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Trend Keamanan Komputer
Dhian Sweetania
Tren Keamanan 2012
ā€¢ Menurut riset Trend Microā€”vendor keamanan asal Taiwanā€”akan ada banyak hal
menarik yang menjadi perhatian para pekerja keamanan TI di tahun 2012 nanti.
ā€¢ Tren smartphone, tablet dan ultrabook, serta cloud di tahun 2011 diprediksi akan tetap
menjadi fokus utama keamanan data di 2012. Sistem dan teknologi yang ada akan
semakin canggih, tapi penjahat cyber pun tak kalah canggih. Berikut ini prediksi
keamanan yang dilakukan oleh Raimund Ganes (CTO Trend Micro):
1.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā BersiapĀ untukĀ eraĀ BYOD
ā€“ Meskipun masih banyak perusahaan yang merasa tidak nyaman dengan ā€œkonsumerisasi TIā€,
keamanan dan insiden pelanggaran data di 2012 akan memaksa perusahaan untuk
menghadapi era Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD). Era BYOD tidak bisa dihindarkan
seiring dengan berkembangnya peranti mulai dari ultrabook hingga tablet, hingga data yang
disimpan tak bisa lagi sepenuhnya dikontrol oleh admistrator TI. Kemungkinan hilangnya
data melalui penggunaan peranti pribadi ini pun akan meningkat.
2.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā AmankanĀ dataĀ center
ā€“ Tantangan nyata yang akan dihadapi pemilik data center di tahun depan adalah semakin
kompleksnya keamanan untuk sistem virtual, fisik dan cloud. Serangan ditargetkan pada
mesin virtual dan layanan pada komputasi cloud. Platform virtual dan cloud tetap ada celah
untuk diserang. Hal ini tentunya akan menjadi beban bagi tenaga IT untuk mengamankan
data mereka, selama mereka mengadopsi teknologi ini. Mengamankan server virtualisasi
adalah hal utama, dimana kejahatan pencurian data bisa terjadi melalui sistem yang rentan.
Tren Keamanan
3.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā SeranganĀ diĀ smartphoneĀ danĀ tablet
ā€“ Pertumbuhan pesat dari smartphone, melalui Android, dan hadirnya tablet, diperkirakan
juga tak luput dari serangan di 2012. Dengan angka pertumbuhan dari contoh-contoh
malware yang baru saat ini, Trend Micro memprediksi akan melihat lebih dari 100 ribu
trojan jahat yang muncul di Android hingga Desember 2012 apabila angka pertumbuhan
tersebut terus melaju.
4.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā CelahĀ diĀ aplikasiĀ mobile
ā€“ Munculnya banyak pasar aplikasi di beberapa sistem operasi smartphone, membuat
penjahat cyber bisa memanfaatkan jalur ini. Saat ini, penjahat menggunakannya sebagai
aplikasi malicious. Bisa jadi karena developer mengalami salah pengkodean sehingga
celah ini dimanfaatkan penjahat. Atau, si penjahat sengaja membuat aplikasi yang setelah
diunduh dan diinstal merugikan pengguna.
5.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā BotnetĀ masihĀ ada
ā€“ Meskipun botnet akan menjadi lebih kecil skalanya, tapi mereka akan tumbuh dalam
jumlah yang lebih banyak. Botnet, alat kejatahan cyber tradisional, akan berkembang
sebagai respon terhadap tindakan yang diambil oleh industri keamanan. Botnet menjadi
lebih kecil, tapi akan lebih mudah dikelola sebagai media penyebaran malware ke
komputer visitor, pencurian password (scam), mass-email ke ratusan ribu alamat (spam),
mencuri data website anda (theft), penipuan pay-per-click (abuse) dan membuat IP server
anda di-blacklist oleh berbagai layanan.
Tren Keamanan
6.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā SeranganĀ yangĀ tidakĀ biasa
ā€“ Target serangan hackers akan ditujukan pada target yang tidak biasa, seperti pada
produsen sistem kontrol industri, dan peralatan medis untuk mengambil data intelijen dan
aset dari beberapa perusahaan. Threat seperti STUXNET atau Duqu, yang sempat
menyusup ke dalam reaktor nuklir Iran, akan kembali muncul dengan target serangan
yang tidak diduga.
7.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā KejahatanĀ cyberĀ makinĀ kreatif
ā€“ Penjahat dunia maya kedepannya akan menemukan cara yang lebih kreatif bukan saja
dalam hal melakukan pencurian data, tapi juga untuk bersembunyi dari penegakan
8.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā AwasĀ seranganĀ dariĀ kelompokĀ Hacker
ā€“ Tahun 2011 ini ditandai dengan kehadiran kelompok hacker Anonymous dan Lulzsec,
yang berhasil mengacak dan menghancurkan data dunia maya. Sony Playstation Network
sempat merasakan serangan mereka. Biarpun sebagian kelompok ini telah ditangkap,
mereka yang masih bebas tetap melancarkan kampanye serangan terhadap institusi
tertentu. Contoh lain : LulzSec, Antisec
9.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā InformasiĀ pribadiĀ takĀ lagiĀ rahasia
ā€“ Tahun depan seiring dengan banyaknya pengguna social media dari anak-anak muda, kini
data-data yang dulu bersifat rahasia seperti alamat email, alamat rumah, dan nomor
telepon pribadi pun, kini bisa dengan mudah diumumkan melalui akun social media
mereka. Dan ini tentunya, tanpa mereka sadari akan menjadi prospek ideal bagi kejahatan
Tren Keamanan
10.Ā Ā SeranganĀ socialĀ engineeringĀ ditargetkanĀ keĀ UKM
ā€“ 2012 diperkirakan teknik social engineering untuk mendapatkan data-data
pribadi semakin beragam, dan menyusup juga sektor UKM. Dimana sektor ini
pun terkadang luput dari pengawasan, tentunya dengan memanfaatkan
kelemahan manusia, bukan alat dan sistemnya.
11.Ā Ā AlatĀ cybercimeĀ makinĀ canggih
ā€“ Kini alat untuk melakukan cybercrime akan semakin canggih, termasuk dari
aktor intelektual dan penyandang dana dari serangan. Kegiatan dari Advanced
persistent threat (APT) agents: Sebuah organisasi dengan pemasok dana yang
bertujuan untuk mencuri kekayaan intektual perusahaan atau bahasa awamnya
data-data perusahaan akan bertambah.
12.Ā Ā LonjakanĀ malware
ā€“ Kehilangan data yang disebabkan karena infeksi malware akan meningkat
tahun depan. Pada 2011 ini saja per Januari hingga Juli 2011 saja kenaikan
malware Android dibanding 2010 adalah 1410%, serta tiap detiknya terbentuk
3,5 threat baru.
Ancaman terhadap Mobile Tech
ā€¢ Jumlah ancaman keamanan Android
meningkat sebanyak tiga kali lipat di
kuartal kedua tahun ini.
ā€¢ Pada kuartal pertama 2012, Kaspersky
Lab mencatat kemunculan 5,441
malware baru yang menyasar platform
mobile open source tersebut. Kuartal
berikutnya, angka tersebut naik tajam
menjadi 14,923 malware baru.
ā€¢ Malware Android yang ditemukan
Kaspersky di perempat tahun kedua
2012 ini terdiri dari :
ā€“ Trojan SMS yang dipakai untuk mencuri
uang dari pengguna. Caranya adalah
dengan mengirim SMS bertarif premium
tanpa sepengetahuan si empunya
perangkat. (25 persen)
ā€“ Jenis backdoor yang memungkinkan
penciptanya mengontrol perangkat
Android korban. (18 persen )
ā€“ Jenis Trojan Spy, yang paling berbahaya
karena bisa memberi akses ke rekening
bank korban.
Ancaman celah keamanan dan
bagaimana cara meminimalisir
Contoh Celah keamanan internet yang mengincar user :
ā€¢ Kegiatan transaksi banking yang dilakukan di public area (public wifi, warnet,) tentu
saja sangat rentan Celah yang dimanfaatkan untuk mendapatkan akun banking anda :
Ancaman seperti Man In The Middle Attack, DNS Spoofing, Session
Hijacking, dll bisa dengan cepat membajak akun anda
ā€¢ Contoh kasus lainnya yg marak adalah phishing. Phishing ini di di ambil dari kata
fishing yang artinya memancing. Tujuan phishing ini ada mencoba menjebak user
untuk melakukan tindakan tertentu, dan tentunya pada akhirnya akan merugikan user
ā€“ Misalnya anda menerima email yang mengatasnamakan tim IT Security bank tertentu, dan
meminta anda mengupdate password, dan dia memberikan link
ā€“ Biasanya anda terkecoh dan percaya krn pd email sender tsb jelas pengirimnya (cth
ā€“ Padahal sebenarnya pengirim email phishing tsb mengirim dgn fake email address, coba
anda klik detail email tsb (Opsi Show original pd Gmail)
ā€“ Hal tersebut dilakukan untuk melihat apakah benar sender nya dari user yg legitimate?
ā€“ Biasanya pada email tersebut di sertakan link URL, attachmenet html, atau file2 seperti
document, anda harus waspada sebelum membukanya!
ā€“ Jangan pernah percaya pada URL Shortener! Check terlebih dahulu link tsb, misalnya
menggunakan layanan ini -
ā€“ Jika link URL yang di berikan pada email phishing tadi mencurigakan, cek kembali, misalnya
URL nya apakah benar URL yg original?
Ancaman celah keamanan dan
bagaimana cara meminimalisir
ā€¢ Pastikan anda selalu menggunakan https jika menggunakan account penting spt
banking, socmed, email, Cari plugin browser yg mengharuskan membuka web2
tersebut menggunakan https, seperti https everywhere
ā€¢ Walaupun tidak menjamin keamanan secara penuh jika menggunakan https,
setidaknya ini mencegah anda agar tidak terjadi eavesdropping
ā€¢ Celah keamanan yang lain yg sedang marak adalah malware pada smartphone.
Aplikasi fake yang disusupi malware banyak menjangkiti android,dan tren malware di
android ini sedang sangat marak misalnya banyak fake antivirus yang beredera di
googleplay, ketika user mendownloadnya, alih-alih untuk mengamankan smartphone,
apps tersebut malah merugikan kita, Mengirimkan data sensitif mengenai informasi
kita misalnya, atau ada juga yg tiba2 mengirimkan SMS premium yg men-charge
pulsa kita, atau muncul pop-up yg annoying. Untuk menghindari hal tersebut, jangan
mendownload aplikasi di luar dari market application (Googleplay, BB App World,
APpstore). Walaupun tidak menjamin juga jika download dari market store akan lebih
aman Cari review terlebih dahulu mengenai aplikasi yg anda ingin download, cari
kontak support,alamat website nya, dan siapa author nya. Jangan mendownload
aplikasi bajakan, karena kita tidak tahu apakah aplikasi tersebut sudah di backdoor,
mengandung trojan, spyware,dll
Ancaman celah keamanan dan
bagaimana cara meminimalisir
ā€¢ Celah keamanan lain yang juga marak di socmed adalah clickjacking. Ada yang
tahu apa itu clickjacking? Clickjacking secara sederhana di artikan sebagai salah
satu malicious tehcnic yang memanfaatkan user yang biasanya sembarang main klik.
Pernah lihat wall temen kamu di facebook tiba2 spread video2 berbau porn? atau
misalnya pernah liat temen2 kamu tiba2 ngirim Spam DM di twitter? Atau contoh
lainnya tiba2 kamu dpt email dr tmn kmu yg isinya link2 ga jelas gitu?
ā€¢ Nah, itu contoh dari clickjacking. Klo ad tmn yg spreading hal2 ky gt,jgn asal klik :D,
krn kmu jg bs kena kayak dia, tanpa disadari kmu akan nyebarin link2 tsb
Simulasi Software Keamanan
ā€¢ OMNeT++ is a discrete event simulation environment. Its primary application area is the
simulation of communication networks, but because of its generic and flexible architecture, is
successfully used in other areas like the simulation of complex IT systems, queueing networks or
hardware architectures as well.
ā€¢ OMNeT++ provides a component architecture for models. Components (modules) are
programmed in C++, then assembled into larger components and models using a high-level
language (NED). Reusability of models comes for free. OMNeT++ has extensive GUI support,
and due to its modular architecture, the simulation kernel (and models) can be embedded easily
into your applications.
ā€¢ Although OMNeT++ is not a network simulator itself, it is currently gaining widespread popularity
as a network simulation platform in the scientific community as well as in industrial settings, and
building up a large user community.
ā€¢ simulation kernel library
ā€¢ compiler for the NED topology description language
ā€¢ OMNeT++ IDE based on the Eclipse platform
ā€¢ GUI for simulation execution, links into simulation executable (Tkenv)
ā€¢ command-line user interface for simulation execution (Cmdenv)
ā€¢ utilities (makefile creation tool, etc.)
ā€¢ documentation, sample simulations, etc.
Simulasi Software Keamanan
1. OMNeT++ runs on Linux, Mac OS X, other Unix-like systems and on
Windows (XP, Win2K, Vista, 7).
2. The OMNeT++ IDE requires Linux32/64, Mac OS X 10.5 or Windows
Simulasi Software Keamanan
ā€¢ NeSSiĀ² is an open source project developed at the
DAI-Labor and sponsored by
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories.
ā€¢ NeSSi (Network Security Simulator) is a novel network
simulation tool which incorporates a variety of features
relevant to network security distinguishing it from
general-purpose network simulators. Its capabilities such
as profile-based automated attack generation, traffic
analysis and support for the detection algorithm plugins
allow it to be used for security research and evaluation
ā€¢ NeSSi has been successfully used for testing intrusion
detection algorithms, conducting network security
analysis, and developingoverlay security frameworks.
Simulasi Software Keamanan
Software Audit Keamanan Komputer
ā€¢ Secure Windows Auditorā„¢ (SWA) is a windows
security software solution which provides windows
security auditing and assessment software which
empower network administrators & IT security
auditors to conduct in-depth security assessments of
network based windows systems.
ā€¢ This Windows security software can run from a
centralized location on the network during windows
security assessments. It identifies vulnerabilities and
categorizes them according to their respective risk
levels and provides step by step solutions to
eliminate them; thus simplifying the enormous task
of windows security audit.
This windows security software searches for
vulnerabilities in Account Policies, Password
Policy, Audit Policy, Weak Passwords, Missing
Patches, Misconfigurations, System Vulnerabilities,
Trojans Spyware, Files and Folder Permissions,
Registry Settings, User Rights and System Services.
It then presents them in form of a comprehensive
report and provides solutions, which if properly
implemented will result in securing windows based
Software Audit Keamanan Komputer
Security Tools
Windows Security Tools Windows Password Auditor
Windows Event Log Analyzer Windows Asset Inventory Viewer
Windows Remote Control FTP Brute Force Tester MySQL Brute Force Tester
Windows PCI Compliance Check Windows HIPAA Compliance Check
Oracle Security Tools Oracle SID Tester Oracle Default Password Tester
Oracle TNS Password Tester Oracle Password Auditor
Oracle Access Rights Auditor Oracle Brute Force Tester
Oracle Event Log Analyzer Oracle PCI Compliance Check
Ora HIPAA Compliance Check Oracle Query Browser
SQL Security Tools SQL Default Password Tester SQL Server Password Auditor
SQL Server Access Right Auditor SQL Server Event Log Analyzer
SQL Server Brute Force Tester SQL Server Query Browser
SQL PCI Compliance Check SQL HIPAA Compliance Check
Cisco Security Tools Cisco Configuration Manager
Cisco Type7 Password Decryptor Cisco MD5 Password Auditor
Cisco Firewall Password Auditor IP Calculator Cisco SNMP Brute Force Tester
Cisco VPN Password Auditor Cisco Switch Port Mapper
Cisco Configuration Backup Tool
General Security Tools Traceroute Port Scanner SNMP Browser SNMP Scanner
Whois DNS Auditor Mac Detector DNS Lookup HTTP Brute Force Tester
SSH Brute Force Tester
Software Audit Keamanan Komputer
General Security Tools
Port Scanner
is a basic tool required to secure a network
from intrusion. Viruses probe for open
ports on the weak systems of the network
that can compromise entire network
security measures. Continuous monitoring
of open ports will identify all sort of
changes even they are minute in nature.
utility allows tracking the path of a
packet from its origination to
destination address. It allows the
user to trace the track of a
particular transmission on the
Software Audit Keamanan Komputer
General Security Tools
SNMP Browser
SNMP Browser discover network
using SNMP MIB, SNMP traps and
community name it also helps in
monitor network devices(router
monitor) using windows SNMP.
SNMP Scanner
Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP) is a UDP-
based an application layer
network protocol which was
developed to manage devices
on an IP network. SNMP
scanner uses SNMP MIB and
SNMP traps for monitoring
routers in a network.
Software Audit Keamanan Komputer
General Security Tools
WHOIS is a search tool that
can check domain names,
ICANN and personal contact
information of the registrar
from WHOIS databases.
DNS Auditor
provides facility to resolved domain names and
their respective IP addresses. DNS Auditor is
critical tool because various security weaknesses
are associated with IP Address, Domain Name and
DNS name. It is extremely important to have
accurate DNS information in order to have smooth
IP based communication.
Software Audit Keamanan Komputer
General Security Tools
Mac Detector
DNS Lookup
is a tool to detect MAC addresses of
computers over the network from their IP
addresses.MAC address is an important
component for network security, control and
infrastructure management because it is a
unique code identifier of networking
DNS Lookup is effective tool to resolve domain names into the
corresponding IP address and to retrieve particular information from
the target domains (for example, MX record, A record etc.). Hackers
use this type of tools for Foot printing a network
Software Audit Keamanan Komputer
Security Tools
HTTP Brute Force Tester
SSH Brute Force Tester
is a method of obtaining the user's authentication
credentials of a web based application, such as
the username and password to login to HTTP
and HTTPs sites. Password based tests are a
common methods of breaking into web sites.
is a method of obtaining the user's
authentication credentials of an SSH
connection, such as the username and
password to login. Password based tests are a
common methods of breaking into web sites.
Organisasi Penentu standar dan Sertifikasi
untuk Keamanan data dan Sistem
ā€¢ Tiger Scheme is a commercial certification
scheme for technical security specialists,
backed by University standards and covering a
wide range of expertise. The Tiger Scheme was
founded in 2007, on the principle that a
commercial certification scheme run on
independent lines would give buyers of security
testing services confidence that they were hiring
in a recognised and reputable company.
ā€¢ The Open Web Application Security Project
(OWASP) is an Open Source community project
developing software tools and knowledge based
documentation that helps people secure web
applications and web services. It is an open
source reference point for system architects,
developers, vendors, consumers and security
professionals involved in designing, developing,
deploying and testing the security of web
applications and Web Services.
Organisasi Penentu standar dan Sertifikasi
untuk Keamanan data dan Sistem
ā€¢ The Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security
Requirements were established in December
2004, and apply to all Members, merchants,
and service providers that store, process or
transmit cardholder data. As well as a
requirement to comply with this standard, there
is a requirement to independently prove
ā€¢ ISACA was established in 1967 and has
become a pace-setting global organization for
information governance, control, security and
audit professionals. Its IS Auditing and IS
Control standards are followed by practitioners
worldwide and its research pinpoints
professional issues challenging its constituents.
CISA, the Certified Information Systems Auditor
is ISACA's cornerstone certification. Since
1978, the CISA exam has measured excellence
in the area of IS auditing, control and security
and has grown to be globally recognized and
adopted worldwide as a symbol of achievement.
Organisasi Penentu standar dan Sertifikasi
untuk Keamanan data dan Sistem
ā€¢ The CESG IT Health Check scheme was
instigated to ensure that sensitive government
networks and those constituting the GSI
(Government Secure Intranet) and CNI (Critical
National Infrastructure) were secured and
tested to a consistent high level. The
methodology aims to identify known
vulnerabilities in IT systems and networks which
may compromise the confidentiality, integrity or
availability of information held on that IT system.
ā€¢ The aim of The Open Source Security Testing
Methodology Manual (OSSTMM) is to set forth
a standard for Internet security testing. It is
intended to form a comprehensive baseline for
testing that, if followed, ensures a thorough and
comprehensive penetration test has been
undertaken. This should enable a client to be
certain of the level of technical assessment
independently of other organisation concerns,
such as the corporate profile of the penetration-
testing provider.
Organisasi Penentu standar dan Sertifikasi
untuk Keamanan data dan Sistem
ā€¢ The Council for Registered Ethical
Security Testers (CREST) exists to
serve the needs of a global
information security marketplace
that increasingly requires the
services of a regulated and
professional security testing
capability. It provides globally
recognised, up to date certifications
for organisations and individuals
providing penetration testing
ā€¢ To promote the use of best
practices for providing security
assurance within Cloud Computing,
and provide education on the uses
of Cloud Computing to help secure
all other forms of computing.
Organisasi Penentu standar dan Sertifikasi
untuk Keamanan data dan Sistem
EC Councilā€™s
ā€¢ Security Awareness
Take an online course in Security Awareness, EC
Councilā€™s Security 5 certification. This course is
great for busy professionals who what to learn
the basics of IT Security, from securing their
home network using best practices, to
establishing fundamental security measures in a
small business where the full time IT Security
staff is not present.
ā€¢ Security Fundamentals
ā€¢ EC Councilā€™s Network Security Administrator
(ENSA) is a premier certification for the Network
Security Administrator.
ā€¢ Ethical Hacking
ā€¢ Certified Ethical Hacker through iClass is EC
Councilā€™s official CEH Class preparing students
to challenge the Certified Ethical Hacker
Certification Exam 312-50.
ā€¢ Computer Forensics
ā€¢ EC Councilā€™s Computer Hacking Forensic
Investigator CHFI is also available online through
iClass. CHFI investigators can draw on an array
of methods for discovering data that resides in a
computer system, or recovering deleted,
encrypted, or damaged file information.
ā€¢ Advanced Penetration Testing
ā€¢ The EC Council Certified Security Analyst ECSA is the Second
Course following the Certified Ethical Hacker. CEH teaches the
student methods and tools used by hackers while the ECSA
prepares students to conduct security assessments and
complete Vulnerability Assessments & Penetration Tests using
industry leading methods, techniques, and tools.
ā€¢ Disaster Recovery
ā€¢ EC Councilā€™s Disaster Recovery Professional Training online
through iClass prepares students for the EDRP certification
exam 312-76. The EDRP course teaches you the methods in
identifying vulnerabilities and takes appropriate
countermeasures to prevent and mitigate failure risks for an
ā€¢ Application Security
ā€¢ EC Council's Secure Coding Professional ECSP is a cutting
edge program delivered online through iClass teaching the
fundamentals of Application Security and Secure Coding
Organisasi Penentu standar dan Sertifikasi
untuk Keamanan data dan Sistem
CWSP Certification
ā€¢ CWSP certification is a
professional-level wireless LAN
certification. Achieving CWSP
certification confirms that you have
the skills to successfully secure
enterprise Wi-Fi networks from
hackers, no matter which brand of
Wi-Fi gear your organization

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  • 3. Tren Keamanan 3.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā SeranganĀ diĀ smartphoneĀ danĀ tablet ā€“ Pertumbuhan pesat dari smartphone, melalui Android, dan hadirnya tablet, diperkirakan juga tak luput dari serangan di 2012. Dengan angka pertumbuhan dari contoh-contoh malware yang baru saat ini, Trend Micro memprediksi akan melihat lebih dari 100 ribu trojan jahat yang muncul di Android hingga Desember 2012 apabila angka pertumbuhan tersebut terus melaju. 4.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā CelahĀ diĀ aplikasiĀ mobile ā€“ Munculnya banyak pasar aplikasi di beberapa sistem operasi smartphone, membuat penjahat cyber bisa memanfaatkan jalur ini. Saat ini, penjahat menggunakannya sebagai aplikasi malicious. Bisa jadi karena developer mengalami salah pengkodean sehingga celah ini dimanfaatkan penjahat. Atau, si penjahat sengaja membuat aplikasi yang setelah diunduh dan diinstal merugikan pengguna. 5.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā BotnetĀ masihĀ ada ā€“ Meskipun botnet akan menjadi lebih kecil skalanya, tapi mereka akan tumbuh dalam jumlah yang lebih banyak. Botnet, alat kejatahan cyber tradisional, akan berkembang sebagai respon terhadap tindakan yang diambil oleh industri keamanan. Botnet menjadi lebih kecil, tapi akan lebih mudah dikelola sebagai media penyebaran malware ke komputer visitor, pencurian password (scam), mass-email ke ratusan ribu alamat (spam), mencuri data website anda (theft), penipuan pay-per-click (abuse) dan membuat IP server anda di-blacklist oleh berbagai layanan.
  • 4. Tren Keamanan 6.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā SeranganĀ yangĀ tidakĀ biasa ā€“ Target serangan hackers akan ditujukan pada target yang tidak biasa, seperti pada produsen sistem kontrol industri, dan peralatan medis untuk mengambil data intelijen dan aset dari beberapa perusahaan. Threat seperti STUXNET atau Duqu, yang sempat menyusup ke dalam reaktor nuklir Iran, akan kembali muncul dengan target serangan yang tidak diduga. 7.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā KejahatanĀ cyberĀ makinĀ kreatif ā€“ Penjahat dunia maya kedepannya akan menemukan cara yang lebih kreatif bukan saja dalam hal melakukan pencurian data, tapi juga untuk bersembunyi dari penegakan hukum. 8.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā AwasĀ seranganĀ dariĀ kelompokĀ Hacker ā€“ Tahun 2011 ini ditandai dengan kehadiran kelompok hacker Anonymous dan Lulzsec, yang berhasil mengacak dan menghancurkan data dunia maya. Sony Playstation Network sempat merasakan serangan mereka. Biarpun sebagian kelompok ini telah ditangkap, mereka yang masih bebas tetap melancarkan kampanye serangan terhadap institusi tertentu. Contoh lain : LulzSec, Antisec 9.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā InformasiĀ pribadiĀ takĀ lagiĀ rahasia ā€“ Tahun depan seiring dengan banyaknya pengguna social media dari anak-anak muda, kini data-data yang dulu bersifat rahasia seperti alamat email, alamat rumah, dan nomor telepon pribadi pun, kini bisa dengan mudah diumumkan melalui akun social media mereka. Dan ini tentunya, tanpa mereka sadari akan menjadi prospek ideal bagi kejahatan cyber.
  • 5. Tren Keamanan 10.Ā Ā SeranganĀ socialĀ engineeringĀ ditargetkanĀ keĀ UKM ā€“ 2012 diperkirakan teknik social engineering untuk mendapatkan data-data pribadi semakin beragam, dan menyusup juga sektor UKM. Dimana sektor ini pun terkadang luput dari pengawasan, tentunya dengan memanfaatkan kelemahan manusia, bukan alat dan sistemnya. 11.Ā Ā AlatĀ cybercimeĀ makinĀ canggih ā€“ Kini alat untuk melakukan cybercrime akan semakin canggih, termasuk dari aktor intelektual dan penyandang dana dari serangan. Kegiatan dari Advanced persistent threat (APT) agents: Sebuah organisasi dengan pemasok dana yang bertujuan untuk mencuri kekayaan intektual perusahaan atau bahasa awamnya data-data perusahaan akan bertambah. 12.Ā Ā LonjakanĀ malware ā€“ Kehilangan data yang disebabkan karena infeksi malware akan meningkat tahun depan. Pada 2011 ini saja per Januari hingga Juli 2011 saja kenaikan malware Android dibanding 2010 adalah 1410%, serta tiap detiknya terbentuk 3,5 threat baru.
  • 6. Ancaman terhadap Mobile Tech ā€¢ Jumlah ancaman keamanan Android meningkat sebanyak tiga kali lipat di kuartal kedua tahun ini. ā€¢ Pada kuartal pertama 2012, Kaspersky Lab mencatat kemunculan 5,441 malware baru yang menyasar platform mobile open source tersebut. Kuartal berikutnya, angka tersebut naik tajam menjadi 14,923 malware baru. ā€¢ Malware Android yang ditemukan Kaspersky di perempat tahun kedua 2012 ini terdiri dari : ā€“ Trojan SMS yang dipakai untuk mencuri uang dari pengguna. Caranya adalah dengan mengirim SMS bertarif premium tanpa sepengetahuan si empunya perangkat. (25 persen) ā€“ Jenis backdoor yang memungkinkan penciptanya mengontrol perangkat Android korban. (18 persen ) ā€“ Jenis Trojan Spy, yang paling berbahaya karena bisa memberi akses ke rekening bank korban.
  • 7. Ancaman celah keamanan dan bagaimana cara meminimalisir Contoh Celah keamanan internet yang mengincar user : ā€¢ Kegiatan transaksi banking yang dilakukan di public area (public wifi, warnet,) tentu saja sangat rentan Celah yang dimanfaatkan untuk mendapatkan akun banking anda : Ancaman seperti Man In The Middle Attack, DNS Spoofing, Session Hijacking, dll bisa dengan cepat membajak akun anda ā€¢ Contoh kasus lainnya yg marak adalah phishing. Phishing ini di di ambil dari kata fishing yang artinya memancing. Tujuan phishing ini ada mencoba menjebak user untuk melakukan tindakan tertentu, dan tentunya pada akhirnya akan merugikan user tersebut ā€“ Misalnya anda menerima email yang mengatasnamakan tim IT Security bank tertentu, dan meminta anda mengupdate password, dan dia memberikan link ā€“ Biasanya anda terkecoh dan percaya krn pd email sender tsb jelas pengirimnya (cth ā€“ Padahal sebenarnya pengirim email phishing tsb mengirim dgn fake email address, coba anda klik detail email tsb (Opsi Show original pd Gmail) ā€“ Hal tersebut dilakukan untuk melihat apakah benar sender nya dari user yg legitimate? ā€“ Biasanya pada email tersebut di sertakan link URL, attachmenet html, atau file2 seperti document, anda harus waspada sebelum membukanya! ā€“ Jangan pernah percaya pada URL Shortener! Check terlebih dahulu link tsb, misalnya menggunakan layanan ini - ā€“ Jika link URL yang di berikan pada email phishing tadi mencurigakan, cek kembali, misalnya URL nya apakah benar URL yg original?
  • 8. Ancaman celah keamanan dan bagaimana cara meminimalisir ā€¢ Pastikan anda selalu menggunakan https jika menggunakan account penting spt banking, socmed, email, Cari plugin browser yg mengharuskan membuka web2 tersebut menggunakan https, seperti https everywhere ā€¢ Walaupun tidak menjamin keamanan secara penuh jika menggunakan https, setidaknya ini mencegah anda agar tidak terjadi eavesdropping ā€¢ Celah keamanan yang lain yg sedang marak adalah malware pada smartphone. Aplikasi fake yang disusupi malware banyak menjangkiti android,dan tren malware di android ini sedang sangat marak misalnya banyak fake antivirus yang beredera di googleplay, ketika user mendownloadnya, alih-alih untuk mengamankan smartphone, apps tersebut malah merugikan kita, Mengirimkan data sensitif mengenai informasi kita misalnya, atau ada juga yg tiba2 mengirimkan SMS premium yg men-charge pulsa kita, atau muncul pop-up yg annoying. Untuk menghindari hal tersebut, jangan mendownload aplikasi di luar dari market application (Googleplay, BB App World, APpstore). Walaupun tidak menjamin juga jika download dari market store akan lebih aman Cari review terlebih dahulu mengenai aplikasi yg anda ingin download, cari kontak support,alamat website nya, dan siapa author nya. Jangan mendownload aplikasi bajakan, karena kita tidak tahu apakah aplikasi tersebut sudah di backdoor, mengandung trojan, spyware,dll
  • 9. Ancaman celah keamanan dan bagaimana cara meminimalisir ā€¢ Celah keamanan lain yang juga marak di socmed adalah clickjacking. Ada yang tahu apa itu clickjacking? Clickjacking secara sederhana di artikan sebagai salah satu malicious tehcnic yang memanfaatkan user yang biasanya sembarang main klik. Pernah lihat wall temen kamu di facebook tiba2 spread video2 berbau porn? atau misalnya pernah liat temen2 kamu tiba2 ngirim Spam DM di twitter? Atau contoh lainnya tiba2 kamu dpt email dr tmn kmu yg isinya link2 ga jelas gitu? ā€¢ Nah, itu contoh dari clickjacking. Klo ad tmn yg spreading hal2 ky gt,jgn asal klik :D, krn kmu jg bs kena kayak dia, tanpa disadari kmu akan nyebarin link2 tsb
  • 10. Simulasi Software Keamanan Komputer Background ā€¢ OMNeT++ is a discrete event simulation environment. Its primary application area is the simulation of communication networks, but because of its generic and flexible architecture, is successfully used in other areas like the simulation of complex IT systems, queueing networks or hardware architectures as well. ā€¢ OMNeT++ provides a component architecture for models. Components (modules) are programmed in C++, then assembled into larger components and models using a high-level language (NED). Reusability of models comes for free. OMNeT++ has extensive GUI support, and due to its modular architecture, the simulation kernel (and models) can be embedded easily into your applications. ā€¢ Although OMNeT++ is not a network simulator itself, it is currently gaining widespread popularity as a network simulation platform in the scientific community as well as in industrial settings, and building up a large user community. Components ā€¢ simulation kernel library ā€¢ compiler for the NED topology description language ā€¢ OMNeT++ IDE based on the Eclipse platform ā€¢ GUI for simulation execution, links into simulation executable (Tkenv) ā€¢ command-line user interface for simulation execution (Cmdenv) ā€¢ utilities (makefile creation tool, etc.) ā€¢ documentation, sample simulations, etc.
  • 11. Simulasi Software Keamanan Komputer Platforms 1. OMNeT++ runs on Linux, Mac OS X, other Unix-like systems and on Windows (XP, Win2K, Vista, 7). 2. The OMNeT++ IDE requires Linux32/64, Mac OS X 10.5 or Windows XP
  • 12. Simulasi Software Keamanan Komputer Background ā€¢ NeSSiĀ² is an open source project developed at the DAI-Labor and sponsored by Deutsche Telekom Laboratories. ā€¢ NeSSi (Network Security Simulator) is a novel network simulation tool which incorporates a variety of features relevant to network security distinguishing it from general-purpose network simulators. Its capabilities such as profile-based automated attack generation, traffic analysis and support for the detection algorithm plugins allow it to be used for security research and evaluation purposes. ā€¢ NeSSi has been successfully used for testing intrusion detection algorithms, conducting network security analysis, and developingoverlay security frameworks.
  • 14. Software Audit Keamanan Komputer ā€¢ Secure Windows Auditorā„¢ (SWA) is a windows security software solution which provides windows security auditing and assessment software which empower network administrators & IT security auditors to conduct in-depth security assessments of network based windows systems. ā€¢ This Windows security software can run from a centralized location on the network during windows security assessments. It identifies vulnerabilities and categorizes them according to their respective risk levels and provides step by step solutions to eliminate them; thus simplifying the enormous task of windows security audit. This windows security software searches for vulnerabilities in Account Policies, Password Policy, Audit Policy, Weak Passwords, Missing Patches, Misconfigurations, System Vulnerabilities, Trojans Spyware, Files and Folder Permissions, Registry Settings, User Rights and System Services. It then presents them in form of a comprehensive report and provides solutions, which if properly implemented will result in securing windows based systems.
  • 15. Software Audit Keamanan Komputer Security Tools Windows Security Tools Windows Password Auditor Windows Event Log Analyzer Windows Asset Inventory Viewer Windows Remote Control FTP Brute Force Tester MySQL Brute Force Tester Windows PCI Compliance Check Windows HIPAA Compliance Check Oracle Security Tools Oracle SID Tester Oracle Default Password Tester Oracle TNS Password Tester Oracle Password Auditor Oracle Access Rights Auditor Oracle Brute Force Tester Oracle Event Log Analyzer Oracle PCI Compliance Check Ora HIPAA Compliance Check Oracle Query Browser SQL Security Tools SQL Default Password Tester SQL Server Password Auditor SQL Server Access Right Auditor SQL Server Event Log Analyzer SQL Server Brute Force Tester SQL Server Query Browser SQL PCI Compliance Check SQL HIPAA Compliance Check Cisco Security Tools Cisco Configuration Manager Cisco Type7 Password Decryptor Cisco MD5 Password Auditor Cisco Firewall Password Auditor IP Calculator Cisco SNMP Brute Force Tester Cisco VPN Password Auditor Cisco Switch Port Mapper Cisco Configuration Backup Tool General Security Tools Traceroute Port Scanner SNMP Browser SNMP Scanner Whois DNS Auditor Mac Detector DNS Lookup HTTP Brute Force Tester SSH Brute Force Tester
  • 16. Software Audit Keamanan Komputer General Security Tools Traceroute Port Scanner is a basic tool required to secure a network from intrusion. Viruses probe for open ports on the weak systems of the network that can compromise entire network security measures. Continuous monitoring of open ports will identify all sort of changes even they are minute in nature. utility allows tracking the path of a packet from its origination to destination address. It allows the user to trace the track of a particular transmission on the network.
  • 17. Software Audit Keamanan Komputer General Security Tools SNMP Browser SNMP Browser discover network using SNMP MIB, SNMP traps and community name it also helps in monitor network devices(router monitor) using windows SNMP. SNMP Scanner Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a UDP- based an application layer network protocol which was developed to manage devices on an IP network. SNMP scanner uses SNMP MIB and SNMP traps for monitoring routers in a network.
  • 18. Software Audit Keamanan Komputer General Security Tools Whois WHOIS is a search tool that can check domain names, ICANN and personal contact information of the registrar from WHOIS databases. DNS Auditor provides facility to resolved domain names and their respective IP addresses. DNS Auditor is critical tool because various security weaknesses are associated with IP Address, Domain Name and DNS name. It is extremely important to have accurate DNS information in order to have smooth IP based communication.
  • 19. Software Audit Keamanan Komputer General Security Tools Mac Detector DNS Lookup is a tool to detect MAC addresses of computers over the network from their IP addresses.MAC address is an important component for network security, control and infrastructure management because it is a unique code identifier of networking equipment. DNS Lookup is effective tool to resolve domain names into the corresponding IP address and to retrieve particular information from the target domains (for example, MX record, A record etc.). Hackers use this type of tools for Foot printing a network
  • 20. Software Audit Keamanan Komputer Security Tools HTTP Brute Force Tester SSH Brute Force Tester is a method of obtaining the user's authentication credentials of a web based application, such as the username and password to login to HTTP and HTTPs sites. Password based tests are a common methods of breaking into web sites. is a method of obtaining the user's authentication credentials of an SSH connection, such as the username and password to login. Password based tests are a common methods of breaking into web sites.
  • 21. Organisasi Penentu standar dan Sertifikasi untuk Keamanan data dan Sistem Tiger ā€¢ ā€¢ Tiger Scheme is a commercial certification scheme for technical security specialists, backed by University standards and covering a wide range of expertise. The Tiger Scheme was founded in 2007, on the principle that a commercial certification scheme run on independent lines would give buyers of security testing services confidence that they were hiring in a recognised and reputable company. OWASP ā€¢ ā€¢ The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is an Open Source community project developing software tools and knowledge based documentation that helps people secure web applications and web services. It is an open source reference point for system architects, developers, vendors, consumers and security professionals involved in designing, developing, deploying and testing the security of web applications and Web Services.
  • 22. Organisasi Penentu standar dan Sertifikasi untuk Keamanan data dan Sistem PCI ā€¢ ā€¢ The Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Requirements were established in December 2004, and apply to all Members, merchants, and service providers that store, process or transmit cardholder data. As well as a requirement to comply with this standard, there is a requirement to independently prove verification. ISACA ā€¢ ā€¢ ISACA was established in 1967 and has become a pace-setting global organization for information governance, control, security and audit professionals. Its IS Auditing and IS Control standards are followed by practitioners worldwide and its research pinpoints professional issues challenging its constituents. CISA, the Certified Information Systems Auditor is ISACA's cornerstone certification. Since 1978, the CISA exam has measured excellence in the area of IS auditing, control and security and has grown to be globally recognized and adopted worldwide as a symbol of achievement.
  • 23. Organisasi Penentu standar dan Sertifikasi untuk Keamanan data dan Sistem CHECK ā€¢ ā€¢ The CESG IT Health Check scheme was instigated to ensure that sensitive government networks and those constituting the GSI (Government Secure Intranet) and CNI (Critical National Infrastructure) were secured and tested to a consistent high level. The methodology aims to identify known vulnerabilities in IT systems and networks which may compromise the confidentiality, integrity or availability of information held on that IT system. OSSTMM ā€¢ ā€¢ The aim of The Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual (OSSTMM) is to set forth a standard for Internet security testing. It is intended to form a comprehensive baseline for testing that, if followed, ensures a thorough and comprehensive penetration test has been undertaken. This should enable a client to be certain of the level of technical assessment independently of other organisation concerns, such as the corporate profile of the penetration- testing provider.
  • 24. Organisasi Penentu standar dan Sertifikasi untuk Keamanan data dan Sistem CREST ā€¢ ā€¢ The Council for Registered Ethical Security Testers (CREST) exists to serve the needs of a global information security marketplace that increasingly requires the services of a regulated and professional security testing capability. It provides globally recognised, up to date certifications for organisations and individuals providing penetration testing services. CSA ā€¢ ā€¢ To promote the use of best practices for providing security assurance within Cloud Computing, and provide education on the uses of Cloud Computing to help secure all other forms of computing.
  • 25. Organisasi Penentu standar dan Sertifikasi untuk Keamanan data dan Sistem EC Councilā€™s ā€¢ Security Awareness Take an online course in Security Awareness, EC Councilā€™s Security 5 certification. This course is great for busy professionals who what to learn the basics of IT Security, from securing their home network using best practices, to establishing fundamental security measures in a small business where the full time IT Security staff is not present. ā€¢ Security Fundamentals ā€¢ EC Councilā€™s Network Security Administrator (ENSA) is a premier certification for the Network Security Administrator. ā€¢ Ethical Hacking ā€¢ Certified Ethical Hacker through iClass is EC Councilā€™s official CEH Class preparing students to challenge the Certified Ethical Hacker Certification Exam 312-50. ā€¢ Computer Forensics ā€¢ EC Councilā€™s Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator CHFI is also available online through iClass. CHFI investigators can draw on an array of methods for discovering data that resides in a computer system, or recovering deleted, encrypted, or damaged file information. ā€¢ Advanced Penetration Testing ā€¢ The EC Council Certified Security Analyst ECSA is the Second Course following the Certified Ethical Hacker. CEH teaches the student methods and tools used by hackers while the ECSA prepares students to conduct security assessments and complete Vulnerability Assessments & Penetration Tests using industry leading methods, techniques, and tools. ā€¢ Disaster Recovery ā€¢ EC Councilā€™s Disaster Recovery Professional Training online through iClass prepares students for the EDRP certification exam 312-76. The EDRP course teaches you the methods in identifying vulnerabilities and takes appropriate countermeasures to prevent and mitigate failure risks for an organization. ā€¢ Application Security ā€¢ EC Council's Secure Coding Professional ECSP is a cutting edge program delivered online through iClass teaching the fundamentals of Application Security and Secure Coding practices.
  • 26. Organisasi Penentu standar dan Sertifikasi untuk Keamanan data dan Sistem CWSP Certification ā€¢ aining/certification_listing.asp? pageid=12&certid=448&country=U nited+States ā€¢ CWSP certification is a professional-level wireless LAN certification. Achieving CWSP certification confirms that you have the skills to successfully secure enterprise Wi-Fi networks from hackers, no matter which brand of Wi-Fi gear your organization deploys.