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This assignment simulates a real-world scenario where you are a
consultant, working collaboratively with your client to solve an
organisational problem. It is based on a real-world situation
observed during the course of primary research into healthcare
process improvement. You will deliver a report to your client
that is grounded in theory and demonstrates an understanding of
the real-world challenges associated with implementing
solutions that impact on organisational members.
This assignment supports you to:
· develop a sophisticated understanding of organisational
· gain experience in using a key, functionalist tool
· understand the limitations of viewing organisations purely
through a functionalist perspective
· understand the value of the interpretivist / social relativist
perspective, and its limitations
You will be drawing on two paradigms to analyse the problem
and develop your solution: the functionalist paradigm and the
interpretivist / social relativist paradigm.
Assessment details
The case and your client
Your client is large, urban hospital located in Melbourne. The
hospital has an Emergency Department, which is having trouble
meeting government-established targets for the timely provision
of emergency care. That is, patients who attend the ED are
waiting too long for assessment, treatment, and discharge or
admission. These delays are risky and stressful for patients, and
stressful for patients' families and carers. Overcrowding and
poor patient flow through the ED also creates an environment
where treatment errors are more likely, and is highly stressful
for hospital staff (triage nurses, doctors, nurses, management
and administrative staff, porters, and the range of professional
staff who run tests and x-rays). This situation is also damaging
to the hospital's reputation and the morale of staff, because the
hospital's performance against their targets is made public, in
the interests of transparency. Staff in the ED feel stretched,
under pressure, and concerned about the timeliness and quality
of care for their patients. 
To rectify the situation, hospital management has hired a
consultancy firm that specialises in the Toyota Production
System and all of its process improvement derivatives (business
process reengineering, Lean thinking, Total Quality
Management, Six Sigma, and so on). The consultant has worked
with the hospital's Improvement Advisor, whose role is to coach
medical staff in the development and implementation of process
improvement techniques to solve process problems (for
example, the flow of patients through the Emergency
Department; waiting lists for outpatient services; discharge
processes). The consultant and the improvement advisor have
attempted to consult with the ED staff (doctors, nurses,
administrative staff, porters, managers, etc.) but had low levels
of engagement with the improvement project, which led them
develop a new process effectively on their own to aid the flow
of patients from entering the ED, through to being seen,
assessed, treated, and either discharged or admitted. 
The new process involved giving the nurses more power and
control over the flow of low-risk patients, and conducting and
ordering standard preliminary tests (blood tests, x-rays, and so
on) - i.e. the nurses conducted a preliminary "workup". The
nurses would then advise the doctors on which low-risk patients
to see, when, and in what order. The nurses would control the
flow of patients so that patients were seen by doctors only when
all required tests (e.g. blood and urine tests) had been
completed and results received. The aim was to remove "waste"
in the system in the form of doctors' time, who could be
devoting their attention in the meantime to more critical cases,
and step in when and as needed to swiftly finalise and
administer treatment, with all relevant information at hand. As
part of this process, a physical whiteboard was made up with a
grid with the steps in the process, and magnets indicating how
many patients were being processed at a given time, and at what
stage of their journey they were at (e.g. "waiting for urine test
results"; "waiting for availability of ultrasound"; "waiting for
blood test results". The time the patients entered the ED, and
the time that their "target" expired (e.g. the government target
was for all patients to be seen and treated within four hours of
arrival) was recorded on the white board, so that the nurses in
control of the system were visibly confronted with the "clock"
ticking down and the processes yet to be navigated. This system
of visual management is called "Kanban".
When the consultant and the Improvement Advisor attempted to
implement the system, disappointed ensued. No one understood
the new process, and everyone felt it was overly
complex, despite the fact that the process was meant to
streamline patient flow. The new process was followed half-
heartedly. Doctors behaved autonomously, refusing to take
process advice from the nurses, and complaining to the Head of
the ED about the Improvement Advisor, the consultant, and the
management change sponsor intruding into their professional
jurisdiction. Nurses were uncomfortable providing an advisory
role to doctors. Doctors also protested that "patients are
not cars" and that the application of the Toyota Production
System was inappropriate for medical contexts. Doctors and
nurses protested against their performance being timed and
measured at every step within the new process, claiming the
measurements did not account for the nuances of the decisions
they needed to make, and the complexity of the pathways that
patients can take through the ED. When the Improvement
Advisor would start work in the ED each morning, to support
the implementation of the process, she would find that staff
members during the nightshift had been playing "snakes and
ladders" and "naughts and crosses" on the Kanban board. The
Improvement Advisor was not able to measure performance
against the new process, because staff refused to consistently
adopt it. The Head of the ED (a doctor), mindful of needing the
support of the doctors, produced statistical reports to undermine
the legitimation of the new process, which had not had a chance
to be properly established. 
In frustration, senior management decided to start again, and
hire a new consultancy firm that claimed to be expert not only
in solving functional problems through process improvement,
but in staff consultation and engagement.
YOU are the new consultant who is expert in both elements of
problem-solving. Expressed differently, YOU are the new
consultant who is expert in looking at organisational problems
through a functionalist AND interpretivist/social relativist lens.
Assessment requirements
To complete this assessment you must do the following:
· Analyse and critique the strengths and limitations of the
functionalist approach taken by your predecessor (the consultant
specialising in the Toyota Production System). This critique
must be theoretically informed. That is, you must explicitly
draw on the theory of functionalism that we have covered in
lectures and tutorials, and the scholarly texts in the Reading
List. It is noted that the strengths of the functionalist approach
are unrealised in this particular case, but nevertheless you will
be able to articulate them and demonstrate your understanding
as to why hospital management and the Improvement Advisor is
attracted to process improvement. It is crucial that you address
the limitations of the functionalist approach. This part of your
report might be titled, Lessons learned from the process
improvement pilot: a critical functionalist perspective
(approximately 500 words).
· Draw on the theory of interpretivism / social relativism to
consider why stakeholders (including the consultant and the
Improvement Advisor) had different concerns and views about
the pilot, why consultation with staff is so important, and why
the pilot was not seen by staff as legitimate. You must
explicitly draw on the theory of interpretivism / social
relativism that we have covered in lectures and tutorials, and
the scholarly texts in the Reading List. (If you have studied
stakeholder theory in a different course, do NOT draw overtly
on this theory; the aim of this part of the assignment is to test
your knowledge about interpretivism / social relativism).
Consider different methods of consultation that might help
develop and legitimate a new process improvement project. This
part of your report might be titled, The value of incorporating
interpretivism / social relativism into the design of a new
process improvement project (approximately 500 words).
· Drawing on your reflections, above, develop a set of
consultation recommendations for your client. (approximately
200 words).
· Reflect on some of the challenges that your client might
expect to encounter as they facilitate this consultation; identify
some of the practical limitations of interpretivism / social
relativism. This part of your report might be titled, Proposed
consultation process: challenges and limitations (approximately
300 words).
· Consider the "order/regulation - conflict/radical change" axis
of Burrell and Morgan's typology of paradigms. Reflect on your
role as consultant for this project. Why might your work and
role be classified as belonging to the "order/regulation" end of
this axis? How does the work you do as a consultant embody
assumptions about organisations and society that exemplify an
interest in, and valuing of, order and regulation? What are the
strengths and limitations of seeing the world through
perspectives based on order/regulation assumptions? This part
of your report might be titled, Reflections on consultancy
assumptions and their strengths and limitations (approximately
500 words).
Essential elements 
· Use connected prose (no bullet points). 
· Your process model must be depicted diagrammatically,
and must represent a consultation process. 
· You must explicitly draw on both the Burrell and Morgan text
and the Hirschheim and Klein paper to help you analyse the
case and respond to the assessment brief. Both texts are located
in the Reading List. For the Hirschheim and Klein paper, focus
on the "two stories" told by the authors: Story 1 (a depiction of
functionalism in action) and Story 2 (a depiction of social
relativism in action).
· You must also draw on at least five other scholarly
sources (excluding the texts above, this means you will be
drawing on seven scholarly sources at a minimum) to help
construct your assessment. See the Reading List for a range of
possible resources, and we encourage you to source your own.
Videos, newspaper clippings, and industry publications (e.g. by
McKinsey) are NOT considered scholarly sources. You might
like to search for literature that focuses on the application of
Lean in healthcare.
· We expect your in text citations to be perfect. This is a second
year course and you must now demonstrate a solid
understanding of how to acknowledge other people's ideas. This
means citing the surnames of the authors whose work you are
drawing on, the year of the publication, and, if you are using
direct quotations, you must also wrap the words that are not
yours in "quotation marks" and provide the page number from
where you have drawn the quotation.
· Do not cite the lectures. 
How to approach the assessment
1. Listen to Lectures 1 - 5 closely, taking notes as you go on the
characteristics of each paradigm.
2. Attend your tutorials, where the assessment will be
workshopped, from Week 2 onward. Some of the learning
necessary for Assessment 1 is also essential for Assessment 2.
3. Read your core texts, both of which can be found in the
Reading List.
· Burrell, G. & Morgan, G. 1979, Sociological paradigms and
organisational analysis, Routledge, USA. (Part 1, Chapters 1–3,
pp. 1–37). For access, see the Reading List (essential reading). 
· Hirschheim, R. & Klein, R. 1989. Four paradigms of
information systems development. Communications of the
ACM, 32(10): 1199-1216. For access, see the Reading List
(Week 1). Focus on Story 1 (functionalism) and Story 2 (social
4. Identify and read additional relevant materials avail able in
the Reading List, that will help you develop your assignment.
5. Start drafting your work early, and seek feedback on your
understanding of the theory and assessment in class.
If you need an extension, please read:  Extensions of time for
submission of assessable work (Links to an external site.).
Assessment criteria
Course learning outcomes
This assessment is relevant to the following course learning
Identify different analytical perspectives employed to
understand organisations at the individual, social, and structural
Interpret and apply these multiple perspectives to empirically
analyse organisations and the contexts in which they operate.
Draw on different analytical perspectives as the basis for a
socially responsible, ideologically aware approach towards
organisational problem-solving.
Evaluate knowledge assumptions, including one’s own, and
come to recognise their management implications and practical
Referencing guidelines
Use RMIT Harvard (Links to an external site.) referencing style
for this assessment.
You must acknowledge all the courses of information you have
used in your assessments.
Refer to the RMIT Easy Cite (Links to an external
site.) referencing tool to see examples and tips on how to
reference in the appropriated style. You can also refer to the
library referencing page for more tools such as EndNote,
referencing tutorials and referencing guides for printing.
Submission format
The assessment will be submitted in Canvas as a file upload.
1) Start by reading Carousell’s term and service
2) Write an annex (at most 2 pages, put in Appendix of essay)
to Section 10.6 on how Carousell can be socially responsible
with regard to essay and paper mills.
3) Justify each point of annex with normative and CSR theories
in the essay.
4) Useful references
Conclusion: Mention 3 lessons learned from this assignment.
Flow of essay
1) Essay – (word count at the end)
2) Appendix- A code of conduct in the areas of paper/essay
mills (talk about perspective and not theory, so that can be used
in the essay E.g… According to Appendix 1, carousell should
do ….)
3) Reference list (Also include in-text references form
appendix. Not part of word count.)
Ethics and Governance 2220 Assignment 2
Student Name:
Student Number:
Lecture Group: Date: 3/22/2022
Ethics is an integral element of the business practice or an
organization operating within society. As a result, the firms
build their credibility and overall authenticity in public based
on their commitment to addressing ethical issues. Thus, a
common concept of ethical problem solving comprises a sole
dedication to investigating the unique business' environment, in
this case Carousell’s business model and recognizing the moral
problem from multiple perspectives, by using the 3 main ethics
themes of teleological, deontological and virtue ethics.
The teleological concepts reveal an ethical action that
produces a higher ratio of good to bad or the overall
consequence of an action based on the result of a decision.
Deontological ethics emphasizes the truthfulness of action in
accordance with a certain code of conduct by doing what is
“right”. Virtue ethics emphasizes the character based on how
things should be based regardless of the outcomes. Thus,
teleological, deontological and virtue ethics, and corporate
social responsibility (CSR) form the ethics concepts in problem-
solving essential in keeping the organizations aligned to moral
Problem Identification: Ethical Problem
An ethical problem is where a scenario or activity conflicts
with the moral principles in society. Therefore, businesses have
the responsibility to implement rules and safeguard societal
moral principles within their operations.
In the case of Carousell, a leading classified marketplace in
Greater Southeast Asia, the platform experiences vast ethical
problems, which contradicts societal values. It is important to
acknowledge that Carousell connects consumers, enabling
communication and sale of various types of services or items on
their platform. However, some parties use the platform to sell
illegal or restricted goods and services. For instance, homework
services, assignments, essay notes and other learning materials,
which violates the intellectual property (IP) rights. The sale of
university materials such as essays, lecture notes, etc., is a
wrongdoing that has been recognised over the world; they
violate societal values of IP protection and hinders the intention
of establishing an ever-learning society. Thus, Carousell faces
IP infringement as a critical ethical problem, mainly associated
with the sale of essays, lecture notes, assignments, etc.
Research: Business Ethics Theories and CSR Theories
The business ethics and CSR theories can be mentioned as
the backbone for moral business decisions. Teleological,
deontological and virtue ethics forms the fundamental of
business ethics theories. Teleological ethics is a normative
ethical theory that confirms that an action or business practice
is good or bad (moral or immoral) based on the outcomes. Thus,
the “right” or “wrong” of business practice from the teleological
perspective is defined by the results or outcomes; the end
justifies the means (Koçyiğit&Karadağ, 2016). perspectives in
teleological ethics on whether a business practice is ethical or
moral, is by considering the results or outcomes which promote
a good result compared to an evil outcomes. (Akrivou&Scalzo,
Deontological ethics emphasize the action rather than the
outcomes, confirming that an action is morally good or bad if it
adheres to specific moral codes such as equity and objectivity
and universalize ideas. Deontological ethics focus on the
relationship between the people's morality and their duty.
Businesses and decision-makers are morally obligated to
specific actions regardless of outcomes or consequences for
human welfare (Schwartz, 2017).Thus, the business practices
under deontological ethics morality are guided by the ability to
fulfil a duty or adhere to a moral rule.
Virtue ethics ascertains a moral action is dictated by the moral
virtue concept derived from the individual’s character
(Koçyiğit&Karadağ, 2016). Therefore, virtue ethics entails
focusing on the ethical exemplars an organization ought to
imitate as s conformance to objectivist virtues. Tripathy and
Sarangi (2017) ascertain that virtue ethics form the background
for guiding ethical values such as honesty, integrity, corporate
social responsibility, fairness, etc., which influence the overall
commitment to moral decisions. Therefore, virtue ethics
emphasizes the person's or business' character or adher ence to
virtue to evaluate the rightness of an action.
Agudelo et al. (2019) confirm that CSR is a historical
perspective, such that businesses are obligated to the society in
diverse aspects of their operations. Studies ascertain that CSR
has evolved over the years; attaining or generating
sustainability is a priority. Mohammed (2020) demonstrates that
CSR emerges from the concept that businesses have moral or
ethical obligations and must respond to social pressures. Thus,
CSR encompasses the firm's philanthropic, ethical, legal and
economic responsibilities to society (Mohammed, 2020).
Corporate Social Performance (CSP) entails the CSR theory
emphasizing the need to alter the firm's behaviour to unleash
more benefits and less harm on societies and people. The
stakeholder theory forms the foundation for CSR, citing the
firm's obligation to enhance the efficiency of its relationships
with other interconnected parties or stakeholders such as
consumers, suppliers, etc.,in the society (Mohammed, 2020).
Therefore, business practices guided operation, with every firm
obligated to conform to specific moral and society-based
principles. (Add in How can this apply in Carousell)
Practical Application: Code of Business Practices
Code 1: We follow the law and trade regulations
Carousell must respect the trade policies, laws, and
regulations at the domestic and international levels, such as a
disallowing illegal transaction. Strict adherence to the law and
trade regulations is an imperative code of business practice to
ensure the selling parties trade within the frameworks or
guidelines of the law. Notably, this code of practice is based on
the deontological perspective such that the business has an
intrinsic obligation to adhere to moral rules or duties. Besides,
it constitutes a connection of business's legal and ethical
responsibility under the CSR theory, requiring adherence to
regulations to legitimize its operations (Mohammed, 2020).
From the deontological theory, the law obliges organizations or
businesses to respect intellectual property rights.
However, viewing this code from the teleological
perspective, mandatory adherence to the law is not absolute,
provided the best outcome is attainable. Thus, it immorally right
to consider an action provided it yields the best outcomes
(Koçyiğit&Karadağ, 2016).Virtue ethics explore this code as a
commitment to an inherent business moral feature or values
such as integrity. These perspectives differ from the aspect that
the deontological approach is influenced by absolute adherence
to the law. The teleological perspective focuses on the outcomes
rather than the rule or duty to measure the decency of the
business practice, and virtue ethics theory is dictated by
business values.
Code 2: We review and censor items before posting
Carousell reviews the items before approving the sellers
‘postings and then censors those, contravening the
organizational values of honesty, integrity, trust, etc. Review
and censorship entail the ultimate use of the system-based
strategies to examine the posted item and ensure into do not
meet the criteria of the student assessments such as university
essays, textbooks, homework services, etc. The code of business
practice is empowered by virtue ethics, focusing more on the
character or business ‘specific attribute rather than action or
consequences of the practice (Tripathy&Sarangi, 2017).
Reviewing and censoring content enhance adherence to the
virtues such as honesty, integrity, trust, etc. From the
deontological perspective, reviewing and censoring items would
fulfil a business duty to ensure no access to assessments. The
teleological view accommodates the outcome element such that
censorship would alleviate traffic of assessments on the website
and inhibit access to illicit services or assessment materials.
Furthermore, this code relates to the Corporate Social
Performance (CSP) theory aimed at altering the business
behaviour (censorship) to maximize outcomes (protect IP
Code 3: We investigate and report illicit practice
The organization is committed to supporting a safe and
legitimate society; thus, any uncensored illicit practice is
subject to investigation and report to the infringed institutions.
Carousell is committed to building partnerships within the
society and supporting a value-based society by engaging the
right partners. This code adopts diverse ethical business
practice dimensions; primarily, the teleological perspective
emphasizes outcomes (Akrivou&Scalzo, 2020) such as
partnership. The teleological viewpoint would result in an
ethical position that the rightness or wrongness of an act
depends on the magnitude of the results. Based on deontological
ethics, this code holds on adherence to the rules such as
mandatory reporting of illicit practices. The virtue ethics theory
unleashes Carousell's commitment to fulfilling core values such
as integrity, honesty, and trust. This code constitutes a salient
element of stakeholder theory, bearing an obligation to the
stakeholders to create value and build quality relationships
(Mohammed, 2020).
Justifying the Different Perspectives of Business Practice Codes
Notably, businesses may operate regionally or beyond their
domestic markets, where they are obligated to limited scope or
coverage in business ethics. Therefore, ethical perspectives and
the identified business practice codes must be informed by the
ethics theories. Grigoropoulos (2019) confirms that the
underlying economic, political, social and cultural factors or
forces influence ethical business decisions; businesses use these
alternatives and decide based on the moral metrics. As a result,
it is essential to consider other the identified codes and the
ethical perspectives for businesses operating regionally.
Notably, the business practice codes can be informed by
deontological ethics by dictating options through a rule-based
approach. Koçyiğit and Karadağ (2016) confirm that morality
based on the deontological ethic entails fulfilling the moral duty
or rules through fair, objective and universal actions.
Considering that the regional businesses operating are subject to
different regulations, the deontological ethics would inform a
moral act based on fairness, objectivity and universality
Furthermore, virtue ethics would inform a moral action
based on the organization's character, demonstrating an action
as a replication of inner decency (Koçyiğit&Karadağ,
2016).Therefore; virtue ethics would inform a right action by
engraining beliefs, experiences and sensitivity to decision-
making. Reliance on the business values such as honesty, trust,
integrity is critical informants to businesses. Additionally,
teleological ethics would inform enterprises by weighing the
consequences of action and then establishing the moral
standards that legitimize these outcomes. Benlahcene et al.
(2018) emphasize the results irrespective of the business'
intention or behaviour. Therefore, teleological ethics would
inform the business practice codes by pointing out the most
favourable outcomes of moral action.
It is essential to acknowledge that ethical practice is a
collective of ethical, legal, philanthropist and economic
responsibilities. However, organizations or businesses such as
Carousell might not be under any legislative obligation to
develop codes for contract cheating. As a result, when overlaid
with Friedman’s classical perspective in the absence of
legislative duty, there can be a different consideration on what
constitutes an ethical action. Studies acknowledge that
Friedman's classical perspective of corporate social
responsibility emphasizes the business-centric views such that
an organization has the sole social responsibility of making a
profit(Amin-Chaudhry, 2016).Thus, engagement in social
welfare activities is solely motivated by the long-term motive to
maximize shareholder wealth. Notably, Friedman's perspective
in the light of ethics holds that businesses have a sole
responsibility to maximize economic efficiency while operating
within the limits of the law. As a result, in the absence of the
legislative obligation, Friedman's perspective reveals that
businesses would operate to the limits that optimize their wealth
or economic prowess regardless of the ethical mayhem under
consideration. Unlike other approaches like the stakeholder's
perspective, Friedman's perspective is business-centric (Amin-
Chaudhry, 2016), meaning all decisions must yield some
economic value to the business.
Schaltegger et al. (2017) ascertain that the stakeholder
perspective acknowledges the interconnection between firm and
other stakeholders, including a commitment to enhance value of
every party directly or indirectly involved in business'
operations. Therefore, the stakeholder's perspective could direct
the firm to consider other parties' rights and going beyond the
law or their legislative obligation to serve all parties. Although
there is no absolute right or wrong approach, Freeman's
stakeholder perspective yields different results by prioritizing
value for other involved partners such as suppliers, customers,
communities in the business operations.
It is essential to acknowledge that business ethics and the
ability to alleviate dilemmas require a rational organization
seeking to explore beyond its limits. Besides, other than the
primary obligation to make a profit, businesses have a
responsibility to society, including all the stakeholders such as
consumers, suppliers, government, other corporations, etc.
Therefore, establishing a quality and moral decision with
diverse ethical perspectives is a critical requirement to pursue
higher objectives. Furthermore, identifying the prevailing
situations and immediate needs form the background for
heightening the organization. For instance, it is essential to
engrain the deontological perspective to engage the rules and
teleological viewpoint to maximi ze positive outcomes and
virtue ethics to enhance compliance with and enhance the
organizational character. Above all, the stakeholder's
perspective remains outstanding to engage and consider all
parties in ethical decision-making.
Agudelo L, M. A., Jóhannsdóttir, L., &Davídsdóttir, B. (2019).
A literature review of the history and evolution of corporate
social responsibility. International Journal of Corporate Social
Responsibility, 4(1).
Akrivou, K., &Scalzo, G. (2020). In search of a Fitting moral
psychology for practical wisdom: Exploring a missing link in
virtuous management. Business Ethics: A European
Review, 29(S1), 33-44.
Amin-Chaudhry, A. (2016). Corporate social responsibility –
from a Mere concept to an expected business practice. Social
Responsibility Journal, 12(1), 190-
Benlahcene, A., Zainuddin, R. B., Syakiran, N., & Ismail, A. B.
(2018). A narrative review of ethics theories: Teleological &
deontological Ethics. Journal of Humanities and Social Science
(IOSR-JHSS), 23(1), 31-32.
Grigoropoulos, J. E. (2019). The role of ethics in 21st century
organization. International Journal of Progressive
Education, 15(2), 167-
Koçyiğit, M., &Karadağ, E. (2016). Developing an ethical
tendencies scale based on the theories of ethics. Turkish Journal
of Business Ethics, 9(2), 297–
Mohammed, S. (2020). Components, theories and the business
case for corporate social responsibility. International Journal of
Business and Management Review, 8(2), 37-
Schaltegger, S., Hörisch, J., & Freeman, R. E. (2017). Business
cases for sustainability: A stakeholder theory
perspective. Organization & Environment, 32(3), 191-
Schwartz, M. S. (2017). Business ethics: An ethical decision-
making approach. John Wiley & Sons.
Tripathy, M., &Sarangi, I. (2017). Exercising Concepts of
Virtue Ethics in Business Culture. Journal of Business and
Management, 19, 26-31.
Tripathy, M., &Sarangi, I. (2017). Exercising Concepts of
Virtue Ethics in Business Culture. Journal of Business and
Management, 19, 26-31.

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This assignment simulates a real-world scenario where you are a co

  • 1. This assignment simulates a real-world scenario where you are a consultant, working collaboratively with your client to solve an organisational problem. It is based on a real-world situation observed during the course of primary research into healthcare process improvement. You will deliver a report to your client that is grounded in theory and demonstrates an understanding of the real-world challenges associated with implementing solutions that impact on organisational members. This assignment supports you to: · develop a sophisticated understanding of organisational functionality · gain experience in using a key, functionalist tool · understand the limitations of viewing organisations purely through a functionalist perspective · understand the value of the interpretivist / social relativist perspective, and its limitations You will be drawing on two paradigms to analyse the problem and develop your solution: the functionalist paradigm and the interpretivist / social relativist paradigm. Assessment details The case and your client Your client is large, urban hospital located in Melbourne. The hospital has an Emergency Department, which is having trouble meeting government-established targets for the timely provision of emergency care. That is, patients who attend the ED are waiting too long for assessment, treatment, and discharge or admission. These delays are risky and stressful for patients, and stressful for patients' families and carers. Overcrowding and poor patient flow through the ED also creates an environment where treatment errors are more likely, and is highly stressful for hospital staff (triage nurses, doctors, nurses, management and administrative staff, porters, and the range of professional staff who run tests and x-rays). This situation is also damaging
  • 2. to the hospital's reputation and the morale of staff, because the hospital's performance against their targets is made public, in the interests of transparency. Staff in the ED feel stretched, under pressure, and concerned about the timeliness and quality of care for their patients.  To rectify the situation, hospital management has hired a consultancy firm that specialises in the Toyota Production System and all of its process improvement derivatives (business process reengineering, Lean thinking, Total Quality Management, Six Sigma, and so on). The consultant has worked with the hospital's Improvement Advisor, whose role is to coach medical staff in the development and implementation of process improvement techniques to solve process problems (for example, the flow of patients through the Emergency Department; waiting lists for outpatient services; discharge processes). The consultant and the improvement advisor have attempted to consult with the ED staff (doctors, nurses, administrative staff, porters, managers, etc.) but had low levels of engagement with the improvement project, which led them develop a new process effectively on their own to aid the flow of patients from entering the ED, through to being seen, assessed, treated, and either discharged or admitted.  The new process involved giving the nurses more power and control over the flow of low-risk patients, and conducting and ordering standard preliminary tests (blood tests, x-rays, and so on) - i.e. the nurses conducted a preliminary "workup". The nurses would then advise the doctors on which low-risk patients to see, when, and in what order. The nurses would control the flow of patients so that patients were seen by doctors only when all required tests (e.g. blood and urine tests) had been completed and results received. The aim was to remove "waste" in the system in the form of doctors' time, who could be devoting their attention in the meantime to more critical cases, and step in when and as needed to swiftly finalise and administer treatment, with all relevant information at hand. As part of this process, a physical whiteboard was made up with a
  • 3. grid with the steps in the process, and magnets indicating how many patients were being processed at a given time, and at what stage of their journey they were at (e.g. "waiting for urine test results"; "waiting for availability of ultrasound"; "waiting for blood test results". The time the patients entered the ED, and the time that their "target" expired (e.g. the government target was for all patients to be seen and treated within four hours of arrival) was recorded on the white board, so that the nurses in control of the system were visibly confronted with the "clock" ticking down and the processes yet to be navigated. This system of visual management is called "Kanban". When the consultant and the Improvement Advisor attempted to implement the system, disappointed ensued. No one understood the new process, and everyone felt it was overly complex, despite the fact that the process was meant to streamline patient flow. The new process was followed half- heartedly. Doctors behaved autonomously, refusing to take process advice from the nurses, and complaining to the Head of the ED about the Improvement Advisor, the consultant, and the management change sponsor intruding into their professional jurisdiction. Nurses were uncomfortable providing an advisory role to doctors. Doctors also protested that "patients are not cars" and that the application of the Toyota Production System was inappropriate for medical contexts. Doctors and nurses protested against their performance being timed and measured at every step within the new process, claiming the measurements did not account for the nuances of the decisions they needed to make, and the complexity of the pathways that patients can take through the ED. When the Improvement Advisor would start work in the ED each morning, to support the implementation of the process, she would find that staff members during the nightshift had been playing "snakes and ladders" and "naughts and crosses" on the Kanban board. The Improvement Advisor was not able to measure performance against the new process, because staff refused to consistently adopt it. The Head of the ED (a doctor), mindful of needing the
  • 4. support of the doctors, produced statistical reports to undermine the legitimation of the new process, which had not had a chance to be properly established.  In frustration, senior management decided to start again, and hire a new consultancy firm that claimed to be expert not only in solving functional problems through process improvement, but in staff consultation and engagement. YOU are the new consultant who is expert in both elements of problem-solving. Expressed differently, YOU are the new consultant who is expert in looking at organisational problems through a functionalist AND interpretivist/social relativist lens. Assessment requirements To complete this assessment you must do the following: · Analyse and critique the strengths and limitations of the functionalist approach taken by your predecessor (the consultant specialising in the Toyota Production System). This critique must be theoretically informed. That is, you must explicitly draw on the theory of functionalism that we have covered in lectures and tutorials, and the scholarly texts in the Reading List. It is noted that the strengths of the functionalist approach are unrealised in this particular case, but nevertheless you will be able to articulate them and demonstrate your understanding as to why hospital management and the Improvement Advisor is attracted to process improvement. It is crucial that you address the limitations of the functionalist approach. This part of your report might be titled, Lessons learned from the process improvement pilot: a critical functionalist perspective (approximately 500 words). · Draw on the theory of interpretivism / social relativism to consider why stakeholders (including the consultant and the Improvement Advisor) had different concerns and views about the pilot, why consultation with staff is so important, and why the pilot was not seen by staff as legitimate. You must explicitly draw on the theory of interpretivism / social relativism that we have covered in lectures and tutorials, and
  • 5. the scholarly texts in the Reading List. (If you have studied stakeholder theory in a different course, do NOT draw overtly on this theory; the aim of this part of the assignment is to test your knowledge about interpretivism / social relativism). Consider different methods of consultation that might help develop and legitimate a new process improvement project. This part of your report might be titled, The value of incorporating interpretivism / social relativism into the design of a new process improvement project (approximately 500 words). · Drawing on your reflections, above, develop a set of consultation recommendations for your client. (approximately 200 words). · Reflect on some of the challenges that your client might expect to encounter as they facilitate this consultation; identify some of the practical limitations of interpretivism / social relativism. This part of your report might be titled, Proposed consultation process: challenges and limitations (approximately 300 words). · Consider the "order/regulation - conflict/radical change" axis of Burrell and Morgan's typology of paradigms. Reflect on your role as consultant for this project. Why might your work and role be classified as belonging to the "order/regulation" end of this axis? How does the work you do as a consultant embody assumptions about organisations and society that exemplify an interest in, and valuing of, order and regulation? What are the strengths and limitations of seeing the world through perspectives based on order/regulation assumptions? This part of your report might be titled, Reflections on consultancy assumptions and their strengths and limitations (approximately 500 words). Essential elements  · Use connected prose (no bullet points).  · Your process model must be depicted diagrammatically, and must represent a consultation process.  · You must explicitly draw on both the Burrell and Morgan text
  • 6. and the Hirschheim and Klein paper to help you analyse the case and respond to the assessment brief. Both texts are located in the Reading List. For the Hirschheim and Klein paper, focus on the "two stories" told by the authors: Story 1 (a depiction of functionalism in action) and Story 2 (a depiction of social relativism in action). · You must also draw on at least five other scholarly sources (excluding the texts above, this means you will be drawing on seven scholarly sources at a minimum) to help construct your assessment. See the Reading List for a range of possible resources, and we encourage you to source your own. Videos, newspaper clippings, and industry publications (e.g. by McKinsey) are NOT considered scholarly sources. You might like to search for literature that focuses on the application of Lean in healthcare. · We expect your in text citations to be perfect. This is a second year course and you must now demonstrate a solid understanding of how to acknowledge other people's ideas. This means citing the surnames of the authors whose work you are drawing on, the year of the publication, and, if you are using direct quotations, you must also wrap the words that are not yours in "quotation marks" and provide the page number from where you have drawn the quotation. · Do not cite the lectures.  How to approach the assessment 1. Listen to Lectures 1 - 5 closely, taking notes as you go on the characteristics of each paradigm. 2. Attend your tutorials, where the assessment will be workshopped, from Week 2 onward. Some of the learning necessary for Assessment 1 is also essential for Assessment 2. 3. Read your core texts, both of which can be found in the Reading List. · · Burrell, G. & Morgan, G. 1979, Sociological paradigms and organisational analysis, Routledge, USA. (Part 1, Chapters 1–3,
  • 7. pp. 1–37). For access, see the Reading List (essential reading).  · · Hirschheim, R. & Klein, R. 1989. Four paradigms of information systems development. Communications of the ACM, 32(10): 1199-1216. For access, see the Reading List (Week 1). Focus on Story 1 (functionalism) and Story 2 (social relativism) 4. Identify and read additional relevant materials avail able in the Reading List, that will help you develop your assignment. 5. Start drafting your work early, and seek feedback on your understanding of the theory and assessment in class. Extensions If you need an extension, please read:  Extensions of time for submission of assessable work (Links to an external site.). Assessment criteria Course learning outcomes This assessment is relevant to the following course learning outcomes: CLO1 Identify different analytical perspectives employed to understand organisations at the individual, social, and structural levels. CLO2 Interpret and apply these multiple perspectives to empirically analyse organisations and the contexts in which they operate. CLO3 Draw on different analytical perspectives as the basis for a socially responsible, ideologically aware approach towards organisational problem-solving. CLO4 Evaluate knowledge assumptions, including one’s own, and come to recognise their management implications and practical consequences.
  • 8. Referencing guidelines Use RMIT Harvard (Links to an external site.) referencing style for this assessment. You must acknowledge all the courses of information you have used in your assessments. Refer to the RMIT Easy Cite (Links to an external site.) referencing tool to see examples and tips on how to reference in the appropriated style. You can also refer to the library referencing page for more tools such as EndNote, referencing tutorials and referencing guides for printing. Submission format The assessment will be submitted in Canvas as a file upload. 1) Start by reading Carousell’s term and service Terms-of- Service#:~:text=c.,%E2%80%9CCC%20Validity%20Period%E2 %80%9D). 2) Write an annex (at most 2 pages, put in Appendix of essay) to Section 10.6 on how Carousell can be socially responsible with regard to essay and paper mills. 3) Justify each point of annex with normative and CSR theories in the essay. 4) Useful references Conclusion: Mention 3 lessons learned from this assignment. Flow of essay 1) Essay – (word count at the end) 2) Appendix- A code of conduct in the areas of paper/essay mills (talk about perspective and not theory, so that can be used in the essay E.g… According to Appendix 1, carousell should do ….)
  • 9. 3) Reference list (Also include in-text references form appendix. Not part of word count.) 4 Ethics and Governance 2220 Assignment 2 Student Name: Student Number: Lecture Group: Date: 3/22/2022 Introduction Ethics is an integral element of the business practice or an organization operating within society. As a result, the firms build their credibility and overall authenticity in public based on their commitment to addressing ethical issues. Thus, a common concept of ethical problem solving comprises a sole dedication to investigating the unique business' environment, in
  • 10. this case Carousell’s business model and recognizing the moral problem from multiple perspectives, by using the 3 main ethics themes of teleological, deontological and virtue ethics. The teleological concepts reveal an ethical action that produces a higher ratio of good to bad or the overall consequence of an action based on the result of a decision. Deontological ethics emphasizes the truthfulness of action in accordance with a certain code of conduct by doing what is “right”. Virtue ethics emphasizes the character based on how things should be based regardless of the outcomes. Thus, teleological, deontological and virtue ethics, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) form the ethics concepts in problem- solving essential in keeping the organizations aligned to moral practices. Problem Identification: Ethical Problem An ethical problem is where a scenario or activity conflicts with the moral principles in society. Therefore, businesses have the responsibility to implement rules and safeguard societal moral principles within their operations. In the case of Carousell, a leading classified marketplace in Greater Southeast Asia, the platform experiences vast ethical problems, which contradicts societal values. It is important to acknowledge that Carousell connects consumers, enabling communication and sale of various types of services or items on their platform. However, some parties use the platform to sell illegal or restricted goods and services. For instance, homework services, assignments, essay notes and other learning materials, which violates the intellectual property (IP) rights. The sale of university materials such as essays, lecture notes, etc., is a wrongdoing that has been recognised over the world; they violate societal values of IP protection and hinders the intention of establishing an ever-learning society. Thus, Carousell faces IP infringement as a critical ethical problem, mainly associated with the sale of essays, lecture notes, assignments, etc. Research: Business Ethics Theories and CSR Theories The business ethics and CSR theories can be mentioned as
  • 11. the backbone for moral business decisions. Teleological, deontological and virtue ethics forms the fundamental of business ethics theories. Teleological ethics is a normative ethical theory that confirms that an action or business practice is good or bad (moral or immoral) based on the outcomes. Thus, the “right” or “wrong” of business practice from the teleological perspective is defined by the results or outcomes; the end justifies the means (Koçyiğit&Karadağ, 2016). perspectives in teleological ethics on whether a business practice is ethical or moral, is by considering the results or outcomes which promote a good result compared to an evil outcomes. (Akrivou&Scalzo, 2020). Deontological ethics emphasize the action rather than the outcomes, confirming that an action is morally good or bad if it adheres to specific moral codes such as equity and objectivity and universalize ideas. Deontological ethics focus on the relationship between the people's morality and their duty. Businesses and decision-makers are morally obligated to specific actions regardless of outcomes or consequences for human welfare (Schwartz, 2017).Thus, the business practices under deontological ethics morality are guided by the ability to fulfil a duty or adhere to a moral rule. Virtue ethics ascertains a moral action is dictated by the moral virtue concept derived from the individual’s character (Koçyiğit&Karadağ, 2016). Therefore, virtue ethics entails focusing on the ethical exemplars an organization ought to imitate as s conformance to objectivist virtues. Tripathy and Sarangi (2017) ascertain that virtue ethics form the background for guiding ethical values such as honesty, integrity, corporate social responsibility, fairness, etc., which influence the overall commitment to moral decisions. Therefore, virtue ethics emphasizes the person's or business' character or adher ence to virtue to evaluate the rightness of an action. Agudelo et al. (2019) confirm that CSR is a historical perspective, such that businesses are obligated to the society in diverse aspects of their operations. Studies ascertain that CSR
  • 12. has evolved over the years; attaining or generating sustainability is a priority. Mohammed (2020) demonstrates that CSR emerges from the concept that businesses have moral or ethical obligations and must respond to social pressures. Thus, CSR encompasses the firm's philanthropic, ethical, legal and economic responsibilities to society (Mohammed, 2020). Corporate Social Performance (CSP) entails the CSR theory emphasizing the need to alter the firm's behaviour to unleash more benefits and less harm on societies and people. The stakeholder theory forms the foundation for CSR, citing the firm's obligation to enhance the efficiency of its relationships with other interconnected parties or stakeholders such as consumers, suppliers, etc.,in the society (Mohammed, 2020). Therefore, business practices guided operation, with every firm obligated to conform to specific moral and society-based principles. (Add in How can this apply in Carousell) Practical Application: Code of Business Practices Code 1: We follow the law and trade regulations Carousell must respect the trade policies, laws, and regulations at the domestic and international levels, such as a disallowing illegal transaction. Strict adherence to the law and trade regulations is an imperative code of business practice to ensure the selling parties trade within the frameworks or guidelines of the law. Notably, this code of practice is based on the deontological perspective such that the business has an intrinsic obligation to adhere to moral rules or duties. Besides, it constitutes a connection of business's legal and ethical responsibility under the CSR theory, requiring adherence to regulations to legitimize its operations (Mohammed, 2020). From the deontological theory, the law obliges organizations or businesses to respect intellectual property rights. However, viewing this code from the teleological perspective, mandatory adherence to the law is not absolute, provided the best outcome is attainable. Thus, it immorally right to consider an action provided it yields the best outcomes
  • 13. (Koçyiğit&Karadağ, 2016).Virtue ethics explore this code as a commitment to an inherent business moral feature or values such as integrity. These perspectives differ from the aspect that the deontological approach is influenced by absolute adherence to the law. The teleological perspective focuses on the outcomes rather than the rule or duty to measure the decency of the business practice, and virtue ethics theory is dictated by business values. Code 2: We review and censor items before posting Carousell reviews the items before approving the sellers ‘postings and then censors those, contravening the organizational values of honesty, integrity, trust, etc. Review and censorship entail the ultimate use of the system-based strategies to examine the posted item and ensure into do not meet the criteria of the student assessments such as university essays, textbooks, homework services, etc. The code of business practice is empowered by virtue ethics, focusing more on the character or business ‘specific attribute rather than action or consequences of the practice (Tripathy&Sarangi, 2017). Reviewing and censoring content enhance adherence to the virtues such as honesty, integrity, trust, etc. From the deontological perspective, reviewing and censoring items would fulfil a business duty to ensure no access to assessments. The teleological view accommodates the outcome element such that censorship would alleviate traffic of assessments on the website and inhibit access to illicit services or assessment materials. Furthermore, this code relates to the Corporate Social Performance (CSP) theory aimed at altering the business behaviour (censorship) to maximize outcomes (protect IP rights). Code 3: We investigate and report illicit practice The organization is committed to supporting a safe and legitimate society; thus, any uncensored illicit practice is subject to investigation and report to the infringed institutions. Carousell is committed to building partnerships within the society and supporting a value-based society by engaging the
  • 14. right partners. This code adopts diverse ethical business practice dimensions; primarily, the teleological perspective emphasizes outcomes (Akrivou&Scalzo, 2020) such as partnership. The teleological viewpoint would result in an ethical position that the rightness or wrongness of an act depends on the magnitude of the results. Based on deontological ethics, this code holds on adherence to the rules such as mandatory reporting of illicit practices. The virtue ethics theory unleashes Carousell's commitment to fulfilling core values such as integrity, honesty, and trust. This code constitutes a salient element of stakeholder theory, bearing an obligation to the stakeholders to create value and build quality relationships (Mohammed, 2020). Justifying the Different Perspectives of Business Practice Codes Notably, businesses may operate regionally or beyond their domestic markets, where they are obligated to limited scope or coverage in business ethics. Therefore, ethical perspectives and the identified business practice codes must be informed by the ethics theories. Grigoropoulos (2019) confirms that the underlying economic, political, social and cultural factors or forces influence ethical business decisions; businesses use these alternatives and decide based on the moral metrics. As a result, it is essential to consider other the identified codes and the ethical perspectives for businesses operating regionally. Notably, the business practice codes can be informed by deontological ethics by dictating options through a rule-based approach. Koçyiğit and Karadağ (2016) confirm that morality based on the deontological ethic entails fulfilling the moral duty or rules through fair, objective and universal actions. Considering that the regional businesses operating are subject to different regulations, the deontological ethics would inform a moral act based on fairness, objectivity and universality principles. Furthermore, virtue ethics would inform a moral action based on the organization's character, demonstrating an action as a replication of inner decency (Koçyiğit&Karadağ,
  • 15. 2016).Therefore; virtue ethics would inform a right action by engraining beliefs, experiences and sensitivity to decision- making. Reliance on the business values such as honesty, trust, integrity is critical informants to businesses. Additionally, teleological ethics would inform enterprises by weighing the consequences of action and then establishing the moral standards that legitimize these outcomes. Benlahcene et al. (2018) emphasize the results irrespective of the business' intention or behaviour. Therefore, teleological ethics would inform the business practice codes by pointing out the most favourable outcomes of moral action. It is essential to acknowledge that ethical practice is a collective of ethical, legal, philanthropist and economic responsibilities. However, organizations or businesses such as Carousell might not be under any legislative obligation to develop codes for contract cheating. As a result, when overlaid with Friedman’s classical perspective in the absence of legislative duty, there can be a different consideration on what constitutes an ethical action. Studies acknowledge that Friedman's classical perspective of corporate social responsibility emphasizes the business-centric views such that an organization has the sole social responsibility of making a profit(Amin-Chaudhry, 2016).Thus, engagement in social welfare activities is solely motivated by the long-term motive to maximize shareholder wealth. Notably, Friedman's perspective in the light of ethics holds that businesses have a sole responsibility to maximize economic efficiency while operating within the limits of the law. As a result, in the absence of the legislative obligation, Friedman's perspective reveals that businesses would operate to the limits that optimize their wealth or economic prowess regardless of the ethical mayhem under consideration. Unlike other approaches like the stakeholder's perspective, Friedman's perspective is business-centric (Amin- Chaudhry, 2016), meaning all decisions must yield some economic value to the business. Schaltegger et al. (2017) ascertain that the stakeholder
  • 16. perspective acknowledges the interconnection between firm and other stakeholders, including a commitment to enhance value of every party directly or indirectly involved in business' operations. Therefore, the stakeholder's perspective could direct the firm to consider other parties' rights and going beyond the law or their legislative obligation to serve all parties. Although there is no absolute right or wrong approach, Freeman's stakeholder perspective yields different results by prioritizing value for other involved partners such as suppliers, customers, communities in the business operations. Conclusions It is essential to acknowledge that business ethics and the ability to alleviate dilemmas require a rational organization seeking to explore beyond its limits. Besides, other than the primary obligation to make a profit, businesses have a responsibility to society, including all the stakeholders such as consumers, suppliers, government, other corporations, etc. Therefore, establishing a quality and moral decision with diverse ethical perspectives is a critical requirement to pursue higher objectives. Furthermore, identifying the prevailing situations and immediate needs form the background for heightening the organization. For instance, it is essential to engrain the deontological perspective to engage the rules and teleological viewpoint to maximi ze positive outcomes and virtue ethics to enhance compliance with and enhance the organizational character. Above all, the stakeholder's perspective remains outstanding to engage and consider all parties in ethical decision-making.
  • 17. References Agudelo L, M. A., Jóhannsdóttir, L., &Davídsdóttir, B. (2019). A literature review of the history and evolution of corporate social responsibility. International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility, 4(1). Akrivou, K., &Scalzo, G. (2020). In search of a Fitting moral psychology for practical wisdom: Exploring a missing link in virtuous management. Business Ethics: A European Review, 29(S1), 33-44. Amin-Chaudhry, A. (2016). Corporate social responsibility – from a Mere concept to an expected business practice. Social Responsibility Journal, 12(1), 190- 207. Benlahcene, A., Zainuddin, R. B., Syakiran, N., & Ismail, A. B. (2018). A narrative review of ethics theories: Teleological & deontological Ethics. Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 23(1), 31-32. Grigoropoulos, J. E. (2019). The role of ethics in 21st century organization. International Journal of Progressive Education, 15(2), 167- 175. Koçyiğit, M., &Karadağ, E. (2016). Developing an ethical
  • 18. tendencies scale based on the theories of ethics. Turkish Journal of Business Ethics, 9(2), 297– 307. sayi/m0091/kocyigit-en.pdf Mohammed, S. (2020). Components, theories and the business case for corporate social responsibility. International Journal of Business and Management Review, 8(2), 37- 65. Schaltegger, S., Hörisch, J., & Freeman, R. E. (2017). Business cases for sustainability: A stakeholder theory perspective. Organization & Environment, 32(3), 191- 212. Schwartz, M. S. (2017). Business ethics: An ethical decision- making approach. John Wiley & Sons. Tripathy, M., &Sarangi, I. (2017). Exercising Concepts of Virtue Ethics in Business Culture. Journal of Business and Management, 19, 26-31. Tripathy, M., &Sarangi, I. (2017). Exercising Concepts of Virtue Ethics in Business Culture. Journal of Business and Management, 19, 26-31.