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                           Destination USA                                   Regis St Louis

                           The playwright Arthur Miller once said that the essence of America was
                           its promise. For newly arrived immigrants and jetlagged travelers alike,
                           that promise of America can take on near mythic proportions. America
                           is a land of dazzling cities, towering redwoods, alpine lakes, rolling vine-
                           yards, chiseled peaks, barren deserts and a dramatic coastline of unrivaled
                           beauty. And that’s just one state (California).
                              In the other 49 lie an astounding collection of natural and cultural
                           wonders, from the wildly multihued tapestry of urban streets to the
                           mountains, plains and forests that cover vast swaths of the continent.
                           America is the home of LA, Las Vegas, Chicago, Miami, Boston and New
FAST FACTS                 York City – each a brimming metropolis whose name alone conjures a
Population: 302 million    million different notions of culture, cuisine and entertainment.
Gross Domestic Product        Look more closely, and the American quilt unfurls in all its surprising
(GDP): $11.9 trillion      variety: the eclectic music scene of Austin, the easygoing charms of ante-
                           bellum Savannah, the eco-consciousness of free-spirited Portland, the
Inflation: 2.6%
                           magnificent waterfront of San Francisco, and the captivating old quarters
Unemployment: 4.5%         of New Orleans, still rising up from their waterlogged foundations.
Military defense budget       This is a country of road trips and great open skies, where four million
in 2006: $441.9 billion    miles of highways lead past red-rock deserts, below towering mountain
                           peaks, and across fertile wheat fields that roll off toward the horizon. The
Barrels of oil consumed
                           sun-bleached Native American hillsides of the Great Plains, the lush for-
per day: 20.7 million
                           ests of the Pacific Northwest and the scenic country lanes of New England
Number of Americans        are a few fine starting points for the great American road trip.
living without health         The world’s third-largest nation (geographically speaking) has also
insurance: 46 million      launched substantial contributions to the arts. It is from here that Geor-
Average number of TV       gia O’Keeffe’s wild landscapes, Robert Rauschenberg’s surreal collages,
channels in a US home:     Alexander Calder’s elegant mobiles and Jackson Pollock’s drip paintings
104.2                      have entered the vernacular of avant-garde 20th century art. Cities such
Number of states in
                           as Chicago and New York are veritable drawing boards for the great
which gay marriage is
                           architects of the modern era. And musically speaking, America has few
legal: 1
                           peers on the world stage. From the big-band jazz that was born in New
                           Orleans, to the Memphis blues, Detroit’s Motown sound, plus funk, hip-
Number of airline          hop, country, and rock and roll – America has invented sounds integral
passengers in 2006: 661    to any understanding of contemporary music.
million                       Cuisine is another way of illuminating the American experience. On
Percentage of citizens     one evening in the USA, thick barbecue ribs and sizzling meats arrive
who have passports: 20%    fresh off the grill at a Tennessee roadhouse; miles away, talented chefs
                           blend organic, fresh-from-the-garden produce with Asian accents at an
                           award-winning West Coast restaurant. A smattering of locals get their
                           fix of bagels and lox at a century-old deli in Manhattan’s Upper West
                           Side, while several states away, plump pancakes and fried eggs disappear
                           in a hurry under the clatter of cutlery at a 1950s-style diner. Steaming
                           plates of fresh lobster served off a Maine pier, oysters and champagne in
                           a fashion-conscious wine bar, beer and pizza at a Midwestern pub – these
                           are just a few ways to dine à la Americana.
                              But America isn’t just about its geography, its cities or its art and
                           cuisine. It’s also about people. The ‘teeming nation of nations’ (as Walt
                           Whitman described the USA), was built on immigration and still attracts
                           more than one million new immigrants each year. Representatives from
                           nearly every country can be found inside the boundaries of the USA,
                           adding an astounding mix of ethnicities, religions and languages to                                                          D E S T I N AT I O N U S A   23

the diverse American character. In one county alone (New York City’s
borough of Queens) residents speak some 138 languages and more than
40%. Although the topic of immigration remains a heated one (the
subject has been a source of contention since the country’s inception),
few Americans contest the enormous contributions made by fresh-faced
immigrants over the centuries.
   In addition to the wide mix of racial and ethnic groups, America
is a mishmash of factory workers and farmers, born-again Christians
and Hatha yoga practitioners, literary-minded college students, tradi-
tion-bound Native Americans, beer-swilling baseball lovers and back-to-
nature commune dwellers. This is a country where regional stereotypes
help Americans get a handle on their own elusive country, whether
the people in question are gracious Southern belles, street-smart New
Yorkers, humble Midwesterners, Southern Cal surfers or straight-
talking Texans.
   The collective identity, however, goes only so far in defining Ameri-
cans. This is, after all, a country that celebrates – or rather mythologizes –
the feats of ‘rugged individualism’, a notion well supported by the enor-
mous ranks of the great and dastardly alike that have left their mark on
America. This is the land of Teddy Roosevelt, John Muir, Jack Kerouac,
Andy Warhol, Frank Lloyd Wright, Elvis Presley and Muhammad Ali. It
is also the birthplace of Billy the Kid, Al Capone, the Dukes of Hazzard
and hundreds of other real and fictional characters who contribute to that
portrait of the American hero or villain heading off into the sunset.
   Today’s stars shine no less brightly and each help redefine in some
small way what it means to be American. From the inspiring activism
of Willie Nelson and the auteur talents of filmmaker Jim Jarmusch to
Al Gore’s lauded dedication to climate change, the powerful lyricism of
Nobel Prize–winner Toni Morrison and the record-breaking achieve-
ments of Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps, each have followed a dream
that led them to undoubtedly surprising places.
   America is still a place where big dreamers can triumph over ad-
versity. Although 40 years have passed since Martin Luther King was
assassinated, his message of hope lives on. No one in recent history has
demonstrated that more clearly than Barack Obama, America’s first
African American president.
   ‘If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place
where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our found-
ers is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy,
tonight is your answer.’ So began President-elect Barack Obama on
the evening of November 4, 2008, following one of the most surprising
presidential victories in history.
   The next day, newspapers across the country sold out quickly, despite
enormously increased press runs, as Americans hurried out to snatch
up a piece of history for which they themselves were responsible. In-
deed, it was a historic moment for America. This once bitterly divided
nation – with a legacy of slavery – looked past its differences and elected
an African American man to the highest office in the land. And voters
did so by an overwhelming margin.
   As Obama went on to say in his victory speech, ‘It’s been a long time
coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this elec-
tion, at this defining moment, change has come to America.’ Change –
that magic word so bandied about by both parties in the run-up to
the election – played a pivotal role in Obama’s success. Yet, despite
the unprecedented moment in US history, change is no stranger on
24 D E S T I N AT I O N U S A                                              

                         the American scene. Even America’s creation was a daring paradigm
                         shift in a world of monarchies and autocracies. A country founded as
                         a religion-tolerant refuge by early colonists later became the world’s
                         first – and perhaps its most brilliantly envisaged – democratic republic.
                         Over the centuries, visionary statesman such as Jefferson, Lincoln and
                         Roosevelt have helped move the country in bold new directions, but it
                         was courageous citizens, fighting (and sometimes sacrificing their lives)
                         in the battle against injustice, who’ve brought about some of America’s
                         most profound changes – in abolishing slavery, earning equal rights for
                         women, protecting the environment and enshrining fair wages and work-
                         ing conditions for laborers.
                            Citizens from all walks of life have participated in ‘the great American
                         experiment’, a concept that rewards bold ideas and hard work, no matter
                         one’s place in society. The results of nurturing this entrepreneurial spirit
                         have been far-reaching. From the historic flight by the Wright brothers
                         to the Apollo moon landing, Americans have achieved ambitious goals.
                         Technological revolutions beginning with Thomas Edison’s light bulb
                         and Henry Ford’s automobile continue today in the pioneering work by
                         Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Larry Page. Microsoft, iPod and Google have
                         changed the way people work, learn and interact across the industrialized
                         world. American advances in science, medicine and countless other fields
                         have brought meaningful changes to many lives.
                            The spirit of innovation remains alive and well, but on other fronts,
                         Americans seem less optimistic. As this book went to press, predictions
                         of a long, grave recession hung in the air, stemming in part from the
                         mortgage meltdown that erupted late in the Bush presidency. Between
                         2007 and 2008, more than one million Americans lost their homes to
                         foreclosure as unemployment soared – with some 10 million out of work
                         (the highest figure since WWII).
                            Health care is another dispiriting topic for many Americans. Despite
                         playing a leading role in the advancement of medical technology, the
                         USA remains the world’s only wealthy industrialized country that does
                         not provide universal health care for its citizens. More than 46 million
                         Americans currently live without health insurance, and analysts pre-
                         dicted that the economic downturn and rising unemployment would add
                         another two million to their ranks.
                            Addressing these grievous issues – plus the ongoing wars in Iraq and
                         Afghanistan – remain the biggest challenges of the day. Americans,
                         however, are not easily put down. As John F Kennedy once said, ‘The
                         American, by nature, is optimistic. He is experimental, an inventor and
                         a builder who builds best when called upon to build greatly.’

Getting Started
Got your map? Ready to plot your itinerary? Just remember: the USA covers
a continent and more. Texas alone is twice the size of Germany, so you may
need to adjust your sense of scale. It’s easy to get overambitious, blow your
budget and spend more time getting to sights than actually seeing them.
That old chestnut about packing – lay out everything you need and put half
back – applies here too: plan what you want to see in the time you have, then
take out half the stops.
   You’ll also need to consider transportation options carefully, balancing cost,
                                                                                         See Climate Charts
time and flexibility – and your carbon footprint. The ‘best’ mix varies by region
                                                                                         (p1116) for more
and route. For more ecotravel advice, see ‘Traveling Responsibly’ (p27).
America’s size plays to the traveler’s advantage when it comes to weather: it’s
always perfect somewhere in the US and just shy of Hades somewhere else.
   In other words, either your destination or your trip’s timing may need tweak-
ing depending on the season. For more specific regional info, see each chapter’s
‘Land & Climate’ section. For current forecasts, visit
   The main holiday season is, naturally, summer, which typically begins on
Memorial Day (the last Monday in May) and ends on Labor Day (the first
Monday in September). But Americans take their holidays mainly in summer                 HOW MUCH?
because schools are closed, not because the weather’s uniformly ideal: yes,              Broadway show:
hit the beaches in August, because Manhattan is a shimmering sweat bath                  $100-250
and the deserts are frying pans.                                                         Bottle of wine: $7-9
   The seasons don’t arrive uniformly either. Spring (typically March to
                                                                                         Gallon of milk: $3.50
May) and fall (usually September to November) are often the best travel
times, but ‘spring’ in parts of the Rockies and Sierras may not come till June.          Internet access per
By then it’s only a sweet memory in Austin, while in Seattle, spring often               hour: $3-5
means rain, rain, rain.                                                                  Pound of apples: $1.20
   And winter? It’s expensive high-season at ski resorts and in parts of the
                                                                                         See also Lonely Planet
southern US (blame migrating snowbirds), but planned well, winter can mean
                                                                                         Index, inside front cover.
you have the riches of America’s landscape virtually all to yourself.
   Whether you’re planning to join them or avoid them, holidays (p1121)
and festivals (p1119) are another thing to consider.

An economical US trip is possible, but it is very, very easy to spend much
more than you bargained for, no matter what your travel style. Mode of
transportation is a big factor, as is destination: US cities don’t chip away at
budgets, they jackhammer them into pieces.

     Checking current US visa and passport requirements (p1127).
     Hotel reservations, particularly for your first night and near national parks (p1111).
     Your driver’s license and adequate liability insurance (p1142). Not driving? Do it anyway – you
     might change your mind once you see how big this place is.
     A handful of credit cards – they’re easier and safer than cash.
     An open mind. You’ll find elites in the Ozarks and hicks in Manhattan, and everything in between.
26   G E T T I N G S TA R T E D • • T r a v e l L i t e r a t u re              

                               Only the extremely thrifty will spend less than $100 a day. A comfortable
                            midrange budget typically ranges from $175 to $225 a day; this usually gets
                            you a car, gas, two meals, a good hotel and a museum admission or two.
To travel on                Spending over $300 a day isn’t hard: just splash out a few times, drive a lot,
the cheap,                  and stay, eat and whoop it up in New York, Chicago, San Francisco etc.
                               In this guide, we define a ‘midrange’ hotel very broadly (as $80 to $200):
plan on                     in rural areas, $100 buys a princely night’s sleep, but in some cities, clean
camping or                  places start at $200. The same math holds for meals.
hosteling                      To travel on the cheap, plan on camping or hosteling ($15 to $25 a night),
                            cooking some of your own meals, and touring by bus. It’s not hard, but it
($15 to $25                 limits your flexibility and it’s slower (which isn’t so bad). Be wary of budget
a night),                   motel come-ons; the sign might flash $39, but it’s probably for a single and
cooking                     won’t include tax.
                               Traveling by car is often a necessity. A rental is a minimum of $40 a day
some of your                (type of car, tax and level of insurance can push it higher), plus gas. Planning
own meals,                  the great American road trip? Petrol could cost more than the car itself (say,
and touring                 another $20 to $40 per day).
                               Mainly, don’t forget the second part of that travel chestnut: after you halve
by bus.                     your clothes, double your estimated budget, and it’ll work out fine.

                            TRAVEL LITERATURE
                            The American travelogue is its own literary genre. One could argue the first
                            (and still the best) is Democracy in America (1835) by Alexis de Tocqueville,
                            who wandered around talking to folks, then in pithy fashion distilled the
                            philosophical underpinnings of the then-new American experiment.
                               America is often most vividly described by non-Americans: two Russian
                            satirists, Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov, road-tripped during the Great Depres-
                            sion searching for the ‘real America’ (doesn’t everyone?), and their Ilf and
                            Petrov’s American Road Trip (1935 & 2007) is a comic masterpiece laced
                            with pungent critiques.
                               Those who prefer their commentary, like their coffee, bitter and black
                            should stuff The Air-Conditioned Nightmare (1945) by Henry Miller in their
                            bag, written while the irascible Miller canvassed America during WWII.
                               Celebrated travel writer Jan Morris was clearly smitten with the country
                            in Coast to Coast (1956); it’s crisp, elegant and poignant, particularly her
                            experience in the pre–Civil Rights South.
                               Two other famous, and not to be missed, American travelogues are
                            Jack Kerouac’s headlong On the Road (1957) and John Steinbeck’s Travels
                            with Charley (1962), about his trek across America with his poodle
                            for company.
                               At a crossroad in life, William Least Heat-Moon’s Blue Highways (1982)
                            is a moving pastiche of ‘average Americans’ as it follows one man’s attempt
                            to find himself by losing himself.
                               Not strictly a travelogue, On the Rez (2000) by Ian Frazier provides a good
                            taste of what it’s like to be friends with an Oglala Sioux, and of contemporary
                            Native American reservation life. It is a journey of history and heart that
                            goes into America, rather than across it.
                               Some make a life of crossing America. In American Nomads (2003),
                            Englishman Richard Grant meditates on all those mythic types (the Indians,
                            cowboys, truckers and hobos) who, like him, can’t seem to stop wandering
                            the West. While family-man and cross-country warrior Robert Sullivan
                            does much the same in Cross Country (2006), but with kids. Both make
                            ideal companions.
                               See p65 for American literature.                                                                              G E T T I N G S TA R T E D   27

  Since our inception in 1973, Lonely Planet has encouraged our readers to tread lightly, travel
  responsibly and enjoy the serendipitous magic independent travel affords. International travel
  is growing at a jaw-dropping rate, and we still firmly believe in the benefits it can bring – but,
  as always, we encourage you to consider the impact your visit will have on both the global
  environment and the local economies, cultures and ecosystems.
     In America, ‘going green’ has become seriously trendy, and businesses of all stripes now slap
  ‘we’re green!’ stickers on their products and services (though many Americans would agree with
  The Simpsons Movie when it calls global warming ‘an irritating truth’). For the traveler, determining
  how ecofriendly a business actually is can be difficult. Thankfully many resources are springing
  up, and we have tried to recommend ecofriendly businesses (and highlight local green initia-
  tives) throughout this guide.

  To Drive or Not to Drive
  Where adequate public transportation exists, choosing it over renting a car will decrease your carbon
  footprint. But realistically, a car is often a necessity in the US – so, choose ecofriendly cars when
  available (ask the majors – they’re getting them!). The auto association Better World Club (www; p1141) supports environmental legislation and offers eco-friendly services.
     Two US car rental companies specializing in hybrid and electric cars are Bio-Beetle (www and EV Rental Cars (, though locations are currently limited
  (mainly Hawaii, California and Arizona).

  To Buy or Not to Buy
  State and regional tourism associations are springing up to certify ecofriendly businesses,
  hotels, services, tours and outfitters. Here is a list of some; review them before making
  Alaska Wilderness Recreation and Tourism Association (
  Chicago Sustainable Business Alliance (
  Go Nomad ( Ecotours worldwide.
  Green Hotel Association ( Ecofriendly hotels nationwide.
  Greenopia ( San Francisco and Los Angeles ecoguides (eventually to a dozen cities).
  Hawaii Ecotourism Association (
  Travel Green Wisconsin (www.travelgreenwisconsin)
  Vital Communities ( Green restaurants and local farmers markets in Vermont and
  New Hampshire.

  Sustainable Travel: The Bigger Picture
  ‘Sustainable travel’ is more than making ‘green’ choices; it’s a way of interacting as you walk.
  It’s practicing low-impact hiking and camping (p102). It’s perhaps adding volunteering to a va-
  cation (p1130). It’s also simply learning about destinations and cultures and understanding the
  challenges they face. For national and regional issues, see the Environment chapter (p103) and
  check out these resources: ( Official website for the documentary An Inconvenient Truth; offers
  carbon offset programs, advice and information.
  Hawaii 2050 ( State-sponsored initiative to create a sustainable Hawaiian economy.
  National Geographic Center for Sustainable Destinations (
  /sustainable) Promotes ‘geotourism’ with its ‘Geocharter maps’; currently three in the US: Arizona’s Sonoran Desert,
  Vermont and Appalachia.
  Sustainable Travel International ( Provides ecoguides, tour
  booking, a carbon-offset program and more.
28   G E T T I N G S TA R T E D                                                   

                                                         Hawaii                     UN
                                                                                 S TAT I T E D
 TOP                                                                                   E
                                                                                 AM E R S O F
                                                                                         ICA     Washin

 Americans will use any excuse to party. Seriously. There’s a festival for sock monkeys (p574)! No slight to
 sock monkey fans, but here are 10 worth planning a trip around. For more, see the destination chapters,
 see p1119 and visit
 1 Mummer’s Parade, Philadelphia (Pennsylva-            6 Gullah Festival, Beaufort (South Carolina),
   nia), New Year’s Day (p206)                            late May (p399)
 2 Mardi Gras, New Orleans (Louisiana), Febru-          7 Red Earth Native American Cultural Festival,
   ary or March (p440)                                    Oklahoma City (Oklahoma), early June (p683)
 3 National Cherry Blossom Festival, Washing-           8 SF Gay Pride Month, San Francisco (Califor-
   ton, DC, late March/April (p319)                       nia), June (p964)
 4 Conch Republic Independence Celebration,             9 Great American Beer Festival, Denver (Colo-
   Key West (Florida), April (p517)                       rado), early September (p749)
 5 Fiesta San Antonio (Texas), mid-April                10 American Royal Barbecue, Kansas City (Mis
   (p708)                                                  souri), early October (p655)

 A good book is as essential to a successful trip as gas in the car and money in your wallet. Here
 are our recommendations for 10 great recent novels that capture a kaleidoscope of American
 regional voices.
 1 Flight (2007) by Sherman Alexie                      6 Wounded (2005) by Percival Everett
 2 Later, at the Bar (2007) by Rebecca Barry            7 Returning to Earth (2006) by Jim Harrison
 3 Talk Talk (2007) by TC Boyle                         8 The Shape Shifter (2006) by Tony Hillerman
 4 The Yiddish Policeman’s Union (2007) by              9 Sight Hound (2005) by Pam Houston
   Michael Chabonn                                      10 The Plot Against America (2004) by Philip
 5 I Love You, Beth Cooper (2007) by Larry Doyle           Roth

 A road trip is nothing without roads. Here are 10 doozies. Frankly, we had to arm-wrestle over
 favorites, so consider this list incomplete. See the Itineraries chapter (p30) for more, and for America’s
 ‘official’ scenic roads, visit
 1 Hana Hwy (Hwy 360), Maui, Hawaii: 38 miles           7 Delmarva Peninsula (Hwys 50 and 13): 210
   from Pauwela to Hana (p1106)                           miles from Annapolis, Maryland, to Virginia
 2 Turquoise Trail (Hwy 14), New Mexico: 45               Beach, Virginia (p337 and p360)
   miles from Albuquerque to Santa Fe (p875)            8 Route 66 (initial section): 300 miles from
 3 Columbia River Hwy (Hwy 30), Oregon: 74                Chicago, Illinois, to St Louis, Missouri
   miles from Troutdale to The Dalles (p1042)             (p576)
 4 Pig Trail Byway (Hwy 23), Arkansas: 80 miles         9 Pacific Coast Hwy (Hwy 1), California: 332
   from Ozark to Eureka Springs (p457)                    miles from San Francisco to Santa Barbara
 5 Hwy 12, Utah: 107 miles from Torrey to                 (p940).
   Bryce Canyon NP (p868)                               10 Blue Ridge Parkway: 469 miles from Shen-
 6 Overseas Hwy (Hwy 1), Florida: 160 miles                andoah NP, Virginia, to Great Smoky Moun-
   from Miami to Key West (p510).                          tains NP, North Carolina (p364)                                           G E T T I N G S TA R T E D • • I n t e r n e t R e s o u r c e s   29

Bathroom Diaries ( A compilation of clean bathrooms worldwide
(with awards!), including every state in the USA. Its bathroom stories are a hoot.
Johnny Jet ( Compiled by an inveterate traveler, this website links to
perhaps all the travel information you’ll ever need.
Lonely Planet ( US travel news and summaries, the Thorn Tree bulletin
board, and links to more web resources.
Roadside America ( Sure, see the Statue of Liberty. But don’t miss
the ‘Muffler Men’! For weird, wacky Americana, start here.
Roadtrip America ( Planning the classic road trip? This site helps
with nitty-gritty tips: routes, driving advice, fuel calculator, eating and much more. ( The closest thing to a national tourism
information resource, on the US government’s official website.

                       CLASSIC ROUTES
Why are easterners     CITIES BY THE SEA                    10 Days to Three Weeks/Boston to Maryland
so cranky? Because     The nice thing about East Coast metropoli? They’re near the beach! Balance
East Coast high-       culture, history and cuisine with coastal idylls and long naps in the sun.
                          Arrive in revolutionary Bah-ston (p229), then go to sandy Cape Cahd (p246),
ways couldn’t be       and keep going till you reach Prah-vincetown (p251), where the Pilgrims
more congested.        landed. Pretty, ain’t it?
So why on earth           Scoot around on I-195 to Rhode Island’s quaint Newport (p262); time your
do this road trip?     visit for a music festival (p264).
                          Now, tackle New York City (p136). Once you’ve had your fill of the bustling
Slow down, avoid
                       Big Apple, escape to the Hamptons (p179) on Long Island; what was the
rush hour, hit the     hurry, again?
beaches often, and        In New Jersey, go ‘down the shore’ to Long Beach Island (p194), and if you’re
for 1000 detour-       the gambling sort, Atlantic City (p195) and its boardwalk.
laden miles it’s one      Then, make time for Philadelphia (p197), Baltimore (p325), and Washington,
                       DC (p306). You did plan three weeks, right?
first-class metropo-      Finally, cross Chesapeake Bay and relax on Maryland’s Eastern Shore (p337),
lis after another.     and get your mellow back for good at Assateague Island (boxed text, p340).

       CANADA                                                            Hampshire
                                                                       Massachusetts                     3
                             New York                                                                    195
                                                                                                                     Cape Cod

                                                                                            Rhode Island


                                                                                              The Hamptons

                                                                                     Long Beach Island

                                                                     New York City

             Pennsylvania                                    Jersey
                                                                       Garden State Parkway


                                                                        Atlantic City

                             Baltimore     Chesapeake
                                           Bay           Delaware                                                    ATLANTIC
                                                                     Assateague Island
    West Virginia                                     Maryland

ITINERARIES •• Classic Routes   31

THE LEFT COAST                        Two to Three Weeks/Portland to Joshua Tree
Geographically and politically, the West Coast couldn’t be further from
Washington, DC. This is a trip for those who lean left, and who like their
nature ancient and ornery. You won’t need to shave but once or twice.
   Pretty, affable Portland (p1028) is a great place to start. Then jump right
into nature’s bounty by driving east along the Columbia River Gorge (boxed text,
p1042). At The Dalles, turn south and make for Mount Hood (p1043) for skiing
or hiking (depending on the season). From Bend (p1044), enjoy more cascades
adventures in the Three Sisters Wilderness Area (p1044) and Crater Lake (p1045).
   Catch a Shakespearian play at Ashland (p1045), then trade the mountains
for the coast: enter California via Hwy 199 and the magnificent Redwood
National Park (p981).
   Hug the coast through funky North Coast towns (p978), get lost on the Lost
Coast (p980), catch Hwy 1 and buy art in Mendocino (p979). Make your way
inland to Napa Valley (p974) for a wash-up and wine tasting, and thence to
the hilly, defiantly strange burg of San Francisco (p950).
   Return to scenic Hwy 1 (p950) through Santa Cruz (p948), Monterey (p946)
and most of all, Big Sur (p944), where you can get seriously scruffy again.
By the time you reach Hearst Castle (p944) you can actually start swimming
in the water.
   Finally, Los Angeles (p900) – aka LA, la-la land, the city of angels. Go ahead,
indulge your fantasies of Hollywood (p906), Venice Beach (p912) and club culture
(p918). Then, creeped out by artifice perhaps, hop aboard a ferry for the
wildlife-rich Channel Islands (p940) and make a desert pilgrimage to Joshua
Tree National Park (p936). Aaah, that’s better.

                                                                                                    Let’s see. In 1400
                                                                         CANADA                     miles, is there eco-
                                                                                                    friendly outdoor
                                                       Washington                                   adventure? Check.
                                                  River Gorge                                       Microbrews and
                                       Portland   84
                           Mount Hood (1,239ft)        197
                                                                                  Montana           fine wines? Check.
                                  Three Sisters
                               Wilderness Area       Bend
                                        Lake 97        Oregon
                                                                                                    ancient forests
                                 199 5     62
                                                                       Idaho                        and mountains?
               National Park               Ashland
                                                                                                    Check. Legendary
                   Coast                                                              Wyoming       coastal drives?
                               Mendocino                                                            Check. Freaks,
     OCEAN                 1          Napa                                                          visionaries and
                                                             Nevada                                 radicals? Check.
                                 San Francisco
                                  Santa Cruz
                                                                               Utah                 Surf beaches,
                                  Big Sur                                               Colorado
                                                                                                    gourmet cuisine,
                                  1       California                                                cutting-edge art,
                                       Castle                                                       multicultural cit-
                                         101                                                        ies? Check, check,
                                                  Los Angeles
                                                                                                    check. Why, it’s the
                                                        Joshua Tree     Arizona         Mexico      West Coast!
                                                       National Park

32   ITINERARIES •• Classic Routes

                      THE GREAT RIVER ROAD 10 Days to Two Weeks/Minneapolis to New Orleans
                      The Mississippi River marks a physical and psychological divide, and along
                      this spine runs America’s greatest music: blues, jazz, and rock and roll. Hwy
                      61 is the legendary route, though numerous other roads join up, run parallel
                      and intersect with it.
                         Progressive, artistic, youthful Minneapolis (p623) is the easiest starting point,
                      though some might want to start further north in Hibbing (p635), Bob Dylan’s
                      birthplace. Hwy 61 then winds scenically on either side of the Mississippi
                      River to Hannibal (p650), Missouri, the birthplace of Mark Twain. Gateway
                      to the West, St Louis (p643) also bills itself as the ‘Home of the Blues,’ though
                      original rock-and-roller Chuck Berry still plays here, too.
                         The next major destination is Memphis (p460), where you can pay homage
                      to Elvis Presley at Graceland and rock and roll at Sun Studio. To complete
                      your musical pilgrimage, take a quick detour on I-40 to Nashville (p468),
                      the home of country music. South of Memphis, Hwy 61 runs through the
                      Mississippi Delta (p427), where the blues was born: Clarksdale (p427) is where
                      Robert Johnson bargained with the devil. The town’s still jumpin’ with blues
                      joints, while Natchez (p431) is full of antebellum homes.
                         South of Baton Rouge, a detour along Hwy 1 leads past the famous 19th-
                      century Mississippi River Plantations (p449).
                         Then you arrive at New Orleans (p433), birthplace of jazz. The ‘Big Easy,’
                      despite its recent hard times (p432), is a place where lazy mornings blend into
                      late nights, and you should leave plenty of time to go with the flow.

Just about all of                                  Hibbing                                                                             CANADA
the epic, legen-              Dakota                                                                     Mi
dary, even revo-                                Minne-                                                       ig
                                                 sota                                                                n
lutionary history                                                  Wisconsin
of American music              South
can be experienced
along this 1200-
mile stretch of                                                                                                                      Ohio
the Mississippi                 Nebraska                                                                         Indiana
River. Throw in a                                                         Hannibal
400-mile sidetrip
                                                                    St Louis
to Nashville, and                      Kansas                                                 61
what you have is
the musical journey                                                                                                      NASHVILLE
of a lifetime.                                                  Arkansas

                                                                            Mis s is s ippi D

                                                                                                       Missis-           Alabama
                                                                                             61         sippi
                                     Texas                                                                                                Florida

                                                               Mississippi River
                                                                    Plantations                            New Orleans               Gulf of
ITINERARIES •• Classic Routes                                 33

GO EAST, YOUNG MAN Three Weeks to One Month/San Francisco to Miami
For those contemplating the full monty, coast to coast, here’s a suggestion:
start in San Francisco and head into the rising sun. This route snags some
seriously fun cities and some classic American scenery, but be warned: it’ll
be hot come July and August.
   From anything-goes San Francisco (p950), head for Yosemite (p989) and
Sequoia National Parks (p993) in the Sierra Nevada – now that’s scenery! Skirt
the Mojave Desert (p938) on I-15 and hit Las Vegas (p809) – now that’s fun!
Stop at the Grand Canyon (p835) for the obligatory photo-op, rattle around                                                This is the trip
funky Flagstaff (p831) and Sedona (p833), and roll east on I-40.                                                          you have to do at
   In New Mexico, unlike Bugs Bunny, take that left at Albuquerque (p873)                                                 least once – coast
along the Turquoise Trail (p875) and detour to artsy, adobe Santa Fe (p879),
                                                                                                                          to coast, ocean to
just cause it’s so cute.
   Drop south on I-25 through scenic southwestern New Mexico (p890), pick up                                              ocean, sunrise to
I-10 into Texas, and admire jaw-dropping Big Bend National Park (p734). Saunter                                           sunset (or in this
through bucolic Texas Hill Country (p703) to Austin (p695), for good music and                                            case, vice versa).
drinking. Pause for folk art in Houston (p710) then giddy-up for party-central,                                           It’s 3500 miles,
New Orleans (p433). Keep dancing and eatin’ in Cajun Country (p450).
   Depending on your time, explore fun-loving Mobile (p425) and the beaches                                               give or take. Some
of the Florida Panhandle (p538), but whatever you do, visit Walt Disney World                                             do it in days, oth-
(p535); like the Grand Canyon, it must be seen to be believed.                                                            ers take months.
   Now, along Florida’s Gulf Coast, enjoy St Petersburg (p528), clown around                                              There’s no right or
in Sarasota (p530) and pick seashells at Sanibel & Captiva Islands (p531). Bisect
                                                                                                                          wrong, no rules,
the alligator-filled swamps of the tremendous Everglades (p506) and arrive
in Miami (p492). Finally, with a beach, a mojito and some Cuban cuisine,                                                  no ‘best’ route.
you’re ready to party till sunrise. Sweet!                                                                                Just go.



             Washington                                                                                                  Vermont
                                                             North   Minnesota                                                                   NH
                                     Montana                                                                    Massachusetts
            Oregon                                                                                                                                 RI
                                                                                 Wisconsin                                New
                                                            South                                                         York                   CT
                            Idaho                                                                  Michigan
                                     Wyoming                                                    Pennsylvania NJ
                   Nevada                                                    Iowa                           DE
   San                                                        Nebraska                     Ohio
Francisco        Yosemite                                                             Indiana    West
                 National                                                    Illinois           Virginia    Maryland
                 Park              Utah
        41                                       Colorado                                            Virginia
                           Las Vegas                             Kansas                Kentucky         North
            65   Park                                                   Missouri
                                     Grand Canyon                                                     Carolina
                        15           National Park
                   58       93                                                     Tennessee        South
                                40   Flagstaff       Santa Fe           Arkansas
                      Mojave                   40
                                                   ALBUQUERQUE Oklahoma
                     National Sedona
                     Preserve              New Mexico                        Mississippi      Georgia
                              Arizona                                                                    ATLANTIC
                                                                  Texas Louisiana                         OCEAN
                                                                                                Mobile   10         98
                                                             10   Austin                                                        50       Walt Disney World
                                                      385                            10           NEW ORLEANS
                                                                       290                 90                                        4
                                           Big Bend                                                      St Petersburg
                                      National Park                        Houston                                                   Florida
                                                                                                                   Sanibel &             41     MIAMI
                                       MEXICO                                               Gulf of           Captiva Islands
  PACIFIC                                                                                                                         Everglades
                                                                                           Mexico                                National Park

34    ITINERARIES •• Classic Routes

                                  WESTERN MIGRATIONS                         Two to Three Weeks/Chicago to Seattle
                                  ‘The West’ is not one thing. It’s a panoply of landscapes and personalities that
                                  unfold as, like an eager pioneer, you journey from past to future. No single
                                  route could capture it all; this stretch of I-90 is book-ended by world-class
                                  cities and packed with heartbreakingly beautiful country.
From Midwest to                      Chicago (p547) – the Second City, the Windy City – is the Midwest’s great-
                                  est city. Follow I-90 to youthful Madison (p617) and the quirk along Hwy 12
Wild West to New                  (p619) to dispel any myths about Midwestern sobriety.
West: this route is                  Detour north to arty Minneapolis (p623) for more Midwest liberalism. Return
a 2700-mile medi-                 to I-90 and activate cruise control, admiring the corn (and the Corn Palace,
tation on America’s               p665) and the flat, flat South Dakota plains. See why Westerners are crazy?
evolving western                     Hit the brakes for the Badlands (p666) and plunge into the reckless Wild
                                  West. In the Black Hills (p667), contemplate competing monuments at Mount
frontier. Only by                 Rushmore (p670) and Crazy Horse (p670). Watch mythic gunfights in Dead-
seeing the West’s                 wood (p669) and visit the sobering Pine Ridge Reservation (p666), site of the
endless plains,                   Wounded Knee massacre.
eroded deserts,                      Halfway across Wyoming, take Hwy 14 to Cody (p779) for the rodeo. Save
                                  plenty of time for the wild majesty and wildlife of Yellowstone (p781) and
towering moun-                    Grand Teton National Parks (p785).
tains and ragged                     Through Montana, the newly hip ranching towns of Bozeman (p789) and
coast can you begin               Missoula (p792) make fun stops. For serious western adventure, detour to
to understand                     Glacier National Park (p795) and the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex (p795).
its inhabitants’                     Back on I-90 into Washington, stop in unassuming Spokane (p1024)
                                  and end in Seattle (p1003) – which embodies the high-tech, eco-conscious
singular multiple                 New West. Still got time? Take in Mount Rainier (p1025), Olympic National Park
personalities.                    (p1017), and the San Juan Islands (p1021). See why everyone went west?

                  San Juan
       Olympic                                    Glacier
       National         5                         National
          Park          SEATTLE                    Park
         Mt Rainier                                    2
          (14,411ft)        90
                                 Spokane          93

                                           Missoula                  Montana                      North             Minnesota
                                                       90     Bozeman                                                                          Michigan
                  Oregon                       Yellowstone
                                              National Park        Cody                                                              Wisconsin
                                                                                               South           MINNEAPOLIS
                                               Grand Teton                           90        Dakoda      Corn Palace
                                              National Park                                                                     35       94
                                                                               Mt Rushmore                  (Mitchell)
                                               Idaho                             Black Hills                                         MADISON
                                                                    Wyoming                                                                      90
                                                                                          National Park
                                                                                                                              Iowa        CHICAGO

                                                                                                    Nebraska                                      Indiana
                                                                                                          Kansas                Missouri

                                                                                                            Oklahoma                 Arkansas
   PACIFIC                                  Arizona
    OCEAN                                                          New Mexico
                                                                                                  Texas                                       Mississippi

                        MEXICO                                                                                                       Louisiana
I T I N E R A R I E S • • R o a d s Le s s T r a v e l e d   35

THE GRAND CIRCLE                      Two to Four Weeks/Las Vegas to Las Vegas
In another era, the Grand Circle was a leisure-class journey to all the rug-
ged, raw natural splendors of the New World. It took several months, and
still can, but today you only need a few weeks to witness some of the most
amazing geological spectacles Mother Nature has yet devised – as well as get
acquainted with Southwest Native American cultures.
   Nothing natural about Las Vegas (p809), but it’s a great place to start. From
here, take I-15 northeast to Utah’s Zion National Park (p871). Catch Hwy 89
and then go east on Hwy 12 (p868) – one of the most amazing drives in the
world, containing as it does Bryce Canyon National Park (p870), the Grand Stair-
case-Escalante National Monument (p869) and Capitol Reef National Park (p868).
You’ll gain a new appreciation for rock.
   Take Hwy 24 to I-70, head east, then catch Hwy 191 south to Moab (p865),
Arches National Park (p866) and Canyonlands National Park (p867). Head south-
east on Hwy 666 to Mesa Verde National Park (p776), then take your cultural
wonder west on Hwy 160 to Monument Valley (p843) and the Navajo National
Monument (p843). Double back to go south on Hwy 191 to catch Canyon de
Chelly National Monument (p843), then west on Hwy 264 through the mesas of
the Hopi Indian Reservation (p844).
   Next, it’s the granddaddy of river erosion, the Grand Canyon (p835). Go
south and clean up in Flagstaff (p831), then return to Las Vegas by I-40 and
Hwy 93, pausing to admire the concrete pile called Hoover Dam (p818).
                                                                                                                            Canyons a mile
                                                                                                                            deep, deserts
                                                            Utah                                                            painted a rainbow,
                                                                                                                            crumbling buttes,
       Nevada                                                                          70
                                                         Capitol Reef
                                                         National Park
                                                                                             191   Arches                   pueblo-topped
                                                                                        Moab        Park                    mesas, ancient
                                                                       National Park
                                                                                                                            civilizations hidden
                                 National              12
                                                                                                                            in the cliffs – you
                                                             Grand Staircase-
                                                            Escalante National                           491
                                                                                                                            can’t make this
                                             Park                                                                           stuff up. To see it
Las Vegas                                                               Valley                                              all requires 1400
                                                          Navajo                                   160         Mesa Verde
             Dam                                          National               160                            National    brutal miles of
                                                         Monument                      191                       Park
                            Grand Canyon
                            National Park
                                                                                                                            slow, sun-baked
                                                            264                                 Canyon de                   roads, and it’s
                                                                                              Chelly National
                                                        Hopi Indian
                                                                                               Monument                     worth every saddle
                       40                                                                                                   sore.

36    I T I N E R A R I E S • • R o a d s Le s s T r a v e l e d

                              THE CONTINENTAL DIVIDE                                        Two to Four Weeks/
                                                                          Albuquerque to Glacier National Park
                              On one side rivers run east, on the other, west. You’ll trace the mountains
                              in between, finding constant excuses to ditch the car and hike, climb, raft,
                              bike, ski and get dirty. Just remember: the mountains only get prettier further
                              north, so don’t forget to drive.
                                 Start in Albuquerque (p873) and take the Turquoise Trail (p875) to arty Santa
                              Fe (p879). Between here and trippy Taos (p886), check out the Pueblos (p884),
Work hard, play               atomic Los Alamos (p885) and Bandelier National Monument (p885) for camping.
hard – or at                     Follow Hwy 84 into Colorado. Enjoy bikes and brews in Durango (p770)
least, play hard.             and admire the ancient cliff-dwellings of Mesa Verde (p776). Ready for more
Name it, and you              scenery? Take the ‘Million Dollar Hwy’ (Hwy 550), stopping in Silverton
                              (p771); for hot springs in Ouray (p772); and a quick detour to gorgeous Tel-
can probably do               luride (p773). Then go east on Hwy 50, through the Black Canyon of the Gunnison
it in the Rocky               (p777), and north on Hwy 24 to ritzy Vail (p764).
Mountains. This                  Relax a spell in laid-back Boulder (p753) and Rocky Mountain National Park
2000-mile route is            (p756). For time’s sake, stay north on I-25, and in Wyoming, take I-80 west
                              to Hwy 287: follow this to Lander (p780) for rock climbing. Now get thee to
built for those who
                              Grand Teton (p785) and Yellowstone (p781) National Parks.
don’t want to just               In Montana, take Hwy 89 north and I-90 west to Bozeman (p789) and
admire nature’s               Missoula (p792), both enjoyable places to stock up before the final push.
munificence, but              Serious wilderness calls in the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex (p795) and
to roll around in it,         Glacier National Park (p795).
                                 And really, there’s no reason not to keep following the Rockies into Can-
then swap stories             ada; if anything, Banff and Jasper National Parks only get more dramatically
over a beer.                  beautiful. But that’s a story for another book (namely, LP’s Canada).

                        Washington                    National
                                                       Park          2
                                                                      The Bob Marshall
                                                           93        Wilderness Complex

                                                                     90                                                             Dakota
                 Oregon                                                         89
                                               Idaho                                Yellowstone
                                                                                    National Park                                       South
                                                           Grand Teton
                                                          National Park                                                                 Dakota


                               Nevada                                                Rocky Mountain                   25
                                                                                       National Park             24
                                                             Utah                               Vail        70
                                                                               Black Canyon            24
                                                                             of the Gunnison                     Colorado
                                                                         National Monument
                                                                                            Ouray                                             Kansas
                                                                              Telluride     Silverton
            California                                                Mesa Verde           Durango
                                                                     National Park              64
                                                                                  Los Alamos                     Pueblos
                           Mojave                 Arizona                  Bandelier National             Santa Fe
                                                                                  Monument                                                   Oklahoma
                           Desert                                          ALBUQUERQUE
   PACIFIC                                                                                                     12               Texas
   OCEAN                                                                                  Mexico
I T I N E R A R I E S • • R o a d s Le s s T r a v e l e d   37

GENTLEMEN FARMERS & DAMN YANKEES                          Ten Days to Three Weeks/
                                              New York City to Acadia National Park
This is a good spring or summer trip, but in early fall – wow. Autumn
dresses New England in auburn and scarlet, and the air is so crisp you can
bite it. Stout personalities settled this region, which remains a mix of rugged
wilderness, efficient towns and tidy farms.                                                                                    Never experi-
    Arrive in New York City (p136); soak up the excitement, the cacophony,
the crowds. When you’re full, rent a car and head north on I-87. Dip into                                                      enced fall in New
the Catskills (p182) along Hwy 28 for a first taste of East Coast forests, then                                                England? Tired of
continue north for the real deal: the Adirondacks (p186). Settle in for a few                                                  hearing everyone
days in Lake Placid (p186) and explore the wilderness.                                                                         blather on? Time
    Take the ferry across Lake Champlain to youthful, outdoorsy Burlington                                                     this 1000-mile
(p279), a great introduction to New England. A sidetrip to the Lake Champlain
Islands (p279) is splendid, then take I-89 southeast, stopping at the ski-town of                                              trip right, and
Stowe (p278). At Montpelier (p277), take Hwy 302 east to New Hampshire.                                                        you’ll join the
    Hwy 302 turns into Hwy 112, the Kancamagus Hwy (p284), perhaps the                                                         proselytizers. Heck,
prettiest drive in New England, through the magnificent White Mountains                                                        it’s gorgeous any
(p284): waterfalls, hikes and quaint villages abound. At Hwy 16, go south
to historic, maritime Portsmouth (p281).                                                                                       season, the chow-
    Now follow I-95 into Maine. Lively Portland (p291) has surprisingly good                                                   der and lobster
eats. From Hwy 1, meander the Central Maine Coast (p294): you’re hunting                                                       kill, the maritime
clam chowder, fresh lobster and nautical ports to let loose your inner                                                         air stirs your blood,
sailor. Visit Bath (p294), Boothbay Harbor (p294), and Camden (p296), for                                                      and that damn
memorable windjammer cruises (p295).
    Finally, book yourself an historic inn in Bar Harbor (p298) and dive into                                                  Yankee ingenuity is
the unspoiled splendor of Acadia National Park (p297).                                                                         a marvel.

            CANADA                                                                                                      Bar Harbor
                                                                                                Camden             National
                                       Lake                                                           1
                                               Lake Champlain                                  Bath
                                     Champlain Islands                                                Boothbay
                                                               100                              95     Harbor
                                              2        Stowe
                             Adirondack                        MONTPELIER                        Portland
                                Park    86                      302
                                                  Burlington                  112
                                    3                                  White
                                    Lake             Vermont          Mountains
                                   Placid                                            16

                                                   Lake                   New             95
                                                  George                                         Portsmouth

                                                      87             Massachusetts
                                                                                               Rhode                          ATLANTIC
                                        Catskill Park                                          Island
                                                      28               Connecticut                                              OCEAN

                                                                 3     New York City
            Pennsylvania                                Jersey
38    I T I N E R A R I E S • • R o a d s Le s s T r a v e l e d

                              ALASKA’S INSIDE PASSAGE One to Three Weeks/Bellingham to Skagway
                              You can take a car, but if you are looking for an unforgettable journey that
                              doesn’t involve an automobile, consider cruising Alaska’s Inside Passage.
                                 In summer the Alaska Marine Hwy ferries stop at towns nearly every
                              day, and with advance notice you can get on and off at every one,
                              just as long as you keep traveling in the same direction. See p1059 for
                              ferry information.
                                 Fly into Seattle (p1003), Washington, and linger awhile or take a shuttle di-
                              rectly to Bellingham (p1021), where you catch the Alaska Marine Hwy ferry.
                                 The first stop is Ketchikan (p1059), which still has a rugged Western
                              feel. It might be worth renting a car once you land on Prince of Wales Island
                              (p1060), which is the third-largest island in the USA.
                                 Wrangell (p1060) was founded by Russians, while pretty Petersburg
                              (p1061) has a Norwegian heritage. Rich with Native American culture
                              and beautifully situated, Sitka (p1062) shouldn’t be missed. Busy Juneau
                              (p1063) is Alaska’s capital, and from here it’s easy to get close to magnifi-
                              cent Mendenhall Glacier (p1064).
                                 Haines (p1065) is another sizable town, and Skagway (p1067) is the end
                              of the line. It is a well-preserved, nonthreatening version of its once-
                              lawless gold-rush self.
                                 You can also fly into or out of Juneau, or make it a round-trip and take
                              the ferry back to Bellingham.

A trip through                                                       Skagway

Alaska’s Inside
Passage is proof                                                Haines

that Mother Nature
is one wild woman.
Awesome doesn’t                                                  Alaska          Mendenhall
begin to describe                                                                       JUNEAU

it. Calving glaciers,
forests thick as                                                                                                           CANADA
night, pods of                                                                    Island

whales, trees full
of eagles: it’s one                                                      Sitka

of the most memo-                                                        Baranof
rable trips ever.                                                         Island

                                                OCEAN                                                     of


                                                                                                             To Bellingham (920mi);
                                                                                                                Seattle (1000mi)                                                           I T I N E R A R I E S • • Ta i l o re d T r i p s   39

Combine a fierce sense of independence with a vast landscape and what
you get are crazies giving free rein to their obsessions. Call it ‘Americana.’
You’ve heard of the biggies (Mitchell’s Corn Palace, Las Vegas). Here are
some others you shouldn’t miss.
   First, what’s up with Stonehenge? Modern, personal iterations include
Nebraska’s Carhenge (p674), Virginia’s Foamhenge (p364), and Florida’s Coral
Castle (p509).
   Looking for the world’s largest…catsup bottle (p577)? Chair (p318)? Perhaps
just a really big chicken (p412)? Americans know supersizing.
   For sublime examples of ‘outsider’ or folk art, aim for Lucas, Kansas
(p679); Nitt Witt Ridge (p950); the Mystery Castle (p825); Dr Evermor’s Sculpture
Park (p619); and Houston’s Beer Can House (p713)
and Art Car Museum (p713).                                                               Dr Evermor's
   Sometimes Americans dress up madness by                                                 Park; Cow
calling it a ‘museum.’ What do you make of the                              Spam Museum Throw
                                                       Bigfoot                                     Sock
Spam Museum (p633), Leila’s Hair Museum (p657), the Discovery          Carhenge
                                                                                      Hair         Monkey
Bigfoot Discovery Museum (p950), or – wait for it –                 UFO
                                                                                 Museum            Festival
the American Sanitary Plumbing Museum (p257)?           Nitt Witt
                                                                  Watchtower     Lucas,       Largest          Foamhenge
                                                                                 Kansas       Catsup
   Americans celebrate strangely too! Join in the        Ridge
                                                                                              Bottle        Big Chicken
                                                                                Angola Prison
Interstate Mullet Toss (p541), the Cow Chip Throw                    Castle            Rodeo
                                                                                                 Interstate Coral
(p619) and the Sock Monkey Festival (p574). Cheer                                               Mullet Toss Castle
                                                                                     Art Car
on the inmates at the Angola Prison Rodeo (p450)!                                   Museum
                                                                                   & Beer Can
   Finally, if the folks on the ground aren’t alien                                   House
enough, look for the outer space kind at the
UFO Watchtower (p769). Hey, get married while
you wait!

Americans like to drink. The US Constitution’s 21st Amendment (which
ended the 14-year dry spell called Prohibition) establishes that emphatically,
even legally. And they’re quite good at making the stuff, too.
   These days, most states tout their ‘wine countries,’ and it ain’t all plonk. Cali-
fornia’s Napa and Sonoma Valleys (p974) are justifiably famous, but don’t neglect
Santa Barbara (p940), which is so good it inspired a movie: Sideways. Other wine
regions to tour include Washington’s Walla Walla (p1027), New York’s Finger Lakes
(p183), Long Island’s North Fork (p181), Virginia’s
Charlottesville (p361) and Texas Hill Country (p704).              Seattle
Cowboys knocking back merlot? Hell yeah.                   Portland      Walla Walla                             North
                                                                                                        Finger    Fork
   Americans have been brewing beer from the                                             Milwaukee
start. Despite being the home of bland major-label                 North Coast              Chicago    Charlottesville
beers (such as Pabst and Miller), Milwaukee (p614) Sonoma Napa &

remains a beer-lover’s destination, as is Chicago         Valleys          Durango                Bourbon Tour
(p547). The microbrewery renaissance began out                  Barbara
west: notable cities include Portland (p1028), Seat-
tle (p1003), Boulder (p753) and Durango (p770). In                                    Texas Hill
California, Wine Country (p950) and the North Coast                                    Country

(p950) are sprinkled with fine homemade suds.
   Those who prefer the hard stuff should make
time for Kentucky, whose bourbon tour (p484)
makes for a genteel Southern experience.
40   I T I N E R A R I E S • • Ta i l o re d T r i p s                               

                             Everybody wants to go across the USA, but traveling around it might
                             make an even better trip. Start at Maine’s Acadia National Park (p297) for
                             a sunrise hike. Then go to historic Martha’s Vineyard (p255), from where
                             it’s a quick tack to the USA’s most famous island, Manhattan (p136). Off
                             the Virginia coast is Chincoteague Island (p360), famous for its wild horses,
                             and off North Carolina are the Outer Banks (p377) and Cape Hatteras National
                             Seashore (p378), where the Wright brothers learned to fly, and you can too
                             – by hang gliding.
                                 Florida boasts Amelia Island (p525), the string-of-pearls Florida Keys (p510),
                             the islands of Dry Tortugas National Park (p519) and shell collecting on Sanibel
                                                                and Captiva Islands (p531).
      San Juan
       Islands                        Acadia National Park
                                                                   Continuing along the Gulf of Mexico is Texas’
                                                                resort town of Galveston (p718) and the gorgeously
                                        Martha's Vineyard
                                                                wild Padre Island National Seashore (p720) – not to
                                                                be confused with South Padre Island (p721), where
                                  Chincoteague Island
  Channel Islands                        Outer Banks &          ‘gorgeous and wild’ describes the spring break
  National Park                          Cape Hatteras
                                        National Seashore
                                                                party scene.
     Catalina Island
                                     Amelia Island                 At this point, sail through the Panama Canal
                                                 Sanibel &
                    Padre Island Galveston Captiva Islands
                                                                or go overland to California, where Catalina Island
                                    Dry Tortugas
                                                                (p921) has great snorkeling and Channel Islands
                     Seashore                           Florida
                                    National Park        Keys   National Park (p940) is ‘California’s Galápagos.’
                          South Padre
                             Island                             Keep going to Washington’s San Juan Islands
                                                                (p1021) and thence to the islands of Alaska’s
Inside Passage
                                                     Hawaii     Inside Passage (p1059). Finally, of course, don’t
                                                                forget Hawaii (p1085)!

                            WE’RE HERE, WE’RE QUEER
                           It’s never been more fun to be gay in the USA. So long as you’re not trying
                           to get married, gay travelers will find numerous places where they can be
                           themselves without thinking twice. Naturally, beaches and big cities tend to
                           be the gayest destinations, and why not? They’re the most fun!
                              Manhattan (p136) is too crowded and cosmopolitan to worry about who’s
                           holding hands, while Fire Island (p179) is the sandy gay mecca on Long Island.
                           Other East Coast cities that flaunt it are Boston (p243), Philadelphia (p197),
                           Washington, DC (p318), Baltimore (p334) and Provincetown (p251), Massachu-
                           setts. Why even Maine brags a gay beach destination: Ogunquit (p289).
                              In the South, there’s always steamy ‘Hotlanta’ (p409) and Texas gets darn-
                                                               right gay-friendly in Austin (p702) and parts of
                                                               Houston (p716). In Florida, Miami (p492) and the
                                                   Ogunquit    ‘Conch Republic’ of Key West (p514) support
                   Minneapolis           Manhattan      Boston
                                                               thriving gay communities, though Fort Lauderdale
                                                       Fire    (p504) attracts bronze boys too. Of course, every-
 San Francisco
                                 Washington, DC                one gets their freak on in New Orleans (p444).
   Los Angeles                                                    In the Midwest, seek out Chicago (p564) and
        Palm Springs                Atlanta                    Minneapolis (p625). You will have heard of San
                     Austin                 Fort Lauderdale    Francisco (p950), the happiest gay city in America,
                      Houston      New               Miami     and what can gays and lesbians do in Los Angeles
                                                    Key West   (p900)? Hmmm, just about anything. In fact,
                                                               when LA is too much, try Palm Springs (p934).
                                                                  Lastly, for an island idyll, Hawaii (p1085)
                                                   Hawaii      is gay-friendly generally, but particularly in
                                                               Waikiki (p1097).
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Usa 5 Getting Started

  • 1. © Lonely Planet Publications 22 Destination USA Regis St Louis The playwright Arthur Miller once said that the essence of America was its promise. For newly arrived immigrants and jetlagged travelers alike, that promise of America can take on near mythic proportions. America is a land of dazzling cities, towering redwoods, alpine lakes, rolling vine- yards, chiseled peaks, barren deserts and a dramatic coastline of unrivaled beauty. And that’s just one state (California). In the other 49 lie an astounding collection of natural and cultural wonders, from the wildly multihued tapestry of urban streets to the mountains, plains and forests that cover vast swaths of the continent. America is the home of LA, Las Vegas, Chicago, Miami, Boston and New FAST FACTS York City – each a brimming metropolis whose name alone conjures a Population: 302 million million different notions of culture, cuisine and entertainment. Gross Domestic Product Look more closely, and the American quilt unfurls in all its surprising (GDP): $11.9 trillion variety: the eclectic music scene of Austin, the easygoing charms of ante- bellum Savannah, the eco-consciousness of free-spirited Portland, the Inflation: 2.6% magnificent waterfront of San Francisco, and the captivating old quarters Unemployment: 4.5% of New Orleans, still rising up from their waterlogged foundations. Military defense budget This is a country of road trips and great open skies, where four million in 2006: $441.9 billion miles of highways lead past red-rock deserts, below towering mountain peaks, and across fertile wheat fields that roll off toward the horizon. The Barrels of oil consumed sun-bleached Native American hillsides of the Great Plains, the lush for- per day: 20.7 million ests of the Pacific Northwest and the scenic country lanes of New England Number of Americans are a few fine starting points for the great American road trip. living without health The world’s third-largest nation (geographically speaking) has also insurance: 46 million launched substantial contributions to the arts. It is from here that Geor- Average number of TV gia O’Keeffe’s wild landscapes, Robert Rauschenberg’s surreal collages, channels in a US home: Alexander Calder’s elegant mobiles and Jackson Pollock’s drip paintings 104.2 have entered the vernacular of avant-garde 20th century art. Cities such Number of states in as Chicago and New York are veritable drawing boards for the great which gay marriage is architects of the modern era. And musically speaking, America has few legal: 1 peers on the world stage. From the big-band jazz that was born in New Orleans, to the Memphis blues, Detroit’s Motown sound, plus funk, hip- Number of airline hop, country, and rock and roll – America has invented sounds integral passengers in 2006: 661 to any understanding of contemporary music. million Cuisine is another way of illuminating the American experience. On Percentage of citizens one evening in the USA, thick barbecue ribs and sizzling meats arrive who have passports: 20% fresh off the grill at a Tennessee roadhouse; miles away, talented chefs blend organic, fresh-from-the-garden produce with Asian accents at an award-winning West Coast restaurant. A smattering of locals get their fix of bagels and lox at a century-old deli in Manhattan’s Upper West Side, while several states away, plump pancakes and fried eggs disappear in a hurry under the clatter of cutlery at a 1950s-style diner. Steaming plates of fresh lobster served off a Maine pier, oysters and champagne in a fashion-conscious wine bar, beer and pizza at a Midwestern pub – these are just a few ways to dine à la Americana. But America isn’t just about its geography, its cities or its art and cuisine. It’s also about people. The ‘teeming nation of nations’ (as Walt Whitman described the USA), was built on immigration and still attracts more than one million new immigrants each year. Representatives from nearly every country can be found inside the boundaries of the USA, adding an astounding mix of ethnicities, religions and languages to
  • 2. D E S T I N AT I O N U S A 23 the diverse American character. In one county alone (New York City’s borough of Queens) residents speak some 138 languages and more than 40%. Although the topic of immigration remains a heated one (the subject has been a source of contention since the country’s inception), few Americans contest the enormous contributions made by fresh-faced immigrants over the centuries. In addition to the wide mix of racial and ethnic groups, America is a mishmash of factory workers and farmers, born-again Christians and Hatha yoga practitioners, literary-minded college students, tradi- tion-bound Native Americans, beer-swilling baseball lovers and back-to- nature commune dwellers. This is a country where regional stereotypes help Americans get a handle on their own elusive country, whether the people in question are gracious Southern belles, street-smart New Yorkers, humble Midwesterners, Southern Cal surfers or straight- talking Texans. The collective identity, however, goes only so far in defining Ameri- cans. This is, after all, a country that celebrates – or rather mythologizes – the feats of ‘rugged individualism’, a notion well supported by the enor- mous ranks of the great and dastardly alike that have left their mark on America. This is the land of Teddy Roosevelt, John Muir, Jack Kerouac, Andy Warhol, Frank Lloyd Wright, Elvis Presley and Muhammad Ali. It is also the birthplace of Billy the Kid, Al Capone, the Dukes of Hazzard and hundreds of other real and fictional characters who contribute to that portrait of the American hero or villain heading off into the sunset. Today’s stars shine no less brightly and each help redefine in some small way what it means to be American. From the inspiring activism of Willie Nelson and the auteur talents of filmmaker Jim Jarmusch to Al Gore’s lauded dedication to climate change, the powerful lyricism of Nobel Prize–winner Toni Morrison and the record-breaking achieve- ments of Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps, each have followed a dream that led them to undoubtedly surprising places. America is still a place where big dreamers can triumph over ad- versity. Although 40 years have passed since Martin Luther King was assassinated, his message of hope lives on. No one in recent history has demonstrated that more clearly than Barack Obama, America’s first African American president. ‘If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our found- ers is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.’ So began President-elect Barack Obama on the evening of November 4, 2008, following one of the most surprising presidential victories in history. The next day, newspapers across the country sold out quickly, despite enormously increased press runs, as Americans hurried out to snatch up a piece of history for which they themselves were responsible. In- deed, it was a historic moment for America. This once bitterly divided nation – with a legacy of slavery – looked past its differences and elected an African American man to the highest office in the land. And voters did so by an overwhelming margin. As Obama went on to say in his victory speech, ‘It’s been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this elec- tion, at this defining moment, change has come to America.’ Change – that magic word so bandied about by both parties in the run-up to the election – played a pivotal role in Obama’s success. Yet, despite the unprecedented moment in US history, change is no stranger on
  • 3. 24 D E S T I N AT I O N U S A the American scene. Even America’s creation was a daring paradigm shift in a world of monarchies and autocracies. A country founded as a religion-tolerant refuge by early colonists later became the world’s first – and perhaps its most brilliantly envisaged – democratic republic. Over the centuries, visionary statesman such as Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt have helped move the country in bold new directions, but it was courageous citizens, fighting (and sometimes sacrificing their lives) in the battle against injustice, who’ve brought about some of America’s most profound changes – in abolishing slavery, earning equal rights for women, protecting the environment and enshrining fair wages and work- ing conditions for laborers. Citizens from all walks of life have participated in ‘the great American experiment’, a concept that rewards bold ideas and hard work, no matter one’s place in society. The results of nurturing this entrepreneurial spirit have been far-reaching. From the historic flight by the Wright brothers to the Apollo moon landing, Americans have achieved ambitious goals. Technological revolutions beginning with Thomas Edison’s light bulb and Henry Ford’s automobile continue today in the pioneering work by Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Larry Page. Microsoft, iPod and Google have changed the way people work, learn and interact across the industrialized world. American advances in science, medicine and countless other fields have brought meaningful changes to many lives. The spirit of innovation remains alive and well, but on other fronts, Americans seem less optimistic. As this book went to press, predictions of a long, grave recession hung in the air, stemming in part from the mortgage meltdown that erupted late in the Bush presidency. Between 2007 and 2008, more than one million Americans lost their homes to foreclosure as unemployment soared – with some 10 million out of work (the highest figure since WWII). Health care is another dispiriting topic for many Americans. Despite playing a leading role in the advancement of medical technology, the USA remains the world’s only wealthy industrialized country that does not provide universal health care for its citizens. More than 46 million Americans currently live without health insurance, and analysts pre- dicted that the economic downturn and rising unemployment would add another two million to their ranks. Addressing these grievous issues – plus the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan – remain the biggest challenges of the day. Americans, however, are not easily put down. As John F Kennedy once said, ‘The American, by nature, is optimistic. He is experimental, an inventor and a builder who builds best when called upon to build greatly.’
  • 4. 25 Getting Started Got your map? Ready to plot your itinerary? Just remember: the USA covers a continent and more. Texas alone is twice the size of Germany, so you may need to adjust your sense of scale. It’s easy to get overambitious, blow your budget and spend more time getting to sights than actually seeing them. That old chestnut about packing – lay out everything you need and put half back – applies here too: plan what you want to see in the time you have, then take out half the stops. You’ll also need to consider transportation options carefully, balancing cost, See Climate Charts time and flexibility – and your carbon footprint. The ‘best’ mix varies by region (p1116) for more and route. For more ecotravel advice, see ‘Traveling Responsibly’ (p27). information. WHEN TO GO America’s size plays to the traveler’s advantage when it comes to weather: it’s always perfect somewhere in the US and just shy of Hades somewhere else. In other words, either your destination or your trip’s timing may need tweak- ing depending on the season. For more specific regional info, see each chapter’s ‘Land & Climate’ section. For current forecasts, visit The main holiday season is, naturally, summer, which typically begins on Memorial Day (the last Monday in May) and ends on Labor Day (the first Monday in September). But Americans take their holidays mainly in summer HOW MUCH? because schools are closed, not because the weather’s uniformly ideal: yes, Broadway show: hit the beaches in August, because Manhattan is a shimmering sweat bath $100-250 and the deserts are frying pans. Bottle of wine: $7-9 The seasons don’t arrive uniformly either. Spring (typically March to Gallon of milk: $3.50 May) and fall (usually September to November) are often the best travel times, but ‘spring’ in parts of the Rockies and Sierras may not come till June. Internet access per By then it’s only a sweet memory in Austin, while in Seattle, spring often hour: $3-5 means rain, rain, rain. Pound of apples: $1.20 And winter? It’s expensive high-season at ski resorts and in parts of the See also Lonely Planet southern US (blame migrating snowbirds), but planned well, winter can mean Index, inside front cover. you have the riches of America’s landscape virtually all to yourself. Whether you’re planning to join them or avoid them, holidays (p1121) and festivals (p1119) are another thing to consider. COSTS & MONEY An economical US trip is possible, but it is very, very easy to spend much more than you bargained for, no matter what your travel style. Mode of transportation is a big factor, as is destination: US cities don’t chip away at budgets, they jackhammer them into pieces. DON’T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT… Checking current US visa and passport requirements (p1127). Hotel reservations, particularly for your first night and near national parks (p1111). Your driver’s license and adequate liability insurance (p1142). Not driving? Do it anyway – you might change your mind once you see how big this place is. A handful of credit cards – they’re easier and safer than cash. An open mind. You’ll find elites in the Ozarks and hicks in Manhattan, and everything in between.
  • 5. 26 G E T T I N G S TA R T E D • • T r a v e l L i t e r a t u re Only the extremely thrifty will spend less than $100 a day. A comfortable midrange budget typically ranges from $175 to $225 a day; this usually gets you a car, gas, two meals, a good hotel and a museum admission or two. To travel on Spending over $300 a day isn’t hard: just splash out a few times, drive a lot, the cheap, and stay, eat and whoop it up in New York, Chicago, San Francisco etc. In this guide, we define a ‘midrange’ hotel very broadly (as $80 to $200): plan on in rural areas, $100 buys a princely night’s sleep, but in some cities, clean camping or places start at $200. The same math holds for meals. hosteling To travel on the cheap, plan on camping or hosteling ($15 to $25 a night), cooking some of your own meals, and touring by bus. It’s not hard, but it ($15 to $25 limits your flexibility and it’s slower (which isn’t so bad). Be wary of budget a night), motel come-ons; the sign might flash $39, but it’s probably for a single and cooking won’t include tax. Traveling by car is often a necessity. A rental is a minimum of $40 a day some of your (type of car, tax and level of insurance can push it higher), plus gas. Planning own meals, the great American road trip? Petrol could cost more than the car itself (say, and touring another $20 to $40 per day). Mainly, don’t forget the second part of that travel chestnut: after you halve by bus. your clothes, double your estimated budget, and it’ll work out fine. TRAVEL LITERATURE The American travelogue is its own literary genre. One could argue the first (and still the best) is Democracy in America (1835) by Alexis de Tocqueville, who wandered around talking to folks, then in pithy fashion distilled the philosophical underpinnings of the then-new American experiment. America is often most vividly described by non-Americans: two Russian satirists, Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov, road-tripped during the Great Depres- sion searching for the ‘real America’ (doesn’t everyone?), and their Ilf and Petrov’s American Road Trip (1935 & 2007) is a comic masterpiece laced with pungent critiques. Those who prefer their commentary, like their coffee, bitter and black should stuff The Air-Conditioned Nightmare (1945) by Henry Miller in their bag, written while the irascible Miller canvassed America during WWII. Celebrated travel writer Jan Morris was clearly smitten with the country in Coast to Coast (1956); it’s crisp, elegant and poignant, particularly her experience in the pre–Civil Rights South. Two other famous, and not to be missed, American travelogues are Jack Kerouac’s headlong On the Road (1957) and John Steinbeck’s Travels with Charley (1962), about his trek across America with his poodle for company. At a crossroad in life, William Least Heat-Moon’s Blue Highways (1982) is a moving pastiche of ‘average Americans’ as it follows one man’s attempt to find himself by losing himself. Not strictly a travelogue, On the Rez (2000) by Ian Frazier provides a good taste of what it’s like to be friends with an Oglala Sioux, and of contemporary Native American reservation life. It is a journey of history and heart that goes into America, rather than across it. Some make a life of crossing America. In American Nomads (2003), Englishman Richard Grant meditates on all those mythic types (the Indians, cowboys, truckers and hobos) who, like him, can’t seem to stop wandering the West. While family-man and cross-country warrior Robert Sullivan does much the same in Cross Country (2006), but with kids. Both make ideal companions. See p65 for American literature.
  • 6. G E T T I N G S TA R T E D 27 TRAVELING RESPONSIBLY Since our inception in 1973, Lonely Planet has encouraged our readers to tread lightly, travel responsibly and enjoy the serendipitous magic independent travel affords. International travel is growing at a jaw-dropping rate, and we still firmly believe in the benefits it can bring – but, as always, we encourage you to consider the impact your visit will have on both the global environment and the local economies, cultures and ecosystems. In America, ‘going green’ has become seriously trendy, and businesses of all stripes now slap ‘we’re green!’ stickers on their products and services (though many Americans would agree with The Simpsons Movie when it calls global warming ‘an irritating truth’). For the traveler, determining how ecofriendly a business actually is can be difficult. Thankfully many resources are springing up, and we have tried to recommend ecofriendly businesses (and highlight local green initia- tives) throughout this guide. To Drive or Not to Drive Where adequate public transportation exists, choosing it over renting a car will decrease your carbon footprint. But realistically, a car is often a necessity in the US – so, choose ecofriendly cars when available (ask the majors – they’re getting them!). The auto association Better World Club (www; p1141) supports environmental legislation and offers eco-friendly services. Two US car rental companies specializing in hybrid and electric cars are Bio-Beetle (www and EV Rental Cars (, though locations are currently limited (mainly Hawaii, California and Arizona). To Buy or Not to Buy State and regional tourism associations are springing up to certify ecofriendly businesses, hotels, services, tours and outfitters. Here is a list of some; review them before making reservations. Alaska Wilderness Recreation and Tourism Association ( Chicago Sustainable Business Alliance ( Go Nomad ( Ecotours worldwide. Green Hotel Association ( Ecofriendly hotels nationwide. Greenopia ( San Francisco and Los Angeles ecoguides (eventually to a dozen cities). Hawaii Ecotourism Association ( Travel Green Wisconsin (www.travelgreenwisconsin) Vital Communities ( Green restaurants and local farmers markets in Vermont and New Hampshire. Sustainable Travel: The Bigger Picture ‘Sustainable travel’ is more than making ‘green’ choices; it’s a way of interacting as you walk. It’s practicing low-impact hiking and camping (p102). It’s perhaps adding volunteering to a va- cation (p1130). It’s also simply learning about destinations and cultures and understanding the challenges they face. For national and regional issues, see the Environment chapter (p103) and check out these resources: ( Official website for the documentary An Inconvenient Truth; offers carbon offset programs, advice and information. Hawaii 2050 ( State-sponsored initiative to create a sustainable Hawaiian economy. National Geographic Center for Sustainable Destinations ( /sustainable) Promotes ‘geotourism’ with its ‘Geocharter maps’; currently three in the US: Arizona’s Sonoran Desert, Vermont and Appalachia. Sustainable Travel International ( Provides ecoguides, tour booking, a carbon-offset program and more.
  • 7. 28 G E T T I N G S TA R T E D 10 Hawaii UN (USA) S TAT I T E D TOP E AM E R S O F ICA Washin DC gton, PARTIES & PARADES Americans will use any excuse to party. Seriously. There’s a festival for sock monkeys (p574)! No slight to sock monkey fans, but here are 10 worth planning a trip around. For more, see the destination chapters, see p1119 and visit 1 Mummer’s Parade, Philadelphia (Pennsylva- 6 Gullah Festival, Beaufort (South Carolina), nia), New Year’s Day (p206) late May (p399) 2 Mardi Gras, New Orleans (Louisiana), Febru- 7 Red Earth Native American Cultural Festival, ary or March (p440) Oklahoma City (Oklahoma), early June (p683) 3 National Cherry Blossom Festival, Washing- 8 SF Gay Pride Month, San Francisco (Califor- ton, DC, late March/April (p319) nia), June (p964) 4 Conch Republic Independence Celebration, 9 Great American Beer Festival, Denver (Colo- Key West (Florida), April (p517) rado), early September (p749) 5 Fiesta San Antonio (Texas), mid-April 10 American Royal Barbecue, Kansas City (Mis (p708) souri), early October (p655) GOOD BOOKS A good book is as essential to a successful trip as gas in the car and money in your wallet. Here are our recommendations for 10 great recent novels that capture a kaleidoscope of American regional voices. 1 Flight (2007) by Sherman Alexie 6 Wounded (2005) by Percival Everett 2 Later, at the Bar (2007) by Rebecca Barry 7 Returning to Earth (2006) by Jim Harrison 3 Talk Talk (2007) by TC Boyle 8 The Shape Shifter (2006) by Tony Hillerman 4 The Yiddish Policeman’s Union (2007) by 9 Sight Hound (2005) by Pam Houston Michael Chabonn 10 The Plot Against America (2004) by Philip 5 I Love You, Beth Cooper (2007) by Larry Doyle Roth SCENIC DRIVES A road trip is nothing without roads. Here are 10 doozies. Frankly, we had to arm-wrestle over favorites, so consider this list incomplete. See the Itineraries chapter (p30) for more, and for America’s ‘official’ scenic roads, visit 1 Hana Hwy (Hwy 360), Maui, Hawaii: 38 miles 7 Delmarva Peninsula (Hwys 50 and 13): 210 from Pauwela to Hana (p1106) miles from Annapolis, Maryland, to Virginia 2 Turquoise Trail (Hwy 14), New Mexico: 45 Beach, Virginia (p337 and p360) miles from Albuquerque to Santa Fe (p875) 8 Route 66 (initial section): 300 miles from 3 Columbia River Hwy (Hwy 30), Oregon: 74 Chicago, Illinois, to St Louis, Missouri miles from Troutdale to The Dalles (p1042) (p576) 4 Pig Trail Byway (Hwy 23), Arkansas: 80 miles 9 Pacific Coast Hwy (Hwy 1), California: 332 from Ozark to Eureka Springs (p457) miles from San Francisco to Santa Barbara 5 Hwy 12, Utah: 107 miles from Torrey to (p940). Bryce Canyon NP (p868) 10 Blue Ridge Parkway: 469 miles from Shen- 6 Overseas Hwy (Hwy 1), Florida: 160 miles andoah NP, Virginia, to Great Smoky Moun- from Miami to Key West (p510). tains NP, North Carolina (p364)
  • 8. G E T T I N G S TA R T E D • • I n t e r n e t R e s o u r c e s 29 INTERNET RESOURCES Bathroom Diaries ( A compilation of clean bathrooms worldwide (with awards!), including every state in the USA. Its bathroom stories are a hoot. Johnny Jet ( Compiled by an inveterate traveler, this website links to perhaps all the travel information you’ll ever need. Lonely Planet ( US travel news and summaries, the Thorn Tree bulletin board, and links to more web resources. Roadside America ( Sure, see the Statue of Liberty. But don’t miss the ‘Muffler Men’! For weird, wacky Americana, start here. Roadtrip America ( Planning the classic road trip? This site helps with nitty-gritty tips: routes, driving advice, fuel calculator, eating and much more. ( The closest thing to a national tourism information resource, on the US government’s official website.
  • 9. 30 Itineraries CLASSIC ROUTES Why are easterners CITIES BY THE SEA 10 Days to Three Weeks/Boston to Maryland so cranky? Because The nice thing about East Coast metropoli? They’re near the beach! Balance East Coast high- culture, history and cuisine with coastal idylls and long naps in the sun. Arrive in revolutionary Bah-ston (p229), then go to sandy Cape Cahd (p246), ways couldn’t be and keep going till you reach Prah-vincetown (p251), where the Pilgrims more congested. landed. Pretty, ain’t it? So why on earth Scoot around on I-195 to Rhode Island’s quaint Newport (p262); time your do this road trip? visit for a music festival (p264). Now, tackle New York City (p136). Once you’ve had your fill of the bustling Slow down, avoid Big Apple, escape to the Hamptons (p179) on Long Island; what was the rush hour, hit the hurry, again? beaches often, and In New Jersey, go ‘down the shore’ to Long Beach Island (p194), and if you’re for 1000 detour- the gambling sort, Atlantic City (p195) and its boardwalk. laden miles it’s one Then, make time for Philadelphia (p197), Baltimore (p325), and Washington, DC (p306). You did plan three weeks, right? first-class metropo- Finally, cross Chesapeake Bay and relax on Maryland’s Eastern Shore (p337), lis after another. and get your mellow back for good at Assateague Island (boxed text, p340). New CANADA Hampshire Vermont Provincetown BOSTON Massachusetts 3 3 New York 195 Cape Cod Rhode Island Newport Connecticut 95 The Hamptons Long Beach Island 495 New York City New Pennsylvania Jersey Garden State Parkway Philadelphia Atlantic City Atlantic City 95 Expressway Baltimore Chesapeake Bay Delaware ATLANTIC 95 50 OCEAN WASHINGTON 20 Assateague Island West Virginia Maryland Virginia
  • 10. ITINERARIES •• Classic Routes 31 THE LEFT COAST Two to Three Weeks/Portland to Joshua Tree Geographically and politically, the West Coast couldn’t be further from Washington, DC. This is a trip for those who lean left, and who like their nature ancient and ornery. You won’t need to shave but once or twice. Pretty, affable Portland (p1028) is a great place to start. Then jump right into nature’s bounty by driving east along the Columbia River Gorge (boxed text, p1042). At The Dalles, turn south and make for Mount Hood (p1043) for skiing or hiking (depending on the season). From Bend (p1044), enjoy more cascades adventures in the Three Sisters Wilderness Area (p1044) and Crater Lake (p1045). Catch a Shakespearian play at Ashland (p1045), then trade the mountains for the coast: enter California via Hwy 199 and the magnificent Redwood National Park (p981). Hug the coast through funky North Coast towns (p978), get lost on the Lost Coast (p980), catch Hwy 1 and buy art in Mendocino (p979). Make your way inland to Napa Valley (p974) for a wash-up and wine tasting, and thence to the hilly, defiantly strange burg of San Francisco (p950). Return to scenic Hwy 1 (p950) through Santa Cruz (p948), Monterey (p946) and most of all, Big Sur (p944), where you can get seriously scruffy again. By the time you reach Hearst Castle (p944) you can actually start swimming in the water. Finally, Los Angeles (p900) – aka LA, la-la land, the city of angels. Go ahead, indulge your fantasies of Hollywood (p906), Venice Beach (p912) and club culture (p918). Then, creeped out by artifice perhaps, hop aboard a ferry for the wildlife-rich Channel Islands (p940) and make a desert pilgrimage to Joshua Tree National Park (p936). Aaah, that’s better. Let’s see. In 1400 CANADA miles, is there eco- friendly outdoor Washington adventure? Check. Columbia River Gorge Microbrews and Portland 84 Mount Hood (1,239ft) 197 Montana fine wines? Check. Three Sisters Wilderness Area Bend Heart-stopping Crater Lake 97 Oregon ancient forests Redwoods 199 5 62 Idaho and mountains? National Park Ashland Lost Check. Legendary 101 Coast Wyoming coastal drives? PACIFIC Mendocino Check. Freaks, OCEAN 1 Napa visionaries and 29 Valley Nevada radicals? Check. San Francisco Santa Cruz Utah Surf beaches, Monterey Big Sur Colorado gourmet cuisine, 1 California cutting-edge art, Hearst Castle multicultural cit- 101 ies? Check, check, Los Angeles Channel Islands check. Why, it’s the 10 New Joshua Tree Arizona Mexico West Coast! National Park MEXICO
  • 11. 32 ITINERARIES •• Classic Routes THE GREAT RIVER ROAD 10 Days to Two Weeks/Minneapolis to New Orleans The Mississippi River marks a physical and psychological divide, and along this spine runs America’s greatest music: blues, jazz, and rock and roll. Hwy 61 is the legendary route, though numerous other roads join up, run parallel and intersect with it. Progressive, artistic, youthful Minneapolis (p623) is the easiest starting point, though some might want to start further north in Hibbing (p635), Bob Dylan’s birthplace. Hwy 61 then winds scenically on either side of the Mississippi River to Hannibal (p650), Missouri, the birthplace of Mark Twain. Gateway to the West, St Louis (p643) also bills itself as the ‘Home of the Blues,’ though original rock-and-roller Chuck Berry still plays here, too. The next major destination is Memphis (p460), where you can pay homage to Elvis Presley at Graceland and rock and roll at Sun Studio. To complete your musical pilgrimage, take a quick detour on I-40 to Nashville (p468), the home of country music. South of Memphis, Hwy 61 runs through the Mississippi Delta (p427), where the blues was born: Clarksdale (p427) is where Robert Johnson bargained with the devil. The town’s still jumpin’ with blues joints, while Natchez (p431) is full of antebellum homes. South of Baton Rouge, a detour along Hwy 1 leads past the famous 19th- century Mississippi River Plantations (p449). Then you arrive at New Orleans (p433), birthplace of jazz. The ‘Big Easy,’ despite its recent hard times (p432), is a place where lazy mornings blend into late nights, and you should leave plenty of time to go with the flow. Just about all of Hibbing CANADA North the epic, legen- Dakota Mi ch dary, even revo- Minne- ig a sota n lutionary history Wisconsin Minneapolis of American music South 61 Dakota can be experienced along this 1200- Iowa mile stretch of Ohio the Mississippi Nebraska Indiana Illinois River. Throw in a Hannibal 400-mile sidetrip St Louis to Nashville, and Kansas 61 Kentucky Missouri what you have is Tennessee the musical journey NASHVILLE 40 of a lifetime. Arkansas Oklahoma a Memphis elt Mis s is s ippi D Clarksdale Georgia Missis- Alabama 61 sippi Louisiana Natchez Texas Florida Mississippi River Plantations New Orleans Gulf of Mexico
  • 12. ITINERARIES •• Classic Routes 33 GO EAST, YOUNG MAN Three Weeks to One Month/San Francisco to Miami For those contemplating the full monty, coast to coast, here’s a suggestion: start in San Francisco and head into the rising sun. This route snags some seriously fun cities and some classic American scenery, but be warned: it’ll be hot come July and August. From anything-goes San Francisco (p950), head for Yosemite (p989) and Sequoia National Parks (p993) in the Sierra Nevada – now that’s scenery! Skirt the Mojave Desert (p938) on I-15 and hit Las Vegas (p809) – now that’s fun! Stop at the Grand Canyon (p835) for the obligatory photo-op, rattle around This is the trip funky Flagstaff (p831) and Sedona (p833), and roll east on I-40. you have to do at In New Mexico, unlike Bugs Bunny, take that left at Albuquerque (p873) least once – coast along the Turquoise Trail (p875) and detour to artsy, adobe Santa Fe (p879), to coast, ocean to just cause it’s so cute. Drop south on I-25 through scenic southwestern New Mexico (p890), pick up ocean, sunrise to I-10 into Texas, and admire jaw-dropping Big Bend National Park (p734). Saunter sunset (or in this through bucolic Texas Hill Country (p703) to Austin (p695), for good music and case, vice versa). drinking. Pause for folk art in Houston (p710) then giddy-up for party-central, It’s 3500 miles, New Orleans (p433). Keep dancing and eatin’ in Cajun Country (p450). Depending on your time, explore fun-loving Mobile (p425) and the beaches give or take. Some of the Florida Panhandle (p538), but whatever you do, visit Walt Disney World do it in days, oth- (p535); like the Grand Canyon, it must be seen to be believed. ers take months. Now, along Florida’s Gulf Coast, enjoy St Petersburg (p528), clown around There’s no right or in Sarasota (p530) and pick seashells at Sanibel & Captiva Islands (p531). Bisect wrong, no rules, the alligator-filled swamps of the tremendous Everglades (p506) and arrive in Miami (p492). Finally, with a beach, a mojito and some Cuban cuisine, no ‘best’ route. you’re ready to party till sunrise. Sweet! Just go. James Bay CANADA Maine Washington Vermont North Minnesota NH Montana Massachusetts Dakoda Oregon RI Wisconsin New South York CT Idaho Michigan Dakoda Wyoming Pennsylvania NJ California Nevada Iowa DE San Nebraska Ohio Francisco Yosemite Indiana West 120 National Illinois Virginia Maryland Park Utah 41 Colorado Virginia Sequoia National Las Vegas Kansas Kentucky North 65 Park Missouri Grand Canyon Carolina 15 National Park 58 93 Tennessee South 40 Flagstaff Santa Fe Arkansas Mojave 40 ALBUQUERQUE Oklahoma Carolina National Sedona Preserve New Mexico Mississippi Georgia Arizona ATLANTIC 25 Alabama Texas Louisiana OCEAN 10 Mobile 10 98 10 Austin 50 Walt Disney World 385 10 NEW ORLEANS 290 90 4 Big Bend St Petersburg National Park Houston Florida Sarasota Sanibel & 41 MIAMI MEXICO Gulf of Captiva Islands PACIFIC Everglades Mexico National Park OCEAN CUBA
  • 13. 34 ITINERARIES •• Classic Routes WESTERN MIGRATIONS Two to Three Weeks/Chicago to Seattle ‘The West’ is not one thing. It’s a panoply of landscapes and personalities that unfold as, like an eager pioneer, you journey from past to future. No single route could capture it all; this stretch of I-90 is book-ended by world-class cities and packed with heartbreakingly beautiful country. From Midwest to Chicago (p547) – the Second City, the Windy City – is the Midwest’s great- est city. Follow I-90 to youthful Madison (p617) and the quirk along Hwy 12 Wild West to New (p619) to dispel any myths about Midwestern sobriety. West: this route is Detour north to arty Minneapolis (p623) for more Midwest liberalism. Return a 2700-mile medi- to I-90 and activate cruise control, admiring the corn (and the Corn Palace, tation on America’s p665) and the flat, flat South Dakota plains. See why Westerners are crazy? evolving western Hit the brakes for the Badlands (p666) and plunge into the reckless Wild West. In the Black Hills (p667), contemplate competing monuments at Mount frontier. Only by Rushmore (p670) and Crazy Horse (p670). Watch mythic gunfights in Dead- seeing the West’s wood (p669) and visit the sobering Pine Ridge Reservation (p666), site of the endless plains, Wounded Knee massacre. eroded deserts, Halfway across Wyoming, take Hwy 14 to Cody (p779) for the rodeo. Save plenty of time for the wild majesty and wildlife of Yellowstone (p781) and towering moun- Grand Teton National Parks (p785). tains and ragged Through Montana, the newly hip ranching towns of Bozeman (p789) and coast can you begin Missoula (p792) make fun stops. For serious western adventure, detour to to understand Glacier National Park (p795) and the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex (p795). its inhabitants’ Back on I-90 into Washington, stop in unassuming Spokane (p1024) and end in Seattle (p1003) – which embodies the high-tech, eco-conscious singular multiple New West. Still got time? Take in Mount Rainier (p1025), Olympic National Park personalities. (p1017), and the San Juan Islands (p1021). See why everyone went west? CANADA San Juan Islands Olympic Glacier National 5 National Park SEATTLE Park 101 Washington Mt Rainier 2 (14,411ft) 90 Spokane 93 Missoula Montana North Minnesota 90 Bozeman Michigan Dakoda 89 Oregon Yellowstone National Park Cody Wisconsin South MINNEAPOLIS 14 Grand Teton 90 Dakoda Corn Palace National Park 35 94 Mt Rushmore (Mitchell) 90 Idaho Black Hills MADISON Badlands Wyoming 90 National Park Iowa CHICAGO Nebraska Indiana Nevada Illinois Utah Colorado California Kansas Missouri Kentucky Tennessee Oklahoma Arkansas PACIFIC Arizona OCEAN New Mexico Texas Mississippi MEXICO Louisiana
  • 14. I T I N E R A R I E S • • R o a d s Le s s T r a v e l e d 35 ROADS LESS TRAVELED THE GRAND CIRCLE Two to Four Weeks/Las Vegas to Las Vegas In another era, the Grand Circle was a leisure-class journey to all the rug- ged, raw natural splendors of the New World. It took several months, and still can, but today you only need a few weeks to witness some of the most amazing geological spectacles Mother Nature has yet devised – as well as get acquainted with Southwest Native American cultures. Nothing natural about Las Vegas (p809), but it’s a great place to start. From here, take I-15 northeast to Utah’s Zion National Park (p871). Catch Hwy 89 and then go east on Hwy 12 (p868) – one of the most amazing drives in the world, containing as it does Bryce Canyon National Park (p870), the Grand Stair- case-Escalante National Monument (p869) and Capitol Reef National Park (p868). You’ll gain a new appreciation for rock. Take Hwy 24 to I-70, head east, then catch Hwy 191 south to Moab (p865), Arches National Park (p866) and Canyonlands National Park (p867). Head south- east on Hwy 666 to Mesa Verde National Park (p776), then take your cultural wonder west on Hwy 160 to Monument Valley (p843) and the Navajo National Monument (p843). Double back to go south on Hwy 191 to catch Canyon de Chelly National Monument (p843), then west on Hwy 264 through the mesas of the Hopi Indian Reservation (p844). Next, it’s the granddaddy of river erosion, the Grand Canyon (p835). Go south and clean up in Flagstaff (p831), then return to Las Vegas by I-40 and Hwy 93, pausing to admire the concrete pile called Hoover Dam (p818). Canyons a mile deep, deserts Utah painted a rainbow, crumbling buttes, Nevada 70 Capitol Reef National Park 191 Arches pueblo-topped 24 National Moab Park mesas, ancient Canyonlands National Park civilizations hidden Zion National 12 Colorado in the cliffs – you Park Bryce Canyon Grand Staircase- Escalante National 491 can’t make this Monument 15 National Park stuff up. To see it Monument Las Vegas Valley all requires 1400 Navajo 160 Mesa Verde Hoover Dam National 160 National brutal miles of Monument 191 Park Grand Canyon National Park slow, sun-baked 93 264 Canyon de roads, and it’s Chelly National Hopi Indian Monument worth every saddle Reservation 40 sore. Flagstaff California New Mexico Arizona
  • 15. 36 I T I N E R A R I E S • • R o a d s Le s s T r a v e l e d THE CONTINENTAL DIVIDE Two to Four Weeks/ Albuquerque to Glacier National Park On one side rivers run east, on the other, west. You’ll trace the mountains in between, finding constant excuses to ditch the car and hike, climb, raft, bike, ski and get dirty. Just remember: the mountains only get prettier further north, so don’t forget to drive. Start in Albuquerque (p873) and take the Turquoise Trail (p875) to arty Santa Fe (p879). Between here and trippy Taos (p886), check out the Pueblos (p884), Work hard, play atomic Los Alamos (p885) and Bandelier National Monument (p885) for camping. hard – or at Follow Hwy 84 into Colorado. Enjoy bikes and brews in Durango (p770) least, play hard. and admire the ancient cliff-dwellings of Mesa Verde (p776). Ready for more Name it, and you scenery? Take the ‘Million Dollar Hwy’ (Hwy 550), stopping in Silverton (p771); for hot springs in Ouray (p772); and a quick detour to gorgeous Tel- can probably do luride (p773). Then go east on Hwy 50, through the Black Canyon of the Gunnison it in the Rocky (p777), and north on Hwy 24 to ritzy Vail (p764). Mountains. This Relax a spell in laid-back Boulder (p753) and Rocky Mountain National Park 2000-mile route is (p756). For time’s sake, stay north on I-25, and in Wyoming, take I-80 west to Hwy 287: follow this to Lander (p780) for rock climbing. Now get thee to built for those who Grand Teton (p785) and Yellowstone (p781) National Parks. don’t want to just In Montana, take Hwy 89 north and I-90 west to Bozeman (p789) and admire nature’s Missoula (p792), both enjoyable places to stock up before the final push. munificence, but Serious wilderness calls in the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex (p795) and to roll around in it, Glacier National Park (p795). And really, there’s no reason not to keep following the Rockies into Can- then swap stories ada; if anything, Banff and Jasper National Parks only get more dramatically over a beer. beautiful. But that’s a story for another book (namely, LP’s Canada). CANADA Glacier Washington National Park 2 The Bob Marshall 93 Wilderness Complex Missoula North Montana 90 Dakota Bozeman Oregon 89 Idaho Yellowstone National Park South 89 Grand Teton National Park Dakota 287 Wyoming Lander 287 80 Nevada Rocky Mountain 25 Nebraska National Park 24 Boulder Utah Vail 70 Black Canyon 24 of the Gunnison Colorado National Monument 50 550 Ouray Kansas Telluride Silverton California Mesa Verde Durango National Park 64 Taos Los Alamos Pueblos Mojave Arizona Bandelier National Santa Fe Monument Oklahoma Desert ALBUQUERQUE PACIFIC 12 Texas New OCEAN Mexico
  • 16. I T I N E R A R I E S • • R o a d s Le s s T r a v e l e d 37 GENTLEMEN FARMERS & DAMN YANKEES Ten Days to Three Weeks/ New York City to Acadia National Park This is a good spring or summer trip, but in early fall – wow. Autumn dresses New England in auburn and scarlet, and the air is so crisp you can bite it. Stout personalities settled this region, which remains a mix of rugged wilderness, efficient towns and tidy farms. Never experi- Arrive in New York City (p136); soak up the excitement, the cacophony, the crowds. When you’re full, rent a car and head north on I-87. Dip into enced fall in New the Catskills (p182) along Hwy 28 for a first taste of East Coast forests, then England? Tired of continue north for the real deal: the Adirondacks (p186). Settle in for a few hearing everyone days in Lake Placid (p186) and explore the wilderness. blather on? Time Take the ferry across Lake Champlain to youthful, outdoorsy Burlington this 1000-mile (p279), a great introduction to New England. A sidetrip to the Lake Champlain Islands (p279) is splendid, then take I-89 southeast, stopping at the ski-town of trip right, and Stowe (p278). At Montpelier (p277), take Hwy 302 east to New Hampshire. you’ll join the Hwy 302 turns into Hwy 112, the Kancamagus Hwy (p284), perhaps the proselytizers. Heck, prettiest drive in New England, through the magnificent White Mountains it’s gorgeous any (p284): waterfalls, hikes and quaint villages abound. At Hwy 16, go south to historic, maritime Portsmouth (p281). season, the chow- Now follow I-95 into Maine. Lively Portland (p291) has surprisingly good der and lobster eats. From Hwy 1, meander the Central Maine Coast (p294): you’re hunting kill, the maritime clam chowder, fresh lobster and nautical ports to let loose your inner air stirs your blood, sailor. Visit Bath (p294), Boothbay Harbor (p294), and Camden (p296), for and that damn memorable windjammer cruises (p295). Finally, book yourself an historic inn in Bar Harbor (p298) and dive into Yankee ingenuity is the unspoiled splendor of Acadia National Park (p297). a marvel. Maine 3 CANADA Bar Harbor 1 Acadia Camden National Park 90 Lake 1 Lake Champlain Bath Champlain Islands Boothbay 100 95 Harbor 2 Stowe Adirondack MONTPELIER Portland 89 Park 86 302 Burlington 112 3 White 73 Lake Vermont Mountains Placid 16 Lake New 95 George Portsmouth Hampshire Lake 87 Massachusetts New Ontario York Rhode ATLANTIC Catskill Park Island 28 Connecticut OCEAN 3 New York City New Pennsylvania Jersey
  • 17. 38 I T I N E R A R I E S • • R o a d s Le s s T r a v e l e d ALASKA’S INSIDE PASSAGE One to Three Weeks/Bellingham to Skagway You can take a car, but if you are looking for an unforgettable journey that doesn’t involve an automobile, consider cruising Alaska’s Inside Passage. In summer the Alaska Marine Hwy ferries stop at towns nearly every day, and with advance notice you can get on and off at every one, just as long as you keep traveling in the same direction. See p1059 for ferry information. Fly into Seattle (p1003), Washington, and linger awhile or take a shuttle di- rectly to Bellingham (p1021), where you catch the Alaska Marine Hwy ferry. The first stop is Ketchikan (p1059), which still has a rugged Western feel. It might be worth renting a car once you land on Prince of Wales Island (p1060), which is the third-largest island in the USA. Wrangell (p1060) was founded by Russians, while pretty Petersburg (p1061) has a Norwegian heritage. Rich with Native American culture and beautifully situated, Sitka (p1062) shouldn’t be missed. Busy Juneau (p1063) is Alaska’s capital, and from here it’s easy to get close to magnifi- cent Mendenhall Glacier (p1064). Haines (p1065) is another sizable town, and Skagway (p1067) is the end of the line. It is a well-preserved, nonthreatening version of its once- lawless gold-rush self. You can also fly into or out of Juneau, or make it a round-trip and take the ferry back to Bellingham. A trip through Skagway Alaska’s Inside Passage is proof Haines that Mother Nature is one wild woman. Awesome doesn’t Alaska Mendenhall Glacier begin to describe JUNEAU it. Calving glaciers, forests thick as CANADA Admiralty night, pods of Island whales, trees full of eagles: it’s one Sitka of the most memo- Baranof Petersburg rable trips ever. Island Kupreanof Island Wrangell PACIFIC Prince OCEAN of Wales Island Ketchikan To Bellingham (920mi); Seattle (1000mi)
  • 18. I T I N E R A R I E S • • Ta i l o re d T r i p s 39 TAILORED TRIPS DUDE, THAT’S WEIRD Combine a fierce sense of independence with a vast landscape and what you get are crazies giving free rein to their obsessions. Call it ‘Americana.’ You’ve heard of the biggies (Mitchell’s Corn Palace, Las Vegas). Here are some others you shouldn’t miss. First, what’s up with Stonehenge? Modern, personal iterations include Nebraska’s Carhenge (p674), Virginia’s Foamhenge (p364), and Florida’s Coral Castle (p509). Looking for the world’s largest…catsup bottle (p577)? Chair (p318)? Perhaps just a really big chicken (p412)? Americans know supersizing. For sublime examples of ‘outsider’ or folk art, aim for Lucas, Kansas (p679); Nitt Witt Ridge (p950); the Mystery Castle (p825); Dr Evermor’s Sculpture Park (p619); and Houston’s Beer Can House (p713) American and Art Car Museum (p713). Dr Evermor's Sculpture Sanitary Plumbing Sometimes Americans dress up madness by Park; Cow Museum Chip calling it a ‘museum.’ What do you make of the Spam Museum Throw Bigfoot Sock Spam Museum (p633), Leila’s Hair Museum (p657), the Discovery Carhenge Leila's Hair Monkey World's Largest Museum Bigfoot Discovery Museum (p950), or – wait for it – UFO Museum Festival World's Chair the American Sanitary Plumbing Museum (p257)? Nitt Witt Watchtower Lucas, Largest Foamhenge Kansas Catsup Americans celebrate strangely too! Join in the Ridge Mystery Bottle Big Chicken Angola Prison Interstate Mullet Toss (p541), the Cow Chip Throw Castle Rodeo Interstate Coral (p619) and the Sock Monkey Festival (p574). Cheer Mullet Toss Castle Art Car on the inmates at the Angola Prison Rodeo (p450)! Museum & Beer Can Finally, if the folks on the ground aren’t alien House enough, look for the outer space kind at the UFO Watchtower (p769). Hey, get married while you wait! BOTTOMS UP! Americans like to drink. The US Constitution’s 21st Amendment (which ended the 14-year dry spell called Prohibition) establishes that emphatically, even legally. And they’re quite good at making the stuff, too. These days, most states tout their ‘wine countries,’ and it ain’t all plonk. Cali- fornia’s Napa and Sonoma Valleys (p974) are justifiably famous, but don’t neglect Santa Barbara (p940), which is so good it inspired a movie: Sideways. Other wine regions to tour include Washington’s Walla Walla (p1027), New York’s Finger Lakes (p183), Long Island’s North Fork (p181), Virginia’s Charlottesville (p361) and Texas Hill Country (p704). Seattle Cowboys knocking back merlot? Hell yeah. Portland Walla Walla North Finger Fork Americans have been brewing beer from the Milwaukee Lakes start. Despite being the home of bland major-label North Coast Chicago Charlottesville Boulder beers (such as Pabst and Miller), Milwaukee (p614) Sonoma Napa & remains a beer-lover’s destination, as is Chicago Valleys Durango Bourbon Tour Santa (p547). The microbrewery renaissance began out Barbara west: notable cities include Portland (p1028), Seat- tle (p1003), Boulder (p753) and Durango (p770). In Texas Hill California, Wine Country (p950) and the North Coast Country (p950) are sprinkled with fine homemade suds. Those who prefer the hard stuff should make time for Kentucky, whose bourbon tour (p484) makes for a genteel Southern experience.
  • 19. 40 I T I N E R A R I E S • • Ta i l o re d T r i p s ISLAND-HOPPING Everybody wants to go across the USA, but traveling around it might make an even better trip. Start at Maine’s Acadia National Park (p297) for a sunrise hike. Then go to historic Martha’s Vineyard (p255), from where it’s a quick tack to the USA’s most famous island, Manhattan (p136). Off the Virginia coast is Chincoteague Island (p360), famous for its wild horses, and off North Carolina are the Outer Banks (p377) and Cape Hatteras National Seashore (p378), where the Wright brothers learned to fly, and you can too – by hang gliding. Florida boasts Amelia Island (p525), the string-of-pearls Florida Keys (p510), the islands of Dry Tortugas National Park (p519) and shell collecting on Sanibel and Captiva Islands (p531). San Juan Islands Acadia National Park Continuing along the Gulf of Mexico is Texas’ resort town of Galveston (p718) and the gorgeously Martha's Vineyard Manhattan wild Padre Island National Seashore (p720) – not to be confused with South Padre Island (p721), where Chincoteague Island Channel Islands Outer Banks & ‘gorgeous and wild’ describes the spring break National Park Cape Hatteras National Seashore party scene. Catalina Island Amelia Island At this point, sail through the Panama Canal Sanibel & Padre Island Galveston Captiva Islands or go overland to California, where Catalina Island National Dry Tortugas (p921) has great snorkeling and Channel Islands Seashore Florida National Park Keys National Park (p940) is ‘California’s Galápagos.’ South Padre Island Keep going to Washington’s San Juan Islands (p1021) and thence to the islands of Alaska’s Inside Passage Hawaii Inside Passage (p1059). Finally, of course, don’t forget Hawaii (p1085)! WE’RE HERE, WE’RE QUEER It’s never been more fun to be gay in the USA. So long as you’re not trying to get married, gay travelers will find numerous places where they can be themselves without thinking twice. Naturally, beaches and big cities tend to be the gayest destinations, and why not? They’re the most fun! Manhattan (p136) is too crowded and cosmopolitan to worry about who’s holding hands, while Fire Island (p179) is the sandy gay mecca on Long Island. Other East Coast cities that flaunt it are Boston (p243), Philadelphia (p197), Washington, DC (p318), Baltimore (p334) and Provincetown (p251), Massachu- setts. Why even Maine brags a gay beach destination: Ogunquit (p289). In the South, there’s always steamy ‘Hotlanta’ (p409) and Texas gets darn- right gay-friendly in Austin (p702) and parts of Houston (p716). In Florida, Miami (p492) and the Ogunquit ‘Conch Republic’ of Key West (p514) support Provincetown Minneapolis Manhattan Boston thriving gay communities, though Fort Lauderdale Chicago Philadelphia Baltimore Fire (p504) attracts bronze boys too. Of course, every- Island San Francisco Washington, DC one gets their freak on in New Orleans (p444). Los Angeles In the Midwest, seek out Chicago (p564) and Palm Springs Atlanta Minneapolis (p625). You will have heard of San Austin Fort Lauderdale Francisco (p950), the happiest gay city in America, Houston New Miami and what can gays and lesbians do in Los Angeles Orleans Key West (p900)? Hmmm, just about anything. In fact, when LA is too much, try Palm Springs (p934). Waikiki Lastly, for an island idyll, Hawaii (p1085) Hawaii is gay-friendly generally, but particularly in Waikiki (p1097).