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Church Planter 
Cohort Gatherings 
Wed Nov 19, 11:00am - 2:30pm NY/NJ Metro Cohort 
Thu Nov 20, 11:00am - 2:30pm Greater Boston/New England Cohort 
Contact & Quick Info | links are clickable in blog post and pdf at 
Jason R. Condon 
Associate Superintendent & Director of Church Planting, 
East Coast Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church 
• (860) 479-2020 
(Cohort handouts and resources posted here) 
Quick-Start Guide to ECConf Church Planting 
• "Understanding Church Planting on the East Coast 
Conference" (or 
handout-understanding-church-planting.html) - 
seminar handout introducing concepts & strategy 
• "What Are We Looking For in A Church Planter?" 
(or ) - an overview of what we value in a 
church planter and his or her ministry 
• "Church Planter Identification Process" 
(or - an overview of how we assess 
church planters and pursue church planting within the 
East Coast Conference and the Covenant 
• Our Purpose: “ encourage, equip, and multiply church planters 
for a sustaining church planting movement” 
• Open in Prayer 
• Quick Intros: 1) name, 2) ministry setting, 3) why you’re here today 
Church Planter Cohort Gatherings | NY/NJ • Greater Boston/New England Nov 19 & 20, 2014 | page %1 of %8
Two Special Guests Today | Howard Burgoyne & Dave Cairns 
Howard Burgoyne | Superintendent for the East Coast Conference 
• Notes 
Dave Cairns | Executive Director for Pilgrim Pines Conference Center 
• Notes 
Church Planter Cohort Gatherings | NY/NJ • Greater Boston/New England Nov 19 & 20, 2014 | page %2 of %8
Updates | Covenant Church Planting Prerequisites & Protections 
Formalizing Pre-Requisites for Covenant Agreement Signing 
One of the decisions we’re finalizing as Directors of Church Planting across the Covenant are a common set of 
prerequisites before signing new Covenant Agreements. We’re closing in on some parameters along these lines: 
Covenant-wide (finalizing) 
• Thirty Adults: Gather an initial Launch Team of 30 adults 
• One-Third of Funding: Fundraising pledges of $50-60k,with $15-20k actually received 
• One Mission Friend: “Mission Friend” church(es) in place as either Parent, Partner or Support Church: 
Parent Church Partner Church Support Church 
DEFINITION: Provides initial core of at 
Provides substantial portion of initial 
least 30 Launch Team members and 
Launch Team members and some of 
“third stream” funding of $50-70k over 
the “third stream” funding over 3-4 
3-4 years. Significant relational 
years, equivalent to roughly 1/2 to 1/5 
connection between both churches 
of a “parent church” commitment 
Commits as an entire church or through 
individual members to provide tangible 
support through prayer, resources, 
volunteering, and the occasional 
celebrated Launch Team member 
FEATURES: primarily nearby mission 
field, full support, fishing license for 
Launch Team, baby shower for start-up 
equipment, blessing and celebration. 
Think “Mom & Dad” 
nearby or regional mission, seek to 
“tithe” members, tangible support & 
encouragement, short-term 
missionaries. Think “grandparents” and 
“older brothers & sisters” 
Opportunity for measurable healthy 
missional efforts for the support church, 
picture on the fridge, care packages, 
project volunteers. Think “aunts and 
uncles”, “first and second cousins” 
OPPORTUNITIES 1: Connecticut, 
Rhode Island, Greater Boston, and NY/ 
NJ Metro are current top candidates for 
fully-parented projects 
2 Probably 60-70% of the ECConf 
geography, limited only by a critical 
mass of regional Covenant Churches 
partnering together in mission 
Opportunities across entire Conference, 
with even greater potential when also 
joining with “partner churches” to reach 
our more northern and southern areas 
CAPACITY 3: At least 6-8 ECConf 
churches have the missional capacity 
and potential vision for this level 
40-50 churches 3 across the ECConf, 
all in the Healthy-Missional/Stable 
spectrum, could partner in this way 
One and All 3. There’s literally no church 
too [fill-in-the-blank] that can’t pray, take 
a love offering, hold babies, and more! 
1 Based on close proximity of potential Parent Churches and likelihood of church planter candidates (the most constraints) 
2 Based on regional proximity of a critical mass of potential Partner Churches and likelihood of church planter candidates (fewer constraints) 
3 Based on combination of self-reporting and Conference-staff insights on ranges of healthy missional vitality of churches 
ECConf-specific (refining) 
Each Conference will have their own internal requirements as well. These are the general areas that Howard 
(our Superintendent) and our ECConf Executive Board are developing for strong and sustainable launching: 
• Interactions with Conference Staff & Executive Board • Incorporation & Governance requirements 
• Licensing paperwork and Credentialing Plan • Benefits, Health, and Liability Insurance 
The belief and hope is that this approach will put the incentives for healthy preparations where they’re most 
helpful, while helping “prove” the initial viability of a project. It also takes some of the pressure off the 
Assessment Center being as exacting on predicting outcomes. 
Q&A and Discussion 
• what questions do you have? 
• what do you see as the challenges? 
• what do you see as the benefits? 
Church Planter Cohort Gatherings | NY/NJ • Greater Boston/New England Nov 19 & 20, 2014 | page %3 of %8
UPDATED: Covenant Agreement Language on Signing Page 
Amendments and Termination of the Agreement 
1. Amendments. Amendments to this agreement must be agreed to by all parties, documented in writing, and 
on file with the Conference office for the duration of the agreement 
2. Termination of Agreement. This agreement may be terminated by Pastor Chuck Planter or the [CONFERENCE 
NAME] Conference and the ECC with or without reason. Specifically, this agreement is subject to termination 
in the following circumstances: 
a. Failure of congregation to remain in harmony with the Evangelical Covenant Church. 
b. Failure of the project to maintain progress against goals as determined jointly by the ECC and the 
[CONFERENCE NAME] Conference. 
c. Failure of the congregation or pastor to adhere to this agreement as determined by the ECC and the 
[CONFERENCE NAME] Conference. 
d. Moral Failure. 
3. Protections around Termination of Agreement by Church Planter or Church Plant 
a. If the church chooses to leave the ECC for any reason all appropriations and grants received to date must 
be repaid to the ECC & Conference. 
b. If the church chooses to close all assets become property of the Conference, including equipment, and any 
remaining cash after expenses are paid. 
4. Protections around Termination of Agreement by Covenant & Conference 
a. If termination is solely for failure to reach or maintain missional benchmarks, then the Covenant & 
Conference may elect, at their discretion, to assist in the transition for the pastor and family. 
b. If the Conference and the Covenant elect to terminate a project for any of the reasons listed in #2 above, 
the project leadership and incorporators agree and are obligated to cooperate with the Conference in the 
dissolution of the corporation, the reversion of all assets to the Conference and the Covenant, and the 
resolution of all corporate liabilities and expenses 
I understand that the decision for termination will be made jointly by the [CONFERENCE NAME] Conference 
Director of Church Planting, [CONFERENCE NAME] Conference Superintendent, Covenant Church Planting Team 
Leader, and Executive Minister of Start & Strengthen Churches. 
Thankful for God’s grace through Jesus Christ, and depending on the strength and wisdom of the Holy Spirit, we 
enter into this agreement as a sign of our commitment to one another to work together in God’s mission for His glory. 
Chuck Planter Date 
Awesome Covenant Church 
Jason R. Condon Date 
Associate Superintendent & Director of Church Planting, East Coast Conference 
Howard K. Burgoyne Date 
Superintendent, East Coast Conference 
John Teter Date 
Church Planting Team Leader, Evangelical Covenant Church 
Church Planter Cohort Gatherings | NY/NJ • Greater Boston/New England Nov 19 & 20, 2014 | page %4 of %8
NEW: Covenant Agreement Addendum 3 
Covenant for Self-Care 
For the stewardship of the life I’ve been given and the ministry to which I’ve been called in Christ Jesus… 
1. I will develop the weekly habit of observing the following spiritual disciplines (beyond sermon prep and 
teaching opportunities). List at least 3: 
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ 
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ 
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ 
2. I will regularly set aside time to be present with my family for meals and family activities. 
3. I will schedule and use all of my vacation time, and any other holidays and days off I am given each year, as 
approved by my Covenant Agreement or Letter of Call. 
4. I will attend retreats and continuing education opportunities each year as outlined by the Department of 
Ordered Ministry and my Conference coach. 
5. I will strive to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This will include regular check-ups with my Dr. and maintaining a 
healthy weight (unless such conformity is deemed to be risky by my physician). 
6. I will engage in some form of exercise regularly (at least 3 times a week), at a level approved by my physician. 
List your intended exercise plan: 
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ 
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ 
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ 
7. I commit to a healthy nutrition plan that will allow me to maintain the proper weight. 
8. I will strive to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. 
9. I will order my personal affairs regarding the proper documents (insurance, wills, power of attorney and 
guardianship for my minor children). I will make known the location of these documents to the following 
individuals. List at least two: 
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ 
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ 
10. I commit to a regular accountability relationship and/or spiritual direction. List those individuals: 
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ 
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ 
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ 
I covenant all of the above with my Director of Church Planting, and my Coach, with whom I will share a mutual 
accountability relationship for our self-care as clergy. 
Chuck Planter Date 
Church Planting Pastor, Awesome Covenant Church 
Coach Name Date 
Church Planting Coach, [CONFERENCE NAME] Conference 
DCP Name Date 
Director of Church Planting, [CONFERENCE NAME] Conference 
Church Planter Cohort Gatherings | NY/NJ • Greater Boston/New England Nov 19 & 20, 2014 | page %5 of %8
NEW: Covenant Agreement Addendum 4 
30-60-90 Project Revitalization Process 
With a shared commitment to a thriving and flourishing church plant, and a belief in the faithful stewardship of 
kingdom resource, we put in place this process. When a church planting project falls significantly short of healthy 
missional benchmarks (qualitative, quantitative, of both), the following process is in place with the prayerful hope of 
fully restoring the project to its missional vitality. 
A. Missed Benchmarks & Missional Renewal 
When the DCP or Coach determines that any crucial benchmarks have been missed for two (2) consecutive 
months, they and the church planter will prayerfully and purposefully initiate the following project 
revitalization process 
B. 30 Days | Action Plan for Healthy Recovery of Project 
1. Planter has 30 days to create an action plan that has a credible chance for success 
2. The DCP, Coach, and a select group of church planting peers will meet with the planter to develop, review, 
and approve the initial action plan 
3. Progress Milestone 
a) If a suitable plan is not developed and approved, the church planting project will conclude 
b) If a plan is approved, planter and project will continue with next stage of the process 
C. 60 Days | Measurable Progress toward Missional Goals 
1. Having successfully completed the first 30 days of the plan, the planter now has 60 days to demonstrate 
significant progress towards the specified benchmarks and missional markers 
2. The DCP, Coach, and select group of church planting peers will review implementation, provide 
encouragement and resourcing, and determine if suitable progress is being made 
3. Progress Milestone 
a) If measurable progress is not on track to reach renewed goals, the project will conclude 
b) If measurable progress is on track, planter and project will continue with final stage of process 
D. 90 Days | Full Recovery of Healthy Missional Vitality 
1. Having successfully completed the previous 60 days of the plan, the planter now has 90 days to reach and 
maintain the outlined requirements of the renewed project goals 
2. The DCP, Coach, and select group of church planting peers will review implementation, provide 
encouragement and resourcing, and determine if renewed project goals have been reached 
3. Progress Milestone 
a) If the renewed goals are not reached and maintained, the church plant project will conclude 
b) If the renewed goals are achieved and maintained, the planter and project will have successfully 
demonstrated healthy missional leadership and the continued growth and sustainability of the church 
planting endeavor to which God has called them 
Chuck Planter Date 
Church Planting Pastor, Awesome Covenant Church 
Coach Name Date 
Church Planting Coach, [CONFERENCE NAME] Conference 
Jason R. Condon Date 
Associate Superintendent & Director of Church Planting, East Coast Conference 
Church Planter Cohort Gatherings | NY/NJ • Greater Boston/New England Nov 19 & 20, 2014 | page %6 of %8
Mark Your Calendar 
Coming Events | subscribe now at 
NO Cohort Gatherings 
2015 Cohorts: Schedule & Format TBD 
• Likely moving to different weeks for NY/NJ Metro 
and Greater Boston/New England (vs. back-to-back), 
plus adding in Mid-Atlantic Cohort 
• will include Jason staying in area for two full days to 
allow for various meetings, site visits, planning, etc. 
• Questions or Comments? 
Covenant Midwinter | Denver CO 
• Mon Jan 26 – Fri Jan 30 
• All Church Planters encouraged to attend 
• Covenant Orientation: Many of you have 
coursework to start or continue. Midwinter is an 
excellent option (and makes for free registration) 
• Guests Exploring the Covenant: I have 
limited free registration codes for those interested 
COMS Interviews | Berlin CT 
• Due March 1: Paperwork Deadline 
• Tue March 17 – Wed March 18 (with participants 
only scheduled on-site for approx. 2 hours) 
• Committee on Ministerial Standing (COMS) is 
necessary for entering credentialing process, 3 year 
check-ins, care issues, & final-prep for Ordination 
Coaches Training | Chicago IL 
• March 19 – 20 (Tentative Dates, may adjust slightly) 
• Full Reboot. Recruiting at least 6 new coaches 
who have 2+ years of fruitful planting experience 
125th ECConf Annual Meeting | Worcester MA 
• Thu April 9 – Sat April 11 
• All Church Planters expected to attend (some 
special features and announcements in the works!) 
Option: Exponential Conference | Tampa FL 
• Mon April 27 – Thu 30 (+ potential bonus days) 
• Question: Combine with Church Planter Retreat? 
• anyone already registered? 
Assessment Center | Minneapolis MN 
• Spring: Thu May 28, 12pm – Sat May 30, 12pm 
(Fall 2015: Thu Nov 5, 12pm – Sat Nov 7, 12pm) 
• Invitation Only for church planter candidates 
sufficiently advancing in assessment process. Should 
be engaged in assessment process at least six months to 
be considered for an invite 
Covenant Annual Meeting | Kansas City 
• Thu June 25 – Sat June 27 
Pilgrim Pines Summer Season | Swanzey NH 
• June 24 – Aug 8: Camp Squanto Youth Camp 
• Jun 27 – Aug 14: Mayflower Family Camp 
CHIC Student Conference | Knoxville TN 
• Due Jan 14: $100 Student Early Bird Deposit 
• Sun July 12 – Fri July 17 
Full Calendar for East Coast Conference 
• Visit 
• Subscribe through Google Cal, iCal, or other app 
• Entries labeled “Church Planting” are specifically 
for church planters, rest for ECC pastors in general 
Church Planter Cohort Gatherings | NY/NJ • Greater Boston/New England Nov 19 & 20, 2014 | page %7 of %8
Church Planter Cohort Gatherings | NY/NJ • Greater Boston/New England Nov 19 & 20, 2014 | page %8 of %8

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Cohort 2014 11-19

  • 1. Church Planter Cohort Gatherings Wed Nov 19, 11:00am - 2:30pm NY/NJ Metro Cohort Thu Nov 20, 11:00am - 2:30pm Greater Boston/New England Cohort Contact & Quick Info | links are clickable in blog post and pdf at Jason R. Condon Associate Superintendent & Director of Church Planting, East Coast Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church • • (860) 479-2020 • (Cohort handouts and resources posted here) • • • Quick-Start Guide to ECConf Church Planting • "Understanding Church Planting on the East Coast Conference" (or handout-understanding-church-planting.html) - seminar handout introducing concepts & strategy • "What Are We Looking For in A Church Planter?" (or ) - an overview of what we value in a church planter and his or her ministry • "Church Planter Identification Process" (or - an overview of how we assess church planters and pursue church planting within the East Coast Conference and the Covenant Welcome! • Our Purpose: “ encourage, equip, and multiply church planters for a sustaining church planting movement” • Open in Prayer • Quick Intros: 1) name, 2) ministry setting, 3) why you’re here today Church Planter Cohort Gatherings | NY/NJ • Greater Boston/New England Nov 19 & 20, 2014 | page %1 of %8
  • 2. Two Special Guests Today | Howard Burgoyne & Dave Cairns Howard Burgoyne | Superintendent for the East Coast Conference • • Notes Dave Cairns | Executive Director for Pilgrim Pines Conference Center • • Notes Church Planter Cohort Gatherings | NY/NJ • Greater Boston/New England Nov 19 & 20, 2014 | page %2 of %8
  • 3. Updates | Covenant Church Planting Prerequisites & Protections Formalizing Pre-Requisites for Covenant Agreement Signing One of the decisions we’re finalizing as Directors of Church Planting across the Covenant are a common set of prerequisites before signing new Covenant Agreements. We’re closing in on some parameters along these lines: Covenant-wide (finalizing) • Thirty Adults: Gather an initial Launch Team of 30 adults • One-Third of Funding: Fundraising pledges of $50-60k,with $15-20k actually received • One Mission Friend: “Mission Friend” church(es) in place as either Parent, Partner or Support Church: Parent Church Partner Church Support Church DEFINITION: Provides initial core of at Provides substantial portion of initial least 30 Launch Team members and Launch Team members and some of “third stream” funding of $50-70k over the “third stream” funding over 3-4 3-4 years. Significant relational years, equivalent to roughly 1/2 to 1/5 connection between both churches of a “parent church” commitment Commits as an entire church or through individual members to provide tangible support through prayer, resources, volunteering, and the occasional celebrated Launch Team member FEATURES: primarily nearby mission field, full support, fishing license for Launch Team, baby shower for start-up equipment, blessing and celebration. Think “Mom & Dad” nearby or regional mission, seek to “tithe” members, tangible support & encouragement, short-term missionaries. Think “grandparents” and “older brothers & sisters” Opportunity for measurable healthy missional efforts for the support church, picture on the fridge, care packages, project volunteers. Think “aunts and uncles”, “first and second cousins” OPPORTUNITIES 1: Connecticut, Rhode Island, Greater Boston, and NY/ NJ Metro are current top candidates for fully-parented projects 2 Probably 60-70% of the ECConf geography, limited only by a critical mass of regional Covenant Churches partnering together in mission Opportunities across entire Conference, with even greater potential when also joining with “partner churches” to reach our more northern and southern areas CAPACITY 3: At least 6-8 ECConf churches have the missional capacity and potential vision for this level 40-50 churches 3 across the ECConf, all in the Healthy-Missional/Stable spectrum, could partner in this way One and All 3. There’s literally no church too [fill-in-the-blank] that can’t pray, take a love offering, hold babies, and more! 1 Based on close proximity of potential Parent Churches and likelihood of church planter candidates (the most constraints) 2 Based on regional proximity of a critical mass of potential Partner Churches and likelihood of church planter candidates (fewer constraints) 3 Based on combination of self-reporting and Conference-staff insights on ranges of healthy missional vitality of churches ECConf-specific (refining) Each Conference will have their own internal requirements as well. These are the general areas that Howard (our Superintendent) and our ECConf Executive Board are developing for strong and sustainable launching: • Interactions with Conference Staff & Executive Board • Incorporation & Governance requirements • Licensing paperwork and Credentialing Plan • Benefits, Health, and Liability Insurance The belief and hope is that this approach will put the incentives for healthy preparations where they’re most helpful, while helping “prove” the initial viability of a project. It also takes some of the pressure off the Assessment Center being as exacting on predicting outcomes. Q&A and Discussion • what questions do you have? • what do you see as the challenges? • what do you see as the benefits? Church Planter Cohort Gatherings | NY/NJ • Greater Boston/New England Nov 19 & 20, 2014 | page %3 of %8
  • 4. UPDATED: Covenant Agreement Language on Signing Page Amendments and Termination of the Agreement 1. Amendments. Amendments to this agreement must be agreed to by all parties, documented in writing, and on file with the Conference office for the duration of the agreement 2. Termination of Agreement. This agreement may be terminated by Pastor Chuck Planter or the [CONFERENCE NAME] Conference and the ECC with or without reason. Specifically, this agreement is subject to termination in the following circumstances: a. Failure of congregation to remain in harmony with the Evangelical Covenant Church. b. Failure of the project to maintain progress against goals as determined jointly by the ECC and the [CONFERENCE NAME] Conference. c. Failure of the congregation or pastor to adhere to this agreement as determined by the ECC and the [CONFERENCE NAME] Conference. d. Moral Failure. 3. Protections around Termination of Agreement by Church Planter or Church Plant a. If the church chooses to leave the ECC for any reason all appropriations and grants received to date must be repaid to the ECC & Conference. b. If the church chooses to close all assets become property of the Conference, including equipment, and any remaining cash after expenses are paid. 4. Protections around Termination of Agreement by Covenant & Conference a. If termination is solely for failure to reach or maintain missional benchmarks, then the Covenant & Conference may elect, at their discretion, to assist in the transition for the pastor and family. b. If the Conference and the Covenant elect to terminate a project for any of the reasons listed in #2 above, the project leadership and incorporators agree and are obligated to cooperate with the Conference in the dissolution of the corporation, the reversion of all assets to the Conference and the Covenant, and the resolution of all corporate liabilities and expenses I understand that the decision for termination will be made jointly by the [CONFERENCE NAME] Conference Director of Church Planting, [CONFERENCE NAME] Conference Superintendent, Covenant Church Planting Team Leader, and Executive Minister of Start & Strengthen Churches. Thankful for God’s grace through Jesus Christ, and depending on the strength and wisdom of the Holy Spirit, we enter into this agreement as a sign of our commitment to one another to work together in God’s mission for His glory. Signatures: Chuck Planter Date Awesome Covenant Church Jason R. Condon Date Associate Superintendent & Director of Church Planting, East Coast Conference Howard K. Burgoyne Date Superintendent, East Coast Conference John Teter Date Church Planting Team Leader, Evangelical Covenant Church Church Planter Cohort Gatherings | NY/NJ • Greater Boston/New England Nov 19 & 20, 2014 | page %4 of %8
  • 5. NEW: Covenant Agreement Addendum 3 Covenant for Self-Care For the stewardship of the life I’ve been given and the ministry to which I’ve been called in Christ Jesus… 1. I will develop the weekly habit of observing the following spiritual disciplines (beyond sermon prep and teaching opportunities). List at least 3: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ 2. I will regularly set aside time to be present with my family for meals and family activities. 3. I will schedule and use all of my vacation time, and any other holidays and days off I am given each year, as approved by my Covenant Agreement or Letter of Call. 4. I will attend retreats and continuing education opportunities each year as outlined by the Department of Ordered Ministry and my Conference coach. 5. I will strive to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This will include regular check-ups with my Dr. and maintaining a healthy weight (unless such conformity is deemed to be risky by my physician). 6. I will engage in some form of exercise regularly (at least 3 times a week), at a level approved by my physician. List your intended exercise plan: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ 7. I commit to a healthy nutrition plan that will allow me to maintain the proper weight. 8. I will strive to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. 9. I will order my personal affairs regarding the proper documents (insurance, wills, power of attorney and guardianship for my minor children). I will make known the location of these documents to the following individuals. List at least two: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ 10. I commit to a regular accountability relationship and/or spiritual direction. List those individuals: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ I covenant all of the above with my Director of Church Planting, and my Coach, with whom I will share a mutual accountability relationship for our self-care as clergy. Signatures: Chuck Planter Date Church Planting Pastor, Awesome Covenant Church Coach Name Date Church Planting Coach, [CONFERENCE NAME] Conference DCP Name Date Director of Church Planting, [CONFERENCE NAME] Conference Church Planter Cohort Gatherings | NY/NJ • Greater Boston/New England Nov 19 & 20, 2014 | page %5 of %8
  • 6. NEW: Covenant Agreement Addendum 4 30-60-90 Project Revitalization Process With a shared commitment to a thriving and flourishing church plant, and a belief in the faithful stewardship of kingdom resource, we put in place this process. When a church planting project falls significantly short of healthy missional benchmarks (qualitative, quantitative, of both), the following process is in place with the prayerful hope of fully restoring the project to its missional vitality. A. Missed Benchmarks & Missional Renewal When the DCP or Coach determines that any crucial benchmarks have been missed for two (2) consecutive months, they and the church planter will prayerfully and purposefully initiate the following project revitalization process B. 30 Days | Action Plan for Healthy Recovery of Project 1. Planter has 30 days to create an action plan that has a credible chance for success 2. The DCP, Coach, and a select group of church planting peers will meet with the planter to develop, review, and approve the initial action plan 3. Progress Milestone a) If a suitable plan is not developed and approved, the church planting project will conclude b) If a plan is approved, planter and project will continue with next stage of the process C. 60 Days | Measurable Progress toward Missional Goals 1. Having successfully completed the first 30 days of the plan, the planter now has 60 days to demonstrate significant progress towards the specified benchmarks and missional markers 2. The DCP, Coach, and select group of church planting peers will review implementation, provide encouragement and resourcing, and determine if suitable progress is being made 3. Progress Milestone a) If measurable progress is not on track to reach renewed goals, the project will conclude b) If measurable progress is on track, planter and project will continue with final stage of process D. 90 Days | Full Recovery of Healthy Missional Vitality 1. Having successfully completed the previous 60 days of the plan, the planter now has 90 days to reach and maintain the outlined requirements of the renewed project goals 2. The DCP, Coach, and select group of church planting peers will review implementation, provide encouragement and resourcing, and determine if renewed project goals have been reached 3. Progress Milestone a) If the renewed goals are not reached and maintained, the church plant project will conclude b) If the renewed goals are achieved and maintained, the planter and project will have successfully demonstrated healthy missional leadership and the continued growth and sustainability of the church planting endeavor to which God has called them Signatures: Chuck Planter Date Church Planting Pastor, Awesome Covenant Church Coach Name Date Church Planting Coach, [CONFERENCE NAME] Conference Jason R. Condon Date Associate Superintendent & Director of Church Planting, East Coast Conference Church Planter Cohort Gatherings | NY/NJ • Greater Boston/New England Nov 19 & 20, 2014 | page %6 of %8
  • 7. Mark Your Calendar Coming Events | subscribe now at DEC NO Cohort Gatherings JAN 2015 Cohorts: Schedule & Format TBD • Likely moving to different weeks for NY/NJ Metro % and Greater Boston/New England (vs. back-to-back), plus adding in Mid-Atlantic Cohort • will include Jason staying in area for two full days to allow for various meetings, site visits, planning, etc. • Questions or Comments? Covenant Midwinter | Denver CO • Mon Jan 26 – Fri Jan 30 • • All Church Planters encouraged to attend • REGISTER NOW • Covenant Orientation: Many of you have coursework to start or continue. Midwinter is an excellent option (and makes for free registration) • Guests Exploring the Covenant: I have limited free registration codes for those interested MARCH COMS Interviews | Berlin CT • Due March 1: Paperwork Deadline • Tue March 17 – Wed March 18 (with participants only scheduled on-site for approx. 2 hours) • Committee on Ministerial Standing (COMS) is necessary for entering credentialing process, 3 year check-ins, care issues, & final-prep for Ordination Coaches Training | Chicago IL • March 19 – 20 (Tentative Dates, may adjust slightly) • Full Reboot. Recruiting at least 6 new coaches who have 2+ years of fruitful planting experience APRIL 125th ECConf Annual Meeting | Worcester MA • Thu April 9 – Sat April 11 • All Church Planters expected to attend (some special features and announcements in the works!) Option: Exponential Conference | Tampa FL • Mon April 27 – Thu 30 (+ potential bonus days) • Question: Combine with Church Planter Retreat? • anyone already registered? MAY Assessment Center | Minneapolis MN • Spring: Thu May 28, 12pm – Sat May 30, 12pm (Fall 2015: Thu Nov 5, 12pm – Sat Nov 7, 12pm) • Invitation Only for church planter candidates sufficiently advancing in assessment process. Should be engaged in assessment process at least six months to be considered for an invite JUNE Covenant Annual Meeting | Kansas City • Thu June 25 – Sat June 27 • Pilgrim Pines Summer Season | Swanzey NH • June 24 – Aug 8: Camp Squanto Youth Camp • Jun 27 – Aug 14: Mayflower Family Camp • JULY CHIC Student Conference | Knoxville TN • Due Jan 14: $100 Student Early Bird Deposit • Sun July 12 – Fri July 17 • Full Calendar for East Coast Conference • Visit • Subscribe through Google Cal, iCal, or other app • Entries labeled “Church Planting” are specifically for church planters, rest for ECC pastors in general Church Planter Cohort Gatherings | NY/NJ • Greater Boston/New England Nov 19 & 20, 2014 | page %7 of %8
  • 8. Notes: Church Planter Cohort Gatherings | NY/NJ • Greater Boston/New England Nov 19 & 20, 2014 | page %8 of %8