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Unit 1
Fundamentals of Cyber Security
Introduction to Cyber Security
• The technique of protecting internet-connected
systems such as computers, servers, mobile
devices, electronic systems, networks, and data
from malicious attacks is known as cybersecurity.
• Cybersecurity into two parts one is cyber, and the
other is security.
• Cyber refers to the technology that includes
systems, networks, programs, and data.
• And security is concerned with the protection of
systems, networks, applications, and information.
• Cyber Security is the body of technologies,
processes, and practices designed to protect
networks, devices, programs, and data from
attack, theft, damage, modification or
unauthorized access.
• Cyber Security is the set of principles and
practices designed to protect our computing
resources and online information against threats.
• Cybersecurity refers to a set of techniques used
to protect the integrity of networks, programs
and data from attack, damage or unauthorized
Types of Cyber Security
• Network Security: It involves implementing the
hardware and software to secure a computer
network from unauthorized access, intruders,
attacks, disruption, and misuse.
• It involves technologies such as Firewalls, Intrusion
detection systems (IDS), Virtual private
networks (VPNs), and Network segmentation.
• Application Security:
• It involves protecting the software and devices
from unwanted threats.
• This protection can be done by constantly
updating the apps to ensure they are secure from
• Successful security begins in the design stage,
writing source code, validation, threat modeling,
etc., before a program or device is deployed.
• Information or Data Security: It involves
implementing a strong data storage mechanism
to maintain the integrity and privacy of data, both
in storage and in transit.
• It includes Encryption, Access controls, Data
classification, and Data loss prevention (DLP)
• Identity management: It deals with the
procedure for determining the level of access
that each individual has within an organization.
• Cloud Security: It involves securing data,
applications, and infrastructure hosted on
cloud platforms, and ensuring appropriate
access controls, data protection, and
• It uses various cloud service providers such as
AWS, Azure, Google, etc., to ensure security
against multiple threats.
• Mobile Security: It involves securing the organizational
and personal data stored on mobile devices such as cell
phones, computers, tablets, and other similar devices
against various malicious threats.
• These threats are unauthorized access, device loss or
theft, malware, etc.
• Regularly backing up mobile device data is important
to prevent data loss in case of theft, damage, or device
• Mobile devices often connect to various networks,
including public Wi-Fi, which can pose security risks. It
is important to use secure networks whenever
possible, such as encrypted Wi-Fi networks or cellular
data connections.
• Endpoint Security: refers to securing
individual devices such as computers, laptops,
smartphones, and IoT devices.
• It includes antivirus software, intrusion
prevention systems (IPS), device encryption,
and regular software updates.
• Internet of Things (IoT) Security : Devices frequently
run on old software, leaving them vulnerable to
recently identified security vulnerabilities.
• This is generally the result of connectivity problems or
the requirement for end users to manually download
• Manufacturers frequently ship Internet of Things (IoT)
devices (such as home routers) with easily crackable
passwords, which may have been left in place by
suppliers and end users.
• These devices are easy targets for attackers using
automated scripts for mass exploitation when they are
left exposed to remote access.
Importance of Cyber Security
• Self Study
Cyber Security Goals
• Cyber Security's main objective is to ensure
data protection.
• There is a triangle of three related principles
to protect the data from cyber-attacks.
• This principle is called the CIA triad.
• The CIA triad which stands for Confidentiality,
Integrity, and Availability is a design model to
guide companies and organizations to form
their security policies.
CIA Model
• When any security breaches are found, one or
more of these principles has been violated.
• The components of the triad are considered to
be the most important and fundamental
components of security.
CIA Model- Confidentiality
• Confidentiality : is equivalent to privacy that
avoids unauthorized access of information.
• It involves ensuring the data is accessible by
those who are allowed to use it and blocking
access to others.
• It prevents essential information from
reaching the wrong people.
• Data encryption is an excellent example of
ensuring confidentiality.
CIA Model- Integrity
• This principle ensures that the data is authentic,
accurate, and safeguarded from unauthorized
modification by threat actors or accidental user
• If any modifications occur, certain measures
should be taken to protect the sensitive data
from corruption or loss and speedily recover from
such an event.
• It indicates to make the source of information
CIA Model- Availability
• This principle makes the information to be
available and useful for its authorized people
• It ensures that these accesses are not
hindered by system malfunction or cyber-
Cyber Security Terminologies
• Vulnerability: A Security Vulnerability is a weakness, flaw, or
error found within a security system that has the potential to be
leveraged by a threat agent in order to compromise a secure
• In the process of building and coding technology mistakes
happen. What’s left behind from these mistakes is commonly
referred to as a bug.
• bugs aren’t inherently harmful, many can be taken advantage of
by nefarious actors—these are known as vulnerabilities.
• Vulnerabilities can be leveraged to force software to act in ways
it’s not intended to.
• Once a bug is determined to be a vulnerability, it is registered as
common vulnerability or exposure (CVE), and assigned a
Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) score to reflect the
potential risk it could introduce to your organization.
Security Vulnerability Examples
• There are a number of Security Vulnerabilities, some common
examples are:
• Broken Authentication: When authentication credentials are
compromised, user sessions and identities can be hijacked by
malicious actors to pose as the original user.
• SQL Injection: As one of the most prevalent security
vulnerabilities, SQL injections attempt to gain access to database
content via malicious code injection. A successful SQL injection
can allow attackers to steal sensitive data, spoof identities, and
participate in a collection of other harmful activities.
• Cross-Site Scripting: Much like an SQL Injection, a Cross-site
scripting (XSS) attack also injects malicious code into a website.
However, a Cross-site scripting attack targets website users,
rather than the actual website itself, which puts sensitive user
information at risk of theft.
• Cross-Site Request Forgery: A Cross-Site
Request Forgery (CSRF) attack aims to trick an
authenticated user into performing an action
that they do not intend to do. This, paired with
social engineering, can deceive users into
accidentally providing a malicious actor with
personal data.
• Security Misconfiguration: Any component of
a security system that can be leveraged by
attackers due to a configuration error can be
considered a “Security Misconfiguration.”
Cyber Threat
• Exploit: A means of attack on a computer
system, either a series of commands, malicious
software, or piece of infected data.
• Hacker (Black Hat, White Hat): Any hacker who
attempts to gain unauthorized access to a
system with the intent to cause mischief,
damage, or theft. They can be motivated by
greed, a political agenda, or simply boredom.
– White Hat : A hacker who is invited to test out
computer systems and servers, looking for
vulnerabilities, for the purposes of informing the
host of where security needs to be buffed up.
• Security breach — A security breach is any incident that results in
unauthorized access to computer data, applications, networks or
• Facebook saw internal software flaws lead to the loss of 29 million
users' personal data in 2018. This compromised accounts included that
of company CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
• Data Breach-The occurrence of disclosure of confidential information,
access to confidential information, destruction of data assets or
abusive use of a private IT environment.
• Generally, a data breach results in internal data being made accessible
to external entities without authorization.
• Risk assessment — The process of evaluating the state of risk of an
organization. Risk assessment is often initiated through taking an
inventory of all assets, assigning each asset a value, and then
considering any potential threats against each asset.
• Threats are evaluated for their exposure factor (EF) in order to
calculate a relative risk value known as the ALE (Annualized Loss
• The largest ALE indicates the biggest concern or risk for the
• Threat assessment — The process of evaluating the
actions, events and behaviors that can cause harm to
an asset or organization. Threat assessment is an
element of risk assessment and management.
• link jacking — A potentially unethical practice of
redirecting a link to a middle-man or aggregator site
or location rather than the original site the link
seemed to indicate it was directed towards.
• For example, a news aggregation service may
publish links that seem as if they point to the original
source of their posted articles, but when a user
discovers those links via search or through social
networks, the links redirect back to the aggregation
site and not the original source of the article.
Social Engineering
• Social engineering is the term used for a broad
range of malicious activities accomplished
through human interactions.
• It uses psychological manipulation to trick
users into making security mistakes or giving
away sensitive information.
• Social engineering attacks happen in one or
more steps.
• A perpetrator first investigates the intended
victim to gather necessary background
information, such as potential points of entry and
weak security protocols, needed to proceed with
the attack.
• Then, the attacker moves to gain the victim’s
trust and provide stimuli for subsequent actions
that break security practices, such as
revealing sensitive information or granting access
to critical resources.
Social Engineering Lifecycle
• Baiting attacks use a false promise to pique a
victim’s greed or curiosity. They lure users into
a trap that steals their personal information or
inflicts their systems with malware.
• Baiting scams don’t necessarily have to be
carried out in the physical world. Online forms
of baiting consist of enticing ads that lead to
malicious sites or that encourage users to
download a malware-infected application.
• Scareware involves victims being bombarded
with false alarms and fictitious threats.
• Users are deceived to think their system is
infected with malware, prompting them to
install software that has no real benefit or is
malware itself.
• Scareware is also referred to as deception
software, rogue scanner software and
• A common scareware example is the
legitimate-looking popup banners appearing
in your browser while surfing the web,
displaying such text such as, “Your computer
may be infected with harmful spyware
programs.” It either offers to install the tool
(often malware-infected) for you, or will direct
you to a malicious site where your computer
becomes infected.
• Here an attacker obtains information through a
series of cleverly crafted lies. The scam is often
initiated by a perpetrator pretending to need
sensitive information from a victim so as to
perform a critical task.
• The attacker usually starts by establishing trust
with their victim by impersonating co-workers,
police, bank and tax officials, or other persons
who have right-to-know authority.
• The pretexter asks questions that requires to
confirm the victim’s identity, through which they
gather important personal data.
• As one of the most popular social engineering
attack types, phishing scams are email and
text message campaigns aimed at creating a
sense of urgency, curiosity or fear in victims.
• It then trick them into revealing sensitive
information, clicking on links to malicious
websites, or opening attachments that contain
• An example is an email sent to users of an
online service that alerts them of a policy
violation requiring immediate action on their
part, such as a required password change.
• It includes a link to an illegitimate website—
nearly identical in appearance to its legitimate
version—prompting the unsuspecting user to
enter their current credentials and new
password. Upon form submission the
information is sent to the attacker.
Social engineering prevention
• Don’t open emails and attachments from
suspicious sources – If you don’t know the
sender in question, you don’t need to answer an
email. Even if you do know them and are
suspicious about their message, cross-check and
confirm the news from other sources, such as via
telephone or directly from a service provider’s
• Use multifactor authentication – One of the
most valuable pieces of information attackers
seek are user credentials. Using multifactor
authentication helps ensure your account’s
protection in the event of system compromise.
• Be wary of tempting offers – If an offer
sounds too enticing, think twice before
accepting it as fact.
• Keep your antivirus/antimalware software
updated – Make sure automatic updates are
engaged, or make it a habit to download the
latest signatures first thing each day.
• Footprinting refers to the process of collecting data
over time in order to make a targeted cyberattack .
• The process of cybersecurity footprinting involves
profiling organizations and collecting data about the
network, host, employees and third-party partners.
• This information includes the OS used by the
organization, firewalls, network maps, IP
addresses, domain name system information, security
configurations of the target machine, URLs, virtual
private networks, staff IDs, email addresses and phone
• Footprinting can be performed manually or
using automated tools.
• It may involve scanning for open ports,
identifying user accounts, and mapping
network topologies.
• By understanding the layout of the target’s
infrastructure, attackers can identify potential
vulnerabilities that may be exploitable.
What Information Is Collected in
• Network topology. Collecting this type of
information involves identifying the IP addresses
and hostnames of all systems on the network and
mapping out the connections among them.
• Operating systems and applications. Information
about the target’s operating system and
applications can be used to identify potential
security vulnerabilities. For example, if a
company uses an outdated version of Windows, it
may be vulnerable to specific attacks that are not
possible against newer versions.
• User accounts. Footprinting can reveal
usernames and passwords for user accounts
on the target system, which can be helpful in
the later stages of an attack.
• Web servers. This includes the servers’
software versions, installed modules, and
enabled features.
Types of Footprinting
• There are two main types of footprinting: passive
and active.
• Passive footprinting involves collecting data
without actively engaging with the target system.
• Under this approach, information is collected
through crawling websites and social media
platforms, among other methods.
• For example, tools like tcpdump and Wireshark
can be used to capture packets sent and received
by the target system.
Active Footprinting
• Active footprinting involves interacting with
the target system to gather information. This
can be done manually or using automated
tools like using the traceroute commands.
• Active footprinting is more intrusive and can
potentially cause harm to the target system if
not done carefully, but it can also gather
information that can’t be collected through
passive footprinting.
Steps of Footprinting
• 1. Identifying Targets: The first step is to
identify which systems or organizations to
footprint by scanning networks for open ports
or performing reconnaissance using Google
searches and other tools.
• 2. Gathering Information: After the target has
been identified, the next step is to gather as
much information about it as possible
• 3. Analyzing Results: After all relevant data has
been collected, it needs to be analyzed to
determine the most vulnerable points. This is
done by identifying common weaknesses across
multiple systems or comparing results against
known exploits.
• 4. Planning Attacks: The final step is to use the
information gathered during footprinting to plan
a successful attack against the target’s systems,
networks, and devices. This may involve
developing custom exploits or choosing a suitable
attack vector based on the data collected.
Advantages of footprinting
• Footprinting techniques in ethical hacking help
businesses identify and secure IT infrastructure before
a threat actor exploits a vulnerability. Users can also
build a database of known vulnerabilities and
• Footprinting also helps companies better understand
their current security posture through analysis of data
gathered about the firewall, security configuration and
• Drawing a network map helps cover all trusted routers,
servers and other network topologies. Users can
pursue a reduced attack surface by narrowing it down
to a specific range of systems.
• Scanning can be considered a logical extension (and
overlap) of active reconnaissance that helps attackers
identify specific vulnerabilities.
• The attacker has gained valuable insights about the
• But a deeper insights are required.
• Scanning helps in getting more specific information
about the target.
• Attackers use automated tools such as network
scanners and application scanners to locate systems
and attempt to discover vulnerabilities.
• The scanning methods may differ based on the attack
objectives, which are set up before the attackers
actually begin this process.
Types of scanning in ethical hacking
• Scanning is the second step in ethical
• It helps the attacker get detailed information
about the target.
• Scanning could be basically of three types:
1. Port Scanning
2. Network Scanning
3. Vulnerability Scanning
Port Scanning
• Port Scanning is Detecting open ports and running services on
the target host.
• Port scanning could be further divided into 5 types:
1. Ping Scan – This is the simplest scan. Ping scan sends ICMP
packets and wait for the response from the target. If there is a
response, the target is considered to be active and listening.
2. TCP Half Open – Also, referred to as SYN scan, this is another
very common type of scanning method
3. TCP Connect – TCP connect is similar to TCP half open, except
for the fact that a complete TCP connection is established in
TCP connect port scanning.
4. UDP – UDP is used by very common services like DNS, SNMP,
DHCP. So, sending a UDP packet and waiting for a response
helps gather information about UDP ports.
5. Stealth Scanning – As the word says, stealth means a quieter
activity. When an attacker wants to be undetected while
scanning, a stealth scan is used.
Network Scanning
• Network scanning is the process or technique
by which we scan the network to gain details
such as active hosts, open ports including
running TCP and UDP services, open
vulnerabilities, details about the host like
operating system and much more.
• For IP (internet protocol) networks, generally
“ping” is used for reaching a host and checking
its status. Ping is an ICMP (Internet Control
Message Protocol) utility and sends packets to
the target and receives an ICMP echo reply.
Vulnerability Scanning
• Vulnerability Scanning – Scanning to gather
information about known vulnerabilities in a
• Vulnerability scans are conducted via
automated vulnerability scanning tools to
identify potential risk exposures and attack
vectors across an organization’s networks,
hardware, software, and systems.
Difference Between Scanning and
• During active reconnaissance, there is contact with
the target network.
• However, in the scanning step (2nd step of ethical
hacking), the attacker already has basic information
about the network and the infrastructure.
• The aim is to get details like active host names, open
ports, operating systems on the active hosts, etc.
• While they might seem the same, scanning is not
possible or rather, would not be successful without
an in-depth and detailed reconnaissance. The
scanning step further expands reconnaissance and
takes it to the next level.
Security Architecture
• Cybersecurity establishments need an
adaptive security architecture.
• It’s a valuable framework to help enterprises
classify all potential and existing security
investments to determine where they’re
deficient and make sure there’s a balanced
approach to cyber security.
Security Architecture
Perimeter Security
• The set of physical & technical security and
programmatic policies that provide levels of
protection against remote malicious activity;
used to and protect the back-end systems
from unauthorized access.
• When properly configured, the perimeter
defense security model can prevent, delay,
absorb and/or detect attacks, thus reducing
the risk to critical back-end systems.
Network Security
• The layer that partitions the broader network
of assets and connections into enclaves;
• an enclave is a distinctly bounded area
enclosed within a larger unit.
• Enclaves incorporate their individual access
controls and protection mechanisms.
• Network Security layer when properly used
can prevent damages to travel from one
enclave to others and also sets policies of
accesses specific to the enclaves.
• Endpoint Security: Security protection
mechanisms and controls that reside directly on
an endpoint device (final devices such as
computers, laptops, mobile devices, tablets, etc.)
interfacing with any network or system.
• Application Security: Security protection
mechanisms and controls that are embedded
within the applications residing on the network,
enclaves, and Endpoint devices. Examples of such
applications could be – MS Office, ERP
application, Mobile Apps, etc.
• Data Security: The layer of security that protects data
in the Enterprise regardless of the data’s state, that is,
whether it is in motion, at rest or in use.
• Prevention: This is achieved by Policies, procedures,
training, threat modelling, risk assessment, penetration
testing and all other inclusive sustainment activities to
posture a secure position.
• Operations: Constant observation of the Enterprise
with a keen eye, coupled with the right tools and
processes, to recognize incidents & events, and
respond accordingly in a timely manner.
Security Operations (SecOps)
• Security operations (SecOps) is a term used to
describe the collaboration between security and
operations teams within an organization.
• IT operations has continued to expand over the
years, branching out into individual specialties that
tends to create siloed (individual) activities.
• SecOps seeks to foster more collaboration between IT
security and IT operations to help prioritize network
and data security and mitigate risk without sacrificing
IT performance.
• A key tenet of SecOps, however, is to ensure that
security is a fundamental part of every project and
included in even the earliest stages of project
• The SecOps team is a team of highly skilled IT and
security professionals who monitor threats and assess
risk across an organization. The SecOps team is the
lifeblood of a security operations center (SOC).
• Roles include SOC analysts, security engineers, a security
manager, an IT operations manager and system admins,
who all report up to the chief information security officer
• The goal of SecOps is to improve an organization’s
security posture, identify security issues and detect
vulnerabilities, and facilitate a unified approach to
security across individual departments. This approach
helps with cross-team collaboration to complete tasks
more efficiently and eliminate duplication of effort.
Cyber terrorism
• Cyber terrorism (also known as digital
terrorism) is defined as disruptive attacks by
recognised terrorist organisations against
computer systems with the intent of
generating alarm, panic, or the physical
disruption of the information system.
• Cyberterrorism is often defined as a
politically motivated attack against
information systems, programs and data
that threatens violence or results in
Thank You

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Unit 1.pptx

  • 1. Unit 1 Fundamentals of Cyber Security
  • 2. Introduction to Cyber Security • The technique of protecting internet-connected systems such as computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks is known as cybersecurity. • Cybersecurity into two parts one is cyber, and the other is security. • Cyber refers to the technology that includes systems, networks, programs, and data. • And security is concerned with the protection of systems, networks, applications, and information.
  • 3. Cont... • Cyber Security is the body of technologies, processes, and practices designed to protect networks, devices, programs, and data from attack, theft, damage, modification or unauthorized access. • Cyber Security is the set of principles and practices designed to protect our computing resources and online information against threats. • Cybersecurity refers to a set of techniques used to protect the integrity of networks, programs and data from attack, damage or unauthorized access
  • 4. Types of Cyber Security • Network Security: It involves implementing the hardware and software to secure a computer network from unauthorized access, intruders, attacks, disruption, and misuse. • It involves technologies such as Firewalls, Intrusion detection systems (IDS), Virtual private networks (VPNs), and Network segmentation.
  • 5. Cont.. • Application Security: • It involves protecting the software and devices from unwanted threats. • This protection can be done by constantly updating the apps to ensure they are secure from attacks. • Successful security begins in the design stage, writing source code, validation, threat modeling, etc., before a program or device is deployed.
  • 6. Cont.. • Information or Data Security: It involves implementing a strong data storage mechanism to maintain the integrity and privacy of data, both in storage and in transit. • It includes Encryption, Access controls, Data classification, and Data loss prevention (DLP) measures. • Identity management: It deals with the procedure for determining the level of access that each individual has within an organization.
  • 7. Cont.. • Cloud Security: It involves securing data, applications, and infrastructure hosted on cloud platforms, and ensuring appropriate access controls, data protection, and compliance. • It uses various cloud service providers such as AWS, Azure, Google, etc., to ensure security against multiple threats.
  • 8. Cont.. • Mobile Security: It involves securing the organizational and personal data stored on mobile devices such as cell phones, computers, tablets, and other similar devices against various malicious threats. • These threats are unauthorized access, device loss or theft, malware, etc. • Regularly backing up mobile device data is important to prevent data loss in case of theft, damage, or device failure. • Mobile devices often connect to various networks, including public Wi-Fi, which can pose security risks. It is important to use secure networks whenever possible, such as encrypted Wi-Fi networks or cellular data connections.
  • 9. Cont.. • Endpoint Security: refers to securing individual devices such as computers, laptops, smartphones, and IoT devices. • It includes antivirus software, intrusion prevention systems (IPS), device encryption, and regular software updates.
  • 10. Cont.. • Internet of Things (IoT) Security : Devices frequently run on old software, leaving them vulnerable to recently identified security vulnerabilities. • This is generally the result of connectivity problems or the requirement for end users to manually download updates. • Manufacturers frequently ship Internet of Things (IoT) devices (such as home routers) with easily crackable passwords, which may have been left in place by suppliers and end users. • These devices are easy targets for attackers using automated scripts for mass exploitation when they are left exposed to remote access.
  • 11. Importance of Cyber Security • Self Study
  • 12. Cyber Security Goals • Cyber Security's main objective is to ensure data protection. • There is a triangle of three related principles to protect the data from cyber-attacks. • This principle is called the CIA triad. • The CIA triad which stands for Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability is a design model to guide companies and organizations to form their security policies.
  • 13. CIA Model • When any security breaches are found, one or more of these principles has been violated. • The components of the triad are considered to be the most important and fundamental components of security.
  • 14. CIA Model- Confidentiality • Confidentiality : is equivalent to privacy that avoids unauthorized access of information. • It involves ensuring the data is accessible by those who are allowed to use it and blocking access to others. • It prevents essential information from reaching the wrong people. • Data encryption is an excellent example of ensuring confidentiality.
  • 15. CIA Model- Integrity • This principle ensures that the data is authentic, accurate, and safeguarded from unauthorized modification by threat actors or accidental user modification. • If any modifications occur, certain measures should be taken to protect the sensitive data from corruption or loss and speedily recover from such an event. • It indicates to make the source of information genuine.
  • 16. CIA Model- Availability • This principle makes the information to be available and useful for its authorized people always. • It ensures that these accesses are not hindered by system malfunction or cyber- attacks.
  • 17. Cyber Security Terminologies • Vulnerability: A Security Vulnerability is a weakness, flaw, or error found within a security system that has the potential to be leveraged by a threat agent in order to compromise a secure network. • In the process of building and coding technology mistakes happen. What’s left behind from these mistakes is commonly referred to as a bug. • bugs aren’t inherently harmful, many can be taken advantage of by nefarious actors—these are known as vulnerabilities. • Vulnerabilities can be leveraged to force software to act in ways it’s not intended to. • Once a bug is determined to be a vulnerability, it is registered as common vulnerability or exposure (CVE), and assigned a Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) score to reflect the potential risk it could introduce to your organization.
  • 18. Security Vulnerability Examples • There are a number of Security Vulnerabilities, some common examples are: • Broken Authentication: When authentication credentials are compromised, user sessions and identities can be hijacked by malicious actors to pose as the original user. • SQL Injection: As one of the most prevalent security vulnerabilities, SQL injections attempt to gain access to database content via malicious code injection. A successful SQL injection can allow attackers to steal sensitive data, spoof identities, and participate in a collection of other harmful activities. • Cross-Site Scripting: Much like an SQL Injection, a Cross-site scripting (XSS) attack also injects malicious code into a website. However, a Cross-site scripting attack targets website users, rather than the actual website itself, which puts sensitive user information at risk of theft.
  • 19. Cont.. • Cross-Site Request Forgery: A Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attack aims to trick an authenticated user into performing an action that they do not intend to do. This, paired with social engineering, can deceive users into accidentally providing a malicious actor with personal data. • Security Misconfiguration: Any component of a security system that can be leveraged by attackers due to a configuration error can be considered a “Security Misconfiguration.”
  • 20. Cyber Threat • Exploit: A means of attack on a computer system, either a series of commands, malicious software, or piece of infected data. • Hacker (Black Hat, White Hat): Any hacker who attempts to gain unauthorized access to a system with the intent to cause mischief, damage, or theft. They can be motivated by greed, a political agenda, or simply boredom. – White Hat : A hacker who is invited to test out computer systems and servers, looking for vulnerabilities, for the purposes of informing the host of where security needs to be buffed up.
  • 21. Cont.. • Security breach — A security breach is any incident that results in unauthorized access to computer data, applications, networks or devices. • Facebook saw internal software flaws lead to the loss of 29 million users' personal data in 2018. This compromised accounts included that of company CEO Mark Zuckerberg. • Data Breach-The occurrence of disclosure of confidential information, access to confidential information, destruction of data assets or abusive use of a private IT environment. • Generally, a data breach results in internal data being made accessible to external entities without authorization. • Risk assessment — The process of evaluating the state of risk of an organization. Risk assessment is often initiated through taking an inventory of all assets, assigning each asset a value, and then considering any potential threats against each asset. • Threats are evaluated for their exposure factor (EF) in order to calculate a relative risk value known as the ALE (Annualized Loss Expectancy). • The largest ALE indicates the biggest concern or risk for the organization.
  • 22. Cont.. • Threat assessment — The process of evaluating the actions, events and behaviors that can cause harm to an asset or organization. Threat assessment is an element of risk assessment and management. • link jacking — A potentially unethical practice of redirecting a link to a middle-man or aggregator site or location rather than the original site the link seemed to indicate it was directed towards. • For example, a news aggregation service may publish links that seem as if they point to the original source of their posted articles, but when a user discovers those links via search or through social networks, the links redirect back to the aggregation site and not the original source of the article.
  • 23. Social Engineering • Social engineering is the term used for a broad range of malicious activities accomplished through human interactions. • It uses psychological manipulation to trick users into making security mistakes or giving away sensitive information. • Social engineering attacks happen in one or more steps.
  • 24. Cont.. • A perpetrator first investigates the intended victim to gather necessary background information, such as potential points of entry and weak security protocols, needed to proceed with the attack. • Then, the attacker moves to gain the victim’s trust and provide stimuli for subsequent actions that break security practices, such as revealing sensitive information or granting access to critical resources.
  • 26. Baiting • Baiting attacks use a false promise to pique a victim’s greed or curiosity. They lure users into a trap that steals their personal information or inflicts their systems with malware. • Baiting scams don’t necessarily have to be carried out in the physical world. Online forms of baiting consist of enticing ads that lead to malicious sites or that encourage users to download a malware-infected application.
  • 27. Scareware • Scareware involves victims being bombarded with false alarms and fictitious threats. • Users are deceived to think their system is infected with malware, prompting them to install software that has no real benefit or is malware itself. • Scareware is also referred to as deception software, rogue scanner software and fraudware.
  • 28. Cont.. • A common scareware example is the legitimate-looking popup banners appearing in your browser while surfing the web, displaying such text such as, “Your computer may be infected with harmful spyware programs.” It either offers to install the tool (often malware-infected) for you, or will direct you to a malicious site where your computer becomes infected.
  • 29. Pretexting • Here an attacker obtains information through a series of cleverly crafted lies. The scam is often initiated by a perpetrator pretending to need sensitive information from a victim so as to perform a critical task. • The attacker usually starts by establishing trust with their victim by impersonating co-workers, police, bank and tax officials, or other persons who have right-to-know authority. • The pretexter asks questions that requires to confirm the victim’s identity, through which they gather important personal data.
  • 30. Phishing • As one of the most popular social engineering attack types, phishing scams are email and text message campaigns aimed at creating a sense of urgency, curiosity or fear in victims. • It then trick them into revealing sensitive information, clicking on links to malicious websites, or opening attachments that contain malware.
  • 31. Phishing • An example is an email sent to users of an online service that alerts them of a policy violation requiring immediate action on their part, such as a required password change. • It includes a link to an illegitimate website— nearly identical in appearance to its legitimate version—prompting the unsuspecting user to enter their current credentials and new password. Upon form submission the information is sent to the attacker.
  • 32. Social engineering prevention • Don’t open emails and attachments from suspicious sources – If you don’t know the sender in question, you don’t need to answer an email. Even if you do know them and are suspicious about their message, cross-check and confirm the news from other sources, such as via telephone or directly from a service provider’s site. • Use multifactor authentication – One of the most valuable pieces of information attackers seek are user credentials. Using multifactor authentication helps ensure your account’s protection in the event of system compromise.
  • 33. Cont. • Be wary of tempting offers – If an offer sounds too enticing, think twice before accepting it as fact. • Keep your antivirus/antimalware software updated – Make sure automatic updates are engaged, or make it a habit to download the latest signatures first thing each day.
  • 34. Footprinting • Footprinting refers to the process of collecting data over time in order to make a targeted cyberattack . • The process of cybersecurity footprinting involves profiling organizations and collecting data about the network, host, employees and third-party partners. • This information includes the OS used by the organization, firewalls, network maps, IP addresses, domain name system information, security configurations of the target machine, URLs, virtual private networks, staff IDs, email addresses and phone numbers.
  • 35. Cont.. • Footprinting can be performed manually or using automated tools. • It may involve scanning for open ports, identifying user accounts, and mapping network topologies. • By understanding the layout of the target’s infrastructure, attackers can identify potential vulnerabilities that may be exploitable.
  • 36. What Information Is Collected in Footprinting? • Network topology. Collecting this type of information involves identifying the IP addresses and hostnames of all systems on the network and mapping out the connections among them. • Operating systems and applications. Information about the target’s operating system and applications can be used to identify potential security vulnerabilities. For example, if a company uses an outdated version of Windows, it may be vulnerable to specific attacks that are not possible against newer versions.
  • 37. Cont.. • User accounts. Footprinting can reveal usernames and passwords for user accounts on the target system, which can be helpful in the later stages of an attack. • Web servers. This includes the servers’ software versions, installed modules, and enabled features.
  • 38. Types of Footprinting • There are two main types of footprinting: passive and active. • Passive footprinting involves collecting data without actively engaging with the target system. • Under this approach, information is collected through crawling websites and social media platforms, among other methods. • For example, tools like tcpdump and Wireshark can be used to capture packets sent and received by the target system.
  • 39. Active Footprinting • Active footprinting involves interacting with the target system to gather information. This can be done manually or using automated tools like using the traceroute commands. • Active footprinting is more intrusive and can potentially cause harm to the target system if not done carefully, but it can also gather information that can’t be collected through passive footprinting.
  • 40. Steps of Footprinting • 1. Identifying Targets: The first step is to identify which systems or organizations to footprint by scanning networks for open ports or performing reconnaissance using Google searches and other tools. • 2. Gathering Information: After the target has been identified, the next step is to gather as much information about it as possible
  • 41. Cont.. • 3. Analyzing Results: After all relevant data has been collected, it needs to be analyzed to determine the most vulnerable points. This is done by identifying common weaknesses across multiple systems or comparing results against known exploits. • 4. Planning Attacks: The final step is to use the information gathered during footprinting to plan a successful attack against the target’s systems, networks, and devices. This may involve developing custom exploits or choosing a suitable attack vector based on the data collected.
  • 42. Advantages of footprinting • Footprinting techniques in ethical hacking help businesses identify and secure IT infrastructure before a threat actor exploits a vulnerability. Users can also build a database of known vulnerabilities and loopholes. • Footprinting also helps companies better understand their current security posture through analysis of data gathered about the firewall, security configuration and more. • Drawing a network map helps cover all trusted routers, servers and other network topologies. Users can pursue a reduced attack surface by narrowing it down to a specific range of systems.
  • 43. Scanning • Scanning can be considered a logical extension (and overlap) of active reconnaissance that helps attackers identify specific vulnerabilities. • The attacker has gained valuable insights about the target. • But a deeper insights are required. • Scanning helps in getting more specific information about the target. • Attackers use automated tools such as network scanners and application scanners to locate systems and attempt to discover vulnerabilities. • The scanning methods may differ based on the attack objectives, which are set up before the attackers actually begin this process.
  • 44. Types of scanning in ethical hacking • Scanning is the second step in ethical hacking. • It helps the attacker get detailed information about the target. • Scanning could be basically of three types: 1. Port Scanning 2. Network Scanning 3. Vulnerability Scanning
  • 45. Port Scanning • Port Scanning is Detecting open ports and running services on the target host. • Port scanning could be further divided into 5 types: 1. Ping Scan – This is the simplest scan. Ping scan sends ICMP packets and wait for the response from the target. If there is a response, the target is considered to be active and listening. 2. TCP Half Open – Also, referred to as SYN scan, this is another very common type of scanning method 3. TCP Connect – TCP connect is similar to TCP half open, except for the fact that a complete TCP connection is established in TCP connect port scanning. 4. UDP – UDP is used by very common services like DNS, SNMP, DHCP. So, sending a UDP packet and waiting for a response helps gather information about UDP ports. 5. Stealth Scanning – As the word says, stealth means a quieter activity. When an attacker wants to be undetected while scanning, a stealth scan is used.
  • 46. Network Scanning • Network scanning is the process or technique by which we scan the network to gain details such as active hosts, open ports including running TCP and UDP services, open vulnerabilities, details about the host like operating system and much more. • For IP (internet protocol) networks, generally “ping” is used for reaching a host and checking its status. Ping is an ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) utility and sends packets to the target and receives an ICMP echo reply.
  • 47. Vulnerability Scanning • Vulnerability Scanning – Scanning to gather information about known vulnerabilities in a target. • Vulnerability scans are conducted via automated vulnerability scanning tools to identify potential risk exposures and attack vectors across an organization’s networks, hardware, software, and systems.
  • 48. Difference Between Scanning and FootPrinting • During active reconnaissance, there is contact with the target network. • However, in the scanning step (2nd step of ethical hacking), the attacker already has basic information about the network and the infrastructure. • The aim is to get details like active host names, open ports, operating systems on the active hosts, etc. • While they might seem the same, scanning is not possible or rather, would not be successful without an in-depth and detailed reconnaissance. The scanning step further expands reconnaissance and takes it to the next level.
  • 49. Security Architecture • Cybersecurity establishments need an adaptive security architecture. • It’s a valuable framework to help enterprises classify all potential and existing security investments to determine where they’re deficient and make sure there’s a balanced approach to cyber security.
  • 51. Perimeter Security • The set of physical & technical security and programmatic policies that provide levels of protection against remote malicious activity; used to and protect the back-end systems from unauthorized access. • When properly configured, the perimeter defense security model can prevent, delay, absorb and/or detect attacks, thus reducing the risk to critical back-end systems.
  • 52. Network Security • The layer that partitions the broader network of assets and connections into enclaves; • an enclave is a distinctly bounded area enclosed within a larger unit. • Enclaves incorporate their individual access controls and protection mechanisms. • Network Security layer when properly used can prevent damages to travel from one enclave to others and also sets policies of accesses specific to the enclaves.
  • 53. Cont.. • Endpoint Security: Security protection mechanisms and controls that reside directly on an endpoint device (final devices such as computers, laptops, mobile devices, tablets, etc.) interfacing with any network or system. • Application Security: Security protection mechanisms and controls that are embedded within the applications residing on the network, enclaves, and Endpoint devices. Examples of such applications could be – MS Office, ERP application, Mobile Apps, etc.
  • 54. Cont.. • Data Security: The layer of security that protects data in the Enterprise regardless of the data’s state, that is, whether it is in motion, at rest or in use. • Prevention: This is achieved by Policies, procedures, training, threat modelling, risk assessment, penetration testing and all other inclusive sustainment activities to posture a secure position. • Operations: Constant observation of the Enterprise with a keen eye, coupled with the right tools and processes, to recognize incidents & events, and respond accordingly in a timely manner.
  • 55. Security Operations (SecOps) • Security operations (SecOps) is a term used to describe the collaboration between security and operations teams within an organization. • IT operations has continued to expand over the years, branching out into individual specialties that tends to create siloed (individual) activities. • SecOps seeks to foster more collaboration between IT security and IT operations to help prioritize network and data security and mitigate risk without sacrificing IT performance. • A key tenet of SecOps, however, is to ensure that security is a fundamental part of every project and included in even the earliest stages of project development.
  • 56. Cont… • The SecOps team is a team of highly skilled IT and security professionals who monitor threats and assess risk across an organization. The SecOps team is the lifeblood of a security operations center (SOC). • Roles include SOC analysts, security engineers, a security manager, an IT operations manager and system admins, who all report up to the chief information security officer (CISO). • The goal of SecOps is to improve an organization’s security posture, identify security issues and detect vulnerabilities, and facilitate a unified approach to security across individual departments. This approach helps with cross-team collaboration to complete tasks more efficiently and eliminate duplication of effort.
  • 57. Cyber terrorism • Cyber terrorism (also known as digital terrorism) is defined as disruptive attacks by recognised terrorist organisations against computer systems with the intent of generating alarm, panic, or the physical disruption of the information system. • Cyberterrorism is often defined as a politically motivated attack against information systems, programs and data that threatens violence or results in violence.