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the mystery of the genome
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Published by MIT

Searching for
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Net swallow
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                   The Authority on the
                   future of Technology
                   February 2011

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   contents            Volu me 114, NumBeR 1

                                      32 Searching for the Future                                                    g raph iti

                                                                                                                    20 Making Friends
                                      of Television                                                                 Facebook still has lots of
                                      Google and the geeks from Silicon Valley aim                                  room to grow.
                                      to revolutionize the 70-year-old TV industry.                                 By Tommy McCall
                                                                                                                    and Matt Mahoney
                                      Conquering the Internet was easy by comparison.
                                      B y RoBeRT D. Hof

                                      Special Section

        coVe r
        retro google tV logo by       The Human Genome,
        the heads of State            a Decade Later
                                      40 Ten years after scientists finished mapping our
                                      DNA, they have a far more complex picture of what
                                      determines our genetic fate.
                                      B y JoN CoHeN

                                      46 The cancer genome could provide clues to
                                      treating the disease.
                                      B y e mIly SING e R

                                      52 Joseph Nadeau is searching for the genome’s
                                      dark matter.
                                      By STepHeN S. HAll                                                             Q&a

                                                                                                                    22 Paul Sagan
                                                                                                                    the ceo of a company that
                                      58 Will Electric Vehicles                                                     delivers a large portion of Web
                                                                                                                    traffic isn’t worried that the
                                      Finally Succeed?                                                              internet is running out of capacity.
                                                                                                                    By Brian Bergstein
                                      The success of new plug-in hybrids and
                                      all-electric vehicles will depend on overcoming
                                      a familiar nemesis: battery costs.
                                                                                                                     photo eSSay
                                      B y peTeR fA IRl ey
                                                                                                                    24 Rebuilding
                                                                                                                    Software is allowing architects
                                      6 Letters                           11 Disease Decoded                        to design buildings in radically
                                      8 From the Editor                   Sequencing the human genome               new ways.
                                                                          has profoundly changed our                By Katherine Bourzac
                                                                          understanding of biology and
                                      note B ookS                         disease.
                                                                          By David Altshuler                         B r i e Fi ng
                                      10 Watching Viewers
                                      Making television smarter           to Mar ket                                 65–73 The Smart Grid
                                      requires understanding why                                                    adding intelligence to the elec-
                                                                          13–18 Technology                          tric grid will reduce carbon emis-
                                      it is our favorite gadget.
                                                                          Commercialized                            sions and make power more
                                      By Genevieve Bell and
                                                                          Sony internet tV, pocket ultra-           reliable—if we’re willing to foot
                                      Brian David Johnson
                                                                          sound scanner, medical exoskel-           the bill.
                                      10 Electric Dreams                  etons, robotic surgical assistant,
                                      Success for vehicles with a plug,   digital dashboard, and more.               ■
                                      not a gas cap, rests on more                                                   explore the technologies behind
                                      than just technology.                                                          the smart grid.
                                      By Dan Sperling

    2                                                                                                          technology review January/February 2011



            r eVi eWS

            74 Serious Games
            the virtual world of Second life seemed
            like the next big thing, and then it was
            largely written off. neither hypers nor
            detractors understood it.
            By Julian Dibbell

            76 Start Me Up
            online crowd-funding, supported by
            social technologies, provides a new
            business model for book publishing.
            By Emily Gould

            78 The New, More
            Awkward You
            robots that stand in for remote workers
            could force people to learn how to toler-
            ate a new breed of social failings.
            By Tom Simonite                                  De Mo                                  FroM th e laB S

            ■                      84 Printing                            88 Biomedicine
            telepresence                                     Electronic Skin                        89 Information Technology
            Watch the robot in action at TR.
                                                             nanowire transistor arrays             90 Materials
                                                             form sensors that match the
                                                             sensitivity of human skin.
            hack                                             By Katherine Bourzac
                                                                                                    70 year S ag o i n TR
            82 Microsoft Kinect                              ■        92 Chaos in TV Land
            how the device responds to your voice            See researchers make electronic skin
                                                                                                    if you think the future of television is
            and gestures.                                    from nanowires.
                                                                                                    uncertain now, look at the issues it
            By Erica Naone
                                                                                                    faced before it took off.
            ■                                                         By Matt Mahoney
            See the Microsoft kinect taken apart.

            w w w . t e ch n o l o g y r e v i e w . c o m                                                                                             3


    Published by MiT

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                       De Technologia non multum scimus. Scimus autem, quid nobis placeat.   and at our events are often not shared by MIT.

    4                                                                                                                   technology review January/February 2011


    Letters and Comments

        Don’t DisregarD nuclear                          in the form of loan guarantees. These are      google Vs. Facebook
        That nuclear power is at least somewhat not handouts but, rather, insurance poli-               In “Google Misses You” (November/
        more expensive than fossil fuels was never cies to cover the unforeseen. The renais-            December 2010), Paul Boutin calls Face-
        in question (“Giant Holes in the Ground,” sance will happen because there is simply             book’s user interface “a pain in the ass” and
        November/December 2010).                                        no alternative.                 claims it’s in conflict with 40 years of UI
        The question is whether we                                         Ulrich Decher                research. Do Google products, desktop or
        are going to do anything to                                        Granby, Connecticut          mobile, shine in their UIs? Google’s prod-
        move away from fossil fuels,                                                                    ucts may be cleaner and more stable than
        and how nuclear power                                          The dismissal of China as “a     some others’, but they seem to be built by
        compares economically with                                      tiny player” in nuclear power   and for geeks. Designing Web and social
        other non-emitting options.                                     is cavalier to say the least.   UIs, I rarely meet people craving the
        Nuclear is stalling because                                    The build rate for new reac-     Google Calendar experience or the Picasa
        current policies give it no sig-                                tors in China is beginning to   experience.
        nificant advantage over fos-                                   approach what it was in the         Edo Elan
        sil fuels, while renewables          November/December ’10     U.S. in the heyday of nuclear       San Francisco, California
        are being built by government mandate, plant construction. And contrary to our
        essentially regardless of cost. I disagree experience here, China has been complet-             the MeMex
        with Matthew Wald’s characterization of ing projects ahead of schedule and under                I was 13 when Vannevar Bush described
        nuclear’s loan guarantees as a significant budget. The agonizing in the U.S. over the           the Memex in 1945, which you reflect on
        subsidy. This support is tiny compared with future of nuclear power grows increasingly          in “Future Perfect” (November/Decem-
        the massive subsidies given to renewables. irrelevant.                                          ber 2010). The Memex, a technology that
        For a fraction of what the government has           Roger Arnold                                promised to give individuals access to the
        spent supporting renewables in just the last        Sunnyvale, California                       world’s collection of information, inspired
        few years, it could provide loan guarantees                                                     my dreams of what might be. Over the
        for all reactors built from this day forward. What the Web really neeDs                         years, science and the marketplace have
        In any fair competition among non-emit- Without detracting from HTML5, I have                   given us increasingly powerful computers,
        ting sources, nuclear would do very well. to object to the title “The Web Is Reborn”            software, and networking.
        Fortunately, there is a movement afoot to (November/December 2010). Rather                         In the eighth decade of my life I work
        pass a Clean Energy Standard that includes than more optimal displays of video, the             with a company that specializes in docu-
        both nuclear and renewables. Such a policy Web needs an architectural solution to its           ment management software with artificial-
        would solve all the “problems” nuclear is nearly fatal security issues. The resources           intelligence assistants. These tools enable
        having right now.                                that are wasted on professional security       me to construct my own little “Memex,”
           James Hopf                                    services, firewalls, and antivirus software    which holds collections totaling hundreds
           San Jose, California                          and its maintenance are far more than a        of thousands of documents that interest
                                                         minor inconvenience.                           me. The cost of the devices that let me do
        Wald’s conclusion that the nuclear renais-          David Korenstein                            this today is far less than would have been
        sance has failed is premature. The financial        Wayne, Pennsylvania                         required to construct Bush’s Memex. My
        hurdles are real but not insurmountable.                                                        computer and scanner total ten pounds, less
        The renaissance requires government help It seems that the Web’s future is being                than Bush’s vision of a bulky device.
                                                         driven by technical arguments and com-            My Memex operates at speeds that would
                                                         panies beholden to their customers. What       have delighted Bush, but we are still in early
        join the Discussion, or contact us               about the public interest? The Web has         stages of what could be done. The author is
        ■                 emerged as the major place where the           correct in stating that looking back at the
                                                         discourse necessary for democracy takes        present from the perspective of 77 years
        Write Technology Review, One Main Street,
                                                         place—akin to the new radio and TV air-        in the future would probably elicit pity for
        13th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02142
        Fax 617-475-8043                                 waves. Don’t we need regulations to guar-      the primitive state in which we live and
        Please include your address, telephone number,   antee access and fairness?                     work today.
        and e-mail address. Letters and comments may      John Fisher                                     William DeVille
        be edited for both clarity and length.            New York, New York                              Nashville, Indiana

    6   Letters and Comments                                                                                   technology review January/February 2011


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    From the Editor

        A Decade of Genomics
        on the 10th anniversary of the Human Genome Project, we ask:
        where are the therapies?

        T    he Human Genome Project, whose results were announced
             in June of 2000 and published in full 10 years ago, took 13
        years and $3 billion to complete. For biology, it was unprec-
                                                                               which gene expression can be influenced by mechanisms other
                                                                               than changes in the underlying DNA sequence (dubbed “epi-
                                                                               genetics,” because the field studies mechanisms above—“epi”—
        edented in scale: it determined the sequence of three billion          the genome); and whether we have extra or missing copies of
        units, or base pairs, of human DNA. What life scientists wanted        genes (copy-number variation).
        from the project was equally ambitious: they hoped sequencing             This “missing heritability” problem—the fact that individual
        our DNA would reveal the genetic causes of disease and lead to         genes cannot account for much of a disease’s heritability—has
        diagnoses, treatments, and cures for intractable illnesses like        significant implications for medicine. It turns out (as Hall
        many forms of cancer.                                                  explains) that “a person’s susceptibility to disease may depend
           In this issue of Technology Review, we explore what happened        more on the combined effect of all the genes in the background
        to those hopes.                                                        than on the disease genes in the foreground.” Therefore, mapping
           Over the last 10 years, many advances in genomics have been         this complex nest of genetic relationships offers the best hope for
        made. As Jon Cohen explains in the introduction to our pack-           turning genomics into therapies or cures.
        age of stories on the topic, which begins on page 40, “The price          Consider cancer. In “Cancer’s Genome,” starting on page 46,
        of sequencing DNA has dropped … to mere thousands [of dol-             Emily Singer, Technology Review’s biomedicine editor, describes
        lars per person]. The number of single-gene aberrations known          how research has proved that cancer genomics are “even more
        to cause disease … has jumped from 100 to nearly 3,000. The            complicated than scientists had supposed.” We now understand
        growing list of common diseases that have been traced to mul-          that five to as many as 20 mutations are needed to trigger can-
        tiple genetic variants includes everything from types of blindness     cer’s cellular proliferation. But cheaper, faster sequencing tech-
        to autoimmune diseases and metabolic disorders like diabetes.          nologies may, in the not-too-distant future, make personalized
        Studies have linked more than 200 genes to cancer.”                    cancer medicine a real possibility. Singer reports on Foundation
           But taken as a whole, it was a long, hard decade for genomics.      Medicine in Cambridge, Massachusetts, which wants to create
        Researchers and clinicians will disagree about how quickly they        clinical tests that reveal which mutations have caused a patient’s
        imagined the Human Genome Project would bear fruit, but no             particular cancer, how severe that cancer is, and what drugs
        one will contest that the genome has turned out to be bafflingly       will affect it. According to Singer, early results from Founda-
        complex and that genomic information has yielded few new               tion “suggest that about half the patient tissue samples analyzed
        cures. Cohen describes some of the difficulties in his introduction,   would yield plausibly ‘usable’ information, meaning that the
        and Stephen Hall provides more detail in “The Genome’s Dark            analysis might suggest a particular class of drugs or better define
        Matter,” beginning on page 52: “Large-scale genomic studies …          the type of cancer.” If readers are looking for hope that genomics
        have mainly failed to turn up common genes that play a major           can lead to cures for intractable diseases, companies like this are
        role in complex human maladies. More than three dozen specific         appropriate inspiration.
        genetic variants have been associated with type 2 diabetes … but          In Cohen’s introduction, Eric Lander, who was one of the lead-
        together they have been found to explain about 10 percent of           ers of the Human Genome Project and now directs the Broad
        the disease’s heritability … Results have been similar for heart       Institute (and who is also a founder of Foundation Medicine), says
        disease, schizophrenia, high blood pressure, and other common          we should not be surprised that the genome is so complicated.
        maladies.”                                                             He counsels a historically informed patience as we work on new
           In short, we have expended enormous energy on search-               genomic medicines: after all, 60 years passed between the devel-
        ing for disease genes, but it has become clearer that a variety of     opment of germ theory and the creation of antibiotics. Genomics
        other factors, once thought minor, are in fact as important to         is harder. Lander asks, “How simple did you think it would be?”
                                                                                                                                                        mar k o stow

        our health as genes themselves. These include how much or how             Write and tell me what you think at jason.pontin@
        little of a protein is produced (gene expression); the degree to —Jason Pontin

    8   From the Editor                                                                                      technology review January/February 2011


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         notebooks                                         In 2005, our group at Intel took a fresh           E nEr g y

                                                        approach. Instead of trying to build a
                                                        television with PC-like features, we asked            Electric Dreams
                                                        people how their TV experience could                  success for vehicles with a plug,
                                                        be improved. Instead of starting with                 not a gas cap, rests on more than
                                                        assumptions about how TV had to change,               technology, says dan sperling.
                                                        we began by finding out what people
                                                        loved about it.
                                                           Our ethnographers visited India, Japan,
                                                        the U.K., and the United States, some-
                                                                                                              T      he history of alternative transporta-
                                                                                                                     tion fuels is a history of failure. It is a
                                                                                                               story of one fuel du jour after another—a
                                                        times watching people watch TV, some-                  frustrating cycle of media and political
                                                        times watching with them. We wanted to                 hype followed by disillusionment and
                                                        understand how people lived with their                 abandonment.
                                                        TVs and the other people around them.                     The cycle is all too familiar, from syn-
                                                        The results directly informed the design of            fuels in the late 1970s to methanol in the
                                                        the processors at the heart of new devices            ’80s, and then electric vehicles, hydrogen,
                                                        like those running Google’s TV software                and ethanol. Only corn ethanol has sur-
                                                        and D-link’s Boxee Box (see “Searching for             vived in the United States, but it would be
         ME di a                                        the Future of Television,” p. 32).                     a stretch to call it a success, given its big

         Watching                                          The first thing we learned was that
                                                        people love TV just as it is. They love their
                                                                                                               carbon footprint and relatively high cost
                                                                                                               (subsidized at about $6 billion per year in
         Viewers                                        shows and they love its simplicity. TV is
                                                        always there and doesn’t ask too much of
                                                                                                               the United States today). A new wave of
                                                                                                               electric vehicles are now at risk of enter-
         Making television smarter requires             them. A story they care about is always                ing the cycle again.
         understanding why it is our favor-             just one button away. When we asked                       Replacing petroleum will be difficult
         ite gadget, Genevieve Bell and
                                                        people what they would want from a TV                  and slow. Its hegemony creates huge bar-
         Brian david Johnson argue.
                                                        with computing power, they didn’t talk                 riers for new fuels, in terms of econom-
                                                        about computing. They talked about TV.                 ics, legal liability, public skepticism, and

         D     o you want a Web browser on your
               TV? If history is any indication, your
         answer is probably a resounding no. We
                                                        Their top three answers were that they
                                                        want access to their regular broadcast
                                                        TV, want access to broadcasts they have
                                                                                                               media sensationalism. Our three best
                                                                                                               hopes—hydrogen, electricity, and biofu-
                                                                                                               els—all face large challenges.
         don’t blame you.                               missed, and want to know what shows                       Hydrogen would require us to trans-
            In the past few decades, the technol-       their friends recommend.                               form our fuel supply system. Electricity
         ogy industry has labored under the delu-          Delivering on all three requests does               must overcome the shortcomings of bat-
         sion that consumers would love their           require computing. Giving viewers the                  teries (see “Will Electric Vehicles Finally
         TV sets to behave like computers. Many         shows they missed takes a combination                  Succeed?” p. 58). Advanced biofuels need
         tombstones now stand in place of devices       of DVR and Web services. Telling them                  a lot of land and leave a large carbon foot-
         built by very smart people, with incred-       what friends enjoy is a mix of social net-             print. However, no other green energy
         ibly smart technology inside, that made        working and automatic recommendations.                 technologies will come into being easily
         no impact. Our own company, Intel, had         But it doesn’t require building a TV that              or quickly. At least one of these three—
         multiple failed attempts.                      behaves and feels like a computer. Recog-              and probably all—must eventually thrive
            Even today, with more consumer elec-        nizing that, using social science to inform            if we are to change the kind of energy we
         tronics to choose from than ever before,       computer science, has given us a new gen-              use for transportation.
         the TV remains the most-used electronic        eration of smart TV devices like nothing                  For plug-in hybrid and all-electric
         device in the home. It is often at the cen-    that has come before. Let’s hope they fare             vehicles, I see two possible scenarios.
         ter of our living rooms and bedrooms. It       better than their predecessors.                        The most likely, judging by failed fuels
                                                                                                                                                                    N i c k r e d dyh o F F

         is where we go to relax and to gather with                                                            of the past and recent experiences with
         friends and family. For many, watching         GeNevieve Bell is director oF iNteractioN aNd expe-    hybrid cars like the Prius, is slow invest-
                                                        rieNce research at iNtel; BriaN david JohNsoN is a
         TV defines being at home.                      Futurist aNd director oF Future castiNG.               ment. After 10 years in the U.S. market-

    10   Notebooks                                                                                                    technology review January/February 2011


                                                                  gE noM ic s                                        I was trained to view scientific data as

                                                                  Disease                                        the private property of each investigator.
                                                                                                                 Human genetics research groups were

                                                                  Decoded                                        locked in a “race” to discover each disease
                                                                                                                 gene, and there were winners and losers.
                                                                  sequencing the human genome                    This often led to fragmentation of effort
                                                                  has profoundly changed our                     and yielded results irreproducible by oth-
                                                                  understanding of biology and dis-              ers. Data was collected by hand and stored
                                                                  ease, writes david altshuler.                  in paper notebooks.
                                                                                                                     The Human Genome Project held the

            place—13 in Japan—hybrids have gained
            only 3 percent of the country’s market
                                                                  W        hen I was in school at MIT and
                                                                           Harvard in the 1980s and 1990s, I
                                                                  was taught that there were 100,000 or
                                                                                                                 revolutionary view that data collected
                                                                                                                 should be freely available to all. Today this
                                                                                                                 view prevails in genomics and many other
            for new cars. Plug-in electric vehicles are           so human genes, every one encoding a           fields of biology and medicine. Data is
            more costly, require large-scale invest-              protein. The properties of those genes         shared online by scientists the world over.
            ment in recharging infrastructure, and                were unknown. Today, I teach that our
            are more alien to consumers. Absent any               genome contains only 21,000 protein-
            dramatic change to market conditions,                 coding genes. To our surprise, there are
            can we really hope they will be more pop-             thousands of additional genes that don’t
            ular than hybrids?                                    encode proteins. All of these genes have
               A more optimistic scenario would                   been described in great detail.
            require strong national standards for                    I was taught that the parts of the
            new vehicles, similar to regulations                  genome not encoding proteins were “junk.”
            now being contemplated by California                  Today, we know that this junk makes up
            and the U.S. Environmental Protection                 three-quarters of our functional DNA.
            Agency. The EPA already requires 40                   Parts of it help exquisitely control where
            percent reductions in fuel consumption                and when genes are active in the body.
            and greenhouse-gas emissions by 2016,                    I was taught that “genetic diseases,”
            and it is considering further mandatory               such as cystic fibrosis, are caused by muta-      Today, thanks in no small part to the
            decreases of up to 6 percent per year                 tion of a single gene, with only a small       genome project’s example, investigators
            from 2017 to 2025. Automakers could                   handful of these mutations known. Today,       working on the same disease often publish
            meet such standards at first with better              precise causes are known for 2,800 of          together. Combining clinical and genetic
            conventional engines and gas hybrids.                 these rare single-gene disorders.              data this way increases the statistical
            But they would later be forced to invest                 I was taught nothing about the more         robustness of the claimed findings and
            in advanced plug-in technologies, to                  complex genetics of common diseases.           makes for highly reproducible results.
            achieve the steep improvement needed to               Today, we are learning at dizzying speed          Of course, knowledge of the human
            keep pace.                                            about the interplay of genes and environ-      genome alone is not sufficient to cure
               This optimistic scenario is supported              ment in diabetes, heart disease, and other     disease. It will always be the case that
            by the existence of large federal and state           common conditions. In the past three           creativity, hard work, and good fortune
            subsidies for plug-in electric vehicles, and          years alone more than 1,000 genetic risk       are needed to translate biological data
            by a strengthening commitment to them                 factors have been found (an increase of        into medical progress. But without the
            in China. While battery technology will               perhaps 50-fold), contributing to more         information, understanding, and cul-
            always be expensive, the right combina-               than 100 common diseases.                      tural changes brought on by the genome
            tion of strong policy, strong competition,               Such advances would have come far           project, the benefits to patients would be
            and consumer enthusiasm could speed                   later, if at all, without the Human Genome     much further off.
            the adoption of these cars.                           Project (see “The Human Genome, a
                                                                                                                 david altshuler is a FouNdiNG MeMBer, the deputy di-
                                                                  Decade Later,” p. 40). But a body of knowl-    rector, aNd the chieF acadeMic oFFicer oF the Broad
                                                                                                                 iNstitute oF harvard aNd Mit, aNd proFessor oF
            daN sperliNG is director oF the iNstitute oF traNs-   edge is not its only legacy. It also changed   GeNetics aNd oF MediciNe at harvard Medical school.
            portatioN studies at the uNiversity oF caliForNia,
            davis, aNd author oF the Book Two Billion Cars.       the way biological research is performed.

                                                                                                                        Notebooks     11

                                                                                                                                     Special Ad Section

       S                                                                                                A TECHNOLOGY REVIEW CUSTOM SERIES

      Point the camera of a tablet computer
                                                R                                                     R                  W
                                                                                                      athletes, striding among them as they
      or phone at a landmark, and watch as                                                            execute a variety of plays. This system was
      information about the building appears                                                          used during the 2010 World Cup, allowing
      on the screen. Bat at bugs on a table to                                                        analysts to break down and explain plays
      rehabilitate arm and shoulder movement:                                                         and formations in a virtual environment.
      the bugs actually appear only on a head-
      mounted display.                                                                                Museums Spring to Life
         Augmented reality programs are                                                               E2I Creative Studio, a lab that bridges the
      rapidly being adopted in a wide variety of                                                      academic and commercial worlds, has
      sectors, from military and civilian training                                                    brought a new sense of reality to Florida
      programs to online product marketing                                                            museum exhibits. At the Orlando Sci-
      to museum exhibits. The market intel-                                                           ence Center, the bones of prehistoric sea
      ligence firm ABI Research estimates that                                                         creatures were failing to captivate visitors.
      revenue associated with augmented                                                               So researchers at the University of Central
      reality–for handheld devices alone–will                                                         Florida’s Media Convergence Lab (the
      have increased from $6 million in 2008                                                          precursor of E2I) created a portal that
      to more than $350 million by 2014.                                                              resembled a science fiction time-travel
                                                                                                      device. Visitors stepped up to the portal
      Drivers Ed for the Military                     be manipulated to clear explosive devices;      and through it viewed an exhibit that had
      In the past, military drivers often had to      the virtual trainer has a system just like it   suddenly been “flooded” with water,
      travel to learn to operate complicated,         that the drivers can operate, then view the     bringing the bones to life. Virtual creatures
      hefty vehicles—such as the armored              results on its monitors.                        slithered through the water and peered
      Stryker or the mine-protected Buffalo—on                                                        out from behind the real museum’s sup-
      large immovable simulators. Those mas-          Commerce and Entertainment                      port pillars.
      sive systems, complete with augmented           Stephen Barker, founder and president of           E2I Creative is now developing a series
      reality tools, helped drivers feel as if they   Sarasota-based Digital Frontiers Media,         of exhibits for the Fort Lauderdale Mu-
      were moving genuine tank and truck con-         has received national attention for the         seum of Discovery and Science, includ-
      trols and operating the machinery. Today,       company’s eye-catching interactive web-         ing an augmented otter habitat display.
      researchers at the international company        sites. He notes that advances in cameras        Says Eileen Smith, the lab’s director,
      SAIC, working at their Orlando office,           and computer speeds and smart phones            “We decided to go with stylized virtual
      have reengineered the architecture of the       have dramatically enlarged the possibili-       creatures, instead of attempting to make
      system from the ground up, so that entire       ties for augmented experiences. Barker          them look exactly like the real thing. ”
      virtual systems, complete with the appro-       describes a scenario where “for fashion,        The point, she continues, is to offer just
      priate hardware to create the necessary         you’ll want to know what a particular           enough verisimilitude to let the user’s
      effects, can be shrunk down to fit into one      piece of clothing will look like. So you’ll     imagination take over.
      trailer. These systems can also easily be       stand in front of the webcam and interact
      reconfigured for different vehicles.             with the camera, change the clothing that         Download the Augmented
          “We’ve taken the entire system and          you’re checking out, so you can get a feel-       Reality in the Real World white
      made it mobile, says David Rees, senior
                       ”                              ing of what it will look like on you.
                                                                                          ”             paper to learn more about
      vice president. “We’ve already built 13 or         At ESPN’s Innovation Lab, in Orlando,          • augmented reality games for
      14 trailers for the Army, and they can now      Florida, the engineers have developed               rehabilitation;
      take those trailers to wherever the troops      virtual team members for many different           • new tools for movie-making; and
      are located. ”                                  sports. The on-air sportscaster appears           • military training.
         The vehicles have external arms that can     to interact with the computer-generated

      Download the full story and more at

                                                                                    to market


                                          Search Screen
                                          THE FIRST high-definition set to have Google TV software built in,
                                          the Sony Internet TV lets viewers search for content on both television
                                          channels and the Internet (see “Searching for the Future of Television,”
                                          p. 32). It also provides a platform for third-party Android-based appli-
                                          cations. The downside is a monster of a remote control, with 80 buttons.

                                          W Product: Sony Internet TV Cost: $600 to $1,400 Availability: Now
                                          Source: Companies: Google, Sony
      S O NY

                                                                             To Market   13

    to market

             b iome di Ci ne

             Assistive robots help patients
             out of wheelchairs and aid
             doctors in surgery.

                                                                Fancy Footwork
                                                                ThIs ProsTheTIC actively senses the wearer’s position and uses a motorized
                                                                spring to imitate how the ankle, calf muscle, and achilles tendon work to push
                                                                off the ground. The result is a more natural gait and less pressure on the hips
                                                                and back.

                                                                W Product: PowerFoot bioM Cost: Not available Availability: Now Source:
                                                                Company: iWalk

                                                                                                            Torso Control
                                                                                                             rewalK features stabilizing crutches,
                                                                                                             motorized gears that move the legs, and a
                                                                                                             computer-equipped backpack holding a
                                                                                                             battery that powers the device for three to
                                                                                                             four hours. Motion sensors and onboard
             Stand Alone                                                                                     processing monitor the wearer’s upper-
             UNlIKe oTher exoskeletons, this one                                                             body movements and center of gravity;
                                                                                                                                                                    C o U rTe Sy o F iWAlK, r e X b I o N I C S, Ar G o

             doesn’t require crutches or a backpack;                                                         when the person shifts his or her torso,
             two giant legs support and lift the user,                                                       the device steps appropriately.
             who controls the system with joysticks.
                                                                                                             W Product: reWalk-I Cost: $130,000
             while bulkier than the other systems, it                                                        Availability: early 2011 Source:
             allows wearers to ascend steps and ramps.                                                       Company: Argo Medical Technologies

              W Product: rex Cost: $150,000 Availability: Now
              Source: Company: rex bionics

    14   To Market                                                                                                   technology review January/February 2011


                                                                  Surgical Precision
                                                                  DURING joint replacement surgery, the patient’s
                                                                  bones have to be sculpted so that the implant can
                                                                  be fitted securely. This robotic surgical device
                                                                  uses tracking arms to monitor the position of
                                                                  the patient’s bone and track the tip of the rotat-
                                                                  ing burr being used to shave material away. It
                                                                  will restrain the burr if the surgeon attempts to
                                                                  remove bone from the wrong location.

                                                                  W Product: Acrobot Sculptor and Navigator Cost: Not available
                                                                  Availability: 2011 Source:
                                                                  Company: Stanmore Implants

                                                                                                                                  Sensitive Soles
                                                                                                                                  ATTACHED with clips and Velcro straps, these motorized leg sup-

                                                                                                                                  ports and foot sensors enable paraplegics to move themselves between
                                                                                                                                  sitting and standing positions, walk in a straight line, and turn.
                                                                                                                                  Crutches help stabilize the walker. Sensors in the foot pads tell the
                                                                                                                                  supports how to flex the knees in a natural manner, allowing wearers
                                                                                                                                  to move over mixed terrain. The system draws power from batteries
                                                                                                                                  carried in a backpack.

                                                                                                                                  W Product: eLegs Cost: $100,000 Availability: Mid-2011 Source:
                                                                                                                                  Company: Berkeley Bionics

                                                                                                                                                                                     To Market   15

    to market

                                                                                                  Com P utin G

                                                                                                  Digital Dashboard
                                                                                                  Ford has developed a new interface
                                                                                                  for drivers. Two lCd screens on either
                                                                                                  side of the speedometer can show a
                                                                                                  range of information, selected using two
                                                                                                  game-pad-style thumb controllers on the
                                                                                                  steering wheel. The screens can display,
                                                                                                  for example, fuel level, distance traveled,
                                                                                                  engine temperature, or the presence of
                                                                                                  another car in the vehicle’s blind spot.

                                                                                                  W Product: MyFord Touch dashboard Cost: $1,000 as
                                                                                                  an option Availability: Now Source:
                                                                                                  Company: Ford Motor

         ComPut i n G

         Transform Your Car
         The aUToBoT can be retrofitted into most cars made since
         1996, allowing you to remotely tap into your vehicle’s engine
         diagnostics port and get information about issues such as
         cylinder misfires or fuel pressure. The device uses a 3g con-
         nection to transmit data; the information can be accessed
         through a website or a smart-phone app. If you need direc-
         tions to your parking spot or your car is stolen, a built-in gPs
         will provide the car’s location. and if you get into an accident,
         the autoBot can send text messages to emergency services.
         W Product: Autobot Cost: Under $300 Availability: Mid-2011 Source:
         Company: Mavizon Technologies                                                                                                                 C o U rTe Sy o F Fo r D M oTo r; MAVI Z o N Te C H N o lo G I e S

    16   To Market                                                                                          technology review January/February 2011


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            Be completely prepared for client consultations with mobile solutions on the Verizon
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    to market

                                                                                                                   biom ed iCin e

                                                                                                                   UsINg a smart-phone touch screen
                                                                                                                   to display results, this portable ultra-
                                                                                                                   sound system is designed to provide
                                                                                                                   cheap diagnostics in remote areas.
                                                                                                                   with training, nonexpert field work-
                                                                                                                   ers can use the device to take ultra-
                                                                                                                   sounds; images can be transmitted to
                                                                                                                   off-site doctors for analysis.

                                                                                                                   W Product: Smart Phone Ultrasound Imager
                                                                                                                   Cost: $5,000 to $10,000
                                                                                                                   Availability: Mid-2011, subject to FDA approval
                                                                                                                   Source: Company: Mobisante

         Commun i C ati o n s

         Peer-to-Peer Radio
         ThIs dIgITal radIo supports a new wrinkle in wi-Fi. wi-Fi
         direct, as it’s called, lets devices such as printers, laptops, and tele-
         visions discover and communicate with each other without having
         to first connect to a wi-Fi base station. For example, the technol-
         ogy could allow a business visitor to use a printer in the office with-
         out being given access to the corporate network.

         W Product: Centrino Advanced-N 6000 Cost: Not available Availability: Now Source:
         Company: Intel


                                                                       Social Animals
                                                                                                                                                                          C o U rTe Sy o F I NTe l; M o b I SANTe; MATTe l

                                                                       Now everyoNe on the Internet will know if you’re a dog. Intended for owners
                                                                       looking for a connection with their pet when they can’t be together, the Puppy Tweets
                                                                       device is attached to a dog’s collar and sends a signal to the owner’s computer, which
                                                                       then updates to Twitter throughout the day. Posts consist of preworded messages
                                                                       based on how active the dog is and whether or not it has been barking.

                                                                       W   Product: Puppy Tweets Cost: $25 Availability: Now Source: Company: Mattel

    18   To Market                                                                                                             technology review January/February 2011


            Access daily news, watch award-winning videos, listen to audio
            playlists and much more. Get it today.
            Download for free at


                                                                                                   THE ROAD TO HALF A BILLION
                                                                                                   Over the past two years, Facebook has been solidifying its international presence. It has
                                                                                                   crowdsourced the translation of its site into dozens of languages, opened new offices
                                                                                                   abroad, and launched Facebook Zero, a stripped-down version aimed at countries where
                                                                                                   people are more likely to connect using a cell phone than a PC.

         graphiti                                                                                    Launched
                                                                                                 February 2004
                                                                                                                                                       FACEBOOK USERS
                                                                                                                                                       1 million                                      5.5 mil.
                                                                                                               2004                                         2005                                      2006

         12-MONTH GROWTH

                           350 %                       S. Korea

                                     SOUTH KOREA The                                EASTERN EUROPE Having
                                     world’s most connected                         reached saturation in most of
                                     country has resisted                           Western Europe, Facebook
                                     western Web companies.                         is spreading rapidly through
                           300       Facebook shows signs of                        countries that were in the                                Hungary
                                     breaking through.                              Soviet Bloc.


                           250            Ukraine
                                                                                                     Dominican Republic
                                                          Brazil                                        INDONESIA The Muslim
                             Russia                                    Honduras
                                                                                         Ecuador        nation is now Facebook’s                           Portugal
                                                                                                        second-largest audience.              Costa Rica
                           200                   Paraguay
                                             Nicaragua              El Salvador
                     INDIA Last year, Facebook
                     surpassed Orkut as its most                     Guatemala
                     popular social network.                                                                                 Philippines
                           150                   Ghana                                                                                            Lithuania
                                                                   West Bank and Gaza                     Germany
                                             Pakistan                                                                                                              TAIWAN This country and
                                   Nigeria                               Oman                                                                                      Hong Kong offer clues about
                                                                                                                                                 Bulgaria          how popular Facebook could
                                                                          Morocco    Saudi Arabia
                                                                                                                                                                   become in mainland China.
                                                                                                    Jamaica         Jordan
                                                               Egypt                                                         Netherlands
                           100 Bangladesh                                                                                                                                     Slovakia
                                                                                                                                              Kuwait        Czech Republic       Uruguay
                                                                                                              Tunisia                                         Austria              Serbia
                                              Sri Lanka                                                                    Bosnia and Herzegovina                                       Argentina
                                                                                                                   Panama                     Colombia
                                                                                                                                                    Spain             Venezuela                           Taiwan
                            50 China                                                                                                                      Greece
                                             Vietnam         South Africa
                                                                                                                                   Lebanon                      Croatia
                                     CHINA The Great Firewall stymies Facebook’s                                                                                               Italy
                                                                                                                                                                                        Switzerland     Finland
                                     efforts to reach one-fifth of the world’s population.

                             0 0%                            5%                       10%                     15%                    20%                        25%                    30%                        35%
                                 MARKET PENETRATION

    20    Graphiti                                                                                                                                              technology review January/February 2011


                                                                                        Opens headquarters for Europe,
                                                                                      Middle East, and Africa in Dublin

                               21 additional languages launch

                                              German launch
                                                                                                                                       500 million
                         Spanish and French launch
                                                                                            200 million                                           Facebook Zero launches
                                                                                                                                                  in 45 countries
                                                                        100 million
                                         50 million                                                                                                                 Opens o ce
      12 mil.       20 mil.                                                                                                                                         in India

             2007                                       2008                                2009                                2010

            Making Friends                                              it now has to work harder to establish a
                                                                        presence in markets like Japan and South
                                                                                                                           Information graphic by
                                                                                                                           TOMM Y McCA LL and
            Facebook still has lots of                                  Korea, which—partly because those coun-
                                                                                                                           MAT T M A HONEY
            room to grow.                                               tries already have successful homegrown
                                                                        Web services—have been hard for west-              Sources: Audience data is from Inside Net-

                                                                                                                           work’s Facebook Global Monitor report for
                   ith three-quarters of its 500 million                ern companies to crack.                            November 2010; 2009 population data from
                   users outside the United States,                         However, one success story suggests            the World Bank was used to calculate market
            Facebook has spread to every corner of                      that the company can do well in East
            the globe. But there are still plenty of                    Asia. In Taiwan, which also has a well-
            people who have yet to be lured into the                    established Web ecosystem and is similar
            social network—and could be soon. As                        to Japan and South Korea in terms of
            this graph shows, Facebook is only just                     broadband connectivity and technical
            beginning to ripple through the popula-                     literacy, nearly a third of all residents and
            tions of such large countries as India and                  half of all Internet users have a Face-
            Brazil. It is also still a minor player in                  book account. One factor in the growth
            Japan and South Korea. And it is banned                     has been a ready supply of social games
            in China, the biggest Web market of all.                    for Taiwanese to play on Facebook. Such
                For most of its first six years, Face-                   games are often created by developers in
            book was largely able to sit back and let                   mainland China, even though the govern-
            its audience expand naturally, thanks                       ment prevents most of their countrymen
            to the power of the network e ect. But                      from playing them. —Matt Mahoney

                                                                                                         Regions                 Audience size

                                                                                                             North America              143 million
                                                                                                             Latin America
                      U.S., U.K., AND CANADA These countries still account
                      for a third of Facebook’s audience and, most likely, the                               Australasia
                      vast majority of the company’s revenue.                                                Africa                          25
                                                                                                             Middle East                     10
                          United Arab Emirates

                     Ireland                                   United
                                                               States                                        ICELAND Facebook has benefited
                                                Chile                             Singapore                  from intensified network effects in a
                        New Zealand                                                  Hong Kong               small, densely settled nation.
                                    Sweden                                              Canada
                                         Australia                Denmark                                       Iceland
                                           United Kingdom                   Norway
            35%                      40%                    45%                  50%                  55%                 60%                      65%                    70%

                                                                                                                                         Graphiti   21


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  • 1. the mystery of the genome worldmags p40 br ie fing The sMarT grId p65 Published by MIT Searching for TV’s future Can the Net swallow another mass medium? p32 electric Car Winners and Losers p58 Hacking Microsoft’s Kinect p82 The Authority on the future of Technology February 2011
  • 2. worldmags LOTS OF POINTS. worldmags
  • 3. ©2010 General Motors. Cadillac® CTS® worldmags NONE OF REFERENCE. FROm EvERy aNglE, thE CtS-v COupE bREakS NEw gROuNd, whilE thE bRakE light dOublES aS a SpOilER tO makE SuRE it NEvER lEavES it. THE NEW STANDARD OF THE WORLD CADILLAC CTS-V COUPE / worldmags
  • 5. worldmags contents Volu me 114, NumBeR 1 32 Searching for the Future g raph iti 20 Making Friends of Television Facebook still has lots of Google and the geeks from Silicon Valley aim room to grow. to revolutionize the 70-year-old TV industry. By Tommy McCall and Matt Mahoney Conquering the Internet was easy by comparison. B y RoBeRT D. Hof Special Section coVe r retro google tV logo by The Human Genome, the heads of State a Decade Later 40 Ten years after scientists finished mapping our DNA, they have a far more complex picture of what determines our genetic fate. B y JoN CoHeN 46 The cancer genome could provide clues to treating the disease. B y e mIly SING e R 52 Joseph Nadeau is searching for the genome’s dark matter. By STepHeN S. HAll Q&a 22 Paul Sagan the ceo of a company that 58 Will Electric Vehicles delivers a large portion of Web traffic isn’t worried that the Finally Succeed? internet is running out of capacity. By Brian Bergstein The success of new plug-in hybrids and all-electric vehicles will depend on overcoming a familiar nemesis: battery costs. photo eSSay B y peTeR fA IRl ey 24 Rebuilding Architecture Software is allowing architects 6 Letters 11 Disease Decoded to design buildings in radically 8 From the Editor Sequencing the human genome new ways. has profoundly changed our By Katherine Bourzac understanding of biology and note B ookS disease. By David Altshuler B r i e Fi ng 10 Watching Viewers Making television smarter to Mar ket 65–73 The Smart Grid requires understanding why adding intelligence to the elec- 13–18 Technology tric grid will reduce carbon emis- it is our favorite gadget. Commercialized sions and make power more By Genevieve Bell and Sony internet tV, pocket ultra- reliable—if we’re willing to foot Brian David Johnson sound scanner, medical exoskel- the bill. 10 Electric Dreams etons, robotic surgical assistant, Success for vehicles with a plug, digital dashboard, and more. ■ smartgrid not a gas cap, rests on more explore the technologies behind than just technology. the smart grid. By Dan Sperling 2 technology review January/February 2011 worldmags
  • 6. worldmags 24 r eVi eWS 74 Serious Games the virtual world of Second life seemed like the next big thing, and then it was largely written off. neither hypers nor detractors understood it. By Julian Dibbell 76 Start Me Up online crowd-funding, supported by social technologies, provides a new business model for book publishing. By Emily Gould 78 The New, More Awkward You robots that stand in for remote workers could force people to learn how to toler- 84 ate a new breed of social failings. By Tom Simonite De Mo FroM th e laB S ■ 84 Printing 88 Biomedicine telepresence Electronic Skin 89 Information Technology Watch the robot in action at TR. nanowire transistor arrays 90 Materials form sensors that match the sensitivity of human skin. hack By Katherine Bourzac 70 year S ag o i n TR 82 Microsoft Kinect ■ 92 Chaos in TV Land how the device responds to your voice See researchers make electronic skin if you think the future of television is and gestures. from nanowires. uncertain now, look at the issues it By Erica Naone faced before it took off. ■ By Matt Mahoney See the Microsoft kinect taken apart. w w w . t e ch n o l o g y r e v i e w . c o m 3 worldmags
  • 7. worldmags Published by MiT Editor in Chief and Publisher Cor porate Custom e r se rviCe an d Europe Jason Pontin su b sCr i ption i nqu i r i es Anthony Fitzgerald Chief Financial Officer National: 800-877-5230 Rick Crowley 44-1488-680623 e ditor ial Chief Operating Officer International: 818-487-2088 E-mail: technologyreview@ France Editor James Coyle Philippe Marquezy David Rotman Chief Strategy Officer philippe.marquezy@ Deputy Editor Kathleen Kennedy customerservice 33-1-4270-0008 Brian Bergstein Executive Assistant MIT Records: 617-253-8270 Design Director Leila Snyder Germany (alums only) Conrad Warre Permissions: Jennifer Martin Michael Hanke Manager of Information Art Director Technology 49-511-5352-167 Lee Caulfield Colby Wheeler 877-652-5295, ext. 104 China Chief Correspondent Office Coördinator RP Soong David Talbot Linda Cardinal adve rtisi ng sales Midwest Sales Director and 010-8280-9083 Senior Editor, Special Projects Stephen Cass mar keti ng National Print Strategist India Associate Director, Maureen Elmaleh Aninda Sen Senior Editor, MIT News Alice Dragoon Marketing & Events 303-975-6381 91-80-43412000 Amy Lammers Senior Editor, Business West Coast Sales Director and Japan Evan I. Schwartz Associate Manager, National Digital Strategist Shigeru Kobayashi Advertising Operations Patrick Viera Senior Editor, Biomedicine David A. Schmidt 813-3261-4591 Emily Singer 415-659-2982 Associate Art Director, Spain and South America Online Editor Marketing & Custom Publishing (Online) Will Knight Andrew Memmelaar New York and Northeast Pedro Moneo Laín IT Editor, Software & Hardware Johanna Zottarelli-Duffe 34-667-732-894 Tom Simonite Consu m e r mar keti ng 857-998-9241 IT Editor, Web & Social Networking Senior Vice President, International Licensing New England, Detroit, and Canada Consultant Erica Naone Audience Development Barry Echavarria Chander Rai Energy Editor Heather Holmes Kevin Bullis Director of Audience Analytics 603-924-7586 Kathy Kraysler Mid-Atlantic and Southeast Advertising Services Materials Science Editor webcreative@ Katherine Bourzac Fulfillment Manager Clive Bullard Copy Chief Tina Bellomy 845-231-0846 617-475-8004 Linda Lowenthal Media Kit Northwest Fi nanCe Senior Web Producer Steve Thompson Brittany Sauser Accountants Assistant Managing Editor Letitia Trecartin 415-435-4678 Technology Review Timothy Maher Tim Curran One Main Street, 13th Floor Cambridge MA 02142 Research Editor Tel: 617-475-8000 b oar d oF di r eCtor s Matt Mahoney Fax: 617-475-8043 Reid Ashe Assistant Editor Judith M. Cole Kristina Grifantini Jerome I. Friedman Assistant Art Director Theresa M. Stone Angela Tieri Sheila E. Widnall Production Director Ann J. Wolpert James LaBelle Contributing Editors Simson Garfinkel Mark Williams Technology Review, inc., identifies emerging teCh nologyr evi ew.Com technologies and analyzes their impact for technol- Vice President, Online David Foucher ogy leaders. Technology Review publishes Technolo- Web Developers gy Review magazine (the oldest technology maga- Michael Callahan zine in the world, founded in 1899) and the daily Shaun Calhoun Sarah Redman website; it also produces live events such as the EmTech Conference. Tech- nology Review is an independent media company owned by the Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ogy. The views expressed in our various publications De Technologia non multum scimus. Scimus autem, quid nobis placeat. and at our events are often not shared by MIT. 4 technology review January/February 2011 worldmags
  • 9. worldmags Letters and Comments Don’t DisregarD nuclear in the form of loan guarantees. These are google Vs. Facebook That nuclear power is at least somewhat not handouts but, rather, insurance poli- In “Google Misses You” (November/ more expensive than fossil fuels was never cies to cover the unforeseen. The renais- December 2010), Paul Boutin calls Face- in question (“Giant Holes in the Ground,” sance will happen because there is simply book’s user interface “a pain in the ass” and November/December 2010). no alternative. claims it’s in conflict with 40 years of UI The question is whether we Ulrich Decher research. Do Google products, desktop or are going to do anything to Granby, Connecticut mobile, shine in their UIs? Google’s prod- move away from fossil fuels, ucts may be cleaner and more stable than and how nuclear power The dismissal of China as “a some others’, but they seem to be built by compares economically with tiny player” in nuclear power and for geeks. Designing Web and social other non-emitting options. is cavalier to say the least. UIs, I rarely meet people craving the Nuclear is stalling because The build rate for new reac- Google Calendar experience or the Picasa current policies give it no sig- tors in China is beginning to experience. nificant advantage over fos- approach what it was in the Edo Elan sil fuels, while renewables November/December ’10 U.S. in the heyday of nuclear San Francisco, California are being built by government mandate, plant construction. And contrary to our essentially regardless of cost. I disagree experience here, China has been complet- the MeMex with Matthew Wald’s characterization of ing projects ahead of schedule and under I was 13 when Vannevar Bush described nuclear’s loan guarantees as a significant budget. The agonizing in the U.S. over the the Memex in 1945, which you reflect on subsidy. This support is tiny compared with future of nuclear power grows increasingly in “Future Perfect” (November/Decem- the massive subsidies given to renewables. irrelevant. ber 2010). The Memex, a technology that For a fraction of what the government has Roger Arnold promised to give individuals access to the spent supporting renewables in just the last Sunnyvale, California world’s collection of information, inspired few years, it could provide loan guarantees my dreams of what might be. Over the for all reactors built from this day forward. What the Web really neeDs years, science and the marketplace have In any fair competition among non-emit- Without detracting from HTML5, I have given us increasingly powerful computers, ting sources, nuclear would do very well. to object to the title “The Web Is Reborn” software, and networking. Fortunately, there is a movement afoot to (November/December 2010). Rather In the eighth decade of my life I work pass a Clean Energy Standard that includes than more optimal displays of video, the with a company that specializes in docu- both nuclear and renewables. Such a policy Web needs an architectural solution to its ment management software with artificial- would solve all the “problems” nuclear is nearly fatal security issues. The resources intelligence assistants. These tools enable having right now. that are wasted on professional security me to construct my own little “Memex,” James Hopf services, firewalls, and antivirus software which holds collections totaling hundreds San Jose, California and its maintenance are far more than a of thousands of documents that interest minor inconvenience. me. The cost of the devices that let me do Wald’s conclusion that the nuclear renais- David Korenstein this today is far less than would have been sance has failed is premature. The financial Wayne, Pennsylvania required to construct Bush’s Memex. My hurdles are real but not insurmountable. computer and scanner total ten pounds, less The renaissance requires government help It seems that the Web’s future is being than Bush’s vision of a bulky device. driven by technical arguments and com- My Memex operates at speeds that would panies beholden to their customers. What have delighted Bush, but we are still in early join the Discussion, or contact us about the public interest? The Web has stages of what could be done. The author is ■ emerged as the major place where the correct in stating that looking back at the e-mail discourse necessary for democracy takes present from the perspective of 77 years Write Technology Review, One Main Street, place—akin to the new radio and TV air- in the future would probably elicit pity for 13th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02142 Fax 617-475-8043 waves. Don’t we need regulations to guar- the primitive state in which we live and Please include your address, telephone number, antee access and fairness? work today. and e-mail address. Letters and comments may John Fisher William DeVille be edited for both clarity and length. New York, New York Nashville, Indiana 6 Letters and Comments technology review January/February 2011 worldmags
  • 10. worldmags Your gatewaY to an MIt educatIonal experIence As MIT’s training and education portal for scientists, engineers and technical professionals, we help you access cutting edge research and knowledge Massachusetts Institute of Technology at MIT, acquire new skills and take innovative ideas back to work. To learn more about what MIT Professional Education can offer you and your company, visit us today at or email us at our prograMs Include: short programs advanced study program Register for a 2 – 5 day intensive course Enroll in regular MIT courses for one or and gain critical knowledge to help advance more semesters, on a full or part-time basis, your career and impact your company’s while still working and contributing to your success. Each year approximately company. Earn grades, MIT credit, new 50 courses are offered in a variety of knowledge and new skills. subject areas (partial listing below): Biotechnology / Pharmaceutical career reengineering program Computing / Networks / Communications Enroll in a unique, 12-month, part-time program Data Modeling & Analysis that offers experienced professionals the knowledge and skills to enable career reentry Energy / Transportation or retooling for new work or a new workplace. Engineering Systems High-Speed Imaging custom programs Leadership & Teaching for Faculty Enhance your organization’s capabilities and Lean Enterprise / Healthcare expertise through customized programs tailored Mechanical Design & Engineering to meet your specific needs and priorities. Nanotechnology Supply Chain / Marketing International programs Systems Design & Engineering Find out about regionally relevant MIT short Technology / Organizations courses being offered in various locations around the world. Save 10% on Short Programs when you register & pay by April 15 using code MITPE-03. techreview worldmags
  • 11. worldmags From the Editor A Decade of Genomics on the 10th anniversary of the Human Genome Project, we ask: where are the therapies? T he Human Genome Project, whose results were announced in June of 2000 and published in full 10 years ago, took 13 years and $3 billion to complete. For biology, it was unprec- which gene expression can be influenced by mechanisms other than changes in the underlying DNA sequence (dubbed “epi- genetics,” because the field studies mechanisms above—“epi”— edented in scale: it determined the sequence of three billion the genome); and whether we have extra or missing copies of units, or base pairs, of human DNA. What life scientists wanted genes (copy-number variation). from the project was equally ambitious: they hoped sequencing This “missing heritability” problem—the fact that individual our DNA would reveal the genetic causes of disease and lead to genes cannot account for much of a disease’s heritability—has diagnoses, treatments, and cures for intractable illnesses like significant implications for medicine. It turns out (as Hall many forms of cancer. explains) that “a person’s susceptibility to disease may depend In this issue of Technology Review, we explore what happened more on the combined effect of all the genes in the background to those hopes. than on the disease genes in the foreground.” Therefore, mapping Over the last 10 years, many advances in genomics have been this complex nest of genetic relationships offers the best hope for made. As Jon Cohen explains in the introduction to our pack- turning genomics into therapies or cures. age of stories on the topic, which begins on page 40, “The price Consider cancer. In “Cancer’s Genome,” starting on page 46, of sequencing DNA has dropped … to mere thousands [of dol- Emily Singer, Technology Review’s biomedicine editor, describes lars per person]. The number of single-gene aberrations known how research has proved that cancer genomics are “even more to cause disease … has jumped from 100 to nearly 3,000. The complicated than scientists had supposed.” We now understand growing list of common diseases that have been traced to mul- that five to as many as 20 mutations are needed to trigger can- tiple genetic variants includes everything from types of blindness cer’s cellular proliferation. But cheaper, faster sequencing tech- to autoimmune diseases and metabolic disorders like diabetes. nologies may, in the not-too-distant future, make personalized Studies have linked more than 200 genes to cancer.” cancer medicine a real possibility. Singer reports on Foundation But taken as a whole, it was a long, hard decade for genomics. Medicine in Cambridge, Massachusetts, which wants to create Researchers and clinicians will disagree about how quickly they clinical tests that reveal which mutations have caused a patient’s imagined the Human Genome Project would bear fruit, but no particular cancer, how severe that cancer is, and what drugs one will contest that the genome has turned out to be bafflingly will affect it. According to Singer, early results from Founda- complex and that genomic information has yielded few new tion “suggest that about half the patient tissue samples analyzed cures. Cohen describes some of the difficulties in his introduction, would yield plausibly ‘usable’ information, meaning that the and Stephen Hall provides more detail in “The Genome’s Dark analysis might suggest a particular class of drugs or better define Matter,” beginning on page 52: “Large-scale genomic studies … the type of cancer.” If readers are looking for hope that genomics have mainly failed to turn up common genes that play a major can lead to cures for intractable diseases, companies like this are role in complex human maladies. More than three dozen specific appropriate inspiration. genetic variants have been associated with type 2 diabetes … but In Cohen’s introduction, Eric Lander, who was one of the lead- together they have been found to explain about 10 percent of ers of the Human Genome Project and now directs the Broad the disease’s heritability … Results have been similar for heart Institute (and who is also a founder of Foundation Medicine), says disease, schizophrenia, high blood pressure, and other common we should not be surprised that the genome is so complicated. maladies.” He counsels a historically informed patience as we work on new In short, we have expended enormous energy on search- genomic medicines: after all, 60 years passed between the devel- ing for disease genes, but it has become clearer that a variety of opment of germ theory and the creation of antibiotics. Genomics other factors, once thought minor, are in fact as important to is harder. Lander asks, “How simple did you think it would be?” mar k o stow our health as genes themselves. These include how much or how Write and tell me what you think at jason.pontin@ little of a protein is produced (gene expression); the degree to —Jason Pontin 8 From the Editor technology review January/February 2011 worldmags
  • 12. worldmags Fail Faster. Succeed Sooner. Prototype Your Ideas Faster with NI Graphical System Design. PRODUCT PLATFORM Through the large number of prototypes he created to get the first working light bulb, Thomas Edison taught engineers and scientists that building a NI LabVIEW functional prototype is fundamental in bringing ideas to life. NI LabVIEW NI CompactRIO graphical programming tools and NI customizable off-the-shelf hardware NI Single-Board RIO can transform an idea into a functional prototype in weeks, versus months, NI C Series I/O Modules and lower the risk of your next project. >> Get to market faster with prototyping tools at 888 279 9833 ©2010 National Instruments. All rights reserved. CompactRIO, LabVIEW, National Instruments, NI, and are trademarks of National Instruments. Other product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. 2410 worldmags
  • 13. worldmags notebooks In 2005, our group at Intel took a fresh E nEr g y approach. Instead of trying to build a television with PC-like features, we asked Electric Dreams people how their TV experience could success for vehicles with a plug, be improved. Instead of starting with not a gas cap, rests on more than assumptions about how TV had to change, technology, says dan sperling. we began by finding out what people loved about it. Our ethnographers visited India, Japan, the U.K., and the United States, some- T he history of alternative transporta- tion fuels is a history of failure. It is a story of one fuel du jour after another—a times watching people watch TV, some- frustrating cycle of media and political times watching with them. We wanted to hype followed by disillusionment and understand how people lived with their abandonment. TVs and the other people around them. The cycle is all too familiar, from syn- The results directly informed the design of fuels in the late 1970s to methanol in the the processors at the heart of new devices ’80s, and then electric vehicles, hydrogen, like those running Google’s TV software and ethanol. Only corn ethanol has sur- and D-link’s Boxee Box (see “Searching for vived in the United States, but it would be ME di a the Future of Television,” p. 32). a stretch to call it a success, given its big Watching The first thing we learned was that people love TV just as it is. They love their carbon footprint and relatively high cost (subsidized at about $6 billion per year in Viewers shows and they love its simplicity. TV is always there and doesn’t ask too much of the United States today). A new wave of electric vehicles are now at risk of enter- Making television smarter requires them. A story they care about is always ing the cycle again. understanding why it is our favor- just one button away. When we asked Replacing petroleum will be difficult ite gadget, Genevieve Bell and people what they would want from a TV and slow. Its hegemony creates huge bar- Brian david Johnson argue. with computing power, they didn’t talk riers for new fuels, in terms of econom- about computing. They talked about TV. ics, legal liability, public skepticism, and D o you want a Web browser on your TV? If history is any indication, your answer is probably a resounding no. We Their top three answers were that they want access to their regular broadcast TV, want access to broadcasts they have media sensationalism. Our three best hopes—hydrogen, electricity, and biofu- els—all face large challenges. don’t blame you. missed, and want to know what shows Hydrogen would require us to trans- In the past few decades, the technol- their friends recommend. form our fuel supply system. Electricity ogy industry has labored under the delu- Delivering on all three requests does must overcome the shortcomings of bat- sion that consumers would love their require computing. Giving viewers the teries (see “Will Electric Vehicles Finally TV sets to behave like computers. Many shows they missed takes a combination Succeed?” p. 58). Advanced biofuels need tombstones now stand in place of devices of DVR and Web services. Telling them a lot of land and leave a large carbon foot- built by very smart people, with incred- what friends enjoy is a mix of social net- print. However, no other green energy ibly smart technology inside, that made working and automatic recommendations. technologies will come into being easily no impact. Our own company, Intel, had But it doesn’t require building a TV that or quickly. At least one of these three— multiple failed attempts. behaves and feels like a computer. Recog- and probably all—must eventually thrive Even today, with more consumer elec- nizing that, using social science to inform if we are to change the kind of energy we tronics to choose from than ever before, computer science, has given us a new gen- use for transportation. the TV remains the most-used electronic eration of smart TV devices like nothing For plug-in hybrid and all-electric device in the home. It is often at the cen- that has come before. Let’s hope they fare vehicles, I see two possible scenarios. ter of our living rooms and bedrooms. It better than their predecessors. The most likely, judging by failed fuels N i c k r e d dyh o F F is where we go to relax and to gather with of the past and recent experiences with friends and family. For many, watching GeNevieve Bell is director oF iNteractioN aNd expe- hybrid cars like the Prius, is slow invest- rieNce research at iNtel; BriaN david JohNsoN is a TV defines being at home. Futurist aNd director oF Future castiNG. ment. After 10 years in the U.S. market- 10 Notebooks technology review January/February 2011 worldmags
  • 14. worldmags gE noM ic s I was trained to view scientific data as Disease the private property of each investigator. Human genetics research groups were Decoded locked in a “race” to discover each disease gene, and there were winners and losers. sequencing the human genome This often led to fragmentation of effort has profoundly changed our and yielded results irreproducible by oth- understanding of biology and dis- ers. Data was collected by hand and stored ease, writes david altshuler. in paper notebooks. The Human Genome Project held the place—13 in Japan—hybrids have gained only 3 percent of the country’s market W hen I was in school at MIT and Harvard in the 1980s and 1990s, I was taught that there were 100,000 or revolutionary view that data collected should be freely available to all. Today this view prevails in genomics and many other for new cars. Plug-in electric vehicles are so human genes, every one encoding a fields of biology and medicine. Data is more costly, require large-scale invest- protein. The properties of those genes shared online by scientists the world over. ment in recharging infrastructure, and were unknown. Today, I teach that our are more alien to consumers. Absent any genome contains only 21,000 protein- dramatic change to market conditions, coding genes. To our surprise, there are can we really hope they will be more pop- thousands of additional genes that don’t ular than hybrids? encode proteins. All of these genes have A more optimistic scenario would been described in great detail. require strong national standards for I was taught that the parts of the new vehicles, similar to regulations genome not encoding proteins were “junk.” now being contemplated by California Today, we know that this junk makes up and the U.S. Environmental Protection three-quarters of our functional DNA. Agency. The EPA already requires 40 Parts of it help exquisitely control where percent reductions in fuel consumption and when genes are active in the body. and greenhouse-gas emissions by 2016, I was taught that “genetic diseases,” and it is considering further mandatory such as cystic fibrosis, are caused by muta- Today, thanks in no small part to the decreases of up to 6 percent per year tion of a single gene, with only a small genome project’s example, investigators from 2017 to 2025. Automakers could handful of these mutations known. Today, working on the same disease often publish meet such standards at first with better precise causes are known for 2,800 of together. Combining clinical and genetic conventional engines and gas hybrids. these rare single-gene disorders. data this way increases the statistical But they would later be forced to invest I was taught nothing about the more robustness of the claimed findings and in advanced plug-in technologies, to complex genetics of common diseases. makes for highly reproducible results. achieve the steep improvement needed to Today, we are learning at dizzying speed Of course, knowledge of the human keep pace. about the interplay of genes and environ- genome alone is not sufficient to cure This optimistic scenario is supported ment in diabetes, heart disease, and other disease. It will always be the case that by the existence of large federal and state common conditions. In the past three creativity, hard work, and good fortune subsidies for plug-in electric vehicles, and years alone more than 1,000 genetic risk are needed to translate biological data by a strengthening commitment to them factors have been found (an increase of into medical progress. But without the in China. While battery technology will perhaps 50-fold), contributing to more information, understanding, and cul- always be expensive, the right combina- than 100 common diseases. tural changes brought on by the genome tion of strong policy, strong competition, Such advances would have come far project, the benefits to patients would be and consumer enthusiasm could speed later, if at all, without the Human Genome much further off. the adoption of these cars. Project (see “The Human Genome, a david altshuler is a FouNdiNG MeMBer, the deputy di- Decade Later,” p. 40). But a body of knowl- rector, aNd the chieF acadeMic oFFicer oF the Broad iNstitute oF harvard aNd Mit, aNd proFessor oF daN sperliNG is director oF the iNstitute oF traNs- edge is not its only legacy. It also changed GeNetics aNd oF MediciNe at harvard Medical school. portatioN studies at the uNiversity oF caliForNia, davis, aNd author oF the Book Two Billion Cars. the way biological research is performed. Notebooks 11 worldmags
  • 15. worldmags Special Ad Section S A TECHNOLOGY REVIEW CUSTOM SERIES A Point the camera of a tablet computer R R W athletes, striding among them as they or phone at a landmark, and watch as execute a variety of plays. This system was information about the building appears used during the 2010 World Cup, allowing on the screen. Bat at bugs on a table to analysts to break down and explain plays rehabilitate arm and shoulder movement: and formations in a virtual environment. the bugs actually appear only on a head- mounted display. Museums Spring to Life Augmented reality programs are E2I Creative Studio, a lab that bridges the rapidly being adopted in a wide variety of academic and commercial worlds, has sectors, from military and civilian training brought a new sense of reality to Florida programs to online product marketing museum exhibits. At the Orlando Sci- to museum exhibits. The market intel- ence Center, the bones of prehistoric sea ligence firm ABI Research estimates that creatures were failing to captivate visitors. revenue associated with augmented So researchers at the University of Central reality–for handheld devices alone–will Florida’s Media Convergence Lab (the have increased from $6 million in 2008 precursor of E2I) created a portal that to more than $350 million by 2014. resembled a science fiction time-travel device. Visitors stepped up to the portal Drivers Ed for the Military be manipulated to clear explosive devices; and through it viewed an exhibit that had In the past, military drivers often had to the virtual trainer has a system just like it suddenly been “flooded” with water, travel to learn to operate complicated, that the drivers can operate, then view the bringing the bones to life. Virtual creatures hefty vehicles—such as the armored results on its monitors. slithered through the water and peered Stryker or the mine-protected Buffalo—on out from behind the real museum’s sup- large immovable simulators. Those mas- Commerce and Entertainment port pillars. sive systems, complete with augmented Stephen Barker, founder and president of E2I Creative is now developing a series reality tools, helped drivers feel as if they Sarasota-based Digital Frontiers Media, of exhibits for the Fort Lauderdale Mu- were moving genuine tank and truck con- has received national attention for the seum of Discovery and Science, includ- trols and operating the machinery. Today, company’s eye-catching interactive web- ing an augmented otter habitat display. researchers at the international company sites. He notes that advances in cameras Says Eileen Smith, the lab’s director, SAIC, working at their Orlando office, and computer speeds and smart phones “We decided to go with stylized virtual have reengineered the architecture of the have dramatically enlarged the possibili- creatures, instead of attempting to make system from the ground up, so that entire ties for augmented experiences. Barker them look exactly like the real thing. ” virtual systems, complete with the appro- describes a scenario where “for fashion, The point, she continues, is to offer just priate hardware to create the necessary you’ll want to know what a particular enough verisimilitude to let the user’s effects, can be shrunk down to fit into one piece of clothing will look like. So you’ll imagination take over. trailer. These systems can also easily be stand in front of the webcam and interact reconfigured for different vehicles. with the camera, change the clothing that Download the Augmented “We’ve taken the entire system and you’re checking out, so you can get a feel- Reality in the Real World white made it mobile, says David Rees, senior ” ing of what it will look like on you. ” paper to learn more about vice president. “We’ve already built 13 or At ESPN’s Innovation Lab, in Orlando, • augmented reality games for 14 trailers for the Army, and they can now Florida, the engineers have developed rehabilitation; take those trailers to wherever the troops virtual team members for many different • new tools for movie-making; and are located. ” sports. The on-air sportscaster appears • military training. The vehicles have external arms that can to interact with the computer-generated Download the full story and more at worldmags
  • 16. worldmags to market WEB Search Screen THE FIRST high-definition set to have Google TV software built in, the Sony Internet TV lets viewers search for content on both television channels and the Internet (see “Searching for the Future of Television,” p. 32). It also provides a platform for third-party Android-based appli- cations. The downside is a monster of a remote control, with 80 buttons. W Product: Sony Internet TV Cost: $600 to $1,400 Availability: Now Source: Companies: Google, Sony S O NY To Market 13 worldmags
  • 17. worldmags to market b iome di Ci ne Medical Machines Assistive robots help patients out of wheelchairs and aid doctors in surgery. Fancy Footwork ThIs ProsTheTIC actively senses the wearer’s position and uses a motorized spring to imitate how the ankle, calf muscle, and achilles tendon work to push off the ground. The result is a more natural gait and less pressure on the hips and back. W Product: PowerFoot bioM Cost: Not available Availability: Now Source: Company: iWalk Torso Control rewalK features stabilizing crutches, motorized gears that move the legs, and a computer-equipped backpack holding a battery that powers the device for three to four hours. Motion sensors and onboard Stand Alone processing monitor the wearer’s upper- UNlIKe oTher exoskeletons, this one body movements and center of gravity; C o U rTe Sy o F iWAlK, r e X b I o N I C S, Ar G o doesn’t require crutches or a backpack; when the person shifts his or her torso, two giant legs support and lift the user, the device steps appropriately. who controls the system with joysticks. W Product: reWalk-I Cost: $130,000 while bulkier than the other systems, it Availability: early 2011 Source: allows wearers to ascend steps and ramps. Company: Argo Medical Technologies W Product: rex Cost: $150,000 Availability: Now Source: Company: rex bionics 14 To Market technology review January/February 2011 worldmags
  • 18. worldmags Surgical Precision DURING joint replacement surgery, the patient’s bones have to be sculpted so that the implant can be fitted securely. This robotic surgical device uses tracking arms to monitor the position of the patient’s bone and track the tip of the rotat- ing burr being used to shave material away. It will restrain the burr if the surgeon attempts to remove bone from the wrong location. W Product: Acrobot Sculptor and Navigator Cost: Not available Availability: 2011 Source: Company: Stanmore Implants Sensitive Soles ATTACHED with clips and Velcro straps, these motorized leg sup- C O U RTE SY O F AC R O B OT, B E R K E LEY B I O N I C S ports and foot sensors enable paraplegics to move themselves between sitting and standing positions, walk in a straight line, and turn. Crutches help stabilize the walker. Sensors in the foot pads tell the supports how to flex the knees in a natural manner, allowing wearers to move over mixed terrain. The system draws power from batteries carried in a backpack. W Product: eLegs Cost: $100,000 Availability: Mid-2011 Source: Company: Berkeley Bionics To Market 15 worldmags
  • 19. worldmags to market Com P utin G Digital Dashboard Ford has developed a new interface for drivers. Two lCd screens on either side of the speedometer can show a range of information, selected using two game-pad-style thumb controllers on the steering wheel. The screens can display, for example, fuel level, distance traveled, engine temperature, or the presence of another car in the vehicle’s blind spot. W Product: MyFord Touch dashboard Cost: $1,000 as an option Availability: Now Source: Company: Ford Motor ComPut i n G Transform Your Car The aUToBoT can be retrofitted into most cars made since 1996, allowing you to remotely tap into your vehicle’s engine diagnostics port and get information about issues such as cylinder misfires or fuel pressure. The device uses a 3g con- nection to transmit data; the information can be accessed through a website or a smart-phone app. If you need direc- tions to your parking spot or your car is stolen, a built-in gPs will provide the car’s location. and if you get into an accident, the autoBot can send text messages to emergency services. W Product: Autobot Cost: Under $300 Availability: Mid-2011 Source: Company: Mavizon Technologies C o U rTe Sy o F Fo r D M oTo r; MAVI Z o N Te C H N o lo G I e S 16 To Market technology review January/February 2011 worldmags
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  • 21. worldmags to market biom ed iCin e Pocket Scanner UsINg a smart-phone touch screen to display results, this portable ultra- sound system is designed to provide cheap diagnostics in remote areas. with training, nonexpert field work- ers can use the device to take ultra- sounds; images can be transmitted to off-site doctors for analysis. W Product: Smart Phone Ultrasound Imager Cost: $5,000 to $10,000 Availability: Mid-2011, subject to FDA approval Source: Company: Mobisante Commun i C ati o n s Peer-to-Peer Radio ThIs dIgITal radIo supports a new wrinkle in wi-Fi. wi-Fi direct, as it’s called, lets devices such as printers, laptops, and tele- visions discover and communicate with each other without having to first connect to a wi-Fi base station. For example, the technol- ogy could allow a business visitor to use a printer in the office with- out being given access to the corporate network. W Product: Centrino Advanced-N 6000 Cost: Not available Availability: Now Source: Company: Intel Web Social Animals C o U rTe Sy o F I NTe l; M o b I SANTe; MATTe l Now everyoNe on the Internet will know if you’re a dog. Intended for owners looking for a connection with their pet when they can’t be together, the Puppy Tweets device is attached to a dog’s collar and sends a signal to the owner’s computer, which then updates to Twitter throughout the day. Posts consist of preworded messages based on how active the dog is and whether or not it has been barking. W Product: Puppy Tweets Cost: $25 Availability: Now Source: Company: Mattel 18 To Market technology review January/February 2011 worldmags
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  • 23. worldmags THE ROAD TO HALF A BILLION Over the past two years, Facebook has been solidifying its international presence. It has crowdsourced the translation of its site into dozens of languages, opened new offices abroad, and launched Facebook Zero, a stripped-down version aimed at countries where people are more likely to connect using a cell phone than a PC. graphiti Launched February 2004 FACEBOOK USERS 1 million 5.5 mil. 2004 2005 2006 Romania 12-MONTH GROWTH 350 % S. Korea SOUTH KOREA The EASTERN EUROPE Having world’s most connected reached saturation in most of country has resisted Western Europe, Facebook western Web companies. is spreading rapidly through 300 Facebook shows signs of countries that were in the Hungary breaking through. Soviet Bloc. Thailand 250 Ukraine Dominican Republic Iraq Brazil INDONESIA The Muslim Russia Honduras Ecuador nation is now Facebook’s Portugal second-largest audience. Costa Rica Poland India 200 Paraguay Estonia Nicaragua El Salvador Mexico INDIA Last year, Facebook surpassed Orkut as its most Guatemala popular social network. Philippines Malaysia Indonesia 150 Ghana Lithuania West Bank and Gaza Germany Pakistan TAIWAN This country and Peru Nigeria Oman Hong Kong offer clues about Bulgaria how popular Facebook could Morocco Saudi Arabia Japan become in mainland China. Jamaica Jordan Egypt Netherlands 100 Bangladesh Slovakia Kuwait Czech Republic Uruguay Kenya Tunisia Austria Serbia Bolivia Sri Lanka Bosnia and Herzegovina Argentina Panama Colombia Turkey Spain Venezuela Taiwan 50 China Greece Vietnam South Africa Lebanon Croatia Belgium France CHINA The Great Firewall stymies Facebook’s Italy Switzerland Finland efforts to reach one-fifth of the world’s population. 0 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% MARKET PENETRATION 20 Graphiti technology review January/February 2011 worldmags
  • 24. worldmags Opens headquarters for Europe, Middle East, and Africa in Dublin 21 additional languages launch German launch 500 million Spanish and French launch 200 million Facebook Zero launches in 45 countries 100 million 50 million Opens o ce 12 mil. 20 mil. in India 2007 2008 2009 2010 Making Friends it now has to work harder to establish a presence in markets like Japan and South Information graphic by TOMM Y McCA LL and Facebook still has lots of Korea, which—partly because those coun- MAT T M A HONEY room to grow. tries already have successful homegrown Web services—have been hard for west- Sources: Audience data is from Inside Net- W work’s Facebook Global Monitor report for ith three-quarters of its 500 million ern companies to crack. November 2010; 2009 population data from users outside the United States, However, one success story suggests the World Bank was used to calculate market penetration. Facebook has spread to every corner of that the company can do well in East the globe. But there are still plenty of Asia. In Taiwan, which also has a well- people who have yet to be lured into the established Web ecosystem and is similar social network—and could be soon. As to Japan and South Korea in terms of this graph shows, Facebook is only just broadband connectivity and technical beginning to ripple through the popula- literacy, nearly a third of all residents and tions of such large countries as India and half of all Internet users have a Face- Brazil. It is also still a minor player in book account. One factor in the growth Japan and South Korea. And it is banned has been a ready supply of social games in China, the biggest Web market of all. for Taiwanese to play on Facebook. Such For most of its first six years, Face- games are often created by developers in book was largely able to sit back and let mainland China, even though the govern- its audience expand naturally, thanks ment prevents most of their countrymen to the power of the network e ect. But from playing them. —Matt Mahoney Regions Audience size North America 143 million Latin America Europe U.S., U.K., AND CANADA These countries still account for a third of Facebook’s audience and, most likely, the Australasia vast majority of the company’s revenue. Africa 25 Middle East 10 2 United Arab Emirates 1 Israel Ireland United States ICELAND Facebook has benefited Chile Singapore from intensified network effects in a New Zealand Hong Kong small, densely settled nation. Sweden Canada Australia Denmark Iceland United Kingdom Norway 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% Graphiti 21 worldmags