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Your own gem                   (little)

building an online business with Ruby

    Lindsay Holmwood <>


have an idea
check that it’s profitable
apples           oranges

are both fruit
web store       book shop

are both businesses
are important.
do them!
(conservative estimates are best)
check your tech
time is an expense
halve your deliverables
then halve them again
1-2 core features
write ideas down
Merb     (

Merb     (

DataMapper           (

Merb       (

DataMapper             (

MooTools         (

$ sudo gem install merb-core merb-more

$ sudo gem install merb-core merb-more

$ sudo gem install dm-core dm-more do_sqlite3

$ sudo gem install merb-core merb-more

$ sudo gem install dm-core dm-more do_sqlite3

$ merb-gen app

$ sudo gem install merb-core merb-more

$ sudo gem install dm-core dm-more do_sqlite3

$ merb-gen app

$ cd

$ sudo gem install merb-core merb-more

$ sudo gem install dm-core dm-more do_sqlite3

$ merb-gen app

$ cd

$ bzr init ; bzr add

$ bzr commit -m quot;initial commitquot;

$ sudo gem install merb-core merb-more

$ sudo gem install dm-core dm-more do_sqlite3

$ merb-gen app

$ cd

$ bzr init ; bzr add

$ bzr commit -m quot;initial commitquot;

$ merb &

$ merb &

$ merb-gen resource pub

$ merb &

$ merb-gen resource pub

$ bzr commit -m quot;added merb-gen'd pub resourcequot;

$ merb &

$ merb-gen resource pub

$ bzr commit -m quot;added merb-gen'd pub resourcequot;

$ vim spec/spec.opts spec/spec_helper.rb



Spec::Runner.configure do |config|


run specs
$ rake spec:request

run specs
$ rake spec:request


resource(:pubs) GET contains a list of pubs (TODO)
  Called from ./spec/requests/pubs_spec.rb:21
resource(:pubs) GET has a list of pubs (TODO)
  Called from ./spec/requests/pubs_spec.rb:33

Finished in 0.322787 seconds

9 examples, 0 failures, 2 pending

run specs
request specs
$ vim spec/requests/pubs_spec.rb

request specs
$ vim spec/requests/pubs_spec.rb


it quot;contains a sorted list of pubsquot; do
  @response.should have_xpath(quot;//h3[contains(.,'Cheapest')]quot;)
  @response.should have_xpath(quot;//h3[contains(.,'Nearest')]quot;)

request specs
run specs
$ rake spec:request

 run specs
$ rake spec:request

resource(:pubs) GET has a list of pubs (TODO)
  Called from ./spec/requests/pubs_spec.rb:33

'resource(:pubs) GET contains a sorted list of pubs' FAILED
expected following text to match xpath //h3[contains(.,'Cheapest')]’

Finished in 0.411139 seconds

9 examples, 1 failure, 1 pending

  run specs
$ vim config/dependencies.rb

$ vim config/dependencies.rb


dependency quot;merb-hamlquot;, merb_gems_version

$ vim config/dependencies.rb


dependency quot;merb-hamlquot;, merb_gems_version

$ vim config/init.rb

$ vim config/dependencies.rb


dependency quot;merb-hamlquot;, merb_gems_version

$ vim config/init.rb


use_template_engine :haml

hamlise view
$ bzr mv app/views/pubs/index.html.erb 

hamlise view
$ bzr mv app/views/pubs/index.html.erb 

$ vim app/views/pubs/index.html.haml

hamlise view
$ bzr mv app/views/pubs/index.html.erb 

$ vim app/views/pubs/index.html.haml
%h3 Nearest
%h3 Cheapest

hamlise view
$ bzr mv app/views/pubs/index.html.erb 

$ vim app/views/pubs/index.html.haml
%h3 Nearest
%h3 Cheapest

$ rake spec:request

resource(:pubs) GET has a list of pubs (TODO)
  Called from ./spec/requests/pubs_spec.rb:33

Finished in 0.389194 seconds

9 examples, 0 failures, 1 pending

hamlise view        tests pass!
model specs
$ vim spec/models/pubs_spec.rb

model specs
$ vim spec/models/pubs_spec.rb


model specs
$ vim spec/models/pubs_spec.rb

1.   it quot;should have name, address, pricequot; do
       @pubs.each do |pub| be_nil
         pub.address.should_not be_nil
         pub.price.should_not be_nil

model specs
$ vim spec/models/pubs_spec.rb

2.   it quot;should handle different url formatsquot; do
       @pubs.each do |pub|
         pub.url = '' be_true
         pub.url = '' be_true

model specs
$ vim spec/models/pubs_spec.rb

3.   it quot;should consistently format + store urlsquot; do
       @pubs.each do |pub|
         adjective = %w[great swanky awesome stylish][rand(4)]
         pub.url = quot;#{adjective}; be_true
         pub.url.should =~ /^http://.+/$/

model specs
model specs
$ vim spec/models/pubs_spec.rb

before(:each) do
  @pubs = 10.of { Pub.generate }

model specs
$ vim spec/models/pubs_spec.rb

before(:each) do
  @pubs = 10.of { Pub.generate }

$ vim spec/spec_fixtures.rb
require 'dm-sweatshop'

Pub.fixture do
    :name => ( name = %w[John Jane Jerry Justin][rand(4)] + quot;'s Pubquot;),
    :price => (1..30).to_a[rand(30)],
    :address => quot;#{(40..166).to_a[rand(126)]} Spring quot; + %w[Street Road Avenue][rand(3)],
    :url => quot;http://#{name.gsub(/W/, '').downcase}.com/quot;

 model specs
run specs
$ rake spec:models

 run specs
$ rake spec:models

NameError in 'Pub should have name, address, price'
address= is not a public property

NameError in 'Pub should handle different url formats'
address= is not a public property

NameError in 'Pub should consistently format + store urls'
address= is not a public property

Finished in 0.252169 seconds

3 examples, 3 failures

  run specs
define properties
$ vim app/models/pub.rb

define properties
$ vim app/models/pub.rb

class Pub
  include DataMapper::Resource

  property   :id, Serial
  property   :name, String, :nullable => false
  property   :address, String, :nullable => false
  property   :price, BigDecimal, :nullable => false
  property   :url, String

define properties
$ vim app/models/pub.rb


  def url=(string)
    string = quot;http://#{string}quot; unless string =~ /^http://.+//
    string += '/' unless string =~ //$/
    @url = string


custom setter
run specs
$ rake spec:models

 run specs
$ rake spec:models

Finished in 0.488351 seconds

3 examples, 0 failures

  run specs              win!
request specs
$ vim spec/requests/pubs_spec.rb

request specs
$ vim spec/requests/pubs_spec.rb


it quot;contains a list   of cheapest pubsquot; do
   @response.should   have_xpath(quot;//div[@id=’cheapest’]quot;)
   @response.should   have_xpath(quot;//div[@id=’cheapest’]//table//tr//td[@class='name']quot;)
   @response.should   have_xpath(quot;//div[@id=’cheapest’]//table//tr//td[@class='address']quot;)
   @response.should   have_xpath(quot;//div[@id=’cheapest’]//table//tr//td[contains(@class,'price')]quot;)

request specs
run specs
$ rake spec:request

run specs
$ rake spec:request

resource(:pubs) GET has a list of pubs (TODO)
  Called from ./spec/requests/pubs_spec.rb:37

'resource(:pubs) GET contains a list cheapest pubs' FAILED
expected following text to match xpath //div[@id='cheapest']

Finished in 0.411139 seconds

10 examples, 1 failure, 1 pending

run specs
build partial
$ vim app/views/pubs/index.html.haml

build partial
$ vim app/views/pubs/index.html.haml
%h3 Nearest
%h3 Cheapest
  = partial quot;cheapestquot;

build partial
$ vim app/views/pubs/index.html.haml
%h3 Nearest
%h3 Cheapest
  = partial quot;cheapestquot;

$ vim app/views/pubs/_cheapest.html.haml

build partial
$ vim app/views/pubs/index.html.haml
%h3 Nearest
%h3 Cheapest
  = partial quot;cheapestquot;

$ vim app/views/pubs/_cheapest.html.haml
  - @pubs.each_with_index do |pub, index|
    %tr    link_to, pub.url
       %td.address= pub.address
       %td{:class => quot;price cheapest-#{index}quot;}
         = '$' + sprintf(quot;%.2fquot;, pub.price)

build partial
run specs
$ rake spec:request

run specs
$ rake spec:request

resource(:pubs) GET has a list of pubs (TODO)
  Called from ./spec/requests/pubs_spec.rb:37

Finished in 0.854704 seconds

10 examples, 0 failures, 1 pending

run specs
$ vim app/views/pubs/index.html.haml

$ vim app/views/pubs/index.html.haml
%h3 Nearest
  = partial quot;nearestquot;
%h3 Cheapest
  = partial quot;cheapestquot;

$ vim app/views/pubs/index.html.haml
%h3 Nearest
  = partial quot;nearestquot;
%h3 Cheapest
  = partial quot;cheapestquot;

$ vim app/views/pubs/_nearest.html.haml

$ vim app/views/pubs/index.html.haml
%h3 Nearest
  = partial quot;nearestquot;
%h3 Cheapest
  = partial quot;cheapestquot;

$ vim app/views/pubs/_nearest.html.haml
%div#map{:style => quot;width: 800px; height: 600px; margin: auto;quot;}

global layout
$ vim app/views/layout/application.html.erb

global layout
$ vim app/views/layout/application.html.erb
 <%= js_include_tag 'mootools' %>
 <%= js_include_tag 'SimpleTabs' %>
 <%= js_include_tag 'application' %>
 <script src=quot;;v=2&amp;key=
              <%= Merb.config.gmaps_api_key %>quot; type=quot;text/javascriptquot;></script>

global layout
$ vim app/views/layout/application.html.erb
 <%= js_include_tag 'mootools' %>
 <%= js_include_tag 'SimpleTabs' %>
 <%= js_include_tag 'application' %>
 <script src=quot;;v=2&amp;key=
              <%= Merb.config.gmaps_api_key %>quot; type=quot;text/javascriptquot;></script>

$ vim config/environments/development.rb

 c[:gmaps_api_key] = quot;fooquot;

api key
$ vim app/views/layout/application.html.erb
 <%= js_include_tag 'mootools' %>
 <%= js_include_tag 'SimpleTabs' %>
 <%= js_include_tag 'application' %>
 <script src=quot;;v=2&amp;key=
              <%= Merb.config.gmaps_api_key %>quot; type=quot;text/javascriptquot;></script>

$ vim config/environments/production.rb

c[:gmaps_api_key] = quot;barquot;

production api key
$ vim public/javascripts/application.js
window.addEvent('domready', function() {


$ vim public/javascripts/application.js
window.addEvent('domready', function() {

  if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
    var map = new GMap2($(quot;mapquot;));
    map.setCenter(new GLatLng(-33.86336, 151.207151), 12);
    var geocoder = new GClientGeocoder();

      /* geocode top-ten addresses */
      $$('div#cheapest tr').each( function(element) {
        showAddress(map, geocoder, element);


dash o’ javascript
$ vim public/javascripts/application.js
function showAddress(map, geocoder, element) {
  var name = element.getElements(' a').get('html');
  var address = element.getChildren('td.address').get('html');
  var price = element.getElements('td.price').get('html');
  var link = element.getElements(' a').get('href');

    geocoder.getLatLng(address, function(point) {
      if (point) {
        var marker = new GMarker(point);
         marker.bindInfoWindowHtml(quot;<h4>quot; + name + quot;</h4>quot; + ... );

custom geocoder
some stylesheet foo



LoadPlugin   cpu
LoadPlugin   df
LoadPlugin   disk
LoadPlugin   interface
LoadPlugin   load
LoadPlugin   memory
LoadPlugin   network
LoadPlugin   processes
LoadPlugin   rrdtool
LoadPlugin   socket
LoadPlugin   swap
LoadPlugin   users

<Plugin df>
  MountPoint quot;/quot;

<Plugin interface>
  Interface quot;eth0quot;
  Interface quot;eth1quot;

<Plugin rrdtool>
  DataDir      quot;/var/lib/collectd/rrdquot;
  CacheTimeout 180
  CacheFlush   7200

<Plugin network>
  Server quot;my.monitoring.server.netquot;
# Port    25826

<Plugin processes>
  Process      quot;rubyquot;
# Process      quot;mysqldquot;

$ /usr/bin/collectd-nagios 
    -s /var/run/collectd/socket 
    -n cpu-0/cpu-idle 
    -w 40: -c 10:

0 critical, 1 warning, 0 okay | value=34.000000;;;;

$ /usr/bin/collectd-nagios 
    -s /var/run/collectd/socket 
    -n df/df-root -H 
    -d free -c 314572800: -w 524288000:

0 critical, 0 warning, 1 okay |free=924288000.0;;;;
0   good
1   bad
2   ugly
$ ls /var/lib/collectd/rrd/
cpu-0       cpu-1 df    disk-sda
disk-sda1   interface   load
memory      swap        users
apache          apcups      apple sensors
    ascent         battery           cpu
   cpufreq           csv             df
     disk            dns            email
   entropy           exec         filecount
   hddtemp        interface       iptables
     ipmi            ipvs           irqs
   libvirt           load          logfile
    mbmon         memcached        memory
  multimeter        mysql          netlink
   network           nfs            nginx
notify_desktop   notify_email       ntpd
     nut           onewire          perl
     ping         postgresql      powerdns
  processes        rrdtool         sensors
    serial           snmp           swap
    syslog           tail           tape
   tcpconns       teamspeak2       thermal
   unixsock         users           uuid
     vmem          vserver        wireless
apache          apcups      apple sensors
    ascent         battery           cpu
   cpufreq           csv             df
     disk            dns            email
   entropy           exec         filecount
   hddtemp        interface       iptables
     ipmi            ipvs           irqs
   libvirt           load          logfile
    mbmon         memcached        memory
  multimeter        mysql          netlink
   network           nfs            nginx
notify_desktop   notify_email       ntpd
     nut           onewire          perl
     ping         postgresql      powerdns
  processes        rrdtool         sensors
    serial           snmp           swap
    syslog           tail           tape
   tcpconns       teamspeak2       thermal
   unixsock         users           uuid
     vmem          vserver        wireless

language => client/server => library
manifests => describe
types     => manage
package { apache2:
    ensure => present
package { apache2:
    ensure => present

file { quot;/etc/apache2/apache2.confquot;,
    content => template(quot;/etc/puppet/
    mode => 644
package { apache2:
    ensure => present

file { quot;/etc/apache2/apache2.confquot;,
    content => template(quot;/etc/puppet/
    mode => 644

service { apache2:
    ensure => running,
    subscribe => File[quot;/etc/apache2/
types     => manage
classes => group
package { apache2:
  ensure => present

# ...
class apache2 {

    package { apache2:
      ensure => present

    # ...

class passenger inherits apache2 {

    package { libapache2-mod-passenger:
      ensure => present

    # ...

define apache2 ($port) {

    package { apache2:
      ensure => present

    # ...

classes => group
nodes     => apply
node quot;srv01.skippy.comquot; {
    include passenger
node quot;srv01.skippy.comquot; {
    include passenger
node quot;srv01.skippy.comquot; {
    include passenger

node quot;server02.skippy.comquot; {
    include passenger

node quot;server03.skippy.comquot; {
    include passenger
node quot;merbnodequot; {
    include passenger

node quot;server01.skippy.comquot; inherits passenger {}

node quot;server02.skippy.comquot; inherits passenger {}

node quot;server03.skippy.comquot; {
    include customisation
    (for free)
$ cd skippy.puppet.lindsay
$ git init
# puppet magic happens
$ git push
# puppetd --test --debug
getting real

seth godin
Thank you!
 (and questions)

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