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                                               PARTICIPANT’S GUIDE
                                      Team Manual
                                    November 2-5, 2011
                                    March 9-12, 2011

  e Department of Church Growth & Evangelism
  e Evangelical Covenant Church
Church Plant Training Manual
                       Chapter Purposes, Themes, and Objectives

I. Connecting with the Biblical and Theological Foundations for Your New Church

   -   Grasp the General Information and General Process of planting in the ECC: the
       first 4 chapters.
            o The Master who sends us to plant and the Gospel He wants us to proclaim
                in word and deed (The Message and Mission of Jesus)
            o That calls us to the Spiritual work of planting through prayer, brokenness,
                and spiritual warfare.
            o That sends us into the Mission Field – where the fields are truly ripe unto
            o Where we share the Gospel through proclamation and compassion.
       - Plus the transitional chapter 5 on finding the unique mission and vision for each
       specific plant.

II. Connecting with the Fundamental Steps in Launching Your New Church – the Four-
Stage Launch

   -   The 4 stages of a healthy launch

III. Connecting with the Family – Developing local Leaders and a strong connection with
the Covenant – to foster on-gong Health and Growth in your New Church

   -   The Leadership skills necessary
   -   The connection with the Covenant Church planting movement.

And through-out the training:
   - Team Building: build a better sense of team themselves and as they connect with
       other teams and leaders in the ECC
   - Spiritual/Technical Balance: develop a spiritual balance of call and humility.
       Seeking to implement best practices while being totally and spiritually dependent
       on God for a healthy, missional plant.
The Specific Sections and Chapters

   I.      Connecting with the Biblical and Theological Foundations for Your New

   1. Chapter 1: “The Master Planter – The Message and Mission of Jesus”
         Theme: The Message and Mission of Jesus should be the Message and
         Mission of every church we plant.
         Objective: To be captured by the Message and Mission of Jesus, so the life of
         each new church flows from that wellspring.
         Chapter Goals:
         1. You will understand the 5 Messages and Missions of Jesus.
         2. You will begin to talk about how your church plant will live out each of the
         5 Messages and Missions of the Church.
         Graphic: Jesus the Sower

   2. Chapter 2: “Connecting with the Heart of the Master Planter – Spiritual Principles
      of Brokenness, Prayer, Fasting and Spiritual Warfare”
             Theme: Church Planting places you in the spiritual battle for the hearts
             and lives of people.
             Objective: To focus on the Master Planter in prayer as we connect with
             His Spirit, gain His heart and rely on His power for the church He is
             calling us to plant.
             Chapter Goals:
                     1. You will learn the need for prayer.
                     2. You will learn to prioritize prayer.
                     3. You will learn how to recruit a prayer team.
                     4. You will learn how to involve the whole church in prayer.
                     5. You will learn how to seek God’s miracles for your new church.
                     6. You will learn how to develop good systems for prayer
                     7. Your church will learn how to properly engage in this battle.
             Graphic: Prayer for a church planter + Jesus weeping over the world

3. Chapter 3: “Soil Analysis – The American Mission Field, the Covenant Church
Planting Movement, and Why your New Church is Desperately Needed”
           Theme: Jesus calls you to plant a Covenant church at a specific place in the
           American landscape.
           Objective: To understand how to plant in the unique soil where Christ has
           called you to plant.
           Chapter Goals:
               1. You will understand the desperate need for more churches in America
               2. You will get acquainted with the reasons for the success of the
               Covenant Church Planting Movement
               3. You will understand the unique needs of the mission field in the metro
               area Christ calls your team to plant in
You will articulate why God wants this new church in your
       Graphic: The US map

4. Chapter 4: “The Plow and the Seed Drill – Incarnational Plowing and Attractional
   Seeding Through CMJ and Evangelism”

   Theme: Jesus calls us to impact our mission field with the Gospel – with both
   evangelism and compassion ministries
   Objective: To establish the priority of evangelism in church planting.
   Chapter Goals:
          1. You will understand both attractional and incarnational evangelism
          2. You will begin to plan for at least one method of attractional and one
          method of incarnational evangelism for your plant
   Graphic: The Plow and the Seed Drill

5. Chapter 5: “Planting the ZERA - Leading to the DNA, Mission and Vision For a
   New Church”

   Theme: Church plants need to be able to articulate the 4 components of a
   compelling mission/vision for their specific plant.
         Note: While the “Message and Mission of Jesus” and the 4 “Als” are
         foundational to the mission/vision for every new ECC church we plant, we
         are now planting in more varied soil than ever before – urban, rural,
         suburban, ethnic, multi-ethnic, emergent, and various sub-cultures in the
         US – therefore you must also know the unique Zera, DNA, and Mission
         and Vision so you can keep focused on growing the unique new church
         that God is calling you to plant.

   Objective: To clearly articulate the unique vision/mission for your new church.
          Note: Chapter 5 is the transition from the Theological, Spiritual and
          Missional to making this personal and practical in the Launch process for
          your new church.
   Chapter Goals:
          1. You will find the Biblical seed-verse (Zera) or Biblical story for your
          new church.
          2. You will know the DNA that your church be known for and will be able
          to replicate this in the hearts and lives of everyone in the new church.
          3. You will know your church’s Mission – and will be able to share it in
          one compelling sentence.
          4. You will be able to articulate a Vision of the fruitful impact your new
          church will have in the lives of individuals and on your mission field.
          5. Your team will be able to test your mission.
   Graphic: The Seed/Zera
II. Connecting with the Fundamental Steps in Launching Your New Church – the Four-
Stage Launch

   6. Chapter 6: “Root Development – Finding and Growing your Launch Team”
      Theme: You need to build a strong launch team of 30+ people
      Objective: After the foundational theological, spiritual, demographic and personal
      material, we begin the practical stages with Stage One of a Church Plant.
      Chapter Goals:
         1. You will know how to find and build a strong launch team.
         2. You will develop 3-5 key strategies for gathering and building the launch
         3. You will understand the ideal mix for the Launch Team.
         4. You will schedule events for healthy Launch Team development
      Graphic: The roots of the seedling

   7. Chapter 7: “Leaf Development – Impacting more Lives (more leaves) through
      Life-giving Growth”
      Theme: How your new church can gather more people on the launch team and
      impact more people with the Gospel in attractional and incarnational ways.
      Objective: To develop a Preview Service where the new church can double the
      size of the Launch Team and more fully express what it is becoming through
      public worship and outreach ministries.
      Chapter Goals:
          1. You will be able to double your Launch Team in a way that keeps the
              excitement building and the life-giving growth expanding through adding
              a special monthly worship experience.
          2. You will understand how to grow healthy ministries for your church plant
              through large group venues, through your small group venues, and by
              offering outreach opportunities.
          3. You will schedule a healthy development balance for each month while
              you’re in this stage – using the W.
          4. You will understand how to expand your ministry teams and leadership
      Graphic: the leaves of the sapling

   8. Chapter 8: “Branch Development – Becoming a Healthly, Missional Church”
      Theme: How to grow strong ministry teams and get ready for a strong launch.
      Objective: To help your new church develop more strength and structure through
      vital ministry teams.
              This allows for more lives to be impacted and for the tree’s branches to
              prepare to bear fruit without breaking.
      Chapter Goals:
          1. You will learn how to strengthen your 5 Key Ministries:
                    a. Groups and Structures
                    b. Worship
                    c. Children’s Ministry
d. Outreach
                    e. Connection/Assimilation
          2. You will learn how to strengthen gathering and growing prior to Launch.
          3. You will learn how to develop leadership and volunteers.
       Graphic: the branches of the sapling

   9. Chapter 9: “Fruit Development – Launching the Church, Going Public and the
      Theme: How to Launch as strong as possible.
             “To achieve high orbit, you need to have a good flight plan, a good crew,
             and good systems -- and plan on expending a lot of fuel.”
      Objective: To learn how to be as Fruitful as a New Church.
      Chapter Goals:
             1. You will learn how to invite as many guests as possible.
             2. You will learn how to make a lasting impression on them when they
             3. You will be able to test fruitfulness in your new church.
             4. You will learn how to follow-up on guests – assimilation and
             5. You will proclaim the Gospel through Great Teaching
             6. You will plan and schedule a fruitful 3-4 month Launch.
      Graphic: the blossoms of the tree

III. Connecting with the Family – Developing local Leaders and a strong connection with
the Covenant – to foster on-gong Health and Growth in your New Church

   10. Chapter 10: “Leadership Development – Understanding Spirituality, Chemistry,
       and Strategy”
          Theme: Great church planters grow in their own leadership and develop other
          leaders as they grow the church.
          Objective: To be able to lead the church toward fruitfulness in the harvest.
          Chapter Goals:
              1. You will learn your Leadership Strength in 3 critical areas
                  a. You will learn about Growing in Spirituality
                  b. You will learn about Growing in Chemistry
                  c. You will learn about Growing in Strategy
              2. You will be able to evaluate Gathering, Building and Leadership
              Development for the first year of your new church.
              3. You will learn about the Leadership Growth and developing a
              Transitional Leadership Team
              4. You will learn how to avoid the 4 Pastoral Ministry Corrosion Factors
          Graphic: the fruit on the tree

   11. Chapter 11: “Orchard Development – Connecting with the Covenant and
       Contributing to the Church Planting Movement”
Theme: For true fruitfulness, it’s more that one new tree or one new church, it’s
about more churches, a larger orchard, and a movement.
Objective: To Connect with the Covenant and Contribute to the Church Planting
Chapter Goals:
   1. You will understand why the Covenant has become a strong church
   planting movement.
   2. You will review the Covenant Agreement and the mutual commitments that
   result in a strong plant and an increasing movement.
   3. You will understand how to organize the Church for mission and ministry.
   4. You will understand the process of officially joining the Covenant
Graphic: The orchard
Chapter 1 – Gospel
                                  The Message and Mission of Jesus

Goal:    The purpose of the Church is to know God the Father’s love for us in Christ Jesus and to live out of this love.

                                                   The Message

Romans 5:5 And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy
Spirit who was given to us. 6 For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. 7 (For rarely
will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person perhaps someone might possibly dare to die.) 8 But
God demonstrates his own love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then, because
we have now been declared righteous by his blood, we will be saved through him from God’s wrath. 10 For if while we
were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, how much more, since we have been reconciled,
will we be saved by his life?

    1.   The missing ingredient in our lives and in our churches is not our love for God but his love for us.
         1 John 4:10 In this is love: not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the atoning
         sacrifice for our sins.

    2.   The Love of God Is Undeserved and Unconditional
         v8 But God demonstrates his own love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
         » Not Christ demonstrates, not God died, but God’s love demonstrated thru Christ’s death
         » Key words: helpless (v6), ungodly (v6), sinners (v8), enemies (v10)
         » God’s love for us in Christ is unconditional and undeserved—Grace.

    3.   The Undeserved and Unconditional Love of God Is Alien to Us
         Ephesians 3:18 you may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height
         and depth, 19 and thus to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled up
         to all the fullness of God.
         v5 And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy
         Spirit who was given to us.
         » God’s love cannot be learned by us, only revealed to us.

    4.   The Undeserved, Unconditional, and Alien Love of God Is Foundational
         Romans 6:1 What shall we say then? Are we to remain in sin so that grace may increase? 2 May it never be!
         How shall we who died to sin still live in it?
         Galatians 2:17 But if, while seeking to be justified in Christ, we ourselves have also been found sinners, is
         Christ then a minister of sin? May it never be!
         Galatians 3:24 So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith.

         » Grace does not lead us away from the Law but to Christ (who fulfills the Law in our lives).
         » Increase in sin is a response, not to grace, but to sin.
         » God is wiser than us and cannot be manipulated.
         » God is stronger than us and does not need our protection.
         » Grace, by definition, is unfair to God and is a taking advantage of God.
         » Little grace = ineffectiveness; Just enough grace = legalism; Too much grace = brokenness
         » Grace is the environment that releases the image of God (Christ) in us.
         » Without safety/grace, there is no disclosure of sin but only defensiveness and self-preservation.
» Acceptance is the door through which transformation happens.
         » Kindness leads to repentance; forgiveness leads to love.
         » Grace is a powerful force that has taken into account the entire maturity process.
         » Grace is God’s strategy for salvation.
         » Self-justification is not taking sin seriously enough; grace is the ultimate way of salvation.
         1 John 4:19 - We love because he first loved us.
         » Grace precedes obedience
         » Grace is foundational. Biblical obedience assumes grace.

    5.   The Message
         Luke 24:26 Wasn’t it necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and enter into his glory?” 27 Then
         beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them the things written about himself in all the
         » Direct contact kill us.
         Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and
         the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.
         » Do you want to plant a synagogue or a altruistic organization? Or a Christian church?

                                                    The Mission

1 John 3:23 This is His commandment, that we believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, just
as He commanded us.

Isaiah 61:1 The spirit of the sovereign Lord is upon me, because the Lord has chosen me. He has commissioned me to
encourage the poor, to help the brokenhearted, to decree the release of captives, and the freeing of prisoners, 2 to
announce the year when the Lord will show his favor, the day when our God will seek vengeance, to console all who
mourn, 3 to strengthen those who mourn in Zion, by giving them a turban, instead of ashes, oil symbolizing joy, instead
of mourning, a garment symbolizing praise, instead of discouragement. They will be called oaks of righteousness, trees
planted by the Lord to reveal his splendor.

    1.   Who? v1 God has positioned and empowered (spirit, love, and position/opportunity) Jesus.

    2.   What? v1 To use his spirit, love, and power to help those without or less spirit, love, and power.

    3.   Why? v3 to reveal his splendor

    4.   Who are the poor, the brokenhearted, the captives, the prisoners, the mourners, the discouraged?
         » The broken + Grace = Oaks of righteousness
         » Victim is affirmed, and then empowered to affirm the victim and to empower…

    5.   v1 sovereign
         » The reality of Grace reveals the purpose of power in our world.
         » Leader = Power = Servant. A leader is one who leverages his/her power to serve those with less power.
         » Justice = The playing out of the reality and truth of Grace

    6.   James 1:27 Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their
         Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justice, to
         love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?
 Connecting with the Heart of the Master Planter
     Spiritual Principles of Brokenness, Prayer, Fasting and
                        Spiritual Warfare
Theme: Church Planting places you in the spiritual battle for the hearts and lives of

Objective: To focus on the Master Planter in prayer as we connect with His Spirit, gain
His heart and rely on His power for the church He is calling us to plant.

Chapter Goals:
       1. You will learn the need for prayer.
       2. You will learn to prioritize prayer.
       3. You will learn how to recruit a prayer team.
       4. You will learn how to involve the whole church in prayer.
       5. You will learn how to seek God’s miracles for your new church.
       6. You will learn how to develop good systems for prayer mobilization.
       7. Your church will learn how to properly engage in this battle.

                          My prayer is not that You take them out of the
                        world, but that You protect them from the Evil One
                        As You sent me into the world, I have sent them…
                                             John 17
  Jesus the Master Planter – is also the Great Intercessor for the World He loves and for
                 the missional people He deploys into the mission field.

             For God so loved the world that He gave His Son… John 3:16
As (Jesus) approached Jerusalem and saw the city, He wept over it, and said, “If you had
                  known on this day what would bring you peace…”
                                   Luke 19:41-42

1. Learn the need for prayer.
                  Read this silently and then discuss with your team.

                              Testimony from an ECC plant
                        Artisan Covenant Church, Rochester, NY
                                     August, 2007

“During our training I remember hearing that ‘you will be broken.’ I always thought that
meant we would reach a place of burn-out and that we would realize that we could not do
this "church thing" in our own power, but through the power of God. That is definitely
true and we have experienced that variety of physical and/or mental brokenness both
individually and corporately at Artisan. What I did not expect however is a brokenness
of heart.

Over the past month and a half our leaders and church family have been praying and
fasting for God's heart and vision for the future. We had a specific issue regarding a new
concept for worship that we were seeking God for. We expected direction, a firm "yes"
or "no,” What we experienced, however, was more akin to the experience of Nehemiah
as he heard the report of the state of Jerusalem. The people in Jerusalem were living in
disgrace and shame (Neh 1:3), and up to this point, did not see a way out of their
predicament. Nehemiah, much like our leaders "sat down and wept, and mourned for
days, fasting and praying before the God of heaven (Neh 1:4)." God broke Nehemiah's
heart for the people of Jerusalem and he broke ours for the people of Rochester NY.

God revealed our failings. We wept and mourned because of our own "functional
atheism." We acknowledged God exists with our minds, but our actions showed we had
little need of Him. We wept for the hundreds of lives that are in disgrace and shame,
many of whom may not even recognize it. We wept because of our fear of the unknown
and our lack of faith to move us forward. We wept because we realized that God wants
to do incredible things through frail people like us. And we prayed.

Through our prayer we realized that brokenness and humility is exactly where God wants
leadership born from. Nehemiah started there, Jesus started there as He humbled Himself
in the incarnation. We humbled ourselves and we prayed. When Nehemiah faced
Sanballat and Tobiah he prayed. When there was murmuring within the ranks that were
rebuilding the wall, he prayed. When he cast vision, he prayed. When the wall was
completed, he prayed. After Jesus was baptized and before he began his public ministry,
he spent 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness fasting and praying. It is in this
continued prayer that God moved us to the place of vision.

God has inspired our church to choose the more risky path in worship. The reasons for
doing so are a bit different now than they were before we started this journey. Now we
are propelled forward by the brokenness for the things and people that break God's heart.
We realize that our neighbors all around us are in disgrace and shame. We are moved to
pour the grace and love of God into these lives. We have a vision for raising up the next

generation of godly leaders and sending them out to new neighborhoods where they will
share the restoration that can only be found in God through His son, Jesus.

A friend recently shared a prayer with us. This prayer both breaks and inspires the reader
at the same time. The prayer is titled "Disturb Us." While uncomfortable and, at times,
painful, we thank God for our brokenness. This experience has reaffirmed that it is the
foolish (weak/broken) things of this world that God uses to confound the wise (1 Cor
1:27-28). We are nothing but cracked pots, but we carry an immeasurable treasure "to
show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us (2 Cor 4:7)".
Disturb us, Lord, I pray!
                                          We wept and mourned because of
Brian E. Haak                             our own "functional atheism."
Artisan Covenant Church Pastoral Team

Disturb us, Lord, when                      TEAM APPLICATION:
We are too well pleased with ourselves,
When our dreams have come true              Reflect on this individually for a few
Because we have dreamed too little,         minutes, each one share an insight or
When we arrived safely                      application and discuss:
Because we sailed too close to the shore.

Disturb us, Lord, when
With the abundance of things we possess
We have lost our thirst
For the waters of life;
Having fallen in love with life,
We have ceased to dream of eternity
And in our efforts to build a new earth,
We have allowed our vision
Of the new Heaven to dim.

Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly,
To venture on wider seas
Where storms will show your mastery;
Where losing sight of land,
We shall find the stars.
We ask You to push back
The horizons of our hopes;
And to push into the future
In strength, courage, hope, and love.

Sir Francis Drake, 1577

See end of chapter for another example.

10 Church Planting Maxims

10. You will be broken. “Like clay in the hands of the potter so are you in my hand, says the
Lord.” Jeremiah 18:6

9. Plant behind the plow. Prayer is the plow.                      Ask the Lord of the harvest…to send out
workers into His harvest field. Go! … Luke 10:2-3

8. People are polite - don’t believe them.               While Jesus was at the Passover feast, many
people saw the miraculous signs he was doing and believed in His name. But Jesus would not entrust
Himself to them, for he knew…what was in them. John 2:23-24

7. 75 is the enemy – it’s not about having just enough to feel comfortable,
it’s about momentum in the mission. The Lord added to their number daily those who were
being saved. Acts 2:47

6. You can’t plant a church from behind a desk.                         Go and make disciples… Matthew

5. There is no magic bullet – rather, consistently wise and hard work will
produce ministry fruit. We proclaim (Christ), admonishing and teaching everyone… so that we
may present everyone perfect in Christ. To this end I labor, struggling with all His energy, which so
powerfully works in me. Colossians 1:28-29

4. God’s in the vision – the devil’s in the details.               Man does not live by bread alone but
by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord. Matthew 4:4

3. Its the relational – not the technical.              Love the Lord your God… and your neighbor as
yourself… All the Law and Prophets hang on these two commandments. Matthew 22:37-40
“The church looks for better methods; God looks for better people… that’s God’s method – people who are
mighty in prayer. The Holy Spirit does not flow through better methods, but through people” E M Bounds

2. Isolation kills – connection gives life.                 Jesus called his twelve disciples to Him… and
gave them authority… Mt 10:1

1. It’s a God thing.         Let these men go! For if their purpose is of human origin, it will fail. But if it
is from God, you will not be able to stop them; you will only find yourselves fighting against God. Acts


A Church Planter PRAYS
       We will use the Acronymn P.R.A.Y.S. as an outline for Chapter Goals 2-6.
     “The way I was doing the work of God was destroying the work of God in me.”
                                     Bill Hybels.

2. Prioritize prayer. P r a y s

Prioritize Prayer in your life, in the team, and in the life of the church.
       Why you need to prioritize prayer:

- Unfortunately, too many planters are more human DOINGS than human BEINGS
   They are too activistic & need to be rooted in Christ in their Inner Core.
   The more activistic you are, the more you need to intentionally FIND TIME to pray.

- We should Plant AFTER the Plow, not BEFORE – Prayer is the Plow.
   Ask the Lord of the harvest…to send out workers into His harvest field. Go! … Luke 10:2-3
   Notice that Pray ye… (comes before) Go ye…

- In Acts, the Lord’s first instruction to His church was to
        wait for the gift my Father promised. Acts 1:4
        And they all gathered together constantly in prayer. Acts 1:14

 “In the early stages of church planting, I prayed like crazy and God showed up in
 amazing ways. Since we’ve become more successful, it’s easier to do the work
 ourselves and pray less. I’m trying to get back to praying like I did in the early
 days, so God will show up more.”
                                       Confession of a Covenant church planter.

How will you Prioritize Prayer in your life and in the life of your plant?
  - When will you pray each day? Morning, Afternoon, Evening?
  - Where will you pray?
  - What devotional material or practice will be most helpful?
  - Who will pray with you?
          (If applicable – when will you pray with your spouse?)
          How can we get our Launch Team to pray and wait on God?
  - Who will keep you accountable?
  - Can you plan a half-day spiritual retreat each month?

In Acts they prayed…
    - for new leaders: Acts 1:24, 6:6, 13:1-2, 14:23
    - for healing: Acts 3:1, 9:40
    - for power: Acts 4:24, 16:16
    - for open doors: Acts 8:15, 8:26, 9:10, 10:9, 11:19, 13:1-2

TEAM APPLICATION: What do you need to pray for?

3. Recruit a prayer team. p R a y s

   1. How Can I Recruit A Prayer Team?
        a. Find 7-12 Intercessors – who have the gift of holding you up consistently
           and who regularly see God’s answers to prayer. Intercessors are spiritual
                 i. Make a personal appointment to ask them to intercede for you.
                ii. Make a small group presentation to ask a group of intercessors.
              iii. Personal phone call.
               iv. Ask for intercessors when you preach.
                v. Send a personal email invitation – or use regular mail.

               Let them know the expectations of an intercessor:
                  ! Pray daily for us
                  ! Keep much of the information confidential
                  ! Have the support of your spouse
                  ! Make a one-year commitment. Ask again after Jan 1 if they want
                      to renew their commitment.

           b. Find 50-150 Prayer Partners – who are willing to pray for you every 6-8
               weeks and receive the “Prayer Update” by email.
                   i. Ask friends and family who live in your area and out of your area
                      if they’d like to receive a prayer update from you every 6-8 weeks
                      via email.
                  ii. Ask people at your parent church, or ask when you speak at other
                      churches, if people would be willing to join your prayer team.
Design a nice book-mark or general invite card, eg.

On the back-side, list your specific prayer requests: see next page for examples
   -   Pray that I would pray! And that Doreen and I would have God’s grace & power!
   -   Pray for a Launch Team of 30 adults by April 1.
   -   Pray for outside funds of $30,000 to help with Launch and Advertising.

- Pray for a great worship team and a great kids team.
    - Pray for each Launch Team member as they invite 3 friends.
    - Pray for many people to come to our Preview Services beginning April 6.
    - Pray for many to come to Christ through Catalyst this first year!
___ I would like to join the Catalyst Prayer team. Email us and you’re on the team!

How will you recruit your prayer team? Whom should you contact? Make your list.

    2. How will you communicate with your Prayer Team?
         a. Call your intercessors regularly and/or send them special prayer requests.
            Also email them the “Prayer Update” that you send your Prayer Partners.
         b. Email all your Prayer Partners a “Prayer Update” every 6-8 weeks.
                  i. Feed them something fresh from God’s Word
                 ii. Thank them
                iii. Let them know what to pray for strategically for the church plant
                     and for your family

Here’s how one church plant did this in the first year – a regular Prayer Letter to Prayer

          Life CHURCH – an Evangelical Covenant Church, Canton, MI
                            Real People. Real God. Real Life.
              My purpose is to give life in all its fullness. John 10:10b, Jesus

Dear Prayer Partners,
Would you take a moment to pray for God's work in and through Life Church in Canton
MI. As a church we know that we are depending on God and His power for the work he
desires to do in the Detroit area. Much has happened in 7 months, but we are still a
developing embryo. Our Launch date is March 16, 2003. We know that God responds to
the prayers of his people--would you please offer these prayers on our behalf.

1. That we would have God’s heart for our community
2. That the Holy Spirit to prepare people's hearts to respond to the gospel.
3. For continued growth in our key ministry areas as a church and continued outreach
4. For God’s purposes to be fulfilled in & through our lives individually and this Church
5. For a great turnout at our Launch service next month and everyone to invite 3 others.
6. For lives to be touched and changed.

The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results. James 5:16.

          Thanks for your part in making Life a place where God's love can shine!

WHAT CAN GOD DO IN 7 MONTHS? Read below and see!
Month     Avg. Attendance
June         20-25
August       38
September    63
October      80
November     84
December     95
January      131

" In our 7th month God has blessed us with an average attendance of 131 people.
" 4 people have accepted Christ
" 10 people have recommitted their lives to Him!
" Over 50 people are in 7 small groups doing our 5 Core commitments
" Over 50 people are serving on ministry team's
" Many people are being ministered to each week.
" People continue to reach out with God!s love.

Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will
produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5.

Your Brother in Christ,
Alex Rahill
Life Covenant Church
234 Princess
Canton, MI 48188
phone: 734.634.2697

How will you recruit a prayer team and how will you communicate with them?

4. All – Involve the whole church in prayer. p r A y s

All – Get everyone involved in prayer from the beginning.

                           They all joined together in prayer. Acts 1:14
After they prayed, the place was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and
                         spoke the word of God boldly. Acts 4:31

       How will you get EVERYONE on your team praying for friends, neighbors,
       acquaintances at work/school, and relatives – to come to Christ through the new
       church or for believers to come and connect with the new church?

PIE: One way to do this is to: use the P.I.E. method (evangelism is “as easy as PIE)
        Many people have no idea how to pray and invite others to a new church. A good
way to do this is to gather your launch team and give them invite cards (business cards
that have the name of the church and the event you want to invite them to). As they each
hold 3 cards have them.

       Pray that God would bring to mind 3 people, that you could authentically show
       God’s love for them in Jesus’ name, and that you could help them connect with
       Christ; then visualize how you’ll use the card to…

       Invite them to the next church event, or invite them to your home, or invite them
       to serve with you on the next micro-mission in your community. Then, in

       Expect God to work, to draw them to Himself, to bring them to your event, and to
       transform their lives by the power of the Gospel.

Other ways to get Everyone Praying are:

   -   When you’re looking for a place to meet. Example, one church that wanted to get
       a new space had members scheduled to drive to the site every morning before
       work (6 am) to pray that if it was God’s will for them to get this facility, God
       would make a way.

   -   When you’re seeking to impact an area, schedule prayer walks: “praying on-site
       seeking spiritual in-sight.”

   -   Offer Prayer during service: one church had a prayer room where intercessors
       prayed during the message for the pastor’s words to be empowered by the Holy
       Spirit to change lives and the intercessors would also pray for people who came to
       the prayer room. During communion, the intercessors were available at the sides
       to anoint with oil and pray with people.

And you can schedule all-church events for prayer, such as…

   -   A Prayer Seminar (The ECC Dept of Christian Formation has prayer consultants
       who can come to your church)

   -   A Day of Prayer.

   -   A Week or Month of Prayer and Fasting for the whole church

          o e.g. Citadel of Faith Covenant Church schedules a month of prayer and
            fasting as they move into the next season of outreach and growth.
          o Other churches will have a 21-day fast twice a year.

   -   Watch the Video “The Role of Prayer in Spiritual Awakening” with Dr. J. Edwin
       Orr, available for download of video or transcript at

What opportunities will you develop to get Everyone involved in prayer?

5. Yes – Seek God’s miracles for your new church. p r a Y s

Yes – All of God’s Promises are YES and Amen In Christ Jesus so you may stand strong
in Christ. II Corinthians 1:20f

In Acts, they prayed for miracles:
    - for healing – Acts 3:1-10, Acts 5:12f
            which opened up the opportunity to preach the Gospel
    - for courage and boldness – Acts 4
    - to deal with discord in the church & to have discernment for new leaders – Acts 6
    - to listen to whom God wants you to share the Gospel with – Acts 10 & 11
    - for provision and protection in trial – Acts 12
    - for church decisions – Acts 15
               and in many other ways!

Church plants regularly pray for God to:
      - Draw key leaders at the right time
      - Open up the right meeting space
      - Provide financial resources
      - Change lives!
      - And MANY more…

    Miracles happen when we walk in the Spirit; and, as we follow God’s leadership
                   through prayer, listening and group affirmation.

List the miracles that you’re seeking God for in your plant:

How will you celebrate when God does miracles for your church plant?

6. Systems – Develop good Systems for prayer.                            prayS

  Systems – allow you to incorporate good spiritual practices in your personal devotional
  life and the life of your congregation so you don’t have to recreate it each time.

            SYSTEM = Saves You Stress Time Energy and Money!

  Personal Systems:

                                     Spiritual Disciplines Funnel

RPMs                               Studying God’s Word – John 5:39

                                Meditating on God’s Word – Psalm 1:2                                  U

                                        Prayer – Philippians 4:4-7
                                          Fasting – Psalm 35:13

                                           Solitude – Luke 5:16                                       L

                                         Stillness – Psalm 131:2
                                            Hearing God’s still small               500
                                            voice – I Kg 19:11-13                   RPMs              G

  from First Steps for Planting a Missional Church, Gary Rohrmayer, p. 28

  In order to dial down from a life-style of 20,000 rpms (“revolutions per minute”) and get
  to the place where you have slowed down enough to hear God’s still small voice clearly,
  there are steps you can take. Journaling is an over-all discipline that can help you ‘dial-
  down’ step-by-step.

  Testimony from Gary Rohrmayer:

  It was the summer of 1988, and my family and I had just moved to a small town… to a pioneer church
  plant… We had started a Bible study, started seeing individuals come to Christ and others coming back to
  Christ and then we hit December. We were too small a group to have weekly worship services and I soon
  realized that no one wants to talk to a church planter in December… After two weeks of rejection I
  decided that I was going to pray and fast for the rest of the month and get a fresh start in the New Year.

Towards the end of that time, as I was praying in the early hours of the morning, I was prostrate on the
floor. I was lying on a map of our city praying that God would show me how to build the church He called
us to start, when a deep sense of peace flooded my soul and I heard God’s gentle whisper in my spirit
saying, “Gary, I am going to do it! Just trust me. I am going to do it!”

My heart starts to pound just remembering that moment! … In December 1988 we had 7 adults; by
February 1989 we had 25. On September 10, 1989 we had 110 at our first public worship service… God
did it and I was glad to be a part of it.

                                  From First Steps, by Gary Rohrmayer, pp. 28-29

TEAM APPLICATION: Each one write down your answers about the following,
then share with someone else and pray for each other.

    1. What are the spiritual disciplines that feed your spiritual life?

    2. What are 3 things you can do this week to listen more closely to God?

Corporate Systems for Prayer:

FASTING - This is a time to: listen to God as a body, build group cohesion as everyone
sacrifices and fasts together, build your witness to others as they become curious as to
why you are fasting.

Good times to do this are: Lent, preparing your people for Launch, plowing up the
spiritual soil as you seek to have a significant outreach or CMJ event in your community,
before electing your first Leadership Team, before opening a new building, etc.

You may want to pull the group together to “break the fast” together and talk about what
God was saying to you.

Fasting: Your Personal Guide to Prayer and Fasting
Simplicity and Fasting by Jan Johnson, IVCF
Fasting by Lynne M. Baab, IVCF

3 Examples of Fasting:

1. Daniel Fast (used by Citadel of Faith Covenant Church. This helps bring down spiritual strongholds,
builds spiritual strength in the body as they sacrifice together, and is a testimony to co-workers):

        Week 1 – fast from desserts and sugar

        Week 2 – fast from desserts + coffee/tea

        Week 3 – fast from desserts + coffee/tea + any sugar/salty/starchy foods

        Week 4 – fast from the above + meat (only vegetables, fruits and healthy breaks)

2. TV Fast – fast for 1 week

3. 23 hour fast – fast from everything but liquids from after dinner the first day until
dinner the second day.

PLUS – Review the ideas at the bottom of page 10 for strategies for corporate prayer.

TEAM APPLICATION: Talk about the following.

What corporate systems can you implement to help you build a solid spiritual base for
your plant? (For ideas, look at Chapter Goal 4 above on getting everyone praying.)

When will you Fast as a group?

7. Your church needs to learn to properly engage in this battle.

                                  Spiritual Warfare
                         Adapted from Rick Warren at

You have an Enemy who wants to derail you and your plant. Church planting is a place
of Spiritual Warfare and a place where you need God’s Power.

Ephesians 6:10-20: spiritual armor – ends with PRAYER (mentioning prayer five times)
       Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, authorities and
       powers of this present world and against the forces of evil in the heavenly places,
       therefore put on the full armor of God… and PRAY…pray…pray…pray…pray

       There will be discouragements, disappointments and spiritual attack. You’ll need
       to be prepared to lean on God’s promises and understand spiritual warfare.

Acknowledge the adversary. Realize Satan is real. Peter tells us, “Be alert, be on
watch. Your enemy the Devil roams around like a roaring lion looking for someone to
devour Ephesians 6:11-17: Be firm in your faith and resist him because you know that
your fellow believers in all the world are going through the same kind of suffering.” (1
Peter 5:8-9)

                Church planting is a place of Spiritual Warfare and a
                place where you need to pray for God’s Power.

Accept Jesus’ authority. Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth
will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
Matthew 16:19 The Bible says if you are a believer, you are given the authority of Christ
in spiritual warfare.

Armor Ephesians 6:11-17 “Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your
stand against the Devil’s schemes. Have the belt of truth buckled around your waist and
the breastplate of righteousness and have your feet fitted with the Gospel of peace. Take
up the shield of faith and the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the
Word of God.” There are six pieces of armor in the passage.

Aim Spiritual warfare takes place primarily in our thought life. When somebody is
opposing you in your ministry, they’re not the real problem. The problem is the thoughts
the Devil’s giving them to oppose you. The problem is not that person. The problem is
what they’re acting on. You always act on what you think. They’re getting thoughts from
the wrong source. There are only two sources for thoughts. When we get thoughts from
God, we call it inspiration. When we get thoughts from the Devil, we call it temptation.

There are four biblical weapons we can aim against evil thoughts.

1. The Truth. The truth, God’s Word, is our sword. It cuts through all the
       mustard. It gets right to the point. When you are in a conflict, the question you
       want to ask yourself is this: What does God say about this?

       2. Humility. The more you humble yourself before God, the more power you will
       have in your life (James 4:6-7). That’s just the way it works. As we minister to
       others, we need to continually acknowledge God’s hand in what we are doing.
       He’s the one who empowers our ministry. We’re simply his vessel. In humility,
       we find real and lasting power in ministry.

       3. Faith. Without even talking with you in detail, I can tell you exactly what God
       is doing in your ministry. He’s doing what you expect him to do. Faith is a
       powerful, powerful tool. (1 John 5:4) I don’t know why, but when I preach and I
       expect people to respond, they do.

       4. Praise. Revelation 12:11-12 says, “They overcame him [Satan] by the blood of
       the lamb and by the word of their testimony. Therefore rejoice, you heavens, and
       you who inhabit them.” How did they overcome the Devil? Answer: by the blood
       of the lamb and the Word of their testimony. They were praising God. The Bible
       says when people praise God, “[he] inhabits the praises of his people.” Sometimes
       after a particular worship service, I honestly feel like Mickey Mouse could preach
       and people would come to know Christ. The praise has cleansed the air. There’s
       power in the praise of God.

Ask the Holy Spirit. You need to say, “God, fill me with your Spirit as I’m about to do
this.” Whether you’re preparing a message, preaching, counseling someone, training your
leaders – whatever you’re doing – ask God to fill you with his Spirit.

Avoid distractions. If you’re going to be effective in ministry – in battle – you’ve got to
focus yourself. You know what’s important in life. There are so many things that want a
piece of your time. The good can be the enemy of the best.

I have one person to please and only one – the Lord Jesus Christ. And if I’m pleasing
him, that’s what is going to count at the end of my life. Avoid the distractions. If you get
distracted, the enemy is going to catch up with you.

What’s distracting you?


   1. Each one share an insight about Spiritual Warfare as it applies to your
      church plant.

   2. Talk about ways that prayer can be a stronger part of your church plant

   There have been 7 Chapter Goals. Which ones do you need to develop more?

   ___ Church planting leads to brokenness – we must prioritize prayer
   ___ Church planters are activistic – they must prioritize prayer
   ___ Church planting can be lonely – they must recruit a prayer team
   ___ Church plants need to find a way to get everyone involved
   ___ Church plants need God’s miracles
   ___ Church plants need to develop systematic ways to help them pray well
   ___ Church plants will face spiritual warfare which require that you properly
   engage your people in this battle.

Spend some time in prayer for your church plant.


Devotional Strategy for your people:
   Teach your people a simple devotional strategy (can also be a small group strategy,
   could work well for men who don’t have to talk for the 1st 40 minutes, could also be a
   methodology for leadership groups)
   SOAP =
   - Scripture – read for 20 minutes
   - Observation – journal about it for 20 minutes
   - Application – talk about it for 20 minutes with your group
   - Prayer – pray about how God will shape your lives according to His Word.

Personal Strategies and Thoughts:

    •      Take at least one day off from church work and focus on rest, health, personal life
    •      If married, make quality time during the week with your spouse
    •      If you have kids, seek to spend time with them in their activities and/or at home

        Example from a Church Planter: Posted: 23 Oct 2007 06:43 AM CDT

        When my first daughter, Catie, was very young, I was the classic overly-driven, ministry-obsessed, type-A
        personality workaholic. While working full-time as an associate pastor, I was also carrying fifteen hours of
        seminary classes.

        One day I called little Catie on the phone and said I had to stay late at the office to get some work done and
        would not see her before she went to bed. I promised her I would be home and wake her with a late good night

        Catie innocently said, “Daddy, this is not your home. You live at the office.” I changed my work habits at that
        moment and have never been the same.

        Thank you, Catie! Craig Groeschel, Life Covenant Church, Edmond, OK posted at

The Most Dangerous Prayer      Posted: 10 Apr 2008 06:18 AM CDT from blog by Craig Groeschel

Do you truly want to make a difference in this world? Do you want generations to be different
because you knew Christ? Do you want to lead a church that will impact your city, state, and the
world? Do you want your preaching to awaken dormant spirits, stir complacent hearts, convict
wayward sinners?

Then pray this prayer: “God, please break me.”

He will.

And when He does, you’ll be ruined—in the best sort of way.

    •   Your heart will ache for those without Christ.
    •   You’ll despise spiritual complacency.
    •   You’ll see the darkness of your heart clearly.
    •   You’ll be bothered deeply by things you used to easily overlook.
    •   You’ll cry often and easily.
    •   You’ll know Jesus more intimately.

“Break us… Oh, Lord! Break us!”

The Blessings of Brokenness             Posted: 09 Apr 2008 05:18 AM CDT
God rarely (if ever) uses good things to break you. The “breaking” is painful.

On the other side of brokenness, you’ll find many blessings:

    •   The problems that used to seem big barely register as problems in your world.
    •   People’s opinions of you don’t mean nearly as much.
    •   You fully embrace that you “don’t have enough.” Then—and only then—can God become
        everything you need.
    •   You discover an intimacy with God that sustains you moment by moment.
    •   Scripture becomes the bread that nourishes you.
    •   Heaven becomes closer. This world doesn’t hold you as tightly.

If God is breaking you, I feel for you. I also know that on the other side, you’ll find
strength and comfort in the presence of God greater than you’ve ever known.

Am I Broken Yet?           Posted: 08 Apr 2008 06:16 AM CDT

In the early years of the church, we faced several challenges (that felt HUGE at the time):

    •   1/3 of our church left after I made a controversial decision. (I stand by this decision
        wholeheartedly today.)
    •   We moved locations three times in five months.
    •   One of my mentors and close friends committed suicide. (This one was huge.)

Each time I’d face a challenge, I’d ask Gary (Walter – ECC Director of Church Growth) , “Am I
broken yet?” Every time he’d respond, “Not yet.”

Several years later, we endured more pain than I had anticipated. It came in waves. Just when we
thought the worst was over, in came another round.

God was undoubtedly breaking us. We knew it. There was NO question about it.

The next time I met with Gary, I didn’t ask him if I was broken. I knew I was. And it was a “good”

If you have to ask if you’re broken yet, I’d politely respond, “Not yet.”

Priorities of Prayer For Christ’s Coming Kingdom
                                 For your church plant
                       From the Petitions of the Lord’s Prayer
                       Adapted from Global Church Advancement
                                    Essentials p. 101

           Petition                                          Priority
Our Father in Heaven…              This begins with God, the Father. We align ourselves
                                    with God as our priority. We pursue God the Father
                                    and as his children we are co-workers with Christ in
                                                            the world.
Hallowed by Your Name…                 And we align with God’s Priorities and “hallow”
                                        God’s Name by how we live out His character.
Your kingdom come…                  This ties to the 4th Message and Mission of Jesus: the
                                   Ascension, where Jesus is raised to be king of heaven
                                            and earth – including your community.
Your will be done on earth as it   This ties to the 3rd Message and Mission of Jesus: the
is in heaven…                        Resurrection, where Jesus calls us to continue His
                                   will and life-giving work through compassion, mercy
                                                 and justice to a hurting world.
Give us this day our daily            This ties to the 5th Message and Mission of Jesus:
bread…                              Pentecost, where Jesus builds the true community of
                                    Love, where we are content in His provision and are
                                   generous to others. For the true community of Christ’s
                                    family, we have all we need and we can give the rest
Forgive us our debts as we          This ties to the 1st Message and Mission of Jesus: the
forgive our debtors…                  Cross, where Christ paid for our sin and amade us
                                     right with God. Because of this we live as forgiven
                                          people and offer that forgiveness to others.
Lead us not into temptation but    This ties to the 2nd Message and Mission of Jesus: the
deliver us from evil.              Grave, where Jesus breaks the power of Satan and our
                                     bondage to sin. In prayer we tie into Jesus’ victory.

   1. Spend time in Personal Prayer – connecting with God as Father.
         a. Spend time in private prayer.
         b. Someone lead in a song of praise to God the loving Father
         c. A few lead publically in prayer praising God

   2. Partner with one other person – and spend time together praising God for his
      characteristics and seeking Him for how you can honor Him by living out those

   3. Share with your team (or as a group of 4) how ou want to see Jesus kingdom
      come in a greater way in your community (the mission field where God is calling
      you to plant). Then pray together about these…

4. As God leads you, stand and pray for
      a. Ways that you and your plant can be as responsive to God’s will as it is
         done in heaven.
      b. Ways that God’s compassion, mercy and justice needs to impact your
      c. Ways that God wants to transform your community so it be becomes more
         like heaven.

5. On slips of paper, write out
      a. the needs that you have that you need God to provide for.
      b. the sins that you need forgiven and the relationships where you need
          God’s forgiveness to restore.
      c. The names or grops of people that you want to see receive Christ and His

       Take these slips of paper and nail them to the cross and a way of giving them
       to God.

6. Pray together in teams (or groups of 4) for the ways that Satan has strongholds in
   your community and over people in your area. Seek for God’s power to deliver.

7. “For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen”
      End in corporate praise in prayer and song.

DRAFT Strategic Ministry Plan
                               For Our New Church

1. Theological Basis >>
       2. Spiritual Foundation in Prayer >>
               3. Mission Field - Need of our Area >>
                      4. Evangelistic Strategies >>
                             5. Our Specific Vision >>
                                     6. The Strategy of the 4-Stage Launch >>
                                            Stage 1 - Roots: Launch Team Gathering
                                            Stage 2 - Leaves: Preview Services
                                            Stage 3 - Branches: Preparatory Worship
                                            Stage 4 - Fruit: Launch
                                                   7. Leadership >>
                                                            8. Covenant >>
                                                                   9. Finances>>

2. Spiritual Foundations in Prayer
        Worksheet for how our new church will build a Spiritual Foundation

       - Personal Prayer Practices

       - Corporate Prayer Practices
              - including engaging in the spiritual battle

       - Recruiting a Prayer Team

                                  Soil Analysis
                The State of the American Church,
           The Covenant Church Planting Movement, and
            Why your New Church is Desperately Needed
Theme: Jesus calls you to plant a Covenant church at a specific place in the American

Objective: To understand how to plant in the unique soil where Christ has called you.

Chapter Goals:
1. You will understand the desperate need for more churches in America.
2. You will get acquainted with the reasons for the success of the Covenant Church
Planting movement.
3. You will understand the unique needs of the mission field in the metro area Christ calls
your team to plant in.
    You will articulate why God wants this new church in your community
    You will look at how to prepare to plant a new church that will impact your
    community with the Gospel.

         Go make disciples of all nations (pante ta ethne – of all ethnic groups).
                                      Matthew 28:19

1. You will understand the desperate need for more churches in

  1. The Percentage of People that Attend a
  Christian Church on any Given Weekend
  is Far Below what Pollsters Report.
                                            United States Percentage of the Population Attending
                                                    a Christian Church on any Given Weekend in 2006





                                     9.0%                                                                                     Evangelical
                  8.0%                                                                                                        Total




                              Evangelical          Mainline                Catholic                   Total

 The American Church                                                                                                   © 2007 by David T. Olson
  Research Project                                                          2                              

Reflect on 52,000,000…

  Meanwhile, 52 million more people were
  living in the United States.
                                     Church Attendance in 1990 & 2006 Compared to
                                            Population Growth 1990 - 2006

                                      51,110,171                        51,668,200                               51,773,556






                          Church Attendance 1990          Church Attendance 2006             Population Growth 1990 - 2006

 The American Church                                                                                                   © 2007 by David T. Olson
  Research Project                                                          5                              

The Percentage of People at Worship has gone down.

       The Percentage of People Attending a
         Christian Church each Weekend Decreased
         Significantly from 1990 - 2006.
                                        United States Percentage of the Population Attending
                                                    a Christian Church on any Given Weekend



          20.0%                                                                                                     18.7%


                         9.4%   9.1% 9.0%


           5.0%                                   3.9%

                         Evangelical               Mainline                        Catholic                     Total

     The American Church                                                                                                  © 2007 by David T. Olson
      Research Project                                                         7                              

   Evangelical attendance has been decreasing

      The Rate of Evangelical Church Attendance
        Growth has been Declining over the last
        16 Years.
                                       United States Evangelical Church Attendance Growth 1990 - 2006


                  0.9%                                                  0.8%


                                                                                                                                    1990 - 2000
                                                                                                                                    2000 - 2006
                                                                                                                                    2005 - 2006





                                 1990 - 2000                    2000 - 2006                      2005 - 2006

     The American Church                                                                                                  © 2007 by David T. Olson
      Research Project                                                        10                              

We are not planting enough new churches to keep up with population growth

     Slightly more Churches Start each
     Year than Close, but not Enough to
     Keep up with Population Growth.
                   Churches Closed and Started and Net Gain each Year from 2000 to 2005










                  Closed Each Year       Started Each Year          Net Gain each Year   Gain Needed to Keep Up
                                                                                         with Population Growth
  The American Church                                                                                   © 2007 by David T. Olson
   Research Project                                             13                          

The future projection of worship attendance if trends continue

   This is the Future Trajectory of the
   American Church.
                    Percentage of Population Attending a Christian Church each Weekend


       20.0%                                  18.7%



                 1990          1995         2000             2005           2010         2015           2020

  The American Church                                                                                   © 2007 by David T. Olson
   Research Project                                             14                          

2. You will get acquainted with the reasons for the success of the
Covenant Church Planting Movement.

   Covenant Church Distribution by Decade the church Started

             Distribution By Age Of Church









             1850s- 1870s 1880s 1890s 1900s 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s

    The American Church                                                           © 2007 by David T. Olson
     Research Project                                  16             

   Growth in Covenant Church

                                New Church Impact







                 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

    The American Church                                                           © 2007 by David T. Olson
     Research Project                                  20             

The Covenant Church Planting System:
         - We plant because people come to Christ.

              We plant because people need Jesus:

              Conversions per 100 attenders per year!

              The average Evangelical Church                                                      3
              The average Covenant Church                                                         7
              The new Covenant Plant                                                              12

              Lyle Schaller “Church Planting is the closest thing to a
              guaranteed method of evangelism known to man.”

          Council of Superintendents Meeting, September 2005

          -         Our church plants start strong: This is often a product of support by
                    a parent church and a solid launch process.

                                           First Year Average Size of New Churches


                       102     101


                                                                                                  44      44



                      BGC    ECC       UMC       PCUSA         ELCA   LCMS   SBC   DC    C&MA   COGTN   COTN

          Council of Superintendents Meeting, September 2005

Note the ECC in the second column.

TEAM APPLICATION: Based on the presentation, what were the most compelling
reasons to plant new Covenant churches in America? How will you share these with
the people you seek to attract to the Launch Team?

Our church plants grow strong. Growth in years 2-7 reflects the quality of the
church planter and launch team + the strength of the training and coaching they

                                                 Average Yearly Growth Rate of New Churches from Years 2 to 7







                       ECC      UMC         BGC              LCMS         ELCA     C&MA     DC      COGTN          COTN     PCUSA    COTB

           Council of Superintendents Meeting, September 2005

Our plants are a contributing presence in the ECC

                                 New Church Attendance as a Percentage of Total Attendance
















           Council of Superintendents Meeting, September 2005

Note ECC in the first column.

How we plant

                           4 Ways of Planting in ECC
       •   Parent – ave size after 5 years = 345
       •   Partners – ave size after 5 yrs = 148
       •   Pioneer – ave size after 5 yrs = 45
       •   Community-based – ave size! = 220

       • Experience of Parent Churches after 5 yrs
             – All chs who parent gain 28 new members per 100
             – Churches who don’t help plant gain only 16!
             – Healthy Churches who plant gain 64!
       Council of Superintendents Meeting, September 2005

How the ECC Plants New Churches – A.C.T.S. – the Right Ingredients

•     Asessment = Right planter
•     Continuous Coaching = Right Encouragement/Mentoring
•     Training = to help develop the Right Strategic Ministry Plan
•     Support = Right Resources

      The right planter – called, competent, character… Affirmed by Assessment

       + The right Launch Team – good chemistry between planter & team.
            o Strongest start with a parent church or strong partners

      + The right Training

      + A well-conceived project (a solid ministry plan)
         o Flowing from the right mission/vision
         o With the right steps – the 4-stage launch
         o Contextualized for your specific mission field

      + Good Coaching

      = A healthy, missional, fruitful church plant
         o batting average .830 (survival rate after 10 years)
         o thrival rate: average size of 238 after 10 years.

Reflect on these 5 ingredients. Where are you strongest? What can be stronger?

The Top Ten List for Starting New Churches

1. New churches are needed because the large majority of Americans do not attend
a local church. About 17% of Americans attend a local church on any given Sunday. Many of
those attend a church where they do not clearly hear the message of salvation in Jesus.

2. New churches are more effective than established churches at conversion growth.
Studies show that new churches have 3-4 times the conversion rate per member as established

3. New churches are the only truly effective way to reach the growing ethnic
populations in America.
For example, California is over 50% non-Anglo and that percentage is growing. Every people group
needs to hear the Gospel in a way that makes sense to their culture.

4. New churches are needed to stem the tide of ideological moral erosion in America.
The ideological opposition to Biblical Christianity will not primarily come from mainline liberals,
nor from scientific modernism (as it did for the last generation), but from New Age non-rational
thinking and from politically-correct valueless morals.

5. New churches have historically been the best method for reaching each emerging
new generation.
Every new generation needs a new breed of churches that speak the Gospel in their cultural dress
and communication styles.

6. New churches give a group of connected churches market share and influence in
their community.
Starting new healthy churches in the same general vicinity increases the influence of all. Churches
are best started where a group has strength, not in distant areas.

7. New churches grow exponentially faster than established churches.
In a typical evangelical denomination, new churches (in the first 10 years) were found to grow at a
rate 23 times faster than established churches (over 10 years old).

8. New churches are a test laboratory for church leadership development.
New churches give a whole new group of emerging leaders the chance to grow and develop as
primary leaders.

9. New churches are the research and development unit of God's Kingdom.
Most of the models and visions for healthy churches are developed in new churches. “New churches
innovate; existing churches imitate.” The best way to reinvigorate existing churches is by planting
new churches.

10. New churches provide excellent on-the-job training for energetic young pastors.
New churches provide a channel to express the energy and ideas of young, entrepreneurial pastors.

Plus 1: New churches can start with a focus on kingdom values – contextualized for a specific culture.

Thoughts and comments on this list:

3. You will understand the unique needs of the mission field in the
metro area Christ calls your team to plant in.
       You need to be able to articulate why God wants this new church in your

       Look at the demographics for your specific Metro area from

          -   Over a decade, here’s the attendance % in the following churches:
                 o Evangelical ________
                 o Mainline       ________
                 o Catholic       ________
                 o Overall        ________

          -   This means that on any given Sunday _________ % are not in any
              church in our area.

          -   Other observations:

          -   What are the needs of people in your area that you could meet?

          -   In 10 years, if there are fewer churches and fewer people attending
              church in your area, then what would be the:

                 o Impact on your community
                 o Impact of families
                 o Impact on individuals

          -   What are the opportunities for your new church to impact your area
              with the Gospel? (for more information on your mission field, go to

TEAM APPLICATION: If someone in your community were to ask you why there
is a need for another new church, what would you tell them?

-   Why are new churches needed in the US, in your metro, in your area?

-   How will your church meet the needs of people in your community and impact
    the community with the Gospel?

Preparing To Plant A Church

Using the following questions as a guide, prepare a document (not more than two pages)
that describes the church God is calling you to plant. If you plant with the Covenant, you
will be trained in the Four Stage Launch model for church planting. Keep in mind this is
a “work in progress” and that some things will change and/or need refinement as you
move toward actually launching the church.

Why plant a new church?
  • Your calling.
  • Your vision.
  • Your sense of the need.

Who will you reach?
  • Where do you want to plant and why?
  • Describe your ministry focus.
  • Describe the needs of the community.
  • Desired meeting location.
  • Include demographic studies of the region.

What kind of church will you plant?
  • Core values – your DNA (succinctly).
  • Mission statement and Vision Statement (concisely)
  • Ministry style (how you will work as a church).

How will you plant this church?
  • Describe the “ideal” launch team.
  • Describe how you will lead as the church planter.
  • List the kinds of team member you will need.
  • List the names of anyone currently committed to helping you plant this church.

   • Timeline: Desired launch date.
   • Finances: What financial resources do you have at your disposal?
   • Partner churches: What church(es) may be willing to partner with you and us,
       including non-Covenant churches?
                                         (Adapted by Wayne Carlson, from Robert Logan and Steve Ogne, 1991)

TEAM APPLICATION: Look at the shaded area and write down your responses to
these topics on “Who will you reach?”

Additional Church Planting Questions

1. What kind of people does God want us to produce in this body of believers?

2. What kinds of experiences do people need to have in order to become those kinds of

3. What kinds of leaders are needed to provide those kinds of experiences?

4. What kind of pastor is needed to train those kinds of leaders?

5. What kinds of experiences does the pastor need to have in order to be that kind of

                                                                    (Taken from Lloyd Ogilvie)

Additional Soil Analysis of your Mission Field

   1. Scientific Soil Analysis – Part 1: Know the % of unchurched from

   2. Scientific Soil Analysis – Part 2: Know the demographics and other data from
      Percept or Mission Insite
          a. Get Percept’s “First View” for $85
          b. Or get a “Ministry Area Profile” for $315 (online price)
          These will help you get a user-friendly over view of the people and
          community God is calling you to reach.

   3. Hands-on Soil Analysis: Do a Needs Assessment – In addition to the scientific
      soil analysis, the wise farmer also does “hands-on” analysis by getting their hands
      into the soil and by getting advice from those with local experience.
      One of the best sources for Needs Assessment is Compassion by Design:
      Understanding Community Needs by David Mills. $69 for manual and cd-rom.

          - This can help you add hundreds of contacts to your church planting effort.
          - This will help you identify the city leaders and “people of peace” who can
              give you invaluable advice on the needs of the community and the
              Influencers with whom you can partner.
          - This will give your church quicker “credibility”
          - This will help build your church’s missional DNA
          - This will help your Launch Team sense the compelling reasons to join you
              in this Mission to meet the needs of your area
          - This will help you unlock the cultural “code” of your Mission Field

           Or use the Method for “Community Assessment” on the next page:

Community Assessment – provided by Tomas Ivens

  1. Develop from your core group a TEAM of three passionate people who
     understand the vision of your church
        ! Assign strategies to get information from your local community
        ! Get together to know better the history of your city and community
        ! Set up a time frame for this community assessment
        ! Four basic community areas where we need to analyzed:
               ! Associations
               ! Institutions
               ! Individuals
               ! Walking streets

                ! Associations: PTA, community agencies, churches, chamber of
                  commerce, community clinics, neighborhood associations, etc

                ! Institutions: schools, local politicians, city commissioners, social
                  services department, hospitals, parks and recreations

                ! Individuals: community leaders, pastors, others

                ! Walking streets: restaurants, coffee shops, stop buses, pastor
                  association meetings, festivals, etc

  2. Where do you live: Demographics, Census Bureau information by ZP (5 or 10
        ! How many males
        ! How many females
        ! How many teenagers
        ! What is the income average
        ! What is the unemployment average
        ! Is your community a young or old ?

  3. Edit the information collected in a document of 2-5 pages available for everyone
     in your church
         ! Prepare a presentation of this assessment to your core group
         ! Keep up-dating this document at least every two years
         ! Share all changes with you TEAM, CORE GROUP or Leadership TEAM

Strategic Ministry Plan from Esperanza Covenant Church in Grand Rapids,
Michigan. Pastor Tomas Ivens.

The church planter developed this plan, which was approved by the DCP.

Then progress was evaluated annually based on this plan.

NOTE: There is also a Ministry Plan for Renovate Covenant Church, Muskegon,
MI under START “c” at under “Resources

                    Esperanza Covenant Church
                        Hispanic Ministries
                      Great Lakes Conference

                          Church Planting
                           Strategic Plan
                             Luke 4:18

    “Give an opportunity to make new friends in Jesus”

Esperanza Covenant Church
                                 Grand Rapids, Michigan
                                  Strategic Plan 2006-08

                                       Vision Statement
   Transform individuals, families and communities in Grand Rapids by making them agents
                    of change to the world and expanding God’s kingdom

                                        Mission Statement
    “Preach the Gospel to the poor, heal the brokenhearted, preach deliverance to captives,
             recovering of sight to the blind and set liberty them that are bruised”

   God’s power to transform
   Prayer’s power to restore
   Friendship to connect
   Love’s power to forgive
   Discipleship to Empower
   Worship to rejoice

                                       SWOT Analysis
Internal Strengths                                   External Opportunities
! ECC has 4 months history                           ! Schools partnerships expansion/volunteers
! Collocated with FCC, Union High School,            ! Spectrum Health Clinic & Family Outreach
    Hispanic community                               ! FCC and Thronapple connections
! Focused Christian core team                        ! Markets, rstaurants, factories
! FCC and Thornapple support                         ! Spectrum Health Collaborative Task Force
! Experienced and gifted leadership                  ! Outreach programs as Backpack distribution,
! Equipped facilities, office, gym and classrooms       TGP, “Navidad en el vecindario”, marriage
! Bilingual core team/volunteers                        seminaries, parenting classes and family
! Temporal worship band                                 support groups.
! Temporal communication material                    ! Open community/ audience to hear about
                                                        Esperanza vision/mission
Internal Weaknesses                                  External Threats
! In need of more core team members                  ! Anti-immigrant climate
! In need of more worshipers members                 ! Economic crisis, no jobs
! The final Esperanza LOGO design and print          ! Building of trust on the
! Website and CD promo for fundraising                  neighbors/neighborhoods
    purposes                                         ! Family orientation programs needed
                                                     ! Lack of resources/mentoring/tutoring for

1st Phase 2006

Goal #1
Contact and share the love of God with 150 Hispanic families in Grand Rapids between
July 2006 and June 2007.

Testify about the existence of Jesus, and share through personal experiences God’s power
to change and restore our lives.


   " Visit the neighborhoods and make contact with Hispanic families with the help of
     the members of the Anglo congregation, also through schools, referrals, and

   " Distribution of school supplies for elementary school students during the third
     week of September and reach to the first 100 families (each gift will have the
     donor’s name). Saturday September 9th from 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

   " Promote and organize a Thanksgiving lunch or dinner and distribute at least 50-60
     grocery baskets and make contact with another 100 families.

   " Give away 150 toys for children within the Hispanic community. This would be
     families that have already participated in previous events and other new families
     referral by them.

   " Promote and organize a Christmas dinner for the community using the existing

   " Select a group of 10 couples (believers and non-believers) to participate in a
     “Couples Seminar” (February) using PAIRS/PREP.

   " Advertise and organize three more events to testify and to outreach (Mother’s
     Day, Father’ Day, and 4th of July).


   •   Visit families and individuals referred to this ministry.

   •   Network and develop a survey system to gather information about the needs of
       the community.

•   Each event will be planned beforehand and any changes will be adjusted only in
       case of need of the strategy.

   •    The school supplies, toys, and grocery baskets will be collected and donated

   •   Every week there will be contact with a new family from the community or with
       members from both churches that are interested in participating with Esperanza
       Covenant Church, also there will be contact with the outreaches from the first four

   •   Brochures and flyers will be accessible at the first activity in September 9th from
       10 a.m. to 12 p.m., snacks will be available, and a short (5-7 minutes) message to
       testify and bless will be shared. Each participant will fill out a registration form
       to be part of our database. Gym.

   •   The Thanksgiving lunch and basket distribution will be on November 18th at 10
       a.m. Only 60 baskets (depends on the donations) will be distributed.

   •   Christmas Toys distribution will be Saturday 17th at 10 a.m., refreshments will be

   •   Share message on December 31st, about God’s provisions and blessings (special
       New Year’s dinner).

   •   Family support groups, marriage retreat and trainings

   •   Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Independence Day BBQs will take place in parks
       or other facilities.

   •   Preview services November 5th, December 10th, January 7th, February 11st.

Goal #2
Develop a support group of 40 people, 20 Anglos and 20 Hispanics.

Provide organizational, logistical, and financial support, as well as planning, and
leadership with the help of spiritual gifts/talents, to building the foundation of Esperanza
Covenant Church working jointly with the pastor in the expansion of God’s kingdom in
Grand Rapids.


   " Make presentations to share the vision and mission of ECC and invite FCC
     members and non-members to become part of this challenge of faith.

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Training center nov 2011 entire manual
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Training center nov 2011 entire manual
Training center nov 2011 entire manual
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Training center nov 2011 entire manual
Training center nov 2011 entire manual
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Training center nov 2011 entire manual

  • 1. Church Plant Training PARTICIPANT’S GUIDE TeamManual Team Manual November 2-5, 2011 March 9-12, 2011 SPONSORED BY e Department of Church Growth & Evangelism e Evangelical Covenant Church
  • 2. Church Plant Training Manual Chapter Purposes, Themes, and Objectives 9-08 I. Connecting with the Biblical and Theological Foundations for Your New Church - Grasp the General Information and General Process of planting in the ECC: the first 4 chapters. o The Master who sends us to plant and the Gospel He wants us to proclaim in word and deed (The Message and Mission of Jesus) o That calls us to the Spiritual work of planting through prayer, brokenness, and spiritual warfare. o That sends us into the Mission Field – where the fields are truly ripe unto harvest. o Where we share the Gospel through proclamation and compassion. - Plus the transitional chapter 5 on finding the unique mission and vision for each specific plant. II. Connecting with the Fundamental Steps in Launching Your New Church – the Four- Stage Launch - The 4 stages of a healthy launch III. Connecting with the Family – Developing local Leaders and a strong connection with the Covenant – to foster on-gong Health and Growth in your New Church - The Leadership skills necessary - The connection with the Covenant Church planting movement. And through-out the training: - Team Building: build a better sense of team themselves and as they connect with other teams and leaders in the ECC - Spiritual/Technical Balance: develop a spiritual balance of call and humility. Seeking to implement best practices while being totally and spiritually dependent on God for a healthy, missional plant.
  • 3. The Specific Sections and Chapters I. Connecting with the Biblical and Theological Foundations for Your New Church 1. Chapter 1: “The Master Planter – The Message and Mission of Jesus” Theme: The Message and Mission of Jesus should be the Message and Mission of every church we plant. Objective: To be captured by the Message and Mission of Jesus, so the life of each new church flows from that wellspring. Chapter Goals: 1. You will understand the 5 Messages and Missions of Jesus. 2. You will begin to talk about how your church plant will live out each of the 5 Messages and Missions of the Church. Graphic: Jesus the Sower 2. Chapter 2: “Connecting with the Heart of the Master Planter – Spiritual Principles of Brokenness, Prayer, Fasting and Spiritual Warfare” Theme: Church Planting places you in the spiritual battle for the hearts and lives of people. Objective: To focus on the Master Planter in prayer as we connect with His Spirit, gain His heart and rely on His power for the church He is calling us to plant. Chapter Goals: 1. You will learn the need for prayer. 2. You will learn to prioritize prayer. 3. You will learn how to recruit a prayer team. 4. You will learn how to involve the whole church in prayer. 5. You will learn how to seek God’s miracles for your new church. 6. You will learn how to develop good systems for prayer mobilization. 7. Your church will learn how to properly engage in this battle. Graphic: Prayer for a church planter + Jesus weeping over the world 3. Chapter 3: “Soil Analysis – The American Mission Field, the Covenant Church Planting Movement, and Why your New Church is Desperately Needed” Theme: Jesus calls you to plant a Covenant church at a specific place in the American landscape. Objective: To understand how to plant in the unique soil where Christ has called you to plant. Chapter Goals: 1. You will understand the desperate need for more churches in America 2. You will get acquainted with the reasons for the success of the Covenant Church Planting Movement 3. You will understand the unique needs of the mission field in the metro area Christ calls your team to plant in
  • 4. You will articulate why God wants this new church in your community Graphic: The US map 4. Chapter 4: “The Plow and the Seed Drill – Incarnational Plowing and Attractional Seeding Through CMJ and Evangelism” Theme: Jesus calls us to impact our mission field with the Gospel – with both evangelism and compassion ministries Objective: To establish the priority of evangelism in church planting. Chapter Goals: 1. You will understand both attractional and incarnational evangelism 2. You will begin to plan for at least one method of attractional and one method of incarnational evangelism for your plant Graphic: The Plow and the Seed Drill 5. Chapter 5: “Planting the ZERA - Leading to the DNA, Mission and Vision For a New Church” Theme: Church plants need to be able to articulate the 4 components of a compelling mission/vision for their specific plant. Note: While the “Message and Mission of Jesus” and the 4 “Als” are foundational to the mission/vision for every new ECC church we plant, we are now planting in more varied soil than ever before – urban, rural, suburban, ethnic, multi-ethnic, emergent, and various sub-cultures in the US – therefore you must also know the unique Zera, DNA, and Mission and Vision so you can keep focused on growing the unique new church that God is calling you to plant. Objective: To clearly articulate the unique vision/mission for your new church. Note: Chapter 5 is the transition from the Theological, Spiritual and Missional to making this personal and practical in the Launch process for your new church. Chapter Goals: 1. You will find the Biblical seed-verse (Zera) or Biblical story for your new church. 2. You will know the DNA that your church be known for and will be able to replicate this in the hearts and lives of everyone in the new church. 3. You will know your church’s Mission – and will be able to share it in one compelling sentence. 4. You will be able to articulate a Vision of the fruitful impact your new church will have in the lives of individuals and on your mission field. 5. Your team will be able to test your mission. Graphic: The Seed/Zera
  • 5. II. Connecting with the Fundamental Steps in Launching Your New Church – the Four- Stage Launch 6. Chapter 6: “Root Development – Finding and Growing your Launch Team” Theme: You need to build a strong launch team of 30+ people Objective: After the foundational theological, spiritual, demographic and personal material, we begin the practical stages with Stage One of a Church Plant. Chapter Goals: 1. You will know how to find and build a strong launch team. 2. You will develop 3-5 key strategies for gathering and building the launch team. 3. You will understand the ideal mix for the Launch Team. 4. You will schedule events for healthy Launch Team development Graphic: The roots of the seedling 7. Chapter 7: “Leaf Development – Impacting more Lives (more leaves) through Life-giving Growth” Theme: How your new church can gather more people on the launch team and impact more people with the Gospel in attractional and incarnational ways. Objective: To develop a Preview Service where the new church can double the size of the Launch Team and more fully express what it is becoming through public worship and outreach ministries. Chapter Goals: 1. You will be able to double your Launch Team in a way that keeps the excitement building and the life-giving growth expanding through adding a special monthly worship experience. 2. You will understand how to grow healthy ministries for your church plant through large group venues, through your small group venues, and by offering outreach opportunities. 3. You will schedule a healthy development balance for each month while you’re in this stage – using the W. 4. You will understand how to expand your ministry teams and leadership base. Graphic: the leaves of the sapling 8. Chapter 8: “Branch Development – Becoming a Healthly, Missional Church” Theme: How to grow strong ministry teams and get ready for a strong launch. Objective: To help your new church develop more strength and structure through vital ministry teams. This allows for more lives to be impacted and for the tree’s branches to prepare to bear fruit without breaking. Chapter Goals: 1. You will learn how to strengthen your 5 Key Ministries: a. Groups and Structures b. Worship c. Children’s Ministry
  • 6. d. Outreach e. Connection/Assimilation 2. You will learn how to strengthen gathering and growing prior to Launch. 3. You will learn how to develop leadership and volunteers. Graphic: the branches of the sapling 9. Chapter 9: “Fruit Development – Launching the Church, Going Public and the Harvest” Theme: How to Launch as strong as possible. “To achieve high orbit, you need to have a good flight plan, a good crew, and good systems -- and plan on expending a lot of fuel.” Objective: To learn how to be as Fruitful as a New Church. Chapter Goals: 1. You will learn how to invite as many guests as possible. 2. You will learn how to make a lasting impression on them when they come. 3. You will be able to test fruitfulness in your new church. 4. You will learn how to follow-up on guests – assimilation and connection. 5. You will proclaim the Gospel through Great Teaching 6. You will plan and schedule a fruitful 3-4 month Launch. Graphic: the blossoms of the tree III. Connecting with the Family – Developing local Leaders and a strong connection with the Covenant – to foster on-gong Health and Growth in your New Church 10. Chapter 10: “Leadership Development – Understanding Spirituality, Chemistry, and Strategy” Theme: Great church planters grow in their own leadership and develop other leaders as they grow the church. Objective: To be able to lead the church toward fruitfulness in the harvest. Chapter Goals: 1. You will learn your Leadership Strength in 3 critical areas a. You will learn about Growing in Spirituality b. You will learn about Growing in Chemistry c. You will learn about Growing in Strategy 2. You will be able to evaluate Gathering, Building and Leadership Development for the first year of your new church. 3. You will learn about the Leadership Growth and developing a Transitional Leadership Team 4. You will learn how to avoid the 4 Pastoral Ministry Corrosion Factors Graphic: the fruit on the tree 11. Chapter 11: “Orchard Development – Connecting with the Covenant and Contributing to the Church Planting Movement”
  • 7. Theme: For true fruitfulness, it’s more that one new tree or one new church, it’s about more churches, a larger orchard, and a movement. Objective: To Connect with the Covenant and Contribute to the Church Planting Movement Chapter Goals: 1. You will understand why the Covenant has become a strong church planting movement. 2. You will review the Covenant Agreement and the mutual commitments that result in a strong plant and an increasing movement. 3. You will understand how to organize the Church for mission and ministry. 4. You will understand the process of officially joining the Covenant Graphic: The orchard
  • 8. Chapter 1 – Gospel The Message and Mission of Jesus Goal: The purpose of the Church is to know God the Father’s love for us in Christ Jesus and to live out of this love. The Message Romans 5:5 And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. 6 For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. 7 (For rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person perhaps someone might possibly dare to die.) 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then, because we have now been declared righteous by his blood, we will be saved through him from God’s wrath. 10 For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, how much more, since we have been reconciled, will we be saved by his life? 1. The missing ingredient in our lives and in our churches is not our love for God but his love for us. 1 John 4:10 In this is love: not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins. 2. The Love of God Is Undeserved and Unconditional v8 But God demonstrates his own love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. » Not Christ demonstrates, not God died, but God’s love demonstrated thru Christ’s death » Key words: helpless (v6), ungodly (v6), sinners (v8), enemies (v10) » God’s love for us in Christ is unconditional and undeserved—Grace. 3. The Undeserved and Unconditional Love of God Is Alien to Us Ephesians 3:18 you may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and thus to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God. v5 And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. » God’s love cannot be learned by us, only revealed to us. 4. The Undeserved, Unconditional, and Alien Love of God Is Foundational Romans 6:1 What shall we say then? Are we to remain in sin so that grace may increase? 2 May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it? Galatians 2:17 But if, while seeking to be justified in Christ, we ourselves have also been found sinners, is Christ then a minister of sin? May it never be! Galatians 3:24 So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith. » Grace does not lead us away from the Law but to Christ (who fulfills the Law in our lives). » Increase in sin is a response, not to grace, but to sin. » God is wiser than us and cannot be manipulated. » God is stronger than us and does not need our protection. » Grace, by definition, is unfair to God and is a taking advantage of God. » Little grace = ineffectiveness; Just enough grace = legalism; Too much grace = brokenness » Grace is the environment that releases the image of God (Christ) in us. » Without safety/grace, there is no disclosure of sin but only defensiveness and self-preservation.
  • 9. » Acceptance is the door through which transformation happens. » Kindness leads to repentance; forgiveness leads to love. » Grace is a powerful force that has taken into account the entire maturity process. » Grace is God’s strategy for salvation. » Self-justification is not taking sin seriously enough; grace is the ultimate way of salvation. 1 John 4:19 - We love because he first loved us. » Grace precedes obedience » Grace is foundational. Biblical obedience assumes grace. 5. The Message Luke 24:26 Wasn’t it necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and enter into his glory?” 27 Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them the things written about himself in all the scriptures. » Direct contact kill us. Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. » Do you want to plant a synagogue or a altruistic organization? Or a Christian church? The Mission 1 John 3:23 This is His commandment, that we believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as He commanded us. Isaiah 61:1 The spirit of the sovereign Lord is upon me, because the Lord has chosen me. He has commissioned me to encourage the poor, to help the brokenhearted, to decree the release of captives, and the freeing of prisoners, 2 to announce the year when the Lord will show his favor, the day when our God will seek vengeance, to console all who mourn, 3 to strengthen those who mourn in Zion, by giving them a turban, instead of ashes, oil symbolizing joy, instead of mourning, a garment symbolizing praise, instead of discouragement. They will be called oaks of righteousness, trees planted by the Lord to reveal his splendor. 1. Who? v1 God has positioned and empowered (spirit, love, and position/opportunity) Jesus. 2. What? v1 To use his spirit, love, and power to help those without or less spirit, love, and power. 3. Why? v3 to reveal his splendor 4. Who are the poor, the brokenhearted, the captives, the prisoners, the mourners, the discouraged? » The broken + Grace = Oaks of righteousness » Victim is affirmed, and then empowered to affirm the victim and to empower… 5. v1 sovereign » The reality of Grace reveals the purpose of power in our world. » Leader = Power = Servant. A leader is one who leverages his/her power to serve those with less power. » Justice = The playing out of the reality and truth of Grace 6. James 1:27 Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?
  • 10. CHAPTER 2 - PRAYER Connecting with the Heart of the Master Planter Spiritual Principles of Brokenness, Prayer, Fasting and Spiritual Warfare Theme: Church Planting places you in the spiritual battle for the hearts and lives of people. Objective: To focus on the Master Planter in prayer as we connect with His Spirit, gain His heart and rely on His power for the church He is calling us to plant. Chapter Goals: 1. You will learn the need for prayer. 2. You will learn to prioritize prayer. 3. You will learn how to recruit a prayer team. 4. You will learn how to involve the whole church in prayer. 5. You will learn how to seek God’s miracles for your new church. 6. You will learn how to develop good systems for prayer mobilization. 7. Your church will learn how to properly engage in this battle. My prayer is not that You take them out of the world, but that You protect them from the Evil One As You sent me into the world, I have sent them… John 17 Jesus the Master Planter – is also the Great Intercessor for the World He loves and for the missional people He deploys into the mission field. For God so loved the world that He gave His Son… John 3:16 As (Jesus) approached Jerusalem and saw the city, He wept over it, and said, “If you had known on this day what would bring you peace…” Luke 19:41-42 1
  • 11. 1. Learn the need for prayer. Read this silently and then discuss with your team. Testimony from an ECC plant Artisan Covenant Church, Rochester, NY August, 2007 “During our training I remember hearing that ‘you will be broken.’ I always thought that meant we would reach a place of burn-out and that we would realize that we could not do this "church thing" in our own power, but through the power of God. That is definitely true and we have experienced that variety of physical and/or mental brokenness both individually and corporately at Artisan. What I did not expect however is a brokenness of heart. Over the past month and a half our leaders and church family have been praying and fasting for God's heart and vision for the future. We had a specific issue regarding a new concept for worship that we were seeking God for. We expected direction, a firm "yes" or "no,” What we experienced, however, was more akin to the experience of Nehemiah as he heard the report of the state of Jerusalem. The people in Jerusalem were living in disgrace and shame (Neh 1:3), and up to this point, did not see a way out of their predicament. Nehemiah, much like our leaders "sat down and wept, and mourned for days, fasting and praying before the God of heaven (Neh 1:4)." God broke Nehemiah's heart for the people of Jerusalem and he broke ours for the people of Rochester NY. God revealed our failings. We wept and mourned because of our own "functional atheism." We acknowledged God exists with our minds, but our actions showed we had little need of Him. We wept for the hundreds of lives that are in disgrace and shame, many of whom may not even recognize it. We wept because of our fear of the unknown and our lack of faith to move us forward. We wept because we realized that God wants to do incredible things through frail people like us. And we prayed. Through our prayer we realized that brokenness and humility is exactly where God wants leadership born from. Nehemiah started there, Jesus started there as He humbled Himself in the incarnation. We humbled ourselves and we prayed. When Nehemiah faced Sanballat and Tobiah he prayed. When there was murmuring within the ranks that were rebuilding the wall, he prayed. When he cast vision, he prayed. When the wall was completed, he prayed. After Jesus was baptized and before he began his public ministry, he spent 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness fasting and praying. It is in this continued prayer that God moved us to the place of vision. God has inspired our church to choose the more risky path in worship. The reasons for doing so are a bit different now than they were before we started this journey. Now we are propelled forward by the brokenness for the things and people that break God's heart. We realize that our neighbors all around us are in disgrace and shame. We are moved to pour the grace and love of God into these lives. We have a vision for raising up the next 2
  • 12. generation of godly leaders and sending them out to new neighborhoods where they will share the restoration that can only be found in God through His son, Jesus. A friend recently shared a prayer with us. This prayer both breaks and inspires the reader at the same time. The prayer is titled "Disturb Us." While uncomfortable and, at times, painful, we thank God for our brokenness. This experience has reaffirmed that it is the foolish (weak/broken) things of this world that God uses to confound the wise (1 Cor 1:27-28). We are nothing but cracked pots, but we carry an immeasurable treasure "to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us (2 Cor 4:7)". Disturb us, Lord, I pray! We wept and mourned because of Brian E. Haak our own "functional atheism." Artisan Covenant Church Pastoral Team Disturb us, Lord, when TEAM APPLICATION: We are too well pleased with ourselves, When our dreams have come true Reflect on this individually for a few Because we have dreamed too little, minutes, each one share an insight or When we arrived safely application and discuss: Because we sailed too close to the shore. Disturb us, Lord, when With the abundance of things we possess We have lost our thirst For the waters of life; Having fallen in love with life, We have ceased to dream of eternity And in our efforts to build a new earth, We have allowed our vision Of the new Heaven to dim. Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly, To venture on wider seas Where storms will show your mastery; Where losing sight of land, We shall find the stars. We ask You to push back The horizons of our hopes; And to push into the future In strength, courage, hope, and love. Sir Francis Drake, 1577 See end of chapter for another example. 3
  • 13. 10 Church Planting Maxims 10. You will be broken. “Like clay in the hands of the potter so are you in my hand, says the Lord.” Jeremiah 18:6 9. Plant behind the plow. Prayer is the plow. Ask the Lord of the harvest…to send out workers into His harvest field. Go! … Luke 10:2-3 8. People are polite - don’t believe them. While Jesus was at the Passover feast, many people saw the miraculous signs he was doing and believed in His name. But Jesus would not entrust Himself to them, for he knew…what was in them. John 2:23-24 7. 75 is the enemy – it’s not about having just enough to feel comfortable, it’s about momentum in the mission. The Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. Acts 2:47 6. You can’t plant a church from behind a desk. Go and make disciples… Matthew 28:20 5. There is no magic bullet – rather, consistently wise and hard work will produce ministry fruit. We proclaim (Christ), admonishing and teaching everyone… so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. To this end I labor, struggling with all His energy, which so powerfully works in me. Colossians 1:28-29 4. God’s in the vision – the devil’s in the details. Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord. Matthew 4:4 3. Its the relational – not the technical. Love the Lord your God… and your neighbor as yourself… All the Law and Prophets hang on these two commandments. Matthew 22:37-40 “The church looks for better methods; God looks for better people… that’s God’s method – people who are mighty in prayer. The Holy Spirit does not flow through better methods, but through people” E M Bounds 2. Isolation kills – connection gives life. Jesus called his twelve disciples to Him… and gave them authority… Mt 10:1 1. It’s a God thing. Let these men go! For if their purpose is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop them; you will only find yourselves fighting against God. Acts 5:38f WHICH OF THE ABOVE MAXIMS ARE HARDEST FOR YOU TO EMBRACE? 4
  • 14. A Church Planter PRAYS We will use the Acronymn P.R.A.Y.S. as an outline for Chapter Goals 2-6. “The way I was doing the work of God was destroying the work of God in me.” Bill Hybels. 2. Prioritize prayer. P r a y s Prioritize Prayer in your life, in the team, and in the life of the church. Why you need to prioritize prayer: - Unfortunately, too many planters are more human DOINGS than human BEINGS They are too activistic & need to be rooted in Christ in their Inner Core. The more activistic you are, the more you need to intentionally FIND TIME to pray. - We should Plant AFTER the Plow, not BEFORE – Prayer is the Plow. Ask the Lord of the harvest…to send out workers into His harvest field. Go! … Luke 10:2-3 Notice that Pray ye… (comes before) Go ye… - In Acts, the Lord’s first instruction to His church was to wait for the gift my Father promised. Acts 1:4 And they all gathered together constantly in prayer. Acts 1:14 “In the early stages of church planting, I prayed like crazy and God showed up in amazing ways. Since we’ve become more successful, it’s easier to do the work ourselves and pray less. I’m trying to get back to praying like I did in the early days, so God will show up more.” Confession of a Covenant church planter. How will you Prioritize Prayer in your life and in the life of your plant? - When will you pray each day? Morning, Afternoon, Evening? - Where will you pray? - What devotional material or practice will be most helpful? - Who will pray with you? (If applicable – when will you pray with your spouse?) How can we get our Launch Team to pray and wait on God? - Who will keep you accountable? - Can you plan a half-day spiritual retreat each month? In Acts they prayed… - for new leaders: Acts 1:24, 6:6, 13:1-2, 14:23 - for healing: Acts 3:1, 9:40 - for power: Acts 4:24, 16:16 - for open doors: Acts 8:15, 8:26, 9:10, 10:9, 11:19, 13:1-2 TEAM APPLICATION: What do you need to pray for? 5
  • 15. 3. Recruit a prayer team. p R a y s 1. How Can I Recruit A Prayer Team? a. Find 7-12 Intercessors – who have the gift of holding you up consistently and who regularly see God’s answers to prayer. Intercessors are spiritual dynamite! i. Make a personal appointment to ask them to intercede for you. ii. Make a small group presentation to ask a group of intercessors. iii. Personal phone call. iv. Ask for intercessors when you preach. v. Send a personal email invitation – or use regular mail. Let them know the expectations of an intercessor: ! Pray daily for us ! Keep much of the information confidential ! Have the support of your spouse ! Make a one-year commitment. Ask again after Jan 1 if they want to renew their commitment. b. Find 50-150 Prayer Partners – who are willing to pray for you every 6-8 weeks and receive the “Prayer Update” by email. i. Ask friends and family who live in your area and out of your area if they’d like to receive a prayer update from you every 6-8 weeks via email. ii. Ask people at your parent church, or ask when you speak at other churches, if people would be willing to join your prayer team. Design a nice book-mark or general invite card, eg. On the back-side, list your specific prayer requests: see next page for examples - Pray that I would pray! And that Doreen and I would have God’s grace & power! - Pray for a Launch Team of 30 adults by April 1. - Pray for outside funds of $30,000 to help with Launch and Advertising. 6
  • 16. - Pray for a great worship team and a great kids team. - Pray for each Launch Team member as they invite 3 friends. - Pray for many people to come to our Preview Services beginning April 6. - Pray for many to come to Christ through Catalyst this first year! ___ I would like to join the Catalyst Prayer team. Email us and you’re on the team! How will you recruit your prayer team? Whom should you contact? Make your list. 2. How will you communicate with your Prayer Team? a. Call your intercessors regularly and/or send them special prayer requests. Also email them the “Prayer Update” that you send your Prayer Partners. b. Email all your Prayer Partners a “Prayer Update” every 6-8 weeks. i. Feed them something fresh from God’s Word ii. Thank them iii. Let them know what to pray for strategically for the church plant and for your family Here’s how one church plant did this in the first year – a regular Prayer Letter to Prayer Partners: Life CHURCH – an Evangelical Covenant Church, Canton, MI Real People. Real God. Real Life. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness. John 10:10b, Jesus Dear Prayer Partners, Would you take a moment to pray for God's work in and through Life Church in Canton MI. As a church we know that we are depending on God and His power for the work he desires to do in the Detroit area. Much has happened in 7 months, but we are still a developing embryo. Our Launch date is March 16, 2003. We know that God responds to the prayers of his people--would you please offer these prayers on our behalf. 1. That we would have God’s heart for our community 2. That the Holy Spirit to prepare people's hearts to respond to the gospel. 3. For continued growth in our key ministry areas as a church and continued outreach 4. For God’s purposes to be fulfilled in & through our lives individually and this Church corporately 5. For a great turnout at our Launch service next month and everyone to invite 3 others. 6. For lives to be touched and changed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results. James 5:16. Thanks for your part in making Life a place where God's love can shine! 7
  • 17. WHAT CAN GOD DO IN 7 MONTHS? Read below and see! A BRIEF LIFE CHURCH TIMELINE Month Avg. Attendance June 20-25 August 38 September 63 October 80 November 84 December 95 January 131 " In our 7th month God has blessed us with an average attendance of 131 people. " 4 people have accepted Christ " 10 people have recommitted their lives to Him! " Over 50 people are in 7 small groups doing our 5 Core commitments " Over 50 people are serving on ministry team's " Many people are being ministered to each week. " People continue to reach out with God!s love. Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5. Your Brother in Christ, Alex Rahill Life Covenant Church 234 Princess Canton, MI 48188 phone: 734.634.2697 website: e-mail: TEAM APPLICATION: How will you recruit a prayer team and how will you communicate with them? 8
  • 18. 4. All – Involve the whole church in prayer. p r A y s All – Get everyone involved in prayer from the beginning. They all joined together in prayer. Acts 1:14 After they prayed, the place was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly. Acts 4:31 How will you get EVERYONE on your team praying for friends, neighbors, acquaintances at work/school, and relatives – to come to Christ through the new church or for believers to come and connect with the new church? PIE: One way to do this is to: use the P.I.E. method (evangelism is “as easy as PIE) Many people have no idea how to pray and invite others to a new church. A good way to do this is to gather your launch team and give them invite cards (business cards that have the name of the church and the event you want to invite them to). As they each hold 3 cards have them. Pray that God would bring to mind 3 people, that you could authentically show God’s love for them in Jesus’ name, and that you could help them connect with Christ; then visualize how you’ll use the card to… Invite them to the next church event, or invite them to your home, or invite them to serve with you on the next micro-mission in your community. Then, in prayer… Expect God to work, to draw them to Himself, to bring them to your event, and to transform their lives by the power of the Gospel. Other ways to get Everyone Praying are: - When you’re looking for a place to meet. Example, one church that wanted to get a new space had members scheduled to drive to the site every morning before work (6 am) to pray that if it was God’s will for them to get this facility, God would make a way. - When you’re seeking to impact an area, schedule prayer walks: “praying on-site seeking spiritual in-sight.” - Offer Prayer during service: one church had a prayer room where intercessors prayed during the message for the pastor’s words to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to change lives and the intercessors would also pray for people who came to the prayer room. During communion, the intercessors were available at the sides to anoint with oil and pray with people. 9
  • 19. And you can schedule all-church events for prayer, such as… - A Prayer Seminar (The ECC Dept of Christian Formation has prayer consultants who can come to your church) - A Day of Prayer. - A Week or Month of Prayer and Fasting for the whole church o e.g. Citadel of Faith Covenant Church schedules a month of prayer and fasting as they move into the next season of outreach and growth. o Other churches will have a 21-day fast twice a year. - Watch the Video “The Role of Prayer in Spiritual Awakening” with Dr. J. Edwin Orr, available for download of video or transcript at TEAM APPLICATION: What opportunities will you develop to get Everyone involved in prayer? 10
  • 20. 5. Yes – Seek God’s miracles for your new church. p r a Y s Yes – All of God’s Promises are YES and Amen In Christ Jesus so you may stand strong in Christ. II Corinthians 1:20f In Acts, they prayed for miracles: - for healing – Acts 3:1-10, Acts 5:12f which opened up the opportunity to preach the Gospel - for courage and boldness – Acts 4 - to deal with discord in the church & to have discernment for new leaders – Acts 6 - to listen to whom God wants you to share the Gospel with – Acts 10 & 11 - for provision and protection in trial – Acts 12 - for church decisions – Acts 15 and in many other ways! Church plants regularly pray for God to: - Draw key leaders at the right time - Open up the right meeting space - Provide financial resources - Change lives! - And MANY more… Miracles happen when we walk in the Spirit; and, as we follow God’s leadership through prayer, listening and group affirmation. TEAM APPLICATION: List the miracles that you’re seeking God for in your plant: How will you celebrate when God does miracles for your church plant? 11
  • 21. 6. Systems – Develop good Systems for prayer. prayS Systems – allow you to incorporate good spiritual practices in your personal devotional life and the life of your congregation so you don’t have to recreate it each time. SYSTEM = Saves You Stress Time Energy and Money! Personal Systems: Spiritual Disciplines Funnel J 20,000 RPMs Studying God’s Word – John 5:39 O Meditating on God’s Word – Psalm 1:2 U R Prayer – Philippians 4:4-7 N Fasting – Psalm 35:13 A Solitude – Luke 5:16 L I Stillness – Psalm 131:2 N Hearing God’s still small 500 voice – I Kg 19:11-13 RPMs G from First Steps for Planting a Missional Church, Gary Rohrmayer, p. 28 In order to dial down from a life-style of 20,000 rpms (“revolutions per minute”) and get to the place where you have slowed down enough to hear God’s still small voice clearly, there are steps you can take. Journaling is an over-all discipline that can help you ‘dial- down’ step-by-step. Testimony from Gary Rohrmayer: It was the summer of 1988, and my family and I had just moved to a small town… to a pioneer church plant… We had started a Bible study, started seeing individuals come to Christ and others coming back to Christ and then we hit December. We were too small a group to have weekly worship services and I soon realized that no one wants to talk to a church planter in December… After two weeks of rejection I decided that I was going to pray and fast for the rest of the month and get a fresh start in the New Year. 12
  • 22. Towards the end of that time, as I was praying in the early hours of the morning, I was prostrate on the floor. I was lying on a map of our city praying that God would show me how to build the church He called us to start, when a deep sense of peace flooded my soul and I heard God’s gentle whisper in my spirit saying, “Gary, I am going to do it! Just trust me. I am going to do it!” My heart starts to pound just remembering that moment! … In December 1988 we had 7 adults; by February 1989 we had 25. On September 10, 1989 we had 110 at our first public worship service… God did it and I was glad to be a part of it. From First Steps, by Gary Rohrmayer, pp. 28-29 TEAM APPLICATION: Each one write down your answers about the following, then share with someone else and pray for each other. 1. What are the spiritual disciplines that feed your spiritual life? 2. What are 3 things you can do this week to listen more closely to God? Corporate Systems for Prayer: FASTING - This is a time to: listen to God as a body, build group cohesion as everyone sacrifices and fasts together, build your witness to others as they become curious as to why you are fasting. Good times to do this are: Lent, preparing your people for Launch, plowing up the spiritual soil as you seek to have a significant outreach or CMJ event in your community, before electing your first Leadership Team, before opening a new building, etc. You may want to pull the group together to “break the fast” together and talk about what God was saying to you. Fasting: Your Personal Guide to Prayer and Fasting Simplicity and Fasting by Jan Johnson, IVCF Fasting by Lynne M. Baab, IVCF 13
  • 23. 3 Examples of Fasting: 1. Daniel Fast (used by Citadel of Faith Covenant Church. This helps bring down spiritual strongholds, builds spiritual strength in the body as they sacrifice together, and is a testimony to co-workers): Week 1 – fast from desserts and sugar Week 2 – fast from desserts + coffee/tea Week 3 – fast from desserts + coffee/tea + any sugar/salty/starchy foods Week 4 – fast from the above + meat (only vegetables, fruits and healthy breaks) 2. TV Fast – fast for 1 week 3. 23 hour fast – fast from everything but liquids from after dinner the first day until dinner the second day. PLUS – Review the ideas at the bottom of page 10 for strategies for corporate prayer. TEAM APPLICATION: Talk about the following. What corporate systems can you implement to help you build a solid spiritual base for your plant? (For ideas, look at Chapter Goal 4 above on getting everyone praying.) When will you Fast as a group? 14
  • 24. 7. Your church needs to learn to properly engage in this battle. Spiritual Warfare Adapted from Rick Warren at You have an Enemy who wants to derail you and your plant. Church planting is a place of Spiritual Warfare and a place where you need God’s Power. Ephesians 6:10-20: spiritual armor – ends with PRAYER (mentioning prayer five times) Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, authorities and powers of this present world and against the forces of evil in the heavenly places, therefore put on the full armor of God… and PRAY…pray…pray…pray…pray There will be discouragements, disappointments and spiritual attack. You’ll need to be prepared to lean on God’s promises and understand spiritual warfare. Acknowledge the adversary. Realize Satan is real. Peter tells us, “Be alert, be on watch. Your enemy the Devil roams around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour Ephesians 6:11-17: Be firm in your faith and resist him because you know that your fellow believers in all the world are going through the same kind of suffering.” (1 Peter 5:8-9) Church planting is a place of Spiritual Warfare and a place where you need to pray for God’s Power. Accept Jesus’ authority. Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16:19 The Bible says if you are a believer, you are given the authority of Christ in spiritual warfare. Armor Ephesians 6:11-17 “Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the Devil’s schemes. Have the belt of truth buckled around your waist and the breastplate of righteousness and have your feet fitted with the Gospel of peace. Take up the shield of faith and the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.” There are six pieces of armor in the passage. Aim Spiritual warfare takes place primarily in our thought life. When somebody is opposing you in your ministry, they’re not the real problem. The problem is the thoughts the Devil’s giving them to oppose you. The problem is not that person. The problem is what they’re acting on. You always act on what you think. They’re getting thoughts from the wrong source. There are only two sources for thoughts. When we get thoughts from God, we call it inspiration. When we get thoughts from the Devil, we call it temptation. There are four biblical weapons we can aim against evil thoughts. 15
  • 25. 1. The Truth. The truth, God’s Word, is our sword. It cuts through all the mustard. It gets right to the point. When you are in a conflict, the question you want to ask yourself is this: What does God say about this? 2. Humility. The more you humble yourself before God, the more power you will have in your life (James 4:6-7). That’s just the way it works. As we minister to others, we need to continually acknowledge God’s hand in what we are doing. He’s the one who empowers our ministry. We’re simply his vessel. In humility, we find real and lasting power in ministry. 3. Faith. Without even talking with you in detail, I can tell you exactly what God is doing in your ministry. He’s doing what you expect him to do. Faith is a powerful, powerful tool. (1 John 5:4) I don’t know why, but when I preach and I expect people to respond, they do. 4. Praise. Revelation 12:11-12 says, “They overcame him [Satan] by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony. Therefore rejoice, you heavens, and you who inhabit them.” How did they overcome the Devil? Answer: by the blood of the lamb and the Word of their testimony. They were praising God. The Bible says when people praise God, “[he] inhabits the praises of his people.” Sometimes after a particular worship service, I honestly feel like Mickey Mouse could preach and people would come to know Christ. The praise has cleansed the air. There’s power in the praise of God. Ask the Holy Spirit. You need to say, “God, fill me with your Spirit as I’m about to do this.” Whether you’re preparing a message, preaching, counseling someone, training your leaders – whatever you’re doing – ask God to fill you with his Spirit. Avoid distractions. If you’re going to be effective in ministry – in battle – you’ve got to focus yourself. You know what’s important in life. There are so many things that want a piece of your time. The good can be the enemy of the best. I have one person to please and only one – the Lord Jesus Christ. And if I’m pleasing him, that’s what is going to count at the end of my life. Avoid the distractions. If you get distracted, the enemy is going to catch up with you. What’s distracting you? 16
  • 26. TEAM APPLICATION: 1. Each one share an insight about Spiritual Warfare as it applies to your church plant. 2. Talk about ways that prayer can be a stronger part of your church plant journey. There have been 7 Chapter Goals. Which ones do you need to develop more? ___ Church planting leads to brokenness – we must prioritize prayer ___ Church planters are activistic – they must prioritize prayer ___ Church planting can be lonely – they must recruit a prayer team ___ Church plants need to find a way to get everyone involved ___ Church plants need God’s miracles ___ Church plants need to develop systematic ways to help them pray well ___ Church plants will face spiritual warfare which require that you properly engage your people in this battle. Spend some time in prayer for your church plant. 17
  • 27. OTHER RESOURCES Devotional Strategy for your people: Teach your people a simple devotional strategy (can also be a small group strategy, could work well for men who don’t have to talk for the 1st 40 minutes, could also be a methodology for leadership groups) SOAP = - Scripture – read for 20 minutes - Observation – journal about it for 20 minutes - Application – talk about it for 20 minutes with your group - Prayer – pray about how God will shape your lives according to His Word. Personal Strategies and Thoughts: • Take at least one day off from church work and focus on rest, health, personal life • If married, make quality time during the week with your spouse • If you have kids, seek to spend time with them in their activities and/or at home Example from a Church Planter: Posted: 23 Oct 2007 06:43 AM CDT When my first daughter, Catie, was very young, I was the classic overly-driven, ministry-obsessed, type-A personality workaholic. While working full-time as an associate pastor, I was also carrying fifteen hours of seminary classes. One day I called little Catie on the phone and said I had to stay late at the office to get some work done and would not see her before she went to bed. I promised her I would be home and wake her with a late good night kiss. Catie innocently said, “Daddy, this is not your home. You live at the office.” I changed my work habits at that moment and have never been the same. Thank you, Catie! Craig Groeschel, Life Covenant Church, Edmond, OK posted at The Most Dangerous Prayer Posted: 10 Apr 2008 06:18 AM CDT from blog by Craig Groeschel Do you truly want to make a difference in this world? Do you want generations to be different because you knew Christ? Do you want to lead a church that will impact your city, state, and the world? Do you want your preaching to awaken dormant spirits, stir complacent hearts, convict wayward sinners? Then pray this prayer: “God, please break me.” He will. 18
  • 28. And when He does, you’ll be ruined—in the best sort of way. • Your heart will ache for those without Christ. • You’ll despise spiritual complacency. • You’ll see the darkness of your heart clearly. • You’ll be bothered deeply by things you used to easily overlook. • You’ll cry often and easily. • You’ll know Jesus more intimately. “Break us… Oh, Lord! Break us!” The Blessings of Brokenness Posted: 09 Apr 2008 05:18 AM CDT God rarely (if ever) uses good things to break you. The “breaking” is painful. On the other side of brokenness, you’ll find many blessings: • The problems that used to seem big barely register as problems in your world. • People’s opinions of you don’t mean nearly as much. • You fully embrace that you “don’t have enough.” Then—and only then—can God become everything you need. • You discover an intimacy with God that sustains you moment by moment. • Scripture becomes the bread that nourishes you. • Heaven becomes closer. This world doesn’t hold you as tightly. If God is breaking you, I feel for you. I also know that on the other side, you’ll find strength and comfort in the presence of God greater than you’ve ever known. Am I Broken Yet? Posted: 08 Apr 2008 06:16 AM CDT In the early years of the church, we faced several challenges (that felt HUGE at the time): • 1/3 of our church left after I made a controversial decision. (I stand by this decision wholeheartedly today.) • We moved locations three times in five months. • One of my mentors and close friends committed suicide. (This one was huge.) Each time I’d face a challenge, I’d ask Gary (Walter – ECC Director of Church Growth) , “Am I broken yet?” Every time he’d respond, “Not yet.” Several years later, we endured more pain than I had anticipated. It came in waves. Just when we thought the worst was over, in came another round. God was undoubtedly breaking us. We knew it. There was NO question about it. The next time I met with Gary, I didn’t ask him if I was broken. I knew I was. And it was a “good” breaking. If you have to ask if you’re broken yet, I’d politely respond, “Not yet.” 19
  • 29. Priorities of Prayer For Christ’s Coming Kingdom For your church plant From the Petitions of the Lord’s Prayer Adapted from Global Church Advancement Essentials p. 101 Petition Priority Our Father in Heaven… This begins with God, the Father. We align ourselves with God as our priority. We pursue God the Father and as his children we are co-workers with Christ in the world. Hallowed by Your Name… And we align with God’s Priorities and “hallow” God’s Name by how we live out His character. Your kingdom come… This ties to the 4th Message and Mission of Jesus: the Ascension, where Jesus is raised to be king of heaven and earth – including your community. Your will be done on earth as it This ties to the 3rd Message and Mission of Jesus: the is in heaven… Resurrection, where Jesus calls us to continue His will and life-giving work through compassion, mercy and justice to a hurting world. Give us this day our daily This ties to the 5th Message and Mission of Jesus: bread… Pentecost, where Jesus builds the true community of Love, where we are content in His provision and are generous to others. For the true community of Christ’s family, we have all we need and we can give the rest away. Forgive us our debts as we This ties to the 1st Message and Mission of Jesus: the forgive our debtors… Cross, where Christ paid for our sin and amade us right with God. Because of this we live as forgiven people and offer that forgiveness to others. Lead us not into temptation but This ties to the 2nd Message and Mission of Jesus: the deliver us from evil. Grave, where Jesus breaks the power of Satan and our bondage to sin. In prayer we tie into Jesus’ victory. 1. Spend time in Personal Prayer – connecting with God as Father. a. Spend time in private prayer. b. Someone lead in a song of praise to God the loving Father c. A few lead publically in prayer praising God 2. Partner with one other person – and spend time together praising God for his characteristics and seeking Him for how you can honor Him by living out those characteristics. 3. Share with your team (or as a group of 4) how ou want to see Jesus kingdom come in a greater way in your community (the mission field where God is calling you to plant). Then pray together about these… 20
  • 30. 4. As God leads you, stand and pray for a. Ways that you and your plant can be as responsive to God’s will as it is done in heaven. b. Ways that God’s compassion, mercy and justice needs to impact your community c. Ways that God wants to transform your community so it be becomes more like heaven. 5. On slips of paper, write out a. the needs that you have that you need God to provide for. b. the sins that you need forgiven and the relationships where you need God’s forgiveness to restore. c. The names or grops of people that you want to see receive Christ and His forgiveness. Take these slips of paper and nail them to the cross and a way of giving them to God. 6. Pray together in teams (or groups of 4) for the ways that Satan has strongholds in your community and over people in your area. Seek for God’s power to deliver. 7. “For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen” End in corporate praise in prayer and song. 21
  • 31. DRAFT Strategic Ministry Plan For Our New Church 1. Theological Basis >> 2. Spiritual Foundation in Prayer >> 3. Mission Field - Need of our Area >> 4. Evangelistic Strategies >> 5. Our Specific Vision >> 6. The Strategy of the 4-Stage Launch >> Stage 1 - Roots: Launch Team Gathering Stage 2 - Leaves: Preview Services Stage 3 - Branches: Preparatory Worship Stage 4 - Fruit: Launch 7. Leadership >> 8. Covenant >> 9. Finances>> 2. Spiritual Foundations in Prayer Worksheet for how our new church will build a Spiritual Foundation - Personal Prayer Practices - Corporate Prayer Practices - including engaging in the spiritual battle - Recruiting a Prayer Team 22
  • 32. CHAPTER 3 – MISSION FIELD Soil Analysis The State of the American Church, The Covenant Church Planting Movement, and Why your New Church is Desperately Needed Theme: Jesus calls you to plant a Covenant church at a specific place in the American landscape. Objective: To understand how to plant in the unique soil where Christ has called you. Chapter Goals: 1. You will understand the desperate need for more churches in America. 2. You will get acquainted with the reasons for the success of the Covenant Church Planting movement. 3. You will understand the unique needs of the mission field in the metro area Christ calls your team to plant in. You will articulate why God wants this new church in your community You will look at how to prepare to plant a new church that will impact your community with the Gospel. Go make disciples of all nations (pante ta ethne – of all ethnic groups). Matthew 28:19 1
  • 33. 1. You will understand the desperate need for more churches in America. 1. The Percentage of People that Attend a Christian Church on any Given Weekend is Far Below what Pollsters Report. United States Percentage of the Population Attending a Christian Church on any Given Weekend in 2006 17.3% 18.0% 16.0% 14.0% 12.0% 9.0% Evangelical 10.0% Mainline Catholic 8.0% Total 5.3% 6.0% 2.9% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% Evangelical Mainline Catholic Total The American Church © 2007 by David T. Olson Research Project 2 Reflect on 52,000,000… Meanwhile, 52 million more people were living in the United States. Church Attendance in 1990 & 2006 Compared to Population Growth 1990 - 2006 60,000,000 51,110,171 51,668,200 51,773,556 50,000,000 40,000,000 30,000,000 20,000,000 10,000,000 - Church Attendance 1990 Church Attendance 2006 Population Growth 1990 - 2006 The American Church © 2007 by David T. Olson Research Project 5 2
  • 34. The Percentage of People at Worship has gone down. The Percentage of People Attending a Christian Church each Weekend Decreased Significantly from 1990 - 2006. United States Percentage of the Population Attending a Christian Church on any Given Weekend 25.0% 20.6% 20.0% 18.7% 17.3% 15.0% 1990 2000 2006 9.4% 9.1% 9.0% 10.0% 7.2% 6.2% 5.3% 5.0% 3.9% 3.3% 2.9% 0.0% Evangelical Mainline Catholic Total The American Church © 2007 by David T. Olson Research Project 7 Evangelical attendance has been decreasing The Rate of Evangelical Church Attendance Growth has been Declining over the last 16 Years. United States Evangelical Church Attendance Growth 1990 - 2006 1.0% 1.0% 0.9% 0.8% 0.8% 0.7% 0.5% 0.6% 1990 - 2000 2000 - 2006 0.5% 2005 - 2006 0.4% 0.3% 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% 1990 - 2000 2000 - 2006 2005 - 2006 The American Church © 2007 by David T. Olson Research Project 10 3
  • 35. We are not planting enough new churches to keep up with population growth Slightly more Churches Start each Year than Close, but not Enough to Keep up with Population Growth. Churches Closed and Started and Net Gain each Year from 2000 to 2005 4,500 4,009 4,000 3,707 3,500 3,205 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 303 500 - Closed Each Year Started Each Year Net Gain each Year Gain Needed to Keep Up with Population Growth The American Church © 2007 by David T. Olson Research Project 13 The future projection of worship attendance if trends continue This is the Future Trajectory of the American Church. Percentage of Population Attending a Christian Church each Weekend 25.0% 20.4% 19.5% 20.0% 18.7% 17.5% 16.5% 15.5% 14.7% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 The American Church © 2007 by David T. Olson Research Project 14 4
  • 36. 2. You will get acquainted with the reasons for the success of the Covenant Church Planting Movement. Covenant Church Distribution by Decade the church Started Distribution By Age Of Church 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 1850s- 1870s 1880s 1890s 1900s 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 1860s The American Church © 2007 by David T. Olson Research Project 16 Growth in Covenant Church New Church Impact 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 The American Church © 2007 by David T. Olson Research Project 20 5
  • 37. The Covenant Church Planting System: - We plant because people come to Christ. We plant because people need Jesus: Conversions per 100 attenders per year! The average Evangelical Church 3 The average Covenant Church 7 The new Covenant Plant 12 Lyle Schaller “Church Planting is the closest thing to a guaranteed method of evangelism known to man.” Council of Superintendents Meeting, September 2005 - Our church plants start strong: This is often a product of support by a parent church and a solid launch process. First Year Average Size of New Churches 120 102 101 100 92 82 80 72 60 58 60 53 47 44 44 40 20 0 BGC ECC UMC PCUSA ELCA LCMS SBC DC C&MA COGTN COTN Council of Superintendents Meeting, September 2005 Note the ECC in the second column. TEAM APPLICATION: Based on the presentation, what were the most compelling reasons to plant new Covenant churches in America? How will you share these with the people you seek to attract to the Launch Team? 6
  • 38. Our church plants grow strong. Growth in years 2-7 reflects the quality of the church planter and launch team + the strength of the training and coaching they receive. Average Yearly Growth Rate of New Churches from Years 2 to 7 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% ECC UMC BGC LCMS ELCA C&MA DC COGTN COTN PCUSA COTB Council of Superintendents Meeting, September 2005 Our plants are a contributing presence in the ECC New Church Attendance as a Percentage of Total Attendance 35.0% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% COGTN BGC COTN COTB ECC CRC DC SBC ELCA PCUSA UMC LCMS C&MA Council of Superintendents Meeting, September 2005 Note ECC in the first column. 7
  • 39. How we plant 4 Ways of Planting in ECC • Parent – ave size after 5 years = 345 • Partners – ave size after 5 yrs = 148 • Pioneer – ave size after 5 yrs = 45 • Community-based – ave size! = 220 • Experience of Parent Churches after 5 yrs (ncd) – All chs who parent gain 28 new members per 100 – Churches who don’t help plant gain only 16! – Healthy Churches who plant gain 64! Council of Superintendents Meeting, September 2005 How the ECC Plants New Churches – A.C.T.S. – the Right Ingredients • Asessment = Right planter • Continuous Coaching = Right Encouragement/Mentoring • Training = to help develop the Right Strategic Ministry Plan • Support = Right Resources The right planter – called, competent, character… Affirmed by Assessment + The right Launch Team – good chemistry between planter & team. o Strongest start with a parent church or strong partners + The right Training + A well-conceived project (a solid ministry plan) o Flowing from the right mission/vision o With the right steps – the 4-stage launch o Contextualized for your specific mission field + Good Coaching = A healthy, missional, fruitful church plant o batting average .830 (survival rate after 10 years) o thrival rate: average size of 238 after 10 years. TEAM APPLICATION: Reflect on these 5 ingredients. Where are you strongest? What can be stronger? 8
  • 40. The Top Ten List for Starting New Churches 1. New churches are needed because the large majority of Americans do not attend a local church. About 17% of Americans attend a local church on any given Sunday. Many of those attend a church where they do not clearly hear the message of salvation in Jesus. 2. New churches are more effective than established churches at conversion growth. Studies show that new churches have 3-4 times the conversion rate per member as established churches. 3. New churches are the only truly effective way to reach the growing ethnic populations in America. For example, California is over 50% non-Anglo and that percentage is growing. Every people group needs to hear the Gospel in a way that makes sense to their culture. 4. New churches are needed to stem the tide of ideological moral erosion in America. The ideological opposition to Biblical Christianity will not primarily come from mainline liberals, nor from scientific modernism (as it did for the last generation), but from New Age non-rational thinking and from politically-correct valueless morals. 5. New churches have historically been the best method for reaching each emerging new generation. Every new generation needs a new breed of churches that speak the Gospel in their cultural dress and communication styles. 6. New churches give a group of connected churches market share and influence in their community. Starting new healthy churches in the same general vicinity increases the influence of all. Churches are best started where a group has strength, not in distant areas. 7. New churches grow exponentially faster than established churches. In a typical evangelical denomination, new churches (in the first 10 years) were found to grow at a rate 23 times faster than established churches (over 10 years old). 8. New churches are a test laboratory for church leadership development. New churches give a whole new group of emerging leaders the chance to grow and develop as primary leaders. 9. New churches are the research and development unit of God's Kingdom. Most of the models and visions for healthy churches are developed in new churches. “New churches innovate; existing churches imitate.” The best way to reinvigorate existing churches is by planting new churches. 10. New churches provide excellent on-the-job training for energetic young pastors. New churches provide a channel to express the energy and ideas of young, entrepreneurial pastors. Plus 1: New churches can start with a focus on kingdom values – contextualized for a specific culture. Thoughts and comments on this list: 9
  • 41. 3. You will understand the unique needs of the mission field in the metro area Christ calls your team to plant in. You need to be able to articulate why God wants this new church in your community. Look at the demographics for your specific Metro area from - Over a decade, here’s the attendance % in the following churches: o Evangelical ________ o Mainline ________ o Catholic ________ o Overall ________ - This means that on any given Sunday _________ % are not in any church in our area. - Other observations: - What are the needs of people in your area that you could meet? - In 10 years, if there are fewer churches and fewer people attending church in your area, then what would be the: o Impact on your community o Impact of families o Impact on individuals - What are the opportunities for your new church to impact your area with the Gospel? (for more information on your mission field, go to TEAM APPLICATION: If someone in your community were to ask you why there is a need for another new church, what would you tell them? - Why are new churches needed in the US, in your metro, in your area? - How will your church meet the needs of people in your community and impact the community with the Gospel? 10
  • 42. Preparing To Plant A Church Using the following questions as a guide, prepare a document (not more than two pages) that describes the church God is calling you to plant. If you plant with the Covenant, you will be trained in the Four Stage Launch model for church planting. Keep in mind this is a “work in progress” and that some things will change and/or need refinement as you move toward actually launching the church. Why plant a new church? • Your calling. • Your vision. • Your sense of the need. Who will you reach? • Where do you want to plant and why? • Describe your ministry focus. • Describe the needs of the community. • Desired meeting location. • Include demographic studies of the region. What kind of church will you plant? • Core values – your DNA (succinctly). • Mission statement and Vision Statement (concisely) • Ministry style (how you will work as a church). How will you plant this church? • Describe the “ideal” launch team. • Describe how you will lead as the church planter. • List the kinds of team member you will need. • List the names of anyone currently committed to helping you plant this church. Incidentals. • Timeline: Desired launch date. • Finances: What financial resources do you have at your disposal? • Partner churches: What church(es) may be willing to partner with you and us, including non-Covenant churches? (Adapted by Wayne Carlson, from Robert Logan and Steve Ogne, 1991) TEAM APPLICATION: Look at the shaded area and write down your responses to these topics on “Who will you reach?” 11
  • 43. Additional Church Planting Questions 1. What kind of people does God want us to produce in this body of believers? 2. What kinds of experiences do people need to have in order to become those kinds of people? 3. What kinds of leaders are needed to provide those kinds of experiences? 4. What kind of pastor is needed to train those kinds of leaders? 5. What kinds of experiences does the pastor need to have in order to be that kind of pastor? (Taken from Lloyd Ogilvie) Additional Soil Analysis of your Mission Field 1. Scientific Soil Analysis – Part 1: Know the % of unchurched from 2. Scientific Soil Analysis – Part 2: Know the demographics and other data from Percept or Mission Insite a. Get Percept’s “First View” for $85 b. Or get a “Ministry Area Profile” for $315 (online price) These will help you get a user-friendly over view of the people and community God is calling you to reach. 3. Hands-on Soil Analysis: Do a Needs Assessment – In addition to the scientific soil analysis, the wise farmer also does “hands-on” analysis by getting their hands into the soil and by getting advice from those with local experience. One of the best sources for Needs Assessment is Compassion by Design: Understanding Community Needs by David Mills. $69 for manual and cd-rom. - This can help you add hundreds of contacts to your church planting effort. - This will help you identify the city leaders and “people of peace” who can give you invaluable advice on the needs of the community and the Influencers with whom you can partner. - This will give your church quicker “credibility” - This will help build your church’s missional DNA - This will help your Launch Team sense the compelling reasons to join you in this Mission to meet the needs of your area - This will help you unlock the cultural “code” of your Mission Field Or use the Method for “Community Assessment” on the next page: 12
  • 44. Community Assessment – provided by Tomas Ivens 1. Develop from your core group a TEAM of three passionate people who understand the vision of your church ! Assign strategies to get information from your local community ! Get together to know better the history of your city and community ! Set up a time frame for this community assessment ! Four basic community areas where we need to analyzed: ! Associations ! Institutions ! Individuals ! Walking streets ! Associations: PTA, community agencies, churches, chamber of commerce, community clinics, neighborhood associations, etc ! Institutions: schools, local politicians, city commissioners, social services department, hospitals, parks and recreations ! Individuals: community leaders, pastors, others ! Walking streets: restaurants, coffee shops, stop buses, pastor association meetings, festivals, etc 2. Where do you live: Demographics, Census Bureau information by ZP (5 or 10 miles) ! How many males ! How many females ! How many teenagers ! What is the income average ! What is the unemployment average ! Is your community a young or old ? 3. Edit the information collected in a document of 2-5 pages available for everyone in your church ! Prepare a presentation of this assessment to your core group ! Keep up-dating this document at least every two years ! Share all changes with you TEAM, CORE GROUP or Leadership TEAM 13
  • 45. ADDENDUM Strategic Ministry Plan from Esperanza Covenant Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Pastor Tomas Ivens. The church planter developed this plan, which was approved by the DCP. Then progress was evaluated annually based on this plan. NOTE: There is also a Ministry Plan for Renovate Covenant Church, Muskegon, MI under START “c” at under “Resources Esperanza Covenant Church Hispanic Ministries Great Lakes Conference Church Planting Strategic Plan 2006-08 Luke 4:18 “Give an opportunity to make new friends in Jesus” 14
  • 46. Esperanza Covenant Church Grand Rapids, Michigan Strategic Plan 2006-08 Vision Statement Transform individuals, families and communities in Grand Rapids by making them agents of change to the world and expanding God’s kingdom Mission Statement “Preach the Gospel to the poor, heal the brokenhearted, preach deliverance to captives, recovering of sight to the blind and set liberty them that are bruised” Values God’s power to transform Prayer’s power to restore Friendship to connect Love’s power to forgive Discipleship to Empower Worship to rejoice SWOT Analysis Internal Strengths External Opportunities ! ECC has 4 months history ! Schools partnerships expansion/volunteers ! Collocated with FCC, Union High School, ! Spectrum Health Clinic & Family Outreach Hispanic community ! FCC and Thronapple connections ! Focused Christian core team ! Markets, rstaurants, factories ! FCC and Thornapple support ! Spectrum Health Collaborative Task Force ! Experienced and gifted leadership ! Outreach programs as Backpack distribution, ! Equipped facilities, office, gym and classrooms TGP, “Navidad en el vecindario”, marriage ! Bilingual core team/volunteers seminaries, parenting classes and family ! Temporal worship band support groups. ! Temporal communication material ! Open community/ audience to hear about Esperanza vision/mission Internal Weaknesses External Threats ! In need of more core team members ! Anti-immigrant climate ! In need of more worshipers members ! Economic crisis, no jobs ! The final Esperanza LOGO design and print ! Building of trust on the ! Website and CD promo for fundraising neighbors/neighborhoods purposes ! Family orientation programs needed ! Lack of resources/mentoring/tutoring for children 15
  • 47. 1st Phase 2006 Goal #1 Contact and share the love of God with 150 Hispanic families in Grand Rapids between July 2006 and June 2007. Objective Testify about the existence of Jesus, and share through personal experiences God’s power to change and restore our lives. Strategies " Visit the neighborhoods and make contact with Hispanic families with the help of the members of the Anglo congregation, also through schools, referrals, and others. " Distribution of school supplies for elementary school students during the third week of September and reach to the first 100 families (each gift will have the donor’s name). Saturday September 9th from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. " Promote and organize a Thanksgiving lunch or dinner and distribute at least 50-60 grocery baskets and make contact with another 100 families. " Give away 150 toys for children within the Hispanic community. This would be families that have already participated in previous events and other new families referral by them. " Promote and organize a Christmas dinner for the community using the existing database. " Select a group of 10 couples (believers and non-believers) to participate in a “Couples Seminar” (February) using PAIRS/PREP. " Advertise and organize three more events to testify and to outreach (Mother’s Day, Father’ Day, and 4th of July). Activities • Visit families and individuals referred to this ministry. • Network and develop a survey system to gather information about the needs of the community. 16
  • 48. Each event will be planned beforehand and any changes will be adjusted only in case of need of the strategy. • The school supplies, toys, and grocery baskets will be collected and donated voluntarily. • Every week there will be contact with a new family from the community or with members from both churches that are interested in participating with Esperanza Covenant Church, also there will be contact with the outreaches from the first four months. • Brochures and flyers will be accessible at the first activity in September 9th from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., snacks will be available, and a short (5-7 minutes) message to testify and bless will be shared. Each participant will fill out a registration form to be part of our database. Gym. • The Thanksgiving lunch and basket distribution will be on November 18th at 10 a.m. Only 60 baskets (depends on the donations) will be distributed. • Christmas Toys distribution will be Saturday 17th at 10 a.m., refreshments will be served. • Share message on December 31st, about God’s provisions and blessings (special New Year’s dinner). • Family support groups, marriage retreat and trainings • Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Independence Day BBQs will take place in parks or other facilities. • Preview services November 5th, December 10th, January 7th, February 11st. Goal #2 Develop a support group of 40 people, 20 Anglos and 20 Hispanics. Objective Provide organizational, logistical, and financial support, as well as planning, and leadership with the help of spiritual gifts/talents, to building the foundation of Esperanza Covenant Church working jointly with the pastor in the expansion of God’s kingdom in Grand Rapids. Strategies " Make presentations to share the vision and mission of ECC and invite FCC members and non-members to become part of this challenge of faith. 17