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Time for Functions
let rec qsort = function	
| [] -> []	
| hd :: tl ->	
let lesser, greater = List.partition ((>=) hd) tl	
List.concat [qsort lesser; [hd]; qsort greater]
private static List<int> quicksort(List<int> arr)	
List<int> loe = new List<int>(), gt = new List<int>();	
if (arr.Count < 2)	
return arr;	
int pivot = arr.Count / 2;	
int pivot_val = arr[pivot];	
foreach (int i in arr)	
if (i <= pivot_val)	
else if (i > pivot_val)	
List<int> resultSet = new List<int>();	
if (loe.Count == 0){	
return resultSet;
Functional code is…





closer to a statement of the algorithm

less noise and accidental complexity


the type system works with the developer
and this
is a
really bi
g but

Some new things to learn…


pure functions
immutable data

partial application
let rec qsort = function	
| [] -> []	
| hd :: tl ->	
let lesser, greater = List.partition ((>=) hd) tl	
List.concat [qsort lesser; [hd]; qsort greater]	
pattern matching

higher-order functions

type inference

generics by default

'a list -> 'a list when 'a : comparison
let rec qsort = function	
| [] -> []	
| hd :: tl ->	
let lesser, greater = List.partition ((>=) hd) tl	
List.concat [qsort lesser; [hd]; qsort greater]	

Some real-world concerns…

Good for demos but what about large


Good for academics but what about us?


Elegant code but what about performance?


Does it work with legacy software?


Where do I find functional programmers?
Bespoke Enterprise Applications
for the Energy Sector

lots of data



metered data
market data

lots of types

units of measure


lots of computations









station parameters

… all changing over time
stay at 50Hz

to make
this zero


Project: Balancing Services







Frequency Response


Reactive Power



contracted services
provided by energy
companies to
ensure the security
and stability of
Old System

New System






OO / Imperative


Functional / OO / Imperative


Relational Database


Document Store




Highly testable






Contracts not fully implemented


Contracts fully implemented

defeated by complexity





Web UI

View Model
Not Elegant

“… but hey, it’s object-oriented!”
Real-world OO

Struggles to be elegant

top down designs



high ceremony



coarse abstractions

data and behaviour tightly coupled

Mutating state is a powerful and dangerous

hard to reason about


requires synchronised access

Lots of accidental complexity

abstraction event horizon




ORMs, IoCs, Mocks, Design Patterns,

Hard to find developers who have mastered
all of this
Not-Only SQL

most applications do not require the
flexibility a relational schema affords


applications are written in terms of
aggregates not relational schemas



store inputs and outputs

avoid accidental
complexity: ORM,
normal form

persist aggregates

making aggregates immutable affords


separate reporting concerns from
application concerns

what-if, easy test and debug

fits well with
JSON Documents

• RunID
• Contract Parameters
• Asset Parameters
• Dynamic Parameters
• Market Parameters

• RunID
• Contract
• Interval



• RunID
• Revenue
• Additional Information


“Pure I/0”

Adoption: F#

Low risk

Runs on CLR and mono


Open source


Inter-op with legacy software and libraries


Back-out to C#
Adoption: Developers

Self taught


Hire good .NET developers, not language x


.NET developer cutting F# production code in
a week


Functional programmer in a month
Adoption: Managers



REPL driven

repeatedly re-factor

test driven documented development
Self-host Web API
let config = new HttpSelfHostConfiguration(baseAddress)
config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings <- 	
PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.None, 	
Converters = 	
config.DependencyResolver <- new UnityResolver(container)

F# type JSON
Topshelf Windows Service
F# working with an
OO framework



HostFactory.Run(fun hc ->	
hc.SetDisplayName("E.ON Ancillary Services Job API Host")	
hc.SetDescription("An API service for Ancillary Services Jobs.")	
hc.RunAsNetworkService() |> ignore	
hc.Service<ApiService>(fun (s: ServiceConfigurator<ApiService>) ->	
s.ConstructUsing(fun (name: string) -> new ApiService(config)) |> ignore	
s.WhenStarted(fun (svc: ApiService) ->	
svc.Start()) |> ignore	
s.WhenStopped(fun (svc: ApiService) -> 	
|> ignore) 	
|> ignore)
Web API Service
an F# class!!!
type ApiService(config: HttpSelfHostConfiguration) =	
member val Server = 	
new HttpSelfHostServer(config) with get, set	
member this.Start() =	
member this.Stop() =	
if this.Server <> null then	
Web API Controller
another F# class!!!

type JobController(log: ILog, jobRequestQueue: JobRequestQueue)
inherit ApiController()	
member x.Get() =	
member x.Post(request:JobRequest) =	
agents: the safe way to manage state

Job Queue
let requests = BlockingQueueAgent<JobRequest>(config.JobRequestQueueLength)	

let workerName (i: int) = String.Format("worker[{0}]", i)	

let worker (workerName: string) = 	
async {	
while true do	
log.DebugFormat("{0} free", workerName)	
let! request = requests.AsyncGet()	
log.DebugFormat("{0} busy: job {1}", workerName, request.JobId)
run request	


async, efficient use of threads


for i in 1 .. config.JobRequestWorkers do	
Async.Start(workerName i |> worker, CancellationToken.Token)	


scale workers
Execute Job
composition of async computations
async {	
let! input = buildRequest dataProvider	
let! output = sendToCompute input	
let result = buildModel input output	
do! store result	

dispose of resource when done
async {	
use! response = 	
httpClient.PostAsync(uri, toContent request) 	
|> Async.AwaitTask 	
|> Async.AwaitTask 	

F# async works with TPL Tasks
API Call
catch exceptions as Choice2Of2
post client config.JobUri request |> Async.Catch,	
|> Choice.choice	
(fun _ -> log.InfoFormat("Executed Job [{0}]", request.JobId)) 	
(fun exn -> log.Error(String.Format("Failed Job [{0}]", request.JobId), exn))	

FR Calculation Request
type FrequencyResponseCalculationRequest = {	
Interval: Interval.Time.T	
InitialState: FRUnitState	
ContractParameters: Line.Time.T<ContractParameters>	
Instruction: Line.Time.T<Instruction>	
Mel: Line.Time.T<float<MW>>	
Sel: Line.Time.T<float<MW>>	
AdjustedPN: Line.Time.T<float<MW>>	
ActualFrequencies: Line.Time.T<float<Hz>>	
TargetFrequencies: Line.Time.T<float<Hz>>	
MarketPrices: Line.Time.T<float<``£``/(MW h)>>	

ubiquitous language
Ubiquitous Language



units of measure



Interval<'t> = 't * 't	
Point<'x,'y> = 'x * 'y	
Segment<'x,'y> = Point<'x,'y> * Point<'x,'y>	
Line<'x,'y> = Segment<'x,'y> list	

all missing concepts from C# solution
Ubiquitous Language
segment is an event

module Segment =	

segment holds a value
over an interval

type T<'x,'y> =	
| Instantaneous of Point.T<'x,'y>	
| Discrete of IntervalType.T * Interval.T<'x> * 'y	
| Continuous of Point.T<'x,'y> * Point.T<'x,'y>

segment between two data points
module Units =	


Units of Measure

module UnitNames =	
/// a unit of time	
[<Measure>] type minute	
/// a unit of time	
[<Measure>] type halfhour	
/// a unit of time	
[<Measure>] type hour	
/// a unit of active power	
[<Measure>] type megawatt	
/// a unit of energy	
[<Measure>] type poundssterling	
/// a unit of frequency	
[<Measure>] type hertz	
module UnitSymbols =	
/// a synonym for halfhour, a unit of time	
[<Measure>] type min = minute	
/// a synonym for halfhour, a unit of time	
[<Measure>] type hh = halfhour	
/// a synonym for hour, a unit of time	
[<Measure>] type h = hour	
/// a synonym for megawatt, a unit of power	
[<Measure>] type MW = megawatt	
/// a synonym for pounds sterling, a unit of currency	
[<Measure>] type ``£`` = poundssterling	
/// a synonym for hertz, a unit of frequency	
[<Measure>] type Hz = hertz
Units of Measure
// Conversion constants	
let minutePerHalfhour = 30.0<min>/1.0<hh>	
let minutePerHour = 60.0<min>/1.0<h>	
let halfhourPerMinute = 1.0<hh>/30.0<min>	
let halfhourPerHour = 2.0<hh>/1.0<h>	
let hourPerMinute = 1.0<h>/60.0<min>	
let hourPerHalfhour = 1.0<h>/2.0<hh>	
module Minute =	
let toHalfhour (a:float<min>) = a * halfhourPerMinute	
let toHour (a:float<min>) = a * hourPerMinute	
let inline lift a = LanguagePrimitives.FloatWithMeasure<min>(float a)	
let liftTimeSpan (t:TimeSpan) = lift t.TotalMinutes
Contract Evaluation

let run interval initialState parameters 	
actualFrequencies targetFrequencies marketPrices pdtmLine =	
let deloadLine = …	
let holdingPayments = holdingPayments …	
let referencePrices = …	
responseEnergyPayments …



… but it involves a fold
// Straight forward implementation	

let rec reverse = function	
| [] -> []	
| x::xs -> reverse xs @ [x] 	

// Efficient implementation	

let rec revAcc xs acc = 	
match xs with 	
| [] -> acc	
| h::t -> revAcc t (h::acc)	

let rev xs = 	
match xs with 	
| [] -> xs	
| [_] -> xs	
| h1::h2::t -> revAcc t [h2;h1]	

// Generate random tests to see if they behave the same	

Check.Quick(fun (xs:int list) -> reverse xs = rev xs)
nice names
open NUnit.Framework	
open FsUnit	

[<TestFixture; Category("Unit")>]	
type ``When I run the deload line calculation`` () =	

member x.``with empty MEL line and empty PN line then the deload line is correct`` () =	
let melLine = Line.empty	
let pnLine = Line.empty	
let actual = melLine pnLine	
let expected : Line.Time.T<float<MW>> = Line.empty	
actual |> should equal expected

structural equality for free


Two Implementations of the Same Application


Lines of Code












Null Checks


Useful Code

App Code

Test Code

Total Code
… things aren’t looking good for the old
way of doing things
Logging LOC
Exception Handling LOC
Test Code Ratio
… and finally say yes to NOOO
Manifesto for Not Only Object-Oriented Development!
We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing
it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to


Functions and Types over classes
0, er
gn 00
Purity over mutability
Composition over inheritance
or 0 0
Higher-order functions over method dispatch
Options over nulls


That is, while there is value in the items on the right (except for
nulls), we value the items on the left more.

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Time for Functions

  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. let rec qsort = function | [] -> [] | hd :: tl -> let lesser, greater = List.partition ((>=) hd) tl List.concat [qsort lesser; [hd]; qsort greater]
  • 5. private static List<int> quicksort(List<int> arr) { List<int> loe = new List<int>(), gt = new List<int>(); if (arr.Count < 2) return arr; int pivot = arr.Count / 2; int pivot_val = arr[pivot]; arr.RemoveAt(pivot); foreach (int i in arr) { if (i <= pivot_val) loe.Add(i); else if (i > pivot_val) gt.Add(i); } List<int> resultSet = new List<int>(); resultSet.AddRange(quicksort(loe)); if (loe.Count == 0){ loe.Add(pivot_val); }else{ gt.Add(pivot_val); } resultSet.AddRange(quicksort(gt)); return resultSet; }
  • 6. Functional code is… • Clear • • Concise • • closer to a statement of the algorithm less noise and accidental complexity Correct • the type system works with the developer
  • 7. and this is a really bi g but but…
  • 8. Some new things to learn… recursion pure functions immutable data partial application let rec qsort = function | [] -> [] | hd :: tl -> let lesser, greater = List.partition ((>=) hd) tl List.concat [qsort lesser; [hd]; qsort greater] pattern matching higher-order functions type inference generics by default 'a list -> 'a list when 'a : comparison
  • 9. let rec qsort = function | [] -> [] | hd :: tl -> let lesser, greater = List.partition ((>=) hd) tl List.concat [qsort lesser; [hd]; qsort greater] gotcha!
  • 10. Some real-world concerns… • Good for demos but what about large programs? • Good for academics but what about us? • Elegant code but what about performance? • Does it work with legacy software? • Where do I find functional programmers?
  • 11.
  • 12. Bespoke Enterprise Applications for the Energy Sector • lots of data • forecasts • • • metered data market data lots of types • units of measure • lots of computations • schedules • contracts • analysis rates • • station parameters … all changing over time
  • 13. stay at 50Hz by adjusting these to make this zero { THE ENERGY SECTOR
  • 14. Project: Balancing Services • Blackstart • BMSU • Faststart • Frequency Response • Reactive Power • STOR contracted services provided by energy companies to ensure the security and stability of supply
  • 15. Old System New System • C# • F# • OO / Imperative • Functional / OO / Imperative • Relational Database • Document Store • Untestable • Highly testable • Slow • Fast • Contracts not fully implemented • Contracts fully implemented defeated by complexity
  • 17.
  • 19. Not Elegant “… but hey, it’s object-oriented!”
  • 20. Real-world OO • Struggles to be elegant • top down designs • • high ceremony • • coarse abstractions data and behaviour tightly coupled Mutating state is a powerful and dangerous technique • hard to reason about • requires synchronised access Lots of accidental complexity • abstraction event horizon • • • ORMs, IoCs, Mocks, Design Patterns, UML … Hard to find developers who have mastered all of this
  • 22. Not-Only SQL • most applications do not require the flexibility a relational schema affords • • applications are written in terms of aggregates not relational schemas • • as-of store inputs and outputs • avoid accidental complexity: ORM, normal form persist aggregates making aggregates immutable affords • • separate reporting concerns from application concerns what-if, easy test and debug fits well with functional programs
  • 23. JSON Documents Input • RunID • Contract Parameters • Asset Parameters • Dynamic Parameters • Market Parameters JobRequest • RunID • Contract • Interval Pure Function Contract Evaluation API Scheduler Contract Evaluation Job API Output • RunID • Revenue • Additional Information Document Store “Pure I/0” Input Output
  • 24.
  • 25. Adoption: F# • Low risk • Runs on CLR and mono • Open source • Inter-op with legacy software and libraries • Back-out to C#
  • 26. Adoption: Developers • Self taught • Hire good .NET developers, not language x developers • .NET developer cutting F# production code in a week • Functional programmer in a month
  • 29. Self-host Web API let config = new HttpSelfHostConfiguration(baseAddress) config.MapHttpAttributeRoutes() config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings <- JsonSerializerSettings( PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.None, Converters = [| Json.TupleConverter() Json.OptionConverter() Json.ArrayConverter() Json.ListConverter() Json.MapTypeConverter() Json.UnionTypeConverter() |]) config.DependencyResolver <- new UnityResolver(container) F# type JSON converters
  • 30. Topshelf Windows Service F# working with an existing OO framework HostFactory.Run(fun hc -> hc.UseLog4Net("log4net.config") hc.SetServiceName("Job.Api.Host") hc.SetDisplayName("E.ON Ancillary Services Job API Host") hc.SetDescription("An API service for Ancillary Services Jobs.") hc.RunAsNetworkService() |> ignore hc.Service<ApiService>(fun (s: ServiceConfigurator<ApiService>) -> s.ConstructUsing(fun (name: string) -> new ApiService(config)) |> ignore s.WhenStarted(fun (svc: ApiService) -> jobRequestQueue.Start() svc.Start()) |> ignore s.WhenStopped(fun (svc: ApiService) -> svc.Stop() jobRequestQueue.Stop()) |> ignore) |> ignore)
  • 31. Web API Service an F# class!!! type ApiService(config: HttpSelfHostConfiguration) = ! member val Server = new HttpSelfHostServer(config) with get, set ! member this.Start() = this.Server.OpenAsync().Wait() member this.Stop() = if this.Server <> null then this.Server.CloseAsync().Wait() this.Server.Dispose()
  • 32. Web API Controller another F# class!!! type JobController(log: ILog, jobRequestQueue: JobRequestQueue) inherit ApiController() ! [<Route("job/ping")>] member x.Get() = log.Debug("ping!!!") "pong" [<Route("job")>] member x.Post(request:JobRequest) = jobRequestQueue.Add(request)
  • 33. agents: the safe way to manage state Job Queue let requests = BlockingQueueAgent<JobRequest>(config.JobRequestQueueLength) ! let workerName (i: int) = String.Format("worker[{0}]", i) ! let worker (workerName: string) = async { while true do log.DebugFormat("{0} free", workerName) let! request = requests.AsyncGet() log.DebugFormat("{0} busy: job {1}", workerName, request.JobId) run request } async, efficient use of threads ! for i in 1 .. config.JobRequestWorkers do Async.Start(workerName i |> worker, CancellationToken.Token) ! requests.Add(request) scale workers BlockingQueueAgent.fs
  • 34. Execute Job composition of async computations async { let! input = buildRequest dataProvider let! output = sendToCompute input let result = buildModel input output do! store result } {
  • 35. Post dispose of resource when done async { use! response = httpClient.PostAsync(uri, toContent request) |> Async.AwaitTask return! response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode().Content.ReadAsStringAsync() |> Async.AwaitTask } F# async works with TPL Tasks
  • 36. API Call catch exceptions as Choice2Of2 Async.RunSynchronously( post client config.JobUri request |> Async.Catch, config.Timeout) |> Choice.choice (fun _ -> log.InfoFormat("Executed Job [{0}]", request.JobId)) (fun exn -> log.Error(String.Format("Failed Job [{0}]", request.JobId), exn)) FSharpx ComputationExpressions/Monad.fs
  • 37. FR Calculation Request type FrequencyResponseCalculationRequest = { Interval: Interval.Time.T InitialState: FRUnitState ContractParameters: Line.Time.T<ContractParameters> Instruction: Line.Time.T<Instruction> Mel: Line.Time.T<float<MW>> Sel: Line.Time.T<float<MW>> AdjustedPN: Line.Time.T<float<MW>> ActualFrequencies: Line.Time.T<float<Hz>> TargetFrequencies: Line.Time.T<float<Hz>> MarketPrices: Line.Time.T<float<``£``/(MW h)>> } ubiquitous language
  • 38. Ubiquitous Language [<Measure>] [<Measure>] [<Measure>] [<Measure>] type type type type min hh h MW units of measure ! type type type type Interval<'t> = 't * 't Point<'x,'y> = 'x * 'y Segment<'x,'y> = Point<'x,'y> * Point<'x,'y> Line<'x,'y> = Segment<'x,'y> list all missing concepts from C# solution
  • 39. Ubiquitous Language (Revised) segment is an event module Segment = ! segment holds a value over an interval type T<'x,'y> = | Instantaneous of Point.T<'x,'y> | Discrete of IntervalType.T * Interval.T<'x> * 'y | Continuous of Point.T<'x,'y> * Point.T<'x,'y> segment between two data points
  • 40. module Units = ! Units of Measure [<AutoOpen>] module UnitNames = /// a unit of time [<Measure>] type minute /// a unit of time [<Measure>] type halfhour /// a unit of time [<Measure>] type hour /// a unit of active power [<Measure>] type megawatt /// a unit of energy [<Measure>] type poundssterling /// a unit of frequency [<Measure>] type hertz [<AutoOpen>] module UnitSymbols = /// a synonym for halfhour, a unit of time [<Measure>] type min = minute /// a synonym for halfhour, a unit of time [<Measure>] type hh = halfhour /// a synonym for hour, a unit of time [<Measure>] type h = hour /// a synonym for megawatt, a unit of power [<Measure>] type MW = megawatt /// a synonym for pounds sterling, a unit of currency [<Measure>] type ``£`` = poundssterling /// a synonym for hertz, a unit of frequency [<Measure>] type Hz = hertz
  • 41. Units of Measure // Conversion constants let minutePerHalfhour = 30.0<min>/1.0<hh> let minutePerHour = 60.0<min>/1.0<h> let halfhourPerMinute = 1.0<hh>/30.0<min> let halfhourPerHour = 2.0<hh>/1.0<h> let hourPerMinute = 1.0<h>/60.0<min> let hourPerHalfhour = 1.0<h>/2.0<hh> module Minute = let toHalfhour (a:float<min>) = a * halfhourPerMinute let toHour (a:float<min>) = a * hourPerMinute let inline lift a = LanguagePrimitives.FloatWithMeasure<min>(float a) let liftTimeSpan (t:TimeSpan) = lift t.TotalMinutes
  • 42. Contract Evaluation to p let run interval initialState parameters actualFrequencies targetFrequencies marketPrices pdtmLine = let deloadLine = … let holdingPayments = holdingPayments … let referencePrices = … responseEnergyPayments … se cr et … but it involves a fold
  • 43. Testing // Straight forward implementation ! let rec reverse = function | [] -> [] | x::xs -> reverse xs @ [x] ! // Efficient implementation ! let rec revAcc xs acc = match xs with | [] -> acc | h::t -> revAcc t (h::acc) ! let rev xs = match xs with | [] -> xs | [_] -> xs | h1::h2::t -> revAcc t [h2;h1] ! // Generate random tests to see if they behave the same ! Check.Quick(fun (xs:int list) -> reverse xs = rev xs)
  • 44. Testing nice names open NUnit.Framework open FsUnit ! [<TestFixture; Category("Unit")>] type ``When I run the deload line calculation`` () = ! [<Test>] member x.``with empty MEL line and empty PN line then the deload line is correct`` () = let melLine = Line.empty let pnLine = Line.empty let actual = melLine pnLine let expected : Line.Time.T<float<MW>> = Line.empty actual |> should equal expected structural equality for free
  • 45.
  • 46. C# F# Two Implementations of the Same Application 400000 30,801 348,430 21,442 Lines of Code 300000 305,566 200000 16,667 163,276 100000 643 56,929 487 53,270 9,359 42,864 3,630 29,080 0 15 3,011 Braces Blanks Null Checks Comments Useful Code App Code Test Code Total Code
  • 47. … things aren’t looking good for the old way of doing things
  • 52. … and finally say yes to NOOO
  • 53. Manifesto for Not Only Object-Oriented Development! We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value: ! • • • • • 0b ov Functions and Types over classes 0, er si gn 00 Purity over mutability 0, at Composition over inheritance or 0 0 0 Higher-order functions over method dispatch ie s! Options over nulls 10 ! That is, while there is value in the items on the right (except for nulls), we value the items on the left more.