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A Collection of Authentic Recitations
Qur'an, Sunnah and most pious personalities
of Islam to make every momentofthis worldly life
Syed Aamir Hasan
Prof. (R) Manzoor Ahmad Khan
M.A. (Agra)
■ 'A/AJin//y
Wishandas Road, Near Pakistan Masjid,
Ramswami, Jameela Street, Karachi-74400, Pakistan.
Tel: (92 21) 32723748, 32773652, 32772272, 32765821
Fax: 32774710 , Email:
1 st Edition 2010
r Translator s Note
In the
the Beneficent
A1 have, so far, translated about ten religious books on
different topics. But this one, Zakheerah-i-Akhirat, is of
its own kind. We, the Muslims, believe that Islam is a
comprehensive and complete way of life which caters to
each and every aspect of our life. This book compiled
by Syed Aamir Hasan proves it. ■
He has taken great pains to find out the solution to every
problem of our lives be it physical, spritual or a social
situation. He has done really a great job. May Almighty
Allah reward him well here and hereafter.
(Prof. Manzoor Ahmad Khan)
Al-Qadir Printing Press
Vishandas Road, Near Pakistan Masjid Ramswami,
Jameela Street Karachi - 74400 Pakistan
Phones: (+ 92 21) 32723748, 32773652, 32722272, 32765821
Fax: 32774710
'he great i
All the sins are forgiven
Recitations greater than Mount Uhud
Countless Rewards
Another Reward
Almighty Allah (subh<mohU
For obtaining a high r
Problems will be solved
Countless sins *--------
Fulfilling the rights
The best prayer
Chapter Two
Virtuous Deeds
—--------------- ------ uiC torqiven
—e-hu2d?dforlx,Hous„nd deeds
Benedictions of seventy thousand Annrlr
31 Prayer at the end of a aathArinn
Keward equivalent to Shab-i-Qadr
33 Four most rewardinq sayings
34 Keys of Heavens and Earth
35 Virtues equal to the dwellers on the earth
36 Sparkling face on the Doomsday
37 Getting the rank of a martyr
38 The Panacea for Cowardice
39 Angels refer to Allah 30
40 Beyond estimation of angels 31
41 Invocation of seventy thousand angels 31
42 Another favour of Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa To-oaio; 32
43 The rewarding Hamd 32
44 Praising Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) 33
The greatest nome of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala)
for memorizing the holy Qur'an
S^Z^^e^ord to the deod
After Zuhr Prayer
Before a
________________________ TOPIC
Blessing the Parents
Achieving Piety
Total Success
Augury for Marriage
Blessing the Couple at Marriage
Bringing the Bride Home
Before Coitus with Wife ______
Invocation for begetting Pious Children After Fajr^
Best Prayer for Male Child
Prayer Call for a New Born
Tehneek and Tabreek
Prayer for Aqeeqah
Safety for a Child
The First Lesson
Embracing Isham
Exemplary Incidence —
104 I Heorinq the prayer
105 After Moghrib Prayer
After Um'o Prayer
Chapter Three
Different Invocations for Different Siruatrons
At Waking Up
to NaturalCalls
Off Clothes
nd after ablutions
During Ablutions
After Ablutions
New Clothes
After All Proyen
After All Fog Prayers
Suppkohons for Mornu
jjyg the Mirror
Nev, Moon
148 / Financial problem for Hajj
Victorious Afghan Commanders
I Undetected by oppressors
Owing Debts
Fear of enemies
Safety from an evil eye
Difficult task
Besieged by enemies
River in spate
Allying worries
Qualities of Huroof-i-Muqatti'i
Terror and Panic
Worries and debts
Safety from mischiefs of enemies
Prayer of Hazrot Anas
Panacea for all worries
Help from oblivion
Anything lost or running away of a servant
For fear______ _____
Being Afraid
Repayment of Debts
Winning the Legal Suits
Increase in Sustenance
III Omen_ ____________
Wishing to be reformed
of Huroof-i-M',
oo many worries
someone at large
Mlying worries and grief
Terror and Panic
Worries and debts
Safety from mischiefs of
Prayer of Hoirot Anas
’anaceo for oil wo
Help f
Being Afra.d
J<Klonou* Afghan
Besieged by enetr
P'ver tn spate
Undetected by op
Fear of enemies
Safety from on ev
Difficult task
Owing Debts
I Repayment of Debit
I Winning the legal Suits
Increase in Sustenance
I III Omen
i Waywardness
i Wishing to be reformed
194 1
195 J
S. No. I________________ __
224 I Liver diseases
225 I Weokness of Stomach
226 I Diabetes
227 I Enlargement of Spleen
77R~Tpisplocement of Novel Muscle
229 I Stomach Ache
For all kinds of Coolie
230 t
231 1
232 '
244 I
245 I
Indigestion----------------------- -----------------------
Lack of hungerjAnorexia)
I cT^noae of Urination^
I Piles _____-----— .
rBodyA^— 3—
1 ParolyslS . -—------- ' ______--------
' I HiccwPL- - —~ '-----""
Wound5. — — ____—
 Burns .__^a^oraly^^.is onJ
159 Dependence in Old ^9*
2bQ Depth by oging ond ocaderP
261 I
. Excessive Inordinate Des res
HormFj Knowledge
IFotgiveness lor odveflent and inodvertent sms
I Imnxxol Behovtour
I Unpertinence
I Four Feorful Thingc
I.Betterment Here and He.eoher"~~~
fe^Humour and ------------
I 164
I 64
treasure for hereafter
A comprehensive proyer
’age No
273 Safety from theft
274 General Welfare
275 Safety from Hell 167
276 General Needs 168
277 1 Safety of Deen (Islam), life, progeny and wealth 169
278 J Forgiveness of Sins | 169
279 I Prayers suggested by Hazrat Muhammad
1 (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) to his Ummah
An Exclusive Proyer
t A Highly Comprehensive Proyer
Firmness of Belief (Islam) __
Sufficient sustenance____________
Chapter Eight
Different Prayers (Salaah)
Salggh At-Tasbeeh
Sglggh for Istikharah
Fulfillment of a Need
Prgyer for Penitence
Ishrggq Prgyer
Chesht Proyer
Awwabeen Proyers
Tghgjjud Prgyer
Qaza -i -Umr Prayer
I Prover for Eyesight
Proyer for Travelers
i Sodoqah
Chapter Nine
The Meanings and Virtues of the names
i of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’aala)
311 Index "" -------- ------
22__HovHo Recite
Gl°rious Names of Allah (SubhQ 99
VortySayingsofthehoy Prophetwww w
An Effecti
Of Durood
Eighty Yea rs Sins Forgiven
Definite Recommendation
lmarL Shafa'ee Re^jZ,
F°r All Calamities
Special Durood
Some Tested Durood
Related to Dream
Chapter Eleven
Chah’l Rabbana
Chahl Rabbana
Chapter Twelve
Quranic Surah with Their Virtues
Surah Al-Baqarah
Surah Al-Baqarah and Aal-i-lmraan
Surah Al-An'am
Surah Al-Kahf
Virtues of Surah As-Sajdah
The Virtues of Surah Yaseen
Chapter One
Introduction -1
One of the biggest gifts given to us by the last holy Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) is
the treasure of those illuminating prayers and recitations which
give us relief in our all aspects of life. He has told us recitations
for all the functions our organs perform during day and night.
These prayers are perpetual miracles and proof of prophet-hood
of the last holy Prophet of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) as
the words of these recitations and prayers witness that these are
TREASUREFORHehl,...___________ — _throughthe wholebookdueto mypre-occupation but readsome
ofitsportions andIfoundit a comprehensive and usefulbook.
Ipray toAlmightyAllah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) that may He
accept this foil and make it famous and useful for the Muslims.
12th August 2000 A.D.
11/05/1421 A.H.
Saleemullah Khan
Wifaq-al-Madaris-al-Arabia Pakistan
Shaikh-al-Hadeeth Jamia Farooqia
k.----- ■ •
the words which have been uttered by a Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi
wa Sallam).
The holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) has thrown light
on every angle and spot of human life and told his Ummah the
valuable recitations for all aspects of human life which include
some situations which are not usually faced. Due to the importance
of such recitations and prayers, scholars have compiled and edited
them and presented them in the shape of books.
Syed Aamir Hasan has also collected and compiled authentic
recitations and prayers in this book - Zakheerah-i-Akhirat - after
taking much pains with a well written text. Though I could not go
ojUiJi <j^5<b
The holy Qur'an and Hadeeth contain guidelines and remedies
for our worldly life as well as life hereafter (Akhirah) both. A large
number of Hadeeth contain recitations and prayers for various
difficulties and diseases which were told to the pious Companions.
And these recitations and prayers solved the problems and cured
the diseases of the concerned persons.
Allah (Subhanahu . AarT1ir HasO
Alaih and belongs to an educated famiy.
Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) has gifted him with a
nice taste of arrangement. He has distributed the book in twelve
chapters, each one having different and relevant recitations and
prayers for different situations. Thus it is a credible and
comprehensive book which suffices the need more effectively than
Here men of Hadeeth have warned Muslims against half hearted
and doubtful recitations of these prayers which may not have the
desired effect. Consequently these recitations have to be offered
with full confidence and certainty to achieve the desired results.
Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) has termed His holy Book
a cure. He says and there
are more such Ayah which vouchsafe the holy Qur'an to be a
cure. Likewise, the recitations indicated in various Hadeeth for
various occasions have been termed by the men of Hadeeth as
Ihavepartlyreadthe bookandfound it exemplary. I recommend
thisbookto be read andpracticed by all Muslims throughout the
'world. May Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) accept his efforts for
here andhereafter and enable him to further serve the Muslims
andIslaminthis manner. Amen!
a strong fort against all untoward situations. Muhadditheen have
written that once Hazrat Saad-bin-Ubadah (a famous Companion)
was urinating when he died. The people around heard
the jinns saying
"We killed Saad-bin-Ubadah and shot an arrow right at his heart."
So on the occasions of entering and leaving the latrine if we recite
the related prayers which are said to be recited by the holy
nd leaving the latrine if we recite
— id to be recited by the holy
The first effort of Syed Aamir Hasan, by the name of "Waza'if-
us - Swaliheen" has been published and gained general applause
in Islamic circles. The second book, in this context, is also before
my reading. May Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) reward him
befittingly. Ameen!
According to our Hadeeth prayer is the kernel of all worships.
This is a most important worship and thus has its ways and rules.
Any prayer or invocation is to be selected according to the situation
by the person concerned. This collection contained these qualities
prayers and invocations should always be addressed to Almighty
Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) otherwise it sometimes leads to
polytheism (^J/l ).
Invocations should always be selected from the holy Qur'an and
authentic Hadeeth. Recitations and invocations can be offered in
any language and at any time. This is the easiest way of being
nearest to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala).
May Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) enable us to practice it in our
daily lives. May Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) accept the labour
of the compiler and make this book beneficial and effective for
its users. Ameen! Mohammad Mansoor-al-Zaman Siddiqui
President, Siddiqui Trust
Siddiqui House, Al-Manzar Apartments,
458 Garden East, Lasbela Chowk, Karachi
________ Chapter Qne
and authentic invocation easily with its reference. ddle tool
has been dividedinto twelve ciafters centalniny sefarale titlis.
cfbftlie reader goes through tie ciafters, he very easily canfd
the requiredrecitation andfrayer withoutyoiny through tie
list ofcontents.
tSdie boodc contains many such recitations andIvrayers which
wore not includedbefore in such sort oftools. &dllthese law
been extractedfrom, the holy 'Sbu/r'an, ^ladeeth asidauthentic
bools ofreflated reliyious scholars after u/nderyoiny thorough
study andresearch.
Q-dlany- bools arefoundin our marlcets which contain weal
fsHa oeff) odladeetl andselfmadefrayers which arefredy
referredto any reliyious authority. Idonseyaently every reader
is hereby warnedthattheyshouldcarefullyfondoatthe references
andtheir authenticity insuch bools ofrecitations andinvocations.
odfnotfossille atleastsome reliyious scholarsshould<le consulted
in this reyard.
Q-A'b doubtifone couldsee andremain near afious reliyious
fiersonadity, itwilt'sufficetochanyetlatfenonswhohfwrso-nality.
couldgeta chance to readar listen aboutsuchfious
~ot, stabtoara/ihers
amdauthentic vnvocation easily. with ds _ ^Jhe
has been dividedinto tuiebue cdiafiters contcuninyse/iarafetf/,
cffthe readeryoes t/roayli the diafiters, he veryeasilycamfdl
the reyuired. recitation. a/ndfirayer ultlioutyoiriy throughthe
<Z7he book (XmCai.nJ, many sacJi recitations and/inaymM,
toe-re notincludedbefore tn suclt sort ofbools. r/ddthese law
been extractedfrom, the holy filar'an, Q-d&deedt and. authentic
boohs ofreflatedreliyiotus scholars after u/nderyoeny t/wrowjk
study atdreseare/i.
,, 1Ubk^tU(iAudf (£^aJt
We can never deem to be the best unless toefrone
nrnbvei tobe the mostobedient,flouA,fa/rt/ny offcm andbest
mfihi/i/imofdddak (Wubha/na/ia loci oddaaf). (fnly then
^L/ie to be (tie esitmai/ to Idol,a. fat/,<ym,,//f ddt
^ZfU‘V * «//
qAo dotdd ifone coaddsee andremain near a/doas rdiyivai
fersana/dy, itandsa^ee to danye tAa/farson's adudfurrsondcty
coa/dyela danee &> adoulsadfonts
Chapter One
First Kalimah-i-Tayyibah
"None deserves worship but Allah. Muhammad is the Prophet of
Second Kalimah-i-Shahadah
ockj*? of-mh1
, < 9 J>
"I witness that none is to be worshipped but Allah. He is alone.
None shares Him. I witness that Muhammad is the servant and
Prophet of Allah."
There is none to be worshipped but Allah. He is alone. None
shores Him. For Him is all the kingship and all the praise who
jives life and takes it away. He is alive and will never dte.
Wicence is only in His hands and He is Omnipotent."
Third Kalimah-i-Tamjeed
"Allah is holy and all the praises are for Allah. And there is none
to be worshipped but Allah. And Allah is the greatest and none
has the power to benefit or evade sins but with (the help) of
, ’9^ 9<,"
IwenesstromAllah, my Creator, for every sin which
rnowlngly orby mistake, nertly or overtly. 1 oVfor my
"hsservicefor foe sins whichknow and which 
o Allahverily Xou know foe Invisible, cover the
the sins. None has the power to benellt r-
W Vxelp of Allah who 1« “
and the greatest."
Sixth Kalimah-i-radd-i-I<ufr
"O Allah I seek for Your shelter that I should think anything to
share with You knowingly. I beg for Your forgiveness and Your
pardon for sharing (anyone else) with You which I did unknowingly
(and for those sins which I did knowingly). I repent it and admit
my repulsion from Shirk, lying, backbiting and doing the forbidden
and immoral acts and concocting blame and all the sins. I
embraced Islam and I recite:
d a«ept
' Z//r z 7
all His orders."
The Excellence 2.
1. Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said that
the best recitation is 'ibljilAllS (Tirmizi An Jabir)
According to another Hadeeth i^l^ is the best of all virtues.
(MusnadAhmad, An Bareeda)
"I believe in Allah and in His angels and in His books and His
prophets and in the day of resurrection and in destiny that all
good or bad is from Allah and being re-born after death."
2. The holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said that
he would recommend most the person for absolution who would
have recited Kalima Tayyibah from the depths of his heart.
(Bukhari, An Abi Hurairah)
S'M osked his
5. °'9h,|“Hini. .rreOchAHoh(S' 'S°s°'d
r*S.hisKl hwi)
<H PQra,lel to • eSlr,s
Almighty Allah (Subhonoh
u- He further ,„L A1
liuin earth andore in one side of □ balance and Kalinah-i-Tayyibah in
the side of the Kalimah will droop down. °'her'
(lbn-i.Hibbon, Nosoi, AU So.ed, B„,orAn
The excellence of Kalimah-i-Shahadah
Whoever will recite it sincerely, i.e. will witness for Tauheed and
Risalah (Unity of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) and Prophet hood,
Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) will forbid Hell to have
him. Hazrat Abdullah-bin-Umer quotes the holy Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi wa Sallam) to have said that undoubtedly Allah (Subhanahu
wa Ta'aala) will sort out one of my Ummah and open ninety nine
accounts before him each of which will be as vast as horizon.
(These will be the accounts of sins). Then Allah (Subhanahu wa
Ta'aala) will ask him whether he can deny any charge out of
these? Had His appointed writers have oppressed him9 (Had
they made any mistakes?) He will answer in the negative. Almighty
Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) will again ask him that whether
he had any excuse for those sins? He will again reply in the
negative. Then Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) will say that He
had his one virtue with Him which will be shown to him and
undoubtedly justice would be done to him.
This was the effect ofreciting Kalimah-i-Shahadah from the depth
ofthe heart and sincerely. This Kalimah is recited by countless
peoples, even by the non-Muslims. But it becomes effective only
when recited extremely sincerely and with staunch belief in Allah
(Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) and his holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi
wo Sallam).
Then a chit of paper will be brought on which Kalimah-i-Shahadah
will be written. Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) will then
tell him to go and see his accounts being weighed. That fellow
will beg to say that his death was definite as that chit of a paper
was worthless before such huge accounts. Almighty Allah
(Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) will tell him that no injustice will be done
to him that day (weighment was essential). So all those accounts
will be put at one side and the small chit of paper at the other
side of the balance of justice. Then the heavy accounts will
concluded that
,,0(W Art. - s hu wa To'oala)
« Witness 'hot none is to be
Excellence:thisshouldbe recitedotter performing abl
('Wuioo)withface upwards, the recitor willhave a the
gatesofparadiseopentoenterby any oneheik
ExcellenceoftheTh’w'1 ’
worshipped but Allah,
immadis His servant and the
■ Allah is theSome have related it with the following addition:
"Nobody can save himself from any vice or can gain any virtue
without the help of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala).
Excellence: The last holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam)
said that he liked to recite once ♦Hie v-r—
on which the sun shined. (Muslim,
should be
"0 Allah, make me like those slaves of yours who
happy after doing deed of virtue and ask for your forgiveness
after doing a deed ofvice."
(Ibn-i-Majah, Sha'ab al-Eeman).
once this Kalimah than all the things
., Tirmizi) Plantation in Paradise
Excellence of Kalimah-i-Tauheed
There is none to be worshipped but Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala).
He is alone. He is not shared by anyone. He owns everything and
all the praises are for Him. Only He gives life and death. He is
omnipotent." This was said by Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu
Alaihi wa Sallam). He further declared that one who would recite
it ten times would be like the person who set free four persons
from the progeny of Hazrat Isma'eel. (Nosat, Ahmad, An AbiAyooW
According to another Hadeeth, the person who will recite this
Kalimah hundred times will be rewarded like one who had set
ten slaves free and hundred virtues will be added in his account
and hundred vices will be written off from his account. Moreover
this Kalimah would shield him from the Satan. And nobody could
do better but he who had done more than that.
«eMJn9 tteral Abv Hurairoh planting a sapling the holy
he said™ ,h°’ Sh°Uld He
OthwPray« for open B
ta,d'’9l"H»r™ub niyintop®radise
the h
Best recitation for believers (Mumin)
This is the prayer of our holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam)-
ar)d no
A/aihi v worshi -uut Allah. He 1SQ|One
and Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu
ant and Prophet. And Hazrat Isa |&
is His se. - . ..o messenger. And he is the son of His servant
Hazrat Maryam (Alaihas-salam) who bare him by the kalimah
which was sent to her through Hazrat Jibrael by Almighty
Allah. And Almighty Allah has made him (Jibrael, lU ) a living
being. There is no doubt in the institutions Paradise and Hell."
One million timec h; u
™es higher statuses
i 2j)y
None is suitable to be worshipped but Allah. He is Alone. No
one shares Him. All the universe and all the praises are for Him.
He gives life and takes it. He Himself is alive and death will never
come to Him. All good is in His hands. He is Omnipotent."
Excellence: The holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said
that one who would recite that in a market, Almighty Allah
(Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) would write one million virtues, forgive
his one million sins, give him one million times higher status and
give him a house in heaven. (Mishkah, 214-Vol-ft
A! one place it is written that repealed recitation ploys greal pad
in establishing the virtues, and all aviating rhe vices.
P°9e 106)
''al-KurSi the
The great invocation
W-i-fefc, Ayab-ot-Kursi, Ayoh ShaM-ol-Lahu and Qu ,1
Lahumma.... Ila bighairi Hisaab - appealed to Almighty Allah
(Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) that He had revealed them on a nation
of sinners. Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) promised them
that those who recited them after Farz prayers would be forgiven
and placed in the best paradise and would be seen with mercy
Sevenly,imes a d°T and their seventy needs I , c ,
Jdbef^eed eslofwhKh
sX °! Ihe ol our holy pr
* °0 ” °"e * recite ,hZ Phe'enemi^ Ta °°'a) wi|| th|S Almighty
H°*™'Moho -...... n"u^Ta^)
Glftof Hazrat Fatimah^
Of HX’feHoz™, FUde"'S ,h°'shouW be *»
daughter of Hazrat Muhm /c aflma^ > the most beloved
curious!, Qsked h,ZX H°"°"ahU Al* ™ S°»°"”’ *
™"ed the flout by het X„ ho Z°' '°ld
Mslsred. szbe zzzzzz ,h:skin
cleaned the house oil by hetself. s"'epl
,lked by A,,ah tSubhanahu
:avy to weigh.
- • anahu wa
Hazrat Ali
him the story ,
One day some maids and slaves were offered to Hazrat
Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam). She went to him but
came back as many people were with him. He came next day to
her and asked the reason of her visit yesterday. He (Hazrat Ali)
told him that she was enduring all the hard cores of household.
He asM -er ,» g» <° /»“ a"d aeSh°'Prophe< (Sollollohu A/aiM
wa Sallam) sa-d,"Mydeardaug , (Subhanahu wa
wa Ta'aala) and keep doing your duties of Alla i
Ta'aala) and your home. Before going to e r^C',' ’
thirty three times,^1for thirty three times and^l for thirty
four times. This is better than a servant." She happily agreed to
if. (Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Daood)
rA// the sins are forgiven
once*iiibefo .
^sgr&>f ^ZZUCb
>niOn-y P °Phet (e , ^Unt 11>
^tain , Aethern ^"ahu 4. .
^OftyL 0 rl ;Or,e Of th ^ Q'^iw
° 5all°n,i
J o,'^r>%s °Q''eed j "‘h* l.
<S q. ^Orrtr 0 eOch Pr ren/; ° GQUnl ^’S
S<Xioi ‘ll,%/'Jl,,do fh ’>lKAl erenCe
The holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallah wa sQ||a^
said, "These recitations are greater than the mountain of Uhud'
The reward of (reciting) 4'6^ fills one side of the scale, the
recitation of 4)5^3 Fills both the sides and the recitation of
Fills the vacuum between the heavens and the earth.
(Faza'il-i-Zik'r p. 168, Tirmizi)
Another Reward
According to Hazrat Umm-i-Haani sne requested Hazrat
Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) to tell her some
invocations as she had attained old age and could not move
easily. He asked her to recite for hundred times. It has
the reward equal to freeing hundred Arab slaves. Then he asked
her to recite which is equivalent to giving hundred horses
for Jihaad, and to recite and to recite dil&OS’ which
fills with reward the space from earth to heavens.
(Ahmad, Faza'il-i-Zik'r, P-
obtaining a mg
lm“;Gta!lSX«o«n95X^ *iH 96t *he
-o Allot fo,gi,e th. Ummah of Hozrat Muhommod (Sallallahu
Vo1- 130).
'' Vo1- < p. 59,
Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’aala)
Bestows Forgiveness
Hazrat Salma, wife of Abu Raaf'i & , a|so requested the holy
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) to tell her a brief recitation.
He told her to recite ten times. This is, according to Almighty
Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala), is for Him. Then he advised her
to offerflitlO&'for ten times. This is also for Him.
Then recite he further said, for ten times which, Allah
(Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) says, is for Him too. In reward Almighty
Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) declares that He forgives the recitoc
^ozohir-i-Haq Jodeed,
Probfems besolved
IheholyVrophetHazratMuhammad(Sallallahu AlaihiwaSallam)
said, "whoeverwillrecitethefollowingforseventimesat sunrise
andsunset each, Almighty Mlah(Subhanahu wa Ta'aaa) will
lookafter allhiseffortrs(hisproblemswillbe solved). According
to another narration one who recitedit before Friday Draver
Recitation'. z,
6^O -
4> °n/o„e
tf~ee ,
nKr s'
,. ?a-
■ O®l'e'-r °^'n,-
b°U D 9l^n b9So OA
«e/s. Qn/sr
p 'n p
roclndh -
affdr r y rec'l
■na ' aHitfor°r°^e
P Qr>ted . (AkH ' ^Ou/d neceSs ne
a 1a p P9et s°ryf„
^bleio ara^b?-
’Oaa dUt> r°ho„ r”C"in9
J're9itas '° H-e '‘°a°°rl
° °°/o; Srec//o^b °kness. do
’ ^ld °nfr^ no,
'he if nf/y /! ^Oney
SeVo ^Prndin9
Ct,°ns Qf °St fhree r
■s'=“-- r$es
The holy pr
'"haPDa n3elSfil. ”r'*ou/c,
PPen tm 111 ®ve . a 9et
" ^orni^ n,r>9 tf l
n9'fthen he
concerneddies that day or night he will become
)egy' ^0
'f %■;
'*>»'%' V %065 f0.'% °tf
(Tirmizi)a martyr.
Chapter One
Accor<^lng to th qUl^^S^^a«sSs
All !_ 9 fheho(y01 , xadr
Allah (Sukk y ^Ur an
' ubhanahLi v t e re^vard fn
*»wing it the -hose Wndnes,^^
Four most rewarding sayings
forXX" Fa' XT7 (SO"O,,<,hU A'°iW “° -
ng rair prayers he found Hazrat Javeriah t£>
O prayer doth reciti?. O Almighty A||oh
°l°rl ^H9 Chasht prQyer and Still found her there. When
asked she told him that she was there since morning. Being
pleased he told her that he had composed four following sayings
which would outweigh all her recitations.
Keys of Heavens and Earth
Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) says
"Only He has the keys of heaven and earth." Hazrat Uthman
i ♦ d that he asked the holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa
"One who will recite this verse ten times in the morning,
he will be saved from Satan and his harming army and he will
be bestowed a contour of reward and he will be promoted to the
"*er™nl in Poradise »"d he »ill be married with lhe best
»9» of Paradise (Hoor| and if he , „ °
'S''h”i«be9„en1hera„ko)amortyr Vhe0Hered
Wrtu« equal to the dwellers onthp
sot,,, on me earth
he Severs n9 me and fOrn-
41)' n' |?Q'°fJud9^fsarentsQndfOr •
“° Allok r t ' VSrSe
>he7^ n°2rQf Uk
Sivene Q,|Q||ahUA|°dQ^bin s
fa%r S roMA Qlhi*a<; SQf)1it
erX Shh,. QM
6 -Or
___Chapter Qne
virtues as each Muslim male and female on earth.
(Mu'jam Kabeer, Tabarani, Ma'arif-ul-Hadeeth, p. 325, Vol. 5)
According to another Hadeeth one who will offer the above prayer
for twenty seven times, would be included in those favoured
persons whose prayers were rewarded and whose auspiciousness
plays a positive role in having the sustenance by the people.
(Mu'jam Kabeer Tabarani, Ma'arif-ul-Hadeeth, p.326, Vol. 5)
Sparkling face on the Doomsday
Whoever recited the above verse for eleven times after offering
prayers, blowed it out on his finger and rubbed the fingers upon
his forehead would have a sparkling face on Doomsday.
(A'maal-i-Qur'ani, page 31, Hazrat Thanvi^r )
Getting the rank of a martyr
Hu it Alhh except whon none is to be worshipped. He
to«s thu unseen and the seen. He is ve7 kind and very merofu .
Only He is the Allah except whom none else is to be worshipped.
The King (of all), the Holy, the Clearly Proven, the Giver of Peace,
the Protector, the Overpowering, Almighty, the Proud. Allah is far
from being shared (as said by the non-believers). Only Allah is
fa Creator, the Inventor, the Giver of shapes. He has all the aoodnames. All the things between heavens and o r+k • 9
He has total wisdom." d h prQ,Se Him and
One who offers thrice in the morning:
"I seek refuge of Allah, the all hearing and the all knowing, from
Satan the outcaste." Then, after reciting ^ll^ offers last three
verses of chapter "Hashr"
Benefit. One who offers this prayer, Almighty Allah ^Subhanahu
wolo'aofai appoints seventy thousand angels who pray for his
absolution. If he dies the same day, he dies os a martyr. If one
offers it in the evening, he also gets the same reward.
(Musnad Ahmad,
offers it in the
• Wlsh to L° aVe °f
■ -d - -form me.oe;f7- b«
IS WeQk- I do riot l, r”end myself i ,h 1 “m °bsolut , °’ ho*e
COUr^' < hove ot°hVe -o o ::lo' hl 1^'
obs°lved. o All 9,0 thieve afc °S
’hough I do °h' for9IVe oil the ■ ° U,IOn- h'Hdly Yo "*
future . n°* S°> ’ho. sin C°^
e- 1 know that I am l not be COm • Z e So far
bU* ' Wi" ogoin osk fo ° hUfm°" bei"9 and i X * «
°rYour forgiveness." " h°^" oW„,
D° it only for
d°ys. if Allah (SubhnU,!K bef°re 90iog to bed d !
outomatically fee solved0 “ T°'Qal°) the prXm^
^^^snarrati^♦e,ls f0 uS too.
BeyOnd estimation of angeb
"All the praises are for Allah, praises which know no bounds,
praises which are liked and appreciated by Allah."
According to o Hadeeth a person went lo Hozrol Muhammad
ModohoAtaih, Scdlom) end said the above mentioned
Moi,, nly tfl0Usand'’wte j,*'Oleite ... . ‘’"Seis
Or his
Angels refer to Allah
Hazrat Ibn-i-Umar i .
Alaihi wo Sallam) said thatTl ,h°”he holy ProPhe' (Sollollahu
wa Ta'aala) once pZId L S'°° Almi9hT
nee praised Him tn the following words:
Cherisher, You should be praised according to the radiance
of Your face and the vastness of Your empire."
These words put the angels in hot waters as they did not know
how to write this. They referred the matter to Almighty Allah
(Subhanahu wa Ta'aala). Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala)
told them to write it as wished by His slave. He (Allah Subhanatu
wa Ta'aala) proclaimed that this slave of Him will be rewarded
on the day of judgment.
' , . . . • _ 7r,wa'id Tafseer-i-Qurtabi, Kanz-ul-Ummaal).
(Ibn-i-Majah. Tabarom, Maima-uz-Zawa :d, larsee
"O Allah I am a very disobedient slav , , . ,
i intend to be
obedient but in vain. I wish to be reformed but do not hQv
courage. Only you can reform me. O Allah 1 am absolutely stupid
sinner and unable to mend myself. 1 ask for Your help. My heart
is weak. I do not have courage to avoid sins. Be kind to give me
courage. I have nothing to achieve absolution. Kindly You get me
absolved. O Allah, forgive all the sins committed by me so far
though 1 do not say that sins will not be committed by me in
future. I know that I am a human being and it will happen again,
but I will again ask for Your forgiveness.
Do it only for ten minutes before going to bed daily. After a few
days, if Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) wills, the problem will
automatically be solved.
Angels refer to Allah
Ahihi'JaS 'i|Umr re'a,ed 'h°' 'he hO'y Prophel (S°"a"‘'h“
Alo.h. wa Sallam) sard thol a slave of Almaty Allah (Sabhonaha
WO Ta aala) once praised Him in the following words:
O Cherisher, You should be praised according to the radiance
of Your face and the vastness of Your empire."
These words put the angels in hot waters as they did not know
how to write this. They referred the matter to Almighty Allah
(Subhanahu wa Ta'aala). Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala)
told them to write it as wished by His slave. He (Allah Subhanatu
wa Ta'aala) proclaimed that this slave of Him will be rewarded
on ,hefz^
'-0'’“ 'pfM=<’'C'U'
*r*n tionol
Bey°nd , „Z>-
i. z-z
to*, ,0« Hadeeth a person went to Hazrat Muhammad
(Sallollahu Alaihi «o Sallom) and said the above mentioned
words. The holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam), then,
declared, "By Him who owns my life, as soon as that man uttered
these words, ten angels hurried to write down it. But they could
not decide how to do that (how much he could be rewarded).
They then presented it before Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa
Ij £CP"
Another favour of Almighty Allah
(Subhanahu waTa’aala)
According to Hazrat Ibn-i-Abbaas the holy Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi wa Sallam) said that whoever offers this invocation,its
reward will put seventy angels in hard labour for one thousand
days. It means that these angels would be tired of writing reward
for him. This is: Arabic (
(At-Targheeb, p. 164, Tabarani (Fit kabeer-al-Ausol)
ls invocation, its
The rewarding Hamd
Hazrat Zarkashi lin'iz has copied from the book 'Sale'l-al-Khairaot
that a person went to perform Haj and recited the following and
went back. Next year he again went for Haj and intended to recite
the same at Ka'ba. An angel told him not to do so as he had
already burdened the angels by reciting it last year and they are
not yet free from writing reward for it. (Aurad-i-Fazaliah). T^1
W One thousand MWon^es
Alto.Hasan BosriSS^says, "I have.'“j^afcandeach head
i„to,to *. has hundred thousand heads ana
bos lhe some number ofmouths and each mouth has as many
tongues. He praises AlmightyAllah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) by
each of his tongues in a different language. This angel asked
AlmightyAllah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala): whether He had created
anyone who praised Him as much as he did? Almighty Allah
(Subtoahu „ Ta'aala) replied that one of His slaves on earth
was ahead ofhim in that pursuit After aptti tkAHah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) th' ♦ 9 9 permissior> of
'i- ;
o//(ker-^oii' - ^4i
,f Allah (Subhanahu
Hiuise Allah (Shumans etc.) for ever. I offerWWand^^iand 4.^and
all in the same way. ' '
Excellence: This shows that there are one or some humans on
earth who praise Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) more
than angels. We can not even imagine the amount of reward
from Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) for such person. Why not all
of us should try to do so and get rewarded by Almighty Allah
(Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) more than angels (if Allah (Subhanahu
wa Ta'aala) wills). (T°reekh Qazveen lmam Rofoi|
Two million virtues
"0 Creator
Bounties orAiiai*
On Doomsday
According to a Hadeeth, one who recited the following at the end
ofthe prayerin morning and evening thrice will get the bounties
ofAllah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) on the Day of Judgement:
"We are happy about Allah being the Master, Islam being Deen
(belief) and Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam)
being the Prophet."
There is none to be worshipped but Allah. He is one. None
shares Him: Allah is one. Allah is un-wanting. None is born to
Him. He is unparalleled."
Br|iliant heart and face
Excellence: According to a tradition from Hazrat Abdullah-bin-
Abi Aufa whoever offered it, will get the reward equal to two
million virtues. If offered five times the reward is ten million- All
the Muslims ought to offer it.
Being virtuous
who offers it will be totally virtuous:
to praise
Allama Ibn-ul-Mushtahirsaid that oneAllah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) in a unique way and unparalleled
by even angels in heavens and men on earth and never done
before and wanted to praise the last prophet ofAllah (Sallallahu
Alaihi wa Sallam) and offer supplication to Almighty Allah
(Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) in the same manner, should recite the
followinginvocation quite often:
f° Yourdeal^husto °ccording to y°zrat Muhanim exce,,ence
“CP,“Pr* to lienee a ,Sa"a^hu
e foil,he routC"!ilV°Ca,iOn '
Offering th
v,ce versa:
e recitations and ii
u 11 -~Mnons ,
Ar-Room, verse 19)
Fulfilling the rights of Allah (Subhanahu waTaaala)
For His worship
3 compensatesinvocations of last nightani
According to a tradition related by Hazrat Ali Hazrat Jibra'eel
went to the holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi
wa Sallam) and told him that if he liked to fulfill the rights ofAllah
(Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) for His worship in the day or night, he
should recite the following daily: lBalh^
£/!>£=>I I g[f[
Chapter Two
In the name of Allah,
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
°C^rtaJJil | q_«
Surah Al-Anblaa,vers;87
Excellence- The^a +,
A'°“m- Offering of
For memorizing the holy Qur'an
Those who intend to memorise the
(Surah Al-Muddassir Chapter 29).
holy Qur'an should recite
I. Ayah-al-Kursee
The reward for offering it for four times is equivalent to reciting
one whole holy Qur'an. (Rawah Ahmad, Tofseer, Wovvoh/b.yr.Rahman)
Benefit: The holy Qur'an will easily be memorized.
Conveying the reward to the dead
We can get the reward of reciting nine holy Qur'an and one
thousand verses in only nine minutes. Here it should be kept in
mind that reciting the whole holy Qur'an does not equal any
reward. This is the greatest favour of Almighty Allah (Subhanahu
wa Ta'aala) that He gives so much reward for reciting for brief
Surah out of the holy Qur'an. We have to think that what would
be the limit of going through the whole Book.
1. Surah Al-Fatiha
, ■ the reward of reciting the holy Qur'an
One who offers it thrice gets the
k_>oj Ia<lj
4. Surah At-Takasur
This Surah has the reward of one thousand verses
offered once. (Boihqi, Mishkaah, p. 190)
I Is-*-
5. Surah An-Nasr
for being
6. surah Al-Kafiroo'1
The reward for offering this Surah is just like the above one.
, i (Tirmizi, p. 117, vol. 2)
reward equivalent to reciting
(Tirmizi, p. 117, vol. 2)
The reward for offering it once earns the reward equal to reciting
one fourth of the holy Qur'an. Obviously reciting it four times
earns the reward of reciting the full holy Qur'an.
, I (Tirmizi, p. 117, vol.
reWarc/ Qf _
9^uiz. i Ur-Ro^on'P13'Vo/-')
fa V -zr . ‘ ??O^>9
9. Surah AI-H<h/aas
One who recites this Sumk +k •
holy Qur'an once r,CG' 9GtS the reward of reciting the
(Buk^ri,P.750,voL2 27] voi 2)
Assalamo Alaikum
By saying ten virtues, by saying twenty
virtues, by saying thirty virtues are accorded
by Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala). Same is the case in replying
in the same way.
holy Qur'an once.
This verse was offered by our holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa
Ota Tohajiud. Thus this is also thought most effective for
^eacce0 once of an invocation ecttve tor
(Chapter 45, Rukoo 11)
F*ent of Parental raghts
Allo,""AiniS;hoe/e'’ord °f nine i " behalf of his
/ ° Perso" recites on "ibed ° H^oeth ;„Z"^ H°ii
SuPPosed » nce ^he foil ■ ^arh Bubk •
^cyji - I s of •>!» 'e is
Blessing the Parents
(Fazaa'il-i-Sadaqaat, p. 215)
folio77'09 '
he °r
Wrf Prayer'
To become
(Ibn-i-Hibaan, Abu Ayyoot) Anson)
-0 Wk*ta.« power and I do not. You know but I do
not. You have knowledge of hidden well. So, if you know that if
|)he name of the concerned man or womanl is good for me
regarding Deen, here and hereafter, make him or her my destiny.
II same olher person, according to your knowledge, is better for
concerning Deen here on<1 h8rea(1., fee
her my destiny."
Alrnighty Allah (SubA .
lowing words: n“hUWaTo'“'“)-^.oWBsth,MrBn#
UP (since birth)." Y P°n them <parents) ''ke they brought me
(Surah Bani Israa'eel, Ruk00 3)
Achieving Piety
pious himself and his family one should recite:
Total Success
Recite this five hundred times daily after Isha prayers for forty
days after and before reciting Durood, for the acceptance of all
benedictions: 4 tn the call of the helpless '^n he calls, and
"Who else listens to th
He removes his difficulties".
ftessngtheCouple at Nlamag
Almighty AWahblessycut"
O^JojJI Ajj
(Fazaa'il-i-Sadaqaat, p. 215)
Blessing the Parents
Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) asks to bless the parents
in following words:
"O Lord, have mercy upon them (parents) like they brought me
up (since birth)." (Surah Bani /sraa'eel, Rukoo 3)
Achieving Piety
rR£ASUittfOKHEREAmR -----------AuguryforMarriage
Ifone wants toknow the will ofAllah (Subhanahu wa Ta aala)
(Augury)formarriage he orshe shouldkeepit secret and, after
offering a short Nafl prayer, offer the following invocation:
To become pious himself and his family one should recite:
Total Success
Recite this five hundred times daily after Isha prayers for forty
days after and before reciting Durood, for the acceptance of all
benedictions: , „
"Who else listens to the call of the helpless when he calls, and
He removes
"0 Mlahyou hove the power and I do not. You know but
not. You have knowledge of hidden well. So, if you know that it
)he name of the concerned man or woman) is good for me
regardingDeen, here and hereafter, make him or her my destiny.
Ifsome other person, according to your knowledge, is better for
Beenhere andbereoh^r, be kind to make him or
her my destiny."
at Marriage
live well."
Mayyou be blessed by Allah.'
(Bukhori, Muslim, Tirmjzj
Ringing the Bride Home
”° Allah | pro), you (or her w<.|(arl, on(J _____
eg you to protect me from her bod temperament.*
( u Dawood, Nasoee, Ibn-i-Majah, Abu Yo'la, Amr-bm-Shoaib. Abya. Jtiif
r for Male Ch''d
er for Male Child
Best Praye after
(Chapter 29. verse 12, Surah Nooh) CI 1
of her nature
Prayer Call for a New Born
Before Coitus with Wife
O Ua3jI
"I do it with the name of Allah. O Allah save us from Satan
save our children (to be given by you) too from the Satan
Sittah, Ibn-i-Abbaas ).
By doing so the children bore out of such communion will rem
safe from the mischief of the Satan.
Invocation for begetting Pious Children
Si ' i
M>re |
Tehneek^ Tabr^
To save a child
"May you are not made a nuisance for me by Almighty Allah,
neitherhere norhereafter." (Ibn-i-Sunni, Anas).
(Ibn-i-Abi Shaiba)
' Safety for a Child
from the Satan and poisonous thi
(XP 1. Embracing Islam
I pray for you to Almighty Allah by the grace of all His words
(Kalimah) to save you from Satan, poisonous animals and harmful
eyes." (Bukhari, Sunan Arb'a, Ibn-i-Abbos]
The First Lesson
When a child starts speaking he/she should first of all be taught
to learn:
^1^4® (Ibn.iSunni, Amr-bin-Shooibl
When any child of Bani Abdul Muttalib started to speak, Hazrat
Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) made him offer
following verse:
&«o Allah absolve me and have mercy upon me and keep me firm
footed to follow the instructions and sustain me."
the holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam)
told a man, Hasan, that if he embraced Islam, He (the Prophet)
vrill teach him two recitations for getting countless worldly and
religiousbenefits. He emk— ■ ■ ■ _. '
r—i... 3einng countless worldly andoenetits.He embracedIslam andbeggedtheholy Prophet
(SallallahuklaihiwaSallam)totellhimthosetwo recitations. The
lastholy Prophet(SalfoWahu Alaihiwa Sallam') replied that the
former and thefollowing recitations would earn him a *
worldly andreligiousbenefits.
9 -
(A ' ° l0t °f
(Au/'ad.e P
•• • 7 SaHa^
after attain'1"9
of n'me
The holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa
said to punish a child for not offering the prayer after ai
the age of seven, make him sleep separately at the age
^Tas Satan himself. The traveler did not offer all the f|Ve
prayers on that day. In the night he wanted his fellow traveler f0
sleep together but the fellow (Satan) declined to do that. V/hen
asked by the first one the other one replied that he had disobeyed
Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) only once for which he
was cursed. But he had disobeyed Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aa|aj
for five times in a day. He said that he feared the wrath of Allah
(Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) might pounce upon him with which he
(Satan) would also be doomed.
The last holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) once said that
to differentiate between a Muslim and infidel by offering or
skipping the prayers is enough. He further said that one who
missed his prayers without any potent reason Allah (Subhanahu
wa Ta'aala) would no more be responsible for him. It means that
such a person becomes a total stranger for Almighty Allah
(Subhanahu wa Ta'aala).
Chapter Three
In the name of Allah,
the beneficent, the Most Merciful.
DIFFERENT invocations
DIFFFERENT situations
Chapter Three
Alaihi vra
water pure."
death and
,iboh, Huz°ifah>
, Ibn-i-Abi Shoi1
dead and He is
(Hackin', Jaabir)
Before and after ablutions
Before making ablutions one should say which sh°
Say^l^v/hen removing the clothes. According to a
is a curtain between the eyes of the Satan an
the humans. It should be said before entering the toi
d US after
ror Allah WresorreC
"All the pro'ses are resUrrection} •
C^gto Natural^
-0 Allah I seekyour shelter from impure rnale and ern
(and demons)."
Putting Off Clothes
farh>'y a 'ntfefed'
■ r,shOU'
blut'°nS"" ,
During Ablutions
M^loKtab-al-^'.'hough is kn0Wn '° h0Ve
been said by the holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ^Sallallahu
Alaihi vraSallam) in this regard, the noted theologians are of the
opinion that the invocations offered by our ancestors should better
becontari.feare-The person mafcg oWufion after
'^Sh°UW “y "Ml ,he pra,se' “re for Allah
Sobhonohu waWaalal „ho mode (he Allah
** rinsing lhemou(h.Owl
««f«cUpOlTOterIrom H ’ Ub^0hu „a To.q
Mo||ahl) A1 he d oi voar holy p . ' 9
’”«'«lorever lh""oSo'M Which Sh * Hazrat
Ou'd quench
Chapter Three
TT (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala), keep
IIIC 0 Allah f ces will be white and
While washing’- hen some faces
some black.
h. tond,o*H»h|S*n«hU-^ol«)give,he
whi"“ ’ my right h°"d.
o Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) make
While performing Mas keep me under yQur shade
onX^^hS no shade but yaurs.
. w -k.nonrc- O Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala)
While performing Mas h on ears. O Allan p
include me in your those slaves who follow your commands
While washing feet: 0 Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) enable me
to keep my steps firm on the bridge of Siraat.
m (Kitab-ul-Azkaar, p. 96, vol. 1)
sheet of my accountin
After Ablutions
You are holy. I praise You. I need Your forgiveness and
I repent before You.
Coming out of Toilet
should be offered: . Then the following
^asab lb
ho Pul 1116 °U
v/h° H ;_5u
Id be recit'
■> clothes V
(A'amaal-i-Qur c
whenever Hazi
earing a0th6S
*wberec;, X^them-
|ive with satisfaction till h
, Ha,rat Abo Saeed Khudtee^relofedlhal
X™d Aloihi »o Sodom), wore any new
offered rhe following:
0 Allah a|l,he Praises are but for vou Ym, n
clothes or doth to wear and I h ^QVe me ^ese ne^
Welfare of the thing for which it i Welfare and the
lts bein9 harmed and from any h ° X°Ur she|ter frorr
(^bu Dowood T;
H°zrat Umar A /bn'l'hibaan ,
"All fh
0 Ilf blck th« §QVe hip
f,e<l the f 9a'n
Chapter Three
clothes to the poor, he will remain u..— he security of Almighty
Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'oala) here and hereafter. (Allah
(Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) will save him from calamities and cover
his sins). (Tirmizi, Ibn-i-Majah, Ibn-i-Abi Shaibah, Haakim)
Before offering Tahajjud Prayers
Offer^’i/^S^/^llo^and ten times
before offering Tahajjud prayers.
(Abu Dawood, Nasai, Ibn-i-Ma/ah, Ibn-Abi Shaibah, Ibn-i-Hibaan, from Ayesha)
Replying the Prayer Call
When one hears Azaan, he should repeat what the caller says.
(Sihah Setta, Ibn-i-Sunni, from Abu Sa'eed Khudri).
• One should say^^SlJ^T&l^&lJ^iri reply to
(Bukhari, Muslim, from Muaviah).
The holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam)
said that one who sincerely did that would enter Paradise.
If one recites the following, his sins will be forgiven:
(Muslim, Sunnan A'b'a from Sa'd)
"0 Allah, Lord of this supplication and Lord of prayers, bestow
upon HazratMuhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) a waseelah
(a rank in Paradise) and bestow upon him excellence and take
him to that place of the praised (Maqaam-i-Mahmood) which you
have promised him. No doubt you are not a promise breaker."
Baheeqi, Bukhari, Sunnan-i-Arb'a and Ibn-i-Hibaan have ended
this prayer upon • The words after it 61X11 have
been added by Baihqi in his book "Sunnan-i-Kubra".
(The Hodeeth is related by Hazrat Jaabir-bin-Abdullah.)
1 • Going Out
ln nome „(
°Ur f
Chapter Three
59 -----------
-antly or being behaved ignorantly. "
'‘•■y-i-Sunni from Umm-i-Salmah)
.sed, or Ibn-i-Sunni from ..........................„
3. (go out) in the name of Allah. There is no movement and
no power but by the will of Allah and (we) trust but in Allah
(Subhanahu wa Ta'aala).
(Haakim, Ibn-i-Majah, Ibn-i-Sunni from Abu Hurairah)
Going to offer Faj’r Prayer
One should offer the following while going to offer the prayer of
ijj jy
'° A,lah give light to my heart m
,0 my left, to my riqht anri k u- S'9ht °nd to m/ he°ring,
•«.- ’*bth'"« me- And bestow me light £
Enter«g the Mosque
The following shou,db
SalM while entering
- - j.HibaOf1'
After Entering the^°5qUe
-Pence be upon vs «"■< UP°" ,te P'0"S A/t /bn-Mtoos)
After entering the mosque one should not sit down before offering
two Rakah. (Bukhari, Muslim, from Qitadah)
One Should intend for Itikaof after entering the mosque.
Coming out of the mosque
Wh|le coming out of the
'a,h,wa Sallam)
1Mu5l^AbuDn •
Da^OOd, .
Muh^"19 ,0 Hr
Chapter Three
•IL.' r, HfW VT* o^ZTwill watch for hi^
W -9> <” *yo( (he So)(jn ond no sin, except infidelity,
the hiifc 1
None it to be worshipped but Allah. He is alone. None shares
Him He reigns supreme and He has the power over good. He
gives ond lakes life ond He is Omnipotent.
Thu Hodeeth is mentioned in the book 'Sunnan-i-Tirmizi', 'Kitab-
uo-Do owoof Imom Tirmizi has called it good and authentic
This book does not include j$lj^ . It is given in 'Sunnan-i-
, After Chaasht Prayer
0Allah this is the time of going out of the day and coming in
the night and this is the time of voices of your callers. So forgive
me." MbuDowoorf, Tirmizi, Haakim from Umm-i-Salmah).
After Maghrib Prayer
Hozrat Muslim Tameemi related a saying of Hazrat Muhammad
(Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) that one should recite just after
finishing the Maghrib prayer, without saying any word with anybody
for seven times:
Tne time of this proyer is related to be after sunrise till 1 2 in the
Aha Zuh,
Ch°Pter 30
0 Allah I proy for the success of my objectives to you only And
. otiock the enemies with your help only. And I kill (Jihaad) with
your help only" (Ibn-i-Sunr , from Suhaib)
After Zuhr Prayer
chapter27 should be offered.
After Asr Prayer
be ,edled ofier Asr prayer.
"0 AWah, keep me safe from Helf." Then if the offerer died the
same night he wibe safe from Heil. If one said it like the way
mentioned above and died the same day, he will also be safe
'rOni He"' (Abu Dawood, Nasaee, Ibn-i-Hibaan)
After Ishaa Prayer
Ishaa prayer Surnk *>
Chapter Thrp.
0 Alloh we pray for Your help and pray for our absolution We
hove faith in You and praise You well and pay our thanks to You
We ore not thankless. We get separated and leave that person
who disobeys You. 0 Allah we worship but You and pray and
bow our heads in prostration only before You and make efforts
to obey You and pay You our attendance. We fear Your punishment
No doubt infidels will have Your punishment."
for the third time.
After Vitr Prayer
Recite the following after finishing Vitr prayer thrice and audibly
for the third time. >
“d| mention the Holiness of the King (Allah (Subhanahu
Io aolo) who is most holy."
After Jum’ah Prayer
• i-a bef°re
It is much rewarding to offer Surah Al-Kahf in the nign
the doy of Jum oh or after Jum'ah prayer.
After All Prayers
Ims should be offered first after all prayers:
ft**##' „,r,
After All Farz Prayers
Hazrat Thoobaan $ related that the holy Prophet Hazrat
“a”°d (Sollallaho Aloihi wa Sallam) used to offer after every
tawrp/d) thrice and then-
■0MV*«itXo»taepeace °"dPMCe be 9”e" °"'j
You andYou areblessed. 0, thegreatest an mos rn
(Muslim, SunnonArb'o, Ibn-i-SunnifromThoobaan, Tabarani, Ibn-I-Umar)
TheholyProphetHairat Muhammad(SaWaWahu Ata'ih'iwaSaWam'j
sardthattherewere certainbythree rewardingthings one after
theother, (thosewerey.^i^ thirty threetimes, thirty
X,‘"“rd One' ’-l™otteredthose
'er,fenprajer, wouldneversu(,et
Kftev M P^ers
the holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Aiaihi wa Saiiam)
said that there were certain by three rewarding things one after
the other, (Those were): thirty three times, thirty
W times and thirty four times. One, who offered those
oher every Fan prayer, would never suffer.
^US''m'^as°ee< from
,_____ be lor^n even if
Chapter Three
This shouid be ottered First otter oil proyers.
— ^ofhan the foam of the seas,
those were ni (Nasaee, from Zaid-bin-Thaa^t
four times and times should be offered.
(Tirmizi, Nosoee from lbn-i-Abba )
The holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sa||Qrr|)
has also proclaimed that those who offered Ayah Al -Kursee Qfter
every Fan prayer, only his death could stop him from enterin
Paradise. (Nosoee, Ibn-i-Hibaan, Ibn-i-Sunni, from Abi lamah-al boh/
According to another saying of Prophet Muhammad (Salloll
Alaihi wa Sallam) the offerer of Ayah-AI-Kursi after a Farz ° °
will remain under the safety ofAllah (Subhanahu wa Ta'anM^
The foil • SUnnifromUqbah-bin-Aam,r)
'°n, Haakim, Ibn-i-Sunni from
"V/e mention the H°^osj venerable against tho °fAllah
- WaM »* to"
This is ok, related that otter finishing the prayer the holy Prophet
HazratMuhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) used to put his
right hand upon his head and offered:
"I finished the
is beneficent
i  f 9 •
Wor^s ond
Chapter Th^
sed the morning) should be
z none is ru rshippe
He isAllah who is onlyone to be worshipped. He is
all, the Holiest, absolutelyspotless andpeace giver, guardian (o
all), the omnipotent, the powerful, the greatest. (He is) far away
from the sharing thoughts ofthe Polytheists, the Creator of all,
inventor(ofall), the giver ofshape (to everything). For Him are
(all) thebestNames. Each andeverything between the Heavens
reveals His Harness. He is ol! po.eHu! and all-
,.f09. of »«'h.«—'A“,rOn”hemi“hie'0,011
His creations."
By offering this three times each morning and evening, Almighty
Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) will save him from the harm of all
the humans and non-humans, particularly from poisonous reptiles
like scorpion, snake etc. (particularly at night).
"I seek refuge of all hearing and all knowing Allah from the
(mischief) of the damned Satan" thrice. Then the following verses
from Surah Al-Hashr should be offered:
A &' d'°be
' „te^c"o«*'09
1o'Q'^V)1yjesho^d° Oh
"SostatetheHolinessofAllahintheeveningandinthe morning.
MlthepraisesinheavensandonearthareonlylorHim. Mention
hisHolinessintheafternoon andwhenIZuhr) approaches. He
bringsoutthelivingfromthedeadanddeadfromtheliving and
feeeetfcOtaitis dead, likewiseyou shaft also be
,, . OKWeAyah-al-Kursi:
< f * • *
y -uaj?k
JJH,. .. I, b. w« r<»..,>!»*•»« He k immortal ond thr j.ver i„i
. ., , , , .I,,.. min- of the universe Ha ne < r f(M
. Hr ewm what is in heavens and on/in
■< w . ,. te<<.m<. «nd (Io Him) any one foi absolution
i- ■ pc ■• . nt Hr knows all which is happ< nrnp to
run wi d it to happen to them afte r deaf
't .« „ ..... r..,.,,Il,, wills HisKutsi (Throne* spread'
1 'nr and earth And safety of heavens ond the
«w-T • ru, c d r tticult ♦<>< Him ond He is the gicatc st one
•< A'teUowed by Surah A' L
' h. nui UK,, .e,o£)tWi br Allah who « omnipo”0’
* - wutwKOyp Win, Sutyirvert. the sms
«i» i-~ < u Wi(; t,vn,pjQt> |»unikhment (to
/bcv» Avo verges m
>^e rnorn'ng
-*-*d^v*5s jyb
^y-fcp #a*C^5^'i
* j
•., 0M ™ —U ««« ««rt«d 'he morning (or Mloh IHrs
^,1 M ^-„•<>»««I« MWr Hono rsIo be worshipped
t‘‘ He $ o<zie n Him ond m His quohttesf. None shares
n - -n xt ;i oneon, He stobe praised andHe vs omnipotent.
C »i .>4 '«», I see* fMs reLge (from the happenings of today
- - w». w fxo, you >0 make it better. O my faster 
*^7^^^'h0W'nin*'0dQ’ Qnd »"er
-«•■io“o X','7W"~andWrgence)
Chapter Three
negligence and taxless, weakness
world and punishment in Hell."
ORol old nge.
this should be offered early in
the morning:
"We and the whole world saw morning for (worshipping) Allah,
the Master of the universe. 0 Allah I beg you for the welfare,
victory, radiance and affluence and (Your) guidance for today and
afterwards and (entreat You) to save me from the harmful
(happenings) in the days to come."
8. One should recite:
*ith your help on|y. yye9 °n^wi^ your help and we saw evening
with your will only. Ancj 'Ve w'^ y°ur (will) and we shall die
raised. None si
Me have to go
10. Recite this:
AndltakMYour)reXS.and,rcm‘hemischiefs3 ,rom "y own
y fusingThe holy Prophet H
tter|tintk AlQ|hiWnC n
Chapter Three
.„ fitness you ond those you
s*"’is ¥our
s„,o^™to’P,"P OR
12 Th.sshouldber.e.tedf.rfour.lmes:
"0 Allah I beheld morning. I witness you ond the lifters of heave
and all angels and all you have created that only You are A a
No one is to be worshipped but you. You are alone in your
attributes and capabilities. No one else shares you. And (I witness)
that Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) is Your Prophet."
13. This should be recited in the morning and evening both-
Her both- °
. here arid here° . _y family
ondhty property. * Q Allah save me | take reMe
and worries “* P . 0„d from the earth.”
being killed suddenly
o( Your greatness from qr
H.lhis should be rooted both the limes:
--None deserves worship but Allah. He is one. None shares Him
”'e |"'he Pr0KK' On'V He keePs
,h incantation is very rew .. ' Accord,n9 to a Hadeeth
**'»"»■ °"d keePs safe the who|e
$ Chapter Three
waV of life (Deen)
"We have accePte^'|a^.°^ ^igihi'v/a Sa||am) the Prophet of
and Muhammad (Sana
* > ' , '
"0 Allah whatever good I or others have had this morning is
bestowed only by You. You are one and alone. None shares You.
So, all the praises and thanks are Yours."
17. This should be recited thrice:
a'cclTd N6Pted A'lah °S (my) M0S,er and embr°ced Islam, and
Prophetand^0'^'hharnmad (S°llallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) as His
Ph6’and I am happy about it.
Comparatively these words
18 To be recited thric--
are better than the above.
■■'Ice hvicea day:
lib. 0
and evening both.
■o Allah I seek "** °nd '
seek Your refuge from the punishment in the grave. None deserves
worship but You."
20. The following should be offered both the times:
A,,ah IS free from ,
A"“h “ "« PO ' T Which He that
Attord, 0U,°" ' °nd ^btHe'hbe'l6Ve
.s°<;>bthepe ,he
9h,S. 6red^ould
22 Thissh^d be offered Qfte0R
l00,im« ■
21. At least for hundred times this should be offered
morning and evening: lr) the
Holy is Allah the Greatest who alone deserves nr • „
t0 ° H°deelh °uthentic (Soheeh) BuZiZ
ore very much liked by Rahmaan (Allah) verv ' Z Sente^es
°n‘ on „ w «sy for the tong«
ch« possible o„(he
T^hl^ylhis moon be of peace
and mine Master is Allah."
At Solar or Lunar Eclipse
the time of Lunar or Solar eclipse one should describe the
greatness ofAlmighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala), offer prayers
and give charity. (Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Derwood, Nasaee from Ayeshoh)
At Lail-Al-Qadr
rou like Io fOr„:
WarClin^^leep .
Chapter Three
I q|
Seeing someone laughing
"May Allah keep you laughing!"
Being obliged
"May Allah reward you better!"
While sneezing
While sneezing one should recite: itUj xT
heat,/A"" ay WheP
>isie^< iilf
, . Allah
*'aWda,'"i’ h (i e of Hell.'The"eA^s Ser-"’5
'0 A'l°f1 S°VC ^riXm0^65 *’°f
<s*n’hgC° him from J** ukewise when some o
XX MH. cold dor
and calls Him to be saved from Zamh°$e' ' b wjtneSS
Hell Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) asks the Hell oe
that one of His servants was asking Him for protection
Zamhareer. Consequently He gave him protection from it. People
present there asked the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam)
about Zamhareer. He replied that that was a place where the
infidelswill reside, and due to the high degree of coldness their
"*-ill set separated from their bodies.
"All the praises are for Allah."
Hearing some sneezing
When one hears someone sneezing he should say: AllI
"May Allah be pleased with you!"
Extremely hot or cold weather
Hazrat Abu Saeed Kudri &and Hazrat Abu Hurairah rela*ed
that Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said, "°n
Rskingfor Rains
For asking Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) to give rains
during a drought , x x , t
enough water for three times."
°Allah give us
fBu^Ori fr
(Bukhari, Muslim, from Anas)
er and P^duce lightening this should
Excessive rains
O Allah make the rains fall around us (where needed) and not
upon us. 0 Allah make it fall upon hills, jungles, mountains,
rivulets and places of tree plantation."
Thunder and Lightening
hearing the clouds thund.
be offered:
Chapter Three
»O Allah we
, ,r nrotection from the harm of it (clouds)
.See 7o Allah make the beneficial rains fall."
with which It IS se ■ |bn-i-Mafah, from Ayeshah)
As rains start
"0 Allah make these rains fall far ond wide.
(Bukhari from Ayeshah)
thu"der on „
■•'" —**■
offer putting both tnep
of the wind: 4%ijg«^
"OAlloh make this wind beneficiol ond not harmful. "O Alloh
make this wind blissful and not punishing.
(Toboroni from Kitob-ud-Dua and Mu'/am-ul-Kabeer from Ibn-i-Abbaas).
If is a black windstorm (Kaali Andhi) C^LiJI
Cf&luyu should be recited.
fAbu Dawood from Aqab-bin-Aamir)
Hearing Good News
°ne should offer after. .
SafdV0Urite thing
-All the praises
In Anger
9 SQr^ he should rec^
Chapter Three
^X====s=s=rT=^se grace good things are
((bn_.Wojoh,H0akim, Ibn-i-Sunni from AyeshahJ
was begotten by
Happeningsomething untoward
"Allah did what He willed and made it my fate."
(Muslim, Nosoee, Ibn-i-Mojah, Ibn-i-Sunni from AN, suu ^uroiraN)
Seeing something abhorring
One should recite >(J xX^uT
"Allah be praised in all circumstances."
(Ibn-i-Ma/ah, Haakim, Ibn-i-Sunni from Ayeshoh)
When one says XjjXuT after getting some boon from Almighty
Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala), it means that he thanked Allah
(Subhanahu wa Ta'aala). If he says the same words again, Allah
(Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) will again reward him. Repeating it thrice,
Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) will forgive his sins
(together with reward). (Haakim from Jabir)
According to another tradition, if one offers
9 ting some boon from Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala), he
(Ibn-i-Sunni, from Anas-bin-Malik)
"" ****s°'°d>
HazratAnas relatedthe saying ofthe HolyProphet (Sallallahu
AlaihiwaSallam) "offerDurood upon me and you will remember
whatyou have forgotten ifAllah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) wills.
(Rawah AbuMoosaAl-Madani)
Evil and Dubious Thoughts
When evil and doubtful thoughts should come to mind, one should
offer the following and spit dryly on the left thrice.
r He'-Janyone. Hehas
' us' '
refuge ofAllahfromthe discardedSatan andhis mischiefs."
oppens during the prayer one should not spit.
9 obeda'night. These are;
“ After giving four thousand Deenars in charity.
After reading the Holy Qur'an in full.
After paying the price for Paradise.
After getting reconciled two fighting persons.
After performing Hajj
:rar Ali$replied that those were impossible for him Th
HolyProphet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) told him t 60
'° s,eep
Hazrat Ali
the t- ,
FatihaAJJi)^for four times which will be
four thousand Deenars in charity.
Reciting Surah
equal to giving
2. Offering which will be equal to offering the
whole Qur'an.
3. Offering Durood thrice to pay for the price of Paradise.
4. Offering Istighfar which will be equal to reconciliating two
5. Offering the third Kalimah which will be equal to
performance of one Hajj.
Hazrat Ali^pt promised to do so before going to sleep.
"0 Allah with your name I die ond live."
Moreover thirty three times, thirty three timeS
and$V4ji thirty four times should be offered before go'n9 °
sleep at night.
(Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Tirmizi, Nasaee, from Huz°lfo 1
“Iseek refuge ofthe complete words ofAllah from His wrath and
angerand His punishment and the mischiefs of His servants and
doubts of Satan and even if He approaches me."
"0Allah, Masterofallthesevenheavens and offthose creatures
wholive under them and Master of a the seven earths and of
allthose creatures (.uponwhomthose rest) and Master of a the
Satansandthosepeoplewhohavebeen misfedby them Rotons').
Andhe my rescuerfrom the mischiefs of offyour creatures that
?'Y hC rem°'ns 50,6 •* 9™3 7 vou- And on'Y Your name is the -
And offer:
/Chapter 19, Surah-An-Namal, verse 18)
Chapter Threp
Chits of paper' ,
(Subhanahu wa Ta t
Hearing the voice of a cock, donkey and a dog
Hearing the cock crow one should recite:
be offered. ° d°nkey or the barking of dogs should
. ^9^
Stars m
maintainer and saver
Sustainer make my r „
have disappeared and eyes have closed (with
Stars in the heaven a forever and only you are the
sleep)- And °nly yOljr°of a||) you neither doze nor sleep. 0
night relaxing and give sleep to my eyes too."
d l%X4Vl
"0 Allah stars have gone far away and eyes took rest. You are
alive (for ever) and the Maintainer. Neither you doze nor sleep.
0 Sustainer and Maintainer make me comfortable and make my
eyes sleep. (Ibn-ol-Sunni from Zaid-bin-Thabif)
roRdl^^^the reprOb° nn O'19®1
^^T^AH^rOn hi|e it seeS
to a Hadee h . . the Satan-
A‘<9 nkey brays see-ng
"n‘"he0 dance ofA,ltS
AW ■ often writing on
• abandonee, Wl0'',n9an|s^||, if Allah
Safety from Snakes, Scorpions, Fleas and
Mosquitoes etc.
"^db...... r-.-tTMWt
*he bovd with the h ? ° b'9 bovv| with kt
be sprinkled b°' ed wQfer f .. b ack ink. Aft
“•*"«’Allah (S t" '' s»ve ft''he .'T'"9
' “bha"”hUwo ’her«'dents "Qte^hou|d
,Ch°Pter2 «
Chapter Threp
If one forgets to recite it before starting the meals,
he should recite:
"I took the Name of Allah in the beginning and in the end."
It is SQid that the meals taken without the Name of Allah
(Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) is shared by the Satan.
Finishing Meals
"All the praises are for Allah who gave us to eat and drink and
made us Muslims."
Drinking Milk
•OAI!.hg„eiltous»ilhobundance;nd „
If one
till his problem
.. problem for Haii
-h, he cannot, due'O
is solved. (
(Surah Al-Fat’h, verse 27, page 151 lines 1-3)
inbelweentheprQyer Ond fo
Durood ShQrepf . OR
Qfter lsb° prayer off^ Offered seven f
.....-Ji*. WQTa'aQla)wi||"tOfthe
recited before
- >r eleven
chaPter Thre^
in Ramadan
. |he month of Ramadan for seven
•„ offer i»at Sah°r thousand virtues for each star
Niyah for fasting
»,made my intention for fasting tomorrow."
Opening the fast
"0 Allah I kept fast for you only and opened it by the food given
only by you."
After Iftar
This should be offered after finishing eating after the fast:
"Thirst is gone and veins got wet and the reward is proved if Allah
(Abu Dawood, Nosaee, Hoakim from Ibn-i-Umar)
fter every four Rakah of Taraveeh
Holy is He
and heavens. n^7eared;
■ theMasfer° e nhle and m°s
" led "H" m°S’ Td Holy is Ki°9 <re d
«h. isreSP, . a„d most dreaded. H° Holy °"d
VeTCredusshelterfrom Hell. O giver of shelter, O give
Allah give us sheitei
shelter, 0 giver of shelter."
This should be offered at the start of traveling after reciting
Holy is Allah who qave us cnniml •. « '
. durin8 travel ? ala>
Onewho keeps m .
'"ro«l»ilhA °h,SubhQnc,k bhari°huWoT •
V^S during
(Hisn Haseen)
• <itod’iein
or passing throughagraveyard
jThmad contains that whoever
>/2iblW thrice' Alm'9hty
” n becomes kind to him as He likes
ottersjv'- - Ta'aala) becon
n(joned the* °ber boarding the carriogg
over it otherwise we could not
doubt we shall go back to our Lord of
the mighty (after death).
• "orlimhstJD $©1, when coming down a slope
When the carriage dimes up _ r
reaching at a vast field WW andj^and upon
a big jolt (accident etc.) should be offered respectively.
Starting of business
While starting a buinsess the following should be offered 313
times for three or seven or eleven days. The business will profit
if Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) wills.
dateswillti?6date^towa^s'yoursetf and fresh
/oureXIf"" X0U- EQt *heSe frui,S and d-k water and get
(Chapter 16, Surah Maryam verse 23)
Sufficiency in earning
For sufficiency and i
J,p,al”«Pinlhep'oc"‘°g '"“me Surah Al-Hojr should be
Xn "" b“"'“ ” SU“eed " h» d»« "O' 9°
aHcMpfer nahu wa
Hazrat Umar >
■0be*.meShohadah Prophef Hozra!
wo Sallam) 01 M^naK
The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam)
said, "whoever will pray for martyrdom in the way of Allah
(Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) sincerely Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala)
will give him the rank of a martyr even if he dies upon his bed."
(Hisn Haseen)
uP°n you Q
treasure for hereafter 95
Going for shopping
Naturally every one wants to buy the best thina ho
y fie needc
time during the choice of the thing he wants to b A< ^at
continuously offer the following: °ne shou|(j
Chapter Four
(Chop^ ] ApBoq<
* * *
In the name of Allah,
,he Penland Merciful.
ref f°Ur
Safety from Accidents
According to Hazrat Talaq $ a person went to a companion Qf
Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam), Hazrat Ab0
Darda $ and said that his house (Abu Darda's &) Was bu^
He replied that it had not. Another person told him the same Qr)d
got the same answer. Another told him the same and he too
the same answer. The fourth one came and told him that it d d
not burn as the high fumes of fire reached his house th r-
zii/« ' ■ < G p| pg
extinguished. Hazrat Abu Dardaxs then said, "I knew it th
Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) will not let l
1 nouse
burn. I have heard the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Salla
say that whoever offered these words in the morning, he w"|
remain safe from any calamity till evening. I had offered th^'
-rds in the morning. That is why I had a firm belief that mv
house cannot burn. These are the words: 7
ftcr ev&ry
This can be rear
I x
I < XX x x.<’' . V
(Hazrat Maulana Syed Muhammad Yousuf Binnori )
Imperceptible Infidelity
According to Hazrat Abu Bakr xif once the Holy Prophet Hazrat
Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said, "Infidelity, in my
Ummah is bidden more than like the speed of an ant upon a
black stone. (Kanz-ul-Ummal, 816. vol. 2)
Infidelity is sometimes imperceptible and thus people cannot
alleviate it, including some clerics, not to talk of weak believers.
(Marqaat, p.70, 10)
“r ® bet™e “orrled and asked for
h”. 'Should I noHeV Pr0Pha ISa"°"°hu Alaihi ™ Sollom) fold
yourselffrom all sorts of°Uf-°P|rayerthr°U9h which Y°u coM save
the Holy Prophet (Salloi? k ° H°Zrat Abu Bakr reclLiested
the prayer. The Holy p V A,C"b' W° Sallam) to let him know
to offer thrice °Phet (Sa,,Ql,ah- Alaihi wa Sallam) told
Chapter Four
t-A »-41*» *r«
5 <✓? x -? ’?'< 'i-
Chapter Four
V*Chapt<w Fpy
Panacea for all difficulties
rot Abu Zar Ghaffari $ Hazrat Muhammad
According to Hmm know q verse which .$ enough
Sallollohu Alofhi wo Sa < nn it The verse is
,„,K.p«p>.p^ed they ad vpo"
One who fears Allah, He makes him safe from any difficulty and
calomily and provides him sustenance from the source which
cannot even be imagined."
(Musnad Ahmad, Ibn-i-Majah, Mishkah)
fT,rm'21’ Nosoee, Ibn-i-Ma/ah from Ibn-i-Abbos)
At the time of a calamity
C aii k °nly and n° d°uht we are to go back to Him.
a I hope for your kindness in this calamity. So relieve me
Om,1ond bestow me welfare instead."
Saf«y from difficu|ties
One who offers this
’'"*s each will modlin9 and evening for three
CUreRomany harm:
othing trom
lldbe offered while seeing someonein
tube praises are for Allah who saved me from this trouble
ch has befallen you. He kept me better than whom He created."
■Ap 214, vol. 1) This will save him from that particular trouble
* Th“Sh0Uld be reci,ed slow|y before the afflicted person.
it to k
Xi H, “dipped K i
ffered fr<
of difficulty andworty
' A"ah who is m
e "W bles.. . Ost Pfudent
Prai^Qr-f essedwh0 i$), nt and
;>n;,OrA|lah..- the ^St6r
"Allah is enough for us and He is the best adroit."
not let me be
"O Allah I hope for your help only. May you
overpowered by my concupiscence for a single moment! And
correct all my works. None is to be worshipped but you"
This should be offered too most earnestly:
oucx^u-l go u cTU
"O the everlasting and the Maintainer of all the creations, I seek
but your help.
Continuously recite: in prostration.
Recite this:
None is worthy of worshipping but you. You are Holy. No doubt
I am oppressor of (my own self)."
According to a Hadeeth any Muslim who will recite this for any
purpose; Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala)
Worry and Restlessness
<C^Pter 2, Surah Al-Qasas, verse 85)
Toomany worries
whoistormentedbya lot ofknown or unknown worries
wldsleepafterrecitingitforseven times. On awakening he
jfeelrelaxedifAllah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) wills:
'Z 13)
Someone at large
feoffering two Rak'ah Nafl prayer this verse should be recited
®ehundred nineteen times daily for forty days:
Maytngworries and grief
ah-bun-hAas'ood A$ refat
VWnes and grief should
"O Allah I am your servant and the son of your servants. My
forehead is in your command. Your decision about me is to prevail.
Your will is absolutely just for me. I beg you in your Name which
you told whom you created through your Book and saved It
yourself, to make the Holy Qur'an spring for my heart and
brilliance for my eyes and the means for ending all my worries
and grief."
Almighty, then, will sure bless him with peace, if He wills.
(Ibn-i-Hibaan, Haakim, Ahmad, Abi Ya'ala, Bazar, Ibn-i-Abi Shaibah, Tabarani
from Abdullah-bin-Mas'ood)
The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam)
said that one who would recite it will be the cure
for his ninety nine diseases, particularly for grief.
(Hakim, Tibrani from Abi Hurairah)
Qualities of Huroof-i-Muqatti’at
Twenty nine Surah of the Holy Qur'an contain opening letters
which are called Huroof-i-Muqatti'at. Excluding these letters which
are repeated there remain fourteen. These are:
,d^logions have written profusely about
"i^fhas written thatHazratAbdur-
' "non his commercial commodities
things remained safe from any
of these I
^efl ,..........;tten that
^^,1 these../ -
d it their routine to offer these
I Some mystics ha m° e asked |hey replied that
Z“Xer recited these letters they remained safe
tanany harm to them and their property.
I. A pious person of Mossal said, “I observed that by the
jraceofthese letters Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala)
teepsme safe from every calamity and gives me my sustenance,
needed something | get it after reciting ,hem A| y
*lt"nGringo journey Oli h°rmful 'features. If
* VjC°mebackh0-e-th peace and
r"<terin u lors thev Will K , beaffaid
«, Slfiii which these. be k'nd to h‘
I Men , Ornbynx esewerentit 0 hlrn.
Terror and Panic
If one gets terrorized and panicked he should offer:
"I seek shelter of universal letters in the Name of Allah, from the
fury of Allah, mischiefs of his servants and pinching (bad thoughts)
of the Satans and their approach."
Worries and debts
Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) once said,
"Should I not tell you the things by means of which your worries
should end and your debts repaid? Recite this incantation both
the times:
"In the Name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Mercifu
O Allah I seek your shelter from worry and fear. I seek your refuQ®
from miserliness and I beg for your shelter from the weigh*
debts and the cruelty of people."
Teator all worries
"In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. O opener of
doors and creator of means and ways. O changer of hearts and
eyes. O Listener of complaints of the complainants and the guide
of those (who lose their way). O reliever of the aggrieved.
Listen to my grievance. Listen to my grievance. Listen to my
"I trusted upon you O my Sustainer and I gave my work in your
charge." ,
<1)1 IS ojU ojl5 ojC
£1=315 oUjIj
O Sustainer. O Sustainer. O Sustainer. O Allah. O giver of
prosperity. O sustainer. O opener of the doors to kindness. 0
Help from oblivion
v-" ,1
OSr?l o
servant or
/ iostornjnnl 8
Servant or * Pet
-OAllah who brings back the lost things and guides
lose their way. Only You show the right path to them who go
osiray. May You bring back my lost thing which was given by
I tai'
those who
For fear
"»swmWberecitedat the time of fear.
beenoughfor us and save us from the mischief as you
itHadeethwhich is quoted by Hafiz Abu
eh Muslim.
"O Allah no doubt
send it back to them with your help."
Being Afraid
According to a tradition when Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu
Alaihi wa Sallam) was afraid of the people, he offered it
as possible. It contains several benefits if offered sufficiently daily
» a?-''
"O Allah we put you before the enemies and seek your shelter
from their mischiefs."
Qs much
(Chapter 1, Surah Al-An'am, verses 6
Undetected by oppressors
Victorious Afghan Commanders
This brief incantation was told to Afghan Commanders byMaulana
Abdul Haq , founder, Darul Uloom Akora Khatak. Consequently
the Afghans achieved victory. This is:
"May faces be defaced."
It should be offered when confronted by the enemy wishing them
to be destroyed. According to Maulana a mosque was attacked.
He offered it there and Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) saved it
?„ho offers this verse frequently remains hidden from the
lessors and windstorms stop.
(Chapter 7, Surah Al-An'am, verses 1 - 3)
fear of enemies
Besieged by enemies
"O Allah keep us hidden and change our nervousness with
"ln the Name of Allah. O Allah
°nd pain of (the evil eye)," folhw 7k heat r
the command of Allah." ° 7 ^^^^"Get
and cold
--f Upby
Another recitation for the above
Hasan Basri ;
Purpose is suggested by Hazrat
(Chapter 29, Surah Al-Qalam, last verses)
These verses should be offered eleven times and blown upon the
victim. Some siniors have told about the identification of the evil
eye that while offering the prayer if one yawns for a longer time
the effect of the evil eye is acute. If the yawn can be controlled
without opening the mouth, it is less longer. And if there is no
yawn at all it shows that there is no evil eye at all.
Difficult task
If one feels difficulty in doing something, he should say:
,he follow!^ i,5Urr°
and enable me to
Repayment of Debts
station should be offered for repaying the debts.
<n Legal Suits
F°rochio. e'nSP
Ch,eVing e .
rec,’ed frequem? nCen’-’ht in in
-,w °aQ'0)'*.
(Chapter 3, Surah Aal-i-lmran, verse 26, 27)
lvanish ^^J^arem
away fro'1’
d becomes wayward should be given
mione times for forty one days:
These people are being reformed by Allah and these are the
meslobe benefited."
Ill Omen
If something happens which creates fear or doubt in mind, the
following should be recited:
There is no charity but from you. And there is none but you
takes away and none is to be worshipped but you."
(Musnad Ahmad, Tabarani in Kabeer from Abdullah-bin-Amr)
Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sollom) said that sh<”'“
any one see something which seems to be on evil omen, o«
should offer:
Wishing to be reformed
fallen down mH,
I % Zl1' Sh°UW W»»Zn°<hie0Pfe bU' Wan'S ,0
<a j, > Allah
'oisth —
y°u all k
'WrJ3 hQve to
ro'’rOSeeo M
' Verse 83;
Chapter Five
In the name of Allah,
the Compassionate and Merciful.
' nd w^en | fa||
fM'A/^u'o;aoecures me."
ao' Ver$e, 8)
Measure for
sjSS'cg^ijc^uii^^'(Chop,er 3. Rotoo 2) j|£.
>iCM=5 jllilj
LaL^Aja I^X g<aXuiIjo (-
£ 9 ♦
(Chapter 23, Rukoo 5) q t_.ij^*<o
(Chapter 27, Rukoo 12)
TREASURE for hereafter 128
him. (Kitabrul.FawaaidbTsh^h^^^^r^^
Lateef Al-Sharji Al-Khofi, compiled Taireed-ul-Bokh
and its spiritual cure', by Dr. Mir Waliuddin (latef"' D'Se°Se
Tested verses for safety of health
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
One who offers these verses in the morning and in the night daily
before going to bed, being in Wudhoo, will never be bed ridden
if Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) wills provided there is no gap
or missing in between.
To be offered three times:
.following three times:
111 “nd Iosin
recited thrice
°ne days daily;
Improving Memory
b^hmPrrement iO memOry ,he fO"OWinS Sh0uld be
both in the morning and evening both:
For all ailments
Surah Fatiha is the panacea for all illnesses. But it is necessoa
for the patient to trust upon this treatment:
l id be blown upon ""'
MS---,**.Surah is recited one hundred and twenty five
wstheobjecfive will be achieved positively. Allama Ahmad Al-
tebiwrites in his book "Fat'h-ul-Majeed" that according to
tiuperienced of some pious persons if one puts his hand upon
teplocewhere he is feeling pain and recites Surah Fatiha for
wtimesand the following for the same times, his pain will
S. °^^>2!b7r--
L '^.the
■ ui
Almighty Allah '(sVbhan'? *ri«al, I
B'mdness,Leprosy and will s^S.
i r°m
Strange cure
Hazrat Ali has made a strange medicine from this verse.
According to him if one gives some cash from the alimony of his
wife to her and she again gives it back to her husband, then from
this amount some honey is bought. After mixing some rainwater
if it is drunk by a patient, he will be cured surely if Allah (Subhanahu
wa Ta'aala) wills. It is a tested cure.
Visiting the sick
When visiting a sick person one should say:
"It does not matter. This disease will purify you from sins."
Incantations for patients to get well again
The following should be offered while moving the right hand over
the body of the patient:
Whe name of Allah 1 blow upon you to save you from all that
hurtyou and from the mischief of every living thing and from the
mischief of the eyes of the jealous. I blow upon you in the name
(Muslim, Tirmizi, Nasaee, Ibn-i-Majah from Abi Saeed Khudri)
t, 0R
“ta,'dbe*,ed<'„d W«wn uponthepatient:
,he mi*hief of
'"‘StoHa, (A4usnodAh
k °‘hi *0 Sall°'S if
134^FQRHjO^^^4 - ^U^gPtgjJive
someone went to enquire about the health of a person not yet
deod ond offered. ( .
"I beg Allah who is greatest and Master of Empyrean to cure you "
(Abu Dawood, Tirmizi, Nasaee, Ibn-i Hibaan, Haakim, Ibn-i-Abi Shaibah from
He will definitely be cured by Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala).
‘P~-1.H,IratAli^and said |hot (h0, persQn wos
'CXXteTdwhtir he would be hoppx“e
Whloproy. P“ 111 ’h* affirmotive. Hazrat Ali t$>
■ -v
^5?^' -the greatest. None
ubev/orshipP Allah. He reig ||ah and
. tobeworshipped but worshipped but Allan
i|ra6eist0rH». None ,s o b enab|,ng to
^taften power of saving*™
|ovirtuous deeds." , Abu Saeed and AbuMH™».i«.i«h. Ibn-i-Hiboon, Hoaktrn from Abv
(Ibn-i-Abi Shaibah, from Ali)
^hHVWentSh0uld offer
be given the
>* — If he got well, all
'X. 6 ^hin
eW n'PPedk„.
0d66,Keve Clted th's during illness
y°u be praised!
Mental Disorder
SurahFatiha should be blown upon such patient thrice daily in
morning and evening.
(Abu Dawood, Nasaee from Khaarijah-bin-Salat, from Umar)
"ln9 his hand upon the ho 4
[ This’-»'^^shouldbeb(ownupon
| ”**
| ”P“PerMdW”^/arXd’Xeh 'hriCe ShOU'd te
e head of the patient.
Three times
. ‘'ftle Pofient , re °,ed by Hazrat Khwa/a
04^W'< r drecite
u wa Ta aala) wills
Ringing ofears
one should remember
. itching or ringing tbe ears offer Durood
Shareef and recite.
■Whoever remembered me, May Allah remembers him well."
Nose Bleeding
?Vin9 th,
Mngthe hand upon the head of such patient, offer these verses
Iheversesare nquer,n9' and Omnipotent."
och iii ^bAl^htyA||
■k■ '^ir .. e°rth, .
can hold them. He is Patient and Forgiving^^^^^^ ’
(Chapter 22 R l
The earth has been commanded to gulp the water ab0
the heavens to stop raining. (Both the orders were compl^'""1
water receded and the boat rested upon (Mount) Joodi Say that
oppressors are away from (His) Kindness."
(Chapter 12, Rukoo 4, 'A'maal-i-Quranr)
To relieve the pain in teeth one should put his hand upon the jaw
of the patient and offer:
B This should be followed by Ayah Al-Kursi after which.
. his «ill also
(Surah Taha, verses 25-28)
io is recited and then
41-V- IC*. _LL _ I
j wa
Io get the un<
bits of soft
Mouth Sores
Chewing the sugar upon which Surah Dhuhaa is recited and then
blown will cure the disease by the Grace of Allah (Subhanahu wa
1QQQW|' ('Amaliat-e-Kashmiri')
WitationAnH * .
'°nanti Agitation
'0V/ed by b;
^^ngoTiTrestsupon the heart will relieve the patient^
Heart Attack
Reciting it eleven times before and Durood Shareef and blowing
upon the chest of the patient will cure all the diseases of heart:
Pain in Heart
Prayeraft09 P°'n ^eart ^n9ina) the patient should offer this
°her endi r|ght hand upon the heart repeatedly and
ln9 every prayer:
and my heart."
. Liver diseases
^ring .
taPerin°U'd bitten u Qg^a'i°n and palpitation Ayah-al-
’h<Patien?'?erf’'"edbow|OTia PUf6 P°per thrice and pUt th‘S
hl'e dr'nkin 6n ,hlS Water should be drunk by
I lzK? IS Wa*er patient should say
L ’""'•disease.-
f 5to^a
L Shareef should be offeree< ,h«®^5, „ d
lei ThenthisAyah should be recited Oj^J^
.Serah-ol-Aadyah by the patient daily at a fixed trme.
ORrnepatient should offer and then blow the following regularly
’win the morning and evening and drink this water. Durood
horeefisto be offered once before and after this recitation. (The
* prayer is effective for high blood pressure too).
l^:.t '^^ocomein^..,
,rm 0u,90ing. And give ° lrm 'doming and .
me^ngpo9Wer ’°90
(SurQh Ban; u
•U. Mah>tponlh
navel muse 6d hr h MUSCle
USCle- "-lwork^Sh-d be,,.
„ kn,lroculous| r°pP*dc
Stomach Ache
--bleb should besippedhythepo„enb__^
For all kinds of Coalic Pains
th « Th‘* Verse shouW be offered five times and blown upon
" affected place. In case the pain continues it should be rectal
e even times. The pain will disappear if Allah (Subhanahu «o
Ta'aala) wills:
,el, Ayah 10? and'Amaliyot-eQr°undf
J ^uscig.
UP°n the ^omach or blown
2. Surah Alam Nashrah should be blown upon water for
seven times and the patient should sip it. In addition Surah Fatihah
should be blown upon the stomach after reciting it for seven
times. The pain, if Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) wills, willsubsi e.
.. ■ frtllnwina Ayah should be offered seven
In case of indigestion e fae faken by
times upon a little amount of salt. ____
lack of hunger (Anorexia)
, ^M«fhungw this should be blown hverrty
.pan water which should be sipped away by
(oncefned person. It is tested remedy:
l tai of normal desire to eot food, this verse should be
■ and the food should be eaten
For safety of heaft
heart ^ty a
■’Posedfn P COr|taininr, ° °e Written ; • as a
ient tl ^tilight tl- ^ater fmrv. Ir*$ide n
'•Thera . miswnt °m a Woli . a hew
^op'er 3. Surah Aal .
mraan, verses 83 - 85)
Panacea for all pains and Maladies
remain safel™ UP°n b°dy ofei"’ »
(Subhanahu wa 10^ZZ °' ’*
I jeUjI
(Chapter 7, Surah Al-An'am, verse 1)
Stone in Kidneys and Pancreas
To cure it this verse should be offered forty one times and blown
upon water. This water should be sipped by the patient till success
is achieved:
due 10 certain reasons
l|Z < y,i f • *‘'9^'' ■''< .
’-Wur mercy obouZ« ™'n,°'ned in heovens and
^*eMe- 9 •**• So bestow cure and
Sexual Weakness
^’’IdAllu L
*Jh-’c.uW n? Hasan Basrj w
Pe® lr,9 tho ' ’he
o,?-’ y n°se off >
TRF ASURE for hereafter
To cure Piles the patient should offer Surah Alam Nashrah i
first Rukoon and Alam 'Tarakaifa' in the other while offer)
Sunnah in Faj'r prayers. He will be cured.
Numbness of a body part
In case of the numbness of hand or foot one should say the name
of his most beloved one. (Ibn-i-Sunni - traceable to the Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam), from Ibn-i-Abbas, Hisn Haseen)
Surah Jum ah should be offered between Asr and Maghrib thrice
blown upon the patient. Likewise Surah Al Asr should be
Fever will subside if Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) wills.
Another prayer for Fever
lf fever iS not followed by shivering, this Ayah should be blown
^wrapped around the arm:
(Surah Al-Anbia, 69)
In case if fhe f |
around the ^ condition the following Ayah should be bandaged
or arm:
I Ur°h Hood, verse 41)
the persOfl
ther poisono
lied upon the PlaC® 0
Al-Falaq and An-
(.jjiiiid -
L.Hadeeth the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad
;5llohuAlaihi wa Sallam) was stung by a Scorpion while
^prayers.Afterfinishing the prayer he said, "May Scorpions
:«ed(byAllah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala). It does not spare
;teihepraying ones nor otherwise.” Then he asked for salt
I* and applied it simultaneously offering the above
^onedthreeSurah. rrnL ... _ ,
(TabaramAl-Sagheer, Hisn Haseen)
MAches and Pains
W^®n’*- ^oowedby-.
times. (Muslim)
refuse of AWah and potency from fhe mtscVdef of fhe
m'Nfdspdmmcjme andwh'cV  am afrafd of."
V^QWn^Wdde offeredfor ter ■
ptKwre «after each Forx
(Surah Ar-Ra'ad, Ayah 28; suggested by Maulana Badi
TREASURE for HEREafter sh°u
(ter l°rW
,ld ot’
lbn-i-Qutaibah was told by someone that the teller, who
suffering from Paralysis, put some water into the ink pot and then
wrote the last verses of Bismillah and Surah Al Hashr
in a pot and then drank it. After doing that he was
cured by Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala). (A'maal-i-Qur'am)
Wounds and Boiles
.......,*J«,the offeded Pl«e oHenng.
infheName of Allah. This is the dust of our soil which is mixed
Hfhsome one's saliva so that our disease may be cured by the
GraceofAllah." /mi x * , ,,(Muslim from Ayeshah)
During Hiccups one should drink water in three pauses saying
at each pause. Hiccups will stop by the grace of Allah
(Subhanahu wa Ta'aala).
?e>SS anc^1 exhaustion will disappear when one offers.
33, 33' anc| 34 times respectively and blows
pon himself. This method was suggested by Prophet Hazrat
Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) to his daughter Hazrat
„ timaht^when she asked him for a servant. Hazrat Alii^said,
™ever forgot it to offer daily even at the night of the holy war
of Siffeen.
Oneohhehoty vwesof Hazrat Muhammad ^SaWaWahu Maihi
wSoW) stated that one day the Hoy Prophet went to her
’Awnshehad a pustule on her finger. He asked her whether she
she replied in the affirmative he
her to pvrt the herb on the n...ui- . •
bXtah^homakesthegreatsmuWandthe sma (great. Make
rnytrojhe«ra!' t .. . „
(Azkaar bn--SunnV)
"O Master of all, remove my pain and cure it |as) there is none
else who could cure it." (Nasaee, Ahmad, from Muhammad bin-Hotib)
Mischief of Satan, Paralysis and Stroke
One who sleeps after offering this at night will remain safe from
the mischiefs of Satan and all types of paralysis.
(Chapters, Surah
Al-A'raaf, verse 54)
★ ★ *
Andthe magician will never be successful
whatever amount |of skill') he may attain."
(Surah Taha, verse 69)
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
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Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
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Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan
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Treasure for the Hereafter by Syed Aamir Khan translated by Prof Manzoor Ahmad Khan

  • 1. TREASURE ---- for------ A Collection of Authentic Recitations ATREASURE OF RECITATIONSAND PRAYERS FROM Qur'an, Sunnah and most pious personalities of Islam to make every momentofthis worldly life VALUABLE, PEACEFUL, SINLESS AND PLEASANT Syed Aamir Hasan Prof. (R) Manzoor Ahmad Khan M.A. (Agra) ■ 'A/AJin//y AL-QADIR PRINTING PRESS Wishandas Road, Near Pakistan Masjid, Ramswami, Jameela Street, Karachi-74400, Pakistan. Tel: (92 21) 32723748, 32773652, 32772272, 32765821 Fax: 32774710 , Email:
  • 2.
  • 3. Zakheerah-i-Akhirat 1 st Edition 2010 r Translator s Note In the the Beneficent £3^ A1 have, so far, translated about ten religious books on different topics. But this one, Zakheerah-i-Akhirat, is of its own kind. We, the Muslims, believe that Islam is a comprehensive and complete way of life which caters to each and every aspect of our life. This book compiled by Syed Aamir Hasan proves it. ■ He has taken great pains to find out the solution to every problem of our lives be it physical, spritual or a social situation. He has done really a great job. May Almighty Allah reward him well here and hereafter. (Prof. Manzoor Ahmad Khan) Al-Qadir Printing Press Vishandas Road, Near Pakistan Masjid Ramswami, Jameela Street Karachi - 74400 Pakistan Phones: (+ 92 21) 32723748, 32773652, 32722272, 32765821 Fax: 32774710 E-mail:
  • 4. Brilliant rsj!2l?^dbyA1ioh(SubhonQ. 'he great i All the sins are forgiven Recitations greater than Mount Uhud Countless Rewards Another Reward Almighty Allah (subh<mohU For obtaining a high r Problems will be solved Countless sins *-------- .ensationfor^ Fulfilling the rights The best prayer Chapter Two Virtuous Deeds 29 30 —--------------- ------ uiC torqiven —e-hu2d?dforlx,Hous„nd deeds Benedictions of seventy thousand Annrlr 24 24 31 Prayer at the end of a aathArinn 24 32 25 Keward equivalent to Shab-i-Qadr 26 33 Four most rewardinq sayings 26 34 Keys of Heavens and Earth 26 35 Virtues equal to the dwellers on the earth 27 36 Sparkling face on the Doomsday 28 37 Getting the rank of a martyr 28 38 The Panacea for Cowardice 29 39 Angels refer to Allah 30 40 Beyond estimation of angels 31 41 Invocation of seventy thousand angels 31 42 Another favour of Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa To-oaio; 32 43 The rewarding Hamd 32 44 Praising Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) 33 The greatest nome of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) (Ism-i-A'azam) for memorizing the holy Qur'an S^Z^^e^ord to the deod
  • 5. IVTREASURE FOR HEREAFTER After Zuhr Prayer Duo-i-Qunool Wearing Going Putting Before a ________________________ TOPIC Blessing the Parents Achieving Piety Total Success Augury for Marriage Blessing the Couple at Marriage Bringing the Bride Home Before Coitus with Wife ______ Invocation for begetting Pious Children After Fajr^ Best Prayer for Male Child Prayer Call for a New Born Tehneek and Tabreek Prayer for Aqeeqah Safety for a Child The First Lesson Embracing Isham Exemplary Incidence — 104 I Heorinq the prayer 105 After Moghrib Prayer After Um'o Prayer Chapter Three Different Invocations for Different Siruatrons At Waking Up to NaturalCalls Off Clothes nd after ablutions During Ablutions After Ablutions New Clothes After All Proyen After All Fog Prayers Suppkohons for Mornu jjyg the Mirror Nev, Moon
  • 6. ndex « ,roveeh TREASURE FOR HEREAFTER 148 / Financial problem for Hajj ^forfostinn -^^hofTo! 99 'Oq
  • 7. Victorious Afghan Commanders I Undetected by oppressors 190 191 Owing Debts 194 195 196 197 198 188 189 192 193 Fear of enemies Safety from an evil eye Difficult task Besieged by enemies River in spate —-_ of 2^^ CMpref Allying worries Qualities of Huroof-i-Muqatti'i Terror and Panic Worries and debts Safety from mischiefs of enemies Prayer of Hazrot Anas Panacea for all worries Help from oblivion Anything lost or running away of a servant For fear______ _____ Being Afraid Repayment of Debts Winning the Legal Suits Increase in Sustenance III Omen_ ____________ Waywardness Wishing to be reformed
  • 8. viii of Huroof-i-M', TOPIC oo many worries someone at large Mlying worries and grief dualities Terror and Panic Worries and debts Safety from mischiefs of Prayer of Hoirot Anas ’anaceo for oil wo Help f ( Being Afra.d J<Klonou* Afghan Besieged by enetr P'ver tn spate Undetected by op Fear of enemies Safety from on ev Difficult task Owing Debts I Repayment of Debit I Winning the legal Suits Increase in Sustenance I III Omen i Waywardness i Wishing to be reformed 187 188 189 190 191 _192 193 194 1 195 J 196 197 198
  • 9. TREASURE FOR HERLAFTER S. No. I________________ __ 224 I Liver diseases 225 I Weokness of Stomach 226 I Diabetes TOPIC Page 227 I Enlargement of Spleen 12 1 1 77R~Tpisplocement of Novel Muscle 229 I Stomach Ache For all kinds of Coolie 230 t 231 1 232 ' 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 I 245 I 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 Indigestion----------------------- ----------------------- Lack of hungerjAnorexia) TO^Kidnoysondfooe,^ I cT^noae of Urination^ StoppogeOLr— Sexual^60^®—- I Piles _____-----— . Anolhe^™?'— ls„akeondSCo-P^.L..- rBodyA^— 3— Jktyperten^^- 1 ParolyslS . -—------- ' ______-------- ' I HiccwPL- - —~ '-----"" h’i'2'S'!7sk^S?i- Wound5. — — ____— Burns .__^a^oraly^^.is onJ 156_ '1? Blocko^ U^X^'”mesandpU,p0SeS 159 Dependence in Old ^9* 2bQ Depth by oging ond ocaderP 261 I 262 161 264 265 266 267 268 . Excessive Inordinate Des res HormFj Knowledge IFotgiveness lor odveflent and inodvertent sms I Imnxxol Behovtour I Unpertinence I Four Feorful Thingc I.Betterment Here and He.eoher"~~~ fe^Humour and ------------ ui 162 163 163 163 164 [164 I 164 I 64
  • 10. treasure for hereafter A comprehensive proyer S. No. TOPIC Index ’age No 273 Safety from theft 166 274 General Welfare 167 275 Safety from Hell 167 276 General Needs 168 277 1 Safety of Deen (Islam), life, progeny and wealth 169 278 J Forgiveness of Sins | 169 279 I Prayers suggested by Hazrat Muhammad 1 (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) to his Ummah 169 An Exclusive Proyer t A Highly Comprehensive Proyer Firmness of Belief (Islam) __ Sufficient sustenance____________ Chapter Eight Different Prayers (Salaah) Salggh At-Tasbeeh Sglggh for Istikharah Fulfillment of a Need Prgyer for Penitence Thgnksgiving Tgrgveeh Ishrggq Prgyer Chesht Proyer Awwabeen Proyers Tghgjjud Prgyer Qaza -i -Umr Prayer I Prover for Eyesight 308 309 Proyer for Travelers i Sodoqah Chapter Nine The Meanings and Virtues of the names i of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’aala) olAllohWmtu 311 Index "" -------- ------ 22__HovHo Recite 313 194 Gl°rious Names of Allah (SubhQ 99 314 ^15 ChapterAen DuroodKSafaam theVirtuesandbenefitsofBuroodShareef VortySayingsofthehoy Prophetwww w 2]
  • 11. TREASURE FOR An Effecti Of Durood Eighty Yea rs Sins Forgiven Definite Recommendation l2S£^£±llelong^ lmarL Shafa'ee Re^jZ, F°r All Calamities Special Durood Some Tested Durood Related to Dream Salaam Chapter Eleven Chah’l Rabbana Chahl Rabbana Chapter Twelve Quranic Surah with Their Virtues Surah Al-Baqarah Surah Al-Baqarah and Aal-i-lmraan Surah Al-An'am Surah Al-Kahf Virtues of Surah As-Sajdah The Virtues of Surah Yaseen Index
  • 13. Introduction -1 cfe$lC’S^'Sl One of the biggest gifts given to us by the last holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) is the treasure of those illuminating prayers and recitations which give us relief in our all aspects of life. He has told us recitations for all the functions our organs perform during day and night. These prayers are perpetual miracles and proof of prophet-hood of the last holy Prophet of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) as the words of these recitations and prayers witness that these are 3 TREASUREFORHehl,...___________ — _throughthe wholebookdueto mypre-occupation but readsome ofitsportions andIfoundit a comprehensive and usefulbook. Ipray toAlmightyAllah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) that may He accept this foil and make it famous and useful for the Muslims. 12th August 2000 A.D. 11/05/1421 A.H. Saleemullah Khan President Wifaq-al-Madaris-al-Arabia Pakistan Shaikh-al-Hadeeth Jamia Farooqia k.----- ■ • the words which have been uttered by a Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam). The holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) has thrown light on every angle and spot of human life and told his Ummah the valuable recitations for all aspects of human life which include some situations which are not usually faced. Due to the importance of such recitations and prayers, scholars have compiled and edited them and presented them in the shape of books. Syed Aamir Hasan has also collected and compiled authentic recitations and prayers in this book - Zakheerah-i-Akhirat - after taking much pains with a well written text. Though I could not go
  • 14. 5 ojUiJi <j^5<b The holy Qur'an and Hadeeth contain guidelines and remedies for our worldly life as well as life hereafter (Akhirah) both. A large number of Hadeeth contain recitations and prayers for various difficulties and diseases which were told to the pious Companions. And these recitations and prayers solved the problems and cured the diseases of the concerned persons. Allah (Subhanahu . AarT1ir HasO bookund“r3'^r°o",her<fa'X"c°P™piler Alaih and belongs to an educated famiy. Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) has gifted him with a nice taste of arrangement. He has distributed the book in twelve chapters, each one having different and relevant recitations and prayers for different situations. Thus it is a credible and comprehensive book which suffices the need more effectively than Here men of Hadeeth have warned Muslims against half hearted and doubtful recitations of these prayers which may not have the desired effect. Consequently these recitations have to be offered with full confidence and certainty to achieve the desired results. Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) has termed His holy Book a cure. He says and there are more such Ayah which vouchsafe the holy Qur'an to be a cure. Likewise, the recitations indicated in various Hadeeth for various occasions have been termed by the men of Hadeeth as Ihavepartlyreadthe bookandfound it exemplary. I recommend thisbookto be read andpracticed by all Muslims throughout the 'world. May Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) accept his efforts for here andhereafter and enable him to further serve the Muslims andIslaminthis manner. Amen! a strong fort against all untoward situations. Muhadditheen have written that once Hazrat Saad-bin-Ubadah (a famous Companion) was urinating when he died. The people around heard the jinns saying "We killed Saad-bin-Ubadah and shot an arrow right at his heart." So on the occasions of entering and leaving the latrine if we recite the related prayers which are said to be recited by the holy nd leaving the latrine if we recite — id to be recited by the holy
  • 15. The first effort of Syed Aamir Hasan, by the name of "Waza'if- us - Swaliheen" has been published and gained general applause in Islamic circles. The second book, in this context, is also before my reading. May Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) reward him befittingly. Ameen! According to our Hadeeth prayer is the kernel of all worships. This is a most important worship and thus has its ways and rules. Any prayer or invocation is to be selected according to the situation by the person concerned. This collection contained these qualities prayers and invocations should always be addressed to Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) otherwise it sometimes leads to polytheism (^J/l ). Invocations should always be selected from the holy Qur'an and authentic Hadeeth. Recitations and invocations can be offered in any language and at any time. This is the easiest way of being nearest to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala). May Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) enable us to practice it in our daily lives. May Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) accept the labour of the compiler and make this book beneficial and effective for its users. Ameen! Mohammad Mansoor-al-Zaman Siddiqui President, Siddiqui Trust Siddiqui House, Al-Manzar Apartments, 458 Garden East, Lasbela Chowk, Karachi
  • 16. TREASURE FOR HEREAfttr 8 ________ Chapter Qne and authentic invocation easily with its reference. ddle tool has been dividedinto twelve ciafters centalniny sefarale titlis. cfbftlie reader goes through tie ciafters, he very easily canfd the requiredrecitation andfrayer withoutyoiny through tie list ofcontents. tSdie boodc contains many such recitations andIvrayers which wore not includedbefore in such sort oftools. &dllthese law been extractedfrom, the holy 'Sbu/r'an, ^ladeeth asidauthentic bools ofreflated reliyious scholars after u/nderyoiny thorough study andresearch. Q-dlany- bools arefoundin our marlcets which contain weal fsHa oeff) odladeetl andselfmadefrayers which arefredy referredto any reliyious authority. Idonseyaently every reader is hereby warnedthattheyshouldcarefullyfondoatthe references andtheir authenticity insuch bools ofrecitations andinvocations. odfnotfossille atleastsome reliyious scholarsshould<le consulted in this reyard. Q-A'b doubtifone couldsee andremain near afious reliyious fiersonadity, itwilt'sufficetochanyetlatfenonswhohfwrso-nality. couldgeta chance to readar listen aboutsuchfious ~ot, stabtoara/ihers
  • 17. SS^for amdauthentic vnvocation easily. with ds _ ^Jhe has been dividedinto tuiebue cdiafiters contcuninyse/iarafetf/, cffthe readeryoes t/roayli the diafiters, he veryeasilycamfdl the reyuired. recitation. a/ndfirayer ultlioutyoiriy throughthe butofcontents. One <Z7he book (XmCai.nJ, many sacJi recitations and/inaymM, toe-re notincludedbefore tn suclt sort ofbools. r/ddthese law been extractedfrom, the holy filar'an, Q-d&deedt and. authentic boohs ofreflatedreliyiotus scholars after u/nderyoeny t/wrowjk study atdreseare/i. ,, 1Ubk^tU(iAudf (£^aJt We can never deem to be the best unless toefrone nrnbvei tobe the mostobedient,flouA,fa/rt/ny offcm andbest mfihi/i/imofdddak (Wubha/na/ia loci oddaaf). (fnly then ^L/ie to be (tie esitmai/ to Idol,a. fat/,<ym,,//f ddt t, $ ^ZfU‘V * «// ZZZ'^^Z QS^ :i- *** /UMM1 qAo dotdd ifone coaddsee andremain near a/doas rdiyivai fersana/dy, itandsa^ee to danye tAa/farson's adudfurrsondcty coa/dyela danee &> adoulsadfonts
  • 18. TREASURE for HEREAFtfr 10 Chapter One First Kalimah-i-Tayyibah "None deserves worship but Allah. Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah." =2S^L0ne Second Kalimah-i-Shahadah ockj*? of-mh1 , < 9 J> "I witness that none is to be worshipped but Allah. He is alone. None shares Him. I witness that Muhammad is the servant and Prophet of Allah." There is none to be worshipped but Allah. He is alone. None shores Him. For Him is all the kingship and all the praise who jives life and takes it away. He is alive and will never dte. Wicence is only in His hands and He is Omnipotent." Third Kalimah-i-Tamjeed "Allah is holy and all the praises are for Allah. And there is none to be worshipped but Allah. And Allah is the greatest and none has the power to benefit or evade sins but with (the help) of Allah." , ’9^ 9<," IwenesstromAllah, my Creator, for every sin which rnowlngly orby mistake, nertly or overtly. 1 oVfor my "hsservicefor foe sins whichknow and which o Allahverily Xou know foe Invisible, cover the the sins. None has the power to benellt r- W Vxelp of Allah who 1« “
  • 19. TREASURE FOR HEREAFTER and the greatest." Sixth Kalimah-i-radd-i-I<ufr "O Allah I seek for Your shelter that I should think anything to share with You knowingly. I beg for Your forgiveness and Your pardon for sharing (anyone else) with You which I did unknowingly (and for those sins which I did knowingly). I repent it and admit my repulsion from Shirk, lying, backbiting and doing the forbidden and immoral acts and concocting blame and all the sins. I embraced Islam and I recite: d a«ept Eeman ' Z//r z 7 all His orders." The Excellence 2. 1. Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said that the best recitation is 'ibljilAllS (Tirmizi An Jabir) According to another Hadeeth i^l^ is the best of all virtues. (MusnadAhmad, An Bareeda) Eeman-i-Muffassal "I believe in Allah and in His angels and in His books and His prophets and in the day of resurrection and in destiny that all good or bad is from Allah and being re-born after death." 2. The holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said that he would recommend most the person for absolution who would have recited Kalima Tayyibah from the depths of his heart. (Bukhari, An Abi Hurairah) S'M osked his l,90^n“''i"dranc“;ai^oSQ1|0 5. °'9h,|“Hini. .rreOchAHoh(S' 'S°s°'d r*S.hisKl hwi) <H PQra,lel to • eSlr,s
  • 20. Almighty Allah (Subhonoh u- He further ,„L A1 liuin earth andore in one side of □ balance and Kalinah-i-Tayyibah in the side of the Kalimah will droop down. °'her' (lbn-i.Hibbon, Nosoi, AU So.ed, B„,orAn The excellence of Kalimah-i-Shahadah Whoever will recite it sincerely, i.e. will witness for Tauheed and Risalah (Unity of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) and Prophet hood, Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) will forbid Hell to have him. Hazrat Abdullah-bin-Umer quotes the holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) to have said that undoubtedly Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) will sort out one of my Ummah and open ninety nine accounts before him each of which will be as vast as horizon. (These will be the accounts of sins). Then Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) will ask him whether he can deny any charge out of these? Had His appointed writers have oppressed him9 (Had they made any mistakes?) He will answer in the negative. Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) will again ask him that whether he had any excuse for those sins? He will again reply in the negative. Then Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) will say that He had his one virtue with Him which will be shown to him and undoubtedly justice would be done to him. (Ttrmizi) This was the effect ofreciting Kalimah-i-Shahadah from the depth ofthe heart and sincerely. This Kalimah is recited by countless peoples, even by the non-Muslims. But it becomes effective only when recited extremely sincerely and with staunch belief in Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) and his holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wo Sallam). Then a chit of paper will be brought on which Kalimah-i-Shahadah will be written. Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) will then tell him to go and see his accounts being weighed. That fellow will beg to say that his death was definite as that chit of a paper was worthless before such huge accounts. Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) will tell him that no injustice will be done to him that day (weighment was essential). So all those accounts will be put at one side and the small chit of paper at the other side of the balance of justice. Then the heavy accounts will concluded that ,,0(W Art. - s hu wa To'oala) o(Heavenw'ttopen « Witness 'hot none is to be WetsatoneondiwilnessthatlAuhat prophet." Excellence:thisshouldbe recitedotter performing abl ('Wuioo)withface upwards, the recitor willhave a the gatesofparadiseopentoenterby any oneheik ExcellenceoftheTh’w'1 ’ worshipped but Allah, immadis His servant and the
  • 21. 2^S£JHEKEAFTEr 9reatesf" ■ Allah is theSome have related it with the following addition: SL?J "Nobody can save himself from any vice or can gain any virtue without the help of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala). Excellence: The last holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said that he liked to recite once ♦Hie v-r— on which the sun shined. (Muslim, should be "0 Allah, make me like those slaves of yours who happy after doing deed of virtue and ask for your forgiveness after doing a deed ofvice." (Ibn-i-Majah, Sha'ab al-Eeman). once this Kalimah than all the things ., Tirmizi) Plantation in Paradise Excellence of Kalimah-i-Tauheed There is none to be worshipped but Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala). He is alone. He is not shared by anyone. He owns everything and all the praises are for Him. Only He gives life and death. He is omnipotent." This was said by Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam). He further declared that one who would recite it ten times would be like the person who set free four persons from the progeny of Hazrat Isma'eel. (Nosat, Ahmad, An AbiAyooW According to another Hadeeth, the person who will recite this Kalimah hundred times will be rewarded like one who had set ten slaves free and hundred virtues will be added in his account and hundred vices will be written off from his account. Moreover this Kalimah would shield him from the Satan. And nobody could do better but he who had done more than that. «eMJn9 tteral Abv Hurairoh planting a sapling the holy he said™ ,h°’ Sh°Uld He OthwPray« for open B ta,d'’9l"H»r™ub niyintop®radise the h ven. Best recitation for believers (Mumin) This is the prayer of our holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam)-
  • 22. ar)d no A/aihi v worshi -uut Allah. He 1SQ|One and Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu ant and Prophet. And Hazrat Isa |& is His se. - . ..o messenger. And he is the son of His servant Hazrat Maryam (Alaihas-salam) who bare him by the kalimah which was sent to her through Hazrat Jibrael by Almighty Allah. And Almighty Allah has made him (Jibrael, lU ) a living being. There is no doubt in the institutions Paradise and Hell." One million timec h; u ™es higher statuses i 2j)y None is suitable to be worshipped but Allah. He is Alone. No one shares Him. All the universe and all the praises are for Him. He gives life and takes it. He Himself is alive and death will never come to Him. All good is in His hands. He is Omnipotent." Excellence: The holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said that one who would recite that in a market, Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) would write one million virtues, forgive his one million sins, give him one million times higher status and give him a house in heaven. (Mishkah, 214-Vol-ft A! one place it is written that repealed recitation ploys greal pad in establishing the virtues, and all aviating rhe vices. P°9e 106) ''al-KurSi the ChapterOne The great invocation W-i-fefc, Ayab-ot-Kursi, Ayoh ShaM-ol-Lahu and Qu ,1 Lahumma.... Ila bighairi Hisaab - appealed to Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) that He had revealed them on a nation of sinners. Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) promised them that those who recited them after Farz prayers would be forgiven and placed in the best paradise and would be seen with mercy Sevenly,imes a d°T and their seventy needs I , c , Jdbef^eed eslofwhKh sX °! Ihe ol our holy pr * °0 ” °"e * recite ,hZ Phe'enemi^ Ta °°'a) wi|| th|S Almighty (Dailami)
  • 23. ^citations H°*™'Moho -...... n"u^Ta^) Glftof Hazrat Fatimah^ Of HX’feHoz™, FUde"'S ,h°'shouW be *» daughter of Hazrat Muhm /c aflma^ > the most beloved curious!, Qsked h,ZX H°"°"ahU Al* ™ S°»°"”’ * ™"ed the flout by het X„ ho Z°' '°ld Mslsred. szbe zzzzzz ,h:skin cleaned the house oil by hetself. s"'epl ,lked by A,,ah tSubhanahu two :avy to weigh. - • anahu wa i Hazrat Ali him the story , One day some maids and slaves were offered to Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam). She went to him but came back as many people were with him. He came next day to her and asked the reason of her visit yesterday. He (Hazrat Ali) told him that she was enduring all the hard cores of household. cwteL°^ ^^0ne He asM -er ,» g» <° /»“ a"d aeSh°'Prophe< (Sollollohu A/aiM fcrfspresented^^^^ wa Sallam) sa-d,"Mydeardaug , (Subhanahu wa wa Ta'aala) and keep doing your duties of Alla i Ta'aala) and your home. Before going to e r^C',' ’ thirty three times,^1for thirty three times and^l for thirty four times. This is better than a servant." She happily agreed to if. (Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Daood) for rA// the sins are forgiven -H,ee once*iiibefo . ^sgr&>f ^ZZUCb >niOn-y P °Phet (e , ^Unt 11> ^tain , Aethern ^"ahu 4. . ^OftyL 0 rl ;Or,e Of th ^ Q'^iw ° 5all°n,i J o,'^r>%s °Q''eed j "‘h* l. <S q. ^Orrtr 0 eOch Pr ren/; ° GQUnl ^’S S<Xioi ‘ll,%/'Jl,,do fh ’>lKAl erenCe 2
  • 24. S^ukefok The holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallah wa sQ||a^ said, "These recitations are greater than the mountain of Uhud' The reward of (reciting) 4'6^ fills one side of the scale, the recitation of 4)5^3 Fills both the sides and the recitation of Fills the vacuum between the heavens and the earth. (Faza'il-i-Zik'r p. 168, Tirmizi) Another Reward she According to Hazrat Umm-i-Haani sne requested Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) to tell her some invocations as she had attained old age and could not move easily. He asked her to recite for hundred times. It has the reward equal to freeing hundred Arab slaves. Then he asked her to recite which is equivalent to giving hundred horses for Jihaad, and to recite and to recite dil&OS’ which fills with reward the space from earth to heavens. (Ahmad, Faza'il-i-Zik'r, P- ..eahiSh^ofpiety^ obtaining a mg lm“;Gta!lSX«o«n95X^ *iH 96t *he WW -o Allot fo,gi,e th. Ummah of Hozrat Muhommod (Sallallahu Vo1- 130). '' Vo1- < p. 59, Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’aala) Bestows Forgiveness Hazrat Salma, wife of Abu Raaf'i & , a|so requested the holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) to tell her a brief recitation. He told her to recite ten times. This is, according to Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala), is for Him. Then he advised her to offerflitlO&'for ten times. This is also for Him. Then recite he further said, for ten times which, Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) says, is for Him too. In reward Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) declares that He forgives the recitoc ^ozohir-i-Haq Jodeed, Probfems besolved IheholyVrophetHazratMuhammad(Sallallahu AlaihiwaSallam) said, "whoeverwillrecitethefollowingforseventimesat sunrise andsunset each, Almighty Mlah(Subhanahu wa Ta'aaa) will lookafter allhiseffortrs(hisproblemswillbe solved). According to another narration one who recitedit before Friday Draver XT'”''&S'"S’'OU'dbe'^hvNlo^SubhQnahu Recitation'. z, 'AlmightyAllah/ huw- d°'lhe
  • 25. °ne/) tye, -60 6^O - 4> °n/o„e tf~ee , 'Zne^°iS nKr s' 'SubhaZbr,!ne^ 8en^OA r^ro. c>tGc/^(s( zty-sr ,. ?a- ■ O®l'e'-r °^'n,- b°U D 9l^n b9So OA «e/s. Qn/sr °Us^ct Qnfed; p 'n p roclndh - affdr r y rec'l 'dC^o, 'h,S^ndd:^, TREASURE FOR HEREAFTER 25 °P>hef ■na ' aHitfor°r°^e P Qr>ted . (AkH ' ^Ou/d neceSs ne a 1a p P9et s°ryf„ ^bleio ara^b?- ’Oaa dUt> r°ho„ r”C"in9 J're9itas '° H-e '‘°a°°rl ° °°/o; Srec//o^b °kness. do ’ ^ld °nfr^ no, 'he if nf/y /! ^Oney Z'9^ SeVo ^Prndin9 ’^,Muh Ct,°ns Qf °St fhree r ■s'=“-- r$es The holy pr '"haPDa n3elSfil. ”r'*ou/c, PPen tm 111 ®ve . a 9et " ^orni^ n,r>9 tf l n9'fthen he Person concerneddies that day or night he will become ^s^Jlr‘Ja^l £S*p>&? OfJ ■ A//y )egy' ^0 y°urf x>- 'f %■; '*>»'%' V %065 f0.'% °tf °'>l (Tirmizi)a martyr. ■'&/ Chapter One
  • 26. Accor<^lng to th qUl^^S^^a«sSs All !_ 9 fheho(y01 , xadr Allah (Sukk y ^Ur an ' ubhanahLi v t e re^vard fn *»wing it the -hose Wndnes,^^ ChaP^ IK IKan^‘-Umm<,ol.p.226.Vol' Four most rewarding sayings forXX" Fa' XT7 (SO"O,,<,hU A'°iW “° - ng rair prayers he found Hazrat Javeriah t£> O prayer doth reciti?. O Almighty A||oh °l°rl ^H9 Chasht prQyer and Still found her there. When asked she told him that she was there since morning. Being pleased he told her that he had composed four following sayings which would outweigh all her recitations. Keys of Heavens and Earth Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) says "Only He has the keys of heaven and earth." Hazrat Uthman i ♦ d that he asked the holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa "One who will recite this verse ten times in the morning, he will be saved from Satan and his harming army and he will be bestowed a contour of reward and he will be promoted to the "*er™nl in Poradise »"d he »ill be married with lhe best »9» of Paradise (Hoor| and if he , „ ° 'S''h”i«be9„en1hera„ko)amortyr Vhe0Hered Wrtu« equal to the dwellers onthp sot,,, on me earth he Severs n9 me and fOrn- 41)' n' |?Q'°fJud9^fsarentsQndfOr • “° Allok r t ' VSrSe >he7^ n°2rQf Uk Sivene Q,|Q||ahUA|°dQ^bin s fa%r S roMA Qlhi*a<; SQf)1it erX Shh,. QM 6 -Or tiSf.
  • 27. 28TREASURE FOR HEREAFTER ___Chapter Qne virtues as each Muslim male and female on earth. (Mu'jam Kabeer, Tabarani, Ma'arif-ul-Hadeeth, p. 325, Vol. 5) According to another Hadeeth one who will offer the above prayer for twenty seven times, would be included in those favoured persons whose prayers were rewarded and whose auspiciousness plays a positive role in having the sustenance by the people. (Mu'jam Kabeer Tabarani, Ma'arif-ul-Hadeeth, p.326, Vol. 5) Sparkling face on the Doomsday Whoever recited the above verse for eleven times after offering prayers, blowed it out on his finger and rubbed the fingers upon his forehead would have a sparkling face on Doomsday. (A'maal-i-Qur'ani, page 31, Hazrat Thanvi^r ) Getting the rank of a martyr Hu it Alhh except whon none is to be worshipped. He to«s thu unseen and the seen. He is ve7 kind and very merofu . Only He is the Allah except whom none else is to be worshipped. The King (of all), the Holy, the Clearly Proven, the Giver of Peace, the Protector, the Overpowering, Almighty, the Proud. Allah is far from being shared (as said by the non-believers). Only Allah is fa Creator, the Inventor, the Giver of shapes. He has all the aoodnames. All the things between heavens and o r+k • 9 He has total wisdom." d h prQ,Se Him and One who offers thrice in the morning: "I seek refuge of Allah, the all hearing and the all knowing, from Satan the outcaste." Then, after reciting ^ll^ offers last three verses of chapter "Hashr" Benefit. One who offers this prayer, Almighty Allah ^Subhanahu wolo'aofai appoints seventy thousand angels who pray for his absolution. If he dies the same day, he dies os a martyr. If one offers it in the evening, he also gets the same reward. (Musnad Ahmad, Tk- offers it in the Tirmizi)
  • 28. • Wlsh to L° aVe °f ■ -d - -form me.oe;f7- b« IS WeQk- I do riot l, r”end myself i ,h 1 “m °bsolut , °’ ho*e COUr^' < hove ot°hVe -o o ::lo' hl 1^' obs°lved. o All 9,0 thieve afc °S ’hough I do °h' for9IVe oil the ■ ° U,IOn- h'Hdly Yo "* future . n°* S°> ’ho. sin C°^ e- 1 know that I am l not be COm • Z e So far bU* ' Wi" ogoin osk fo ° hUfm°" bei"9 and i X * « °rYour forgiveness." " h°^" oW„, D° it only for d°ys. if Allah (SubhnU,!K bef°re 90iog to bed d ! outomatically fee solved0 “ T°'Qal°) the prXm^ ^^^snarrati^♦e,ls f0 uS too. BeyOnd estimation of angeb "All the praises are for Allah, praises which know no bounds, praises which are liked and appreciated by Allah." According to o Hadeeth a person went lo Hozrol Muhammad ModohoAtaih, Scdlom) end said the above mentioned **■* l"''°«tionofse Moi,, nly tfl0Usand'’wte j,*'Oleite ... . ‘’"Seis Or his of Angels refer to Allah Hazrat Ibn-i-Umar i . Alaihi wo Sallam) said thatTl ,h°”he holy ProPhe' (Sollollahu wa Ta'aala) once pZId L S'°° Almi9hT nee praised Him tn the following words: U^c^Gr^iieu'cji; Cherisher, You should be praised according to the radiance of Your face and the vastness of Your empire." These words put the angels in hot waters as they did not know how to write this. They referred the matter to Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala). Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) told them to write it as wished by His slave. He (Allah Subhanatu wa Ta'aala) proclaimed that this slave of Him will be rewarded on the day of judgment. ' , . . . • _ 7r,wa'id Tafseer-i-Qurtabi, Kanz-ul-Ummaal). (Ibn-i-Majah. Tabarom, Maima-uz-Zawa :d, larsee
  • 29. "O Allah I am a very disobedient slav , , . , i intend to be obedient but in vain. I wish to be reformed but do not hQv courage. Only you can reform me. O Allah 1 am absolutely stupid sinner and unable to mend myself. 1 ask for Your help. My heart is weak. I do not have courage to avoid sins. Be kind to give me courage. I have nothing to achieve absolution. Kindly You get me absolved. O Allah, forgive all the sins committed by me so far though 1 do not say that sins will not be committed by me in future. I know that I am a human being and it will happen again, but I will again ask for Your forgiveness. Do it only for ten minutes before going to bed daily. After a few days, if Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) wills, the problem will automatically be solved. Angels refer to Allah Ahihi'JaS 'i|Umr re'a,ed 'h°' 'he hO'y Prophel (S°"a"‘'h“ Alo.h. wa Sallam) sard thol a slave of Almaty Allah (Sabhonaha WO Ta aala) once praised Him in the following words: O Cherisher, You should be praised according to the radiance of Your face and the vastness of Your empire." These words put the angels in hot waters as they did not know how to write this. They referred the matter to Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala). Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) told them to write it as wished by His slave. He (Allah Subhanatu wa Ta'aala) proclaimed that this slave of Him will be rewarded on ,hefz^ '-0'’“ 'pfM=<’'C'U' *r*n tionol Bey°nd , „Z>- i. z-z to*, ,0« Hadeeth a person went to Hazrat Muhammad (Sallollahu Alaihi «o Sallom) and said the above mentioned words. The holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam), then, declared, "By Him who owns my life, as soon as that man uttered these words, ten angels hurried to write down it. But they could not decide how to do that (how much he could be rewarded). They then presented it before Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Th!'W°*nOf^t^ndangels ,fange|s
  • 30. Ij £CP" Another favour of Almighty Allah (Subhanahu waTa’aala) Ch, According to Hazrat Ibn-i-Abbaas the holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said that whoever offers this invocation,its reward will put seventy angels in hard labour for one thousand days. It means that these angels would be tired of writing reward for him. This is: Arabic ( &Alti (At-Targheeb, p. 164, Tabarani (Fit kabeer-al-Ausol) ls invocation, its The rewarding Hamd Hazrat Zarkashi lin'iz has copied from the book 'Sale'l-al-Khairaot that a person went to perform Haj and recited the following and went back. Next year he again went for Haj and intended to recite the same at Ka'ba. An angel told him not to do so as he had already burdened the angels by reciting it last year and they are not yet free from writing reward for it. (Aurad-i-Fazaliah). T^1 is: angel W One thousand MWon^es Alto.Hasan BosriSS^says, "I have.'“j^afcandeach head i„to,to *. has hundred thousand heads ana bos lhe some number ofmouths and each mouth has as many tongues. He praises AlmightyAllah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) by each of his tongues in a different language. This angel asked AlmightyAllah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala): whether He had created anyone who praised Him as much as he did? Almighty Allah (Subtoahu „ Ta'aala) replied that one of His slaves on earth was ahead ofhim in that pursuit After aptti tkAHah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) th' ♦ 9 9 permissior> of 'i- ; o//(ker-^oii' - ^4i
  • 31. S^UREFOR ,f Allah (Subhanahu Hiuise Allah (Shumans etc.) for ever. I offerWWand^^iand 4.^and all in the same way. ' ' Excellence: This shows that there are one or some humans on earth who praise Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) more than angels. We can not even imagine the amount of reward from Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) for such person. Why not all of us should try to do so and get rewarded by Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) more than angels (if Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) wills). (T°reekh Qazveen lmam Rofoi| Two million virtues "0 Creator things." Bounties orAiiai* On Doomsday According to a Hadeeth, one who recited the following at the end ofthe prayerin morning and evening thrice will get the bounties ofAllah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) on the Day of Judgement: "We are happy about Allah being the Master, Islam being Deen (belief) and Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) being the Prophet." There is none to be worshipped but Allah. He is one. None shares Him: Allah is one. Allah is un-wanting. None is born to Him. He is unparalleled." Br|iliant heart and face Excellence: According to a tradition from Hazrat Abdullah-bin- Abi Aufa whoever offered it, will get the reward equal to two million virtues. If offered five times the reward is ten million- All the Muslims ought to offer it. Being virtuous One who offers it will be totally virtuous: Ck
  • 32. to praise Allama Ibn-ul-Mushtahirsaid that oneAllah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) in a unique way and unparalleled by even angels in heavens and men on earth and never done before and wanted to praise the last prophet ofAllah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) and offer supplication to Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) in the same manner, should recite the followinginvocation quite often: f° Yourdeal^husto °ccording to y°zrat Muhanim exce,,ence “CP,“Pr* to lienee a ,Sa"a^hu e foil,he routC"!ilV°Ca,iOn ' Com Offering th the v,ce versa: e recitations and ii u 11 -~Mnons , Ar-Room, verse 19) Fulfilling the rights of Allah (Subhanahu waTaaala) For His worship 3 compensatesinvocations of last nightani (Surah According to a tradition related by Hazrat Ali Hazrat Jibra'eel went to the holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) and told him that if he liked to fulfill the rights ofAllah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) for His worship in the day or night, he should recite the following daily: lBalh^ £/!>£=>I I g[f[ **★
  • 33. Chapter Two In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful VIRTUOUS DEEDS
  • 34. °C^rtaJJil | q_« Surah Al-Anblaa,vers;87 Excellence- The^a +, A'°“m- Offering of For memorizing the holy Qur'an Those who intend to memorise the (Surah Al-Muddassir Chapter 29). holy Qur'an should recite ■a’*ala) 40 I. Ayah-al-Kursee The reward for offering it for four times is equivalent to reciting one whole holy Qur'an. (Rawah Ahmad, Tofseer, Wovvoh/b.yr.Rahman) Benefit: The holy Qur'an will easily be memorized. Conveying the reward to the dead We can get the reward of reciting nine holy Qur'an and one thousand verses in only nine minutes. Here it should be kept in mind that reciting the whole holy Qur'an does not equal any reward. This is the greatest favour of Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) that He gives so much reward for reciting for brief Surah out of the holy Qur'an. We have to think that what would be the limit of going through the whole Book. 1. Surah Al-Fatiha , ■ the reward of reciting the holy Qur'an One who offers it thrice gets the
  • 35. k_>oj Ia<lj 4. Surah At-Takasur This Surah has the reward of one thousand verses offered once. (Boihqi, Mishkaah, p. 190) I Is-*- 5. Surah An-Nasr for being 6. surah Al-Kafiroo'1 The reward for offering this Surah is just like the above one. , i (Tirmizi, p. 117, vol. 2) tai reward equivalent to reciting (Tirmizi, p. 117, vol. 2) The reward for offering it once earns the reward equal to reciting one fourth of the holy Qur'an. Obviously reciting it four times earns the reward of reciting the full holy Qur'an. , I (Tirmizi, p. 117, vol.
  • 36. S^surefor ChaP^ TUEA$U^ Reci’in9i”-cehos(her'........."'-A^ reWarc/ Qf _ 9^uiz. i Ur-Ro^on'P13'Vo/-') fa V -zr . ‘ ??O^>9 6^3J^J5 9. Surah AI-H<h/aas One who recites this Sumk +k • holy Qur'an once r,CG' 9GtS the reward of reciting the (Buk^ri,P.750,voL2 27] voi 2) Assalamo Alaikum By saying ten virtues, by saying twenty virtues, by saying thirty virtues are accorded by Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala). Same is the case in replying in the same way. holy Qur'an once. Acceptan ....— —p- This verse was offered by our holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Ota Tohajiud. Thus this is also thought most effective for ^eacce0 once of an invocation ecttve tor (Chapter 45, Rukoo 11) F*ent of Parental raghts Allo,""AiniS;hoe/e'’ord °f nine i " behalf of his / ° Perso" recites on "ibed ° H^oeth ;„Z"^ H°ii SuPPosed » nce ^he foil ■ ^arh Bubk • ^cyji - I s of •>!» 'e is PQrents.
  • 37. 45TREASURE FOR HEREAFTER Blessing the Parents (Fazaa'il-i-Sadaqaat, p. 215) secr^ folio77'09 ' he °r Wrf Prayer' To become (Ibn-i-Hibaan, Abu Ayyoot) Anson) -0 Wk*ta.« power and I do not. You know but I do not. You have knowledge of hidden well. So, if you know that if |)he name of the concerned man or womanl is good for me regarding Deen, here and hereafter, make him or her my destiny. II same olher person, according to your knowledge, is better for concerning Deen here on<1 h8rea(1., fee her my destiny." Alrnighty Allah (SubA . lowing words: n“hUWaTo'“'“)-^.oWBsth,MrBn# “OLordho UP (since birth)." Y P°n them <parents) ''ke they brought me (Surah Bani Israa'eel, Ruk00 3) Achieving Piety pious himself and his family one should recite: Total Success Recite this five hundred times daily after Isha prayers for forty days after and before reciting Durood, for the acceptance of all benedictions: 4 tn the call of the helpless '^n he calls, and "Who else listens to th He removes his difficulties". ftessngtheCouple at Nlamag Almighty AWahblessycut"
  • 38. O^JojJI Ajj JJkJq^Sb (Fazaa'il-i-Sadaqaat, p. 215) Blessing the Parents Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) asks to bless the parents in following words: "O Lord, have mercy upon them (parents) like they brought me up (since birth)." (Surah Bani /sraa'eel, Rukoo 3) Achieving Piety rR£ASUittfOKHEREAmR -----------AuguryforMarriage Ifone wants toknow the will ofAllah (Subhanahu wa Ta aala) (Augury)formarriage he orshe shouldkeepit secret and, after offering a short Nafl prayer, offer the following invocation: bUA^.wl To become pious himself and his family one should recite: Total Success Recite this five hundred times daily after Isha prayers for forty days after and before reciting Durood, for the acceptance of all benedictions: , „ "Who else listens to the call of the helpless when he calls, and He removes "0 Mlahyou hove the power and I do not. You know but not. You have knowledge of hidden well. So, if you know that it )he name of the concerned man or woman) is good for me regardingDeen, here and hereafter, make him or her my destiny. Ifsome other person, according to your knowledge, is better for Beenhere andbereoh^r, be kind to make him or her my destiny." at Marriage
  • 39. S^surefor live well." Mayyou be blessed by Allah.' (Bukhori, Muslim, Tirmjzj Ringing the Bride Home ”° Allah | pro), you (or her w<.|(arl, on(J _____ eg you to protect me from her bod temperament.* ( u Dawood, Nasoee, Ibn-i-Majah, Abu Yo'la, Amr-bm-Shoaib. Abya. Jtiif r for Male Ch''d p^ye er for Male Child Best Praye after ,heo"”0"’no;S5^^5 /I (Chapter 29. verse 12, Surah Nooh) CI 1 of her nature Prayer Call for a New Born Before Coitus with Wife O Ua3jI "I do it with the name of Allah. O Allah save us from Satan save our children (to be given by you) too from the Satan Sittah, Ibn-i-Abbaas ). By doing so the children bore out of such communion will rem safe from the mischief of the Satan. Invocation for begetting Pious Children Si ' i ono M>re | °S|Q| IU9hteri. Tehneek^ Tabr^
  • 40. S^UREFOR To save a child offer: "May you are not made a nuisance for me by Almighty Allah, neitherhere norhereafter." (Ibn-i-Sunni, Anas). (Ibn-i-Abi Shaiba) ' Safety for a Child from the Satan and poisonous thi (XP 1. Embracing Islam I pray for you to Almighty Allah by the grace of all His words (Kalimah) to save you from Satan, poisonous animals and harmful eyes." (Bukhari, Sunan Arb'a, Ibn-i-Abbos] The First Lesson When a child starts speaking he/she should first of all be taught to learn: ^1^4® (Ibn.iSunni, Amr-bin-Shooibl When any child of Bani Abdul Muttalib started to speak, Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) made him offer following verse: &«o Allah absolve me and have mercy upon me and keep me firm footed to follow the instructions and sustain me." the holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) told a man, Hasan, that if he embraced Islam, He (the Prophet) vrill teach him two recitations for getting countless worldly and religiousbenefits. He emk— ■ ■ ■ _. ' r—i... 3einng countless worldly andoenetits.He embracedIslam andbeggedtheholy Prophet (SallallahuklaihiwaSallam)totellhimthosetwo recitations. The lastholy Prophet(SalfoWahu Alaihiwa Sallam') replied that the former and thefollowing recitations would earn him a * worldly andreligiousbenefits. 9 - (A ' ° l0t °f (Au/'ad.e P e'F°zaliQ) •• • 7 SaHa^ after attain'1"9 of n'me The holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa said to punish a child for not offering the prayer after ai the age of seven, make him sleep separately at the age
  • 41. TREASURE FOR HEREAFTER_______1 =£^£>0 ^Tas Satan himself. The traveler did not offer all the f|Ve prayers on that day. In the night he wanted his fellow traveler f0 sleep together but the fellow (Satan) declined to do that. V/hen asked by the first one the other one replied that he had disobeyed Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) only once for which he was cursed. But he had disobeyed Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aa|aj for five times in a day. He said that he feared the wrath of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) might pounce upon him with which he (Satan) would also be doomed. The last holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) once said that to differentiate between a Muslim and infidel by offering or skipping the prayers is enough. He further said that one who missed his prayers without any potent reason Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) would no more be responsible for him. It means that such a person becomes a total stranger for Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala). Chapter Three In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the Most Merciful. DIFFERENT invocations FOR DIFFFERENT situations
  • 42. Chapter Three Alaihi vra water pure." death and ,iboh, Huz°ifah> , Ibn-i-Abi Shoi1 dead and He is (Hackin', Jaabir) Before and after ablutions Before making ablutions one should say which sh° ydodeeth Say^l^v/hen removing the clothes. According to a is a curtain between the eyes of the Satan an the humans. It should be said before entering the toi »Ml^Pra' d US after ror Allah WresorreC "All the pro'ses are resUrrection} • C^gto Natural^ Satan5 -0 Allah I seekyour shelter from impure rnale and ern (and demons)." Putting Off Clothes farh>'y a 'ntfefed' ■ r,shOU' folio77'09 blut'°nS"" , During Ablutions M^loKtab-al-^'.'hough is kn0Wn '° h0Ve been said by the holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ^Sallallahu Alaihi vraSallam) in this regard, the noted theologians are of the opinion that the invocations offered by our ancestors should better becontari.feare-The person mafcg oWufion after '^Sh°UW “y "Ml ,he pra,se' “re for Allah Sobhonohu waWaalal „ho mode (he Allah ** rinsing lhemou(h.Owl ««f«cUpOlTOterIrom H ’ Ub^0hu „a To.q Mo||ahl) A1 he d oi voar holy p . ' 9 ’”«'«lorever lh""oSo'M Which Sh * Hazrat Ou'd quench ^^ingthen PTOed-^t^-hUWOTa, 9-'^Sa^d0 Par^ise.
  • 43. Chapter Three TT (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala), keep IIIC 0 Allah f ces will be white and While washing’- hen some faces «h««n,h' some black. h. tond,o*H»h|S*n«hU-^ol«)give,he whi"“ ’ my right h°"d. o Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) make While performing Mas keep me under yQur shade onX^^hS no shade but yaurs. . w -k.nonrc- O Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) While performing Mas h on ears. O Allan p include me in your those slaves who follow your commands completely. While washing feet: 0 Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) enable me to keep my steps firm on the bridge of Siraat. m (Kitab-ul-Azkaar, p. 96, vol. 1) sheet of my accountin After Ablutions You are holy. I praise You. I need Your forgiveness and I repent before You. Coming out of Toilet OAIIahloskyourf0riv should be offered: . Then the following ^asab lb ho Pul 1116 °U v/h° H ;_5u Id be recit' ..EachSur ■> clothes V (A'amaal-i-Qur c whenever Hazi clothe nig earing a0th6S *wberec;, X^them- |ive with satisfaction till h , Ha,rat Abo Saeed Khudtee^relofedlhal X™d Aloihi »o Sodom), wore any new offered rhe following: 0 Allah a|l,he Praises are but for vou Ym, n clothes or doth to wear and I h ^QVe me ^ese ne^ Welfare of the thing for which it i Welfare and the lts bein9 harmed and from any h ° X°Ur she|ter frorr onyh“'-oihethingforwh.J;- (^bu Dowood T; H°zrat Umar A /bn'l'hibaan , "All fh 0 Ilf blck th« §QVe hip ,,br^^^h6st f,e<l the f 9a'n ,Or^r
  • 44. Chapter Three clothes to the poor, he will remain u..— he security of Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'oala) here and hereafter. (Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) will save him from calamities and cover his sins). (Tirmizi, Ibn-i-Majah, Ibn-i-Abi Shaibah, Haakim) Before offering Tahajjud Prayers Offer^’i/^S^/^llo^and ten times before offering Tahajjud prayers. (Abu Dawood, Nasai, Ibn-i-Ma/ah, Ibn-Abi Shaibah, Ibn-i-Hibaan, from Ayesha) each Replying the Prayer Call When one hears Azaan, he should repeat what the caller says. (Sihah Setta, Ibn-i-Sunni, from Abu Sa'eed Khudri). • One should say^^SlJ^T&l^&lJ^iri reply to (Bukhari, Muslim, from Muaviah). The holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said that one who sincerely did that would enter Paradise. If one recites the following, his sins will be forgiven: (Muslim, Sunnan A'b'a from Sa'd) 58 "0 Allah, Lord of this supplication and Lord of prayers, bestow upon HazratMuhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) a waseelah (a rank in Paradise) and bestow upon him excellence and take him to that place of the praised (Maqaam-i-Mahmood) which you have promised him. No doubt you are not a promise breaker." Baheeqi, Bukhari, Sunnan-i-Arb'a and Ibn-i-Hibaan have ended this prayer upon • The words after it 61X11 have been added by Baihqi in his book "Sunnan-i-Kubra". (The Hodeeth is related by Hazrat Jaabir-bin-Abdullah.) 1 • Going Out °re^*«»«-in9g<outo(h.h(i ln nome „( den(±iv< W"^N.»,..X“P°nA"ah'" °Ur f ecOm;
  • 45. ChaPf£S Chapter Three 59 ----------- -antly or being behaved ignorantly. " '‘•■y-i-Sunni from Umm-i-Salmah) treasut oppress p fORHEREAFTER_^_^X^= .sed, or Ibn-i-Sunni from ..........................„ 3. (go out) in the name of Allah. There is no movement and no power but by the will of Allah and (we) trust but in Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala). (Haakim, Ibn-i-Majah, Ibn-i-Sunni from Abu Hurairah) Going to offer Faj’r Prayer One should offer the following while going to offer the prayer of ijj jy '° A,lah give light to my heart m ,0 my left, to my riqht anri k u- S'9ht °nd to m/ he°ring, •«.- ’*bth'"« me- And bestow me light £ Enter«g the Mosque The following shou,db SalM while entering - - j.HibaOf1' ;ll0„Abun^M After Entering the^°5qUe -Pence be upon vs «"■< UP°" ,te P'0"S A/t /bn-Mtoos) Tahayyah-al-Masjid After entering the mosque one should not sit down before offering two Rakah. (Bukhari, Muslim, from Qitadah) One Should intend for Itikaof after entering the mosque. Coming out of the mosque Wh|le coming out of the 'a,h,wa Sallam) AindneSS" 1Mu5l^AbuDn • Da^OOd, . Muh^"19 ,0 Hr
  • 46. Chapter Three •IL.' r, HfW VT* o^ZTwill watch for hi^ W -9> <” *yo( (he So)(jn ond no sin, except infidelity, the hiifc 1 None it to be worshipped but Allah. He is alone. None shares Him He reigns supreme and He has the power over good. He gives ond lakes life ond He is Omnipotent. Thu Hodeeth is mentioned in the book 'Sunnan-i-Tirmizi', 'Kitab- uo-Do owoof Imom Tirmizi has called it good and authentic This book does not include j$lj^ . It is given in 'Sunnan-i- Nosoee , After Chaasht Prayer 0Allah this is the time of going out of the day and coming in the night and this is the time of voices of your callers. So forgive me." MbuDowoorf, Tirmizi, Haakim from Umm-i-Salmah). After Maghrib Prayer Hozrat Muslim Tameemi related a saying of Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) that one should recite just after finishing the Maghrib prayer, without saying any word with anybody for seven times: z Tne time of this proyer is related to be after sunrise till 1 2 in the noon Aha Zuh, Ch°Pter 30 0 Allah I proy for the success of my objectives to you only And . otiock the enemies with your help only. And I kill (Jihaad) with your help only" (Ibn-i-Sunr , from Suhaib) After Zuhr Prayer chapter27 should be offered. After Asr Prayer be ,edled ofier Asr prayer. "0 AWah, keep me safe from Helf." Then if the offerer died the same night he wibe safe from Heil. If one said it like the way mentioned above and died the same day, he will also be safe 'rOni He"' (Abu Dawood, Nasaee, Ibn-i-Hibaan) After Ishaa Prayer Ishaa prayer Surnk *>
  • 47. 63 Chapter Thrp. 0 Alloh we pray for Your help and pray for our absolution We hove faith in You and praise You well and pay our thanks to You We ore not thankless. We get separated and leave that person who disobeys You. 0 Allah we worship but You and pray and bow our heads in prostration only before You and make efforts to obey You and pay You our attendance. We fear Your punishment No doubt infidels will have Your punishment." for the third time. After Vitr Prayer Recite the following after finishing Vitr prayer thrice and audibly for the third time. > “d| mention the Holiness of the King (Allah (Subhanahu Io aolo) who is most holy." After Jum’ah Prayer • i-a bef°re It is much rewarding to offer Surah Al-Kahf in the nign the doy of Jum oh or after Jum'ah prayer. After All Prayers Ims should be offered first after all prayers: ft**##' „,r, After All Farz Prayers Hazrat Thoobaan $ related that the holy Prophet Hazrat “a”°d (Sollallaho Aloihi wa Sallam) used to offer after every tawrp/d) thrice and then- ■0MV*«itXo»taepeace °"dPMCe be 9”e" °"'j You andYou areblessed. 0, thegreatest an mos rn (Muslim, SunnonArb'o, Ibn-i-SunnifromThoobaan, Tabarani, Ibn-I-Umar) TheholyProphetHairat Muhammad(SaWaWahu Ata'ih'iwaSaWam'j sardthattherewere certainbythree rewardingthings one after theother, (thosewerey.^i^ thirty threetimes, thirty X,‘"“rd One' ’-l™otteredthose 'er,fenprajer, wouldneversu(,et ^.T.«.N.sme.(romKo.ob.bin.A.roh) •—-Si"',:'
  • 48. Kftev M P^ers the holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Aiaihi wa Saiiam) said that there were certain by three rewarding things one after the other, (Those were): thirty three times, thirty W times and thirty four times. One, who offered those oher every Fan prayer, would never suffer. ^US''m'^as°ee< from ,_____ be lor^n even if Chapter Three This shouid be ottered First otter oil proyers.
  • 49. 0^^ 65 — ^ofhan the foam of the seas, those were ni (Nasaee, from Zaid-bin-Thaa^t OR ^^thirtythreetimeSf^^thir1ythreetimesf four times and times should be offered. (Tirmizi, Nosoee from lbn-i-Abba ) The holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sa||Qrr|) has also proclaimed that those who offered Ayah Al -Kursee Qfter every Fan prayer, only his death could stop him from enterin Paradise. (Nosoee, Ibn-i-Hibaan, Ibn-i-Sunni, from Abi lamah-al boh/ According to another saying of Prophet Muhammad (Salloll Alaihi wa Sallam) the offerer of Ayah-AI-Kursi after a Farz ° ° will remain under the safety ofAllah (Subhanahu wa Ta'anM^ The foil • SUnnifromUqbah-bin-Aam,r) neh^^^,QbeQflered. ")lme*'’roU(,„d,hankyouQnd ^arzprayer. 1. '°n, Haakim, Ibn-i-Sunni from Ma'az-bin-Jabol) bhanahu "V/e mention the H°^osj venerable against tho °fAllah - WaM »* to" This is ok, related that otter finishing the prayer the holy Prophet HazratMuhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) used to put his right hand upon his head and offered: "tfkUL4te^^^(subhonohu °beWrsh'P^(ond)Who "I finished the wa is beneficent Suppli««onsforM i f 9 • Wor^s ond 'ening
  • 50. 68 /' Chapter Th^ sed the morning) should be z none is ru rshippe He isAllah who is onlyone to be worshipped. He is all, the Holiest, absolutelyspotless andpeace giver, guardian (o all), the omnipotent, the powerful, the greatest. (He is) far away from the sharing thoughts ofthe Polytheists, the Creator of all, inventor(ofall), the giver ofshape (to everything). For Him are (all) thebestNames. Each andeverything between the Heavens reveals His Harness. He is ol! po.eHu! and all- ,.f09. of »«'h.«—'A“,rOn”hemi“hie'0,011 His creations." By offering this three times each morning and evening, Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) will save him from the harm of all the humans and non-humans, particularly from poisonous reptiles like scorpion, snake etc. (particularly at night). "I seek refuge of all hearing and all knowing Allah from the (mischief) of the damned Satan" thrice. Then the following verses from Surah Al-Hashr should be offered: W°cfe A &' d'°be ' „te^c"o«*'09 1o'Q'^V)1yjesho^d° Oh "SostatetheHolinessofAllahintheeveningandinthe morning. MlthepraisesinheavensandonearthareonlylorHim. Mention hisHolinessintheafternoon andwhenIZuhr) approaches. He bringsoutthelivingfromthedeadanddeadfromtheliving and feeeetfcOtaitis dead, likewiseyou shaft also be ■««dHr.™theeetthVWlsrantamsQ ,, . OKWeAyah-al-Kursi:
  • 51. vers* < f * • * y -uaj?k JJH,. .. I, b. w« r<»..,>!»*•»« He k immortal ond thr j.ver i„i . ., , , , .I,,.. min- of the universe Ha ne < r f(M . Hr ewm what is in heavens and on/in ■< w . ,. te<<.m<. «nd (Io Him) any one foi absolution i- ■ pc ■• . nt Hr knows all which is happ< nrnp to run wi d it to happen to them afte r deaf 't .« „ ..... r..,.,,Il,, wills HisKutsi (Throne* spread' 1 'nr and earth And safety of heavens ond the «w-T • ru, c d r tticult ♦<>< Him ond He is the gicatc st one •< A'teUowed by Surah A' L ' h. nui UK,, .e,o£)tWi br Allah who « omnipo”0’ * - wutwKOyp Win, Sutyirvert. the sms «i» i-~ < u Wi(; t,vn,pjQt> |»unikhment (to /bcv» Avo verges m ofharmsfilleveningand S'* 4f■ >^e rnorn'ng -b.^«^“”be 4^*I-^-*ii^ -*-*d^v*5s jyb ^y-fcp #a*C^5^'i ¥#$4-aP^JIxS^ * j •., 0M ™ —U ««« ««rt«d 'he morning (or Mloh IHrs ^,1 M ^-„•<>»««I« MWr Hono rsIo be worshipped t‘‘ He $ o<zie n Him ond m His quohttesf. None shares n - -n xt ;i oneon, He stobe praised andHe vs omnipotent. C »i .>4 '«», I see* fMs reLge (from the happenings of today - - w». w fxo, you >0 make it better. O my faster *^7^^^'h0W'nin*'0dQ’ Qnd »"er -«•■io“o X','7W"~andWrgence)
  • 52. Chapter Three negligence and taxless, weakness world and punishment in Hell." ORol old nge. 7. this should be offered early in the morning: "We and the whole world saw morning for (worshipping) Allah, the Master of the universe. 0 Allah I beg you for the welfare, victory, radiance and affluence and (Your) guidance for today and afterwards and (entreat You) to save me from the harmful (happenings) in the days to come." 8. One should recite: OR *ith your help on|y. yye9 °n^wi^ your help and we saw evening with your will only. Ancj 'Ve w'^ y°ur (will) and we shall die .Weandalls^ raised. None si Me have to go 10. Recite this: AndltakMYour)reXS.and,rcm‘hemischiefs3 ,rom "y own y fusingThe holy Prophet H tter|tintk AlQ|hiWnC n
  • 53. Chapter Three .„ fitness you ond those you s*"’is ¥our whoosslM**"". s„,o^™to’P,"P OR 12 Th.sshouldber.e.tedf.rfour.lmes: is^SS^lJSe "0 Allah I beheld morning. I witness you ond the lifters of heave and all angels and all you have created that only You are A a No one is to be worshipped but you. You are alone in your attributes and capabilities. No one else shares you. And (I witness) that Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) is Your Prophet." 13. This should be recited in the morning and evening both- Her both- ° . here arid here° . _y family ondhty property. * Q Allah save me | take reMe and worries “* P . 0„d from the earth.” being killed suddenly o( Your greatness from qr H.lhis should be rooted both the limes: --None deserves worship but Allah. He is one. None shares Him ”'e |"'he Pr0KK' On'V He keePs ,h incantation is very rew .. ' Accord,n9 to a Hadeeth **'»"»■ °"d keePs safe the who|e py:
  • 54. $ Chapter Three waV of life (Deen) "We have accePte^'|a^.°^ ^igihi'v/a Sa||am) the Prophet of and Muhammad (Sana Allah." 76 16. bimb^onfhe Doomsday. OR * > ' , ' eV^y55=yr3ll$iribbed "0 Allah whatever good I or others have had this morning is bestowed only by You. You are one and alone. None shares You. So, all the praises and thanks are Yours." OR 17. This should be recited thrice: a'cclTd N6Pted A'lah °S (my) M0S,er and embr°ced Islam, and Prophetand^0'^'hharnmad (S°llallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) as His Ph6’and I am happy about it. Comparatively these words 18 To be recited thric-- are better than the above. ■■'Ice hvicea day: ^SWilir lib. 0 and evening both. ■o Allah I seek "** °nd ' seek Your refuge from the punishment in the grave. None deserves worship but You." OR 20. The following should be offered both the times: A,,ah IS free from , ?He““*XuTtC'l0ndwlrHedese A"“h “ "« PO ' T Which He that Attord, 0U,°" ' °nd ^btHe'hbe'l6Ve .s°<;>bthepe ,he °zw"i9htrrn'vh»offere. 9h,S. 6red^ould rernoin
  • 55. I At TREASURE FOR HEREAFTER 71 Chapter 22 Thissh^d be offered Qfte0R —(orten l00,im« ■ US!nS,h^lrr0r as^h0ve S,heN^MoOn —-=£^PferThr 21. At least for hundred times this should be offered morning and evening: lr) the Holy is Allah the Greatest who alone deserves nr • „ t0 ° H°deelh °uthentic (Soheeh) BuZiZ ore very much liked by Rahmaan (Allah) verv ' Z Sente^es °n‘ on „ w «sy for the tong« staH6eofcedo^ ch« possible o„(he T^hl^ylhis moon be of peace and mine Master is Allah." At Solar or Lunar Eclipse the time of Lunar or Solar eclipse one should describe the greatness ofAlmighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala), offer prayers and give charity. (Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Derwood, Nasaee from Ayeshoh) At Lail-Al-Qadr n!h^^idbsrealedolfhisn:ghl: s'9^9 .0 f"r»Ve„e°""0S">'f»'9i»ethes,„nerScind rou like Io fOr„: S?S9 WarClin^^leep . n'shtto^hip I r°h^-A'
  • 56. f Chapter Three 'hedOy°J listed10 aala) sa/: 79 I q| Seeing someone laughing "May Allah keep you laughing!" Being obliged "May Allah reward you better!" While sneezing While sneezing one should recite: itUj xT heat,/A"" ay WheP >isie^< iilf , . Allah *'aWda,'"i’ h (i e of Hell.'The"eA^s Ser-"’5 '0 A'l°f1 S°VC ^riXm0^65 *’°f <s*n’hgC° him from J** ukewise when some o XX MH. cold dor ^S^eotrHe^ot and calls Him to be saved from Zamh°$e' ' b wjtneSS Hell Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) asks the Hell oe that one of His servants was asking Him for protection Zamhareer. Consequently He gave him protection from it. People present there asked the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) about Zamhareer. He replied that that was a place where the infidelswill reside, and due to the high degree of coldness their "*-ill set separated from their bodies. "All the praises are for Allah." Hearing some sneezing When one hears someone sneezing he should say: AllI "May Allah be pleased with you!" Extremely hot or cold weather Hazrat Abu Saeed Kudri &and Hazrat Abu Hurairah rela*ed that Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said, "°n Rskingfor Rains For asking Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) to give rains during a drought , x x , t enough water for three times." OR °Allah give us °A||°hhe|p fBu^Ori fr '^Anosj
  • 57. the (Bukhari, Muslim, from Anas) er and P^duce lightening this should Excessive rains O Allah make the rains fall around us (where needed) and not upon us. 0 Allah make it fall upon hills, jungles, mountains, rivulets and places of tree plantation." Thunder and Lightening hearing the clouds thund. be offered: Chapter Three »O Allah we , ,r nrotection from the harm of it (clouds) .See 7o Allah make the beneficial rains fall." with which It IS se ■ |bn-i-Mafah, from Ayeshah) As rains start "0 Allah make these rains fall far ond wide. (Bukhari from Ayeshah) thu"der on „ ■•'" —**■ offer putting both tnep of the wind: 4%ijg«^ "OAlloh make this wind beneficiol ond not harmful. "O Alloh make this wind blissful and not punishing. (Toboroni from Kitob-ud-Dua and Mu'/am-ul-Kabeer from Ibn-i-Abbaas). If is a black windstorm (Kaali Andhi) C^LiJI Cf&luyu should be recited. fAbu Dawood from Aqab-bin-Aamir) Hearing Good News °ne should offer after. . ^•or SafdV0Urite thing Setti"8 ke*red:
  • 58. Happening -All the praises comp1^' In Anger 9 SQr^ he should rec^ Chapter Three ^X====s=s=rT=^se grace good things are X^*hby ((bn_.Wojoh,H0akim, Ibn-i-Sunni from AyeshahJ was begotten by by: Happeningsomething untoward aJL*?>OL«J "Allah did what He willed and made it my fate." (Muslim, Nosoee, Ibn-i-Mojah, Ibn-i-Sunni from AN, suu ^uroiraN) Seeing something abhorring One should recite >(J xX^uT "Allah be praised in all circumstances." (Ibn-i-Ma/ah, Haakim, Ibn-i-Sunni from Ayeshoh) When one says XjjXuT after getting some boon from Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala), it means that he thanked Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala). If he says the same words again, Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) will again reward him. Repeating it thrice, Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) will forgive his sins (together with reward). (Haakim from Jabir) According to another tradition, if one offers 9 ting some boon from Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala), he "«9e,...»tdbe„erlho„wha|hegoiWore (Ibn-i-Sunni, from Anas-bin-Malik) "" ****s°'°d> Forgettingsomething HazratAnas relatedthe saying ofthe HolyProphet (Sallallahu AlaihiwaSallam) "offerDurood upon me and you will remember whatyou have forgotten ifAllah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) wills. (Rawah AbuMoosaAl-Madani) Evil and Dubious Thoughts When evil and doubtful thoughts should come to mind, one should offer the following and spit dryly on the left thrice. r He'-Janyone. Hehas ' us' ' refuge ofAllahfromthe discardedSatan andhis mischiefs." oppens during the prayer one should not spit. Coingtobedatnight 9 obeda'night. These are;
  • 59. iree FORHEREAFTER 85 “ After giving four thousand Deenars in charity. After reading the Holy Qur'an in full. After paying the price for Paradise. After getting reconciled two fighting persons. After performing Hajj :rar Ali$replied that those were impossible for him Th HolyProphet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) told him t 60 '° s,eep TREAS^L 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hazrat Ali the t- , L after: 1. FatihaAJJi)^for four times which will be four thousand Deenars in charity. Reciting Surah equal to giving 2. Offering which will be equal to offering the whole Qur'an. 3. Offering Durood thrice to pay for the price of Paradise. 4. Offering Istighfar which will be equal to reconciliating two persons. 5. Offering the third Kalimah which will be equal to performance of one Hajj. Hazrat Ali^pt promised to do so before going to sleep. °« "0 Allah with your name I die ond live." Moreover thirty three times, thirty three timeS and$V4ji thirty four times should be offered before go'n9 ° sleep at night. (Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Tirmizi, Nasaee, from Huz°lfo 1 Being- “Iseek refuge ofthe complete words ofAllah from His wrath and angerand His punishment and the mischiefs of His servants and doubts of Satan and even if He approaches me." SteeP'^XcJi "0Allah, Masterofallthesevenheavens and offthose creatures wholive under them and Master of a the seven earths and of allthose creatures (.uponwhomthose rest) and Master of a the Satansandthosepeoplewhohavebeen misfedby them Rotons'). Andhe my rescuerfrom the mischiefs of offyour creatures that ?'Y hC rem°'ns 50,6 •* 9™3 7 vou- And on'Y Your name is the - And offer:
  • 60. TREASURE. Recite: /Chapter 19, Surah-An-Namal, verse 18) Chapter Threp Chits of paper' , (Subhanahu wa Ta t Hearing the voice of a cock, donkey and a dog Hearing the cock crow one should recite: be offered. ° d°nkey or the barking of dogs should . ^9^ Stars m maintainer and saver Sustainer make my r „ jt=======^=== v/l. have disappeared and eyes have closed (with Stars in the heaven a forever and only you are the sleep)- And °nly yOljr°of a||) you neither doze nor sleep. 0 night relaxing and give sleep to my eyes too." OR d l%X4Vl "0 Allah stars have gone far away and eyes took rest. You are alive (for ever) and the Maintainer. Neither you doze nor sleep. 0 Sustainer and Maintainer make me comfortable and make my eyes sleep. (Ibn-ol-Sunni from Zaid-bin-Thabif) roRdl^^^the reprOb° nn O'19®1 ^^T^AH^rOn hi|e it seeS to a Hadee h . . the Satan- A‘<9 nkey brays see-ng "n‘"he0 dance ofA,ltS AW ■ often writing on • abandonee, Wl0'',n9an|s^||, if Allah ’“*^x:^*,heirholes: Safety from Snakes, Scorpions, Fleas and Mosquitoes etc. "^db...... r-.-tTMWt *he bovd with the h ? ° b'9 bovv| with kt be sprinkled b°' ed wQfer f .. b ack ink. Aft “•*"«’Allah (S t" '' s»ve ft''he .'T'"9 ' “bha"”hUwo ’her«'dents "Qte^hou|d roni^onous ,Ch°Pter2 « UrQhAI-Bn q°r°^err e243)
  • 61. Chapter Threp 9 every .|n,heNom>«l*ll'lhondH'S°b‘"'d°"“'in,0°dr If one forgets to recite it before starting the meals, he should recite: "I took the Name of Allah in the beginning and in the end." It is SQid that the meals taken without the Name of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) is shared by the Satan. Finishing Meals "All the praises are for Allah who gave us to eat and drink and made us Muslims." Drinking Milk •OAI!.hg„eiltous»ilhobundance;nd „ “"WngAab-i-Zamzam If one compelling till his problem .. problem for Haii -h, he cannot, due'O is solved. ( (Surah Al-Fat’h, verse 27, page 151 lines 1-3) Poverty rd*rkb»P'»/erIe„^Shoree,^uldbereci, inbelweentheprQyer Ond fo Durood ShQrepf . OR Qfter lsb° prayer off^ Offered seven f .....-Ji*. WQTa'aQla)wi||"tOfthe recited before - >r eleven
  • 62. chaPter Thre^ in Ramadan . |he month of Ramadan for seven •„ offer i»at Sah°r thousand virtues for each star :r:^”-'-rd;::ah:-«eforgi,e„ondhe r^i“s;X^-bherMf,er: Niyah for fasting »,made my intention for fasting tomorrow." Opening the fast "0 Allah I kept fast for you only and opened it by the food given only by you." After Iftar This should be offered after finishing eating after the fast: "Thirst is gone and veins got wet and the reward is proved if Allah wills." (Abu Dawood, Nosaee, Hoakim from Ibn-i-Umar) fter every four Rakah of Taraveeh Holy is He and heavens. n^7eared; ■ theMasfer° e nhle and m°s " led "H" m°S’ Td Holy is Ki°9 <re d «h. isreSP, . a„d most dreaded. H° Holy °"d VeTCredusshelterfrom Hell. O giver of shelter, O give Allah give us sheitei shelter, 0 giver of shelter." Traveling This should be offered at the start of traveling after reciting Holy is Allah who qave us cnniml •. « ' *'s.fc„huwaT;i . durin8 travel ? ala> Onewho keeps m . l,”’'l'Almi9hlYAIlT°nin9Allot’(SUbh '"ro«l»ilhA °h,SubhQnc,k bhari°huWoT • V^S during S"H“see„j
  • 63. (Hisn Haseen) Hal3' • <itod’iein VVishif’S or passing throughagraveyard 2^E!££Three jThmad contains that whoever >/2iblW thrice' Alm'9hty ” n becomes kind to him as He likes ottersjv'- - Ta'aala) becon n(joned the* °ber boarding the carriogg over it otherwise we could not doubt we shall go back to our Lord of the mighty (after death). • "orlimhstJD $©1, when coming down a slope When the carriage dimes up _ r reaching at a vast field WW andj^and upon a big jolt (accident etc.) should be offered respectively. Starting of business While starting a buinsess the following should be offered 313 times for three or seven or eleven days. The business will profit if Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) wills. dateswillti?6date^towa^s'yoursetf and fresh /oureXIf"" X0U- EQt *heSe frui,S and d-k water and get (Chapter 16, Surah Maryam verse 23) Sufficiency in earning For sufficiency and i J,p,al”«Pinlhep'oc"‘°g '"“me Surah Al-Hojr should be Xn "" b“"'“ ” SU“eed " h» d»« "O' 9° aHcMpfer nahu wa Hazrat Umar > ■0be*.meShohadah Prophef Hozra! wo Sallam) 01 M^naK The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said, "whoever will pray for martyrdom in the way of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) sincerely Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) will give him the rank of a martyr even if he dies upon his bed." (Hisn Haseen) uP°n you Q fl 9rt,V6S^yA|lc are'0f0|.
  • 64. treasure for hereafter 95 Going for shopping Naturally every one wants to buy the best thina ho y fie needc time during the choice of the thing he wants to b A< ^at continuously offer the following: °ne shou|(j Chapter Four OUjZ^J^jl (Chop^ ] ApBoq< ,Qnahu ,Oroh'^se70) * * * In the name of Allah, ,he Penland Merciful. FOR CALAMITIES AND diff«culties
  • 65. ref f°Ur TKEASUREFORHEREAg^^^X . Safety from Accidents According to Hazrat Talaq $ a person went to a companion Qf Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam), Hazrat Ab0 Darda $ and said that his house (Abu Darda's &) Was bu^ He replied that it had not. Another person told him the same Qr)d got the same answer. Another told him the same and he too the same answer. The fourth one came and told him that it d d not burn as the high fumes of fire reached his house th r- zii/« ' ■ < G p| pg extinguished. Hazrat Abu Dardaxs then said, "I knew it th Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) will not let l 1 nouse burn. I have heard the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Salla say that whoever offered these words in the morning, he w"| remain safe from any calamity till evening. I had offered th^' -rds in the morning. That is why I had a firm belief that mv house cannot burn. These are the words: 7 98 Q^ot-i-^ilah nd^koo<Qaan'a> second^- ftcr ev&ry This can be rear r
  • 66. chaPte£Four I x ----TT^7n<7ari' ■a^LsA’V^ I < XX x x.<’' . V (Hazrat Maulana Syed Muhammad Yousuf Binnori ) Imperceptible Infidelity According to Hazrat Abu Bakr xif once the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said, "Infidelity, in my Ummah is bidden more than like the speed of an ant upon a black stone. (Kanz-ul-Ummal, 816. vol. 2) Infidelity is sometimes imperceptible and thus people cannot alleviate it, including some clerics, not to talk of weak believers. (Marqaat, p.70, 10) “r ® bet™e “orrled and asked for h”. 'Should I noHeV Pr0Pha ISa"°"°hu Alaihi ™ Sollom) fold yourselffrom all sorts of°Uf-°P|rayerthr°U9h which Y°u coM save the Holy Prophet (Salloi? k ° H°Zrat Abu Bakr reclLiested the prayer. The Holy p V A,C"b' W° Sallam) to let him know to offer thrice °Phet (Sa,,Ql,ah- Alaihi wa Sallam) told
  • 69. 103
  • 70. •i , oliW^o^S 5 <✓? x -? ’?'< 'i- C^o^Oj^cP ojjo^i^cA^^cxJ S'W^ Chapter Four 106 C^^CKsSU^Iy-i cLlffi',.-r-'-te*ws
  • 71. V*Chapt<w Fpy Panacea for all difficulties rot Abu Zar Ghaffari $ Hazrat Muhammad According to Hmm know q verse which .$ enough Sallollohu Alofhi wo Sa < nn it The verse is ,„,K.p«p>.p^ed they ad vpo" One who fears Allah, He makes him safe from any difficulty and calomily and provides him sustenance from the source which cannot even be imagined." (Musnad Ahmad, Ibn-i-Majah, Mishkah) fT,rm'21’ Nosoee, Ibn-i-Ma/ah from Ibn-i-Abbos) ssshoul At the time of a calamity C aii k °nly and n° d°uht we are to go back to Him. a I hope for your kindness in this calamity. So relieve me Om,1ond bestow me welfare instead." Saf«y from difficu|ties One who offers this ’'"*s each will modlin9 and evening for three CUreRomany harm: othing trom lldbe offered while seeing someonein tube praises are for Allah who saved me from this trouble ch has befallen you. He kept me better than whom He created." ■Ap 214, vol. 1) This will save him from that particular trouble forever. * Th“Sh0Uld be reci,ed slow|y before the afflicted person. it to k Xi H, “dipped K i ,ooshouldbeQ0'ither- ffered fr< of difficulty andworty ■ ' A"ah who is m e "W bles.. . Ost Pfudent Prai^Qr-f essedwh0 i$), nt and ;>n;,OrA|lah..- the ^St6r
  • 72. TREASURE FOR HEREAFTER 109 OR "Allah is enough for us and He is the best adroit." not let me be OR "O Allah I hope for your help only. May you overpowered by my concupiscence for a single moment! And correct all my works. None is to be worshipped but you" This should be offered too most earnestly: oucx^u-l go u cTU "O the everlasting and the Maintainer of all the creations, I seek but your help. OR Continuously recite: in prostration. OR Recite this: None is worthy of worshipping but you. You are Holy. No doubt I am oppressor of (my own self)." According to a Hadeeth any Muslim who will recite this for any purpose; Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) prayer. Worry and Restlessness <C^Pter 2, Surah Al-Qasas, verse 85) ,ur iskindandgrea!.None ightyTheone."(AbuAwanafromIbni-Abbas) Toomany worries whoistormentedbya lot ofknown or unknown worries wldsleepafterrecitingitforseven times. On awakening he jfeelrelaxedifAllah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) wills: 'Z 13) Someone at large feoffering two Rak'ah Nafl prayer this verse should be recited ®ehundred nineteen times daily for forty days: h>1^0(it Maytngworries and grief ah-bun-hAas'ood A$ refat VWnes and grief should
  • 73. TREASURE FOR HEREAFTER 111 "O Allah I am your servant and the son of your servants. My forehead is in your command. Your decision about me is to prevail. Your will is absolutely just for me. I beg you in your Name which you told whom you created through your Book and saved It yourself, to make the Holy Qur'an spring for my heart and brilliance for my eyes and the means for ending all my worries and grief." Almighty, then, will sure bless him with peace, if He wills. (Ibn-i-Hibaan, Haakim, Ahmad, Abi Ya'ala, Bazar, Ibn-i-Abi Shaibah, Tabarani from Abdullah-bin-Mas'ood) The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said that one who would recite it will be the cure for his ninety nine diseases, particularly for grief. (Hakim, Tibrani from Abi Hurairah) Qualities of Huroof-i-Muqatti’at Twenty nine Surah of the Holy Qur'an contain opening letters which are called Huroof-i-Muqatti'at. Excluding these letters which are repeated there remain fourteen. These are: s ,d^logions have written profusely about letters: "i^fhas written thatHazratAbdur- ' "non his commercial commodities things remained safe from any .Rah"100' Ii.^ker5°i of these I ^efl ,..........;tten that '*GblXterSopon..- ^^,1 these../ - d it their routine to offer these I Some mystics ha m° e asked |hey replied that Z“Xer recited these letters they remained safe tanany harm to them and their property. I. A pious person of Mossal said, “I observed that by the jraceofthese letters Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) teepsme safe from every calamity and gives me my sustenance, needed something | get it after reciting ,hem A| y *lt"nGringo journey Oli h°rmful 'features. If * VjC°mebackh0-e-th peace and *’*n<l'n9t“lmamBo<>ni^. r"<terin u lors thev Will K , beaffaid «, Slfiii which these. be k'nd to h‘ I Men , Ornbynx esewerentit 0 hlrn.
  • 74. TREASURE FOR HEREAFTER 113 Terror and Panic If one gets terrorized and panicked he should offer: "I seek shelter of universal letters in the Name of Allah, from the fury of Allah, mischiefs of his servants and pinching (bad thoughts) of the Satans and their approach." Worries and debts Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) once said, "Should I not tell you the things by means of which your worries should end and your debts repaid? Recite this incantation both the times: "In the Name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Mercifu O Allah I seek your shelter from worry and fear. I seek your refuQ® from miserliness and I beg for your shelter from the weigh* debts and the cruelty of people." Teator all worries
  • 75. TREASURE FOR HEREAFTER 115 "In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. O opener of doors and creator of means and ways. O changer of hearts and eyes. O Listener of complaints of the complainants and the guide of those (who lose their way). O reliever of the aggrieved. Listen to my grievance. Listen to my grievance. Listen to my grievance. "I trusted upon you O my Sustainer and I gave my work in your charge." , <1)1 IS ojU ojl5 ojC £1=315 oUjIj O Sustainer. O Sustainer. O Sustainer. O Allah. O giver of prosperity. O sustainer. O opener of the doors to kindness. 0 generous. Help from oblivion v-" ,1 OSr?l o servant or / iostornjnnl 8 Servant or * Pet fiered*n^t«islos,°ran’'' -OAllah who brings back the lost things and guides lose their way. Only You show the right path to them who go osiray. May You bring back my lost thing which was given by I tai' those who For fear "»swmWberecitedat the time of fear. beenoughfor us and save us from the mischief as you itHadeethwhich is quoted by Hafiz Abu eh Muslim.
  • 76. TREASURE for HEREAFTER em,Schi*and "O Allah no doubt send it back to them with your help." Being Afraid According to a tradition when Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) was afraid of the people, he offered it as possible. It contains several benefits if offered sufficiently daily » a?-'' "O Allah we put you before the enemies and seek your shelter from their mischiefs." Qs much (Chapter 1, Surah Al-An'am, verses 6 Undetected by oppressors Rive> 5pa‘e wrirten Victorious Afghan Commanders This brief incantation was told to Afghan Commanders byMaulana Abdul Haq , founder, Darul Uloom Akora Khatak. Consequently the Afghans achieved victory. This is: "May faces be defaced." It should be offered when confronted by the enemy wishing them to be destroyed. According to Maulana a mosque was attacked. He offered it there and Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) saved it ?„ho offers this verse frequently remains hidden from the lessors and windstorms stop. (Chapter 7, Surah Al-An'am, verses 1 - 3) fear of enemies Besieged by enemies "O Allah keep us hidden and change our nervousness with fearlessness.
  • 77. S^L2RHEREArrER "ln the Name of Allah. O Allah °nd pain of (the evil eye)," folhw 7k heat r the command of Allah." ° 7 ^^^^"Get and cold --f Upby And Another recitation for the above Hasan Basri ; Purpose is suggested by Hazrat (Chapter 29, Surah Al-Qalam, last verses) These verses should be offered eleven times and blown upon the victim. Some siniors have told about the identification of the evil eye that while offering the prayer if one yawns for a longer time the effect of the evil eye is acute. If the yawn can be controlled without opening the mouth, it is less longer. And if there is no yawn at all it shows that there is no evil eye at all. Difficult task If one feels difficulty in doing something, he should say: ,he follow!^ i,5Urr° and enable me to Repayment of Debts swa&wy; station should be offered for repaying the debts. <n Legal Suits mQyPvt ,C‘*^^I6I
  • 78. I F°rochio. e'nSP Ch,eVing e . rec,’ed frequem? nCen’-’ht in in -,w °aQ'0)'*. (Chapter 3, Surah Aal-i-lmran, verse 26, 27) '°^be lvanish ^^J^arem ^Tp°^eepin9 f/bn./.AbiSh‘’'boh' ,odetodiSaPPear away fro'1’ Waywardness d becomes wayward should be given ^---hundred mione times for forty one days: J* These people are being reformed by Allah and these are the meslobe benefited." Ill Omen If something happens which creates fear or doubt in mind, the following should be recited: There is no charity but from you. And there is none but you takes away and none is to be worshipped but you." (Musnad Ahmad, Tabarani in Kabeer from Abdullah-bin-Amr) Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sollom) said that sh<”'“ any one see something which seems to be on evil omen, o« should offer: who Wishing to be reformed fallen down mH, I % Zl1' Sh°UW W»»Zn°<hie0Pfe bU' Wan'S ,0 <a j, > Allah - lestand (Ch 'oisth — y°u all k 'WrJ3 hQve to ro'’rOSeeo M ' Verse 83; 1
  • 79. Chapter Five In the name of Allah, the Compassionate and Merciful. THE DISEASES ' nd w^en | fa|| fM'A/^u'o;aoecures me." ao' Ver$e, 8)
  • 80. Measure for sjSS'cg^ijc^uii^^'(Chop,er 3. Rotoo 2) j|£. (J-^l^41f[j/tiJQR 0^'l^(2^lcHl'oj^(>3^<Ji >iCM=5 jllilj
  • 81. ^=========*=====^^ LaL^Aja I^X g<aXuiIjo (- £ 9 ♦ (Chapter 23, Rukoo 5) q t_.ij^*<o oi (Chapter 27, Rukoo 12) l*ji> <J$(j£&&oojj^M Ch
  • 82. TREASURE for hereafter 128 him. (Kitabrul.FawaaidbTsh^h^^^^r^^ Lateef Al-Sharji Al-Khofi, compiled Taireed-ul-Bokh and its spiritual cure', by Dr. Mir Waliuddin (latef"' D'Se°Se Tested verses for safety of health In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful One who offers these verses in the morning and in the night daily before going to bed, being in Wudhoo, will never be bed ridden if Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) wills provided there is no gap or missing in between. To be offered three times: .following three times: 003$$^ ^ownDlsease 111 “nd Iosin ^“-^Mbeendthr.^oHe
  • 83. INSURE FOR recited thrice °ne days daily; ^rahyousuUerse56} Improving Memory b^hmPrrement iO memOry ,he fO"OWinS Sh0uld be both in the morning and evening both: o3^Jc^5^<%bWi oIXU^cu For all ailments Surah Fatiha is the panacea for all illnesses. But it is necessoa for the patient to trust upon this treatment: l id be blown upon ""' MS---,**.Surah is recited one hundred and twenty five wstheobjecfive will be achieved positively. Allama Ahmad Al- tebiwrites in his book "Fat'h-ul-Majeed" that according to tiuperienced of some pious persons if one puts his hand upon teplocewhere he is feeling pain and recites Surah Fatiha for wtimesand the following for the same times, his pain will ^.Thisisotestedtreatment.Theprayeris; S. °^^>2!b7r-- L '^.the I
  • 84. INSURE FOR Rafter •eases ■ ui Almighty Allah '(sVbhan'? *ri«al, I B'mdness,Leprosy and will s^S. i r°m <3, Strange cure I Hazrat Ali has made a strange medicine from this verse. According to him if one gives some cash from the alimony of his wife to her and she again gives it back to her husband, then from this amount some honey is bought. After mixing some rainwater if it is drunk by a patient, he will be cured surely if Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) wills. It is a tested cure. OR Visiting the sick When visiting a sick person one should say: "It does not matter. This disease will purify you from sins." Incantations for patients to get well again The following should be offered while moving the right hand over the body of the patient: Whe name of Allah 1 blow upon you to save you from all that hurtyou and from the mischief of every living thing and from the mischief of the eyes of the jealous. I blow upon you in the name ofAllah." (Muslim, Tirmizi, Nasaee, Ibn-i-Majah from Abi Saeed Khudri) t, 0R “ta,'dbe*,ed<'„d W«wn uponthepatient: ,he mi*hief of '"‘StoHa, (A4usnodAh k °‘hi *0 Sall°'S if
  • 85. 134^FQRHjO^^^4 - ^U^gPtgjJive someone went to enquire about the health of a person not yet deod ond offered. ( . "I beg Allah who is greatest and Master of Empyrean to cure you " (Abu Dawood, Tirmizi, Nasaee, Ibn-i Hibaan, Haakim, Ibn-i-Abi Shaibah from Ibn-i-Abbas) He will definitely be cured by Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala). ‘P~-1.H,IratAli^and said |hot (h0, persQn wos 'CXXteTdwhtir he would be hoppx“e Whloproy. P“ 111 ’h* affirmotive. Hazrat Ali t$> ■ -v ^5?^' -the greatest. None ubev/orshipP Allah. He reig ||ah and . tobeworshipped but worshipped but Allan i|ra6eist0rH». None ,s o b enab|,ng to ^taften power of saving*™ |ovirtuous deeds." , Abu Saeed and AbuMH™».i«.i«h. Ibn-i-Hiboon, Hoaktrn from Abv (Ibn-i-Abi Shaibah, from Ali) ^hHVWentSh0uld offer be given the >* — If he got well, all "rr 'X. 6 ^hin eW n'PPedk„. .... 0d66,Keve Clted th's during illness Gordin, rQl*ofo y°u be praised! Mental Disorder SurahFatiha should be blown upon such patient thrice daily in morning and evening. (Abu Dawood, Nasaee from Khaarijah-bin-Salat, from Umar) Headache "ln9 his hand upon the ho 4
  • 86. TREASURE FOR HEREAFTER 136 Migraine [ This’-»'^^shouldbeb(ownupon | ”** rfA, I | ”P“PerMdW”^/arXd’Xeh 'hriCe ShOU'd te e head of the patient. Three times Painineyes . ‘'ftle Pofient , re °,ed by Hazrat Khwa/a 04^W'< r drecite ,he<»,r^-^r^sEs ^«<S-,,A"°Hsobhono. u wa Ta aala) wills Ringing ofears one should remember . itching or ringing tbe ears offer Durood :X^<**Ai*waSal'a Shareef and recite. ■Whoever remembered me, May Allah remembers him well." Nose Bleeding 9^ |Cer,Qinly ?Vin9 th, Mngthe hand upon the head of such patient, offer these verses Iheversesare nquer,n9' and Omnipotent." och iii ^bAl^htyA|| ■k■ '^ir .. e°rth, .
  • 87. TREASURE FOR HEREAFTER 138 can hold them. He is Patient and Forgiving^^^^^^ ’ (Chapter 22 R l The earth has been commanded to gulp the water ab0 the heavens to stop raining. (Both the orders were compl^'""1 water receded and the boat rested upon (Mount) Joodi Say that oppressors are away from (His) Kindness." (Chapter 12, Rukoo 4, 'A'maal-i-Quranr) Toothache To relieve the pain in teeth one should put his hand upon the jaw of the patient and offer: ijiL B This should be followed by Ayah Al-Kursi after which. $tar<'rne''n8 Reciting expofd- . his «ill also do(s^nn9ondb> (Surah Taha, verses 25-28) io is recited and then 41-V- IC*. _LL _ I j wa (Amaliat-i Io get the un< bits of soft Stoker Mouth Sores Chewing the sugar upon which Surah Dhuhaa is recited and then blown will cure the disease by the Grace of Allah (Subhanahu wa 1QQQW|' ('Amaliat-e-Kashmiri') Expectoration WitationAnH * . '9AVahf0|V small doming. '°nanti Agitation '0V/ed by b; j
  • 88. 140 n^UR£FORgAFTER Ct^Hn ^^ngoTiTrestsupon the heart will relieve the patient^ Heart Attack Reciting it eleven times before and Durood Shareef and blowing upon the chest of the patient will cure all the diseases of heart: Pain in Heart Prayeraft09 P°'n ^eart ^n9ina) the patient should offer this °her endi r|ght hand upon the heart repeatedly and ln9 every prayer: and my heart." . Liver diseases ^ring . taPerin°U'd bitten u Qg^a'i°n and palpitation Ayah-al- ’h<Patien?'?erf’'"edbow|OTia PUf6 P°per thrice and pUt th‘S hl'e dr'nkin 6n ,hlS Water should be drunk by I lzK? IS Wa*er patient should say L ’""'•disease.- f 5to^a ffered ^»e^ Diabetes L Shareef should be offeree< ,h«®^5, „ d lei ThenthisAyah should be recited Oj^J^ .Serah-ol-Aadyah by the patient daily at a fixed trme. ORrnepatient should offer and then blow the following regularly ’win the morning and evening and drink this water. Durood horeefisto be offered once before and after this recitation. (The * prayer is effective for high blood pressure too). l^:.t '^^ocomein^.., ,rm 0u,90ing. And give ° lrm 'doming and . me^ngpo9Wer ’°90 (SurQh Ban; u EnlarSeraentofs •U. Mah>tponlh Sthi$
  • 89. navel muse 6d hr h MUSCle USCle- "-lwork^Sh-d be,,. „ kn,lroculous| r°pP*dc Stomach Ache Th'SAyoHshouWbebandaged --bleb should besippedhythepo„enb__^ For all kinds of Coalic Pains th « Th‘* Verse shouW be offered five times and blown upon " affected place. In case the pain continues it should be rectal e even times. The pain will disappear if Allah (Subhanahu «o Ta'aala) wills: Chi ,el, Ayah 10? and'Amaliyot-eQr°undf J ^uscig. UP°n the ^omach or blown 2. Surah Alam Nashrah should be blown upon water for seven times and the patient should sip it. In addition Surah Fatihah should be blown upon the stomach after reciting it for seven times. The pain, if Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) wills, willsubsi e. Indigestion .. ■ frtllnwina Ayah should be offered seven In case of indigestion e fae faken by times upon a little amount of salt. ____ lack of hunger (Anorexia) , ^M«fhungw this should be blown hverrty .pan water which should be sipped away by (oncefned person. It is tested remedy: oJiS-cilpibl l tai of normal desire to eot food, this verse should be ■ and the food should be eaten Wr!e^ For safety of heaft heart ^ty a ■’Posedfn P COr|taininr, ° °e Written ; • as a ient tl ^tilight tl- ^ater fmrv. Ir*$ide n '•Thera . miswnt °m a Woli . a hew “h,SubllonQh>,tlle k.
  • 90. E^iSFOR t&AFTER 7, ^op'er 3. Surah Aal . mraan, verses 83 - 85) Panacea for all pains and Maladies remain safel™ UP°n b°dy ofei"’ » (Subhanahu wa 10^ZZ °' ’* I jeUjI (Chapter 7, Surah Al-An'am, verse 1) Stone in Kidneys and Pancreas To cure it this verse should be offered forty one times and blown upon water. This water should be sipped by the patient till success is achieved: n,gevfUrinatl° StopP3® due 10 certain reasons wfedplsc>M^E.1 l|Z < y,i f • *‘'9^'' ■''< . fcl^d^n0^5'0*"0^0-^- ’-Wur mercy obouZ« ™'n,°'ned in heovens and .'^“•S*:r^*'“i"^Poneorth.For9ive ^*eMe- 9 •**• So bestow cure and Sexual Weakness ^’’IdAllu L *Jh-’c.uW n? Hasan Basrj w Pe® lr,9 tho ' ’he o,?-’ y n°se off >
  • 91. Ondb^'n9 TRF ASURE for hereafter To cure Piles the patient should offer Surah Alam Nashrah i first Rukoon and Alam 'Tarakaifa' in the other while offer) Sunnah in Faj'r prayers. He will be cured. Numbness of a body part In case of the numbness of hand or foot one should say the name of his most beloved one. (Ibn-i-Sunni - traceable to the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam), from Ibn-i-Abbas, Hisn Haseen) Fever Surah Jum ah should be offered between Asr and Maghrib thrice blown upon the patient. Likewise Surah Al Asr should be Fever will subside if Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) wills. Another prayer for Fever lf fever iS not followed by shivering, this Ayah should be blown ^wrapped around the arm: (Surah Al-Anbia, 69) In case if fhe f | around the ^ condition the following Ayah should be bandaged or arm: I Ur°h Hood, verse 41) the persOfl seventimeXon^iniaL ther poisono lied upon the PlaC® 0 Al-Falaq and An- simultaneously- (.jjiiiid - L.Hadeeth the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ;5llohuAlaihi wa Sallam) was stung by a Scorpion while ^prayers.Afterfinishing the prayer he said, "May Scorpions :«ed(byAllah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala). It does not spare ;teihepraying ones nor otherwise.” Then he asked for salt I* and applied it simultaneously offering the above ^onedthreeSurah. rrnL ... _ , (TabaramAl-Sagheer, Hisn Haseen) MAches and Pains W^®n’*- ^oowedby-. times. (Muslim) refuse of AWah and potency from fhe mtscVdef of fhe m'Nfdspdmmcjme andwh'cV am afrafd of." V^QWn^Wdde offeredfor ter ■ ptKwre «after each Forx
  • 92. terf^ Paralysis (Surah Ar-Ra'ad, Ayah 28; suggested by Maulana Badi TREASURE for HEREafter sh°u (ter l°rW ,ld ot’ lbn-i-Qutaibah was told by someone that the teller, who suffering from Paralysis, put some water into the ink pot and then wrote the last verses of Bismillah and Surah Al Hashr in a pot and then drank it. After doing that he was cured by Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala). (A'maal-i-Qur'am) Hiccups .dic'ne; .Oh.«Be71) - Wounds and Boiles .......,*J«,the offeded Pl«e oHenng. t^i/iK>y infheName of Allah. This is the dust of our soil which is mixed Hfhsome one's saliva so that our disease may be cured by the GraceofAllah." /mi x * , ,,(Muslim from Ayeshah) During Hiccups one should drink water in three pauses saying at each pause. Hiccups will stop by the grace of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala). Exhaustion ?e>SS anc^1 exhaustion will disappear when one offers. 33, 33' anc| 34 times respectively and blows pon himself. This method was suggested by Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) to his daughter Hazrat „ timaht^when she asked him for a servant. Hazrat Alii^said, ™ever forgot it to offer daily even at the night of the holy war of Siffeen. Mlergies Oneohhehoty vwesof Hazrat Muhammad ^SaWaWahu Maihi wSoW) stated that one day the Hoy Prophet went to her ’Awnshehad a pustule on her finger. He asked her whether she she replied in the affirmative he her to pvrt the herb on the n...ui- . • I I OTffie?ustueoMre«te- bXtah^homakesthegreatsmuWandthe sma (great. Make rnytrojhe«ra!' t .. . „ (Azkaar bn--SunnV)
  • 93. "O Master of all, remove my pain and cure it |as) there is none else who could cure it." (Nasaee, Ahmad, from Muhammad bin-Hotib) Mischief of Satan, Paralysis and Stroke One who sleeps after offering this at night will remain safe from the mischiefs of Satan and all types of paralysis. EFFECT OF MAGIC AND EVIL SPIRITS (Chapters, Surah Al-A'raaf, verse 54) ★ ★ * Andthe magician will never be successful whatever amount |of skill') he may attain." (Surah Taha, verse 69)