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Perspective   Matt Anderson
              Joe Sims
              Jerell Price
              Jennifer Brusa

Turning “Like” to “Buy”
Social Media Emerges
as a Commerce Channel
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                                                                                   Booz & Company
EXECUTIVE        As consumers around the globe spend more time on social
                 media of all kinds, it is inevitable that some of their posts and
                 comments relate to what they are going to do at the mall and
                 what products they like. Many consumer-oriented companies
                 have already responded to this shift by setting up Facebook
                 fan pages or Twitter feeds. These can be great ways of engag-
                 ing with and influencing customers, especially since the
                 individuals on a social networking site are usually connected
                 to other individuals whom they trust and respect. So, in the
                 best case, a company that has something appealing to sell can,
                 through an initiative involving social media, provide an impe-
                 tus far superior to traditional advertising—recommendations
                 from the most influential people of all, the prospective buyer’s
                 friends and family.

                 But company influence through social      from the unique characteristics of
                 groups and traditional marketing          social media, including the oppor-
                 models is stopping well short of the      tunity to get quick feedback from
                 emerging opportunity. For many            multiple friends and family members.
                 customer segments, shopping in
                 the physical world has always been        The market for social commerce has
                 social: I can go to the store with        been embryonic to date, but that will
                 you and put an item in your shop-         change over the next five years as
                 ping basket, saying “This is perfect      companies race to establish stores,
                 for you.” Now, some companies are         pushing up social commerce revenues
                 using social media in a similar way: as   sixfold, to US$30 billion globally.
                 a place where they can transact busi-     As this growth surge happens, social
                 ness with their customers and where       commerce will take its place alongside
                 customers can shop with each other.       stores, telesales, and the more tradi-
                 E-commerce is coming of age. These        tional Web to emerge as a significant
                 trendsetting companies are focused        sales channel in its own right.
                 on products and services that benefit

Booz & Company                                                                                 1
THE IMPACT OF   Social media has revolutionized
                the way people communicate and
                                                       companies, it is also handing them
                                                       an opportunity. Retail, consumer
SOCIAL MEDIA    maintain relationships. Globally,      electronics, and media companies
ON CONSUMER     Internet users now spend more than
                four and a half hours per week on
                                                       are among the many types of
                                                       organizations that have followed
BEHAVIOR        social networking sites, more time     consumers into the social arena,
                than they spend on e-mail.1 There is   creating Facebook fan pages, sending
                a public quality to how communica-     microblog messages, and building
                tion happens on social networks—       communities. A 2010 presentation
                people are, to use the Facebook        by said that 68 percent
                analogy, sharing their thoughts on     of North American business-to-
                “a wall” for others to see. As more    consumer (B2C) companies have
                and more of what people think and      acquired at least some customers
                do ends up getting communicated on     through Facebook. 3
                these new-age bulletin boards, it is
                inevitable that social networks will   Lead generation—the ubiquitous
                start to affect what consumers buy     “likes” of Facebook—will not be the
                and how they shop. In a way that has   most important activity for long,
                never before been true, consumers      however. The next phase will go
                are determining which products and     beyond mere communication and
                services succeed and are shaping the   influencing. Consumers will transact
                messaging. Underlining this point,     commerce inside social networks—
                Altimeter Group says there is now      selecting products, adding their
                a fifth “P”—people—to add to the       selections to shopping carts, and
                traditional four “Ps” of market-       completing purchases through pay-
                ing (product, price, placement, and    ment with credit cards and points.
                promotion). 2                          As they do so, the era of social com-
                                                       merce will commence in earnest.
                If the new medium of social
                networks is creating challenges for

                Consumers will transact commerce—
                from selecting products to completing
                purchases through payment with
                credit cards and points—inside social

2                                                                            Booz & Company
EARLY                                   directly into its Facebook fan page,
                                        allowing consumers to make quick
                                                                                  The innovations in social commerce
                                                                                  are happening globally. Hyves, the
DEVELOPMENTS                            purchases without having to leave         most popular social networking site
IN SOCIAL                               Facebook. The company has also
                                        used Facebook as a component of
                                                                                  in the Netherlands, has developed a
                                                                                  payment system that allows users to
COMMERCE                                its Mother’s Day campaign and             transfer as much as €150 (US$201)
                                        has plans to integrate with other         to other users to pay for goods
                                        Facebook features such as birthday        available within the Hyves payment
                                        calendars and group gifting. It isn’t     system. The Hyves site, which has
                                        hard to imagine a company like            more than 10 million accounts,
                                        1-800-Flowers taking advantage of         has also created a consumer-to-
Companies that are pursuing social      other social networking features,         consumer marketplace called Supply
commerce regard it as a distinct        such as a person’s likes and dislikes     & Demand that is analogous to
channel underpinned by a significant    about colors, to help gift givers         Craigslist, allowing members to post
new aspect of consumer behavior.        decide which bouquets to send.            items for sale.
This new channel represents the
merger of e-commerce and social         Facebook isn’t the only social            How ready are consumers to buy
media, as transactions are actually     network on which commerce is              products through social media? A
performed within the platform rather    happening. Many companies, for            2010 survey by Booz & Company
than at the retailer’s e-commerce       instance, have used Twitter to sell       of consumers who spend at least one
site. While social commerce is still    their products. As of late 2009, Dell     hour a month on social networking
nascent, there are some notable         Outlet had already sold $6.5 million      sites and who have bought at least
examples of companies that are          in products through its Twitter feed; 4   one product online in the last year
innovating in this area.                airlines such as AirTran Airways          provides some insight. Twenty-
                                        have also used Twitter to sell            seven percent of respondents said
For instance, 1-800-Flowers, a floral   discounted tickets. Since November        they would be willing to purchase
retailer that has ridden a history of   2010, users of Apple’s Ping               physical goods through social
channel innovation to a national        recommender have been using tweets        networking sites. Moreover, 10
presence with more than $700            (Twitter’s 140-character posts)           percent said their buying through
million in revenue, now has a fully     to send song previews and iTunes          social networking sites will be
functioning Facebook store. It has      purchase links to their followers. 5      incremental to other buying they
embedded its e-commerce platform                                                  do—that is, they will end up buying

Booz & Company                                                                                                       3
more physical goods overall. (The                        as companies find ways to embed         (see Exhibit 1). This estimate is
73 percent who said they would                           their e-commerce engines within         only for hard goods—electronics,
not purchase goods through social                        social media, the market for social     apparel, movie tickets, and the like.
networking sites largely cited                           commerce will skyrocket, helped         Services are equally promising for
concerns related to security and                         in part by new models for buying        social commerce—the online storage
privacy, two areas that many big                         and by the availability of products     company seeking new customers,
social networking sites are already                      developed specifically for social       the wireless company offering
working to improve.)                                     networking sites.                       an upgrade, the cable television
                                                                                                 company providing downloads or
These emerging attitudes make it                         By 2015, the dollar volume of           streamed versions of old episodes.
unlikely that social commerce—a                          goods sold through social media         Companies like these will have
cousin, after all, of the more                           should rise sixfold, to $30 billion     multibillion-dollar opportunities too.
familiar e-commerce—will face                            from $5 billion this year, according
hurdles related to its newness. And                      to Booz & Company estimates

Exhibit 1
Booz & Company Estimate of Social Commerce Market Size (2010-2015; in US$ Billions)


                                                                                 +56%                      $14     U.S.


                                                           $9                      $5
                                                                                                           $16     Rest of
                                   $5                      $3                                                      the World
                                            $1                                     $8

           2010                   2011                   2012                     2013    2014            2015

Note: Numbers might not add up because of rounding.
Source: Forrester Research; GP Bullhound; Euromonitor; Booz & Company analysis

4                                                                                                                         Booz & Company
WHERE SOCIAL                                          Companies see opportunities to use
                                                      social commerce at every moment
                                                                                                      doing anything at all in this area (see
                                                                                                      Exhibit 2). Many companies in China
COMMERCE CAN                                          along the path to purchase—aware-               are in some way using or planning
HAVE AN IMPACT                                        ness, consideration, conversion, and
                                                      loyalty and service—and also to mea-
                                                                                                      to use Tencent QQ (Facebook is still
                                                                                                      prohibited by government authori-
                                                      sure the success of their efforts.              ties) to create awareness of their
                                                                                                      products; most Brazilian companies
                                                      Awareness                                       are looking for ways to use Orkut, a
                                                      To date, most companies’ social                 social networking service operated by
                                                      commerce activities have focused on             Google. In the U.S., many compa-
                                                      branding and user-generated content             nies are past the looking stage; as of
                                                      in support of existing marketing                the end of 2009, approximately 69
                                                      initiatives. This is the topmost part           percent of U.S. retailers had social
                                                      of the marketing funnel—the level of            network pages, 54 percent used
                                                      simple awareness—and it would be                microblogging sites such as Twitter,
                                                      hard to find a sizable B2C company              and 58 percent published customer
                                                      anywhere in the world that isn’t                ratings and reviews.6 Most of this

Exhibit 2
Typical Social Activities in Each Stage of Marketing Funnel


                                                Branding                - New environment for promoting broader brand

                Awareness                       Content Creation        - Forum for new social/viral content (often user-generated)

                                                Traffic Generation      - Additional ways to drive traffic to own site or social network presence
                                    mer Exp

                                                Engagement              - New microsites/widgets/apps to engage potential customers
                                                Innovation/Ideation     - Proactive customer engagement in product/service innovation
                                  n Custo

                                                Lead Generation         - New mechanisms for targeting and incentivizing potential customers

                                                Purchase Decision       - Additional e-commerce channel
                Conversion                                              - Unique buying propositions
                                                                        - Purchases as syndicated social content
                                                Loyalty/Advocacy        - Deeper connection with customers after sale
                                                                        - Activation of brand loyalists to market/sell on your behalf
                                                After-Sale Service      - Additional mechanism for community-based support

                             Measurement                                - Rich sociographic data set for effective real-time social targeting

Source: Booz & Company

Booz & Company                                                                                                                                      5
early activity, however, has been         incremental revenue, and repeat         social network called iPartment to
decentralized and uncoordinated,          business—and thus more accurately       promote the opening of a new retail
making it impossible for companies        measure ROI. The key for companies      location in Shanghai. Through the
to accurately assess their ROI from       will be understanding how to use        promotion, the site’s users, mostly
these efforts.                            social media in each of these stages.   affluent Chinese women creating
                                                                                  virtual apartments, entered contests
At least for the moment, awareness        Consideration                           and sent coupons for free Starbucks
seems to have limited value in actu-      Many companies have already started     products to their connections.
ally spurring social commerce. In         efforts in the area of consideration,
Booz & Company’s 2010 survey, 71          mainly in the form of applications also put a social spin on
percent of social networking users        that entice customers to leave the      the age-old coupon concept. The cou-
said their “liking” a company on          social network site and move to the     pons it posts to its site are voted up,
Facebook would have no impact on          companies’ own websites. Companies      commented on, or shared via Twitter,
their propensity to buy from that         can and should do more in the con-      Facebook, Digg, Reddit, Delicious, or
company.                                  sideration stage, principally in two    plain old e-mail.
                                          areas: generating leads and generat-
Social commerce will almost certainly     ing new ideas.                          Generation of new ideas can be
have the biggest impact at the lower                                              enhanced through the use of com-
end of the funnel, in the consid-         Leads can be enhanced significantly     munities. Dell’s IdeaStorm has been
eration, conversion, and loyalty          by developing new mechanisms            particularly effective at eliciting ideas
and service stages. These are areas       for targeting, data gathering, and      from users—what might, in this
where it is possible to establish clear   motivating potential customers. For     context, be called social ideation.
metrics—including conversion rates,       instance, Starbucks used a Chinese      Thousands of ideas have been sub-

                                          Social commerce will have the
                                          biggest impact in the consideration,
                                          conversion, and loyalty and service
                                          stages of the client relationship.

6                                                                                                         Booz & Company
mitted through the site, and several      runway where site visitors can put        loyalty and give customers a chance
hundred have been implemented. The        together outfits to share with their      to advocate on behalf of the brand.
well of ideas is more reliable because    friends or to present to the com-         Social commerce introduces the pos-
it originates with customers.             munity to be voted on. A pair of          sibility of multiple new touch points
                                          friends shopping at Wet Seal can use      after a purchase. These touch points
Conversion                                a service powered by to          can have many benefits, including
This is where social commerce will        view the same product pages, chat in      reducing churn.
have its biggest impact—providing         real time, and use a drawing tool to
unique buying propositions for            notate or highlight products they are     For example, when a user “Likes”
customers and new touch points for        considering.                              a brand on Facebook, he or she can
companies.                                                                          become part of a community that
                                          Social commerce is also ideal for         receives special incentives, promo-
Group buying and group gifting            facilitating conversion in other areas.   tions, or early access to new prod-
are good examples of new buying           Take the example of music concerts,       ucts. And in the future, the “Like”
propositions. Social platforms can        which for many urban consumers are        button (notwithstanding its casual
conveniently bring together family        a popular way to spend time. Many         use today) could become the one-
and friends to contribute to a gift for   fans would be more likely to attend       click way to join a loyalty card
a specified recipient. Facebook appli-    an event if they knew their friends       system. Social loyalty platforms
cations such as and        would accompany them, and if the          will have the advantage of allowing
websites such as provide       process of inviting friends and buying    customers to exchange points in a
a simple platform for users to set up     tickets jointly were more seamless. A     socially based marketplace.
group gifting and handle the logistics    site called Eventbrite allows for just
of collecting money, sending remind-      that sort of group planning through       Measurement
ers, and sending the gift.                Twitter and Facebook. Eventbrite          While ongoing measurement is not
                                          does not yet allow for sales directly     actually part of the marketing funnel,
Social shopping is another example        through social media sites, but that      it is a critical way for companies to
of a unique buying proposition and        may change.                               gauge the success of their initiatives.
is particularly relevant for fashion-                                               Social commerce will marry multiple
related products. A study published       Developments like group gifting,          types of data—purchase, behavioral,
by showed that 81           social shopping, and ticket buying        and demographic—to form socio-
percent of teenage girls use their        provide a small glimpse of what is        graphic data that tracks not only
friends and peers as a source of trend    in store. They are the equivalent of      what individuals buy but what their
information and 45 percent seek the       Amazon selling its first book and         friends buy. Sociographic data is
opinions of those same groups when        eBay its first collectible in 1995.       collected in real time as customers
purchasing clothing or footwear.7         Much more is coming.                      browse, recommend, buy, and rate
                                                                                    products. This gives companies the
Wet Seal, a popular retailer serving      Loyalty and Service                       chance to influence behavior along
teen girls, has developed a virtual       After a sale, companies want to build     the entire purchase path.

Booz & Company                                                                                                              7
GETTING                                  fund an innovation group focusing
                                         on social media. Many companies
                                                                                   projects, and sociographic data to
                                                                                   map out different social commerce
STARTED: FOUR                            don’t have the expertise they need to     strategies to get a sense of what their
IMPERATIVES                              design, test, and run social commerce
                                         projects and will need to add new
                                                                                   customers will see, how they will
                                                                                   respond, and what they like best.
                                         capabilities.                             Surveys and other forms of primary
                                                                                   customer research can be instrumen-
                                         Imperative 2: Develop a strategy          tal in identifying needs and assessing
                                         for getting the data you need. What       how a company is viewed vis-à-vis its
                                         would a company most like to know         competitors. Together, this informa-
For most companies, social com-          about social media? Is it what the        tion can help determine what the cus-
merce represents a new channel, with     market is saying about the company        tomer base wants and how a social
much to learn and master. There are      itself and its competitors’ brands        commerce strategy should evolve to
four imperatives that every company      and practices, or is it that a cus-       deliver it.
should keep in mind.                     tomer prospect is in the market and
                                         likely to buy in the next 24 hours?       Imperative 4: Integrate social
Imperative 1: Jump in soon and           Companies should develop a “wish          commerce into an overall multi-
learn by doing. It is usually a good     list” of information and then seg-        channel strategy. As social commerce
idea to study a new opportunity          ment it by how hard it is to get. At      becomes a bigger part of the overall
closely, but given the fast pace at      that point, they can identify partners    sales mix, it is important to under-
which social commerce is evolving,       or vendors that can provide it. The       stand its position in the company’s
companies must be willing to learn       key is to have an easy-to-use, flexible   broader multi-channel strategy, and
while doing. They should place some      platform for collecting and using         in particular to determine the impact
targeted bets, particularly in the       data. After all, the types and sources    social commerce will have on other
areas of consideration, conversion,      of data that companies need are           channels. It is especially important
and loyalty and service. The ones        likely to change quickly.                 that the social channel not be treated
that can do so should start an actual                                              as a one-off program, but rather be
store in a social networking service     Imperative 3: Define what the             supported and integrated from both
where they’re doing transactions.        customer experience should be.            a resource and an organizational
The ones that can’t go that far should   Companies should use tests, pilot         perspective.

8                                                                                                         Booz & Company
 “More Time Spent on Social Media Than E-Mail Worldwide,”         5
                                                                    “Twitter Links Users to Apple Music Social Network,”, November 4, 2010.       Reuters, November 11, 2010.
aspx?R=1008025                                                    idUSTRE6AA46R20101111
 Lora Cecere, Altimeter Group, “Pioneers on the Move: Rise        6
                                                                   Sucharita Mulpuru, Forrester Research, “TechRadar for
of Social Commerce,” November 1, 2010. www.altimetergroup.        eBusiness and Channel Strategy Professionals: Social
com/2010/11/pioneers-on-the-move-rise-of-social-commerce.         Commerce, Q1 2010,” February 25, 2010.
html                                                              rb/Research/techradar%26trade%3B_for_ebusiness_and_
 ”The Future of Shopping,” Resource Interactive, 2010
Annual Summit.                     7
                                                                   “How to Influence Teen Girls Online,” eMarketer.
                                                                  com, November 17, 2010.
 Adam Ostrow, “Dell Rides Twitter to $6.5 Million in Sales,”      aspx?R=1008048, December 8, 2009. www.mashable.

CONCLUSION                                    which to build their social commerce
                                              capabilities as the platform evolves.
                                                                                        About the Authors

                                              As always, learning what doesn’t          Matt Anderson is a partner with
                                                                                        Booz & Company based in Houston.
                                              work will be as important as learn-
                                                                                        He specializes in digital innovation
                                              ing what does.                            and value chain disruption, Web 2.0,
                                                                                        social networking, applications and
                                              Each step along the path to pur-          e-commerce, growth strategies, and
                                              chase—generating awareness, entic-        multi-channel marketing for clients in
Now that social networking has                ing customers to buy, and cultivating     consumer electronics and high-tech
become embedded in the fabric of              their loyalty—presents its own            industries.
everyday life for millions of consum-         opportunities. Companies should be
                                                                                        Joe Sims is a Booz & Company
ers globally, companies are keen to           considering targeted efforts all along
                                                                                        partner based in Dallas. He is an
find ways to leverage these online            this path, while integrating social       industry-recognized leader in digital
relationships for commercial gain.            commerce as part of an overarching        convergence, including telecommuni-
Social network sites promise to be            multi-channel strategy. Developing        cations strategy, wireless broadband
the next generation of e-commerce             an integrated and comprehensive           and Internet services, and next gen-
engines and are moving rapidly                strategy for gathering customer data      eration applications and cloud-based
in that direction. Marketers and              and mining it for insights, imagining     services. Joe has served numerous
                                                                                        enterprise clients in healthcare, finan-
strategists are smart to feel a sense         new methods for customers to decide
                                                                                        cial services, transportation, manu-
of urgency in understanding and               and buy together, and building a
                                                                                        facturing, energy exploration and
experimenting with direct commerce            compelling customer experience will       production, higher education, and
within these platforms; early movers          be essential to succeed in this new       federal, state and local government.
will have a solid foundation on               era of socially powered commerce.
                                                                                        Jerell Price is a principal with
                                                                                        Booz & Company based in San
                                                                                        Francisco. He specializes in growth
                                                                                        strategies, go-to-market strategies,
                                                                                        and sales/marketing effectiveness
                                                                                        for companies in the high-tech, retail,
                                                                                        and consumer products industries.

                                                                                        Jennifer Brusa is an associate with
                                                                                        Booz & Company based in Chicago.
                                                                                        She concentrates on strategic growth
                                                                                        initiatives and technological enable-
                                                                                        ment of commerce for consumer and
                                                                                        high-tech clients.

Booz & Company                                                                                                                     9
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Turning “Like” to “Buy” Social Media Emerges as a Commerce Channel (Booz&Co) -EN12

  • 1. Perspective Matt Anderson Joe Sims Jerell Price Jennifer Brusa Turning “Like” to “Buy” Social Media Emerges as a Commerce Channel
  • 2. Contact Information Berlin Düsseldorf New York Dr. Florian Gröne Roman Friedrich Fabian Seelbach Senior Associate Partner Senior Associate +49-30-88705-844 +49-211-3890-165 +1-212-551-6073 Chicago Frankfurt San Francisco Jennifer Brusa Olaf Acker Jerell Price Associate Partner Principal +1-312-578-4550 +49-69-97167-453 +1-415-263-3764 Dallas Hong Kong São Paulo Joe Sims Edward Tse Fernando Fernandes Partner Senior Partner Partner +1-214-712-6636 +852-3650-6100 +55-11-5501-6222 Dubai Houston Vienna Karim Sabbagh Matt Anderson Klaus Hölbling Partner Partner Partner +971-4-390-0260 +1-713-650-4142 +43-1-518-22-907 Booz & Company
  • 3. EXECUTIVE As consumers around the globe spend more time on social media of all kinds, it is inevitable that some of their posts and SUMMARY comments relate to what they are going to do at the mall and what products they like. Many consumer-oriented companies have already responded to this shift by setting up Facebook fan pages or Twitter feeds. These can be great ways of engag- ing with and influencing customers, especially since the individuals on a social networking site are usually connected to other individuals whom they trust and respect. So, in the best case, a company that has something appealing to sell can, through an initiative involving social media, provide an impe- tus far superior to traditional advertising—recommendations from the most influential people of all, the prospective buyer’s friends and family. But company influence through social from the unique characteristics of groups and traditional marketing social media, including the oppor- models is stopping well short of the tunity to get quick feedback from emerging opportunity. For many multiple friends and family members. customer segments, shopping in the physical world has always been The market for social commerce has social: I can go to the store with been embryonic to date, but that will you and put an item in your shop- change over the next five years as ping basket, saying “This is perfect companies race to establish stores, for you.” Now, some companies are pushing up social commerce revenues using social media in a similar way: as sixfold, to US$30 billion globally. a place where they can transact busi- As this growth surge happens, social ness with their customers and where commerce will take its place alongside customers can shop with each other. stores, telesales, and the more tradi- E-commerce is coming of age. These tional Web to emerge as a significant trendsetting companies are focused sales channel in its own right. on products and services that benefit Booz & Company 1
  • 4. THE IMPACT OF Social media has revolutionized the way people communicate and companies, it is also handing them an opportunity. Retail, consumer SOCIAL MEDIA maintain relationships. Globally, electronics, and media companies ON CONSUMER Internet users now spend more than four and a half hours per week on are among the many types of organizations that have followed BEHAVIOR social networking sites, more time consumers into the social arena, than they spend on e-mail.1 There is creating Facebook fan pages, sending a public quality to how communica- microblog messages, and building tion happens on social networks— communities. A 2010 presentation people are, to use the Facebook by said that 68 percent analogy, sharing their thoughts on of North American business-to- “a wall” for others to see. As more consumer (B2C) companies have and more of what people think and acquired at least some customers do ends up getting communicated on through Facebook. 3 these new-age bulletin boards, it is inevitable that social networks will Lead generation—the ubiquitous start to affect what consumers buy “likes” of Facebook—will not be the and how they shop. In a way that has most important activity for long, never before been true, consumers however. The next phase will go are determining which products and beyond mere communication and services succeed and are shaping the influencing. Consumers will transact messaging. Underlining this point, commerce inside social networks— Altimeter Group says there is now selecting products, adding their a fifth “P”—people—to add to the selections to shopping carts, and traditional four “Ps” of market- completing purchases through pay- ing (product, price, placement, and ment with credit cards and points. promotion). 2 As they do so, the era of social com- merce will commence in earnest. If the new medium of social networks is creating challenges for Consumers will transact commerce— from selecting products to completing purchases through payment with credit cards and points—inside social networks. 2 Booz & Company
  • 5. EARLY directly into its Facebook fan page, allowing consumers to make quick The innovations in social commerce are happening globally. Hyves, the DEVELOPMENTS purchases without having to leave most popular social networking site IN SOCIAL Facebook. The company has also used Facebook as a component of in the Netherlands, has developed a payment system that allows users to COMMERCE its Mother’s Day campaign and transfer as much as €150 (US$201) has plans to integrate with other to other users to pay for goods Facebook features such as birthday available within the Hyves payment calendars and group gifting. It isn’t system. The Hyves site, which has hard to imagine a company like more than 10 million accounts, 1-800-Flowers taking advantage of has also created a consumer-to- Companies that are pursuing social other social networking features, consumer marketplace called Supply commerce regard it as a distinct such as a person’s likes and dislikes & Demand that is analogous to channel underpinned by a significant about colors, to help gift givers Craigslist, allowing members to post new aspect of consumer behavior. decide which bouquets to send. items for sale. This new channel represents the merger of e-commerce and social Facebook isn’t the only social How ready are consumers to buy media, as transactions are actually network on which commerce is products through social media? A performed within the platform rather happening. Many companies, for 2010 survey by Booz & Company than at the retailer’s e-commerce instance, have used Twitter to sell of consumers who spend at least one site. While social commerce is still their products. As of late 2009, Dell hour a month on social networking nascent, there are some notable Outlet had already sold $6.5 million sites and who have bought at least examples of companies that are in products through its Twitter feed; 4 one product online in the last year innovating in this area. airlines such as AirTran Airways provides some insight. Twenty- have also used Twitter to sell seven percent of respondents said For instance, 1-800-Flowers, a floral discounted tickets. Since November they would be willing to purchase retailer that has ridden a history of 2010, users of Apple’s Ping physical goods through social channel innovation to a national recommender have been using tweets networking sites. Moreover, 10 presence with more than $700 (Twitter’s 140-character posts) percent said their buying through million in revenue, now has a fully to send song previews and iTunes social networking sites will be functioning Facebook store. It has purchase links to their followers. 5 incremental to other buying they embedded its e-commerce platform do—that is, they will end up buying Booz & Company 3
  • 6. more physical goods overall. (The as companies find ways to embed (see Exhibit 1). This estimate is 73 percent who said they would their e-commerce engines within only for hard goods—electronics, not purchase goods through social social media, the market for social apparel, movie tickets, and the like. networking sites largely cited commerce will skyrocket, helped Services are equally promising for concerns related to security and in part by new models for buying social commerce—the online storage privacy, two areas that many big and by the availability of products company seeking new customers, social networking sites are already developed specifically for social the wireless company offering working to improve.) networking sites. an upgrade, the cable television company providing downloads or These emerging attitudes make it By 2015, the dollar volume of streamed versions of old episodes. unlikely that social commerce—a goods sold through social media Companies like these will have cousin, after all, of the more should rise sixfold, to $30 billion multibillion-dollar opportunities too. familiar e-commerce—will face from $5 billion this year, according hurdles related to its newness. And to Booz & Company estimates Exhibit 1 Booz & Company Estimate of Social Commerce Market Size (2010-2015; in US$ Billions) $30 +56% $14 U.S. $20 $9 $14 $9 $5 $16 Rest of $5 $3 the World $12 $1 $8 $6 $4 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Note: Numbers might not add up because of rounding. Source: Forrester Research; GP Bullhound; Euromonitor; Booz & Company analysis 4 Booz & Company
  • 7. WHERE SOCIAL Companies see opportunities to use social commerce at every moment doing anything at all in this area (see Exhibit 2). Many companies in China COMMERCE CAN along the path to purchase—aware- are in some way using or planning HAVE AN IMPACT ness, consideration, conversion, and loyalty and service—and also to mea- to use Tencent QQ (Facebook is still prohibited by government authori- sure the success of their efforts. ties) to create awareness of their products; most Brazilian companies Awareness are looking for ways to use Orkut, a To date, most companies’ social social networking service operated by commerce activities have focused on Google. In the U.S., many compa- branding and user-generated content nies are past the looking stage; as of in support of existing marketing the end of 2009, approximately 69 initiatives. This is the topmost part percent of U.S. retailers had social of the marketing funnel—the level of network pages, 54 percent used simple awareness—and it would be microblogging sites such as Twitter, hard to find a sizable B2C company and 58 percent published customer anywhere in the world that isn’t ratings and reviews.6 Most of this Exhibit 2 Typical Social Activities in Each Stage of Marketing Funnel MARKETING FUNNEL TYPICAL ACTIVITIES WHAT SOCIAL MEDIA ENABLES Branding - New environment for promoting broader brand Awareness Content Creation - Forum for new social/viral content (often user-generated) erience Traffic Generation - Additional ways to drive traffic to own site or social network presence mer Exp Engagement - New microsites/widgets/apps to engage potential customers Consideration Innovation/Ideation - Proactive customer engagement in product/service innovation n Custo Commo Lead Generation - New mechanisms for targeting and incentivizing potential customers Purchase Decision - Additional e-commerce channel Conversion - Unique buying propositions - Purchases as syndicated social content Loyalty/Advocacy - Deeper connection with customers after sale - Activation of brand loyalists to market/sell on your behalf Loyalty/Service After-Sale Service - Additional mechanism for community-based support Measurement - Rich sociographic data set for effective real-time social targeting Source: Booz & Company Booz & Company 5
  • 8. early activity, however, has been incremental revenue, and repeat social network called iPartment to decentralized and uncoordinated, business—and thus more accurately promote the opening of a new retail making it impossible for companies measure ROI. The key for companies location in Shanghai. Through the to accurately assess their ROI from will be understanding how to use promotion, the site’s users, mostly these efforts. social media in each of these stages. affluent Chinese women creating virtual apartments, entered contests At least for the moment, awareness Consideration and sent coupons for free Starbucks seems to have limited value in actu- Many companies have already started products to their connections. ally spurring social commerce. In efforts in the area of consideration, Booz & Company’s 2010 survey, 71 mainly in the form of applications also put a social spin on percent of social networking users that entice customers to leave the the age-old coupon concept. The cou- said their “liking” a company on social network site and move to the pons it posts to its site are voted up, Facebook would have no impact on companies’ own websites. Companies commented on, or shared via Twitter, their propensity to buy from that can and should do more in the con- Facebook, Digg, Reddit, Delicious, or company. sideration stage, principally in two plain old e-mail. areas: generating leads and generat- Social commerce will almost certainly ing new ideas. Generation of new ideas can be have the biggest impact at the lower enhanced through the use of com- end of the funnel, in the consid- Leads can be enhanced significantly munities. Dell’s IdeaStorm has been eration, conversion, and loyalty by developing new mechanisms particularly effective at eliciting ideas and service stages. These are areas for targeting, data gathering, and from users—what might, in this where it is possible to establish clear motivating potential customers. For context, be called social ideation. metrics—including conversion rates, instance, Starbucks used a Chinese Thousands of ideas have been sub- Social commerce will have the biggest impact in the consideration, conversion, and loyalty and service stages of the client relationship. 6 Booz & Company
  • 9. mitted through the site, and several runway where site visitors can put loyalty and give customers a chance hundred have been implemented. The together outfits to share with their to advocate on behalf of the brand. well of ideas is more reliable because friends or to present to the com- Social commerce introduces the pos- it originates with customers. munity to be voted on. A pair of sibility of multiple new touch points friends shopping at Wet Seal can use after a purchase. These touch points Conversion a service powered by to can have many benefits, including This is where social commerce will view the same product pages, chat in reducing churn. have its biggest impact—providing real time, and use a drawing tool to unique buying propositions for notate or highlight products they are For example, when a user “Likes” customers and new touch points for considering. a brand on Facebook, he or she can companies. become part of a community that Social commerce is also ideal for receives special incentives, promo- Group buying and group gifting facilitating conversion in other areas. tions, or early access to new prod- are good examples of new buying Take the example of music concerts, ucts. And in the future, the “Like” propositions. Social platforms can which for many urban consumers are button (notwithstanding its casual conveniently bring together family a popular way to spend time. Many use today) could become the one- and friends to contribute to a gift for fans would be more likely to attend click way to join a loyalty card a specified recipient. Facebook appli- an event if they knew their friends system. Social loyalty platforms cations such as and would accompany them, and if the will have the advantage of allowing websites such as provide process of inviting friends and buying customers to exchange points in a a simple platform for users to set up tickets jointly were more seamless. A socially based marketplace. group gifting and handle the logistics site called Eventbrite allows for just of collecting money, sending remind- that sort of group planning through Measurement ers, and sending the gift. Twitter and Facebook. Eventbrite While ongoing measurement is not does not yet allow for sales directly actually part of the marketing funnel, Social shopping is another example through social media sites, but that it is a critical way for companies to of a unique buying proposition and may change. gauge the success of their initiatives. is particularly relevant for fashion- Social commerce will marry multiple related products. A study published Developments like group gifting, types of data—purchase, behavioral, by showed that 81 social shopping, and ticket buying and demographic—to form socio- percent of teenage girls use their provide a small glimpse of what is graphic data that tracks not only friends and peers as a source of trend in store. They are the equivalent of what individuals buy but what their information and 45 percent seek the Amazon selling its first book and friends buy. Sociographic data is opinions of those same groups when eBay its first collectible in 1995. collected in real time as customers purchasing clothing or footwear.7 Much more is coming. browse, recommend, buy, and rate products. This gives companies the Wet Seal, a popular retailer serving Loyalty and Service chance to influence behavior along teen girls, has developed a virtual After a sale, companies want to build the entire purchase path. Booz & Company 7
  • 10. GETTING fund an innovation group focusing on social media. Many companies projects, and sociographic data to map out different social commerce STARTED: FOUR don’t have the expertise they need to strategies to get a sense of what their IMPERATIVES design, test, and run social commerce projects and will need to add new customers will see, how they will respond, and what they like best. capabilities. Surveys and other forms of primary customer research can be instrumen- Imperative 2: Develop a strategy tal in identifying needs and assessing for getting the data you need. What how a company is viewed vis-à-vis its would a company most like to know competitors. Together, this informa- For most companies, social com- about social media? Is it what the tion can help determine what the cus- merce represents a new channel, with market is saying about the company tomer base wants and how a social much to learn and master. There are itself and its competitors’ brands commerce strategy should evolve to four imperatives that every company and practices, or is it that a cus- deliver it. should keep in mind. tomer prospect is in the market and likely to buy in the next 24 hours? Imperative 4: Integrate social Imperative 1: Jump in soon and Companies should develop a “wish commerce into an overall multi- learn by doing. It is usually a good list” of information and then seg- channel strategy. As social commerce idea to study a new opportunity ment it by how hard it is to get. At becomes a bigger part of the overall closely, but given the fast pace at that point, they can identify partners sales mix, it is important to under- which social commerce is evolving, or vendors that can provide it. The stand its position in the company’s companies must be willing to learn key is to have an easy-to-use, flexible broader multi-channel strategy, and while doing. They should place some platform for collecting and using in particular to determine the impact targeted bets, particularly in the data. After all, the types and sources social commerce will have on other areas of consideration, conversion, of data that companies need are channels. It is especially important and loyalty and service. The ones likely to change quickly. that the social channel not be treated that can do so should start an actual as a one-off program, but rather be store in a social networking service Imperative 3: Define what the supported and integrated from both where they’re doing transactions. customer experience should be. a resource and an organizational The ones that can’t go that far should Companies should use tests, pilot perspective. 8 Booz & Company
  • 11. Endnotes 1 “More Time Spent on Social Media Than E-Mail Worldwide,” 5 “Twitter Links Users to Apple Music Social Network,”, November 4, 2010. Reuters, November 11, 2010. aspx?R=1008025 idUSTRE6AA46R20101111 2 Lora Cecere, Altimeter Group, “Pioneers on the Move: Rise 6 Sucharita Mulpuru, Forrester Research, “TechRadar for of Social Commerce,” November 1, 2010. www.altimetergroup. eBusiness and Channel Strategy Professionals: Social com/2010/11/pioneers-on-the-move-rise-of-social-commerce. Commerce, Q1 2010,” February 25, 2010. html rb/Research/techradar%26trade%3B_for_ebusiness_and_ channel_strategy_professionals/q/id/56069/t/2 3 ”The Future of Shopping,” Resource Interactive, 2010 Annual Summit. 7 “How to Influence Teen Girls Online,” eMarketer. com, November 17, 2010. 4 Adam Ostrow, “Dell Rides Twitter to $6.5 Million in Sales,” aspx?R=1008048, December 8, 2009. www.mashable. com/2009/12/08/dell-twitter-sales/ CONCLUSION which to build their social commerce capabilities as the platform evolves. About the Authors As always, learning what doesn’t Matt Anderson is a partner with Booz & Company based in Houston. work will be as important as learn- He specializes in digital innovation ing what does. and value chain disruption, Web 2.0, social networking, applications and Each step along the path to pur- e-commerce, growth strategies, and chase—generating awareness, entic- multi-channel marketing for clients in Now that social networking has ing customers to buy, and cultivating consumer electronics and high-tech become embedded in the fabric of their loyalty—presents its own industries. everyday life for millions of consum- opportunities. Companies should be Joe Sims is a Booz & Company ers globally, companies are keen to considering targeted efforts all along partner based in Dallas. He is an find ways to leverage these online this path, while integrating social industry-recognized leader in digital relationships for commercial gain. commerce as part of an overarching convergence, including telecommuni- Social network sites promise to be multi-channel strategy. Developing cations strategy, wireless broadband the next generation of e-commerce an integrated and comprehensive and Internet services, and next gen- engines and are moving rapidly strategy for gathering customer data eration applications and cloud-based in that direction. Marketers and and mining it for insights, imagining services. Joe has served numerous enterprise clients in healthcare, finan- strategists are smart to feel a sense new methods for customers to decide cial services, transportation, manu- of urgency in understanding and and buy together, and building a facturing, energy exploration and experimenting with direct commerce compelling customer experience will production, higher education, and within these platforms; early movers be essential to succeed in this new federal, state and local government. will have a solid foundation on era of socially powered commerce. Jerell Price is a principal with Booz & Company based in San Francisco. He specializes in growth strategies, go-to-market strategies, and sales/marketing effectiveness for companies in the high-tech, retail, and consumer products industries. Jennifer Brusa is an associate with Booz & Company based in Chicago. She concentrates on strategic growth initiatives and technological enable- ment of commerce for consumer and high-tech clients. Booz & Company 9
  • 12. The most recent Worldwide Offices list of our offices and affiliates, with Asia Bangkok Helsinki Middle East Florham Park addresses and Beijing Brisbane Istanbul Abu Dhabi Houston telephone numbers, Delhi Canberra London Beirut Los Angeles can be found on Hong Kong Jakarta Madrid Cairo Mexico City our website, Mumbai Kuala Lumpur Milan Doha New York City Seoul Melbourne Moscow Dubai Parsippany Shanghai Sydney Munich Riyadh San Francisco Taipei Oslo Tokyo Europe Paris North America South America Amsterdam Rome Atlanta Buenos Aires Australia, Berlin Stockholm Chicago Rio de Janeiro New Zealand & Copenhagen Stuttgart Cleveland Santiago Southeast Asia Dublin Vienna Dallas São Paulo Adelaide Düsseldorf Warsaw DC Auckland Frankfurt Zurich Detroit Booz & Company is a leading global management consulting firm, helping the world’s top businesses, governments, and organizations. Our founder, Edwin Booz, defined the profession when he estab- lished the first management consulting firm in 1914. Today, with more than 3,300 people in 61 offices around the world, we bring foresight and knowledge, deep functional expertise, and a practical approach to building capabilities and delivering real impact. We work closely with our clients to create and deliver essential advantage. The independent White Space report ranked Booz & Company #1 among consult- ing firms for “the best thought leadership” in 2010. For our management magazine strategy+business, visit Visit to learn more about Booz & Company. ©2011 Booz & Company Inc.