight loss as they are low in calories with 100g of the vegetable
containing just 25 calories.
• Like most fruits and vegetables, brinjals too are great for your heart. Being rich in fiber,
potassium, vitamin B-6 and phytonutrients like flavonoids, this vegetable lowers the risk of
heart disease.
• Brinjal contains potassium, an important mineral, which plays a key role in maintaining
electrolyte balance in the body. It also helps in neutralizing the effects of sodium on the body
thereby aiding in blood pressure control.
• As brinjals are low in carbohydrates and high in fibre content, they are known to be good for
people suffering from diabetes.
• Brinjals is rich in chlorogenic acid that acts as a powerful antioxidant agent, lowering
cholesterol levels in the body.
• Eating brinjals can prevent brain damage as it contains phytonutrients that can protect your
cell membranes.
• Apart from these benefits, brinjal is also known to have nicotine and thus helps in quitting
❖ Common Name:-Leeks
❖ Scientific Name:-Allium porrum
❖ Nutrition Value :-(100 g per edible portion)
Energy 60Kcal
Carbohydrates 14.15g
Suger 3.9g
Dietary fiber 1.8g
Fat 0.3g
Vitamin C 12mg
Vitamin E 0.92mg
Vitamin K 47mg
Calcium 59mg
Iron 2.1mg
Phosphorus 35mg
Potassium 189mg
❖ Growing Areas:-
• Succesfully grown in up country wet zone
• Can also grown up country intrermediate zone(1000mm to 1500mm rain fall)
• Nuwara Eliya is the major growing area in Sri Lanka
❖ Growing Seasons: -leek seeds being drilled from late February to early May. Many fields are
hand-weeded and successional sowing, along with the use of fleece blankets to cover early crops,
significantly extends the length of the growing season.
❖ Varieties in Sri Lanka:-
• Large long summer
❖ Benifits:-
• Leeks are rich in vitamin A,necessary vitamin for the proper functioning of the eyes
and for overall eye health
• Antioxidants contained in leeks can combat free radicals and slow the aging process
• Leeks have high amount of keampferoland flavonoid that helps protect blood vesssels
from damage coused by hyperactive oxygen molecules
• Leeks have high amount of potassium also helps control blood presure
• Vikamin K content in leeks that can improve bone health
❖ Common Name:-Radish
❖ Sceinfic Name:-Raphanus raphanistrum subsp.sativus
❖ Nutrition Value (per 100g edible portion):-
Energy 19Kcal
Fat 0.1g
Fiber 1.9g
Vitamin C 17.2mg
Potassium 270mg
Folate 29mg
Vitamin B6 0.1mg
Manganese 0.1mg
❖ Growing Areas:-
• Radish can be grown all agro eco logical
❖ Different Varieties:-
• Japan ball rabu
• Beeralu rabu
• Table raddish
❖ Benefits:-
• Raddishes are very good for lever and stomach,and they act as a powerful
detoxifier too.
• Raddishes are diceretic in nature,which means that they increase the production
of urine
• Raddishes are a great source of anthocyanins,a type of flavonoids,which not only
give colour to radishes but also numerous health benefits
• Since raddishes are de-oxifiers are rich in vitamin C,folic acid, and anthocynins
they have been cnnected to treating many types of cancer
• Used as a vegetable or salad
• A good treatment for headaches, acidity, constipation, nausea, obesity, sore
throat, whooping cough, gallstones, gastric problems and dyspepsia.
• Treats insectsbites.
• Boots immunity
• Treats respiratory conditions.
• Lowers blood pressure.
• Skin care
• Treats leucoderma.
• Treats cancer
• Weight loss
• Prevents piles
• Treats jaundice
Bitter gourd
❖ Common Name:-Bitter gourd
❖ Scientific Name:-Mormodica charantia L.
❖ Nutrition Value (per 100 g ediable portion):-
Water 87.4g
Protien 930mg
Fat 158mg
Calories 16cal
Carbohydrates 3.4g
Dietary fiber 2.6g
Vitamin A 438IU
Vitamin C 78mg
Thiamin 37mg
Calcium 18mg
Iron 400mcg
Magnesium 16mg
Potassium 275mg Elevation
❖ Growing Areas:-It can be successfully grown on elevation from sea level to about 1200 m.
It can be cultivated in low country and mid country during both seasons . The identified
districts for botter production are Kurunegala, Hambantota, Ratnapura, Kandy
,Matale,Nuwara Eliya, Anuradhapura, Puttalam, and Ampara districts.
The identified districts of Kurunegala, Hambantota, Ratnapura, Kandy and Matale, Nuwara
Eliya Anuradhapura,Puttalama and Ampara will be the major bitter gourd cultivating area
in Sri Lanka.
❖ Different Varieties:-
• MC-43
• Thinnaveli white
❖ Benifits:-
• Drinking bitter melon decoction is a common practice of diabetetes
management.It is a treatment for diabetes
• Bitter melon helps us recover from common illnesses much quicker and
decreases our susceptibility to infection
• Bitter melon notably contains eye-health improving flavonoids.These
compounds enhance eyesigth and night vision as well as decelerate macular
• Bitter melon can help reduce sympotoms brought on by certain respiratory
codition such as asthama,bronchitis abd hay fever
• Bitter melon is also widely consumed to help lower bad cholesterol
levels,which in turn prevents atherosclerotic plaque buildup in arterial walls
Knol khol
❖ Sceintific Name:- Barssica coulorapa
❖ Nutritional Value:-
Energy 27Kcal
Carbohydrates 5g
Dietary fiber 10.4g
Sodium 1.34g
Potassium 7.3g
Vtiamin A 1.2g
Vitamin C 1.02g
Iron 5.3g
❖ Growing Areas:-
• Up country wet zone and intermediat zone is more suitable
• Nuwara Eliya
• Badulla
❖ Growing Season:- Up country
❖ Varieties:-
• White vienna
• Purple vienna
• Grand duke
• Coralb
❖ Benefits:-
▪ The high level of potassium in knol khol makes it a useful ingredient to be
included for making an alkalizing drink to counter over-acidification.
▪ The high level of potassium in knol khol helps in fighting asthema and lung
▪ This anti-cancer properties in knol khol helps to destroying the cancer cells
▪ Knol khol juice when mixed with the green apple help lower the cholestrol
level in one’s body
▪ Knol khol rich in potassium content helps control the heart rate and reducing
risk of heart related problems
❖ Scientific Name: - Cucumis sativus
❖ Nutritional Value:-
Water 89g
Energy 15Kcal
Total fat 0.11g
Dietary fiber 0.5g
Vitamin A 105IU
Vitamin C 2.8mg
Vitamin E 0.03mg
Thiamin 0.027mg
Sodium 2mg
Potassium 147mg
Phosphorus 24mg
❖ Growing Areas:-
• Around the yera in wet zone and Maha season in dry zone can cultivate
• Kurunegala
• Puttalama
• Colombo
• Mathara
• Mathale
• Monaragala
❖ Growing Season:-Both Yala and Maha
❖ Varieties:-
• Chapion
• Kalpitiya white
• LY58
❖ Benefits:-
• Potassium and magnesium wich content in cucumber keep blood presure
under control and reduce risk of cardiovascular diseases
• Cucumbers are a useful supplement to reduce weight
• Cucumbers help the liver to remove impurities,waste and also helps
completely eliminate accumulated toxins from our body
• Cucumber can protect the skin from dryness,acne,skin irritation and other skin
❖ Botanical name:Cucubita maxima
❖ Family:Cucubitaceae
Pumpkin is a nutritious vegetable vine plant.It is warm-weather
crop.Pumpkin is orgined from Central America
❖ Nutritive value[per 100g edible portion]:
Calories 30.2Kcal
Total carbohydrates 7.5g
Dietary fiber 0.6g
Protien 1.2g
Vitamin A 8567IU
Vitamin C 10.4mg
Vitamin E 1.2mg
Thiamin 0.1mg
Calcium 24.4mg
Iron 0.9mg
Phosphorus 51mg
❖ Climatic Requirement:
Low country dry and wet zones
Elevation 500m
❖ Varieties in Sri Lanka:
ANK Ruhunu
Local variety
❖ Major growing areas in Sri Lanka:
• Ampara
• Anuradapura
• Monaragala
❖ Medical benefits:
• The fiber ,potassium and vitamin C content in pumpkin all support
heart health
• Pumpkin is rich in beta-caroten with can reduce risk of prostate cancer
• Pumpkin can protectimmunity
• Pumpkin helps to control diabetes
• Pumpkin has high level of fiber.Fiber promoting ragular bowel
movements and smooth digestion
❖ Botanical name:Abelmoschus esculantus
❖ Family:Melwesi
Okra is widely used in Southen American States and Asia.
❖ Nutritive value[per 100g edible portion]:
Calories 33Kcal
Protien 1.933g
Fiber 3.2g
Vitamin A 36mg
Vitamin C 23mg
Vitamin K 31.3mg
Calcium 82mg
Sodium 7mg
Potassium 3.299mg
❖ Climatic requirements:
• The climate is suitable for okra in all agro-climatic regions in the dry, intermediate
and wet zone exception of up country wet zone.
❖ Varieties in Sri Lanka:
• MI-5
• MI-7
• Haritha
❖ Availablity:
Available all year
❖ Medical benefits:
• Lactin from okra isused in study to treat human breast cancer.
• Okra has high level of folate.Folate is important for preventing fetal problems
during prenancy.
• Okra has high level of fiber.Eatign foods that high level of fiber can reduce
harmful cholesterol in blood.
• Foods that are high in vitamin K such as okra,are good for the bones(vitamin K
helps the bones absorb calcium)
• The fiber helps prevent conspection and maintain a healthy digestive system.
Winged bean
❖ Botanical name:Psophocarpus tetragonolobus
❖ Family:
Winged beans are a complete package .Its
leavees,stems,flower,seeds,tubers etc. are all edible in some way or other
❖ Nutritive value[Per 100g edible portion]:
Energy 49Kcal
Carbohydrates 4.31g
Total fat 0.87g
Thaimin 014g
Vitamin A 128IU
Vitamin C 18.3mg
Calcium 84mg
Potassium 240mg
Iron 1.5mg
Phosphorus 37mg
❖ Climatic requirements:
• Winged bean can be grown sea level up to 2000m in either Maha or Yala season
❖ Varieties in Sri Lanka:
• SLS-44
• UPS-122
❖ Medical benefits:
• Wigned beans are loaded with vitamin C,which helps in strregthening the body’s
immune system against many infection.
• Winged beans contain ampleamounts of minerals and adundance of vitamin A
which are powerful antioxidant that prevent DNA damage.
• Wigned beans as also a rich source of folate which essential component for DNA
synthesis and division
• Winged bean contains mono saturated and poly saturated fats with work together
to give us a healthy body.
❖ Botanical name:Lycopersicon esculentum
❖ Family:
Tomato is considered both a fruit a vehetable and farm an integral across the
globe,especially in the Mediterranean.
❖ Nutritive value[Per 100g edible portion]:
Calories 18Kcal
Water 95%
Protien 0.9g
Carbohydrates 3.9g
Dietary fiber 1.2g
Fat 0.2g
Saturated 0.03g
Monosaturated 0.03g
Polysaturated 0.08g
Omega-6 0.08g
❖ Climatic requirement:
• The climate suitable for tomato in all agro-climatic regions with the exception of
the up country wet zone.
• Tempareture 21c to 27c
• Elevation 1000m to 2000m
❖ Varieties in Sri Lanka:
• KWR(T620)
• K.C 01
• T 146
• T245
• Roma
• Mahena
• Biyan
• Bathiya
• Thilina
• Ravi
• Tharindu
• Rashmi
• Rajitha
• Vihara 2
❖ Medical benefits:
❖ Tomato contains large amount of lycopene,an antioxidant that is highly effective
inscavening cancer causing free radicals.
❖ A single tomato can provide about 40% of the daily vitamin C requirement.
❖ The lycopene in tomatos prevents serum lipid oxidation,thus exeting a protective
effect cardiovascular diseases.
❖ The coumaric acid chlorogenic acid in tomatoes sigth against nitrosomines,which
are the main carcinogens found in cigarettes.
❖ Vitamin A,present in tomatoes,aids in improving vision and preventing night
blindness and macular degeneration.
❖ Botanical name:Daucus carota
❖ Family:
The carrot is a root vegetable.
❖ Nueritive value[Per 100g edible portion]:
Calories 52Kcal
Carbohydrates 12.26g
Suger 3g
Protien 1.19g
Fiber 3.6g
Vitamin C 7.6mg
Vitamin A 1069mcg
Calcium 42mg
Iron 0.38mg
Magnesium 15mg
Phosphorus 64mg
❖ Climatic requirement:
• Carrot can be grown in all agro-ecological regions.
• Evelation about 1500m
• Temparetire 15c to 18c
❖ Varieties in Sri Lanka:
Up-country Cape market
Orange cone
Top weight
Mid-country Cape market
Nantes half long
❖ Medical benefits:
▪ Carrots are rich in beta-carotene,which converted into vitamin A in the
liver.Vitamin A good for eyes.
▪ Carrots can reduce the risk of lung cancer,breast cancer and colon cancer.
▪ The high level of beta-carotene in carrots act as an antioxidant to cell damage
done to the body through regular metabolism.
▪ Vitamin A and antioxidant protect the skin from sun damage.
▪ Carrot can clean teeth and mouth
Botanical name:Beta vulgaris
Like many vegetables,beetroot was first cultivated by the Romans.
Nutritive value[Per 100g edible portion]
Energy 180Kcal
Sugers 6.67g
Dietary fiber 2.8g
Fat 0.17g
Proyien 1.16g
Vitamin A 2mg
Vitamin C 4.9mg
❖ Common Name:-Leeks
❖ Scientific Name:-Allium porrum
❖ Nutrition Value (100 g per edible portion)
Energy 60Kcal
Carbohydrates 14.15g
Suger 3.9g
Dietary fiber 1.8g
Fat 0.3g
Vitamin C 12mg
Vitamin E 0.92mg
Vitamin K 47mg
Calcium 59mg
Iron 2.1mg
Phosphorus 35mg
Potassium 189mg
❖ Growing Areas:-
• Succesfully grown in up country wet zone
• Can also grown up country intrermediate zone(1000mm to 1500mm rain fall)
• Nuwara Eliya is the major growing area in Sri Lanka
❖ Growing Seasons:-
❖ Varieties in Sri Lanka:-
• Large long summer
❖ Benifits:-
• Leeks are rich in vitamin A,necessary vitamin for the proper functioning of the eyes
and for overall eye health
• Antioxidants contained in leeks can combat free radicals and slow the aging process
• Leeks have high amount of keampferoland flavonoid that helps protect blood vesssels
from damage coused by hyperactive oxygen molecules
• Leeks have high amount of potassium also helps control blood presure
• Vikamin K content in leeks that can improve bone health
❖ Common Name:- Cabbage
❖ Scientific Name:-Brassica oleracea
❖ Varieties:- Green coronet, Exotic F1, Gloria F 1
❖ Growing Areas:-Varieties which are grown in up country can be cultivated as a year round
❖ Season:-In the low country it is only during maha season. Exotic F1 is the only variety that can
be grown in low country.
❖ Nutritional Value:- per 100g of edible portion
Moisture 91.9g Energy 27 kcal
Fats 0.1g Carbohydrates 4.6g
Calcium 39mg Phosphorous 44mg
Iron 0.8mg Carotene 1200 (mcg)
Thiamin 60 (mcg) Niacin 0.4 mg Vitamin C
12.4mg Riboflavin 90 (mcg)
Waste as purchased 15 %
❖ Benefits:-
• Antioxidant Agent
• Anti-inflammatory Agent
• Prevents Cancer
• Supports the Digestive Tract
• Regulates Heart Health & Cholesterol
• Protects from Radiation Therapy
• Boosts Immunity
• Skin Care & Vitamin C
• Weight Loss
• Prevents Cataract
• Hair Care
• Prevents Prostate Cancer
• Improves Brain Health
• Improves Bones
• Regulates Blood Pressure
• Reduces Muscle Aches
• Speeds-up Healing
• Other benefits

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  • 1. Vegetables and benefits Beans ❖ Common Name:-Bean ❖ Scientific Name:-Phaseolus vulgaris L. ❖ Different Varieties:-1.Bush a)Wade b)Top Crop 2.Pole bean a)KentukyWonder Green b)Kentucky Wonder Wax c)Other Promising Varieties -Pees Butter -Katugastota -Lanka Nill ❖ Growing Areas :-Bush beans and pole beans can be grown in all agro- ecological regions except the up-country Wet Zone. ❖ Growing Seasons :-Planting after heavy rains is recommended for both Maha and Yala seasons. ❖ Nutritional Value :- Amount Per 100 grams 100 grams Calories 347 % Daily Value* Total Fat 1.2 g 1% Saturated fat 0.2 g 1% Polyunsaturated fat 0.4 g Monounsaturated fat 0.2 g Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Sodium 12 mg 0% Potassium 1,393 mg 39% Total Carbohydrate 63 g 21% Dietary fiber 16 g 64%
  • 2. Sugar 2.1 g Protein 21 g 42% Vitamin A 0% Vitamin C 10% Calcium 11% Iron 28% Vitamin D 0% Vitamin B-6 25% Vitamin B-12 0% Magnesium 44% ❖ Benefits:- 1.Dry Beans Provide Complex Carbohydrates. -Complex carbohydrates are typically rich in fiber--A good source of protein, beans have a low glycemic index. -This makes an ideal food for the management of insulin resistance, diabetes and hyperlipidemia.- Beans may be a very important food for a healthy gut 2. Dry Beans Provide Beneficial Dietary Fiber -Dry beans are rich in both soluble and insoluble fibers. Soluble fiber traps dietary cholesterol inside the digestive tract. The cholesterol is then excreted versus being absorbed, which helps to lower blood levels of LDL cholesterol, especially if LDL cholesterol levels were high to begin with. -Dry beans also provide substantial amounts of insoluble fiber, which help attract water to the stool and keeps you regular. This may help to combat constipation, colon cancer, and other digestive health conditions 3.Dry Beans Are A Source of Plant-based Protein -Dry beans are a good source of plant-based protein and have therefore been identified as a meat alternative. -------- Regular intake of dried beans is extremely important worldwide as they provide a good source of protein at a low cost compared to animal protein sources like beef, pork, and chicken. ❖ Dry Beans Contain Essential Vitamins and Minerals -Most types of beans are good sources of potassium, a mineral that promotes healthy blood pressure levels. - -Beans are excellent sources of copper, phosphorus, manganese and magnesium. -Most types of dry beans are rich sources of iron, which makes them important for vegetarians and vegans who do not get an animal source of iron. -- -Dry beans are an excellent source of the water-soluble vitamins thiamin and folic acid and a good source of riboflavin and vitamin B6.
  • 3. Carrot ❖ Common Name:-Carrot ❖ Scientific Name:-Daucus carota ❖ Different Varieties:-Lanka Carrot ➢ Up Country 1) Cape Market 2) Top Weight ➢ Mid Country 1) Cape Market 2) Nantes Half Long ➢ IER 6vriety ❖ Growing Area:-Carrot can be grown in all agro-ecological regions. ❖ Growing Seasons:- Yala and Maha ❖ Nutritional Value:- • Dietery Fiber - 12% • Carbohydrates-3% • Calories-2% • Protein-1% • Vitamins -Vitamin A27.6% -Vitamin K 12% -Folate7% -Vitamin B65% • Minerals-Manganese 8% -Potassium 7% -Iron 5%-Copper 5% ❖ Benefits -Prevent Heart Diseases -Lower Blood Pressure -Boost Immunity -Help in Digestion -Prevent Cancer -Reduce Macular Degeneration -Improve Eyesight -Improve Oral Health -Reduce the Risk of Stroke -Control Diabetes
  • 4. Pumpkin ❖ Common Name :-Pumpkin ❖ Scientific Name:-Cucurbita maxima ❖ Different Varieties:- • Local Varieties • Ruhunu Varieties • E-W hybrids • Rajah F1 • Cha chaKabocha • Casper White • Jack Be Little • Black Futsu • Golden Acom • Great White • Delicata • Butternut • Farmer Mark’s Orange • Black Peanuts • Baby bear • Cinderella ❖ Cultivating Seasons:- -Local varieties are advisable to cultivate during the seasonsYala - May Maha– October -Ruhunu varieties can be cultivated during any season with irrigation facilities. ❖ Growing Areas:-Anuradhapura, Thissamaharama, Dambulla Ampara, Monaragala ❖ Nutritional Values:- Amount Per 100 grams 100 grams Calories 26 % Daily Value* Total Fat 0.1 g 0% Saturated fat 0.1 g 0% Polyunsaturated fat 0 g
  • 5. Monounsaturated fat 0 g Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Sodium 1 mg 0% Potassium 340 mg 9% Total Carbohydrate 7 g 2% Dietary fiber 0.5 g 2% Sugar 2.8 g Protein 1 g 2% Vitamin A 170% Vitamin C 15% Calcium 2% Iron 4% Vitamin D 0% Vitamin B-6 5% Vitamin B-12 0% Magnesium 3% *Per cent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. People’s daily values may be higher or lower depending on their calorie needs. ❖ Benefits:- • Pumpkins keep eyesight sharp • Pumpkins aid weight loss • Pumpkin seeds can Help heart(Can reduce LDL or bad cholesterol level) • Pumpkins may reduce Cancer risk • Pumpkins protect the skin • Pumpkin seeds can boost our mood • Pumpkins can help after a hard workout • Pumpkins can boost our immune system
  • 6. Capsicum ❖ Common Name:-Capsicum ❖ Scientific Name:-Capsicum annum L. ❖ Varieties:- There are two varieties 1) Hungariyan Yellow Wax (HYW) 2) C.A - 8 ❖ Growing Areas:-Any area ❖ Season: -Any season ❖ Nutritional Value:- Composition of 100g of edible portion of capsicum Carotene ( g) 600 Thiamine ( g) 300 Riboflavin ( g) 12 ❖ Benefits of Capsium: • The phytochemical constituents of capsicum are shown to produce an anti-inflammatory response that alleviates peripheral neurogenic pain related to Crohn’s disease, an inflammatory disease of the bowels. • Capsicum contains tannins. Tannins are astringent and are often considered for their benefits when treating gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea, dysentery, and other microbial disorders. • Another bioactive effect of tannin contained in capsicum is in the prevention and treatment of cancer. • They are beneficial towards preventing coronary heart disease. • Many of the bioactive compounds of capsicum provide antioxidant effects. • With the worldwide prevalence of diabetes, the consideration of capsicum as hypoglycemic medicine has provoked research into this matter. Calories 291 Carbohydrates (%) 33 Protein (g) 15 Fat (g) 11 Calcium (mg) 150
  • 7. • Many clinical trials show the effectiveness of capsicum for treating symptoms of fibromyalgia when applied topically. • Vitamins in the capsicum chili pepper are shown to have an antioxidant effect on cell tissues, which may improve skin health and prevent aging. • Menopausal symptoms may also be relieved by the consumption of flavonoid-containing fruits such as capsicum chili. BRINJALS ❖ Common Name:- Brinjal ❖ Scientific Name:-Solanum mlongina L ❖ Varieties:- There are five varieties 1) Anjalee (F1 Hybrid) 2) Amanda (F1 Hybrid) 3) Thinnavelli Purple 4) SM -64 5) Padagoda (BW 11) ❖ Grown Area:-All Agro-climatic regions except up country-wet zone ❖ Season:-Throughout year ❖ Nutritional value:- Nutritive Components in 100 gm of edible portion of Brinjal Component Composition Moisture ( % ) 92.7 Protein (g ) 1.4 Fat (g) 0.3 Mineral salt (g) 0.3 Fiber (g) 1.3 Carbohydrates (g) 4.0
  • 8. Oxalic acid (mg) 18.0 Calcium (mg) 18.0 Magnesium (mg) 16.0 Phosphorous (mg) 47.0 Iron (mg) 0.9 ❖ Benefits of Brinjal:- • Fibre and antioxidants are just two of the nutrients that make brinjal a food that can keep cancer at bay. • Brinjals are great for weight loss as they are low in calories with 100g of the vegetable containing just 25 calories. • Like most fruits and vegetables, brinjals too are great for your heart. Being rich in fiber, potassium, vitamin B-6 and phytonutrients like flavonoids, this vegetable lowers the risk of heart disease. • Brinjal contains potassium, an important mineral, which plays a key role in maintaining electrolyte balance in the body. It also helps in neutralizing the effects of sodium on the body thereby aiding in blood pressure control. • As brinjals are low in carbohydrates and high in fibre content, they are known to be good for people suffering from diabetes. • Brinjals is rich in chlorogenic acid that acts as a powerful antioxidant agent, lowering cholesterol levels in the body. • Eating brinjals can prevent brain damage as it contains phytonutrients that can protect your cell membranes. • Apart from these benefits, brinjal is also known to have nicotine and thus helps in quitting tobacco.
  • 9. Leeks ❖ Common Name:-Leeks ❖ Scientific Name:-Allium porrum ❖ Nutrition Value :-(100 g per edible portion) Energy 60Kcal Carbohydrates 14.15g Suger 3.9g Dietary fiber 1.8g Fat 0.3g Protien1.5g Vitamin C 12mg Vitamin E 0.92mg Vitamin K 47mg Calcium 59mg Iron 2.1mg Phosphorus 35mg Potassium 189mg ❖ Growing Areas:- • Succesfully grown in up country wet zone • Can also grown up country intrermediate zone(1000mm to 1500mm rain fall) • Nuwara Eliya is the major growing area in Sri Lanka ❖ Growing Seasons: -leek seeds being drilled from late February to early May. Many fields are hand-weeded and successional sowing, along with the use of fleece blankets to cover early crops, significantly extends the length of the growing season. ❖ Varieties in Sri Lanka:- • Large long summer ❖ Benifits:- • Leeks are rich in vitamin A,necessary vitamin for the proper functioning of the eyes and for overall eye health • Antioxidants contained in leeks can combat free radicals and slow the aging process
  • 10. • Leeks have high amount of keampferoland flavonoid that helps protect blood vesssels from damage coused by hyperactive oxygen molecules • Leeks have high amount of potassium also helps control blood presure • Vikamin K content in leeks that can improve bone health
  • 11. Raddish ❖ Common Name:-Radish ❖ Sceinfic Name:-Raphanus raphanistrum subsp.sativus ❖ Nutrition Value (per 100g edible portion):- Energy 19Kcal Carbohydrates4g Fat 0.1g Fiber 1.9g Vitamin C 17.2mg Potassium 270mg Folate 29mg Vitamin B6 0.1mg Manganese 0.1mg ❖ Growing Areas:- • Radish can be grown all agro eco logical ❖ Different Varieties:- • Japan ball rabu • Beeralu rabu • Table raddish ❖ Benefits:- • Raddishes are very good for lever and stomach,and they act as a powerful detoxifier too. • Raddishes are diceretic in nature,which means that they increase the production of urine • Raddishes are a great source of anthocyanins,a type of flavonoids,which not only give colour to radishes but also numerous health benefits • Since raddishes are de-oxifiers are rich in vitamin C,folic acid, and anthocynins they have been cnnected to treating many types of cancer • Used as a vegetable or salad • A good treatment for headaches, acidity, constipation, nausea, obesity, sore throat, whooping cough, gallstones, gastric problems and dyspepsia. • Treats insectsbites. • Boots immunity • Treats respiratory conditions.
  • 12. • Lowers blood pressure. • Skin care • Treats leucoderma. • Treats cancer • Weight loss • Prevents piles • Treats jaundice
  • 13. Bitter gourd ❖ Common Name:-Bitter gourd ❖ Scientific Name:-Mormodica charantia L. ❖ Nutrition Value (per 100 g ediable portion):- Water 87.4g Protien 930mg Fat 158mg Calories 16cal Carbohydrates 3.4g Dietary fiber 2.6g Vitamin A 438IU Vitamin C 78mg Thiamin 37mg Calcium 18mg Iron 400mcg Magnesium 16mg Potassium 275mg Elevation 1200m ❖ Growing Areas:-It can be successfully grown on elevation from sea level to about 1200 m. It can be cultivated in low country and mid country during both seasons . The identified districts for botter production are Kurunegala, Hambantota, Ratnapura, Kandy ,Matale,Nuwara Eliya, Anuradhapura, Puttalam, and Ampara districts. The identified districts of Kurunegala, Hambantota, Ratnapura, Kandy and Matale, Nuwara Eliya Anuradhapura,Puttalama and Ampara will be the major bitter gourd cultivating area in Sri Lanka. ❖ Different Varieties:- • MC-43
  • 14. • Thinnaveli white ❖ Benifits:- • Drinking bitter melon decoction is a common practice of diabetetes management.It is a treatment for diabetes • Bitter melon helps us recover from common illnesses much quicker and decreases our susceptibility to infection • Bitter melon notably contains eye-health improving flavonoids.These compounds enhance eyesigth and night vision as well as decelerate macular degeneration • Bitter melon can help reduce sympotoms brought on by certain respiratory codition such as asthama,bronchitis abd hay fever • Bitter melon is also widely consumed to help lower bad cholesterol levels,which in turn prevents atherosclerotic plaque buildup in arterial walls Knol khol ❖ Sceintific Name:- Barssica coulorapa ❖ Nutritional Value:- Energy 27Kcal Carbohydrates 5g Protien3.42g Dietary fiber 10.4g Sodium 1.34g Potassium 7.3g Vtiamin A 1.2g Vitamin C 1.02g Iron 5.3g ❖ Growing Areas:- • Up country wet zone and intermediat zone is more suitable • Nuwara Eliya • Badulla ❖ Growing Season:- Up country ❖ Varieties:-
  • 15. • White vienna • Purple vienna • Grand duke • Coralb ❖ Benefits:- ▪ The high level of potassium in knol khol makes it a useful ingredient to be included for making an alkalizing drink to counter over-acidification. ▪ The high level of potassium in knol khol helps in fighting asthema and lung problems ▪ This anti-cancer properties in knol khol helps to destroying the cancer cells ▪ Knol khol juice when mixed with the green apple help lower the cholestrol level in one’s body ▪ Knol khol rich in potassium content helps control the heart rate and reducing risk of heart related problems
  • 16. Cucumber ❖ Scientific Name: - Cucumis sativus ❖ Nutritional Value:- Water 89g Energy 15Kcal Protien0.65g Total fat 0.11g Dietary fiber 0.5g Vitamin A 105IU Vitamin C 2.8mg Vitamin E 0.03mg Thiamin 0.027mg Sodium 2mg Potassium 147mg Phosphorus 24mg ❖ Growing Areas:- • Around the yera in wet zone and Maha season in dry zone can cultivate • Kurunegala • Puttalama • Colombo • Mathara • Mathale • Monaragala ❖ Growing Season:-Both Yala and Maha ❖ Varieties:- • Chapion • Kalpitiya white • LY58 ❖ Benefits:-
  • 17. • Potassium and magnesium wich content in cucumber keep blood presure under control and reduce risk of cardiovascular diseases • Cucumbers are a useful supplement to reduce weight • Cucumbers help the liver to remove impurities,waste and also helps completely eliminate accumulated toxins from our body • Cucumber can protect the skin from dryness,acne,skin irritation and other skin issues
  • 18. Pumpkin ❖ Botanical name:Cucubita maxima ❖ Family:Cucubitaceae Pumpkin is a nutritious vegetable vine plant.It is warm-weather crop.Pumpkin is orgined from Central America ❖ Nutritive value[per 100g edible portion]: Calories 30.2Kcal Total carbohydrates 7.5g Dietary fiber 0.6g Protien 1.2g Vitamin A 8567IU Vitamin C 10.4mg Vitamin E 1.2mg Thiamin 0.1mg Calcium 24.4mg Iron 0.9mg Phosphorus 51mg ❖ Climatic Requirement: Low country dry and wet zones Elevation 500m ❖ Varieties in Sri Lanka: ANK Ruhunu Local variety ❖ Major growing areas in Sri Lanka: • Ampara • Anuradapura • Monaragala ❖ Medical benefits: • The fiber ,potassium and vitamin C content in pumpkin all support heart health • Pumpkin is rich in beta-caroten with can reduce risk of prostate cancer • Pumpkin can protectimmunity • Pumpkin helps to control diabetes
  • 19. • Pumpkin has high level of fiber.Fiber promoting ragular bowel movements and smooth digestion
  • 20. Okra ❖ Botanical name:Abelmoschus esculantus ❖ Family:Melwesi Okra is widely used in Southen American States and Asia. ❖ Nutritive value[per 100g edible portion]: Calories 33Kcal Protien 1.933g Carbohydrates7.45g Fiber 3.2g Vitamin A 36mg Vitamin C 23mg Vitamin K 31.3mg Calcium 82mg Sodium 7mg Potassium 3.299mg ❖ Climatic requirements: • The climate is suitable for okra in all agro-climatic regions in the dry, intermediate and wet zone exception of up country wet zone. ❖ Varieties in Sri Lanka: • MI-5 • MI-7 • Haritha ❖ Availablity: Available all year ❖ Medical benefits: • Lactin from okra isused in study to treat human breast cancer. • Okra has high level of folate.Folate is important for preventing fetal problems during prenancy. • Okra has high level of fiber.Eatign foods that high level of fiber can reduce harmful cholesterol in blood. • Foods that are high in vitamin K such as okra,are good for the bones(vitamin K helps the bones absorb calcium) • The fiber helps prevent conspection and maintain a healthy digestive system.
  • 21.
  • 22. Winged bean ❖ Botanical name:Psophocarpus tetragonolobus ❖ Family: Winged beans are a complete package .Its leavees,stems,flower,seeds,tubers etc. are all edible in some way or other ❖ Nutritive value[Per 100g edible portion]: Energy 49Kcal Carbohydrates 4.31g Total fat 0.87g Thaimin 014g Vitamin A 128IU Vitamin C 18.3mg Calcium 84mg Potassium 240mg Iron 1.5mg Phosphorus 37mg ❖ Climatic requirements: • Winged bean can be grown sea level up to 2000m in either Maha or Yala season ❖ Varieties in Sri Lanka: • SLS-44 • UPS-122 ❖ Medical benefits: • Wigned beans are loaded with vitamin C,which helps in strregthening the body’s immune system against many infection. • Winged beans contain ampleamounts of minerals and adundance of vitamin A which are powerful antioxidant that prevent DNA damage. • Wigned beans as also a rich source of folate which essential component for DNA synthesis and division • Winged bean contains mono saturated and poly saturated fats with work together to give us a healthy body.
  • 23. Tomato ❖ Botanical name:Lycopersicon esculentum ❖ Family: Tomato is considered both a fruit a vehetable and farm an integral across the globe,especially in the Mediterranean. ❖ Nutritive value[Per 100g edible portion]: Calories 18Kcal Water 95% Protien 0.9g Carbohydrates 3.9g Dietary fiber 1.2g Fat 0.2g Saturated 0.03g Monosaturated 0.03g Polysaturated 0.08g Omega-6 0.08g ❖ Climatic requirement: • The climate suitable for tomato in all agro-climatic regions with the exception of the up country wet zone. • Tempareture 21c to 27c • Elevation 1000m to 2000m ❖ Varieties in Sri Lanka: • KWR(T620) • K.C 01 • T 146 • T245 • Roma • Mahena • Biyan • Bathiya • Thilina • Ravi • Tharindu • Rashmi • Rajitha
  • 24. • Vihara 2 ❖ Medical benefits: ❖ Tomato contains large amount of lycopene,an antioxidant that is highly effective inscavening cancer causing free radicals. ❖ A single tomato can provide about 40% of the daily vitamin C requirement. ❖ The lycopene in tomatos prevents serum lipid oxidation,thus exeting a protective effect cardiovascular diseases. ❖ The coumaric acid chlorogenic acid in tomatoes sigth against nitrosomines,which are the main carcinogens found in cigarettes. ❖ Vitamin A,present in tomatoes,aids in improving vision and preventing night blindness and macular degeneration.
  • 25. Carrot ❖ Botanical name:Daucus carota ❖ Family: The carrot is a root vegetable. ❖ Nueritive value[Per 100g edible portion]: Calories 52Kcal Carbohydrates 12.26g Suger 3g Protien 1.19g Fiber 3.6g Vitamin C 7.6mg Vitamin A 1069mcg Calcium 42mg Iron 0.38mg Magnesium 15mg Phosphorus 64mg ❖ Climatic requirement: • Carrot can be grown in all agro-ecological regions. • Evelation about 1500m • Temparetire 15c to 18c ❖ Varieties in Sri Lanka: Up-country Cape market Orange cone Top weight Mid-country Cape market Nantes half long ❖ Medical benefits: ▪ Carrots are rich in beta-carotene,which converted into vitamin A in the liver.Vitamin A good for eyes. ▪ Carrots can reduce the risk of lung cancer,breast cancer and colon cancer. ▪ The high level of beta-carotene in carrots act as an antioxidant to cell damage done to the body through regular metabolism. ▪ Vitamin A and antioxidant protect the skin from sun damage. ▪ Carrot can clean teeth and mouth
  • 26. Beetroot Botanical name:Beta vulgaris Family Like many vegetables,beetroot was first cultivated by the Romans. Nutritive value[Per 100g edible portion] Energy 180Kcal Carbohydrates9.56g Sugers 6.67g Dietary fiber 2.8g Fat 0.17g Proyien 1.16g Vitamin A 2mg Vitamin C 4.9mg
  • 27. Leeks ❖ Common Name:-Leeks ❖ Scientific Name:-Allium porrum ❖ Nutrition Value (100 g per edible portion) Energy 60Kcal Carbohydrates 14.15g Suger 3.9g Dietary fiber 1.8g Fat 0.3g Protien1.5g Vitamin C 12mg Vitamin E 0.92mg Vitamin K 47mg Calcium 59mg Iron 2.1mg Phosphorus 35mg Potassium 189mg ❖ Growing Areas:- • Succesfully grown in up country wet zone • Can also grown up country intrermediate zone(1000mm to 1500mm rain fall) • Nuwara Eliya is the major growing area in Sri Lanka ❖ Growing Seasons:- ❖ Varieties in Sri Lanka:- • Large long summer ❖ Benifits:- • Leeks are rich in vitamin A,necessary vitamin for the proper functioning of the eyes and for overall eye health • Antioxidants contained in leeks can combat free radicals and slow the aging process • Leeks have high amount of keampferoland flavonoid that helps protect blood vesssels from damage coused by hyperactive oxygen molecules • Leeks have high amount of potassium also helps control blood presure • Vikamin K content in leeks that can improve bone health
  • 28. Cabbage ❖ Common Name:- Cabbage ❖ Scientific Name:-Brassica oleracea ❖ Varieties:- Green coronet, Exotic F1, Gloria F 1 ❖ Growing Areas:-Varieties which are grown in up country can be cultivated as a year round ❖ Season:-In the low country it is only during maha season. Exotic F1 is the only variety that can be grown in low country. ❖ Nutritional Value:- per 100g of edible portion Moisture 91.9g Energy 27 kcal Fats 0.1g Carbohydrates 4.6g Calcium 39mg Phosphorous 44mg Iron 0.8mg Carotene 1200 (mcg) Thiamin 60 (mcg) Niacin 0.4 mg Vitamin C 12.4mg Riboflavin 90 (mcg) Waste as purchased 15 % ❖ Benefits:- • Antioxidant Agent • Anti-inflammatory Agent • Prevents Cancer • Supports the Digestive Tract • Regulates Heart Health & Cholesterol • Protects from Radiation Therapy • Boosts Immunity • Skin Care & Vitamin C • Weight Loss • Prevents Cataract • Hair Care • Prevents Prostate Cancer • Improves Brain Health • Improves Bones • Regulates Blood Pressure • Reduces Muscle Aches • Speeds-up Healing • Other benefits