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Totalitarianism In 1984
George Orwell was born in Bengal in 1903, and was educated at Eton. He then served in the Indian Imperial Police before returning to Europe as a
political writer. He was considered, and hated totalitarianism. He died at the age of forty–seven due to a neglected lung illness. He published his final
book 1984 in June of 1949, only seven months before his death in January. Orwell wrote 1984 to express his fears of America becoming a totalitarian
government as a repercussion of World War II (September 1, 1939– September 2, 1945). I chose this book because I personally enjoyed the way he
depicted his thoughts into his novel. He even used his personal knowledge he attained when he worked in England to create the concept of Newspeak.
George more content...
It was intriguing how every citizen of Oceania was brainwashed to think one thing, for example O'brien states "We control matter because we
control the mind. Reality is inside the skull.."(p.218). It was harder for me understand the emotions for the main characters as they feared being
watched/ caught by thought police because in this day and age privacy has always been there for me, so in that aspect that was the one concept, I
hated the most. Although I hated that I couldn't understand the emotions of being caught, the one thing that shook me the most was when Winston
and Julia were caught; I never saw that coming, at least not in the manner in which it happened. When they were caught, and when Winston was
being integrated and tortured in the Ministry of Love were my favorite parts of the novel. While reading this book I have learned that my life today
could have been much different if Orwell's fears would have became a reality. In that retrospect, I would recommend this book to others, especially to
history students who are trying to understand the fears of Americans during the second world war. I would recommend the book because not only
does it have a vivid description of Orwell's thoughts, it also describes his vision with different literary devices such as symbolism, imagery, and the
novel's multiple different themes. Some examples of
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1984 Totalitarianism
Totalitarianism is the overarching theme of 1984, written by George Orwell in 1948. The novel details the story of Winston Smith, a self–described
weakling who spends his life working for the omniscient and cruel government party Big Brother. The authority in Smith's country Oceania, the Party
keeps a tight leash on the terrified citizens that dwell in its cities. Their primary goal? To exert total mind control, building an army of brainwashed
robots who will believe that two plus two equals five if Big Brother proclaimed it true. The Party achieves this state of submission in citizens with two
important concepts: surveillance and false information. In fact, totalitarianism, specifically in George Orwell's 1984, contributes to the spread
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Protagonist Winston Smith works for the Ministry of Truth, the section of the Party that controls information. Big Brother employs workers to
methodically change material into propaganda for the Party, therefore forcing citizens to believe that the Party was, is, and always will be the most
all–knowing force present in the world. As Winston describes, "if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed– if all records told the same tale–
then the lie passed into history and became truth." (Orwell 548). By erasing every detail that supported the true version of events, the Party could
essentially craft their own past as a never ending story of victories for the Party. Building a history of victories and power flaunts leads citizens to
believe that the Party can do no wrong, and therefore deserves to be in power. "'Who controls the past,' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who
controls the present controls the past.'" (Orwell 555). "Controlling the past," in many situations, meant blatantly changing indisputable facts. For
example, throughout the novel, Oceania is at war with both Eastasia and Eurasia, but the Ministry of Truth edits the information to make it seem like
whatever power is currently at war is the power that has always been at war. Both simple and complex, these edits can reinvent a whole past. Though it
is composed of many elements, the telling of blatant
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Totalitarianism In 1984 Essay
"It is quite possible," wrote Orwell in January 1939, "that we are descending in to an age in
which two and two will make five when the leader says so." (CEJL, I, 376) The following year,
he wrote this passage on totalitarian "thought control":
It not only forbids you to express – even to think – certain thoughts, but it dictates what
you shall think, it creates an ideology for you, it tries to govern your emotional life as well
as setting up a code of conduct. And as far as possible it isolates you from the outside
world, it shuts you up in an artificial universe in which you have no standards of
comparison. The totalitarian state tries, at any rate, to control the thoughts and more content...
Although the action of the novel did nothing to confirm this faith, in the end it
remains a warning concerning the dangers of outweighing the common good so highly against
the private.
Totalitarianism in 1984 also led to extreme psychological manipulation and physical control. In
Orwell's novel, for example, the Party, or totalitarian state, ruled that all citizens must have a
telescreen in their room, which blasts a constant stream of propaganda designed to make the
failures and shortcomings of the Party triumphant successes. They also monitor behavior, and so,
everywhere the citizens go, they are continually reminded that the authorities are scrutinizing
them. The Party also undermines the structure of the family by inducting children into the Junior
Spies, an organization which brainwashes and encourages them to spy on their parents so that
they can report any instance of disloyalty to the party. Furthermore, Steinhoff writes in his
George Orwell and the Origins of 1984 that constant war in Oceania elicits three main
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Totalitarianism In 1984
Most books have a meaning or message that is conveyed throughout the book, but some have a meaning that is stronger than others. 1984 by George
Orwell, is a story that conveys a message of warning, Orwell is trying to warn people that the world cannot let the government take total control.
Because if that happens then the government can do whatever it pleases. This relates very well to current events as well. The book 1984 takes place
in England where a totalitarian government controls everything. Big Brother is the figurehead of the government, which is used to scare the party
members and proles into their total control. This is very similar to modern day North Korea, Kim Jong Un uses the threat of nuclear attacks to scare
his own people
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1984 Totalitarianism In 1984
The Flawed World of 1984 A dystopia is an imaginary place or state in which the condition of life is bad, as from deprivation, oppression, or terror.
Referring to the definition, totalitarianism throughout 1984 demonstrates all elements of a dystopia. Big Brother instills fear in the minds of
Oceanians to access all power and build their version of a utopia. Orwell faults the world of 1984 to show the protagonist, Winston Smith, is able to
overcome all fears the Party instills in him and to find it in himself to rebel against the totalitarian government. Winston criticizes his society for
being so driven by party ideology which encourages them to go through mental processes that confuse them with what is reality as to the Party's
version of reality (Becnel 74). The protagonist proves himself to be a misfit in the society of 1984 by not conforming to the party's ideas as others
would, diminishing the idea of individuality. George Orwell portrays a dystopian society through a rebellious protagonist's hatred of totalitarianism to
illustrate the idea of nonconformity in 1984. Winston Smith can be comparable to someone who is above the middle class, but not exactly an elite
either. He works with the outer party in the Ministry of Truth where they alter the history of Oceania to make it appropriate for their government.
Winston has one thing against the government though making his placement in his work ironic, his memory. People do not have memories of life before
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Totalitarianism In 1984
The Dangers of Totalitarianism Thesis: George Orwell's 1984 and Steven Spielberg's The Minority Report compare the Totalitarian government to the
human manifestation of an all–knowing God. In George Orwell's 1984, The Party is compared to an all–knowing God through the use of sophisticated
technology and the manipulation of information. However, unlike an omniscient deity, The Party must use assistive technology to monitor the thoughts
and behaviors of its citizens of Oceania. Even a disloyal thought can be detected, and then punished. The slogan "Big Brother is Watching" has literal
meaning since The Party has installed cameras, and surveillance devices in the majority of private and public places. From this collected information,
The all– more content...
The Precrime Organization uses sophisticated, sci–fi technology to achieve the goal of complete domination. People are monitored, tracked, and
identified using cameras and "Eye Dents", which are similar to finger printing, but use the eye to identify each individual. Precogs, human clairvoyant
slaves who see into the future and predict murders before they occur, are also used. After interpreting this forewarning, Precrime then arrests and
detains the individual hoping to prevent the crime. Like all Totalitarian regimes who play God, there is judgment and a punishment–dispensed by only
a few. There is no recourse for the accused, and the verdict is final. Precrime's interpretation of these prophesies is seen as "truth." As Dr. Hineman
warns Aderton, "The Precogs are Never Wrong," (Spielberg 8). However, if the information is manipulated, or incomplete, the interpretation can be
quite different. In this story, the minority reports are destroyed as soon as they occur, so no further examination of the data can take place. Whoever
controls the information, data, or prevision, controls the destiny of the individuals. The accused loses the option of free will and independent
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1984 Totalitarianism
Without a doubt, Orwell passionately views the role of government in a totalitarian society as deeply disturbing, appalled by the role of technology
in allowing corporate power to controls its citizens. In 1984 he has constructed the perfect example of totalitarianism: a society in which even having
a contradictory thought is punishable by death or vaporization, and government possesses absolute power; a very real possibility for the very near
future, Orwell believed. His argument is a daunting one, and although I agree that the effects of such a society can develop to be greatly oppressive, I
boldly theorize that such systems inevitably self–destruct before they can flourish into the horror that is 1984's very essence. There are two
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In the past, whenever the central planners miscalculated how much product was needed from each industry, constant shortages and surpluses occurred,
consistent with the novel's description with respect to shoes and razors. And as long as the managers who met their miscalculated goals were rewarded,
they had no incentive to adjust production according to the shortage or surplus. Because within a command system there are no fluctuations in prices
and profitability to indicate that one profit or another is in need, many products were inefficiently overproduced and underproduced. As in the Soviet
Union and China (before its market reforms), command systems do not reward innovation or enterprise; the only way to be on top was to participate in
the political hierarchy. As in the novel, moving up the hierarchy means better housing, better food, and the freedom to turn off the telescreen. However,
business success based solely on political maneuvering is not conducive to technological advance, a key element of a stable economy and therefore
powerful society (since technological advance=more efficient and cheaper production methods=less cost for production=wealthier
system=money=power). In essence, command systems are doomed to fail because their economies are; we already see evidence Oceania's impending
downfall in the book with descriptions of the government's failure to meet the public's needs. Without a stable, efficient, and constantly
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1984 Totalitarianism Analysis
In his novel 1984, author George Orwell warns against the dangers of totalitarianism through the life of one man living in a dystopian society. The
novel follows Winston Smith, a man who tries to rebel against the ruling group of the nation of Oceania, know as the Party, and its leader, Big
Brother. Through his quest, readers are exposed to a world in which the past is consistently altered to match the present, a person can commit a
crime by having thoughts against the Party, and continuous war creates "peace". With his novel, Orwell makes it clear that he wishes to modify
the rise of consolidated power and controlling government. Through literary techniques such as point of view and variances in language, Orwell
warns of the dangers presented when a small group holds power over a mass of people. It is clear that Orwell is advocating against totalitarianism
in 1984. The novel is set in a dystopian world where the Party controls all aspects of government and life. One aspect of the nation is the Thought
Police, which vaporize those who have thoughs different than what the Party dictates. The Party frequently alters the past in order to coincide with
their current actions, and citizens are required to alter their memories and thoughts based on the Party. With his extreme depictions of the effects of
the Party, Orwell is warning of the consequences of totalitarian rule. He writes, Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world w are creating? . . . A
world of fear and treachery
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1984 Totalitarianism Essay
The political scientists Carl Friedrich and Zbigniew Brzezinski define the concept of totalitarianism by using a set of typical attributes that can very
much be identified in the system elaborated by Orwell in 1984. Firstly, "an official ideology to which general adherence was demanded, the
ideology intended to achieve a 'perfect final stage of mankind' " (Pleuger). This first attribute can be ascertained upon examining one of the ruling
party's three slogans: "War is peace; Freedom is slavery; Ignorance is strength" (Orwell). The motto fully embodies the foundational ideology of the
party and it is expected that all subjects adhere to it without stopping to question the workings of the logic behind the statements. Secondly, Friedrich
and Brzezinski declare the requirement for "a single mass party, hierarchically organised, closely interwoven with the state bureaucracy and typically
led by one man" (Pleuger). The ruling party representing 'Ingsoc' is indeed led by one man alone: 'Big Brother', despite ambiguity regarding his
human/physical tangibility. The pyramidal hierarchy instilled in the party is as follows: Big Brother at the top, the Inner Party (ll stand by and watch
it. But more content...
Through his engineering of such a dystopian plot however, Orwell does make clear where his opinion stands regarding totalitarianism; this highlights
the fact that his novel aims to portray only the negatives of such a political system and therefore indicates the hugely biased nature of the storyline.
The political construction of the fictional world that is created in 1984, does correlate strongly with the definitions of totalitarianism that are
seemingly of general consensus; this helps to add a strong sense of realism and hereby renders the existence of the scenario all the more imaginable in
a real–life
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Totalitarianism In 1984

  • 1. Totalitarianism In 1984 George Orwell was born in Bengal in 1903, and was educated at Eton. He then served in the Indian Imperial Police before returning to Europe as a political writer. He was considered, and hated totalitarianism. He died at the age of forty–seven due to a neglected lung illness. He published his final book 1984 in June of 1949, only seven months before his death in January. Orwell wrote 1984 to express his fears of America becoming a totalitarian government as a repercussion of World War II (September 1, 1939– September 2, 1945). I chose this book because I personally enjoyed the way he depicted his thoughts into his novel. He even used his personal knowledge he attained when he worked in England to create the concept of Newspeak. George more content... It was intriguing how every citizen of Oceania was brainwashed to think one thing, for example O'brien states "We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is inside the skull.."(p.218). It was harder for me understand the emotions for the main characters as they feared being watched/ caught by thought police because in this day and age privacy has always been there for me, so in that aspect that was the one concept, I hated the most. Although I hated that I couldn't understand the emotions of being caught, the one thing that shook me the most was when Winston and Julia were caught; I never saw that coming, at least not in the manner in which it happened. When they were caught, and when Winston was being integrated and tortured in the Ministry of Love were my favorite parts of the novel. While reading this book I have learned that my life today could have been much different if Orwell's fears would have became a reality. In that retrospect, I would recommend this book to others, especially to history students who are trying to understand the fears of Americans during the second world war. I would recommend the book because not only does it have a vivid description of Orwell's thoughts, it also describes his vision with different literary devices such as symbolism, imagery, and the novel's multiple different themes. Some examples of Get more content on
  • 2. 1984 Totalitarianism Totalitarianism is the overarching theme of 1984, written by George Orwell in 1948. The novel details the story of Winston Smith, a self–described weakling who spends his life working for the omniscient and cruel government party Big Brother. The authority in Smith's country Oceania, the Party keeps a tight leash on the terrified citizens that dwell in its cities. Their primary goal? To exert total mind control, building an army of brainwashed robots who will believe that two plus two equals five if Big Brother proclaimed it true. The Party achieves this state of submission in citizens with two important concepts: surveillance and false information. In fact, totalitarianism, specifically in George Orwell's 1984, contributes to the spread more content... Protagonist Winston Smith works for the Ministry of Truth, the section of the Party that controls information. Big Brother employs workers to methodically change material into propaganda for the Party, therefore forcing citizens to believe that the Party was, is, and always will be the most all–knowing force present in the world. As Winston describes, "if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed– if all records told the same tale– then the lie passed into history and became truth." (Orwell 548). By erasing every detail that supported the true version of events, the Party could essentially craft their own past as a never ending story of victories for the Party. Building a history of victories and power flaunts leads citizens to believe that the Party can do no wrong, and therefore deserves to be in power. "'Who controls the past,' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'" (Orwell 555). "Controlling the past," in many situations, meant blatantly changing indisputable facts. For example, throughout the novel, Oceania is at war with both Eastasia and Eurasia, but the Ministry of Truth edits the information to make it seem like whatever power is currently at war is the power that has always been at war. Both simple and complex, these edits can reinvent a whole past. Though it is composed of many elements, the telling of blatant Get more content on
  • 3. Totalitarianism In 1984 Essay "It is quite possible," wrote Orwell in January 1939, "that we are descending in to an age in which two and two will make five when the leader says so." (CEJL, I, 376) The following year, he wrote this passage on totalitarian "thought control": It not only forbids you to express – even to think – certain thoughts, but it dictates what you shall think, it creates an ideology for you, it tries to govern your emotional life as well as setting up a code of conduct. And as far as possible it isolates you from the outside world, it shuts you up in an artificial universe in which you have no standards of comparison. The totalitarian state tries, at any rate, to control the thoughts and more content... Although the action of the novel did nothing to confirm this faith, in the end it remains a warning concerning the dangers of outweighing the common good so highly against the private. Totalitarianism in 1984 also led to extreme psychological manipulation and physical control. In Orwell's novel, for example, the Party, or totalitarian state, ruled that all citizens must have a telescreen in their room, which blasts a constant stream of propaganda designed to make the
  • 4. failures and shortcomings of the Party triumphant successes. They also monitor behavior, and so, everywhere the citizens go, they are continually reminded that the authorities are scrutinizing them. The Party also undermines the structure of the family by inducting children into the Junior Spies, an organization which brainwashes and encourages them to spy on their parents so that they can report any instance of disloyalty to the party. Furthermore, Steinhoff writes in his George Orwell and the Origins of 1984 that constant war in Oceania elicits three main Get more content on
  • 5. Totalitarianism In 1984 Most books have a meaning or message that is conveyed throughout the book, but some have a meaning that is stronger than others. 1984 by George Orwell, is a story that conveys a message of warning, Orwell is trying to warn people that the world cannot let the government take total control. Because if that happens then the government can do whatever it pleases. This relates very well to current events as well. The book 1984 takes place in England where a totalitarian government controls everything. Big Brother is the figurehead of the government, which is used to scare the party members and proles into their total control. This is very similar to modern day North Korea, Kim Jong Un uses the threat of nuclear attacks to scare his own people Get more content on
  • 6. 1984 Totalitarianism In 1984 The Flawed World of 1984 A dystopia is an imaginary place or state in which the condition of life is bad, as from deprivation, oppression, or terror. Referring to the definition, totalitarianism throughout 1984 demonstrates all elements of a dystopia. Big Brother instills fear in the minds of Oceanians to access all power and build their version of a utopia. Orwell faults the world of 1984 to show the protagonist, Winston Smith, is able to overcome all fears the Party instills in him and to find it in himself to rebel against the totalitarian government. Winston criticizes his society for being so driven by party ideology which encourages them to go through mental processes that confuse them with what is reality as to the Party's version of reality (Becnel 74). The protagonist proves himself to be a misfit in the society of 1984 by not conforming to the party's ideas as others would, diminishing the idea of individuality. George Orwell portrays a dystopian society through a rebellious protagonist's hatred of totalitarianism to illustrate the idea of nonconformity in 1984. Winston Smith can be comparable to someone who is above the middle class, but not exactly an elite either. He works with the outer party in the Ministry of Truth where they alter the history of Oceania to make it appropriate for their government. Winston has one thing against the government though making his placement in his work ironic, his memory. People do not have memories of life before Get more content on
  • 7. Totalitarianism In 1984 The Dangers of Totalitarianism Thesis: George Orwell's 1984 and Steven Spielberg's The Minority Report compare the Totalitarian government to the human manifestation of an all–knowing God. In George Orwell's 1984, The Party is compared to an all–knowing God through the use of sophisticated technology and the manipulation of information. However, unlike an omniscient deity, The Party must use assistive technology to monitor the thoughts and behaviors of its citizens of Oceania. Even a disloyal thought can be detected, and then punished. The slogan "Big Brother is Watching" has literal meaning since The Party has installed cameras, and surveillance devices in the majority of private and public places. From this collected information, The all– more content... The Precrime Organization uses sophisticated, sci–fi technology to achieve the goal of complete domination. People are monitored, tracked, and identified using cameras and "Eye Dents", which are similar to finger printing, but use the eye to identify each individual. Precogs, human clairvoyant slaves who see into the future and predict murders before they occur, are also used. After interpreting this forewarning, Precrime then arrests and detains the individual hoping to prevent the crime. Like all Totalitarian regimes who play God, there is judgment and a punishment–dispensed by only a few. There is no recourse for the accused, and the verdict is final. Precrime's interpretation of these prophesies is seen as "truth." As Dr. Hineman warns Aderton, "The Precogs are Never Wrong," (Spielberg 8). However, if the information is manipulated, or incomplete, the interpretation can be quite different. In this story, the minority reports are destroyed as soon as they occur, so no further examination of the data can take place. Whoever controls the information, data, or prevision, controls the destiny of the individuals. The accused loses the option of free will and independent Get more content on
  • 8. 1984 Totalitarianism Without a doubt, Orwell passionately views the role of government in a totalitarian society as deeply disturbing, appalled by the role of technology in allowing corporate power to controls its citizens. In 1984 he has constructed the perfect example of totalitarianism: a society in which even having a contradictory thought is punishable by death or vaporization, and government possesses absolute power; a very real possibility for the very near future, Orwell believed. His argument is a daunting one, and although I agree that the effects of such a society can develop to be greatly oppressive, I boldly theorize that such systems inevitably self–destruct before they can flourish into the horror that is 1984's very essence. There are two more content... In the past, whenever the central planners miscalculated how much product was needed from each industry, constant shortages and surpluses occurred, consistent with the novel's description with respect to shoes and razors. And as long as the managers who met their miscalculated goals were rewarded, they had no incentive to adjust production according to the shortage or surplus. Because within a command system there are no fluctuations in prices and profitability to indicate that one profit or another is in need, many products were inefficiently overproduced and underproduced. As in the Soviet Union and China (before its market reforms), command systems do not reward innovation or enterprise; the only way to be on top was to participate in the political hierarchy. As in the novel, moving up the hierarchy means better housing, better food, and the freedom to turn off the telescreen. However, business success based solely on political maneuvering is not conducive to technological advance, a key element of a stable economy and therefore powerful society (since technological advance=more efficient and cheaper production methods=less cost for production=wealthier system=money=power). In essence, command systems are doomed to fail because their economies are; we already see evidence Oceania's impending downfall in the book with descriptions of the government's failure to meet the public's needs. Without a stable, efficient, and constantly Get more content on
  • 9. 1984 Totalitarianism Analysis In his novel 1984, author George Orwell warns against the dangers of totalitarianism through the life of one man living in a dystopian society. The novel follows Winston Smith, a man who tries to rebel against the ruling group of the nation of Oceania, know as the Party, and its leader, Big Brother. Through his quest, readers are exposed to a world in which the past is consistently altered to match the present, a person can commit a crime by having thoughts against the Party, and continuous war creates "peace". With his novel, Orwell makes it clear that he wishes to modify the rise of consolidated power and controlling government. Through literary techniques such as point of view and variances in language, Orwell warns of the dangers presented when a small group holds power over a mass of people. It is clear that Orwell is advocating against totalitarianism in 1984. The novel is set in a dystopian world where the Party controls all aspects of government and life. One aspect of the nation is the Thought Police, which vaporize those who have thoughs different than what the Party dictates. The Party frequently alters the past in order to coincide with their current actions, and citizens are required to alter their memories and thoughts based on the Party. With his extreme depictions of the effects of the Party, Orwell is warning of the consequences of totalitarian rule. He writes, Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world w are creating? . . . A world of fear and treachery Get more content on
  • 10. 1984 Totalitarianism Essay The political scientists Carl Friedrich and Zbigniew Brzezinski define the concept of totalitarianism by using a set of typical attributes that can very much be identified in the system elaborated by Orwell in 1984. Firstly, "an official ideology to which general adherence was demanded, the ideology intended to achieve a 'perfect final stage of mankind' " (Pleuger). This first attribute can be ascertained upon examining one of the ruling party's three slogans: "War is peace; Freedom is slavery; Ignorance is strength" (Orwell). The motto fully embodies the foundational ideology of the party and it is expected that all subjects adhere to it without stopping to question the workings of the logic behind the statements. Secondly, Friedrich and Brzezinski declare the requirement for "a single mass party, hierarchically organised, closely interwoven with the state bureaucracy and typically led by one man" (Pleuger). The ruling party representing 'Ingsoc' is indeed led by one man alone: 'Big Brother', despite ambiguity regarding his human/physical tangibility. The pyramidal hierarchy instilled in the party is as follows: Big Brother at the top, the Inner Party (ll stand by and watch it. But more content... Through his engineering of such a dystopian plot however, Orwell does make clear where his opinion stands regarding totalitarianism; this highlights the fact that his novel aims to portray only the negatives of such a political system and therefore indicates the hugely biased nature of the storyline. The political construction of the fictional world that is created in 1984, does correlate strongly with the definitions of totalitarianism that are seemingly of general consensus; this helps to add a strong sense of realism and hereby renders the existence of the scenario all the more imaginable in a real–life Get more content on