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Political Disengagement in British Democracy 1
To what extent are citizens in Britain less politically engaged today than hitherto?
Which factors might explain any such disengagement?
Anurag Gangal
Professor and Head of Department, Political Science and
Director, Gandhian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies,
University of Jammu, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India.
Citizens in Britain are apparently more politically disengaged today in view of decreasing
percentages of participation in voting in elections and emergence of nonchalant attitudes. There
are factors like apathetic attitude of numerous voters – especially younger ones – and
inadvertence towards politicians and participation in elections. These are but only a few reasons
behind expanding political disengagement among British citizens. Ascertaining these and quite a
few other factors alone does not fully explain this entire context of disengagement.
Our quest for the extent and causes of political disengagement is not only important but
also such that it has to traverse a challenging route to find out why citizens in Britain have
become so indifferent and somewhat lazy towards politics. All such perspectives involve
sensitive matters and attitudes of citizens of the oldest and strongest democracies in the world
like the United Kingdom. Indeed, here emerges the question of mutual trust between political
leaders and citizens of the land as well. This issue is perhaps the most significant aspect of this
essay. The mutual trust in a democracy is indeed the basic requirement for successful functioning
of the political system.
What is political engagement? This is necessary to know the real nature of its disengaged
form. It includes particular types of behaviour and attitudes. Behaviourally speaking, it
includes voting in elections; being a member of a political party or group; going and
participating in marches for a public cause; writing to political leaders and communicating with
them; participating in public and planned boycott activities and also donations to political parties,
groups and other organizations.1
These aspects have their corresponding attitudes too such as
United Kingdom, The Electoral Commission, Research Team, Social Exclusion and Political Engagement—Research
Report 2005, London: Electoral Commission Publications, 2005, p. 6. Relevant definitions and views of C. Lessoj, R.
Jowell, R. Levitas, K. Duffy are quoted by the commission while explaining the contexts of social exclusion and
disengagement in Britain. As such there is a relationship between these two aspects. Political disengagement is
also a form of social exclusion as such.
Political Disengagement in British Democracy 2
support to political parties, institutions, groups, actors and leaders.2
This results in having a
political interest to be pursued by citizens actively. When such behaviour and attitudes do not
occur then it is political disengagement.
This political disengagement in any democracy has unwelcome portents for the health of
a political system like the one in the United Kingdom in particular and for other democracies in
general. The British case is very special for it is having a mix of democracy based on largely
unwritten constitution, deep rooted customs and traditions, modern outlook and rule of law that
has evolved for about several centuries now. There is no other democracy having such
characteristic features.
Political disengagement is a threat to hitherto fore largely healthy democracy of Britain.
The very edifice of democracy cracks down like a melting wax-pot or a wavering light of a
candle in a stormy weather. Citizens’ participation is the pulsating heart of an otherwise vibrant
democracy of Britain.
Decreasing level of citizens’ interest in legitimate political activities and participation in
elections has shown yet another trend. This relates to Bromley’s survey showing “only some of
time/almost never” having “trust” in “Government” or representatives running the government
from about 60% in 1974 to 85% in 2009.3
The percentage of those having trust in government is
also going down over the years from about 40% in 1974 to 15% in 2009.4
This is clearly more
than 25% decline in peoples trust in government and representatives in elected bodies in a
democracy like Britain’s. This situation is based on a select population sample of an expansive
and widespread survey.5
Real state of affairs maybe much worse.
Added to such data is one more dimension of above mentioned survey. This is concerned
with “parties only interested in votes” and “MPs losing touch pretty quickly [with people in their
constituencies]”. As regards former context, the percentage has increased from about 66% in
Bromley et al, Http:// , 2004. Updated using BSA data.
The word “expansive” here means what it conveys and it is not a spelling mistake. “expensive” is not being used
Political Disengagement in British Democracy 3
1974 to 71% in 2009.6
In 1991, this was just about 53 percent. The percentage of MPs losing
touch has also increased from about 66% in 1974 to 71% in 2009.7
Voters’ turnout has also
declined quite sharply from about 78% in 1992 to wavering from 59% to 65% upto 2010 general
Despite such declining statistics about declining interest of voters in politics and political
leaders, it is interesting to see what Harold D. Clarke says. For him:
The analysis of political engagement yields a simple conclusion.
Overall, there is little evidence to suggest that British citizens have
become more disengaged from the political process over the last several
decades. They vote less in elections but they are as concerned about
outcomes as they were in 1960s.9
It is difficult to agree to this observation of Clarke. Interest in the outcome of elections
does not show active political engagement of citizens. It is rather an additional example of
political disengagement only. It shows political apathy and indifference to what is political.
Interest in outcomes of election results available through electronic media filled with exciting
stories and presentations depict an inclination and attitude towards instantaneous sources of
diversified entertainment and different kind of excitement while sitting at home. It is not at all
related to any type of political engagement.
Trends of political disengagement in the British democracy are loud and clear. They
cannot be ignored or taken up lightly just because the politically disengaged British citizens are
prone to be deeply interested in knowing the outcome of election results.
Indeed, the levels of political disengagement are growing leaps and bound. Such
disengagement involves not only political apathetic attitude of the British citizens but also
political disengagement of political leaders from their major and primary task of their service to
the public and the nation. This is further proven by a noted British Social Attitude Survey 2008.
Accordingly, in the year of the survey, only 56% citizens felt that “to vote is a duty” they must
Bromley et al, Http:// , 2004. Updated using BSA data.
Clarke, Harold D., Political Choice in Britain, London: OUP, 2004, p. 289.
Political Disengagement in British Democracy 4
perform though this percentage has gone up again to nearly 64% in 2010.10
One another aspect
related to such attitude of citizens is also exemplified by the “MPs Expenses Scandal” of the
summer of 2009 where exorbitant and even fraudulent levels of Additional Cost Allowances
were found mainly for the purpose of personal financial aggrandisement.11
One is reminded of
oft quoted saying of Lord Acton when he says that “political power corrupts and absolute power
corrupts absolutely”.
These matters relating to present-day political leaders and the disengaged citizens were
further widely disused for six months all across the nation through diverse ways of inquiry and
modern communication technology anent the Power to the People independent inquiry into the
increasing political disengagement of the British people and the conspicuous role of political
leaders in this context.12
This ten member commission -- comprising noted jurists, policy makers
and recognised members of civil and political society of Britain – is of the view that political
arena, political leaders and political parties are going astray from working for the cause of the
public. They are indulging in gross personal aggrandisement at the cost the public and the
welfare of the entire country.13
As such, the British democracy is failing.
This is a democratic malaise primarily responsible for increasing political disengagement
of the people of Britain.14
The political parties and institutions have therefore failed to keep pace
with changing needs and aspirations of the British populace.
Writing on the wall is very clear. Political leaders, though not all of them, are indulging
in amassing personal wealth from public exchequer, they are not doing their duty to people, they
are not serving the people and the country, political parties largely bother about their votes and
Butt S. and Curtice J., ‘’Duty in decline? Trends in attitudes towards voting’’, A. Park et al. (eds.), British Social
Attitudes: the 26 report, London: Sage, 2010, p. 72.
Curtice J. And Park A., “Will Anyone Vote: Prospects for Turnout in the General Election”, London: publication of
British Social Attitudes and National Centre for Social Research, research paper, 2010, p. 1.
White, Isobel, Power to the People: the Report of Power: an Independent Inquiry into Britain’s Democracy,
London: Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust; and Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust publication, March 2006, (see the
website ), pp. 1-11.
Ibid. See specially p.p. 15 and 38 of the original report. As regards abridged website pdf version, pp. 4-5.
Political Disengagement in British Democracy 5
not about people and, above all, political leaders are losing their touch with the people of their
constituencies. After the elections, they just forget the people in their constituencies!
Helena Kennedy, the Chair of the aforesaid Commission, says:
…the evidence presented to the inquiry suggests that voting itself
seems irrelevant to increasing numbers of people and that there is a feeling
that there is no choice [available to people] despite our living in the era
when choice is the dominant political mantra.15
It has also been observed that the economic class and social and religious group voting
factors have weakend after 1950s in Britain and especially in more recent years.16
In this sense,
political disengagement is mainly at the level of going from one individual’s apathy to another
individual citizen. This apathy is apparently multiplying very fast. Politics, for thus politically
disengaged, is becoming irrelevant as if they think that let imprudent people fight to be in
government for it does not matter who forms the government! But the question is if selfish and
foolish people are in government then who will rule the country. Will it not be like paving the
way to irresponsible governance in Britain ever more year after year?
Very pathetic scenario is emerging in Britain. However, despite this trend, people’s
participation either is stable with continuity of the earlier years or it is increasing through such
activities as protest marches (although a few different views concerning such participation are
also shown in previous pages of this essay), demonstrations and contacting media etc.17
Curtice and Seyd believe that voting is but merely one aspect of the variety of political activities
in which even those British citizens take part who do not vote in elections.18
This appears to be a
ray of hope for the future of British democracy. Yet voting in elections is the most fundamental
exercise for the success and strength of a democracy without which a time may arise when all
voters decide not to vote at all. What will happen then? Can it be called the silent peoples’
revolution against erring politicians and the failing democracy? It is really difficult to imagine
Ibid. “Foreword” of original report. See website version, pp. 4 and 5.
Colomer, Josep M. (Ed) Comparative European Politics, London and New York: Routledge, 2008, p.18
Bromley, Cathrine; Curtice J. and Seyd, Ben, Is Britain Facing a Crisis of Democracy? London: Oxford, pp. 5-7 of
the web pdf version
Ibid. p. 6.
Political Disengagement in British Democracy 6
what such a situation will bring forth. Will it be a social boon or a doomsday? These are valid
question though difficult to answer.
Bromley, Curtice and Seyd have also shown in Table-5 of their above mentioned study
that the level of trust of people is decreasing over the years.19
What is the meaning of above mentioned explanation, data and analysis in earlier pages
of this essay? It means that despite a serious crisis of democracy in Britain, there is still hope for
vibrant recovery through adopting certain well thought about measures. In addition, efforts
towards change of attitudes of voters and politicians would also be necessary. It is therefore
appropriate moment to see what can be done in this context? Root and branch transformation
may also be needed as such.
Unbridled pursuits of self-aggrandisement not only among politicians but also in national
and global comity of all countries will have to be given a proper and required direction.
Otherwise, cities will never have rest from their evils of corruption and malpractices in society
and politics. Morally upright statesmen will have to come forward to set examples of public
conduct and behaviour. Values of sacrifice of personal self interests for the cause of larger
society cannot but be best infused through real life exemplary personalities of leaders par
This transformation may take place over a period of gestation, say, in a decade’s time or
so. Social and political changes cannot be brought about overnight. Several political, social and
legal measures and reforms may be necessary for these purposes. This is ever more necessary in
view of there being only about 5% British populace involved in contacting media and using
organisational activities for political purposes while not going for signing petitions, contacting
MPs or going for public marches in 2005.20
For quite a few years now, several suggestions and measures of reforms are being put
forth at the behest of British Government, political parties and leaders. Most of these relate
mainly to transform or change attitudes of disengagement of the British citizens. There are,
however, scanty studies to bring about changes in political parties and leaders. In reality, it is the
political leaders who are to be blamed for increasing attitudes of disengagement among British
Ibid. p.p. 12-13.
Political Disengagement in British Democracy 7
citizens. Primary responsibility rests with them and not with the people because they and their
self-aggrandising behaviour and attitudes are the main causes behind the current crisis of
democracy in Britain.
It will be well to go for a few practicable suggestions or, as it were, recommendations to
deal with the existing crisis of democracy in Britain. First, British citizens must be bestowed
with the right to recall not only their erring representatives but also the entire lot of all Members
of Parliament alongwith all cabinet ministers including the Prime Minister and Speaker etc when
they are not performing their duties towards citizens. This will instil a very strong sense of
inducement towards ever more active and zestful political engagement among British citizens.
This will also lead political leaders to adopting rightful duty bound attitudes towards their
constituencies and voters. This is not a novel idea. It is being practised in Switzerland. Moreover,
it was John Locke who had put forth in his Second Treatise on Government as well. This right to
recall will also help people restore their trust in the political institutions and actors.21
There are other suggestions suggested by Alison Park and others in the edited volume
British Social Attitudes – the 20th
Report: Continuity and Change over Two Decades.22
experts are suggesting diverse changes in health schemes, education, welfare schemes, need for
changing political attitudes of political leaders and other related measures. Such changes in the
governance of political and social system will bring concomitant transformations in the attitude
of presently disengaged British citizens.
A general nationwide discussion is already going on anent reforming electoral system
with alternative voting, proportional representation; and single transferrable voting system.
These suggested changes in the voting system are more oriented towards benefitting the political
leaders despite citizens’ political disengagement attitudes. These are not citizen oriented. What
we need is such planned measures of reform which transform political leadership towards
performing their duties in a better way. Otherwise proper inducement will not emerge for
engaging voters meaningfully.
Seyd, Ben, “What we Know (and do not Know) about Political Trust in Britain: A Review of Existing Studies and
Suggestions for Future Research”, Draft Paper for EPOP Conference, University of Essex, September 2010, pp. 7-9.
Park A., Curtice J., Thomson K., Jarvis L. and Bromley, C. (Eds), British Social Attitudes – the 20
Continuity and Change over Two Decades, London: Sage, 2003, pp. 104, 131-153.
Political Disengagement in British Democracy 8
Select Bibliography
Bromley et al, Http:// , 2004.
Bromley, Cathrine; Curtice J. and Seyd, Ben, Is Britain Facing a Crisis of Democracy? London: Oxford.
Butt S. and Curtice J., ‘’Duty in decline? Trends in attitudes towards voting’’, A. Park et al. (eds.), British Social
Attitudes: the 26 report, London: Sage, 2010.
Clarke, Harold D., Political Choice in Britain, London: OUP, 2004.
Colomer, Josep M. (Ed) Comparative European Politics, London and New York: Routledge, 2008.
Curtice J. And Park A., “Will Anyone Vote: Prospects for Turnout in the General Election”, London: publication of
British Social Attitudes and National Centre for Social Research, research paper, 2010.
Park A., Curtice J., Thomson K., Jarvis L. and Bromley, C. (Eds), British Social Attitudes – the 20
Report: Continuity
and Change over Two Decades, London: Sage, 2003.
Seyd, Ben, “What we Know (and do not Know) about Political Trust in Britain: A Review of Existing Studies and
Suggestions for Future Research”, Draft Paper for EPOP Conference, University of Essex, September 2010.
United Kingdom, The Electoral Commission, Research Team, Social Exclusion and Political Engagement—Research
Report 2005, London: Electoral Commission Publications, 2005.
White, Isobel, Power to the People: the Report of Power: an Independent Inquiry into Britain’s Democracy, London:
Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust; and Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust publication, March 2006.

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To what extent are citizens in britain less politically engaged

  • 1. Political Disengagement in British Democracy 1 To what extent are citizens in Britain less politically engaged today than hitherto? Which factors might explain any such disengagement? Anurag Gangal Professor and Head of Department, Political Science and Director, Gandhian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Jammu, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India. Citizens in Britain are apparently more politically disengaged today in view of decreasing percentages of participation in voting in elections and emergence of nonchalant attitudes. There are factors like apathetic attitude of numerous voters – especially younger ones – and inadvertence towards politicians and participation in elections. These are but only a few reasons behind expanding political disengagement among British citizens. Ascertaining these and quite a few other factors alone does not fully explain this entire context of disengagement. Our quest for the extent and causes of political disengagement is not only important but also such that it has to traverse a challenging route to find out why citizens in Britain have become so indifferent and somewhat lazy towards politics. All such perspectives involve sensitive matters and attitudes of citizens of the oldest and strongest democracies in the world like the United Kingdom. Indeed, here emerges the question of mutual trust between political leaders and citizens of the land as well. This issue is perhaps the most significant aspect of this essay. The mutual trust in a democracy is indeed the basic requirement for successful functioning of the political system. What is political engagement? This is necessary to know the real nature of its disengaged form. It includes particular types of behaviour and attitudes. Behaviourally speaking, it includes voting in elections; being a member of a political party or group; going and participating in marches for a public cause; writing to political leaders and communicating with them; participating in public and planned boycott activities and also donations to political parties, groups and other organizations.1 These aspects have their corresponding attitudes too such as 1 United Kingdom, The Electoral Commission, Research Team, Social Exclusion and Political Engagement—Research Report 2005, London: Electoral Commission Publications, 2005, p. 6. Relevant definitions and views of C. Lessoj, R. Jowell, R. Levitas, K. Duffy are quoted by the commission while explaining the contexts of social exclusion and disengagement in Britain. As such there is a relationship between these two aspects. Political disengagement is also a form of social exclusion as such.
  • 2. Political Disengagement in British Democracy 2 support to political parties, institutions, groups, actors and leaders.2 This results in having a political interest to be pursued by citizens actively. When such behaviour and attitudes do not occur then it is political disengagement. This political disengagement in any democracy has unwelcome portents for the health of a political system like the one in the United Kingdom in particular and for other democracies in general. The British case is very special for it is having a mix of democracy based on largely unwritten constitution, deep rooted customs and traditions, modern outlook and rule of law that has evolved for about several centuries now. There is no other democracy having such characteristic features. Political disengagement is a threat to hitherto fore largely healthy democracy of Britain. The very edifice of democracy cracks down like a melting wax-pot or a wavering light of a candle in a stormy weather. Citizens’ participation is the pulsating heart of an otherwise vibrant democracy of Britain. Decreasing level of citizens’ interest in legitimate political activities and participation in elections has shown yet another trend. This relates to Bromley’s survey showing “only some of time/almost never” having “trust” in “Government” or representatives running the government from about 60% in 1974 to 85% in 2009.3 The percentage of those having trust in government is also going down over the years from about 40% in 1974 to 15% in 2009.4 This is clearly more than 25% decline in peoples trust in government and representatives in elected bodies in a democracy like Britain’s. This situation is based on a select population sample of an expansive and widespread survey.5 Real state of affairs maybe much worse. Added to such data is one more dimension of above mentioned survey. This is concerned with “parties only interested in votes” and “MPs losing touch pretty quickly [with people in their constituencies]”. As regards former context, the percentage has increased from about 66% in 2 Ibid. 3 Bromley et al, Http:// , 2004. Updated using BSA data. 4 Ibid. 5 The word “expansive” here means what it conveys and it is not a spelling mistake. “expensive” is not being used here.
  • 3. Political Disengagement in British Democracy 3 1974 to 71% in 2009.6 In 1991, this was just about 53 percent. The percentage of MPs losing touch has also increased from about 66% in 1974 to 71% in 2009.7 Voters’ turnout has also declined quite sharply from about 78% in 1992 to wavering from 59% to 65% upto 2010 general elections.8 Despite such declining statistics about declining interest of voters in politics and political leaders, it is interesting to see what Harold D. Clarke says. For him: The analysis of political engagement yields a simple conclusion. Overall, there is little evidence to suggest that British citizens have become more disengaged from the political process over the last several decades. They vote less in elections but they are as concerned about outcomes as they were in 1960s.9 It is difficult to agree to this observation of Clarke. Interest in the outcome of elections does not show active political engagement of citizens. It is rather an additional example of political disengagement only. It shows political apathy and indifference to what is political. Interest in outcomes of election results available through electronic media filled with exciting stories and presentations depict an inclination and attitude towards instantaneous sources of diversified entertainment and different kind of excitement while sitting at home. It is not at all related to any type of political engagement. Trends of political disengagement in the British democracy are loud and clear. They cannot be ignored or taken up lightly just because the politically disengaged British citizens are prone to be deeply interested in knowing the outcome of election results. Indeed, the levels of political disengagement are growing leaps and bound. Such disengagement involves not only political apathetic attitude of the British citizens but also political disengagement of political leaders from their major and primary task of their service to the public and the nation. This is further proven by a noted British Social Attitude Survey 2008. Accordingly, in the year of the survey, only 56% citizens felt that “to vote is a duty” they must 6 Bromley et al, Http:// , 2004. Updated using BSA data. 7 Ibid. 8 Ibid. 9 Clarke, Harold D., Political Choice in Britain, London: OUP, 2004, p. 289.
  • 4. Political Disengagement in British Democracy 4 perform though this percentage has gone up again to nearly 64% in 2010.10 One another aspect related to such attitude of citizens is also exemplified by the “MPs Expenses Scandal” of the summer of 2009 where exorbitant and even fraudulent levels of Additional Cost Allowances were found mainly for the purpose of personal financial aggrandisement.11 One is reminded of oft quoted saying of Lord Acton when he says that “political power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. These matters relating to present-day political leaders and the disengaged citizens were further widely disused for six months all across the nation through diverse ways of inquiry and modern communication technology anent the Power to the People independent inquiry into the increasing political disengagement of the British people and the conspicuous role of political leaders in this context.12 This ten member commission -- comprising noted jurists, policy makers and recognised members of civil and political society of Britain – is of the view that political arena, political leaders and political parties are going astray from working for the cause of the public. They are indulging in gross personal aggrandisement at the cost the public and the welfare of the entire country.13 As such, the British democracy is failing. This is a democratic malaise primarily responsible for increasing political disengagement of the people of Britain.14 The political parties and institutions have therefore failed to keep pace with changing needs and aspirations of the British populace. Writing on the wall is very clear. Political leaders, though not all of them, are indulging in amassing personal wealth from public exchequer, they are not doing their duty to people, they are not serving the people and the country, political parties largely bother about their votes and 10 Butt S. and Curtice J., ‘’Duty in decline? Trends in attitudes towards voting’’, A. Park et al. (eds.), British Social Attitudes: the 26 report, London: Sage, 2010, p. 72. 11 Curtice J. And Park A., “Will Anyone Vote: Prospects for Turnout in the General Election”, London: publication of British Social Attitudes and National Centre for Social Research, research paper, 2010, p. 1. 12 White, Isobel, Power to the People: the Report of Power: an Independent Inquiry into Britain’s Democracy, London: Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust; and Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust publication, March 2006, (see the website ), pp. 1-11. 13 Ibid. See specially p.p. 15 and 38 of the original report. As regards abridged website pdf version, pp. 4-5. 14 Ibid.
  • 5. Political Disengagement in British Democracy 5 not about people and, above all, political leaders are losing their touch with the people of their constituencies. After the elections, they just forget the people in their constituencies! Helena Kennedy, the Chair of the aforesaid Commission, says: …the evidence presented to the inquiry suggests that voting itself seems irrelevant to increasing numbers of people and that there is a feeling that there is no choice [available to people] despite our living in the era when choice is the dominant political mantra.15 It has also been observed that the economic class and social and religious group voting factors have weakend after 1950s in Britain and especially in more recent years.16 In this sense, political disengagement is mainly at the level of going from one individual’s apathy to another individual citizen. This apathy is apparently multiplying very fast. Politics, for thus politically disengaged, is becoming irrelevant as if they think that let imprudent people fight to be in government for it does not matter who forms the government! But the question is if selfish and foolish people are in government then who will rule the country. Will it not be like paving the way to irresponsible governance in Britain ever more year after year? Very pathetic scenario is emerging in Britain. However, despite this trend, people’s participation either is stable with continuity of the earlier years or it is increasing through such activities as protest marches (although a few different views concerning such participation are also shown in previous pages of this essay), demonstrations and contacting media etc.17 Bromley, Curtice and Seyd believe that voting is but merely one aspect of the variety of political activities in which even those British citizens take part who do not vote in elections.18 This appears to be a ray of hope for the future of British democracy. Yet voting in elections is the most fundamental exercise for the success and strength of a democracy without which a time may arise when all voters decide not to vote at all. What will happen then? Can it be called the silent peoples’ revolution against erring politicians and the failing democracy? It is really difficult to imagine 15 Ibid. “Foreword” of original report. See website version, pp. 4 and 5. 16 Colomer, Josep M. (Ed) Comparative European Politics, London and New York: Routledge, 2008, p.18 17 Bromley, Cathrine; Curtice J. and Seyd, Ben, Is Britain Facing a Crisis of Democracy? London: Oxford, pp. 5-7 of the web pdf version 18 Ibid. p. 6.
  • 6. Political Disengagement in British Democracy 6 what such a situation will bring forth. Will it be a social boon or a doomsday? These are valid question though difficult to answer. Bromley, Curtice and Seyd have also shown in Table-5 of their above mentioned study that the level of trust of people is decreasing over the years.19 What is the meaning of above mentioned explanation, data and analysis in earlier pages of this essay? It means that despite a serious crisis of democracy in Britain, there is still hope for vibrant recovery through adopting certain well thought about measures. In addition, efforts towards change of attitudes of voters and politicians would also be necessary. It is therefore appropriate moment to see what can be done in this context? Root and branch transformation may also be needed as such. Unbridled pursuits of self-aggrandisement not only among politicians but also in national and global comity of all countries will have to be given a proper and required direction. Otherwise, cities will never have rest from their evils of corruption and malpractices in society and politics. Morally upright statesmen will have to come forward to set examples of public conduct and behaviour. Values of sacrifice of personal self interests for the cause of larger society cannot but be best infused through real life exemplary personalities of leaders par excellence. This transformation may take place over a period of gestation, say, in a decade’s time or so. Social and political changes cannot be brought about overnight. Several political, social and legal measures and reforms may be necessary for these purposes. This is ever more necessary in view of there being only about 5% British populace involved in contacting media and using organisational activities for political purposes while not going for signing petitions, contacting MPs or going for public marches in 2005.20 For quite a few years now, several suggestions and measures of reforms are being put forth at the behest of British Government, political parties and leaders. Most of these relate mainly to transform or change attitudes of disengagement of the British citizens. There are, however, scanty studies to bring about changes in political parties and leaders. In reality, it is the political leaders who are to be blamed for increasing attitudes of disengagement among British 19 Ibid. p.p. 12-13. 20 Ibid
  • 7. Political Disengagement in British Democracy 7 citizens. Primary responsibility rests with them and not with the people because they and their self-aggrandising behaviour and attitudes are the main causes behind the current crisis of democracy in Britain. It will be well to go for a few practicable suggestions or, as it were, recommendations to deal with the existing crisis of democracy in Britain. First, British citizens must be bestowed with the right to recall not only their erring representatives but also the entire lot of all Members of Parliament alongwith all cabinet ministers including the Prime Minister and Speaker etc when they are not performing their duties towards citizens. This will instil a very strong sense of inducement towards ever more active and zestful political engagement among British citizens. This will also lead political leaders to adopting rightful duty bound attitudes towards their constituencies and voters. This is not a novel idea. It is being practised in Switzerland. Moreover, it was John Locke who had put forth in his Second Treatise on Government as well. This right to recall will also help people restore their trust in the political institutions and actors.21 There are other suggestions suggested by Alison Park and others in the edited volume British Social Attitudes – the 20th Report: Continuity and Change over Two Decades.22 These experts are suggesting diverse changes in health schemes, education, welfare schemes, need for changing political attitudes of political leaders and other related measures. Such changes in the governance of political and social system will bring concomitant transformations in the attitude of presently disengaged British citizens. A general nationwide discussion is already going on anent reforming electoral system with alternative voting, proportional representation; and single transferrable voting system. These suggested changes in the voting system are more oriented towards benefitting the political leaders despite citizens’ political disengagement attitudes. These are not citizen oriented. What we need is such planned measures of reform which transform political leadership towards performing their duties in a better way. Otherwise proper inducement will not emerge for engaging voters meaningfully. 21 Seyd, Ben, “What we Know (and do not Know) about Political Trust in Britain: A Review of Existing Studies and Suggestions for Future Research”, Draft Paper for EPOP Conference, University of Essex, September 2010, pp. 7-9. 22 Park A., Curtice J., Thomson K., Jarvis L. and Bromley, C. (Eds), British Social Attitudes – the 20 th Report: Continuity and Change over Two Decades, London: Sage, 2003, pp. 104, 131-153.
  • 8. Political Disengagement in British Democracy 8 Select Bibliography Bromley et al, Http:// , 2004. Bromley, Cathrine; Curtice J. and Seyd, Ben, Is Britain Facing a Crisis of Democracy? London: Oxford. Butt S. and Curtice J., ‘’Duty in decline? Trends in attitudes towards voting’’, A. Park et al. (eds.), British Social Attitudes: the 26 report, London: Sage, 2010. Clarke, Harold D., Political Choice in Britain, London: OUP, 2004. Colomer, Josep M. (Ed) Comparative European Politics, London and New York: Routledge, 2008. Curtice J. And Park A., “Will Anyone Vote: Prospects for Turnout in the General Election”, London: publication of British Social Attitudes and National Centre for Social Research, research paper, 2010. Park A., Curtice J., Thomson K., Jarvis L. and Bromley, C. (Eds), British Social Attitudes – the 20 th Report: Continuity and Change over Two Decades, London: Sage, 2003. Seyd, Ben, “What we Know (and do not Know) about Political Trust in Britain: A Review of Existing Studies and Suggestions for Future Research”, Draft Paper for EPOP Conference, University of Essex, September 2010. United Kingdom, The Electoral Commission, Research Team, Social Exclusion and Political Engagement—Research Report 2005, London: Electoral Commission Publications, 2005. White, Isobel, Power to the People: the Report of Power: an Independent Inquiry into Britain’s Democracy, London: Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust; and Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust publication, March 2006.