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think access
Easy for you, easy for visitors

                                  t ouris ns
                                  a ttracti

    Foreword	                                   5       Case study – Bosworth Battlefield, Leicestershire	          76
    About think access 	                        8       Case study – Elms Farm Cottages, Lincolnshire	              80
    What is the benefit to my business? 	      10       Case study – Natureland, Skegness	                          84
    Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 	      17       Case study – Hoe Grange Holidays, Derbyshire	               88
    The Visitor Journey 	                      20       Where to go for more help	                                  92
    Stimulation, planning and anticipation 	   24       Advice from the experts	                                    96
    Ease of booking	                           42
    Travel to the destination	                 48
    The destination experience	                54
    Going home	                                68
    Recollection of the experience	            72

                                                                                                        NEXT PAGE
                                                                               Hi, I’m Peter White, I’m the BBC’s disability 	
       Q-books                                                                 affairs correspondent, but for the purposes 	
       Q-books (Quality Books) are practical online guides to help             of this I belong totally to East Midlands Tourism. 	
       small tourism businesses improve their quality and profitability.       The idea is that we want people to be more relaxed about
       Q-books are produced by East Midlands Tourism. They are                 the subject of disability and to see people who are disabled
       packed with insights about the tourism market, practical ideas          far more as simply members of the community.
       and tips from successful businesses.
                                                                               I think the idea has perhaps got    blind person on the Underground
       Current titles:                                                         around that this is a bit scary –   every day. They’ve had no
       think family                                                            that disability is a subject that   experience; they’ve had no
       think access                                                            you have to be rather wary of.      training. They simply perhaps
                                                                               It shouldn’t be like that and you   know how to do it or are
       Q-books are available in ebook, pdf and large print, text-              don’t have to be a professional     comfortable to have a go at it.
       only formats at                    to be comfortable with disabled     It’s about confidence. It’s about
       Alternative formats are available on request.                           people. You don’t have to go on     seeing disability as part of
                                                                               a course. People help me as a       the community.

                                                                                                                               NEXT PAGE
Most people, if they stop and        What we want to do is to              Why should you bother?
    think about it, know plenty of       encourage people to think in a        Because there’s an ageing             We want you simply to
    disabled people. Most people         more relaxed way about people         population. The baby boomers     provide a relaxing experience for
    have got a gran who is a bit         who come through your doors,          are getting older. They still    your guests. We want considering
    hard of hearing.                     perhaps to your guest house or to     want a good time. They’ve        disability to become just a normal
                                         your attraction, and see them far     got money to spend and you       part of what you do.
    Most people know a child who’s       more as just any other member         ignore them at your peril.
    having a few reading difficulties.   of the community.
    We know people who walk with                                               So we want you to think
    a stick. Disability tends to mean    In exactly the same way ramps         access. That’s what the
    the extremes of disability, which    are helpful, braille is helpful but   Q-book is for. The idea is
    are important and shouldn’t be       these are often expensive, high-      to dip in and out of it, not
    ignored, but that is perhaps a bit   end solutions. What disabled          necessarily to read the whole
    of a stereotype. Four per cent of    people want is to be welcomed,        thing at a session, but to use
    people with disabilities have a      to be treated like the rest of the    it as a resource. And we also
    wheelchair. Far more people are      community and not greeted with        want you to help us. If you’ve
    partially sighted than blind. Far    a rulebook, a guided tour, special    got suggestions, tell us
    more people have a hearing loss,     treatment. What they want is a        about them.
    than are deaf.                       relaxed feel to the whole thing.

                                                                                                                                 NEXT PAGE
            About think access                                                           Many visitors we spoke to simply            would make their holidays and short
                                                                                         want to be asked what they want             breaks more enjoyable.
                                                                                         whenever staff are not sure what
        Some businesses think                  What do we mean when we talk              visitors might need.                        We know you have little time and
        improving access is difficult          about access? We asked visitors                                                       101 things to do. That’s why we’ve
        and expensive. It needn’t be.          to tell us what they expect from          Visitors also want to be recognised as      designed this booklet to be easy to
                                               an accessible tourism business.           individuals. You can’t treat all visitors   use. You can jump straight to the
        Think access has been written          We received lots of ideas.                the same. Visitors each have different      top tips pages for quick reference.
        to help every accommodation                                                      motivations and priorities. They need       You can read it in bite-size chunks,
        and attraction business in             Put simply: access is how easy            services delivering in different ways.      section by section as time allows.
        the East Midlands improve              you make it for visitors to               One size never fits all.                    Or you can work through the booklet
        their accessibility for a wider        experience and enjoy your product.                                                    and study it with your staff.
        range of visitors.                                                               There are many ideas about how
                                               Access covers every aspect of             you can improve your access                 No one running a business can ever
        This includes not just disabled        your product, from how easy it is to      – too many for one booklet. You can         say they have finished making all
        visitors but also families and older   find information before a visit to the    achieve many of the changes we              access adjustments. Achieving the
        people. In fact, it includes all       warmth of welcome from your staff.        suggest at little or no cost. Often the     best access for your visitors is a
        visitors. We want every visitor to                                               smaller changes have the biggest            continuous process.
        feel welcome, to be able to access                                               impact. You will also be able to read
        your service easily and enjoy their                                              case studies of successful tourism          Do please let us know how you
        time in the East Midlands.                                   s         ng is r
                                                                             mi e w M
                                                                                         businesses in the East Midlands and         progress. We will be updating think
                                                                er                ha ,
                                                             og y
                                                            R il
                                                                                    m    watch videos of visitors telling us what    access as we receive your ideas.
                                                         he a m
                                                                         B ir r s L

                                                        T F

                                                                                                                                                    NEXT PAGE

       About think access
             What is the benefit to my business?
                                                                                            Facts you can’t ignore
                                                                                     • The ‘new’ old are young people      • Consumer spending among UK
         East Midlands Tourism is               We need to respond to the             who happen to have got older.          citizens aged 50-69 currently runs
         committed to improving the             Act because accessibility and         Professor Richard Scase                at £300bn a year. Mintel
         quality of every visitor’s             the quality of every visitor’s
         experience.                            experience are inseparable. As       • Forecasts show that the East        • The spending power of disabled
                                                                                      Midlands will have the greatest        people in the UK is estimated to be
                                                an industry we need to think
                                                                                      increase in England in the number      worth £80 billion.
         We recognise that improving            about every aspect of every
                                                                                      of pensioners – a growth of 63.4%
         access for visitors is a significant   visitor’s holiday or short break.
                                                                                      between 2003 and 2028.
                                                                                                                            • From 2004 to 2005 the number of
         and integral part of this. The         It is no good providing accessible                                           overseas visitors to Britain aged
         Disability Discrimination Act          accommodation if there are no                                                55+ increased by 32%. More than
         (DDA) has made the tourism             accessible attractions or there is   • The over 50s buy 40% more            five million visitors from abroad
         industry consider all access           a lack of accessible transport.       holidays than the under 30s. Over      are over 55 – one in six of the total
         issues. However the DDA should                                               50s take an average of five or six     number of 30 million. This growing
         not be the only reason for                                                   breaks a year.                         trend looks likely to continue.
         making changes.                                                              Professor Richard Scase                VisitBritain

                                                    L oo k o u t                     • Impairments and disability            continued...
                                                   f or ke y point s                  increase substantially after
                                                                                      the age of 40.
                                                 on t he se pos t-
                                                 not e s.
                                                                                                                                            NEXT PAGE
    10   What is the benefit to my business?                                                                                                                    11
So what are you waiting for?
                                                                                                                         “Accessibility is absolutely
       Facts you can’t ignore                                                   As an industry we need to reach
                                                                                                                         crucial to the tourism industry
                                                                                out to the many visitors who need
                                                                                                                         because it is the future of the
                                                                                a little extra help. In the East
• There are 54 million Americans        • One in five of the UK population    Midlands, some tourism providers
                                                                                                                         very business. There are more
 with disabilities. Their total             has a physical or sensory                                                    and more older people and with
                                                                                offer excellent accessible facilities.
 spending power is $220 billion.            impairment.                                                                  age comes less ability. Older
                                                                                If the rest of us give more thought
 Robert Rudney, A Disability Market                                                             people will bring business to
 Survey 2003                                                                    to visitors’ access needs and the
                                                                                                                         those in the industry who are
                                                                                needs of families and the ageing
• People are living longer and staying • years old take holidays and short
                                           he majority of children under six
                                                                                population, our region would be
                                                                                                                         ready and willing
 active until much later in life.                                                                                        to provide accessible
                                            breaks with grandparents – an       much more able to respond to the
 Forecasts estimate that by 2025                                                                                         services.”
                                            ideal business opportunity for      changing tourism markets.
 more than a third of the
                                            off-peak seasons.                                                            Keith Richards, ABTA
 UK population will be over 55.

• The singles market is
 the fastest growing sector
 particularly women who are more
 likely to be in the 45-74 age group.
 Professor Richard Scase

                                                                                                                                         NEXT PAGE
12    What is the benefit to my business?                                                                                                                  13
It’s not just about                          Improving access can                    VisitBritain’s recent research          Not all disabilities are obvious
wheelchair users                             sometimes be achieved                   shows that when disabled people         The most common disability is
Do you answer yes to these questions?        at little or no cost at all.            start to plan a holiday or short        backache! Not necessarily obvious
• Do you worry about how much               As you progress through think           break, priorities include:              to you when visitors check in at
   you might have to spend to adapt          access you will pick up tips and        • Good customer service                 your BB or buy their ticket at your
  your premises?                             solutions that other businesses         • Detailed information about           attraction. Consider these other
• Do you think only of ramps when
                                            have successfully implemented.            the whole location                    invisible disabilities:
   accessibility is discussed?                                                       • On-site car parking                   • Asthma
• Do you think it better to do nothing      You will hear visitors talk about the                                           • Heart condition
  than do something and get it wrong?        simple things that can make all the     Proof that accessibility is not         • Allergies
• Do you believe it is too difficult to     difference to how much they enjoy       all about ramps and lifts.              • Dyslexia
  achieve accessibility for your visitors?   their visit.                                                                    • Diabetes
                                                                                                                             • Learning disabilities
Let us change your perceptions.                                                                                              • Partial sight
More people are hard of hearing                                                                                              • Deafness
than deaf. More people are partially                                                                                         • Hearing problems
sighted than blind. Nine out of
ten people will have a temporary                             Re me mbe r,
disability at some point in their lives.                   im prov e d                                          A guest with diabetes, for example, simply
Access matters to all of us.                           a c c e ss be ne f                                     needs to know what time meals are available.

                                                       a ll v isit ors    it s

                                                                                                                                             NEXT PAGE
14    What is the benefit to my business?                                                                                                                       15

Everyone is an individual                Look after their needs and you                 Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)
We are all individuals with              will win their loyalty. They are very
individual needs. Disabled people        loyal to businesses that consider
should never be classified and           their needs. Disabled people are
treated as a single group.               fed up of visiting places that do           Work with the Disability              It is important that as an attraction
                                         not help them. VisitBritain’s recent        Discrimination Act (DDA) 	            or accommodation provider you
You may well have a relative or          research shows that when a tourism          and not because of it.                identify and change anything
friend with poor eyesight or             business meets a disabled person’s                                                which prevents disabled people
hearing or walking problems who          requirements, visitors choose to            The DDA was not written to put        from using your business. This is
would never consider themselves          return again and again.                     people out of business. It provides   good business sense.
disabled. For the majority of tourism                                                the ideal opportunity for you to
    businesses, this is the person you                                               develop your business by making             Use our Visitor Journey
          need to be trying to reach.                                                sure your service is accessible to    This check list will help you
                                                                                     as many visitors as possible.         improve your visitors’ satisfaction
                                                                                                                           and work towards meeting the
                                                                                     Many tourism businesses worry         requirements of the DDA.
                                                        Think o f t he               that complying with the DDA will
                                                      DDA guidelines                 cost a lot of money.

                                                     a s a busine ss
                                                     opport unit y

                                                                                                                                        NEXT PAGE
16   What is the benefit to my business?                                                                                                                     17
In brief: the DDA                      This does not mean that small           Useful information
and your business                      businesses can ignore this              For more information visit
•Don’t ignore what this              legislation. But the law does not
   legislation asks of you             expect businesses to have to            Downloadable pdf guides about the DDA:
• The DDA will help you take          respond to unreasonable requests.       • What do guest accommodation owners need
   a fresh look at the needs of                                                  to know about the law and disability
   all your guests                     Examples of reasonable                  • Theme parks and attractions and the DDA 1995
• Think of complying with the         adjustments
   DDA as a business opportunity       • Using large print for registration	
   – something to add value to           and visitor information               en/publicationsandresources/	
   your business and improve           • Providing a MP3, CD or cassette      Disability/Pages/Services.aspx
   your visitors’ experience and         player for an audio menu
   satisfaction levels                 • Providing phones with large
What do reasonable                     • Providing portable vibrating alarms
adjustments mean?                        for guests who can’t hear an
The DDA expects tourism                  audible fire alarm
businesses to make reasonable          • Providing an alternative low desk
adjustments to meet the requirements     for wheelchair users if you do not
of disabled people. A major hotel        have a low reception desk
chain and large visitor attractions    • Installing lever taps on baths
may need to respond differently to       and washbasins that are easy
a business run by a sole operator.       for all to use
                                                                                                                                 NEXT PAGE
18   Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)                                                                                                     19
             The Visitor Journey

         Repeat business greatly improves profit. Anticipate what your                                            Stimulation,
         visitors want and respond effectively and they are more likely to                          of The 	     planning and 	
         enjoy their visit and recommend you to their friends and family.                         experience      anticipation

         The Visitor Journey is a simple tool     Use this tool and your business
         that helps you to take a visitor’s       can positively influence a visitor’s
         view of what visitors want at every      whole experience, not just the time                     The Visitor
         stage of a holiday or short break.
         There are six stages of the Visitor
                                                  they spend in your accommodation
                                                  or at your attraction.                 going
                                                                                                           Journey  ©

                                                                                         home                             Ease of 
         Journey. The Journey starts when                                                                                 booking
         a visitor first decides to take a trip
         and ends when they return home
         and reminisce about their visit.

                                                                                           The destination
                                                                                             experience               Travel 	
                                                                                                                       to The 	

                                                                                                                             NEXT PAGE
    20    The Visitor Journey   ©
For some parts of the Visitor Journey            and to their overall enjoyment.
your customers are invisible to you.             Applied successfully, the Visitor
But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t              Journey process will improve the
consider how they spend this                     quality of the service you offer. It
time. Make your information easily               will also increase the likelihood of
accessible and visitors will be                  repeat bookings and favourable
more likely to find you and book                 recommendations. Families,
with you. Help visitors with travel              older and disabled visitors are
arrangements and you can add                     particularly loyal to businesses
value to the service you provide                 that meet their needs.

                                                                                        All visitors feel different emotions
     “Wherever we can we have tried to make Natureland as                               at each stage of the Visitor Journey.      The following pages describe in
     accessible as possible. We receive no funding so it is                             For visitors with specific needs,          detail each stage of the Visitor
     important to maximise our opportunities by reaching out to                         emotions can be stronger. When they        Journey. At each point there are
     the widest audience and encouraging more people to visit.”                         plan a trip, visitors are likely to feel   ways that you can make access
                                                                                        frustrated with a lack of information.     easier for everyone and help your
     Richard Yeadon, Natureland, Lincolnshire	                                                                                     business stand out from all the rest.
                                                                                        When they arrive they might feel
     		         Go to the Case studies section                                          anxious about what welcome they’ll
     		         to hear more from Richard                                               receive and whether their needs
                                                                                        will be met. You can help them to
                                                                                        feel more reassured and relaxed at
                                                                                        every stage.
                                                                                                                                                  NEXT PAGE
22        The Visitor Journey   ©
            Stimulation, planning and                                                                                           Understand your visitor
            anticipation                                                               “The first stage of
                                                                                       trying to get the
                                                                                                                                Know your visitors and you’ll be
                                                                                                                                well on the way to knowing the
                                                                                       information to book
         We don’t see visitors at this         • Many visitors we spoke to            the holiday is probably
                                                                                                                                types of information they look for
         stage. But the information              had difficulties finding what                                                  and what will inspire them to book
                                                                                       the hardest.”
         you provide and the                     they needed                                                                    with you. Build a profile of some of
         way you provide it will               • Website descriptions were often                                               your typical visitors. For example:
         determine whether or not 	              incomplete and sometimes              Elizabeth Bowe, East	
         you win their business.                 didn’t match what visitors had        Midlands’ resident                       Seniors
                                                 read in leaflets or brochures                                                  • Couples aged 70+, living within
         Planning a holiday or short break     • Recent audits reveal that a lack   More than any other group, families           a two-hour drive
         can be exciting. But it can also        of appropriate information is the   and disabled visitors can’t risk getting   • Take short but frequent breaks
         be stressful, with visitors feeling     biggest barrier to an accessible    it wrong at this stage. They can’t take      throughout the year
            frustrated with a lack of            holiday or short break in the       any chances.                               • Look for moderate activities
                        detailed information     East Midlands                                                                     within easy access
                           available.                                                They need to check and sometimes           • Able to manage a few steps
                                                                                     double-check every detail. They              but choose accommodation
                                                                                     need to seek additional information          that has step-free access and
                                                                                     to give them reassurance that their          uncluttered rooms
                                                                                     expectations and needs will be met.        • Friendly staff is a key priority,
                                                                                                                                  together with quiet areas for

                                                                                                                                                NEXT PAGE
    24   Stimulation, planning and anticipation                                                                                                                        25
• Appreciate lighter meal options     “We use a variety of methods.        Encourage visitors to phone                 Go to What is the benefit to
• Use the internet to search,         We use the internet and still rely   if they have any unanswered            my business? section for key facts
 but ring for personal contact         on brochures because often you       questions or specific requirements.    about the disabled market. Visit the
 and reassurance                       get a discrepancy between the                                               think family Q-book for insights on
                                       two and you have to double-check.    Here’s the message on Hoe              the family market.
Tailor your information and            As a disabled person                 Grange Holiday’s website:
messages to the profile of your        you can’t just take                                                         Identify your offer
typical visitor. But remember that     the chance.”                         “If you have any specific              Unlike Hilton hotels or Alton Towers
everyone’s needs are different. Your                                        requirements please contact us         theme park, smaller businesses rarely
website and brochures should cover     J
                                        ude Sefton, East                   to discuss your individual needs       have well-known brand identities.
                                       Midlands’ visitor
most of the information people will                                         and we will do our best to fulfil      You may well have a very limited
need. Although it is impossible to                                          them. Everyone is different, so        marketing budget. However that
anticipate every eventuality.                                               please don’t be afraid to ask us for   shouldn’t stop you selling your product
                                                                            information or to provide something    in a way that helps you stand out from
                                                                            new! We are here to help you make      the competition. Maybe you have a
                                                                            the most of your stay.”                reputation for good food, spacious
                                                        Re me mbe r                                                rooms or friendly staff. Make sure that
                                                                                                                   what you are offering is written in a
                                                      t o a sk v isit ors                                          clear, easy-to-understand and exciting
                                                    if t he y hav e                                                way. Try summing up your business
                                                   a ny spec ific                                                  in one sentence or asking existing
                                                                                                                   visitors why they chose you.
                                                  r eq uir e me nt s
                                                                                                                                   NEXT PAGE
26   Stimulation, planning and anticipation
                               and anticipation                                                                                                        27
Improve your information                                                           “We investigated translating our menus into braille. However
All visitors want easy-to-understand                                               because our menus change regularly, we needed a solution
and up-to-date information that is                                                 that could be produced more quickly and more cost-
quick to find. Review your brochure                                                effectively. Also, not all visually impaired people use braille.
and website against the four As                                                    Instead, we now record our lunch and à la carte menus onto
- information that is Accessible,                                                  a MP3 player, which can be used by everyone.”
Available, Accurate, Appropriate.
                                         Can you provide information               A
                                                                                    lan Ritson, The Old Bakery Restaurant with Rooms
                                         in alternative formats? Braille is
“A lot of the                            important for some blind people but     Easy changes:                              • Make numbers clear (3, 5, 8 and
information is not                       two out of three visually impaired      • Use large text. 12 point is the           0 can easily be confused)
focused enough.                          people can read clear or large print       minimum recommended for                 • Avoid justifying text. Large gaps
‘Close to the beach’                     (RNIB 2008). This can be produced          general use. Large print should            can be confusing.
to me means you have to drop             on a computer by changing font size        be at least 14 point. Great for         • Don’t use italics or CAPITALS
onto the beach, but you might            and typeface. Recording information        the visually impaired as well as          for large blocks of text
find it’s half a mile away. It’s about   onto an audiocassette or MP3 will          guests who have forgotten to            • Use pictograms and symbols
terminology and awareness. How           help visitors who don’t read braille       bring their glasses!                      to help users navigate text
do you become aware that ‘close’         or large print. Email is also a cheap   • Use clear typefaces such as             • Use images showing a diverse
to you is not ‘close’ to me?”            and easy way to communicate with          Arial or Univers                           range of visitors at your business
                                         a visually impaired person.             • Use contrasting colours                  	 For more help, order a copy of
  	Geoff Gaisford, East 	                                                       • Avoid using red text                        RNIB’s See it Right guidelines.
    Midlands’ resident

                                                                                                                                             NEXT PAGE
28   Stimulation, planning and anticipation                                                                                                                    29
“We offer information in different       Is your information 	                  Check information                        For accommodation:
languages as well as large print.        up to date and consistent 	            must-haves                               • Clear pictures and details
The braille guidebooks are also          across different sources?              Consider the key information               of rooms and facilities
well-used.”                                                                     that your visitors will need. Price,     • Floor plans and measurements
                                                                                location, facilities and nearby things     (for an example, see
                                       Check your description on tourist        to see and do are key factors when
 lynn Wilton, 	                       board websites. Is it up to date?        visitors choose accommodation.             accessibility.html)
Crich Tramway Village, Derbyshire
                                       How are you described on                 Activities to suit all members of
                                       consumer review sites such as            the group are also important for         For attractions:
                                                  visitor attractions. Make sure these     • Opening and closing times and
                                                                                key details are no more than one or        recommended length of visit
                                       Provide your local tourist information   two clicks from your homepage.           • Must-see activities and events,
                                       centre with a list of your accessible                                               updated regularly
                                       facilities and remember to update                                                 • Wet weather options
                                       them as things change.
                                                                                Other important details to include:
                                                                                • Clear email address and fax number, especially for those who have
                                                                                  difficulties using telephones

                                                                                • Address and travel information (see Travel to the destination
                                                                                  section for more details)
                                                                                • An Access Statement (see page 35)
                                                                                • Assurance of quality through a recognised rating
                                                                                                                                        NEXT PAGE
30   Stimulation, planning and anticipation                                                                                                                   31
Use plain English                           Make your website                      Where to go for help                   • A guide to commissioning
Using plain English is good practice.       accessible                             • Web Content Accessibility            accessible websites – PAS
It also helps people with a learning        If you have an accessible website,      Guidelines (WCAG), Website             78 – available on www.
disability and readers whose first          more people will be able to read it.    Accessibility Initiative (WAI) -
language is not English                     Your potential audience can include     the definitive and internationally
• Use short, easy-to-understand            people with dyslexia or learning        accepted guidelines                   •
                                                                                                                           How to be a web-savvy
   sentences                                disabilities, readers whose first                          accommodation business,
• Avoid words you would never use          language is not English, people                                                 VisitBritain – includes a
   in speech e.g. use ‘near’ instead of     new to the Internet and readers        • See it Right, RNIB – a practical
                                                                                                                           helpful chapter on making
   ‘in the vicinity of’; ‘use’ instead of   with visual impairments.                and achievable guide to most of         sites accessible 	
   ‘utilise’                                                                        WCAG checkpoints                        www.enjoyenglanddirect.
• Less is more. Particularly when                                        	         com/SearchResult.
   writing for websites.                         Accessible sites are easier for    public/documents/ublicWebsite/          aspx?KeyWords=savvy
                                            search engines to find and therefore    public_seeitright.hcsp
                                            often have higher rankings.

                                                                                                                     “Se e it Rig
                                                                                                                       - a n e a syt”  h
                                                                                                                        guide to
                                                                                                                         we bsit e
                                                                                                                     a c c e ssibilit
                                                                                                                                        NEXT PAGE
32    Stimulation, planning and anticipation                                                                                                            33
The WAI guidelines can be daunting       • Avoid long sentences in italics.           “People should write a list of what they have so that we can
but small changes can make a big           They are hard to read on low                see if it meets our needs.”
difference. Here are some easy             resolution screens.                         Access Consumer Research, VisitBritain 2007
changes for your website:                • Structure content in a logical order
• Enable the user to switch to          • Offer a choice of colours and              “We have an Access Statement. It took me a couple of days
   a larger font size                      colour contrast                             to measure everything, but it gives visitors a good idea of
• Have a good contrast between          • Make sure your designers                   what we offer. It is also useful preparation for my National
  text and background                      are familiar with WAI’s web                 Accessible Scheme assessment.”
• Use pictograms e.g. of a car, bus       accessibility guidelines when               Felicity Brown, Hoe Grange Holidays, Derbyshire
             to indicate transport         you upgrade your website or
               information. This helps     commission a new one
               readers with learning
               disabililties, dyslexia   Check your reception service              welcome them. Mystery shop your           on your website and/or in print of the
               or who don’t have         VisitBritain’s recent access research     reception/information desk regularly.     facilities and services you offer. Look
                    English as their     shows that when reception staff are       Make sure all your staff are as aware     at examples from other businesses.
                      first language.    not forthcoming about what facilities     as you about the available facilities     They vary in detail. Start by stating
                                         are available, visitors assume the        and access information.                   some of the basics.
                                         staff have a poor attitude towards
                                         disabled people and would not             Prepare an Access Statement               Examples to look at:
                                                                                   Producing an Access Statement             • www.ellenhousebandbmatlock.
                                                                                   doesn’t have to be difficult. It is – a simple,
                                                                                   simply a clear and honest description       yet informative Statement

                                                                                                                                             NEXT PAGE
34   Stimulation, planning and anticipation                                                                                                                      35
                                      In the East Midlands all businesses    • Lift features e.g. talking, braille,   • Equipment hire e.g. hoist,
  accessibility.html – Hoe Grange      are encouraged to provide an Access      tactile, signage, emergency               wheelchair
  Holidays, Derbyshire                 Statement. VisitBritain requires         procedure                               • Availability of interconnecting
                                      businesses to produce a Statement      • Braille, tactile signage                 rooms
  accessstatements – for               as part of their star rating scheme.   • Facilities provided in                 • Location of accessible
  more information and a                                                        accommodation e.g. teletext TVs,          accommodation and other facilities
  comprehensive template               Information you could put 	              cordless kettles
                                       in your Access Statement 	             • Accessibility of leisure facilities       For more details of what to include,
                                       (National Accessible Scheme,           • Alternative access to building         view the template at www.visitbritain.
  “Even though I’ve seen               VisitBritain)                          • Accessible information: menus,         com/accessstatements
  and read information                 • Public transport provision             brochures, information, website
  on the internet, I still             • Parking facilities and drop off     • Staff training
  have to call and ask                   points                               • Colour contrast of floor, walls,
  specific questions.”                 • Porterage service for luggage         doorways and furniture
                                         or cars                              • Details of adapted accommodation
  Stella Musiyiwa, East 	              • Steps to entrances                  • Policy of acceptance of service
  Midlands’ resident                   • Automatic or revolving doors          dogs
                                       • Ground floor level throughout       • Room service provision e.g.
                                       • Provisions made for changes            24 hours
                                         of level on ground floor             • Waitress service provision
                                       • Numbers of storeys and lift         • Well-lit corridors
                                         positions                            • Mobile phone network availability
                                                                                                                                        NEXT PAGE
36   Stimulation, planning and anticipation                                                                                                                 37
Get a rating                             Assurance Service (VAQAS), which        Benefits of having a                       The NAS information pack is free of
A star rating from either VisitBritain   includes over 800 attractions across    NAS rating                                 charge. At the very least, you should
or the AA puts you immediately           the country.                            • Provides independent reassurance        complete their self-survey form, which
ahead of other businesses offering                                                 that your facilities have been           will help identify any barriers and
similar facilities and service. You      The National Accessible Scheme            assessed to a national standard          highlight any improvements you can
can use the star rating logos in         (NAS), operated by VisitBritain and     • Gives confidence to promote your        make. These improvements are often
your marketing materials and take        Tourism for All UK, awards ratings        facilities to people with disabilities   inexpensive.
advantage of marketing opportunities     to accommodation establishments         • Offers marketing opportunities,         uk/quality/assessmentstandards/
only available to assessed               based on the level of access.             including a listing in Easy Access       nationalaccessiblescheme
accommodation. VisitBritain also         It has three separate standards           Britain – The guide to accessible
runs the Visitor Attraction Quality      each with varying levels for visitors     places to stay. Visitors can also        Update online information
                                         with hearing, mobility and visual         search for NAS accessible                Every year Destination Management
                                         impairments. Currently, only 2%           accommodation on tourist                 Partnerships contact businesses to
                                         of star rated accommodation in            board websites.                          collect information for visitor websites.
                                         England has a NAS rating.                                                          Over time, this will start to include
                                                                                                                            information on accessibility. This
                                                                                                                            is part of a wider European project
                                                                                           Apply f or a                     called OSSATE (One Stop Shop

                                                                                           sta r ra t in                    for Accessible Tourism in Europe)
                                                                                                         g                  - an online mechanism to provide
                                                                                              a sa p!                       additional information to visitors about
                                                                                                                            tourism businesses.

                                                                                                                                             NEXT PAGE
38   Stimulation, planning and anticipation                                                                                                                        39
Get to know your local area             •
                                                                            “Get a copy of the National
Think about other businesses that         Images/National%20Accessible       Accessible Scheme booklet.
visitors will come into contact with.     %20Scheme%20Benefits%20%          It is an excellent guide to
The cafe round the corner, the local      20Advice_tcm12-11482.pdf – the     measurements and taking
taxi firm, nearby attractions. How        benefits of joining the National   those first
can you work together to improve          Accessible Scheme                  steps to being
the experience for those with           • RNIB transcription services     more accessible.”
specific needs?                         	 T 01733 37 53 70
                                        	 F 01733 37 53 79
For example, find out how               	 E               	Carol Emerson,
                                                                               Elms Farm Cottages,
accessible your local pub is.                                                  Lincolnshire
Do they have any steps at the
entrance or inside, wider parking
spaces, space to move between
tables, large-print menus?
                                                                              Ge t a c op
Useful information and                                                          o f t he
websites                                                                      “N a t iona l
•	                                                   Ac c e ssible
 howto.pdf – a guide to writing
 in plain English                                                             Sc he me”
                                                                               bookle t
                                                                                                           NEXT PAGE
40   Stimulation, planning and anticipation                                                                            41
            Ease of booking                                                  Like every customer, disabled           “The proprietor was very friendly
                                                                             visitors must have accurate answers     and helpful. When I asked about
         Booking can be an anxious    Some visitors, particularly those      to their specific questions. It’s       the layout of the room and the
         time for visitors. Speed     with disabilities, are anxious about   important that you provide top-         space to the side of the bed, she
         of booking is important      the accuracy of information. They      quality information.                    actually went to measure so that
         but many visitors also       worry whether the experience will                                              she could be very accurate in
         want accurate answers to     live up to expectations. You can       Make pricing clear                      her description.”
         specific questions. They     build your visitors’ confidence by     • Make sure prices are easy to find
         need reassurance that your   providing a thoughtful service at          on your website (within two or      Experiential audit, 	
         business is friendly and     the booking stage. You can help            three clicks) and consistent with   Nottinghamshire 2008
         welcoming to their needs.    visitors start to look forward to          your brochure
                                      their trip.                            •   
                                                                                 Be clear about what is included     • Make sure that disabled guests
                                                                                 and excluded                            don’t pay a premium rate to stay
                                                                                 If you vary prices by season or         in an accessible room
                                                                                 times of the week, be careful not   •   
                                                                                                                         Consider flexible family tickets
                                                                                 to confuse                              that allow for different numbers
                                                                                 Don’t charge for facilities and         of adults and children, including
                                                                                 services that could be considered       grandparents and carers. In some
                                                                                 as discrimination under the DDA.        attractions, carers go free.
                                                                                 For example, you can’t charge for
                                                                                 a braille menu.

                                                                                                                                     NEXT PAGE
    42   Ease of booking                                                                                                                                 43
• Do a quick price comparison with
                                          “Telephone conversations are          “We encourage guests to fill              Build a relationship
    your competitors. You don’t have       hard as people don’t talk into        out a booking form to capture             Use the booking as a time to get
    to charge the same, but you do         the mouthpiece well and their         any specific requests before              to know your visitors and ask
    need to show that you offer value      pitch/tone is often hard to hear.     they arrive. We have a large              about any particular requirements
    for money.                             I usually start the phone call        font version.”                            – vegetarian food, arriving early,
    Review cancellation charges.           and then have to get my wife to                                                 celebrating a special occasion etc.
    For example, are they flexible for     finish it off.”                       Lynne Tipper, The 	
                                                                                                                           If you handle the booking process
    disabled people who may need to                                              Chatsworth, Lincolnshire                  well, your customers will feel you
    change arrangements at the last                                                                                        value them. If you don’t they will feel
                                           		Access Consumer
    minute because of illness? Can            Research, VisitBritain           Don’t lose customers                        like an anonymous booking number.
    you be flexible for carers too?           2007                             
                                                                               If you don’t have availability, consider:
                                                                               • Asking visitors if their dates are
 rovide different booking
P                                                                                 flexible                                  “When reserving the
                                         Make sure you test your booking       • Developing relationships with
                                                                                                                           accommodation, I ask our

Provide as many different ways           methods on a regular basis. How          nearby star rated, accessible             guests if they have any specific
of booking as you can manage             many clicks does it take to book         accommodation you can                     needs. I give directions, ask if
(phone, online, email, third party       online? Any more than three and          recommend                                 they need a taxi and if they are
websites). Your visitors will each       visitors might move onto someone      • Asking about what facilities and
                                                                                                                           staying with us to celebrate a
have different preferences.              else’s website.                          services they want, sending them          special occasion. I also enquire
                                                                                  a brochure and asking if you can          how they heard about Browns.”
                                                                                  keep their details on your database
                                                                                                                            Joan Brown, Browns,

                                                                                                                                           NEXT PAGE
44     Ease of booking                                                                                                                                         45
Confirm and build
                       excitement                                 “We like to find out what visitors are interested in and then I send
                       All visitors need to feel confident        them relevant brochures e.g. walking, golf, churches.”
                       that their booking has been made
                       and their details are correct.             Carol Emerson, Elms 	
                                                                  Farm Cottages, Lincolnshire
                       Disabled people in particular also
                       need reassurance that any specific            Go to the Case studies section
                       requests have been registered                 to hear more from Carol

                       and can be delivered. How do you
                       currently do this? Your follow-up
                       communication (in the format that the
                       visitor has specified they prefer) could
                       also include:
                       • Directions and instructions
                         on arrival (see Travel to the
                         destination section)
                       • Specific facilities or services you
                         might offer e.g. shopping service for
                         items they want when they arrive
                       • nformation about the surrounding
                         area, nearby attractions and
                         events - depending on the reason
                         for their visit
                                                                                                                      NEXT PAGE
46   Ease of booking                                                                                                                     47
             Travel to the destination                                                Help with information                     • Full address and prominent
                                                                                      Use your local knowledge to offer             postcode for Sat Nav and online
                                                                                      clear directions and advice on travel         route planners
         As an accommodation or            It’s particularly stressful for visitors   options. This is especially important     •   
                                                                                                                                    Clear instructions for arrival by
         attraction business you might     with disabilities.                         if you’re in an isolated location. Bear       car, train, bus and taxi
         think that you don’t have any                                                in mind that your guests may be           •   
                                                                                                                                    Distance and directions from
         influence over this stage. But    Many disabled people have to plan          arriving when it’s dark.                      nearest rail and bus stations
         you can help.                     their travel well in advance. Most                                                   •   
                                                                                                                                    Links to rail and bus routes and
                                           public transport operators require at      Your website should have a                    timetables
         Travelling can be stressful,      least 24 hours notice for assistance.      prominent Travel page. You might          •   
                                                                                                                                    Railcard information e.g. Disabled
         especially with children and/or   Some travellers can find journeys          also consider sending an email                Person’s Railcard, Family Railcard
         a lot of luggage.                 tiring and may need to stop several        with more tailored instructions.          •   
                                                                                                                                    Taxi numbers of companies with
                                           times for comfort breaks.                  Information to consider:                      accessible taxis plus estimated
                                                                                                                                    costs from key stations
                                                                                                                                    Average driving times and mileage
                                                                                                                                    from key cities and towns
                                                                                                                                    Convenient refreshment stops
                                                                                                                                    and things to see and do en route.
                                                                                                                                    Have you done your homework
                                                                                                                                    to find out how accessible these
                                                                                                                                    are too?

                                                                                                                                                NEXT PAGE
    48   Travel to the destination                                                                                                                                 49
• Real time traffic information e.g.
                                       Make the arrival easy                     Asking for an approximate time of          National Express East Coast, 	             Let visitors know what to expect on       arrival will help you to manage the next   www.nationalexpresseastcoast.          arrival. For example:                     stage of the Visitor Journey. But be       com/en/Onboard-Our-Trains1/
    travel_news.jsp AA Roadwatch        • Designated wider space(s) for
                                                                                 aware that disabled people might have      General-Information-Assisted-
    Accessible public transport           disabled, older and family visitors     to stop more frequently en route so        Travel/General-Information/
    and station facilities (see         • If you don’t have easily accessible    may need more flexibility.                 Assisted Travel team 08457 225225
    useful websites right), including     parking, let visitors know where
    accessible taxis                      the nearest Blue Badge parking          Accessible transport                       National Express
                                          is. Find your nearest spaces,           information                      
                                          how much they cost or                                                              choose/disabled.cfm
                                          whether they are free at                East Midlands Trains
                                        • The length of route from the car to
                                          the entrance and type of path e.g.      DPPPandAccessibility.htm
                                          gravel, tarmac                          Assisted travel bookings
                                        • Arrangements for visitors to drop off
                                                                                 08457 221 125
                                          luggage early

50     Travel to destination
                 the destination
                                                                                  GH                                                       NEXT PAGE
East Midlands Airport – Nottingham,     A Senior Railcard costs £24 and           Rail station accessibility maps
Leicester, Derby                        gives those aged 60 and over 1/3          Maps showing which stations have        services/disabled_passengers/            off standard and first class rail fares   access to platforms without using       accessibility_maps.htm
emaweb.nsf/Content/Access               throughout Great Britain.                 steps and an idea of staffing levels.
General enquiries for disabled people
0871 919 9000                           A Family Railcard costs £24 and
                                        gives 1/3 off adult fares and 60%
Railcards                               off kid’s fares on travel throughout
A Disabled Person’s Railcard costs      Great Britain.
£18 and gives 1/3 off most standard
and first class fares throughout        These are the current prices for March
Great Britain.                          2008. To check latest prices go to

                                                                                                                                        NEXT PAGE
52   Travel to the destination                                                                                                                           53
            The destination experience                                         Make a good first
                                                                                                                      • Are accessible car parking spaces
                                                                                                                          easy to locate and within easy
                                                                               Easy changes:                              reach of the entrance?
                                                                               • Is your entrance clearly marked?    •   
                                                                                                                          Are buildings and grounds in a
         After booking and travelling,    Will visitors find everything        • Are your star rating/National
                                                                                                                         good state of repair?
         visitors are now half way        they were guaranteed over the          Accessible Scheme/VAQAS              •   
                                                                                                                          Are paths free of weeds and
         through their Visitor Journey.   phone, on your website and in          logos prominent (subject to              trip hazards?
         You now see them for the         your brochure?                         planning permission)?                •   
                                                                                                                          If you have steps to the entrance,
         first time. Their anticipation                                                                                   do you have handrails to help
         is high. Will your promises      It is now time for you to deliver.     “What I’d like staff to do is just       guests who are unsteady on their
         live up to expectations?                                                be more relaxed about my                 feet - from young toddlers to visitors
                                          First impressions are created          arrival. The greeting, meeting           with arthritis?
                                          even before visitors meet              and the treating are what            •   
                                                                                                                          Is the door easy to open and
                                          you at the reception desk or           makes the trip the                       are doormats flush with the
                                          ticket booth.                          most successful                          floor surface?
                                                                                 experience that                      •   
                                                                                                                          Can visitors call ahead for
                                                                                 you could have.”                         assistance and are you or your staff
                                                                                                                          always there to meet and greet?

                                                                                 Peter White, BBC
                                                                                                                          Do you offer to bring in
                                                                                 disability affairs
                                                                                                                          luggage for guests?
                                                                                 correspondent                        •   
                                                                                                                          Do you offer refreshments
                                                                                                                          on arrival?
                                                                                                                          Is the experience all you
                                                                                                                          have promised?
                                                                                                                                          NEXT PAGE
    54   The destination experience                                                                                                                          55
“If staff know you
                                        Deliver a positive welcome               • Be prepared to write down
                                                                                                                         • Make provisions for visitors in
                                        All visitors like to be acknowledged         information for visitors with          wheelchairs and those of us who
             are arriving, the little
                                        and welcomed. They might be                  a hearing impairment                   are not six foot tall by offering
             things make all the
 difference – to open a door
                                        feeling stressed after a difficult       •   
                                                                                     Be ready to complete forms on          a clipboard or a low counter or
                                        journey when they were stuck in              behalf of guests                       table. Better still, let visitors check
 and to bring in some baggage.
 Because if I’ve got mother on
                                        traffic, held up by a late connection    •   
                                                                                     Consider buying an induction loop.     in when they are in their room.
                                        or simply exhausted with impatient           A portable hearing loop system for
 one arm, handbag on the other,
                                        children or carrying bulky equipment.        counters and desks costs around      Review your information:
 I haven’t got any hands to bring
 in a suitcase as well.”
                                        A warm friendly smile, reassuring            £130,          • Reassure visitors about any
                                        information and easy check-in/               Can you join together with local       special arrangements they made
                                        ticketing procedures will go a long          businesses or associations and         when they booked
 Sue Wilson, East Midlands’
                                        way to make visitors feel relieved           buy some equipment to share?         • Provide information on key facilities
                                        and relaxed.                                                                        and emergency procedures
                                                                                                                           • Ask all visitors if they have any
                                        Review your arrival area:                                                             specific needs or anything you
                                        • Make sure the entrance and
                                                                                                                               can help them with
                                          reception/ticket office are well lit
                                        • Provide a seat close to the
   Re me mbe r                            reception area/ticket office
  to be on ha nd                        • Consider fast-tracking for those
                                          who can’t stand in long queues
 to gre e t v isitor
                                                                                                                                             NEXT PAGE
56   The destination experience                                                                                                                                 57
• Make sure all staff are aware of
                                         Deliver a friendly service             Some areas to consider:                  • At the very least, encourage staff
    visitors with specific needs                                                 • Make sure staff are easily
                                                                                                                           to read the Department for Work
    Be careful not to overload visitors    “You can have the most                  identifiable                             and Pension’s quick tips about
    with information at this stage.        physically accessible building        • Empower staff to respond to
                                                                                                                           customers with disabilities
    You can provide extra information      in the world, but if you don’t get      situations. Customers often don’t
    in rooms or in your attraction’s       the motivation and training of          care who answers their question          dda/customers_hints.asp
    leaflet.                               staff right and that awareness of       as long as they get an answer.
                                           people’s needs whether they are       • Give staff time to speak to visitors
                                           disabled or not, you haven’t got an     and encourage staff to ask how
                                           accessible inclusive environment.”      they can help
                                                                                 • Undertake disability and inclusion
                                                                                   awareness training. Peter White
                                           SRA consumer research                   highlights that you don’t need
                                                                                   formal training to be able to give
                                                                                   good customer service to disabled
                                          Research shows that where                people. However courses such as
                                          there is a high level of awareness       Welcome All can give staff more
                                          and customer service, disabled           confidence and help them feel more
                                          visitors have the most positive          relaxed. Contact your Destination
                                          holiday experiences.                     Management Partnership for
                                                                                   more details.

                                                                                                                                         NEXT PAGE
58     The destination experience                                                                                                                           59
Provide a consistent level               • Ask staff to research local
                                                                                 During an access audit in                “Have a
of service                                   transport, places to eat and         the East Midlands                        recognition and
Delivering a consistent level of             attractions and find out which       “I alerted the receptionist that I was   awareness of
customer service, with good product          are the most accessible/family-      unable to climb stairs and would         needs. Everyone
knowledge can be challenging,                friendly/best value etc              need assistance in the event of an       who has a disability or
especially when you have seasonal        •   
                                             Arrange staff visits to nearby       emergency. She replied: ‘We are not      particular need doesn’t wear
staff and regular changes of shift.          attractions and accommodation        legally responsible to get you out, we   a badge, so you have to be
Some ideas:                                  so they can talk about them          are just obliged to point out the fire   vigilant. Training is important.”
• Make sure all staff are familiar
                                            knowledgeably                        notices/routes.’ I asked if they had
  with your facilities and information                                            any refuge areas or an evacuation        	           R
                                                                                                                                        onnie Clark, Holiday
  and any possible problem areas                                                  chair and was told that they had                     Inn Rugby/Northampton

• Give all staff a copy of your
                                            “If a guest is late for a meal,      nothing like that.
  Access Statement so they can               staff will go to their room to see
  see at a glance the facilities and         if they can assist.”                 I later spoke to the manager. He
  services you offer                                                              confirmed that they did have an
                                             Lynne Tipper, The Chatsworth,
                                                                                  evacuation chair and that procedures
                                             Lincolnshire                         were in place to ensure I would be
                                                                                  assisted to a place of safety. He
                                                                                  said they were legally responsible
                                                                                  to make sure I was safe.”

                                                                                                                                        NEXT PAGE
60   The destination experience                                                                                                                                61
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Think access-q-book-4
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Think access-q-book-4
Think access-q-book-4
Think access-q-book-4
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Think access-q-book-4

  • 1. Q-book think access Easy for you, easy for visitors t t ouris ns o a ttracti
  • 2. Contents Foreword 5 Case study – Bosworth Battlefield, Leicestershire 76 About think access 8 Case study – Elms Farm Cottages, Lincolnshire 80 What is the benefit to my business? 10 Case study – Natureland, Skegness 84 Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 17 Case study – Hoe Grange Holidays, Derbyshire 88 The Visitor Journey 20 Where to go for more help 92 Stimulation, planning and anticipation 24 Advice from the experts 96 Ease of booking 42 Travel to the destination 48 The destination experience 54 Going home 68 Recollection of the experience 72 NEXT PAGE
  • 3. . Foreword Hi, I’m Peter White, I’m the BBC’s disability Q-books affairs correspondent, but for the purposes Q-books (Quality Books) are practical online guides to help of this I belong totally to East Midlands Tourism. small tourism businesses improve their quality and profitability. The idea is that we want people to be more relaxed about Q-books are produced by East Midlands Tourism. They are the subject of disability and to see people who are disabled packed with insights about the tourism market, practical ideas far more as simply members of the community. and tips from successful businesses. I think the idea has perhaps got blind person on the Underground Current titles: around that this is a bit scary – every day. They’ve had no think family that disability is a subject that experience; they’ve had no think access you have to be rather wary of. training. They simply perhaps It shouldn’t be like that and you know how to do it or are Q-books are available in ebook, pdf and large print, text- don’t have to be a professional comfortable to have a go at it. only formats at to be comfortable with disabled It’s about confidence. It’s about Alternative formats are available on request. people. You don’t have to go on seeing disability as part of a course. People help me as a  the community. NEXT PAGE Q-books
  • 4. Most people, if they stop and What we want to do is to Why should you bother? think about it, know plenty of encourage people to think in a Because there’s an ageing We want you simply to disabled people. Most people more relaxed way about people population. The baby boomers provide a relaxing experience for have got a gran who is a bit who come through your doors, are getting older. They still your guests. We want considering hard of hearing. perhaps to your guest house or to want a good time. They’ve disability to become just a normal your attraction, and see them far got money to spend and you part of what you do. Most people know a child who’s more as just any other member ignore them at your peril. having a few reading difficulties. of the community. We know people who walk with So we want you to think a stick. Disability tends to mean In exactly the same way ramps access. That’s what the the extremes of disability, which are helpful, braille is helpful but Q-book is for. The idea is are important and shouldn’t be these are often expensive, high- to dip in and out of it, not ignored, but that is perhaps a bit end solutions. What disabled necessarily to read the whole of a stereotype. Four per cent of people want is to be welcomed, thing at a session, but to use people with disabilities have a to be treated like the rest of the it as a resource. And we also wheelchair. Far more people are community and not greeted with want you to help us. If you’ve partially sighted than blind. Far a rulebook, a guided tour, special got suggestions, tell us more people have a hearing loss, treatment. What they want is a about them. than are deaf. relaxed feel to the whole thing. NEXT PAGE Foreword
  • 5. . About think access Many visitors we spoke to simply would make their holidays and short want to be asked what they want breaks more enjoyable. whenever staff are not sure what Some businesses think What do we mean when we talk visitors might need. We know you have little time and improving access is difficult about access? We asked visitors 101 things to do. That’s why we’ve and expensive. It needn’t be. to tell us what they expect from Visitors also want to be recognised as designed this booklet to be easy to an accessible tourism business. individuals. You can’t treat all visitors use. You can jump straight to the Think access has been written We received lots of ideas. the same. Visitors each have different top tips pages for quick reference. to help every accommodation motivations and priorities. They need You can read it in bite-size chunks, and attraction business in Put simply: access is how easy services delivering in different ways. section by section as time allows. the East Midlands improve you make it for visitors to One size never fits all. Or you can work through the booklet their accessibility for a wider experience and enjoy your product. and study it with your staff. range of visitors. There are many ideas about how Access covers every aspect of you can improve your access No one running a business can ever This includes not just disabled your product, from how easy it is to – too many for one booklet. You can say they have finished making all visitors but also families and older find information before a visit to the achieve many of the changes we access adjustments. Achieving the people. In fact, it includes all warmth of welcome from your staff. suggest at little or no cost. Often the best access for your visitors is a visitors. We want every visitor to smaller changes have the biggest continuous process. feel welcome, to be able to access impact. You will also be able to read your service easily and enjoy their case studies of successful tourism Do please let us know how you time in the East Midlands. s ng is r mi e w M businesses in the East Midlands and progress. We will be updating think er ha , og y R il m watch videos of visitors telling us what access as we receive your ideas. he a m B ir r s L T F M NEXT PAGE About think access
  • 6. . What is the benefit to my business? Facts you can’t ignore • The ‘new’ old are young people • Consumer spending among UK East Midlands Tourism is We need to respond to the who happen to have got older. citizens aged 50-69 currently runs committed to improving the Act because accessibility and Professor Richard Scase at £300bn a year. Mintel quality of every visitor’s the quality of every visitor’s experience. experience are inseparable. As • Forecasts show that the East • The spending power of disabled Midlands will have the greatest people in the UK is estimated to be an industry we need to think increase in England in the number worth £80 billion. We recognise that improving about every aspect of every of pensioners – a growth of 63.4% access for visitors is a significant visitor’s holiday or short break. between 2003 and 2028. • From 2004 to 2005 the number of and integral part of this. The It is no good providing accessible overseas visitors to Britain aged Disability Discrimination Act accommodation if there are no 55+ increased by 32%. More than (DDA) has made the tourism accessible attractions or there is • The over 50s buy 40% more five million visitors from abroad industry consider all access a lack of accessible transport. holidays than the under 30s. Over are over 55 – one in six of the total issues. However the DDA should 50s take an average of five or six number of 30 million. This growing not be the only reason for breaks a year. trend looks likely to continue. making changes. Professor Richard Scase VisitBritain L oo k o u t • Impairments and disability continued... f or ke y point s increase substantially after the age of 40. on t he se pos t- it not e s. NEXT PAGE 10 What is the benefit to my business? 11
  • 7. So what are you waiting for? “Accessibility is absolutely Facts you can’t ignore As an industry we need to reach crucial to the tourism industry out to the many visitors who need because it is the future of the a little extra help. In the East • There are 54 million Americans • One in five of the UK population Midlands, some tourism providers very business. There are more with disabilities. Their total has a physical or sensory and more older people and with offer excellent accessible facilities. spending power is $220 billion. impairment. age comes less ability. Older If the rest of us give more thought Robert Rudney, A Disability Market people will bring business to Survey 2003 to visitors’ access needs and the those in the industry who are needs of families and the ageing • People are living longer and staying • years old take holidays and short T he majority of children under six population, our region would be ready and willing active until much later in life. to provide accessible breaks with grandparents – an much more able to respond to the Forecasts estimate that by 2025 services.” ideal business opportunity for changing tourism markets. more than a third of the off-peak seasons. Keith Richards, ABTA UK population will be over 55. www.q-bookeastmidlands VisitBritain • The singles market is the fastest growing sector particularly women who are more likely to be in the 45-74 age group. Professor Richard Scase NEXT PAGE 12 What is the benefit to my business? 13
  • 8. It’s not just about Improving access can VisitBritain’s recent research Not all disabilities are obvious wheelchair users  sometimes be achieved shows that when disabled people The most common disability is Do you answer yes to these questions? at little or no cost at all. start to plan a holiday or short backache! Not necessarily obvious • Do you worry about how much As you progress through think break, priorities include: to you when visitors check in at you might have to spend to adapt access you will pick up tips and • Good customer service your BB or buy their ticket at your your premises? solutions that other businesses • Detailed information about attraction. Consider these other • Do you think only of ramps when have successfully implemented. the whole location invisible disabilities: accessibility is discussed? • On-site car parking • Asthma • Do you think it better to do nothing You will hear visitors talk about the • Heart condition than do something and get it wrong? simple things that can make all the Proof that accessibility is not • Allergies • Do you believe it is too difficult to difference to how much they enjoy all about ramps and lifts. • Dyslexia achieve accessibility for your visitors? their visit. • Diabetes • Learning disabilities Let us change your perceptions. • Partial sight More people are hard of hearing • Deafness than deaf. More people are partially • Hearing problems sighted than blind. Nine out of ten people will have a temporary Re me mbe r, disability at some point in their lives. im prov e d A guest with diabetes, for example, simply Access matters to all of us. a c c e ss be ne f needs to know what time meals are available. a ll v isit ors it s NEXT PAGE 14 What is the benefit to my business? 15
  • 9. . Everyone is an individual Look after their needs and you Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) We are all individuals with will win their loyalty. They are very individual needs. Disabled people loyal to businesses that consider should never be classified and their needs. Disabled people are treated as a single group. fed up of visiting places that do Work with the Disability It is important that as an attraction not help them. VisitBritain’s recent Discrimination Act (DDA) or accommodation provider you You may well have a relative or research shows that when a tourism and not because of it. identify and change anything friend with poor eyesight or business meets a disabled person’s which prevents disabled people hearing or walking problems who requirements, visitors choose to The DDA was not written to put from using your business. This is would never consider themselves return again and again. people out of business. It provides good business sense. disabled. For the majority of tourism the ideal opportunity for you to businesses, this is the person you develop your business by making Use our Visitor Journey need to be trying to reach. sure your service is accessible to This check list will help you as many visitors as possible. improve your visitors’ satisfaction and work towards meeting the Many tourism businesses worry requirements of the DDA. Think o f t he that complying with the DDA will DDA guidelines cost a lot of money. a s a busine ss opport unit y NEXT PAGE 16 What is the benefit to my business? 17
  • 10. In brief: the DDA This does not mean that small Useful information and your business businesses can ignore this For more information visit •Don’t ignore what this legislation. But the law does not legislation asks of you expect businesses to have to Downloadable pdf guides about the DDA: • The DDA will help you take respond to unreasonable requests. • What do guest accommodation owners need a fresh look at the needs of to know about the law and disability all your guests Examples of reasonable • Theme parks and attractions and the DDA 1995 • Think of complying with the adjustments DDA as a business opportunity • Using large print for registration – something to add value to and visitor information en/publicationsandresources/ your business and improve • Providing a MP3, CD or cassette Disability/Pages/Services.aspx your visitors’ experience and player for an audio menu satisfaction levels • Providing phones with large buttons What do reasonable • Providing portable vibrating alarms adjustments mean? for guests who can’t hear an The DDA expects tourism audible fire alarm businesses to make reasonable • Providing an alternative low desk adjustments to meet the requirements for wheelchair users if you do not of disabled people. A major hotel have a low reception desk chain and large visitor attractions • Installing lever taps on baths may need to respond differently to and washbasins that are easy a business run by a sole operator. for all to use NEXT PAGE 18 Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 19
  • 11. . The Visitor Journey Repeat business greatly improves profit. Anticipate what your Stimulation, Recollection visitors want and respond effectively and they are more likely to of The planning and enjoy their visit and recommend you to their friends and family. experience anticipation The Visitor Journey is a simple tool Use this tool and your business that helps you to take a visitor’s can positively influence a visitor’s view of what visitors want at every whole experience, not just the time The Visitor stage of a holiday or short break. There are six stages of the Visitor they spend in your accommodation or at your attraction. going Journey  © home Ease of Journey. The Journey starts when booking a visitor first decides to take a trip and ends when they return home and reminisce about their visit. The destination experience Travel to The destination NEXT PAGE 20 The Visitor Journey © 21
  • 12. For some parts of the Visitor Journey and to their overall enjoyment. your customers are invisible to you. Applied successfully, the Visitor But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t Journey process will improve the consider how they spend this quality of the service you offer. It time. Make your information easily will also increase the likelihood of accessible and visitors will be repeat bookings and favourable more likely to find you and book recommendations. Families, with you. Help visitors with travel older and disabled visitors are arrangements and you can add particularly loyal to businesses value to the service you provide that meet their needs. All visitors feel different emotions “Wherever we can we have tried to make Natureland as at each stage of the Visitor Journey. The following pages describe in accessible as possible. We receive no funding so it is For visitors with specific needs, detail each stage of the Visitor important to maximise our opportunities by reaching out to emotions can be stronger. When they Journey. At each point there are the widest audience and encouraging more people to visit.” plan a trip, visitors are likely to feel ways that you can make access frustrated with a lack of information. easier for everyone and help your Richard Yeadon, Natureland, Lincolnshire business stand out from all the rest. When they arrive they might feel Go to the Case studies section anxious about what welcome they’ll to hear more from Richard receive and whether their needs will be met. You can help them to feel more reassured and relaxed at every stage. NEXT PAGE 22 The Visitor Journey © 23
  • 13. . Stimulation, planning and Understand your visitor anticipation “The first stage of trying to get the Know your visitors and you’ll be well on the way to knowing the information to book We don’t see visitors at this • Many visitors we spoke to the holiday is probably types of information they look for stage. But the information had difficulties finding what and what will inspire them to book the hardest.” you provide and the they needed with you. Build a profile of some of way you provide it will • Website descriptions were often your typical visitors. For example: determine whether or not incomplete and sometimes Elizabeth Bowe, East you win their business. didn’t match what visitors had Midlands’ resident Seniors read in leaflets or brochures • Couples aged 70+, living within Planning a holiday or short break • Recent audits reveal that a lack More than any other group, families a two-hour drive can be exciting. But it can also of appropriate information is the and disabled visitors can’t risk getting • Take short but frequent breaks be stressful, with visitors feeling biggest barrier to an accessible it wrong at this stage. They can’t take throughout the year frustrated with a lack of holiday or short break in the any chances. • Look for moderate activities detailed information East Midlands within easy access available. They need to check and sometimes • Able to manage a few steps double-check every detail. They but choose accommodation need to seek additional information that has step-free access and to give them reassurance that their uncluttered rooms expectations and needs will be met. • Friendly staff is a key priority, together with quiet areas for relaxing NEXT PAGE 24 Stimulation, planning and anticipation 25
  • 14. • Appreciate lighter meal options “We use a variety of methods. Encourage visitors to phone Go to What is the benefit to • Use the internet to search, We use the internet and still rely if they have any unanswered my business? section for key facts but ring for personal contact on brochures because often you questions or specific requirements. about the disabled market. Visit the and reassurance get a discrepancy between the think family Q-book for insights on two and you have to double-check. Here’s the message on Hoe the family market. Tailor your information and As a disabled person Grange Holiday’s website: messages to the profile of your you can’t just take Identify your offer typical visitor. But remember that the chance.” “If you have any specific Unlike Hilton hotels or Alton Towers everyone’s needs are different. Your requirements please contact us theme park, smaller businesses rarely website and brochures should cover J ude Sefton, East to discuss your individual needs have well-known brand identities. Midlands’ visitor most of the information people will and we will do our best to fulfil You may well have a very limited need. Although it is impossible to them. Everyone is different, so marketing budget. However that anticipate every eventuality. please don’t be afraid to ask us for shouldn’t stop you selling your product information or to provide something in a way that helps you stand out from new! We are here to help you make the competition. Maybe you have a the most of your stay.” reputation for good food, spacious Re me mbe r rooms or friendly staff. Make sure that what you are offering is written in a t o a sk v isit ors clear, easy-to-understand and exciting if t he y hav e way. Try summing up your business a ny spec ific in one sentence or asking existing visitors why they chose you. r eq uir e me nt s NEXT PAGE 26 Stimulation, planning and anticipation and anticipation 27
  • 15. Improve your information “We investigated translating our menus into braille. However All visitors want easy-to-understand because our menus change regularly, we needed a solution and up-to-date information that is that could be produced more quickly and more cost- quick to find. Review your brochure effectively. Also, not all visually impaired people use braille. and website against the four As Instead, we now record our lunch and à la carte menus onto - information that is Accessible, a MP3 player, which can be used by everyone.” Available, Accurate, Appropriate. Can you provide information A lan Ritson, The Old Bakery Restaurant with Rooms in alternative formats? Braille is “A lot of the important for some blind people but Easy changes: • Make numbers clear (3, 5, 8 and information is not two out of three visually impaired • Use large text. 12 point is the 0 can easily be confused) focused enough. people can read clear or large print minimum recommended for • Avoid justifying text. Large gaps ‘Close to the beach’ (RNIB 2008). This can be produced general use. Large print should can be confusing. to me means you have to drop on a computer by changing font size be at least 14 point. Great for • Don’t use italics or CAPITALS onto the beach, but you might and typeface. Recording information the visually impaired as well as for large blocks of text find it’s half a mile away. It’s about onto an audiocassette or MP3 will guests who have forgotten to • Use pictograms and symbols terminology and awareness. How help visitors who don’t read braille bring their glasses! to help users navigate text do you become aware that ‘close’ or large print. Email is also a cheap • Use clear typefaces such as • Use images showing a diverse to you is not ‘close’ to me?” and easy way to communicate with Arial or Univers range of visitors at your business a visually impaired person. • Use contrasting colours For more help, order a copy of Geoff Gaisford, East • Avoid using red text RNIB’s See it Right guidelines. Midlands’ resident NEXT PAGE 28 Stimulation, planning and anticipation 29
  • 16. “We offer information in different Is your information Check information For accommodation: languages as well as large print. up to date and consistent must-haves • Clear pictures and details The braille guidebooks are also across different sources? Consider the key information of rooms and facilities well-used.” that your visitors will need. Price, • Floor plans and measurements location, facilities and nearby things (for an example, see Check your description on tourist to see and do are key factors when G lynn Wilton, board websites. Is it up to date? visitors choose accommodation. accessibility.html) Crich Tramway Village, Derbyshire How are you described on Activities to suit all members of consumer review sites such as the group are also important for For attractions: visitor attractions. Make sure these • Opening and closing times and key details are no more than one or recommended length of visit Provide your local tourist information two clicks from your homepage. • Must-see activities and events, centre with a list of your accessible updated regularly facilities and remember to update • Wet weather options them as things change. Other important details to include: • Clear email address and fax number, especially for those who have difficulties using telephones j • Address and travel information (see Travel to the destination section for more details) • An Access Statement (see page 35) • Assurance of quality through a recognised rating NEXT PAGE 30 Stimulation, planning and anticipation 31
  • 17. Use plain English Make your website Where to go for help • A guide to commissioning Using plain English is good practice. accessible • Web Content Accessibility accessible websites – PAS It also helps people with a learning If you have an accessible website, Guidelines (WCAG), Website 78 – available on www. disability and readers whose first more people will be able to read it. Accessibility Initiative (WAI) - language is not English Your potential audience can include the definitive and internationally • Use short, easy-to-understand people with dyslexia or learning accepted guidelines • How to be a web-savvy sentences disabilities, readers whose first accommodation business, • Avoid words you would never use language is not English, people VisitBritain – includes a in speech e.g. use ‘near’ instead of new to the Internet and readers • See it Right, RNIB – a practical helpful chapter on making ‘in the vicinity of’; ‘use’ instead of with visual impairments. and achievable guide to most of sites accessible ‘utilise’ WCAG checkpoints www.enjoyenglanddirect. • Less is more. Particularly when com/SearchResult. writing for websites. Accessible sites are easier for public/documents/ublicWebsite/ aspx?KeyWords=savvy search engines to find and therefore public_seeitright.hcsp often have higher rankings. “Se e it Rig - a n e a syt” h guide to we bsit e a c c e ssibilit y! NEXT PAGE 32 Stimulation, planning and anticipation 33
  • 18. The WAI guidelines can be daunting • Avoid long sentences in italics. “People should write a list of what they have so that we can but small changes can make a big They are hard to read on low see if it meets our needs.” difference. Here are some easy resolution screens. Access Consumer Research, VisitBritain 2007 changes for your website: • Structure content in a logical order • Enable the user to switch to • Offer a choice of colours and “We have an Access Statement. It took me a couple of days a larger font size colour contrast to measure everything, but it gives visitors a good idea of • Have a good contrast between • Make sure your designers what we offer. It is also useful preparation for my National text and background are familiar with WAI’s web Accessible Scheme assessment.” • Use pictograms e.g. of a car, bus accessibility guidelines when Felicity Brown, Hoe Grange Holidays, Derbyshire to indicate transport you upgrade your website or information. This helps commission a new one readers with learning disabililties, dyslexia Check your reception service welcome them. Mystery shop your on your website and/or in print of the or who don’t have VisitBritain’s recent access research reception/information desk regularly. facilities and services you offer. Look English as their shows that when reception staff are Make sure all your staff are as aware at examples from other businesses. first language. not forthcoming about what facilities as you about the available facilities They vary in detail. Start by stating are available, visitors assume the and access information. some of the basics. staff have a poor attitude towards disabled people and would not Prepare an Access Statement Examples to look at: Producing an Access Statement • www.ellenhousebandbmatlock. doesn’t have to be difficult. It is – a simple, simply a clear and honest description yet informative Statement NEXT PAGE 34 Stimulation, planning and anticipation 35
  • 19. • In the East Midlands all businesses • Lift features e.g. talking, braille, • Equipment hire e.g. hoist, accessibility.html – Hoe Grange are encouraged to provide an Access tactile, signage, emergency wheelchair Holidays, Derbyshire Statement. VisitBritain requires procedure • Availability of interconnecting • businesses to produce a Statement • Braille, tactile signage rooms accessstatements – for as part of their star rating scheme. • Facilities provided in • Location of accessible more information and a accommodation e.g. teletext TVs, accommodation and other facilities comprehensive template Information you could put cordless kettles in your Access Statement • Accessibility of leisure facilities For more details of what to include, (National Accessible Scheme, • Alternative access to building view the template at www.visitbritain. “Even though I’ve seen VisitBritain) • Accessible information: menus, com/accessstatements and read information • Public transport provision brochures, information, website on the internet, I still • Parking facilities and drop off • Staff training have to call and ask points • Colour contrast of floor, walls, specific questions.” • Porterage service for luggage doorways and furniture or cars • Details of adapted accommodation Stella Musiyiwa, East • Steps to entrances • Policy of acceptance of service Midlands’ resident • Automatic or revolving doors dogs • Ground floor level throughout • Room service provision e.g. • Provisions made for changes 24 hours of level on ground floor • Waitress service provision • Numbers of storeys and lift • Well-lit corridors positions • Mobile phone network availability NEXT PAGE 36 Stimulation, planning and anticipation 37
  • 20. Get a rating Assurance Service (VAQAS), which Benefits of having a The NAS information pack is free of A star rating from either VisitBritain includes over 800 attractions across NAS rating charge. At the very least, you should or the AA puts you immediately the country. • Provides independent reassurance complete their self-survey form, which ahead of other businesses offering that your facilities have been will help identify any barriers and similar facilities and service. You The National Accessible Scheme assessed to a national standard highlight any improvements you can can use the star rating logos in (NAS), operated by VisitBritain and • Gives confidence to promote your make. These improvements are often your marketing materials and take Tourism for All UK, awards ratings facilities to people with disabilities inexpensive. advantage of marketing opportunities to accommodation establishments • Offers marketing opportunities, uk/quality/assessmentstandards/ only available to assessed based on the level of access. including a listing in Easy Access nationalaccessiblescheme accommodation. VisitBritain also It has three separate standards Britain – The guide to accessible runs the Visitor Attraction Quality each with varying levels for visitors places to stay. Visitors can also Update online information with hearing, mobility and visual search for NAS accessible Every year Destination Management impairments. Currently, only 2% accommodation on tourist Partnerships contact businesses to of star rated accommodation in board websites. collect information for visitor websites. England has a NAS rating. Over time, this will start to include information on accessibility. This is part of a wider European project Apply f or a called OSSATE (One Stop Shop sta r ra t in for Accessible Tourism in Europe) g - an online mechanism to provide a sa p! additional information to visitors about tourism businesses. NEXT PAGE 38 Stimulation, planning and anticipation 39
  • 21. Get to know your local area • “Get a copy of the National Think about other businesses that Images/National%20Accessible Accessible Scheme booklet. visitors will come into contact with. %20Scheme%20Benefits%20% It is an excellent guide to The cafe round the corner, the local 20Advice_tcm12-11482.pdf – the measurements and taking taxi firm, nearby attractions. How benefits of joining the National those first can you work together to improve Accessible Scheme steps to being the experience for those with • RNIB transcription services more accessible.” specific needs? T 01733 37 53 70 F 01733 37 53 79 For example, find out how E Carol Emerson, Elms Farm Cottages, accessible your local pub is. Lincolnshire Do they have any steps at the entrance or inside, wider parking spaces, space to move between tables, large-print menus? Ge t a c op y Useful information and o f t he websites “N a t iona l • Ac c e ssible howto.pdf – a guide to writing in plain English Sc he me” bookle t NEXT PAGE 40 Stimulation, planning and anticipation 41
  • 22. . Ease of booking Like every customer, disabled “The proprietor was very friendly visitors must have accurate answers and helpful. When I asked about Booking can be an anxious Some visitors, particularly those to their specific questions. It’s the layout of the room and the time for visitors. Speed with disabilities, are anxious about important that you provide top- space to the side of the bed, she of booking is important the accuracy of information. They quality information. actually went to measure so that but many visitors also worry whether the experience will she could be very accurate in want accurate answers to live up to expectations. You can Make pricing clear her description.” specific questions. They build your visitors’ confidence by • Make sure prices are easy to find need reassurance that your providing a thoughtful service at on your website (within two or Experiential audit, Experience business is friendly and the booking stage. You can help three clicks) and consistent with Nottinghamshire 2008 welcoming to their needs. visitors start to look forward to your brochure their trip. • Be clear about what is included • Make sure that disabled guests and excluded don’t pay a premium rate to stay • If you vary prices by season or in an accessible room times of the week, be careful not • Consider flexible family tickets to confuse that allow for different numbers • Don’t charge for facilities and of adults and children, including services that could be considered grandparents and carers. In some as discrimination under the DDA. attractions, carers go free. For example, you can’t charge for a braille menu. NEXT PAGE 42 Ease of booking 43
  • 23. • Do a quick price comparison with “Telephone conversations are “We encourage guests to fill Build a relationship your competitors. You don’t have hard as people don’t talk into out a booking form to capture Use the booking as a time to get to charge the same, but you do the mouthpiece well and their any specific requests before to know your visitors and ask need to show that you offer value pitch/tone is often hard to hear. they arrive. We have a large about any particular requirements for money. I usually start the phone call font version.” – vegetarian food, arriving early, • Review cancellation charges. and then have to get my wife to celebrating a special occasion etc. For example, are they flexible for finish it off.” Lynne Tipper, The If you handle the booking process disabled people who may need to Chatsworth, Lincolnshire well, your customers will feel you change arrangements at the last value them. If you don’t they will feel Access Consumer minute because of illness? Can Research, VisitBritain Don’t lose customers like an anonymous booking number. you be flexible for carers too? 2007 If you don’t have availability, consider: • Asking visitors if their dates are rovide different booking P flexible “When reserving the methods Make sure you test your booking • Developing relationships with accommodation, I ask our Provide as many different ways methods on a regular basis. How nearby star rated, accessible guests if they have any specific of booking as you can manage many clicks does it take to book accommodation you can needs. I give directions, ask if (phone, online, email, third party online? Any more than three and recommend they need a taxi and if they are websites). Your visitors will each visitors might move onto someone • Asking about what facilities and staying with us to celebrate a have different preferences. else’s website. services they want, sending them special occasion. I also enquire a brochure and asking if you can how they heard about Browns.” keep their details on your database Joan Brown, Browns, Nottinghamshire NEXT PAGE 44 Ease of booking 45
  • 24. Confirm and build excitement “We like to find out what visitors are interested in and then I send All visitors need to feel confident them relevant brochures e.g. walking, golf, churches.” that their booking has been made and their details are correct. Carol Emerson, Elms Farm Cottages, Lincolnshire Disabled people in particular also need reassurance that any specific Go to the Case studies section requests have been registered to hear more from Carol and can be delivered. How do you currently do this? Your follow-up communication (in the format that the visitor has specified they prefer) could also include: • Directions and instructions on arrival (see Travel to the destination section) • Specific facilities or services you might offer e.g. shopping service for items they want when they arrive • nformation about the surrounding I area, nearby attractions and events - depending on the reason for their visit NEXT PAGE 46 Ease of booking 47
  • 25. . Travel to the destination Help with information • Full address and prominent Use your local knowledge to offer postcode for Sat Nav and online clear directions and advice on travel route planners As an accommodation or It’s particularly stressful for visitors options. This is especially important • Clear instructions for arrival by attraction business you might with disabilities. if you’re in an isolated location. Bear car, train, bus and taxi think that you don’t have any in mind that your guests may be • Distance and directions from influence over this stage. But Many disabled people have to plan arriving when it’s dark. nearest rail and bus stations you can help. their travel well in advance. Most • Links to rail and bus routes and public transport operators require at Your website should have a timetables Travelling can be stressful, least 24 hours notice for assistance. prominent Travel page. You might • Railcard information e.g. Disabled especially with children and/or Some travellers can find journeys also consider sending an email Person’s Railcard, Family Railcard a lot of luggage. tiring and may need to stop several with more tailored instructions. • Taxi numbers of companies with times for comfort breaks. Information to consider: accessible taxis plus estimated costs from key stations • Average driving times and mileage from key cities and towns • Convenient refreshment stops and things to see and do en route. Have you done your homework to find out how accessible these are too? NEXT PAGE 48 Travel to the destination 49
  • 26. • Real time traffic information e.g. Make the arrival easy Asking for an approximate time of National Express East Coast, Let visitors know what to expect on arrival will help you to manage the next www.nationalexpresseastcoast. arrival. For example: stage of the Visitor Journey. But be com/en/Onboard-Our-Trains1/ travel_news.jsp AA Roadwatch • Designated wider space(s) for aware that disabled people might have General-Information-Assisted- • Accessible public transport disabled, older and family visitors to stop more frequently en route so Travel/General-Information/ and station facilities (see • If you don’t have easily accessible may need more flexibility. Assisted Travel team 08457 225225 useful websites right), including parking, let visitors know where accessible taxis the nearest Blue Badge parking Accessible transport National Express is. Find your nearest spaces, information how much they cost or choose/disabled.cfm whether they are free at East Midlands Trains www.eastmidlandstrains. • The length of route from the car to the entrance and type of path e.g. DPPPandAccessibility.htm gravel, tarmac Assisted travel bookings • Arrangements for visitors to drop off 08457 221 125 luggage early 50 Travel to destination the destination GH NEXT PAGE 51
  • 27. East Midlands Airport – Nottingham, A Senior Railcard costs £24 and Rail station accessibility maps Leicester, Derby gives those aged 60 and over 1/3 Maps showing which stations have services/disabled_passengers/ off standard and first class rail fares access to platforms without using accessibility_maps.htm emaweb.nsf/Content/Access throughout Great Britain. steps and an idea of staffing levels. General enquiries for disabled people 0871 919 9000 A Family Railcard costs £24 and gives 1/3 off adult fares and 60% Railcards off kid’s fares on travel throughout A Disabled Person’s Railcard costs Great Britain. £18 and gives 1/3 off most standard and first class fares throughout These are the current prices for March Great Britain. 2008. To check latest prices go to NEXT PAGE 52 Travel to the destination 53
  • 28. . The destination experience Make a good first impression • Are accessible car parking spaces easy to locate and within easy Easy changes: reach of the entrance? • Is your entrance clearly marked? • Are buildings and grounds in a After booking and travelling, Will visitors find everything • Are your star rating/National good state of repair? visitors are now half way they were guaranteed over the Accessible Scheme/VAQAS • Are paths free of weeds and through their Visitor Journey. phone, on your website and in logos prominent (subject to trip hazards? You now see them for the your brochure? planning permission)? • If you have steps to the entrance, first time. Their anticipation do you have handrails to help is high. Will your promises It is now time for you to deliver. “What I’d like staff to do is just guests who are unsteady on their live up to expectations? be more relaxed about my feet - from young toddlers to visitors First impressions are created arrival. The greeting, meeting with arthritis? even before visitors meet and the treating are what • Is the door easy to open and you at the reception desk or makes the trip the are doormats flush with the ticket booth. most successful floor surface? experience that • Can visitors call ahead for you could have.” assistance and are you or your staff always there to meet and greet? Peter White, BBC • Do you offer to bring in disability affairs luggage for guests? correspondent • Do you offer refreshments on arrival? • Is the experience all you have promised? NEXT PAGE 54 The destination experience 55
  • 29. “If staff know you Deliver a positive welcome • Be prepared to write down • Make provisions for visitors in All visitors like to be acknowledged information for visitors with wheelchairs and those of us who are arriving, the little and welcomed. They might be a hearing impairment are not six foot tall by offering things make all the difference – to open a door feeling stressed after a difficult • Be ready to complete forms on a clipboard or a low counter or journey when they were stuck in behalf of guests table. Better still, let visitors check and to bring in some baggage. Because if I’ve got mother on traffic, held up by a late connection • Consider buying an induction loop. in when they are in their room. or simply exhausted with impatient A portable hearing loop system for one arm, handbag on the other, children or carrying bulky equipment. counters and desks costs around Review your information: I haven’t got any hands to bring in a suitcase as well.” A warm friendly smile, reassuring £130, • Reassure visitors about any information and easy check-in/ Can you join together with local special arrangements they made ticketing procedures will go a long businesses or associations and when they booked Sue Wilson, East Midlands’ resident way to make visitors feel relieved buy some equipment to share? • Provide information on key facilities and relaxed. and emergency procedures • Ask all visitors if they have any Review your arrival area: specific needs or anything you • Make sure the entrance and can help them with reception/ticket office are well lit • Provide a seat close to the Re me mbe r reception area/ticket office to be on ha nd • Consider fast-tracking for those who can’t stand in long queues to gre e t v isitor s! NEXT PAGE 56 The destination experience 57
  • 30. • Make sure all staff are aware of Deliver a friendly service Some areas to consider: • At the very least, encourage staff visitors with specific needs • Make sure staff are easily to read the Department for Work • Be careful not to overload visitors “You can have the most identifiable and Pension’s quick tips about with information at this stage. physically accessible building • Empower staff to respond to customers with disabilities You can provide extra information in the world, but if you don’t get situations. Customers often don’t in rooms or in your attraction’s the motivation and training of care who answers their question dda/customers_hints.asp leaflet. staff right and that awareness of as long as they get an answer. people’s needs whether they are • Give staff time to speak to visitors disabled or not, you haven’t got an and encourage staff to ask how accessible inclusive environment.” they can help • Undertake disability and inclusion awareness training. Peter White SRA consumer research highlights that you don’t need formal training to be able to give good customer service to disabled Research shows that where people. However courses such as there is a high level of awareness Welcome All can give staff more and customer service, disabled confidence and help them feel more visitors have the most positive relaxed. Contact your Destination holiday experiences. Management Partnership for more details. NEXT PAGE 58 The destination experience 59
  • 31. Provide a consistent level • Ask staff to research local During an access audit in “Have a of service transport, places to eat and the East Midlands recognition and Delivering a consistent level of attractions and find out which “I alerted the receptionist that I was awareness of customer service, with good product are the most accessible/family- unable to climb stairs and would needs. Everyone knowledge can be challenging, friendly/best value etc need assistance in the event of an who has a disability or especially when you have seasonal • Arrange staff visits to nearby emergency. She replied: ‘We are not particular need doesn’t wear staff and regular changes of shift. attractions and accommodation legally responsible to get you out, we a badge, so you have to be Some ideas: so they can talk about them are just obliged to point out the fire vigilant. Training is important.” • Make sure all staff are familiar knowledgeably notices/routes.’ I asked if they had with your facilities and information any refuge areas or an evacuation R onnie Clark, Holiday and any possible problem areas chair and was told that they had Inn Rugby/Northampton • Give all staff a copy of your “If a guest is late for a meal, nothing like that. Access Statement so they can staff will go to their room to see see at a glance the facilities and if they can assist.” I later spoke to the manager. He services you offer confirmed that they did have an Lynne Tipper, The Chatsworth, evacuation chair and that procedures Lincolnshire were in place to ensure I would be assisted to a place of safety. He said they were legally responsible to make sure I was safe.” NEXT PAGE 60 The destination experience 61 61