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Theatre Definition Essay
I truly did not know what theatre is or the meaning of theatre for that matter until I came to the United States. It was something that was not
important in my family's eye as well as mine. Even now I don't think I can confidently say that I know the definition and what it stands for. All that
comes to mind for the definition is that theatre is a form of art that is expressed either by acting or singing on stage and that it is more interactive
with the audience than television ever is. Theatre brings your fantasies and creativity's to life and shares it with everyone that is willing to express it.
I can't say that I have been involved in a theatre production before or that I have went to see a show simply because I wanted to but last year
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Modern Day Theatre
The modern day theatre can vary in many different architectural designs, including size and shape. For example, the Scottish Royal Concert Hall, which
is a larger rectangular room with low tiered seating, has a vastly different structure compared to the Royal Albert Hall with it 's circular structure and
towering audience section. Yet both have exceptional acoustics thanks to the structural integrity of each building and the aid of modern day technology
such as; microphones, acoustically treated walls, specific materials for staging structure, etc. All of these attributes help mould and treat the different
many theatres to enhance and attain the optimum amplification for the on–stage talent. However, many of these modern day theatres also rely heavily
on the natural acoustic and amplifications created by the architectural structures. For many reasons, the acoustically designed theatres are considered as
some of the greatest theatres around the globe due to their natural reverb and amplification, providing incredible sound for any audience member.
Because of the help of modern day technology, newly designed theatres can obtain just about any shape, and still obtain wonderful acoustics. Yet, with
the desire for natural sound, it is common for modern theatres to take their influence from the original theatres, to secure the unbelievable results
created within the ancient days. Overview of the Original Theatre. Credit for the original theatre structure is given first and
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Essay on Epic Theater
Social change is defined as an 'alteration in the basic structures of a social group or society'. Social change occurs when a group of people change
their minds and beliefs on what is socially acceptable, this is usually due to an event or change in public opinion. Brecht's epic theatre can be used as
a vehicle for social change as it is used to convey a message to the audience.
Bertolt Brecht was born on the 10th of February 1898 in Augsburg, Germany. As a child he was unpopular, with outspoken views, which were
thought to be beyond his years of knowledge. In order to avoid the war he enrolled himself in Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich; however, in
1918 he was inevitably recruited and forced to work as a medical orderly. more content...
There are many conventions within the Alienation technique, these include; one actor playing several parts within the given play, spontaneous
outbreak into song and dance, playing a serious scene in a comical way or vice versa, breaking the fourth wall and scene and costume changes being
visible to the audience.
Gestus is the main building block of epic theatre. Gestus is the term Brecht used for the expression of basic human attitudes. Brecht's theatre is always
disordered; he breaks up stories into episodes that do not run on a linear pattern, this further reinforces the fictitious nature of the story. The aim of a
Brechtian actor is to present, in a stylized way, social attitudes towards the particular topic.
Dehumanisation is used within Brechtian plays to assist with the alienation technique by showing the audience the two dimensionality of the characters
(roles). Dehumanisation is used to reinforce the fact that the story is fictional and reminds the viewer to avoid becoming tangled in any emotional ties
with the characters.
The main purpose of writing plays in the style of epic theatre is to educate the audience through the use of a didactic statement. Didacticism means 'to
teach', this is done through the actors dialogue and actions; the dialogue is strategically placed in order to provoke the audience. There is no illusion
of theatre within didactic plays. Brecht's play 'The Caucasian Chalk Circle' focuses itself
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Theatre Observation Essay
An excited chatter hummed through Central Michigan University Theatre–on–the–Side as the sold out house waited for the lights to go down and for
"Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike" to begin. The show did not have an empty seat from opening night Oct. 8 to the closing matinee Oct. 18.
"Every time the lights faded I just kept hoping it wasn't over. I wanted more," Joel Caballero, CMU musical theater freshman, said. "The writing of the
show was so relatable about the older characters. I felt I could be looking at myself it 40 years, which honestly, was a big wakeup call."
"It was really funny, but also made you think. The actors did a great job of digging into their characters and not only making us laugh, but showing us
something deeper," Caballero said. "It felt very intimate, like the characters were speaking to me and with me instead of at me. That can be kind of
daunting for some shows, but more content...
A crew of people built the set along with some new faces, the students of Daugherty's stagecraft and lighting class, helped to build, paint, and put some
finishing touches on the set in their lab.
"It's great to have the students work on the sets because they get real hands on experience and learn things you can't from a book," Daugherty said.
The show was directed by Keeley Stanley–Bohn a CMU professor and no stranger to the directing chair. Along with her, there was an artistic team of
seven and a technical team of 12 behind the show's success.
To foster the educational side of the production, Stanley–Bohn and the cast sat down with Crestwood High theatre students after a performance. The
Crestwood High kids were able to ask questions about the show, acting in general, and get some tips and suggestions for their upcoming show.
"We are always looking to educate before anything else. We want to prepare students for what may come in the professional world, that's what makes
the program work," Daugherty
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Importance Of Theatre Arts
Mrs.Tickle–Rupe and a hypothetical person who does not believe that theatre arts is important will be reading my essay. I'm here to try and convince
this hypothetical person that theatre arts is important. Our class definition is that theatre is a narrative performed by actors in a gathering of people to
put on a performance and/or communicate ideas to an audience, a skill that is tough. Theatre has helped people be less shy in front of people because
they get the practice they need. Plus i feel like it will help them present themselves more instead of being shy in a crowd. Being in theater classes can
help with the student's way of thought. Theater also lets people feel more comfortable talking to others. Theatre also makes all the people share their
ideas and their thoughts in whatever way they can. Most of the time it was observed that people who were not expected to be apart of creativity,
actually surprised everyone by their presence when they spoke up. Maybe people can be more creative than they think. I haven't really had any
experiences with theatre that changed my life. But I do remember my teacher telling me one day, that i was pretty good at projecting after awhile of
the class. Which means a lot because if you don't have good projection how can people hear you out. When we are in class we get out our notebooks
a answer some questions about how we personally feel about what the group needs to work on. Which is very good because it gets everyones thought
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Elizabethan Theatre Essay
Elizabethan Theatre
"In roughly built playhouses and cobblestone inn yards, an extraordinary development took place in England in the 1500s." (Yancey, 8). At that time, an
opportunity combined to produce literature achievement never before witnessed in the history of drama and theater. The renaissance, helped spark this
movement by inspiring scientific and artistic creativity throughout the land. Models began writing dramas that portrayed life in both realistic and
imaginative ways. This created work later captured the attention of the world that changed the English drama. The many aspects of Elizabethan theater
helped to shape the acting and theater world forever.
The Elizabethan theater grew tremendously by the moving more content...
It cost a penny to attend the performance and two pennies for the wealthier seating.
Due to crowdedness, diseases passed rampantly through the streets of Europe, as well as in the theaters. "Small pox, scarlet fever, and tuberculosis
were just one of the few of the diseases that regularly killed thousands of people." (Yancey, 35). The theaters closed with every serious outbreak. Which
caused the players to make a choice to move with the thousand other citizens to continue their career. Acting companies usually went on tour. Not only
to escape the diseases but to earn extra money.
"Women's roles in the plays were acted by men or, more commonly by boys." (Bommarito, 267). Boys were used for women's roles because of their
small figures and higher pitched voices. The boys began acting at the age of ten, learning the correct way to walk and talk on the stage. In addition
they were also taught the art of applying make–up moving gracefully in the many layers of clothing that the Elizabethan women wore at that time.
English women were considered weaker and less intelligent, therefore, their opinions in life was limited. In judging behavior, the Elizabethans
condemned the presence of women in some theaters. Despite the mens disapproval, a significant number of them did attend public plays.
Becoming a good actor was not easy. Since there were no microphones during this era, actors had to
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Political Theatre Essay
'Dismantling the traditional naturalistic theatre, with its illusion of reality, Brecht produced a new kind of drama based on a critique of the ideological
assumptions of bourgeois theatre'. (Terry Eagleton, Marxism and Literary Criticism)
Referring to ONE play from the earlier part of the 'Theatre & Politics' section of the unit, and to ONE play from the 'New Perspectives' section,
explain how the relationship between theatre and politics has evolved. In your response you should refer to specific examples from within the plays,
and to at least TWO critical/theoretical readings from within the anthology.
The drama of revolution is a political text through and through, but it cannot separate the political from the theatre; the drama more content...
Bertolt Brecht (1898–1956) offered a challenge to Aristotle's ancient approach to theatre as a spectator activity. He sought to stimulate the minds of his
audience, integrating economics and politics into his plays, in hopes that those watching would respond with intellect, not emotion.
As Eyre and Wright describe him, "He was a brilliant man of the theatre, highly receptive to the avant–garde of his day, quick to improve it and
somewhat too precipitate to turn it into theory. He was a communist: not a left–winger, not a liberal, nor a humanitarian. From his twenties onwards, he
thought and worked in terms of Marxist dialectic and he really wasn't kidding." (Bicknell 2012)
Over the course of his career, Brecht developed his so–called epic theatre, in which narrative, montage, self–contained scenes, and rational argument
were used to create a shock of realization in the spectator. To create a distancing effect, Brecht promoted acting and staging that would merely
demonstrate what was being portrayed, which gave the audience a more objective perspective on the action. In Brecht's plays, say Eyre and Wright,
"lucidity reigns: nothing is worse than a jumble of confused impressions." (Bicknell 2012)
In terms of construction, Brecht explains that epic drama does not lead to an inevitable
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Theatre Role In Society
Theatre in Society With the rise of television, many people believed that theatre and live performances would be deserted. However, theatre today
continues to be a source of entertainment and a way for artists to express themselves. Not only does it encourage self expression, but theatre also
allows society to learn about history and culture. Many playwrights often try to create plays that involve higher thinking and strong human emotions.
By their writing we are also able to understand more how the world around them worked since most plays and their characters reflect the current
society. This is to create catharsis and a sense of community within the audience and the performers. They may also use problems shown in tragedies
or dramas to teach a lesson to society often showing how they can learn from the mistakes of the characters. Theatre is also very diverse, and anyone
can use live performances to communicate to others. Every community has a culture, and theatre helps to express that culture to others. By studying
and experiencing theatre in other countries and communities, we get a better insight to the way their society works and we may have a better
understanding of people who live differently from what we are used to. The most important contribution theatre makes to society is the ability to be
creative. Without an inventive voice, a general public may turn out to be everything except dead inside, and a social gathering with no creativity is
probably going to be
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Theatre Reflection Paper
Entry One: In order for you to understand my current situation and life, it is imperative you know the backstory. Though far from glamorous, my past
has greatly shaped the woman and leader I am today. Born to a peasant mother and bear–trainer father in Constantinople, my opportunities were limited.
Advancing in social class was not an option in this "human jungle" and my family's main goal was survival. Once my father died, it became my
older sister's and my responsibility to provide for our family. Comito travelled through local theater's performing but I lacked the talent to dance or
sing so my roles were only as minor characters. Eventually, I gained popularity from my wit and charisma on the stage and began performing on
my own, though my shows were notoriously "daring [and] immodest." My success in the theater became success as a courtesan as those roles often
went hand in hand. I was highly paid for my "supper parties."3 I did not enjoy this humiliating job, but my lifestyle was not unique. As a family of
women, work was highly limited and often times prostitution was the only option. Eventually I met Hecebolus and left my work as a courtesan and
followed him to Tyre. I assumed I had escaped my previous life of selling my body and performing on stage when I moved in with Hecebolus but the
liberation was short–lived. Following an argument, I was on the street and once again on my own forced to support myself in the only way I knew
how. Alone in a foreign
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Theatre Reflective Essay
In theatre a director has to take on responsibilities such as choosing a script, the spine of the play, the style of the production, and the director
concept. One year in my high school theatre class, for our 50th anniversary of our school, our director selected a minimum of five plays and five
students could volunteer to assist in directing selected scenes from the five plays to produce for our semester production. Our main director had the
job of choosing the script and the spine of the play but responsibility of the style of the production and the directorial concept was all on the students.
The remainder of the class was placed with one of the five students to help with that production. People fail to realize how much responsibility of the
production is put on a director until they are put in more content...
A director also has to work with the performers from casting, rehearsals, moment, pace and rhythm, technical rehearsal, and dress rehearsals. I had
to work closely with the tech rehearsals. Tech rehearsals are making sure all of the technical aspects such as scenery, lighting, sound, costumes, and
props are working and coordinated in proper order. In the week of tech rehearsal, I had to play closely attention to the rehearsals because I had to
make sure the performers were blocking in the correct position on stage where there was a specific lighting. I also had to cue the other technical crew
when to turn on the spotlight or to cue the sound effects. For a director, the first run–through for technical rehearsals or dress rehearsals is the first time
seeing really seeing how the performance is going to play out which makes the rehearsal even more
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Reflection Paper On Theatre
Why do you do theatre? I remember somebody asked me this question last year when I first declared my theatre minor. I gave them the same sentiment
that I repeated during the beginning of the semester, "Performing scares me, but there is no other place where I can get that same feeling...".
Throughout the semester, my answer has grown in multiple ways. I feel like I can better define that feeling in theatrical terms, especially why the
process of creating theatre feels fun. Throughout the semester i've grown to understand how to make my theatre feel more authentic, and hopefully how
to make good theatre. When we began focusing on different theatrical terms ( tempo, duration, authenticity, point, unity, harmony, and etc) it felt like
we were wasting our time by focusing on understanding these terms. The class seemed to understand what each term meant already, and there was no
need to use them. At the beginning of the semester it felt that we didn't need to spend so much time on defining a vocabulary but I remember during
the critiques each person had a chance to mention what they liked about each piece and I knew exactly what each person liked, hated, and thought
should be changed. They mentioned certain key terms and I understood exactly what dimensions they were referring to. I had completely understood
them and without them mentioning those terms their input could've been misinterpreted. While working on the scenery project, I went for a practical
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Theatre Definition Essay

  • 1. Theatre Definition Essay I truly did not know what theatre is or the meaning of theatre for that matter until I came to the United States. It was something that was not important in my family's eye as well as mine. Even now I don't think I can confidently say that I know the definition and what it stands for. All that comes to mind for the definition is that theatre is a form of art that is expressed either by acting or singing on stage and that it is more interactive with the audience than television ever is. Theatre brings your fantasies and creativity's to life and shares it with everyone that is willing to express it. I can't say that I have been involved in a theatre production before or that I have went to see a show simply because I wanted to but last year Get more content on
  • 2. Modern Day Theatre The modern day theatre can vary in many different architectural designs, including size and shape. For example, the Scottish Royal Concert Hall, which is a larger rectangular room with low tiered seating, has a vastly different structure compared to the Royal Albert Hall with it 's circular structure and towering audience section. Yet both have exceptional acoustics thanks to the structural integrity of each building and the aid of modern day technology such as; microphones, acoustically treated walls, specific materials for staging structure, etc. All of these attributes help mould and treat the different many theatres to enhance and attain the optimum amplification for the on–stage talent. However, many of these modern day theatres also rely heavily on the natural acoustic and amplifications created by the architectural structures. For many reasons, the acoustically designed theatres are considered as some of the greatest theatres around the globe due to their natural reverb and amplification, providing incredible sound for any audience member. Because of the help of modern day technology, newly designed theatres can obtain just about any shape, and still obtain wonderful acoustics. Yet, with the desire for natural sound, it is common for modern theatres to take their influence from the original theatres, to secure the unbelievable results created within the ancient days. Overview of the Original Theatre. Credit for the original theatre structure is given first and Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on Epic Theater Social change is defined as an 'alteration in the basic structures of a social group or society'. Social change occurs when a group of people change their minds and beliefs on what is socially acceptable, this is usually due to an event or change in public opinion. Brecht's epic theatre can be used as a vehicle for social change as it is used to convey a message to the audience. Bertolt Brecht was born on the 10th of February 1898 in Augsburg, Germany. As a child he was unpopular, with outspoken views, which were thought to be beyond his years of knowledge. In order to avoid the war he enrolled himself in Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich; however, in 1918 he was inevitably recruited and forced to work as a medical orderly. more content... There are many conventions within the Alienation technique, these include; one actor playing several parts within the given play, spontaneous outbreak into song and dance, playing a serious scene in a comical way or vice versa, breaking the fourth wall and scene and costume changes being visible to the audience. Gestus is the main building block of epic theatre. Gestus is the term Brecht used for the expression of basic human attitudes. Brecht's theatre is always disordered; he breaks up stories into episodes that do not run on a linear pattern, this further reinforces the fictitious nature of the story. The aim of a Brechtian actor is to present, in a stylized way, social attitudes towards the particular topic. Dehumanisation is used within Brechtian plays to assist with the alienation technique by showing the audience the two dimensionality of the characters (roles). Dehumanisation is used to reinforce the fact that the story is fictional and reminds the viewer to avoid becoming tangled in any emotional ties with the characters. The main purpose of writing plays in the style of epic theatre is to educate the audience through the use of a didactic statement. Didacticism means 'to teach', this is done through the actors dialogue and actions; the dialogue is strategically placed in order to provoke the audience. There is no illusion of theatre within didactic plays. Brecht's play 'The Caucasian Chalk Circle' focuses itself Get more content on
  • 4. Theatre Observation Essay An excited chatter hummed through Central Michigan University Theatre–on–the–Side as the sold out house waited for the lights to go down and for "Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike" to begin. The show did not have an empty seat from opening night Oct. 8 to the closing matinee Oct. 18. "Every time the lights faded I just kept hoping it wasn't over. I wanted more," Joel Caballero, CMU musical theater freshman, said. "The writing of the show was so relatable about the older characters. I felt I could be looking at myself it 40 years, which honestly, was a big wakeup call." "It was really funny, but also made you think. The actors did a great job of digging into their characters and not only making us laugh, but showing us something deeper," Caballero said. "It felt very intimate, like the characters were speaking to me and with me instead of at me. That can be kind of daunting for some shows, but more content... A crew of people built the set along with some new faces, the students of Daugherty's stagecraft and lighting class, helped to build, paint, and put some finishing touches on the set in their lab. "It's great to have the students work on the sets because they get real hands on experience and learn things you can't from a book," Daugherty said. The show was directed by Keeley Stanley–Bohn a CMU professor and no stranger to the directing chair. Along with her, there was an artistic team of seven and a technical team of 12 behind the show's success. To foster the educational side of the production, Stanley–Bohn and the cast sat down with Crestwood High theatre students after a performance. The Crestwood High kids were able to ask questions about the show, acting in general, and get some tips and suggestions for their upcoming show. "We are always looking to educate before anything else. We want to prepare students for what may come in the professional world, that's what makes the program work," Daugherty Get more content on
  • 5. Importance Of Theatre Arts Mrs.Tickle–Rupe and a hypothetical person who does not believe that theatre arts is important will be reading my essay. I'm here to try and convince this hypothetical person that theatre arts is important. Our class definition is that theatre is a narrative performed by actors in a gathering of people to put on a performance and/or communicate ideas to an audience, a skill that is tough. Theatre has helped people be less shy in front of people because they get the practice they need. Plus i feel like it will help them present themselves more instead of being shy in a crowd. Being in theater classes can help with the student's way of thought. Theater also lets people feel more comfortable talking to others. Theatre also makes all the people share their ideas and their thoughts in whatever way they can. Most of the time it was observed that people who were not expected to be apart of creativity, actually surprised everyone by their presence when they spoke up. Maybe people can be more creative than they think. I haven't really had any experiences with theatre that changed my life. But I do remember my teacher telling me one day, that i was pretty good at projecting after awhile of the class. Which means a lot because if you don't have good projection how can people hear you out. When we are in class we get out our notebooks a answer some questions about how we personally feel about what the group needs to work on. Which is very good because it gets everyones thought out Get more content on
  • 6. Elizabethan Theatre Essay Elizabethan Theatre "In roughly built playhouses and cobblestone inn yards, an extraordinary development took place in England in the 1500s." (Yancey, 8). At that time, an opportunity combined to produce literature achievement never before witnessed in the history of drama and theater. The renaissance, helped spark this movement by inspiring scientific and artistic creativity throughout the land. Models began writing dramas that portrayed life in both realistic and imaginative ways. This created work later captured the attention of the world that changed the English drama. The many aspects of Elizabethan theater helped to shape the acting and theater world forever. The Elizabethan theater grew tremendously by the moving more content... It cost a penny to attend the performance and two pennies for the wealthier seating. Due to crowdedness, diseases passed rampantly through the streets of Europe, as well as in the theaters. "Small pox, scarlet fever, and tuberculosis were just one of the few of the diseases that regularly killed thousands of people." (Yancey, 35). The theaters closed with every serious outbreak. Which caused the players to make a choice to move with the thousand other citizens to continue their career. Acting companies usually went on tour. Not only to escape the diseases but to earn extra money. "Women's roles in the plays were acted by men or, more commonly by boys." (Bommarito, 267). Boys were used for women's roles because of their small figures and higher pitched voices. The boys began acting at the age of ten, learning the correct way to walk and talk on the stage. In addition they were also taught the art of applying make–up moving gracefully in the many layers of clothing that the Elizabethan women wore at that time. English women were considered weaker and less intelligent, therefore, their opinions in life was limited. In judging behavior, the Elizabethans condemned the presence of women in some theaters. Despite the mens disapproval, a significant number of them did attend public plays. Becoming a good actor was not easy. Since there were no microphones during this era, actors had to
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  • 8. Political Theatre Essay 'Dismantling the traditional naturalistic theatre, with its illusion of reality, Brecht produced a new kind of drama based on a critique of the ideological assumptions of bourgeois theatre'. (Terry Eagleton, Marxism and Literary Criticism) Referring to ONE play from the earlier part of the 'Theatre & Politics' section of the unit, and to ONE play from the 'New Perspectives' section, explain how the relationship between theatre and politics has evolved. In your response you should refer to specific examples from within the plays, and to at least TWO critical/theoretical readings from within the anthology. The drama of revolution is a political text through and through, but it cannot separate the political from the theatre; the drama more content... Bertolt Brecht (1898–1956) offered a challenge to Aristotle's ancient approach to theatre as a spectator activity. He sought to stimulate the minds of his audience, integrating economics and politics into his plays, in hopes that those watching would respond with intellect, not emotion. As Eyre and Wright describe him, "He was a brilliant man of the theatre, highly receptive to the avant–garde of his day, quick to improve it and somewhat too precipitate to turn it into theory. He was a communist: not a left–winger, not a liberal, nor a humanitarian. From his twenties onwards, he thought and worked in terms of Marxist dialectic and he really wasn't kidding." (Bicknell 2012) Over the course of his career, Brecht developed his so–called epic theatre, in which narrative, montage, self–contained scenes, and rational argument were used to create a shock of realization in the spectator. To create a distancing effect, Brecht promoted acting and staging that would merely demonstrate what was being portrayed, which gave the audience a more objective perspective on the action. In Brecht's plays, say Eyre and Wright, "lucidity reigns: nothing is worse than a jumble of confused impressions." (Bicknell 2012) In terms of construction, Brecht explains that epic drama does not lead to an inevitable Get more content on
  • 9. Theatre Role In Society Theatre in Society With the rise of television, many people believed that theatre and live performances would be deserted. However, theatre today continues to be a source of entertainment and a way for artists to express themselves. Not only does it encourage self expression, but theatre also allows society to learn about history and culture. Many playwrights often try to create plays that involve higher thinking and strong human emotions. By their writing we are also able to understand more how the world around them worked since most plays and their characters reflect the current society. This is to create catharsis and a sense of community within the audience and the performers. They may also use problems shown in tragedies or dramas to teach a lesson to society often showing how they can learn from the mistakes of the characters. Theatre is also very diverse, and anyone can use live performances to communicate to others. Every community has a culture, and theatre helps to express that culture to others. By studying and experiencing theatre in other countries and communities, we get a better insight to the way their society works and we may have a better understanding of people who live differently from what we are used to. The most important contribution theatre makes to society is the ability to be creative. Without an inventive voice, a general public may turn out to be everything except dead inside, and a social gathering with no creativity is probably going to be Get more content on
  • 10. Theatre Reflection Paper Entry One: In order for you to understand my current situation and life, it is imperative you know the backstory. Though far from glamorous, my past has greatly shaped the woman and leader I am today. Born to a peasant mother and bear–trainer father in Constantinople, my opportunities were limited. Advancing in social class was not an option in this "human jungle" and my family's main goal was survival. Once my father died, it became my older sister's and my responsibility to provide for our family. Comito travelled through local theater's performing but I lacked the talent to dance or sing so my roles were only as minor characters. Eventually, I gained popularity from my wit and charisma on the stage and began performing on my own, though my shows were notoriously "daring [and] immodest." My success in the theater became success as a courtesan as those roles often went hand in hand. I was highly paid for my "supper parties."3 I did not enjoy this humiliating job, but my lifestyle was not unique. As a family of women, work was highly limited and often times prostitution was the only option. Eventually I met Hecebolus and left my work as a courtesan and followed him to Tyre. I assumed I had escaped my previous life of selling my body and performing on stage when I moved in with Hecebolus but the liberation was short–lived. Following an argument, I was on the street and once again on my own forced to support myself in the only way I knew how. Alone in a foreign Get more content on
  • 11. Theatre Reflective Essay In theatre a director has to take on responsibilities such as choosing a script, the spine of the play, the style of the production, and the director concept. One year in my high school theatre class, for our 50th anniversary of our school, our director selected a minimum of five plays and five students could volunteer to assist in directing selected scenes from the five plays to produce for our semester production. Our main director had the job of choosing the script and the spine of the play but responsibility of the style of the production and the directorial concept was all on the students. The remainder of the class was placed with one of the five students to help with that production. People fail to realize how much responsibility of the production is put on a director until they are put in more content... A director also has to work with the performers from casting, rehearsals, moment, pace and rhythm, technical rehearsal, and dress rehearsals. I had to work closely with the tech rehearsals. Tech rehearsals are making sure all of the technical aspects such as scenery, lighting, sound, costumes, and props are working and coordinated in proper order. In the week of tech rehearsal, I had to play closely attention to the rehearsals because I had to make sure the performers were blocking in the correct position on stage where there was a specific lighting. I also had to cue the other technical crew when to turn on the spotlight or to cue the sound effects. For a director, the first run–through for technical rehearsals or dress rehearsals is the first time seeing really seeing how the performance is going to play out which makes the rehearsal even more Get more content on
  • 12. Reflection Paper On Theatre Meta–Thinking Why do you do theatre? I remember somebody asked me this question last year when I first declared my theatre minor. I gave them the same sentiment that I repeated during the beginning of the semester, "Performing scares me, but there is no other place where I can get that same feeling...". Throughout the semester, my answer has grown in multiple ways. I feel like I can better define that feeling in theatrical terms, especially why the process of creating theatre feels fun. Throughout the semester i've grown to understand how to make my theatre feel more authentic, and hopefully how to make good theatre. When we began focusing on different theatrical terms ( tempo, duration, authenticity, point, unity, harmony, and etc) it felt like we were wasting our time by focusing on understanding these terms. The class seemed to understand what each term meant already, and there was no need to use them. At the beginning of the semester it felt that we didn't need to spend so much time on defining a vocabulary but I remember during the critiques each person had a chance to mention what they liked about each piece and I knew exactly what each person liked, hated, and thought should be changed. They mentioned certain key terms and I understood exactly what dimensions they were referring to. I had completely understood them and without them mentioning those terms their input could've been misinterpreted. While working on the scenery project, I went for a practical approach Get more content on