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As the President of the Hungarian Rectors' Conference how do you see
the situation and the directions of higher education in 2017?
It seems to me that higher education is in a more consolidated
economic situation today, however I am convinced, that this
newly established structure is more rigid than we had planned:
it should have been moved towards a progressive direction. An
economically stable higher education should be used to improve
academic education and research. There are several components
of these: one is the issue of competitive wages. Salaries in the
current Hungarian higher education are still not competitive,
even if there was a 15% wage increase last year, a 5% increase now
and another 5% planned. We hope that we can achieve an even
higher wage growth. The government has promised this, and
there is a specific proposal from the Hungarian Rectors'
The higher education system lacks the so-called scientific
financial contribution which existed earlier. It was used for main-
taining and operating various research institutions which are the
true foundations of basic research. To replace the scientific finan-
cial contribution an application system has been created during
recent years, and although it is a major source of financial sup-
port it cannot compensate the missing research grants.
Today's world is forcing universities to work and co-operate
with partners from the economic field more intensively. This can
make even basic research important. Regarding the University of
Pécs: we can create an organizational structure in which ideas,
research and scientific innovation could create concrete prod-
ucts as a result – there has been precedent for this at the Faculty
of Business and Economics. We want to apply it to the whole
university, and now we have a chance for that.
Internationalization is a priority issue for the University of Pécs. How
do you evaluate the progress in this field?
We have achieved very good results, but I think we are at the
beginning of the road. The numbers can be misleading, because
when we formulated our own programme and when we received
this task from the government half year ago, we already had a
thousand foreign students at the university. However I must
admit, that there are shortcomings regarding the technical and
physical conditions of our education and services. It is particu-
larly true in the case of the faculty where the greatest number of
the foreign students are, Medical School. Other faculties were
also able to take big steps toward internationalization as there
are no major problems with the infrastructure on their campus-
es. We hope that it will not change, because this would prove
that the program works well.
Fortunately the Hungarian government supports our interna-
tionalization program with 24 billion HUF that we are receiving
through the Modern Cities Program as a first step but we also
hope to be able to reach other channels to get further sources.
Public procurements have been launched in connection with the
Modern Cities Program. When can we expect results?
I think that today it is not too difficult to find financial
sources for the proper goals, but to use them in a regulated
way is quite a torture in Hungary. In this process public pro-
curements are key factors, if they are successful, we hope to
see visible results this year.
Back to the 650th anniversary: how do we prepare ourselves for the
jubilee year?
With serenity, with a beautiful vision about the future and
with concepts that reflect the ideas of the founders of the
university. I think life is never easy. It was not easy in 1367,
but a bright concept was born which finally led to the cre-
ation of the first university of Hungary. This was a great
achievement, especially for Bishop William who initiated and
operated the founding of the university. Of course it was
great wisdom from King Louis the Great and from Pope Urban
V who licensed and supported the progressive side of the
process. It is my hope that the chapel which will be named
after Bishop William, and the statue of the bishop and the
king will be a worthy tribute to the founders. As for the our
university, I believe that we can pay our tribute through mod-
ernizing the structure, adjusting our training to the modern
world, conducting effective basic and applied research,
achieving outstanding scientific results, innovating, and wel-
coming foreign students. This is my conviction.
„Fine Vision
for the
interview with József Bódis rector
UnivPécs International is a special issue by
UnivPécs, published in September and
February, distributed to UP students.
Publisher: University of Pécs
Rector's Office, Marketing Department
7622 Pécs, Vasvári Pál utca 4.
Editor-in-Chief: Éva Harka
Contributing authors:
Robert Balogh, Bettina Bartakovics, Viktor
Goldmann-Görög, Attila Horváth, Alexandra
Kékesi, Krisztina Kovács, Archive
Special thanks to Kata Peltz, Vivien Németh
and Dominika Király
Contributing Photographers and Illustrators:
Bence Csabai, Szabolcs Csortos, Mirkó Márk,
UnivPécs Archive
Lector: Róbert Marcz
Advertising: Róbert Király
Distribution: Dusán Filákovity
Printing: General Nyomda Kft.,
6728 Szeged, Kollégiumi út 11/H
ISSN 1586-1767
Tips, questions, comments?
On the fitfh day
interview with Júlia Szekeres page 5
A Motivating Library page 8
"I am in love with Hungary"
interview Mohamed Omar Youssef Shaaban Mahmoud
page 10
Neptun Basics page 12
Stipendium Gala page 14
My Erasmus Experience
Scarlett Bertrand page 17
Tinnitus Choir page 18
Modern Cities Programme page 20
Denver–Pécs, and about whom everyone is talking…
interview with Dr. Sheila Rucki page 22–23
The legacy of Gyõzõ is important to me
interview with Téo Vasarely page 24–25
“Why does everybody say that Hungarian is a difficult
language? It seems so easy!”
about MagyarOK page 27
Study Abroad! page 28.
Goulash and Hungarian dishes
that look exotic to foreigners page 31–32
Planning to have an unforgettable summer page 34
Dance and sport page 36
Jubilee Supplement page 41–47
White Coat
Ceremony is a ritual
for students starting
their pre-clinical
studies at Medical
School. The first
event was on
3rd October, 2016.
The 1st
White Coat
TThhee jjooiinntt rreesseeaarrcchh ggrroouupp ooff tthhee
UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff PPééccss aanndd SSeemmmmeellwweeiiss
UUnniivveerrssiittyy iiddeennttiiffiieedd aa mmaarrkkeerr aaffffeecctt--
iinngg tthhee ssuucccceessss ooff aarrttiiffiicciiaall iinnsseemmii--
nnaattiioonn.. WWee ttaallkkeedd aabboouutt tthhee ssuucccceessss
ttoo iimmmmuunnoollooggiisstt JJúúlliiaa SSzzeekkeerreess,, wwhhoo
iinn hheerr ssttuuddyy ppuubblliisshheedd iinn NNaattuurree
SScciieennttiiffiicc RReeppoorrttss iinn JJaannuuaarryy,, aallssoo
hhaavvee ddrraawwnn aatttteennttiioonn ttoo tthhee ffaacctt
tthhaatt ppaarreenntthhoooodd iiss ppuutt ooffff ttoo llaatteerr
aanndd llaatteerr ppooiinnttss iinn ttiimmee iinn ddeevveellooppeedd
ccoouunnttrriieess,, tthheerreeffoorree tthheerree iiss aann
iinnccrreeaassiinngg ddeemmaanndd ffoorr aarrttiiffiicciiaall
How big work preceded the success?
It is the result of about two year's research, but it also need-
ed a good idea. It is known that every cell produces extracel-
lular vesicles (vesicles surrounded by lipid membranes),
which can contain various molecules – cytokines, nucleic
acids, hormones, enzymes. These vesicles get out of the cell
and get to the next cell which takes them. With a help of con-
trolling mechanisms, for example, a vesicle can transfer infor-
mation from a cell of the endometrium to the embryo or vice
versa, or maybe from a lymphocyte to another. It occurred
whether there are such vesicles in the culture medium of in
vitro embryos during artificial insemination. It seemed as a
wild idea, because it was questionable whether a sole cell
would be able to produce a detectable amount of vesicles.
How big is a vesicle in comparison with a cell?
Its size can extend from 50–100 nanometers up to one thou-
sand. The cell is about 10 micrometers. That is, vesicles are
minuscule compared to the size of the cell, just like a tiny lit-
tle bubble next to the cell. Éva Pálinger from the Institute of
Genetics, Cellular and Immune Biologe of the Semmelweis
University was involved in the research, who is the member
of an internationally appreciated research group studying
extracellular vesicles. They checked the idea, and it turned
out that there were such vesicles in the culture medium of the
embryo. Then it had to be proved that they really were extra-
cellular vesicles. The evidence is that the lipid membrane of
the vehicle dissolve in detergents and the vehicles disappear.
These vehicles originate from the embryo, since there were
significantly more vesicles in the culture medium of the
embryo than in such culture mediums in which no embryos
were bred. Later on it was also found that if there is nucleic
acid in the extracellular vesicles, it means that the embryo
does not feel well. We made use of this phenomenon to iden-
tify "right" embryos, suitable for implantation.
I suppose 'test-tube babies' are not bred in test-tubes any more.
Indeed, after insemination, they are bred in plastic culture
vessels at 37 degrees in an appropriate culture medium that
contains amino acids, salts and other nutrients required for
development and provides for an appropriate pH level.
What amount is this medium?
An embryo is bred in 40 microliter of culture medium. It is a
small drop. By the end of the fourth day the embryo looks like
a raspberry, then it turns into a blastocyst on the fifth day;
this blastocyst is implanted, but before that the embryo is
transferred into fresh medium. Thus we can examine the
number of extracellular vesicles containing nucleic acids in
the medium in which the embryo has been bred for days.
Excuse me, but how?
There is a special paint – propidium iodide – which colours only
nucleic acids, particularly the DNA, which becomes fluorescent
red after painting. Flow cytometry is able to differentiate
between vesicles of different colours and count them. We got
the medium cultures of already implanted embryos from the IVF
laboratory of the Gynaecological and Obstretical Clinic of Pécs,
thus we were able to observe the correlation between the lab
results and the success of the implantations. For instance, if the
implantation of three embryos in the same woman resulted in a
singleton pregnancy, then the number of extracellular vesicles
containing nucleic acid was low in the culture medium of one
embryo, while in the other two it was high. In another case, the
implantation of two embryos resulted in twin pregnancy. Here
the number of extracellular vesicles containing nucleic acid was
low in case of both implanted embryos. Only one embryo is
rarely implanted, and if this value is low, it is almost always fol-
lowed by pregnancy. This is how we reached the conclusion that
those are the "right" embryos in case of which the number of
extracellular vesicles containing nucleic acid is low.
A research project also needs to be proved; how did that happen?
Only particular implantations are evidential, and these are
rare in Hungary. However, we managed to obtain 20 such
samples. There was only one among them which did not
show correlation between the number of extracellular vesi-
cles with successful pregnancy. Based on this, we can predict
with a 95% probability, which embryos are suitable for implan-
tation. However, the embryo identified with the above
method is only one condition of a successful pregnancy. A
suitably healthy maternal side is also necessary; that is, an
endometrium which is capable of accommodating the
In district V., Budapest, the average age of women having their
first babies is 40 years. To what extent is it a disadvantage?
It is tragic. It leads to the fact that many women are not
able to get pregnant on their own. The rate of chromo-
somically abnormal embryos increases with the age of the
mother. At the age of 44, 90% of embryos are abnormal. At
35, this rate is nearly 40%. Fortunately, the majority of
abnormal embryos are not able to implant; this is partly
the reason behind increasing female infertility. Biologically
speaking, it would be optimal for women to give birth
between the ages of 20–25, because it is the period with
the best chance of producing the genetically least prob-
lematic embryos.
It will be a nasty question, but due to social conditions, will your
research be a salable product?
Absolutely. Everywhere in the world the goal is to transfer
only one embryo, but it requires the identification of the one
embryo which has the most chance for implantation. Ideally
transfer should work in a way that on the fifth day, right
before transfer, the single embryo with the biggest chance for
implantation could be chosen by a simple examination. Our
method is quick and simple. Professor Gábor Kovács L.'s
research group has identified a marker reflecting the differ-
ences in the metabolism of "right" and "wrong" embryos, and
the development of a chip-based quick test is in progress as
well. If the two methods were applied at the same time, and
both markers showed that this is the right embryo, we could
make the method of choosing the right embryo much more
What is the next step? How can your method be applied?
On the fifth day, there are 3–4 embryos available – several
ones are bred from the same woman. On the day of the
transfer the culture medium has to be examined with our
method, it only takes 15 minutes. The examiner then can
tell which embryo has to be used out of the four; let's say,
egg no. 1.
What happens to the other eggs then?
We transfer one of the good eggs, while the others can be
frozen, because we have to be happy about a good embryo,
and by next time the mother will be even older. In other coun-
tries only one embryo can be transferred; in Hungary more.
In the USA, doctors inducing twin pregnancies face a mal-
practice lawsuit, because twin pregnancies have more health
How is it possible that no business has been made of taking the
eggs as early as possible?
There has. For example, Apple offered their young employees
to pay for taking and storing their eggs – this is called social
freezing. When the woman feels it is time for having a baby,
the embryo will be transferred. But a good egg is not enough
for 100% success, because the endometrium ages as well, and
hormonal conditions change, too.
Where can you put this achievement in your research career?
I find it important because it has the promise of practical
implementation. Of course, chance also played a part in this
discovery. Research is like a game. We head for something,
and more and more new things open up. We manage to see
beyond phenomena. Then we search for points where we can
intervene in mechanisms. It is very exciting.
What is your main field of research?
The influence of hormonal changes during pregnancy on the
immune system. The genetically half foreign embryo is not
rejected because the operation of the immune system
changes during pregnancy. The immune system does wire-
dancing. It has to prevent the rejection of the embryo, but
meanwhile it also has to protect the body from external infec-
tions. The hormone progesterone has a key role in maintain-
ing pregnancy and in the immunological changes during preg-
nancy as well. It was us who first showed that there are spe-
cific progesterone bonding nodes in the lymphocytes of
pregnant women. Pregnancy means a constant stimulation
for the maternal body. The maternal immune system recog-
nizes the "alien" embryo; it activates lymphocytes and devel-
ops progesterone receptors which are able to bond this hor-
mone. The effect of progesterone is like a hit-and-run. When
the effect of the hormone occurs, progesterone itself is not
even present any more. Bonding to its receptor, progesterone
reaches the nucleus of the cell and induces genes; new pro-
teins are produced. Such a newly produced protein, PIBF –
progesterone induced blocking factor – transmits the effects
of progesterone on the function of the immune system. But I
could talk a lot more about that.
And now, after the big success, what is next, what will you
research? Does research need a grant, or rather a good idea?
A proper research environment and a little money.
Unfortunately, this environment is not granted nowadays, not
in the country, and unfortunately I must say, not even at the
university. During research, new aspects emerge constantly,
due to which I would need to buy a new reagent for a couple
of hundred thousand Forints, but right now. In research, you
cannot plan at the beginning of the year what problems will
emerge half a year later. The proper procedure would be to
order the reagent directly from the producing company that
could deliver it in the shortest time possible, and I could pay
it from the research budget. This is the practice in other
countries, and it used to be in Hungary, too. But what is hap-
pening now? I have to ask for quotations, write justifications
and wait for signatures for months. Considering that an inter-
mediate authority performs ordering, even the delivery
address is often wrong and I have to find where the parcel has
been sent. It is difficult to do research this way. Primarily, this
is not the fault of the university. The way of spending money
is determined by people who have no idea how research is
performed, but they also have no idea about teaching and
patient care either. Unfortunately, similarly uninformed peo-
ple deal with research budgets at the university as well.
Administration is excessive, and the system is inflexible. It
could be helpful if administrators occasionally took study
trips to the workplaces the work of which they are supposed
to help, in order to get acquainted with the processes and
emerging problems.
IInn 22001144 wwee ddeecciiddeedd ttoo
sseett ooffff ttoo wwiinn tthhee
CCeerrttiiffiieedd LLiibbrraarryy aawwaarrdd..
TThhiiss ttiittllee wwaass ssuucccceessssffuullllyy
rreecceeiivveedd aa yyeeaarr aaggoo,, aanndd
ssiinnccee tthheenn tthhee lliibbrraarryy hhaass
bbeeeenn ccoonnttiinnuuoouussllyy iimmpprroovv--
iinngg iittss hhiigghh qquuaalliittyy pprrooffeess--
ssiioonnaall sseerrvviicceess,, aanndd iiss
cchhaarraacctteerriizzeedd bbyy iinnnnoovvaa--
ttiioonnss.. IInnnnoovvaattiioonn aaccttiivviittiieess
rreeqquuiirree uuss ttoo oobbsseerrvvee tthhee
nnaattiioonnaall aanndd iinntteerrnnaattiioonnaall
ttrreennddss aanndd cchhaannggeess.. FFrroomm
22001144 oouurr sseerrvviicceess hhaavvee
iinnccrreeaassiinnggllyy sshhiifftteedd
ttoowwaarrddss aaccaaddeemmiicc kknnoowwll--
eeddggee aanndd aasssseett mmaannaaggee--
mmeenntt,, eelleeccttrroonniicc ccoonntteenntt
ddeelliivveerryy aanndd tthhee ccoonnssttrruucc--
ttiioonn ooff aa ddiiggiittaall lliibbrraarryy..
We are proud to announce that, according to the 2016 student
motivation study, students are satisfied with the services of the
– 302 students joined our Freshmen's tour last October.
– To be in touch with the students we actively use social media
(Facebook, Twitter).
– The Pekár Library is open until midnight during the exam period
– "Database roadshows": Our "Library is just a click away – how can
I take the first steps?" programme is quite popular. We showed stu-
dents how to use, search and work with and within databases pro-
vided by the Knowledge Centre. Our librarians presented this
knowledge at the Faculty of Arts last spring, and at the Faculty of
Health Sciences last Autumn. Our aim is to involve more teachers
in our programme trying to help students prepare for their the-
sis/dissertation work.
– The "Ask a Librarian" chat service is becoming increasingly popular.
– Various programs and exhibitions are organized for
students. For example the well-known exhibition
titled We should definitely read. (Mindenkép(p)en
olvassunk!) consists of photos of university staff and
students recommending their favourite books.
– The "Library Night" program is held at the end of the
spring semester, when thematic programs are organ-
ized. What is more the Knowledge Centre is open
until midnight, and a variety of discounts are offered.
– In autumn, as a part of the programme, the "Day of
Hungarian Science", we organize a conference to
show the results of our developments.
– One of our services supporting scientific research is
"DIGITÁLIA" which is highly popular among students.
Our colleagues will soon renew it: new functions are
going to be developed using workflow support and
web2 technologies.
– Another new service will be the so-called
eKéPEk (E-pictures), which is a special
photo gallery to establish our collective
memory aiming to preserve the past
for the future generations. There
is already a database but it is
going to be developed by
web2 technology.
– "Brainstorm-box" is our new platform which pro-
vides an opportunity to share innovative ideas about
the library. The most exiting advantage of this plat-
form is that you can follow the implementation of
your ideas. This platform is available in English, too.
We constantly work for our readers. To make our serv-
ices better internal developments are required: mak-
ing our work more efficient will hopefully benefit the
reader as well.
– We join the celebration of our anniversary, the list
of all these programmes is available on our webpage.
– A traveling exhibition on our university's history was
launched in December, all faculties host the exhibition
during the year.
– The "Night at the library" programme, connected to
the Middle Ages, will be a special occasion on 26
– An international conference on our university's his-
tory will be held on 13–15 October. The main talks
will be available in Hungarian and English as well.
– Per Aspera ad Astra is an online journal about the
history of the universities. To celebrate the anniver-
sary a special themed copy will be published by our
library in co-operation with the University Archives.
– An international photo exhibition related to the
anniversary will be also held in the building of the
Knowledge Centre. (2nd Patria Photo Salon)
Why did you choose this study programme at the University of
I chose to study international relations at the University of
Pécs because I love what the programme consists of; I am
very much interested in political science, I love history, eco-
nomics, sociology and also languages and this programme
offered me the chance to study all of that in one place. In
addition to this I looked at the different acknowledged uni-
versities rankings websites and the University of Pécs was
always in very good positions. And, of course I read about
Hungary in general and Pécs specifically and I was in love
with it before I came here. I knew it was the right place to
pursue my education. Now, 2 months later, I am certain that I
made the right decision to come here and I am very glad I did.
What are your experiences about your study programmes?
My experiences have so far been absolutely positive. A pleas-
ant surprise I found on my first week was that my class con-
sisted of around 25 students coming from around 20 coun-
tries. The classroom is a truly international environment.
Such diversity and sharing my lessons with enthusiastic peo-
ple coming from the different corners of the globe adds a lot
to my experience and my education, especially since I'm
studying international relations. The subjects are great, and
the teachers are professional with a vast knowledge and they
are always very helpful. So, everything is really motivating me
and it has been more than great so far and I am enjoying my
education here very much.
How do you like Hungary and a city of Pécs?
I am in love with Hungary, I had already known that Hungary
was a lovely country before I came here and when I arrived
here it was even better than I thought. My favourite thing
here is, undoubtedly, the people. I love the Hungarian people
very much. I am always warmly welcomed, and always greet-
ed with a smile. I can see how people are interested when I
say I am from Egypt, and often asking me about my home
country. In addition to this whenever I needed help, I could
easily find it. The Hungarian people are incredibly kind, warm
hearted, and welcoming and I am grateful for everything they
have done for me so far.
"I am in love
with Hungary"
– interview with the
3000th international student*
We asked Mohamed
Omar Youssef Shaaban
Mahmoud, the 3000th
international student of
the University about
Pécs, about studies and
about his experiences.
He has been here just
for a few months, but
he already feels at
home and has great
future plans in
*The special
diploma was
conferred on the
international student
of the UP on
9th November,
3808 foreign
students study at
the University of
Pécs by now.
What are your favourite places in Pécs?
My favourite place in Pécs is the historical area near the city
center. I love the small streets there, the small colourful hous-
es, the cosy shops, this area just gives me a comforting feel-
ing I cannot really put in words.
What do you think about the public transport, about the food,
about your accommodation?
Public transport, especially the buses are an important part of
my everyday life here. I had some problems at first because I
was not familiar with the bus system, but with time I adapt-
ed and everything was clear to me. I got the monthly ticket
for the bus, and it makes moving around the city much easi-
er. Regarding food, I have still not fully experienced the
Hungarian cuisine, I would love to though, but there are
many kinds of food similar to those in Egypt, like Falafel and
Kebab. Also this week I tried Hungarian homemade Fasirt and
I absolutely loved it. And about my accommodation, I live in
Szántó Kollégium which is a university's dormitory and I can
say it is quite good. It offers an international community; I
can find the necessary facilities and the staff are very helpful.
I think I will probably move into private accommodation
though in the next year because I believe this is more com-
fortable for me.
What do you miss from home? Where there any surprising differ-
ence between Pécs and your home county?
Of course the thing I miss the most is my family. Although we
do talk everyday, I miss how it feels to be at home and with my
parents and my two brothers. My mother's hug, my mother's
food, these things are irreplaceable. I also miss the weather
very much, here it is a bit too cold for me. But it is worth it
though and hopefully soon I will be reunited with my parents.
I guess the biggest difference is that Hungary is completely
green and full of nature while Egypt is rather yellow.
What do you do in your free time?
Every weekend I travel to the north of Hungary to spend as
much time as I can with my beautiful girlfriend who is
Hungarian, and with her lovely family. They have introduced
me to a lot cultures and habits and of course the food of
Hungary, and they always try to teach me a bit of Hungarian
as well. So I absolutely love my weekends.
What do you think about the other foreign students of the
University of Pécs?
Other foreign students are everywhere around me, in the
dorms or in the classroom like I have mentioned, and they are
an important part of my day-to-day experience, and they def-
initely make it better. I can learn something new everyday,
meet new people from everywhere in the world. Pécs is truly
a students' city.
What are your future plans? Do you have future plans in Hungary?
It has been my goal since a long time to work in politics in
the hopes of making things better in my home country, in the
same time I would also love to teach at the university level,
therefor, after getting my degree I plan to pursue further edu-
cation, hopefully at the University of Pécs to obtain a master's
degree and later a phd degree. I feel at home here and I plan
to stay here for a long time.
What do you mean for you that you were the 3000th internation-
al student of the university?
Being the 3000th international student is a great honour, I am
lucky to be here and I am thankful and grateful for all that the
University of Pécs, the city, and Hungary have done for me so
far. I aim to return this favour by being a good model, and by
spreading the word to others and encourage them to study in
a beautiful country like Hungary and a fantastic place like the
University of Pécs.
How did you like the ceremony?
I was honoured and lucky to be invited to the ceremony and
to meet with Professor Bódis, the rector of the university and
to be sitting next to the great people who were being reward-
ed for their life-long works during the ceremony. It was an
unforgettable experience and I am grateful for the invitation.
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Using the menu of Studies >> Training data: you can view the
data pertaining to your training(s), programme(s), specializa-
tion(s) and diploma. Data belonging to your training are dis-
played at the top of the interface. Here you can get informa-
tion about, among others, the duration of the training's legal
status, about the maximum number of useable terms, but all
essential training data can be found here (training floor,
mode, programme type, module, max. number of terms, etc.).
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Gala 22001166
The scholarship called Stipendium
Hungaricum has been functioning
since 2013 and the students of
UP are showing an increasing
interest in it. Our university is
famous for its international
nature as the amount of foreign
students who start their studies
at UP is on the rise.
The first Gala was on 28th of October, 2015. Its aim
was to show gratitude towards those who chose the
University of Pécs. The Rector of the university, Dr
József Bódis also took the opportunity to say thanks in
his speech: "The Stipendium Hungaricum program is
one of the most important tools of the university to
take part in the Modern Cities Programme. It was a
really important milestone to have more than 3000 for-
eign students at our university. Through this Gala and
our everyday work we would like to send a message
that our students are important and that we count on
them and for their great accomplishments." Both Dr
István Tarrósy, the leader of the Foreign Board and Dr
Zsolt Páva, the mayor of Pécs emphasized that this
scholarship was not only an opportunity for the arriv-
ing students to experience a new culture but the
Hungarian students and lecturers also have the possi-
bility to get acquainted with new people from several
different countries. The last speech was delivered by
Hatem Azzabi's, a student from the Faculty of
Humanities. In his speech he emphasized how grateful
he was for everything he got here, that Pécs was a
wonderful city and that having won the title of
European Capital of Culture in 2010 was not mere luck.
The event started with the performance of the Tinnitus
Choir, a Norwegian acapella choir including students
from the Medical School.
Before the programme continued people had time to
taste some delicious food, make new friends and talk.
We did the same: "I had great opportunities, but when
I heard of Stipendium Hungaricum I applied immedi-
ately and fortunately I got it. I wanted to study and
study and this scholarship gave me the opportunity. I
am studying to be an architect" – said Jordanian
Abdullah Al-Theiabat. "I really love living here, the city
is beautiful, there are so many sights. Though the city
is quite calm, life at the university is great. People are
kind to me, Hungarians are nice. I hope I can spend
more time with learning the Hungarian language."
Rama Hussein Kwaylih, also from Jordan, came here
two years ago: "I am studying at the Medical School.
would like to be a doctor because I have always loved
helping other people. I applied for a scholarship and I
won it, I was especially lucky because I had the chance
to choose from Algeria, Sudan and Hungary. Luckily I
chose Hungary and this was the best decision I had
ever made. I fell in love with the city and the people.
Me and my friends could not wait for this Gala, it is
such an elegant event, the speeches are inspiring and
the performances are enjoyable, but the main point is
that we could meet a lot of other people from different
cultures. It is always great to meet new people."
Attila HORVÁTH and Krisztina KOVÁCS
TThhee bbeesstt ffoorreeiiggnn
ssttuuddeenntt ooff GGöörrlliittzz??
Last year Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
(DAAD) donated Réka Schmieder a precious award.
The student of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences,
Education and Regional Development got the spe-
cial title of being the best foreign student of the
year 2016.
Réka Schmieder took part in the German partner
institution's dual master's program between 2013
and 2015. The special recognition, including gratu-
ity, was won by a Hungarian student of UP for the
first time. She earned the price with her high level
performance during her studies. During the Cultural
Mediation and Cultural Heritage Studies Master's
degree program of the UP students can participate
in a joint training and spend two semesters at a
partner institution in the Germany without having
to pay a tuition fee. The program has been operat-
ing since 2006 and 5 students can join the special
program annually.
The first days I learn how to fit in. How to use the bus, how
to use the currency, how to have a SIM card for my phone,
how to do the difference between sparkling water and still
water, I learn my first Hungarians words such as 'egészsége-
dre', 'köszönöm' or 'jó napot'…
Pécs is an amazing city. I really love the atmosphere, the
size and all its events.
My favourite places are: Nappali, Nike statue and its amaz-
ing view of Pécs, the swimming pool, the animal shelter, Orfû
lake, Mecsek and I could continue the list.
Then there are the people. Yes Erasmus is about meeting
people. The first days I meet a lot of people from everywhere
in the world. I also get to know better my roommates. I live
in Szanto dormitory and share a block with 3 other exchange
students from Ukraine, Mongolia and the USA.
The first day at the university we have a welcome presen-
tation in a big amphitheatre and I am there with 300 other
students here for one semester or one year. When I look at
them I can see the same look in every eye. I can read curios-
ity and excitement mix to a bit of anxiety, but most of all I see
kindness. We are all in the same position and we know it. We
know we will be soon a big family. Our minds and hearts will
be full of memories together.
And yes, we are here for our studies and it is an important
point of the Erasmus time. This is why we are here aren't we? We
learn a foreign language, with different rules, different way of
teaching. We have team works with students from different cul-
tures. This is an incredible experience. Not always funny and easy.
It needs a lot of adaptation, communication and motivation to do
it well. Sometimes it doesn't work. But when it does, it is magic!
So, we are here for our studies. But again, the most impor-
tant in this Erasmus adventure are all those friendships we
built and all those life memories.
In my case, my Erasmus experience is linked to ESN. Here
in Pécs, we have an ESN section (International Exchange
Erasmus Student Network) and the people in this organisa-
tion are hungarians or international full-time students of the
University of Pécs. They are here for us, the exchange stu-
dents. And if my time here has been exceptional it is in major-
ity thanks to those people. They organised parties, country
presentations, sports events, trips, cultural events, social
events and more. But most of all they are always with us,
helping us, listening to us, giving us comfort, sharing their
culture, surprising us by they love for people.
I want to thank Erasmus family for this amazing semester.
I want to thank ESN Pécs for being such amazing people!
– Scarlett
It is end of august when I reach Pécs for the first time. I really love this feeling when I arrive in a new city and I know
I am going to open a new chapter of my life. I look around me and see for the first time things which will become nor-
mal for me because I will take the same path every day.
Where does your name "Tinnitus" come from? How was it born?
We are called Tinnitus because we thought it was a funny
name for a Medical School choir. (Tinnitus is an audiology
term, it means the hearing of sound when no external sound
is present. While often described as a ringing, it may also
sound like a clicking, hiss or roaring- the ed.) Our founder got
the idea because her sister was in a choir named Tinnitus at
the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and we
loved it, too.
Our choir was founded by a Norwegian medical student,
Anne Sandvik, in September 2011, so we celebrated our 5th
anniversary last autumn.
How many member do you have?
Currently, we have 19 members, 5 boys and 14 girls. We
recruit new members at the beginning of each semester. Now
we have 4 sopranos, 2 mezzo sopranos, 7 altos, 3 tenors and
2 basses in addition to the conductor.
How often do you rehearse and how do you choose your songs?
We rehearse for two hours every Tuesday, sometimes at the
weekends and we also have extra rehearsals before important
concerts. We always have a beer or a glass of wine after-
wards. Singing is primarily meant to be a social and enjoyable
hobby and going for a drink really helps build our spirit.
Usually the conductor picks songs that he considers cool, but
everyone is allowed to suggest one and then we vote.
What determines you actual style?
Our current style is always adapted to the occasion. We love
singing pop and musical songs, putting on a good show and
enjoying ourselves on stage, but we also enjoy singing tradi-
tional songs in the case of the more formal performances.
Did you expect to get the Bajnóczky Award at the Advent Concert?
We had absolutely no idea that we would get the Bajnóczky
Award, we are completely in awe! We are grateful and proud
that the university appreciates our work.
There is an award-winning
unique choir
at the Medical School.
Its members are
Norwegian students.
Why did the members choose to come to Hungary and what do
they study?
We all study general medicine, and we are all from Norway. In
Norway it is very hard to get in to a medical school, and more
and more students in general study outside of Norway.
How do you like Hungary?
We enjoy living in Hungary very much. The city is beautiful
and we love all the student events and the festivals. I think it's
safe to say that everyone in the choir loves the wine festivals
in Szent Istvan Square and forralt bor (mulled wine – the ed.)
with kürtõskalács (a special form of pastry the shape of a
cylinder – the ed.) at the Christmas market. It's also great to
enjoy a classical concert in Kodály Központ or to watch the
Pécsi Balett in National Theatre of Pécs.
What do you do in your free time?
As medical students we spend a lot of time in the library,
but most of us also enjoy a good party, pub quizzes and
just hanging out with friends. If the weather is nice we
take a trip to Orfû or to the Misina animal shelter and the
Mecsek Mountains is great for hiking/running, plus vol-
leyball and swimming at Pollack is always fun.
This spring the choir will travel to Krakow, Poland to
participate in a choir festival there, and we are very excit-
ed to represent Pécs. We visited this festival in 2015 and
it was a great adventure. It is arranged by Copernichoir, a
mixed choir consisting of medicine and dentistry stu-
dents at the Jagellonian University Medical School and
over 500 students from Norway will participate.
Copernichoir and Tinnitus are the only ones of their kind
and we are very proud of this. This is only the second
time the festival is arranged and our choir is very much
excited to go back.
Krisztina KOVÁCS
Andreas Bergheim Graff
Joachim Riiber Denstad, PR
Preben Bygdevoll Strand
Tjerand Aas Skalnes
Tonnes Stray-Pedersen Aspholm
Andrea Unhjem Wiik
Astrid Tollofsrud, costumes
Hanne Mjos Jovik
Julie Ostby-Deglum
Kine Marita Eriksson
Linn-Siren Hausken
Maria Steigen, musical director
Thea Malm Kolmannskog
Ashild Fossum Eriksen, economy
Christine Kvaloy
Ida Marie Heggem, conductor
Kristine Bergheim Graff
Sofia Akhtari
Stine Botilsrud
The government of Hungary decided, at the beginning
of 2016, to support the development of the University
of Pécs in the framework of the Moderns Cities
Programme. The aim of this 24-billion HUF subsidy is
to double the number of the foreign students studying
in Pécs by 2020. This means that a rapid development
can be expected at the University of Pécs in the next
few years, which can lead to modernising the infra-
structure as well as inviting highly qualified lecturers
and researchers to come home to work.
A significant part of the financial support will be spent
on improving medical education, the Medical School
in Pécs will get a new educational building and the
park surrounding the existing building will be
renewed. As practical training is of utmost importance
in this field, several buildings of the Clinical Centre
may be modernized.
In the framework of the programme the former Gyõzõ
Csorba Library – maintained now by the Faculty of
Health Sciences – and the campus in Szepesi and
Vörösmarty streets are going to be renewed, while the
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology in
Boszorkány street is also going to get new laboratory
building. Student Hostel Balassa János and Damjanich
will also undergo renovation together with Hostel
Laterum. The Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of
Sciences, the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of
Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional
Development are also going to be modernized in the
next few years. A new University Business Centre will
complete the Faculty of Business and Economics, while
the Faculty of Law is going to receive a communication
room. The Faculty of Music and Visual Arts will be
given the opportunity to buy instruments, which are
considered rare even at the international level.
Regarding the development of the university rector József
Bódis emphasized: "Pécs is in a special position among the
beneficiaries of the Modern Cities Programme, since this is
the only city out of the twenty-three involved, where the
government's support programme is implemented through
the development of the university. As a result of this sub-
sidy the first University of Hungary, which celebrates its
650th anniversary next year, has the chance to develop con-
tinuously, which guarantees its success even after the
Jubilee Year" – emphasized the rector.
According to Zoltán Jenei,
chancellor of UP "during
the following years the
university will have a
great opportunity and a
great responsibility at the
same time. Our task to
create a more competitive
environment in Hungary
and abroad, too."
How much publicity does Hungary get in the United States?
Hungary did appear in the news quite a bit when the
refugee crisis was at its height: there were a lot of stories
in the major press about the way immigrants was treated,
the difficulties they had and so on.
On the 20th of January United States will have a new presi-
dent. (The interview was done on 17 of December, 2016. – the
It may sound terrible but the voters of Trump are called
low information voters who actively engaged in politics
but not committed themselves to the media or to educa-
tion. There is also serious division in race, so Hillary
Clinton did very well among African Americans, the
Hispanic community and Asians, whereas Trump ran
much better among white men. Another division is
between rural and urban regions: Hillary Clinton did very
well in urban communities whereas Trump won in rural
For me it was totally obvious that Clinton will win the elec-
tions. Did social media destroy her chances?
One of the things what's remarkable about this election is
not that it was that close, but the two sides don't even
know how to talk to one another. I think that relates to the
facebook phenomenon. The fake news were introduced
through facebook and twitter feed and these could not get
repeated frequently enough to not be able to cover it by
the mainstream media. The MSM had no idea how to han-
dle the fake news.
The expectations were quite high for Obama's Presidency.
According to many people these did not align with reality. How
do you see his work from this angle?
I think that the original hopes that people had for
Obama were reflected more about them than it reflected
about Obama himself. Even as a senator he was a very
centrist politician not the revolutionary firebrand people
expected. When he became president he was consensus
and about
whom everyone
is talking …
Dr. Sheila Rucki is a political economist and an associate professor at the
Metropolitan State University of Denver. Her work is mostly on Gramsci and
notions of the relationships between culture and economy. After two confer-
ence participations at the University of Pécs she came to teach here as visit-
ing professor to launch a faculty exchange with the Department of Political
Science and International Studies. The relationship between the two universi-
ties was established by the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
of the UP, and now there's a minor at MSU Denver, in which both Hungarian
and American professors have been teaching. In order to further strengthen
this bilateral relationship, as part of the Internationalization Strategic Program,
the Center for International Relations of UP tries to involve other faculties of
the UP into the co-operation. For example, during the spring another visiting
professor's arrival will bring new methodology to the Faculty of Business and
Economics. Sheila Rucki taught students majoring in International Relations at
the Faculty of Humanities.
oriented, he had to negotiate with the congress and as a
result of that his entire program got tiny. I'm not saying
that he had not done anything or his presidency was
unimportant. I think he is one of the most important
presidents. But he achieved so much less than people
had hoped.
What can we expect from Trump's foreign policy?
That's a very good question. If we look at his foreign poli-
cy appointments so far we see people with a paranoid, anti
islamic world view that supports totalitarian leadership.
Maybe that would be okay except that he also shows no
intention to uphold the previous US foreign policy com-
Is the historic role of the US being the "world's policeman"
We'll see. If the president can't cooperate with the bureau-
cracy there will be little change.
Related to the ongoing refugee crisis the traditional European
values are not existing anymore. Can traditional American val-
ues change in any way?
I think they have to. Immigration is mostly accepted when
there's not a lot of immigrants coming in the United
States. The great waves of immigration historically have
also been matched by great waves of xenophobia. The dif-
ference is that the Trump administration seems to attach
this xenophobia to Islam in an explicit way which means
that not only will the United States be less welcoming for
Islamic refugees but also for muslims who are already liv-
ing in States.
Hungarian society has been divided in the last couple of elec-
tions. Do you see similar tendency in America?
Absolutely. After the election there were articles and tv
shows about how to talk to your family member who voted
for Trump. Some of them was funny, but some of them was
not funny at all.
I live in Aix-en-Provence and now I'm in Pécs, because of the
four-week summer school course at University of Pécs.
Unfortunately the members of my family, except some rela-
tives, gave up speaking Hungarian very long time ago.
However, my father regretted not to learn Hungarian during
his youth. It was his idea to send me to take part in this sum-
mer school to renew the Hungarian language in our family
through me.
What feelings did you arrive with?
I welcomed the opportunity. I've been to Hungary three
times so the country was not strange to me. I was in
Budapest for the first time in 2010, then with my parents
in Pécs in April 2016. I am a member of the high school
drama circle at home, and as part of a student exchange
program we had an opportunity to write a play that was
inspired by Victor Vasarely's oeuvre. We presented it
together with the students of Leõwey Klára High School in
Pécs and Aix-en as well.
Was it easy to get used to the Hungarian language?
The first few days were the most difficult, because I did not
understand anything. But as time passes, it becomes more
and more interesting. I can more easily create sentences,
begin to understand the structure of the language and I can
understand better what is happening around me.
Do you speak any other foreign languages?
"Speaking" would be an overstatement. I have studied English
since I was a freshman, and I have leant Italian for a few years.
Besides, I really like Italian... and it is a little bit easier than
Hungarian. (laughs)
"The legacy
of Gyõzõ
is important to me"
Interview with
Téo Vasarely
who studied
Hungarian at
the University
of Pécs. The
Teo's great-
grandfather is
none other than
the father of op-
art, who would
be 110 years old
this year.
Do you have a favourite word or phrase in
I love the phrase "Jó éjszakát!" (Good night! In
English – the ed.) – it sounds like a ninja battle cry.
Otherwise I think Hungarian words are very
expressive in general. For example there is the
word "cuki" (cute in English – the ed.), and I think
its sound describes very well what it means.
What are your plans with the Hungarian language?
I have no particular plans, I can only say that I'm
very fond of Hungary. I like that there are so
much green in the city and people are friendly.
As far as I know the legacy of your great-grandfa-
ther is very important to your family.
That's right. My father is the president of
Fondation Vasarely, and my whole family partici-
pate actively in its work. My brother is working
on the foundation's catalogue. Aix-en is a very
nice town, we love to live there, and it is a very
good location for the Vasarely's paintings.
Is it possible not to deal with the legacy of the
Of course. I could decide not care about Gyõzõ's
heritage, but it is important to me personally. I
want to do something to preserve this fantastic
oeuvre. His paintings make their viewers work,
so we are required to actively participate in their
interpretation. We can not just overlook them.
I'm glad and I'm proud that our family had such
an extraordinary member.
You did not know Gyõzõ.
No. He had passed away a few years before I was
born. All I know about him come from my
father's memories. For example, I know that he
worked a lot, had a strict agenda and never went
on vacation. He loved beautiful things. He loved
playing chess, and he taught my dad how to play
Is the name Vasarely well-known in France?
Gyõzõ was a very important figure in the field of
fine arts, thus the name sounds familiar to
almost everyone, even if they do not know his
proper field of art.
Szilvia SZITA
More info:
Teo Vasarely was interviewed in September, 2016.
Gyõzõ Vásárhelyi (1906 – 1997),
was a Hungarian–French, who is widely
accepted as the leader of the short-lived
op-art movement.
3 decades of experience with international programs and students, a strive for
continuity and renewal, for diversity and integration, as well as constant innovation
are the qualities that characterize the work of the International Studies Center
University of Pécs (ISC), Medical School and its English and Hungarian
The ISC is one of the facilities at our campuses where students can really feel
the vibe of diversity. Our students have the opportunity to become a formative
part of the international community of the University.
The English Programme at ISC offers preparatory programmes that cover the
ever widening international course portfolio of the 10 Faculties of the
University. The integrated preparatory programmes have a uniform structure
with contents differing according to the chosen study field. Thus our students
leaving for undergraduate studies have comparable yet specialized skills and
knowledge that enhance their success at university.
The open-ended study programmes are available both for students whose
fluency in English needs considerable improvement and for those who have
already reached or even passed the upper-intermediate level in English
minimally required by Hungarian universities.
One of the assets of ISC's preparatory programmes is that the language classes are
designed with a focus on English as a Lingua Franca since both the host society/
academic community and the students are non-native speakers of the language. In
most cases English is a 'contact language' between speakers who share neither a
common native tongue nor a common culture. The programme effectively assists
non-native students in becoming competent language users, who can creatively
bridge the differences of cultural origin between themselves and others.
The integrated preparatory programmes give students the opportunity to feel
at home in the social and cultural contexts of Hungary and at the University
well before their undergraduate studies start. A wide range of compulsory and
elective courses ensure the enhancement of language skills, subject-related
and cultural literacy, as well as intercultural awareness.
The last stage of the preparatory programmes is complete with courses held by the
professors of the future faculty of the students. These courses are introductory
courses to undergraduate studies all modelling university lectures and seminars.
These courses also effectively assist our students in integrating into the academic
culture and processes at the University of Pécs or any other university.
ISC's preparatory programmes are always designed and developed following a
thorough needs analysis. Uniquely in Hungary and the region, the programmes
systematically conform not only to the European Framework of Reference for
the Attainment of Languages but to the European and the Hungarian
Frameworks of Qualification as well. This provides exceptional transparency of
the programs and comparability of the training on a European level.
Students complete any of ISC's preparatory programmes with a minimally B2 level
ECL Language Exam. The language exam is accredited and recognized in the EU.
Your everyday life speaks Hungarian – semester courses for enhancing your
Hungarian skills
You can learn Hungarian as a foreign language at the International Studies
Center UP MS during the fall and spring semesters. The Hungarian language
course, during the twelve-week long semester contains 48 contact hours
(2x90 minutes / week). ECTS or university credits may be earned after a
successful written and oral exam. Hungarian lessons are held in 5 language
levels. Students have the opportunity to plan the timetable for Hungarian les-
sons adjusted to their own Univeristy schedule.
Lots of learning lots of fun – Hungarian Language and Culture Summer University
The Hungarian Language and Culture Summer University celebrated the 17th
anniversary this year. The intensive course provides efficient language
knowledge through both the language lessons made complete with projects
and outdoor programmes. The language lessons of the Summer University are
accompanied by cultural seminars.
We have designed a cutting-edge learning package for your efficient and
pleasurable learning experience. Our course book, MagyarOK, was awarded the
European Language Label, a prize for innovative projects in language
teaching and learning. The study materials used in class and the experience-based,
outdoor lessons lay a solid foundation of language knowledge, and place
meaningful communication and natural use of language in the foreground.
International Studies Center University of Pécs
Unless learners are given proper guidance to overcome their
initial apprehension in learning Hungarian, they soon give up
on both, learning the language and believing that they can inte-
grate into the local community successfully. Under these cir-
cumstances, the role of language classes is central since they
provide an environment where preconceptions about the lan-
guage can be discussed, attenuated and alleviated. Teachers
can outline tasks that invite learners to initiate contacts with
native speakers in Hungarian facilitating the first steps of their
integration into the local community. The MagyarOK 1 learning
package was developed with the main objective that, by com-
pleting the curriculum, students should have acquired not only
a sound linguistic basis in contemporary Hungarian but also all
pragmatic competences necessary for successful integration.
In 2013, MagyarOK received the European Language Label,
awarded to the most innovative language learning projects.
A Communicative-Lexical Approach
The learning package aims at helping learners to acquire a
sound knowledge of the Hungarian language together with the
necessary intercultural and pragmatic competences. In Chapter
1 of the MagyarOK textbook the presentation of new linguistic
items reflects another general guiding principle applied
throughout the entire learning package: most tasks and activi-
ties link familiar phenomena (international words) to unfamil-
iar ones (their Hungarian spelling and pronunciation). Students
leave their first lesson with approximately 50 new words and
10 useful sentences, the rules of Hungarian pronunciation and
the concept of vowel harmony. Such a dynamic first encounter
can be highly motivating. According to Liebhardt, once a
German student asked him at the end of his first lesson: Why
does everybody say that Hungarian is a difficult language? It
seems so easy.
A Multimodal-Cooperative Approach
Research has shown that humans are more likely to retain infor-
mation when it is communicated via more than one channel. To
maximize the effectiveness of learning and to accommodate
different learning styles, activities for the classroom are based
on a multimodal approach involving a maximum number of
sensory organs. For the same reason, we have opted for a
cooperative approach rather than for more competitive forms
of interaction in the classroom.
Intercultural awareness
Cultural integration is bidirectional by nature; learners desire
not only entry points to the target culture but also that their cul-
ture is acknowledged and accepted by members of the target
community. Once learners have been given the opportunity to
tell about their own country and culture in the classroom and
they have noticed curiosity and positive attitude on behalf of
their teachers, their willingness to interact with native speakers
increases. A colleague who works with Syrian refugees reported
that the attitude of one of the schoolboys she has been work-
ing with has visibly changed towards Hungary and Hungarians
after he was invited to present his country to his classmates and
his teacher in the Hungarian lesson.
Outside the classroom:
language learning and integration
Our experience shows that learners appreciate some guidance
as to how they can benefit from everyday interactions to
enhance their learning. At the International Studies Center of
University of Pécs, the MagyarOK Expedition program has been
established to bridge the gap between language acquisition in
and outside the classroom. In the framework of this program
learners come into contact with native speakers, interview
them or execute tasks with their help. The encounters are pre-
pared in class. Learners are helped over the difficulties of the
first contacts with Hungarians in Hungarian and they make the
experience of being able to interact, to some extent, with
native speakers.
The printed materials of the total learning package consist of a
textbook and a workbook. An essential part of the MagyarOK are
the internet-based materials available on the
website, it is freely accessible for everyone.
Kata PELCZ and Szilvia SZITA
"Why does everybody say that
Hungarian is a difficult language?
It seems so easy." Considered both extremely hard to learn, and undeserving of significant
investment due to its limited applicability outside of Hungary, the learners'
motivation in approaching Hungarian is lowered from the outset. As Zsolt
Liebhardt's survey has shown, very few learners wish to achieve a high level
of Hungarian, with most of them studying the language out of politeness
towards members of the local community, out of curiosity and to make their
daily lives in Hungary easier. In order to communicate with Hungarian speak-
ers, they prefer to use English or, in some cases, German.
Here at the University of Pécs we have
designed semester/ year-long Study Abroad
programs for the incoming international stu-
Those students who are enrolled in foreign
universities on graduate or undergraduate
level can spend a semester or an academic
year at our university and study various sub-
jects in English. They can earn transferable
credits towards their home degree here on a
very reasonable price level.
We offer semester/year-long Study Abroad
programs in the following areas:
Business Administration, Applied
Management, Architecture, Civil Engineering,
Structural Engineering, Computer Science,
Psychology, International Relations, English
and American Studies, Nursing,
Physiotherapy, Art History, Painting, Sculpture,
Ceramic Design, Graphic Design and Music
Please find more details about our Study
Abroad programs on our website:
You can also follow us on Facebook at 'Study
Abroad in Pécs, Hungary' and on Twitter at
'Study Abroad in Pécs HU'.
Encourage your friends to apply to our Study
Abroad programs and enjoy being in Pécs
"Hi my name is Taylor, I'm fromSan Diego State University. I spentthe fall 2016 semester at theUniversity of Pécs. I chose thisschool because I needed classestaught in English and I wanted toexperience a culture completely dif-ferent than my own. My favoritepart about being here is that I havemade many friends from places allaround the world! I think you shouldchoose Pécs too, it's a cozy, wel-coming city and it's easy to exploreother parts of Europe from here!"
CCeennttrree ffoorr IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall RReellaattiioonnss,, UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff PPééccss,, VVaassvváárrii PPááll uu.. 44
Invite your friends
to join you for a semester
at the University of Pécs!
NNeeww SSttuuddyy AAbbrrooaadd pprrooggrraammss
at the University of Pécs
Did you know that from 2007 a lot Spanish have chosen our city
to do their University studies?
Well, most of them came here to study medicine since it was
easier to get into Medical School (they would have needed
approximately 9,3 out of 10 to study in Spain). In the follow-
ing we will see what they think about Pécs, about university
life, about the Hungarian people and about the way they
managed to find our city on the map.
How did they find Pécs?
Most of them say they just heard about Pécs from other peo-
ple, but the very first "Spaniard" generation admits they just
'googled' it (where to study medicine in Europe). Pécs was the
first city to offer Medical studies in English in central Europe
(in 1984).
When asked about school life they all have different opinions.
"I've never had an oral exam so it was really hard to get
used to take an exam orally in a different language and to be
exposed to that kind of uncertainty".
"Meeting new people whose mother tongue wasn't
Spanish and especially doing exams in English was the hard-
About Hungary the vast majority have good words.
"Before I came here I had only heard about Budapest, which
is also amazing. Pécs is small, but you can find a lot of oppor-
tunities to have a good time, to go to a concert almost every
day and so on..."
But sometimes the stereotypes become true…
"In Keleti Pályaudvar (the first well-known place in Hungary
by all international students I guess) when I wanted to buy
the ticket to 'Pecs' and after 5 minutes of Activity game the
lovely woman looked into my eyes, recognizing that I wanted
to go to 'Pécs' and how she said it correctly, that was amaz-
Following their first good experience after arriving in Pécs,
they just like it. As they say, they have a place and a life here
that most of their friends at home could never dream of hav-
ing even though they don't know where Pécs is. Spain is also
not known to be among the richest countries, but the biggest
difference between the two countries (next to the sunshine
hours) is that "Hungary is so cheap and people work for little
And what about the Hungarian language? Is that really an
impossible mission? "Yes." It seems that most of them just
give it up after their first Hungarian course at the university,
which is necessary for everybody. "Old people don't speak any
other languages, like in most other countries, but actually
Hungarians speak better English that we Spanish do, due to
the difficulty of the Hungarian language I guess you have the
need to learn other languages because no one else speaks
Hungarian outside Hungary."
As speaking of the Hungarian language, they show how per-
fectly they can ask someone 'Mi a panasza?' but when the
patient gives the answer google translate is proven the best
Being a student is not only about studying. As it was mentioned,
in Pécs you can find the proper way to have a beer in the right
place with the right people, but how does it work in Spain?
If in Spain you ask for a beer, you will get a 'ca?a' or a 'tubo',
that here means a 'glass' (pohár), and they also serve you a
'tapa' without any question, that is something to eat next to
your drink. But the biggest difference is the time, when peo-
ple are going out, or going home from the club. In Spain you
sit maybe until midnight in a tapas bar, speaking loud with
your friends, discussing where to go next. Around 1 am you
find the right place to continue the night, but this place may
not be a club. And then, when the clubs open around 3–4 am,
you go there until the first 'churrería' opens and you can have
a breakfast of fresh churros.
Pécs is getting more and more diverse with these lovely,
loud people, and hopefully this is not the last Spanish gener-
ation who come here!
I have a lot of friends among foreign students and one of our
main issues is where to eat well.
Othmane Ahmed's (Tunisia) favourite is goulash, because
he is very fond of spicy food. He also likes the sweets like
kürtõskalács and pancakes. However he thinks that
Hungarian cuisine is too fatty and uses too much butter, oil,
and of course we eat pork which is also a negative thing for
him. When it comes to cooking Ahmed cooks Tunisian dishes
and uses a lot of spices, most of them he has brought from
Tunisia. His favourite Tunisian dishes are couscous and kafte-
Robin Cathey (USA) said he loves lángos. He often cooks at
home, including pasta, salad, tomato soup, tacos, avocado
omelette, but he likes to dine in the city.
Hany Badawy (Egypt) likes stew, egg noodles and potato
noodles made with a lot of ground red pepper. Hany is also
fond of Hungarian soups and happily cooks Hungarian dishes
at home. Hany mixes Hungarian and Egyptian cuisine, but the
taste of their own choosing requires more time. One of his
favourite meals is fetteh.
Arun Nagarajan (India) is a vegetarian, that is why he has
not tried many Hungarian dishes, but he loves our spicy
flavours. His favourite food is falafel, and he often cooks at
home. He uses a lots of vegetables, fruits, lentils, rice, millet,
curries and noodles.
Nnabu Monday Meshach (Nigeria) is eager to taste new
dishes, his favourite is goulash as it is full of vegetables, meat
and pepper. Nigerian cuisine also uses a lot of spices and nat-
ural oils, they love spicy soups and barbecue. His favourite
dishes are ogbonu and coconut, rice and bean soups.
Jeff Adov (Republic of Benin) mentioned the goulash soup
as his favourite. He usually cooks winter-time Italian or Arabic
Maghribian dishes in his own kitchen, because the proper
ingredients for his home country dishes such as yams, okra
(reminiscent of pepper plants), plantain (a kind of banana) are
not available here.
Andrea Fatale's (Italy) new favourite dish is chicken broth.
He cooks Hungarian dishes at home, but he uses much less
onions. He says his life would be unimaginable without the
traditional Italian pasta.
Aino Lindholm (Finland) likes almost everything seasoned
with paprika. His favourite dishes are stuffed cabbage, meat
soup, beef goulash and lángos. Surprisingly he knows and
likes Hungarian dishes like rooster testicle stew, "tócsni",
fried blood with onions. He likes the beigli, and he could not
mention any Hungarian dish which he did not find delicious.
As a negative experience, he finds that some of the Hungarian
dishes are too heavy for his stomach.
As a local girl I have to agree with the previous speakers: I
have been to a lot of countries, I tasted authentic dishes, but
the broth, stew, cottage cheese pasta with cracklings and
pancakes are superlative.
Krisztina KOVÁCS
is the all-time
What do
our foreign
students like to eat?
Monstrous meals:
Soups – In my opinion Hungary is the one and only country
which considers soup as a starter and not as a main course. It
was our grandmothers' teaching that soup was the meal which
"makes place for the main course" so we should eat it this first.
Apart from the world famous goulash, the other typical
Hungarian soup is the meat soup aka broth. The most typical
variety is made of chicken or beef. A typical homemade meat
soup has giant oval fat drops floating on its surface giving its
specifying goldish colour. The hard-core cook put a whole
chicken into the soup. Piece by piece. Usually legs float on the
top of the soup's surface making it a horrifying look. The other
interesting type of soup is the sweet soups. It can be made of
any fruit. These are usually cream soups but their sweetness is
Pasta with poppy seeds:
In the greatest part of the world poppy seeds are connected to
drugs and opium. However, you cannot prepare this Hungarian
meal without its dark seeds. It is really easy to make as it only
requires pasta, poppy seeds and some sugar. It has become one
of the favourite dishes of children and anyone who has once
tasted it. The Hungarian version of Christmas cake (Bejgli) is
also made with poppy seeds.
Fried cheese in breadcrumb – Breadcrumb coating is natural
for Hungarian cuisine. Usually it is meat which is coated with it
but people sometimes use vegetables for example cucumber,
mushrooms, eggplant etc.
For vegetarians the most popular kind is fried cheese. It is easy
to make and very delicious. I warmly recommend it with blue-
berry jam.
Sinister sweets:
Winter Ice cream – Yes, it does exist. It is one of those popu-
lar retro sweets that are hard to describe. Ice cream cone,
chocolate cream and flat chocolate coin. In a way it gives back
the feeling of ice cream eating in those dark and cold winter
Bird's milk – Those Hungarians and those weird animals…
again… They are milking not only cows but also birds? I guess
that is on your mind, but don't worry we are not so barbaric. It
is just a strange name for a dessert of fluffy meringue floating
on vanilla custard.
Diana Candy – Number one on the strange desserts' list. Sugar
bonbons covered with chocolate filled with salted wine spirit
(sósborszesz). Ancient but good.
And at the end of the meal let's finish with some Satanic
Bread with fat – An easy festival meal, the perfect snack next
to mulled wine is a slice of bread with fat spread on it, red
paprika and some onion slices. Village feast served in our
Töpörtyû (Greaves) and Disznósajt (Brawn) – Don't worry
Hungarians don't milk the pig.
Pig slaughtering is a vintage Hungarian habit with the aim of
storing food resources for the whole year. Hungarians have dis-
covered how to "recycle the pig" one hundred percent. One
part of this recycling is brawn. It includes everything which is
not used in any other pork products like sausage. Greaves is
the fried pigs fat . It is very delicious but is very hard to digest,
so it is not recommended to eat a lot from it.
Lángos – The Hungarian pizza with cow food….. ok don't
panic Lángos is a perfect breakfast on festivals, or when you go
to the fresh food market in the morning. The meal is basically
a fried dough, with garlic, sour cream and cheese on top. Not
a fitness food but typical and delicious.
Körözött: Cottage cheese – This milk product is popular
around the world. It is perfect for bread with vegetables mixed
Sweet cottage cheese rolls (Túró Rudi) – Last but not least the
Hungaricum of sweets. The third most famous Hungarian food
apart from goulash and pálinka. Sweet cottage cheese rolls in
chocolate coating provides an interesting and delicious sweet
which represents our whole country.
I hope I managed to call your attention to some of these freaky
but fine foods. Most of them are easy to make and in the mean-
time you can learn a lot about Hungary and its culture.
Hungarian Kitchen
Horror Story
Nothing is better than exploring a new country. New life, new
people and especially new culinary delights. We know a sign
of culture shock is the growing hunger for food in the new
country. Foreign foods or drinks look so strange as if they
stepped out from a horror movie. However, as we know,
sometimes the horrible looks can be very delicious. The fol-
lowing stories about Hungarian cuisine may sound weird or
gross but for Hungarians it is part of their everyday life and for
foreigners they are worth a taste. Let's see the kitchen mon-
sters and the dishes that look exotic to foreigners.
Date: July 1 –30
Short description:
The Simonyi Summer Entrepreneurship Consulting Program is
designed to train and mentor participants from diverse disciplines to
get involved in improving their own and their peers' entrepreneurial
Social programs: City Tour, Celebration of 4 July, Wine Tasting,
Hungarian Cooking Competition
Who should apply: Undergraduate and graduate students from all dis-
ciplines who are seeking a unique opportunity for learning through
experiencing business consulting entrepreneurship, social entrepre-
neurship and innovation.
Language of instruction: English
Earned credits: 15 ECTS credits
Organizing unit: Simonyi Business and Economic Development Center
Date: July 28 – August 6
Short description:
Join our Pécs Debate Academy Summer School and receive up-to-
date knowledge about the hot topics of today's higher education! Do
you want to make your opinion heard? Come and improve your debat-
ing skills with us, using the most effective content, style, speed, tone
and volume!
Our unique Debate Academy Summer School uses a mixed methodol-
ogy. Not only will you learn about issues of higher education from
experts of the field, but also have the opportunity to develop your
speaking skills and learn to argue according to the techniques of the
British Parliamentary Debate style.
Social programs: Concert, cultural and interactive events such as con-
certs, country presentations, sport contests, social night, field trip,
Who should apply: Undergraduate, graduate and PhD students
Language of instruction: English
Earned credits: 6 ECTS credits
Organizing unit: UP Centre for International Relations together with
SIEN Foundation
Date: July 24 – August 20 (4-week-long course)
July 24 – August 6 (2-week-long course)
Short description:
Would you like to learn Hungarian in an interesting, effective and play-
ful way? Apply to our Hungarian Language and Culture Summer
University to learn not only the language but also to receive up-to-date
information about Hungarian culture, cuisine, traditions and much
more! All in a very amusing way, in small multicultural groups. Learn
our unique and very interesting language in the natural language envi-
ronment and learn more than just a language!
Social programs: trips to the countryside, sports programs, hiking, cul-
tural programs including making traditional handcrafted artifacts,
learning folk dances, experiencing Hungarian gastronomy and wine
Who should apply: anyone who is interested in speaking Hungarian.
International students who will start their studies in September or
already study in Hungary, but do not have time during the semester.
Language of instruction: Hungarian (English)
Earned credits: 13.5 ECTS / 9 ECTS credits
Organizing unit: University of Pécs, Medical School, International
Studies Center
Planning to have
an unforgettable
PPééccss SSuummmmeerr SScchhooooll 22001177
aawwaaiittss yyoouu!!
Earn credits during the summer while learning something
new and having fun in an international environment!
As part of our internationalization strategy, the University
of Pécs is working on offering a growing number of
Summer Schools to our international, Hungarian and
incoming students.
In 2017 the University of Pécs announces the following
exciting and unique summer programs:
Date: June 16 –21
Short description:
Are you a festival-goer and interested in learning how to organize a
pop festival? Come to Pécs, our Hungarian Liverpool and home to
many very popular Hungarian rock bands! Learn how to organize a pop
music festival like the professionals do! Pécs has an immense atmos-
phere of pop music – you can sense the music here!
Join our unique Music Camp and learn from professional festival
organizers and musicians how to:
1. organize and promote a music festival
2. create visual effects
3. perform your own music on stage
Participants will have a special opportunity to follow and participate in
the preparation of the amazing pop music festival, Fishing on Orfû.
Social programs: The night-off programs will include concerts and par-
ticipation in the various ongoing cultural events in Pécs.
Who should apply: Undergraduate, graduate and PhD students
Language of instruction: English
Earned credits: 2 ECTS credits
Organizing unit: PTE University of Music
Date: June 26–28
Short description:
Apply to our Personal Development training if you would like to learn
about yourself, to be able to identify your strengths and values, and
build and communicate your personal brand. This training will also help
you improve your communication and debate skills and teach you how
to enter the job market successfully.
Social programs: City tour, welcome and farewell party, karaoke party
Who should apply: Undergraduate and graduate students who would
like to increase self-esteem in everyday life and entering the labor mar-
Language of instruction: English
Earned credits: 3 ECTS credits
Organizing unit: Centre for International Relations
DRC Summer School
Date: July 2–9
Short description:
Join our DRC Summer School and receive up-to-date knowledge about
the political, economic and social challenges of the Danube Region!
Do you have research results about the Danube region that you would
like to share? Or would you just like to express your thoughts and learn
from experts? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the region?
What does the future hold? Register if you are interested in the
region's political, economic, historical and social processes – discover
our workshops and present your idea and research.
Social programs: sightseeing, wine-tasting, excursions
Who should apply: BA, MA, PhD level scientists from Social, Human
and Political Sciences
Language of instruction: English
Earned credits: 10 ECTS credits
Organizing unit: IDM Vienna, University of Pécs
SSuummmmeerr SScchhoooollss aarree
lleeaarrnniinngg AANNDD ttrreemmeennddoouuss
ffuunn!! FFiinndd ssoommeetthhiinngg rreellaatteedd
ttoo yyoouurr ddeeggrreeee oorr ttoo yyoouurr
JJooiinn oouurr SSuummmmeerr SScchhoooollss
aanndd iinnvviittee yyoouurr ffrriieennddss,, ttoooo!!
DDoonn''tt mmiissss tthhee ooppppoorrttuunniittyy!!
CChhoooossee aa pprrooggrraamm aanndd
aappppllyy nnooww!!
More information:;
You can also follow us on Facebook and on Twitter at 'Pécs Summer School'.
University of Pécs
Centre for International Relations
AApppplliiccaattiioonn ffoorr tthhee sspprriinngg sseemmeess--
tteerr ooff tthhee DDaanncciinngg UUnniivveerrssiittyy iiss
ppoossssiibbllee ffrroomm FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133 ttoo 1188,,
22001177 aatt hhttttpp::////ttaannccoolloo..ppttee..hhuu//eenn..
TThhee ccoouurrsseess bbeeggiinn oonn FFeebbrruuaarryy 2200..
CCllaasssseess ccaann bbee ttaakkeenn aass ssppoorrttss
ccoouurrsseess aass wweellll,, iinn tthhiiss ccaassee rreeggiiss--
ttrraattiioonn nneeeeddss ttoo bbee ddoonnee aatt
BBaallllrroooomm ddaanncciinngg
Instructor: Ms. Judit Papp
Time: Thu 17.30–19.00
BBeellllyy DDaannccee
Instructor: Ms. Indzsi Deniz
Time: Thu 17.30–19.00
BBooddyy--SShhaappiinngg DDaannccee AAeerroobbiiccss
Instructor: Ms. Kata Szalai
Time: Tue 16.00–17.30
CCrrooaattiiaann,, SSeerrbb,, MMaacceeddoonniiaann DDaanncceess
Instructor: Veszna Vélin
Time: Tue 17.30–19.00
CCuubbaann SSaallssaa
Instructor: Ms. Barbara Vágási
and Mr. Balázs Kutni
Time: Wed 17.30–19.00
EEmmppllooyyeerrss'' BBaallllrroooomm DDaanncciinngg
Instructor: Mr. Balázs Kapronczai
Time: Wed 16.30–17.30
EEmmppllooyyeerrss'' GGyymmnnaassttiiccss
Time: Thu 16.30–17.30
Instructor: Mr. Tamás Horváth
Time: Mon 18.30–20.00
HHuunnggaarriiaann FFoollkk DDaannccee
Instructor: Mrs. Andrea Tandi Mosgai,
Mr. Tibor Tandi
Time: Thu 19.00–20.30
LLaattiinn DDaanncceess
Instructor: Mr. János Józsa
Time: Tue 20.30–22.00
LLaattiinn FFrreeeessttyyllee AArroobbiiccss
Instructor: Ms. Adrien Szabó
Time: Mon 17.00–18.30
Instructor: Mr. Zsolt Lenkei
Time: Fri 13.00–14.15
SShhooww//MMuussiiccaall DDaannccee
Instructor: Ms. Judit Papp
Time: Tue 19.00–20.30
Instructor: Ms. Boglárka Gyenis
Time: Wed 15.00–16.30
CCrreeaattiivvee DDaannccee ffoorr PPDD aanndd MMSS PPaattiieennttss
Instructor: Ms. Beáta Szuhán-Glass
Time: Fri 14.15–15.00
How about sport?
One of its these special programmes is the Jubilee Pentathlon. It will include five events: Pub Sports Night,
Futsal Cup between the faculties of UP, UP Historic Memorial Run 1367, 7th PTE Dragon Boat Regatta, and
Lake Balaton Open Water Swimming. The Jubilee Pentathlon aims to commemorate the 650th anniversary
of the foundation of Hungary's first university. For students who love sports festivals, there will be the out-
standing Danube regatta, the largest Hungarian sports festival in Budapest. Here, in Pécs a Sports Festival
will be held for the first time during August.
More info:
UP Sports Bureau Program 2017 Spring
22 February
IIIIII.. PPTTEE SSqquuaasshh CCuupp
End of February – beginning of March
Competitions of faculties, PTE Futsal League
08–09 March
JJuubbiilleeee PPeennttaatthhlloonn 11sstt eevveenntt:: 33rrdd UUPP PPuubb SSppoorrttss NNiigghhtt
20 March
FFoooottbbaallll TToouurrnnaammeenntt bbeettwweeeenn FFaaccuullttiieess ooff tthhee UUPP
22 March
TTaallkkiinngg aabboouutt ssppoorrtt ((ttooppiicc:: ffoooottbbaallll))
29–30 March
JJuubbiilleeee PPeennttaatthhlloonn 22nndd eevveenntt:: FFuuttssaall CCuupp bbeettwweeeenn FFaaccuullttiieess UUPP
12 April
AARRCC.. PPTTEE BB3333 SSttrreeeettbbaallll CCuupp
26 April (Rain Date: 27 April)
JJuubbiilleeee PPeennttaatthhlloonn 33rrdd eevveenntt.. UUPP HHiissttoorriicc MMeemmoorriiaall RRuunn 11336677
29 April
Jubilee Pentathlon 4th event: VI. PTE Dragon Boat Regatta
6 May
Danube Regatta
1 July
JJuubbiilleeee PPeennttaatthhlloonn 55tthh eevveenntt::
LLaakkee BBaallaattoonn OOppeenn WWaatteerr SSwwiimmmmiinngg
17–20 August
JJuubbiilleeee IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall SSppoorrtt FFeessttiivvaall
and cups
– the UP Sports
Bureau organizes
programmes during
this spring
and summer.
King Louis the Great,
Pope V. Orbán and
Bishop William established the
first university of Hungary in
1367. On the occasion of the
650th anniversary of the
foundation of the University
of Pécs the Parliament decided
that 1 September will be the
Day of the Hungarian higher
education and the memorial
day of the university foundation
in Pécs. The jubilee emphasizes
the international pioneering
role of Hungarian higher
education through several h
istoric periods.
The first
of Hungary
The history of higher education
in Pécs dates back to 1367, when
Louis the Great initiated the
establishment of a university in
the episcopal city of Pécs. There
are not abundant sources con-
cerning the short, only a few-
decade-long operation of the
university (studium generale). Its
establishment is an integral part
of the Central and Eastern
European trend of university
foundations. During the wave of
foundations brought to life by
the Holy Roman Emperor Charles
IV (1346–1378) by establishing
the University of Prague (1348),
the studium generales in Cracow
(1364), and Vienna (1365), and
finally in Pécs were set up almost
the same time.
William of Koppenbach, Bishop of Pécs, played a key role in the
establishment of the university, which is clearly reflected in the
choice of the seat of the institution. The cleric, originally from Pfalz
(Germany), started serving King Ludwig I in 1358, as the monarch's
diplomat, counsellor, secret Chancellor and chapel steward (1358 to
1374). During his career in the Church, he was a priest in
Bergzabern (Germany), provost first in Cazma (Croatia) then in Eger
(Hungary), and finally Bishop of Pécs (1361–1374).
The foundation was primarily due to expectations claimed for the
participants of the royal diplomacy, namely to bear the canonical
legal qualification essential for negotiations. Bishop William, as a
secret chancellor and chapel steward, was in charge of the king's
diplomatic corps, therefore, he could be more aware of the advan-
tages of a domestic university than anyone else. Obviously, the
approval of the king was necessary, however, the monarch's role
could be regarded as a formal requirement only needed during the
official Vatican process. The initiative role of the high priest is sup-
ported by the selection of the seat as well as his role in the remu-
neration of the professors.
The studium generale of Pécs copied the structure of the University
of Padua. The chancellor, i.e., the head of the institution was always
the actual Bishop. In fact, all power concerned concentrated in his
hands, thus he exercised jurisdiction over students and professors
alike, while he was in charge of governing the institution, too. It
was also the chancellor who awarded academic degrees to candi-
dates after taking examinations successfully.
Many people attempted to extend the operation of the medieval
university in Pécs until the middle or end of 15th century, or else as
late as until 1543. It seems certain, however, that the studium gen-
erale of Pécs, strongly connected with the person of bishop
William, began to decline after the founder's death. The most emi-
nent professor of the institution, Galvano di Bologna left Pécs, and
by 1374 he was teaching in Italy once again. Bishop Bálint Alsáni
still took the position of the Chancellor, however, it is likely that the
institution ceased functioning during his official time as a Bishop,
namely in the 1390s.
The excavations beginning in 1967 in the vicinity of the cathedral
revealed a building, together with the Golden Chapel of Mary,
between the Cathedral and the city wall, which used to serve as the
Episcopal palace of the bishops of Pécs between the 11th and14th
centuries. It was last rebuilt in the second half of the 14th century.
During the excavations lead by dr. Mária Sándor and Dr. Gyõzõ Gerõ
a coat of arms referring to Bishop William was unearthed, which
confirmed the assumption that the building was constructed by the
order of bishop William playing an important role in the establish-
ment of the university, who, probably had the former palace con-
verted in connection with the establishment of the university.
Source and more info:
Open University event series
Herbs and Phermacy
(Dr. Szabó László)
24th January.
PTE Faculty of Adult Education and Human
Resources Development, Hall of FEEFI, Pécs,
Szántó Kovács János street 1/B.
The events of spring begins on the
24th of January with Dr. Szabó
László's lecture about "Herbs and
Pharmacy". The lecture is about the
interesting facts of herbs and their
role in healing. Although herbs aren't
some kind of potions but the reserves
of pharmacy and researches of medi-
cine. Some herbs which whit milder
milder compounds, even today are
part of pharmaceutics.
Chocolate carnival of Pécs
4th – 5th of February.
Zsolnay Quarter
This event is held for the 5th time
with the cooperation of Csoko-Láda
and the Zsolnay Quarter. This event is
not only made for the chocolate
craftsmen's sale from different parts
of the country but it is also giving
place for cultural events, playhouse,
and exhibition during the weekend.
During the previous years, the free
event had 3–4 thousand visitors
Open University event series
"Knowledge is power", from people's
upbringing to adult education
(Dr. Németh Balázs)
7th of February.
PTE Faculty of Adult Education and Human
Resources Development, Hall of FEEFI, Pécs,
Szántó Kovács János street 1/B.
Within the programs of Open
University, on the 7th of February,
enquirers may attend on the lecture of
Dr. Németh Balázs about the Hungarian
education system and it's main periods
and characteristics. By demonstrating
political, social and economic aspects,
which slowly led synchronizing our
nation's adult education system with
the European education and upbringing
XXI-th University Ball in the spirit of the
11th – 12th February.
PTE Dr. Romhányi György Hall
During the night, our guests may adum-
brate to the second half of the XIV-th
century's lifestyle, food, music and
dance. The posy of the event is:
"Medieval gentry's spree".
XI-th Jubilee Pollack Expo
2nd – 3rd of March.
Expo Centre Pécs
The XIth Jubilee Pollack Expo held by
the Faculty of Engineering and
Information Technology annually. The
series of exhibition and lectures is the
greatest muster of South West Hungary.
The trade fair presents around 100 new
inventions connected to IT and engi-
neering. Visitors may interact on the
first performance or listen to the lec-
tures about interesting engineering
facts and novelty
Open University event series
Folding Roof in Architecture
(Dr. Halada Miklós)
7th of March.
PTE Faculty of Adult Education and Human
Resources Development, Hall of FEEFI, Pécs,
Szántó Kovács János street 1/B.
The Open University's next lecture will
be held ont the 7th of March by Dr.
Halada Miklós "Folding Roof in
Architecture". In the past decade, all
around the world folding rooves got
popular, even from small to stadium
sizes. During the lecture their use and
mechanism will be presented
The University of Pécs is 650 years old
– spring programs of the jubilee
The University of Pécs is celebrating it's 650th birthday on the 1st of September 2017,
thus the series of the jubilee events begins.
As in the year 2016, 2017 going to have some great events where organizers are waiting for the visitors' enquiry.
Jubilee spring events of 2017
UnivPécs International - Spring 2017
UnivPécs International - Spring 2017
UnivPécs International - Spring 2017
UnivPécs International - Spring 2017
UnivPécs International - Spring 2017
UnivPécs International - Spring 2017
UnivPécs International - Spring 2017
UnivPécs International - Spring 2017

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UnivPécs International - Spring 2017

  • 1.
  • 2. 1367 T-shirt 1 250 Ft PTE ALUMNI OFFICE 7622 Pécs, Vasvári Pál street 4. 1st floor 116. Monday–Thursday: 9.00–15.00, Friday: 9.00–13.00 TAKE A PIECE Thermo mug 1 900 Ft Shopping bag 800 Ft 1367 hoodie 5 500 Ft A/4 notepad 390 Ft OF PTE
  • 3. UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL 11 As the President of the Hungarian Rectors' Conference how do you see the situation and the directions of higher education in 2017? It seems to me that higher education is in a more consolidated economic situation today, however I am convinced, that this newly established structure is more rigid than we had planned: it should have been moved towards a progressive direction. An economically stable higher education should be used to improve academic education and research. There are several components of these: one is the issue of competitive wages. Salaries in the current Hungarian higher education are still not competitive, even if there was a 15% wage increase last year, a 5% increase now and another 5% planned. We hope that we can achieve an even higher wage growth. The government has promised this, and there is a specific proposal from the Hungarian Rectors' Conference. The higher education system lacks the so-called scientific financial contribution which existed earlier. It was used for main- taining and operating various research institutions which are the true foundations of basic research. To replace the scientific finan- cial contribution an application system has been created during recent years, and although it is a major source of financial sup- port it cannot compensate the missing research grants. Today's world is forcing universities to work and co-operate with partners from the economic field more intensively. This can make even basic research important. Regarding the University of Pécs: we can create an organizational structure in which ideas, research and scientific innovation could create concrete prod- ucts as a result – there has been precedent for this at the Faculty of Business and Economics. We want to apply it to the whole university, and now we have a chance for that. Internationalization is a priority issue for the University of Pécs. How do you evaluate the progress in this field? We have achieved very good results, but I think we are at the beginning of the road. The numbers can be misleading, because when we formulated our own programme and when we received this task from the government half year ago, we already had a thousand foreign students at the university. However I must admit, that there are shortcomings regarding the technical and physical conditions of our education and services. It is particu- larly true in the case of the faculty where the greatest number of the foreign students are, Medical School. Other faculties were also able to take big steps toward internationalization as there are no major problems with the infrastructure on their campus- es. We hope that it will not change, because this would prove that the program works well. Fortunately the Hungarian government supports our interna- tionalization program with 24 billion HUF that we are receiving through the Modern Cities Program as a first step but we also hope to be able to reach other channels to get further sources. Public procurements have been launched in connection with the Modern Cities Program. When can we expect results? I think that today it is not too difficult to find financial sources for the proper goals, but to use them in a regulated way is quite a torture in Hungary. In this process public pro- curements are key factors, if they are successful, we hope to see visible results this year. Back to the 650th anniversary: how do we prepare ourselves for the jubilee year? With serenity, with a beautiful vision about the future and with concepts that reflect the ideas of the founders of the university. I think life is never easy. It was not easy in 1367, but a bright concept was born which finally led to the cre- ation of the first university of Hungary. This was a great achievement, especially for Bishop William who initiated and operated the founding of the university. Of course it was great wisdom from King Louis the Great and from Pope Urban V who licensed and supported the progressive side of the process. It is my hope that the chapel which will be named after Bishop William, and the statue of the bishop and the king will be a worthy tribute to the founders. As for the our university, I believe that we can pay our tribute through mod- ernizing the structure, adjusting our training to the modern world, conducting effective basic and applied research, achieving outstanding scientific results, innovating, and wel- coming foreign students. This is my conviction. „Fine Vision for the future” interview with József Bódis rector
  • 4. Imprint UNIVPÉCS INTERNATIONAL UnivPécs International is a special issue by UnivPécs, published in September and February, distributed to UP students. Publisher: University of Pécs Rector's Office, Marketing Department 7622 Pécs, Vasvári Pál utca 4. Editor-in-Chief: Éva Harka Contributing authors: Robert Balogh, Bettina Bartakovics, Viktor Goldmann-Görög, Attila Horváth, Alexandra Kékesi, Krisztina Kovács, Archive Special thanks to Kata Peltz, Vivien Németh and Dominika Király Contributing Photographers and Illustrators: Bence Csabai, Szabolcs Csortos, Mirkó Márk, UnivPécs Archive Lector: Róbert Marcz Advertising: Róbert Király Distribution: Dusán Filákovity Printing: General Nyomda Kft., 6728 Szeged, Kollégiumi út 11/H ISSN 1586-1767 Tips, questions, comments? TABLE OF CONTENT On the fitfh day interview with Júlia Szekeres page 5 A Motivating Library page 8 "I am in love with Hungary" interview Mohamed Omar Youssef Shaaban Mahmoud page 10 Neptun Basics page 12 Stipendium Gala page 14 My Erasmus Experience Scarlett Bertrand page 17 Tinnitus Choir page 18 Modern Cities Programme page 20 Denver–Pécs, and about whom everyone is talking… interview with Dr. Sheila Rucki page 22–23 The legacy of Gyõzõ is important to me interview with Téo Vasarely page 24–25 “Why does everybody say that Hungarian is a difficult language? It seems so easy!” about MagyarOK page 27 Study Abroad! page 28. Goulash and Hungarian dishes that look exotic to foreigners page 31–32 Planning to have an unforgettable summer page 34 Dance and sport page 36 Jubilee Supplement page 41–47
  • 5. UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL 33 White Coat Ceremony is a ritual for students starting their pre-clinical studies at Medical School. The first event was on 3rd October, 2016. The 1st White Coat Ceremony
  • 6.
  • 7. UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL 55 On the fifth day TThhee jjooiinntt rreesseeaarrcchh ggrroouupp ooff tthhee UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff PPééccss aanndd SSeemmmmeellwweeiiss UUnniivveerrssiittyy iiddeennttiiffiieedd aa mmaarrkkeerr aaffffeecctt-- iinngg tthhee ssuucccceessss ooff aarrttiiffiicciiaall iinnsseemmii-- nnaattiioonn.. WWee ttaallkkeedd aabboouutt tthhee ssuucccceessss ttoo iimmmmuunnoollooggiisstt JJúúlliiaa SSzzeekkeerreess,, wwhhoo iinn hheerr ssttuuddyy ppuubblliisshheedd iinn NNaattuurree SScciieennttiiffiicc RReeppoorrttss iinn JJaannuuaarryy,, aallssoo hhaavvee ddrraawwnn aatttteennttiioonn ttoo tthhee ffaacctt tthhaatt ppaarreenntthhoooodd iiss ppuutt ooffff ttoo llaatteerr aanndd llaatteerr ppooiinnttss iinn ttiimmee iinn ddeevveellooppeedd ccoouunnttrriieess,, tthheerreeffoorree tthheerree iiss aann iinnccrreeaassiinngg ddeemmaanndd ffoorr aarrttiiffiicciiaall iinnsseemmiinnaattiioonn.. How big work preceded the success? It is the result of about two year's research, but it also need- ed a good idea. It is known that every cell produces extracel- lular vesicles (vesicles surrounded by lipid membranes), which can contain various molecules – cytokines, nucleic acids, hormones, enzymes. These vesicles get out of the cell and get to the next cell which takes them. With a help of con- trolling mechanisms, for example, a vesicle can transfer infor- mation from a cell of the endometrium to the embryo or vice versa, or maybe from a lymphocyte to another. It occurred whether there are such vesicles in the culture medium of in vitro embryos during artificial insemination. It seemed as a wild idea, because it was questionable whether a sole cell would be able to produce a detectable amount of vesicles. How big is a vesicle in comparison with a cell? Its size can extend from 50–100 nanometers up to one thou- sand. The cell is about 10 micrometers. That is, vesicles are minuscule compared to the size of the cell, just like a tiny lit- tle bubble next to the cell. Éva Pálinger from the Institute of Genetics, Cellular and Immune Biologe of the Semmelweis University was involved in the research, who is the member of an internationally appreciated research group studying extracellular vesicles. They checked the idea, and it turned out that there were such vesicles in the culture medium of the embryo. Then it had to be proved that they really were extra- cellular vesicles. The evidence is that the lipid membrane of the vehicle dissolve in detergents and the vehicles disappear. These vehicles originate from the embryo, since there were significantly more vesicles in the culture medium of the embryo than in such culture mediums in which no embryos were bred. Later on it was also found that if there is nucleic acid in the extracellular vesicles, it means that the embryo does not feel well. We made use of this phenomenon to iden- tify "right" embryos, suitable for implantation. I suppose 'test-tube babies' are not bred in test-tubes any more. Indeed, after insemination, they are bred in plastic culture vessels at 37 degrees in an appropriate culture medium that contains amino acids, salts and other nutrients required for development and provides for an appropriate pH level. What amount is this medium? An embryo is bred in 40 microliter of culture medium. It is a small drop. By the end of the fourth day the embryo looks like a raspberry, then it turns into a blastocyst on the fifth day; this blastocyst is implanted, but before that the embryo is transferred into fresh medium. Thus we can examine the number of extracellular vesicles containing nucleic acids in the medium in which the embryo has been bred for days. Excuse me, but how? There is a special paint – propidium iodide – which colours only nucleic acids, particularly the DNA, which becomes fluorescent red after painting. Flow cytometry is able to differentiate between vesicles of different colours and count them. We got the medium cultures of already implanted embryos from the IVF laboratory of the Gynaecological and Obstretical Clinic of Pécs, thus we were able to observe the correlation between the lab results and the success of the implantations. For instance, if the implantation of three embryos in the same woman resulted in a singleton pregnancy, then the number of extracellular vesicles containing nucleic acid was low in the culture medium of one embryo, while in the other two it was high. In another case, the implantation of two embryos resulted in twin pregnancy. Here the number of extracellular vesicles containing nucleic acid was low in case of both implanted embryos. Only one embryo is rarely implanted, and if this value is low, it is almost always fol- lowed by pregnancy. This is how we reached the conclusion that those are the "right" embryos in case of which the number of extracellular vesicles containing nucleic acid is low.
  • 8. 66 UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL A research project also needs to be proved; how did that happen? Only particular implantations are evidential, and these are rare in Hungary. However, we managed to obtain 20 such samples. There was only one among them which did not show correlation between the number of extracellular vesi- cles with successful pregnancy. Based on this, we can predict with a 95% probability, which embryos are suitable for implan- tation. However, the embryo identified with the above method is only one condition of a successful pregnancy. A suitably healthy maternal side is also necessary; that is, an endometrium which is capable of accommodating the embryo. In district V., Budapest, the average age of women having their first babies is 40 years. To what extent is it a disadvantage? It is tragic. It leads to the fact that many women are not able to get pregnant on their own. The rate of chromo- somically abnormal embryos increases with the age of the mother. At the age of 44, 90% of embryos are abnormal. At 35, this rate is nearly 40%. Fortunately, the majority of abnormal embryos are not able to implant; this is partly the reason behind increasing female infertility. Biologically speaking, it would be optimal for women to give birth between the ages of 20–25, because it is the period with the best chance of producing the genetically least prob- lematic embryos. It will be a nasty question, but due to social conditions, will your research be a salable product? Absolutely. Everywhere in the world the goal is to transfer only one embryo, but it requires the identification of the one embryo which has the most chance for implantation. Ideally transfer should work in a way that on the fifth day, right before transfer, the single embryo with the biggest chance for implantation could be chosen by a simple examination. Our method is quick and simple. Professor Gábor Kovács L.'s research group has identified a marker reflecting the differ- ences in the metabolism of "right" and "wrong" embryos, and the development of a chip-based quick test is in progress as well. If the two methods were applied at the same time, and both markers showed that this is the right embryo, we could make the method of choosing the right embryo much more safe. What is the next step? How can your method be applied? On the fifth day, there are 3–4 embryos available – several ones are bred from the same woman. On the day of the transfer the culture medium has to be examined with our method, it only takes 15 minutes. The examiner then can tell which embryo has to be used out of the four; let's say, egg no. 1. What happens to the other eggs then? We transfer one of the good eggs, while the others can be frozen, because we have to be happy about a good embryo, and by next time the mother will be even older. In other coun- tries only one embryo can be transferred; in Hungary more. In the USA, doctors inducing twin pregnancies face a mal- practice lawsuit, because twin pregnancies have more health risks. How is it possible that no business has been made of taking the eggs as early as possible? There has. For example, Apple offered their young employees to pay for taking and storing their eggs – this is called social freezing. When the woman feels it is time for having a baby,
  • 9. UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL 77 the embryo will be transferred. But a good egg is not enough for 100% success, because the endometrium ages as well, and hormonal conditions change, too. Where can you put this achievement in your research career? I find it important because it has the promise of practical implementation. Of course, chance also played a part in this discovery. Research is like a game. We head for something, and more and more new things open up. We manage to see beyond phenomena. Then we search for points where we can intervene in mechanisms. It is very exciting. What is your main field of research? The influence of hormonal changes during pregnancy on the immune system. The genetically half foreign embryo is not rejected because the operation of the immune system changes during pregnancy. The immune system does wire- dancing. It has to prevent the rejection of the embryo, but meanwhile it also has to protect the body from external infec- tions. The hormone progesterone has a key role in maintain- ing pregnancy and in the immunological changes during preg- nancy as well. It was us who first showed that there are spe- cific progesterone bonding nodes in the lymphocytes of pregnant women. Pregnancy means a constant stimulation for the maternal body. The maternal immune system recog- nizes the "alien" embryo; it activates lymphocytes and devel- ops progesterone receptors which are able to bond this hor- mone. The effect of progesterone is like a hit-and-run. When the effect of the hormone occurs, progesterone itself is not even present any more. Bonding to its receptor, progesterone reaches the nucleus of the cell and induces genes; new pro- teins are produced. Such a newly produced protein, PIBF – progesterone induced blocking factor – transmits the effects of progesterone on the function of the immune system. But I could talk a lot more about that. And now, after the big success, what is next, what will you research? Does research need a grant, or rather a good idea? A proper research environment and a little money. Unfortunately, this environment is not granted nowadays, not in the country, and unfortunately I must say, not even at the university. During research, new aspects emerge constantly, due to which I would need to buy a new reagent for a couple of hundred thousand Forints, but right now. In research, you cannot plan at the beginning of the year what problems will emerge half a year later. The proper procedure would be to order the reagent directly from the producing company that could deliver it in the shortest time possible, and I could pay it from the research budget. This is the practice in other countries, and it used to be in Hungary, too. But what is hap- pening now? I have to ask for quotations, write justifications and wait for signatures for months. Considering that an inter- mediate authority performs ordering, even the delivery address is often wrong and I have to find where the parcel has been sent. It is difficult to do research this way. Primarily, this is not the fault of the university. The way of spending money is determined by people who have no idea how research is performed, but they also have no idea about teaching and patient care either. Unfortunately, similarly uninformed peo- ple deal with research budgets at the university as well. Administration is excessive, and the system is inflexible. It could be helpful if administrators occasionally took study trips to the workplaces the work of which they are supposed to help, in order to get acquainted with the processes and emerging problems. Robert BALOGH
  • 10. IInn 22001144 wwee ddeecciiddeedd ttoo sseett ooffff ttoo wwiinn tthhee CCeerrttiiffiieedd LLiibbrraarryy aawwaarrdd.. TThhiiss ttiittllee wwaass ssuucccceessssffuullllyy rreecceeiivveedd aa yyeeaarr aaggoo,, aanndd ssiinnccee tthheenn tthhee lliibbrraarryy hhaass bbeeeenn ccoonnttiinnuuoouussllyy iimmpprroovv-- iinngg iittss hhiigghh qquuaalliittyy pprrooffeess-- ssiioonnaall sseerrvviicceess,, aanndd iiss cchhaarraacctteerriizzeedd bbyy iinnnnoovvaa-- ttiioonnss.. IInnnnoovvaattiioonn aaccttiivviittiieess rreeqquuiirree uuss ttoo oobbsseerrvvee tthhee nnaattiioonnaall aanndd iinntteerrnnaattiioonnaall ttrreennddss aanndd cchhaannggeess.. FFrroomm 22001144 oouurr sseerrvviicceess hhaavvee iinnccrreeaassiinnggllyy sshhiifftteedd ttoowwaarrddss aaccaaddeemmiicc kknnoowwll-- eeddggee aanndd aasssseett mmaannaaggee-- mmeenntt,, eelleeccttrroonniicc ccoonntteenntt ddeelliivveerryy aanndd tthhee ccoonnssttrruucc-- ttiioonn ooff aa ddiiggiittaall lliibbrraarryy.. LIBRARY AMOTIVATING OUR SERVICES We are proud to announce that, according to the 2016 student motivation study, students are satisfied with the services of the library. – 302 students joined our Freshmen's tour last October. – To be in touch with the students we actively use social media (Facebook, Twitter). – The Pekár Library is open until midnight during the exam period – "Database roadshows": Our "Library is just a click away – how can I take the first steps?" programme is quite popular. We showed stu- dents how to use, search and work with and within databases pro- vided by the Knowledge Centre. Our librarians presented this knowledge at the Faculty of Arts last spring, and at the Faculty of Health Sciences last Autumn. Our aim is to involve more teachers in our programme trying to help students prepare for their the- sis/dissertation work. – The "Ask a Librarian" chat service is becoming increasingly popular.
  • 11. – Various programs and exhibitions are organized for students. For example the well-known exhibition titled We should definitely read. (Mindenkép(p)en olvassunk!) consists of photos of university staff and students recommending their favourite books. – The "Library Night" program is held at the end of the spring semester, when thematic programs are organ- ized. What is more the Knowledge Centre is open until midnight, and a variety of discounts are offered. – In autumn, as a part of the programme, the "Day of Hungarian Science", we organize a conference to show the results of our developments. INNOVATIONS – One of our services supporting scientific research is "DIGITÁLIA" which is highly popular among students. Our colleagues will soon renew it: new functions are going to be developed using workflow support and web2 technologies. – Another new service will be the so-called eKéPEk (E-pictures), which is a special photo gallery to establish our collective memory aiming to preserve the past for the future generations. There is already a database but it is going to be developed by web2 technology. – "Brainstorm-box" is our new platform which pro- vides an opportunity to share innovative ideas about the library. The most exiting advantage of this plat- form is that you can follow the implementation of your ideas. This platform is available in English, too. We constantly work for our readers. To make our serv- ices better internal developments are required: mak- ing our work more efficient will hopefully benefit the reader as well. 650th JUBILEE ANNIVERSARY – We join the celebration of our anniversary, the list of all these programmes is available on our webpage. – A traveling exhibition on our university's history was launched in December, all faculties host the exhibition during the year. – The "Night at the library" programme, connected to the Middle Ages, will be a special occasion on 26 April. – An international conference on our university's his- tory will be held on 13–15 October. The main talks will be available in Hungarian and English as well. – Per Aspera ad Astra is an online journal about the history of the universities. To celebrate the anniver- sary a special themed copy will be published by our library in co-operation with the University Archives. – An international photo exhibition related to the anniversary will be also held in the building of the Knowledge Centre. (2nd Patria Photo Salon)
  • 12. 1100 UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL Why did you choose this study programme at the University of Pécs? I chose to study international relations at the University of Pécs because I love what the programme consists of; I am very much interested in political science, I love history, eco- nomics, sociology and also languages and this programme offered me the chance to study all of that in one place. In addition to this I looked at the different acknowledged uni- versities rankings websites and the University of Pécs was always in very good positions. And, of course I read about Hungary in general and Pécs specifically and I was in love with it before I came here. I knew it was the right place to pursue my education. Now, 2 months later, I am certain that I made the right decision to come here and I am very glad I did. What are your experiences about your study programmes? My experiences have so far been absolutely positive. A pleas- ant surprise I found on my first week was that my class con- sisted of around 25 students coming from around 20 coun- tries. The classroom is a truly international environment. Such diversity and sharing my lessons with enthusiastic peo- ple coming from the different corners of the globe adds a lot to my experience and my education, especially since I'm studying international relations. The subjects are great, and the teachers are professional with a vast knowledge and they are always very helpful. So, everything is really motivating me and it has been more than great so far and I am enjoying my education here very much. How do you like Hungary and a city of Pécs? I am in love with Hungary, I had already known that Hungary was a lovely country before I came here and when I arrived here it was even better than I thought. My favourite thing here is, undoubtedly, the people. I love the Hungarian people very much. I am always warmly welcomed, and always greet- ed with a smile. I can see how people are interested when I say I am from Egypt, and often asking me about my home country. In addition to this whenever I needed help, I could easily find it. The Hungarian people are incredibly kind, warm hearted, and welcoming and I am grateful for everything they have done for me so far. "I am in love with Hungary" – interview with the 3000th international student* We asked Mohamed Omar Youssef Shaaban Mahmoud, the 3000th international student of the University about Pécs, about studies and about his experiences. He has been here just for a few months, but he already feels at home and has great future plans in Hungary. *The special diploma was conferred on the 3000th international student of the UP on 9th November, 2016. 3808 foreign students study at the University of Pécs by now.
  • 13. UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL 1111 What are your favourite places in Pécs? My favourite place in Pécs is the historical area near the city center. I love the small streets there, the small colourful hous- es, the cosy shops, this area just gives me a comforting feel- ing I cannot really put in words. What do you think about the public transport, about the food, about your accommodation? Public transport, especially the buses are an important part of my everyday life here. I had some problems at first because I was not familiar with the bus system, but with time I adapt- ed and everything was clear to me. I got the monthly ticket for the bus, and it makes moving around the city much easi- er. Regarding food, I have still not fully experienced the Hungarian cuisine, I would love to though, but there are many kinds of food similar to those in Egypt, like Falafel and Kebab. Also this week I tried Hungarian homemade Fasirt and I absolutely loved it. And about my accommodation, I live in Szántó Kollégium which is a university's dormitory and I can say it is quite good. It offers an international community; I can find the necessary facilities and the staff are very helpful. I think I will probably move into private accommodation though in the next year because I believe this is more com- fortable for me. What do you miss from home? Where there any surprising differ- ence between Pécs and your home county? Of course the thing I miss the most is my family. Although we do talk everyday, I miss how it feels to be at home and with my parents and my two brothers. My mother's hug, my mother's food, these things are irreplaceable. I also miss the weather very much, here it is a bit too cold for me. But it is worth it though and hopefully soon I will be reunited with my parents. I guess the biggest difference is that Hungary is completely green and full of nature while Egypt is rather yellow. What do you do in your free time? Every weekend I travel to the north of Hungary to spend as much time as I can with my beautiful girlfriend who is Hungarian, and with her lovely family. They have introduced me to a lot cultures and habits and of course the food of Hungary, and they always try to teach me a bit of Hungarian as well. So I absolutely love my weekends. What do you think about the other foreign students of the University of Pécs? Other foreign students are everywhere around me, in the dorms or in the classroom like I have mentioned, and they are an important part of my day-to-day experience, and they def- initely make it better. I can learn something new everyday, meet new people from everywhere in the world. Pécs is truly a students' city. What are your future plans? Do you have future plans in Hungary? It has been my goal since a long time to work in politics in the hopes of making things better in my home country, in the same time I would also love to teach at the university level, therefor, after getting my degree I plan to pursue further edu- cation, hopefully at the University of Pécs to obtain a master's degree and later a phd degree. I feel at home here and I plan to stay here for a long time. What do you mean for you that you were the 3000th internation- al student of the university? Being the 3000th international student is a great honour, I am lucky to be here and I am thankful and grateful for all that the University of Pécs, the city, and Hungary have done for me so far. I aim to return this favour by being a good model, and by spreading the word to others and encourage them to study in a beautiful country like Hungary and a fantastic place like the University of Pécs. How did you like the ceremony? I was honoured and lucky to be invited to the ceremony and to meet with Professor Bódis, the rector of the university and to be sitting next to the great people who were being reward- ed for their life-long works during the ceremony. It was an unforgettable experience and I am grateful for the invitation.
  • 14. 1122 UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL CHECKING AND MODIFYING CONTACT INFORMATION My data >> Contact information >> you can modify your e-mail addresses, addresses, URL addresses and phone numbers >> Options (cross on the line's end) >> Edit >> type or choose the new data >> Save You can also delete your data by ticking the square in the information line. If you have to modify your personal information (you can check them here: My data >> Personal information) or you can't modify your contact information, ask for help in the Registrar's Office. REGISTRATION FOR THE NEW SEMESTER Administration >> Enrolment/Registration >> choose the next semester's Options (cross on the line's end) >> Enrol >> choose between active and passive status >> Save CHECKING YOUR STUDIES Using the menu of Studies >> Training data: you can view the data pertaining to your training(s), programme(s), specializa- tion(s) and diploma. Data belonging to your training are dis- played at the top of the interface. Here you can get informa- tion about, among others, the duration of the training's legal status, about the maximum number of useable terms, but all essential training data can be found here (training floor, mode, programme type, module, max. number of terms, etc.). This screen only provides information; you are not allowed to modify data here. The interface only displays specializations for which you have already been registered.ú APPLY FOR A SPECIALIZATION Administration >> Select specialization REGISTER FOR COURSES Subjects >> Register for subjects >> use the filters and make sure the Subjects currently offered only checkbox is ticked >> click on the Add link at the subject you would like to add >> select the desired course by ticking the checkbox >> Save >> make sure by reading the feedback message that the regis- tration was successful REGISTER FOR EXAMS Exams >> Exam registration >> Options (cross on the line's end) >> you've got a pop-up window with the data of the selected exam >> Options >> Registration Your registered exams appear in blue. You can drop an exam by clicking to the Options >> Deregistration, and also change the exam by choose Options >> Change exam >> in a pop-up window you can view all the other announced exams of the subject >> Options >> Change exam. You can check your registered exams by choosing Exams >> Taken exams. NEPTUN MEET STREET It is a new electronic administration system which you can find in the top left corner of the page. You can find all the news, learning materials and forums about the taken courses. Finances It is possible to pay tuition fees and other charges through the system: Finances >> Payment >> your unpaid items appear. You can view your stipends and other payouts by choosing Finances >> Stipend, payouts. Problem? Write to More info:
  • 15. B A S I C S
  • 17. UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL 1155 The scholarship called Stipendium Hungaricum has been functioning since 2013 and the students of UP are showing an increasing interest in it. Our university is famous for its international nature as the amount of foreign students who start their studies at UP is on the rise. The first Gala was on 28th of October, 2015. Its aim was to show gratitude towards those who chose the University of Pécs. The Rector of the university, Dr József Bódis also took the opportunity to say thanks in his speech: "The Stipendium Hungaricum program is one of the most important tools of the university to take part in the Modern Cities Programme. It was a really important milestone to have more than 3000 for- eign students at our university. Through this Gala and our everyday work we would like to send a message that our students are important and that we count on them and for their great accomplishments." Both Dr István Tarrósy, the leader of the Foreign Board and Dr Zsolt Páva, the mayor of Pécs emphasized that this scholarship was not only an opportunity for the arriv- ing students to experience a new culture but the Hungarian students and lecturers also have the possi- bility to get acquainted with new people from several different countries. The last speech was delivered by Hatem Azzabi's, a student from the Faculty of Humanities. In his speech he emphasized how grateful he was for everything he got here, that Pécs was a wonderful city and that having won the title of European Capital of Culture in 2010 was not mere luck. The event started with the performance of the Tinnitus Choir, a Norwegian acapella choir including students from the Medical School. Before the programme continued people had time to taste some delicious food, make new friends and talk. We did the same: "I had great opportunities, but when I heard of Stipendium Hungaricum I applied immedi- ately and fortunately I got it. I wanted to study and study and this scholarship gave me the opportunity. I am studying to be an architect" – said Jordanian Abdullah Al-Theiabat. "I really love living here, the city is beautiful, there are so many sights. Though the city is quite calm, life at the university is great. People are kind to me, Hungarians are nice. I hope I can spend more time with learning the Hungarian language." Rama Hussein Kwaylih, also from Jordan, came here two years ago: "I am studying at the Medical School. would like to be a doctor because I have always loved helping other people. I applied for a scholarship and I won it, I was especially lucky because I had the chance to choose from Algeria, Sudan and Hungary. Luckily I chose Hungary and this was the best decision I had ever made. I fell in love with the city and the people. Me and my friends could not wait for this Gala, it is such an elegant event, the speeches are inspiring and the performances are enjoyable, but the main point is that we could meet a lot of other people from different cultures. It is always great to meet new people." Attila HORVÁTH and Krisztina KOVÁCS
  • 18. TThhee bbeesstt ffoorreeiiggnn ssttuuddeenntt ooff GGöörrlliittzz?? sshhee''ss HHuunnggaarriiaann…… Last year Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) donated Réka Schmieder a precious award. The student of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development got the spe- cial title of being the best foreign student of the year 2016. Réka Schmieder took part in the German partner institution's dual master's program between 2013 and 2015. The special recognition, including gratu- ity, was won by a Hungarian student of UP for the first time. She earned the price with her high level performance during her studies. During the Cultural Mediation and Cultural Heritage Studies Master's degree program of the UP students can participate in a joint training and spend two semesters at a partner institution in the Germany without having to pay a tuition fee. The program has been operat- ing since 2006 and 5 students can join the special program annually. YYeess,,
  • 19. UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL 1177 The first days I learn how to fit in. How to use the bus, how to use the currency, how to have a SIM card for my phone, how to do the difference between sparkling water and still water, I learn my first Hungarians words such as 'egészsége- dre', 'köszönöm' or 'jó napot'… Pécs is an amazing city. I really love the atmosphere, the size and all its events. My favourite places are: Nappali, Nike statue and its amaz- ing view of Pécs, the swimming pool, the animal shelter, Orfû lake, Mecsek and I could continue the list. Then there are the people. Yes Erasmus is about meeting people. The first days I meet a lot of people from everywhere in the world. I also get to know better my roommates. I live in Szanto dormitory and share a block with 3 other exchange students from Ukraine, Mongolia and the USA. The first day at the university we have a welcome presen- tation in a big amphitheatre and I am there with 300 other students here for one semester or one year. When I look at them I can see the same look in every eye. I can read curios- ity and excitement mix to a bit of anxiety, but most of all I see kindness. We are all in the same position and we know it. We know we will be soon a big family. Our minds and hearts will be full of memories together. And yes, we are here for our studies and it is an important point of the Erasmus time. This is why we are here aren't we? We learn a foreign language, with different rules, different way of teaching. We have team works with students from different cul- tures. This is an incredible experience. Not always funny and easy. It needs a lot of adaptation, communication and motivation to do it well. Sometimes it doesn't work. But when it does, it is magic! So, we are here for our studies. But again, the most impor- tant in this Erasmus adventure are all those friendships we built and all those life memories. In my case, my Erasmus experience is linked to ESN. Here in Pécs, we have an ESN section (International Exchange Erasmus Student Network) and the people in this organisa- tion are hungarians or international full-time students of the University of Pécs. They are here for us, the exchange stu- dents. And if my time here has been exceptional it is in major- ity thanks to those people. They organised parties, country presentations, sports events, trips, cultural events, social events and more. But most of all they are always with us, helping us, listening to us, giving us comfort, sharing their culture, surprising us by they love for people. I want to thank Erasmus family for this amazing semester. I want to thank ESN Pécs for being such amazing people! My Erasmus experience – Scarlett Bertrand It is end of august when I reach Pécs for the first time. I really love this feeling when I arrive in a new city and I know I am going to open a new chapter of my life. I look around me and see for the first time things which will become nor- mal for me because I will take the same path every day.
  • 20. 1188 UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL Where does your name "Tinnitus" come from? How was it born? We are called Tinnitus because we thought it was a funny name for a Medical School choir. (Tinnitus is an audiology term, it means the hearing of sound when no external sound is present. While often described as a ringing, it may also sound like a clicking, hiss or roaring- the ed.) Our founder got the idea because her sister was in a choir named Tinnitus at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and we loved it, too. Our choir was founded by a Norwegian medical student, Anne Sandvik, in September 2011, so we celebrated our 5th anniversary last autumn. How many member do you have? Currently, we have 19 members, 5 boys and 14 girls. We recruit new members at the beginning of each semester. Now we have 4 sopranos, 2 mezzo sopranos, 7 altos, 3 tenors and 2 basses in addition to the conductor. How often do you rehearse and how do you choose your songs? We rehearse for two hours every Tuesday, sometimes at the weekends and we also have extra rehearsals before important concerts. We always have a beer or a glass of wine after- wards. Singing is primarily meant to be a social and enjoyable hobby and going for a drink really helps build our spirit. Usually the conductor picks songs that he considers cool, but everyone is allowed to suggest one and then we vote. What determines you actual style? Our current style is always adapted to the occasion. We love singing pop and musical songs, putting on a good show and enjoying ourselves on stage, but we also enjoy singing tradi- tional songs in the case of the more formal performances. Did you expect to get the Bajnóczky Award at the Advent Concert? We had absolutely no idea that we would get the Bajnóczky Award, we are completely in awe! We are grateful and proud that the university appreciates our work. TTiinnnniittuuss CChhooiirr There is an award-winning unique choir at the Medical School. Its members are Norwegian students.
  • 21. UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL 1199 Why did the members choose to come to Hungary and what do they study? We all study general medicine, and we are all from Norway. In Norway it is very hard to get in to a medical school, and more and more students in general study outside of Norway. How do you like Hungary? We enjoy living in Hungary very much. The city is beautiful and we love all the student events and the festivals. I think it's safe to say that everyone in the choir loves the wine festivals in Szent Istvan Square and forralt bor (mulled wine – the ed.) with kürtõskalács (a special form of pastry the shape of a cylinder – the ed.) at the Christmas market. It's also great to enjoy a classical concert in Kodály Központ or to watch the Pécsi Balett in National Theatre of Pécs. What do you do in your free time? As medical students we spend a lot of time in the library, but most of us also enjoy a good party, pub quizzes and just hanging out with friends. If the weather is nice we take a trip to Orfû or to the Misina animal shelter and the Mecsek Mountains is great for hiking/running, plus vol- leyball and swimming at Pollack is always fun. This spring the choir will travel to Krakow, Poland to participate in a choir festival there, and we are very excit- ed to represent Pécs. We visited this festival in 2015 and it was a great adventure. It is arranged by Copernichoir, a mixed choir consisting of medicine and dentistry stu- dents at the Jagellonian University Medical School and over 500 students from Norway will participate. Copernichoir and Tinnitus are the only ones of their kind and we are very proud of this. This is only the second time the festival is arranged and our choir is very much excited to go back. Krisztina KOVÁCS BASS: Andreas Bergheim Graff Joachim Riiber Denstad, PR Preben Bygdevoll Strand Tjerand Aas Skalnes Tonnes Stray-Pedersen Aspholm ALTO: Andrea Unhjem Wiik Astrid Tollofsrud, costumes Hanne Mjos Jovik Julie Ostby-Deglum Kine Marita Eriksson Linn-Siren Hausken Maria Steigen, musical director Thea Malm Kolmannskog Ashild Fossum Eriksen, economy SOPRANO: Christine Kvaloy Ida Marie Heggem, conductor Kristine Bergheim Graff Sofia Akhtari Stine Botilsrud
  • 22. 2200 UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL The government of Hungary decided, at the beginning of 2016, to support the development of the University of Pécs in the framework of the Moderns Cities Programme. The aim of this 24-billion HUF subsidy is to double the number of the foreign students studying in Pécs by 2020. This means that a rapid development can be expected at the University of Pécs in the next few years, which can lead to modernising the infra- structure as well as inviting highly qualified lecturers and researchers to come home to work. A significant part of the financial support will be spent on improving medical education, the Medical School in Pécs will get a new educational building and the park surrounding the existing building will be renewed. As practical training is of utmost importance in this field, several buildings of the Clinical Centre may be modernized. In the framework of the programme the former Gyõzõ Csorba Library – maintained now by the Faculty of Health Sciences – and the campus in Szepesi and Vörösmarty streets are going to be renewed, while the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology in Boszorkány street is also going to get new laboratory building. Student Hostel Balassa János and Damjanich will also undergo renovation together with Hostel Laterum. The Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Sciences, the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development are also going to be modernized in the next few years. A new University Business Centre will complete the Faculty of Business and Economics, while the Faculty of Law is going to receive a communication room. The Faculty of Music and Visual Arts will be given the opportunity to buy instruments, which are considered rare even at the international level. modernisation MODERN CITIES PROGRAMME IMP R E S SIVE
  • 23. UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL 2211 Regarding the development of the university rector József Bódis emphasized: "Pécs is in a special position among the beneficiaries of the Modern Cities Programme, since this is the only city out of the twenty-three involved, where the government's support programme is implemented through the development of the university. As a result of this sub- sidy the first University of Hungary, which celebrates its 650th anniversary next year, has the chance to develop con- tinuously, which guarantees its success even after the Jubilee Year" – emphasized the rector. According to Zoltán Jenei, chancellor of UP "during the following years the university will have a great opportunity and a great responsibility at the same time. Our task to create a more competitive environment in Hungary and abroad, too."
  • 24. 2222 UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL How much publicity does Hungary get in the United States? Hungary did appear in the news quite a bit when the refugee crisis was at its height: there were a lot of stories in the major press about the way immigrants was treated, the difficulties they had and so on. On the 20th of January United States will have a new presi- dent. (The interview was done on 17 of December, 2016. – the ed.) It may sound terrible but the voters of Trump are called low information voters who actively engaged in politics but not committed themselves to the media or to educa- tion. There is also serious division in race, so Hillary Clinton did very well among African Americans, the Hispanic community and Asians, whereas Trump ran much better among white men. Another division is between rural and urban regions: Hillary Clinton did very well in urban communities whereas Trump won in rural areas. For me it was totally obvious that Clinton will win the elec- tions. Did social media destroy her chances? One of the things what's remarkable about this election is not that it was that close, but the two sides don't even know how to talk to one another. I think that relates to the facebook phenomenon. The fake news were introduced through facebook and twitter feed and these could not get repeated frequently enough to not be able to cover it by the mainstream media. The MSM had no idea how to han- dle the fake news. The expectations were quite high for Obama's Presidency. According to many people these did not align with reality. How do you see his work from this angle? I think that the original hopes that people had for Obama were reflected more about them than it reflected about Obama himself. Even as a senator he was a very centrist politician not the revolutionary firebrand people expected. When he became president he was consensus Denver–Pécs, and about whom everyone is talking … Dr. Sheila Rucki is a political economist and an associate professor at the Metropolitan State University of Denver. Her work is mostly on Gramsci and notions of the relationships between culture and economy. After two confer- ence participations at the University of Pécs she came to teach here as visit- ing professor to launch a faculty exchange with the Department of Political Science and International Studies. The relationship between the two universi- ties was established by the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology of the UP, and now there's a minor at MSU Denver, in which both Hungarian and American professors have been teaching. In order to further strengthen this bilateral relationship, as part of the Internationalization Strategic Program, the Center for International Relations of UP tries to involve other faculties of the UP into the co-operation. For example, during the spring another visiting professor's arrival will bring new methodology to the Faculty of Business and Economics. Sheila Rucki taught students majoring in International Relations at the Faculty of Humanities.
  • 25. UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL 2233 oriented, he had to negotiate with the congress and as a result of that his entire program got tiny. I'm not saying that he had not done anything or his presidency was unimportant. I think he is one of the most important presidents. But he achieved so much less than people had hoped. What can we expect from Trump's foreign policy? That's a very good question. If we look at his foreign poli- cy appointments so far we see people with a paranoid, anti islamic world view that supports totalitarian leadership. Maybe that would be okay except that he also shows no intention to uphold the previous US foreign policy com- mitments. Is the historic role of the US being the "world's policeman" over? We'll see. If the president can't cooperate with the bureau- cracy there will be little change. Related to the ongoing refugee crisis the traditional European values are not existing anymore. Can traditional American val- ues change in any way? I think they have to. Immigration is mostly accepted when there's not a lot of immigrants coming in the United States. The great waves of immigration historically have also been matched by great waves of xenophobia. The dif- ference is that the Trump administration seems to attach this xenophobia to Islam in an explicit way which means that not only will the United States be less welcoming for Islamic refugees but also for muslims who are already liv- ing in States. Hungarian society has been divided in the last couple of elec- tions. Do you see similar tendency in America? Absolutely. After the election there were articles and tv shows about how to talk to your family member who voted for Trump. Some of them was funny, but some of them was not funny at all.
  • 26. 2244 UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL I live in Aix-en-Provence and now I'm in Pécs, because of the four-week summer school course at University of Pécs. Unfortunately the members of my family, except some rela- tives, gave up speaking Hungarian very long time ago. However, my father regretted not to learn Hungarian during his youth. It was his idea to send me to take part in this sum- mer school to renew the Hungarian language in our family through me. What feelings did you arrive with? I welcomed the opportunity. I've been to Hungary three times so the country was not strange to me. I was in Budapest for the first time in 2010, then with my parents in Pécs in April 2016. I am a member of the high school drama circle at home, and as part of a student exchange program we had an opportunity to write a play that was inspired by Victor Vasarely's oeuvre. We presented it together with the students of Leõwey Klára High School in Pécs and Aix-en as well. Was it easy to get used to the Hungarian language? The first few days were the most difficult, because I did not understand anything. But as time passes, it becomes more and more interesting. I can more easily create sentences, begin to understand the structure of the language and I can understand better what is happening around me. Do you speak any other foreign languages? "Speaking" would be an overstatement. I have studied English since I was a freshman, and I have leant Italian for a few years. Besides, I really like Italian... and it is a little bit easier than Hungarian. (laughs) "The legacy of Gyõzõ is important to me" Interview with Téo Vasarely who studied Hungarian at the University of Pécs. The seventeen- year-old Teo's great- grandfather is none other than the father of op- art, who would be 110 years old this year.
  • 27. UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL 2255 Do you have a favourite word or phrase in Hungarian? I love the phrase "Jó éjszakát!" (Good night! In English – the ed.) – it sounds like a ninja battle cry. Otherwise I think Hungarian words are very expressive in general. For example there is the word "cuki" (cute in English – the ed.), and I think its sound describes very well what it means. What are your plans with the Hungarian language? I have no particular plans, I can only say that I'm very fond of Hungary. I like that there are so much green in the city and people are friendly. As far as I know the legacy of your great-grandfa- ther is very important to your family. That's right. My father is the president of Fondation Vasarely, and my whole family partici- pate actively in its work. My brother is working on the foundation's catalogue. Aix-en is a very nice town, we love to live there, and it is a very good location for the Vasarely's paintings. Is it possible not to deal with the legacy of the Vasarely-family? Of course. I could decide not care about Gyõzõ's heritage, but it is important to me personally. I want to do something to preserve this fantastic oeuvre. His paintings make their viewers work, so we are required to actively participate in their interpretation. We can not just overlook them. I'm glad and I'm proud that our family had such an extraordinary member. You did not know Gyõzõ. No. He had passed away a few years before I was born. All I know about him come from my father's memories. For example, I know that he worked a lot, had a strict agenda and never went on vacation. He loved beautiful things. He loved playing chess, and he taught my dad how to play it. Is the name Vasarely well-known in France? Gyõzõ was a very important figure in the field of fine arts, thus the name sounds familiar to almost everyone, even if they do not know his proper field of art. Szilvia SZITA More info: Teo Vasarely was interviewed in September, 2016. Gyõzõ Vásárhelyi (1906 – 1997), was a Hungarian–French, who is widely accepted as the leader of the short-lived op-art movement.
  • 28. 2266 UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL 3 decades of experience with international programs and students, a strive for continuity and renewal, for diversity and integration, as well as constant innovation are the qualities that characterize the work of the International Studies Center University of Pécs (ISC), Medical School and its English and Hungarian Programmes. EENNGGLLIISSHH PPRROOGGRRAAMMMMEE ACADEMIC SUCCESS THROUGH APPRECIATING DIVERSITY The ISC is one of the facilities at our campuses where students can really feel the vibe of diversity. Our students have the opportunity to become a formative part of the international community of the University. INTEGRATED PREPARATORY PROGRAMMES The English Programme at ISC offers preparatory programmes that cover the ever widening international course portfolio of the 10 Faculties of the University. The integrated preparatory programmes have a uniform structure with contents differing according to the chosen study field. Thus our students leaving for undergraduate studies have comparable yet specialized skills and knowledge that enhance their success at university. INCLUSIVE AND OPEN-ENDED STUDY PROGRAMMES The open-ended study programmes are available both for students whose fluency in English needs considerable improvement and for those who have already reached or even passed the upper-intermediate level in English minimally required by Hungarian universities. ENGLISH AS A LINGUA FRANCA One of the assets of ISC's preparatory programmes is that the language classes are designed with a focus on English as a Lingua Franca since both the host society/ academic community and the students are non-native speakers of the language. In most cases English is a 'contact language' between speakers who share neither a common native tongue nor a common culture. The programme effectively assists non-native students in becoming competent language users, who can creatively bridge the differences of cultural origin between themselves and others. PROVIDING SOFT-LANDING AT THE UNIVERSITY AND IN HUNGARY The integrated preparatory programmes give students the opportunity to feel at home in the social and cultural contexts of Hungary and at the University well before their undergraduate studies start. A wide range of compulsory and elective courses ensure the enhancement of language skills, subject-related and cultural literacy, as well as intercultural awareness. SUBJECT-FIELD SPECIFIC STUDIES The last stage of the preparatory programmes is complete with courses held by the professors of the future faculty of the students. These courses are introductory courses to undergraduate studies all modelling university lectures and seminars. These courses also effectively assist our students in integrating into the academic culture and processes at the University of Pécs or any other university. QUALITY GUARANTEE WITH INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE EXAM ISC's preparatory programmes are always designed and developed following a thorough needs analysis. Uniquely in Hungary and the region, the programmes systematically conform not only to the European Framework of Reference for the Attainment of Languages but to the European and the Hungarian Frameworks of Qualification as well. This provides exceptional transparency of the programs and comparability of the training on a European level. Students complete any of ISC's preparatory programmes with a minimally B2 level ECL Language Exam. The language exam is accredited and recognized in the EU. HHUUNNGGAARRIIAANN PPRROOGGRRAAMM Your everyday life speaks Hungarian – semester courses for enhancing your Hungarian skills You can learn Hungarian as a foreign language at the International Studies Center UP MS during the fall and spring semesters. The Hungarian language course, during the twelve-week long semester contains 48 contact hours (2x90 minutes / week). ECTS or university credits may be earned after a successful written and oral exam. Hungarian lessons are held in 5 language levels. Students have the opportunity to plan the timetable for Hungarian les- sons adjusted to their own Univeristy schedule. Lots of learning lots of fun – Hungarian Language and Culture Summer University The Hungarian Language and Culture Summer University celebrated the 17th anniversary this year. The intensive course provides efficient language knowledge through both the language lessons made complete with projects and outdoor programmes. The language lessons of the Summer University are accompanied by cultural seminars. MAGYAROK® LEARNING MATERIAL We have designed a cutting-edge learning package for your efficient and pleasurable learning experience. Our course book, MagyarOK, was awarded the European Language Label, a prize for innovative projects in language teaching and learning. The study materials used in class and the experience-based, outdoor lessons lay a solid foundation of language knowledge, and place meaningful communication and natural use of language in the foreground. International Studies Center University of Pécs
  • 29. UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL 2277 Unless learners are given proper guidance to overcome their initial apprehension in learning Hungarian, they soon give up on both, learning the language and believing that they can inte- grate into the local community successfully. Under these cir- cumstances, the role of language classes is central since they provide an environment where preconceptions about the lan- guage can be discussed, attenuated and alleviated. Teachers can outline tasks that invite learners to initiate contacts with native speakers in Hungarian facilitating the first steps of their integration into the local community. The MagyarOK 1 learning package was developed with the main objective that, by com- pleting the curriculum, students should have acquired not only a sound linguistic basis in contemporary Hungarian but also all pragmatic competences necessary for successful integration. In 2013, MagyarOK received the European Language Label, awarded to the most innovative language learning projects. A Communicative-Lexical Approach The learning package aims at helping learners to acquire a sound knowledge of the Hungarian language together with the necessary intercultural and pragmatic competences. In Chapter 1 of the MagyarOK textbook the presentation of new linguistic items reflects another general guiding principle applied throughout the entire learning package: most tasks and activi- ties link familiar phenomena (international words) to unfamil- iar ones (their Hungarian spelling and pronunciation). Students leave their first lesson with approximately 50 new words and 10 useful sentences, the rules of Hungarian pronunciation and the concept of vowel harmony. Such a dynamic first encounter can be highly motivating. According to Liebhardt, once a German student asked him at the end of his first lesson: Why does everybody say that Hungarian is a difficult language? It seems so easy. A Multimodal-Cooperative Approach Research has shown that humans are more likely to retain infor- mation when it is communicated via more than one channel. To maximize the effectiveness of learning and to accommodate different learning styles, activities for the classroom are based on a multimodal approach involving a maximum number of sensory organs. For the same reason, we have opted for a cooperative approach rather than for more competitive forms of interaction in the classroom. Intercultural awareness Cultural integration is bidirectional by nature; learners desire not only entry points to the target culture but also that their cul- ture is acknowledged and accepted by members of the target community. Once learners have been given the opportunity to tell about their own country and culture in the classroom and they have noticed curiosity and positive attitude on behalf of their teachers, their willingness to interact with native speakers increases. A colleague who works with Syrian refugees reported that the attitude of one of the schoolboys she has been work- ing with has visibly changed towards Hungary and Hungarians after he was invited to present his country to his classmates and his teacher in the Hungarian lesson. Outside the classroom: language learning and integration Our experience shows that learners appreciate some guidance as to how they can benefit from everyday interactions to enhance their learning. At the International Studies Center of University of Pécs, the MagyarOK Expedition program has been established to bridge the gap between language acquisition in and outside the classroom. In the framework of this program learners come into contact with native speakers, interview them or execute tasks with their help. The encounters are pre- pared in class. Learners are helped over the difficulties of the first contacts with Hungarians in Hungarian and they make the experience of being able to interact, to some extent, with native speakers. The printed materials of the total learning package consist of a textbook and a workbook. An essential part of the MagyarOK are the internet-based materials available on the website, it is freely accessible for everyone. Kata PELCZ and Szilvia SZITA "Why does everybody say that Hungarian is a difficult language? It seems so easy." Considered both extremely hard to learn, and undeserving of significant investment due to its limited applicability outside of Hungary, the learners' motivation in approaching Hungarian is lowered from the outset. As Zsolt Liebhardt's survey has shown, very few learners wish to achieve a high level of Hungarian, with most of them studying the language out of politeness towards members of the local community, out of curiosity and to make their daily lives in Hungary easier. In order to communicate with Hungarian speak- ers, they prefer to use English or, in some cases, German.
  • 30. 2288 UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL Here at the University of Pécs we have designed semester/ year-long Study Abroad programs for the incoming international stu- dents. Those students who are enrolled in foreign universities on graduate or undergraduate level can spend a semester or an academic year at our university and study various sub- jects in English. They can earn transferable credits towards their home degree here on a very reasonable price level. We offer semester/year-long Study Abroad programs in the following areas: Business Administration, Applied Management, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Computer Science, Psychology, International Relations, English and American Studies, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Art History, Painting, Sculpture, Ceramic Design, Graphic Design and Music Please find more details about our Study Abroad programs on our website: programmes You can also follow us on Facebook at 'Study Abroad in Pécs, Hungary' and on Twitter at 'Study Abroad in Pécs HU'. Encourage your friends to apply to our Study Abroad programs and enjoy being in Pécs together! "Hi my name is Taylor, I'm fromSan Diego State University. I spentthe fall 2016 semester at theUniversity of Pécs. I chose thisschool because I needed classestaught in English and I wanted toexperience a culture completely dif-ferent than my own. My favoritepart about being here is that I havemade many friends from places allaround the world! I think you shouldchoose Pécs too, it's a cozy, wel-coming city and it's easy to exploreother parts of Europe from here!" CCeennttrree ffoorr IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall RReellaattiioonnss,, UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff PPééccss,, VVaassvváárrii PPááll uu.. 44 Invite your friends to join you for a semester at the University of Pécs! NNeeww SSttuuddyy AAbbrrooaadd pprrooggrraammss at the University of Pécs
  • 32. 3300 UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL Did you know that from 2007 a lot Spanish have chosen our city to do their University studies? Well, most of them came here to study medicine since it was easier to get into Medical School (they would have needed approximately 9,3 out of 10 to study in Spain). In the follow- ing we will see what they think about Pécs, about university life, about the Hungarian people and about the way they managed to find our city on the map. How did they find Pécs? Most of them say they just heard about Pécs from other peo- ple, but the very first "Spaniard" generation admits they just 'googled' it (where to study medicine in Europe). Pécs was the first city to offer Medical studies in English in central Europe (in 1984). When asked about school life they all have different opinions. "I've never had an oral exam so it was really hard to get used to take an exam orally in a different language and to be exposed to that kind of uncertainty". "Meeting new people whose mother tongue wasn't Spanish and especially doing exams in English was the hard- est". About Hungary the vast majority have good words. "Before I came here I had only heard about Budapest, which is also amazing. Pécs is small, but you can find a lot of oppor- tunities to have a good time, to go to a concert almost every day and so on..." But sometimes the stereotypes become true… "In Keleti Pályaudvar (the first well-known place in Hungary by all international students I guess) when I wanted to buy the ticket to 'Pecs' and after 5 minutes of Activity game the lovely woman looked into my eyes, recognizing that I wanted to go to 'Pécs' and how she said it correctly, that was amaz- ing…" Following their first good experience after arriving in Pécs, they just like it. As they say, they have a place and a life here that most of their friends at home could never dream of hav- ing even though they don't know where Pécs is. Spain is also not known to be among the richest countries, but the biggest difference between the two countries (next to the sunshine hours) is that "Hungary is so cheap and people work for little money." And what about the Hungarian language? Is that really an impossible mission? "Yes." It seems that most of them just give it up after their first Hungarian course at the university, which is necessary for everybody. "Old people don't speak any other languages, like in most other countries, but actually Hungarians speak better English that we Spanish do, due to the difficulty of the Hungarian language I guess you have the need to learn other languages because no one else speaks Hungarian outside Hungary." As speaking of the Hungarian language, they show how per- fectly they can ask someone 'Mi a panasza?' but when the patient gives the answer google translate is proven the best solution. Being a student is not only about studying. As it was mentioned, in Pécs you can find the proper way to have a beer in the right place with the right people, but how does it work in Spain? If in Spain you ask for a beer, you will get a 'ca?a' or a 'tubo', that here means a 'glass' (pohár), and they also serve you a 'tapa' without any question, that is something to eat next to your drink. But the biggest difference is the time, when peo- ple are going out, or going home from the club. In Spain you sit maybe until midnight in a tapas bar, speaking loud with your friends, discussing where to go next. Around 1 am you find the right place to continue the night, but this place may not be a club. And then, when the clubs open around 3–4 am, you go there until the first 'churrería' opens and you can have a breakfast of fresh churros. Pécs is getting more and more diverse with these lovely, loud people, and hopefully this is not the last Spanish gener- ation who come here! Áron TÓTH Hola, buenos días!
  • 33. UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL 3311 I have a lot of friends among foreign students and one of our main issues is where to eat well. Othmane Ahmed's (Tunisia) favourite is goulash, because he is very fond of spicy food. He also likes the sweets like kürtõskalács and pancakes. However he thinks that Hungarian cuisine is too fatty and uses too much butter, oil, and of course we eat pork which is also a negative thing for him. When it comes to cooking Ahmed cooks Tunisian dishes and uses a lot of spices, most of them he has brought from Tunisia. His favourite Tunisian dishes are couscous and kafte- ji. Robin Cathey (USA) said he loves lángos. He often cooks at home, including pasta, salad, tomato soup, tacos, avocado omelette, but he likes to dine in the city. Hany Badawy (Egypt) likes stew, egg noodles and potato noodles made with a lot of ground red pepper. Hany is also fond of Hungarian soups and happily cooks Hungarian dishes at home. Hany mixes Hungarian and Egyptian cuisine, but the taste of their own choosing requires more time. One of his favourite meals is fetteh. Arun Nagarajan (India) is a vegetarian, that is why he has not tried many Hungarian dishes, but he loves our spicy flavours. His favourite food is falafel, and he often cooks at home. He uses a lots of vegetables, fruits, lentils, rice, millet, curries and noodles. Nnabu Monday Meshach (Nigeria) is eager to taste new dishes, his favourite is goulash as it is full of vegetables, meat and pepper. Nigerian cuisine also uses a lot of spices and nat- ural oils, they love spicy soups and barbecue. His favourite dishes are ogbonu and coconut, rice and bean soups. Jeff Adov (Republic of Benin) mentioned the goulash soup as his favourite. He usually cooks winter-time Italian or Arabic Maghribian dishes in his own kitchen, because the proper ingredients for his home country dishes such as yams, okra (reminiscent of pepper plants), plantain (a kind of banana) are not available here. Andrea Fatale's (Italy) new favourite dish is chicken broth. He cooks Hungarian dishes at home, but he uses much less onions. He says his life would be unimaginable without the traditional Italian pasta. Aino Lindholm (Finland) likes almost everything seasoned with paprika. His favourite dishes are stuffed cabbage, meat soup, beef goulash and lángos. Surprisingly he knows and likes Hungarian dishes like rooster testicle stew, "tócsni", fried blood with onions. He likes the beigli, and he could not mention any Hungarian dish which he did not find delicious. As a negative experience, he finds that some of the Hungarian dishes are too heavy for his stomach. As a local girl I have to agree with the previous speakers: I have been to a lot of countries, I tasted authentic dishes, but the broth, stew, cottage cheese pasta with cracklings and pancakes are superlative. Krisztina KOVÁCS Goulash is the all-time favourite What do our foreign students like to eat?
  • 34. 3322 UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL Monstrous meals: Soups – In my opinion Hungary is the one and only country which considers soup as a starter and not as a main course. It was our grandmothers' teaching that soup was the meal which "makes place for the main course" so we should eat it this first. Apart from the world famous goulash, the other typical Hungarian soup is the meat soup aka broth. The most typical variety is made of chicken or beef. A typical homemade meat soup has giant oval fat drops floating on its surface giving its specifying goldish colour. The hard-core cook put a whole chicken into the soup. Piece by piece. Usually legs float on the top of the soup's surface making it a horrifying look. The other interesting type of soup is the sweet soups. It can be made of any fruit. These are usually cream soups but their sweetness is surprising. Pasta with poppy seeds: In the greatest part of the world poppy seeds are connected to drugs and opium. However, you cannot prepare this Hungarian meal without its dark seeds. It is really easy to make as it only requires pasta, poppy seeds and some sugar. It has become one of the favourite dishes of children and anyone who has once tasted it. The Hungarian version of Christmas cake (Bejgli) is also made with poppy seeds. Fried cheese in breadcrumb – Breadcrumb coating is natural for Hungarian cuisine. Usually it is meat which is coated with it but people sometimes use vegetables for example cucumber, mushrooms, eggplant etc. For vegetarians the most popular kind is fried cheese. It is easy to make and very delicious. I warmly recommend it with blue- berry jam. Sinister sweets: Winter Ice cream – Yes, it does exist. It is one of those popu- lar retro sweets that are hard to describe. Ice cream cone, chocolate cream and flat chocolate coin. In a way it gives back the feeling of ice cream eating in those dark and cold winter nights. Bird's milk – Those Hungarians and those weird animals… again… They are milking not only cows but also birds? I guess that is on your mind, but don't worry we are not so barbaric. It is just a strange name for a dessert of fluffy meringue floating on vanilla custard. Diana Candy – Number one on the strange desserts' list. Sugar bonbons covered with chocolate filled with salted wine spirit (sósborszesz). Ancient but good. And at the end of the meal let's finish with some Satanic Snacks: Bread with fat – An easy festival meal, the perfect snack next to mulled wine is a slice of bread with fat spread on it, red paprika and some onion slices. Village feast served in our mouth. Töpörtyû (Greaves) and Disznósajt (Brawn) – Don't worry Hungarians don't milk the pig. Pig slaughtering is a vintage Hungarian habit with the aim of storing food resources for the whole year. Hungarians have dis- covered how to "recycle the pig" one hundred percent. One part of this recycling is brawn. It includes everything which is not used in any other pork products like sausage. Greaves is the fried pigs fat . It is very delicious but is very hard to digest, so it is not recommended to eat a lot from it. Lángos – The Hungarian pizza with cow food….. ok don't panic Lángos is a perfect breakfast on festivals, or when you go to the fresh food market in the morning. The meal is basically a fried dough, with garlic, sour cream and cheese on top. Not a fitness food but typical and delicious. Körözött: Cottage cheese – This milk product is popular around the world. It is perfect for bread with vegetables mixed inside. Sweet cottage cheese rolls (Túró Rudi) – Last but not least the Hungaricum of sweets. The third most famous Hungarian food apart from goulash and pálinka. Sweet cottage cheese rolls in chocolate coating provides an interesting and delicious sweet which represents our whole country. I hope I managed to call your attention to some of these freaky but fine foods. Most of them are easy to make and in the mean- time you can learn a lot about Hungary and its culture. Viktor GOLDMANN-GÖRÖG Hungarian Kitchen Horror Story Nothing is better than exploring a new country. New life, new people and especially new culinary delights. We know a sign of culture shock is the growing hunger for food in the new country. Foreign foods or drinks look so strange as if they stepped out from a horror movie. However, as we know, sometimes the horrible looks can be very delicious. The fol- lowing stories about Hungarian cuisine may sound weird or gross but for Hungarians it is part of their everyday life and for foreigners they are worth a taste. Let's see the kitchen mon- sters and the dishes that look exotic to foreigners.
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  • 36. 3344 UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SSIIMMOONNYYII SSUUMMMMEERR EENNTTRREEPPRREENNEEUURRSSHHIIPP CCOONNSSUULLTTIINNGG PPRROOGGRRAAMM Date: July 1 –30 Short description: The Simonyi Summer Entrepreneurship Consulting Program is designed to train and mentor participants from diverse disciplines to get involved in improving their own and their peers' entrepreneurial mind-set. Social programs: City Tour, Celebration of 4 July, Wine Tasting, Hungarian Cooking Competition Who should apply: Undergraduate and graduate students from all dis- ciplines who are seeking a unique opportunity for learning through experiencing business consulting entrepreneurship, social entrepre- neurship and innovation. Language of instruction: English Earned credits: 15 ECTS credits Organizing unit: Simonyi Business and Economic Development Center Website: DEBATE PPÉÉCCSS DDEEBBAATTEE AACCAADDEEMMYY SSUUMMMMEERR SSCCHHOOOOLL AANNDD CCUULLTTUURREE WWEEEEKK ''UUNNIIVVEERRSSIITTYY EEDDUUCCAATTIIOONN AANNDD SSTTUUDDEENNTT LLIIFFEE IINN TTHHEE 2211SSTT CCEENNTTUURRYY'' Date: July 28 – August 6 Short description: Join our Pécs Debate Academy Summer School and receive up-to- date knowledge about the hot topics of today's higher education! Do you want to make your opinion heard? Come and improve your debat- ing skills with us, using the most effective content, style, speed, tone and volume! Our unique Debate Academy Summer School uses a mixed methodol- ogy. Not only will you learn about issues of higher education from experts of the field, but also have the opportunity to develop your speaking skills and learn to argue according to the techniques of the British Parliamentary Debate style. Social programs: Concert, cultural and interactive events such as con- certs, country presentations, sport contests, social night, field trip, sightseeing Who should apply: Undergraduate, graduate and PhD students Language of instruction: English Earned credits: 6 ECTS credits Organizing unit: UP Centre for International Relations together with SIEN Foundation Website: LANGUAGES HHUUNNGGAARRIIAANN LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE AANNDD CCUULLTTUURREE SSUUMMMMEERR UUNNIIVVEERRSSIITTYY Date: July 24 – August 20 (4-week-long course) July 24 – August 6 (2-week-long course) Short description: Would you like to learn Hungarian in an interesting, effective and play- ful way? Apply to our Hungarian Language and Culture Summer University to learn not only the language but also to receive up-to-date information about Hungarian culture, cuisine, traditions and much more! All in a very amusing way, in small multicultural groups. Learn our unique and very interesting language in the natural language envi- ronment and learn more than just a language! Social programs: trips to the countryside, sports programs, hiking, cul- tural programs including making traditional handcrafted artifacts, learning folk dances, experiencing Hungarian gastronomy and wine tasting. Who should apply: anyone who is interested in speaking Hungarian. International students who will start their studies in September or already study in Hungary, but do not have time during the semester. Language of instruction: Hungarian (English) Earned credits: 13.5 ECTS / 9 ECTS credits Organizing unit: University of Pécs, Medical School, International Studies Center Website:; Planning to have an unforgettable summer PPééccss SSuummmmeerr SScchhooooll 22001177 aawwaaiittss yyoouu!! Earn credits during the summer while learning something new and having fun in an international environment! As part of our internationalization strategy, the University of Pécs is working on offering a growing number of Summer Schools to our international, Hungarian and incoming students. In 2017 the University of Pécs announces the following exciting and unique summer programs:
  • 37. UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL 3355 MUSIC PPOOPP UUPP MMUUSSIICC CCAAMMPP Date: June 16 –21 Short description: Are you a festival-goer and interested in learning how to organize a pop festival? Come to Pécs, our Hungarian Liverpool and home to many very popular Hungarian rock bands! Learn how to organize a pop music festival like the professionals do! Pécs has an immense atmos- phere of pop music – you can sense the music here! Join our unique Music Camp and learn from professional festival organizers and musicians how to: 1. organize and promote a music festival 2. create visual effects 3. perform your own music on stage Participants will have a special opportunity to follow and participate in the preparation of the amazing pop music festival, Fishing on Orfû. Social programs: The night-off programs will include concerts and par- ticipation in the various ongoing cultural events in Pécs. Who should apply: Undergraduate, graduate and PhD students Language of instruction: English Earned credits: 2 ECTS credits Organizing unit: PTE University of Music Website: SELF-DEVELOPMENT PPEERRSSOONNAALL DDEEVVEELLOOPPMMEENNTT TTRRAAIINNIINNGG Date: June 26–28 Short description: Apply to our Personal Development training if you would like to learn about yourself, to be able to identify your strengths and values, and build and communicate your personal brand. This training will also help you improve your communication and debate skills and teach you how to enter the job market successfully. Social programs: City tour, welcome and farewell party, karaoke party Who should apply: Undergraduate and graduate students who would like to increase self-esteem in everyday life and entering the labor mar- ket Language of instruction: English Earned credits: 3 ECTS credits Organizing unit: Centre for International Relations Website: SOCIAL SCIENCES NNEEWW BBOORRDDEERRSS BBEETTWWEEEENN OOLLDD NNEEIIGGHHBBOOUURRSS –– RREETTUURRNN OOFF HHIISSTTOORRYY IINN TTHHEE DDAANNUUBBEE RREEGGIIOONN?? DRC Summer School Date: July 2–9 Short description: Join our DRC Summer School and receive up-to-date knowledge about the political, economic and social challenges of the Danube Region! Do you have research results about the Danube region that you would like to share? Or would you just like to express your thoughts and learn from experts? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the region? What does the future hold? Register if you are interested in the region's political, economic, historical and social processes – discover our workshops and present your idea and research. Social programs: sightseeing, wine-tasting, excursions Who should apply: BA, MA, PhD level scientists from Social, Human and Political Sciences Language of instruction: English Earned credits: 10 ECTS credits Organizing unit: IDM Vienna, University of Pécs Website: SSuummmmeerr SScchhoooollss aarree lleeaarrnniinngg AANNDD ttrreemmeennddoouuss ffuunn!! FFiinndd ssoommeetthhiinngg rreellaatteedd ttoo yyoouurr ddeeggrreeee oorr ttoo yyoouurr iinntteerreesstt!! JJooiinn oouurr SSuummmmeerr SScchhoooollss aanndd iinnvviittee yyoouurr ffrriieennddss,, ttoooo!! DDoonn''tt mmiissss tthhee ooppppoorrttuunniittyy!! CChhoooossee aa pprrooggrraamm aanndd aappppllyy nnooww!! More information:; You can also follow us on Facebook and on Twitter at 'Pécs Summer School'. University of Pécs Centre for International Relations
  • 38. AApppplliiccaattiioonn ffoorr tthhee sspprriinngg sseemmeess-- tteerr ooff tthhee DDaanncciinngg UUnniivveerrssiittyy iiss ppoossssiibbllee ffrroomm FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133 ttoo 1188,, 22001177 aatt hhttttpp::////ttaannccoolloo..ppttee..hhuu//eenn.. TThhee ccoouurrsseess bbeeggiinn oonn FFeebbrruuaarryy 2200.. CCllaasssseess ccaann bbee ttaakkeenn aass ssppoorrttss ccoouurrsseess aass wweellll,, iinn tthhiiss ccaassee rreeggiiss-- ttrraattiioonn nneeeeddss ttoo bbee ddoonnee aatt NNeeppttuunn.. DDaanncceetthhrroouugghh tthheesseemmeesstteerr!! BBaallllrroooomm ddaanncciinngg Instructor: Ms. Judit Papp Time: Thu 17.30–19.00 BBeellllyy DDaannccee Instructor: Ms. Indzsi Deniz Time: Thu 17.30–19.00 BBooddyy--SShhaappiinngg DDaannccee AAeerroobbiiccss Instructor: Ms. Kata Szalai Time: Tue 16.00–17.30 CCrrooaattiiaann,, SSeerrbb,, MMaacceeddoonniiaann DDaanncceess Instructor: Veszna Vélin Time: Tue 17.30–19.00 CCuubbaann SSaallssaa Instructor: Ms. Barbara Vágási and Mr. Balázs Kutni Time: Wed 17.30–19.00 EEmmppllooyyeerrss'' BBaallllrroooomm DDaanncciinngg Instructor: Mr. Balázs Kapronczai Time: Wed 16.30–17.30 EEmmppllooyyeerrss'' GGyymmnnaassttiiccss Time: Thu 16.30–17.30 HHiipp--hhoopp Instructor: Mr. Tamás Horváth Time: Mon 18.30–20.00 HHuunnggaarriiaann FFoollkk DDaannccee Instructor: Mrs. Andrea Tandi Mosgai, Mr. Tibor Tandi Time: Thu 19.00–20.30 LLaattiinn DDaanncceess Instructor: Mr. János Józsa Time: Tue 20.30–22.00 LLaattiinn FFrreeeessttyyllee AArroobbiiccss Instructor: Ms. Adrien Szabó Time: Mon 17.00–18.30 SSeellff--DDeeffeennssee Instructor: Mr. Zsolt Lenkei Time: Fri 13.00–14.15 SShhooww//MMuussiiccaall DDaannccee Instructor: Ms. Judit Papp Time: Tue 19.00–20.30 YYooggaa Instructor: Ms. Boglárka Gyenis Time: Wed 15.00–16.30 CCrreeaattiivvee DDaannccee ffoorr PPDD aanndd MMSS PPaattiieennttss Instructor: Ms. Beáta Szuhán-Glass Time: Fri 14.15–15.00
  • 39. UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL 3377 How about sport? One of its these special programmes is the Jubilee Pentathlon. It will include five events: Pub Sports Night, Futsal Cup between the faculties of UP, UP Historic Memorial Run 1367, 7th PTE Dragon Boat Regatta, and Lake Balaton Open Water Swimming. The Jubilee Pentathlon aims to commemorate the 650th anniversary of the foundation of Hungary's first university. For students who love sports festivals, there will be the out- standing Danube regatta, the largest Hungarian sports festival in Budapest. Here, in Pécs a Sports Festival will be held for the first time during August. More info: UP Sports Bureau Program 2017 Spring 22 February IIIIII.. PPTTEE SSqquuaasshh CCuupp End of February – beginning of March Competitions of faculties, PTE Futsal League 08–09 March JJuubbiilleeee PPeennttaatthhlloonn 11sstt eevveenntt:: 33rrdd UUPP PPuubb SSppoorrttss NNiigghhtt 20 March FFoooottbbaallll TToouurrnnaammeenntt bbeettwweeeenn FFaaccuullttiieess ooff tthhee UUPP 22 March TTaallkkiinngg aabboouutt ssppoorrtt ((ttooppiicc:: ffoooottbbaallll)) 29–30 March JJuubbiilleeee PPeennttaatthhlloonn 22nndd eevveenntt:: FFuuttssaall CCuupp bbeettwweeeenn FFaaccuullttiieess UUPP 12 April AARRCC.. PPTTEE BB3333 SSttrreeeettbbaallll CCuupp 26 April (Rain Date: 27 April) JJuubbiilleeee PPeennttaatthhlloonn 33rrdd eevveenntt.. UUPP HHiissttoorriicc MMeemmoorriiaall RRuunn 11336677 29 April Jubilee Pentathlon 4th event: VI. PTE Dragon Boat Regatta 6 May Danube Regatta 1 July JJuubbiilleeee PPeennttaatthhlloonn 55tthh eevveenntt:: LLaakkee BBaallaattoonn OOppeenn WWaatteerr SSwwiimmmmiinngg 17–20 August JJuubbiilleeee IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall SSppoorrtt FFeessttiivvaall Events, tournaments and cups – the UP Sports Bureau organizes exciting programmes during this spring and summer.
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  • 41. Jubilee Supplement King Louis the Great, Pope V. Orbán and Bishop William established the first university of Hungary in 1367. On the occasion of the 650th anniversary of the foundation of the University of Pécs the Parliament decided that 1 September will be the Day of the Hungarian higher education and the memorial day of the university foundation in Pécs. The jubilee emphasizes the international pioneering role of Hungarian higher education through several h istoric periods.
  • 42. 4400 UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL The first university of Hungary The history of higher education in Pécs dates back to 1367, when Louis the Great initiated the establishment of a university in the episcopal city of Pécs. There are not abundant sources con- cerning the short, only a few- decade-long operation of the university (studium generale). Its establishment is an integral part of the Central and Eastern European trend of university foundations. During the wave of foundations brought to life by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV (1346–1378) by establishing the University of Prague (1348), the studium generales in Cracow (1364), and Vienna (1365), and finally in Pécs were set up almost the same time.
  • 43. UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL 4411 William of Koppenbach, Bishop of Pécs, played a key role in the establishment of the university, which is clearly reflected in the choice of the seat of the institution. The cleric, originally from Pfalz (Germany), started serving King Ludwig I in 1358, as the monarch's diplomat, counsellor, secret Chancellor and chapel steward (1358 to 1374). During his career in the Church, he was a priest in Bergzabern (Germany), provost first in Cazma (Croatia) then in Eger (Hungary), and finally Bishop of Pécs (1361–1374). The foundation was primarily due to expectations claimed for the participants of the royal diplomacy, namely to bear the canonical legal qualification essential for negotiations. Bishop William, as a secret chancellor and chapel steward, was in charge of the king's diplomatic corps, therefore, he could be more aware of the advan- tages of a domestic university than anyone else. Obviously, the approval of the king was necessary, however, the monarch's role could be regarded as a formal requirement only needed during the official Vatican process. The initiative role of the high priest is sup- ported by the selection of the seat as well as his role in the remu- neration of the professors. The studium generale of Pécs copied the structure of the University of Padua. The chancellor, i.e., the head of the institution was always the actual Bishop. In fact, all power concerned concentrated in his hands, thus he exercised jurisdiction over students and professors alike, while he was in charge of governing the institution, too. It was also the chancellor who awarded academic degrees to candi- dates after taking examinations successfully. Many people attempted to extend the operation of the medieval university in Pécs until the middle or end of 15th century, or else as late as until 1543. It seems certain, however, that the studium gen- erale of Pécs, strongly connected with the person of bishop William, began to decline after the founder's death. The most emi- nent professor of the institution, Galvano di Bologna left Pécs, and by 1374 he was teaching in Italy once again. Bishop Bálint Alsáni still took the position of the Chancellor, however, it is likely that the institution ceased functioning during his official time as a Bishop, namely in the 1390s. The excavations beginning in 1967 in the vicinity of the cathedral revealed a building, together with the Golden Chapel of Mary, between the Cathedral and the city wall, which used to serve as the Episcopal palace of the bishops of Pécs between the 11th and14th centuries. It was last rebuilt in the second half of the 14th century. During the excavations lead by dr. Mária Sándor and Dr. Gyõzõ Gerõ a coat of arms referring to Bishop William was unearthed, which confirmed the assumption that the building was constructed by the order of bishop William playing an important role in the establish- ment of the university, who, probably had the former palace con- verted in connection with the establishment of the university. Source and more info:
  • 44. 4422 UNIVPECS INTERNATIONAL Open University event series Herbs and Phermacy (Dr. Szabó László) 24th January. PTE Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Development, Hall of FEEFI, Pécs, Szántó Kovács János street 1/B. The events of spring begins on the 24th of January with Dr. Szabó László's lecture about "Herbs and Pharmacy". The lecture is about the interesting facts of herbs and their role in healing. Although herbs aren't some kind of potions but the reserves of pharmacy and researches of medi- cine. Some herbs which whit milder milder compounds, even today are part of pharmaceutics. Chocolate carnival of Pécs 4th – 5th of February. Zsolnay Quarter This event is held for the 5th time with the cooperation of Csoko-Láda and the Zsolnay Quarter. This event is not only made for the chocolate craftsmen's sale from different parts of the country but it is also giving place for cultural events, playhouse, and exhibition during the weekend. During the previous years, the free event had 3–4 thousand visitors Open University event series "Knowledge is power", from people's upbringing to adult education (Dr. Németh Balázs) 7th of February. PTE Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Development, Hall of FEEFI, Pécs, Szántó Kovács János street 1/B. Within the programs of Open University, on the 7th of February, enquirers may attend on the lecture of Dr. Németh Balázs about the Hungarian education system and it's main periods and characteristics. By demonstrating political, social and economic aspects, which slowly led synchronizing our nation's adult education system with the European education and upbringing system XXI-th University Ball in the spirit of the Jubilee 11th – 12th February. PTE Dr. Romhányi György Hall During the night, our guests may adum- brate to the second half of the XIV-th century's lifestyle, food, music and dance. The posy of the event is: "Medieval gentry's spree". XI-th Jubilee Pollack Expo 2nd – 3rd of March. Expo Centre Pécs The XIth Jubilee Pollack Expo held by the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology annually. The series of exhibition and lectures is the greatest muster of South West Hungary. The trade fair presents around 100 new inventions connected to IT and engi- neering. Visitors may interact on the first performance or listen to the lec- tures about interesting engineering facts and novelty Open University event series Folding Roof in Architecture (Dr. Halada Miklós) 7th of March. PTE Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Development, Hall of FEEFI, Pécs, Szántó Kovács János street 1/B. The Open University's next lecture will be held ont the 7th of March by Dr. Halada Miklós "Folding Roof in Architecture". In the past decade, all around the world folding rooves got popular, even from small to stadium sizes. During the lecture their use and mechanism will be presented The University of Pécs is 650 years old – spring programs of the jubilee The University of Pécs is celebrating it's 650th birthday on the 1st of September 2017, thus the series of the jubilee events begins. As in the year 2016, 2017 going to have some great events where organizers are waiting for the visitors' enquiry. Jubilee spring events of 2017