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“ Ch c lĂ  cĂł,” ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng nĂłi, “nhÆ°ng s ĂĄng
English Funny Stories                                   nhÆ° th . TĂŽi mu n cĂŽ y th y i u gĂŹ x y ra cho m t
                                                        gĂŁ khĂŽng nh u nh t, c b c ho c chÆĄi gĂŽn.”
                                                        HOW TO LIVE?
CHUY N V       CH NG
                                                        "Darling," said the young man to his new bride.
                                               "Now that we are married, do you think you will be
                                                        able to live on my modest income?"
A bum approaches a well dressed gentleman on the        "Of course, dearest, no trouble," she answered. "But
street. "Hey, Buddy, can you spare two dollars?"        what will you live on?"
The well-dressed gentleman responds, "You are not       LÀM SAO          S NG?
going to spend in on liquor are you?"
        "No, sir, I don't drink," retorts the bum.      “Em yĂȘu,” m t ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng tr nĂłi v i cĂŽ dĂąu
        "You are not going to throw it away in some     m i.”VĂŹ r ng chĂșng ta cÆ° i nhau, em cĂł nghÄ© em s
crap game, are you?" asks the gentleman.                cĂł th s ng b ng thu nh p khiĂȘm t n c a anh?”
        "No way, I don't gamble," answers the bum.      “DÄ© nhiĂȘn, anh yĂȘu, khĂŽng sao c ,” cĂŽ ta tr l i.
         "You wouldn't waste the money at a golf        “NhÆ°ng anh s s ng b ng gĂŹ?”
course for greens fees, would you?" asks the man.       THEY HAD NO PRIVACY
        "Never," says the bum, "I don't play golf."
        The man asks the bum if he would like to        As a young married couple, a husband and a wife
come home with him for a home cooked meal. The          lived in a cheap housing complex near the base
bum accepts eagerly. While they are heading for the     where he was working. Their chief complaint was
man's house, the bum's curiosity gets the better of     that the walls were paper-thin and that they had no
him. "Isn't your wife going to be angry when she        privacy. This was painfully obvious when one
sees a guy like me at your table?"                      morning the husband was upstairs and the wife was
"Probably," says the man, "but it will be worth it. I   downstairs on the telephone. She was interrupted by
want her to see what happens to a guy who doesn't       the doorbell and went to greet her neighbor.
drink, gamble or play golf."                                   "Give this to your husband," he said thrusting
                                              a roll of toilet paper into her hands. "He's been
                                                        yelling for it for 15 minutes!"
M t gĂŁ ăn mĂ y ti n g n m t quĂœ ĂŽng ăn m t sang          H KHÔNG CÓ CHÚT RIÊNG TÆŻ NÀO C
tr ng trĂȘn Æ° ng ph . “NĂ y, ĂŽng b n quĂœ, ĂŽng cĂł th
cho hai ĂŽ la Æ° c khĂŽng?” NgÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng ăn m c            Khi lĂ  m t c p v ch ng tr m i cÆ° i, ngÆ° i ch ng
sang tr ng tr l i:” B n s khĂŽng tiĂȘu ti n vĂ o rÆ° u      vĂ  ngÆ° i v s ng trong m t khu nhĂ  liĂȘn h p r
chĂš, ph i khĂŽng?”                                       ti n g n cÆĄ s ngÆ° i ch ng lĂ m vi c. i u ĂĄng phĂ n
“KhĂŽng, thÆ°a ngĂ i, tĂŽi khĂŽng u ng rÆ° u,” gĂŁ ăn mĂ y      nĂ n ch y u c a h lĂ  cĂĄc b c tÆ° ng m ng nhÆ° gi y
cĂŁi l i.                                                vĂ  h khĂŽng cĂł Æ° c s kĂ­n ĂĄo. i u nĂ y l ra hi n
“B n s khĂŽng qu ng nĂł vĂ o nh ng vĂĄn chÆĄi tĂ o lao,       nhiĂȘn m t cĂĄch ĂĄng bu n vĂ o m t bu i sĂĄng ngÆ° i
ph i khĂŽng?” ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng thÆ° ng lÆ°u h i.               ch ng t ng trĂȘn vĂ  ngÆ° i v     t ng dÆ° i ang g i
“ KhĂŽng theo l i Ăł. TĂŽi khĂŽng chÆĄi bĂ i,” gĂŁ ăn mĂ y        i n tho i.NgÆ° i v b c t ngang b i ti ng chuĂŽng
tr l i.                                                 c a vĂ  i ra chĂ o ngÆ° i hĂ ng xĂłm.
“ B n s khĂŽng tiĂȘu hoang ti n vĂ o nh ng kho ng          “ Æ°a cĂĄi nĂ y cho ch ng cĂŽ,” ĂŽng ta nĂłi vĂ  giĂși m t
phĂ­ hĂ”m c a m t cu c gĂŽn, ph i khĂŽng?” ngÆ° i Ă n         cu n gi y v sinh vĂ o tay cĂŽ ta.”Anh y ĂŁ hĂ©t ĂČi
ĂŽng h i.                                                nĂł 15 phĂșt!”
“KhĂŽng bao gi ,” tĂȘn ăn mĂ y nĂłi, “tĂŽi khĂŽng chÆĄi
                                                        A HUSBAND WHO NEVER FEELS ASHAMED
NgÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng h i gĂŁ ăn mĂ y cĂł mu n v nhĂ  v i
                                                        "I'm ashamed of the way we live," a young wife says
ĂŽng ta ăn cÆĄm nhĂ  khĂŽng. GĂŁ ăn mĂ y hăm h        ng
                                                        to her lazy husband who refuses to find a job. "My
Ăœ. Trong khi h ang i hÆ° ng v nhĂ  ngÆ° i Ă n
                                                        father pays our rent. My mother buys all of our food.
ĂŽng, gĂŁ ăn mĂ y khĂŽng th ng Æ° c tĂ­nh tĂČ mĂČ. “V
                                                        My sister buys our clothes. My aunt bought us a car.
ĂŽng s khĂŽng n i gi n khi bĂ  y th y m t gĂŁ nhÆ° tĂŽi
                                                        I'm just so ashamed."
t i bàn ăn c a îng à?”
                                                                 The husband rolls over on the couch. "And
                                                        you damn well should be," he agrees. "Those two
                                          1 –
worthless brothers of yours ain't never give us a           and spotted a high-heel shoe half hidden under the
cent!"                                                      passenger seat. Not wanting to be conspicuous, he
M T NGÆŻ I CH NG KHÔNG BAO GI                                waited until his wife was looking out her window
BI T X U H                                                  before he scooped up the shoe and tossed it out of
                                                            the car.
“Em x u h v cĂĄch s ng c a chĂșng ta,” m t ngÆ° i                       With a sigh of relief, he pulled into the
v tr nĂłi v i ĂŽng ch ng lÆ° i – ngÆ° i t ch i i tĂŹm            restaurant parking lot. That's when he noticed his
m t vi c lĂ m.” Ba em tr ti n thuĂȘ nhĂ . MĂĄ em mua            wife squirming around in her seat. "Honey," she
t tc      ăn.Ch em mua qu n ĂĄo chĂșng ta. CĂŽ em              asked, "have you seen my other shoe?"
mua xe hÆĄi cho chĂșng ta. Em quĂĄ x u h .”                    CHI C GIÀY ÂU R I ?
NgÆ° i ch ng lăn trĂČn trĂȘn i văng. “VĂ  em nĂȘn ti p
t c ch trĂ­ch n a,” anh ta ng Ăœ. “Hai ĂŽng anh vĂŽ             M t bu i t i cĂł m t ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng lĂĄi xe ch cĂŽ thÆ°
d ng c a em khĂŽng bao gi cho chĂșng ta m t xu!”              kĂœ v nhĂ  sau khi cĂŽ ta u ng hÆĄi nhi u t i b a ti c
THE NEIGHBORS CAN NOT SEE YOU                               chiĂȘu ĂŁi cÆĄ quan. M c dĂč Ăąy lĂ  m t hĂ nh vi vĂŽ tÆ°
                                                            nhÆ°ng anh ta quy t nh khĂŽng nĂłi cho v - ngÆ° i
Having been married ten years and still living in an        hay n i ghen d dàng – nghe.
apartment, the wife would often complain about              T i hĂŽm sau, ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng vĂ  v ĂĄnh xe n m t
anything, as she was tired of saving every penny to         nhĂ  hĂ ng. ThĂŹnh lĂŹnh anh ta nhĂŹn xu ng vĂ  nh n ra
buy a "dream home".                                         m t chi c giĂ y cao gĂłt n m t n a dÆ° i gh khĂĄch.
       Trying to placate her, the husband found a           KhĂŽng mu n b chĂș Ăœ, anh ta i t i lĂșc v nhĂŹn ra
new           apartment,           within          their    c a s trÆ° c khi anh ta anh ta h t chi c giĂ y lĂȘn vĂ 
budget.                                                     quăng kh i xe.
  However, after the first week, she began                  V i m t hÆĄi th nh nhĂ”m, anh ta lĂĄi xe vĂ o bĂŁi u
complaining again.                                          xe. ChĂ­nh lĂșc Ăł anh ta chĂș Ăœ th y v loay hoay
       "Joel," she said, "I don't like this place at all.   quanh gh ng i. “Anh yĂȘu,” cĂŽ ta h i, “ anh cĂł th y
There are no curtains in the bathroom. The                  chi c giày kia c a em khîng?”
neighbors can see me every time I take a bath."             DUMMY HUSBAND
       "Don't worry." replied her husband. "If the
neighbors do see you, they'll buy curtains."                A man asked his wife, "if you could have anything
HÀNG XÓM KHÔNG TH NHÌN TH Y EM                              in the world for one day, what would you want?"
  ÆŻ C                                                               "I'd love to be six again," she replied.
                                                                    On the morning of her birthday, he got her
          ĂŁ cÆ° i nhau mÆ° i năm nhÆ°ng v n s ng               up bright and early and off they went to a local
trong m t căn h , ngÆ° i v thÆ° ng phĂ n nĂ n        th         theme park. What a day! He put her on every ride in
vĂŹ cĂŽ ta m t m i v vi c ti t ki m t ng xu       mua         the park: the Death Slide, the Screaming Loop, the
m t “ngĂŽi nhĂ  mÆĄ Æ° c”.                                      Wall of Fear, everything there was! Wow! Five
        V i c g ng an i v , ngÆ° i ch ng tĂŹm m t             hours later she staggered out of the theme park, her
căn h m i h p tĂși ti n c a h . Tuy v y, sau tu n l          head reeling and her stomach upside down. Off to a
   u, ngÆ° i v l i b t u phĂ n nĂ n.                           McDonald's they went, where her husband ordered
        “Joel,” cĂŽ ta nĂłi, “em khĂŽng thĂ­ch nÆĄi nĂ y tĂ­       her a Big Mac along with extra fries and a refreshing
nĂ o. KhĂŽng cĂł t m mĂ n nĂ o trong phĂČng t m. HĂ ng             chocolate shake. Then it was off to a movie: the
xóm có th th y em khi em t m.”                              latestHollywood blockbuster, hot dogs, popcorn,
        “ ng lo,” ch ng tr l i. N u qu th c hàng            Pepsi Cola and M & M's. What a fabulous
xóm th y em, h s mua màn.”                                  adventure!
WHERE’S THE SHOE?                                                   Finally she wobbled home with her husband
                                                            and collapsed into bed. He leaned over and lovingly
One night a fellow drove his secretary home after           asked, "Well, dear, what was it like being six
she had imbibed a little too much at an office              again?"
reception. Although this was an innocent gesture, he                One eye opened. "You dummy, I meant my
decided not to mention it to his wife, who tended to        dress size."
get jealous easily.                                         NGÆŻ I CH NG NG NGH CH
        The next night the man and his wife were
driving to a restaurant. Suddenly he looked down
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M t ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng h i v :”N u em cĂł th                    "Gee," Bob remarked to his friend, "you
 Æ° c m i th trĂȘn th gi i trong m t ngĂ y, em s            really make a big fuss over your wife."
mu n gì?”                                                        "I started to appreciate her more about six
        “Em mu n tr l i nhÆ° h i sĂĄu,” nĂ ng ĂĄp.           months ago," Joe said. "It has revived our marriage,
        VĂ o bu i sĂĄng sinh nh t nĂ ng, anh ta ĂĄnh         and we couldn't be happier."
th c nĂ ng d y r t s m vĂ  h      i n m t cĂŽng viĂȘn                Inspired by Joe's story, Bob hurried home,
ch     1 trong vĂčng. Ășng lĂ  m t ngĂ y vui! Anh ta         hugged his wife, told her how much he loved her,
   t nĂ ng lĂȘn m i th trĂČ chÆĄi trong cĂŽng viĂȘn:           and said he wanted to hear all about her day. Instead
  Æ° ng trÆ° t Ch t ngÆ° i, VĂČng nhĂ o l n KĂȘu thĂ©t,         she burst into tears.
B c tÆ° ng S hĂŁi, m i th ! H t x y! Năm ti ng sau                "Darling," Bob said, "whatever's the matter?"
nĂ ng l o o i ra kh i cĂŽng viĂȘn, u Ăłc quay                       "This has been the worst day I've had for a
cu ng vĂ  b ng nhÆ° l n xu ng. H i vĂ o m t nhĂ              long time," she replied. "This morning Billy fell off
hĂ ng McDonald, ngÆ° i ch ng g i m t cĂĄi bĂĄnh k p          his bike and hurt his ankle, then the washing
th t l n thĂȘm v i th t ram vĂ  m t ly sĂŽcĂŽla tr ng        machine broke down. Now, to top it off, you come
khu y.Sau Ăł h i t i m t r p chi u phim: b phim           home drunk!"
thĂ nh cĂŽng nh t, m i nh t Hollywood, hot dog, b p        SAY
n , Pepsi Cola. Qu lĂ  m t cu c chÆĄi tuy t v i!
        Sau cĂčng nĂ ng i lo ng cho ng v nhĂ  v i           Bob n thăm nhĂ  Joe vĂ  kinh ng c trÆ° c l i i x
ch ng vĂ       s p xu ng giÆ° ng. Anh ta ngĂŁ ngÆ° i vĂ       t t c a b n i v i v .Anh ta nĂłi v i v     nm yl n
h i m t cĂĄch Ăąu y m:” y, em yĂȘu, tr l i nhÆ° h i          lĂ  nĂ ng h p d n ra sao, ca t ng tĂ i n u ăn khĂ©o lĂ©o
sĂĄu tu i thĂŹ nhÆ° th nĂ o?”                                c a nĂ ng vĂ  ĂŽm hĂŽn v nhÆ° mÆ°a.
        NĂ ng m m t m t:” Oi anh ng ngh ch, Ăœ                      “A,” Bob lÆ°u Ăœ b n,”anh quan tr ng hĂła v
em mu n nĂłi c ĂĄo s sĂĄu.”                                 anh lĂȘn y.”
A NEW MACHINE                                                      “TĂŽi b t   u ĂĄnh giĂĄ nĂ ng cao hÆĄn t
                                                         kho ng sáu tháng nay,” Joe nói.” i u ó làm s ng
The doctor asked the expectant father to try out a       l i hĂŽn nhĂąn c a chĂșng tĂŽi, vĂ  chĂșng tĂŽi h nh phĂșc
machine he had invented that transferred labour             n    khĂŽng th h nh phĂșc hÆĄn Æ° c n a.”
pains from the mother to the father. Billy agreed and             LĂąy c m h ng c a b n, Bob v i vĂŁ v nhĂ ,
the machine was set up. But although it was set to its   ĂŽm v , nĂłi cho nĂ ng nghe lĂ  anh yĂȘu nĂ ng bi t bao
highest setting, Billy felt not                          nhiĂȘu, vĂ  nĂłi anh mu n nghe m t ngĂ y nĂ ng lĂ m
a twinge.                                                vi c ra sao.Thay vĂ o Ăł nĂ ng b ng ĂČa khĂłc.
       Later that day he went home to pick up a few      ”Em yĂȘu,” Bob nĂłi, “Vi c gĂŹ x y ra v i em v y?”
items his wife wanted and discovered the milkman                  “ ñy là ngày t i t nh t c a em lñu nay,”
lying on his door step groaning in pain.                 nĂ ng ĂĄp.” SĂĄng nay Billy tĂ© xe p vĂ  b au m t
CHI C MÁY M I                                            cĂĄ, sau Ăł mĂĄy gi t b hÆ°.BĂąy gi , thĂȘm vĂ o Ăł, anh
                                                         l i say x n v nhà!”
M t bĂĄc sÄ© h i m t ngÆ° i ch ng cĂł v s p sinh r ng        HOW TO BUY A PRESENT?
cĂł mu n th chi c mĂĄy ĂŽng ta m i sĂĄng ch chuy n
cÆĄn au      t ngÆ° i m sang ngÆ° i cha khĂŽng.Billy         A man walked into a department store and told an
   ng Ăœ vĂ  chi c mĂĄy Æ° c cĂ i vĂ o.NhÆ°ng m c dĂč            assistant he'd like to buy a present for his wife.
chi c måy ã ch y h t cÎng su t Billy cƩng khÎng                   "Certainly, sir," replied the assistant.
th y au n gĂŹ c .                                         "Perhaps a dress or a blouse?"
        Sau Ăł anh ta v nhĂ       l y vĂ i th v yĂȘu                "Anything," said the man.
c u vĂ  th y ngÆ° i Æ°a s a ang n m trÆ° c c a rĂȘn r                "And in what colour?"
 au n.                                                          "It doesn't matter."
DRUNK                                                           "Size?"
Bob visited his friend Joe's house and was amazed at             Seeing the assistant's confusion, the man
how well Joe treated his wife. He told her several       explained that whenever he bought his wife
times how attractive she was, complimented her on        something she would always take it back to the shop
her culinary skills and showered her with hugs and       and exchange it.
kisses.                                                         "Why don't you get a gift voucher instead?"
                                                         the assistant asked him.
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"Oh no," said the man. "That would be too                The next morning, his wife whacked him
impersonal."                                           again. "What was that for?" he groaned.
LÀM TH NÀO           MUA M T MÓN QUÀ?                        "Your horse called last night," she said.
                                                       CON NG A ÔNG G I T I QUA
        M t ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng i vĂ o m t gian c a hĂ ng
vĂ  nĂłi v i ngÆ° i bĂĄn hĂ ng ĂŽng ta mu n mua m t          M t bĂ  v i n phĂ­a sau ch ng vĂ  v vĂ o sau u
mĂłn quĂ  cho v .                                        ĂŽng ta trong khi ĂŽng ta ang u ng cĂ  phĂȘ sĂĄng.”TĂŽi
        “ Æ° c, thÆ°a ĂŽng,” ngÆ° i bĂĄn hĂ ng ĂĄp. “CĂł       tĂŹm th y m t m nh gi y trong qu n ĂŽng cĂł cĂĄi tĂȘn
l m t cĂĄi ĂĄo m hay m t cĂĄi ĂĄo cĂĄnh Æ° c chăng?”         Mary,” bĂ  ta nĂłi m t cĂĄch gi n d .”Ông nĂȘn gi i
        “GĂŹ cĆ©ng Æ° c,” ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng nĂłi.               thĂ­ch.”
        “CĂČn mĂ u?”                                             “BĂŹnh tÄ©nh nĂ o, em yĂȘu,” ĂŽng ta gi i thĂ­ch.”
        “Khîng quan tr ng.”                            Em có nh tu n qua anh xem ua ng a khîng? ó
        “C ?”                                          lĂ  tĂȘn con ng c anh ĂĄnh cu c.”
        “Chuy n nh .”                                          Sáng hîm sau, bà v l i phát m nh îng ta
         Th y s lĂșng tĂșng c a ngÆ° i bĂĄn hĂ ng,          m t cĂĄi.”T i sao em lĂ m th ?” ĂŽng ta rĂȘn r .
ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng gi i thĂ­ch r ng m i khi ĂŽng ta mua        ”Con ng a c a ĂŽng g i tĂŽĂ­ qua,” bĂ  ta nĂłi.
cho v cái gì ó thì bà ta luîn em nó tr l i shop và     WE’VE SAVED ENOUGH MONEY
        “T i sao îng khîng mua m t phi u ã tr          After years of scrimping and saving, a husband told
ti n thay vĂ o Ăł?” ngÆ° i bĂĄn hĂ ng h i.                  his wife the good news: "Darling, we've finally
        “ khĂŽng,” ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng nĂłi. “NhÆ° th thĂŹ        saved enough to buy what we started saving for in
quá vî tình.”                                          1979."
RELATIVES ?                                                   "You mean a brand new Jaguar?" she asked
A couple drove several miles down a country road,             "No," he replied, "a 1979 Jaguar."
not saying a word.                                     CHÚNG TA Ã TI T KI M                TI N
An earlier discussion had led to an argument, and
neither wanted to concede their position. As they      Sau nhi u năm keo ki t và ti t ki m, ch ng båo v i
passed a barnyard of mules and pigs, the wife          v m t tin m ng:”Em yĂȘu, cu i cĂčng chĂșng ta ĂŁ
sarcastically asked, "Relatives of yours?"             ti t ki m    ti n  mua cĂĄi mĂ  chĂșng ta b t u
"Yep," the husband replied, "In-laws."                 dành trong năm 1979.”
BÀ CON ?                                                       “Ý anh mu n nói m t chi c Jaguar m i ph i
                                                       khĂŽng ?” ngÆ° i v h n h .
M t c p v ch ng lĂĄi xe i vĂ i d m xu ng m t con                  “KhĂŽng,” ngÆ° i ch ng tr l i, “m t chi c
 Æ° ng ng quĂȘ, khĂŽng nĂłi m t l i.M t cu c tranh         Jaguar i 1979.”
lu n trÆ° c Ăł ĂŁ gĂąy ra m t cu c tranh cĂŁi, vĂ  khĂŽng     DEATHBED CONFESSION
ngÆ° i nĂ o mu n nh n quan i m c a mĂŹnh
thua.Trong khi h i qua sĂąn nuĂŽi la vĂ  heo, ngÆ° i       Jake was on his deathbed. His wife, Susan, was
v h i m t cách ch nh o: “Bà con c a îng ph i           maintaining a vigil by his side. She held his fragile
khîng ?”                                               hand, and tears ran down her face. Her praying
“ Ășng,” ngÆ° i ch ng tr l i, “ BĂȘn phĂ­a v .”            roused him from his slumber. He looked up and his
YOUR HORSE CALLED LAST NIGHT                           pale lips began to move slightly.
                                                               "My darling Susan," he whispered.
A woman came up behind her husband while he was                "Hush, my love," she said. "Rest. Don't talk."
enjoying his morning coffee and slapped him on the             He was insistent. "Susan," he said in his tired
back of the head. "I found a piece of paper in your    voice. "I have something I must confess to you."
trouser pocket with the name Marylou written on it,"            "There's nothing to confess," replied the
she said, furious. "You'd better have an               weeping Susan. "Everything's all right, go to sleep."
explanation."                                                  "No, no. I must die in peace, Susan. I slept
         "Calm down, dear," the man replied.           with your sister, your best friend, and your mother."
"Remember last week when I was at the races? That              "I know," she replied. "That's why I poisoned
was the name of the horse I backed."                   you."
                                                       THÚ T I LÚC LÂM CHUNG
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Jake ang lĂșc lĂąm chung. V anh, Susan, ang th c          ĂČa khĂłc. “NhÆ°ng m       
 v a khi t i con quay v ,
gi c bĂȘn c nh anh ta.Ch ang c m bĂ n tay y u t           Sam b t u dĂčng ngĂŽn ng kinh khi p nh t. Anh y
c a anh, vĂ  nÆ° c m t ch y xu ng m t ch . L i c u         ĂŁ nĂłi nh ng th con chÆ°a bao gi nghe trÆ° c Ăąy!
nguy n c a ch ĂĄnh th c anh kh i gi c ng . Anh           T tc      u lĂ  nh ng t b n ch cĂĄi1 ĂĄng s ! M
nhĂŹn lĂȘn vĂ  ĂŽi mĂŽi nh t nh t c a anh b t u hÆĄi          ph i n Ăłn con vĂ  Æ°a con v nhĂ  
nhĂșc nhĂ­ch.                                             “NĂ o Sarah 
” m cĂŽ ta tr l i. “BĂŹnh tÄ©nh nĂ o! NĂłi
“Susan yĂȘu quĂœ c a anh,” anh ta thĂŹ th m.               cho m nghe, cĂĄi gĂŹ mĂ  quĂĄ ĂĄng s v y? Nh ng t
“Im i, anh yĂȘu,” ch ta nĂłi. “HĂŁy ngh ngÆĄi.        ng    b n ch cĂĄi nĂ o mĂ  anh ta ĂŁ s d ng?”
nĂłi.”                                                   “ ng b t con k cho m nghe, m .” ngÆ° i con
Anh ta v n c ti p t c. “Susan,” anh ta nói v i gi ng    gái khóc. “Con ang th t b i r i! Nh ng ch ó quá
m t m i. “Anh cĂł i u ph i thĂș nh n v i em.”             d s ! M ph i n Ăłn con vĂ  Æ°a con v nhĂ  

“KhĂŽng cĂł gĂŹ ph i thĂș nh n c ,” Susan khĂłc lĂłc tr       nghe m !”
l i. “M i vi c u n c , hĂŁy ng i.”                       “Con yĂȘu, con ph i nĂłi cho m nghe cĂĄi gĂŹ lĂ m con
“KhĂŽng, khĂŽng.Anh ph i ch t trong thanh th n,           quĂĄ b i r i nhÆ° v y 
 HĂŁy nĂłi cho m nghe nh ng
Susan. Anh ã ng v i em gái em, b n thñn em và           t b n ch cái kinh khi p này!”
m em.”                                                  V n cĂČn th n th c, cĂŽ dĂąu tr l i, “ , m 
 nh ng
       “Em bi t,” ch ta tr l i. “ i u Ăł t i sao em      t nhÆ° rĂĄc, gi t, i, vĂ  n u nÆ° ng!”
  u c anh.”                                             I HAVE TO SHOW HER 

                                                        Everybody's heard of the Air Force's ultra-high-
A young couple got married and left on their            security,super-secret base in Nevada, known simply
honeymoon. When they got back, the bride                as "Area 51?"
immediately called her mother.                                  Late one afternoon, the Air Force folks out at
        "Well, how was the honeymoon?" asked the        Area 51 were very surprised to see a Cessna landing
mother.                                                 at their "secret" base. They immediately impounded
          "Oh mamma!" she exclaimed. "The               the aircraft and hauled the pilot into an interrogation
honeymoon was wonderful! So romantic!" No               room.
sooner had she spoken the words then she burst out              The pilot's story was that he took off from
crying. "But mamma . . . as soon as we returned,        Vegas, got lost, and spotted the Base just as he was
Sam started using the most horrible language. He's      about to run out of fuel. The Air Force started a full
been saying things I've never heard before! All these   FBI background check on the pilot and held him
awful 4-letter words! You've got to come get me and     overnight during the investigation.
take me home... "                                              By the next day, they were finally convinced
       "Now Sarah . . ." her mother answered. "Calm     that the pilot really was lost and wasn't a spy. They
down! Tell me,what could be so awful? What 4-           gassed up his air-plane, gave him a terrifying "you-
letter words has he been using?"                        did-not-see-a-base" briefing, complete with threats
       "Please don't make me tell you, mamma." wept     of spending the rest of his life in prison, told him
the daughter. "I'm so embarrassed! They're just too     Vegas was that-a-way on such-and-such a heading,
awful! You've got to come get me and take me            and sent him on his way.
home... please mamma!"                                         The next day, to the total disbelief of the Air
        "Darling, you must tell me what has you so      Force, the same Cessna showed up again. Once
upset . . . Tell your mother these horrible 4-letter    again, the MP's surrounded the plane...only this time
words!"                                                 there were two people inside.
         Still sobbing, the bride replied, "Oh, mamma          The same pilot jumped out and said, "Do
. . . words like dust, wash, iron, and cook!"           anything you want to me, but my wife is in the plane
SAU TU N TRĂNG M T                                      and you have to tell her where I was last night!"
                                                        TÔI PH I CH RA CHO CÔ Y
M t c p trai gĂĄi tr cÆ° i nhau vĂ  i hÆ° ng tu n
trăng m t. Khi h quay l i, ngay l p t c cĂŽ dĂąu g i      CĂł ai ĂŁ nghe v căn c c c kỳ an ninh, siĂȘu bĂ­ m t
  i n tho i cho m .                                     c a khĂŽng l c (M ) Nevada, Æ° c bi t dÆ° i tĂȘn
“NĂ o, tu n trăng m t ra sao? “ ngÆ° i m h i.             g i ÆĄn gi n “VĂčng 51?”
“ , m !” cĂŽ ta la lĂȘn. “Tu n trăng m t thĂŹ tuy t!       VĂ o m t bu i chi u mu n, ngÆ° i khĂŽng l c VĂčng
R t lĂŁng m n!” Ch ng m y ch c sau khi nĂłi ra cĂŽ ta      51 r t ng c nhiĂȘn th y m t chi c Cessna h cĂĄnh t i
                                          5 –
căn c “bí m t” c a h . H l p t c nh t chi c máy         considers me a better housekeeper and cook than
bay vĂ  lĂŽi phi cĂŽng vĂ o phĂČng th m v n.                 you, Madam. He has told me himself."
CĂąu chuy n c a viĂȘn phi cĂŽng lĂ  anh ta c t cĂĄnh t               The rich woman just swallowed and said
Vegas, b l c và phåt hi n ra căn c ngay khi anh ta      nothing. "And furthermore," the angry girl
s p h t nhiĂȘn li u. KhĂŽng l c b t u m t cu c ki m       continued, "I am better in bed than you!"
tra thĂŽng tin c n thi t c a FBI v viĂȘn phi cĂŽng vĂ              "And I suppose my husband told you that,
gi anh ta qua ĂȘm trong su t cu c ph ng v n.             too?"
VĂ o ngĂ y hĂŽm sau, cu i cĂčng h tin r ng viĂȘn phi                 "No, Madam," said he maid. "Not your
cĂŽng l c th c s vĂ  khĂŽng ph i lĂ  m t giĂĄn i p. H        husband, the mail man!"
cung c p nhiĂȘn li u cho chi c mĂĄy bay, Æ°a cho anh           NG L N X N V I NGÆŻ I GIÚP VI C
ta m t ch d n áng s “anh ã khîng th y m t căn           NHÀ
c ”, cĂčng v i nh ng l i e d a anh ta s       tĂč su t
quĂŁng i cĂČn l i, nĂłi v i anh ta Vegas cĂł Æ° ng           M t quĂœ bĂ  Beverly Hills n i gi n cĂŽ giĂșp vi c
bay nhÆ° th , nhÆ° th , vĂ  ti n anh ta lĂȘn Æ° ng.          ngÆ° i PhĂĄp. Sau m t b n danh sĂĄch dĂ i nh ng nh n
NgĂ y hĂŽm sau, trong s b t ng khĂŽng th tin Æ° c           xĂ©t khĂł ch u v nh ng l i c a cĂŽ ta khi n u ăn vĂ 
c a khĂŽng l c, cĆ©ng chi c Cessna Ăł xu t hi n tr         qu n gia, bĂ  u i cĂŽ giĂșp vi c.
l i. M t l n n a, quĂąn c nh bao quanh chi c mĂĄy         NgÆ° i giĂșp vi c, v i dĂČng mĂĄu Celte, khĂŽng th
 nhÆ°ng l n nĂ y cĂł hai ngÆ° i bĂȘn trong.             ch p nh n m t s lăng m nhÆ° v y ra i khĂŽng cĂł
CĆ©ng viĂȘn phi cĂŽng Ăł nh y ra vĂ  nĂłi:”CĂĄc ĂŽng lĂ m        cĂąu tr l i. “Ch ng bĂ  xem tĂŽi lĂ  m t ngÆ° i qu n gia
gĂŹ tĂŽi cĆ©ng Æ° c, nhÆ°ng v tĂŽi ang trĂȘn mĂĄy bay           vĂ  n u ăn t t hÆĄn bĂ , thÆ°a bĂ .ChĂ­nh ĂŽng ĂŁ nĂłi v i
và các îng ph i nói v i cî y t i qua tîi   ñu!”         tîi.”
                           NgÆ° i Ă n bĂ  giĂ u cĂł ch nĂ­n nh n vĂ  khĂŽng nĂłi gĂŹ.
                                                        “VĂ  hÆĄn n a,” cĂŽ gĂĄi gi n d ti p t c, “ trĂȘn
A young woman was taking an afternoon nap. After        gi ng tĂŽi gi i hÆĄn bĂ  !”
she woke up, she told her husband, "I just dreamed      “VĂ  tĂŽi cho r ng ch ng tĂŽi cĆ©ng nĂłi v i cĂŽ i u
that you gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine's        ó?”
day.                                        What do     “KhĂŽng, thÆ°a bĂ ,” ngÆ° i giĂșp vi c nĂłi. “KhĂŽng ph i
you think it means?"                                    ch ng bĂ , ĂŽng Æ°a thÆ° !”
       "You'll know tonight." he said.                  FRIEND FOR DINNER
        That evening, the man came home with a
small package and gave it to his wife. Delighted, she   "Honey," said this husband to his wife, "I invited a
opened it--only to find a book entitled "The meaning    friend home for supper."
of dreams".                                                      "What? Are you crazy? The house is a mess,
EM CÓ M T GI C MÆ  V               I U Ó
                I haven't been shopping, all the dishes are dirty, and
                                                        I don't feel like cooking a fancy meal!"
        M t ph n tr ng trÆ°a. Sau khi cĂŽ th c                     "I know all that."
d y, cĂŽ nĂłi v i ch ng:”Em ĂŁ mÆĄ Ășng r ng anh                       "Then why did you invite a friend for
t ng em m t chu i h t ng c trai trong ngĂ y              supper?"
Valentine. Anh nghÄ© nĂł cĂł Ăœ nghÄ©a gĂŹ?                             "Because the poor fool's thinking about
       “T i nay em s bi t.” anh ta nói.                 getting married."
        Chi u t i hĂŽm Ăł, ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng i v nhĂ            B N ĂN T I
v i m t gĂłi nh vĂ  t ng v . NgÆ° i v vui m ng m
nĂł ra – ch     th y m t cu n sĂĄch t a “Ý nghÄ©a c a             “Em yĂȘu,” ch ng nĂłi v i v , “Anh ĂŁ m i
nh ng gi c mÆĄ.”                                         m t ngÆ° i b n n nhĂ  ta ăn t i.”
DON’T MESS WITH THE MAID                                       “CĂĄi gĂŹ?Anh cĂł iĂȘn khĂŽng? NhĂ  c a thĂŹ l n
                                                        x n, em thĂŹ chÆ°a i ch , chĂ©n Ä©a thĂŹ dÆĄ, vĂ  em
A rich Beverly Hills lady got very angry at her         khĂŽng mu n n u m t b a ăn kỳ khĂŽi !”
French maid.After a long list of stinging remarks              “Anh bi t h t r i.”
about her shortcomings as a cook and housekeeper,              “V y t i sao anh m i b n ăn t i?”
she dismissed the maid.                                        “VĂŹ th ng ng t i nghi p ang nghÄ© n vi c
       The maid, with her Gaelic ancestry, couldn't     cư i v .”
allow such abuse to go unanswered. "Your husband        THE SECRET

                                          6 –
Jill complained to Nina, "Rosey told me that you                   KhĂŽng ai nĂłi gĂŹ v b c tÆ° ng n a, th m chĂ­
told her the secret I told you not to tell her."          c khuya hĂŽm Ăł lĂșc h i ng . VĂ o kho ng hai gi
        "Well," replied Nina in a hurt tone, "I told      sĂĄng, ngÆ° i ch ng th c d y, i vĂ o nhĂ  b p vĂ  quay
her not to tell you I told her."                          l i m t lĂșc sau v i m t cĂĄi bĂĄnh sandwich vĂ  m t ly
        "Oh dear!" sighed Jill. "Well, don't tell her I   s a. “ Ăąy,” anh ta nĂłi v i “b c tÆ° ng” , “ăn cĂĄi gĂŹ
told you that she told me."                                 i ch . TĂŽi ng nhÆ° m t th ng ng c nhĂ  Smith
  I U BÍ M T                                              trong 3 ngĂ y vĂ  khĂŽng ai Æ°a cho tĂŽi ngay n c
                                                          m t ly nÆ° c.
        Jill than phi n v i Nina:”Rosey nói v i anh       WISDOM TEETH
r ng em nĂłi v i cĂŽ ta i u bĂ­ m t anh ĂŁ nĂłi v i em
   ng nói v i cî ta.”                                     One day a man walks into a dentist's office and asks
        “À,” Nina tr l i v i gi ng t ái:” Em ã nói        how much it will cost to extract wisdom teeth.
v i cî ta ng nói v i anh em ã nói v i cî ta.”                      "Eighty dollars," the dentist says.
        “Ôi tr i!” Jill th dài. “Thîi, ng nói v i cî                "That's a ridiculous amount," the man says.
ta anh ã nói v i em r ng cî ta nói v i anh.”              "Isn't there a cheaper way?"
THE STATUE                                                         "Well," the dentist says, "if you don't use an
                                                          anaesthetic, I can knock it down to $60."
          A woman was in bed with her lover when                   "That's still too expensive," the man says.
she heard her husband opening the front door.                        "Okay," says the dentist. "If I save on
         "Hurry!" she said. "Stand in the corner." She    anesthesia and simply rip the teeth out with a pair of
quickly rubbed baby oil all over him and then she         pliers, I could get away with charging $20."
dusted him with talcum powder. "Don't move until I                 "Nope," moans the man, "it's still too much."
tell you to," she whispered. "Just pretend you're a                "Hmm," says the dentist, scratching his head.
statue."                                                  "If I let one of my students do it for the experience, I
        "What's this honey?" the husband inquired as      suppose I could charge you just $10."
he entered the room.                                                "Marvelous," says the man, "book my wife
          "Oh, its just a statue," she replied            for next Tuesday !"
nonchalantly. "The Smiths bought one for their            RĂNG KHÔN
bedroom. I liked it so much, I got one for us too."
         No more was said about the statue, not even      M t ngĂ y kia, m t ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng bÆ° c vĂ o m t
later that night when they went to sleep. Around two      phĂČng nha sÄ© vĂ  h i giĂĄ nh răng khĂŽn lĂ  bao nhiĂȘu.
in the morning the husband got out of bed, went to        “TĂĄm mÆ°ÆĄi ĂŽ la,” nha sÄ© nĂłi.
the kitchen and returned a while later with a             “ Ăł lĂ  m t con s l lĂčng,” ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng nĂłi. “CĂł
sandwich and a glass of milk. "Here," he said to the      cĂĄch nĂ o r hÆĄn khĂŽng?”
'statue', "eat something. I stood like an idiot at the    “ ,” nha sÄ© nĂłi, “n u ĂŽng khĂŽng dĂčng thu c tĂȘ, tĂŽi
Smith's for three days and nobody offered me so           cĂł th h giĂĄ xu ng cĂČn 60 ĂŽ la.”
much as a glass of water.                                 “NhÆ° v y v n cĂČn quĂĄ t,” ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng nĂłi.
B C TÆŻ NG                                                 “ Æ° c r i,” nha sÄ© nĂłi. “N u tĂŽi ti t ki m thu c tĂȘ vĂ 
                                                          ch lÎi to t răng ra v i m t cåi k m thÏ tÎi có
         M t ph n ang n m trĂȘn giÆ° ng v i ngÆ° i           th tĂ­nh giĂĄ 20 ĂŽ la.”
tĂŹnh thĂŹ cĂŽ ta nghe ng ÆĄi ch ng m c a trÆ° c.              “KhĂŽng,” ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng rĂȘn r , “nhÆ° v y v n cĂČn
          “Nhanh lĂȘn!” cĂŽ ta nĂłi. “ ng trong gĂłc          quĂĄ nhi u.”
nhĂ .” CĂŽ ta nhanh chĂłng xoa d u tr em lĂȘn kh p            “H m,” nha sÄ© gĂŁi u nĂłi. N u tĂŽi            m t trong
ngÆ° i anh ta vĂ  sau Ăł r c b t talc lĂȘn ngÆ° i anh ta.      nh ng sinh viĂȘn c a tĂŽi lĂ m thĂȘm kinh nghi m thĂŹ
“ ng c         ng cho n khi nào em b o anh,” cî ta        tîi cho là tîi có th tính giá ch 10 î la.”
thĂŹ th m. “HĂŁy tÆ° ng tÆ° ng anh lĂ  m t b c tÆ° ng.”         “Tuy t,” ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng nĂłi, “ t trÆ° c cho v tĂŽi
         “ Ăąy lĂ  cĂĄi gĂŹ v y em yĂȘn?” ngÆ° i ch ng h i      vĂ o th Ba t i !”
khi bÆ° c vĂ o phĂČng.                                       HOW DID YOU DIE ?
         “ , Ăł ch lĂ  m t b c tÆ° ng,” cĂŽ ta tr l i
m t cĂĄch th ÆĄ. “Gia ĂŹnh Smiths mua m t cĂĄi t                     Two men waiting at the pearly gates strike
trong phĂČng ng c a h . Em r t thĂ­ch, em cĆ©ng mua          up a conversation. The first man asks the second.
m t cái cho nhà ta.”                                      "So, how'd you die?"
                                                                 "I froze to death," says the second.
                                            7 –
"That's awful," says the first man. "How does   WHY MY MOM LEARNT TO PLAY
it feel to freeze to death?"                              CLARINET?
           "It's very uncomfortable at first", says the
second man. "You get the shakes, and you get pains        My parents recently retired. Mom always wanted to
in all your fingers and toes. But eventually, it's a      learn to play the piano, so dad bought her a piano for
very calm way to go. You get numb and you kind of         her birthday.A few weeks later, I asked how she was
drift off, as if you're sleeping. How about you, how      doing with it.
did you die?"                                                     "Oh, we returned the piano." said My Dad, "I
           "I had a heart attack," says the first man.    persuaded her to switch to a clarinet instead."
"You see, I knew my wife was cheating on me, so                  "How come?" I asked.
one day I showed up at home unexpectedly. I ran up               "Because," he answered, "with a clarinet, she
to the bedroom, and found her alone, knitting. I ran      can't sing."
down to the basement, but no one was hiding there,        T I SAO M TÔI H C CHÆ I CLARINET?
either. I ran up to the second floor, but no one was
hiding there either. I ran as fast as I could to the      Ba m tĂŽi g n Ăąy ngh hÆ°u. M tĂŽi luĂŽn mu n h c
attic,                                                    chÆĄi piano, vĂŹ v y ba tĂŽi mua cho bĂ  m t cĂĄi trong
and just as I got there, I had a massive heart attack     ngĂ y sinh nh t. M t vĂ i tu n sau, tĂŽi h i bĂ  chÆĄi Ă n
and died."                                                nhÆ° th nĂ o.
         The second man shakes his head. "That's so       “ , ba m tr l i cñy àn piano.” Ba nói, “ba thuy t
ironic," he says.                                         ph c m thay vĂ o Ăł chuy n sang chÆĄi clarinet.”
         "What do you mean?" Asks the first man.          “Sao v y?” tîi h i.
          "If you had only stopped to look in the         “Vì,” îng tr l i, “v i m t cñy clarinet, m khîng
freezer, we'd both still be alive."                       th hát.”
ÔNG CH T NHÆŻ TH NÀO ?                                     PREGNANT

        Hai ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng i c ng ng c b t u                Since the wife is eight months into her pregnancy,
m t cu c nĂłi chuy n. NgÆ° i th nh t h i ngÆ° i th           the husband has to sleep on the floor to avoid any
hai: “Sao îng ch t v y?”                                  regrettable mistake, which might happen pretty
        “TĂŽi b Ăłng băng n ch t,” ngÆ° i th hai             easily, for he has been desperate for quite a while
nĂłi.                                                      now...
         “Th t kh ng khi p,” ngÆ° i th nh t nĂłi.                      Just before lying down on the bed, she
“Ông c m th y ra sao khi b óng băng t i ch t?”            glances at him and sees the poor guy curls up on the
         “TrÆ° c h t ĂŽng c m th y r t khĂł ch u”,           floor, eyes stare widely into the empty air, filled
ngÆ° i th hai nĂłi. “Ông b run, vĂ  ĂŽng c m th y au          with hopeless desire...
  t t c cĂĄc ngĂłn tay vĂ  chĂąn. NhÆ°ng cu i cĂčng s                     Feeling sorry for her husband, she opens the
c m th y r t ĂȘm m ra i.                                   top drawer of the cabinet, takes out a fifty dollar bill,
Ông b tĂȘ cĂłng vĂ  ĂŽng c m th y ki u nhÆ° trĂŽi i,            and gives it to him, "Awww, my honey is so
nhÆ° th ĂŽng ang ng . CĂČn ĂŽng thĂŹ sao, ĂŽng ch t             depressed... here, take this and go to the woman next
nhÆ° th nĂ o?”                                              door, she will let you sleep with her tonight... and
        “TĂŽi b au tim,” ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng th nh t nĂłi.         remember that this happens only once... ok?... don't
“Ông coi, tîi bi t v tîi ang l a d i tîi, vì v y m t      think about it again."
ngĂ y kia tĂŽi xu t hi n b t ng      nhĂ . TĂŽi ch y lĂȘn                The husband rolls his eyes in disbelief, but
phĂČng ng , vĂ  th y cĂŽ ta m t mĂŹnh ang an . TĂŽi            afraid that she may change her mind, he grabs the
ch y xu ng t ng h m nhÆ°ng cĆ©ng khĂŽng ai n p               money and leaves quickly. A few minutes later, he
 Ăł. TĂŽi ch y lĂȘn t ng hai, nhÆ°ng cĆ©ng khĂŽng ai nĂșp        returns, hands the bill back to the wife and says with
   Ăł. TĂŽi ch y h t s c tĂŽi lĂȘn gĂĄc mĂĄi, nhÆ°ng khi tĂŽi     much disappointment,
v a n Ăł thĂŹ tĂŽi b m t cÆĄn au tim n ng vĂ  ch t.”                    "She said this is not enough, she wants sixty."
        NgÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng th hai l c u. “Th t quĂĄ                       The wife's face slowly turns red with anger,
m a mai,” îng ta nói.                                     "Damn that bitch... when she was pregnant and her
        “Ông mu n nĂłi gĂŹ?” ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng th nh t           husband came over here... I only charged him
h i.                                                      fifty..."
        “N u îng ch vi c d ng l i       nhìn vî máy       CÓ B U
Æ° p l nh thĂŹ hai ta h n ĂŁ cĂČn s ng.”

                                            8 –
VĂŹ v mang b u thĂĄng th tĂĄm nĂȘn ngÆ° i ch ng ph i                 "Your Honor, if I put a dollar in a vending
ng trĂȘn n n nhĂ        trĂĄnh b t c sai sĂłt ĂĄng ti c     machine and a Pepsi comes out...whose Pepsi is
nào v n khå d x y ra, vÏ anh ta ã t ng li u lĩnh       it...the machine's or mine?"
trong m t lĂșc cho n lĂșc y...                           LOGIC ÀN ÔNG
Ngay trÆ° c khi n m xu ng giÆ° ng, ngÆ° i v li c
nhĂŹn ch ng vĂ  th y anh chĂ ng t i nghi p co mĂŹnh                 M t ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng vĂ  v anh ta ang trong
trĂȘn sĂ n nhĂ , m t m to tr ng tr ng vĂ o kho ng          tĂČa ĂĄn ly d .
khĂŽng y ham mu n tuy t v ng...                                  V n lĂ  ai s giĂĄm h      a tr .
C m th y t i nghi p cho ch ng, v m ngăn kĂ©o                     NgÆ° i v nh y lĂȘn vĂ  nĂłi:”ThÆ°a quĂœ ngĂ i,
trĂȘn cĂčng c a t , l y ra m t t gi y b c năm mÆ°ÆĄi       tĂŽi ĂŁ Æ°a a tr vĂ o th gi i nĂ y trong c c nh c vĂ 
  ĂŽ la vĂ  Æ°a cho anh ta,” Æ , cÆ°ng c a em quĂĄ bu n      cÆĄn au .NĂł Ășng ra ph i trong s giĂĄm h c a
... Ăąy, c m cĂĄi nĂ y vĂ  i t i cĂŽ k bĂȘn nhĂ , cĂŽ ta s     tĂŽi.”
cho anh ng v i cĂŽ ta ĂȘm nay ... vĂ  nh r ng vi c                 Quan tĂČa quay qua ngÆ° i ch ng vĂ  nĂłi:”Ông
nĂ y ch x y ra m t l n thĂŽi ... Æ° c ch ? ... ng         ph i nĂłi gĂŹ bi n h ?”
nghÄ© t i i u Ăł l n n a nhĂ©.”                                    NgÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng ng i xu ng tr m ngĂąm m t
NgÆ° i ch ng trĂČn m t trong s hoĂ i nghi, nhÆ°ng s        h i ... sau Ăł t t     ng d y.
r ng v cĂł th thay i Ăœ ki n, anh ta c m ti n vĂ                    “ThÆ°a quĂœ ngĂ i, n u tĂŽi t m t ĂŽ la vĂ o
nhanh chĂłng r i i. M t vĂ i phĂșt sau, anh ta quay       mĂĄy bĂĄn hĂ ng vĂ  m t lon Pepsi i ra ... lon Pepsi lĂ 
l i, Æ°a t b c l i cho v vĂ  nĂłi v i nhi u th t v ng:    c a ai ... c a mĂĄy hay c a tĂŽi?”
“CĂŽ ta nĂłi nhÆ° v y thĂŹ khĂŽng , cĂŽ ta mu n sĂĄu          MEDICAL MIRACLE
ch c.”
KhuĂŽn m t ngÆ° i v d n d n b ng        vĂŹ gi n, “Con    An 80 year woman married an 85-year-old man.
chĂł cĂĄi ĂĄng nguy n r a ... khi nĂł cĂł b u vĂ  ch ng      After about six months together, the woman wasn't
nĂł i qua Ăąy ... tao ch ĂČi ch ng nĂł cĂł năm              feeling well and she went to her doctor.
ch c...”                                                           The doctor examined and said,
MILLIONAIRE                                            "Congratulations Mrs. Jones, you're going to be a
        A woman was telling her friend, "It is I who          "Get serious doctor, I'm 80."
made my husband a millionaire."                               "I know," said the doctor, "This morning, I
       "And what was he before you married him?"       would have said it was impossible, but this
asked the friend.                                      afternoon you are a medical miracle."
       The woman replied, "A billionaire..."                  "I'll be darned," she replied and stormed out of
TRI U PHÚ                                              the office. She walked down the hall and around the
                                                       corner to where the telephones were. In a rage, she
       M t ph n nĂłi v i b n:”ChĂ­nh tĂŽi lĂ  ngÆ° i        dialed her husband.
lĂ m ch ng tĂŽi thĂ nh m t tri u phĂș.”                            "Hello," she heard in his familiar halting
       “VĂ  ĂŽng lĂ  gĂŹ trÆ° c khi b n cÆ° i ĂŽng?”          voice.
ngÆ° i b n h i.                                                 She screamed, "You rotten SOB. You got me
       NgÆ° i ph n ĂĄp:”M t t phĂș...”                    pregnant!"
MALE LOGIC                                                    There was a pause on the line. Finally, her
                                                       husband answered, "Who's calling please?"
        A man and his wife are in court getting a      PHÉP L Y H C
        The problem was who should get custody of      M t bĂ  lĂŁo 80 tu i cÆ° i m t ĂŽng lĂŁo 85 tu i. Sau sĂĄu
the child.                                             thĂĄng chung s ng, bĂ  lĂŁo c m thĂĄy khĂŽng kh e vĂ  bĂ 
        The wife jumped up and said, "Your Honor.       i båc sĩ.
I brought the child into this world with pain and      BĂĄc sÄ© khĂĄm vĂ  nĂłi:”Xin chĂșc m ng, bĂĄc Jones, bĂĄc
labor. She should be in my custody."                   s là m t bà m .”
         The judge turns to the husband and says,      “HĂŁy nghiĂȘm tĂșc, bĂĄc sÄ©, tĂŽi 80 tu i.
"What do you have to say in your defense?"             “ChĂĄu bi t,” bĂĄc sÄ© nĂłi,”sĂĄng nay, chĂĄu h n s nĂłi
        The man sat for a while contemplating...then    i u nĂ y b t kh , nhÆ°ng chi u nay bĂĄc lĂ  m t phĂ©p
slowly rose.                                           l y h c.”

                                          9 –
“Tîi s b nguy n r a,” bà lão tr l i và i x c ra        V nói:”Th ó khîng thích h p và anh bi t v y.
kh i phĂČng m ch. BĂ  i xu ng hĂ nh lang vĂ  quanh         Anh chÆ°a tr ti n phĂ­ b o hi m v a r i vĂ  cĂŽng ty ĂŁ
gĂłc nhĂ  nÆĄi      i n tho i. Trong m t cÆĄn gi n, bĂ      g i anh m t thĂŽng bĂĄo h y b .”
quay s g i ch ng.                                      “M ki p,” gĂŁ thĂ©t lĂȘn. “BĂ  cĂł ch u cĂąm cĂĄi mĂ”m
“Hello,” bà nghe gi ng ng p ng ng quen thu c c a       chó ch t c a bà m t l n khîng.”
ĂŽng.                                                   “ThÆ°a bĂ ,” c nh sĂĄt nĂłi, “îng nĂ y cĂł luĂŽn nĂłi v i bĂ 
BĂ  la lĂȘn:”Ông CHÓ            i b i. Ông ĂŁ lĂ m tĂŽi     nhÆ° th nĂ y khĂŽng?”
mang thai.                                             “Ch khi ĂŽng y ĂŁ u ng rÆ° u.”
TrĂȘn Æ° ng dĂąy ngÆ°ng l i m t tĂ­. Cu i cĂčng, ch ng       ROMANCE
bĂ  tr l i:”Xin vui lĂČng cho bi t ai ang g i?”
SPEEDING...                                                    An older couple was lying in bed one night.
                                                       The husband was falling asleep but the wife felt
A Guy and his wife are driving a car along a twisty    romantic and wanted to talk. She said, "You use to
road with a 55MPH limit. Cop pulls the guy over.       hold my hand when we were courting."
        "Had you going about 70 in 55 back there,"     Wearily he reached across, held her hand for a
says the cop.                                          second, then tried to get back to sleep.
        "Not me," says the guy, "Could be your radar          A few moments later she said, "Then you used
picked up someone else or something, but my            to kiss me." Mildly irritated, he reached across, gave
speedometer was set right on 55."                      her a peck on the cheek and settled down to sleep.
        Wife pipes up, "You were to going 70. I've           Thirty seconds later she said, "Then you used
told you 20 mile back you were going to get stopped    to bite my neck." Angrily, he threw back the bed
if you didn't slow down."                              covers and got out of bed.
       "Shut up would ya!" mumbles the guy.                 "Where are you going?" she asked.
       "Can I see your proof of insurance?" asks the        "To get my teeth!"
cop.                                                   LÃNG M N
       "Sure, my card is right here in my wallet."
       Wife says, "That card's no good and you know            M t t i kia, m t c p v ch ng cĂł tu i ang
it. You haven't paid the last premium and the          n m trĂȘn giÆ° ng. NgÆ° i ch ng rÆĄi vĂ o gi c ng
company sent you a cancellation notice."               nhÆ°ng ngÆ° i v c m th y tĂŹnh c m dĂąng trong lĂČng
       "Damn," yells the guy. "Would you shut the      vĂ  mu n nĂłi chuy n. BĂ  nĂłi:”Anh thÆ° ng c m tay
hell up for once"                                      em khi chĂșng ta yĂȘu nhau.”
       "Ma'am," says the cop, "Does this guy always            M t cĂĄch m t m i, ĂŽng vÆ°ÆĄn ngang tay, c m
talk to you like this?"                                tay bĂ  trong m t giĂąy, sau Ăł c quay l i gi c ng .
       "Only when he's been drinking."                          M t lĂĄt sau bĂ  nĂłi:”Sau Ăł anh thÆ° ng hĂŽn
CH Y QUÁ T C             ...                           em.” HÆĄi b c d c, ĂŽng vÆ°ÆĄn ngÆ° i qua, hĂŽn v i m t
                                                       cĂĄi trĂȘn mĂĄ vĂ  n m xu ng ng .
M t gĂŁ Ă n ĂŽng vĂ  v ang lĂĄi m t chi c xe hÆĄi trĂȘn                Ba mÆ°ÆĄi giĂąy sau, bĂ  nĂłi:”Sau Ăł anh
con Æ° ng trĂȘn con Æ° ng khĂșc khu u cĂł gi i h n          thÆ° ng c n c em.” iĂȘn ti t, ĂŽng quăng t m tr i
t c     55 d m/gi . C nh sĂĄt l nh cho anh ta d ng      giÆ° ng vĂ  nh y ra kh i giÆ° ng.
vĂ o v Æ° ng.                                                    “Anh i Ăąu?” bĂ  h i.
“Ông ã ch y kho ng 70 trong gi i h n 55 phía sau               “L y hàm răng!”
kia,” c nh sát nói.                                    FORGET IT
“KhĂŽng ph i tĂŽi,” gĂŁ nĂłi, “cĂł th radar cĂĄc ĂŽng quĂ©t
ai Ăł khĂĄc ho c v t gĂŹ Ăł, nhÆ°ng cĂŽng tÆĄ mĂ©t c a tĂŽi     "The thrill is gone from my marriage," Bill told his
ch Ășng 55.”                                            friend Doug.
NgÆ° i v nĂłi to lĂȘn:”anh ch y 70. Em ĂŁ nĂłi anh                  "Why not add some intrigue to your life and
gi m 20 d m anh s b d ng n u anh khĂŽng ch y            have an affair?" Doug suggested.
ch m xu ng.”                                                   "But what if my wife finds out?"
“Cñm m bà l i!” gã l m b m.                                    "Heck, this is a new age we live in, Bill. Go
“Tîi có th xem gi y t b o hi m khîng?” c nh sát        ahead and tell her about it!"
h i.                                                           So Bill went home and said, "Dear, I think
“ Æ° c, th c a tĂŽi ngay trong bĂłp tĂŽi.”                 an affair will bring us closer together."

                                         10 –
"Forget it," said his wife. "I've tried that - it            "Someone who doesn't speed, tailgate, swear,
never worked."                                             make obscene gestures and has a better driving
QUÊN I U Ó I                                               record than me."
                                                                   "It's a guy thing."
“HĂŽn nhĂąn c a tĂŽi khĂŽng cĂČn gĂŹ thĂș v n a,” Bill nĂłi                Really means...
v i b n Doug.                                                        "There is no rational thought pattern
“T i sao khĂŽng thĂȘm s ngo i tĂŹnh vĂ o cu c i b n            connected with it, and you have no chance at all of
vĂ  cĂł thĂȘm m t m i tĂŹnh?” Doug ngh                         making it logical."
“NhÆ°ng v tĂŽi tĂŹm ra thĂŹ sao?”                                     "Uh huh," "Sure, honey," or "Yes, dear."
“     qu , chĂșng ta ang s ng trong m t th i i                     Really means...
m i, Bill . Hãy th và nói v i cî y v i u ó!”                         Absolutely nothing. It's a conditioned
Th lĂ  Bill v nhĂ  vĂ  nĂłi:”CÆ°ng, anh nghÄ© m t m i            response like Pavlov's dog drooling.
tĂŹnh s lĂ m cho chĂșng ta g n nhau hÆĄn.”                            "My wife doesn't understand me."
“QuĂȘn i u Ăł i,” v nĂłi. “Em ĂŁ th r i – chÆ°a                        Really means...
bao gi hi u qu .”                                                 "She's heard all my stories before, and is tired
ON THE ROAD                                                of them."
                                                                  "It would take too long to explain."
After weeks on the road an over the road trucker                  Really means...
pulled into a brothel.The trucker walked up to the                "I have no idea how it works."
madam, slapped $500.00 on the counter and                          "Take a break, honey, you're working too
demanded "Give me a bologna sandwich and the               hard."
ugliest, meanest, most foul tempered woman in the                 Really means...
house."                                                            "I can't hear the game over the vacuum
          The madam looked at the trucker and              cleaner."
exclaimed, "Sir for this kind of money you can have                 "It's a really good movie."
the best steak with all the trimmings and two of the                Really means...
prettiest girls in the state."                                      "It's got guns, knives, fast cars, and Heather
        The trucker slowly looked up and with a tear       Locklear."
in his eye said, "You don't understand, I'm not                     "That's women's work."
hungry or looking for company, I'm homesick!"                       Really means...
TRÊN ÆŻ NG I                                                         "It's difficult, dirty, and thankless."
                                                                    "Go ask your mother."
Sau hĂ ng tu n trĂȘn Æ° ng i, m t tĂ i x xe t i ch y                     Really means...
vĂ o m t nhĂ  ch a. Ông ta bÆ° c t i bĂ  ch ch a, p                      "I am incapable of making a decision."
500 ĂŽ la trĂȘn qu y vĂ  ra l nh:”Cho tĂŽi m t sanwich                   "I do help around the house."
bologna vĂ  m t em x u nh t, hĂšn h nh t, tĂ­nh tĂŹnh                    Really means...
t m nh t trong nhà này.”                                              "I once put a dirty towel in the laundry
TĂș bĂ  nhĂŹn tĂ i x vĂ  la lĂȘn:”ThÆ°a ĂŽng, v i s ti n           basket."
này Îng có th ăn món steak ngon nh t và hai em d                     "I can't find it."
thÆ°ÆĄng nh t bang.”                                                   Really means...
TĂ i x t t nhĂŹn lĂȘn vĂ  v i gi t nÆ° c m t trong m t,                   "It didn't fall into my outstretched hands, so
anh ta nói:”Bà khîng hi u, tîi khîng ói và tìm b n         I'm completely clueless."
tình, tîi nh nhà!”                                           I U ÀN ÔNG TH C S NÓI

WHAT MEN REALLY MEAN                                       “Tîi s   i cñu cá.”
                                                                  Nghĩa th c s ...
"I'm going fishing."                                              “TĂŽi s i u ng rÆ° u m t mĂŹnh, vĂ  ng bĂȘn
        Really means...                                    dĂČng nÆ° c v i c n cĂąu trong tay trong khi cĂĄ bÆĄi bĂȘn
        "I'm going to drink myself , and stand by a        c nh an toĂ n tuy t i.
stream with a stick in my hand, while the fish swim               “Tài x n .”
by in complete safety."                                           Nghĩa th c s ...
        "Woman driver."
        Really means...
                                            11 –
“Ai ó khîng ch y nhanh, khîng bám uîi               The Mother wrote back the next day, "If you
xe khĂĄc m t cĂĄch nguy hi m, khĂŽng cĂł nh ng c ch       find a solution, please advise. I have the same
t c tÄ©u vĂ  cĂł ti n s lĂĄi xe t t hÆĄn tĂŽi.”             problem with his Father."
         “ ó là m t v n       àn îng.”                BÉ JOHNNY
         Nghĩa th c s ...
         “KhĂŽng cĂł m t ki u m u suy nghÄ© lĂœ trĂ­ nĂ o   GiĂĄo viĂȘn c a bĂ© Johnny g i m t gi y bĂĄo v cho
k t n i v i nĂł, vĂ  b n khĂŽng cĂł cÆĄ h i nĂ o      lĂ m   mĂĄ nĂł, vi t:”Johnny cĂł v lĂ  m t a bĂ© r t sĂĄng d ,
nĂł cĂł logic.”                                         nhÆ°ng dĂčng quĂĄ nhi u thĂŹ gi c a nĂł nghÄ© v tĂŹnh
         “ hĂĄ,” “ , cÆ°ng,” ho c “VĂąng, em yĂȘu.”       d c vĂ  gĂĄi.”
         NghÄ©a th c s ...                             NgÆ° i mĂĄ vi t l i vĂ o hĂŽm sau:”N u cĂŽ tĂŹm ra cĂĄch
         Tuy t i ch ng cĂł gĂŹ. Ăł lĂ  m t ph n x cĂł      gi i quy t, hĂŁy khuyĂȘn nh . TĂŽi cĆ©ng cĂł cĂčng v n
  i u ki n nhÆ° chĂł c a Paplop ch y nÆ° c dĂŁi.               Ăł v i ba nĂł.”
         “V tîi khîng hi u tîi.”                      SEX WITH GAS
         Nghĩa th c s ...
         “Cî y ã nghe t t c các cñu chuy n c a tîi    There was this gas station in "redneck country"
trÆ° c Ăł, vĂ  m t m i vĂŹ chĂșng.”                        trying to increase its sales, so the owner put up a
            gi i thĂ­ch thĂŹ quĂĄ dĂ i.                   sign saying, "Free Sex with Fill-up." Soon, a
         Nghĩa th c s ...                             customer pulled in, filled his tank, and then asked
         “TĂŽi khĂŽng cĂł Ăœ ki n gĂŹ nĂł x y ra nhÆ° th     for his free sex.
nào.”                                                          The owner told him to pick a number from 1
          “HĂŁy t m ngh , cÆ°ng, em lĂ m vi c quĂĄ        to 10, and if he guessed correctly, he would get his
n ng.”                                                free sex.
         Nghĩa th c s ...                                     The buyer then guessed 8 and the proprietor
         “TĂŽi khĂŽng th nghe trĂČ chÆĄi c a mĂĄy hĂșt      said, "No, but you were close. The number was 7.
b i.”                                                 Sorry, no free sex this time, but maybe next time."
         “ ó là m t phim hay th c s .”                         Some time thereafter, the same man, along
         Nghĩa th c s ...                             with his buddy this time, pulled in again for a fill-
          “NĂł cĂł sĂșng, dao, xe phĂłng nhanh, vĂ         up, and again he asked for his free sex. The
Heather Locklear.”                                    proprietor again gave him the same story, and asked
         “ ó là m t cîng vi c ph n .”                 him to guess the correct number.
         Nghĩa th c s ...                                      The man guessed 2 this time and the
         “ Ăł lĂ  m t cĂŽng vi c khĂł khăn, dÆĄ b n, vĂ     proprietor said, "Sorry, it was 3. You were close, but
khĂŽng Æ° c bi t ÆĄn.”                                   no free sex this time."
         “ i h i má em.”                                      As they were driving away, the driver said to
         Nghĩa th c s ...                             his buddy, "I think that game is rigged, and he
         “Anh b t l c trong vi c ưa ra m t quy t      doesn't really give away free sex."
   nh.”                                                       The buddy replied, "No, it's not
         “Anh qu cĂł giĂșp       trong vi c nhĂ .”       wife won twice last week."
Nghĩa th c s ...                                      SEX V I D U XĂNG
Anh ĂŁ m t l n t khăn lau m t dÆĄ vĂ o r gi t .”
“Anh khĂŽng th tĂŹm ra nĂł.”                             CĂł m t cĂąy xăng nhÆ° th       “vĂčng quĂȘ l c h u” c
NghÄ©a th c s ...                                      tăng s bĂĄn, vĂŹ th ĂŽng ch       t m t t m b ng:”
“NĂł khĂŽng rÆĄi vĂ o ĂŽi tay vÆ°ÆĄn ra c a anh, vĂŹ th       xăng Æ° c sex mi n phĂ­.” Ch ng bao lĂąu, m t khĂĄch
anh hoĂ n toĂ n khĂŽng cĂł d u v t.”                      hĂ ng ghĂ© xe vĂ o,    xăng, sau Ăł h i sex mi n phĂ­.
                                                      Ông ch nói anh ta ch n m t s t 1 t i 10, và n u
LITTLE JOHNNY                                         anh ta oĂĄn Ășng, anh ta s Æ° c chÆĄi mi n phĂ­.
                                                      Sau Ăł ngÆ° i mua oĂĄn 8 vĂ  ĂŽng ch nĂłi:”KhĂŽng
Little Johnny's teacher sent a note home to his        Ășng, nhÆ°ng g n Ășng. S Ăł lĂ  7. Xin l i, l n nĂ y
Mother saying, "Johnny seems to be a very bright      khĂŽng cĂł chÆĄi mi n phĂ­, nhÆ°ng l n t i thĂŹ cĂł th .”
boy, but spends too much of his time thinking about   M t kho ng th i gian sau Ăł, cĆ©ng ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng
sex and girls."                                        Ăł, l n nĂ y i cĂčng v i b n, cĆ©ng ghĂ© vĂ o       xăng,
                                                      và l i l n n a anh ta h i sex mi n phí. Ông ch l i

                                        12 –
Æ°a anh ta cĂĄi th nhÆ° trÆ° c, vĂ  nĂłi anh ta oĂĄn                   When he gets home, the man excitedly tells
  Ășng con s .                                             his wife about his experience at the Social Security
NgÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng l n nĂ y oĂĄn s 2 vĂ  ĂŽng ch                    office.
nĂłi:”Xin l i, Ăł lĂ  3. Ông g n Ășng, nhÆ°ng khĂŽng                    She said, "You should have dropped your
chÆĄi mi n phĂ­ l n nĂ y Æ° c.”                               pants, you might have qualified for disability, too."
Trong khi h lĂĄi i, tĂ i x nĂłi v i b n:”TĂŽi nghÄ© r ng       N P Æ N AN SINH Xà H I
trĂČ nĂ y lĂ  l a o, vĂ  ĂŽng ta khĂŽng th c s cho chÆĄi
mi n phĂ­.”                                                M t quĂœ ĂŽng v hÆ°u i vĂ o văn phĂČng an sinh xĂŁ h i
NgÆ° i b n ĂĄp:”KhĂŽng, nĂł khĂŽng ph i trĂČ l a o ...             n p ÆĄn.
v tĂŽi Æ° c hai l n tu n qua.”                              Sau khi i trong hĂ ng m t lĂșc lĂąu, ĂŽng ta i t i bĂ n
TRAILING MY HUSBAND                                       nh n ÆĄn. NgÆ° i ph n            ng sau bĂ n h i ĂŽng ta
                                                          b ng lái xe     th m tra tu i. Ông ta nhìn vào nh ng
"So," Jane asked the detective she had hired. "Did        cĂĄi tĂși vĂ  nh n ra ĂŽng ta ĂŁ     bĂłp nhĂ . Ông ta nĂłi
you trail my husband?"                                    v i ngÆ° i Ă n bĂ  r ng ĂŽng ta r t l y lĂ m ti c nhÆ°ng
        "Yes ma'am. I did. I followed him to a bar, to    nhÆ°ng ĂŽng cĂł v nhÆ° ĂŁ          bĂłp nhĂ . “TĂŽi s ph i
an out-of-the-way restaurant and then to an               v nhà và quay l i bñy gi khîng?” îng ta h i.
apartment."                                               NgÆ° i ph n nĂłi:”HĂŁy c i nĂșt ĂĄo sÆĄ mi ĂŽng ra.”
        A big smile crossed Jane's face. "Aha! I've       VĂŹ th ĂŽng ta c i ĂĄo sÆĄ mi ĂŽng ta cho th y nhi u s i
got him!" she said gloating. "Is there any doubt what     lÎng b c xoăn.
he was doing?"                                            BĂ  ta nĂłi:”S i lĂŽng b c tr ng Ăł trĂȘn ng c ĂŽng lĂ 
        "No ma'am." replied the sleuth. "It's pretty      b ng ch ng       cho tĂŽi,” vĂ  bĂ  ta gi i quy t ÆĄn xin
clear that he was following you."                         an sinh xĂŁ h i c a ĂŽng.
THEO DÕI CH NG                                            Khi ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng v nhĂ , ĂŽng ta xĂșc ng k cho
                                                          v nghe v i u ĂŽng tr i qua văn phĂČng an sinh xĂŁ
“NhÆ° v y,” Jane h i viĂȘn thĂĄm t cĂŽ ĂŁ thuĂȘ, “anh           h i.
 ĂŁ theo d u ch ng tĂŽi ch ?”                               BĂ  ta nĂłi:”Ông mĂ  c i qu n ĂŽng ra thĂŹ ĂŽng ĂŁ Æ° c
“ Ășng, thÆ°a bĂ . TĂŽi ĂŁ theo. TĂŽi theo anh y t i m t        xem lĂ  ĂŁ b m t kh năng n a.”
bar, t i m t nhĂ  hĂ ng xa Æ° ng vĂ  sau Ăł t i m t            TEN DOLLARS IS TEN DOLLARS
căn h .”
M t n cÆ° i rĂ” rĂ ng hi n ra trĂȘn m t Jane. “Aha!                    Stumpy Grinder and his wife Martha were
TĂŽi ĂŁ b t Æ° c lĂŁo ta!” cĂŽ nĂłi m t cĂĄch h hĂȘ.”CĂł           from Portland,Maine. Every year they went to the
gì áng ng lão ta ang làm gì khîng?”                       Portland Fair and every year Stumpy said, "Ya
“KhĂŽng, thÆ°a bĂ ,” thĂĄm t tr l i. “TĂŹnh hĂŹnh khĂĄ rĂ”        know, Martha, I'd like to get a ride in that airplane."
ràng là anh y ang theo bà.”                               And every year, Martha would say "I know,
APPLYING FOR SOCIAL SECURITY                              Stumpy, but that airplane ride costs ten dollars .. and
                                                          ten dollars is ten dollars."
A retired gentleman went into the social security                So one year Stumpy says, "Martha, I'm 71
office to apply for Social Security.                      years old, and if I don't go this time I may never go."
        After waiting in line a long time he got to the   Martha replies, "Stumpy, that there airplane ride is
counter. The woman behind the counter asked him           ten dollars ... and ten dollars is ten dollars."
for his drivers license to verify his age. He looked in          So the pilot overhears then and says, "Folks,
his pockets and realized he had left his wallet at        I'll make you a deal. I'll take you both up for a ride.
home. He told the woman that he was very sorry but        If you can stay quiet for the entire ride and not say
he seemed to have left his wallet at home. "Will I        ONE WORD, then I won't charge you. But just ONE
have to go home and come back now?" he asks.              WORD and it's ten dollars."
        The woman says, "Unbutton your shirt."                   They agree and up they go... the pilot does all
        So he opens his shirt revealing lots of curly     kinds of twists and turns, rolls and dives, but not a
silver hair.                                              word is heard. He does it one more time, and there is
         She says, "That silver hair on your chest is     still no word... so he lands.
proof enough for me," and she processed his Social               He turns to Stumpy as they come to a stop and
Security application.                                     says, "By golly, I did everything I could think of to
                                                          get you to holler out, but you didn't."

                                           13 –
And Stumpy replies "Well, I was gonna say                 V : M i khi cĂł s c , khĂŽng c n bi t khĂł
something when Martha fell out ... but ten dollars is   gi i quy t nhÆ° th nĂ o, em nhĂŹn vĂ o hĂŹnh anh vĂ  s
ten dollars."                                           c bi n m t.
MÆŻ I Ô LA LÀ MÆŻ I Ô LA                                          Ch ng: Em xem, anh kỳ di u vĂ  m nh m
                                                        nhÆ° th nĂ o i v i em?
           Stumpy Grinder vĂ  v              Martha              V : Ășng, em nhĂŹn hĂŹnh nh c a anh vĂ  t
  Portland, Maine(Hoa Kỳ). HĂ ng năm h i t i h i         nh :”S c nĂ o khĂĄc cĂł th l n hÆĄn s c nĂ y?”
ch Portland và hàng năm Stumpy nói:”Em bi t               ÀN ÔNG VÀ ÀN BÀ
khĂŽng, Martha, anh mu n c i trĂȘn mĂĄy bay Ăł.” VĂ 
m i năm, Martha thÆ° ng nĂłi:”Em bi t, Stumpy,            MESSAGE FOR ALL OF YOU SINGLES
nhÆ°ng c i mĂĄy bay Ăł t n 10 ĂŽ la ... vĂ  mÆ° i ĂŽ la
lĂ  mÆ° i ĂŽ la.”                                          This is a message for all of you singles.
        Vì v y m t năm kia, Stumpy nói:”Martha,                   Is life getting you down?
anh ĂŁ 71 tu i, vĂ  n u anh khĂŽng i l n nĂ y anh cĂł                   Guys, have you been getting depressed
th khĂŽng bao gi          i Æ° c n a.” Martha tr          because there is simply not enough
l i:”Stumpy, c i mĂĄy bay Ăł ch Ăł lĂ  mÆ° i ĂŽ la ...        women to go around?
vĂ  mÆ° i ĂŽ la lĂ  mÆ° i ĂŽ la.”                                      And ladies, are you tired of the guys being to
           n nhÆ° th , viĂȘn phi cĂŽng khi Ăł nghe lĂ”m      afraid to ask you out?
và nói:”Hai bác, cháu s th a thu n v i hai bác. Tîi               Well here it is, the answer to everyone's
s Æ°a hai bĂĄc bĂ  i mĂĄy bay. N u hai bĂĄc cĂł th im         deepest wish! Here is "The Guide
l ng trong su t cu c chÆĄi vĂ  khĂŽng nĂłi M T L I          to Being Dumped." These are the top 10 dumping
thĂŹ chĂĄu s khĂŽng tĂ­nh ti n hai bĂĄc. NhÆ°ng ch m t        lies translated to their true eanings for all of you.
l i vĂ  nhÆ° th lĂ  10 ĂŽ la.”                                      "I'm not ready for that type of commitment"
        H      ng Ăœ vĂ  h lĂȘn mĂĄy bay ... viĂȘn phi                 Translation: I don't want to date you;
cĂŽng lĂ m m i vĂČng xo n vĂ  qu o, l n vĂČng vĂ  b           however, you can take me out to
nhĂ o, nhÆ°ng khĂŽng cĂł l i nĂ o Æ° c nghe. Ông ta           dinner and a movie every once in a while. Just don't
lĂ m nhÆ° v y m t l n n a, nhÆ°ng khĂŽng cĂł t nĂ o ...       hang around me so
vĂŹ v y ĂŽng ta h cĂĄnh.                                   much that you scare away the people I really want to
        Ông ta quay qua Stumpy khi h d ng l i và        date.
nĂłi:”Tr i ÆĄi, chĂĄu lĂ m m i th chĂĄu cĂł th nghÄ© t i              "God doesn't want me to date right now. "
    lĂ m cho hai bĂĄc kĂȘu lĂȘn, nhÆ°ng hai bĂĄc khĂŽng                Translation: I don't know why I said 'yes' in
kĂȘu.”                                                   the first place. God doesn't
VĂ  Stumpy tr l i:” , tĂŽi s p kĂȘu lĂȘn cĂĄi gĂŹ Ăł khi       want me to date someone as ugly as you.
Martha r t ra ... nhÆ°ng mÆ° i ĂŽ la lĂ  mÆ° i ĂŽ la.”                "I only date older men/women."
                                          Translation: I only date older men/women
                                                        who have more money than you do.
                                                                "You're just not my type."
Hubby : You always carry my photo in your                       Translation: When I look at you, and think of
handbag to the office. Why?                             kissing you, I get physically sick.
        Wife : When there is a problem, no matter               "You're too good for me."
how impossible, I look at your picture and the                  Translation: I'm too good/much cool for you.
problem disappears.                                              "You're too much like a brother/sister"
         Hubby : You see, how miraculous and                     Translation: I like you, but you just don't turn
powerful I am for you?                                  me on.
        Wife : Yes, I see your picture and say to                 "You'll always have a special place in my
myself, '"What other problem can there be greater       heart."
than this one ?"                                                 Translation: My lawyer will contact you soon
                                        about the restraining order.
                                                                 "I think we should date other people."
       Ch ng: Em luĂŽn em hĂŹnh anh trong tĂși                       Translation: Look, I'm late for my date,
mang t i cÆĄ quan.Sao v y?                               he/she's probably waiting in the
                                                        parking lot. I've got to go.
                                                                 "I just don't have the time to date anyone."

                                          14 –
Translation: You DO realize that I've been       D ch: CĂł l anh/em lĂ  ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng/ Ă n bĂ  cu i
avoiding you for months now...                          cĂčng trĂȘn TrĂĄi t.
      "Maybe we can get together real soon."            HOW TO PLEASE A WOMAN
       Translation: Perhaps if you were the last
man/woman on Earth.                                     A group of girlfriends are on vacation when they see
THÔNG I P CHO T T C CÁC B N –                           a 5- story hotel with a sign that reads: "For Women
 NH NG NGÆŻ I           C THÂN                           Only." Since they are without their boyfriends and
                                                        husbands, they decide to go in.
  Ăąy lĂ  thĂŽng i p cho t t c cĂĄc b n – nh ng ngÆ° i               The bouncer, a very attractive guy, explains
   c thĂąn.                                              to them how it works. "We have 5 floors. Go up
Cu c s ng cĂł lĂ m cĂĄc b n bu n khĂŽng?                    floor-by-floor,and once you find what you are
CĂĄc b n nam, cĂĄc b n ĂŁ chĂĄn n n vĂŹ ÆĄn gi n lĂ            looking for, you can stay there. It's easy to decide
khĂŽng cĂł ph n           giao du ?                       since each floor has a sign telling you what's inside."
VĂ  cĂĄc b n n , cĂĄc b n cĂł nhĂ m chĂĄn v i nh ng b n               So they start going up and on the first floor
trai ng i m i b n i chÆĄi?                               the sign reads: "All the men on this floor are short
  Ăąy r i, cĂąu tr l i cho Æ° c mong sĂąu kĂ­n nh t c a      and plain." The friends laugh and without hesitation
m i ngÆ° i! Ăąy lĂ  “HÆ° ng d n cho vi c b t ch i.”         move on to the next floor.
  Ăąy lĂ  10 l i d i gian    t ch i Æ° c d ch ra chĂąn              The sign on the second floor reads: "All the
nghĩa cho t t c cåc b n.                                men here are short and handsome." Still, this isn't
“Em khĂŽng s n lĂČng cho ki u t n tĂŹnh ó”                 good enough, so the friends continue on up.
D ch: TĂŽi khĂŽng mu n h n hĂČ v i anh; tuy nhiĂȘn,                They reach the third floor and the sign reads:
anh cĂł th th nh tho ng Æ°a tĂŽi i chÆĄi        ăn t i vĂ    "All the men here are tall and plain." They still want
xem phim. Ch        ng l n qu n quanh tĂŽi quĂĄ nhi u     to do better, and so, knowing there are still two
   n n i lĂ m nh ng ngÆ° i khĂĄc – nh ng ngÆ° i mĂ  tĂŽi      floors left, they continued on up.
th c s mu n h n hĂČ â€“ ho ng s .                                On the fourth floor, the sign is perfect: "All the
“ChĂșa khĂŽng mu n em/anh lĂ m m t cĂĄi h n ngay            men here are tall and handsome." The women get all
bñy gi .”                                               excited and are going in when they realize that there
D ch: TĂŽi khĂŽng bi t sao tĂŽi nĂłi “có”        nÆĄi u      is still one floor left. Wondering what they are
tiĂȘn.ChĂșa khĂŽng mu n tĂŽi h n hĂČ v i m t ngÆ° i x u       missing, they head on up to the fifth floor.
xĂ­ nhÆ° anh/em.                                                There they find a sign that reads: "There are no
“Em ch h n hĂČ v i nh ng ngÆ° i l n tu i hÆĄn.”            men here. This floor was built only to prove that
D ch:TĂŽi ch h n hĂČ v i nh ng ngÆ° i l n tu i hÆĄn,        there is no way to please a woman."
nh ng ngÆ° i cĂł nhi u ti n hÆĄn anh.                      LÀM SAO           LÀM V A LÒNG M T PH
“Em/anh khĂŽng ph i lĂ  tuĂœp ngÆ° i nhÆ° tĂŽi”               N
D ch: Khi tÎi nhÏn vào em/anh, và nghĩ t i vi c hÎn
em/anh, tÎi phåt b nh th t s .                          M t nhóm b n gåi ang kỳ ngh thÏ h th y m t
“Anh/em quá t t i v i tîi.”                             khách s n 5 t ng v i m t t m bi n :”Ch dành cho
D ch:TĂŽi hoĂ n toĂ n/r t lĂŁnh m i v i anh/em.             ph n .” VĂŹ h khĂŽng cĂł b n trai vĂ  ch ng nĂȘn h
“Anh /em r t gi ng anh trai/em gái em/anh.”             quy t nh i vào.
D ch: TĂŽi m n anh/em, nhÆ°ng anh/em khĂŽng lĂ m tĂŽi        Tay “b o kĂȘ”, m t gĂŁ r t h p d n, gi i thĂ­ch cho h
yĂȘu Æ° c.                                                khĂĄch s n ho t ng ra sao. “ChĂșng tĂŽi cĂł 5 t ng. i
“Anh/em luĂŽn cĂł m t v trĂ­           c bi t trong tim    lĂȘn t ng t ng, vĂ  khi cĂĄc b n tĂŹm cĂĄi gĂŹ cĂĄc b n ang
em/anh.”                                                tìm ki m, các b n có th      ó.Quy t nh t ng nào
D ch: Lu t sÆ° c a tĂŽi s mau g p anh/cĂŽ v l nh           thĂŹ d vĂŹ m i t ng cĂł m t t m bi n cho b n bi t cĂĄi
ngăn gi .                                               gì trong.”
“Em/anh nghÄ© chĂșng ta nĂȘn h n ngÆ° i khĂĄc.”              Nghe v y, h b t u i lĂȘn vĂ  trĂȘn t ng th nh t,
D ch: HĂŁy xem, tĂŽi tr h n, anh y/cĂŽ y h u nhÆ°           t m bi n :”T t c Ă n ĂŽng t ng nĂ y u lĂčn vĂ 
ch c ch n ang i bĂŁi u xe. TĂŽi ph i i.                   thÆ° ng.” NhĂłm b n cÆ° i vĂ  khĂŽng i lĂȘn t ng k
“Em ch khîng có th i gi        h n v i b t c ai.”       ti p khîng do d .
D ch: Anh ph i nh n ra r ng tîi ã tránh m t anh         T m bi n t ng th hai :”T t c àn îng               ñy
trong nhi u thĂĄng nay 
                                    u lĂčn vĂ  p trai.” CĆ©ng v y, t ng nĂ y v n khĂŽng
“ChĂșng ta cĂł th g n gĆ©i nhau trong th i gian s p            hay, vĂŹ th nhĂłm b n l i ti p t c i lĂȘn trĂȘn.
t i th c s .”

                                          15 –
H t i t ng th ba và t m bi n :” T t c àn îng             became very friendly. George brushed her off rather
 Ăąy u cao vĂ  thÆ° ng.” H v n mu n hÆĄn, vĂ  nhÆ°             rudely.
th , bi t v n cĂČn hai t ng n a, h ti p t c i lĂȘn trĂȘn.            Harriet objected, "George, she was nice, that
   t ng th tÆ°, t m bi n ghi tuy t h o:”T t c Ă n          young woman, and you were so rude."
îng      ñy u cao và p trai.” Nhóm ph n t t c                     "Harriet, she's a prostitute."
  u ph n ch n vĂ  i vĂ o thĂŹ h nh n ra r ng v n cĂČn                  "I don't believe you. That sweet young
m t t ng n a.L y lĂ m ng c nhiĂȘn mĂŹnh ang thi u           lady?"
cĂĄi gĂŹ, h i lĂȘn t ng năm.                                         "Let's go up to our room and I'll prove it."
    ñy h tìm th y t m bi n :”Khîng có àn îng                       In their room, George called down to the
 Ăąy. T ng nĂ y Æ° c xĂąy d ng ch           ch ng t r ng     desk and asked for Bambi to come to room 1217.
khĂŽng cĂł cĂĄch nĂ o lĂ m hĂ i lĂČng m t ph n .”                       "Now," he said, "you hide in the bathroom
                                                         with the door open just enough
UGLY BABY                                                to hear us, okay?" She did. Soon, there was a knock
                                                         on the door. George opened it and Bambi walked in,
A woman gets on a bus holding a baby.                    swirling her hips provocatively.
        The bus driver says, "That's the ugliest baby           "So, I see you're interested after all," she said.
I've ever seen."                                                George asked, "How much do you charge?"
         In a huff, the woman slammed her fare into                "$125 basic rate, $100 tips for special
the fare box and took an aisle seat near the rear of     services."
the bus. The man seated next to her sensed that she               George was taken aback. "$125! I was
was agitated and asked her what was wrong. "The          thinking more in the range of $25."
bus driver insulted me," she fumed.                              Bambi laughed derisively. "You must really
       The man sympathized and said: "Why, he's a        be a hick if you think you can
public servant and shouldn't say things to insult        buy sex for that price."
passengers."                                                     "Well," said George, "I guess we can't do
        "You're right" she said. "I think I'll go back   business.Goodbye."
up there and give him a piece of my mind."                       After she left, Harriet came out of the
       "That's a good idea" the man said. "Here, let     bathroom. "I just can't believe it."
me hold your monkey."                                           George said, "Let's forget it. We'll go have a
    A BÉ X U XÍ                                          drink, then eat dinner."
                                                                 At the bar, as they sipped their cocktails,
 M t ph n i lĂȘn xe buĂœt v i m t a bĂ© b trĂȘn              Bambi came up behind George
tay.                                                     pointed slyly at Harriet, and said, "See what you get
 TĂ i x nĂłi:” Ăł lĂ        a bĂ© x u nh t mĂ  tĂŽi t ng        for $25?"
th y.”                                                   ANH CÓ GÌ V I 25 Ô LA?
 Trong cÆĄn b c t c, ngÆ° i ph n qu ng ti n vĂ© vĂ o
ĂŽ thu ti n vĂ  ng i vĂ o m t chi c gh g n sau xe.          George vĂ  Harriet cÆ° i nhau ĂŁ Æ° c 25 năm.H
NgÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng ng i g n ch ta hi u r ng ch ta ang          quy t nh lĂ m l k ni m b ng m t chuy n i chÆĄi
b kĂ­ch ng vĂ  h i ch ta i u gĂŹ ĂŁ x y ra. “TĂ i x              Las Vegas.Khi h bÆ° c vĂ o khĂĄch s n/sĂČng bĂ i vĂ 
lăng m tĂŽi,” ch ta n i Ăła.                                 ăng kĂœ, m t ph n tr h p d n m c m t chi c vĂĄy
 NgÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng thĂŽng c m vĂ  nĂłi:”Sao, anh ta lĂ m          r t ng n tr nĂȘn r t thĂąn thi n v i h .George g t cĂŽ
d ch v cĂŽng c ng vĂ  khĂŽng nĂȘn nĂłi nh ng i u              ta m t cĂĄch hÆĄi khi m nhĂŁ.
lăng m hĂ nh khĂĄch.”                                      Harriet ph n i:” George, ngÆ° i ph n tr Ăł d
       “Anh Ășng Ăł, “ ch ta nĂłi.”TĂŽi nghÄ© tĂŽi s i         thÆ°ÆĄng, vĂ  anh th t khi m nhĂŁ.”
ngÆ° c lĂȘn trĂȘn vĂ  nĂłi to c ra v i anh ta.”               “Harriet, cĂŽ ta lĂ  m t gĂĄi i m.”
“ Ăł lĂ  Ăœ ki n hay” ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng nĂłi.”NĂ y, hĂŁy            “Em khĂŽng tin anh.NgÆ° i ph n tr h p d n Ăł Æ°?”
tĂŽi b con kh c a ch .”                                   “ChĂșng ta hĂŁy i lĂȘn phĂČng vĂ  anh s ch ng minh
WHAT DO YOU GET FOR 25$ ?                                  i u ó.”
                                                         Trong phĂČng h , George g i xu ng qu y vĂ  g i
George and Harriet were married twenty-five years.       Bambi n phĂČng 1217.
They decided to celebrate with a trip to Las Vegas.      “BĂąy gi ,” anh ta nĂłi, “em n p trong phĂČng t m, c a
When they entered the hotel/casino and registered, a     m ra ch            nghe anh vĂ  cĂŽ ta, Æ° c ch ?” CĂŽ
sweet young woman dressed in a very short skirt,         v lĂ m theo.Ch ng bao lĂąu, cĂł m t ti ng gĂ” c a.

                                           16 –
George m ra vĂ  Bambi i vĂ o, ong Æ°a hĂŽng m t              “L quĂĄ, t i sao b n khĂŽng cÆ° i cĂŽ ta?” b n tĂŽi h i.
cĂĄch khĂȘu g i.                                           TĂŽi nhĂșn vai vĂ  tr l i:” CĂŽ ta mong ch m t ngÆ° i
“NhÆ° v y, sau h t, em th y anh ĂŁ chĂș Ăœ,” cĂŽ ta nĂłi.       Ă n ĂŽng hoĂ n h o.”
George h i:”CĂŽ tĂ­nh bao nhiĂȘu?”                          TWO DEALERS AND A VERY ATTRACTIVE
“125 î giá n n, 100 î bu c boa ph c v      c bi t.”      LADY
George s ng s t:”125 î! Tîi ang cñn nh c v i c
25 î.”                                                   Two bored casino dealers are waiting at a craps
Bambi cÆ° i gi u:”Anh h n ph i lĂ  m t gĂŁ nhĂ  quĂȘ          table. A very attractive lady comes in and wants to
th c s n u anh nghÄ© anh cĂł th mua Æ° c sex v i            bet $20,000 on a single roll of the dice.
giá ó.”                                                          She says, "I hope you don't mind, but I feel
“ThĂŽi,” George nĂłi,”tĂŽi cho lĂ  chĂșng ta khĂŽng th         much luckier when I'm bottomless."
làm vi c ó.T m bi t.”                                            With that, she strips naked from the waist
Sau khi cĂŽ ta i, Harriet i ra kh i phĂČng t m. “Em        down, and rolls the dice while yelling, "Momma
khĂŽng th tin Æ° c.”                                       needs a new pair of pants!"
George nĂłi:”ChĂșng ta hĂŁy quĂȘn i u Ăł i.ChĂșng ta                   She then begins jumping up and down and
s i u ng, sau Ăł ăn cÆĄm.                                  hugging and kissing each of the dealers. "YES! I
T i qu y, trong khi h      ang nh m nhĂĄp c ctĂąy,         WIN! I WIN!"
Bambi i n ng sau George, kĂ­n ĂĄo ch vĂ o                           With that, she picks up her money and
Harriet và nói:”Xem anh có gì v i 25 î?”                 clothes and quickly leaves. The dealers just stare at
I’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT                        each other dumbfounded.
GIRL                                                            Finally one of them asks, "What did she roll
       A friend asked me the other day why i never              The other answers, "I don't know! I thought
got married.                                             YOU were watching!"
       I replied "Well, I guess I just never met the     HAI NGÆŻ I CHIA BÀI VÀ M T PH N
right woman... I guess I've been looking for the         R TH PD N
perfect girl."
       "Oh, come on now," said my friend. "Surely                Hai ngÆ° i chia bĂ i m t m i ang ng i i t i
you have met at least one girl                           bĂ n xĂ­ ng u. M t ph n r t h p d n bÆ° c vĂ o vĂ 
that you wanted to marry."                               mu n ĂĄnh m t vĂĄn 20.000 ĂŽ la trong m t cĂș th xĂ­
       "Yes, there was one girl... once. I guess she     ng u duy nh t.
was the one perfect girl --                                      Nàng nói:”Em hy v ng hai anh khîng ng i,
the only perfect girl I really ever met. She was just    nhÆ°ng em nghÄ© s may m n hÆĄn nhi u khi em
the right everything... I really mean that she was the   “khîng áy”.
perfect girl for me."                                             Theo l i nĂłi, nĂ ng c i kh a thĂąn t eo
       "Well, why didn't you marry her?" asked my        xu ng, r i gieo xí ng u v i ti ng reo:”Má c n m t
friend.                                                  cái qu n m i!”
        I shrugged my shoulders and replied, "She                Sau Ăł nĂ ng nh y lĂȘn xu ng vĂ  ĂŽm vĂ  hĂŽn
was looking for the perfect man."                        hai ngÆ° i chia bĂ i.” ÚNG! EM TH NG! EM
TÔI Ã TÌM KI M M T CÔ GÁI HOÀN H O                       TH NG!”
                                                                 V i l i nĂłi Ăł, nĂ ng ĂŽm ti n vĂ  qu n ĂĄo vĂ 
M t ngĂ y kia, m t ngÆ° i b n h i tĂŽi t i sao tĂŽi          r i i nhanh chĂłng.Hai ngÆ° i chia bĂ i nhĂŹn nhau
khĂŽng cÆ° i v .                                           ch m ch p ch t i ng.
TĂŽi tr l i:”À, tĂŽi oĂĄn r ng tĂŽi khĂŽng bao gi g p                 Cu i cĂčng m t trong hai ngÆ° i h i:”DĂč sao
m t ph n mong mu n 
 TĂŽi Æ° c ch ng tĂŽi ĂŁ tĂŹm              i n a thĂŹ cĂŽ ta ĂŁ gieo s m y?”
ki m m t cĂŽ gĂĄi hoĂ n h o.”                                         NgÆ° i kia ĂĄp:”TĂŽi khĂŽng bi t! TĂŽi
“ , ti p t c i nĂ o,” b n tĂŽi nĂłi. “Ch c ch n anh ĂŁ       nghÄ© ANH ang canh!”
g p Ă­t nh t m t cĂŽ gĂĄi anh mu n cÆ° i.”                   BEFORE I MARRY SARAH
“ Ășng, cĂł m t cĂŽ 
 m t l n. TĂŽi Æ° c ch ng cĂŽ ta lĂ 
m t cî gái hoàn h o – m t cî gái hoàn h o duy nh t       Patient: "Doctor, before I marry Sarah next
tĂŽi t ng g p th c s . M i th cĂŽ ta u Ășng 
 TĂŽi           Saturday, there's something I'd like to get off my
th c s mu n nĂłi r ng cĂŽ ta lĂ  cĂŽ gĂĄi hoĂ n h o i          chest."
v i tîi.”                                                        Doctor: "What's that?"
                                           17 –
Patient: "A tattoo saying 'I love Alice.'"           worried about what had happened to Sister Logical.
TRÆŻ C KHI TÔI CÆŻ I SARAH                                 Then Sister
                                                         Logical arrived, breathless and flushed.
B nh nhĂąn: “BĂĄc sÄ©, trÆ° c khi tĂŽi cÆ° i Sarah th b y             Sister Mathematical: "Sister Logical! Thank
t i, tîi mu n l y m t th ra kh i ng c.”                  God you are here! Tell me what happened!"
BĂĄc sÄ©: “CĂĄi Ăł lĂ  cĂĄi gĂŹ?”                                       Sister Logical: The only logical thing
B nh nhĂąn:”M t hĂŹnh xăm cĂł ch “TĂŽi yĂȘu Alice.””          happened. The man couldn't follow us both, so he
DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE                                      followed me.
                                                                 Sister Mathematical: Yes, yes! But what
A strained voice called out through the darkened         happened then?
theater,"Please, is there a doctor in the house?!"              Sister Logical: I started to run as fast as I
        Several men stood up as the lights came on.      could and he started to run as fast as he could.
        An older lady pulled her daughter to stand              Sister Mathematical: And?
next to her,"Good, are any of you doctors single and             Sister Logical: The only logical thing
interested in a date with a good girl?"                  happened. He reached me.
BÁC SĹ TRONG NHÀ HÁT                                            Sister Mathematical: Oh, dear! What did you
M t gi ng nĂłi căng th ng v ng ra xuyĂȘn qua bĂłng                 Sister Logical: The only logical thing to do. I
t i r p hĂĄt:” Xin vui lĂČng cho bi t cĂł m t bĂĄc sÄ©        lifted my dress up.
trong nhà hát khîng?!”                                          Sister Mathematical: Oh, Sister! What did the
M t s Ă n ĂŽng ng lĂȘn trong khi Ăšn b t sĂĄng.               man do?
M t ngÆ° i Ă n bĂ  cĂł tu i kĂ©o ngÆ° i con gĂĄi ng                    Sister Logical: The only logical thing to do.
c nh bĂ  ta:”T t, bĂĄc sÄ© cĂĄc anh cĂł ai cĂČn c thĂąn vĂ       He pulled down his pants.
thĂ­ch se duyĂȘn v i m t cĂŽ gĂĄi sĂĄng giĂĄ khĂŽng?”                  Sister Mathematical: Oh, no! What happened
TWO NUNS IN AN ALLEY                                     then?
                                                                Sister Logical: Isn't it logical, Sister? A nun
        Two nuns went out of their convent to sell       with her dress up can run much faster than a man
cookies. One of them was known as Sister                 with his pants down........
Mathematical and the other one was known as Sister       HAI MA-XÆ  TRÊN ÆŻ NG I
Logical. It was getting dark and they were still far
away from the convent.                                           Hai ma-xÆĄ r i tu vi n i bĂĄn bĂĄnh. M t
        Sister Logical: Have you noticed that a man      ngÆ° i tĂȘn lĂ  XÆĄ ToĂĄn H c vĂ  ngÆ° i kia tĂȘn lĂ  XÆĄ
has been following us for the past half-hour?            Logic. Tr i ang t i d n vĂ  h v n cĂČn cĂĄch xa tu
        Sister Mathematical: Yes, I wonder what he       vi n.
wants.                                                          XÆĄ Logic: XÆĄ cĂł chĂș Ăœ th y m t ngÆ° i Ă n
        Sister Logical: It's logical. He wants to rape   ĂŽng ĂŁ i theo sau chĂșng ta trong n a gi qua
us.                                                      khĂŽng?
        Sister Mathematical: Oh, no! At this rate he            XÆĄ ToĂĄn h c: , vĂ  tĂŽi t h i h n mu n gĂŹ.
will reach us in 15 minutes at the most. What can we            XÆĄ Logic: Theo logic, h n mu n hi p chĂșng
do?                                                      ta.
        Sister Logical: The only logical thing to do,           XÆĄ ToĂĄn h c: Oi, khĂŽng! V i Ă  nĂ y thĂŹ cao
of course, is to walk faster.                            l m 15 phĂșt n a h n s b t k p chĂșng ta. ChĂșng ta
        Sister Mathematical: It's not working.           cĂł th lĂ m gĂŹ ?
         Sister Logical: Of course it's not working.            XÆĄ Logic: DÄ© nhiĂȘn, vi c duy nh t theo logic
The man did the only logical thing. He started to        c n lĂ m lĂ  i nhanh hÆĄn.
walk faster too.                                                XÆĄ ToĂĄn h c: i u Ăł khĂŽng hi u qu .
       Sister Mathematical: So, what shall we do? At            XÆĄ Logic: DÄ© nhiĂȘn i u Ăł khĂŽng hi u qu .
this rate he will reach us in one minute.                H n cƩng làm theo vi c duy nh t theo logic. H n
       Sister Logical: The only logical thing we can     cĆ©ng b t u i nhanh hÆĄn.
do is split. You go that way and I'll go this way. He           XÆĄ ToĂĄn h c: Th thĂŹ chĂșng ta s lĂ m gĂŹ?
cannot follow us both.                                   V i Ă  nĂ y h n s b t k p chĂșng ta trong m t phĂșt.
        So the man decided to follow Sister Logical.
Sister Mathematical arrived at the convent and was
                                           18 –
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  • 1. “ Ch c lĂ  cĂł,” ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng nĂłi, “nhÆ°ng s ĂĄng English Funny Stories nhÆ° th . TĂŽi mu n cĂŽ y th y i u gĂŹ x y ra cho m t gĂŁ khĂŽng nh u nh t, c b c ho c chÆĄi gĂŽn.” HOW TO LIVE? CHUY N V CH NG "Darling," said the young man to his new bride. THE BUM 
 "Now that we are married, do you think you will be able to live on my modest income?" A bum approaches a well dressed gentleman on the "Of course, dearest, no trouble," she answered. "But street. "Hey, Buddy, can you spare two dollars?" what will you live on?" The well-dressed gentleman responds, "You are not LÀM SAO S NG? going to spend in on liquor are you?" "No, sir, I don't drink," retorts the bum. “Em yĂȘu,” m t ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng tr nĂłi v i cĂŽ dĂąu "You are not going to throw it away in some m i.”VĂŹ r ng chĂșng ta cÆ° i nhau, em cĂł nghÄ© em s crap game, are you?" asks the gentleman. cĂł th s ng b ng thu nh p khiĂȘm t n c a anh?” "No way, I don't gamble," answers the bum. “DÄ© nhiĂȘn, anh yĂȘu, khĂŽng sao c ,” cĂŽ ta tr l i. "You wouldn't waste the money at a golf “NhÆ°ng anh s s ng b ng gĂŹ?” course for greens fees, would you?" asks the man. THEY HAD NO PRIVACY "Never," says the bum, "I don't play golf." The man asks the bum if he would like to As a young married couple, a husband and a wife come home with him for a home cooked meal. The lived in a cheap housing complex near the base bum accepts eagerly. While they are heading for the where he was working. Their chief complaint was man's house, the bum's curiosity gets the better of that the walls were paper-thin and that they had no him. "Isn't your wife going to be angry when she privacy. This was painfully obvious when one sees a guy like me at your table?" morning the husband was upstairs and the wife was "Probably," says the man, "but it will be worth it. I downstairs on the telephone. She was interrupted by want her to see what happens to a guy who doesn't the doorbell and went to greet her neighbor. drink, gamble or play golf." "Give this to your husband," he said thrusting K ĂN MÀY 
 a roll of toilet paper into her hands. "He's been yelling for it for 15 minutes!" M t gĂŁ ăn mĂ y ti n g n m t quĂœ ĂŽng ăn m t sang H KHÔNG CÓ CHÚT RIÊNG TÆŻ NÀO C tr ng trĂȘn Æ° ng ph . “NĂ y, ĂŽng b n quĂœ, ĂŽng cĂł th cho hai ĂŽ la Æ° c khĂŽng?” NgÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng ăn m c Khi lĂ  m t c p v ch ng tr m i cÆ° i, ngÆ° i ch ng sang tr ng tr l i:” B n s khĂŽng tiĂȘu ti n vĂ o rÆ° u vĂ  ngÆ° i v s ng trong m t khu nhĂ  liĂȘn h p r chĂš, ph i khĂŽng?” ti n g n cÆĄ s ngÆ° i ch ng lĂ m vi c. i u ĂĄng phĂ n “KhĂŽng, thÆ°a ngĂ i, tĂŽi khĂŽng u ng rÆ° u,” gĂŁ ăn mĂ y nĂ n ch y u c a h lĂ  cĂĄc b c tÆ° ng m ng nhÆ° gi y cĂŁi l i. vĂ  h khĂŽng cĂł Æ° c s kĂ­n ĂĄo. i u nĂ y l ra hi n “B n s khĂŽng qu ng nĂł vĂ o nh ng vĂĄn chÆĄi tĂ o lao, nhiĂȘn m t cĂĄch ĂĄng bu n vĂ o m t bu i sĂĄng ngÆ° i ph i khĂŽng?” ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng thÆ° ng lÆ°u h i. ch ng t ng trĂȘn vĂ  ngÆ° i v t ng dÆ° i ang g i “ KhĂŽng theo l i Ăł. TĂŽi khĂŽng chÆĄi bĂ i,” gĂŁ ăn mĂ y i n tho i.NgÆ° i v b c t ngang b i ti ng chuĂŽng tr l i. c a vĂ  i ra chĂ o ngÆ° i hĂ ng xĂłm. “ B n s khĂŽng tiĂȘu hoang ti n vĂ o nh ng kho ng “ Æ°a cĂĄi nĂ y cho ch ng cĂŽ,” ĂŽng ta nĂłi vĂ  giĂși m t phĂ­ hĂ”m c a m t cu c gĂŽn, ph i khĂŽng?” ngÆ° i Ă n cu n gi y v sinh vĂ o tay cĂŽ ta.”Anh y ĂŁ hĂ©t ĂČi ĂŽng h i. nĂł 15 phĂșt!” “KhĂŽng bao gi ,” tĂȘn ăn mĂ y nĂłi, “tĂŽi khĂŽng chÆĄi A HUSBAND WHO NEVER FEELS ASHAMED gĂŽn.” NgÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng h i gĂŁ ăn mĂ y cĂł mu n v nhĂ  v i "I'm ashamed of the way we live," a young wife says ĂŽng ta ăn cÆĄm nhĂ  khĂŽng. GĂŁ ăn mĂ y hăm h ng to her lazy husband who refuses to find a job. "My Ăœ. Trong khi h ang i hÆ° ng v nhĂ  ngÆ° i Ă n father pays our rent. My mother buys all of our food. ĂŽng, gĂŁ ăn mĂ y khĂŽng th ng Æ° c tĂ­nh tĂČ mĂČ. “V My sister buys our clothes. My aunt bought us a car. ĂŽng s khĂŽng n i gi n khi bĂ  y th y m t gĂŁ nhÆ° tĂŽi I'm just so ashamed." t i bĂ n ăn c a ĂŽng Ă ?” The husband rolls over on the couch. "And you damn well should be," he agrees. "Those two 1 –
  • 2. worthless brothers of yours ain't never give us a and spotted a high-heel shoe half hidden under the cent!" passenger seat. Not wanting to be conspicuous, he M T NGÆŻ I CH NG KHÔNG BAO GI waited until his wife was looking out her window BI T X U H before he scooped up the shoe and tossed it out of the car. “Em x u h v cĂĄch s ng c a chĂșng ta,” m t ngÆ° i With a sigh of relief, he pulled into the v tr nĂłi v i ĂŽng ch ng lÆ° i – ngÆ° i t ch i i tĂŹm restaurant parking lot. That's when he noticed his m t vi c lĂ m.” Ba em tr ti n thuĂȘ nhĂ . MĂĄ em mua wife squirming around in her seat. "Honey," she t tc ăn.Ch em mua qu n ĂĄo chĂșng ta. CĂŽ em asked, "have you seen my other shoe?" mua xe hÆĄi cho chĂșng ta. Em quĂĄ x u h .” CHI C GIÀY ÂU R I ? NgÆ° i ch ng lăn trĂČn trĂȘn i văng. “VĂ  em nĂȘn ti p t c ch trĂ­ch n a,” anh ta ng Ăœ. “Hai ĂŽng anh vĂŽ M t bu i t i cĂł m t ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng lĂĄi xe ch cĂŽ thÆ° d ng c a em khĂŽng bao gi cho chĂșng ta m t xu!” kĂœ v nhĂ  sau khi cĂŽ ta u ng hÆĄi nhi u t i b a ti c THE NEIGHBORS CAN NOT SEE YOU chiĂȘu ĂŁi cÆĄ quan. M c dĂč Ăąy lĂ  m t hĂ nh vi vĂŽ tÆ° nhÆ°ng anh ta quy t nh khĂŽng nĂłi cho v - ngÆ° i Having been married ten years and still living in an hay n i ghen d dĂ ng – nghe. apartment, the wife would often complain about T i hĂŽm sau, ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng vĂ  v ĂĄnh xe n m t anything, as she was tired of saving every penny to nhĂ  hĂ ng. ThĂŹnh lĂŹnh anh ta nhĂŹn xu ng vĂ  nh n ra buy a "dream home". m t chi c giĂ y cao gĂłt n m t n a dÆ° i gh khĂĄch. Trying to placate her, the husband found a KhĂŽng mu n b chĂș Ăœ, anh ta i t i lĂșc v nhĂŹn ra new apartment, within their c a s trÆ° c khi anh ta anh ta h t chi c giĂ y lĂȘn vĂ  budget. quăng kh i xe. However, after the first week, she began V i m t hÆĄi th nh nhĂ”m, anh ta lĂĄi xe vĂ o bĂŁi u complaining again. xe. ChĂ­nh lĂșc Ăł anh ta chĂș Ăœ th y v loay hoay "Joel," she said, "I don't like this place at all. quanh gh ng i. “Anh yĂȘu,” cĂŽ ta h i, “ anh cĂł th y There are no curtains in the bathroom. The chi c giĂ y kia c a em khĂŽng?” neighbors can see me every time I take a bath." DUMMY HUSBAND "Don't worry." replied her husband. "If the neighbors do see you, they'll buy curtains." A man asked his wife, "if you could have anything HÀNG XÓM KHÔNG TH NHÌN TH Y EM in the world for one day, what would you want?" ÆŻ C "I'd love to be six again," she replied. On the morning of her birthday, he got her ĂŁ cÆ° i nhau mÆ° i năm nhÆ°ng v n s ng up bright and early and off they went to a local trong m t căn h , ngÆ° i v thÆ° ng phĂ n nĂ n th theme park. What a day! He put her on every ride in vĂŹ cĂŽ ta m t m i v vi c ti t ki m t ng xu mua the park: the Death Slide, the Screaming Loop, the m t “ngĂŽi nhĂ  mÆĄ Æ° c”. Wall of Fear, everything there was! Wow! Five V i c g ng an i v , ngÆ° i ch ng tĂŹm m t hours later she staggered out of the theme park, her căn h m i h p tĂși ti n c a h . Tuy v y, sau tu n l head reeling and her stomach upside down. Off to a u, ngÆ° i v l i b t u phĂ n nĂ n. McDonald's they went, where her husband ordered “Joel,” cĂŽ ta nĂłi, “em khĂŽng thĂ­ch nÆĄi nĂ y tĂ­ her a Big Mac along with extra fries and a refreshing nĂ o. KhĂŽng cĂł t m mĂ n nĂ o trong phĂČng t m. HĂ ng chocolate shake. Then it was off to a movie: the xĂłm cĂł th th y em khi em t m.” latestHollywood blockbuster, hot dogs, popcorn, “ ng lo,” ch ng tr l i. N u qu th c hĂ ng Pepsi Cola and M & M's. What a fabulous xĂłm th y em, h s mua mĂ n.” adventure! WHERE’S THE SHOE? Finally she wobbled home with her husband and collapsed into bed. He leaned over and lovingly One night a fellow drove his secretary home after asked, "Well, dear, what was it like being six she had imbibed a little too much at an office again?" reception. Although this was an innocent gesture, he One eye opened. "You dummy, I meant my decided not to mention it to his wife, who tended to dress size." get jealous easily. NGÆŻ I CH NG NG NGH CH The next night the man and his wife were driving to a restaurant. Suddenly he looked down 2 –
  • 3. M t ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng h i v :”N u em cĂł th "Gee," Bob remarked to his friend, "you Æ° c m i th trĂȘn th gi i trong m t ngĂ y, em s really make a big fuss over your wife." mu n gĂŹ?” "I started to appreciate her more about six “Em mu n tr l i nhÆ° h i sĂĄu,” nĂ ng ĂĄp. months ago," Joe said. "It has revived our marriage, VĂ o bu i sĂĄng sinh nh t nĂ ng, anh ta ĂĄnh and we couldn't be happier." th c nĂ ng d y r t s m vĂ  h i n m t cĂŽng viĂȘn Inspired by Joe's story, Bob hurried home, ch 1 trong vĂčng. Ășng lĂ  m t ngĂ y vui! Anh ta hugged his wife, told her how much he loved her, t nĂ ng lĂȘn m i th trĂČ chÆĄi trong cĂŽng viĂȘn: and said he wanted to hear all about her day. Instead Æ° ng trÆ° t Ch t ngÆ° i, VĂČng nhĂ o l n KĂȘu thĂ©t, she burst into tears. B c tÆ° ng S hĂŁi, m i th ! H t x y! Năm ti ng sau "Darling," Bob said, "whatever's the matter?" nĂ ng l o o i ra kh i cĂŽng viĂȘn, u Ăłc quay "This has been the worst day I've had for a cu ng vĂ  b ng nhÆ° l n xu ng. H i vĂ o m t nhĂ  long time," she replied. "This morning Billy fell off hĂ ng McDonald, ngÆ° i ch ng g i m t cĂĄi bĂĄnh k p his bike and hurt his ankle, then the washing th t l n thĂȘm v i th t ram vĂ  m t ly sĂŽcĂŽla tr ng machine broke down. Now, to top it off, you come khu y.Sau Ăł h i t i m t r p chi u phim: b phim home drunk!" thĂ nh cĂŽng nh t, m i nh t Hollywood, hot dog, b p SAY n , Pepsi Cola. Qu lĂ  m t cu c chÆĄi tuy t v i! Sau cĂčng nĂ ng i lo ng cho ng v nhĂ  v i Bob n thăm nhĂ  Joe vĂ  kinh ng c trÆ° c l i i x ch ng vĂ  s p xu ng giÆ° ng. Anh ta ngĂŁ ngÆ° i vĂ  t t c a b n i v i v .Anh ta nĂłi v i v nm yl n h i m t cĂĄch Ăąu y m:” y, em yĂȘu, tr l i nhÆ° h i lĂ  nĂ ng h p d n ra sao, ca t ng tĂ i n u ăn khĂ©o lĂ©o sĂĄu tu i thĂŹ nhÆ° th nĂ o?” c a nĂ ng vĂ  ĂŽm hĂŽn v nhÆ° mÆ°a. NĂ ng m m t m t:” Oi anh ng ngh ch, Ăœ “A,” Bob lÆ°u Ăœ b n,”anh quan tr ng hĂła v em mu n nĂłi c ĂĄo s sĂĄu.” anh lĂȘn y.” A NEW MACHINE “TĂŽi b t u ĂĄnh giĂĄ nĂ ng cao hÆĄn t kho ng sĂĄu thĂĄng nay,” Joe nĂłi.” i u Ăł lĂ m s ng The doctor asked the expectant father to try out a l i hĂŽn nhĂąn c a chĂșng tĂŽi, vĂ  chĂșng tĂŽi h nh phĂșc machine he had invented that transferred labour n khĂŽng th h nh phĂșc hÆĄn Æ° c n a.” pains from the mother to the father. Billy agreed and LĂąy c m h ng c a b n, Bob v i vĂŁ v nhĂ , the machine was set up. But although it was set to its ĂŽm v , nĂłi cho nĂ ng nghe lĂ  anh yĂȘu nĂ ng bi t bao highest setting, Billy felt not nhiĂȘu, vĂ  nĂłi anh mu n nghe m t ngĂ y nĂ ng lĂ m a twinge. vi c ra sao.Thay vĂ o Ăł nĂ ng b ng ĂČa khĂłc. Later that day he went home to pick up a few ”Em yĂȘu,” Bob nĂłi, “Vi c gĂŹ x y ra v i em v y?” items his wife wanted and discovered the milkman “ Ăąy lĂ  ngĂ y t i t nh t c a em lĂąu nay,” lying on his door step groaning in pain. nĂ ng ĂĄp.” SĂĄng nay Billy tĂ© xe p vĂ  b au m t CHI C MÁY M I cĂĄ, sau Ăł mĂĄy gi t b hÆ°.BĂąy gi , thĂȘm vĂ o Ăł, anh l i say x n v nhĂ !” M t bĂĄc sÄ© h i m t ngÆ° i ch ng cĂł v s p sinh r ng HOW TO BUY A PRESENT? cĂł mu n th chi c mĂĄy ĂŽng ta m i sĂĄng ch chuy n cÆĄn au t ngÆ° i m sang ngÆ° i cha khĂŽng.Billy A man walked into a department store and told an ng Ăœ vĂ  chi c mĂĄy Æ° c cĂ i vĂ o.NhÆ°ng m c dĂč assistant he'd like to buy a present for his wife. chi c mĂĄy ĂŁ ch y h t cĂŽng su t Billy cĆ©ng khĂŽng "Certainly, sir," replied the assistant. th y au n gĂŹ c . "Perhaps a dress or a blouse?" Sau Ăł anh ta v nhĂ  l y vĂ i th v yĂȘu "Anything," said the man. c u vĂ  th y ngÆ° i Æ°a s a ang n m trÆ° c c a rĂȘn r "And in what colour?" au n. "It doesn't matter." DRUNK "Size?" "Immaterial." Bob visited his friend Joe's house and was amazed at Seeing the assistant's confusion, the man how well Joe treated his wife. He told her several explained that whenever he bought his wife times how attractive she was, complimented her on something she would always take it back to the shop her culinary skills and showered her with hugs and and exchange it. kisses. "Why don't you get a gift voucher instead?" the assistant asked him. 3 –
  • 4. "Oh no," said the man. "That would be too The next morning, his wife whacked him impersonal." again. "What was that for?" he groaned. LÀM TH NÀO MUA M T MÓN QUÀ? "Your horse called last night," she said. CON NG A ÔNG G I T I QUA M t ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng i vĂ o m t gian c a hĂ ng vĂ  nĂłi v i ngÆ° i bĂĄn hĂ ng ĂŽng ta mu n mua m t M t bĂ  v i n phĂ­a sau ch ng vĂ  v vĂ o sau u mĂłn quĂ  cho v . ĂŽng ta trong khi ĂŽng ta ang u ng cĂ  phĂȘ sĂĄng.”TĂŽi “ Æ° c, thÆ°a ĂŽng,” ngÆ° i bĂĄn hĂ ng ĂĄp. “CĂł tĂŹm th y m t m nh gi y trong qu n ĂŽng cĂł cĂĄi tĂȘn l m t cĂĄi ĂĄo m hay m t cĂĄi ĂĄo cĂĄnh Æ° c chăng?” Mary,” bĂ  ta nĂłi m t cĂĄch gi n d .”Ông nĂȘn gi i “GĂŹ cĆ©ng Æ° c,” ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng nĂłi. thĂ­ch.” “CĂČn mĂ u?” “BĂŹnh tÄ©nh nĂ o, em yĂȘu,” ĂŽng ta gi i thĂ­ch.” “KhĂŽng quan tr ng.” Em cĂł nh tu n qua anh xem ua ng a khĂŽng? Ăł “C ?” lĂ  tĂȘn con ng c anh ĂĄnh cu c.” “Chuy n nh .” SĂĄng hĂŽm sau, bĂ  v l i phĂĄt m nh ĂŽng ta Th y s lĂșng tĂșng c a ngÆ° i bĂĄn hĂ ng, m t cĂĄi.”T i sao em lĂ m th ?” ĂŽng ta rĂȘn r . ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng gi i thĂ­ch r ng m i khi ĂŽng ta mua ”Con ng a c a ĂŽng g i tĂŽĂ­ qua,” bĂ  ta nĂłi. cho v cĂĄi gĂŹ Ăł thĂŹ bĂ  ta luĂŽn em nĂł tr l i shop vĂ  WE’VE SAVED ENOUGH MONEY i. “T i sao ĂŽng khĂŽng mua m t phi u ĂŁ tr After years of scrimping and saving, a husband told ti n thay vĂ o Ăł?” ngÆ° i bĂĄn hĂ ng h i. his wife the good news: "Darling, we've finally “ khĂŽng,” ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng nĂłi. “NhÆ° th thĂŹ saved enough to buy what we started saving for in quĂĄ vĂŽ tĂŹnh.” 1979." RELATIVES ? "You mean a brand new Jaguar?" she asked eagerly. A couple drove several miles down a country road, "No," he replied, "a 1979 Jaguar." not saying a word. CHÚNG TA à TI T KI M TI N An earlier discussion had led to an argument, and neither wanted to concede their position. As they Sau nhi u năm keo ki t vĂ  ti t ki m, ch ng bĂĄo v i passed a barnyard of mules and pigs, the wife v m t tin m ng:”Em yĂȘu, cu i cĂčng chĂșng ta ĂŁ sarcastically asked, "Relatives of yours?" ti t ki m ti n mua cĂĄi mĂ  chĂșng ta b t u "Yep," the husband replied, "In-laws." dĂ nh trong năm 1979.” BÀ CON ? “Ý anh mu n nĂłi m t chi c Jaguar m i ph i khĂŽng ?” ngÆ° i v h n h . M t c p v ch ng lĂĄi xe i vĂ i d m xu ng m t con “KhĂŽng,” ngÆ° i ch ng tr l i, “m t chi c Æ° ng ng quĂȘ, khĂŽng nĂłi m t l i.M t cu c tranh Jaguar i 1979.” lu n trÆ° c Ăł ĂŁ gĂąy ra m t cu c tranh cĂŁi, vĂ  khĂŽng DEATHBED CONFESSION ngÆ° i nĂ o mu n nh n quan i m c a mĂŹnh thua.Trong khi h i qua sĂąn nuĂŽi la vĂ  heo, ngÆ° i Jake was on his deathbed. His wife, Susan, was v h i m t cĂĄch ch nh o: “BĂ  con c a ĂŽng ph i maintaining a vigil by his side. She held his fragile khĂŽng ?” hand, and tears ran down her face. Her praying “ Ășng,” ngÆ° i ch ng tr l i, “ BĂȘn phĂ­a v .” roused him from his slumber. He looked up and his YOUR HORSE CALLED LAST NIGHT pale lips began to move slightly. "My darling Susan," he whispered. A woman came up behind her husband while he was "Hush, my love," she said. "Rest. Don't talk." enjoying his morning coffee and slapped him on the He was insistent. "Susan," he said in his tired back of the head. "I found a piece of paper in your voice. "I have something I must confess to you." trouser pocket with the name Marylou written on it," "There's nothing to confess," replied the she said, furious. "You'd better have an weeping Susan. "Everything's all right, go to sleep." explanation." "No, no. I must die in peace, Susan. I slept "Calm down, dear," the man replied. with your sister, your best friend, and your mother." "Remember last week when I was at the races? That "I know," she replied. "That's why I poisoned was the name of the horse I backed." you." THÚ T I LÚC LÂM CHUNG 4 –
  • 5. Jake ang lĂșc lĂąm chung. V anh, Susan, ang th c ĂČa khĂłc. “NhÆ°ng m 
 v a khi t i con quay v , gi c bĂȘn c nh anh ta.Ch ang c m bĂ n tay y u t Sam b t u dĂčng ngĂŽn ng kinh khi p nh t. Anh y c a anh, vĂ  nÆ° c m t ch y xu ng m t ch . L i c u ĂŁ nĂłi nh ng th con chÆ°a bao gi nghe trÆ° c Ăąy! nguy n c a ch ĂĄnh th c anh kh i gi c ng . Anh T tc u lĂ  nh ng t b n ch cĂĄi1 ĂĄng s ! M nhĂŹn lĂȘn vĂ  ĂŽi mĂŽi nh t nh t c a anh b t u hÆĄi ph i n Ăłn con vĂ  Æ°a con v nhĂ  
 “ nhĂșc nhĂ­ch. “NĂ o Sarah 
” m cĂŽ ta tr l i. “BĂŹnh tÄ©nh nĂ o! NĂłi “Susan yĂȘu quĂœ c a anh,” anh ta thĂŹ th m. cho m nghe, cĂĄi gĂŹ mĂ  quĂĄ ĂĄng s v y? Nh ng t “Im i, anh yĂȘu,” ch ta nĂłi. “HĂŁy ngh ngÆĄi. ng b n ch cĂĄi nĂ o mĂ  anh ta ĂŁ s d ng?” nĂłi.” “ ng b t con k cho m nghe, m .” ngÆ° i con Anh ta v n c ti p t c. “Susan,” anh ta nĂłi v i gi ng gĂĄi khĂłc. “Con ang th t b i r i! Nh ng ch Ăł quĂĄ m t m i. “Anh cĂł i u ph i thĂș nh n v i em.” d s ! M ph i n Ăłn con vĂ  Æ°a con v nhĂ  
 “KhĂŽng cĂł gĂŹ ph i thĂș nh n c ,” Susan khĂłc lĂłc tr nghe m !” l i. “M i vi c u n c , hĂŁy ng i.” “Con yĂȘu, con ph i nĂłi cho m nghe cĂĄi gĂŹ lĂ m con “KhĂŽng, khĂŽng.Anh ph i ch t trong thanh th n, quĂĄ b i r i nhÆ° v y 
 HĂŁy nĂłi cho m nghe nh ng Susan. Anh ĂŁ ng v i em gĂĄi em, b n thĂąn em vĂ  t b n ch cĂĄi kinh khi p nĂ y!” m em.” V n cĂČn th n th c, cĂŽ dĂąu tr l i, “ , m 
 nh ng “Em bi t,” ch ta tr l i. “ i u Ăł t i sao em t nhÆ° rĂĄc, gi t, i, vĂ  n u nÆ° ng!” u c anh.” I HAVE TO SHOW HER 
 AFTER THE HONEY MOON Everybody's heard of the Air Force's ultra-high- A young couple got married and left on their security,super-secret base in Nevada, known simply honeymoon. When they got back, the bride as "Area 51?" immediately called her mother. Late one afternoon, the Air Force folks out at "Well, how was the honeymoon?" asked the Area 51 were very surprised to see a Cessna landing mother. at their "secret" base. They immediately impounded "Oh mamma!" she exclaimed. "The the aircraft and hauled the pilot into an interrogation honeymoon was wonderful! So romantic!" No room. sooner had she spoken the words then she burst out The pilot's story was that he took off from crying. "But mamma . . . as soon as we returned, Vegas, got lost, and spotted the Base just as he was Sam started using the most horrible language. He's about to run out of fuel. The Air Force started a full been saying things I've never heard before! All these FBI background check on the pilot and held him awful 4-letter words! You've got to come get me and overnight during the investigation. take me home... " By the next day, they were finally convinced "Now Sarah . . ." her mother answered. "Calm that the pilot really was lost and wasn't a spy. They down! Tell me,what could be so awful? What 4- gassed up his air-plane, gave him a terrifying "you- letter words has he been using?" did-not-see-a-base" briefing, complete with threats "Please don't make me tell you, mamma." wept of spending the rest of his life in prison, told him the daughter. "I'm so embarrassed! They're just too Vegas was that-a-way on such-and-such a heading, awful! You've got to come get me and take me and sent him on his way. home... please mamma!" The next day, to the total disbelief of the Air "Darling, you must tell me what has you so Force, the same Cessna showed up again. Once upset . . . Tell your mother these horrible 4-letter again, the MP's surrounded the plane...only this time words!" there were two people inside. Still sobbing, the bride replied, "Oh, mamma The same pilot jumped out and said, "Do . . . words like dust, wash, iron, and cook!" anything you want to me, but my wife is in the plane SAU TU N TRĂNG M T and you have to tell her where I was last night!" TÔI PH I CH RA CHO CÔ Y M t c p trai gĂĄi tr cÆ° i nhau vĂ  i hÆ° ng tu n trăng m t. Khi h quay l i, ngay l p t c cĂŽ dĂąu g i CĂł ai ĂŁ nghe v căn c c c kỳ an ninh, siĂȘu bĂ­ m t i n tho i cho m . c a khĂŽng l c (M ) Nevada, Æ° c bi t dÆ° i tĂȘn “NĂ o, tu n trăng m t ra sao? “ ngÆ° i m h i. g i ÆĄn gi n “VĂčng 51?” “ , m !” cĂŽ ta la lĂȘn. “Tu n trăng m t thĂŹ tuy t! VĂ o m t bu i chi u mu n, ngÆ° i khĂŽng l c VĂčng R t lĂŁng m n!” Ch ng m y ch c sau khi nĂłi ra cĂŽ ta 51 r t ng c nhiĂȘn th y m t chi c Cessna h cĂĄnh t i 5 –
  • 6. căn c “bĂ­ m t” c a h . H l p t c nh t chi c mĂĄy considers me a better housekeeper and cook than bay vĂ  lĂŽi phi cĂŽng vĂ o phĂČng th m v n. you, Madam. He has told me himself." CĂąu chuy n c a viĂȘn phi cĂŽng lĂ  anh ta c t cĂĄnh t The rich woman just swallowed and said Vegas, b l c vĂ  phĂĄt hi n ra căn c ngay khi anh ta nothing. "And furthermore," the angry girl s p h t nhiĂȘn li u. KhĂŽng l c b t u m t cu c ki m continued, "I am better in bed than you!" tra thĂŽng tin c n thi t c a FBI v viĂȘn phi cĂŽng vĂ  "And I suppose my husband told you that, gi anh ta qua ĂȘm trong su t cu c ph ng v n. too?" VĂ o ngĂ y hĂŽm sau, cu i cĂčng h tin r ng viĂȘn phi "No, Madam," said he maid. "Not your cĂŽng l c th c s vĂ  khĂŽng ph i lĂ  m t giĂĄn i p. H husband, the mail man!" cung c p nhiĂȘn li u cho chi c mĂĄy bay, Æ°a cho anh NG L N X N V I NGÆŻ I GIÚP VI C ta m t ch d n ĂĄng s “anh ĂŁ khĂŽng th y m t căn NHÀ c ”, cĂčng v i nh ng l i e d a anh ta s tĂč su t quĂŁng i cĂČn l i, nĂłi v i anh ta Vegas cĂł Æ° ng M t quĂœ bĂ  Beverly Hills n i gi n cĂŽ giĂșp vi c bay nhÆ° th , nhÆ° th , vĂ  ti n anh ta lĂȘn Æ° ng. ngÆ° i PhĂĄp. Sau m t b n danh sĂĄch dĂ i nh ng nh n NgĂ y hĂŽm sau, trong s b t ng khĂŽng th tin Æ° c xĂ©t khĂł ch u v nh ng l i c a cĂŽ ta khi n u ăn vĂ  c a khĂŽng l c, cĆ©ng chi c Cessna Ăł xu t hi n tr qu n gia, bĂ  u i cĂŽ giĂșp vi c. l i. M t l n n a, quĂąn c nh bao quanh chi c mĂĄy NgÆ° i giĂșp vi c, v i dĂČng mĂĄu Celte, khĂŽng th bay 
 nhÆ°ng l n nĂ y cĂł hai ngÆ° i bĂȘn trong. ch p nh n m t s lăng m nhÆ° v y ra i khĂŽng cĂł CĆ©ng viĂȘn phi cĂŽng Ăł nh y ra vĂ  nĂłi:”CĂĄc ĂŽng lĂ m cĂąu tr l i. “Ch ng bĂ  xem tĂŽi lĂ  m t ngÆ° i qu n gia gĂŹ tĂŽi cĆ©ng Æ° c, nhÆ°ng v tĂŽi ang trĂȘn mĂĄy bay vĂ  n u ăn t t hÆĄn bĂ , thÆ°a bĂ .ChĂ­nh ĂŽng ĂŁ nĂłi v i vĂ  cĂĄc ĂŽng ph i nĂłi v i cĂŽ y t i qua tĂŽi Ăąu!” tĂŽi.” I JUST HAD A DREAM ABOUT IT 
 NgÆ° i Ă n bĂ  giĂ u cĂł ch nĂ­n nh n vĂ  khĂŽng nĂłi gĂŹ. “VĂ  hÆĄn n a,” cĂŽ gĂĄi gi n d ti p t c, “ trĂȘn A young woman was taking an afternoon nap. After gi ng tĂŽi gi i hÆĄn bĂ  !” she woke up, she told her husband, "I just dreamed “VĂ  tĂŽi cho r ng ch ng tĂŽi cĆ©ng nĂłi v i cĂŽ i u that you gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine's Ăł?” day. What do “KhĂŽng, thÆ°a bĂ ,” ngÆ° i giĂșp vi c nĂłi. “KhĂŽng ph i you think it means?" ch ng bĂ , ĂŽng Æ°a thÆ° !” "You'll know tonight." he said. FRIEND FOR DINNER That evening, the man came home with a small package and gave it to his wife. Delighted, she "Honey," said this husband to his wife, "I invited a opened it--only to find a book entitled "The meaning friend home for supper." of dreams". "What? Are you crazy? The house is a mess, EM CÓ M T GI C MÆ  V I U Ó
 I haven't been shopping, all the dishes are dirty, and I don't feel like cooking a fancy meal!" M t ph n tr ng trÆ°a. Sau khi cĂŽ th c "I know all that." d y, cĂŽ nĂłi v i ch ng:”Em ĂŁ mÆĄ Ășng r ng anh "Then why did you invite a friend for t ng em m t chu i h t ng c trai trong ngĂ y supper?" Valentine. Anh nghÄ© nĂł cĂł Ăœ nghÄ©a gĂŹ? "Because the poor fool's thinking about “T i nay em s bi t.” anh ta nĂłi. getting married." Chi u t i hĂŽm Ăł, ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng i v nhĂ  B N ĂN T I v i m t gĂłi nh vĂ  t ng v . NgÆ° i v vui m ng m nĂł ra – ch th y m t cu n sĂĄch t a “Ý nghÄ©a c a “Em yĂȘu,” ch ng nĂłi v i v , “Anh ĂŁ m i nh ng gi c mÆĄ.” m t ngÆ° i b n n nhĂ  ta ăn t i.” DON’T MESS WITH THE MAID “CĂĄi gĂŹ?Anh cĂł iĂȘn khĂŽng? NhĂ  c a thĂŹ l n x n, em thĂŹ chÆ°a i ch , chĂ©n Ä©a thĂŹ dÆĄ, vĂ  em A rich Beverly Hills lady got very angry at her khĂŽng mu n n u m t b a ăn kỳ khĂŽi !” French maid.After a long list of stinging remarks “Anh bi t h t r i.” about her shortcomings as a cook and housekeeper, “V y t i sao anh m i b n ăn t i?” she dismissed the maid. “VĂŹ th ng ng t i nghi p ang nghÄ© n vi c The maid, with her Gaelic ancestry, couldn't cÆ° i v .” allow such abuse to go unanswered. "Your husband THE SECRET 6 –
  • 7. Jill complained to Nina, "Rosey told me that you KhĂŽng ai nĂłi gĂŹ v b c tÆ° ng n a, th m chĂ­ told her the secret I told you not to tell her." c khuya hĂŽm Ăł lĂșc h i ng . VĂ o kho ng hai gi "Well," replied Nina in a hurt tone, "I told sĂĄng, ngÆ° i ch ng th c d y, i vĂ o nhĂ  b p vĂ  quay her not to tell you I told her." l i m t lĂșc sau v i m t cĂĄi bĂĄnh sandwich vĂ  m t ly "Oh dear!" sighed Jill. "Well, don't tell her I s a. “ Ăąy,” anh ta nĂłi v i “b c tÆ° ng” , “ăn cĂĄi gĂŹ told you that she told me." i ch . TĂŽi ng nhÆ° m t th ng ng c nhĂ  Smith I U BÍ M T trong 3 ngĂ y vĂ  khĂŽng ai Æ°a cho tĂŽi ngay n c m t ly nÆ° c. Jill than phi n v i Nina:”Rosey nĂłi v i anh WISDOM TEETH r ng em nĂłi v i cĂŽ ta i u bĂ­ m t anh ĂŁ nĂłi v i em ng nĂłi v i cĂŽ ta.” One day a man walks into a dentist's office and asks “À,” Nina tr l i v i gi ng t ĂĄi:” Em ĂŁ nĂłi how much it will cost to extract wisdom teeth. v i cĂŽ ta ng nĂłi v i anh em ĂŁ nĂłi v i cĂŽ ta.” "Eighty dollars," the dentist says. “Ôi tr i!” Jill th dĂ i. “ThĂŽi, ng nĂłi v i cĂŽ "That's a ridiculous amount," the man says. ta anh ĂŁ nĂłi v i em r ng cĂŽ ta nĂłi v i anh.” "Isn't there a cheaper way?" THE STATUE "Well," the dentist says, "if you don't use an anaesthetic, I can knock it down to $60." A woman was in bed with her lover when "That's still too expensive," the man says. she heard her husband opening the front door. "Okay," says the dentist. "If I save on "Hurry!" she said. "Stand in the corner." She anesthesia and simply rip the teeth out with a pair of quickly rubbed baby oil all over him and then she pliers, I could get away with charging $20." dusted him with talcum powder. "Don't move until I "Nope," moans the man, "it's still too much." tell you to," she whispered. "Just pretend you're a "Hmm," says the dentist, scratching his head. statue." "If I let one of my students do it for the experience, I "What's this honey?" the husband inquired as suppose I could charge you just $10." he entered the room. "Marvelous," says the man, "book my wife "Oh, its just a statue," she replied for next Tuesday !" nonchalantly. "The Smiths bought one for their RĂNG KHÔN bedroom. I liked it so much, I got one for us too." No more was said about the statue, not even M t ngĂ y kia, m t ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng bÆ° c vĂ o m t later that night when they went to sleep. Around two phĂČng nha sÄ© vĂ  h i giĂĄ nh răng khĂŽn lĂ  bao nhiĂȘu. in the morning the husband got out of bed, went to “TĂĄm mÆ°ÆĄi ĂŽ la,” nha sÄ© nĂłi. the kitchen and returned a while later with a “ Ăł lĂ  m t con s l lĂčng,” ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng nĂłi. “CĂł sandwich and a glass of milk. "Here," he said to the cĂĄch nĂ o r hÆĄn khĂŽng?” 'statue', "eat something. I stood like an idiot at the “ ,” nha sÄ© nĂłi, “n u ĂŽng khĂŽng dĂčng thu c tĂȘ, tĂŽi Smith's for three days and nobody offered me so cĂł th h giĂĄ xu ng cĂČn 60 ĂŽ la.” much as a glass of water. “NhÆ° v y v n cĂČn quĂĄ t,” ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng nĂłi. B C TÆŻ NG “ Æ° c r i,” nha sÄ© nĂłi. “N u tĂŽi ti t ki m thu c tĂȘ vĂ  ch lĂŽi to t răng ra v i m t cĂĄi k m thĂŹ tĂŽi cĂł M t ph n ang n m trĂȘn giÆ° ng v i ngÆ° i th tĂ­nh giĂĄ 20 ĂŽ la.” tĂŹnh thĂŹ cĂŽ ta nghe ng ÆĄi ch ng m c a trÆ° c. “KhĂŽng,” ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng rĂȘn r , “nhÆ° v y v n cĂČn “Nhanh lĂȘn!” cĂŽ ta nĂłi. “ ng trong gĂłc quĂĄ nhi u.” nhĂ .” CĂŽ ta nhanh chĂłng xoa d u tr em lĂȘn kh p “H m,” nha sÄ© gĂŁi u nĂłi. N u tĂŽi m t trong ngÆ° i anh ta vĂ  sau Ăł r c b t talc lĂȘn ngÆ° i anh ta. nh ng sinh viĂȘn c a tĂŽi lĂ m thĂȘm kinh nghi m thĂŹ “ ng c ng cho n khi nĂ o em b o anh,” cĂŽ ta tĂŽi cho lĂ  tĂŽi cĂł th tĂ­nh giĂĄ ch 10 ĂŽ la.” thĂŹ th m. “HĂŁy tÆ° ng tÆ° ng anh lĂ  m t b c tÆ° ng.” “Tuy t,” ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng nĂłi, “ t trÆ° c cho v tĂŽi “ Ăąy lĂ  cĂĄi gĂŹ v y em yĂȘn?” ngÆ° i ch ng h i vĂ o th Ba t i !” khi bÆ° c vĂ o phĂČng. HOW DID YOU DIE ? “ , Ăł ch lĂ  m t b c tÆ° ng,” cĂŽ ta tr l i m t cĂĄch th ÆĄ. “Gia ĂŹnh Smiths mua m t cĂĄi t Two men waiting at the pearly gates strike trong phĂČng ng c a h . Em r t thĂ­ch, em cĆ©ng mua up a conversation. The first man asks the second. m t cĂĄi cho nhĂ  ta.” "So, how'd you die?" "I froze to death," says the second. 7 –
  • 8. "That's awful," says the first man. "How does WHY MY MOM LEARNT TO PLAY it feel to freeze to death?" CLARINET? "It's very uncomfortable at first", says the second man. "You get the shakes, and you get pains My parents recently retired. Mom always wanted to in all your fingers and toes. But eventually, it's a learn to play the piano, so dad bought her a piano for very calm way to go. You get numb and you kind of her birthday.A few weeks later, I asked how she was drift off, as if you're sleeping. How about you, how doing with it. did you die?" "Oh, we returned the piano." said My Dad, "I "I had a heart attack," says the first man. persuaded her to switch to a clarinet instead." "You see, I knew my wife was cheating on me, so "How come?" I asked. one day I showed up at home unexpectedly. I ran up "Because," he answered, "with a clarinet, she to the bedroom, and found her alone, knitting. I ran can't sing." down to the basement, but no one was hiding there, T I SAO M TÔI H C CHÆ I CLARINET? either. I ran up to the second floor, but no one was hiding there either. I ran as fast as I could to the Ba m tĂŽi g n Ăąy ngh hÆ°u. M tĂŽi luĂŽn mu n h c attic, chÆĄi piano, vĂŹ v y ba tĂŽi mua cho bĂ  m t cĂĄi trong and just as I got there, I had a massive heart attack ngĂ y sinh nh t. M t vĂ i tu n sau, tĂŽi h i bĂ  chÆĄi Ă n and died." nhÆ° th nĂ o. The second man shakes his head. "That's so “ , ba m tr l i cĂąy Ă n piano.” Ba nĂłi, “ba thuy t ironic," he says. ph c m thay vĂ o Ăł chuy n sang chÆĄi clarinet.” "What do you mean?" Asks the first man. “Sao v y?” tĂŽi h i. "If you had only stopped to look in the “VĂŹ,” ĂŽng tr l i, “v i m t cĂąy clarinet, m khĂŽng freezer, we'd both still be alive." th hĂĄt.” ÔNG CH T NHÆŻ TH NÀO ? PREGNANT Hai ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng i c ng ng c b t u Since the wife is eight months into her pregnancy, m t cu c nĂłi chuy n. NgÆ° i th nh t h i ngÆ° i th the husband has to sleep on the floor to avoid any hai: “Sao ĂŽng ch t v y?” regrettable mistake, which might happen pretty “TĂŽi b Ăłng băng n ch t,” ngÆ° i th hai easily, for he has been desperate for quite a while nĂłi. now... “Th t kh ng khi p,” ngÆ° i th nh t nĂłi. Just before lying down on the bed, she “Ông c m th y ra sao khi b Ăłng băng t i ch t?” glances at him and sees the poor guy curls up on the “TrÆ° c h t ĂŽng c m th y r t khĂł ch u”, floor, eyes stare widely into the empty air, filled ngÆ° i th hai nĂłi. “Ông b run, vĂ  ĂŽng c m th y au with hopeless desire... t t c cĂĄc ngĂłn tay vĂ  chĂąn. NhÆ°ng cu i cĂčng s Feeling sorry for her husband, she opens the c m th y r t ĂȘm m ra i. top drawer of the cabinet, takes out a fifty dollar bill, Ông b tĂȘ cĂłng vĂ  ĂŽng c m th y ki u nhÆ° trĂŽi i, and gives it to him, "Awww, my honey is so nhÆ° th ĂŽng ang ng . CĂČn ĂŽng thĂŹ sao, ĂŽng ch t depressed... here, take this and go to the woman next nhÆ° th nĂ o?” door, she will let you sleep with her tonight... and “TĂŽi b au tim,” ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng th nh t nĂłi. remember that this happens only once... ok?... don't “Ông coi, tĂŽi bi t v tĂŽi ang l a d i tĂŽi, vĂŹ v y m t think about it again." ngĂ y kia tĂŽi xu t hi n b t ng nhĂ . TĂŽi ch y lĂȘn The husband rolls his eyes in disbelief, but phĂČng ng , vĂ  th y cĂŽ ta m t mĂŹnh ang an . TĂŽi afraid that she may change her mind, he grabs the ch y xu ng t ng h m nhÆ°ng cĆ©ng khĂŽng ai n p money and leaves quickly. A few minutes later, he Ăł. TĂŽi ch y lĂȘn t ng hai, nhÆ°ng cĆ©ng khĂŽng ai nĂșp returns, hands the bill back to the wife and says with Ăł. TĂŽi ch y h t s c tĂŽi lĂȘn gĂĄc mĂĄi, nhÆ°ng khi tĂŽi much disappointment, v a n Ăł thĂŹ tĂŽi b m t cÆĄn au tim n ng vĂ  ch t.” "She said this is not enough, she wants sixty." NgÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng th hai l c u. “Th t quĂĄ The wife's face slowly turns red with anger, m a mai,” ĂŽng ta nĂłi. "Damn that bitch... when she was pregnant and her “Ông mu n nĂłi gĂŹ?” ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng th nh t husband came over here... I only charged him h i. fifty..." “N u ĂŽng ch vi c d ng l i nhĂŹn vĂŽ mĂĄy CÓ B U Æ° p l nh thĂŹ hai ta h n ĂŁ cĂČn s ng.” 8 –
  • 9. VĂŹ v mang b u thĂĄng th tĂĄm nĂȘn ngÆ° i ch ng ph i "Your Honor, if I put a dollar in a vending ng trĂȘn n n nhĂ  trĂĄnh b t c sai sĂłt ĂĄng ti c machine and a Pepsi comes out...whose Pepsi is nĂ o v n khĂĄ d x y ra, vĂŹ anh ta ĂŁ t ng li u lÄ©nh it...the machine's or mine?" trong m t lĂșc cho n lĂșc y... LOGIC ÀN ÔNG Ngay trÆ° c khi n m xu ng giÆ° ng, ngÆ° i v li c nhĂŹn ch ng vĂ  th y anh chĂ ng t i nghi p co mĂŹnh M t ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng vĂ  v anh ta ang trong trĂȘn sĂ n nhĂ , m t m to tr ng tr ng vĂ o kho ng tĂČa ĂĄn ly d . khĂŽng y ham mu n tuy t v ng... V n lĂ  ai s giĂĄm h a tr . C m th y t i nghi p cho ch ng, v m ngăn kĂ©o NgÆ° i v nh y lĂȘn vĂ  nĂłi:”ThÆ°a quĂœ ngĂ i, trĂȘn cĂčng c a t , l y ra m t t gi y b c năm mÆ°ÆĄi tĂŽi ĂŁ Æ°a a tr vĂ o th gi i nĂ y trong c c nh c vĂ  ĂŽ la vĂ  Æ°a cho anh ta,” Æ , cÆ°ng c a em quĂĄ bu n cÆĄn au .NĂł Ășng ra ph i trong s giĂĄm h c a ... Ăąy, c m cĂĄi nĂ y vĂ  i t i cĂŽ k bĂȘn nhĂ , cĂŽ ta s tĂŽi.” cho anh ng v i cĂŽ ta ĂȘm nay ... vĂ  nh r ng vi c Quan tĂČa quay qua ngÆ° i ch ng vĂ  nĂłi:”Ông nĂ y ch x y ra m t l n thĂŽi ... Æ° c ch ? ... ng ph i nĂłi gĂŹ bi n h ?” nghÄ© t i i u Ăł l n n a nhĂ©.” NgÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng ng i xu ng tr m ngĂąm m t NgÆ° i ch ng trĂČn m t trong s hoĂ i nghi, nhÆ°ng s h i ... sau Ăł t t ng d y. r ng v cĂł th thay i Ăœ ki n, anh ta c m ti n vĂ  “ThÆ°a quĂœ ngĂ i, n u tĂŽi t m t ĂŽ la vĂ o nhanh chĂłng r i i. M t vĂ i phĂșt sau, anh ta quay mĂĄy bĂĄn hĂ ng vĂ  m t lon Pepsi i ra ... lon Pepsi lĂ  l i, Æ°a t b c l i cho v vĂ  nĂłi v i nhi u th t v ng: c a ai ... c a mĂĄy hay c a tĂŽi?” “CĂŽ ta nĂłi nhÆ° v y thĂŹ khĂŽng , cĂŽ ta mu n sĂĄu MEDICAL MIRACLE ch c.” KhuĂŽn m t ngÆ° i v d n d n b ng vĂŹ gi n, “Con An 80 year woman married an 85-year-old man. chĂł cĂĄi ĂĄng nguy n r a ... khi nĂł cĂł b u vĂ  ch ng After about six months together, the woman wasn't nĂł i qua Ăąy ... tao ch ĂČi ch ng nĂł cĂł năm feeling well and she went to her doctor. ch c...” The doctor examined and said, MILLIONAIRE "Congratulations Mrs. Jones, you're going to be a mother." A woman was telling her friend, "It is I who "Get serious doctor, I'm 80." made my husband a millionaire." "I know," said the doctor, "This morning, I "And what was he before you married him?" would have said it was impossible, but this asked the friend. afternoon you are a medical miracle." The woman replied, "A billionaire..." "I'll be darned," she replied and stormed out of TRI U PHÚ the office. She walked down the hall and around the corner to where the telephones were. In a rage, she M t ph n nĂłi v i b n:”ChĂ­nh tĂŽi lĂ  ngÆ° i dialed her husband. lĂ m ch ng tĂŽi thĂ nh m t tri u phĂș.” "Hello," she heard in his familiar halting “VĂ  ĂŽng lĂ  gĂŹ trÆ° c khi b n cÆ° i ĂŽng?” voice. ngÆ° i b n h i. She screamed, "You rotten SOB. You got me NgÆ° i ph n ĂĄp:”M t t phĂș...” pregnant!" MALE LOGIC There was a pause on the line. Finally, her husband answered, "Who's calling please?" A man and his wife are in court getting a PHÉP L Y H C divorce. The problem was who should get custody of M t bĂ  lĂŁo 80 tu i cÆ° i m t ĂŽng lĂŁo 85 tu i. Sau sĂĄu the child. thĂĄng chung s ng, bĂ  lĂŁo c m thĂĄy khĂŽng kh e vĂ  bĂ  The wife jumped up and said, "Your Honor. i bĂĄc sÄ©. I brought the child into this world with pain and BĂĄc sÄ© khĂĄm vĂ  nĂłi:”Xin chĂșc m ng, bĂĄc Jones, bĂĄc labor. She should be in my custody." s lĂ  m t bĂ  m .” The judge turns to the husband and says, “HĂŁy nghiĂȘm tĂșc, bĂĄc sÄ©, tĂŽi 80 tu i. "What do you have to say in your defense?" “ChĂĄu bi t,” bĂĄc sÄ© nĂłi,”sĂĄng nay, chĂĄu h n s nĂłi The man sat for a while contemplating...then i u nĂ y b t kh , nhÆ°ng chi u nay bĂĄc lĂ  m t phĂ©p slowly rose. l y h c.” 9 –
  • 10. “TĂŽi s b nguy n r a,” bĂ  lĂŁo tr l i vĂ  i x c ra V nĂłi:”Th Ăł khĂŽng thĂ­ch h p vĂ  anh bi t v y. kh i phĂČng m ch. BĂ  i xu ng hĂ nh lang vĂ  quanh Anh chÆ°a tr ti n phĂ­ b o hi m v a r i vĂ  cĂŽng ty ĂŁ gĂłc nhĂ  nÆĄi i n tho i. Trong m t cÆĄn gi n, bĂ  g i anh m t thĂŽng bĂĄo h y b .” quay s g i ch ng. “M ki p,” gĂŁ thĂ©t lĂȘn. “BĂ  cĂł ch u cĂąm cĂĄi mĂ”m “Hello,” bĂ  nghe gi ng ng p ng ng quen thu c c a chĂł ch t c a bĂ  m t l n khĂŽng.” ĂŽng. “ThÆ°a bĂ ,” c nh sĂĄt nĂłi, “îng nĂ y cĂł luĂŽn nĂłi v i bĂ  BĂ  la lĂȘn:”Ông CHÓ i b i. Ông ĂŁ lĂ m tĂŽi nhÆ° th nĂ y khĂŽng?” mang thai. “Ch khi ĂŽng y ĂŁ u ng rÆ° u.” TrĂȘn Æ° ng dĂąy ngÆ°ng l i m t tĂ­. Cu i cĂčng, ch ng ROMANCE bĂ  tr l i:”Xin vui lĂČng cho bi t ai ang g i?” SPEEDING... An older couple was lying in bed one night. The husband was falling asleep but the wife felt A Guy and his wife are driving a car along a twisty romantic and wanted to talk. She said, "You use to road with a 55MPH limit. Cop pulls the guy over. hold my hand when we were courting." "Had you going about 70 in 55 back there," Wearily he reached across, held her hand for a says the cop. second, then tried to get back to sleep. "Not me," says the guy, "Could be your radar A few moments later she said, "Then you used picked up someone else or something, but my to kiss me." Mildly irritated, he reached across, gave speedometer was set right on 55." her a peck on the cheek and settled down to sleep. Wife pipes up, "You were to going 70. I've Thirty seconds later she said, "Then you used told you 20 mile back you were going to get stopped to bite my neck." Angrily, he threw back the bed if you didn't slow down." covers and got out of bed. "Shut up would ya!" mumbles the guy. "Where are you going?" she asked. "Can I see your proof of insurance?" asks the "To get my teeth!" cop. LÃNG M N "Sure, my card is right here in my wallet." Wife says, "That card's no good and you know M t t i kia, m t c p v ch ng cĂł tu i ang it. You haven't paid the last premium and the n m trĂȘn giÆ° ng. NgÆ° i ch ng rÆĄi vĂ o gi c ng company sent you a cancellation notice." nhÆ°ng ngÆ° i v c m th y tĂŹnh c m dĂąng trong lĂČng "Damn," yells the guy. "Would you shut the vĂ  mu n nĂłi chuy n. BĂ  nĂłi:”Anh thÆ° ng c m tay hell up for once" em khi chĂșng ta yĂȘu nhau.” "Ma'am," says the cop, "Does this guy always M t cĂĄch m t m i, ĂŽng vÆ°ÆĄn ngang tay, c m talk to you like this?" tay bĂ  trong m t giĂąy, sau Ăł c quay l i gi c ng . "Only when he's been drinking." M t lĂĄt sau bĂ  nĂłi:”Sau Ăł anh thÆ° ng hĂŽn CH Y QUÁ T C ... em.” HÆĄi b c d c, ĂŽng vÆ°ÆĄn ngÆ° i qua, hĂŽn v i m t cĂĄi trĂȘn mĂĄ vĂ  n m xu ng ng . M t gĂŁ Ă n ĂŽng vĂ  v ang lĂĄi m t chi c xe hÆĄi trĂȘn Ba mÆ°ÆĄi giĂąy sau, bĂ  nĂłi:”Sau Ăł anh con Æ° ng trĂȘn con Æ° ng khĂșc khu u cĂł gi i h n thÆ° ng c n c em.” iĂȘn ti t, ĂŽng quăng t m tr i t c 55 d m/gi . C nh sĂĄt l nh cho anh ta d ng giÆ° ng vĂ  nh y ra kh i giÆ° ng. vĂ o v Æ° ng. “Anh i Ăąu?” bĂ  h i. “Ông ĂŁ ch y kho ng 70 trong gi i h n 55 phĂ­a sau “L y hĂ m răng!” kia,” c nh sĂĄt nĂłi. FORGET IT “KhĂŽng ph i tĂŽi,” gĂŁ nĂłi, “cĂł th radar cĂĄc ĂŽng quĂ©t ai Ăł khĂĄc ho c v t gĂŹ Ăł, nhÆ°ng cĂŽng tÆĄ mĂ©t c a tĂŽi "The thrill is gone from my marriage," Bill told his ch Ășng 55.” friend Doug. NgÆ° i v nĂłi to lĂȘn:”anh ch y 70. Em ĂŁ nĂłi anh "Why not add some intrigue to your life and gi m 20 d m anh s b d ng n u anh khĂŽng ch y have an affair?" Doug suggested. ch m xu ng.” "But what if my wife finds out?" “CĂąm m bĂ  l i!” gĂŁ l m b m. "Heck, this is a new age we live in, Bill. Go “TĂŽi cĂł th xem gi y t b o hi m khĂŽng?” c nh sĂĄt ahead and tell her about it!" h i. So Bill went home and said, "Dear, I think “ Æ° c, th c a tĂŽi ngay trong bĂłp tĂŽi.” an affair will bring us closer together." 10 –
  • 11. "Forget it," said his wife. "I've tried that - it "Someone who doesn't speed, tailgate, swear, never worked." make obscene gestures and has a better driving QUÊN I U Ó I record than me." "It's a guy thing." “HĂŽn nhĂąn c a tĂŽi khĂŽng cĂČn gĂŹ thĂș v n a,” Bill nĂłi Really means... v i b n Doug. "There is no rational thought pattern “T i sao khĂŽng thĂȘm s ngo i tĂŹnh vĂ o cu c i b n connected with it, and you have no chance at all of vĂ  cĂł thĂȘm m t m i tĂŹnh?” Doug ngh making it logical." “NhÆ°ng v tĂŽi tĂŹm ra thĂŹ sao?” "Uh huh," "Sure, honey," or "Yes, dear." “ qu , chĂșng ta ang s ng trong m t th i i Really means... m i, Bill . HĂŁy th vĂ  nĂłi v i cĂŽ y v i u Ăł!” Absolutely nothing. It's a conditioned Th lĂ  Bill v nhĂ  vĂ  nĂłi:”CÆ°ng, anh nghÄ© m t m i response like Pavlov's dog drooling. tĂŹnh s lĂ m cho chĂșng ta g n nhau hÆĄn.” "My wife doesn't understand me." “QuĂȘn i u Ăł i,” v nĂłi. “Em ĂŁ th r i – chÆ°a Really means... bao gi hi u qu .” "She's heard all my stories before, and is tired ON THE ROAD of them." "It would take too long to explain." After weeks on the road an over the road trucker Really means... pulled into a brothel.The trucker walked up to the "I have no idea how it works." madam, slapped $500.00 on the counter and "Take a break, honey, you're working too demanded "Give me a bologna sandwich and the hard." ugliest, meanest, most foul tempered woman in the Really means... house." "I can't hear the game over the vacuum The madam looked at the trucker and cleaner." exclaimed, "Sir for this kind of money you can have "It's a really good movie." the best steak with all the trimmings and two of the Really means... prettiest girls in the state." "It's got guns, knives, fast cars, and Heather The trucker slowly looked up and with a tear Locklear." in his eye said, "You don't understand, I'm not "That's women's work." hungry or looking for company, I'm homesick!" Really means... TRÊN ÆŻ NG I "It's difficult, dirty, and thankless." "Go ask your mother." Sau hĂ ng tu n trĂȘn Æ° ng i, m t tĂ i x xe t i ch y Really means... vĂ o m t nhĂ  ch a. Ông ta bÆ° c t i bĂ  ch ch a, p "I am incapable of making a decision." 500 ĂŽ la trĂȘn qu y vĂ  ra l nh:”Cho tĂŽi m t sanwich "I do help around the house." bologna vĂ  m t em x u nh t, hĂšn h nh t, tĂ­nh tĂŹnh Really means... t m nh t trong nhĂ  nĂ y.” "I once put a dirty towel in the laundry TĂș bĂ  nhĂŹn tĂ i x vĂ  la lĂȘn:”ThÆ°a ĂŽng, v i s ti n basket." nĂ y ĂŽng cĂł th ăn mĂłn steak ngon nh t vĂ  hai em d "I can't find it." thÆ°ÆĄng nh t bang.” Really means... TĂ i x t t nhĂŹn lĂȘn vĂ  v i gi t nÆ° c m t trong m t, "It didn't fall into my outstretched hands, so anh ta nĂłi:”BĂ  khĂŽng hi u, tĂŽi khĂŽng Ăłi vĂ  tĂŹm b n I'm completely clueless." tĂŹnh, tĂŽi nh nhĂ !” I U ÀN ÔNG TH C S NÓI WHAT MEN REALLY MEAN “TĂŽi s i cĂąu cĂĄ.” NghÄ©a th c s ... "I'm going fishing." “TĂŽi s i u ng rÆ° u m t mĂŹnh, vĂ  ng bĂȘn Really means... dĂČng nÆ° c v i c n cĂąu trong tay trong khi cĂĄ bÆĄi bĂȘn "I'm going to drink myself , and stand by a c nh an toĂ n tuy t i. stream with a stick in my hand, while the fish swim “TĂ i x n .” by in complete safety." NghÄ©a th c s ... "Woman driver." Really means... 11 –
  • 12. “Ai Ăł khĂŽng ch y nhanh, khĂŽng bĂĄm uĂŽi The Mother wrote back the next day, "If you xe khĂĄc m t cĂĄch nguy hi m, khĂŽng cĂł nh ng c ch find a solution, please advise. I have the same t c tÄ©u vĂ  cĂł ti n s lĂĄi xe t t hÆĄn tĂŽi.” problem with his Father." “ Ăł lĂ  m t v n Ă n ĂŽng.” BÉ JOHNNY NghÄ©a th c s ... “KhĂŽng cĂł m t ki u m u suy nghÄ© lĂœ trĂ­ nĂ o GiĂĄo viĂȘn c a bĂ© Johnny g i m t gi y bĂĄo v cho k t n i v i nĂł, vĂ  b n khĂŽng cĂł cÆĄ h i nĂ o lĂ m mĂĄ nĂł, vi t:”Johnny cĂł v lĂ  m t a bĂ© r t sĂĄng d , nĂł cĂł logic.” nhÆ°ng dĂčng quĂĄ nhi u thĂŹ gi c a nĂł nghÄ© v tĂŹnh “ hĂĄ,” “ , cÆ°ng,” ho c “VĂąng, em yĂȘu.” d c vĂ  gĂĄi.” NghÄ©a th c s ... NgÆ° i mĂĄ vi t l i vĂ o hĂŽm sau:”N u cĂŽ tĂŹm ra cĂĄch Tuy t i ch ng cĂł gĂŹ. Ăł lĂ  m t ph n x cĂł gi i quy t, hĂŁy khuyĂȘn nh . TĂŽi cĆ©ng cĂł cĂčng v n i u ki n nhÆ° chĂł c a Paplop ch y nÆ° c dĂŁi. Ăł v i ba nĂł.” “V tĂŽi khĂŽng hi u tĂŽi.” SEX WITH GAS NghÄ©a th c s ... “CĂŽ y ĂŁ nghe t t c cĂĄc cĂąu chuy n c a tĂŽi There was this gas station in "redneck country" trÆ° c Ăł, vĂ  m t m i vĂŹ chĂșng.” trying to increase its sales, so the owner put up a gi i thĂ­ch thĂŹ quĂĄ dĂ i. sign saying, "Free Sex with Fill-up." Soon, a NghÄ©a th c s ... customer pulled in, filled his tank, and then asked “TĂŽi khĂŽng cĂł Ăœ ki n gĂŹ nĂł x y ra nhÆ° th for his free sex. nĂ o.” The owner told him to pick a number from 1 “HĂŁy t m ngh , cÆ°ng, em lĂ m vi c quĂĄ to 10, and if he guessed correctly, he would get his n ng.” free sex. NghÄ©a th c s ... The buyer then guessed 8 and the proprietor “TĂŽi khĂŽng th nghe trĂČ chÆĄi c a mĂĄy hĂșt said, "No, but you were close. The number was 7. b i.” Sorry, no free sex this time, but maybe next time." “ Ăł lĂ  m t phim hay th c s .” Some time thereafter, the same man, along NghÄ©a th c s ... with his buddy this time, pulled in again for a fill- “NĂł cĂł sĂșng, dao, xe phĂłng nhanh, vĂ  up, and again he asked for his free sex. The Heather Locklear.” proprietor again gave him the same story, and asked “ Ăł lĂ  m t cĂŽng vi c ph n .” him to guess the correct number. NghÄ©a th c s ... The man guessed 2 this time and the “ Ăł lĂ  m t cĂŽng vi c khĂł khăn, dÆĄ b n, vĂ  proprietor said, "Sorry, it was 3. You were close, but khĂŽng Æ° c bi t ÆĄn.” no free sex this time." “ i h i mĂĄ em.” As they were driving away, the driver said to NghÄ©a th c s ... his buddy, "I think that game is rigged, and he “Anh b t l c trong vi c Æ°a ra m t quy t doesn't really give away free sex." nh.” The buddy replied, "No, it's not “Anh qu cĂł giĂșp trong vi c nhĂ .” wife won twice last week." NghÄ©a th c s ... SEX V I D U XĂNG Anh ĂŁ m t l n t khăn lau m t dÆĄ vĂ o r gi t .” “Anh khĂŽng th tĂŹm ra nĂł.” CĂł m t cĂąy xăng nhÆ° th “vĂčng quĂȘ l c h u” c NghÄ©a th c s ... tăng s bĂĄn, vĂŹ th ĂŽng ch t m t t m b ng:” “NĂł khĂŽng rÆĄi vĂ o ĂŽi tay vÆ°ÆĄn ra c a anh, vĂŹ th xăng Æ° c sex mi n phĂ­.” Ch ng bao lĂąu, m t khĂĄch anh hoĂ n toĂ n khĂŽng cĂł d u v t.” hĂ ng ghĂ© xe vĂ o, xăng, sau Ăł h i sex mi n phĂ­. Ông ch nĂłi anh ta ch n m t s t 1 t i 10, vĂ  n u LITTLE JOHNNY anh ta oĂĄn Ășng, anh ta s Æ° c chÆĄi mi n phĂ­. Sau Ăł ngÆ° i mua oĂĄn 8 vĂ  ĂŽng ch nĂłi:”KhĂŽng Little Johnny's teacher sent a note home to his Ășng, nhÆ°ng g n Ășng. S Ăł lĂ  7. Xin l i, l n nĂ y Mother saying, "Johnny seems to be a very bright khĂŽng cĂł chÆĄi mi n phĂ­, nhÆ°ng l n t i thĂŹ cĂł th .” boy, but spends too much of his time thinking about M t kho ng th i gian sau Ăł, cĆ©ng ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng sex and girls." Ăł, l n nĂ y i cĂčng v i b n, cĆ©ng ghĂ© vĂ o xăng, vĂ  l i l n n a anh ta h i sex mi n phĂ­. Ông ch l i 12 –
  • 13. Æ°a anh ta cĂĄi th nhÆ° trÆ° c, vĂ  nĂłi anh ta oĂĄn When he gets home, the man excitedly tells Ășng con s . his wife about his experience at the Social Security NgÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng l n nĂ y oĂĄn s 2 vĂ  ĂŽng ch office. nĂłi:”Xin l i, Ăł lĂ  3. Ông g n Ășng, nhÆ°ng khĂŽng She said, "You should have dropped your chÆĄi mi n phĂ­ l n nĂ y Æ° c.” pants, you might have qualified for disability, too." Trong khi h lĂĄi i, tĂ i x nĂłi v i b n:”TĂŽi nghÄ© r ng N P Æ N AN SINH Xà H I trĂČ nĂ y lĂ  l a o, vĂ  ĂŽng ta khĂŽng th c s cho chÆĄi mi n phĂ­.” M t quĂœ ĂŽng v hÆ°u i vĂ o văn phĂČng an sinh xĂŁ h i NgÆ° i b n ĂĄp:”KhĂŽng, nĂł khĂŽng ph i trĂČ l a o ... n p ÆĄn. v tĂŽi Æ° c hai l n tu n qua.” Sau khi i trong hĂ ng m t lĂșc lĂąu, ĂŽng ta i t i bĂ n TRAILING MY HUSBAND nh n ÆĄn. NgÆ° i ph n ng sau bĂ n h i ĂŽng ta b ng lĂĄi xe th m tra tu i. Ông ta nhĂŹn vĂ o nh ng "So," Jane asked the detective she had hired. "Did cĂĄi tĂși vĂ  nh n ra ĂŽng ta ĂŁ bĂłp nhĂ . Ông ta nĂłi you trail my husband?" v i ngÆ° i Ă n bĂ  r ng ĂŽng ta r t l y lĂ m ti c nhÆ°ng "Yes ma'am. I did. I followed him to a bar, to nhÆ°ng ĂŽng cĂł v nhÆ° ĂŁ bĂłp nhĂ . “TĂŽi s ph i an out-of-the-way restaurant and then to an v nhĂ  vĂ  quay l i bĂąy gi khĂŽng?” ĂŽng ta h i. apartment." NgÆ° i ph n nĂłi:”HĂŁy c i nĂșt ĂĄo sÆĄ mi ĂŽng ra.” A big smile crossed Jane's face. "Aha! I've VĂŹ th ĂŽng ta c i ĂĄo sÆĄ mi ĂŽng ta cho th y nhi u s i got him!" she said gloating. "Is there any doubt what lĂŽng b c xoăn. he was doing?" BĂ  ta nĂłi:”S i lĂŽng b c tr ng Ăł trĂȘn ng c ĂŽng lĂ  "No ma'am." replied the sleuth. "It's pretty b ng ch ng cho tĂŽi,” vĂ  bĂ  ta gi i quy t ÆĄn xin clear that he was following you." an sinh xĂŁ h i c a ĂŽng. THEO DÕI CH NG Khi ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng v nhĂ , ĂŽng ta xĂșc ng k cho v nghe v i u ĂŽng tr i qua văn phĂČng an sinh xĂŁ “NhÆ° v y,” Jane h i viĂȘn thĂĄm t cĂŽ ĂŁ thuĂȘ, “anh h i. ĂŁ theo d u ch ng tĂŽi ch ?” BĂ  ta nĂłi:”Ông mĂ  c i qu n ĂŽng ra thĂŹ ĂŽng ĂŁ Æ° c “ Ășng, thÆ°a bĂ . TĂŽi ĂŁ theo. TĂŽi theo anh y t i m t xem lĂ  ĂŁ b m t kh năng n a.” bar, t i m t nhĂ  hĂ ng xa Æ° ng vĂ  sau Ăł t i m t TEN DOLLARS IS TEN DOLLARS căn h .” M t n cÆ° i rĂ” rĂ ng hi n ra trĂȘn m t Jane. “Aha! Stumpy Grinder and his wife Martha were TĂŽi ĂŁ b t Æ° c lĂŁo ta!” cĂŽ nĂłi m t cĂĄch h hĂȘ.”CĂł from Portland,Maine. Every year they went to the gĂŹ ĂĄng ng lĂŁo ta ang lĂ m gĂŹ khĂŽng?” Portland Fair and every year Stumpy said, "Ya “KhĂŽng, thÆ°a bĂ ,” thĂĄm t tr l i. “TĂŹnh hĂŹnh khĂĄ rĂ” know, Martha, I'd like to get a ride in that airplane." rĂ ng lĂ  anh y ang theo bĂ .” And every year, Martha would say "I know, APPLYING FOR SOCIAL SECURITY Stumpy, but that airplane ride costs ten dollars .. and ten dollars is ten dollars." A retired gentleman went into the social security So one year Stumpy says, "Martha, I'm 71 office to apply for Social Security. years old, and if I don't go this time I may never go." After waiting in line a long time he got to the Martha replies, "Stumpy, that there airplane ride is counter. The woman behind the counter asked him ten dollars ... and ten dollars is ten dollars." for his drivers license to verify his age. He looked in So the pilot overhears then and says, "Folks, his pockets and realized he had left his wallet at I'll make you a deal. I'll take you both up for a ride. home. He told the woman that he was very sorry but If you can stay quiet for the entire ride and not say he seemed to have left his wallet at home. "Will I ONE WORD, then I won't charge you. But just ONE have to go home and come back now?" he asks. WORD and it's ten dollars." The woman says, "Unbutton your shirt." They agree and up they go... the pilot does all So he opens his shirt revealing lots of curly kinds of twists and turns, rolls and dives, but not a silver hair. word is heard. He does it one more time, and there is She says, "That silver hair on your chest is still no word... so he lands. proof enough for me," and she processed his Social He turns to Stumpy as they come to a stop and Security application. says, "By golly, I did everything I could think of to get you to holler out, but you didn't." 13 –
  • 14. And Stumpy replies "Well, I was gonna say V : M i khi cĂł s c , khĂŽng c n bi t khĂł something when Martha fell out ... but ten dollars is gi i quy t nhÆ° th nĂ o, em nhĂŹn vĂ o hĂŹnh anh vĂ  s ten dollars." c bi n m t. MÆŻ I Ô LA LÀ MÆŻ I Ô LA Ch ng: Em xem, anh kỳ di u vĂ  m nh m nhÆ° th nĂ o i v i em? Stumpy Grinder vĂ  v Martha V : Ășng, em nhĂŹn hĂŹnh nh c a anh vĂ  t Portland, Maine(Hoa Kỳ). HĂ ng năm h i t i h i nh :”S c nĂ o khĂĄc cĂł th l n hÆĄn s c nĂ y?” ch Portland vĂ  hĂ ng năm Stumpy nĂłi:”Em bi t ÀN ÔNG VÀ ÀN BÀ khĂŽng, Martha, anh mu n c i trĂȘn mĂĄy bay Ăł.” VĂ  m i năm, Martha thÆ° ng nĂłi:”Em bi t, Stumpy, MESSAGE FOR ALL OF YOU SINGLES nhÆ°ng c i mĂĄy bay Ăł t n 10 ĂŽ la ... vĂ  mÆ° i ĂŽ la lĂ  mÆ° i ĂŽ la.” This is a message for all of you singles. VĂŹ v y m t năm kia, Stumpy nĂłi:”Martha, Is life getting you down? anh ĂŁ 71 tu i, vĂ  n u anh khĂŽng i l n nĂ y anh cĂł Guys, have you been getting depressed th khĂŽng bao gi i Æ° c n a.” Martha tr because there is simply not enough l i:”Stumpy, c i mĂĄy bay Ăł ch Ăł lĂ  mÆ° i ĂŽ la ... women to go around? vĂ  mÆ° i ĂŽ la lĂ  mÆ° i ĂŽ la.” And ladies, are you tired of the guys being to n nhÆ° th , viĂȘn phi cĂŽng khi Ăł nghe lĂ”m afraid to ask you out? vĂ  nĂłi:”Hai bĂĄc, chĂĄu s th a thu n v i hai bĂĄc. TĂŽi Well here it is, the answer to everyone's s Æ°a hai bĂĄc bĂ  i mĂĄy bay. N u hai bĂĄc cĂł th im deepest wish! Here is "The Guide l ng trong su t cu c chÆĄi vĂ  khĂŽng nĂłi M T L I to Being Dumped." These are the top 10 dumping thĂŹ chĂĄu s khĂŽng tĂ­nh ti n hai bĂĄc. NhÆ°ng ch m t lies translated to their true eanings for all of you. l i vĂ  nhÆ° th lĂ  10 ĂŽ la.” "I'm not ready for that type of commitment" H ng Ăœ vĂ  h lĂȘn mĂĄy bay ... viĂȘn phi Translation: I don't want to date you; cĂŽng lĂ m m i vĂČng xo n vĂ  qu o, l n vĂČng vĂ  b however, you can take me out to nhĂ o, nhÆ°ng khĂŽng cĂł l i nĂ o Æ° c nghe. Ông ta dinner and a movie every once in a while. Just don't lĂ m nhÆ° v y m t l n n a, nhÆ°ng khĂŽng cĂł t nĂ o ... hang around me so vĂŹ v y ĂŽng ta h cĂĄnh. much that you scare away the people I really want to Ông ta quay qua Stumpy khi h d ng l i vĂ  date. nĂłi:”Tr i ÆĄi, chĂĄu lĂ m m i th chĂĄu cĂł th nghÄ© t i "God doesn't want me to date right now. " lĂ m cho hai bĂĄc kĂȘu lĂȘn, nhÆ°ng hai bĂĄc khĂŽng Translation: I don't know why I said 'yes' in kĂȘu.” the first place. God doesn't VĂ  Stumpy tr l i:” , tĂŽi s p kĂȘu lĂȘn cĂĄi gĂŹ Ăł khi want me to date someone as ugly as you. Martha r t ra ... nhÆ°ng mÆ° i ĂŽ la lĂ  mÆ° i ĂŽ la.” "I only date older men/women." WHEN THERE IS A PROBLEM
 Translation: I only date older men/women who have more money than you do. "You're just not my type." Hubby : You always carry my photo in your Translation: When I look at you, and think of handbag to the office. Why? kissing you, I get physically sick. Wife : When there is a problem, no matter "You're too good for me." how impossible, I look at your picture and the Translation: I'm too good/much cool for you. problem disappears. "You're too much like a brother/sister" Hubby : You see, how miraculous and Translation: I like you, but you just don't turn powerful I am for you? me on. Wife : Yes, I see your picture and say to "You'll always have a special place in my myself, '"What other problem can there be greater heart." than this one ?" Translation: My lawyer will contact you soon M I KHI CÓ S C 
 about the restraining order. "I think we should date other people." Ch ng: Em luĂŽn em hĂŹnh anh trong tĂși Translation: Look, I'm late for my date, mang t i cÆĄ quan.Sao v y? he/she's probably waiting in the parking lot. I've got to go. "I just don't have the time to date anyone." 14 –
  • 15. Translation: You DO realize that I've been D ch: CĂł l anh/em lĂ  ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng/ Ă n bĂ  cu i avoiding you for months now... cĂčng trĂȘn TrĂĄi t. "Maybe we can get together real soon." HOW TO PLEASE A WOMAN Translation: Perhaps if you were the last man/woman on Earth. A group of girlfriends are on vacation when they see THÔNG I P CHO T T C CÁC B N – a 5- story hotel with a sign that reads: "For Women NH NG NGÆŻ I C THÂN Only." Since they are without their boyfriends and husbands, they decide to go in. Ăąy lĂ  thĂŽng i p cho t t c cĂĄc b n – nh ng ngÆ° i The bouncer, a very attractive guy, explains c thĂąn. to them how it works. "We have 5 floors. Go up Cu c s ng cĂł lĂ m cĂĄc b n bu n khĂŽng? floor-by-floor,and once you find what you are CĂĄc b n nam, cĂĄc b n ĂŁ chĂĄn n n vĂŹ ÆĄn gi n lĂ  looking for, you can stay there. It's easy to decide khĂŽng cĂł ph n giao du ? since each floor has a sign telling you what's inside." VĂ  cĂĄc b n n , cĂĄc b n cĂł nhĂ m chĂĄn v i nh ng b n So they start going up and on the first floor trai ng i m i b n i chÆĄi? the sign reads: "All the men on this floor are short Ăąy r i, cĂąu tr l i cho Æ° c mong sĂąu kĂ­n nh t c a and plain." The friends laugh and without hesitation m i ngÆ° i! Ăąy lĂ  “HÆ° ng d n cho vi c b t ch i.” move on to the next floor. Ăąy lĂ  10 l i d i gian t ch i Æ° c d ch ra chĂąn The sign on the second floor reads: "All the nghÄ©a cho t t c cĂĄc b n. men here are short and handsome." Still, this isn't “Em khĂŽng s n lĂČng cho ki u t n tĂŹnh ó” good enough, so the friends continue on up. D ch: TĂŽi khĂŽng mu n h n hĂČ v i anh; tuy nhiĂȘn, They reach the third floor and the sign reads: anh cĂł th th nh tho ng Æ°a tĂŽi i chÆĄi ăn t i vĂ  "All the men here are tall and plain." They still want xem phim. Ch ng l n qu n quanh tĂŽi quĂĄ nhi u to do better, and so, knowing there are still two n n i lĂ m nh ng ngÆ° i khĂĄc – nh ng ngÆ° i mĂ  tĂŽi floors left, they continued on up. th c s mu n h n hĂČ â€“ ho ng s . On the fourth floor, the sign is perfect: "All the “ChĂșa khĂŽng mu n em/anh lĂ m m t cĂĄi h n ngay men here are tall and handsome." The women get all bĂąy gi .” excited and are going in when they realize that there D ch: TĂŽi khĂŽng bi t sao tĂŽi nĂłi “có” nÆĄi u is still one floor left. Wondering what they are tiĂȘn.ChĂșa khĂŽng mu n tĂŽi h n hĂČ v i m t ngÆ° i x u missing, they head on up to the fifth floor. xĂ­ nhÆ° anh/em. There they find a sign that reads: "There are no “Em ch h n hĂČ v i nh ng ngÆ° i l n tu i hÆĄn.” men here. This floor was built only to prove that D ch:TĂŽi ch h n hĂČ v i nh ng ngÆ° i l n tu i hÆĄn, there is no way to please a woman." nh ng ngÆ° i cĂł nhi u ti n hÆĄn anh. LÀM SAO LÀM V A LÒNG M T PH “Em/anh khĂŽng ph i lĂ  tuĂœp ngÆ° i nhÆ° tĂŽi” N D ch: Khi tĂŽi nhĂŹn vĂ o em/anh, vĂ  nghÄ© t i vi c hĂŽn em/anh, tĂŽi phĂĄt b nh th t s . M t nhĂłm b n gĂĄi ang kỳ ngh thĂŹ h th y m t “Anh/em quĂĄ t t i v i tĂŽi.” khĂĄch s n 5 t ng v i m t t m bi n :”Ch dĂ nh cho D ch:TĂŽi hoĂ n toĂ n/r t lĂŁnh m i v i anh/em. ph n .” VĂŹ h khĂŽng cĂł b n trai vĂ  ch ng nĂȘn h “Anh /em r t gi ng anh trai/em gĂĄi em/anh.” quy t nh i vĂ o. D ch: TĂŽi m n anh/em, nhÆ°ng anh/em khĂŽng lĂ m tĂŽi Tay “b o kĂȘ”, m t gĂŁ r t h p d n, gi i thĂ­ch cho h yĂȘu Æ° c. khĂĄch s n ho t ng ra sao. “ChĂșng tĂŽi cĂł 5 t ng. i “Anh/em luĂŽn cĂł m t v trĂ­ c bi t trong tim lĂȘn t ng t ng, vĂ  khi cĂĄc b n tĂŹm cĂĄi gĂŹ cĂĄc b n ang em/anh.” tĂŹm ki m, cĂĄc b n cĂł th Ăł.Quy t nh t ng nĂ o D ch: Lu t sÆ° c a tĂŽi s mau g p anh/cĂŽ v l nh thĂŹ d vĂŹ m i t ng cĂł m t t m bi n cho b n bi t cĂĄi ngăn gi . gĂŹ trong.” “Em/anh nghÄ© chĂșng ta nĂȘn h n ngÆ° i khĂĄc.” Nghe v y, h b t u i lĂȘn vĂ  trĂȘn t ng th nh t, D ch: HĂŁy xem, tĂŽi tr h n, anh y/cĂŽ y h u nhÆ° t m bi n :”T t c Ă n ĂŽng t ng nĂ y u lĂčn vĂ  ch c ch n ang i bĂŁi u xe. TĂŽi ph i i. thÆ° ng.” NhĂłm b n cÆ° i vĂ  khĂŽng i lĂȘn t ng k “Em ch khĂŽng cĂł th i gi h n v i b t c ai.” ti p khĂŽng do d . D ch: Anh ph i nh n ra r ng tĂŽi ĂŁ trĂĄnh m t anh T m bi n t ng th hai :”T t c Ă n ĂŽng Ăąy trong nhi u thĂĄng nay 
 u lĂčn vĂ  p trai.” CĆ©ng v y, t ng nĂ y v n khĂŽng “ChĂșng ta cĂł th g n gĆ©i nhau trong th i gian s p hay, vĂŹ th nhĂłm b n l i ti p t c i lĂȘn trĂȘn. t i th c s .” 15 –
  • 16. H t i t ng th ba vĂ  t m bi n :” T t c Ă n ĂŽng became very friendly. George brushed her off rather Ăąy u cao vĂ  thÆ° ng.” H v n mu n hÆĄn, vĂ  nhÆ° rudely. th , bi t v n cĂČn hai t ng n a, h ti p t c i lĂȘn trĂȘn. Harriet objected, "George, she was nice, that t ng th tÆ°, t m bi n ghi tuy t h o:”T t c Ă n young woman, and you were so rude." ĂŽng Ăąy u cao vĂ  p trai.” NhĂłm ph n t t c "Harriet, she's a prostitute." u ph n ch n vĂ  i vĂ o thĂŹ h nh n ra r ng v n cĂČn "I don't believe you. That sweet young m t t ng n a.L y lĂ m ng c nhiĂȘn mĂŹnh ang thi u lady?" cĂĄi gĂŹ, h i lĂȘn t ng năm. "Let's go up to our room and I'll prove it." Ăąy h tĂŹm th y t m bi n :”KhĂŽng cĂł Ă n ĂŽng In their room, George called down to the Ăąy. T ng nĂ y Æ° c xĂąy d ng ch ch ng t r ng desk and asked for Bambi to come to room 1217. khĂŽng cĂł cĂĄch nĂ o lĂ m hĂ i lĂČng m t ph n .” "Now," he said, "you hide in the bathroom with the door open just enough UGLY BABY to hear us, okay?" She did. Soon, there was a knock on the door. George opened it and Bambi walked in, A woman gets on a bus holding a baby. swirling her hips provocatively. The bus driver says, "That's the ugliest baby "So, I see you're interested after all," she said. I've ever seen." George asked, "How much do you charge?" In a huff, the woman slammed her fare into "$125 basic rate, $100 tips for special the fare box and took an aisle seat near the rear of services." the bus. The man seated next to her sensed that she George was taken aback. "$125! I was was agitated and asked her what was wrong. "The thinking more in the range of $25." bus driver insulted me," she fumed. Bambi laughed derisively. "You must really The man sympathized and said: "Why, he's a be a hick if you think you can public servant and shouldn't say things to insult buy sex for that price." passengers." "Well," said George, "I guess we can't do "You're right" she said. "I think I'll go back business.Goodbye." up there and give him a piece of my mind." After she left, Harriet came out of the "That's a good idea" the man said. "Here, let bathroom. "I just can't believe it." me hold your monkey." George said, "Let's forget it. We'll go have a A BÉ X U XÍ drink, then eat dinner." At the bar, as they sipped their cocktails, M t ph n i lĂȘn xe buĂœt v i m t a bĂ© b trĂȘn Bambi came up behind George tay. pointed slyly at Harriet, and said, "See what you get TĂ i x nĂłi:” Ăł lĂ  a bĂ© x u nh t mĂ  tĂŽi t ng for $25?" th y.” ANH CÓ GÌ V I 25 Ô LA? Trong cÆĄn b c t c, ngÆ° i ph n qu ng ti n vĂ© vĂ o ĂŽ thu ti n vĂ  ng i vĂ o m t chi c gh g n sau xe. George vĂ  Harriet cÆ° i nhau ĂŁ Æ° c 25 năm.H NgÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng ng i g n ch ta hi u r ng ch ta ang quy t nh lĂ m l k ni m b ng m t chuy n i chÆĄi b kĂ­ch ng vĂ  h i ch ta i u gĂŹ ĂŁ x y ra. “TĂ i x Las Vegas.Khi h bÆ° c vĂ o khĂĄch s n/sĂČng bĂ i vĂ  lăng m tĂŽi,” ch ta n i Ăła. ăng kĂœ, m t ph n tr h p d n m c m t chi c vĂĄy NgÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng thĂŽng c m vĂ  nĂłi:”Sao, anh ta lĂ m r t ng n tr nĂȘn r t thĂąn thi n v i h .George g t cĂŽ d ch v cĂŽng c ng vĂ  khĂŽng nĂȘn nĂłi nh ng i u ta m t cĂĄch hÆĄi khi m nhĂŁ. lăng m hĂ nh khĂĄch.” Harriet ph n i:” George, ngÆ° i ph n tr Ăł d “Anh Ășng Ăł, “ ch ta nĂłi.”TĂŽi nghÄ© tĂŽi s i thÆ°ÆĄng, vĂ  anh th t khi m nhĂŁ.” ngÆ° c lĂȘn trĂȘn vĂ  nĂłi to c ra v i anh ta.” “Harriet, cĂŽ ta lĂ  m t gĂĄi i m.” “ Ăł lĂ  Ăœ ki n hay” ngÆ° i Ă n ĂŽng nĂłi.”NĂ y, hĂŁy “Em khĂŽng tin anh.NgÆ° i ph n tr h p d n Ăł Æ°?” tĂŽi b con kh c a ch .” “ChĂșng ta hĂŁy i lĂȘn phĂČng vĂ  anh s ch ng minh WHAT DO YOU GET FOR 25$ ? i u Ăł.” Trong phĂČng h , George g i xu ng qu y vĂ  g i George and Harriet were married twenty-five years. Bambi n phĂČng 1217. They decided to celebrate with a trip to Las Vegas. “BĂąy gi ,” anh ta nĂłi, “em n p trong phĂČng t m, c a When they entered the hotel/casino and registered, a m ra ch nghe anh vĂ  cĂŽ ta, Æ° c ch ?” CĂŽ sweet young woman dressed in a very short skirt, v lĂ m theo.Ch ng bao lĂąu, cĂł m t ti ng gĂ” c a. 16 –
  • 17. George m ra vĂ  Bambi i vĂ o, ong Æ°a hĂŽng m t “L quĂĄ, t i sao b n khĂŽng cÆ° i cĂŽ ta?” b n tĂŽi h i. cĂĄch khĂȘu g i. TĂŽi nhĂșn vai vĂ  tr l i:” CĂŽ ta mong ch m t ngÆ° i “NhÆ° v y, sau h t, em th y anh ĂŁ chĂș Ăœ,” cĂŽ ta nĂłi. Ă n ĂŽng hoĂ n h o.” George h i:”CĂŽ tĂ­nh bao nhiĂȘu?” TWO DEALERS AND A VERY ATTRACTIVE “125 ĂŽ giĂĄ n n, 100 ĂŽ bu c boa ph c v c bi t.” LADY George s ng s t:”125 ĂŽ! TĂŽi ang cĂąn nh c v i c 25 ĂŽ.” Two bored casino dealers are waiting at a craps Bambi cÆ° i gi u:”Anh h n ph i lĂ  m t gĂŁ nhĂ  quĂȘ table. A very attractive lady comes in and wants to th c s n u anh nghÄ© anh cĂł th mua Æ° c sex v i bet $20,000 on a single roll of the dice. giĂĄ Ăł.” She says, "I hope you don't mind, but I feel “ThĂŽi,” George nĂłi,”tĂŽi cho lĂ  chĂșng ta khĂŽng th much luckier when I'm bottomless." lĂ m vi c Ăł.T m bi t.” With that, she strips naked from the waist Sau khi cĂŽ ta i, Harriet i ra kh i phĂČng t m. “Em down, and rolls the dice while yelling, "Momma khĂŽng th tin Æ° c.” needs a new pair of pants!" George nĂłi:”ChĂșng ta hĂŁy quĂȘn i u Ăł i.ChĂșng ta She then begins jumping up and down and s i u ng, sau Ăł ăn cÆĄm. hugging and kissing each of the dealers. "YES! I T i qu y, trong khi h ang nh m nhĂĄp c ctĂąy, WIN! I WIN!" Bambi i n ng sau George, kĂ­n ĂĄo ch vĂ o With that, she picks up her money and Harriet vĂ  nĂłi:”Xem anh cĂł gĂŹ v i 25 ĂŽ?” clothes and quickly leaves. The dealers just stare at I’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT each other dumbfounded. GIRL Finally one of them asks, "What did she roll anyway?" A friend asked me the other day why i never The other answers, "I don't know! I thought got married. YOU were watching!" I replied "Well, I guess I just never met the HAI NGÆŻ I CHIA BÀI VÀ M T PH N right woman... I guess I've been looking for the R TH PD N perfect girl." "Oh, come on now," said my friend. "Surely Hai ngÆ° i chia bĂ i m t m i ang ng i i t i you have met at least one girl bĂ n xĂ­ ng u. M t ph n r t h p d n bÆ° c vĂ o vĂ  that you wanted to marry." mu n ĂĄnh m t vĂĄn 20.000 ĂŽ la trong m t cĂș th xĂ­ "Yes, there was one girl... once. I guess she ng u duy nh t. was the one perfect girl -- NĂ ng nĂłi:”Em hy v ng hai anh khĂŽng ng i, the only perfect girl I really ever met. She was just nhÆ°ng em nghÄ© s may m n hÆĄn nhi u khi em the right everything... I really mean that she was the “khĂŽng ĂĄy”. perfect girl for me." Theo l i nĂłi, nĂ ng c i kh a thĂąn t eo "Well, why didn't you marry her?" asked my xu ng, r i gieo xĂ­ ng u v i ti ng reo:”MĂĄ c n m t friend. cĂĄi qu n m i!” I shrugged my shoulders and replied, "She Sau Ăł nĂ ng nh y lĂȘn xu ng vĂ  ĂŽm vĂ  hĂŽn was looking for the perfect man." hai ngÆ° i chia bĂ i.” ÚNG! EM TH NG! EM TÔI à TÌM KI M M T CÔ GÁI HOÀN H O TH NG!” V i l i nĂłi Ăł, nĂ ng ĂŽm ti n vĂ  qu n ĂĄo vĂ  M t ngĂ y kia, m t ngÆ° i b n h i tĂŽi t i sao tĂŽi r i i nhanh chĂłng.Hai ngÆ° i chia bĂ i nhĂŹn nhau khĂŽng cÆ° i v . ch m ch p ch t i ng. TĂŽi tr l i:”À, tĂŽi oĂĄn r ng tĂŽi khĂŽng bao gi g p Cu i cĂčng m t trong hai ngÆ° i h i:”DĂč sao m t ph n mong mu n 
 TĂŽi Æ° c ch ng tĂŽi ĂŁ tĂŹm i n a thĂŹ cĂŽ ta ĂŁ gieo s m y?” ki m m t cĂŽ gĂĄi hoĂ n h o.” NgÆ° i kia ĂĄp:”TĂŽi khĂŽng bi t! TĂŽi “ , ti p t c i nĂ o,” b n tĂŽi nĂłi. “Ch c ch n anh ĂŁ nghÄ© ANH ang canh!” g p Ă­t nh t m t cĂŽ gĂĄi anh mu n cÆ° i.” BEFORE I MARRY SARAH “ Ășng, cĂł m t cĂŽ 
 m t l n. TĂŽi Æ° c ch ng cĂŽ ta lĂ  m t cĂŽ gĂĄi hoĂ n h o – m t cĂŽ gĂĄi hoĂ n h o duy nh t Patient: "Doctor, before I marry Sarah next tĂŽi t ng g p th c s . M i th cĂŽ ta u Ășng 
 TĂŽi Saturday, there's something I'd like to get off my th c s mu n nĂłi r ng cĂŽ ta lĂ  cĂŽ gĂĄi hoĂ n h o i chest." v i tĂŽi.” Doctor: "What's that?" 17 –
  • 18. Patient: "A tattoo saying 'I love Alice.'" worried about what had happened to Sister Logical. TRÆŻ C KHI TÔI CÆŻ I SARAH Then Sister Logical arrived, breathless and flushed. B nh nhĂąn: “BĂĄc sÄ©, trÆ° c khi tĂŽi cÆ° i Sarah th b y Sister Mathematical: "Sister Logical! Thank t i, tĂŽi mu n l y m t th ra kh i ng c.” God you are here! Tell me what happened!" BĂĄc sÄ©: “CĂĄi Ăł lĂ  cĂĄi gĂŹ?” Sister Logical: The only logical thing B nh nhĂąn:”M t hĂŹnh xăm cĂł ch “TĂŽi yĂȘu Alice.”” happened. The man couldn't follow us both, so he DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE followed me. Sister Mathematical: Yes, yes! But what A strained voice called out through the darkened happened then? theater,"Please, is there a doctor in the house?!" Sister Logical: I started to run as fast as I Several men stood up as the lights came on. could and he started to run as fast as he could. An older lady pulled her daughter to stand Sister Mathematical: And? next to her,"Good, are any of you doctors single and Sister Logical: The only logical thing interested in a date with a good girl?" happened. He reached me. BÁC SÄš TRONG NHÀ HÁT Sister Mathematical: Oh, dear! What did you do? M t gi ng nĂłi căng th ng v ng ra xuyĂȘn qua bĂłng Sister Logical: The only logical thing to do. I t i r p hĂĄt:” Xin vui lĂČng cho bi t cĂł m t bĂĄc sÄ© lifted my dress up. trong nhĂ  hĂĄt khĂŽng?!” Sister Mathematical: Oh, Sister! What did the M t s Ă n ĂŽng ng lĂȘn trong khi Ăšn b t sĂĄng. man do? M t ngÆ° i Ă n bĂ  cĂł tu i kĂ©o ngÆ° i con gĂĄi ng Sister Logical: The only logical thing to do. c nh bĂ  ta:”T t, bĂĄc sÄ© cĂĄc anh cĂł ai cĂČn c thĂąn vĂ  He pulled down his pants. thĂ­ch se duyĂȘn v i m t cĂŽ gĂĄi sĂĄng giĂĄ khĂŽng?” Sister Mathematical: Oh, no! What happened TWO NUNS IN AN ALLEY then? Sister Logical: Isn't it logical, Sister? A nun Two nuns went out of their convent to sell with her dress up can run much faster than a man cookies. One of them was known as Sister with his pants down........ Mathematical and the other one was known as Sister HAI MA-XÆ  TRÊN ÆŻ NG I Logical. It was getting dark and they were still far away from the convent. Hai ma-xÆĄ r i tu vi n i bĂĄn bĂĄnh. M t Sister Logical: Have you noticed that a man ngÆ° i tĂȘn lĂ  XÆĄ ToĂĄn H c vĂ  ngÆ° i kia tĂȘn lĂ  XÆĄ has been following us for the past half-hour? Logic. Tr i ang t i d n vĂ  h v n cĂČn cĂĄch xa tu Sister Mathematical: Yes, I wonder what he vi n. wants. XÆĄ Logic: XÆĄ cĂł chĂș Ăœ th y m t ngÆ° i Ă n Sister Logical: It's logical. He wants to rape ĂŽng ĂŁ i theo sau chĂșng ta trong n a gi qua us. khĂŽng? Sister Mathematical: Oh, no! At this rate he XÆĄ ToĂĄn h c: , vĂ  tĂŽi t h i h n mu n gĂŹ. will reach us in 15 minutes at the most. What can we XÆĄ Logic: Theo logic, h n mu n hi p chĂșng do? ta. Sister Logical: The only logical thing to do, XÆĄ ToĂĄn h c: Oi, khĂŽng! V i Ă  nĂ y thĂŹ cao of course, is to walk faster. l m 15 phĂșt n a h n s b t k p chĂșng ta. ChĂșng ta Sister Mathematical: It's not working. cĂł th lĂ m gĂŹ ? Sister Logical: Of course it's not working. XÆĄ Logic: DÄ© nhiĂȘn, vi c duy nh t theo logic The man did the only logical thing. He started to c n lĂ m lĂ  i nhanh hÆĄn. walk faster too. XÆĄ ToĂĄn h c: i u Ăł khĂŽng hi u qu . Sister Mathematical: So, what shall we do? At XÆĄ Logic: DÄ© nhiĂȘn i u Ăł khĂŽng hi u qu . this rate he will reach us in one minute. H n cĆ©ng lĂ m theo vi c duy nh t theo logic. H n Sister Logical: The only logical thing we can cĆ©ng b t u i nhanh hÆĄn. do is split. You go that way and I'll go this way. He XÆĄ ToĂĄn h c: Th thĂŹ chĂșng ta s lĂ m gĂŹ? cannot follow us both. V i Ă  nĂ y h n s b t k p chĂșng ta trong m t phĂșt. So the man decided to follow Sister Logical. Sister Mathematical arrived at the convent and was 18 –