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Use a Competency Library to Build
A Talent Management System

by Stephen Pick and Neville Uhles

                  competency library is a critical founda-     munity employees with a framework of core and techni-
                  tion for building an integrated talent       cal competencies. Core competencies include models for
                  management system. In the Talent             nonsupervisors, supervisors and managers, and senior
                  Management Handbook (2010 second edi-        officers. However, similar to the ECQs, ICD 610 only
                  tion), authors Kim Ruyle and Evelyn Orr      provides competency definitions with no additional mate-
state that the value of competencies is proven to positively   rial behind them.
impact both mission and financial return-on-investment.
Agencies that use a comprehensive competency library to        Characteristics of an Effective
build their integrated talent management system are able       Competency Library
to realize human capital and budgetary gains.                  Most organizations don’t need to develop a competency
                                                               library from scratch. There are commercially avail-
Competency Libraries                                           able research-based competency libraries available. For
Need More Than Definitions                                     example, Korn/Ferry International has developed a com-
Integrated talent management is not a new concept.             petency library that is more comprehensive than both
Developed under President George W. Bush, the Human            OPM’s ECQs and ODNI’s ICD 610. Agencies should
Capital Assessment and Accountability Framework                choose a competency library with these characteristics:
(HCAAF) on the Office of Personnel Management                     •• alignment with the strategic goals and culture of the
(OPM) website spells out five areas for “strong human cap-           agency
ital management.” Federal agencies still use the HCAAF.           •• competency definitions
However, a major shortcoming of the framework is that             •• levels of growth so that employees throughout the
it does not explicitly recommend using competencies to               organization can use it for development
drive an agency’s human capital management system.                •• examples of what each competency looks like when
     Although not tied to the framework, OPM has a                   done well or poorly, so employees can adapt their
competency model. It developed the Executive Core                    behavior accordingly
Qualification (ECQs) competencies for senior executives           •• improvement suggestions for employees to grow and
in the late 1990s and refined this model a few years later.          develop.
The 28 ECQs roll up into five meta-competencies and are
a good start toward a model that could be used for inte-       Leadership Architect Library Structure
grated talent management. But they do not provide any          The Leadership Architect competency library has six
information beyond competency definitions. Agencies            factors broken down into 21 clusters and populated with
that adopt the ECQs need a more robust competency              67 leadership competencies. An additional two factors
library system as the foundation for their integrated tal-     are broken down into five more clusters and 19 stallers
ent management system.                                         and stoppers, which, as detailed below, are the opposite of
     In 2008, the Office of the Director of National           competencies (see Figure 1). Both the factors and clusters
Intelligence (ODNI) published Intelligence Community           were statistically derived from factor analyses and ongo-
Directive (ICD) 610, which provides intelligence com-          ing normative studies.

                                                                                        The Public Manager   |   FALL 2012   29

                                                                  •• May not stop to define and analyze the problem;
                                                                     doesn’t look under rocks
                                                                  •• May have a set bag of tricks and pull unfit solutions
                                                                     from it
                                                                  •• May miss the complexity of the issue and force-fit it
                                                                     to what he or she is most comfortable with
                                                                  •• Unlikely to come up with the second and better solu-
                                                                     tion, ask penetrating questions, or see hidden patterns

                                                                  •• Uses rigorous logic and methods to solve difficult
                                                                     problems with effective solutions
                                                                  •• Probes all fruitful sources for answers
                                                                  •• Sees hidden problems
                                                                  •• Is excellent at honest analysis
                                                                  •• Looks beyond the obvious and doesn’t stop at the
                                                                     first answers

Figure 1. Library Structure Pyramid                             Overused
                                                                  •• May tend toward “analysis paralysis”
     This library also contains seven global focus areas,         •• May wait too long to come to a conclusion
which detail competencies highly valued outside the               •• May not set analysis priorities
United States. The 19 career stallers and stoppers are            •• May get hung up in the process and miss the big
significant because research has shown that it is often              picture
the presence of a staller or stopper and not the absence          •• May make things overly complex
of a competency that derails a career. Figure 2 shows the         •• May do too much of the analysis personally.
cluster of traits within the strategic skills factor.
     The 67 competencies are measurable and observable          Three Essential Levels
characteristics that provide a clear description of what        Korn/Ferry has identified the competencies that are
each skilled, unskilled, and overuse looks like in action.      essential to high performance for employees in different
For each competency, there are six to 12 behaviors that         roles across an organization. Research has identified the
describe what someone does when he or she is unskilled          competencies that tend to be mission critical at three dif-
at the competency, skilled at the competency, or overus-        ferent levels within an organization:
ing the competency. While unskilled and skilled are                •• individual contributor
intuitive, people sometimes question what it means to              •• manager
overuse a competency. Simply stated, too much of a good            •• executive.
thing is not a good thing.
     The following example shows unskilled, skilled,                 Essential competencies can overlap across levels, but
and overused definitions for the competency of problem          as one might guess, they tend to become more macro-
solving.                                                        focused as they move from individual contributor, to
                                                                manager, to executive. For example the action oriented
Unskilled                                                       competency, with skilled behavioral aspects such as
     •• Not a disciplined problem solver; may be stuck in the   “enjoys working hard” and “not fearful of acting with a
        past, wed to what worked before                         minimum of planning” is listed under the subsets of both
     •• Has to rework the problem a second time                 individual contributor and manager, but not executive.
     •• May be a “fire-ready-aim” type                          Action Oriented is not needed for success as an executive
     •• May get impatient and jump to conclusions too soon      and may even be detrimental as they should be shifting


                                                                     Developing Strengths
                Factor 1: Strategic Skills                           or Mitigating Weaknesses
                                                                     It is necessary, but not sufficient, to assess a person’s
               Cluster A. Understanding the Business                 competencies for effective development. Once a per-
                       5. Business Acumen                            son knows what competencies he or she is skilled and
                      24. Functional/Technical Skills                unskilled at, the next question that person should ask
                      61. Technical Learning                         is, “How can I improve my strengths and minimize my
                                                                     weaknesses?” Leadership Architect ranks the ease or
               Cluster B. Making Complex Decisions                   difficulty of developing each competency and provides a
                      17. Decision Quality                           numerical score for how easy or difficult each competency
                      30. Intellectual Horsepower                    is to develop. This score is useful when an employee is
                      32. Learning on the Fly                        creating an individual development plan. A plan should
                      51. Problem Solving                            have the appropriate level of challenge for each employee,
                                                                     given their capacity for development at that point in their
               Cluster C. Creating the New and Different             career and personal life. Most people would not have the
                       2. Dealing with Ambiguity                     capacity to develop more than five competencies at the
                      14. Creativity
                                                                     “easiest” level or three competencies at the “hardest” level
                                                                     at any given point in time.
                      28. Innovation Management
                                                                           Figure 3 shows where Leadership Architect can be
                      46. Perspective
                                                                     used to develop an integrated talent management system.
                      58. Strategic Agility
                                                                     Leadership competencies create a common language for
                                                                     everyone in an organization, regardless of position.
Figure 2. The Cluster of Traits Within the Strategic Skills Factor
                                                                     Case Study
from “doer” behaviors to more strategic, “get work done              One federal agency is using the Leadership Architect
through others” behaviors. Similarly, the dealing with               competency library to align its talent management prac-
ambiguity competency is only listed for executives. This             tices. Although this agency is also interested in develop-
is a difficult competency to be skilled in, and research has         ing technical competence, and while a technical compe-
shown that an employee can be a successful individual                tency library is often an important part of the foundation
contributor and manager without excelling at this compe-             for integrated talent management, this article addresses
tency. However, being a successful executive without being           only leadership competencies. [Author’s note: due to the
comfortable with change or uncertainty is less possible.             sensitive nature of this agency’s work, its name cannot be
     Additionally, Korn/Ferry’s career flow research has             used.]
identified the competencies a person would likely be
weak in at each level, which competencies are most likely            Setting the Stage
to be associated with promotion to the next level, what              for Integrated Talent Management
competencies should be developed early if a person is to             The following enablers set the wheels in motion for this
achieve success at the next level, and what “flame-out fac-          agency’s integrated talent management work (see Figure 3).
tors” (career stallers and stoppers) might get in the way at
each level.                                                          Strategic alignment. The described agency underwent a
     Organizations can conduct internal research and                 reorganization to rethink how business processes need
analysis to determine any differences that may exist as              to change to prepare for continued relevance. Part of this
a result of its own specific characteristics, but the com-           reorganization aims to redesign the talent management
petency profiles provided as a result of this career flow            system to attract, develop, and retain high-performing
research provide an excellent foundation from which any              employees more effectively.
organization can begin integrated talent management                       Representative teams identified the most important
processes for each of these three major levels.                      competencies for executives, supervisors, and individual

                                                                                              The Public Manager   |   FALL 2012   31

contributors within their specific agency. First, a leader     oversaw working groups that are developing integrated
development initiative team, an assembly of senior execu-      talent management practices for senior executives. A
tives, was created to determine the appropriate mix of         senior executive was appointed to lead that initiative full
leadership competencies that are mission-critical for          time. That team is setting up governance systems to fully
senior executives; it ultimately settled on 17 competen-       integrate talent management systems at the senior execu-
cies. Additionally, this team identified eight stallers and    tive level and beyond. Its three current focus areas are
stoppers that can derail a senior executive’s career.          leadership behavior, education and training, and succes-
      A supervisory council, a volunteer group of supervi-     sion management and promotion.
sors from across the agency, also identified a set of essen-
tial competencies for all supervisors. Third, two volunteer    Processes for Differentiating Talent
representative groups of non-supervisors decided on the        This agency is transforming several areas of integrated
competencies most critical for all individual contributors.    talent management.
The process for all three groups to determine individual,
manager, and executive competencies encouraged rigor-          Talent Acquisition
ous debate.                                                    The lifeblood of any organization is a continual stream
                                                               of candidates who are skilled in the competencies that an
Culture. Feedback from the agency’s most recent annual         agency has deemed critical for their role. The described
climate survey revealed dissatisfaction with career devel-     agency’s recruiting office completed training in the use of
opment. Like many of their counterparts in other federal       the Leadership Architect competency library.
agencies, employees, said there were too few avenues for            Additionally, the recruiters were trained on Interview
career advancement. Agency managers suspected that             Architect, a methodology for conducting competency-
high-performing employees were leaving for positions with      based structured interviews, both for new hires and for
other federal agencies or outside the government not for       internal job placements and promotions. Competency-
more money, but for better career advancement opportuni-       based interviews use specifically-worded questions to
ties. Building a competency-based integrated talent man-       assess competencies that have been identified as critical
agement system can help this agency maintains a robust,        for a specific role. Interview Architect includes questions
transparent career development system for all employees.       to assess a candidate’s level of learning agility, which is
                                                               highly correlated with leadership potential.
Technology. The agency relies on an information tech-               Recruiters also are partnering with hiring manag-
nology (IT) platform that contains contact and other           ers and recommending competency-based questions
information from employees’ professional biographies.          that assess not only the results of whatever scenario the
For example, this IT platform records what leader-             candidates are discussing, but what those candidates
ship development courses employees have taken and              learned from the interaction and how they have applied
what mandatory training employees need to complete.            that knowledge to other situations. Competency-based
The agency is discussing tying employees’ performance          structured interviewing is a more effective way of ensur-
management competency ratings and competency-based             ing that the appropriate talent is brought into an agency
individual development plans into this IT platform. One        than the common practice of reviewing and asking ques-
benefit would be easier tracking of performance manage-        tions about a candidate’s résumé. The competencies that
ment and career development data.                              hiring managers use to assess candidates are determined
                                                               from the customized agency career flow profiles.
Change management agility and talent management
governance. As with the majority of change manage-             Development
ment initiatives, progress is rarely linear. As part of the    The described agency has its own leadership college
reorganization, the agency’s director outlined agency          and other independently funded courses. Because it is
visions. Leadership teams were set up to advance these         in the process of being created, the college has not yet
visions. Team and vision evolution occurred quickly.           formally adopted all agency-specific competency pro-
For instance, the leadership development initiative team       files. However, one of the agency’s flagship leadership


                                       Integrated Talent Management Capabilities

               Strategic Alignment                                         Process for Differentiating Talent

                   Business Strategy
                                                             Talent Acquisition          Development             Engagement

                                           e Plannin

                                                               Performance               Rewards and
                                                               Management                Recognition
                    Talent Strategy                                                                             and Deployment


                                                                            Change            Talent Manage-
                                                       Technology         Management         ment Governance          Culture
                                                                           and Agility       and Deployment

Figure 3. Integrated Talent Management Capabilities

development courses was developed with the government                             eventually everyone in the agency. The next step will
program manager and course alumni to identify a set of                            be to conduct 360-degree feedback assessments for a
course-specific competencies. But because the course was                          large group of managers. Through this effort, all lead-
developed before the leadership development initiative                            ers and employees will be engaged in targeted develop-
and new agency career flow profiles existed, the course                           ment around the competencies they have identified as
competencies do not precisely match. Once the career                              mission-critical.
flow competency profiles are finalized, this leadership
development course may adopt the entire set of either the                         Engagement
manager or executive competencies.                                                Our research shows a direct link between specific compe-
     All curricula within this leadership course are tied                         tencies and major drivers of employee engagement. Given
to their identified competencies. At the beginning of                             that recent employee climate surveys indicate lower levels
the course, participants are given a 360-degree feedback                          of engagement than desired, the leadership development
assessment based on these competencies. As part of the                            initiative aims to provide senior managers with the skills
course, participants receive up to 10 hours of leadership                         to proactively engage their colleagues and direct reports.
coaching. The coaches are trained in the competency                               Upcoming employee climate survey data should indicate
library and structure their coaching sessions to build on                         whether leadership development efforts are having a posi-
the participants’ strongest competencies and mitigate                             tive impact on employee engagement.
their weakest ones. A potential agency goal is to have all
college and all outside development courses adopt the                             Performance Management
agency’s competency profile roadmap and tie all courses                           The agency’s personnel system uses both OPM’s ECQs
and their objectives to specific competencies.                                    and ODNI’s ICD 610 performance elements. Employees
     The agency plans to expand this type of develop-                             and managers have individual discussions about what
mental program to include managers, supervisors, and                              constitutes poor, acceptable, and outstanding behavior.

                                                                                                           The Public Manager    |   FALL 2012   33

      An agency goal is ultimately to link its customized    Succession Management and Deployment
performance management system for executives, man-           The agency also is integrating its leadership competencies
agers, and individual contributors to the competencies       into its succession management approach. Leaders will
identified as essential for each level. This has several     assess senior executives on the agreed-upon leadership
advantages.                                                  competencies in addition to specific technical competen-
      First, it standardizes performance management con-     cies, which will provide a collective view of their current
versations. An area of considerable stress for employees,    leadership bench strength and leadership gaps.
managers, and executives is that performance manage-              This assessment will result in each senior getting
ment discussions are often too subjective. Because each      feedback from the agency’s executive team with regard
competency is described in terms of skilled, unskilled,      to their current performance and potential level and
or overused behaviors that are both observable and           their readiness to perform at the next level of leadership.
measurable, employees and managers can have objective        To assist the seniors in knowing what skills need to be
conversations to assess employees’ actions. The leader-      improved and how, the executives will create individual
ship development initiative is considering the use of        development plans to provide guidance on the types of
competency proficiency level statements to further enable    training and coaching needed as well as the job assign-
detailed, objective performance conversations. Having all    ments that need to be completed for each individual
employees understand what success looks like will be an      senior to be ready for promotion to the next level.
enormous benefit, both in colleagues’ resulting perfor-           Integrated talent management is not a new concept.
mance as well as their morale.                               There are numerous philosophies, theories, and models
      In addition, incorporating competencies into perfor-   for achieving strategic alignment within an organization’s
mance management will provide employees with direct          human capital and talent management practices. There is
developmental remedies for building strong competencies      mounting evidence that high-performing human resource
and mitigating weaker competencies. The main Korn/           practices and robust talent management functions con-
Ferry competency publication, FYI For Your Improvement,      tribute positively to the bottom line—whether that is
lists developmental suggestions for each competency that     mission accomplishment or increased profits. The 2007
often do not require formal training courses.                publication, 100 Things You Need to Know: Best People
      The suggestions are no or low-cost ideas that          Practices for Managers and HR, stated that using a valid,
employees can immediately begin putting into practice.       reliable competency library as the foundation underlying
Employees and supervisors can more easily create and         talent management processes yields a significant return
track individual development plans from one perfor-          on investment.
mance management conversation to the next.                        As agencies of all kinds struggle to do more with less
                                                             and achieve their missions under increasingly challenging
Rewards and Recognition                                      circumstances, implementing strong, competency-based
Federal managers often feel limited by how they can          integrated talent management can contribute a great
reward and recognize outstanding employees. The impor-       deal toward making their work easier, more effective, and
tance of keeping employees engaged is still a concern,       efficient.
but current economic constrictions have frozen many
salary adjustments. The human resources department           Stephen Pick, PsyD, is an organizational psychologist with human
at the described agency recently released several pages of   capital and organizational development expertise. Contact him at
non-monetary rewards, such as allowing colleagues the
opportunity to work on higher profile projects.
     These rewards should be tied to the performance         Neville Uhles is a senior consultant with Korn/Ferry Leadership and
management process and to competency development to          Talent Consulting in McLean. She specializes in competency-based
ensure that rewards and recognition are meaningful and       leadership development and talent management. Contact her at
valued. “Non-traditional incentives” that the managers
can use include such ideas as empowerment, visibility,
responsibility, and sabbaticals.


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Use a Competency Library to Build An Integrated Talent Management System

  • 1. INNOVATIONS IN LEARNING Use a Competency Library to Build A Talent Management System by Stephen Pick and Neville Uhles A competency library is a critical founda- munity employees with a framework of core and techni- tion for building an integrated talent cal competencies. Core competencies include models for management system. In the Talent nonsupervisors, supervisors and managers, and senior Management Handbook (2010 second edi- officers. However, similar to the ECQs, ICD 610 only tion), authors Kim Ruyle and Evelyn Orr provides competency definitions with no additional mate- state that the value of competencies is proven to positively rial behind them. impact both mission and financial return-on-investment. Agencies that use a comprehensive competency library to Characteristics of an Effective build their integrated talent management system are able Competency Library to realize human capital and budgetary gains. Most organizations don’t need to develop a competency library from scratch. There are commercially avail- Competency Libraries able research-based competency libraries available. For Need More Than Definitions example, Korn/Ferry International has developed a com- Integrated talent management is not a new concept. petency library that is more comprehensive than both Developed under President George W. Bush, the Human OPM’s ECQs and ODNI’s ICD 610. Agencies should Capital Assessment and Accountability Framework choose a competency library with these characteristics: (HCAAF) on the Office of Personnel Management •• alignment with the strategic goals and culture of the (OPM) website spells out five areas for “strong human cap- agency ital management.” Federal agencies still use the HCAAF. •• competency definitions However, a major shortcoming of the framework is that •• levels of growth so that employees throughout the it does not explicitly recommend using competencies to organization can use it for development drive an agency’s human capital management system. •• examples of what each competency looks like when Although not tied to the framework, OPM has a done well or poorly, so employees can adapt their competency model. It developed the Executive Core behavior accordingly Qualification (ECQs) competencies for senior executives •• improvement suggestions for employees to grow and in the late 1990s and refined this model a few years later. develop. The 28 ECQs roll up into five meta-competencies and are a good start toward a model that could be used for inte- Leadership Architect Library Structure grated talent management. But they do not provide any The Leadership Architect competency library has six information beyond competency definitions. Agencies factors broken down into 21 clusters and populated with that adopt the ECQs need a more robust competency 67 leadership competencies. An additional two factors library system as the foundation for their integrated tal- are broken down into five more clusters and 19 stallers ent management system. and stoppers, which, as detailed below, are the opposite of In 2008, the Office of the Director of National competencies (see Figure 1). Both the factors and clusters Intelligence (ODNI) published Intelligence Community were statistically derived from factor analyses and ongo- Directive (ICD) 610, which provides intelligence com- ing normative studies. The Public Manager | FALL 2012 29
  • 2. ForUM: •• May not stop to define and analyze the problem; doesn’t look under rocks •• May have a set bag of tricks and pull unfit solutions from it •• May miss the complexity of the issue and force-fit it to what he or she is most comfortable with •• Unlikely to come up with the second and better solu- tion, ask penetrating questions, or see hidden patterns Skilled •• Uses rigorous logic and methods to solve difficult problems with effective solutions •• Probes all fruitful sources for answers •• Sees hidden problems •• Is excellent at honest analysis •• Looks beyond the obvious and doesn’t stop at the first answers Figure 1. Library Structure Pyramid Overused •• May tend toward “analysis paralysis” This library also contains seven global focus areas, •• May wait too long to come to a conclusion which detail competencies highly valued outside the •• May not set analysis priorities United States. The 19 career stallers and stoppers are •• May get hung up in the process and miss the big significant because research has shown that it is often picture the presence of a staller or stopper and not the absence •• May make things overly complex of a competency that derails a career. Figure 2 shows the •• May do too much of the analysis personally. cluster of traits within the strategic skills factor. The 67 competencies are measurable and observable Three Essential Levels characteristics that provide a clear description of what Korn/Ferry has identified the competencies that are each skilled, unskilled, and overuse looks like in action. essential to high performance for employees in different For each competency, there are six to 12 behaviors that roles across an organization. Research has identified the describe what someone does when he or she is unskilled competencies that tend to be mission critical at three dif- at the competency, skilled at the competency, or overus- ferent levels within an organization: ing the competency. While unskilled and skilled are •• individual contributor intuitive, people sometimes question what it means to •• manager overuse a competency. Simply stated, too much of a good •• executive. thing is not a good thing. The following example shows unskilled, skilled, Essential competencies can overlap across levels, but and overused definitions for the competency of problem as one might guess, they tend to become more macro- solving. focused as they move from individual contributor, to manager, to executive. For example the action oriented Unskilled competency, with skilled behavioral aspects such as •• Not a disciplined problem solver; may be stuck in the “enjoys working hard” and “not fearful of acting with a past, wed to what worked before minimum of planning” is listed under the subsets of both •• Has to rework the problem a second time individual contributor and manager, but not executive. •• May be a “fire-ready-aim” type Action Oriented is not needed for success as an executive •• May get impatient and jump to conclusions too soon and may even be detrimental as they should be shifting 30 WWW.THEPuBLICMANAGER.ORG
  • 3. INNOVATIONS IN LEARNING Developing Strengths Factor 1: Strategic Skills or Mitigating Weaknesses It is necessary, but not sufficient, to assess a person’s Cluster A. Understanding the Business competencies for effective development. Once a per- 5. Business Acumen son knows what competencies he or she is skilled and 24. Functional/Technical Skills unskilled at, the next question that person should ask 61. Technical Learning is, “How can I improve my strengths and minimize my weaknesses?” Leadership Architect ranks the ease or Cluster B. Making Complex Decisions difficulty of developing each competency and provides a 17. Decision Quality numerical score for how easy or difficult each competency 30. Intellectual Horsepower is to develop. This score is useful when an employee is 32. Learning on the Fly creating an individual development plan. A plan should 51. Problem Solving have the appropriate level of challenge for each employee, given their capacity for development at that point in their Cluster C. Creating the New and Different career and personal life. Most people would not have the 2. Dealing with Ambiguity capacity to develop more than five competencies at the 14. Creativity “easiest” level or three competencies at the “hardest” level at any given point in time. 28. Innovation Management Figure 3 shows where Leadership Architect can be 46. Perspective used to develop an integrated talent management system. 58. Strategic Agility Leadership competencies create a common language for everyone in an organization, regardless of position. Figure 2. The Cluster of Traits Within the Strategic Skills Factor Case Study from “doer” behaviors to more strategic, “get work done One federal agency is using the Leadership Architect through others” behaviors. Similarly, the dealing with competency library to align its talent management prac- ambiguity competency is only listed for executives. This tices. Although this agency is also interested in develop- is a difficult competency to be skilled in, and research has ing technical competence, and while a technical compe- shown that an employee can be a successful individual tency library is often an important part of the foundation contributor and manager without excelling at this compe- for integrated talent management, this article addresses tency. However, being a successful executive without being only leadership competencies. [Author’s note: due to the comfortable with change or uncertainty is less possible. sensitive nature of this agency’s work, its name cannot be Additionally, Korn/Ferry’s career flow research has used.] identified the competencies a person would likely be weak in at each level, which competencies are most likely Setting the Stage to be associated with promotion to the next level, what for Integrated Talent Management competencies should be developed early if a person is to The following enablers set the wheels in motion for this achieve success at the next level, and what “flame-out fac- agency’s integrated talent management work (see Figure 3). tors” (career stallers and stoppers) might get in the way at each level. Strategic alignment. The described agency underwent a Organizations can conduct internal research and reorganization to rethink how business processes need analysis to determine any differences that may exist as to change to prepare for continued relevance. Part of this a result of its own specific characteristics, but the com- reorganization aims to redesign the talent management petency profiles provided as a result of this career flow system to attract, develop, and retain high-performing research provide an excellent foundation from which any employees more effectively. organization can begin integrated talent management Representative teams identified the most important processes for each of these three major levels. competencies for executives, supervisors, and individual The Public Manager | FALL 2012 31
  • 4. ForUM: contributors within their specific agency. First, a leader oversaw working groups that are developing integrated development initiative team, an assembly of senior execu- talent management practices for senior executives. A tives, was created to determine the appropriate mix of senior executive was appointed to lead that initiative full leadership competencies that are mission-critical for time. That team is setting up governance systems to fully senior executives; it ultimately settled on 17 competen- integrate talent management systems at the senior execu- cies. Additionally, this team identified eight stallers and tive level and beyond. Its three current focus areas are stoppers that can derail a senior executive’s career. leadership behavior, education and training, and succes- A supervisory council, a volunteer group of supervi- sion management and promotion. sors from across the agency, also identified a set of essen- tial competencies for all supervisors. Third, two volunteer Processes for Differentiating Talent representative groups of non-supervisors decided on the This agency is transforming several areas of integrated competencies most critical for all individual contributors. talent management. The process for all three groups to determine individual, manager, and executive competencies encouraged rigor- Talent Acquisition ous debate. The lifeblood of any organization is a continual stream of candidates who are skilled in the competencies that an Culture. Feedback from the agency’s most recent annual agency has deemed critical for their role. The described climate survey revealed dissatisfaction with career devel- agency’s recruiting office completed training in the use of opment. Like many of their counterparts in other federal the Leadership Architect competency library. agencies, employees, said there were too few avenues for Additionally, the recruiters were trained on Interview career advancement. Agency managers suspected that Architect, a methodology for conducting competency- high-performing employees were leaving for positions with based structured interviews, both for new hires and for other federal agencies or outside the government not for internal job placements and promotions. Competency- more money, but for better career advancement opportuni- based interviews use specifically-worded questions to ties. Building a competency-based integrated talent man- assess competencies that have been identified as critical agement system can help this agency maintains a robust, for a specific role. Interview Architect includes questions transparent career development system for all employees. to assess a candidate’s level of learning agility, which is highly correlated with leadership potential. Technology. The agency relies on an information tech- Recruiters also are partnering with hiring manag- nology (IT) platform that contains contact and other ers and recommending competency-based questions information from employees’ professional biographies. that assess not only the results of whatever scenario the For example, this IT platform records what leader- candidates are discussing, but what those candidates ship development courses employees have taken and learned from the interaction and how they have applied what mandatory training employees need to complete. that knowledge to other situations. Competency-based The agency is discussing tying employees’ performance structured interviewing is a more effective way of ensur- management competency ratings and competency-based ing that the appropriate talent is brought into an agency individual development plans into this IT platform. One than the common practice of reviewing and asking ques- benefit would be easier tracking of performance manage- tions about a candidate’s résumé. The competencies that ment and career development data. hiring managers use to assess candidates are determined from the customized agency career flow profiles. Change management agility and talent management governance. As with the majority of change manage- Development ment initiatives, progress is rarely linear. As part of the The described agency has its own leadership college reorganization, the agency’s director outlined agency and other independently funded courses. Because it is visions. Leadership teams were set up to advance these in the process of being created, the college has not yet visions. Team and vision evolution occurred quickly. formally adopted all agency-specific competency pro- For instance, the leadership development initiative team files. However, one of the agency’s flagship leadership 32 WWW.THEPuBLICMANAGER.ORG
  • 5. INNOVATIONS IN LEARNING Integrated Talent Management Capabilities Strategic Alignment Process for Differentiating Talent Business Strategy Talent Acquisition Development Engagement g e Plannin rc Workfo Succession Performance Rewards and Management Management Recognition Talent Strategy and Deployment Enablers Change Talent Manage- Technology Management ment Governance Culture and Agility and Deployment Figure 3. Integrated Talent Management Capabilities development courses was developed with the government eventually everyone in the agency. The next step will program manager and course alumni to identify a set of be to conduct 360-degree feedback assessments for a course-specific competencies. But because the course was large group of managers. Through this effort, all lead- developed before the leadership development initiative ers and employees will be engaged in targeted develop- and new agency career flow profiles existed, the course ment around the competencies they have identified as competencies do not precisely match. Once the career mission-critical. flow competency profiles are finalized, this leadership development course may adopt the entire set of either the Engagement manager or executive competencies. Our research shows a direct link between specific compe- All curricula within this leadership course are tied tencies and major drivers of employee engagement. Given to their identified competencies. At the beginning of that recent employee climate surveys indicate lower levels the course, participants are given a 360-degree feedback of engagement than desired, the leadership development assessment based on these competencies. As part of the initiative aims to provide senior managers with the skills course, participants receive up to 10 hours of leadership to proactively engage their colleagues and direct reports. coaching. The coaches are trained in the competency Upcoming employee climate survey data should indicate library and structure their coaching sessions to build on whether leadership development efforts are having a posi- the participants’ strongest competencies and mitigate tive impact on employee engagement. their weakest ones. A potential agency goal is to have all college and all outside development courses adopt the Performance Management agency’s competency profile roadmap and tie all courses The agency’s personnel system uses both OPM’s ECQs and their objectives to specific competencies. and ODNI’s ICD 610 performance elements. Employees The agency plans to expand this type of develop- and managers have individual discussions about what mental program to include managers, supervisors, and constitutes poor, acceptable, and outstanding behavior. The Public Manager | FALL 2012 33
  • 6. ForUM: An agency goal is ultimately to link its customized Succession Management and Deployment performance management system for executives, man- The agency also is integrating its leadership competencies agers, and individual contributors to the competencies into its succession management approach. Leaders will identified as essential for each level. This has several assess senior executives on the agreed-upon leadership advantages. competencies in addition to specific technical competen- First, it standardizes performance management con- cies, which will provide a collective view of their current versations. An area of considerable stress for employees, leadership bench strength and leadership gaps. managers, and executives is that performance manage- This assessment will result in each senior getting ment discussions are often too subjective. Because each feedback from the agency’s executive team with regard competency is described in terms of skilled, unskilled, to their current performance and potential level and or overused behaviors that are both observable and their readiness to perform at the next level of leadership. measurable, employees and managers can have objective To assist the seniors in knowing what skills need to be conversations to assess employees’ actions. The leader- improved and how, the executives will create individual ship development initiative is considering the use of development plans to provide guidance on the types of competency proficiency level statements to further enable training and coaching needed as well as the job assign- detailed, objective performance conversations. Having all ments that need to be completed for each individual employees understand what success looks like will be an senior to be ready for promotion to the next level. enormous benefit, both in colleagues’ resulting perfor- Integrated talent management is not a new concept. mance as well as their morale. There are numerous philosophies, theories, and models In addition, incorporating competencies into perfor- for achieving strategic alignment within an organization’s mance management will provide employees with direct human capital and talent management practices. There is developmental remedies for building strong competencies mounting evidence that high-performing human resource and mitigating weaker competencies. The main Korn/ practices and robust talent management functions con- Ferry competency publication, FYI For Your Improvement, tribute positively to the bottom line—whether that is lists developmental suggestions for each competency that mission accomplishment or increased profits. The 2007 often do not require formal training courses. publication, 100 Things You Need to Know: Best People The suggestions are no or low-cost ideas that Practices for Managers and HR, stated that using a valid, employees can immediately begin putting into practice. reliable competency library as the foundation underlying Employees and supervisors can more easily create and talent management processes yields a significant return track individual development plans from one perfor- on investment. mance management conversation to the next. As agencies of all kinds struggle to do more with less and achieve their missions under increasingly challenging Rewards and Recognition circumstances, implementing strong, competency-based Federal managers often feel limited by how they can integrated talent management can contribute a great reward and recognize outstanding employees. The impor- deal toward making their work easier, more effective, and tance of keeping employees engaged is still a concern, efficient. but current economic constrictions have frozen many salary adjustments. The human resources department Stephen Pick, PsyD, is an organizational psychologist with human at the described agency recently released several pages of capital and organizational development expertise. Contact him at non-monetary rewards, such as allowing colleagues the opportunity to work on higher profile projects. These rewards should be tied to the performance Neville Uhles is a senior consultant with Korn/Ferry Leadership and management process and to competency development to Talent Consulting in McLean. She specializes in competency-based ensure that rewards and recognition are meaningful and leadership development and talent management. Contact her at valued. “Non-traditional incentives” that the managers can use include such ideas as empowerment, visibility, responsibility, and sabbaticals. 34 WWW.THEPuBLICMANAGER.ORG