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Brief Report
                       DEPRESSED CHILDREN:
                    PILOT STUDY OF FEASIBILITY
       Helen Verdeli, Ph.D.,n Tova Ferro, Ph.D., Priya Wickramaratne, Ph.D., Steven Greenwald, M.P.H.,
                         Carlos Blanco, M.D., Ph.D., and Myrna M. Weissman, Ph.D.

                   Numerous studies have shown that depression is highly familial and impairing
                   and that a history of depression in a parent is the strongest risk factor for
                   depression in a child. Many of the parents in these studies have never received
                   sustained treatment despite histories of recurrent depression. None of the studies
                   have examined the effects of maternal symptom remission on offspring
                   symptom or functioning. We sought to determine the feasibility of treating
                   depressed mothers who brought an offspring for the treatment of depression and
                   to examine the relationship between improved maternal depression and
                   symptomatic improvement and social functioning in their offspring. Nine
                   mothers bringing their offspring for treatment of depression, and who were
                   evaluated and found to be currently depressed, completed a 12-week open trial of
                   interpersonal psychotherapy. Mothers and their depressed offspring were
                   assessed by independent evaluators at weeks 0, 6, and 12 for depressive
                   symptomatology and social functioning. Although the rates of depression were
                   high among the mothers, few eligible mothers agreed to participate. Of the 12
                   who entered treatment, 9 (75%) completed it. Mothers and offspring improved
                   with regard to depressive symptomatology and global functioning over the course
                   of the trial. Improvement in maternal depression was significantly associated
                   with improvement in offspring functioning but not symptom reduction.
                   Improvement of maternal depression may be associated with improved outcomes
                   in depressed offspring. However, it is difficult to engage depressed mothers in
                   treatment for themselves if they come to the clinic to bring their child for
                   treatment of depression. It may be more feasible to study the effect of improved
                   maternal depression on offspring by sampling depressed mothers
                   coming for their own treatment and then assessing their children over
                   the course of maternal treatment. Depression and Anxiety 19:51–58, 2004.
                   & 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

                   Key words: depressed mothers; IPT; depressed children

Divisions of Child Psychiatry and Clinical and Genetic          Correspondence to: Dr. Helen Verdeli, Division of Clinical and
Epidemiology, New York State Psychiatric Institute, Depart-    Genetic Epidemiology, New York State Psychiatric Institute-
ment of Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physi-      Columbia University, 1051 Riverside Drive, Unit 24, New York,
cians and Surgeons and Mailman School of Public Health,        NY 10032. E-mail:
Columbia University, New York, New York
                                                               Received for publication 5 November 2002; Accepted 25 August 2003
Presented as an Invited Address at the New York State Office
of Mental Health Annual Meeting, December 5, 2000, Albany,     DOI 10.1002/da.10139
New York                                                       Published online in Wiley InterScience (

52                                                    Verdeli et al.

              INTRODUCTION                                      for suicide, (3) were currently in treatment for
E   pidemiologic studies across diverse cultures have
                                                                depression, or (4) had a medical condition that could
                                                                cause depression. Inclusion criteria for offspring were:
shown that the highest rate of depression occurs in
                                                                (1) age 6–18 years, (2) initially identified through case
women and the highest risk for first onset of major
                                                                records as having a diagnosis of a DSM-IV unipolar,
depression is in women of childbearing years [Kessler
                                                                nonpsychotic depression made by clinic staff (child
et al., 1993; Regier et al., 1987; Robins et al.,
                                                                psychiatrists, doctoral-level child psychologists, and
1984;Weissman et al., 1988, 1996]. Depression is also
                                                                clinical child social workers), (3) in current treatment,
associated with impairment in social and occupational
                                                                (4) an IQ above the 75 percentile as assessed with the
functioning, including parenting [Broadhead et al.,
1990; Johnson et al., 1992; Murray and Lopez, 1996,             Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, and (5) not participat-
                                                                ing in another research protocol. Comorbid diagnoses
Wells et al., 1989]. History of depression in a parent is
                                                                in offspring were not a basis for exclusion. All subjects
one of the strongest risk factors for depression in a
                                                                provided written informed consent, and their offspring
child, with a two- to threefold increased risk for
                                                                written informed assent, after they were given a
occurrence in offspring of depressed parents [Hammen
                                                                complete description of the study.
et al., 1990; Weissman et al., 1997].
   Our recent studies found that in addition to the high
lifetime rates of depression in women and their                 PROCEDURE
offspring, high rates of concurrent depression exist in
                                                                   Screen. Before entering the study, mothers were
mothers and their offspring brought for treatment of
depression. However, only a minority of mothers who             screened for depression, anxiety disorders, and sub-
                                                                stance use disorders with the Patient Problem Ques-
have an episode of depression concurrent with their
                                                                tionnaire [PPQ; Spitzer et al., 1994; Spitzer, 1997]
offspring (22%) are receiving psychiatric treatment
[Ferro et al., 2000]. This finding is consistent with           when they brought their offspring for treatment of
                                                                depression. The PPQ screening procedure and results
reports from community samples in which only about
                                                                of its use in a screening study have been previously
one third of depressed people receive treatment
                                                                described in detail [Ferro et al., 2000].
[Kessler, 1994; Leaf et al., 1985; Young et al., 2001].
                                                                   Eligibility evaluation. If mothers screened positive
An important and unexamined issue is how treatment
                                                                for depression and negative for substance abuse/
of maternal depression af fects the symptomatology and
                                                                dependence on the PPQ, they were asked to participate
functioning of their depressed offspring who are also in
                                                                in an eligibility evaluation for the study which involved
                                                                a structured diagnostic assessment with the 24-item
   In this report, we examine the feasibility of identify-
                                                                Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression [HRSD; Ha-
ing the depressed mothers for treatment from among
those who were bringing their offspring for treatment           milton, 1960] on which the mother had to score above
                                                                12, and the Structured Clinical Interview for Diag-
of depression. We also examined the relationship
                                                                nostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, 4th
between improved maternal depression, and sympto-
matic improvement and social functioning in their               Edition [DSM-IV; SCID; Spitzer et al., 1992]. The
                                                                other exclusion criteria were also assessed at this time.
offspring. We chose to treat maternal depression with
                                                                If after HRSD and SCID evaluation mothers were
interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) because it is an
                                                                eligible to participate in the study, they were entered
empirically tested treatment for depression that also
                                                                into the open clinical trial.
addresses interpersonal functioning [Weissman et al.,
                                                                   Independent evaluations. Upon entry to the study,
2000]. This was a pilot study designed to find a feasible
                                                                mothers and their offspring were assessed by an
research strategy for studying the impact of treating
maternal depression on offspring depression.                    independent clinical evaluator at weeks 0 (baseline), 6
                                                                (interim), and 12 (termination) for depressive sympto-
                                                                matology/clinical status and social functioning. Mater-
      SUBJECTS AND METHODS                                      nal independent evaluations were carried out in a
                                                                blinded manner to those of their offspring and vice
SUBJECTS                                                        versa. Independent evaluations were conducted by
  Subjects were mothers over 18 years of age who were           clinically experienced interviewers who took part in a
ascertained when they sought evaluation or treatment            training session with two of the authors (T.F. and H.V.).
for depression in their offspring at the Department of          Training involved didactic information, mock evalua-
Child Psychiatry at Columbia Presbyterian Medical               tions, and two supervised evaluations.
Center (CPMC) and themselves met DSM-IV criteria                   Treatment. During the open trial, mothers received
for a unipolar, nonpsychotic depression. Additional             weekly IPT for 12 weeks in 45-min sessions from an
maternal inclusion criteria were: (1) biological mother         experienced clinician (e.g., MSW, PhD, or MD)
of depressed offspring, (2) residing with the offspring         trained in the delivery of IPT by an experienced IPT
for Z1 year, and (3) fluent in English or Spanish.              therapist. IPT is a time-limited, empirically based
Mothers were excluded if they: (1) had a current (past 6        psychotherapy for the treatment of depression [Weiss-
months) substance use disorder, (2) were at acute risk          man et al., 2000]. If, according to their clinicians,
Brief Report: Depressed Mothers and Children                                 53

mothers did not show improvement by week 6, one of            DATA ANALYSIS
us (C.B.) undertook a medication evaluation of the
subjects. At the end of treatment, mothers were offered          We conducted outcome data analyses using two
a referral for continued treatment in the community if        approaches.
it was deemed necessary by the clinician. Children               Random regression analysis. The change in out-
received treatment as usual (psychotherapy and/or             come variable that each individual (mother or child)
medication) at a CPMC pediatric psychiatry outpatient         experiences over time is first modeled using a
clinic.                                                       polynomial regression model with the individual’s
                                                              outcome variable at each specific time as the dependent
                                                              variable and the number of weeks after baseline
MATERNAL-DEPENDENT MEASURES                                   assessment as the independent variable. Because the
   Depression. We used the 24-item HRSD [Hamil-               number of observations per individual is r3, we
ton, 1960] as a clinician-rated measure of depressive         employed a linear regression model. The model [Byrk
symptomatology and its change over time. An HRSD              and Raudenbush, 1992] posits that the individual
score of 8–17 reflects mild depression, 18–24 moderate        response of each subject is a function of the number
depression, and 425 severe depression [Katz et al.,           of weeks since baseline assessment [a line with inter-
1995]. The Beck Depression Inventory [BDI; Beck               cept (baseline response) and slope (improvement rate)].
et al., 1961] was used as a self-report measure of            Models were also fitted using a quadratic term, to
depressive symptomatology. A BDI score of Z16                 test for deviations from linearity. The model was
suggests a diagnosis of major depression [Katz et al.,        applied to (a) estimate a mean rate of improvement in
1995]. The Clinical Global Impressions Severity of            outcome variable for each of the two groups, mothers
Illness Scale [CGI-SI; McGlashan, 1973] was also used.        and children; and (b) examine the extent of variation
The CGI-SI is a brief clinician-rated scale that assesses     around each of these means as follows. Initially,
overall severity of mental illness.                           coef ficients associated with the intercept and slope
   Social Functioning. The Social Adjustment Scale-           were treated as random coefficients to determine
Self-Report (SAS-SR; Weissman and Bothwell, 1976)             whether the rate of improvement varies between
was employed to assess maternal social functioning.           subjects. If there is no significant variation, the
The SAS-SR is a brief self-report instrument that is          coef ficients are treated as fixed. Using a random
widely used to measure change in social functioning. A        regression model to analyze longitudinal data permits
higher score represents greater impairment. Maternal          one to use information at all assessment points in the
social functioning was also assessed with the Global          study. A further advantage of this approach is that it
Assessment of Function [GAF; APA, 1994]. The GAF              allows for missing observations and subjects measured
is a clinician-rated assessment of current (past month)       at different times, as well as estimation of random
functional impairment. A higher score represents              person-specific effects.
better functioning.                                              Although the preceding analyses will let us deter-
                                                              mine whether the mother/child outcome scores im-
                                                              prove over the treatment period, it does not allow us to
OFFSPRING-DEPENDENT MEASURES                                  determine whether the changes in children’s outcome
   Depression. The HRSD, described above, was also            scores (i.e., symptoms and functioning) are associated
employed to assess clinician rated depression in              with changes in mother’s symptoms and functioning.
children. We employed the Children’s Depression               To determine whether changes in children are related
Inventory [CDI; Kovacs, 1980] as a self-report measure        over time to maternal change, we fitted a random
of depression in offspring. A score of Z19 indicates the      regression model to child outcomes which included
presence of depression. The CGI-SI was also used to           both time-varying and time-invariant covariates as
assess overall severity of mental illness in offspring.       independent variables in the model.
   Social Functioning. Social functioning of offspring           Specifically, the regression model was as follows.
was assessed with the Social Adjustment Inventory for         The dependent variable considered was each child’s
Children and Adolescents [SAICA; John et al., 1987].          outcome at each study time point, the time variable
The SAICA is derived from the SAS for use with                (i.e., number of weeks from baseline assessment) was
children and adolescents and, like the SAS, a higher          the independent variable, and maternal score (HAM-
score indicates greater impairment. Offspring social          D, GAS, etc.) at the dif ferent study time points was
functioning was also assessed with the Children’s             treated as a nonrandom time dependent covariate. If
Global Assessment Scale [C-GAS; Shaffer et al.,               the estimate of the coef ficient corresponding to this
1993]. The C-GAS is a clinician-rated assessment of           nonrandom time dependent covariate is significantly
current (past month) functional impairment in all areas       different from zero, we can infer an association
of a child’s life, with a higher score representing better    between change in mother’s score and change in child’s
functioning. A cutoff score of 61 was determined to           outcome. All random regression analyses were per-
best discriminate cases of psychopathology in an              formed using the Proc Mixed software in the SAS
epidemiologic study by Bird and colleagues [1987].            system (SAS, Cary, NC).
54                                                    Verdeli et al.

  Endpoint analysis. The sample consisted of all                   Nine (75%) of the 12 mothers completed the open
mothers and children who entered treatment. In this             trial of IPT. One dropped out at week 3 when her child
analysis, the last score obtained either at interim or          was placed in foster care and subsequently hospitalized;
early termination evaluation was used for mothers and           another at week 2 owing to lack of time for treatment;
children, respectively, who dropped out of the study.           and the third at week 4 stating that treatment had
The end point samples consisted of 12 mothers and 12            helped her and she felt no need to continue. The third
children, respectively. The results of an end point             mother and her child completed a termination evalua-
analysis may be considered an estimate of the overall           tion and these data are included in the random
performance of a treatment program, including the               regression analyses where the sample size is therefore
ability to retain patients in treatment.                        equal to 10. For the nine mothers who completed the
  We assessed dif ferences between baseline scores and          open trial, the average number of sessions was 11.1 (sd
values at week 12 on each of the outcome measures               2.7). In addition to IPT, one mother received medica-
using paired t-tests to test whether these differences          tion in conjunction with IPT from the study psychia-
were significantly dif ferent from zero. The Bonferroni         trist when, following the guidelines of our protocol, she
method was used to control for Type 1 errors owing to           did not improve by week 6 of treatment.
multiple comparisons. Both the actual P values and the
Bonferroni P values are reported.
                                                                OUTCOME ASSESSMENT
                                                                   Maternal depression was treated with IPT [Weiss-
                     RESULTS                                    man et al., 2000]. Our primary hypotheses were that:(a)
   Between October 1997 and December 1998, 171                  both maternal depressive symptoms and functioning
mothers were approached and asked to be screened for            would improve as a result of treatment, (b) offspring
the study. Of these mothers, 168 (98%) agreed to be             depressive symptoms and functioning would likewise
screened and 45 of 168 (27%) were eligible for                  improve, and (c) improvement of maternal depressive
diagnostic evaluation. Thirty-five (78%) of these               symptomatology would be associated positively with
eligible mothers completed the study evaluations; 17            offspring improvement in depressive symptoms and
of the 35 (49%) met the study inclusion criteria and 12         functioning.
(34%) agreed to participate. Mothers who were eligible             Effect of treatment on mothers. Results of the
did not enter the study for a variety of reasons                random regression analysis showed significant improve-
including offspring refusal of treatment, mothers               ment over the 12-week study period in mothers’
wanting treatment closer to her home, and offspring             depressive symptoms as measured by both the HRSD
participation in other research that precluded maternal         and the BDI (Table 1). There were no significant
participation in a treatment study.                             differences between mothers in rate of improvement.
   Whereas few mothers agreed to participate in the             Mother’s HRSD decreased an average of 0.66/week
study, the rate of depressions in the mothers was high:         during the study period, whereas mothers’ BDI decreased
15% screened positive for current depression. The               an average of 0.83/week over the study period. In
mean age of participating mothers was 42 years [range           addition a significant improvement over the study period
32–52, standard deviation (sd) 6.1] and their diagnoses,        was observed in mothers’ global functioning measured by
based on the SCID interview, were major depressive              the GAF and social functioning as measured by the SAS.
disorder (75%), dysthymia (8%), and concurrent major            Results of the end point analysis (not shown) were similar
depressive disorder and dysthymia (17%). Mothers’               to those obtained from the random regression analysis
mean number of children (including full and half                and can be obtained upon request.
siblings of the target offspring) was 3.5 (sd 2.1). Nearly         Not shown, results of the random regression model
half of the mothers were Spanish speaking (42%) and             indicate that baseline severity, as measured by the HRSD,
most were of minority origin (67% Hispanic, 17%                 were negatively correlated with rate of improvement,
African American, and 17% White). Most mothers                  implying that more severely depressed mothers showed
were married (33%) or separated/divorced (50%),                 greater improvement (r ¼ À.4478). These results how-
although 8% were never married and 8% widowed.                  ever, failed to reach statistical significance (P ¼ .2397).
Most mothers (67%) were high school graduates and                  Change in offspring outcomes over study period.
33% had also completed some college. Mothers’                   The random regression analysis showed significant
household income fell into the following categories:            improvement in offspring’s depressive symptoms over
o$10,000 (60%), $10,000–25,000 (20%), and                       the study, as measured by the HRSD, with child HRSD
$25,000–60,000 (20%) (household income was missing              scores decreasing an average of 0.44/week over the
for two mothers). Most mothers (58%) were not                   study period (Table 1). However, there was no
employed and 33% were on public assistance.                     significant difference between subject variation in
   The mean age of the offspring was 14.1 years (sd 2.3)        these rates of improvement. We observed a trend
and 67% were girls. Diagnoses of the offspring, based           (Po.06) in the offspring’s CGI-SI, with offspring
on clinician rating, were major depressive disorder             CGI-SI scores decreasing by an average of 0.06/week
(67%) and dysthymia (31%).                                      over the study period. Results of the end point analysis
Brief Report: Depressed Mothers and Children                                                   55

TABLE 1. Outcome of mothers and their children over the period of maternal treatment for depressionn

                                                                                                    Random regression test of linear trends
                                                                                                            (Baseline–Week 12)
Variable                                Baseline             Week 6              Week 12                E4                      P (E4)
Depression rating scalesa
HamiltonFmother                      10/17.4   7   8.0   9/14.0   7   8.7       9/9.1   7   8.0        À0.66                     .04
HamiltonFchild                       10/12.7   7   4.6    8/7.0   7   3.5       9/7.5   7   3.6        À0.44                     .007
BDIFmother                           10/20.0   7   9.1   9/20.2   7   15.5      8/9.9   7   10.1       À0.83                     .03
CDIFchild                            10/13.1   7   5.6   8/12.2   7   5.2      7/10.4   7   7.5        À0.20                     .30
Clinical global impressionsFSIa
Mother                                 10/3.6 7 0.8       9/3.2 7 1.1           9/2.7 7 1.2            À0.07                     .11
Child                                  10/3.4 7 3.4       8/2.9 7 0.8           9/2.7 7 1.0            À0.06                     .06
Global functioningb
GAFFmother                           10/56.0 7 5.0       9/59.2 7 9.5          9/69.0 7 9.3              1.04                    .009
C-GASFchild                          10/58.4 7 7.5       8/60.1 7 8.8          9/63.1 7 8.0              0.40                    .24
Social adjustmenta
SASFmother                             10/2.5 7 0.4            NA               8/2.0 7 0.7            À0.05                     .05
SAICAFchild                            10/2.0 7 0.4            NA               8/1.8 7 0.3            À0.01                     .34
Values are expressed as mean (sd), unless otherwise indicated.
  N ¼ 10 owing to inclusion of data from the termination evaluation completed by the mother–child dyad who dropped out of the study at week 4.
 A higher score indicates greater impairment.
  A lower score indicates greater impairment.
NA ¼ variable was not assessed at this time.
were similar to those obtained from the random                               accepted treatment was comparable with the literature
regression analysis and can be obtained upon request.                        on clinical trials [Pocock, 1999]. However, recruitment
   Relationship of maternal depression with                                  of mothers of offspring attending an urban teaching
offspring outcome. We found no significant associa-                          hospital for participation in a clinical trial was fraught
tion between change in maternal depression over time                         with difficulties such as children not residing with their
and change in offspring depression over time for any                         biological mothers, cancelation of numerous appoint-
measure of depressive symptomatology. When the                               ments, and family relocation. Whereas the rate of
association between change in maternal depression (as                        depression was high in the mothers bringing their
measured by the HDRS and BDI) and offspring                                  children to treatment, numerous mothers needed to be
functioning (as measured by the CGI-SI, C-GAS, and                           screened to find those who would accept treatment for
SAICA) was examined, the change in maternal HDRS                             themselves.
scores over time was significantly associated with                              Mothers and offspring in the present study improved
change in offspring C-GAS scores (i.e., decreasing                           with regard to depressive symptomatology and func-
maternal HRSD scores were associated with increasing                         tioning over the 12 weeks. Although both mothers and
C-GAS scores in offspring; Table 2). There was a 0.45                        offspring improved over the course of the open
increase in offspring C-GAS score associated with a                          trial, the rate of maternal improvement was approxi-
one-unit decrease in maternal HRSD score (Po.03).                            mately twice that of offspring improvement and was
   We conducted exploratory analyses to determine                            found in both independent evaluator and self-rated
whether a relationship existed between improvement in                        measures.
maternal global functioning and offspring outcome.                              Our finding of maternal improvement is consistent
No significant association was found between maternal                        with the literature on the treatment of depression with
GAF and offspring CDI, HRSD, CGI, C-GAS, or                                  IPT in adults [Di Mascio et al., 1979; Elkin et al., 1995]
SAICA. However, when offspring outcomes were                                 and whereas the offspring in the present study received
categorized into two groups by the median baseline                           treatment as usual and did not follow an established
values, there was a significant association (Po.002)                         treatment protocol, their improvement is suggestive of
between offspring who had a baseline C-GAS score of                          that found in empirical studies of the treatment of
60 and change in maternal global functioning. These                          depression in adolescents [Brent et al., 1997; Emslie
offspring had a 0.67 increase in C-GAS for every one-                        et al., 1997; Mufson et al., 1999]. The lesser rate of
unit increase in maternal GAF.                                               improvement in offspring might be related to several
                                                                             factors. Offspring treatment was not standardized and
                                                                             many offspring were already engaged in treatment
                     DISCUSSION                                              when their mothers entered the study and probably
                                                                             experienced some symptomatic improvement before
  The delivery of IPT was acceptable to mothers in                           our study began, as reflected in the offspring’s low
that the completion rate of 75% for those mothers who                        baseline HRSD. Finally, time must be considered
56                                                           Verdeli et al.

TABLE 2. Regression effects of mothers’ Hamilton and global functioning correlated with their children’s outcome

Child’s outcomen                                      E                                      P (E)                                    df

Child’s Hamilton                                    0.06                                      .61                                    15
CDI                                                 0.02                                      .88                                    13
CGI-SI                                              0.04                                      .14                                    15
C-GAS                                              À0.45                                      .03                                    15
SAICA                                              À0.009                                     .40                                     6
 N ¼ 10.
CDI, Children’s Depression Inventory; CGI-SI, Clinical Global Impressions Severity of Illness Scale; C-GAS, Children’s Global Assessment
Scale; SAICA, Social Adjustment Inventory for Children and Adolescents.

a factor with regard to improvement of depressive                      form of psychotherapy were used. The present study is
symptomatology in both mothers and offspring.                          also limited in that many offspring were already in
   Our hypothesis that reduction of maternal depres-                   treatment when the study began and the average age
sion would be associated with offspring outcome was                    was in adolescence, a period in which one’s peer group
supported for improvement in offspring functioning                     is usually the primary interpersonal influence. In
but not for improvement in offspring depressive                        addition, a longer interval may be required to observe
symptomatology. Furthermore, improvement in ma-                        the effects of maternal improvement on symptomatic
ternal global functioning was significantly associated                 outcome in offspring. It must also be acknowledged
with improvement in offspring global functioning                       that children in treatment for depression would be
when it was stratified on the basis of baseline severity.              expected to improve over time even if their mothers
   Surprisingly, we found no significant association                   were not receiving concurrent treatment for depres-
between improvement in maternal and offspring                          sion. Finally, the present study is generalizable to a self-
depressive symptomatology over the course of the                       selected group of moderately depressed mothers who
study. This might be explained by offspring treatment                  are predominantly urban, of low socioeconomic status,
status as discussed above or, alternatively, by the fact               Hispanic, and bringing their offspring for evaluation or
that at age 14 the offsprings’ peer group exerted a                    treatment of depression. In light of these considera-
greater influence on them than did their mothers. It                   tions, the findings presented here should be considered
might also be that the association between maternal                    preliminary.
and offspring depressive symptomatology requires a
longer time (e.g., 6 or 12 months) to appear. It remains
unclear whether maternal depression has a stronger                     CLINICAL AND RESEARCH IMPLICATIONS
association with offspring functioning than offspring                     Clinically, the findings alert clinicians to the high
depression or whether changes in global functioning                    rates of depression in mothers bringing their offspring
precede those of depressive symptomatology. If the                     for treatment of depression. Whereas many mothers
latter is true, a longer interval might lead to stronger               will not accept treatment for themselves, in the context
results in offspring.                                                  of bringing their children to treatment, the limited
                                                                       number who do may benefit. The research implications
                                                                       regarding feasibility are less positive. Sampling de-
LIMITATIONS                                                            pressed mothers from a pediatric clinic where children
   The present report is a pilot study and has major                   are being brought for treatment of depression does not
limitations, the most significant of which are its                     appear feasible. The mothers were dif ficult to recruit
uncontrolled design and small sample size. As a result,                and seemed already overburdened with their children’s
the findings can suggest only associations between                     schedule. It was difficult to coordinate the timing of
variables and not their direction. This report cannot                  both treatments.
determine whether the relationship between maternal                       As a result of this experience, we are now studying
depression and offspring functioning is driven by                      depressed mothers who have come for their own
change in mother or offspring. In particular, we cannot                treatment, and we are evaluating their children. This
illuminate the nature of the relationship between                      is an ancillary study to the multisite Sequential
change in maternal depression and offspring outcome.                   Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression Study
Furthermore, as an open trial, we did not focus on                     (STAR*D). STAR*D will compare the effectiveness of
efficacy of treatment but on the existence of a                        different treatment options for MDD and will enroll
relationship between maternal symptom reduction                        4,000 adults across 13 Regional Coordinating Centers
and offspring outcome. To achieve symptom reduction                    [Rush et al., 2003]. Focusing on the common clinical
in mothers we employed IPT; however, it is possible                    question of what to do next when patients fail to
that reduction would occur more rapidly or be                          respond to a standard trial of treatment with an
qualitatively different if medication and/or another                   antidepressant medication, STARnD aims to define
Brief Report: Depressed Mothers and Children                                               57

which subsequent treatment strategies are both accep-                  psychotherapy in acute depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry 36:
table to patients, and provide the best clinical results.              1450–1456.
   There are two ongoing studies of the impact of                    Elkin I, Gibbons RD, Shea MT, Sotsky SM, Watkins JT, Pilkonis PA,
treating depressed mothers on their children: Garber et                Hedeker D. 1995. Initial severity and differential treatment
al. (PI–Vanderbilt University) are conducting a study                  outcome in the National Institute of Mental Health Treatment
                                                                       of Depression Collaborative Research Program. J Consult Clin
focusing on the effect of treating parental MDD on
                                                                       Psychol 63:841–847.
children’s (aged 8–16) socioemotional adjustment.
                                                                     Emslie GJ, Rush AJ, Weinberg WA, Kowatch RA, Hughes CW,
Their study includes three groups receiving either 16                  Carmody T, Rintelmann J. 1997. A double-blind, randomized,
weekly sessions of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT),                 placebo-controlled trial of fluoxetine in children and adolescents
pharmacotherapy, or placebo, with approximately 60                     with depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry 54:1031–1037.
patients/group, as well as a comparison group of 90                  Ferro T, Verdeli H, Pierre F, Weissman MM. 2000. Screening for
nondepressed mothers (patients are recruited from                      depression in mothers bringing their offspring for evaluation or
psychiatric settings). Riley (PI–Johns Hopkins School                  treatment of depression. Am J Psychiatry 157:375–379.
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Treatment Of Depressed Mothers To Depressed Children

  • 1. DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY 19:51–58 (2004) Brief Report TREATMENT OF DEPRESSED MOTHERS OF DEPRESSED CHILDREN: PILOT STUDY OF FEASIBILITY Helen Verdeli, Ph.D.,n Tova Ferro, Ph.D., Priya Wickramaratne, Ph.D., Steven Greenwald, M.P.H., Carlos Blanco, M.D., Ph.D., and Myrna M. Weissman, Ph.D. Numerous studies have shown that depression is highly familial and impairing and that a history of depression in a parent is the strongest risk factor for depression in a child. Many of the parents in these studies have never received sustained treatment despite histories of recurrent depression. None of the studies have examined the effects of maternal symptom remission on offspring symptom or functioning. We sought to determine the feasibility of treating depressed mothers who brought an offspring for the treatment of depression and to examine the relationship between improved maternal depression and symptomatic improvement and social functioning in their offspring. Nine mothers bringing their offspring for treatment of depression, and who were evaluated and found to be currently depressed, completed a 12-week open trial of interpersonal psychotherapy. Mothers and their depressed offspring were assessed by independent evaluators at weeks 0, 6, and 12 for depressive symptomatology and social functioning. Although the rates of depression were high among the mothers, few eligible mothers agreed to participate. Of the 12 who entered treatment, 9 (75%) completed it. Mothers and offspring improved with regard to depressive symptomatology and global functioning over the course of the trial. Improvement in maternal depression was significantly associated with improvement in offspring functioning but not symptom reduction. Improvement of maternal depression may be associated with improved outcomes in depressed offspring. However, it is difficult to engage depressed mothers in treatment for themselves if they come to the clinic to bring their child for treatment of depression. It may be more feasible to study the effect of improved maternal depression on offspring by sampling depressed mothers coming for their own treatment and then assessing their children over the course of maternal treatment. Depression and Anxiety 19:51–58, 2004. & 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Key words: depressed mothers; IPT; depressed children n Divisions of Child Psychiatry and Clinical and Genetic Correspondence to: Dr. Helen Verdeli, Division of Clinical and Epidemiology, New York State Psychiatric Institute, Depart- Genetic Epidemiology, New York State Psychiatric Institute- ment of Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physi- Columbia University, 1051 Riverside Drive, Unit 24, New York, cians and Surgeons and Mailman School of Public Health, NY 10032. E-mail: Columbia University, New York, New York Received for publication 5 November 2002; Accepted 25 August 2003 Presented as an Invited Address at the New York State Office of Mental Health Annual Meeting, December 5, 2000, Albany, DOI 10.1002/da.10139 New York Published online in Wiley InterScience ( & 2004 WILEY-LISS, INC.
  • 2. 52 Verdeli et al. INTRODUCTION for suicide, (3) were currently in treatment for E pidemiologic studies across diverse cultures have depression, or (4) had a medical condition that could cause depression. Inclusion criteria for offspring were: shown that the highest rate of depression occurs in (1) age 6–18 years, (2) initially identified through case women and the highest risk for first onset of major records as having a diagnosis of a DSM-IV unipolar, depression is in women of childbearing years [Kessler nonpsychotic depression made by clinic staff (child et al., 1993; Regier et al., 1987; Robins et al., psychiatrists, doctoral-level child psychologists, and 1984;Weissman et al., 1988, 1996]. Depression is also clinical child social workers), (3) in current treatment, associated with impairment in social and occupational (4) an IQ above the 75 percentile as assessed with the functioning, including parenting [Broadhead et al., 1990; Johnson et al., 1992; Murray and Lopez, 1996, Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, and (5) not participat- ing in another research protocol. Comorbid diagnoses Wells et al., 1989]. History of depression in a parent is in offspring were not a basis for exclusion. All subjects one of the strongest risk factors for depression in a provided written informed consent, and their offspring child, with a two- to threefold increased risk for written informed assent, after they were given a occurrence in offspring of depressed parents [Hammen complete description of the study. et al., 1990; Weissman et al., 1997]. Our recent studies found that in addition to the high lifetime rates of depression in women and their PROCEDURE offspring, high rates of concurrent depression exist in Screen. Before entering the study, mothers were mothers and their offspring brought for treatment of depression. However, only a minority of mothers who screened for depression, anxiety disorders, and sub- stance use disorders with the Patient Problem Ques- have an episode of depression concurrent with their tionnaire [PPQ; Spitzer et al., 1994; Spitzer, 1997] offspring (22%) are receiving psychiatric treatment [Ferro et al., 2000]. This finding is consistent with when they brought their offspring for treatment of depression. The PPQ screening procedure and results reports from community samples in which only about of its use in a screening study have been previously one third of depressed people receive treatment described in detail [Ferro et al., 2000]. [Kessler, 1994; Leaf et al., 1985; Young et al., 2001]. Eligibility evaluation. If mothers screened positive An important and unexamined issue is how treatment for depression and negative for substance abuse/ of maternal depression af fects the symptomatology and dependence on the PPQ, they were asked to participate functioning of their depressed offspring who are also in in an eligibility evaluation for the study which involved treatment. a structured diagnostic assessment with the 24-item In this report, we examine the feasibility of identify- Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression [HRSD; Ha- ing the depressed mothers for treatment from among those who were bringing their offspring for treatment milton, 1960] on which the mother had to score above 12, and the Structured Clinical Interview for Diag- of depression. We also examined the relationship nostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, 4th between improved maternal depression, and sympto- matic improvement and social functioning in their Edition [DSM-IV; SCID; Spitzer et al., 1992]. The other exclusion criteria were also assessed at this time. offspring. We chose to treat maternal depression with If after HRSD and SCID evaluation mothers were interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) because it is an eligible to participate in the study, they were entered empirically tested treatment for depression that also into the open clinical trial. addresses interpersonal functioning [Weissman et al., Independent evaluations. Upon entry to the study, 2000]. This was a pilot study designed to find a feasible mothers and their offspring were assessed by an research strategy for studying the impact of treating maternal depression on offspring depression. independent clinical evaluator at weeks 0 (baseline), 6 (interim), and 12 (termination) for depressive sympto- matology/clinical status and social functioning. Mater- SUBJECTS AND METHODS nal independent evaluations were carried out in a blinded manner to those of their offspring and vice SUBJECTS versa. Independent evaluations were conducted by Subjects were mothers over 18 years of age who were clinically experienced interviewers who took part in a ascertained when they sought evaluation or treatment training session with two of the authors (T.F. and H.V.). for depression in their offspring at the Department of Training involved didactic information, mock evalua- Child Psychiatry at Columbia Presbyterian Medical tions, and two supervised evaluations. Center (CPMC) and themselves met DSM-IV criteria Treatment. During the open trial, mothers received for a unipolar, nonpsychotic depression. Additional weekly IPT for 12 weeks in 45-min sessions from an maternal inclusion criteria were: (1) biological mother experienced clinician (e.g., MSW, PhD, or MD) of depressed offspring, (2) residing with the offspring trained in the delivery of IPT by an experienced IPT for Z1 year, and (3) fluent in English or Spanish. therapist. IPT is a time-limited, empirically based Mothers were excluded if they: (1) had a current (past 6 psychotherapy for the treatment of depression [Weiss- months) substance use disorder, (2) were at acute risk man et al., 2000]. If, according to their clinicians,
  • 3. Brief Report: Depressed Mothers and Children 53 mothers did not show improvement by week 6, one of DATA ANALYSIS us (C.B.) undertook a medication evaluation of the subjects. At the end of treatment, mothers were offered We conducted outcome data analyses using two a referral for continued treatment in the community if approaches. it was deemed necessary by the clinician. Children Random regression analysis. The change in out- received treatment as usual (psychotherapy and/or come variable that each individual (mother or child) medication) at a CPMC pediatric psychiatry outpatient experiences over time is first modeled using a clinic. polynomial regression model with the individual’s outcome variable at each specific time as the dependent variable and the number of weeks after baseline MATERNAL-DEPENDENT MEASURES assessment as the independent variable. Because the Depression. We used the 24-item HRSD [Hamil- number of observations per individual is r3, we ton, 1960] as a clinician-rated measure of depressive employed a linear regression model. The model [Byrk symptomatology and its change over time. An HRSD and Raudenbush, 1992] posits that the individual score of 8–17 reflects mild depression, 18–24 moderate response of each subject is a function of the number depression, and 425 severe depression [Katz et al., of weeks since baseline assessment [a line with inter- 1995]. The Beck Depression Inventory [BDI; Beck cept (baseline response) and slope (improvement rate)]. et al., 1961] was used as a self-report measure of Models were also fitted using a quadratic term, to depressive symptomatology. A BDI score of Z16 test for deviations from linearity. The model was suggests a diagnosis of major depression [Katz et al., applied to (a) estimate a mean rate of improvement in 1995]. The Clinical Global Impressions Severity of outcome variable for each of the two groups, mothers Illness Scale [CGI-SI; McGlashan, 1973] was also used. and children; and (b) examine the extent of variation The CGI-SI is a brief clinician-rated scale that assesses around each of these means as follows. Initially, overall severity of mental illness. coef ficients associated with the intercept and slope Social Functioning. The Social Adjustment Scale- were treated as random coefficients to determine Self-Report (SAS-SR; Weissman and Bothwell, 1976) whether the rate of improvement varies between was employed to assess maternal social functioning. subjects. If there is no significant variation, the The SAS-SR is a brief self-report instrument that is coef ficients are treated as fixed. Using a random widely used to measure change in social functioning. A regression model to analyze longitudinal data permits higher score represents greater impairment. Maternal one to use information at all assessment points in the social functioning was also assessed with the Global study. A further advantage of this approach is that it Assessment of Function [GAF; APA, 1994]. The GAF allows for missing observations and subjects measured is a clinician-rated assessment of current (past month) at different times, as well as estimation of random functional impairment. A higher score represents person-specific effects. better functioning. Although the preceding analyses will let us deter- mine whether the mother/child outcome scores im- prove over the treatment period, it does not allow us to OFFSPRING-DEPENDENT MEASURES determine whether the changes in children’s outcome Depression. The HRSD, described above, was also scores (i.e., symptoms and functioning) are associated employed to assess clinician rated depression in with changes in mother’s symptoms and functioning. children. We employed the Children’s Depression To determine whether changes in children are related Inventory [CDI; Kovacs, 1980] as a self-report measure over time to maternal change, we fitted a random of depression in offspring. A score of Z19 indicates the regression model to child outcomes which included presence of depression. The CGI-SI was also used to both time-varying and time-invariant covariates as assess overall severity of mental illness in offspring. independent variables in the model. Social Functioning. Social functioning of offspring Specifically, the regression model was as follows. was assessed with the Social Adjustment Inventory for The dependent variable considered was each child’s Children and Adolescents [SAICA; John et al., 1987]. outcome at each study time point, the time variable The SAICA is derived from the SAS for use with (i.e., number of weeks from baseline assessment) was children and adolescents and, like the SAS, a higher the independent variable, and maternal score (HAM- score indicates greater impairment. Offspring social D, GAS, etc.) at the dif ferent study time points was functioning was also assessed with the Children’s treated as a nonrandom time dependent covariate. If Global Assessment Scale [C-GAS; Shaffer et al., the estimate of the coef ficient corresponding to this 1993]. The C-GAS is a clinician-rated assessment of nonrandom time dependent covariate is significantly current (past month) functional impairment in all areas different from zero, we can infer an association of a child’s life, with a higher score representing better between change in mother’s score and change in child’s functioning. A cutoff score of 61 was determined to outcome. All random regression analyses were per- best discriminate cases of psychopathology in an formed using the Proc Mixed software in the SAS epidemiologic study by Bird and colleagues [1987]. system (SAS, Cary, NC).
  • 4. 54 Verdeli et al. Endpoint analysis. The sample consisted of all Nine (75%) of the 12 mothers completed the open mothers and children who entered treatment. In this trial of IPT. One dropped out at week 3 when her child analysis, the last score obtained either at interim or was placed in foster care and subsequently hospitalized; early termination evaluation was used for mothers and another at week 2 owing to lack of time for treatment; children, respectively, who dropped out of the study. and the third at week 4 stating that treatment had The end point samples consisted of 12 mothers and 12 helped her and she felt no need to continue. The third children, respectively. The results of an end point mother and her child completed a termination evalua- analysis may be considered an estimate of the overall tion and these data are included in the random performance of a treatment program, including the regression analyses where the sample size is therefore ability to retain patients in treatment. equal to 10. For the nine mothers who completed the We assessed dif ferences between baseline scores and open trial, the average number of sessions was 11.1 (sd values at week 12 on each of the outcome measures 2.7). In addition to IPT, one mother received medica- using paired t-tests to test whether these differences tion in conjunction with IPT from the study psychia- were significantly dif ferent from zero. The Bonferroni trist when, following the guidelines of our protocol, she method was used to control for Type 1 errors owing to did not improve by week 6 of treatment. multiple comparisons. Both the actual P values and the Bonferroni P values are reported. OUTCOME ASSESSMENT Maternal depression was treated with IPT [Weiss- RESULTS man et al., 2000]. Our primary hypotheses were that:(a) Between October 1997 and December 1998, 171 both maternal depressive symptoms and functioning mothers were approached and asked to be screened for would improve as a result of treatment, (b) offspring the study. Of these mothers, 168 (98%) agreed to be depressive symptoms and functioning would likewise screened and 45 of 168 (27%) were eligible for improve, and (c) improvement of maternal depressive diagnostic evaluation. Thirty-five (78%) of these symptomatology would be associated positively with eligible mothers completed the study evaluations; 17 offspring improvement in depressive symptoms and of the 35 (49%) met the study inclusion criteria and 12 functioning. (34%) agreed to participate. Mothers who were eligible Effect of treatment on mothers. Results of the did not enter the study for a variety of reasons random regression analysis showed significant improve- including offspring refusal of treatment, mothers ment over the 12-week study period in mothers’ wanting treatment closer to her home, and offspring depressive symptoms as measured by both the HRSD participation in other research that precluded maternal and the BDI (Table 1). There were no significant participation in a treatment study. differences between mothers in rate of improvement. Whereas few mothers agreed to participate in the Mother’s HRSD decreased an average of 0.66/week study, the rate of depressions in the mothers was high: during the study period, whereas mothers’ BDI decreased 15% screened positive for current depression. The an average of 0.83/week over the study period. In mean age of participating mothers was 42 years [range addition a significant improvement over the study period 32–52, standard deviation (sd) 6.1] and their diagnoses, was observed in mothers’ global functioning measured by based on the SCID interview, were major depressive the GAF and social functioning as measured by the SAS. disorder (75%), dysthymia (8%), and concurrent major Results of the end point analysis (not shown) were similar depressive disorder and dysthymia (17%). Mothers’ to those obtained from the random regression analysis mean number of children (including full and half and can be obtained upon request. siblings of the target offspring) was 3.5 (sd 2.1). Nearly Not shown, results of the random regression model half of the mothers were Spanish speaking (42%) and indicate that baseline severity, as measured by the HRSD, most were of minority origin (67% Hispanic, 17% were negatively correlated with rate of improvement, African American, and 17% White). Most mothers implying that more severely depressed mothers showed were married (33%) or separated/divorced (50%), greater improvement (r ¼ À.4478). These results how- although 8% were never married and 8% widowed. ever, failed to reach statistical significance (P ¼ .2397). Most mothers (67%) were high school graduates and Change in offspring outcomes over study period. 33% had also completed some college. Mothers’ The random regression analysis showed significant household income fell into the following categories: improvement in offspring’s depressive symptoms over o$10,000 (60%), $10,000–25,000 (20%), and the study, as measured by the HRSD, with child HRSD $25,000–60,000 (20%) (household income was missing scores decreasing an average of 0.44/week over the for two mothers). Most mothers (58%) were not study period (Table 1). However, there was no employed and 33% were on public assistance. significant difference between subject variation in The mean age of the offspring was 14.1 years (sd 2.3) these rates of improvement. We observed a trend and 67% were girls. Diagnoses of the offspring, based (Po.06) in the offspring’s CGI-SI, with offspring on clinician rating, were major depressive disorder CGI-SI scores decreasing by an average of 0.06/week (67%) and dysthymia (31%). over the study period. Results of the end point analysis
  • 5. Brief Report: Depressed Mothers and Children 55 TABLE 1. Outcome of mothers and their children over the period of maternal treatment for depressionn Random regression test of linear trends (Baseline–Week 12) Variable Baseline Week 6 Week 12 E4 P (E4) Depression rating scalesa HamiltonFmother 10/17.4 7 8.0 9/14.0 7 8.7 9/9.1 7 8.0 À0.66 .04 HamiltonFchild 10/12.7 7 4.6 8/7.0 7 3.5 9/7.5 7 3.6 À0.44 .007 BDIFmother 10/20.0 7 9.1 9/20.2 7 15.5 8/9.9 7 10.1 À0.83 .03 CDIFchild 10/13.1 7 5.6 8/12.2 7 5.2 7/10.4 7 7.5 À0.20 .30 Clinical global impressionsFSIa Mother 10/3.6 7 0.8 9/3.2 7 1.1 9/2.7 7 1.2 À0.07 .11 Child 10/3.4 7 3.4 8/2.9 7 0.8 9/2.7 7 1.0 À0.06 .06 Global functioningb GAFFmother 10/56.0 7 5.0 9/59.2 7 9.5 9/69.0 7 9.3 1.04 .009 C-GASFchild 10/58.4 7 7.5 8/60.1 7 8.8 9/63.1 7 8.0 0.40 .24 Social adjustmenta SASFmother 10/2.5 7 0.4 NA 8/2.0 7 0.7 À0.05 .05 SAICAFchild 10/2.0 7 0.4 NA 8/1.8 7 0.3 À0.01 .34 Values are expressed as mean (sd), unless otherwise indicated. n N ¼ 10 owing to inclusion of data from the termination evaluation completed by the mother–child dyad who dropped out of the study at week 4. a A higher score indicates greater impairment. b A lower score indicates greater impairment. NA ¼ variable was not assessed at this time. were similar to those obtained from the random accepted treatment was comparable with the literature regression analysis and can be obtained upon request. on clinical trials [Pocock, 1999]. However, recruitment Relationship of maternal depression with of mothers of offspring attending an urban teaching offspring outcome. We found no significant associa- hospital for participation in a clinical trial was fraught tion between change in maternal depression over time with difficulties such as children not residing with their and change in offspring depression over time for any biological mothers, cancelation of numerous appoint- measure of depressive symptomatology. When the ments, and family relocation. Whereas the rate of association between change in maternal depression (as depression was high in the mothers bringing their measured by the HDRS and BDI) and offspring children to treatment, numerous mothers needed to be functioning (as measured by the CGI-SI, C-GAS, and screened to find those who would accept treatment for SAICA) was examined, the change in maternal HDRS themselves. scores over time was significantly associated with Mothers and offspring in the present study improved change in offspring C-GAS scores (i.e., decreasing with regard to depressive symptomatology and func- maternal HRSD scores were associated with increasing tioning over the 12 weeks. Although both mothers and C-GAS scores in offspring; Table 2). There was a 0.45 offspring improved over the course of the open increase in offspring C-GAS score associated with a trial, the rate of maternal improvement was approxi- one-unit decrease in maternal HRSD score (Po.03). mately twice that of offspring improvement and was We conducted exploratory analyses to determine found in both independent evaluator and self-rated whether a relationship existed between improvement in measures. maternal global functioning and offspring outcome. Our finding of maternal improvement is consistent No significant association was found between maternal with the literature on the treatment of depression with GAF and offspring CDI, HRSD, CGI, C-GAS, or IPT in adults [Di Mascio et al., 1979; Elkin et al., 1995] SAICA. However, when offspring outcomes were and whereas the offspring in the present study received categorized into two groups by the median baseline treatment as usual and did not follow an established values, there was a significant association (Po.002) treatment protocol, their improvement is suggestive of between offspring who had a baseline C-GAS score of that found in empirical studies of the treatment of 60 and change in maternal global functioning. These depression in adolescents [Brent et al., 1997; Emslie offspring had a 0.67 increase in C-GAS for every one- et al., 1997; Mufson et al., 1999]. The lesser rate of unit increase in maternal GAF. improvement in offspring might be related to several factors. Offspring treatment was not standardized and many offspring were already engaged in treatment DISCUSSION when their mothers entered the study and probably experienced some symptomatic improvement before The delivery of IPT was acceptable to mothers in our study began, as reflected in the offspring’s low that the completion rate of 75% for those mothers who baseline HRSD. Finally, time must be considered
  • 6. 56 Verdeli et al. TABLE 2. Regression effects of mothers’ Hamilton and global functioning correlated with their children’s outcome Child’s outcomen E P (E) df Child’s Hamilton 0.06 .61 15 CDI 0.02 .88 13 CGI-SI 0.04 .14 15 C-GAS À0.45 .03 15 SAICA À0.009 .40 6 n N ¼ 10. CDI, Children’s Depression Inventory; CGI-SI, Clinical Global Impressions Severity of Illness Scale; C-GAS, Children’s Global Assessment Scale; SAICA, Social Adjustment Inventory for Children and Adolescents. a factor with regard to improvement of depressive form of psychotherapy were used. The present study is symptomatology in both mothers and offspring. also limited in that many offspring were already in Our hypothesis that reduction of maternal depres- treatment when the study began and the average age sion would be associated with offspring outcome was was in adolescence, a period in which one’s peer group supported for improvement in offspring functioning is usually the primary interpersonal influence. In but not for improvement in offspring depressive addition, a longer interval may be required to observe symptomatology. Furthermore, improvement in ma- the effects of maternal improvement on symptomatic ternal global functioning was significantly associated outcome in offspring. It must also be acknowledged with improvement in offspring global functioning that children in treatment for depression would be when it was stratified on the basis of baseline severity. expected to improve over time even if their mothers Surprisingly, we found no significant association were not receiving concurrent treatment for depres- between improvement in maternal and offspring sion. Finally, the present study is generalizable to a self- depressive symptomatology over the course of the selected group of moderately depressed mothers who study. This might be explained by offspring treatment are predominantly urban, of low socioeconomic status, status as discussed above or, alternatively, by the fact Hispanic, and bringing their offspring for evaluation or that at age 14 the offsprings’ peer group exerted a treatment of depression. In light of these considera- greater influence on them than did their mothers. It tions, the findings presented here should be considered might also be that the association between maternal preliminary. and offspring depressive symptomatology requires a longer time (e.g., 6 or 12 months) to appear. It remains unclear whether maternal depression has a stronger CLINICAL AND RESEARCH IMPLICATIONS association with offspring functioning than offspring Clinically, the findings alert clinicians to the high depression or whether changes in global functioning rates of depression in mothers bringing their offspring precede those of depressive symptomatology. If the for treatment of depression. Whereas many mothers latter is true, a longer interval might lead to stronger will not accept treatment for themselves, in the context results in offspring. of bringing their children to treatment, the limited number who do may benefit. The research implications regarding feasibility are less positive. Sampling de- LIMITATIONS pressed mothers from a pediatric clinic where children The present report is a pilot study and has major are being brought for treatment of depression does not limitations, the most significant of which are its appear feasible. The mothers were dif ficult to recruit uncontrolled design and small sample size. As a result, and seemed already overburdened with their children’s the findings can suggest only associations between schedule. It was difficult to coordinate the timing of variables and not their direction. This report cannot both treatments. determine whether the relationship between maternal As a result of this experience, we are now studying depression and offspring functioning is driven by depressed mothers who have come for their own change in mother or offspring. In particular, we cannot treatment, and we are evaluating their children. This illuminate the nature of the relationship between is an ancillary study to the multisite Sequential change in maternal depression and offspring outcome. Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression Study Furthermore, as an open trial, we did not focus on (STAR*D). STAR*D will compare the effectiveness of efficacy of treatment but on the existence of a different treatment options for MDD and will enroll relationship between maternal symptom reduction 4,000 adults across 13 Regional Coordinating Centers and offspring outcome. To achieve symptom reduction [Rush et al., 2003]. Focusing on the common clinical in mothers we employed IPT; however, it is possible question of what to do next when patients fail to that reduction would occur more rapidly or be respond to a standard trial of treatment with an qualitatively different if medication and/or another antidepressant medication, STARnD aims to define
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