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認識三高疾病系列 – 高血脂
10 降低膽固醇的食物
10. 葡萄酒
酒精可提高 HDL 膽固醇水平高達 5 %〜 15 %
因為它所含的多酚抗氧化劑也可以降低 LDL 的水平
每天女性喝一杯 (5 盎司 ) 而男性二杯的葡萄酒
每日喝紫色葡萄汁,女性 8 盎司和男性 16 盎司。
挑選 100 %的果汁,而不是加糖的種類。
Bratisl Lek Listy. 2012;113(3):156-8.
A pilot randomized trial comparing long-term effects of red and white wines on biomarkers of atherosclerosis (in vino
veritas: IVV trial).
Taborsky M, Ostadal P, Petrek M.
發表於 2012 年《布拉提斯拉瓦醫學期刊》一篇論文
主要作者是 捷克共和國 奧洛穆克大學醫院
(Olomouc University Hospital)
米洛斯 · 塔波爾斯基 (Milos Taborsky) 教授。
自 90 年代初以來,越來越多的證據表明,
IVV(in vino veritas) 研究是一項長期、前瞻性、
120 位患有輕度至中度動脈粥樣硬化風險的健康受
試者將被隨機分配至定期飲用紅葡萄酒 ( 黑皮諾 ) 或
白葡萄酒 ( 霞多麗 - 白皮諾 ) 為期一年。
體重小於 70 kg 的女性每天飲用 0.2 公升,
女性超過 70 公斤和男性每天飲用 0.3 公升。
2 種葡萄酒的化學成分含量:
主要終點是一年後的 HDL- 膽固醇水平。
(LDL- 膽固醇、 C- 反應蛋白、髓過氧化物酶、晚期
氧化蛋白產物、白細胞介素 6 和 18 、基質金屬蛋白
酶、穀胱甘肽 s- 轉移酶、單核細胞趨化蛋白 1 、可
溶性 CD40L) 。
我們預計紅葡萄酒組的 HDL- 膽固醇增加 13 %,
白葡萄酒組增加 5 %。
在 α= 0.05 和 80 %功率下,檢測 HDL- 膽固醇顯著差
異的樣品量計算為每組 51 名參與者。根據每組計劃
的 60 個參與者,該研究將具有 86 %的功率來檢測
IVV 試驗是第一個研究,
重點是飲用紅葡萄酒和白葡萄酒對 HDL- 膽固醇和
IVV 試驗的結果可能擴大我們對廣泛討論的
“法國矛盾” (French paradox) 的理解。
米洛斯 · 塔波爾斯基 (Milos Taborsky) 教授
2014 年 8 月 31 日在巴塞隆納舉行的歐洲心臟病學術
(European Society of Cardiology Congress) 上發表成果。
米洛斯 · 塔波爾斯基 (Milos Taborsky) 教授表
此項研究共有 146 名患有輕度到中度
米洛斯 · 塔波爾斯基 (Milos Taborsky) 教授表
裡體內的 HDL 膽固醇水平都相差不大。
米洛斯 · 塔波爾斯基 (Milos Taborsky) 教授表
如果 HDL 膽固醇水平提高,才能預防心血管疾病。
紅葡萄酒,都沒有對受測研究對象產生作 用。
米洛斯 · 塔波爾斯基 (Milos Taborsky) 教授表
他們的 HDL 膽固醇得到提高,以及總膽固醇值下
米洛斯 · 塔波爾斯基 (Milos Taborsky) 教授表
米洛斯 · 塔波爾斯基 (Milos Taborsky) 教授表
米洛斯 · 塔波爾斯基 (Milos Taborsky) 教授表
適度地 ( 最多每週五次,總計 0.8L) 飲用
紅和 / 或白葡萄酒可以幫助保持膽固醇水平,
呈現 HDL 增加、 LDL 和總膽固醇下降的唯一一組,
富含纖維的丹魄紅葡萄 (Tempranillo red
grapes) ,
通常用來混釀裏奧哈 (Rioja) 葡萄酒,
Tempranillo( 丹魄、添帕尼尤、田普蘭尼洛 )
被譽為“西班牙的赤霞珠 (Cabernet Sauvignon)” ,
研究人員在 Tempranillo 這種葡萄裡面,
這種存在於 Tempranillo 品種葡萄裡的纖維,
Tempranillo 品種多半見於西班牙、葡萄牙以及阿根
西班牙 馬德里 康普頓斯大學 代謝和營養學系
(the department of metabolism and nutrition at
Universidad Complutense de Madrid in Spain)
他們的低密度脂蛋白水平下降了 9 %。
此外,已經罹患高膽固醇的受試者發現 LDL 下降
12 %。
Nutrition. 2008 Jul-Aug;24(7-8):646-53. doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2008.03.012. Epub 2008 May 15.
Effects of grape antioxidant dietary fiber in cardiovascular disease risk factors.
Jiménez JP, Serrano J, Tabernero M, Arranz S, Díaz-Rubio ME, García-Diz L, Goñi I, Saura-Calixto F.
刊登於 2008 年 7 、 8 月《營養學》期刊的一篇論文
哈拉•裴瑞茲•西梅內斯 (Jara Pérez-Jiménez) 博士。
Universidad Complutense de Madrid 
(Grape Antioxidant Dietary Fiber, GADF)
就是 Tempranillo 品種的葡萄。
實驗組包括 34 位非吸煙
(21 位是正常膽固醇和 13 位是高膽固醇血症 ) 成年
實驗組每天服用 7.5g 的葡萄抗氧化劑膳食纖維 ( 含
有 5.25g 膳食纖維和 1400mg 多酚的天然產品 ) 為期
16 周。
9 位沒有服用補充劑的非吸煙者作為對照組。
在基線和第 16 週時量測
葡萄抗氧化劑膳食纖維 (7.5 g / 日 ) 顯著降低 (P
總膽固醇 (9 % ) ,低密度脂蛋白膽固醇 (9 % ) ,
收縮壓和舒張壓 ( 分別為 6 %和 5 % ) 。
在高膽固醇血症患者中觀察到總膽固醇 (14.2 % ) 和
低密度脂蛋白膽固醇 (11.6 %, P <0.05) 的更大降低
三酰基甘油濃度的顯著降低 (18.6 %, P <0.05) 。
11. 可可粉
(cocoa bean, cacao bean or cocoa or cacao) ,
可可樹每個果實中大約可得到 20-25 粒可可豆。
可可中含有一種植物化合物,可以防止 LDL 氧
當 LDL 被氧化,它就會被暴露於自由基,
發表於 2007 年 3 月《美國臨床營養學雜誌》
Am J Clin Nutr March 2007 vol. 85 no. 3 709-717
Continuous intake of polyphenolic compounds containing cocoa powder reduces LDL oxidative susceptibility and has
beneficial effects on plasma HDL-cholesterol concentrations in humans
主要作者是 日本 明治制果株式會社
(Meiji Seika Kaisha Ltd)
食品和健康研發實驗室 研究員 Seigo Baba 。
可以抑制 LDL 氧化和動脈粥樣硬化形成。
(normocholesterolemic) 和輕度高膽固醇血症
(hypercholesterolemic) 的受試者,長期攝入可可粉
25 名受試者被隨機分配為攝取 12g 糖 / d( 對照組 )
26g 可可粉和 12g 糖 / d( 可可組 ) 為期 12 週。
在研究之前和在攝入試驗飲料後 12 週收集血液樣品。
測量血漿脂質、 LDL 氧化易感性和尿氧化應激標記
LDL 對氧化的敏感性的變化用滯後時間來表示。
在 12 週時與基線相比,對照組滯後時間減少 19.8 %。
9.4 %。 兩組之間的變化顯著不同 (P = 0.001) 。
血漿 HDL 膽固醇增加,
可可組 (23.4 % ) 顯著大於對照組 (5.1 % ) 。
血漿中 HDL 膽固醇和氧化 LDL 的濃度之間呈現負相
可可組中在 12 週時相對基線濃度,二酪氨酸減少
24 %。這種減少顯著大於對照組 (-1 % ) 中的減少。
HDL 膽固醇濃度的增加可能有助於 LDL 氧化的抑制
可能有助於 HDL 膽固醇的升高。
可可實驗組的男性其 HDL 膽固醇值上升 24% ,
對照組的 HD 值也有上升,但幅度很小 ( 上升 5%) 。
實驗室的檢驗數據顯示,相較於對照組之 LDL 膽固
醇,可可組其 LDL 膽固醇較不會氧化。
液中的 LDL 膽固醇值則是相當的,也包括氧化
可可中含有一種稱作多酚 (polyphenols) 的抗氧化物
未證實可可是那些男性 HDL 膽固醇升高的唯一原因。
Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 Jul;92(1):218-25. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.2009.28202. Epub 2010 May 26.
Short-term effect of cocoa product consumption on lipid profile: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
刊登於 2010 年 7 月《美國臨床營養學雜誌》的一篇
進行 8 個臨床對照實驗的整合分析。
主要作者是 中國醫學科學院 北京協和醫學院
(Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,
Peking Union Medical College) 的研究員 賈鐳醫師。
此次研究評估了 8 個試驗 ( 涉及 215 名參與者 ) 。
食用可可使 LDL 膽固醇顯著降低 5.87mg / dL
(95 % CI : -11.13 , -0.61; P <0.05) 。
然而,在高質量研究中未觀察到 LDL 膽固醇的顯著
變化 (3 項研究包括 ; -4.98mg / dL; 95 % CI : -
P = 0.23) 。
食用可可使總膽固醇輕微降低 5.82mg / dL
(95 % CI : -12.39,0.76; P = 0.08) 。
在健康受試者中的沒有證據表明劑量 - 效應關係,
或 HDL 膽固醇的任何變化。
可以降低 LDL 膽固醇超過 5 毫克 / 分升。
大多數的研究 (7 個 ) 持續了約一個月,
( 至少含 60 %可可 ) ,它比牛奶巧克力含更多的抗氧
或飲用巧克力牛奶或熱可可加入 2 湯匙天然可可粉。
2016 年 9 月 28 日,美國營養學會 (American Society
for Nutrition, ASN) 官方期刊《營養雜誌》在線發表
沃倫 · 阿爾珀特醫學院、羅得島醫院的研究人員。
J Nutr. 2016 Nov;146(11):2325-2333. Epub 2016 Sep 28.
Cocoa Flavanol Intake and Biomarkers for Cardiometabolic Health: A Systematic Review and Meta-
Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.
Lin X, Zhang I, Li A, Manson JE, Sesso HD, Wang L, Liu S.
刊登於 2016 年 11 月《營養學雜誌》的一篇論文,
對可可黄烷醇 (Flavanol) 攝取和
(randomized clinical trial, RCT) 的證據仍然不一致
仍然缺乏測試可可黃烷醇療效的大型長期 RCT 。
我們對 RCT 進行了系統評價和薈萃分析,
搜索 PubMed 、 Web of Science 和 Cochrane 圖書
館的 RCT ,這些 RTC 評估可可黃烷醇對成人血管疾
我們使用 DerSimonian 和 Laird 隨機效應模型來
計算加權平均差 (WMD) 和 95 % CI 。
該研究通過系統回顧篩選出 19 項隨機對照研究
( 共 1131 位參與者 ) 進行薈萃分析,
篩選出 19 項隨機對照研究
可可黃烷醇的量從 166 至 2110mg / d ,
干預持續時間從 2 至 52 週。
總甘油三酯為 -0.10mmol / L
(95 % CI : -0.16 , -0.04mmol / L) 。
HDL 膽固醇為 0.06 mmol/L
(95% CI: 0.02, 0.09 mmol/L) 。
空腹胰島素為 -2.33 μIU/mL
(95% CI: -3.47, -1.19 μIU/mL) 。
胰島素抵抗的穩態模型評估為 -0.93
(95% CI: -1.31, -0.55) 。
定量胰島素敏感性檢查指數為 0.03
(95% CI: 0.01, 0.05) 。
胰島素敏感性指數為 2.54
(95% CI: 0.63, 4.44) 。
C- 反應蛋白為 -0.83 mg/dL
(95% CI: -0.88, -0.77 mg/dL) 。
血管細胞粘附分子 1 為 85.6 ng/mL
(95% CI: 16.0, 155 ng/mL) 。
這些發現支持需要大型長期 RCT 來評估可可黃烷醇
每天攝入黃烷醇 200 ~ 600mg 的人,
每天攝入黃烷醇> 600mg 的人,
每天攝入黃烷醇< 200mg 的人,
血脂異常 ( 甘油三酯升高 ) 、胰島素抵抗和全身炎症
導致心臟病發作或 2 型糖尿病減少。

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Three-Hypers Series:Hyperlipidemia – 10 Cholesterol Lowering Foods Part 3

Editor's Notes

  1. Three-Hypers Series:Hyperlipidemia – 10 Cholesterol Lowering Foods Part 3 認識三高疾病系列:高血脂 – 10 降低膽固醇的食物 Part 3
  2. (208,83,83)
  3. Alcohol can raise levels of good HDL cholesterol by as much as 5 to 15 percent, research shows — and red wine is particularly beneficial because its polyphenol antioxidants may also lower LDL levels. 酒精可高達5%〜15%提高高密度脂蛋白膽固醇水平,研究表明 - 和紅葡萄酒是特別有利的,因為它是多酚的抗氧化劑也可以降低低密度脂蛋白的水平。 ================================================================================================== It is suggested that the consumption of alcohol can raise the HDL or good cholesterol from 5% to 15%. One of the best sources on alcohol to raise the HDL level as well as having polyphenol antioxodants content is the red wine. It is a product made of black or dark colored grapes; the actual color of the red wine is ranging from violet to brick red. The moderate consumption of red wine accompanied by healthy food consumption and regular exercise can improve the HDL cholesterol level and reduce the LDL cholesterol level. The impact is the lower risk of having heart diseases; the ethanol content and other alcohol components of the red wine can bring other benefits as well. Drinking a glass of wine before meal can improve the appetite as well as acquiring various benefits like lowering the cholesterol level.
  4. Stick to one 5-ounce glass of wine a day for women and two for men. 堅持葡萄酒一個5盎司每天一杯的婦女和兩名男性。
  5. If you’re not into vino, grape juice can provide some of the same heart-healthy benefits. 如果你不喝葡萄酒,葡萄汁也可以提供一些相同的心臟健康的好處。 For grape juice, Smithson suggests 8 ounces per day of purple grape juice for women and 16 ounces a day for men — pick 100 percent fruit juice, not the sugar-added varieties. 每日喝紫色葡萄汁,女性8盎司和男性16盎司。挑選100%的果汁,而不是加糖的種類。
  6. You can also snack on purple or red grapes, which contain the same antioxidants with the added benefit of fiber, notes Smithson. 還可以零食紫色或紅葡萄,其含有含纖維的附加好處同樣的抗氧化劑,注意到史密森。
  7. Moderate consumption (.8L for a maximum of five times a week) of red and/or white wine can help keep colesterol levels in check, but you’ll have to exercise to reap the benefits, according to results from a recent study. 適度(最多每週五次總計0.8L)飲用紅和/或白葡萄酒可以幫助保持膽固醇的水平,但必須進行運動以從中獲益,據最近的一項研究成果。
  8. BACKGROUND: Since early 90&amp;apos;, growing body of evidence indicates that the Mediterranean diet with mild to moderate consumption of wine, mostly red wine, has a protective effect on cardiovascular diseases. 背景: 自90年代初以來,越來越多的證據表明,輕度至中度飲用葡萄酒的地中海飲食,主要是紅葡萄酒,對心血管疾病具有保護作用。 Several mechanisms have been discussed to participate in the beneficial effect of red wine, such as antioxidant or vasodilating activity. 紅葡萄酒有益效果的幾種機制已經被討論了,例如抗氧化劑或血管舒張活性。 However, later it has been shown that also other alcoholic beverages have a protective effect on atherosclerosis. 然而,後來已經被證實,其他酒精飲料也對動脈粥樣硬化具有保護作用。 Up to now, data from the prospective, long-term, head-to-head comparisons of the effects of different drinks on markers of atherosclerosis are insufficient. 到目前為止,來自不同飲料對動脈粥樣硬化標誌物的影響的前瞻性、長期、直接比較的數據不足。
  9. METHODS: The IVV (in vino veritas) study is a long-term, prospective, multicenter, randomized trial comparing the effect of red and white wines on the markers of atherosclerosis. One hundred and twenty healthy subjects with mild to moderate risk of atherosclerosis will be randomized to regular consumption of red wine (Pinot Noir) or white wine (Chardonnay-Pinot) for one year. The primary endpoint is the level of HDL-cholesterol at one year, while secondary endpoints are levels of other markers of atherosclerosis (LDL-cholesterol, C-reactive protein, myeloperoxidase, advanced oxidation protein product, interleukins 6 and 18, matrix metalloproteinases, glutathione s-transferase, monocyte chemoattractant protein 1, soluble CD40L). 方法: IVV(in vino veritas)研究是一項長期、前瞻性、多中心的隨機試驗,比較紅葡萄酒和白葡萄酒對動脈粥樣硬化標誌物的影響。 120位患有輕度至中度動脈粥樣硬化風險的健康受試者將被隨機分配至定期飲用紅葡萄酒(黑皮諾)或白葡萄酒(霞多麗 - 白皮諾)為期一年。 主要終點是一年後的HDL-膽固醇水平,而次要終點是動脈粥樣硬化的其他標記物(LDL-膽固醇、C-反應蛋白、髓過氧化物酶、晚期氧化蛋白產物、白細胞介素6和18、基質金屬蛋白酶、穀胱甘肽s-轉移酶、單核細胞趨化蛋白1、可溶性CD40L)。 women with body weight less than 70 kg 0.2 liter per day, women over 70 kg and men 0.3 liter per day; 體重小於70 kg的女性每天飲用0.2公升,女性超過70公斤和男性每天飲用0.3公升;
  10. Sample size calculation Based on the data from short-term studies we expect a 13 % increase in HDL-cholesterol in the red wine-group and a 5 % rise in the white wine-group. With α=0.05 and 80 % power, the sample size to detect the significant difference in HDL-cholesterol was calculated as 51 participants per group. With the planned 60 participants per group the study will have an 86 % power to detect the significant difference. 樣本大小計算 基於短期研究的數據,我們預計紅葡萄酒組的HDL-膽固醇增加13%,白葡萄酒組增加5%。 在α= 0.05和80%功率下,檢測HDL-膽固醇顯著差異的樣品量計算為每組51名參與者。 根據每組計劃的60個參與者,該研究將具有86%的功率來檢測顯著差異。
  11. CONCLUSION: The IVV trial is the first study focusing on the long-term prospective comparison of the effects of red and white wines consumption on HDL-cholesterol and other markers of atherosclerosis. Results of the IVV trial may extend our understanding of the widely discussed &amp;quot;French paradox&amp;quot; (Tab. 1, Ref. 21) 結論: IVV試驗是第一個研究,重點是紅葡萄酒和白葡萄酒消耗對HDL-膽固醇和動脈粥樣硬化其他標誌物的影響的長期前瞻性比較。 IVV試驗的結果可能擴大我們對廣泛討論的“法國矛盾”的理解(表1,參考文獻21)
  12. Moderate consumption (.8L for a maximum of five times a week) of red and/or white wine can help keep colesterol levels in check, but you’ll have to exercise to reap the benefits, according to results from a recent study. 適度(最多每週五次總計0.8L)飲用紅和/或白葡萄酒可以幫助保持膽固醇的水平,但必須進行運動以從中獲益,據最近的一項研究成果。
  13. In a year-long experiment, the only group of wine drinkers that saw their HDL increase and LDL and total cholesterol decrease were those who exercised at least twice a week.  在為期一年的實驗中,飲用葡萄酒的參與者中,呈現HDL增加、LDL和總膽固醇下降的唯一一組,是那些每週進行至少兩次運動。
  14. 2. Red wine2.紅葡萄酒 Scientists are giving us yet another reason to drink to our health. 科學家們給我們的另一個原因喝我們的健康。 It turns out that high-fiber Tempranillo red grapes, used to make red wine like Rioja, may actually have a significant effect on lowering cholesterol levels. 事實證明,高纖維的丹魄紅葡萄,用來做紅酒像里奧哈,實際上可能對降低膽固醇水平顯著的效果。
  15. 丹魄(Tempranillo)被譽為“西班牙的赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)”,它為西班牙最為著名的紅葡萄酒賦予了十足的骨架。在其他地方,丹魄的種植也越來越普遍。該品種的皮較厚,釀制出的葡萄酒顏色深濃,風味保存時間長,酒精含量十分高,這同時也是西班牙葡萄酒的常見特點。丹魄常用來代替歌海娜(Grenache)、博巴爾(Bobal)或慕合懷特(Mourvedre)。目前,丹魄已經成為了西班牙最流行的紅葡萄品種。2004年,它的種植面積達到了183,500公頃(約453,000英畝)。 “Temprano”在西班牙語中是“早”的意思。丹魄早熟,比歌海娜整整早兩周。這兩種葡萄通常用來混釀裏奧哈(Rioja)葡萄酒。
  16. A study conducted by the department of metabolism and nutrition at Universidad Complutense de Madrid in Spain found that when individuals consumed the same grape supplement found in red wine, their LDL levels decreased by 9%. 西班牙 馬德里 康普頓斯大學 代謝和營養學系 通過代謝和營養在馬德里Complutense大學在西班牙該處進行的一項研究發現,當受試者服用與紅酒中相同的葡萄補充劑,他們的低密度脂蛋白水平下降了9%。 In addition, those who had high cholesterol going into the study saw a 12% drop in LDL. So go ahead and drink a glass for that lowering cholesterol benefit. 此外,已經罹患高膽固醇的受試者研究發現LDL下降12%。所以,儘管喝一杯對於降低膽固醇的好處。
  17. Thirty-four of the subjects were asked to consume a Tempranillo-based dietary fiber product developed at the Institute in 1998.
  18. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to evaluate the effects of a grape product rich in dietary fiber and natural antioxidants on cardiovascular disease risk factors. 目的: 研究的目的是評價富含膳食纖維和天然抗氧化劑的葡萄產品對心血管疾病風險因素的影響。
  19. METHODS: A randomized, controlled parallel-group trial was carried out. Thirty-four non-smoking (21 normocholesterolemic and 13 hypercholesterolemic) adults were supplemented for 16 wk with 7.5 g/d of grape antioxidant dietary fiber, a natural product containing 5.25 g of dietary fiber and 1400 mg of polyphenols. Nine non-supplemented non-smokers were followed as a control group. Fasting blood samples, blood pressure, and anthropometric readings were obtained at baseline and at week 16. Subjects were allowed to consume their regular diet, which was monitored weekly. 方法: 進行隨機,對照平行組試驗。用7.5g / d的葡萄抗氧化劑膳食纖維(含有5.25g膳食纖維的天然產品和1400mg多酚)補充34只非吸煙(21種常膽固醇血症和13種高膽固醇血症)成年人16週。九個非補充的非吸煙者作為對照組。在基線和第16週時獲得空腹血樣,血壓和人體測量讀數。允許受試者消耗其常規飲食,每週監測。 ===================================================================================================== The study was a randomized, controlled, parallel-group trial. Forty-three non-smokers (27 women and 16 men with an average age of 33.7 _ 12.2 y) were recruited within the university community. Of these, 25 were hypercholesterolemic (serum cholesterol level _200 mg/dL) and were not taking any medication to reduce it, and 18 were normocholesterolemic.
  20. RESULTS: Grape antioxidant dietary fiber (7.5 g/d) reduced significantly (P &amp;lt; 0.05) total cholesterol (9%), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (9%), and systolic and diastolic blood pressures (6% and 5% respectively). 結果: 葡萄抗氧化劑膳食纖維(7.5 g / d)顯著降低(P &amp;lt;0.05)總膽固醇(9%),低密度脂蛋白膽固醇(9%),收縮壓和舒張壓(分別為6%和5%)。 No changes were observed in the control group. 在對照組中未觀察到變化。
  21. Greater reductions in total cholesterol (14.2%) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (11.6%, P &amp;lt; 0.05) were observed in hypercholesterolemic subjects. 在高膽固醇血症患者中觀察到總膽固醇(14.2%)和低密度脂蛋白膽固醇(11.6%,P &amp;lt;0.05)的更大降低。 There was a reduction of 2.5 points in the Framingham Global Risk Score in the supplemented group. 補充組中Framingham全球風險評分減少2.5分。 A significant reduction in triacylglycerol concentration took place in the supplemented hypercholesterolemic subjects (18.6%, P &amp;lt; 0.05). 在補充的高膽固醇血症患者中發生三酰基甘油濃度的顯著降低(18.6%,P &amp;lt;0.05)。
  22. CONCLUSION: Grape antioxidant dietary fiber showed significant reducing effects in lipid profile and blood pressure. The effects appear to be higher than the ones caused by other dietary fibers, such as oat fiber or psyllium, probably due to the combined effect of dietary fiber and antioxidants. 結論: 葡萄抗氧化劑膳食纖維顯示出顯著減少脂質分佈和血壓的影響。效果似乎高於由其他膳食纖維如燕麥纖維或車前子引起的效應,這可能是由於膳食纖維和抗氧化劑的聯合作用。
  23. (208,83,83)
  24. Cocoa contains plant compounds that can prevent LDL cholesterol from oxidizing. (When LDL is oxidized, it gets exposed to free radicals and may produce more inflammation in your arteries.) 可可中含有一種植物化合物,可以防止低密度脂蛋白膽固醇氧化。 (當LDL被氧化,它就會被暴露於自由基,並可能在動脈產生更多的炎症。)
  25. A study published by &amp;quot;The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition&amp;quot; concluded that taking 26 grams of cacao powder and 12 grams of sugar per day for 12 weeks, suppressed LDL oxidation. This suppression enabled the good high-density-lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol concentrations to increase, thus resulting in an overall cholesterol level improvement.
  26. BACKGROUND: Cocoa powder is rich in polyphenols such as catechins and procyanidins and has been shown in various models to inhibit LDL oxidation and atherogenesis. 背景: 可可粉富含多酚,例如兒茶素和原花青素,並已在各種模型中顯示可以抑制LDL氧化和動脈粥樣硬化形成。
  27. OBJECTIVE: We examined whether long-term intake of cocoa powder alters plasma lipid profiles in normocholesterolemic and mildly hypercholesterolemic human subjects. 目的: 我們審查了是否長期攝入可可粉會改變血漿脂質概況在正常膽固醇血和輕度高膽固醇血症人類受試者。
  28. DESIGN: Twenty-five subjects were randomly assigned to ingest either 12 g sugar/d (control group) or 26 g cocoa powder and 12 g sugar/d (cocoa group) for 12 wk. Blood samples were collected before the study and 12 wk after intake of the test drinks. Plasma lipids, LDL oxidative susceptibility, and urinary oxidative stress markers were measured. 設計: 25名受試者被隨機分配為攝取12g糖/ d(對照組)或26g可可粉和12g糖/ d(可可組)為期12週。在研究之前和在攝入試驗飲料後12週收集血液樣品。測量血漿脂質、LDL氧化易感性和尿氧化應激標記物。
  29. Changes in the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation expressed as lag time are shown in Table 2. 表2中顯示了LDL對氧化的敏感性的變化用滯後時間來表示。
  30. RESULTS: At 12 wk, we measured a 9% prolongation from baseline levels in the lag time of LDL oxidation in the cocoa group. 結果: 在12週,我們測量到在可可組中LDL氧化的滯後時間從基線水平延長9%。 This prolongation in the cocoa group was significantly greater than the reduction measured in the control group (-13%). 可可組中的這種延長顯著大於對照組中測得的減少(-13%)。 ======================================================================= Changes in the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation expressed as lag time are shown in Table 2. In the control group, we observed a 19.8% reduction in lag time at 12 wk compared with baseline. 表2中顯示了LDL對氧化的敏感性的變化,表示為滯後時間。在對照組中,我們觀察到在12週時與基線相比,滯後時間減少19.8%。 In contrast, in the cocoa group we found a 9.4% prolongation in lag time. The changes were significantly different between the 2 groups (P _ 0.001). 相比之下,在可可組中,我們發現延遲時間延長了9.4%。 兩組之間的變化顯著不同(P = 0.001)。
  31. A significantly greater increase in plasma HDL cholesterol (24%) was observed in the cocoa group than in the control group (5%). 在可可組中觀察到與對照組(5%)相比顯著更大的血漿HDL膽固醇增加(24%)。 ============================================================================================= In the cocoa group, there was a 23.4% increase in HDL cholesterol at12wk compared with baseline concentrations. This increase in the cocoa group was significantly greater (P _ 0.001) than that measured in the control group (5.1%). 在可可組中,與基線濃度相比,在12wk時HDL膽固醇增加了23.4%。 可可組中的這種增加顯著大於對照組(5.1%)中測得的可可組增加(P_0.001)。
  32. A negative correlation was observed between plasma concentrations of HDL cholesterol and oxidized LDL. 在HDL膽固醇和氧化LDL的血漿濃度之間呈現負相關。
  33. At 12 wk, there was a 24% reduction in dityrosine from baseline concentrations in the cocoa group. 在12週時,從可可組中的基線濃度,二酪氨酸減少24%。 This reduction in the cocoa group was significantly greater than the reduction in the control group (-1%). 可可組中的這種減少顯著大於對照組(-1%)中的減少。
  34. CONCLUSION: It is possible that increases in HDL-cholesterol concentrations may contribute to the suppression of LDL oxidation and that polyphenolic substances derived from cocoa powder may contribute to an elevation in HDL cholesterol. 結論: HDL-膽固醇濃度的增加可能有助於LDL氧化的抑制,並且衍生自可可粉的多酚物質可能有助於HDL膽固醇的升高。
  35. BACKGROUND: The effect of cocoa products on lipid changes is controversial. 背景: 可可製品對脂質變化的影響是有爭議的。
  36. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to identify and quantify the effect of cocoa on total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol. 目標: 我們旨在確定和量化可可對總膽固醇,低密度脂蛋白膽固醇和高密度脂蛋白膽固醇的影響。
  37. DESIGN: A comprehensive literature search was conducted for relevant trials of cocoa on lipid profile. Weighted mean differences were calculated for net changes in lipid concentrations by using fixed-effects or random-effects models. Previously defined subgroup analyses were performed to identify the source of heterogeneity. 設計: 對可可對脂質分佈的相關試驗進行了全面的文獻檢索。 通過使用固定效應或隨機效應模型計算脂質濃度的淨變化的加權平均差異。 進行以前定義的亞組分析以鑑定異質性的來源。
  38. RESULTS: Eight trials (involving 215 participants) were included and evaluated. 結果: 此次研究評估了8個試驗(涉及215名參與者)。 Because there was only one relatively longer-term study, we focused on the short-term data to evaluate the effects of cocoa on plasma lipid. 因為只有一個相對較長期的研究,所以我們集中在短期數據來評估可可對血漿脂質的影響。
  39. Cocoa consumption significantly lowered LDL cholesterol by 5.87 mg/dL (95% CI: -11.13, -0.61; P &amp;lt; 0.05) and marginally lowered total cholesterol by 5.82 mg/dL (95% CI: -12.39, 0.76; P = 0.08). 食用可可使LDL膽固醇顯著降低5.87mg / dL(95%CI:-11.13,-0.61; P &amp;lt;0.05),並將總膽固醇輕微降低5.82mg / dL(95%CI:-12.39,0.76; P = 0.08) 。
  40. However, no significant change was seen in LDL cholesterol in high-quality studies (3 studies included; -4.98 mg/dL; 95% CI: -13.18, 3.21; P = 0.23). 然而,在高質量研究中未觀察到LDL膽固醇的顯著變化(3項研究包括; -4.98mg / dL; 95%CI:-13.18,3.21; P = 0.23)。
  41. Subgroup analyses suggested a cholesterol-lowering effect only in those subjects who consumed a low dose of cocoa and with cardiovascular disease risks. 亞組分析表明僅在那些食用低劑量可可和具有心血管疾病風險的受試者中呈現出可可能降低膽固醇的作用。
  42. T here was no evidence of a dose-effect relation, of any effect in healthy subjects, or of any change in HDL cholesterol. 沒有證據表明劑量 - 效應關係,健康受試者中的任何作用或HDL膽固醇的任何變化。
  43. CONCLUSIONS: Short-term cocoa consumption significantly reduced blood cholesterol, but the changes were dependent on the dose of cocoa consumption and the healthy status of participants. 結論: 短期可可消費顯著降低血液膽固醇,但變化取決於可可消費的劑量和參與者的健康狀態。 There was no dose response and no effect in healthy participants. 沒有劑量反應和健康參與者沒有影響。 Future high-quality studies are needed to determine the efficiency of moderate cocoa consumption on lipid profile in long-term intervention and in subjects with other cardiometabolic risk factors. 未來的高質量研究需要確定在中長期干預和其他心臟代謝危險因素的受試者中脂質分佈的中度可可消耗的效率。
  44. In good news for chocoholics, a meta-analysis in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that cocoa consumption lowered LDL cholesterol by more than 5 mg/dL in people at risk of heart disease. 在對chocoholics好消息,一個薈萃分析臨床營養美國雜誌發現,可可消費降低低密度脂蛋白膽固醇超過5毫克/分升的人在心臟疾病的風險。  mg/dl 就是每100cc含有多少&amp;quot;毫克&amp;quot;的濃度單位。
  45. Most studies lasted about one month and looked at the effects of dark chocolate and cocoa powder. 大多數研究持續了約一個月,看著黑巧克力和可可粉的影響。 But the study authors caution that more research is needed to know whether the effects last or how much to eat to achieve results. 但研究人員警告說,需要更多的研究,以了解是否最後的效果還是吃多少要達到的效果。
  46. Try this: Most chocolate products also contain a lot of sugar and saturated fat in addition to the cocoa’s heart-healthy antioxidants, so don’t mistake them for health foods. When you’re craving a treat, nibble on a small piece or two of dark chocolate (at least 60 percent cocoa), which has more antioxidants than milk chocolate, or make chocolate milk or hot cocoa with 2 tablespoons of natural cocoa powder 試試這個:大部分巧克力產品中除了含有對心臟健康有益的抗氧化劑,同時也含有大量的糖和飽和脂肪,所以不要誤認為是健康食品。當你想吃時,吃一小塊或兩塊黑巧克力(至少含60%的可可),它比牛奶巧克力含更多的抗氧化劑,或飲用巧克力牛奶或熱可可加入2湯匙天然可可粉
  47. 2016年9月28日,美國營養學會(ASN)官方期刊《營養雜誌》在線發表布朗大學、埃默裏大學牛津學院、哈佛大學醫學院、布萊根女子醫院、哈佛大學陳曾熙公共衛生學院、沃倫·阿爾珀特醫學院、羅得島醫院的研究報告,發現黃烷醇有益於心血管健康。
  48. BACKGROUND: Cocoa flavanols may improve cardiometabolic health. Evidence from small short-term randomized clinical trials (RCTs) remains inconsistent, and large long-term RCTs testing the efficacy of cocoa flavanols are still lacking. 背景: 可可黃醇可以改善心臟代謝的健康。 來自於小型短期隨機臨床試驗( randomized clinical trial, RCT)的證據仍然不一致,仍然缺乏測試可可黃烷醇療效的大型長期RCT。
  49. OBJECTIVE: We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs to quantify the effect of cocoa flavanol intake on cardiometabolic biomarkers. 目的: 我們對RCT進行了系統評價和薈萃分析,以量化可可黃烷醇攝入對心臟代謝生物標誌物的影響。
  50. METHODS: We searched PubMed, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Library for RCTs that evaluated the effects of cocoa flavanols on biomarkers relevant to vascular disease pathways among adults. Data were extracted following a standardized protocol. We used DerSimonian and Laird random-effect models to compute the weighted mean differences (WMDs) and 95% CIs. We also examined potential modification by intervention duration, design, age, sex, comorbidities, and the form and amount of cocoa flavanol intake. 方法: 我們搜索PubMed、Web of Science和Cochrane圖書館的RCT,這些RTC評估可可黃烷醇對成人血管疾病通路相關的生物標誌物的影響。 根據標準化方案提取數據。 我們使用DerSimonian和Laird隨機效應模型來計算加權平均差(WMD)和95%CI。 我們還檢查了通過干預持續時間、設計、年齡、性別、合併症以及可可黃烷醇攝入的形式和量的潛在修飾。
  51. RESULTS: We included 19 RCTs that comprised 1131 participants, and the number of studies for a specific biomarker varied. 我們包括19個RCT,包括1131個參與者,並且對特定生物標誌物的研究數量不同。 The amount of cocoa flavanols ranged from 166 to 2110 mg/d, and intervention duration ranged from 2 to 52 wk. 可可黃烷醇的量為166至2110mg / d,干預持續時間為2至52週。 Cocoa flavanol intake significantly improved insulin sensitivity and lipid profile. 可可黃醇醇攝入顯著改善胰島素敏感性和脂質分佈。 The WMDs between treatment and placebo were -0.10 mmol/L (95% CI: -0.16, -0.04 mmol/L) for total triglycerides, 0.06 mmol/L (95% CI: 0.02, 0.09 mmol/L) for HDL cholesterol, -2.33 μIU/mL (95% CI: -3.47, -1.19 μIU/mL) for fasting insulin, -0.93 (95% CI: -1.31, -0.55) for the homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance, 0.03 (95% CI: 0.01, 0.05) for the quantitative insulin sensitivity check index, 2.54 (95% CI: 0.63, 4.44) for the insulin sensitivity index, -0.83 mg/dL (95% CI: -0.88, -0.77 mg/dL) for C-reactive protein, and 85.6 ng/mL (95% CI: 16.0, 155 ng/mL) for vascular cell adhesion molecule 1. No significant associations were found for other biomarkers. None of the modifiers seemed to qualitatively modify the effects of cocoa flavanol intake. 治療和安慰劑之間的WMD對於總甘油三酯為-0.10mmol / L(95%CI:-0.16,-0.04mmol / L),對於HDL膽固醇為0.06mmol / L(95%CI:0.02,0.09mmol /用於空腹胰島素的-2.33μIU/ mL(95%CI:-3.47,-1.19μIU/ mL),胰島素抵抗的穩態模型評估的-0.93(95%CI:-1.31, :0.01,0.05)對於胰島素敏感性指數為2.54(95%CI:0.63,4.44),對於C為-0.83mg / dL(95%CI:-0.88,-0.77mg / dL)反應蛋白,對於血管細胞粘附分子1為85.6ng / mL(95%CI:16.0,155ng / mL)。 沒有發現其他生物標誌物的顯著關聯。沒有一種改性劑似乎定性地改變了可可黃烷醇攝入的作用。
  52. The WMDs between treatment and placebo were -0.10 mmol/L (95% CI: -0.16, -0.04 mmol/L) for total triglycerides, 0.06 mmol/L (95% CI: 0.02, 0.09 mmol/L) for HDL cholesterol, -2.33 μIU/mL (95% CI: -3.47, -1.19 μIU/mL) for fasting insulin, -0.93 (95% CI: -1.31, -0.55) for the homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance, 0.03 (95% CI: 0.01, 0.05) for the quantitative insulin sensitivity check index, 2.54 (95% CI: 0.63, 4.44) for the insulin sensitivity index, -0.83 mg/dL (95% CI: -0.88, -0.77 mg/dL) for C-reactive protein, and 85.6 ng/mL (95% CI: 16.0, 155 ng/mL) for vascular cell adhesion molecule 1. No significant associations were found for other biomarkers. None of the modifiers seemed to qualitatively modify the effects of cocoa flavanol intake. 治療組和安慰劑組之間的WMD對於總甘油三酯為-0.10mmol / L(95%CI:-0.16,-0.04mmol / L),對於HDL膽固醇為0.06mmol / L(95%CI:0.02,0.09mmol /用於空腹胰島素的-2.33μIU/ mL(95%CI:-3.47,-1.19μIU/ mL),胰島素抵抗的穩態模型評估的-0.93(95%CI:-1.31, :0.01,0.05)對於胰島素敏感性指數為2.54(95%CI:0.63,4.44),對於C為-0.83mg / dL(95%CI:-0.88,-0.77mg / dL)反應蛋白,對於血管細胞粘附分子1為85.6ng / mL(95%CI:16.0,155ng / mL)。 沒有發現其他生物標誌物的顯著關聯。沒有一種改性劑似乎定性地改變了可可黃烷醇攝入的作用。 weighted mean differences (WMDs加權平均差
  53. The WMDs between treatment and placebo were -0.10 mmol/L (95% CI: -0.16, -0.04 mmol/L) for total triglycerides, 0.06 mmol/L (95% CI: 0.02, 0.09 mmol/L) for HDL cholesterol, -2.33 μIU/mL (95% CI: -3.47, -1.19 μIU/mL) for fasting insulin, -0.93 (95% CI: -1.31, -0.55) for the homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance, 0.03 (95% CI: 0.01, 0.05) for the quantitative insulin sensitivity check index, 2.54 (95% CI: 0.63, 4.44) for the insulin sensitivity index, -0.83 mg/dL (95% CI: -0.88, -0.77 mg/dL) for C-reactive protein, and 85.6 ng/mL (95% CI: 16.0, 155 ng/mL) for vascular cell adhesion molecule 1. No significant associations were found for other biomarkers. None of the modifiers seemed to qualitatively modify the effects of cocoa flavanol intake. 治療組和安慰劑組之間的WMD對於總甘油三酯為-0.10mmol / L(95%CI:-0.16,-0.04mmol / L),對於HDL膽固醇為0.06mmol / L(95%CI:0.02,0.09mmol /用於空腹胰島素的-2.33μIU/ mL(95%CI:-3.47,-1.19μIU/ mL),胰島素抵抗的穩態模型評估的-0.93(95%CI:-1.31, :0.01,0.05)對於胰島素敏感性指數為2.54(95%CI:0.63,4.44),對於C為-0.83mg / dL(95%CI:-0.88,-0.77mg / dL)反應蛋白,對於血管細胞粘附分子1為85.6ng / mL(95%CI:16.0,155ng / mL)。 沒有發現其他生物標誌物的顯著關聯。沒有一種改性劑似乎定性地改變了可可黃烷醇攝入的作用。 weighted mean differences (WMDs加權平均差
  54. The WMDs between treatment and placebo were -0.10 mmol/L (95% CI: -0.16, -0.04 mmol/L) for total triglycerides, 0.06 mmol/L (95% CI: 0.02, 0.09 mmol/L) for HDL cholesterol, -2.33 μIU/mL (95% CI: -3.47, -1.19 μIU/mL) for fasting insulin, -0.93 (95% CI: -1.31, -0.55) for the homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance, 0.03 (95% CI: 0.01, 0.05) for the quantitative insulin sensitivity check index, 2.54 (95% CI: 0.63, 4.44) for the insulin sensitivity index, -0.83 mg/dL (95% CI: -0.88, -0.77 mg/dL) for C-reactive protein, and 85.6 ng/mL (95% CI: 16.0, 155 ng/mL) for vascular cell adhesion molecule 1. No significant associations were found for other biomarkers. None of the modifiers seemed to qualitatively modify the effects of cocoa flavanol intake. 治療組和安慰劑組之間的WMD對於總甘油三酯為-0.10mmol / L(95%CI:-0.16,-0.04mmol / L),對於HDL膽固醇為0.06mmol / L(95%CI:0.02,0.09mmol /用於空腹胰島素的-2.33μIU/ mL(95%CI:-3.47,-1.19μIU/ mL),胰島素抵抗的穩態模型評估的-0.93(95%CI:-1.31, :0.01,0.05)對於胰島素敏感性指數為2.54(95%CI:0.63,4.44),對於C為-0.83mg / dL(95%CI:-0.88,-0.77mg / dL)反應蛋白,對於血管細胞粘附分子1為85.6ng / mL(95%CI:16.0,155ng / mL)。 其他生物標誌物沒有發現的顯著關聯。沒有一種改性劑似乎定性地改變了可可黃烷醇攝入的作用。 weighted mean differences (WMDs加權平均差
  55. CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests that cocoa flavanol intake has favorable effects on select cardiometabolic biomarkers among adults. These findings support the need for large long-term RCTs to assess whether cocoa flavanol intake reduces the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular events. 我們的研究表明,可可黃烷醇攝入對成年人的選擇心臟代謝生物標誌物是具有利的影響。 這些發現支持需要大型長期RCT來評估可可黃烷醇攝入是否降低糖尿病和心血管事件的風險。