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Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment
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Can You Be Gay and
Written by Dr Michael Brown
A Media Representation Essay
Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment
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Can You Be Gay and Christian an essay based on the bestselling religious and political social
issues in the United States by Dr Michael Brown. The issue about Lesbian, Gay and Bi-
Sexual and Transgender has challenge many policy makers to re-examine and established a
momentum that would conflict religious groups that not only apply to Christianity, but also to
Islam, Judaism for example as well as Non-Government Organizations. The essay seeks to
establish understanding the Historical Background Gay Movement in Christianity both in the
United States and The Republic of Singapore. Examine and argue the Impact of Political and
Religious freedom implementation by rule of law in the land both in mid and long term
consequences and lifestyle perceptions.
Many Questions were raised in the recent times around the world especially the question of
how extreme is freedom is define and ascertain for stable and fair sexual equality, do persons
with religious beliefs have the right to practice in office to refuse to act in favour such as
issue Marriage Certificate to Gay or Lesbian Couple? As quote by the Prime Minister of
United Kingdom.
This new space as old as time has created new economic opportunities which is known as the
rise of the “Pink Dollar” that has enhance Corporations such as Google and J.P Morgan
sponsoring Pink Dot Events and Gay Prides Festivals for instance. The World has indeed
change even on how it views as an alternative lifestyle for the future as we examine.
And finally, this essay I will also explain and question the author’s perspective, why he
would cause a stir among movement of government or religion with media. Is it really
represented in the right fashion? I believe these questions will be answered in due course.
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1.Can You Be Gay and Christian?
2.UnderstandingLGBT and Christianity
3.Media Representationon Political & Religious
4.Historical Background of LGBT
5.The Rise of New Economic Strength – The Pink
6.Media Representation, Lessons Question
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Chapter 1
Can You Be Gay and Christian?
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Dr Michael Brown, PhD
About Dr Michael Brown’s background – He holds a PhD from New York University in
Near Eastern Languages and also in Literatures. He is also one of the most recognized
leading Messianic Jewish scholars in the world. He is the founder of and president of Fire
School of Ministry, a TV and Radio Host of National Syndicated daily show The Line of
Fire. He is also the author of more than twenty books. A contributor to the Oxford Dictionary
of the Jewish Religion and many scholarly publications.
Since the release of the book “Can You Be Gay and Christian?” many academic critics
viewed the subject on gender is rather bias experimental. One example is that Charisma
Online Magazine elaborate on 1st May 2014 reported by Althea Thompson, Correspondent
describe the following: Christians are in the crossroads and facing a dilemma on its moral
values and balance of love. Do Christians should love or act with love, compassion towards
lesbians, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) friends and families. At the same time, we
witness how gay activism is changing the culture and perception of the United States of
America. Policy Makers and Christian Communities were not able to respond rightly even
with the question: Can you be Gay and Christian? How would this address the way every
other religious and non-religious community live and comply with the new policies that
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would empower the right to express human love between same sex and sexual orientation
preference such as Tran’s gender?
The Politics of how to respond to gay people is political, economic and even more so spiritual
in this quest of this book.
Dr Brown uses his bold attention to address candidly in academic scholarship approach based
on two decades of research with relevant guidelines.
Here is what Dr Brown has to describe for the first time – “I do not claim to able relate in full
to the challenges faced by those who identify as gay or lesbian, transgender or bi sexual. But
I can honestly tell you that I had listen attentively to testimonies of those who are LGBT
individuals on both side who are Christian and Secular. I have reviewed all information and
processed them in comparison with the scriptural arguments in great depth.
Brown discusses topics on the Bible’s commandment to love one another. Jesus’s Views on
alternative sexual behaviour and culture, how can all of these be balance in grace and truth.
His famously quote in his book “You are not defined by your attractions, and you are not a
slave to your desire,” - Dr Michael Brown.
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Dr Brown decided not to be apologetic about his views and he contributed on May 5th 2015
on Charisma News with praise of his self-fulling new work academic analysis which claims
he had received hate mails within hours of release of the book and called him “The rigid
Ayatollah-like scripture rants.” The book he wrote also self-filling statements that he is sure
God does not endorse 100 percent or bless homosexual practice or acts, and even more
equally sure that God has a tender place for those who struggle with these issues. He also
expect policy makers and persons to hate him or not stop hating him for his views and
statements that contradicts the constitutional rights of United States. He strongly believes the
religious view is most importantly observant rather than compromise.
Here Dr Brown shares three points on the reviews he felt that was justifiable based on
Amazon’s customers.
1. He’s been voted as the world’s worst anti-gay, a man who is obsessed with male
2. Dr Brown ignores changes in the world environment where sexual orientation has
become a more acceptable safe haven for and as an alternative. And they believe that
Dr Brown has been misinformed.
His book has been widely received globally and even in the orient Singapore, where he
address to an audience of 20,000 for two weeks in October 2014. His 1st 1,000 copies of his
book were sold out before his delivery in public. Academics, Policy Makers and Religious
Institutions were concern on this issue and wanting to understand on how United States and
the world would view and adjust to change of regulation and redefining the term family when
you have same sex couple having children. How would this impact societies and perception
and more which I will address in this essay.
But before, I could describe and argue I must demonstrate the history and politics of the Gay
Christian movement in the United States and Singapore and how and why it would and has
demonstrate such power despite much awareness and strict laws imposed by Singapore which
is the penal code.
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Chapter 2
Historical Background of LGBT
Understanding the History of Christianity and Homosexuality
In Early Christianity, Ancient Rome and Greece prefer the pederastic relationship of an adult
Greek Male and a Greek Youth or a Roman citizen with a slave, a common culture. However
it outlawed and seen as an abomination as a result death penalty is imposed. For example in
the forth century, St. John Chrysostom regards homosexual acts are worse then murder and so
degrading that they consititude a kind of punishment in itself, and that kind of enjoyment of
such acts actually makes them worse, for suppose I were to see a person running naked, with
his body all besmeared with mire, and yet not covering himself, but exulting in it, I should
not rejoice with him, but should rather bewail that he did not even perceive that he was doing
doing shamefully.
In 342AD, Christians emperors Constantius 2 and Constans decreed the death penalty for any
male who marries a man as a woman. And in 390AD, Christian emperors Valentinian 2,
Theodosius 1st and Arcadius denounced any males “acting the part of a woman”, will be
condemn and guilty be burned in public.
Middle Ages
New Theology arrived that it commands new tolenrence on homosexual Christianity in the
12th Century. For example The Archbisop Ralph of Tours and his lover John installed as
Bishop of Orleans by the endorsement of King of France and Pope Urban 2nd. And Otto 3rd
had many men in bed and bath, and is anointed by Pope to be the Emperor of the Holy
Roman Empire.
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Today’s Christian and Catholic are diverging opinions over the politics on sexual orientation.
Where Major Religions view on Same Sex Marriage
Sanctions on Same-Sex
Prohibits Same-
No Clear Position Sanctions
Blessings of
Same-Sex Unions
Presbyterian Church (USA) American Baptist
Buddhism Episcopal Church
Conservative Jewish
Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-
Day Saints
Reform Jewish Movement
Society of Friends (Quaker)
Unitarian Universalist
Association of Churches
United Church of Christ
Lutheran Church-
Missouri Synod
Orthodox Jewish
Evangelical Lutheran
Roman Catholic
Southern Baptist
United Methodist
Source: PEW RESEARCH CENTER 1st July 2015,copyright
According to latest research by Pew Research Center, Carroll Dotherty Director of Political
Research findings on LGBT acceptance by societies were as follows:
As at May 12-18th 2015 Survey, 57% majority of Americans are now in favour allowing
same-sex marriage and 39% opposed. Compared in 2010, it was 48% opposed same sex
marriage and 42% supported same sex marriage.
The reason of such great shift which would indeed suspend Dr Browns views is because of
the shifting attitudes on the issues and strong support for LGBT rights among the younger
Americans. The Younger generation are more accepting of LGBT and same sex marriage
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then their older generations, the Millennials ( ages 18-34) who are entered adulthood have
influenced overall public opinion today and the future.
There are more conflicting questions to how media from the religious publications now
played an important role as media representation of a product by someone of authority and a
organization that the public trusts. But what about politics?
According to PEW Research published on June 8th, 2015 by Carroll Doherty, Director of
Political Research has this to explain the recent behaviour since the Supreme Court of Justice
– The United States of America has include a new amendment on June 26th, 2015 Where it is
now known as the Fourteen Amendment requires all States to license a marriage between two
people of the same gender when their marriage is lawfully licensed.
Over 72% support same sex marriage which is a record high ever but there are conservative
segments remain opposed. These 72% had clearly announced that legal recognition is
“Inevitable”. According to indicators by party The Democrats favour 65%, The Independent
party 65% in favour as well in gay marriage and only one third which is 34% of Republicans
are in favour. All three groups are growing in share markets supporting the same sex
marriage compared to 10 years ago it was conservative and taboo for any parties.
When ask among three parties if legal Recognition is Inevitable – The Republicans and
Democrats say 72% is Inevitable and Independent parties agree with 74% support.
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When it comes to racial groups in the United States in the case of supportive of same sex
marriage over the last ten years:
(Copyright by PEW Research Centre 2015)
The above chart will tell you that the recent survey of three major racial groups that would
contribute the political landscape of the United States are the Caucasian, Hispanics and
African American.
The Caucasian support 59% of LGBT marriage and 41% opposed, Hispanics support 56% of
LGBT marriage and 44% opposed and finally African Americans opposed 51% LGBT
marriage and 49% in favour. Asians remain neutral on the subject matter.
Caucasian Hispanics African American Asians
Racial Supportof LGBT Marriage USA
In Favour Objection Neutral
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3. Media Representation on
Political & Religious Impact
Since the implantation by Supreme Court for LGBT legal issue of
marriage licence, the Media and Politics took the turn of events that was an advantage for
imperial influence the power of the State, Religion and Political Figure like brands.
In June 22nd, 2015 The Christian Post Online News and June 27th, 2015, The Christian Today
Online News published their views and voice entitled: How will the Supreme Court Gay
Marriage Decision Affect Religious Freedom? And by Christian Today – Christian Leaders
Slam US Supreme Court ruling on Gay Marriage, Warn Christians of Looming Persecution.
What does this really represent for religion, politics and freedom? What does it mean to
anyone who is a Christian?
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Is this a self-fulfilling prophecy representation for both state and media advantage for signs of
end of civilization as what the bible foretold?
In September 4th, 2015, The World was taken in by utter surprise by the news of just a
small time clerk who was jailed for not issuing marriage licence to a gay couple. The News
spread from domestic to international public affairs such as The New York Times, Channel
News Asia from Singapore to Reuter, UK and even the BBC.
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This is the first time in history for the United States to report an incident that is against their
religious beliefs and the total freedom to worship or act based on the constitution rights now
been question and robbed. The world readers and critics view this as the beginning of the
United States, a land flowing with milk and honey now seems to become a communistic
state. The US Clerk from Kentucky started the legal suit for over two months and loss over
the Supreme Court judgement.
The Judge then jailed for her contempt to court and will not be release indefinately until she
signs and agrees to comply with the new ruling. Ms Kim Davis, the clerk says she refused
because she is a chrisitian and she has the right as an American and Christian. I belive that
marriage is one man and a woman union.
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Then on September 8th 2015, after spending 5 days in jail ms Kim Davis was release by order
of the Federal Judge. Her release came from the help of Republican Presidential Candidate
Mike Huckabee and lawyer Mathew Staver. After hours of her release from jail, she was then
help on the poduim and she raised her hand to thank God along side with those invovled in
her release in public and the members of the international press.
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But what does this mean for the World? and America that it represents by the media? What
does it mean for Mike Huckabee running for Presidential Candidate to the World?
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4. Understanding the
Hisotry of LGBT in the
United States and Singapore
One must understand the background of LGBT of United Stataes and Singapore and how
complicated it is to resolved freedom of such nature because of historical experience.
The United States began its views and acceptance on LGBT since the pre 20th century. It was
unlawful then that gay practice is allowed for such a lifestyle in the US and therefore it drove
these communities into disguise until 1924 when Henry Gerber’s Society for Human Rights
was form in Chicago. During that time in the 1920’s it was the beginning of the era that
LGBT persons found employment as entertainers or entertainment assistants in various urban
cities such as New York,City.
By 1940’s to 1960s LGBT began to be included in television series and radio as gay
characters or themes. In 1958, the United States Supreme Court ruled and allowed Gay
publication “One, Inc” be available and not obscene. This also impact the new First
At the same time, Illinois is the first State to decriminalize sodomy between consenting adults
in private.
From 1969 to 1999, LGBT Migration and Liberation became the focus of the ever growing
demand for freedom to love. Many moved to cities such as San Francisco. The first national
gay rights march in the United States was in October 14, 1979 Washington D.C. with over
100,000 people.
Today, The Turning point of the United States of America was the recent Supreme Court
ruling the allow all states to lawfully issue marriage documents to LGBT couples in 2015,
this is fully endorsed by the first African American President of the United States Barack
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History of LGBT in Singapore
LGBT culture started in Singapore during the pre-colonial period before 1819. They were
known as “Mak Nyah” as third gender among the Malay Muslim community. It is socially
accepted and incorporated into the community life. The “Mak Nyah” is also shared similar
ways to Hijra in India or the fa’afafine or Mahu in Polynesia.
The traditional attitudes to LGBT is evident accepted even among the hokkien specking clans
found in the writings of Bret Hinsch “Passions of the Cut Sleeve: The Male Homosexual
Tradition in China”. Gay Marriage is institutionalised among Hokkien Men endorsed by the
Ming Dynasty China and they imported among themselves as migrants in the old colonial
British Law and Penal Code Section377A
The British came to Singapore and Installed a law modelled after Britain which usually
applies to the elite and not the substandard class migrants.
World War 2 to 1960’s
When the Japanese occupied Singapore, the penal code was demolished, Gay sex is not
unlawful for Japan and therefore during the war many of the young man and boys from
Singapore were raped by the Japanese during the war before or after the execution.
After the war, the LGBT culture began to grow and flourish in parts of Singapore such as
Bugis Street due to the Japanese Influence.
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1970’s – The Media and Services
LGBT persons began to be featured on well-known magazines such as Her World and also
movies funded by the Shaw Brothers production entitled Ai nu (Love Slave) by Lily Ho and
Betty Pei Ti as a Lesbian Couple.
The government hospitals also then introduced and held a press conference of new surgical
services to those wanting male to female reassignment surgery at a well know hospital
Kandang Kerbau Hosptial in 1971 till this present day.
One of the first best surgeons was Prof S Sham Ratnam. And later it also introduced Female
to Male reassignment as demand grew among the LGBT community.
PresentDay – The Government and Media Representation
Since then, the LGBT grew with much influence that by 2002 the Minister of State for Health
Balaji Sadasivan who is an Indian ethnic neurosurgeon also fluent in Mandarin said to the
media that Singapore now recognized that according to research the Brain of the homosexual
is structurally different from heterosexuals. It is therefore an imprint in the brain in utero, it is
inherit as a result. Therefore we must accept them and be tolerant to anyone who is different
from anyone from the community.
After it was published on the Sunday Times on 1st December, 2002. The views of LGBT
persons become more accepted by the society then the usual 10 years ago. As more Members
of the government who were of LGBT status enter into politics as well as places of influence
such as the CPF board, it was time that the government was pressured to accept the behaviour
and reluctant to enforce the penal code.
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Chapter 5 - The Rise of New
Economic Strength - The Pink
The Rise of the pink dollar comes with no surprise for many when Yahoo Finance reported
on June 29th 2012 entitled Power of the Pink Dollar; does it pay to be gay friendly? Reported
by Noel Hulsman and Chasing the Pink Dollar by the Straits Times Singapore on August 17th
How did the Pink Dollar happen? How did politics become embedded with it?
The Pink Dollar came to acceptable terms as the strong moral purchasing power for the
LGBT community which has grown from a minority to become a thriving industry and
businesses now cater to LGBT customers, including night clubs, shops, restaurants, airlines
and groceries to name a few.
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It used to be discriminated by tradition, but in 1998 Pink Dollar contributes over $560 billion
worldwide for entertainment and consumer goods. In 2012 – The United States purchasing
power from the LGBT community is $790 billion.
According to reports, Latin America and Asia are growing larger year by year due to market
options, impulse and variety.
Most noticeable influence of the pink dollar and its creations stems from LGBT icons from
Madonna, Lady Gaga, Kylie Minogue and Cher. Corporations were also part of the influence
by the politics of entertainment such as Guess, Fossil and even Rolex.
They began to use the power of influence by having huge mega advertising campaigns for
television and movies, brand placement and as well as specialize marketing press conference
called the Pink-Pound- Conference.
The Message to consumers for the LGBT and non LGBT community is that if you are in, you
get it, if you are out – you are most welcome to join us or party with us! We are ok and clean!
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In the United States, the Pink Dollar played an important role for Presidential campaigns and
commercial sectors.
The Dorothy Dollar aka Pink Dollar contributes $790 Billion for 2012 itself. The
demographic known as Dinky has more disposable income then an average household with
an excess of USD$50,000 per year!
US companies focus on these markets with specific advertising campaigns such as American
Airlines with an increase revenue of $20 million between 1994 to $193.5 million in 1999 on
LGBT marketing.
Bill Clinton, AL Gore, John Edwards, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Howard Dean, John
Kerry and Joe Biden are examples actively seeking the gay votes and donations.
Witeck-Combs Communications Inc and also reported that the buying
power of US LGBT has exceed $835 Billion in 2011. But in 2012 – The Headline announced
“Gay Buyig Power” hit $2 Trillion in 2012!”
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But what does the Pink Dollar truly mean even for Singapore? How has that changed in
Consumers and Politics and the way it’s been reference?
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The Pink Dollar in Singapore is both a political engine and economic strength for the LGBT
community with the strong agenda and support by the government officials who are now
seating in the parliamentary seats to seek and unify the LGBT and the common Singaporean
with the world at large.
This has brought new meaning with the politics of the pink dollar of what it means and values
accounting views of Foucault’s Theory. According to Google Singapore and JP Morgan’s
spokesman on the politics of the pink dollar and value is that it represents our strength and
representation visually on every news online broadcast and any form of media publication
that advertise that our brand stand for inclusion of human kind and practice.
Secondly, the LGBT markets has one of the high premiums in spending and investing power
in property and lifestyle.
Thirdly, LGBT pink dollar translates also from power of positions from the corporate to the
government who are themselves LGBT in practice or pro activists that we must custom made
and support for a long term.
The politics of the pink dollar also has change the views of the public of how the message is
perceive and engineered.
For the last five years, from the crowd of 2,000 that came for the pink dot event, it has grown
with a support over 15,000 in 2015 with over more than 50 international media coverage
worth over $5 million dollars of free advertising and benefits.
The Singapore Tourism Board see benefits for opening LGBT communities’ globally as
Singapore’s choice of holiday Pro-LGBT destination for business and leisure pink currency.
In support to Foucault’s theory – Politics and Commercial played as actors and influence
media to the world that what it is perceive as world at peace with soft power of currency also
known as the pink dollar. Visuals of advertising, and festivals such as the Pink Dot gave a
new meaning of a better world rather the truth.
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Chapter 6 – Media
Representation & Lesson
In the past five chapters we had learn how LGBT is defined and construct by members of the
media, politics, corporations and personalities. History of the past, present and future will
now define everything how the public chose to believe and see because of the message that
has been anchored by the members of the press and public relations.
Is the subject Can You be Gay and Christian by Dr Michael Brown and their publisher as
well as the newspaper engineered the process with the government?
Did the religious communities were taken by surprise and found themselves overreacting to
the circumstance’s?
What and how it was represented in the Media, The Politics, The People and The
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In my conversation with Dr Brown in 2014 in Singapore and Online Interviews, this is what
he has to point out in three points:
1. Firstly, I used the Medium of my personality to influence my thoughts and research
on LGBT issues that Christians at large Struggle with and it is also open to secular as
well. It is the most powerful and widely influence if you think about it on how
newspapers and online media can do. The Medium is a representation of me visually,
my product and my stakeholders that is Charisma House that publishes and finance
my projects. I would not deny that they have some information the Supreme Court
would pass on such laws which is why it release my book 8 months early.
2. Secondly, I was invited to speak to over 12 countries including Singapore on this
issues. And that is powerful, because I had people of influence from Governments
seeking answers from me to engage a perspective on how to engineer new ways to
deal a growing population of LGBT and concerns.
3. Financially, it is one of the most lucrative subject that many would be willing to
invest in this issue. Not just my book, the media coverage and policy makers for
consultations and influence of brands.
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To have a balance view, I turn to Dr Nancy Heche and ask her what were her observations Dr
Brown’s “Can You be Gay and Christian” and the drama that followed.
1. As you know, I had written a book The Complete Christian Guide to Understanding
Homosexuality and my observations of what has happen in America of the so called
persecution is entirely engineered by the Media which is Charisma and other Online
Media and Politics.
2. Why is only One Clerk from Kentucky reported when there’s others been persecuted
as well? It is indeed strange that the Presidential Candidate took all the trouble to seek
her release and had international media attention along with Dr Brown’s book.
3. There was no mentioned on how and why the Presidential Candidate made any
mentioned or plans for the future if this problem can be resolved on the long term so
that other would not be persecuted.
My conclusion
1. After the release of the book by Dr Brown, much has speculated and self-fulfilling
prophecies were engineered to make believe that America is coming to an end of all
things freedom to be human and the right to live and worship freely at your own
course by Charisma Media and other online outlets including social media.
2. Charisma Media took the advantage as a marketing tool to enhance the situation in
2015 with the arrest of the Clerk. It was a make believe to the world that America is
in trouble and that the President of United States has turn Anti-Christ and pro-gay
3. The Media from the secular on the other hand played an important role to represent
that Christians are indeed stupid and ignorant. With the inability to use common sense
by just getting other clerks to the job.
4. It was only then the online publication - Christianity Today began to take a stand to
teach proper ethics to Christians how to properly behave and react to situations to
changing environment’s entitled “Same Sex Marriage is Legal – How Pastors
responding to this Crucial Moment”.
5. Since the release of the book, Dr Michael Brown profit over just $10 million dollars
of his speaking engagements and merchandise.
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6. Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee reported an increase of 5% popular votes and
also his appearance with Dr Brown and Charisma Media President Steve Strang on
the recent debate on LGBT.
7. Charisma Media seen an increase of Chrisitan politics and high traffic volume of over
70% since the release of the book in September 2014. Is this good for the company of
what it has represent and for the talent and country?
8. Did Charisma House conspired with the Government along with the stakeholders to
increase market share?
9. Who is really making the money from Media Representation by Charisma Online
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1. – The Christian Institute, EDOs May have a Chilling Effect on
Free Speech by Melanie Phillips, dated 6th October 2015
2. - Can You Be Gay and Christian? Written by Dr Michael
Brown, A book review by Althea Thompson , dated 1st May 2014
3. – Can You Be Gay and Christian? Here come the Hate by Dr
Michael Brown. Dated 5th May, 2014
4. – Charity head Franklin Graham: US will ‘disintegrate” over
same sex marriage. Dated 2nd June 2015
5. – PEW Research Centre, where Major Religions Stand on
Same Sex Marriage, Dated on 4th September 2015 by Carrol Doherty, Director of
Political Research. Dated 1st July 2015
6. – PEW Research Centre, Support for Same Sex Marriage at
Record High, But Key Segments Remain Opposed. 72% Say Legal Recognition is
“Inevitable” by Carrol Doherty, Director of Political Research and Jocelyn Kiley,
Associate Director, Research. Dated June 8th 2015.
7. – How will the Supreme Court Gay Marriage Decision
Affect Religious Freedom? By Napp Nazworth, June 22nd 2015
8. – Same-Sex Marriage is now the Law of the (U.S) Land:
What Now for Christians? By Ed Stetzer, June 26th 2015
9. The Wall Street Journal - Federal Judge Orders Kentucky Clerk Release from Jail by
Arian Campo-Flores, September 8th 2015
10. Reuters – Kentucky Clerk who opposed Gay Marriages released from Jail by Steve
Bittenbender, September 8th 2015
11. BBC News Online – Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Defying Court orders on Gay
Marriage, September 4th 2015
12. Channel News Asia Online News – US Clerk Jailed for Gay Marriage Defiance;
dispute goes on, September 4th 2015.
13. – Christian Leaders slam US Supreme Court ruling on gay
marriage, warn Christians of looming persecution by Jay Gotera, June 27th, 2015
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14. Christianity and Culture in the Middle Ages by David C Mengel and Lisa Wolverton
– ISBN 979-0268-0353-34
15. Same Sex Unions in Premodern Europe by John Boswell – ISBN 978-0679-432289
16. A Natural History of Homosexuality – Francis Mark Mondimore, ISBN 978-080-
17. Homosexuality and Civilization by Louis Crompton, ISBN 978-0674-022-331
18. A Queer History of the United States by Michael Bronski – ISBN 978-080-7044-650
19. The Gay Backlash by M.Nirmala The Straits Times Singapore, 23rd July 2013
20. - “News Agency Reports about Gay Civil Servants”. By
Yawning Bread, 25th November 2007
21. Social Policy in Post – Industrial Singapore by Kwen Fee Lian and Chee Kiong
Tong – ISBN 90-04-16642-4
22. Singapore Gay History from 1960’s to 1998, Journal of Homosexuality Vol 40 Nos.
¾ 2001 Special Edition on Gay and Lesbian Asia: Culture, Identity and Community,
edited by Gerard Sullivan and Peter Jackson
23. Mobilizing Gay Singapore: Rights and Resistance in an Authoritarian State by
Lynette J Chua, ISBN 978-14399-10320
24. I will survive: Personal Gay, Lesbian, Bi Sexual and Transgender Stories in Singapore
by Leow Yangfa, Digital book – B0163GCZJ8
25. Imaging Gay Paradise, Bali, Bangkok and Cyber Singapore by Gary L Atkins, ISBN
26. Section 377A of the Penal Code in Singapore –
27. The Straits Times – Chasing the Pink Dollar, 17th August 2003
28. Yahoo Singapore Finance – Power of the Pink Dollar: Does it Pay to be Gay
Friendly? By Noel Hulsman, June 29th 2012
29. The Raw Story .com – Gay Buying Power to Hit $2 Trillion by 2012 written by The
Raw Story on June 26th, 2006
30. The Complete Christian Guide to Understanding Homosexuality by Joe Dallas and
Nancy Heche, ISBN 978-0-7369-2507-5
31. Can You Be Gay and Christian? By Michael L. Brown. PhD, ISBN 978-1-621-36-

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  • 1. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 1 | P a g e Can You Be Gay and Christian? Written by Dr Michael Brown A Media Representation Essay MED204 By STIENBERG TAN GEOK YONG TMC ACADEMY HIGHER DIPLOMA IN MASS COMMUNICATION
  • 2. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 2 | P a g e Preface Can You Be Gay and Christian an essay based on the bestselling religious and political social issues in the United States by Dr Michael Brown. The issue about Lesbian, Gay and Bi- Sexual and Transgender has challenge many policy makers to re-examine and established a momentum that would conflict religious groups that not only apply to Christianity, but also to Islam, Judaism for example as well as Non-Government Organizations. The essay seeks to establish understanding the Historical Background Gay Movement in Christianity both in the United States and The Republic of Singapore. Examine and argue the Impact of Political and Religious freedom implementation by rule of law in the land both in mid and long term consequences and lifestyle perceptions. Many Questions were raised in the recent times around the world especially the question of how extreme is freedom is define and ascertain for stable and fair sexual equality, do persons with religious beliefs have the right to practice in office to refuse to act in favour such as issue Marriage Certificate to Gay or Lesbian Couple? As quote by the Prime Minister of United Kingdom. This new space as old as time has created new economic opportunities which is known as the rise of the “Pink Dollar” that has enhance Corporations such as Google and J.P Morgan sponsoring Pink Dot Events and Gay Prides Festivals for instance. The World has indeed change even on how it views as an alternative lifestyle for the future as we examine. And finally, this essay I will also explain and question the author’s perspective, why he would cause a stir among movement of government or religion with media. Is it really represented in the right fashion? I believe these questions will be answered in due course.
  • 3. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 3 | P a g e Contents 1.Can You Be Gay and Christian? 2.UnderstandingLGBT and Christianity 3.Media Representationon Political & Religious Impact 4.Historical Background of LGBT 5.The Rise of New Economic Strength – The Pink Dollar 6.Media Representation, Lessons Question
  • 4. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 4 | P a g e Chapter 1 Can You Be Gay and Christian?
  • 5. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 5 | P a g e Dr Michael Brown, PhD About Dr Michael Brown’s background – He holds a PhD from New York University in Near Eastern Languages and also in Literatures. He is also one of the most recognized leading Messianic Jewish scholars in the world. He is the founder of and president of Fire School of Ministry, a TV and Radio Host of National Syndicated daily show The Line of Fire. He is also the author of more than twenty books. A contributor to the Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion and many scholarly publications. Since the release of the book “Can You Be Gay and Christian?” many academic critics viewed the subject on gender is rather bias experimental. One example is that Charisma Online Magazine elaborate on 1st May 2014 reported by Althea Thompson, Correspondent describe the following: Christians are in the crossroads and facing a dilemma on its moral values and balance of love. Do Christians should love or act with love, compassion towards lesbians, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) friends and families. At the same time, we witness how gay activism is changing the culture and perception of the United States of America. Policy Makers and Christian Communities were not able to respond rightly even with the question: Can you be Gay and Christian? How would this address the way every other religious and non-religious community live and comply with the new policies that
  • 6. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 6 | P a g e would empower the right to express human love between same sex and sexual orientation preference such as Tran’s gender? The Politics of how to respond to gay people is political, economic and even more so spiritual in this quest of this book. Dr Brown uses his bold attention to address candidly in academic scholarship approach based on two decades of research with relevant guidelines. Here is what Dr Brown has to describe for the first time – “I do not claim to able relate in full to the challenges faced by those who identify as gay or lesbian, transgender or bi sexual. But I can honestly tell you that I had listen attentively to testimonies of those who are LGBT individuals on both side who are Christian and Secular. I have reviewed all information and processed them in comparison with the scriptural arguments in great depth. Brown discusses topics on the Bible’s commandment to love one another. Jesus’s Views on alternative sexual behaviour and culture, how can all of these be balance in grace and truth. His famously quote in his book “You are not defined by your attractions, and you are not a slave to your desire,” - Dr Michael Brown.
  • 7. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 7 | P a g e Dr Brown decided not to be apologetic about his views and he contributed on May 5th 2015 on Charisma News with praise of his self-fulling new work academic analysis which claims he had received hate mails within hours of release of the book and called him “The rigid Ayatollah-like scripture rants.” The book he wrote also self-filling statements that he is sure God does not endorse 100 percent or bless homosexual practice or acts, and even more equally sure that God has a tender place for those who struggle with these issues. He also expect policy makers and persons to hate him or not stop hating him for his views and statements that contradicts the constitutional rights of United States. He strongly believes the religious view is most importantly observant rather than compromise. Here Dr Brown shares three points on the reviews he felt that was justifiable based on Amazon’s customers. 1. He’s been voted as the world’s worst anti-gay, a man who is obsessed with male homosexuality. 2. Dr Brown ignores changes in the world environment where sexual orientation has become a more acceptable safe haven for and as an alternative. And they believe that Dr Brown has been misinformed. His book has been widely received globally and even in the orient Singapore, where he address to an audience of 20,000 for two weeks in October 2014. His 1st 1,000 copies of his book were sold out before his delivery in public. Academics, Policy Makers and Religious Institutions were concern on this issue and wanting to understand on how United States and the world would view and adjust to change of regulation and redefining the term family when you have same sex couple having children. How would this impact societies and perception and more which I will address in this essay. But before, I could describe and argue I must demonstrate the history and politics of the Gay Christian movement in the United States and Singapore and how and why it would and has demonstrate such power despite much awareness and strict laws imposed by Singapore which is the penal code.
  • 8. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 8 | P a g e Chapter 2 Historical Background of LGBT Movement Understanding the History of Christianity and Homosexuality In Early Christianity, Ancient Rome and Greece prefer the pederastic relationship of an adult Greek Male and a Greek Youth or a Roman citizen with a slave, a common culture. However it outlawed and seen as an abomination as a result death penalty is imposed. For example in the forth century, St. John Chrysostom regards homosexual acts are worse then murder and so degrading that they consititude a kind of punishment in itself, and that kind of enjoyment of such acts actually makes them worse, for suppose I were to see a person running naked, with his body all besmeared with mire, and yet not covering himself, but exulting in it, I should not rejoice with him, but should rather bewail that he did not even perceive that he was doing doing shamefully. In 342AD, Christians emperors Constantius 2 and Constans decreed the death penalty for any male who marries a man as a woman. And in 390AD, Christian emperors Valentinian 2, Theodosius 1st and Arcadius denounced any males “acting the part of a woman”, will be condemn and guilty be burned in public. Middle Ages New Theology arrived that it commands new tolenrence on homosexual Christianity in the 12th Century. For example The Archbisop Ralph of Tours and his lover John installed as Bishop of Orleans by the endorsement of King of France and Pope Urban 2nd. And Otto 3rd had many men in bed and bath, and is anointed by Pope to be the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
  • 9. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 9 | P a g e Today’s Christian and Catholic are diverging opinions over the politics on sexual orientation. Where Major Religions view on Same Sex Marriage Sanctions on Same-Sex Marriage Prohibits Same- Sex Marriage No Clear Position Sanctions Blessings of Same-Sex Unions Presbyterian Church (USA) American Baptist Churches Buddhism Episcopal Church Conservative Jewish Movement Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints (Mormon) Hinduism Reform Jewish Movement Society of Friends (Quaker) Unitarian Universalist Association of Churches United Church of Christ Islam Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod Orthodox Jewish Movement Evangelical Lutheran Church Roman Catholic Church Southern Baptist Convention Graduate United Methodist Church Source: PEW RESEARCH CENTER 1st July 2015,copyright According to latest research by Pew Research Center, Carroll Dotherty Director of Political Research findings on LGBT acceptance by societies were as follows: As at May 12-18th 2015 Survey, 57% majority of Americans are now in favour allowing same-sex marriage and 39% opposed. Compared in 2010, it was 48% opposed same sex marriage and 42% supported same sex marriage. The reason of such great shift which would indeed suspend Dr Browns views is because of the shifting attitudes on the issues and strong support for LGBT rights among the younger Americans. The Younger generation are more accepting of LGBT and same sex marriage
  • 10. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 10 | P a g e then their older generations, the Millennials ( ages 18-34) who are entered adulthood have influenced overall public opinion today and the future. There are more conflicting questions to how media from the religious publications now played an important role as media representation of a product by someone of authority and a organization that the public trusts. But what about politics? According to PEW Research published on June 8th, 2015 by Carroll Doherty, Director of Political Research has this to explain the recent behaviour since the Supreme Court of Justice – The United States of America has include a new amendment on June 26th, 2015 Where it is now known as the Fourteen Amendment requires all States to license a marriage between two people of the same gender when their marriage is lawfully licensed. Over 72% support same sex marriage which is a record high ever but there are conservative segments remain opposed. These 72% had clearly announced that legal recognition is “Inevitable”. According to indicators by party The Democrats favour 65%, The Independent party 65% in favour as well in gay marriage and only one third which is 34% of Republicans are in favour. All three groups are growing in share markets supporting the same sex marriage compared to 10 years ago it was conservative and taboo for any parties. When ask among three parties if legal Recognition is Inevitable – The Republicans and Democrats say 72% is Inevitable and Independent parties agree with 74% support.
  • 11. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 11 | P a g e When it comes to racial groups in the United States in the case of supportive of same sex marriage over the last ten years: (Copyright by PEW Research Centre 2015) The above chart will tell you that the recent survey of three major racial groups that would contribute the political landscape of the United States are the Caucasian, Hispanics and African American. The Caucasian support 59% of LGBT marriage and 41% opposed, Hispanics support 56% of LGBT marriage and 44% opposed and finally African Americans opposed 51% LGBT marriage and 49% in favour. Asians remain neutral on the subject matter. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Caucasian Hispanics African American Asians Racial Supportof LGBT Marriage USA In Favour Objection Neutral
  • 12. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 12 | P a g e 3. Media Representation on Political & Religious Impact Since the implantation by Supreme Court for LGBT legal issue of marriage licence, the Media and Politics took the turn of events that was an advantage for imperial influence the power of the State, Religion and Political Figure like brands. In June 22nd, 2015 The Christian Post Online News and June 27th, 2015, The Christian Today Online News published their views and voice entitled: How will the Supreme Court Gay Marriage Decision Affect Religious Freedom? And by Christian Today – Christian Leaders Slam US Supreme Court ruling on Gay Marriage, Warn Christians of Looming Persecution. What does this really represent for religion, politics and freedom? What does it mean to anyone who is a Christian?
  • 13. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 13 | P a g e Is this a self-fulfilling prophecy representation for both state and media advantage for signs of end of civilization as what the bible foretold? In September 4th, 2015, The World was taken in by utter surprise by the news of just a small time clerk who was jailed for not issuing marriage licence to a gay couple. The News spread from domestic to international public affairs such as The New York Times, Channel News Asia from Singapore to Reuter, UK and even the BBC.
  • 14. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 14 | P a g e This is the first time in history for the United States to report an incident that is against their religious beliefs and the total freedom to worship or act based on the constitution rights now been question and robbed. The world readers and critics view this as the beginning of the United States, a land flowing with milk and honey now seems to become a communistic state. The US Clerk from Kentucky started the legal suit for over two months and loss over the Supreme Court judgement. The Judge then jailed for her contempt to court and will not be release indefinately until she signs and agrees to comply with the new ruling. Ms Kim Davis, the clerk says she refused because she is a chrisitian and she has the right as an American and Christian. I belive that marriage is one man and a woman union.
  • 15. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 15 | P a g e Then on September 8th 2015, after spending 5 days in jail ms Kim Davis was release by order of the Federal Judge. Her release came from the help of Republican Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee and lawyer Mathew Staver. After hours of her release from jail, she was then help on the poduim and she raised her hand to thank God along side with those invovled in her release in public and the members of the international press.
  • 16. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 16 | P a g e But what does this mean for the World? and America that it represents by the media? What does it mean for Mike Huckabee running for Presidential Candidate to the World?
  • 17. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 17 | P a g e 4. Understanding the Hisotry of LGBT in the United States and Singapore One must understand the background of LGBT of United Stataes and Singapore and how complicated it is to resolved freedom of such nature because of historical experience. The United States began its views and acceptance on LGBT since the pre 20th century. It was unlawful then that gay practice is allowed for such a lifestyle in the US and therefore it drove these communities into disguise until 1924 when Henry Gerber’s Society for Human Rights was form in Chicago. During that time in the 1920’s it was the beginning of the era that LGBT persons found employment as entertainers or entertainment assistants in various urban cities such as New York,City. By 1940’s to 1960s LGBT began to be included in television series and radio as gay characters or themes. In 1958, the United States Supreme Court ruled and allowed Gay publication “One, Inc” be available and not obscene. This also impact the new First Amendment. At the same time, Illinois is the first State to decriminalize sodomy between consenting adults in private. From 1969 to 1999, LGBT Migration and Liberation became the focus of the ever growing demand for freedom to love. Many moved to cities such as San Francisco. The first national gay rights march in the United States was in October 14, 1979 Washington D.C. with over 100,000 people. Today, The Turning point of the United States of America was the recent Supreme Court ruling the allow all states to lawfully issue marriage documents to LGBT couples in 2015, this is fully endorsed by the first African American President of the United States Barack Obama.
  • 18. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 18 | P a g e History of LGBT in Singapore LGBT culture started in Singapore during the pre-colonial period before 1819. They were known as “Mak Nyah” as third gender among the Malay Muslim community. It is socially accepted and incorporated into the community life. The “Mak Nyah” is also shared similar ways to Hijra in India or the fa’afafine or Mahu in Polynesia. The traditional attitudes to LGBT is evident accepted even among the hokkien specking clans found in the writings of Bret Hinsch “Passions of the Cut Sleeve: The Male Homosexual Tradition in China”. Gay Marriage is institutionalised among Hokkien Men endorsed by the Ming Dynasty China and they imported among themselves as migrants in the old colonial Singapore. British Law and Penal Code Section377A The British came to Singapore and Installed a law modelled after Britain which usually applies to the elite and not the substandard class migrants. World War 2 to 1960’s When the Japanese occupied Singapore, the penal code was demolished, Gay sex is not unlawful for Japan and therefore during the war many of the young man and boys from Singapore were raped by the Japanese during the war before or after the execution. After the war, the LGBT culture began to grow and flourish in parts of Singapore such as Bugis Street due to the Japanese Influence.
  • 19. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 19 | P a g e 1970’s – The Media and Services LGBT persons began to be featured on well-known magazines such as Her World and also movies funded by the Shaw Brothers production entitled Ai nu (Love Slave) by Lily Ho and Betty Pei Ti as a Lesbian Couple. The government hospitals also then introduced and held a press conference of new surgical services to those wanting male to female reassignment surgery at a well know hospital Kandang Kerbau Hosptial in 1971 till this present day. One of the first best surgeons was Prof S Sham Ratnam. And later it also introduced Female to Male reassignment as demand grew among the LGBT community. PresentDay – The Government and Media Representation Since then, the LGBT grew with much influence that by 2002 the Minister of State for Health Balaji Sadasivan who is an Indian ethnic neurosurgeon also fluent in Mandarin said to the media that Singapore now recognized that according to research the Brain of the homosexual is structurally different from heterosexuals. It is therefore an imprint in the brain in utero, it is inherit as a result. Therefore we must accept them and be tolerant to anyone who is different from anyone from the community. After it was published on the Sunday Times on 1st December, 2002. The views of LGBT persons become more accepted by the society then the usual 10 years ago. As more Members of the government who were of LGBT status enter into politics as well as places of influence such as the CPF board, it was time that the government was pressured to accept the behaviour and reluctant to enforce the penal code.
  • 20. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 20 | P a g e Chapter 5 - The Rise of New Economic Strength - The Pink Dollar The Rise of the pink dollar comes with no surprise for many when Yahoo Finance reported on June 29th 2012 entitled Power of the Pink Dollar; does it pay to be gay friendly? Reported by Noel Hulsman and Chasing the Pink Dollar by the Straits Times Singapore on August 17th 2003. How did the Pink Dollar happen? How did politics become embedded with it? The Pink Dollar came to acceptable terms as the strong moral purchasing power for the LGBT community which has grown from a minority to become a thriving industry and businesses now cater to LGBT customers, including night clubs, shops, restaurants, airlines and groceries to name a few.
  • 21. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 21 | P a g e It used to be discriminated by tradition, but in 1998 Pink Dollar contributes over $560 billion worldwide for entertainment and consumer goods. In 2012 – The United States purchasing power from the LGBT community is $790 billion. According to reports, Latin America and Asia are growing larger year by year due to market options, impulse and variety. Most noticeable influence of the pink dollar and its creations stems from LGBT icons from Madonna, Lady Gaga, Kylie Minogue and Cher. Corporations were also part of the influence by the politics of entertainment such as Guess, Fossil and even Rolex. They began to use the power of influence by having huge mega advertising campaigns for television and movies, brand placement and as well as specialize marketing press conference called the Pink-Pound- Conference. The Message to consumers for the LGBT and non LGBT community is that if you are in, you get it, if you are out – you are most welcome to join us or party with us! We are ok and clean!
  • 22. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 22 | P a g e In the United States, the Pink Dollar played an important role for Presidential campaigns and commercial sectors. The Dorothy Dollar aka Pink Dollar contributes $790 Billion for 2012 itself. The demographic known as Dinky has more disposable income then an average household with an excess of USD$50,000 per year! US companies focus on these markets with specific advertising campaigns such as American Airlines with an increase revenue of $20 million between 1994 to $193.5 million in 1999 on LGBT marketing. Bill Clinton, AL Gore, John Edwards, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Howard Dean, John Kerry and Joe Biden are examples actively seeking the gay votes and donations. Witeck-Combs Communications Inc and also reported that the buying power of US LGBT has exceed $835 Billion in 2011. But in 2012 – The Headline announced “Gay Buyig Power” hit $2 Trillion in 2012!”
  • 23. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 23 | P a g e But what does the Pink Dollar truly mean even for Singapore? How has that changed in Consumers and Politics and the way it’s been reference?
  • 24. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 24 | P a g e The Pink Dollar in Singapore is both a political engine and economic strength for the LGBT community with the strong agenda and support by the government officials who are now seating in the parliamentary seats to seek and unify the LGBT and the common Singaporean with the world at large. This has brought new meaning with the politics of the pink dollar of what it means and values accounting views of Foucault’s Theory. According to Google Singapore and JP Morgan’s spokesman on the politics of the pink dollar and value is that it represents our strength and representation visually on every news online broadcast and any form of media publication that advertise that our brand stand for inclusion of human kind and practice. Secondly, the LGBT markets has one of the high premiums in spending and investing power in property and lifestyle. Thirdly, LGBT pink dollar translates also from power of positions from the corporate to the government who are themselves LGBT in practice or pro activists that we must custom made and support for a long term. The politics of the pink dollar also has change the views of the public of how the message is perceive and engineered. For the last five years, from the crowd of 2,000 that came for the pink dot event, it has grown with a support over 15,000 in 2015 with over more than 50 international media coverage worth over $5 million dollars of free advertising and benefits. The Singapore Tourism Board see benefits for opening LGBT communities’ globally as Singapore’s choice of holiday Pro-LGBT destination for business and leisure pink currency. In support to Foucault’s theory – Politics and Commercial played as actors and influence media to the world that what it is perceive as world at peace with soft power of currency also known as the pink dollar. Visuals of advertising, and festivals such as the Pink Dot gave a new meaning of a better world rather the truth.
  • 25. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 25 | P a g e Chapter 6 – Media Representation & Lesson Learn In the past five chapters we had learn how LGBT is defined and construct by members of the media, politics, corporations and personalities. History of the past, present and future will now define everything how the public chose to believe and see because of the message that has been anchored by the members of the press and public relations. Is the subject Can You be Gay and Christian by Dr Michael Brown and their publisher as well as the newspaper engineered the process with the government? Did the religious communities were taken by surprise and found themselves overreacting to the circumstance’s? What and how it was represented in the Media, The Politics, The People and The Institutions?
  • 26. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 26 | P a g e In my conversation with Dr Brown in 2014 in Singapore and Online Interviews, this is what he has to point out in three points: 1. Firstly, I used the Medium of my personality to influence my thoughts and research on LGBT issues that Christians at large Struggle with and it is also open to secular as well. It is the most powerful and widely influence if you think about it on how newspapers and online media can do. The Medium is a representation of me visually, my product and my stakeholders that is Charisma House that publishes and finance my projects. I would not deny that they have some information the Supreme Court would pass on such laws which is why it release my book 8 months early. 2. Secondly, I was invited to speak to over 12 countries including Singapore on this issues. And that is powerful, because I had people of influence from Governments seeking answers from me to engage a perspective on how to engineer new ways to deal a growing population of LGBT and concerns. 3. Financially, it is one of the most lucrative subject that many would be willing to invest in this issue. Not just my book, the media coverage and policy makers for consultations and influence of brands.
  • 27. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 27 | P a g e To have a balance view, I turn to Dr Nancy Heche and ask her what were her observations Dr Brown’s “Can You be Gay and Christian” and the drama that followed. 1. As you know, I had written a book The Complete Christian Guide to Understanding Homosexuality and my observations of what has happen in America of the so called persecution is entirely engineered by the Media which is Charisma and other Online Media and Politics. 2. Why is only One Clerk from Kentucky reported when there’s others been persecuted as well? It is indeed strange that the Presidential Candidate took all the trouble to seek her release and had international media attention along with Dr Brown’s book. 3. There was no mentioned on how and why the Presidential Candidate made any mentioned or plans for the future if this problem can be resolved on the long term so that other would not be persecuted. My conclusion 1. After the release of the book by Dr Brown, much has speculated and self-fulfilling prophecies were engineered to make believe that America is coming to an end of all things freedom to be human and the right to live and worship freely at your own course by Charisma Media and other online outlets including social media. 2. Charisma Media took the advantage as a marketing tool to enhance the situation in 2015 with the arrest of the Clerk. It was a make believe to the world that America is in trouble and that the President of United States has turn Anti-Christ and pro-gay supporter. 3. The Media from the secular on the other hand played an important role to represent that Christians are indeed stupid and ignorant. With the inability to use common sense by just getting other clerks to the job. 4. It was only then the online publication - Christianity Today began to take a stand to teach proper ethics to Christians how to properly behave and react to situations to changing environment’s entitled “Same Sex Marriage is Legal – How Pastors responding to this Crucial Moment”. 5. Since the release of the book, Dr Michael Brown profit over just $10 million dollars of his speaking engagements and merchandise.
  • 28. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 28 | P a g e 6. Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee reported an increase of 5% popular votes and also his appearance with Dr Brown and Charisma Media President Steve Strang on the recent debate on LGBT. 7. Charisma Media seen an increase of Chrisitan politics and high traffic volume of over 70% since the release of the book in September 2014. Is this good for the company of what it has represent and for the talent and country? 8. Did Charisma House conspired with the Government along with the stakeholders to increase market share? 9. Who is really making the money from Media Representation by Charisma Online News?
  • 29. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 29 | P a g e References 1. – The Christian Institute, EDOs May have a Chilling Effect on Free Speech by Melanie Phillips, dated 6th October 2015 2. - Can You Be Gay and Christian? Written by Dr Michael Brown, A book review by Althea Thompson , dated 1st May 2014 3. – Can You Be Gay and Christian? Here come the Hate by Dr Michael Brown. Dated 5th May, 2014 4. – Charity head Franklin Graham: US will ‘disintegrate” over same sex marriage. Dated 2nd June 2015 5. – PEW Research Centre, where Major Religions Stand on Same Sex Marriage, Dated on 4th September 2015 by Carrol Doherty, Director of Political Research. Dated 1st July 2015 6. – PEW Research Centre, Support for Same Sex Marriage at Record High, But Key Segments Remain Opposed. 72% Say Legal Recognition is “Inevitable” by Carrol Doherty, Director of Political Research and Jocelyn Kiley, Associate Director, Research. Dated June 8th 2015. 7. – How will the Supreme Court Gay Marriage Decision Affect Religious Freedom? By Napp Nazworth, June 22nd 2015 8. – Same-Sex Marriage is now the Law of the (U.S) Land: What Now for Christians? By Ed Stetzer, June 26th 2015 9. The Wall Street Journal - Federal Judge Orders Kentucky Clerk Release from Jail by Arian Campo-Flores, September 8th 2015 10. Reuters – Kentucky Clerk who opposed Gay Marriages released from Jail by Steve Bittenbender, September 8th 2015 11. BBC News Online – Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Defying Court orders on Gay Marriage, September 4th 2015 12. Channel News Asia Online News – US Clerk Jailed for Gay Marriage Defiance; dispute goes on, September 4th 2015. 13. – Christian Leaders slam US Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage, warn Christians of looming persecution by Jay Gotera, June 27th, 2015
  • 30. Stienberg Tan Geok Yong, S7234046I for TMC – MED204 Assignment 30 | P a g e 14. Christianity and Culture in the Middle Ages by David C Mengel and Lisa Wolverton – ISBN 979-0268-0353-34 15. Same Sex Unions in Premodern Europe by John Boswell – ISBN 978-0679-432289 16. A Natural History of Homosexuality – Francis Mark Mondimore, ISBN 978-080- 18534-94 17. Homosexuality and Civilization by Louis Crompton, ISBN 978-0674-022-331 18. A Queer History of the United States by Michael Bronski – ISBN 978-080-7044-650 19. The Gay Backlash by M.Nirmala The Straits Times Singapore, 23rd July 2013 20. - “News Agency Reports about Gay Civil Servants”. By Yawning Bread, 25th November 2007 21. Social Policy in Post – Industrial Singapore by Kwen Fee Lian and Chee Kiong Tong – ISBN 90-04-16642-4 22. Singapore Gay History from 1960’s to 1998, Journal of Homosexuality Vol 40 Nos. ¾ 2001 Special Edition on Gay and Lesbian Asia: Culture, Identity and Community, edited by Gerard Sullivan and Peter Jackson ( 23. Mobilizing Gay Singapore: Rights and Resistance in an Authoritarian State by Lynette J Chua, ISBN 978-14399-10320 24. I will survive: Personal Gay, Lesbian, Bi Sexual and Transgender Stories in Singapore by Leow Yangfa, Digital book – B0163GCZJ8 25. Imaging Gay Paradise, Bali, Bangkok and Cyber Singapore by Gary L Atkins, ISBN 978-9888-083244 26. Section 377A of the Penal Code in Singapore – 27. The Straits Times – Chasing the Pink Dollar, 17th August 2003 28. Yahoo Singapore Finance – Power of the Pink Dollar: Does it Pay to be Gay Friendly? By Noel Hulsman, June 29th 2012 29. The Raw Story .com – Gay Buying Power to Hit $2 Trillion by 2012 written by The Raw Story on June 26th, 2006 30. The Complete Christian Guide to Understanding Homosexuality by Joe Dallas and Nancy Heche, ISBN 978-0-7369-2507-5 31. Can You Be Gay and Christian? By Michael L. Brown. PhD, ISBN 978-1-621-36- 5938