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iOS at Work:
                      Integrating iOS Apps with
                         Back End Systems
                    Tulsa Dev Lunch
                       February 13, 20
                                      1   3
                                                    Mat     llowaoydinaire)
                                                        t Ga a r
                                                           obile Develo per Extr
                                              (Fr eelance M

Wednesday, February 13, 13
h at  a bo  ut
                             W           d?
                               A n dr oi

Wednesday, February 13, 13
Android s
                             (Espec ially for business.)

Wednesday, February 13, 13
Most Consistent API

           Consistent Hcxrdwcxre


                   Best Securit.Y

   1=eel G-ood Kumb·,cx Pseudo Open
Wednesday, February 13, 13
aid, most of what I’m gonna say a bout iOS applies to Android too.
      That s                                                               Meh.

Wednesday, February 13, 13
Th ink m obile!
                             Th ink n ow!
Wednesday, February 13, 13
Ch aracteristi cs of Mobile
                               not a keyboard  /mouse paradigm
                                         small screen
             unreliable low bandwidth high latency network connection

                            ocessing power a nd local storage
                 limited pr
                                      limited battery life
                                  hostile work environment
                      untapped resources: camera(s), acceler
                           GPS, phone, speaker, mic, LED flash

Wednesday, February 13, 13
Wednesday, February 13, 13
Mo bile w eb or die.

Wednesday, February 13, 13
Natrve (iOS, Android,
                                                 Blackberry, Windows
                                                 Phone) App Window

                                                                Flll~dwith a single
                Awesome Dashboard                            We.bVIeW widget loaded
                         "App"                                With your mobile web

                                    Awesome Dashboard

Wednesday, February 13, 13
Wednesday, February 13, 13
When the web wo n’t do.
             Complex lo cal data store.
                      Ne twork optional.
            Hardware control.
                         Sophisticated UI.
           3D/a ccelerated   graphics.
Wednesday, February 13, 13
re ent erprise mobile
          How a
              ap ps diff erent?
                             Complex local data st
                                           res.    o
                   I ntegration wi th back office
Wednesday, February 13, 13

                   Mob.1le      Inte_gr~t:1on J>os &- J>on'ts
                             OV                        0
                              Cove-r -the Yet)                                             I
                                                               Crf ~oLA he>.ve -t:.o)       /

                                                  f>ov-ts B$Z> &-443                    I
Wednesday, February 13, 13
                              EVterpr·,se Arch.atecture

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 Present~ t·aon                                                 Access

Wednesday, February 13, 13

                             EVtev-pv-·,se Av-ch·,tectuv-e)(

                                               D~t~ Access

Wednesday, February 13, 13
                              Present~ t·aon )
                             Bus·aness Lo.9·ac;
                             &- D~t~ Access
Wednesday, February 13, 13
"EVtev-pv-·ase" Av-ch.atectuv-e
                              <;tu·ack·,e Mob·,r,z.cxt·aoV t=·,x

   Present~ t·aon )
 Bus·aness Lo.9·ac;                                   '/ oLA' VeeO to
 &- D~t~ Access                                           bLA.,0 -t'n S.
Wednesday, February 13, 13
Discl  aimer : I’m
  not   .NET  devel  oper,
 bu tIe   xper iment   ed a
     little in co llege.
Wednesday, February 13, 13
In Vis ual St udio...
     1.) Create     a Web Project
                    a new  Entity Model
      2.) Create
      3.) Reverse enginee    r Entity Model
                 from Database
           reate a   WCF Dat   a Service o
     4.) C                      odel Cl ass t
            Add y our En tity M
       5.)                          ration
                               decla .
                         class cess
           the S ervice      a ac
               onf igure dat
         6.) C
Wednesday, February 13, 13
    public class Service : DataService<YourEnterpriseEntities>
        // This method is called only once to initialize service-wide policies.
        public static void InitializeService(DataServiceConfiguration config)
            // config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("*", EntitySetRights.AllRead);
            config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("Locations", EntitySetRights.AllRead);
            config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("Customers", EntitySetRights.All);
            config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("SalesOrders", EntitySetRights.All);
            config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("Secrets", EntitySetRights.None);

                  //Set a reasonable paging site
                  config.SetEntitySetPageSize("*", 25);

                  config.DataServiceBehavior.MaxProtocolVersion = DataServiceProtocolVersion.V2;

Wednesday, February 13, 13


 $filter=substringof('itactile',Name) or
 substringof('Galloway' ,ContactLastName)&


Wednesday, February 13, 13

  "d"       •
            •   {
  "Enti tySets" : [
  "Batches", "Drawings", "DrawingTypes", "Elements", "ElernentAnswers",
  "ElernentAnswerPhotoes", "ElernentGroups", "Elernenticons",
  "ElernentQuestions", "ElernentRequirernents", "ElernentTypes",
  "LocationMetaDatas", "LocationMetaDataFields", "Locations",
  "PickListirnages", "Projects", "StoreAccesses", "sysdiagrarns",
  "TestTables", "tlkDivisions", "UpdElernents", "UpdElernentAnswers",
  "UpdElernentAnswerPhotoes", "UpdLocationMetaDatas", "Users"

Wednesday, February 13, 13

 "d" :     [
 " metadata": {
 "uri": "http: // / ElementTypes(1)", "type": "YourDataModel.ElementType"
 }, "elementTypeid": 1, "name": "POS 1&2 Camera", "elementGroupid": 1, "lastModified": "/Date(1340728631167)/",
 "active": true, "elementiconid" : 3 4, "Elements" : {
 "_deferred": {
 "uri": "http: // / ElementTypes(1) / Elements"
  } , "ElementGroup": {
  "_deferred": {
  "uri": ""
  } , "Elementicon" : {
  "_deferred": {
  "uri": "http: // / ElementTypes(1) / Elementicon"
 }, "ElementRequirements": {
 "_deferred": {
 "uri": "http: // / ElementTypes(1) / ElementReguirements"
 }, "DrawingTypes": {
 "_deferred": {
 "uri": "http: // / ElementTypes(1) /DrawingTypes "
 }, "ElementQuestions": {
 "_deferred": {
 "uri": "http: // / ElementTypes(1) / ElementOuestions"
  }'   {
 " metadata": {
 "uri": "http: // / ElementTypes(2)", "type": "YourDataModel.ElementType"
 }, "elementTypeid": 2, "name": "POS 3&4 Camera", "elementGroupid": 1, "lastModified": "/Date(1340728631167)/",

Wednesday, February 13, 13
 "d"   :   {
 " metadata" : {
 "uri": "http : //", "type" : "QTSecurityModel . ElementType"
 }, "elementTypei d": 1, "name" : "POS 1&2 Camera", "elementGroupid" : 1 , "lastModif i ed" : "/Date( 1340728631167) /", "active":
 true, "elementiconi d" : 34, "Elements" : {
 "_ de f erred" : {
 "uri": "http : //"
  } , "ElementGroup": {
  "_metadata": {
  "uri": "", "type": "QTSecurityModel.ElementGroup"
  }, "elementGroupid": 1, " name": "Cameras", "sortOrder": 1, "lastModified": "/ Date(1340289282327)/", " active": true,
  "ElementTypes": {
  "_deferred": {
  "uri": ""
  } , "Element i con" : {
  "_ de f erred" : {
  "uri": "http : // i con"
  }, "ElementRequirements" : {
  "_ de f erred" : {
  "uri": "http : //"
  } , "DrawingTypes" : {
  "_ de f erred" : {
  "uri": "http : //"
  }, "ElementQuestions" : {
  "_ de f erred" : {
  "uri": "http : // estions"

Wednesday, February 13, 13
The M obile Dev

Wednesday, February 13, 13
Reading Data
+(id) syncRequest: (NSString *) urlString error:(NSError **) error {

     NSLog(@"syncRequest: %@",urlString);

     urlString=[SyncHelper addJsonToUri:urlString]; // Adds ?$format=json to URL

     NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:urlString];

     NSError *internalError = nil;

     NSURLResponse *response=nil;

     NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:url];

     if (HTTP_USER!=nil && [HTTP_USER length]>0 && HTTP_PASSWORD!=nil && [HTTP_PASSWORD length]>0) {
         NSString *authStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%@",HTTP_USER,HTTP_PASSWORD];
         NSData *authData = [authStr dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
         NSString *authValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Basic %@", [authData base64EncodingWithLineLength:80]];
         [request setValue:authValue forHTTPHeaderField:@"Authorization"];

     NSData *data = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:&response error:&internalError];

     if (!internalError) {

        NSDictionary *interimDict = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:NSJSONReadingMutableContainers|NSJSONReadingAllowFragments

         if (internalError!=nil) {
             NSLog(@"Error parsing JSON from syncRequest: %@ ",[internalError debugDescription]);

              if (error!=nil) *error=internalError;
              return nil;

        NSDictionary *errorDict = [interimDict objectForKey:@"error"];
        if (errorDict!=nil) {
            NSDictionary *messageDict = [errorDict objectForKey:@"message"];
            NSString *errorMessage = [messageDict objectForKey:@"value"];
            if (error!=nil) *error=[NSError errorWithDomain:ERROR_DOMAIN code:4000 localizedDescription:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Error received from
server: %@",errorMessage]];
            return nil;

Wednesday, February 13, 13
id retVal = [interimDict objectForKey:@"d"];
              if ([retVal isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]] && [((NSDictionary *)retVal) objectForKey:@"results"]!=nil) {
                  return [((NSDictionary *)retVal) objectForKey:@"results"];
              } else {
                  return retVal;

          } else {
              NSLog(@"Error: unable to complete web request because -   %@",[internalError localizedDescription]);
              if (error!=nil) *error=internalError;
              return nil;


           If result is a list, an
               NSMutab   leDiction  ary’s is
                      ret  urned.
                    Otherwise, an
                                  is returned.
Wednesday, February 13, 13
Inserting New Data
  +(BOOL) insertEntity:(id) entity entityName:(NSString *)entityName error:(NSError **) error
      NSString *urlString = [SyncHelper urlStringForEntity:entityName]; // Turns “EntityName” into “http://yourserver/service.svc/EntityName

       NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:urlString];

       NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:url];

       [request   setHTTPMethod:@"POST"];
       [request   addValue:@"Application/json" forHTTPHeaderField:@"content-type"];
       [request   addValue:@"Application/json" forHTTPHeaderField:@"accept"];
       [request   setValue:@"gzip" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Accept-Encoding"];

       if (HTTP_USER!=nil && [HTTP_USER length]>0 && HTTP_PASSWORD!=nil && [HTTP_PASSWORD length]>0) {
           NSString *authStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%@",HTTP_USER,HTTP_PASSWORD];
           NSData *authData = [authStr dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
           NSString *authValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Basic %@", [authData base64EncodingWithLineLength:80]];
           [request setValue:authValue forHTTPHeaderField:@"Authorization"];

       NSError *internalError = nil;

       NSData *payload = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:entity options:NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted error:&internalError];

       if (internalError != nil) {
           if (error!=nil) *error = internalError;
           return NO;

       [request setHTTPBody: payload];

       NSHTTPURLResponse *response = nil;
       internalError = nil;

       NSData *data = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:&response error:&internalError];

       if (internalError != nil) {
           if (error!=nil) *error = internalError;
           return NO;

       NSString *responseStatus = [NSHTTPURLResponse localizedStringForStatusCode:[response statusCode]];

       if ([response statusCode]!=201) {
           if (error!=nil) *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:ERROR_DOMAIN code:100
                   localizedDescription:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"HTTP ERROR (%i) %@",[response statusCode],responseStatus]];

       return [response statusCode]==201;


Wednesday, February 13, 13
+(BOOL) updateEntity:(NSMutableDictionary *)entity forKeys:(NSArray *)keys error:(NSError **) error {

     NSDictionary *metadata = [entity valueForKey:@"__metadata"];
     if (metadata==nil) return NO;

     NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:[metadata valueForKey:@"uri"]];
     NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:url];

                addValue:@"MERGE" forHTTPHeaderField:@"X-HTTP-Method"];
                                                                                                          Updating Data
     [request   addValue:@"Application/json" forHTTPHeaderField:@"content-type"];
     [request   addValue:@"Application/json" forHTTPHeaderField:@"accept"];
     [request   setValue:@"gzip" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Accept-Encoding"];

     if (HTTP_USER!=nil && [HTTP_USER length]>0 && HTTP_PASSWORD!=nil && [HTTP_PASSWORD length]>0) {
         NSString *authStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%@",HTTP_USER,HTTP_PASSWORD];
         NSData *authData = [authStr dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
         NSString *authValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Basic %@", [authData base64EncodingWithLineLength:80]];
         [request setValue:authValue forHTTPHeaderField:@"Authorization"];

     NSMutableDictionary *payloadDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:10];

     [payloadDict setValue:metadata forKey:@"__metadata"];
     for (NSString *key in keys) {
         [payloadDict setValue:[entity valueForKey:key] forKey:key];

     NSError *internalError = nil;

     NSData *payload = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:payloadDict options:NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted error:&internalError];

     if (internalError != nil) {
         if (error!=nil) *error = internalError;
         return NO;

     [request setHTTPBody: payload];

     NSHTTPURLResponse *response = nil;
     internalError = nil;

     NSData *data = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:&response error:&internalError];

     if (internalError != nil) {
         if (error!=nil) *error = internalError;
         return NO;

     NSString *responseStatus = [NSHTTPURLResponse localizedStringForStatusCode:[response statusCode]];

     if ([response statusCode]!=204) {
         if (error!=nil) *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:ERROR_DOMAIN code:5000
            localizedDescription:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"HTTP ERROR (%i) %@",[response statusCode],responseStatus]];

     return [response statusCode]==204;

Wednesday, February 13, 13
What to Do With an NSMutableDictionary?
        1.) Parse into proper objects
       2.) Create a wrapper object that
    stores NSMutableDictionary internally
     3.) Use Objective-C Categories to add
   field-like methods to NSMutableDictionary
                    But don’t just
       [object objectForKey: @“propertyName“]
Wednesday, February 13, 13
         //   NSMutableDictionary+Customer.m
         //   Yale Cleaners
         //   Created by Matt Galloway on 8/31/12.
         //   Copyright (c) 2012 Architactile LLC. All rights reserved.

         #import "NSMutableDictionary+Customer.h"

         @implementation NSMutableDictionary (Customer)

         #pragma mark - Customer Custom Getters

         -(NSString *) mobileNumber {

             return [self filteredObjectForKey:@"Mobile_no"];

         -(NSString *) sendEmail {
             return [self filteredObjectForKey:@"SendEmail"];

         -(NSString *) sendReceipt {
             return [self filteredObjectForKey:@"SendReceipt"];

         -(NSString *) sendText {
             return [self filteredObjectForKey:@"SendText"];

         -(NSString *) username {
             return [self filteredObjectForKey:@"User_Name"];

         -(NSString *) uri {
             return [self filteredObjectForKey:@"uri"];


         -(NSString *) address {
             return [self filteredObjectForKey:@"address"];

         -(NSString *) area {
             return [self filteredObjectForKey:@"area"];

         -(NSString *) charge {
             return [self filteredObjectForKey:@"charge"];

         -(NSString *) city {
             return [self filteredObjectForKey:@"city"];

Wednesday, February 13, 13
Use  HTT  PS +
             Au then tica tion
             (at a  mini mum)
Wednesday, February 13, 13
Loca l Data Store?

                              M eet SQ Lite &
                                 Cor eData

Wednesday, February 13, 13
ata is  one of  iOS’s
     greate st adv  antag  es over
             d for b usiness apps.

Wednesday, February 13, 13
PrtmaryK _y _--1
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Wednesday, February 13, 13
To Re  cap...
        A ndroid  sucks.
  Mobilize your web assets.
            he mob ile web first.
Con sider t
      Avoid SQL & SOAP.
    Use RESTful APIs.
Co reData i  s way w   orth it.
Wednesday, February 13, 13
Mat     llowaoydinaire)
                                        t Ga a r
                                           o bile Develo per Extr
                              (Fre elance M

                                  918 -808- 3072

Wednesday, February 13, 13

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Tulsa Dev Lunch iOS at Work

  • 1. iOS at Work: Integrating iOS Apps with Back End Systems Tulsa Dev Lunch February 13, 20 1 3 Mat llowaoydinaire) t Ga a r obile Develo per Extr (Fr eelance M Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 2. h at a bo ut W d? A n dr oi Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 3. Android s ucks. (Espec ially for business.) Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 4. Most Consistent API Consistent Hcxrdwcxre -- Best Securit.Y 1=eel G-ood Kumb·,cx Pseudo Open Source-ness Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 5. aid, most of what I’m gonna say a bout iOS applies to Android too. That s Meh. Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 6. Th ink m obile! Th ink n ow! Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 7. Ch aracteristi cs of Mobile not a keyboard /mouse paradigm small screen unreliable low bandwidth high latency network connection ocessing power a nd local storage limited pr limited battery life hostile work environment untapped resources: camera(s), acceler ometers, GPS, phone, speaker, mic, LED flash Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 9. Mo bile w eb or die. Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 10. Natrve (iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone) App Window Flll~dwith a single Awesome Dashboard We.bVIeW widget loaded "App" With your mobile web content. Awesome Dashboard "App" Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 12. When the web wo n’t do. Performance/Responsiveness/UX. Complex lo cal data store. Ne twork optional. Hardware control. Sophisticated UI. 3D/a ccelerated graphics. Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 13. re ent erprise mobile How a ap ps diff erent? Complex local data st res. o I ntegration wi th back office systems. Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 14. ,..__---------~----~~ Mob.1le Inte_gr~t:1on J>os &- J>on'ts , OV 0 Cove-r -the Yet) I I I I I I Crf ~oLA he>.ve -t:.o) / I I I I I I I I f>ov-ts B$Z> &-443 I I I I Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 15. Protot_yp·,ccxrash EVterpr·,se Arch.atecture ""' -+l - .a... ~ • H o (/) (J ;.J <U H ~ LU"" ' • H ~ LU"" ' (J • :J >l-... cS <(_ LU-tJ (J <(_ LU-tJ <Sw hZ. -:s ~ (U -:s ~ (U sG.'- _g ""'~ 4- h '"" 4- h '"" cu(/)V) r- '""~ r- '""~ r-~ r-~ 3~~ (/) (/) ""Q_. LU LU<!. LU LU<!. _J (/) p!. z~ p!. z~ • . ~h • l- I. D~t~ Stov-e Bus·aness D~t~ Present~ t·aon Access Lo.9·ac Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 16. -~ EVtev-pv-·,se Av-ch·,tectuv-e)( .- ...Q 0 ~ D~t~ Stov-e D~t~ Access Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 17. D~t~ Stov-e Present~ t·aon ) Bus·aness Lo.9·ac; &- D~t~ Access Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 18. "EVtev-pv-·ase" Av-ch.atectuv-e <;tu·ack·,e Mob·,r,z.cxt·aoV t=·,x .- ...Q 0 ~ D~t~ Stov-e Present~ t·aon ) Bus·aness Lo.9·ac; '/ oLA' VeeO to • &- D~t~ Access bLA.,0 -t'n S. Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 19. Discl aimer : I’m not .NET devel oper, bu tIe xper iment ed a little in co llege. Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 20. In Vis ual St udio... 1.) Create a Web Project a new Entity Model 2.) Create 3.) Reverse enginee r Entity Model from Database reate a WCF Dat a Service o 4.) C odel Cl ass t Add y our En tity M 5.) ration decla . class cess the S ervice a ac onf igure dat 6.) C Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 21. [JSONPSupportBehavior] public class Service : DataService<YourEnterpriseEntities> { // This method is called only once to initialize service-wide policies. public static void InitializeService(DataServiceConfiguration config) { // config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("*", EntitySetRights.AllRead); config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("Locations", EntitySetRights.AllRead); config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("Customers", EntitySetRights.All); config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("SalesOrders", EntitySetRights.All); config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("Secrets", EntitySetRights.None); //Set a reasonable paging site config.SetEntitySetPageSize("*", 25); config.DataServiceBehavior.MaxProtocolVersion = DataServiceProtocolVersion.V2; } } Source: Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 22. http:LLyourhost.comLservice.svcLCustomers() http:LLyourhost.comLservice.svcLCustomers(34) http:LLyourhost.comLservice.svcLCustomers()? $filter=substringof('itactile',Name) or substringof('Galloway' ,ContactLastName)& $format=json http:LLyourhost.comLservice.svcLCustomers(34)? $expand=Sales0rders$format=json Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 23. http:LLyourhost.comLservice.svcL?~format=json { "d" • • { "Enti tySets" : [ "Batches", "Drawings", "DrawingTypes", "Elements", "ElernentAnswers", "ElernentAnswerPhotoes", "ElernentGroups", "Elernenticons", "ElernentQuestions", "ElernentRequirernents", "ElernentTypes", "LocationMetaDatas", "LocationMetaDataFields", "Locations", "PickListirnages", "Projects", "StoreAccesses", "sysdiagrarns", "TestTables", "tlkDivisions", "UpdElernents", "UpdElernentAnswers", "UpdElernentAnswerPhotoes", "UpdLocationMetaDatas", "Users" ] } } Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 24. { "d" : [ { " metadata": { "uri": "http: // / ElementTypes(1)", "type": "YourDataModel.ElementType" }, "elementTypeid": 1, "name": "POS 1&2 Camera", "elementGroupid": 1, "lastModified": "/Date(1340728631167)/", "active": true, "elementiconid" : 3 4, "Elements" : { "_deferred": { "uri": "http: // / ElementTypes(1) / Elements" } } , "ElementGroup": { "_deferred": { "uri": "" } } , "Elementicon" : { "_deferred": { "uri": "http: // / ElementTypes(1) / Elementicon" } }, "ElementRequirements": { "_deferred": { "uri": "http: // / ElementTypes(1) / ElementReguirements" } }, "DrawingTypes": { "_deferred": { "uri": "http: // / ElementTypes(1) /DrawingTypes " } }, "ElementQuestions": { "_deferred": { "uri": "http: // / ElementTypes(1) / ElementOuestions" } } }' { " metadata": { "uri": "http: // / ElementTypes(2)", "type": "YourDataModel.ElementType" }, "elementTypeid": 2, "name": "POS 3&4 Camera", "elementGroupid": 1, "lastModified": "/Date(1340728631167)/", Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 25. Sexpand=ElementGroup { "d" : { " metadata" : { "uri": "http : //", "type" : "QTSecurityModel . ElementType" }, "elementTypei d": 1, "name" : "POS 1&2 Camera", "elementGroupid" : 1 , "lastModif i ed" : "/Date( 1340728631167) /", "active": true, "elementiconi d" : 34, "Elements" : { "_ de f erred" : { "uri": "http : //" } } , "ElementGroup": { "_metadata": { "uri": "", "type": "QTSecurityModel.ElementGroup" }, "elementGroupid": 1, " name": "Cameras", "sortOrder": 1, "lastModified": "/ Date(1340289282327)/", " active": true, "ElementTypes": { "_deferred": { "uri": "" } } } , "Element i con" : { "_ de f erred" : { "uri": "http : // i con" } }, "ElementRequirements" : { "_ de f erred" : { "uri": "http : //" } } , "DrawingTypes" : { "_ de f erred" : { "uri": "http : //" } }, "ElementQuestions" : { "_ de f erred" : { "uri": "http : // estions" } } } } Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 26. The M obile Dev POV Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 27. Reading Data +(id) syncRequest: (NSString *) urlString error:(NSError **) error { NSLog(@"syncRequest: %@",urlString); urlString=[SyncHelper addJsonToUri:urlString]; // Adds ?$format=json to URL NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:urlString]; NSError *internalError = nil; NSURLResponse *response=nil; NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:url]; if (HTTP_USER!=nil && [HTTP_USER length]>0 && HTTP_PASSWORD!=nil && [HTTP_PASSWORD length]>0) { NSString *authStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%@",HTTP_USER,HTTP_PASSWORD]; NSData *authData = [authStr dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]; NSString *authValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Basic %@", [authData base64EncodingWithLineLength:80]]; [request setValue:authValue forHTTPHeaderField:@"Authorization"]; } NSData *data = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:&response error:&internalError]; if (!internalError) { internalError=nil; NSDictionary *interimDict = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:NSJSONReadingMutableContainers|NSJSONReadingAllowFragments error:&internalError]; if (internalError!=nil) { NSLog(@"Error parsing JSON from syncRequest: %@ ",[internalError debugDescription]); if (error!=nil) *error=internalError; return nil; } NSDictionary *errorDict = [interimDict objectForKey:@"error"]; if (errorDict!=nil) { NSDictionary *messageDict = [errorDict objectForKey:@"message"]; NSString *errorMessage = [messageDict objectForKey:@"value"]; if (error!=nil) *error=[NSError errorWithDomain:ERROR_DOMAIN code:4000 localizedDescription:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Error received from server: %@",errorMessage]]; return nil; } Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 28. id retVal = [interimDict objectForKey:@"d"]; if ([retVal isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]] && [((NSDictionary *)retVal) objectForKey:@"results"]!=nil) { return [((NSDictionary *)retVal) objectForKey:@"results"]; } else { return retVal; } } else { NSLog(@"Error: unable to complete web request because - %@",[internalError localizedDescription]); if (error!=nil) *error=internalError; return nil; } NSArray } If result is a list, an NSMutab leDiction ary’s is of ret urned. Otherwise, an NSMutableDictionary is returned. Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 29. Inserting New Data +(BOOL) insertEntity:(id) entity entityName:(NSString *)entityName error:(NSError **) error { NSString *urlString = [SyncHelper urlStringForEntity:entityName]; // Turns “EntityName” into “http://yourserver/service.svc/EntityName NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:urlString]; NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:url]; [request setHTTPMethod:@"POST"]; [request addValue:@"Application/json" forHTTPHeaderField:@"content-type"]; [request addValue:@"Application/json" forHTTPHeaderField:@"accept"]; [request setValue:@"gzip" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Accept-Encoding"]; if (HTTP_USER!=nil && [HTTP_USER length]>0 && HTTP_PASSWORD!=nil && [HTTP_PASSWORD length]>0) { NSString *authStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%@",HTTP_USER,HTTP_PASSWORD]; NSData *authData = [authStr dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]; NSString *authValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Basic %@", [authData base64EncodingWithLineLength:80]]; [request setValue:authValue forHTTPHeaderField:@"Authorization"]; } NSError *internalError = nil; NSData *payload = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:entity options:NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted error:&internalError]; if (internalError != nil) { if (error!=nil) *error = internalError; return NO; } [request setHTTPBody: payload]; NSHTTPURLResponse *response = nil; internalError = nil; NSData *data = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:&response error:&internalError]; if (internalError != nil) { if (error!=nil) *error = internalError; return NO; } NSString *responseStatus = [NSHTTPURLResponse localizedStringForStatusCode:[response statusCode]]; if ([response statusCode]!=201) { if (error!=nil) *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:ERROR_DOMAIN code:100 localizedDescription:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"HTTP ERROR (%i) %@",[response statusCode],responseStatus]]; } return [response statusCode]==201; } Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 30. +(BOOL) updateEntity:(NSMutableDictionary *)entity forKeys:(NSArray *)keys error:(NSError **) error { NSDictionary *metadata = [entity valueForKey:@"__metadata"]; if (metadata==nil) return NO; NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:[metadata valueForKey:@"uri"]]; NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:url]; [request [request setHTTPMethod:@"POST"]; addValue:@"MERGE" forHTTPHeaderField:@"X-HTTP-Method"]; Updating Data [request addValue:@"Application/json" forHTTPHeaderField:@"content-type"]; [request addValue:@"Application/json" forHTTPHeaderField:@"accept"]; [request setValue:@"gzip" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Accept-Encoding"]; if (HTTP_USER!=nil && [HTTP_USER length]>0 && HTTP_PASSWORD!=nil && [HTTP_PASSWORD length]>0) { NSString *authStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%@",HTTP_USER,HTTP_PASSWORD]; NSData *authData = [authStr dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]; NSString *authValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Basic %@", [authData base64EncodingWithLineLength:80]]; [request setValue:authValue forHTTPHeaderField:@"Authorization"]; } NSMutableDictionary *payloadDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:10]; [payloadDict setValue:metadata forKey:@"__metadata"]; for (NSString *key in keys) { [payloadDict setValue:[entity valueForKey:key] forKey:key]; } NSError *internalError = nil; NSData *payload = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:payloadDict options:NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted error:&internalError]; if (internalError != nil) { if (error!=nil) *error = internalError; return NO; } [request setHTTPBody: payload]; NSHTTPURLResponse *response = nil; internalError = nil; NSData *data = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:&response error:&internalError]; if (internalError != nil) { if (error!=nil) *error = internalError; return NO; } NSString *responseStatus = [NSHTTPURLResponse localizedStringForStatusCode:[response statusCode]]; if ([response statusCode]!=204) { if (error!=nil) *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:ERROR_DOMAIN code:5000 localizedDescription:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"HTTP ERROR (%i) %@",[response statusCode],responseStatus]]; } return [response statusCode]==204; } Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 31. What to Do With an NSMutableDictionary? 1.) Parse into proper objects 2.) Create a wrapper object that stores NSMutableDictionary internally 3.) Use Objective-C Categories to add field-like methods to NSMutableDictionary But don’t just [object objectForKey: @“propertyName“] Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 32. // // NSMutableDictionary+Customer.m // Yale Cleaners // // Created by Matt Galloway on 8/31/12. // Copyright (c) 2012 Architactile LLC. All rights reserved. // #import "NSMutableDictionary+Customer.h" @implementation NSMutableDictionary (Customer) #pragma mark - Customer Custom Getters -(NSString *) mobileNumber { ple return [self filteredObjectForKey:@"Mobile_no"]; } am -(NSString *) sendEmail { return [self filteredObjectForKey:@"SendEmail"]; } Ex -(NSString *) sendReceipt { return [self filteredObjectForKey:@"SendReceipt"]; } ry -(NSString *) sendText { return [self filteredObjectForKey:@"SendText"]; } ego -(NSString *) username { return [self filteredObjectForKey:@"User_Name"]; } t -(NSString *) uri { return [self filteredObjectForKey:@"uri"]; Ca } -(NSString *) address { return [self filteredObjectForKey:@"address"]; -(NSString *) area { return [self filteredObjectForKey:@"area"]; } -(NSString *) charge { return [self filteredObjectForKey:@"charge"]; } -(NSString *) city { return [self filteredObjectForKey:@"city"]; } . . . Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 33. Use HTT PS + Au then tica tion (at a mini mum) Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 34. Loca l Data Store? M eet SQ Lite & Cor eData Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 35. ata is one of iOS’s CoreD greate st adv antag es over d for b usiness apps. Androi Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 36. PrtmaryK _y _--1 _e;_ • Anr butt~ hc: dlypc:, - C Locat o n _----,~ _o _ _ JSOnW~t~Od i fied Annb~o~tcs 1 Auro butes 9 loatoorMet~DJ.tJfield ld jsonlilstY.od I fled OJddrusl ,~e ocatton~ctOJDiltald .lddreu2 pockl stCho ces vo~lu tBool City required v.llu eno~t folde r' arne • Rclattons hips VJ.Iuelnt htghCr. mc:Locat.on J S.onuu~od o ticd location~c:tt~Oata < valueText - Rc ta11onsh1ps loutoOf'lld !ocatton loutlonN u mber .; Pr OJeCt l'ame • Attll bU IC!S state folderNam e ~urveyCiodT me j sonl.ast'li~ocM1ed surveyor name: sutleySct'leduled-IIM proJectld syn<Corn !)lete Re ~l i O nships draw-ng-ypes elementRe qul rements :~:~::~:d~~ syt'I(Complete 2op cotNple-Le I J ' ~ fc:: Re :lto hlps ons >dto'lwings Elemc:ntRc:qu rc:rrc:f'll 1 0r.Jwingiy____1 JX D•aw r.g • Attribute~ ·--..-j~----+ locattonl'etaOata ~ ::__j e eme t~tRequi remc:nu Anro butes e ementRequirementld Attributes dr.w,, ngTypeld 1--------- drolw n!lld fa en~rne project JSOt'll...lStMOCifled m.lXAllcw.ed JSO nl...lstMOOif1ed m nRc:qu•rcd name heo tgh Relauonsho ps Re atton~h ps JSOf'll.astMod•f1ed , . - - - - + - - - - - - - - - --1-- ,..> drav. n!jType dril'Wi ngs A::llamc: i---1-~---+----------+--+~c: cmc:ntTypc OementTyoe c:o --: c:mc:ntRcquirc:mcnts c c:mentType5 !---t-~PI'OJ ects _ _ _ ___,.J scale wlctth Re ·" •onship~ d t.lWlngTypt 1,..:::::1 l ===------:!-------------lL...--~~~ocatoon := ~ " d ----' E ementCroup • Ann b"tc:s elementGroupld 9 Annblltes c:lememTypeld ,conl tlename eemenu _ 1_ , ~ t.~ ~ cc l1.J JsonLut'-1oct'lc:d Jsonl..ut'Aocif,c:d n;amc: sortOrde r Rel.'lt on·"s~"'c;===i " h t ps narrc: Rc: o'!t onhops drilv.ongTypu Element ess er w h /'.,.» elementCroup AUt ib'->ttS dra~o, ng(()Q(dX c:lementQ..estlons c:lementRequ lremen ts ~;::·~~;=~:n V ·,t. lm0 t. c:lc:mc:nts elementld ~ clcmentll.umber jsonl..ut'-1oditied Eltmc:ntQue stlon ~ Attrobutes c: c:mc:ntQI.esbonld ~~ n.1me 'f Relat o n Sh pS O s no nelpPnotofoename !-------c:iementAnswc:rs help-tltt nchesMax Code ~nd nches4ln json~tlod • tied E c:mentAnswc:r 0 emc ntA.11s"'..: rPhoto pnoto.AI owNOt e~ J Auro butes Aur iba.tes :>hotoM.1xCount OJnswc: rlnt crc;atcdOn ohotoM nCount photoRc:qu rel'l.otcs p cl(L siC no cc:s quest Of'ITtxt .'lnswerText created On e emen!An~"erld etementAnswerPhotold gpsUto tude gpslottgltude no SQL• gpslatttudc: t'ludong quest on- 'fpe gpslong tude jsonLOJst'Aodoficd required jsonLmVoct o foed .'lnMod fied sortOrdc:r IJ.stl'-'od ned ~otor den~e tc:xtMaxleng th Re ilto ons"'lps photoNotts Rc: ilto oqhips e ement : :::~~~;~;:rs "< _-------------------,fmentAn~"-C!rPhotos ; +u Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 37. To Re cap... A ndroid sucks. Mobilize your web assets. he mob ile web first. Con sider t Avoid SQL & SOAP. Use RESTful APIs. Co reData i s way w orth it. Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 38. Mat llowaoydinaire) t Ga a r o bile Develo per Extr (Fre elance M matt@architactile.c om 918 -808- 3072 Wednesday, February 13, 13